*±~*4- TELEPHOHE HORTH 232. SPECIAL PBEPAKATIONS. cScopMina Each fluid dram represents the active principles of 15 grains each of Broom Top, Couch Grass and Hydrangea, combined with Benzo-Salicylate of Lithium. Properties—Diuretic and Diaphoretic. Being highly esteemed for its demulcent and emolient qualities in cystitis and irritable bladder, acting both on the bowels and kidneys. Dose 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls three times a day. It is best given in half a glass of hot water. It is true that many chronic diseases are caused by imperfect digestion and disordered metabolism, which is shown by an abnormal condition of the urine, with neuralgia pains in various parts of the body, and a derangement of function in many organs and tissues. A remedy, or combination of remedies, for the relief of these lesions is the daily demand by the busy practitioner, and Scoparina is pre- sented with confidence that it will not disappoint the physician when prescribed in these cases. In the treatment of diseases dependent on the uric acid diathesis Scoparina will be found an efficient remedy. It improves the appetite and invigorates the whole system. It increases the functional activity of the kidneys and prevents formation of urinary deposits. It relieves irritation of the bladder and! chronic cystitis. It may be given with advantage in chronic bronchitis, in chronic lung disease with hydrothorax, and it stimulates the kidneys in all forms of chronic dropsies. In all cases of impaired power of the heart, with diminished secretion of urine. In palpitation without organic disease of the heart. In irritation of the bladder and incontinence of urine of elderly people. It is a'specific for the prompt relief of frequent micturation with pressing pains and irritation. Its use will be found a valuable aid in the treatment of renal calculus, gout and chronic rheumatism. Put up in 16 os. bottles, per do*. 112.00. ^ftl r jf !ll -. ____1 .. Jti_. iz s | | •. $ * a ,i|»,4 a * » ■* » PART OF OFFICE. ON THE ORDER FLOOR. INVITATION Stearns & White Co. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS 181 to 189 Chestnut Street, corner North Franklin CHICAGO Cordially invite you and your friends to inspect their new Laboratory. It is for many reasons very interesting and instructive. The building was built and is owned by Messrs. Stearns & White. It is heavy mill construction, pressed brick, five stories and basement high. It faces the South, East and West, and has daylight in every part. Its equipment is modern and original. The floors are extra heavy, consisting of dressed heavy plank finished on the top with hard maple. No joists are used, only heavy Georgia pine timbers. The basement and sidewalks are of Portland cement, and elevators and stairways are fire-proof. The first floor is finished in polished oak. House telephones connect every floor. The building has its own power and heating plant and is complete in every detail. The original copyrighted number system alone is well worth a visit. It is the only mercantile building in which anyone can easily find anything. Each thing has its place, which is numbered, with the name following. In the basement 1 to 1000; first floor, 1000 to 2000; second floor, 2000 to 3000; third floor, 3000 to 4000; fourth floor, 4000 to 5000, and fifth floor, 5000 to 6000. Every item made is ordered by the Number in the price list, which not only makes sure of the item but locates the stock and affords a check in filling by number and name and a verification then and there by name and number, rendering errors and omissions practically impossible. Each label has its separate drawer which is L, and the same number as the goods. Each Electrotype that label is printed from is marked E, and the goods number. On each formula card which is always used in making the article appears the letter C, and the goods number. Everything used in making and packine. also stationery, is marked O, and its number. All Fixtures are F, and their number, thus not only shelvings and tables but tools have their marked space, completely fulfilling the old adage: "a place for everything and everything in its place," Reserved stock is in any one of a numbered reserved space, and this number is placed in the original space number, which prevents a larger stock than is usually carried blocking the system. All things must come back to their places, because there is none other for them. No time is wasted in hunting for anything. The equipmment is original, modern and complete. The ends of all shelving only touch the wall, each being clean and light, holding four hundred gallons of liquids. All employees are taught to feel their responsibility and to obey their better selves. Soon out, or a permanent place, is the rule. No "lay-offs" or dis- charges without a cause have .ever occurred. We feel our success is largely due to those with us. We want to show you a clean laboratory. How drugs are ground, Specialties made, Fluid Extracts percolated, assayed and tested. Solid and Powdered Ex- tracts finished. Elixirs and Syrups compounded and filtered. How Supposi- tories are made by the thousand by cold pressure with our own designed machine., How tablets are triturated, granulated, dried and compressed by the million with single, double, triple and quadruple tablet machines. How they are coated and polished. How Hypodermic Tablets are molded. How Pills are made. We want you to become acquainted with us and those in chargeof our different departments, that you may feel confident that all goods are properly made. Positively only the best goods from the purest materials, absolutely true to formula, are made. The prices the goods are sold for are never considered in any of the manufacturing departments. To produce the best is always understood. We never cut a quality for price. All materials are bought for Cash and paid for in- side of ten days. No money has ever been borrowed. All employed are temperate, pains-taking and skilled in their departments. Prices, quality considered, are the lowest. References: First National Bank. Any jobber. Any Commercial Agency. Have your name on our mailing list. Send postal and we will call upon you. Ask for samples and literature. Telephone, North 232 You can reach our laboratory by the Wells street car in nine minutes from down town. Get off at Chestnut street, go West one-half block. The quicker way is to take the Northwestern Elevated to Chicago avenue station and go North two short blocks. 1 INDEX Page Acids........................... 41 Ammonia...................... 41 Anodyne, Hoffman's............. 41 Arsenic Solutions............... 41 Alkacetamid................... 4 Alkachin Syrup................. 7 Albu Ferri Comp................ 4 Battery Fluid.................. 41 Bay Rum...................... 41 Benzomol..............3d page Cover Boro Glyceride.................. 41 Castor Oil Emulsion............ 7 Cerates......................... 41 Chlorodyne..................... 41 Cod Liver Oils.................. 42 Collodions...................... 41 Depilatory .................... 7 Digestive Ferments............... 43 Effervescent Salts, Gran.......... 47 Ethers.......................... 42 Embalming Fluid............... 42 Extract Witch Hazel............ 42 Epidermine....................... 4 Elixirs, Medicinal............23 to 32 Elixir, Pancreo Digest in.......... 4 Errors, Shortages, Breakages, Ov- ercharges, etc................ 32 Essence Pepsin................. 4 Expectorant No. 4.............. 4 Explanatory................... 3 Ext. Saw Palmetto & Sandalwood. 4 Fluid Extracts.................9 to 23 Fly Paper..................... 46 Formaldehyde................. 42 GADDA....................... 7 Glyceroles...................... 42 Haines Sugar Test............... 7 Halogens Ccmp................. 6 Honey and Tar Ccmp............ 5 Invitation...................... 1 Iron Wood Tonic............... 7 Lard, Benzoated.................. 42 Page Lead, Solutions.................. 42 Leptandrin.................... 42 Liniments....................... 42 Liquors.......................... 42 Litmus Paper.................... 42 Lotion Hemmorrhoid............ 42 Miscellaneous.................... 41 Mixtures......................... 42 Nerve and Brain Tablets.......... 5 Neutralizing Cordial Improved ... 7 Ointments........................ 43 Pancreo Digestin Powd.......... 5 Part One...................... 4 Part Two..................... 8 Part Three.................... 39 Paxine........................ 5 Powders........................ 44 Podophyllin................... 44 Plasters.....................43 & 44 Q.V.I. Pills.................... 5 Scoparina.............2d page Cover Somnone....................... 5 Specialties....................... 4 Suppositories.................. 8 Syrups Medicinal.............33 to 35 Syrup, Hypophosphites Spec...... 5 Spirits.......................44 & 45 Specific Tinctures.............36 co 38 Stenolines....................... 45 Solutions...................... 44 Tablets, Compressed...........48 to 69 Tablets, Compressed, Bulk........ 69 Tablets, Hypodermic.............. 70 Tablets, Watch Case S. T......... 69 Terroles....................... 5 Tinctures.....................39 & 40 Toilet Articles . . . ;............. 46 Viburnum Comp. Liquor.........5 & 6 Vinegars......................... 45 Waters.......................... 45 Wines.......................... 45 Yerba Santa Cough Mixture...... 35 EXPLANATORY To the Buyer To best serve our customers we offer our untiring en- ergies to give goods of the very best quality at prices al- ways the lowest. On all orders of over $10.00 for our own manufact- ured goods we allow freight, except when it exceeds 10 per cent. Then 10 per cent, is allowed. Boxing and cartage free, but we do not allow cartage at destination. Mail orders solicited, which will receive prompt and careful attention. Always specify " S. & W." when ordering of Jobbers. Special and private formulas prepared with care, strictly as represented, and guarded from publicity. All prices subject to market changes. Terms 60 days on approved credit, or 2 per cent, dis- count for cash within 10 days. Pay no money on our account to parties representing us without our written authority. §tearns&WhteCo. Manufacturing Chemists 181 to 189 CHESTNUT STREET Corner North Franklin CHICAGO 9th Edition 'A SPECIALTIES S. & \V. Prices Always the lowest. SPECIALTIES Manufactured^only by Stearns & White Co. PART ONE—NET PRICES. Per oz. 1001 Alkacetamid....................................... ........ SO 40 A compound, alkaline, coal tar deiivative. Indicated in all conditions calling for antipyretic or febrifuge effects. Anodyne and sedative in cases in which Bromides, Caffein, etc., have failed. Nervine in Neuralgic and Rheumatic pains, replacing Aconite, Salicylic acid and pain removers. Hyp- notic and sedative in Insomnia, Deln nim, etc. Thoroughly harmless—no heart effects. Average dose 5 to 10 grains. Per doz'. pts. 1002 Albu-Ferri Comp........................................... $S 00 This preparation is recommended in all cases of Anaemia and Neurasthenia. In the anaemia of Phthisis and of Scrofula it is without a peer. All Neu- rasthenic conditions are benefited by its use. It being nearly non-sac- charine, there are none of the objections to its use which pertain to the usual syrup form in which the Albuminate of Iron is usually exhibited. It is the most easily assimilated of all Iron preparations, correcting the ill-effects fol lowing mal-nutrition. Each fluid dram contains 1 grain each of Albuminate of Iron, Hypophosphite of Lime and Soda, $ grain Hypophosphite Potash. Dose 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls. 12 oz. Gal Pints. Per doz. 1022 Benzomol...... ........................S3 00 $0 50 $4 00 (See third page of cover) 1003 Epiderminc Ointment. Composed of Zinc Oxide, Boracic Acid. Eucalyptol and Vaseline qs. Will be found very efficient in the treatment of all skin diseases, and un- excelled as a dressing for wounds, sores, cuts, bruises, etc., because of its powerful antiseptic and healing properties. i lb. $0 40 1 lb. $0 75 5 lb. $3 00 1004 Epidermine Lotion. A preparation of great value in the treatment of Eczema and kindred Bkin diseases. Pints, each $1 00. Gal. 5 Pints. Pints. 1005 Essence of Pepsin, S. & W......................$4 75 S3 50 SO 80 1006 Ext. Sawpalmetto and Sandalwood............4 00 2 75 65 Each fluid dram represents Sawpalmetto............20 grs. Sandalwood............ qs. 1007 Expectorant, S. & W. No. 4..................... 3 50 2 50 65 Formula—Each teaspoonful contains Tinct. Sanguinaria, M. 1J Tinct. Lobelia, M. 1$. Tinct. Opii, M. i Chloroform, M. *. Benzomol, S. & W., M. 10 Tar Water Saturated, M. 231. Honey, M. 23T. Expectorant S. & W. No. 4 is a valuable remedy in the treatment of diseases of the throat and lungs, being mild, yet efficient. With the addition of Benzomol it is valuable as an antiputrescent. It relieves the mucous secreted by the inflamed lining membrane of the bronchial tubes, it cleanses the throat and mouth, leaving the parts affected in an excellent condition, different from most expectorants. The dose is from 15 to 60 minims. It may be given in small doses often, just sufficient to keep the throat moist. Gal. 5 Pts Pts. 1023 Elixir Halogens Comp. (Seepage 6.)..........$4 50 S3 50 SO 75 1008 Elixir Pancreo-Dieestin. Each fluid dram contains Pancreo Digestin.........10 grs. Gal., $4 50 5 Pints, S3 50 1 Pint, SO 75 1009 Elixir Pancreo-Disrestin. Gentian and Chloride Iron. Each fluid dram contains Pancreo Digestin.......... 5 grs. With Elixir Gentian and Iron Onoride. Gal., $4 50 5 Pirts, S3 50 1 Pint, $0 75 SPECIALTIES S. & W. Investigate All Complaints. 5 SPECIALTIES. Gal. 5 Pints. Pint. 1010 Liquor Viburnum Comp.......................$3 50 $2 75 $0 65 Each fluid ounce represents Black Haw............60 grs Golden Seal (represented by the white Alkaloid) . 60 grs. Jamaica Dogwood........30 grs. 1011 Honey and Tar Comp., S. & W................. 2 50 1 75 55 Each teaspoonf ul contains Tincture of Lobelia........1} m. Tincture of Opium....-* . \va. Tincture Blood Root. . .. 1-f ra. Tar Water Saturated......15 m. Chloroform.............. -J- m.. Honey.................41* m. 1000 500 100 1012 Nerve and Brain Tablets S. C....................$175 $0 90 $0 20 Asafetida................1 gr. Ferrous Bromide Special....k gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus.......1-16 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica.......... k gr. Zinc Phosphide........... j- gr. Per doz. pts. 1013 Paxine (Pacifier)............................................. $8 00 Promotes digestion, causing sleep, removes sour stomach, eructations, diarrhoea, cures colic and constipation. Recommended as a vermifuge. Is a pacifier in the truest sense. Compound of Cascara, Chenopodium, Catnip Chamomile, Potass Bicarb with Aromatics. Dose, infants, 10 drops to one teaspoonf ul. 1014 Pancreo-Digestin Powder. A compound digestive powder, containing in the same proportions as are present in the human secretions, the active digestive principle of the saliva, Ptyalin; of the stomach, Pepsin; of the pancreas, Pancreatin; thoroughly purified and united with Lactic and Hydrochloric Acid to form a pleasant and active assistant to the digestive functions. Usual dose 1 to 10 grains. 1 oz. $0 40 i lb. SI 40 i lb. $2 20 1 lb. $4 00 1000 500 100 1015 Q.V.I.(S. &W.) Pills..........................$2 00 $105 SO 25 Iron Quevennes...........1 gr. Ext. Colocynth Comp.......1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus.......i gr. Aloes Soe.................i gr. Ext. Nux Vomica..........i gr. Doz. 16 oz. bots. 1025 Scoparina (See second page of cover)..........................$12 00 Per. doz. ■$■ pts 1016 Somnone.................................*................... $8 00 Combines the Sedative, Hypnotic, Anodyne and Soporific properties of the Poppy, Lactucarium and Lupulin. All narcotic properties have been re- moved. Indicated in Hysteria, Delirium, Febrile or Nervous excitement, insomnia, chorea, teething of children, etc. There are no objectionable sequela? in its use. Does not nauseate. Each fluid dram represents Poppy (denarcotized), 30 grains; Lupulin, 20 grains; Lacturcarium, 10 grains. Adult dose, i fluid dram. Gal. 5 Pts. Pts. 1024 Syrup Alkachin (see page 7).....................$4 00 $2 75 $0 65 1017 Syrup Hypophosphites Comp., Special S. & W.. 5 00 3 25 75 Each fluid dram represents Calcium Hypophosphite... . 1 gr. Sodium Hypophosphite.....1 gr. Potassium Hypophosphite... 1 gr. Iron Hypophosphite.........i gr. Manganese Hypophosphite..t gr. Quinine Hypophosphite......i gr. Strychnine Hypophosphite..1-128 gr. Per pint. Per gal. 1018 Terrole................................................$0 30 $2 00 A mineral oil of absolute purity. It does not saponify. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Recommended by eye, ear, nose and throat specialists as a perfect emollient, being absolutely non-irritant. It is especially recom- mended for use in an atomizer, both alone and as a vehicle. Also for opera- tions on the eve and ear. It will not become rancid, and is subject to no change, under "the action of either acid or alkali. Can be used with absolute safety in the treatment of Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay-fever, Influenza, Catarrh or other diseased conditions of the air-passages. SPECIALTIES 6 S.& W. Keep Private Formulas in Confidence. SPECIALTIES. SPRATS. Per pint. 1019 R A........................................................... 80 50 Menthol.................... 20 parts Terrole qs..................1000 parts. Will be found very efficient in the treatment of Catarrh and Hay-fever. 1020 R B............................................................ 55 Menthol... .•.............. 20 parts. Camphor................. 20 parts. Terrole qs..................1000 parts. Used as an antiseptic in ulcerated conditions of the air passages, and to prevent offensive and profuse secretions. 1021 R C............................................................. 60 Eucalyptol.............. 30 parts. Terrebene.................. 30 parts. Menthol................... . 5 parts Terrole qs...............1000 parts. Used in the treatment of irritating diseases of the mucous mem- brane of the bronchial tube. 1023 Elixir Halogens Compound. Each fluid dram contains 9 grains of combined Iodides, Bromides, and Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and Iron, with Compound Ext. Sar- saparilla, with suitable aromatics. Properties and XTses.—A powerful and effective alterative. Extensively used in diseases of the blood, traceable to scrofulous origin. Also used in Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Cancerous tumors, Cutaneous affections and in Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Dose for Adults.—One teaspoonful in a little water an hour before each meal, which may be increased under the directions of a physician. It is a peculiar fact that most chronic diseases are due to disorders of the secondary assimilation where the digested food does not produce good blood and normal tissue, as in scrofula, tuberculosis and rachitis. In these constitutions we find in infants an arrest of development, as manifested by difficult dentition, im- perfect ossification, delay in the power of walking, glandular swellings, ophthalmia, otitis, eczema, with indigestion, flatulency, acidity, irregular state of the bowels, and torpid liver. We have a constitutional condition, with an excess of the white and diminution of the red tissue, the blood is albuminous, the proportion of fibrine and red globules small, the muscles weak and flabby, symptoms indicating a weakened state of the vital forces. In the adult we may have, from "tuberculosis or syphilis, similar evidence of disorder in blood making and tissue building. It is found as a matter of practical experience that in the halogen group of agents, as well as in certain vegetable alteratives, we have the only remedies which have a certain curative power in these cases, and especially in the initial stage. This preparation is a scientific combination of the most powerful alteratives, and when given with due regard to such hygienic means as good food, air and sun- light, will be found a certain means of warding off and will be found a prophylactic in most dangerous and fatal maladies. It may be given in all disorders of nutrition, in incipient tuberculosis and chronic syphilis, in all cases where adventitious deposits are present. In rheumatism, dropsy, various lesions of the lungs resembling consumption In diseases attended with glandular swellings, scrofulous ophthalmia, fistulous and carious ulcers, abscesses, noli me tangre, hip disease, diseases of the bones, ozena, distortions of the spine, in indigestion and enlargements of the parts diseased! many affections of the glands, tubercular deposits and deposits of coagulable lymph, visceral and glandular congestions, inflammation, enlargements, adhesions exudations, thickening of membranes, morbid growths, uterine tumors, and ovarian and uterine enlargements. In chronic inflammation, induration and enlargement of the liver and en- larged spleen—chronic enlargement and induration of the prostate, parotid lym- phatic and mesenteric glands and chronic tumors of the mammary glands In syphilis with ulceration of the throat, periostitis, ulcers of the skin buboes paralysis and chronic nervous affections. In lupus, eczema, lichen, pompholyx, prurigo, pityriasis, psoriasis, in impetigo ecthyma, prurigo, lepra. In phlegmonous erysipelas and sloughing of the cellular membrane, and in all cachetic and depraved states of the system. Gal., $4.50 5 Pints, S3 50 Pint, SO 75 SPECIALTIES S. & W. Invite Inspection by All. SPECIATLIES. Gal. 5 Pints. Pint. Syrup Alkachin or Tasteless Quinine...........$4 00 $2 75 SO 65 Each fluid dram is equal to 2 grains of Sulphate Quinine. Shake well before using. Dose.—From one-half to two teaspoonfuls, according to age. Each dose may be followed by water to prevent any bitter taste of Quinine that might be developed if allowed to remain in the mouth too long. Avoid the use of any acid, as it will develop a bitter taste. May be used for all the purposes that are met by quinine as a tonic nerve stimulant, and to counteract malarial toxaemia. It will not irritate the stomach or cause dizziness or other symptoms of brain irritation. In malarial fevers it may be given together with three grain doses of prussiate of iron. And where nervous symptoms predominate, add five drops of gelsemium to each dose. This prescrip- tion may be given in all cases of congestive, bilious or typhoid fevers where the disease is, in the least degree, of a periodical character. In the disorders of preg- nancy, and especially during the latter months, give it with five drops doses of caulophyllum three times a day. In spasmodic asthma combine with lobelia so as to produce slight nausea. In whooping cough, laryngisums stridulus, palpitations of the heart and hiccough give with ten grain doses of chloral hydrate, where the attacks are periodical. It may be substituted for quinine as a tonic in diphtheria asthenic, pneumoina and hectic fever with exhaustive sweats,and in the debility accompanying scrofulous abscesses and chronic ulcers. In cases of profuse ex- pectoration, in debility following hemorrhage, in chronic diarrhoea, in albuminuria following scarlet fever, and in all cases of chronic mucous discharges. In case of prevailing epidemics give it with Fowler's solution in five drop doses as a prophy- lactic. In diabetes, chronic diarrhoea, leucorrhcea, menorrhagia, passive hemorrhage and passive dropsies. In adynamic fevers, in scarlatina maligna, gangrenous erysipelas and where there is gangrene and putrescency. In anomalous conditions characterized by periodicity, as headache, hemicrania, neuralgia, toothache, rheumatism, deafness, dyspnoea and convulsions. In neuralgia of the facial nerves add five drops of gelsemium to each dose. In browague or supra-orbital neuralgia it may be combined with Fowler's solution in doses of five drops of the latter. 1026 Emulsion Castor Oil, as suggested by E. J. Farnum, M. D. Each fluid ounce represents: Castor Oil, Cold Pressed.... . i fl. oz Oil Turpentine, redistilled. .10 m. Oil Wintergreen........... 5 m. Aromatics................ qs. Dose.—One-half to one tablespoonful as required. Gal., S3 50. 5 Pints, $2 50. lPint. $0 60. 1027 Depilatory, for removing superflous hair, to be used before operating. Is harmless, and will not discolor or injure the most sensitive or delicate skin. It never fails, and has no equal.. Directions.—Apply the Depilatory lightly with a small stick. Let it remain three minutes. Rub lightly until the hair is all dissolved, then wash off. 1 oz bottle, 50 cents each. 1028 Haines Sugar Test. Directions for use.—Place two drams of Haines Test solution into a clean test-tube and heat to boiling point. Boil for one minute, if no reduction of copper takes place, introduce 4 or 5 drops of the suspected urine and boil again, continuing to add urine until 8 or 10 drops have been added, boiling after each addition. If no reduction occurs, an appreciable amount of sugar is not present. 4 oz bottles, 25 cents each. Gal. 5 Pints. Pint. 1030 Neutralizing Cordial Improved.................$3 50 $2 50 SO 60 Rhubarb, select fresh, Cinnamon Ceylon, Soda Bicarb., Potass. Carbonate, Peppermint. Especially manipulated to fill exacting demands, securing the best therapeutic action of the constituents. Gal. 5 Pints. Pint. 1031 Ironwood Tonic...............................$3 50 $2 50 SO 60 Tinct. Nux Vomica..........II m. Tinct. Galangal...........2i m. Tinct. Hvdrastis...........2i m. Fl. Ext. Couch Grass.........6 m. Tinct. Cardamom Comp.....2 m. Tinct. Calamus..............2} m. Tinct. Gentian..............6 m. Fl. Ext. Dandelion.........5 m. Fowler's Solution......... i m. Infusion Ironwood qs.......1 dessertspoonful. 1032 GADDA, Germicide, Antiseptic, Deodorant, Disinfectant, Antizymotic Composed of Aluminium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Bromine, Formalde- hyde. Avery powerful Germicide for sick-rooms. Pints, $4 50 doz. SUPPOSITORIES S. & IV/Give 3Iail Orders Best Attention. I'arl Two. SUPPOSITORIES Subject to............discount. Are put up in neat boxes, each containing twelve Suppositories, and can be readily forwarded to any destination by mail or express. Special Prices given for Large Lots of any Formula Desired. RECTAL. 12 in box Perdoz bxs 3924 ............................................................ $ 2 65 Powdered Opium.........£ gr. Ext. Belladonna............i gr. 3925 .....:• :.■*•■■:..............:............................... 3 00 Acid Boracic................o grs. Thymol...................2 grs. Oil Eucalyptus...........1 in. 3926 ........................................................... 3 qq Acid Salicylic..............5 grs. Acid Boracic................5 grs. Thymol...................2 grs. 3927 2 65 Powdered Opium.........1 gr. Acid Tannic.................2 grs. 3928 ............................................................. 2 65 Powdered Opium.........1 gr. Plumbi Acetate............2 grs. ,5929 ........................................ o » x i on Stimulant, Diuretic, Tonic. .............. t0 2 U' 3" 1 20 3141 Fox Glove, U S P., Digitalis Purpurea (Assayed)...... 2 to 5 min 1 25 Powerful Narcotic Poison, Sedative, Diuretic. • " to ° mln- x ^° 3142 Fringe Tree Bark, Chionanthus Virginica..... l to 9 fl ? i w Aperient, Alterative, Diuretic, Narcotic. ...... £>' 3143 Frostwort, Helianthemum Canadense___ i to 9 fl X 1 nn Astringent, Anti-scrofulous, Tonic. .......... °- 0U 3I44 Galls, Quercus Infectoria............. i fn r> a x 1 m Astringent. ................... 1 to 2 fl. 3. 1 50 3145 Galangal, Alpinia Officinarum........ ,« ,„ ,n „,■ , Q„ Stimulant, Aromatic, Carminative...............20 to 30 mm. 1 80 3146 Garlic, Allium Sativum......... , - , Qn . , nn Stimulant........................lo to 30 min. 1 20 3336 Gelsemium (see Yellow Jasemine). Stimulant. 3147 Gentian, US. P., Gentiana Lutea.............. * to , fl - , nn Pure Bitter Tonic. ........... * t0 x H- 3. 1 00 FLUID EXTRACTS S. & W. Make No Charge for Box and Cartage. 15 FLUID EXTRACTS. Dose. Per lb. 3148 Gentian Comp. For making Tincture Gentian Com- pound, U. S. P.............................. i to 1 fl. 3 -SI 15 Pure Bitter Tonic. 100 C. C. represents One pint represents about 66 gm. Gentian...........10 ozs. 26.4 gm. Bitter Orange Peel. 4 ozs. 6.6 gm. Cardamom....... 1 oz. 3149 Ginger, Jamaica, U. S. P., Zingiber Officinale.......5 to 40 min. 1 50 Stimulant, Rubefacient, Sialagogue, Errhine. 3150 Ginger, Soluble.............. ....................30 to 60 min. 1 00 Stimulant, Aromatic, Carminative. For making Syrupus Zingiberis, U. S. P. 3151 Goldenseal, U.S. P., Hydrastis Canadensis (Assayed). 10 to 30 min. 3 25 Aperient, Alterative, Cholagogue, Deobstruent, Tonic. 3152 Goldenseal (without Alcohol).....................10 to 40 min. 2 50 Aperient, Alterative, Cholagogue, Deobstruent. 3153 Golden Seal (colorless)............... Antiseptic. .............10 to 60 min. 1 75 3154 Golden Rod, Solidago Odora........... Aromatic, Stimulant, Carminative. ............. i to 1 fl. 3. 1 00 3155 Golden Thread, Coptis Trifolia.......... Bitter Tonic. ............. i to 1 fl. 3 • 2 25 Diuretic, Astringent. ............. 1 to 3 fl. 5 ■ 1 00 3157 GrindeliaRobusta.U. S. P............. Expectorant, Remedy for Asthma. .............30 to 60 min. 1 90 Preventive of malarial diseases. ............. 1 to 2 fl. 3. Useful in ner- 1 90 vous excitement. 3159 Guaiacum Resin, Guaiacum Officinale........... For making Tincture of Guaiac, U. S. P. 20 to 40 min. 1 50 3160 Stimulant, Diaphoretic. 1 to 2 fl. 3. 1 00 3161 Used in Idiopathic Amenorrhcea. 10 to 30 min. 1 80 3162 Guarana, Paullinia Sorbilis, U. S. P. (Assayed)..... Astringent, Nervine Tonic. , 10 to 30 min. 5 00 3163 Diuretic 2 to 4 fl. 3. 1 20 3164 Hellebore, American, U. S. P., Veratrum Viride. .. Narcotic, Sedative, Emetic, Alterative. 2 to 4 min. 1 50 3165 Cathartic, Emetic, Sedative. 2 to 4 min. 1 20 3166 ...10 to 20 min. 1 50 Uterine Tonic. Squaw Vine................9 1-7 ozs. Blue Cohosh................2 2-7 ozs. False Unicorn............2 2-7 ozs. Cramp Bark...............2 2-7 ozs. 3167 Hemlock, Pinus or Abies Canadensis.................30 to 60 min. 1 00 Astringent, Tonic. 3168 Henbane, U. S. P., Hyoscyamus Niger (Assayed)...... 5 to 10 min. 1 25 Powerful Narcotic Poison, Antiseptic. 3169 Horehound, Marrubium Vulgare..................... 1 to 2 fl. 3- 1 00 Laxative, Tonic, Expectorant. 3170 Hop, Humulus Lupulus..............................30 to 60 min. 1 70 Alterative, Tonic, Soporific, Narcotic, Diuretic, Febrifuge. 3171 Horse Chestnut Bark, iEsculus Hippocastanum.....30 to 60 min. 1 20 Malarial Tonic. 3172 Hydrangea, Hydrangea Arborescens.................. i to 1 fl. 3- 1 05 Remedy for Calculus. 3172* Hydrangea with Lithium Salts................... 1 to 2 fl. 3- 1 25 Hydrangea, 60 grs.; Benzo. Salicylate Lithium. 3 grs. FLUID EXTRACTS 16 S. & W. Use a System of Numbering Entirely Original. FLUID EXTRACTS. Dose. Per lb 3152 Hydrastis, without Alcohol (see Golden Seal, without Alcohol). 3173 Ignatia Bean, IgnatiaAmara (Assayed).............. 1 to 5 min. $2 10 Laxative, Tonic, Diuretic. Powerful control over nervous action. 3174 Indian Hemp (Foreign), U. S. P., Cannabis Sativa (Assayed)................................. 2 to 5 min. 3 00 Powerful Narcotic. 3175 Indian Hemp, Black, Apocynum Cannabinum....... 3 to 10 min. 1 20 Emetic, Cathartic, Diuretic. 3176 Indian Hemp, White, Asclepias Incarnata...........10 to 40 min. 1 50 Emetic, Cathartic, Anthelmintic. 3177 Ipecac, U.S. P., Cephaelis Ipecacuanha (Assayed)..... 5 to 60 min. 9 50 Emetic, Stimulant, Diaphoretic, Expectorant. 3178 Ipecac and Opium, U.S. P., Tincture (Assayed)...... 1 to 10 min. 3 00 Each minim represents one grain Dover's Powder, U.S. P. 3179 Ipecac and Senega...............................10 to 60 min. 6 50 Emetic, Stimulant, Diaphoretic, Expectorant. Ipecac..................... 8 ozs. Senega.................. 8 ozs. 3180 Jaborandi, U. S. P., Pilocarpus Pennatifolius (Assayed)20 to 60 min. 2 50 Sialogogue, Diaphoretic, Diuretic. 3181 Jalap, ExogoniumPurga (Assayed)..................20 to 60 min. 2 00 Active irritant Cathartic. 3182 Jamaica Dogwood.............................. * to 2 fl. 3. 3 00 Sedative, Narcotic. 3183 Jambul Seed, Eugenia Jambolana.................... 3 to 10 min. 5 00 Used in Diabetes. 3184 Juniper Berries, Juniperus Communis............... * to 1 fl 3 1 00 Carminative, Diuretic, Stimulant. 3l852Kamala, Mallotus Philippinensis................... 2 to 4 fl 3 3 00 t*. Tcenicide.'^jw, ' 3l86IKave Have, Piper Methysticum......................30 to 60 min. 2 00 H Hitter Ionic, Anti-gonorrhceal. 3187 Kino, PterocarpusMarsupium......................10 to 20 min. 2 00 Astringent. 3188 Kola (the Seeds), Sterculia Acuminata (Assayed).......10 to 30 min. 2 00 .Nervine, Stimulant.** ,i 3189 Koosso, Brayera Anthelmintica, U. S. P. . 2 to 4 fl X 9 4,n Vermifuge, Purgative. .......... * n. o. z w 3l90:Ladies' Slipper, U. S. P., Cypripedium Pubescens. ... 1 to 60 min 2 00 Anti-spasmodic, Diaphoretic, Narcotic, Nerve Tonic. 3191 Lactucarlum, Lactuca Virosa............ 2 to in min 1 ^ nn Anodyne, Soporific. ................. ^ to 10 min.15 00 3192 Larkspur Seed, Delphinium Consolida......... 1 to 2 min T<50 Acrid Poison, Parasiticide., .......... * mm" 6 50 3193 Lavender Comp............ . . .„ , „. ■ F°r ^king Spiritus Lavend'ula CompVu S P " ' mm- * 6° % ^A?iPTreSentSi ™ °ne Pint represents about 32 c c. Oil Lavender Flowers.. 245 m. 8 cc. Oil Rosemary........ 61 m. 80 gm. Cassia Cinnamom....... 1^ oz' 20 gm. Cloves................ I oz 40 gm. Nutmeg............... # oz 40 gm. Red Saunders...... . f 0z. 3194 Lettuce, Lactuca Sativa........ ,„ , .. . , „„ Sedative, Soporific. ...................20 to 60 min- 1 20 3195 Life Everlasting, Gnaphalium Margaritaceum...... 30 to 60 min 1 00 Demulcent, Diaphoretic, Tonic. ..... m- l °° 3196 Life Root, Senecio Aureus. .. . . , 0 a _ , .. Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Uterine Tonic............. ' 3" l 00 3197 Licorice, U. S. P., Glycyrrhiza Glabra...... 1 to 9 fl ^ i nn Demulcent. ........... l to 2 "• 3. 1 00 FLUID EXTRACTS S. & w. Are Most Anxious to Please. 17 FLUID EXTRACTS. Dose Pgt lt> 3198 Licorice Root (for Quinine mixture), Glycyrrhiza Glabra..... . ............................ 1 to 2 A.3.S1 20 Demulcent. To disguise bitter taste of Quinine. 3199 Lily of the Valley, Convallaria Majalis.............. 5 to 10 min. 1 25 Cardiacal Tonic. 3200 Liverwort, Hepatica Americana..................... £ to 1 fl. 3. 1 50 Astringent, Diuretic, Demulcent, Deobstruent, Tonic. 3201 Lobelia, U. S. P., Lobelia Inflata.................... 5 to 30 min. 1 05 Cathartic, Diaphoretic, Emetic, Expectorant, Narcotic. 3202 Lobelia Seed, Lobelia Inflata...................... 3 to 5 min. 2 50 Diaphoretic, Emetic, Expectorant, Narcotic. 3203 Logwood, H.-rmatoxylon Campechianum..............30 to 60 min. 90 Astringent. 3204 Lupulin, U. S. P.................................... 5 to 10 min. 2 50 Tonic, Narcotic. 3205 31 ale Fern, Aspidium Filix Mas..................... 2 to 4 fl. 3. 1 25 Anthelmintic, Astringent, Tonic. 3206 3Ianaca, Franciscea Uniflora.......................10 to 30 min. 3 50 Anti-syphilitic. 3207 Mandrake, U.S. P., Podophyllum Peltatum (Assayed). 10 to 20 min. 1 05 Cathartic. 3203 Mandrake Compound............................. 1 to 2 fl. 3. 1 05 Cathartic. Mandrake.................. 6 ozs. Culvers Root............... 4 ozs. Senna..................... 4 ozs. Jalap................... 2 ozs. 3209 Mango Bark, Mangifera, Indica...................... i to 2 fl. .3. 3 75 Tonic, Urinary and Genital Organs. 3210 Manzanita, Arcostaphylos Glauca.................... 1 to 2 fl. 3. 2 40 Astringent, Diuretic. 3211 Marigold, Calendula Officinalis...................... 1 to 2 fl. 3. 2 20 Anti-spasmodic, Sudorific, Deobstruent, Emmena- gogue. 3212 Marshmallow, Althse Officinalis.................... $ to 1 fl. 3. 1 00 Demulcent. 3213 Matlco, U. S. P., Artanthe Elongata.................. ^ to 1 fl. 3. 1 80 Aromatic, Stimulant, Urinary Tonic. 3215 Mezereon Bark, U. S. P., Daphne Mezereum and Daphne Gnidium............................... 5 to 15 min. 1 50 Emetic, Purgative, Stimulant for kidney. 3216 Milk Weed, Asclepias Syriaca......................15 to 60 min. 1 20 Tonic, Alterative, Diuretic. 3217 Mistletoe, Viscum Album..........................30 to 60 min. 1 20 Anti-spasmodic. 3218 Motherwort, Leonurus Cardiaca...................... 1 to 2 fl. 3. 1 05 Emmenagogue, Nervine, Laxative. 3219 Mugwort, Artemisia Vulgaris........................15 to 30 min. 1 00 Tonic, Emmenagogue. 3220 Mullein Leaf and Top, VerbascumThapsus........... 1 to 2 fl. 3. 1 00 Demulcent, Diuretic. 3221 Musk Root, Ferula Sumbul......................... .15 to 60 min. 3 25 Nerve Stimulant. 3222 Myrrh, Balsamodendron Myrrha..................... 5 to 20 min. 2 10 Stimulant. 3223 Myrrh and Capsicum...............................10 to 30 min. 2 00 Stimulant and Tonic. Each pint represents Myrrh................... 8 ozs. Capsicum................. 2 ozs. 3224 Nettle (common), Urtica Dioica......................20 to 40 min. 1 20 Diuretic, Tonic, Astringent. 3084 Night-Blooming Cereus, Cactus Grandiflora.......... 2 to 5 min. 4 00 Arterial Sedative. FLUID EXTRACTS 18 S. & W. Meet All Legitimate Competition. FLUID EXTRACTS. Dose. Per lb 3225 Nutmegs, Myristica Fragans---...................20 to 40 min. $3 00 Aromatic, Stimulant, Narcotic. 3226 Nux Vomica, U. S. P., Strychnos Nux Vom (Assayed).. 1 to 5 min. 1 25 Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Tonic, Laxative. 3227 Oats, Avena Sativa........................".......... 15 to 30 min. 1 50 Recommended as a specific for the cure of Opium habit. 3228 Opium, Papaver Somniferum (Assayed).............. 5 50 For making Tincture Opii (Laudanum), U. S. P., 3229 Opium, Camphorated.............................. 5 to 20 min. 1 75 For making Tincture Opii Camphorata, U. S. P. 3230 Opium (Aqueous), U. S. P., 1890, Tr. Assayed. Papaver Somniferum...............................10 to 20 min. 1 75 Narcotic, Sedative, Stimulant. 3231 Opium (Deodorized and Denarcotized), Concentrated for Physicians use............................. 1 to 4 min. 6 00 Used when Tinct. Opii, U. S. P., is contra-indicated. 3232 Orange Peel (sweet), Citrus Aurantium................ £ to 2 fl. 3. 1 50 Aromatic, Carminative, Tonic. 3233 Orange Peel (bitter), U. S. P., Citrus Vulgaris......... i to 2 fl. 3. 1 40 Aromatic. 3234 Orris Root, U. S. P., Iris Florentina.................. 2 to 4 fl. 3. 1 50 Emetic, Cathartic. 3235 Pansy, Viola Tricolor................................15 to 60 min. 1 20 Expectorant, Laxative, Emollient. 3236 Pareira Brava, U. S. P., Chondodendron Tomentosum. £ to 1 fl. 3. 1 75 Aperient, Diuretic, Tonic. 3237 Parsley Root, Petroselinum Sativum..................30 to 60 min. 1 20 Stimulent, Diuretic. 3238 Parsley Seed, Petroselinum Sativum.................20 to 30 min. 1 35 Stimulant, Diuretic, Carminative. 3239 Passion Flower, Passiflora Incarnata...............5 to 10 min. 2 00 Narcotic, as Succedanum to Morphia. 3240 Peach Leaves, Amygdahis Percisa..................10 to 30 min. 1 25 Sedative, Vermifuge. 3241 Pellitory, Anacyclus Pyrethrum....................... 5 to 20 min 1 25 Stimulant, Sialagogue. 3242 Pennyroyal, Hedeoma Pulegioides.................... 1 to 2 fl 3 1 00 Stimulant, Emmenagogue, Diaphoretic. 3243 Peppermint, Mentha Piperita....................... ^ to 1 fl. 3. 1 50 stimulant, Carminative. 3244 Pichi, Fabiana Imbricata..........................15 to 40 min. 4 00 Diuretic, Tonic. 3245 Pink Root, U. S. P., Spigelia Marilandica........... A to 1 fl 3 1 50 Powerful Anthelmintic. * °' 3246 Pink Root and Senna.......... i +ri a fl x i nn Powerful anthelmintic. .................... * *° 4 fl- 3. 1 50 Pink Root................10 ozs Senna..................... 6 ozs! Of} Anise..................20 m. Oil Caraway .............20 m. 3246APinus Canadensis (colorless).... n no External. .................... 1 00 ^T^^^Ti8^^......................... 5 to 15 min. 125 3247 Pipsisscwa, U. S. P., Chimaphila Umbellata...... 1 to 2 fl ^ 1 00 Astringent, Diuretic, Tonic. ....... °- 3248 Plantain, Plantago Major............ ^n tn 0 min 1 25 Anthelmintic, Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Emmenagogue. 3280 Saw Palmetto, Serenoa Serrulata....... i +n 9 a x 9 nn Nutrient, Tonic, Sedative, Diuretic. " "...... °' °° 3281 Scullcap, U.S. P., Scutellaria Lateriflora...... 1 to ? f\ % 1 nn Anti-spasmodic, Nerve Tonic. ...... - n. 3. 1 oU 3282 Seawrack, Fucus Vesiculosus___ 1 tri 9 a x 1 ok For reducing obesity. .............. * t0 ^ H- 0. 1 35 3283 Senega U. S. P Polygala Senega............. 10 to 20 min 2 4n Diuretic, Expectorant, Emmenagogue, Stimulant ° isialagogue. ' 3284 Senna, U.S. P., Cassia Acutifolia............ 1 to ± a x 1 nn Promnt f^t.har+in ............... l t0 4 "■ 3. 1 50 2012 Prompt Cathartic. SennSennmP' v uu Protochloride Iron . . ± gr £hl£»de Arsenic........'.'.' 1-W gr. .bichloride Mercury.......1.(54 o-r Calisaya Alkaloids represent- ing Calisaya Bark........ 5 srrs 2051 Coca Each fluid dram represents.....................4 75 3 25 9 00 Coca Leaves.............20 grs 3374 Coca, Calisaya and Hydrastin.....']... 5 0n * rn in 9n Each fluid dram represents ............ 3 75 10 20 Coca. 3 grs. Calisaya.............'.'.'"' 5 ers Hydrastin Sulphate..... ' ' ' l-iff o-'r 2052 Coca Comp. Each fluid dram represents....................7 00 4 50 12 00 Coca Leaves........ 8 ers Guarana..... ' o „ ' 2053 Coca and Phosphorus........ g Each fluid dram represents....................7 00 4 50 12 00 Coca Leaves.............i0 grs. Phosphorus............. i_i(f0 ELIXIRS S. & W. Would Merit Your Full Confidence. 27 Per Per MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. Per five doz. gal. pints. pints. Including Bottles. 2054 Corydalis Comp...............................$4 25 $3 00 $8 00 Each fluid dram represents Turkey Corn.............. 4 grs. Stillingia.................. 2 grs. Prickly Ash Bark.. ........ 2 grs. Twin Leaf................. 2 grs. Blue Flag................, 1 gr. Sheep Laurel............... 1 gr. Potassium Iodide......... 1 gr. With Aromatics. 2055 Coto Bark.......................................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram represents Coto Bark................. 5 grs. 2056 Damiana......................................4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram represents Damiana................. 8 grs. 2057 Damiana, Iron and Nux Vomica................4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram represents Damiana................. 8 grs. Pyrophosphate Iron........ 1 gr. Extract Nux Vomica......1-6 gr. 2058 Damiana, Iron and Phosphorus.................4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram represents Damiana................. 8 grs. Pyrophosphate Iron........ 1 gr. Phosphorus.................1-100 gr. 2056 Dandelion....................................4 30 3 00 8 40 Each fluid dram represents Dandelion................20 grs. 3359 Dandelion Comp...............................4 25 3 00 8 00 Each fluid dram represents Dandelion................10 grs. Cherry Bark................10 grs. Licorice Root...............10 grs. Aromatics. 3379 Emmenagogue................................5 00 3 50 9 60 Each fluid dram represents Aloes......................H grs. Rue....................t gr. Saffron.................... f gr. Savin.................... i gr. 2060 Eucalyptus....................................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram represents Eucalyptus...............10 grs. 2061 Eucalyptus Comp...............................5 00 3 50 9 60 Each fluid dram represents Eucalyptus...............10 grs. Prickly Ash Berries.......... 5 grs. Grindelia Squarrosa.......... 5 grs. Goldenseal.................2\ grs. With Aromatics. 2062 Gentian......................................4 00 2 80 7 50 Each fluid dram represents Gentian.................. 4 grs. 2063 Gentian Comp.................................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram represents Gentian.................. 2 grs. Orange Peel............... 1 gr. Cardamom............... \ gr. 3360 Gentian and Iron Chloride....................4 00 2 80 7 50 Each fluid drarn represents Gentian, in addition to Tr. Iron Chloride.........5 gtt." 2064 Gentian and Iron Pyrophosphate.............4 25 3 00 8 00 Each fluid dram represents Gentian.................. 2 grs. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr. ELIXIRS 28 S. & W. Own Their Building, Machinery and Stock. Per Per MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. Per five doz. gal. pints pints. Including Bottles. 2065 Gentian, Iron and Strychnine...................$4 30 $3 00 S8 40 Each fluid dram represents Gentian.................. 4 grs. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 2 grs. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. 2066 Grindelia Robusta...............................4 25 3 00 8 00 Each fluid dram represents Grindelia Robusta..........15 grs. 2067 Guarana.......................................7 50 5 00 13 50 Each fluid dram contains Guarana.................15 grs. 2068 Helonlas........................................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram represents Helonias Root.............10 grs, 3361 Helonias Comp...... ..........................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram represents Partridgeberry............12 grs. Helonias Root.............3£ grs. High Cranberry..........3£ grs. Blue Cohosh................3£ grs. 2069 Hypophosphites Comp..........................5 50 3 75 10 20 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Hypophosphite..... 1 gr. Sodium Hypophosphite..... 1 gr. Iron Hypophosphite......£ gr. Potassium Hypophosphite... £ gr. 2070 Iron Citrate and Strychnine....................4 50 3 25 9 00 liacn fluid dram contains Iron Citrate................ 1 gr. Strychnine................1-60 gr. 3362 IronPyrophhosphate.,..........................4 25 3 00 8 00 .bach fluid dram contains Iron Pyrophosphate........ 2 grs. 2071 Iron Pyrophosphate and Bismuth................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram contains Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr Bismuth Citrate........... i gr' 2072 Iron Pyrophosphate, Bismuth and Quinine ... .6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains " ou Iron Pyrophosphate....... 1 gr Bismuth Citrate........... ] gr' Quinine Sulphate....... \ gr' 2073 ^Lpcra}S25S„i5iSmut,ia""tryc,ull»e-6 50 3 75 10 2° Iron Pyrophosnhate... . 1 gr Bismuth Citrate........... i |r' Strychnine...............I_g0 gr 2074 Iron Pyrophosphate and Quinine ........... 4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram contains ..... A ou y '° Iron Pyrophosphate...... 1 gr Qininie Sulphate....... % gr' 2075 ^-P^?J-pha^lSSlllne.nd^entc.........4 75 3 50 9 75 Iron Pyrophosphate....... 1 gr Quinine Sulphate...... i Er' Arsenic..................1-32 gr ' 2077 Iron Pyrophosphate and Strychnine...... 4 50 q on o nn Each fluid dram contains .......... oU 3 2o 9 00 Iron Pyrophosphate....... 1 CT Strychnine...............1-60 gr ^2*^^-ffi-n«!«^grton.te......•.........6 00 4 00 11 00 Iron Metallic...... If crs Manganese Metallic........'. | gr ' 2078 Iron and Quinine Phosphates * -- Each fluid dram contains ..................4 7o 3 50 9 75 Iron Phosphate....... 2 ers Quinine Phosphate........\ 1 gr.' S. & W. Never Cut Quality for Price. 29 Per Per MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. Per five doz gal. pints. pints Including Bottles. 3363 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine Phosphates.....$4 75 $3 50 $9 75 Each fluid dram contains Iron Phosphate............ 1 gr. Quinine Phosphate......... % gr. Strychnine Phosphate.....1-60 gr. 3364 Lron and True Salicylic Acid....................4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram represents True Salicylic Acid from Oil Wintergreen............. 5 grs. Tinct. Chloride Iron.......... 5 min. 2079 Iron Tincture, Muriate (tasteless)................4^00 2 75 7 50 Each fluid dram represents Tinct. Muriate Iron..........10 min. 3375 Kola Compound.............................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram contains Kola...................... 5 grs. Coca....................... 5 grs. Celery................... 5 grs. 3365 Laxative Comp., Improved....................4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram represents Cascara Sagrada Bark...... 6 grs. Butternut Bark..........4 grs. , Senna..................... 4 grs. Licorice Root............... 1 gr. Cardamom............... 1 gr. Rochelle Salts............... 4 grs. Anise..................... 1 gr. 2080 Licorice Aromatic, or Quinine Elixir...........3 65 2 50 7 00 A vehicle for Quinine and other bitter or nauseating remedies 3378 Lime Juice and Pepsin........................4 30 3 00 8 40 2081 Lithium Citrate..............................7 50 5 00 13 50 Each fluid dram contains Lithium Citrate..........2 grs. 2082 Mandrake Comp., Alkaline...................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram represents Mandrake..................H grs. Jalap......................H grs. Senna.....................H grs. With Potassium Carbonate 1} grs. and Aromatics. 2083 Matico Comp..................................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram represents Matico...................10 grs. Cubeb................... 6 grs. Buchu..................... 0 grs. 2084 Pancreatin......................................5 50 3 75 10 20 Each fluid dram contains Pancreatin............... 1 gr. 2085 Pepsin.................. ...........................5 00 3 50 9 60 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. 3376 Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine..............7 00 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. 3367 Pepsin and Bismuth...........................6 00 4 00 11 00 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. 2086 Pepsin, Bismuth and Ginger....................6 00 4 00 11 00 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Tr. Ginger................ 2 min. ELIXIRS 30 S. & W. Will Not Make Anythtyg that Forms Injurious Habits. Per Per MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. Per five doz. gal. pints. pints Including Bottles. 2087 Pepsin, Bismuth and Iron.....................$6 00 $4 00 $1100 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr. 2088 Pepsin, Bismuth, Iron and Quinine............7 25 4 75 12 75 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr. Quinine Sulphate.......... i gr. 2089 Pepsin, Bismuth, Iron, Quinine and Strychnine 7 25 4 75 12 75 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr. Quinine Sulphate.......... i gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. 2090 Pepsin, Bismuth, Iron and Strychnine.........6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. 2091 Pepsin, Bismuth and Nux Vomica..............6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram represents Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Nux Vomica............... £ gr. 2092 Pepsin, Bismuth and Quinine.................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Quinine Sulphate.......... i gr. 2093 Pepsin, Bismuth and Wafer Ash................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram represents Pepsin..................... 5 grs. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Wafer Ash...................10 grs. 2094 Pepsin and Iron.................................5 50 3 75 10 20 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 2 grs. 2095 Pepsin, Iron and Quinine.......................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr. Quinine Sulphate.......... i gr. 2096 Pepsin, Iron, Quinine and Strychnine..........6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram represents Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Iron Pyrophosphate........ 1 gr. Quinine Sulphate.......... i gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. 2097 Pepsin and Pancreatin........................7 25 4 75 12 75 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 1 gr. Pancreatin............... 1 gr. 2098 Pepsin, Pancreatin and Bismuth.................7 25 4 75 12 75 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 1 gr. Pancreatin............... 1 gr. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. 2099 Pepsin, Pancreatin, Bismuth and Strychnine.. 7 25 4 75 12 75 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 1 gr. Bismuth Citrate........... 1 gr. Pancreatin............... 1 gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. ELIXIRS S. & W. Wish You to Try Their Specialties. 31 Per Per MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. Per five doz. gal. pints. pints Including Bottles. 2100 Pepsin, Quinine and Strychnine..............$6 00 $4 00 $10 80 Each fluid dram contains Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Quinine Sulphate.......... $ gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. 2101 Pepsin and Wafer Ash........................7 25 4 75 10 80 Each fluid dram represents Pepsin.................... 5 grs. Wafer Ash.......*...........10 grs. 2102 Phosphorus....................................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram contains Free Phosphorus..........1-50 gr. 3 368 Phosphorus, Nux Vomica and Damiana.........6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram represents Free Phosphorus..........1-100 gr. Nux Vomica............... 1 gr. Damiana................. 8 grs. 3369 Potassium Bromide..........................4 25 3 00 8 00 Each fluid dram contains Potassium Bromide........10 grs. 2103 Quinine and Arsenic.......... .................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Quinine Sulphate.......... 1 gr. Arsenic..................1-16 gr. 2104 Quinine and Nitro-muriatlc Acid...............6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Quinine................... 3 grs. Nitro Mur. Acid, dil........ 5 min. 2105 Quinine and Strychnine.........................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Quinine Sulphate.......... 1 gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. 2106 Rhubarb......................................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram represents Rhubarb..................6} grs. 3370 Rheumatic.....................................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Salicylate Soda.............. 3 grs. Colchicum Seeds............1$ grs. Quinine................... i gr. Iodide Potassium........... 1 gr. 3 371 Salicylic Acid Comp...........................6 80 4 50 12 80 Each fluid dram represents Salicylic Acid............... 5 grs. Black Cohosh............... 5 grs. Gelsemium.............. 1 gr. Sodium Bicarbonate......2\ grs. 2107 Sanguinaria Comp..............................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Sanguinaria...............1$ grs. Ipecac..................... 1 gr. Morphine Sulphate........1-16 gr. 2108 Santonlne......................................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Santonine.................. 1 gr. 2109 Senna..........................................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram represents Senna.....................15 grs. 2110 Senna Comp.................................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram represents Rhubarb.................. 4 grs. Senna..................... 8 grs. Jalap...................... 2 grs. Mandrake.................. 2 grs. 3372 Simple, Red..................................3 00 2 00 6 00 2111 Simple, White................................3 00 2 00 6 00 32 S. & W^ Invite Inspection. Per Per MEDICINAL ELIXIRS. Per five doz. gal. pints pints Including Bottles. 2112 Sodium Bromide.............................$4 25 $3 00 $8 00 Each fluid dram contains Sodium Bromide..........10 grs. 2113 Stillingia Comp...............................4 25 3 00 8 00 Each fluid dram represents Stillingia.................. 4 grs. Turkey Corn.............. 4 grs. Blue Flag................. 2 grs. Prickly Ash Berries.......... 1 gr. Elder Flowers............ 2 grs. Pipsissewa................. 2 grs. Coriander................ 1 gr. 3377 Terpin Hydrate Comp.........................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Terpin Hydrate............ 1 gr. Codeine Sulphate.............. i gr. Refined Oil of Tar............. 2 min. Tincture Lobelia............ 1 min. Tincture Gelsemium......... 1 min. 3378 Tonga Compound.............................6 75 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram represents Tonga...................30 grs. Black Cohosh............... 2 grs. Sodium Salicylate.......10 grs. Pilocarpine Salicylate......l-lOO gr. Colchicine Salicylate.......1-500 gr. 2ll4Wahoo.......................................4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram represents Wahoo Root Bark...........10 grs. Aromatics. ERRORS, SHORTAGES, BREAKAGES, OVERCHARGES, ETC. We are often asked to explain why we are so free from errors, short- ages, overcharges, breakages and other unsatisfactory annoyances that usually occur in business. We use original, copyrighted systems, double checking then and there all work. Everything in our building has its fixed and numbered place. All orders are filled by checking the num- ber and name and verifying by name and number, and are then doubly inspected. Shortages are avoided by double checking, and small pack- ages are put in bags marked "Do not overlook in unpacking." Over- charges do not often occur because each customer is given a "Case File," which shows State, Town, Name, Business, Address, Date, Salesman, Credit, Average, How Often, Population, Ledger Page, Price Lists Sent, Samples Sent, Advertising Sent, Letters, Calls, Responds, Specialties Sold, Railroad, Complaints, Remarks, Special Formulas, Prices Quoted, Prices Charged. His case and wants are thoroughly under- stood and filled. We are exacting in having all checks thinking ones, and insisting upon perfect work. We have many visits from those in this and other lines, inspecting our advanced systems, who compliment them highly. WRAPPING ROOM. TABLET ORDER ROOM. SYRUPS Use Scoparina Once and We are Sure of Tour Future Orders. 33 MEDICINAL SYRUPS We sell all syrups by measure instead of by weight, as is the usual custom. Each gallon package will contain about ten pounds of syrup, or one and one-quarter pounds to the pint. Special prices given in five-gallon lots or over. 4?' Subject to... .r .Discount. / J 1 Gal 5 Pint Per Bots. Bots. doz. each each Pints Including Bottles. 2115 Acacia, U. S. P...............................$3 80 $2 60 $7 20 2116 Aromatic.....................................2 50 165 4 50 2117 Blackberry Aromatic............................3 80 2 60 7 20 Each fluid dram represents Blackberry Root.......... 3 grs. Combined with Aromatics. 3380 Bromides Compound.........................6 80 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Potassium Bromide........ 5 grs. Sodium Bromide.......... 5 grs. Ammonium Bromide......... 3 grs. Calcium Bromide..........\\ grs. Lithium Bromide ".........% gr. 2118 Calcium Hypophosphite.......................4 25 3 00 8 00 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Hypophosphite..... 2 grs. 2119 Calciumlodide.................................7 00 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Iodide........... 1 gr. 3381 Calcium and Sodium Hypophosphites........4 75 3 50 9 75 (Churchill's formula, A.) Each fluid dram contains Calcium Hypophosphite..... 2 grs. Sodium Hypophosphite..... 2 grs. 2120 Calcium, Sodium and Potassium Hypo- phosphites...................................6 80 4 50 12 00 (Churchill's formula, B.) Each fluid dram contains Calcium Hypophosphite..... 2 grs. Sodium Hypophosphite..... 2 grs. Potassium Hypophosphite... 1 gr. 2121 Citric Acid, U. S. P...............................3 3382 Dovers Powder...............................4 Each fluid dram represents 10 grains of Dovers Powder. 2122 Ginger, U. S. P.................................3 2123 Horehound Comp............................3 Each fluid ounce represents Horehound................15 grs. Jersey Tea..................15 grs. Elecampane..............15 grs. Spikenard.................15 grs. Comfrey.................. 15 grs. Wild Cherry.............15 grs. Blood Root...............7* grs. 3383 Hydriodic Acid, U.S. P. (Unalterable)..............6 80 4 50 12 00 3384 Hypophosphite Comp..........................4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Hypophosphite... 2 grs. Sodium Hypophosphite..... 2 grs. Potassium Hypophosphite.. 1 gr. Iron Hypophosphite....... $ gr. 40 2 25 6 00 50 3 25 9 00 60 2 50 7 20 80 2 60 7 20 SYRUPS 34 S. & W. Make Honest Goods Only. 1 Gal. 5 Pint Per SYRUPS. Bot. Bot. doz each each. Pints. Including Bottles. 3385 Hypophosphite Comp., Hematic.............$4 00 $2 75 $7 50 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Hypophosphite..... i gr. Potassium Hypophosphite... i gr. Manganese Hypophosphite...£ gr. Iron Hypophosphite..........3-16 gr. Quinine Hypophosphite.......1-16 gr. Strychnine Hypophosphite..1-128 gr. 2124 Hypophosphites Compound, National Formu- ]ary.......................................3 50 ^50 7 00 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Hypophosphite..... 2 grs. Sodium Hypophosphite... . . 1 gr. Manganese Hypophosphite.. -J- gr. Potassium Hypophosphite... 1 gr. Iron Hypophosphite.......... i gr. Quinine Hydrochlorate.......1-16 gr. Tinct. Nux Vomica........1± min. 2125 Ipecac, U.S. P..................................5 00 3 50 9 60 3386 Ironlodide, U. S. P. (by weight)................. 10 00 3387 Iron Iodide, tasteless (by weight)................. 12 00 2126 Iron Lactate..................................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains Iron Lactate.............. 2 grs. 2127 IronLactophosphate..........................6 00 4 00 10 80 Each fluid dram contains IronLactophosphate......... 1 gr. 2128 Iron and Manganese Iodide.....................7 00 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Iron Iodide................ 2 grs. Manganese Iodide......... 1 gr. 2129 Lactophosphates, Compound....................7 00 4 50 12 00 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Lactophosphate... . 2 grs. Sodium Lactophosphate.... 1 gr. Potassium Lactophosphate.. 1 gr. IronLactophosphate......... 1 gr. Manganese Lactophosphate. i gr. 2130 Licorice........................................3 40 2 25 6 00 2131 Mitchella Comp., AD.........................3 60 2 50 7 20 2132 Orange Peel, U.S. P.............................3 60 2 50 7 20 3388 Phosphates Comp. (Chemical Food)...............3 75 2 50 7 00 Each fluid dram contains Calcium Phosphate........... 2 grs. Iron Phosphate............ 1 gr. Sodium Phosphate........... 1 gr. Potassium Phosphate......... \ gr. 3389 Phosphates Comp. with Muriate Quinine........4 75 3 50 9 75 Each fluid dram contains Potassium Phosphate.........\\ grs. Magnesium Phosphate...... 1 gr. Calcium Phosphate........... \ gr. Iron Phosphate............ 1 gr. Quinine Muriate.......... \ gr. Strychnine Phosphate.....1-120 gr. Free Phosphoric Acid....... 2 grs. 2133 Rhubarb, U.S. P..............................3 60 2 50 7 20 2134 Rhubarb Aromatic, U. S. P.....................3 60 2 50 7 20 3390 Rhubarb and Potassium (Neutralizing Cordial). . .4 50 3 25 9 00 Each fluid dram represents Rhubarb.................. 3 grs. Cinnamon................. 2 grs. Golden Seal................. 2 grs. Coto Bark.................1£ grs. Potassium Carbonate....... 1 gr. Sodium Carbonate......... 1 gr. Peppermint................ 2 grs. 2135 Sarsaparilla Comp., U. S. P......................3 80 2 60 7 20 2136 Sarsaparilla Comp., with Potassium Iodide......5 50 3J75 10 50 SYRUPS S. & W. I'se the Latest Improved Methods. 35 3 75 10 20 3 75 10 20 2 00 6 00 2 60 7 20 2 60 7 20 2 60 7 20 2 60 7 20 3 25 9 00 1 Gal. 5 Pint Per SYRUPS. Bot. Bot. doz each each Pints Including Bottles. 3391 Saw Palmetto with Hypophosphites Lime and Soda.......................................$4 30 $3 00 $8 40 Each fluid dram represents Saw Palmetto............15 grs. Calcium Hypophosphites..... 1 gr. Sodium Hypophosphites...... 2 grs. 2137 Senega, U.S. P.................................5 50 2138 Senna, U. S. P..................................5 50 2139 Squills, U. S. P.............................-,___3 00 2140 Squills Comp., U.S. P. (Hive Syrup)...............3 80 2141 Stillingia Comp., A. D...........................3 80 2142 Tar, U.S. P.....................................3 80 2143 Tolu, U.S. P...................................3 80 3392 Trifolium Comp..............................4 50 Each fluid dram represents Red Clover.............. 4 grs. Burdock Root.............. 2 grs. Stillingia.................. 2 grs. Berberis Aquifolium....... 2 grs. Cascara Amarga.......... 2 grs. Poke Root.................. 2 grs. Prickly Ash Bark.......... ^ gr. Potassium Iodide......... 1 gr. 3393 White Pine Comp...............................3 20 2 50 7 20 Each fluid dram represents White Pine Bark.......... 3 grs. Balm of Gilead............. i gr. Sassafras................. i gr. Wild Cherry............. 3 grs. Spikenard................. i gr. Blood Root............... | gr. Morphia Acetate..........1-42 gr. Chloroform................ i min. 3393A White Pine Comp., with Heroin..............4 00 3 00 8 40 Each teaspoonful represents White Pine................. 3 grs. Sassafras................. i gr. Spikenard................. i gr. Heroin..................1-12 gr. Balm Gilead................ i gr. Wild Cherry............. 3 grs. Blood Root............... i gr. Chloroform................ i m. 3393B White Pine Comp., with Tar...................3 20 2 50 7 20 Each teaspoonful represents White Pine................. 3 grs. Sassafras................. i gr. Spikenard................. i gr. Morphine Acetate..........1-42 gr. Balm Gilead................ } gr. Wild Cherry............. 3 grs. Blood Root............... i gr. Chloroform................ \ m. Pine Tar................. i m. 3394 White Pine Comp., without Morphine.........3 20 2144 White Pine Comp., with Creosote.............3 80 2145 Wild Cherry, U. S. P...........................3 80 2146 Yerba Santa, Aromatic.........................4 00 Used as a vehicle for the ad- ministration of Quinine. Also in combination with bitter or nauseating mixtures, to dis- guise the unpleasant taste. 3395 Yerba Santa Cough Mixture.....................5 25 3 50 10 00 Each fluid dram represents Yerba Santa...............10 grs. Grindelia Robusta.......... 4 grs. Cherry Bark................ 2 grs. Licorice.................. 5 grs. Cubeb.................... 1 gr. Tar........................ * gr. Ammonium Bromide......... 1 gr. 2 50 7 20 2 60 7 20 2 60 7 20 2 75 7 50 TINCTURES 36 S. & W. Are 3Iost Anxious to Please. SPECIFIC TINCTURES To fill the demand for a preparation made from the fresh green plant with a stronger alcoholic menstrum preserving all the medical properties of the fresh plant " ave after several years of careful study and experiments perfected and added to list the following which we call Specific Tinctures. We feel that they are The superior to most Specific Tinctures, Mother Tinctures, etc., now offered. Th nlants from which they are made are carefully gathered at the proper age of thei we have after several years of careful study and experiments^perfected^and^added^to our list the following whicl superior to most Specific plants from which they are — growth These are packed in alcohol as soon as gathered and sent to our laboratory, there most carefully prepared, macerated and expressed and made a definite strength That this line of goods will not be mistaken for any other of ours or another's make they are called and labeled Specific Tinctures. Subject to. .. .^Discount. /v Pts. 4 oz. 2390 Achillea................................................** §0 W fij 3509 Acid, Carbolic............................................ »JJ ^ 3510 Acid, Hydrochloric, dilute............................... 50 2" 3511 Aconite................................................. f 00 5£ 2391 Actea, Alba........................................... \ »0 5" 2392 Adonis................................................. 5 00 1 3" 2393 Aesculus............................................... 2 25 6" 2394 Agrimonia.............................................. 1 »0 5" 2395 Ailanthus............................................... 2 50 6£ 2396 Aletris................................................ f 50 6» 2397 Alnus................................................... 1 80 50 2398 Ambrosia................................................ 1 80 50 2399 American Hemp........................................ 1 80 5U 2400 Amygdalus............................................. 1 80 50 2401 Anthemis................................................ 2 00 55 3512 Apis.................................................... 3 00 80 3513 Apocynum............................................ 1 80 50 2402 Aralia................................................... 1 80 50 2403 Arnica.................................................. 1 80 50 3514 Asclepias............................................... 1 80 50 2404 Asthma Weed........................................... 3 00 80 2405 Avona.....................................................2 00 55 3515 Baptisia................................................. 180 50 2406 Barosma.............................................. 2 25 60 3516 Belladonna............................................... 2 00 55 2407 Berberis................................................ 2 50 65 3517 Black Haw............................................. 1 80 50 2408 Boletus................................................... 3 00 80 3518 Bryonia.................................................. 2 50 65 3519 Cactus.................................................. 5 00 1 30 3520 Calendula............................................... 2 25 60 3521 Cannabis..............:................................ 2 50 65 2409 Cantharis............................................... 2 50 65 2410 Capsella............................................... 1 80 50 2411 Carbo Veg............................................. 2 00 55 2412 Catalpa................................................. 1 80 50 3522 Caulophyllum.......................................... 1 80 50 2413 Ceanothus............................................... 1 80 65 2414 Chelone.................................................. 1 80 50 2415 Chelidonium........................................... 2 00 55 2416 Chimaphilla............................................ 1 80 50 3523 Chionanthus........................................... 2 25 60 2417 Cinchona................................................. 4 00 1 05 2418 Cinnamon............................................. 2 25 60 2419 Cnicus................................................... 1 80 50 2*20 Coca................................................... 3 00 80 2421 Coffea.................................................. 2 50 65 3524 Colchicum.............................................. 2 50 65 3525 Collinsonia.............................................. 1 80 50 3526 Colocynth............................................... 2 50 65 3527 Cimicifuga............................................ 2 50 65 2422 Columbo.................................................. 1 80 50 2423 Conium................................................ 1 80 50 2424 Convallaria.............................................. 3 00 80 3528 Cornus................................................... 1 80 50 TINCTURES S. & W. Make Their Fluid Extracts by Cold Percolation. 37 SPECIFIC TINCTURES.. Pts. 4oz. 2425 Corydalis...............................................$2 25 $0 60 2426 Cubeba................................................ 2 50 65 2427 Cuprum.................................................. 2 25 60 2428 Cypripedium........................................... 2 00 55 2429 Damiana................................................ 3 00 80 3529 Digitalis................................................ 2 00 55 3530 Dioscorea.............................................. 1 80 50 2430 Drosera................................................. 2 50 65 2431 Dulcamara.............................................. 1 80 50 2432 Echinacea............................................ 2 00 55 2433 Elaterium................................................ 2 75 70 2434 Epigaea................................................ 1 80 50 2436 Equisetum...................................................... 2 50 65 3531 Ergot..................................................... 2 00 55 3532 Erigeron................................................ 1 80 50 3533 Eryngium................................................ 1 80 50 2437 Eucalyptus.............................................. 2 50 65 2438 Euonymus.............................................. 1 80 50 3534 Eupatorium.............................................. 1 80 50 3535 Euphorbia............................................. 1 80 50 2439 Euphrasia............................................... 1 80 50 2440 Ferri Acetas.............................................. 2 25 60 2441 Frasera................................................... 1 80 50 2442 Fragrant Sumac........................................ 2 50 65 2443 Fraxinus............................................... 1 80 50 2444 Fucus................................................. 2 50 65 2445 Galium...................•.............................. 1 80 50 2446 Gaultheria............................................... 1 80 50 3536 Gelsemium.............................................. 2 50 65 2447 Gentiana................................................. 1 80 50 2448 Geranium............................................. 1 80 50 3537 Gossypium............................................. 2 50 65 2449 Gravel Root........................................... 1 80 50 3538 Grindelia................................................ 2 75 70 3539 Guarana.......:......................................... 4 00 1 05 3540 Hamamelis............................:................. 75 20 2450 Helleborus............................................ 2 00 55 3541 Helonias.............................................. 2 50 65 2451 Hepatica................................................ 180 50 2452 Horse Chestnut....................................... 2 25 60 2453 Humulus.............................................. 2 25 60 2454 Hydrangea............................................. 1 80 50 3542 Hydrastis..........................'...................... 2 00 55 3543 Hyoscyamus.......................................... 2 00 55 2455 Ignatia.................................................. 2 50 65 2458 Inula................................................... \ 80 50 3544 Ipecac............................................: • - • f 00 1 15 3545 Iris...................................................... 1 80 50 3546 Jaborandi................................................ 2 50 65 2457 Jacaranda................:........................... 3 00 80 2453 Jalap.................................................. 2 50 65 2459 Juglans.................:............................. 1 80 50 2460 Kalmla.................................................. 1 80 50 2461 Kameela................................................ 3 0°, °0 2462 Lappa.............................'...................... 1 80 50 3547 Leptandra.............................................. 2 00 55 3548 Lobelia................................................ 2 25 60 2463 Lupulin................................................ 3 00 80 2464 Lycopodium.......................................... f 25 60 3519 Lvcopus................................................ 1 80 50 3550 Macrotys................................................. J 80 50 2465 Maniif era................................................ ? 00 80 2468 Marrubium............................................ i 80 50 2467 Matico................................................. 2 25 60 2468 Matricaria............................................ f °0 £5 2469 Melilotus 1 80 50 2470 3Iitchella............................................... } f0 50 2471 Myrcia................................................ 1 80 50 2472 Nepeta........-........................................ } 80 50 3551 Nux Vomica..................••........................ \ °" , ™ 2473 Oenantha............................................■: • * °° X °,5, 2474 Oxydendron............................................ 2 50 55 2475 Panax..........................................••...... 2 50 65 3552 Passiflora............................................... 2 00 55 3553 Penthorum............................................ z '5 'u TINCTURES 38 S. & W.'s Best Advertisers are Its Customers. SPECIFIC TINCTURES. Pts. 4oz. 2476 Phosphorus.............................................$1 50 $0 40 3554 Physostigma........................................... 2 50 65 3555 Phytolacca............................................. 1 80 50 3556 Pinus.................................................... 1 80 50 2477 Piper Methysticum....................................... 2 50 65 2478 Plantago................................................. 1 80 50 3557 Podophyllum......................................... 1 80 50 2479 Podophyllin Triturated.........................per oz. 25 2480 Polemonium.......................................... 1 80 50 2481 Polygonatum............................................ 1 80 50 2482 Polymnia............................................... 2 50 65 2483 Polytrichum............................................. 1 80 50 2484 Prunella................................................. 2 50 65 2185 Prunus.................................................. 1 80 50 2*88 Ptelea................................................... 2 00 55 3558 Pulsatilla............................................. 2 50 65 2487 Quercus................................................. 1 80 50 2488 Rheum................................................ 3 00 80 3559 RhusTox................................................ 2 50 65 2489 Rubus ................................................ 1 80 50 2490 Rumex................................................. 1 80 50 3560 Salix Nigra Aments....................................... 2 50 65 2491 Sambucus.............................................. 1 80 50 2492 Sanguinaria............................................ 1 80 50 2493 Sarracenia............................................. 2 00 55 2494 Saw Palmetto.......................................... 2 00 55 3561 Scutellaria............................................. 1 80 50 3562 Senecio................................................. 1 80 50 2495 Senega.................................................. 2 50 65 2496 Senna................................................... 1 80 50 2497 Serpentaria.............................................. 2 25 60 2498 Sodium Phosphate..................................___ 70 20 2499 Spikenard............................................... 1 80 50 2500 Spotted Spurge........................................... 3 00 80 3563 Staphisagria.......................................... 2 50 65 3564 Sticta................................................... 3 00 80 2501 Stigmata Maydis....................................... 2 50 65 3565 Stillingia.................................................. 2 25 60 2502 Stramonium............................................. 1 80 50 2503 Strophanthus......................................... 3 00 80 2504 Swamp Milkweed........................................ 1 80 50 2505 Taraxacum.............................................. 1 80 50 2506 Tela Araneae............................................ 3 00 80 3566 Thuja.................................................... 2 50 65 2507 Tiger Lily.............................................. 2 25 60 2508 Trifolium.......................... 1 80 50 2509 Triticum.............................. . . . 2 50 65 2510 Urtica................................................. 2 00 55 2511 Ustilago................................................ 2 50 65 2512 Valerian................................................. 1 80 50 3567 Veratrum...........................'.'.'.'. °...'..'..'.... °..... 2 25 60 2513 Verbascum............................................. 1 80 50 3568 Viburnum................... .................... 1 80 50 2514 White Snake Root.................................... '. 1 80 50 2515 Xanthium Spinosum.................................... 2 50 65 3569 Xanthoxylum.......................!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 25 60 2516 Yerba Santa...................... ..............' 2 50 65 2517 Zingiber........................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'............... 1 80 50 TINCTURES S. & W.'s Specialties Can Be Depended Upon. 39 Part Three—Net Prices. TINCTURES For one-half pound bottles add 10 cents per pound list. For one-fourth pound bottles add 20 cents per pound list. For five pound bolttes deduct 5 cents per pound list. Per Pt. 3403 Aconite Root, U. S. P............................................$0 60 3404 Aconite Root, Fleming's................ ' 70 3405 Aloes, U. S. P................................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.' 50 3443 Antacrida..................................................... 50 Dysmenorrhea Mixture—National Formulary: Corrosive Chloride of Mercury, 40 grs. Resin Guaiac, 2 tr. oz. CanadaTurpentine, 2 tr. oz. Oil Sassafras, i oz. Alcohol, 95 per cent., 16 ozs. Dose, 5 to 10 mins. 2147 Aloes and Myrrh, U.S. P............................... 65 3406 Arnica Flowers, U. S. P........................................ 50 3407 Asafetida, U. S. P......................................... 60 3408 Belladonna, U. S. P............................................. 50 3409 Benzoin, U. S. P............................................ 60 3410 Benzoin Comp., U. S. P....................................... 65 2185 Blue Cohosh.................................................. 60 3411 Bryony, U.S. P.................................................. 60 2148 Buchu........................................................ 50 2149 Calendula, U. S. P............................................... 60 3412 Camphor, U.S. P............................................... 55 2150 Cannabis Indica, U. S. P........................................ 70 3413 Cantharides, U. S. P............................................ 60 3414 Capsicum, U. S. P.............................................. 50 2151 Cardamom, U. S. P.............................................. 75 2152 Cardamom Comp., U. S. P...................................... 50 2153 Castor......................................................... 60 2154 Catechu........................................................ 50 2155 Catechu Comp., U. S.P......................................... 60 3415 Cimicifuga....................................................... 60 3416 Cinchona, U. S. P............................................... 65 3417 CinchonaComp., U. S. P........................................ 60 2156 Cinnamon, U. S.P.............................................. 50 2186 Colchicum Root............................................... 50 3418 Colchicum Seed, U. S. P........................................ 60 3419 Columbo......................................................... 50 3420 Conium...................................................___ 50 3421 Cubeb, U S. P.................................................. 60 2188 Damiana....................................................... 75 3422 Digitalis, U. S. P................................................. 50 3423 Gelsemium, U. S. P............................................. 60 2157 Gentian....................................................... 50 2158 Gentian Comp., U. S. P.......................................... 50 3424 Ginger, U. S. P.................................................. 60 2159 Golden Seal, U.S. P............................................. 75 2160 Guaiacum.U.S. P.................................................. 60 2161 Guaiacum, Dewees' ............................................ 75 2162 Hops, U. S. P................................................... 55 2163 Hyoscyamus, U. S P............................................ 50 2164 Ignatia......................................................... 75 3425 Iodine, U. S. P................................................... 90 3426 Iodine, colorless.................................................1 00 2165 Iodine Comp..................................................1 00 3427 Ipecac and Opium, U. S. P......................................1 75 3428 Iron Chloride, U. S. P........................................... 40 2166 Iron Chloride, tasteless........................................... 85 2189 Lily of the Valley................................................1 00 2167 Kino, U. S. P................................................... 75 3429 Lavender Comp., U. S.P......................................... 55 3430 Lobelia, U. S. P................................................. 50 2187 Lupulin....................................................... 65 TINCTURES 4D S. & IV.'s Entire Force Competent, Careful, TemperatoWorkers. TINCTURES. Per pt 3431 Myrrh, U. S. P................................................$ 70 2190 Myrrh and Capsicum (Hot Drops)............................... 70 3432 Night Blooming Cereus..........................................2 00 2168 Nutgall, U. S. P................................................. 55 3433 Nux Vomica, U. S. P............................................ 60 3434 Opium, U. S. P..................................................1 10 3435 Opium, Camphorated, U. S. P................................... 50 2169 Opium Comp., Squibbs' Formula.................................1 00 3436 Opium, Deodorized, U. S. P....................................1 50 2170 Orange Peel, Bitter, U. S. P...................................... 50 2171 Orange Peel, Sweet, U. S. P...................................... 50 2172 Poke Root..................................................... 60 2191 Poison Oak.................................................... 60 2192 Prickly Ash Bark............................................... 50 2193 Pricklv Ash Berries.............................................. 65 2173 Pulsatilla.................................................... 60 2174 Quassia, U. S. P................................................. 50 3437 Rhubarb, U. S. P...........................................___ 60 2175 Rhubarb, Arom., U. S. P........................................ 60 2176 Rhubarb, Comp.............................................. 60 2177 Rhubarb, Sweet, U. S. P.................................. 60 3438 Sanguinaria.U. S. P.................................... 50 2178 Serpentaria, U. S. P............................................] 60 2179, Soap, Camphorated............................................. 60 3439 Soap, Green....................................... 70 2180 Squill, U. S. P.........................................'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 60 3440 Strophanthus................................ i in 2181 Stramonium Seed, U.S. P.................. ....... 60 2182 Sumbul, U. S.P........................ " " 1 00 3441 Tolu, U.S. P............................. ....... ..... on 2183 Valerian, U. S. P.............................'...'............. 2184 Valerian, Amnion., U. S. P................ 3442 Veratrum Viride, U. S. P....................'..'..'..'.'."....... 3444 Warburg's, with Aloes........................... ............1 25 3445 Warburg's, without Aloes........................................1 25 60 85 85 NERVE AND BRAIN TABLETS. Our Successful Gauge—Repeated Orders Results Obtained Quick Disintegration Tnp™^?mu\°,Sn i0n H Brought about by thorough tritura- Therapeutically Correct tion, Neat Appearance, Unobjec- and Constituents are ^ tionable Size make them Scientifically j^ ^^d l^^fe^ A Satisfler. Adjusted. 1,000 Express Prepaid $ | .75 Stearns & White Co Mfg. Chemists 181-9 Chestnut St. Chicago MISCELLANEOUS S. & W. Use Original Double Check Systems. 41 MISCELLANEOUS Xct Prices ./'^ M 2195 Acid Carbolic, solution, 10 % \ 1 Jiffies"'.'.'.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'.'.WW. 1 2194 Acid, Acetic, dilute, U.S. P.....................................lb $0 15 lib. bottles...................... 20 40 (Containing 45$- grains glacial acid to each fluid ounce.) 2196 Acid, Carbolic, solution, 33 % ] } ^VbotUes .' ;■;.' W \ \ \'. \ '. \ ". \ \ \ \ 2 00 (Containing 19 grains glacial acid to each fluid dram.) 2197 Acid Hypophosphorous, dilute, 50 %, 1 lb. bottles.............lb 1 85 3446 " Muriatic, dilute, U. S. P., 1 lb. bottles.....................lb 20 3447 " Nitric, dilute, U.S. P., lib bottles.........................lb 20 3449 " Xitro-muriatic, dilute, 1 lb bottles........................lb 20 3450 " Phosphoric, U.S. P., lib. bottles........................lb 54 2198 " Phosphoric, dilute, U. S. P., 1 lb. bottles..................lb 20 3451 " Sulphuric, dilute, U. S. P., 1 lb. bottles....................lb 20 3452 " Sulphuric, aromatic, U. S. P., 1 lb. bottles.................lb 55 3453 Anodyne, Hoffman's true -J ^ lb; bottles';.";'.'. 35 This is the true Hoffman's Anodyne, manufactured from the heavy Oil of Wine, as directed in the U. S. P. 3454 Arsenic Solution, Donovan's U. S. P.. 1 lb. bottles................lb 30 3455 Arsenic Solution, Fowler's U. S. P., 1 lb bottles..................lb 20 2201 Ammonia, ffff, gal. bottle.................................... 45 2202 Ammonia, concentrated, pint bottle........................... 20 ) 1 lb. bottles...................... 40 3456 Bay Rum.....................-j ! gal. bottles.................. 2 25 I 1 pt. bottles...............each 25 2203 Battery Fluid...............K 5 pt. bottles...............each 50 I 1 gal. bottles ..............each 75 3457 Boro-glyceride, solution, 331 %; 1 lb. bottle, by weight......each 75 CERATES. 4oz. 8oz. lib. each. each. each 2204 Cerate, Calendula..............................$0 25 $0 45 $0 80 2205 " Camphor, U. S.P........................ 20 35 65 2206 " Cantharides, U. S. P....................... 35 60 100 2207 " Lead, Sub-acetate, U. S. P................. 15 25 45 3458 " Resin, U. S.P........ ••• 15 2208 " Resin Comp 25 45 20 30 50 2209 " Savin..................................... 20 35 65 3459 " Simple, U. S.P.......................... 20 35 ™j 2210 " Spermaceti, U. S.P..................... 20 35 60 2211 " Zinc, carbonate........................... 25 40 ^75 3460 Chlo«dy« . ^^^_ Camphofi ^C=bis Indica, 10 grs.; Oil Peppermint, i gr.; Capsicum * gr., Chloroform, 6 m.; Hydrocyanic Acid Dil., 1* m. Dose, 5 to 30 drops. 1 oz. 4 oz. 1 lb. bots. bots. bots. each. each. each. 3463 Collodion, Simple, U.S. P.......................WIS $0 30 $0 90 2212 » Cantharidal......................... 20 65 2 25 3464 » Flexible, U. S.P........................ JJ 30 100 3465 " Salicylated Comp. (corn cure)......... 25 75 ^ ou 22.3 « Styptic.U.S.P...................... 2° ™ ' 50 MISCELLANEOUS 42 S. & W. Want Opportunity to Quote You Prices. MISCELLANEOUS. Cod Liver Oil Preparations. 2214 Cod Liver Oil, Norwegian...................................lb $n 39 2215 Cod Liver Oil, Newfoundland..................................lb 25 Pts. 5 Pts. Gals 2216 Cod Liver Oil, Aromatic, Wine.....................$0 70 $3 00 $4 50 2217 Cod Liver Oil, Arom. with Hypophosphite, emulsion..............lb 60 Lime, Soda and Potassium. 3466 Ether Nitrous Spirits, U. S. P.................................lb 50 3467 Ether Nitrous Spirits, ffff...................................lb 35 2218 Ether Nitrous Spirits, fff.....................................lb 30 2219 Embalming Fluid, gal. $2.50.................................lb 35 Pts. Qts. Gals. - 2220 Extract Witch-hazel, distilled......................$0 20 $0 30 $1 00 Pts. 5 Pts. Gals. Formaldehyde 40 %..... . .....................$0 45 $2 00 $3 00 Powerful Germicide Deodorant Disinfectant and Antiseptic. Glyceroles. 4oz. £lb. lib. bots. bots. bots . 2221 Glycerole, Hypophosphites...................... $ $ $0 75 2222 " Pancreatin......................... 2223 " Pepsin............................[[[[[ 2224 Pepsin and Wafer Ash............... 2225 Starch.............................. 25 45 2226 *' Tannic Acid, U. S. P.................... 2227 " Tar, U. S. P............................. 20 2228 Lard, Benzoated, 1 lb. jars................................."lb. 3468 Lead, Solution, Sub-acetate (Goulard's Ext.)................1 lb. bots. 3469 Lead, Solution, Sub-acetate, dilute (Lead Water)..... 1 lb bots 20 2229 Leptandrin.................................................oz 30 Liniments. l Pt. 5 Pt. Gal. bots. bots. bots. each. each. each. 2230 Liniment, Aconite................................$0 60 $ $ Ammonia............................ 25 100 150 Camphor.................. ........... 40 1 50 2 50 Cantharides,U.S.P..................... 65 3 00 4 00 Chloroform............................. 75 3 50 5 00 Lead, Sub-acetate....................... 35 1 25 2 00 Lime.U.S.P........................... 40 x 50 2 75 Rheumatic............................. 80 3 50 5 00 Soap.................................. 60 2 50 3 50 Turpentine..................... 40 1 50 2 50 2238 Liquor Acid Phosphoric.................... gai 3472 Liquor Acid Phosphoric Comp....... ' gal { 2239 Litmus Paper—blue or red—Books......... ................each 2240 Lotion Hemorrhoid...................... "lb 1 6Q 2241 Mixture, Asafetida, U.S. P ...................lh 9r 2242 « Brown,U.S.P........'.'.'.'i.'.'..'......................,b 40 2247 « Bashams 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 " Thielemann's. 75 70 75 85 10 65 30 25 2231 2232 2233 3470 2234 2235 2236 3471 2237 1 25 50 10 .lb 30 Chloroform, U. S. P............ lb 60 Chalk, U. S. P....................... ..........lb 30 Iron Comp., U. S. P. (Griffith's)...... '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.['.['.'.'.lb 60 Iron and Ammonium Acetate................ . lb 30 Licorice Comp. (Brown Mixture).....................lb 50 ...............................lb 1 50 MISCELLANEOUS S. & W. Hold Nearly All Their Customers. 43 MISCELLANEOUS. Ointments. 4oz. 8oz. lib. each. each. each 2250 Ointment, U.S. P..................................$0 18 $0 30 $0 50 3476 " Basilicon............................... 15 25 40 2251 " Bearsfoot................................ 25 40 75 2252 " Benzoated, U. S. P....................... 15 25 45 3477 " Belladonna, U. S. P....................... 25 45 80 3478 " Cantharides, U. S. P...................... 25 45 80 3479 " Carbolic, U. S. P....................... 15 25 40 2254 " Chrysarobin, U. S. P.................... 30 50 90 3480 " Citrine, U.S. P......................... 20 35 60 3481 " Diachylon,............................... 15 25 40 2255 " Discutient.A. D........................ 20 35 60 2256 " Dulcamara............................. 25 40 75 2257 " Gallic Acid, U. S.P..................... 25 40 75 2258 " Iodine, U. S. P......................... 25 40 70 2259 " Iodoform, U. S. P...................... 30 55 1 00 2260 " Lead Carbonate........................ 15 25 40 2261 " Leadlodide.U.S.P..................... 35 60 100 2262 " Mercurial, Ammoniated, U. S. P............ 20 35 60 2263 " Mercurial, Yellow Oxide................ 30 55 1 00 3482 " Mayer's, AD......................... 25 40 70 2264 " Nutgall, U. S. P........................ 18 30 50 3483 " Pile..................................... 35 55 1 00 3484 " Poke Root, A. D....................... 20 35 60 2265 " Rose (Cold Cream)........................ 30 55 1 00 2266 " Stramonium, U. S. P..................... 25 40 75 2267 " Sulphur, U. S. P ....................... 15 25' 40 2268 " Sulphur, Alkaline........................ 15 25 40 3485 " Tannic Acid, U. S. P...................... 20 35 60 3486 *' Tar, U. S.P............................... 15 25 40 2269 " Tar Comp.............................. 18 35 60 3487 " Veratrine, U. S. P......................... 75 1 40 2 50 3488 " Zinc Oxide, Benzoated, U. S. P........... 20 35 60 Digestive Ferments. 2270 Pepsin, 1 to 2500, Powdered or Scale....................net per oz. $0 50 2271 Pepsin, 1 to 3000 (U. S. P., 1890) Powdered or Scale.......net per oz. 65 2272 Pepsin, Pure......................................net per oz. 75 2273 Pepsin, Saccharated..........................................H> 1 00 2274 Pepsin, Saccharated, U. S. P...................................lb 1 25 1014 Pancreo-Digestin. See Specialties.............................lb 4 50 2275 Pancreatin, Pure....................................net per oz 80 2276 Pancreatin, Saccharated..............................net per oz 30 Plasters. 4oz. 8oz. lib- each, each. each. 2277 Plaster, Aconite.................................$° 35 $° 60 $1 10 2278 " Arnica, A. D............................. 35 60 110 3489 " Belladonna, U. S. P........................ 40 70 1 20 3490 " Cantharidal............................ 40 75 2 25 2279 " Capsicum, U. S. P....................... 25 4« 2280 " Diachylon, U. S. P...................... 15 25 4° 2281 " Galbanum............................. 25 40 75 MISCELLANEOUS 44 S. & W. Are Economical, Hence Sell Cheap. MISCELLANEOUS. Plasters. 4oz. 8oz. lib. each. each. each. 2282 Plaster, Galbanum Comp......................... $ 25 $ 40 $ 75 2283 " Lead, Red Oxide, A. D...................... 20 30 50 2284 " Opium, U. S.P........................... 55 95 175 2285 " Pitch, Burgundy, U. S. P.................... 20 30 50 2286 " Resin, U. S.P........................... 15 25 40 3491 " Tar Comp. (irritating plaster), A. D.......... 15 25 40 Powders. Per lb. 3492 Powder Alkaline.............................................$0 20 3492A Powder Antidyspeptic, Lr. Whitford's.......................... 1 00 Bismuth Subnitrate..........1 part. Po. Columbo.............1 part. Po. Golden Seal...........1 part. Po. Ginger..................1 part. Magnesium Carbonate........4 parts. Dose, 10 to 30 grs. 2287 Powder Antimonial.......................................... 1 00 2288 " Acetanilid Comp.................................... 2 00 Acetanilid.............. 3 grs Sodium Bicarbonate . . . . . 1 gr. Caffein, citrated............. ^ gr. 3493 Powder Aromatic............................................ 80 3494 " Chalk Aromatic U.S. P................................ 60 2289 " Composition ........... .................... 25 3495 " Diaphoretic AD..................................... 1 50 3496 " Dovers, U. S. P........................................ 1 50 3497 " Jalap Comp.......................................... 75 3498 " Licorice Comp, U. S. P................................ 35 2290 " Potass Bromide Comp................................ 1 40 This is a modification of Dover's Powder, the only difference being the substitution of Potassium Bromide for Sugar Milk. 2291 Powder Rhubarb Comp.,U. S. P.............................. 80 3499 " Tully's U S. P.............................['.[[[.[..[[[ 1 50 2292 " Rhubarb x....................................... 75 2293 " Rhubarb xx.......................... . 1 00 2294 " Rhubarb best xxx..........................' ' ' 1 50 2295 Podophyllin.................................... ...... .'.'.'oz. 30 1 lb. bot 3501 Solution Strychnia, Hall's........................... . .$0 50 350IA Solution Dobell's............................ 20 Spirits. 4oz. bot. Pt. bot. 3502 Spirits, Ammonia, Aromatic, U. S. P...................$0 20 $0 50 | ....................... 25 75 ....................... 25 55 ....................... 20 65 ..............•........ 20 60 .................'...... 20 50 2296 ' Anise 2297 ' Camphor 3503 Chloroform 2298 Cinnamon 2299 Juniper MISCELLANEOUS S. & W. Work Upon Advanced Ideas. 45 MISCELLANEOUS. Spirits. 4 oz. bot. Pt. bot. 2300 Spirits, Juniper Comp. U. S. P...........................$0 15 $0 45 2301 " Lavender Comp. " ........................ 20 60 2302 " Lemon " ........................ 25 75 2303 " Mindererus " ........................ 12 30 2304 " Orange ........................................ 25 75 3503 " Peppermint, U. S. P............................. 25 80 2305 " Wintergreen " ............................. 25 75 Stenolines. (Refined Petrolatums) 5 lb. cans Per. lb. 2306 Stenoline Vet..........................................$0 45 $0 10 2307 " Amber........................................ 60 13 2308 " White........................................ 80 19 2309 " Amber, Carbolated............................. 16 Vinegars and Waters. 4 oz. bot. 8 oz. bot. 1 lb bot. each. each. each. 2310 Vinegar, Lobelia.................................$0 15 $0 25 $ 40 2311 " Opium................................ 25 60 100 2312 " Sanguinaria........................... 20 30 50 2313 " Squills, U. S. P......................... 15 25 40 1 pt bots. 1 gal. bots. each. each. 2314 Water, Anise, U.S. P................................SO 20 $1 00 2315 " Camphor, " ................................ 20 100 2316 " Chlorine, "................................ 20 60 2317 ' Cinnamon," ................................ 20 * 00 2318 " Creosote, " ................................ 20 * 00 2319 " Fennel, " ................................ 20 l 00 2320 " Lead, " ................................ 20 60 2321 " Peppermint" ................................ 25 1 00 2505 " Rose, " ................................ 30 * 50 2322 " Spearmint, " ................................ 20 l 00 Medicinal Wines. 1 pt. bot. 5. pt. bot 1 gal. bot. each. each, each 2323 Wine, Aloes, U.S. P.............................*3 75 ®3 25 $ 2324 " Antimony............................... 60 2 25 „ „„ 2325 " Barkandlron............................ 50 2 25 3 50 3506 " Beefandlron............................. 4° 1 25 2 50 2326 " Beef, Iron and Calisaya.................. 55 2 25 3 50 2327 » Coca.................................... 75 3 °° 4 00 2328 ** Colchicum Root, U.S. P................... 60 2 50 2329 " " Seed.................... 60 2 50 2330 " Ergot.................................... J* 3 f0, Ipecac..................................... *f *~ 3 50 2332 " Iron ...................:.............. 55 3507 « 'Bitter................................ 60 2 50 3 75 2333 » Opium, U. S. P.........................■ • • • 1 «> ^ ^ 2334 " Pepsin.................................... MISCELLANEOUS 48 S. & W. Use Fresh Green Plants in Specific Tinctures. MISCELLANEOUS. Toilet Articles. Bulk Goods. Not Patents. 4oz. 8oz. lib. 8 lbs. 1092 Almond Cream............................$0 15 $0 25 $0 40 $3 00 1093 Antisweat............................... 15 25 40 2 80 1094 Bay Rum............................... 15 2.5 40 2 25 1095 Brilliantine............................. 40 75 1 25 8 00 1098 Cosmetic.................................. 40 75 1 25 8 00 1099 Complexion Powder....................... 15 25 40 2 80 1100 Depilatory.............1 oz. bottles only 50c 1101 Face Bleach............................. 15 25 40 2 25 1101A Foot Comforter.......................... 15 2.5 40 2 80 110IB Freckle Lotion........................... 15 25 40 3 00 1102 Healing Lotion.......................... 15 25 40 3 00 1103 Hair Tonic.............................. 10 18 30 2 00 1103A Hair Restorer............................. 8 15 25 1 50 1106 Tooth Powder........................... 15 25 40 2 80 1108 Talcum Borated Powder................... 5 8 10 75 1108AFlorida Water........................... 10 15 25 175 1108 B Violet Water............................. 10 15 25 175 II08C Violet Ammonia........................... 5 8 12 75 1136 Witch Hazel.................. ....... 5 g -±2 75 FLY PAPER. 1145 Instantaneous Poison Fly Paper, Sheets 14x18 inches. Per ream. .$3 00 1146 Instantaneous Poison Fly Paper, Envelopes. Per box of 50 envelopes...................... -« Each envelope contains 8'pieces,' 4*x7 inches,'of' the Poison Fly faper The body of the envelope is* printed a rich red color, the large cut of the fly and lettering being white. Fifty of these en- velopes are packed in a neat, red colored, glazed, pasteboard box, making a vert attractive package to retail. All of our Poison Fly Paper kills plenty of fl,es. It does it quickly. They usually tb?uXh„eP'!Ste' Itis s,° h,^vily Poisoned that one sheet can be used again and again, and will humanely kill many thousand ers^TTl'^ ?°iS°n *ly Paper druggists should'say to their custom- edwellPwfth iu^r0" gVater t0 Wet the Paper' not float *■ Sweet- seVIral hnndrpH [i™ S°tme U^ll Sefm to expect a little ^ *° drink TandonTh^aper S ^ °f water to ^ at the sweetening DEODORIZERS AND DISINFECTANTS. M.n „ , ., ^ Quarts. Gals. I? S-.0"^110^ Deodorizer.......... tn on », nn 1141 Odorless Disinfectant ....................$0 30 $1 00 142 Universal Fumiga tor.......................b b•; £0 2 00 M43 StarCakes. Fof sinks and'water pipes! W. WWW. PellZ" 1 00 MISCELLANEOUS S. & W. Are Suggestive. 47 MISCELLANEOUS. Granular Effervescent Salts. i lb bot. lib per doz. bots. 2334A G. E. Saline Aperient,................................$4 00 $1 00 (Siedlitz Salt with chemically pure Phosphate Sodium and Magnesium Sulphate.) Anti-acid, Anti-ferment, Refrigerant, Laxative or Cathartic, according to dose. 2335 G. E. Caffeine, Hydrobromate............................... . 3 00 60 This salt is found to be of great value because of its prompt action in relieving sick headache, mental and physical fatigue. In nervousness, due to alcholism, and debility, due to excesses of any nature, its true value cannot be over-estimated. It makes a cool, delightful and refreshing drink. Take one dessert spoonful in a small glass of water. 2336 G. E. Carlsbad Salt.................................. 3 00 60 A dessert spoonful of this salt in half a glass of water makes an exceedingly agreeable and healthful drink, representing an equal volume of Carlsbad Water (Spru- del) in all its essential elements. 2337 G. E. Magnesia Citrate................................. 3 00 60 This salt is a pleasant and very efficient preparation and has many advantages over the liquid form, as it af- ords a quick and reliable method of preparing a fresh solution of Magnesium Citrate when wanted. As a purgative, two or more tablespoonf uls in a small glass of water, as a laxative one or two tablespoonf uls; drink while effervescing. 2338 G. E. Sodium Phosphate.............................. 3 20 80 Each heaping teaspoonful of this salt represents 30 grs of Phosphate of Soda. Its medical properties being so well known therefore needs no desaription here. From its pure saline taste it is well adapted to the cases of children and of persons of delicate stomach 2339 Granular Effervescent Kissingen Salt (Rakoczy Springs) 4 00 1 00 Slightly chalybeate. Its action upon the kidneys and digestive organs, has long rendered it a general favorite. A large teaspoonful dissolved in a tumblerful of water, and drank during effervescence, forms an agreeable and refreshing draught, representing an equal volume of Kissingen Water in its essential constituents. 2340 Granular Effervescent Vichy Salt (Grand Grille) 3 00 60 Vichy Water has been long and favorably known. In cases of hepatic derangement, acidity of the stomach. Gouty or Rheumatic affections, particularly when com- bined with Lithia, it has proven extremely valuable. A large teaspoonful dissolved in a tumblerful of water forms a grateful and refreshing draught, identical with the natural water of the celebrated Grand Grille Springs. The modern treatment for obesity is Kissingen one- half hour after each meal one day and Vichy the next. Alternate week after week, until relieved of the discom- forts and the dangers of obesity are overcome, after which their use should be discontinued. 2341 Granular Effervescent Salt. Magnesium Sulphate. 3 00 60 This salt affords a pleasant method of administering Sulphate of Magnesia. As a purgative take two or more tablespoonfuls in a small glass of water and drink while effervescing. As a laxative, one or more table- spoonful taken in the same manner. TABLETS J£$L 2W, 48 S. & W.'s Paxine Will Pacify thr» Children. CON1 PRESSED TABLETS AND TABLET TRITURATES Tablet Triturates, Compressed Tablets, Chocolate Coated and Sugar Coated Tablets are all under one alphabetical arrangement to facilitate reference and to enable all to more easily find their wants. Our tablets are all made from ma- terials that have been thoroughly titurated, whether they are compressed or moulded. We believe the minute division of medicinal substances through tritura- tion imposes the action of all therapeutical agents put up in tablet form, and es- pecially where any of the metallic salts enter into the compound these are rendered less irritating and in some instances, perhaps, more active by reason of the large absorbing surface made possible by their minute subdivision. We have every facility for making perfect goods and in large quantities, at very reasonable prices, for compression from special formulas, and will be pleased at all times to furnish quotations on same in quantities of 3,500 and upwards. n Per Per Per bot. of bot. of bot. of 1,000 3569A Absorbant Dyspeptic.................. $1 60 Pepsin, pure, 1-3000.......1 gr. Charcoal....................2 grs. Sodium Bicarbonate.........2} grs. 3570 Acetanilid, 1 gr............................... 50 3571 Acetanilid, 2 grs............................... 60 3572 Acetanilid, 3 grs...................[WWW. ..[[.WW.. 70 3573 Acetanilid, 5 grs.............................. 1 05 3573A Acetanilid, 5 grs Pink......................... 1 05 Acetanilid is used an as analgesic'to relieve head- ache and neuralgia, and as an antipyretic. Dose, 1 to.f0.grs- according to age and individual sus- ceptibility of the patient. 3573B Acetanilid, & Soda Comp___ 2 00 1 0^ 2? Acetanilid................2^ grs. ........... Sodium Bicarb...........2Jgrs. Citrate Caffein........... i gr. Tr. Gelsemium............ 3 min. 3574 Acetanilid Comp........ , ,. ~ft ._ Acetanilid.. ..........'.'..'.' 3"^.............. * 35 70 17 Sodium bicarbonate........ 1 gr. Caffein, citrated............ £ gr Tartaric acid...............\ £ gr[ 3574A Acetanilid Comp., Pink with Wintergreen... l 35 70 17 Give pne tablet every two hours as an antipyre- ^JLYw JtemPerature is reduced. For headache, one tablet, repeated in an hour if not relieved. 3574B Acid Arsenious, 1-20 gr............. 3575 Acid Arsenous, 1-30 gr.......... 3575A Acid Arsenous, 1-32 gr............. 3575B Acid Arsenous 1-32 gr Chocolate Coated '.'.'.[[[[" 70 3576 Acid Arsenous, 1-50 gr............. 3576A Acid Arsenous, 1-50 gr., Chocolate Coated........ 3576B Acid Arsenous 1-100............. 3576C Acid Arsenous 1-100 Chocolate Coated.. .... 3576D Acid Boracic, 5 grs.............. 3577 Acid Salicylic, 2\ grs......... )0 100 83 $0 19 28 10 33 12 38 12 55 14 55 14 50 28 10 50 28 10 50 28 10 70 40 12 50 28 10 75 40 12 50 28 10 75 40 12 60 33 10 00 53 14 SIDE SECTION. TABLET MACHINE ROOM. COATING ROOM. TABLETS S. & W. Import Their Foreign Goods. 49 Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot. of bot. of bot. of 1,000 500 100 3578 Acid Salicylic, 5 grs..............................$1 35 $0 70 $0 17 Antiseptic, antipyretic. Used in acute rheuma- tism and its complications. One to three tablets every hour or two, as required. 3579 Acid Tannic, 1 gr................................ 70 38 10 3580 Aconite Tincture, 1 min.......................... 55 30 10 3580A Aconite Tincture, 1 min., Chocolate Coated........ 75 40 12 3581 Aconite Tincture, 2 min.......................... 60 33 10 3582 Aconite Tincture, 5 min.......................... 70 38 11 Aconite is used to control inflammation and its accompanying febrile movement. Maximum dose, 1 gr. 3583 Aconitine (Crystals), C. P., 1-500 gr................. 50 28 10 3585 Aloes, 1 gr........................................ 70 38 12 3585A Aloes, 1 gr., Chocolate Coated....................... 90 48 15 3586 Alkacetamid (S. &. W), 5 grs ..................... 4 00 2 25 45 3587 Alkacetamid Comp............................... 4 50 2 45 55 Alkacetamid.............2\ grs. Quinine...................2\ grs. 3588 Alkacetamid and Salol.........................4 50 2 45 55 Alkacetamid.............2\ grs. Salol......................2\ grs. 3589 Aloin, l-10gr.................................. 3589A Aloin, 1-10 gr., Chocolate Coated.................. 3590 Aloin, 1-5 gr................................... 3590A Aloin, 1-5 gr., Chocolate Coated................. 3591 Aloin i gr ................................... 3591A Aloin, \ gr., Chocolate Coated................... 3592 Aloin, i gr...................................... The cathartic principles of Aloes. Dose as a laxative, 1-10 to i gr.; as a cathartic,' i to 2 grs. The action of aloin is promoted by the conjoined use of suitable remedies. 3593 Aloin, Belladonna and Strychnine............... 60 33 10 Aloin......................1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna............1-8 gr. Strychnine Sulphate..........1-60 gr. 3593A Aloin, Belladonna and Strychnine, Chocolate Coated....................................... 80 43 12 3594 Aloin, Belladonna Strychnine and Cascara...... 75 40 11 Aloin......................1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna............ £ gr. Strychnine Sulphate..........1-120 gr. Ext. Cascara Sag............. i gr. 3594A Aloin, Bellandonna, Strychnine and Cascara, Chocolate Coated............................... 95 50 13 3595 Aloin, Belladonna, Podophyllin and Nux Vomica 60 33 10 Aloin......................1-10 gr. Ext. Belladonna............1-10 gr. Podophyllin.............1-10 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica............1-10 gr. 3595A Aloin, Belladonna, Podophyllin and Nux Vomica Chocolate Coated............................... 80 43 12 3596 Aloin, Belladonna, Strychnine and Ipecac......... 65 35 10 Aloin......................1-5 gr. Ext. Belladonna............ i gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. Ipecac.....................1-16 gr. 3596A Aloin, Belledonna, Strychnine and Ipecac, Cho- colate Coated................................. 85 4o lz 3597 Aloin Compound................................ 55 30 10 Aloin...................... i gr. Podophyllin................. i gr 50 28 10 70 38 12 55 30 10 75 40 12 55 30 10 75 40 12 60 33 10 TABLETS 50 S. & W. Will Not Misrepresent. Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot. of 1,000 500 3597A Aloin Compound, Chocolate Coated.............. $1 75 $0 40 $0 12 3598 Aloin Compound and Strychnine............... 60 33 io Aloin...................... i gr. Podophyllin.............i gr. Strychnine Sulphate.........1-100 gr. 3598A Aloin Compound and Strychnine, Chocolate Coated....................................... 80 42 12 The foregoing combinations with Aloin are all directed for the same general purpose, to o ver- come constipation, but each has special value for its modified influence. Dose, one or two at night or three times a day, as required. 3599 Ammonium Bromide, 5 grs...................... 1 10 58 14 Used in various forms of convalescence and in general nervous excitement or unrest. One to four tablets as required, in solution, three times a day. 3600 Ammonium 3Iuriate 3 grs....................... 50 28 12 3601 Ammonium Muriate, 5 grs........................ 60 33 12 As a stimulant expectorant in chronic catarrhal conditions. Dose, 1 to 20 grs. For coughs and colds of children, small doses, frequently repeated. 3602 Ammonium Muriate Compound................ 60 33 10 Ammonium Muriate....... \ gr. Ext. Licorice.............1-10 gr. Powdered Cubebs ............ igr. Stimulant expectorant. Dose, one tablet, fre- quently repeated for cough and sore throat. 3603 Ammonium Muriate Compound with Codeine... 135 70 17 Ammonium Muriate....... i gr. Ext. Licorice..............1-10 gr. Powdered Cubebs.......... £ gr. Codeine..................1-25 gr. 3603A Ammonium Muriate Compound with Heroin... 1-24 gr.......................................1 50 80 19 3604 Anodyne....................................... 1 15 60 16 Comphor................. i gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus.........1-16 gr. Morphine Sulphate........1-60 gr. Oil Capsicum.............1-60 gr. 3604A Anodyne, Chocolate Coated....................... 1 35 70 18 Spasmodic affections, sleeplessness and neuralgia, one to three, as required. 3605 Anti-Asthmatic (Hare)........................... 3 55 l 80 39 Sodium Iodide........... 2 grs. Sodium Bromide.......... 2 grs. Fl. Ex. Euphorbia Pil......... 3 min. Nitroglycerin............1-200 gr. Tr. Lobelia.............. 2 min. 3605A Anti-Asthmatic (Hare), Chocolate Coated.......... 3 75 1 90 42 For dyspnoea and hoarseness of voice, one tablet every three or four hours. 3606 Anti-Constipation.............................. 1 15 60 15 Ext. Cascara............. 1 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica.......... i gr. Ext. Belladonna............ i gr. Po. Ipecac............... | gr. Podophyllin............. | gr. Dose, one to three at night, or one to two night and morning as required. 3606A Anti-Constipation, Chocolate Coated.............. 1 25 70 18 3606B Anti-Dyspeptic No. 2,.......................... 85 45 12 Soda Bicarb.............. 2 gr. Ext. Gentian.............. i gr. Ext. Rhubarb.............. i gr. Po. Capsicum............... $ gr. Po. Ipecac...............1-10 gr. Strychnia Sulph...........1-60 gr. TABLETS S. & W. Make the Full Line. 51 COMPRESSED TABLETS. 1 25 1 25 25 Per bot. of 1,000 3606C Anti-Dyspeptic No. 2, Chocolate Coated..........$1 05 3607 Anti-Dyspeptic (Fothergill's Improved)............ 1 05 Ext. Gentian.............. 1 gr. Blue Mass................. 1 gr. Po. Ipecac...............1-10 gr. Po. Capsicum..............1-10 gr. Strychnia................1-40 gr. 3607A Anti-Dyspeptic (Fothergill's Improved) Chocolate Coated.................................. In gastric disturbances due to a torpid condition of the liver. One after meals and one midway between meals. 3608 Antiseptic. (Bernay's Formula.) For external use only.........................■................. Corrosive Sublimate........It grs. Citric Acid................87-100 gr. One of these tablets dissolved in four ounces of water makes a solution the corrosive sublimate strength of which is 1 to 1,000. 3608A Antiseptic No. 2............................... 2 Four limes the strength of Bernay's Formula. Corrosive Sublimate....... 7 grs. Citric Acid................3 48-100 grs. One of these tablets dissolved in one pint of water makes a solution the corrosive sublimate strength of which is 1 to 1,000. For external use only. 3609 Antiseptic Alkaline................................ 1 Each tablet contains Sodium Bicarbonate......5 grs. Sodium Salicylate.........7-24 gr. Sodium Biborate.........5 grs. Sodium Chloride............5 grs. Sodium Benzoate..........7-24 gr. Eucalyptol..............7-48 gr. Thymol...................7-48 gr. Menthol....................7-96 gr. 01. Gaultheria..............7-96 gr. Used as an antiseptic cleansing wash in nasal catarrh, etc. Directions—Dissolve one tablet in two fluid ounces of warm water, and use as a spray or wash. 3610 Antiseptic (C. M. Wilson, M. D.)................ Corrosive Sublimate.........7 3-10 grs. Ammonium Chlor.........7 7-10 grs. To 1 pint of water, 1 to 1,000. Aphrodisiac (see Damiana Comp). 3611 Aphrodisiac Improved............................ 1 Ext. Damiana.............. 2 grs. Ext. Nux Vomica............ i gr. Zinc Phosphide............1-10 gr. Cantharides...............1-25 gr. 3611 A Aphrodisiac Improved, Chocolate Coated......... As a stimulant to the generative organs in lm- potency, one tablet night and morning. 3612 Aphrodisiac, Dr. Montgomery. . ................... 4 Ext. Saw Palmetto......... i gr. Ext. Kola............... |gr. Ext. Damiana.............. T gr. Ext. Nux Vomica............ i gr. Iron Sulphate, Dried........ 1 gr. Cantharides...............1-20 gr. Phosphorous................1-100 gr. 36I2A Aphrodisiac, Dr. Montgomery, Chocolate Coated..... 4 20 3613 Apomorphine Muriate, 1-10 gr................... 3 95 3614 Apomorphine Muriate, 1-60 gr.................... 1 20 3616 Arsenic Bromide, 1-60 gr........................... 50 36I6A Arsenic Bromide, Chocolate Coated.............. 70 Per bot. of 500 $0 55 55 55 1 75 00 Per bot. of 100 $0 15 14 65 65 75 1 41 65 3 75 1 90 80 90 2 25 17 16 30 16 45 19 23 50 2 35 54 2 00 43 63 15 28 10 38 12 TABLETS 52 S. & W. Have a Complete Laboratory. COMPRESSED TABLETS. 3617 Arsenic Bromide, 1-40 gr...........................$0 50 36I7A Arsenic Bromide, 1-40 gr Chocolate Coated........ 70 3618 Arsenic Bromide, 1-30 gr......................... 3621 Arsenic Iodide, 1-50 gr........................... 3622 Arsenic Sulphide (red), 1-50 gr................... 3622A Arsenic Sulphide (red), 1-50 gr Chocolate Coated . The preparations of Arsenic are used in atonic condi- tions of the nervous and nutritive tissue, for the tonic and alterative effect. Dose, 1-100 to 1-20 gr. after meals as indicated. 3622B Asafetida 2 grs., Chocolate Coated................. 80 3622C Asafetida, 4 grs., Chocolate Coated................. 1 20 3623 Astringent..................................... 1 15 (Alum Compound Improved), for injection. Alumen...................2£grs. Zinc Sulphate............. 2 grs. Ext. Hydrastis—colorless.... 1 gr. Morphine Sulphate.........1-32 gr. Atropine..........'.........1-200 gr. In Gonorrhoea and Leucorrhcea, one tablet dis- solved in one or two ounces of water forms an efficient injection. 3624 Atropine Sulphate, 1-60 gr.................... Per Per Per bot. of bot. of bot. of 1,000 500 100 50 50 $0 28 $0 10 70 38 12 55 33 10 55 30 10 55 30 10 75 40 12 43 12 63 15 60 15 70 38 11 65 35 10 85 45 13 60 33 10 80 45 12 60 33 10 3625 Atropine Sulphate, 1-100 gr........................ 3625A Atropine Sulphate, Chocolate Coated.............. 3626 Atropine Sulphate, 1-200 gr....................... 3626A Atropine Sulphate, 1-200 gr.. Chocolate Coated..... 3627 Atropine Sulphate, 1-250 gr........................ One part of Atropine represents about 500 parts of Belladonna. Dose, 1-500 to 1-50 gr. according to indications. For Hypodermic Tablets Atropine Sulphate, see page 70. 3628 Bismuth and Calomel Comp...................... 90 48 12 Bismuth Subnit........... 1 gr. Calomel..................1-40 gr. Powd. Ipecac............1-60 gr. Alterative and Stomachic, one or two tablets after meals. 3629 Bismuth Subnitrate, 5 grs.......................... 2 25 1 15 26 In gastro-intestinal irritability to allay nausea, vomiting and gastralgia, and for diarrhoea, five to sixty grains are required. In vomiting and diarrhoea of children, one to two grain doses in milk every two hours. 3629A Bismuth Subgallate, 2 grs........................ 1 55 80 19 3630 Bismuth Subgallate, 5 grs........................ 2 70 1 38 39 Used in gastro-intestinal affections, diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. Dose, two to ten grains. 3631 Blauds—Ferruginous.............................. 55 30 10 Iron Sulph. Exsic.........2\ grs. Potass. Carb...............2\ grs. 3631A Blauds—Ferruginous, Chocolate Coated............. 85 3632 Blauds Modified................................... 55 Iron Sulph. Exsic.........2J- grs. Potassa. Carb..............2\ grs . Arsenous Acid............1-40 gr. 3632A Blauds Modified, Chocolate Coated............... 75 3632B Blauds with Nux Vomica...................... 55 Blauds Mass............... 3 grs. Ex Nux Vomica........... 1-6 gr. 45 12 30 10 40 12 30 10 TABLETS S. & W.'s Laboratory is Clean. 53 Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot. of bot. of bot. of 1,000 500 100 3633 Bronchial......................................$0 75 $9 40 $0 12 Ext. Licorice..............4-5 gr. Balsam Tolu..............1-20 gr. Powdered Cubebs.......... 4 gr. 01. Sassafras..............1-40 gr. For bronchial irritation, one tablet dissolved in the mouth every hour as required. 3634 Bronchial with Ammonium Muriate............. 70 38 12 Ext. Licorice.............. 2 grs. Balsam Tolu..............1-20 gr. Powd. Cubebs.............. f gr. Powd. Ipecac............1-50 gr. Oil Sassafras..............1-40 gr. Ammonium Muriate.......1£ grs. 3635 Bronchial—Coryza.............................. 1 25 65 16 Oleo-res. Cubebs............1-5 gr. Balsam Tolu..............1-5 gr. Ol. Sassafras..............1-10 m. Ext. Licorice.............. 7 grs. 3635A Bronchial—Coryza, Dr. Richard's Chocolate Coated. . 175 90 21 Quinine Sulph.............£ gr. Camphor................. i gr. Ext. Bellad Leaves........1-20 gr. Ammonium Chloride...... i gr. Powd. Opium.............1-10 gr. Ext. Aconite Root......... 1-10 gr. 3636 Bronchial (Dr. Ferguson).......................... 1 50 80 20 Sanguinarine..............1-7 gr. Capsicum................. i gr. Morphine Sulphate........1-60 gr. 3637 Bronchitis...................................... 65 35 10 Tinct. Aconite............1-15 gtt. Tinct. Bryonia.............1-10 gtt. Tinct. Belladonna.........1-10 gtt. Antimony Golden Sulphate. 1-100 gr. Potassium Bichromate.......1-100 gr. 3637A Bronchitis, Chocolate Coated..................... 85 45 12 In Chronic Bronchitis, one tablet three or four times daily. In bronchial cough and irritation, to promote expectoration, one every hour until secretions are loosened. 3638 Brown Mixture—^teaspoonful....................... 40 23 10 Ext. Licorice..............1-10 gr. Camphor.................1-50 gr. Acid Benzoic..............1-50 gr. Oil Anise.................1-50 gr. Powdered Opium..........1-50 gr. Tartar Emetic............1-120 gr. 3638A Brown Mixture—1 teaspoonful................. . 50 28 10 Anodyne expectorant. One dissolved in the mouth as required for cough. 3639 Brown Mixture with Ammonium Muriate....... 75 40 12 Ext. Licorice.............. $ gr. Opium Powdered..........1-80 gr. Acid Benzoic..............1-80 gr. Comphor.................1-80 gr. Tartar Emetic.............1-160 gr. Oil Anise.................1-50 gr. Ammonium Muriate....... 1 gr. . For irritability of the throat, bronchitis and cough, to increase expectoration, one tablet dis- solved in the mouth every one or two hours. 3642 Caffeine Citrate, 1-10 gr........................... 60 3643 Caffeine Citrate, 1 gr............................ 1 4^ 3644 Calcium Sulphide, i gr.......................... 55 3644A Calcium Sulphide, i gr., Chocolate Coated......... 75 3645 Calcium Sulphide, i gr.......................... 55 3645A Calcium Sulphide, £gr., Chocolate Coated......... 7o 33 10 75 18 30 10 40 12 30 10 40 12 TABLETS 54 S. & W. Ship Orders Promptly. Per bot. of 1.000 .$0 60 Per bot. of 500 $0 33 43 40 Per bot. of 100 $0 10 12 11 80 75 C03IPRESSED TABLETS. 3646 Calcium Sulphide, 1 gr...........................$0 60 3646A Calcium Sulphide, 1 gr., Chocolate Coated.. .. 3647 Calcium Sulphide, 2 grs..................... Used to prevent the formation of pus in local inflammations and to correct the abnormal condi- tions of the blood which favors the formation and discharge of matter. Dose, i to 2 grs. every three or four hours. Less for children. 3648 Calomel, 1-20 gr................................... 50 . 28 10 3649 Calomel, 1-10 gr.................................. 50 28 10 3649A Calomel, 1-10 gr., Pink, Wintergreen flavor........... 50 28 10 3649B Calomel, 1-10 gr., Chocolate Coated................ 70 38 12 3650 Calomel, 1 gr..................................... 55 30 10 3650A Calomel, i gr., Chocolate Coated................. 75 40 12 3651 Calomel, *gr..................................... 60 33 10 3651A Calomel, i gr., Chocolate Coated................. 80 43 12 3652 Calomel, 1 gr..................................... 70 38 10 3652A Calomel, 1 gr., Chocolate Coated................. 90 48 13 3653 Calomel, 2 grs................................. 95 50 y^ Calomel is used in nearly all derangements of the hepatic functions in doses ranging from 1-100 gr. to 10 grs. In minute doses as a hepatic and intestinal tonic and corrective of diarrhoea; in larger doses as a cathartic either followed by or combined with other cathartics. 3653A Calomel and Bismuth (Triturated by power with 1/ ![■................. 1 Part- Bismuth .............. 1 part. bugar of Milk.............8 parts Used as Calomel in chronic and acute cases One every hour, from three to five hours 3654 Calomel with Ipecac Compound. „.............. 1 00 53 14 Pulv. Ipecac Compound... 3^- grs after eaHng. headache and ingestion, one or two 3655 Calomel, Ipecac and Soda Bicarb. Ipecac..........'.'. '.'. [......i"?rf~. Soda Bicarb.........'.' ' 1 gr 36554 CCoa™del\IPeCaC a"d S0da BicarD- Chocolate 60 33 10 80 43 12 o-iiu. imiigesuon. Une 3656 Calomel and Soda Bicarb, No Calomel.. . or^ta^lS^e^f?6 ^ ^^ion/ One 75 45 12 80 43 12 Calomel.. . ' i"'................ 65 35 10 Soda Bicarb..... ........ f§y 3656R ra!°me! ^^ S°da BiCarb' N°- X' Chocolate Coated 3656B Calomel and Soda Bit arb, 1 gr each qCK-7 ... Purgative, one or two every hour......... 3657 Calomel and Soda Bicarb, No •> Calomel........ '7\A •;............. 50 28 10 Soda Bicarb.......'.'.'.'.'.':. lgrg' 3657A Calomel and Soda Bicarb No 9 n,™„i * ^ For diarrhoea and* .fesent.y rfThuL^and ™ 38 12 vomiting caused bv indi«xitiM» fW ,cnuaren and tion. dne every half hour 6 °0c................... igf- Ext. Hyoscyamus......... if • Ext. Nux Vomica............1-10 gr. Ext. Belladonna............. igr- 60 14 15 70 17 40 10 1 15 26 1 35 30 1 80 50 68 16 33 10 43 13 1 05 23 12 60 Tt is Always a Pleasure to Entertain Our Customers. Please Call. Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot. of bot, of bot. of 1,000 500 1C0 3727 Hepatic (Dr. Kenyon)............................$0 75 $0 40 $0 11 Euonymin.................. igr. Podophyllin..............1-20 gr. IpecacPulv................ igr. Calomel.................. i gr. Aloin......................1-12 gr. 3725A Hepatic (Dr. Kenyon), Chocolate Coated............. 95 50 13 Used as a hepatic stimulant in chronic constipa- tion. One to four tablets at night, according to the requirements. 3726 Hepatic, Eclectic...................................$1 90 $0 98 $0 22 Podophyllin.............i gr. Leptandrin................ i gr. Irisin...................... i gr. Ext. Nux Vomica............1-16 gr. Capiscum................. i gr. Used in functional disorders of the liver as a hepatic stimulant. One to three at night or one three times a day. 2726A Heroin Hydrochlorate, 1-12 gr.................. 2 25 1 16 26 3727 Hyoscyamine, C. P. Crystals. 1-100 gr............. 1 45 75 18 3728 Hyoscyamine, C. P. Crystals, 1-250 gr............. 90 48 12 Employed chiefly as a hypnotic in mental dis- orders, anodyne and antispasmodic in asthma, epilepsy, chorea, etc. Small doses frequently re- peated. 3729 Ipecac Powd, i gr___ .......................... 90 48 12 Dose; as an emetic one to five grains with warm water repeated frequently if it fails to act prompt- ly; as an expectorant and diaphoretic, i to 1 gr.; as an alterative in diseases of the stomach and bowels 1-10 to i grain two or thi-ee times a day. 3730 Iron Arsenate, 1-10 gr.............................. 55 30 10 3731 Iron Arsenate, igr.............................. 55 30 10 3732 Iron Arsenate, igr.............................. 55 30 10 Used for its tonic, alterative action, in diseases in which ansemia is a prominent sympton. Dose, 1-60 to i gr. three times daily. 3733 Iron, Arsenic and Nux Vomica.................. 65 35 10 Iron by Hydrogen........ 1 gr. Arsenous Acid............1-100 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica............ £ gr. Used as a stomachic and general tonic. One after meals. 3734 Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine...................... 65 35 10 Iron by Hydrogen........ 1 gr. Arsenous Acid.............1-100 gr. Strychnia................1-60 gr. 3734AIron, Arsenic and Strychnine, Chocolate Coated..... 85 45 12 Used in anaemia and chlorosis. One after each meal. 3735 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, No. 1............. 1 25 65 16 Iron by Hydrogen........ 1 gr Strychnine Sulphate......1-120 gr Quinine Sulphate.........£ gr. 3735A Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, No. 1, Chocolate Coated....................................... 1 45 75 18 3736 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, No. 2......... 1 85 95 22 Iron by Hydrogen........ 1 gr Strychnine Sulphate.....1-60 gr Quinine Sulphate.......... 1 gr 3736A Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, No. 2, Chocolate °oated....................................... 2 05 1 05 26 3737 Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, No. 3.......... 2 10 1 08 24 Iron by Hydrogen........2grs. Strychnine Sulphate....... 1-60 gr Quinine Sulphate.......... 1 gr TABLETS 28 10 30 10 30 10 30 10 78 18 95 22 75 70 Our Successful Gauge on Nerve and Brain Tablets is Repeated Orders 61 Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot. of bot. of bot. of 1,000 500 100 3738 Iron and Strychnine Compound.................$1 30 $0 68 $0 16 Iron by Hydrogen........$ gr. Quinine Sulphate.......... igr. Arsenous Acid.............1-100 gr. Strychnine Sulphate......1-100 gr. 3 738A Iron and Strychnine Compound, Chocolate Coated....................................... 1 50 78 18 Used in ansmia, and chlorosis. One or two tablets, according to age, after meals. 3739 Lead Acetate (sugar of lead), 1-12 gr................ 50 3740 Leptandrin, i gr................................ 55 3741 Leptandrin, igr................................ 55 3742 Leptandrin, i gr................................ 55 3743 Lithium Carbonate, 1 gr......................... 1 50 3744 Lithium Carbonate, 2 grs......................... 1 85 3744A Lithium Carbonate, 5 grs............... ....... 4 50 Used to promote the solution and rapid excre- tion of gouty concretions and deposits originating from an excess of uric acid. One to three tablets after meals. 3744B Lithia Citrate, 3 grs., effervescent, per pound.....$2 25 In bottles of 40, per doz......................... 2 25 374iC Lithia Citrate, 5 grs., effervescent, per pound....... 2 50 In bottles of 40, per doz.......................... 2 75 One tablet in a glass of fresh water makes a Lithia Water, stronger and more reliable than natural spring water. For gout, rheumatism, gravel, stone in the bladder, Bright's disease, etc. 3745 Lupulin and Bromide Comp....................... 1 15 60 15 Lupulin.................. i gr. Scutellarin................ i gr. Ergotin.................... i gr. Zinc Bromide...............1-10 gr. Atropine Sulphate...........1-2000 gr. 3745 A Lupulin and Bromide Comp, Chocolate Coated....... 135 70 17 Used as a nerve sedative. One to two, three or four times daily. 3746 Manganese Binoxide, 1 gr........................ 50 28 10 3747 Manganese Binoxide, 2 grs...............---.••■••;;• 65 35 10 Used as a reconstructive tonic and in irritable states of the stomach. One to two grains after meals. 3748 Mentholic Throat.............................. 1 25 63 33 Benzoic Acid...............1-12 gr. Cocaine Muriate...........1-280 gr. Menthol....................1-35 gr. Oil Anise.........:........1-80 gr. Eucalyptol..............1-16 gr. Sugar................... q. s. For tickling and irritation of the throat. One or two tablets every hour, dissolved in the mouth. 3749 Mercury Bichloride, l-30gr...................... 50 28 10 3750 Mercury Bichloride, 1-60 gr...................... 50 28 10 3751 Mercury Bichloride, 1-100 gr..................... 50 28 10 3752 Mercury Bichloride, 1-150 gr.................... 50 28 10 Used in minute doses as an alterative and tonic. 3753 Mercury Biniodide, 1-10 gr......................... 55 30 10 3754 .Mercury Biniodide, 1-20 gr......................... 55 30 10 3755 Mercury Biniodide, 1-32 gr......................... 55 30 3756 Mercury Biniodide, 1-40 gr....................... 55 30 3757 Mercury Prot-Iodide, l-6gr..................... 60 33 3758 Mercury Prot-Iodide, i gr........................ 60 33 3753A Mercury Prot-Iodide, i gr., Chosolate Coated...... 80 43 12 3759 M ercury Prot-Iodide, i gr........................ 65 35 For Unfilled Wants Write Us. We Are Suggestive. Per ' Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot^rf bot.of bot.of 3759A Mercury Prot-Iodide, igr., Chocolate Coated......$0 85 $0 45 $0 12 3760 Jlercury Prot-Iodide, i gr....................... »u « ^ 3760A Mercury Prot-Iodide, igr., Chocolate Coated....... 1 23 58 15 37bUA i,J-ercu^d^nary dose for the treatment of syphilis is i gr gradually increased to 2 grs daily The red iodide and yellow iodide of mercury are used in similar diseases, in minute doses, they are used as hepatic stimulants and intestinal antiseptic. In larger doses in diseases due to syphilitic infection. 3761 Mercury with Chalk, i gr. 3762 Mercury with Chalk. .Igr. 55 30 10 Used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery of infants. Minute doses every one to three hours. 3763 Mercury Yellow Oxide, 1-200 gr.................. 50 28 10 3764 Mercury Yellow Oxide, 1-103 gr.................. 50 28 10 3764A Jlethylene Blue, 1 gr., S. C. White................. 2 75 1 40 40 3765 3Iigraine, No. 1................■................. l 35 70 17 Acetanilid............• • ■ • 2 grs. Camphor Monobromated... i gr. Caffeine Citrate............ igr. 3765A Migraine, No. 1, Chocolate Coated........... .---. 1 55 80 19 Antipyretic, analgesic. Used in neuralgia and nervous headache. One rep sated every half hour until relieved. 3766 Migraine, No. 2................................... 1 00 53 15 Acetanilid................2i grs. Soda Bicarb..............ligr. Charcoal................1 gr. 3770 Morphine Sulph., 1-12 gr......................... 1 10 58 14 3771 Morphine Sulph., i gr........................... 1 55 82 19 377IA Morphine Sulph., igr, Pink..................... 150 82 19 3771B Morphine Sulph., i gr., Chocolate Coated.......... 1 70 88 20 3772 Morphine Sulph., i gr........................... 2 00 1 05 23 3772A Morphine Sulph., i gr., Chocolate Coated.......... 2 20 1 05 24 3773 Morphine Sulph., i gr........................... 2 90 1 48 32 3773A Morphine Sulph., i gr., Chocolate Coated.......... 3 10 1 58 33 3774 Morphine Sulph., i gr........................... 5 30 2 70 56 3774A Morphine Sulph., i gr., Chocolate Coated.......... 5 50 2 80 60 3775 Morph. and Atropine, No. 1...................... 2 25 1 16 26 Morphine Sulph............. igr. Atropine Sulph..............1-200 gr. Anodyne and anti-spasmodic. 3776 Morph. and Atropine, No. 2...................... 3 80 1 93 41 Morph. Sulph............... i gr. Atropine Sulph..............1-150 gr. 3777 Nerve Tonic, No. 1............................... 65 35 10 Zinc Phosphide.............1-10 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica............ igr. 3777A Nerve Tonic, No. 1, Chocolate Coated............. 85 45 12 Used in functional impotence and as a general nerve tonic, one three times a day. 3778 Nerve Tonic, No. 2............................... 90 48 12 Zinc Phosphide.............1-10 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica............ igr. Iron by Hydrogen........ 1 gr. 3778A Nerve Tonic, No. 2, Chocolate Coated............. 1 10 58 14 Used for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. One every three or four hours. 3779 Neuralgic........................................ 3 00 1 53 36 Quinine Sulphate.......... £ gr. Morphine Sulphate.........1-10 gr. Strychnine Sulph..........1-100 gr. Ext. Aconite.............igr. Anodyne, alterative and tonic. One tablet, and repeat in an hour if necessary. TABLETS When Ordering of Jobbers Please Specify S. & W. 63 50 28 10 50 28 10 70 38 12 50 28 10 70 38 12 Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot.of bot, of bot.of 1,000 500 100 3780 Neuralgic (Dr. Gross)............................$4 75 $2 40 $0 49 Quinine Sulphate.......... 2 grs. Ext. Aconite............. i gr. Morphine Sulphate.........1-20 gr. Strychnia................1-30 gr. Acid Arsenous............1-20 gr. 3780A Neuralgic (Dr. Gross), Chocolate Coated............4 95 2 50 62 One every hour or two as required. 3781 Neuralgic, Idiopathic............................. 3 50 1 78 38 (Brown-Sequard.) Extract Henbane......... i gr. Extract Ignatia..........i gr. Extract Aconite........... i gr. Extract Stramonium......1-5 gr. Extract Opium.............. igr. Extract Conium........... 4 gr. Extract Cannabis Indica...... i gr. Extract Belladonna....... \ gr. 3782 Neuralgic (Kenyon)..............................$0 80 $0 43 $0 11 Zinc Phosphide.............1-16 gr. Ext. Cannabis Indica........ i gr. Sodium Arsenate...........1-20 gr. Strychnine...............1-60 gr. Aconitine.................1-400 gr. 3782A Neuralgic (Kenyon), Chocolate Coated............. 1 00 53 13 One tablet every hour or two as required. 3783 Nitro-Glycerin, 1-250 gr......................... 3784 Nitro-Glycerin, 1-200 gr........................ 3784A Nitro-Glycerin, 1-200 gr., Chocolate Coated...... 3785 Nitro-Glycerin, 1-100 gr........................ 3785A Nitro-Glycerin, 1-100 gr., Chocolate Coated...... Used in cases of cardiac failure and the condition of sudden weakness, which may issue from various causes. In cases of migraine of that form charac- terized by vaso-motor spasm (pallor of the face), contra-indicated when the face is flushed. The in- itial dose should be the smallest. 3786 Nitro-Glycerin Comp........................... 60 35 10 Nitro-Glycerin...........1-100 gr. Tr. Digitalis.............. 2 min. Tr. Strophanthus.......... 2 min. Tr. Belladonna............ i min. 3786A Nitro-Glycerin Comp., Chocolate Coated......... 80 45 12 Used in cardiac weakness and in functional cardiac disturbances. One every three hours. 3787 Nux Vomica and Ignatia Comp................... 85 45 12 Each tablet represents 10 min of Dr. Freligh's tonic. 3787A Nux Vomica and Ignatia Comp., Chocolate Coated 1 05 55 13 Used as a stomachic in dyspepsia and as a gen- eral nerve tonic. Dose, as required after each meal. 3788 Nux Vomica Ext., igr............................ 55 30 10 3789 Opium and Lead Acetate, No. 1.................. 1 35 70 17 Po. Opium................. igr. Acetate Lead, C. P........ 1 gr. Used in diarrhoea and dysentery. One every hour or two. 3790 Opium and Lead Acetate, No. 2.................. 2 25 1 15 26 Po. Opium................. 1 gr. Acetate Lead, OP........ 1 gr. 3791 Pancreo-Digestin, S. & W., 5 grs.................. 4 50 2 30 48 3792 Pancreo-Digestin Comp......................... 3 50 1 78 40 Pancreo-Digestin........... 1 gr. Bismuth Subnitrate..........ligrs. Ginger.................... 1 gr. Soda Bicarbonate...........ligrs. 35 10 40 11 85 20 95 22 TABLETS 64 S. & W.'s Specialties Are the Best Sellers and Best Satlsflers. Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot.of bot. of bot. of 1,000 500 100 3793 Pancreo-Digestin and Charcoal.................$4 50 $2 30 $0 48 Pancreo-Digestin.......... 4 grs. Po. Willow Charcoal....... 1 gr. 3794 Paregoric, 5 m.................................. 65 3795 Paregoric, 10 m................................. 75 Sedative and Carminative. Dose, 5 to 60 minims according to age. 3796 Pepsin, Pure, 1 gr., 1-3000......................... 1 65 3798A Pepsin, Pure, 1 gr., 1-3000, Chocolate Coated........ 1 85 For impaired digestion to facilitate the conver- sion of food into readily assimilable peptones. The functional gastric and gastro-intestinal disorders of children may often be relieved by pepsin given immediately before or after meals. 3797 Pepsin, Pure, 2grs.; 1-3000........................ 2 75 1 40 31 3797A Pepsin, Pure, 2 grs.; 1-3000, Chocolate Coated....... 2 95 1 50 33 Dose, one or two tablets after meals. 3798 Pepsin and Bismuth............................ 1 40 73 17 Pepsin, pure................ i gr. Bismuth Subnitrate.......... 1 gr. Dose, one or two after meals. 3799 Pepsin, Bismuth and Charcoal.................. 3 50 1 78 38 Pepsin, pure................ 1 gr. Bismuth Subnitrate......2 grs. Charcoal................ 5 grs. 3800 Placebo Saccharum Lactis...................... 3801 Podophyllin, i gr................................. 3802 Podophyllin, i gr................................ 3803 Podophyllin, i gr................................ 3803A Podophyllin, i gr., Chocolate Coated............... 3804 Podophyllin, * gr................................ Minute doses of Podophyllin are used in irritable conditions of the gastro-intestinal tract and as a stimulant in states of functional torpor of the por- tal system. 3807 Potassium Arsenite, 1-100 gr..................... 50 28 10 Representing Fowler's Solution 1 m. 3808 Potassium Arsenite, l-66gr...................... 50 28 10 Representing Fowler's Solution 2 m. 3809 Potassium Arsenite, 1-33 gr...................... 55 30 10 Representing Fowler's Solution 3 m. Potassium Arsenite, in minute doses, is us3d in atonic conditions of the nervous and nutritive tissue, stimulating both. Useful in skin diseases with eruptions, imperfect nutrition and glandular deposits, in non-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and digestive mucous membranes of their nerve supply. 3810 Potassium and Ammonium Bromide............ 100 53 13 Potassium Bromide........2^ grs. Ammonium Bromide.........2\ grs. 3811 Potassium, Ammonium and Sodium Bromide... 1 50 78 18 Potassium Bromide........2£-grs. Ammonium Bromide.........2Jr grs. Sodium Bromide..........2\ grs. 3812 Potassium Bicarbonate, 5 grs. ................... 65 35 12 Used in cases of indigestion with excessive formation of acid, constipation, scanty urine, con- taining uric acid, and for the oxidation and ex- cretion of effete matters. One three times a day with a glass of water. 3813 Potassium Bromide, 5 grs.................. ..... 1 35 70 17 Used as a sedative. Dissolve dose required in water and repeat every hour until its specific effect appear. 50 28 10 55 30 10 55 30 10 65 35 10 85 45 12 75 40 11 TABLETS 50 28 12 50 28 12 55 30 12 1 10 25 58 13 78 18 1 30 28 1 30 28 1 90 41 3 00 52 1 00 23 S. & W. Built Their Laboratory During the Low Prices in 1898. 65 Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot.of bot. of tb.it. of 1,000 500 cOO 3814 Potassium Chlorate, 5 grs........................$0 50 $0 28 $0 10 Used in sore throat, One tablet dissolved on the tongue every two or three hours. 3815 Potassium Iodide, 5 grs............... .........4 95 2 50 53 Alterative. Dose required three times a day. Tablets to be followed with free use of drinking water. 3826 Potassium Permanganate, i gr.................. 3817 Potassium Permanganate, 1 gr.................. 3818 Potassium Permaganate, 2grs........... ....... Is-d internally in conditions where increased oxidation seems demanded. Dose, i to 2 grs. dissolved in a large amount of water. Used locally in solution as an antiseptic and deodorant. 3821 Q.V-I. (S. &W.)................................. 190 100 23 Iron, Quevennes............. 1 gr. Ext. Colocynth Comp..... 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus.........i gr. Aloes Soc................... igr. Ext. Nux Vomica............ igr. 3821AQ. V-I. (S. & W.), Chocolate Coated................ 2 10 3822 Quinine Sulphate, i gr........................... 1 10 3823 Quinine Sulphate, 1 gr., Chocolate Coated.......... 1 50 3824 Quinine Sulphate, 2 grs, Chocolate Coated.......... 2 50 3824A Quinine Sulphate, 2 grs., Sugar Coated Pink...... 2 50 3825 Quinine Sulphate, 3 grs., Chocolate Coated.......... 3 75 3826 Quinine Sulphate, 5 grs., Chocolate Coated.......... 5 90 3827 Quinine, Iron and Arsenic....................... 1 90 Quinine Sulphate.......... 1 gr. Iron Pyrophosphate........ igr. Acid Arsenous............1-50 gr. 3828 Rheumatic....................................... 2 00 1 03 25 Acid Salicylic...............5grs. Extract Colchicum.......... igr. 3829 Rheumatic (Dr. Lord)............................. 3 50 1 78 39 Sodium Salicylate......... 5 grs. Colchicin.................1-120 gr. Codeine Sulph..............1-16 gr. Macrotin..................1-10 gr. Ext. Poke Root........... i gr. 3829A Rheumatic (Dr. Lord), Chocolate Coated........... 3 70 1 88 42 3830 Rhinitis (Dr. Lincoln), half strength................ oo *o Camphor................. igr.. Fl. Ext. Belladonna........imin. Quinine Sulph.............. igr. One tablet at hourly intervals until the throat feels dry and acute symptoms have disappeared. 3830A Rhinitis (Dr. Lincoln), half strength, Chocolate Coated....................................... ! °f 55_ 14 3831 Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound.................. So 4o 12 Rhubarb Powdered......... 1 gr. Soda Bicarb.............. 5 grs. IpecacPowdered............ igr. Oil Peppermint............1-20 min For indigestion with constipation, One after each 3832 Rhubarb and Soda Compound................. 60 33 12 Rhubarb..................ligr. Soda Bicarb..............ligr. Oil Peppermint.............1'7%\: ,_ . Laxative and Stomachic. Used in the treatment of dyspeptic conditions, for diarrhoea and con- stipation. One or two after meals. S "!«!-!*«»..................................!soo IZ it 3834 Salicin, 5 grs.................•.....■••••-.-■: ■ • ■ • Recommended in acute rheumatism, in inter- mittent-, typhoid conditions, etc. Dose, 1 to 10 grs. 66 Standing Order Never Deviated From—Make Everything the Best. Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot.of bot.of bot.of 1,000 500 100 3835 Salol, 2i grs......................................$2 35 $1 20 $0 27 3836 Salol, 5 grs...................................•••-.•■ 4 25 215 46 As an antipyretic and intestinal antiseptic. Salol is used in acute diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera and in the treatment of affections of the bladder and urethra, acute rheumatism, etc. Dose, as required, every two or three hours. 3837 Santonin, igr................................... 1 25 65 16 3338 Santonin, 1 gr............................ ...... 2 25 1 15 26 Santonin is chiefly employed to destroy intestinal worms, especially the ascaris lumbricoides. One- half to two grains administered when the stomach is empty and followed by a cathartic. 3839 Santonin and Calomel ......................... 2 40 1 25 30 Santonin................. 1 gr. Calomel.................. 1 gr. 3840 Santonin and Calomel, No. 2..................... 1 40 73 17 Santonin.................. igr. Calomel.................. i gr. 3840A Santonin and Calomel, No. 2, Chocolate Coated.. . . 160 83 18 As a vermifuge for children. One every three hours until cathartic action is produced. 3841 Santonin and Podophyllin...................... 1 30 68 16 Santonin.................. i gr. Podophyllin.............1-20 gr. For the round worms in children. One tablet every hour or two until the bowels move. 3842 Sodium Bicarbonate, 5 grs....................... 45 26 10 Used in acid indigestion, etc., 5 to 10 grs., after meals. 3843 Sodium Bromide, 5 grs........................... 1 30 68 16 Used as a sedative for nervousness and restless- ness, and to induce sleep. Five or ten grains dis- solved in water, repeated in an hour or two. 3844 Sodium Bromide Compound...................... See Headache No. 2 3845 Soda Mint......................................... 50 28 12 Soda Bicarb.............. 4 grs. Oil Peppermint............. i gr. Ammonium Carb........... i gr. 3845A Soda Mint, Chocolate Coated..................... 70 38 12 For acidity of the stomach, nausea, flatulence, etc. One as required. 3846 Sodium Salicylate, i gr.......................... 55 30 10 3847 Sodium Salicylate, 2i grs........................ 1 30 68 16 3848 Sodium Salicylate, 5 grs.......................... 2 00 1 03 23 Used in rheumatism, gout and neuralgia. Dose, 1 to 10 grains every two or three hours as re- quired. 3849 Sparteine Sulphate, 1-60 gr....................... 65 35 10 3850 Sparteine Sulphate, 1-40 gr....................... 65 35 10 3851 Sparteine Sulphate, 1-10 gr....................... 1 10 58 14 Used as a heart tonic in cases of irregular cardiac action, and as a diuretic. Dose, as required every two or three hours. 3851A Stomachic, Chocolate Coated Only................ 95 50 13 Strychnine...............1-60 gr. Ipecac.....................1-10 gr. Ext, Rhubarb............... igr. Ext. Gentian............... i gr. Capsicum................. i gr. 3852 Strophanthus Tincture, 1 min.................... 50 28 10 3853 Strophanthus Tincture, 5 min.................... 65 35 10 Used as a heart tonic in cardiac dropsy and ir- regularity of the heart's action. One every two hours or three times a day as required. TABLETS All the People We Employ Know We Never Cut Qualities. 67 Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot. of bot. of bot. of 1,000 500 100 3854 Strychnine Arsenate, 1-100 gr....................$0 55 $0 30 $0 10 Used as a general systemic tonic, 1-100 to 1-16 gr. after meals. 3855 Strychnine Nitrate, 1-60 gr....................... 60 33 10 3856 Strychnine Nitrate, 1-40 gr....................... 65 35 10 Used in cases of weakness and nervous depres- sion and as a general nerve tonic. Dose, 1-100 to 1-20 gr. 3857 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-100 gr.................... 55 30 10 3858 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-60 gr..................... 55 30 10 3858A Strychnine Sulphate, 1-60 gr., Pink.............. 55 30 10 3858B Strychnine Sulphate, 1-60 gr., Chocolate Coated___ 75 40 12 3859 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-40 gr..................... 60 33 10 3859A Strychnine Sulphate, 1-40 gr., Chocolate Coated.... 83 43 12 3860 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-30 gr..................... 65 35 10 3860A Strychnine Sulphate, 1-30 gr., Pink............... 65 35 10 3860B Strychnine Sulphate, 1-30 gr., Chocolate Coated--- So 45 12 3861 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-20 gr..................... 70 38 10 3861A Strychnine Sulphate, 1-20 gr., Chocolate Coated. ... 90 47 12 Used as a general nerve tonic in cases where ex- ists motor depression or impairment of nutrition of nerve centers. 3862 Sulphur amd Cream Tartar...................... 55 30 10 Sulphur..................2\ grs. Cream Tartar............... i gr. Used as a mild laxative. One to three at night. 3863 Sulphur Compound (Dr. Q. C. Smith).............. 1 05 55 14 Sulphur.................. 5 grs. Cream Tartar............... 2 grs. Ext. Ipecac..............1-100 gr. Ext. Capsicum..............1"5Q° gr- Acid Arsenous............1-1000 gr. Calcium Bisulphide.......... igr. 3864 Sun Cholera (Sugar coated only.................... 115 60 15 Tr. Opium............... 3 min. Tr. Rhei................... 3 min. Tr. Capsicum............. 3 min. Tr. Ol. Menth. Pip........... 3 min. Tr. Camphor............. 3 min. Each tablet represents 15 minims of Sun Cholera Mixture. . For summer diarrhoea and the preliminary diarrhoea of Asiatic Cholera. One to three tablets every two, three or four hours, as necessary. 3865 Terpin Hydrate, 1 gr............................ 70 38 10 3866 Terpin Hydrate, 3 grs.....................■• ■ • • • ■ • 1 70 83 20 As an expectorant for winter cough. (Jne every two hours. 3867 Throat.......................................... * 25 65 16 Potassium Chlorate......... 1 gr. Acid Boracic............. i gr. Soda Benzoate.............. i gr. Oil Gaultheria..............1-10 m. Sugar, q. s................ 5 grs. Used in irritation of the throat and for aphthous ulcerations of the mouth. Dissolve one tablet on tongue every half hour. 3868 Tonic—Aiken's.................................... 2 50 1 2S Quinine Sulphate.......... 1 gr. Acid Arsenous...........: . 1-50 gr. Iron by Hydrogen........ i gr. Strychnine Sulphate..........1-50 gr. Ext. Gentian............... igr. 3868A Tonic—Aiken's, Chocolate Coated................. 2 70 1 38 30 Used in the treatment of acute malarial tox- aemia, and chronic malarial diseases, anaemia, chlorosis, etc. One three times a day after meals. TABLETS 68 S. & W. Treat Their Customers Right. Per Per Per bot. of bot of. bot.of 1,000 500 100 COMPRESSED TABLETS. 3869 Tonic—Flint's Chalybeate........................$0 85 $0 45 $0 12 Sodium Chloride............ 3 grs. Potassium Chloride........1-20 gr. Potassium Sulph..........1-10 gr. Potassium Carb..............1-20 gr. Sodium Carb................3-5 gr. Magnes Carb.............1-20 gr. Calcium Phos............... igr. Calcium Carb.............1-20 gr. Iron Reduced..............9-20 gr. Iron Carb.................1-20 gr. Amenorrhcea, hysteria and other pelvic dis- orders. One or two tablets three times a day after meals. 3870 Tonic—Hammond's............................... 1 40 73 17 Iron Pyrophosphate........ igr. Quinine Sulphate.......... i gr. Strychnine Sulphate..........1-120 gr. 3870A Tonic—Hammond's, Chocolate Coated.............. 1 60 83 19 Used as a general tonic. One or two tablets after meals. 3871 Tonsilitis Comp................................ 60 33 10 Tr. Aconite Root.............1-5 gtt. Tr. Bryonia.................1-10 gtt. Tr. Belladonna............1-10 gtt. Mercury, Red Iodide........1-100 gr. 3871A Tonsilitis Comp, Chocolate Coated................. 80 43 12 Tonsilitis, acute pharyngitis, ulceration of ton- sils, and for all glandular affections of throat and neck, when accompanied by fever. One tablet every half hour, until fever subsides, then every hour or two. 3872 Tully'sPowder, 1 gr............................. 65 35 10 3873 Tully's Powder, 5 grs............................. 2 25 1 15 26 Used a3 a sedative and diaphoretic. One tablet repeated in one to two hours. 3875 Veratrum Viride Tincture, lm................... 50 28 10 3876 Veratrum Viride Tincture, 2 m................... 55 30 10 Veratrum Viride is used to reduce arterial ex- citement and to quiet spinal spasms. Small doses repeated at intervals until its action has reduced the pulse rate to that of health, then at longer intervals. 3877 Viburnum Compound (Uterine Tonic)............. 1 95 1 00 23 Ext. Viburnum Prunifol..... 1 gr. Ext. Viburnum Opulus...-. . . 1 gr. Ext. Aletris Farinosa......... i gr. Ext. Helonias Dioica....... i gr. Ext. MitchellaRepens........ igr. Caulophyllin.............\ gr. 3877A Viburnum Compound (Uterins Tonic), Chocolate Coated....................................... 2 05 1 10 26 3877B Woodbridge Treatment—Typhoid No. 1........... 1 50 78 18 Podophyllin.............1-960 gr. Calomel..................1-16 gr. GuaiacolCarb...............1-16 gr. Menthol....................1-16 gr. Eucalyptol.................. q. s. 3877C Woodbridge Treatment—Typhoid No. 2........... 3 25 1 65 36 Podophyllin.............1-960 gr. Calomel..................1-16 gr. Guaiacol Carb............... i gr. Menthol....................1-16 gr. Thymol...................1-16 gr. Eucalyptol..............qs. TABLETS The Newberry Reference Library is Near Our Laboratory. 69 Per Per Per COMPRESSED TABLETS. bot.of bot. of bot.of 1,000 500 100 3877C Woodbridge Treatment—Typhoid No. 4. Children.$2 75 $141 0$ 31 Podophyllin.............1-960 gr. Calomel..................1-16 gr. Guaiacol Carb............... igr. Menthol....................1-96 gr. Eucalyptol..............qs. 3878 Zinc Sulpho-Carbolate, i gr..................... 55 30 10 3878AZincSulpho-Carbolate, 2gr..................... 75 40 11 Used as an intestinal disinfectant in typhoid fever and enteritis. Dose, 2 to 5 grains every two or three hours. 3879 Zinc Valerianate, i gr............................ 75 40 11 3880 Zinc Phosphide and Nux Vomica. See Nerve Tonic No. 1. COMPRESSED TABLETS IN BULK. Net Prices. Per lb. 3600 Ammonium Chloride, 3 grs....................................$0 60 3601 Ammonium Chloride, 5 grs.................................... 55 3882 Borax, 5 grs................................................... 50 3640 Cachous Sugar............................................... 70 3883 Comp. Licorice Powder, 10 grs................................. 60 3633 Bronchial, 5 grs................................................ 85 3813 Potassium Brom., 5 grs........................................ 90 3814 Potassium Chlor., 5 grs........................................ 50 3845 Soda Mint, 5 grs............................................... 45 3884 Borax and Chlorate Potass., 5 grs.............................. 30 Borax....................2i grs. Chlorate Potass...........2 \ grs. 3885 Pepsin, Sacch., 3 grs........................................... 1 75 Tablets in Screw Top Watch Case Bottles. Per doz. Per gross 3600 Ammonium Muriate..................................$0 75 $8 50 3814 Chlorate Potass........................................ 75 8 50 3845 Soda Mint........................................... 75 8 50 3885 Pepsin Sacch............................................ 1 25 12 00 3633 Bronchial............................................ 75 8 50 3640 Cachous Sugar........................................ 75 8 50 TABLETS 70 S. & W.'s Hypodermic Tablets Are Accurate and Soluble. HYPODERMIC TABLETS Accurate and Soluble. Prepared with Extra Care, and of the Purest 3Iaterials. We supply the tablets in tubes, in which package they will be less apt to break or crumble, as they fit closely in the tube. This package also enables the druggist to sell the tablets in original packages when smaller quantities than 100 are called for. Net Prices. Per Per Per tube of 100 in bot. of 20 tubes 100 3886 Aconitine, C. P. (Crystals), 1-500 gr...............$3 15 $3 64 $0 50 3887 Apomorphine Hydro chlorate, 1-10 gr............ 17 60 52 3888 Apomorphine Hydrochlorate, 1-20 gr............ 14 46 33 3889 Atropine Sulphate, 1-50 gr....................... 12 38 30 3890 Atropine Sulphate, 1-150 gr...................... 10 32 25 3891 Atropine Sulphate, 1-200 gr...................... 10 32 25 3892 Cocaine Hydrochlorate, i gr..................... 19 6S 60 3893 Cocaine Hydrochlorate, 1-10 gr................ 18 65 57 3894 Codeine Sulph., i gr............................. 15 53 45 3895 Digitaline (Crystals), 1-100 gr...................... 10 32 24 3896 Eserine Sulphate, 1-60 gr......................... 20 80 70 3897 Eserine Sulphate, 1-100 gr........................ 10 40 35 3898 Eserine and Morphine........................... 20 80 70 Eserine Sulphate...........1-100 gr. Morphine Sulphate........... igr. 3899 Hyoscyamine C. P. (Crystals), 1-100 gr............ 12 38 30 3900 Hyoscyamine C. P. (Crystals), 1-200 gr............ 12 38 30 3901 Morphine Sulphate, i gr......................... 23 83 75 3902 Morphine Sulphate, igr......................... 17 61 53 3903 Morphine Sulphate,igr......................... 17 46 38 3904 Morphine Sulphate, i gr......................... 12 38 30 3905 Morphine Sulphate, igr......................... 11 34 26 3906 Morphine Sulphate, 1-10 gr...................... 11 34 26 3907 3Iorphine Sulphate and Atropine, No. 1.......... 12 48 40 Morphine Sulphate........... i gr. Atropine Sulphate............1-150 gr. 3908 3Iorphine Sulphate and Atropine, No 2........... 11 44 36 Morphine Sulphate........... i gr. Atropine Sulphate............1-180 gr. 3909 Morphine Sulphate and Atropine, No. 3.......... 11 44 36 Morphine Sulphate........... i gr. Atropine Sulphate...........1-200 gr. 3910 Morphine Sulphate and Atropine, No. 4.......... 11 44 36 Morphine Sulphate..........igr. Atropine Sulphate............1-150 gr. 3911 Morphine Sulphate and Atropine, No. 5.......... 12 48 40 Morphine Sulphate........... i gr. Atropine Sulphate...........1-230 gr. 3912 Nitro-Glycerin, 1-100 gr......................... 3913 Nitro-Glycerin, 1-200 gr......................... 3914 Pilocarpine Muriate, 1-10 gr.................... 3915 Pilocarpine aiuriate, 1-20 gr.................... 3916 Physostigmine Salicylate, 1-60 gr.............. 3917 Physostigmine Salicylate, 1-100 gr.............. 3918 Strychnine Nitrate, 1-60 gr..................... 3920 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-50 gr.................... 3921 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-60 gr................... 3922 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-100 gr.................. 3923 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-30 gr................... 9 32 25 9 32 25 35 1 50 23 80 15 60 55 11 44 40 9 36 25 9 36 25 9 36 25 9 36 25 9 36 25 Dear Doctors and Druggists: It has been a pleasure to us many times each year for the past thirty years to show to our friends the City of Chicago. Knowing a little time well directed will enable one to see more worth the seeing than much more time spent where one is unacquainted, we here print, in a cordial spirit of entertainment— §tearns&¥hteCo. 'S Facts and Sights OF CHICAGO FOR Doctors and Druggists. What to see. How to reach the sights, and time taken from the business district. We feel the informa- tion will be interesting, useful and instructive, and that it will be preserved. Copyrighted by gTEftRNS &"WHlTt g). Manufacfuring Chemists 181 to ISO Chestnut St., Cor. N. Franklin St. CHICAGO 72 FACTS OF CHICAGO. Chicago has 2,569 miles of streets, 4,863 miles of sidewalks, 188 square miles of area, 342- miles of street railroads, 38 miles of elevated railroads, 821 churches, hotels accommodating 150,000 guests, 31 theatres, 34 railroads where 90,000 miles center, factories that pay $350,000 a day for labor, elevators that receive 242,408,000 bushels of grain a year, lumber yards that receive 1,286,643,000 feet of lumber a year, 47 buildings from ten to twenty stories high, waterworks that pump from 22 miles of tunnels under Lake Michigan 254,208,500 gallons of water per day through 1,692 miles of water mains, a post office that employs 1,319 clerks, 1,096 carriers who handle 800,000,000 pieces of mail a year, 2,200 acres of parks, 67 miles of boulevards, 22 miles of lake frontage, 41 miles of river frontage, where 8,500 vessels load and unload each year, 410 schools with 4,700 teachers and 213,825 scholars. She has three tunnels under and 54 bridges over the Chicago River, 51,143 street lamps, banks with $34,474,500 capital and $186,947,320 deposits, with bank clearings of $4,413,054,108, fire department with 17,365 hydrants, 1,133 men and 447 horses, 3,250 policemen, 300 acres of stock yards, that receive 7,659,472 hogs, 2,600,476 cattle, and 3,590,655 sheep each year. With her 516,000 Americans, 94,000 Bohemians, 36,900 Canadians, 46,500 English, 23,000 French, 515,000 Germans 27,000 colored, 261,200 Irish, 24,200 Italians, 48,000 Norwegians, 102,100 Polish, 2,600 Chinese, 24,300 Scotch, 41,000 Russians, 117,000 Swedish, and 4,000 Welsh, she has in all 1,883,000 people. Chicago burns 1,616,498 tons of hard'coal, and 4,790,437 tons of soft coal a year, has 6,300 saloons that average about $26.50 a day each, or $60,000,000 a year. It costs $10.50 a mile to clean the streets $1,058,496.88 a year for light. The tonnage is 12,965,812. The death rate is 14.4 per 1,000 the lowest of any large city. Chicago men smoke 800,000 cigars a day, costing $40,000. The total spent for tobacco each year is about twenty-five millions of dollars. Her people chew five million sticks of gum a week, two and one half carloads, costing $50,000. She uses 45,000 dozen eggs each day, consumes 131,000 gallons of milk, each inhabitant taking a little over half a pint. It takes 110,000 pounds of soap a day to keep the city even as clean as she is. She uses four billion pounds of ice each year. Chicago's debt, including drainage, park and all, is $45,000,000, or $27.06 per capita. Borrowing limit, actual value, 1 per cent. Tax rate per $1,000, actual value, $11.93—the smallest of any large city. HISTORICAL. Chicago comes from the Indian word meaning wild onion. In 1673, the locality was first visited by Joliet and Marquette. In 1864 it was garrisoned with 60 men, in 1803 Fort Dearborn was erected, destroyed in 1812, rebuilt in 1816, and finally removed in 1857. In 1831 Cook County was settled and the first post office opened. In 1833 it was ceded by 7,000 Indians. In 1833 the town was organized and harbor improvements began. In 1834 the first draw bridge was built, in 1837 the city incorporated 350 people. Rush Medical College was founded in 1840, when the population was 4,170, and public schools were estab- lished. In 1850 the population was 28,269 and the first railroad was built and gas supplied. In 1860 the population was 109,206, in 1870 306,605, in 1880, 503,053, in 1890, 1,098,576. Originally the town was from five to twenty-seven feet above the lake but since then has been 73 raised from six to twelve feet. On October 9th, 1871, fire destroyed three and a half square miles of the city, 17,400 buildings, or $190,- 000,000 worth of property, 9,800 persons were made homeless and about '250 lives were lost. The fire started at the corner of DeKoven and Jefferson streets. The 1874, July 14th, fire destroyed sixty acres and 84,000,000 worth of property. Fort Dearborn was where is now Michigan avenue and River street. NORTH SIDE. County Jail and Criminal Court Building is at the corner of Dear- born avenue and Michigan street,two blocks north of the river. It is the finest in the country. Visitors are admitted Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30 A. M. to 11:30 A. M. and 1:30 to 3:30 P. M., the average number of prisoners being 700. Chicago Historical Society, Dearborn avenue and Ontario street, three blocks north of the County Jail. The Museum holds material to preserve the history of the North Western states. It is the only build- ing in the world of absolute fire proof construction. It is free to the public Mondays and Thursdays, 9 to 5. North Side Water Works, Chicago avenue and Pine street, one mile north of Court House. Pumping 36,000,000 gallons a day. Lincoln Park is north three miles, has 320 acres. By North Side Limits Car it takes twenty-five minutes. $200,000 are spent yearly for its maintenance and buildings. The Academy of Science was founded in 1857. The cost of present building was $100,000. It contains 50,000 specimens. Admission is always free. Library of references has 7.000 volumes and free lectures in July and August. The Palm House has a fine collection of tropical plants. There are animal houses for monkeys, kangaroos, parrots, snakes, etc., outside cages for eagles and birds, pits for brown, grizzly and polar bears, cages for fine speci- mens of lions, tigers, leopards; pits for foxes, badgers, raccoons; yards for deer, the wapiti, buffaloes, elephants, dogs, etc. Besides there are refectory, boat houses, fresh air fund building, flowers, foliage, laKes, bridges, fountains, drives, walks, esplanade, mall, tennis courts, base ball grounds, lagoons and paved beach, statues of Lincoln, Grant, Franklin, Linne, Schiller, La Salle, Anderson, Shakespeare; Alarm Signal of Peace, and Beethoven. The Electric Fountain plays Tuesdays and Fridays in the summer, throws water 100 feet high and is illuminated with fifteen electric colored lights of 8,000 candle power. The Ferris Wheel of World's Fair fame, is two blocks west of the north end of Lincoln Park. Lake Shore Drive is one-quarter mile south with many fine resi- dences and Sheridan Road is north of Lincoln Park. Newberry Library is on Clark street and facing Washington square, one mile north. It is rich in all works of references particularly so in Genealogy. The Medical Department is second only to the Surgeon Generals at Washington. It is hoped in two years to eclipse this. It contain? up to date 31,126 volumes, 25,900 pamphlets, 57,026 books and pamphlets. A large number of sets of periodical literature forms a strong feature in this collection and Gynaecology and Obstretrics are well represented. The above number also includes the " Senn Collections," consisting of 9,063 volumes and 15,258 pamphlets, embracing two libraries. 1. The Dr. Baum Library, famous for its surgical works from the Middle Ages to our own time, and 2. The Du Bois Raymond Library consisting chiefly of Physiolo- gical works. 450 periodicals are kept on file. 74 Chicago has large private libraries of Physicians rand S urgeons; Dr. N. Senn, Dr. C. Fenger, Dr. R. N. Isham, Dr. J. B.- Hamilt on Dr N. S. Davis, Dr. J. B. Murphy. SOUTH SIDE. The value of the land on the South Side from the river to 12th street, which is two-thirds of a mile wide by one and one-third miles long is $420,332,590. The value of improvements is $102,936,500. South Water Street is interesting because most of the produce is here handled. Rush Street Bridge, foot of Michigan avenue is a good place to see the shipping. Early any summer morning the larger boats of the Goodrich, Lake Superior and other lines may be seen here. Masonic Temple, N. E. corner State and Randolph. See the court twenty stories high. It has fourteen elevators and is valued at $2,804,- 960. The Public Library, S. W. corner Michigan avenue and Randolph street. Open from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. There are 235,385 volumes and 44,069 unbound pamphlets. The home circulation of books is the largest of any library in the world, 1,346,131 volumes a year, or 4,620 a day. This beautiful building should be visited. It cost $2,125,000 and has a capacity for 2,000,000 volumes. Marshall Field & Co.'s Retail Store, State, Washington, Randolph and Wabash avenue. Value of building, $3,888,600. Number of em- ployees, 3,500 to 4,000. Annual sales ten to twelve and one half million dollars. Columbus Memorial Building, S. E. corner State and Washington streets, fifteen stories high. Notice bronze and mosaic work. Value $2,201,000. The John Crerar Library, N.W. corner Wabash avenue and Wash- ington street, sixth floor. Scope—A free public reference library of scientific literature. The special field is the natural, the physical, and the social sciences with their applications. Number of volumes, 43,000. Periodicals in the reading rooms, 1,500. Building fund, $100,000. The endowment fund, the income of which only is to be used is $3,000,000. While medicines is included in the Newberry field, yet theJJohn Crerar Library is especially rich in Zoology, Hygiene and Sanitary Engineering. Reliance Building, S. W. corner State and Washington streets, fifteen stories high. White polished tile outside. Value, $1,238,220. The Champlain, N. W. corner State and Madison streets, fifteen stories high. Value, $1,434,360. Palmer House, S. E. corner State and Monroe streets. 750 rooms. See rotunda parlors and dining rooms. Value, $5,053,300. Art Institute, Michigan avenue, foot of Adams street. Paintings and statuary valued at $1,000,000. Cost of building, $800,000. There are 2,000 pupils in the Art School which is believed the greatest number of any Art School in the world. 600,000 people visit the Institute annually. Free Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 to 5. Sundays, 1 to 5. Other days, 9 to 5, admission 25 cents. The Tower of Montgomery Ward & Co. building Michigan avenue and Madison street, is 394 feet high. Chicago Athletic Association, 124 to 126 Michigan avenue. The basement has bowling alleys, 1st floor cashier, Turkish baths and swimming pool; 2nd floor, lounging, billiard and grill rooms; 3rd floor, offices, library, barber shop and lockers; 4th and 5th floors, gymnasiums 6th and 7th floors, batchelor apartments, 8th floor, dining room; 9th floor, racket and tennis courts. Number of members, 2,100. Cost of building, etc., $750,000. Largest club in the United States. Visit- ing card from any member admits. 75 Lake Front Park. One mile along the lake front from Randolph street, south, contains 211 acres. The statue of Logan is here seen. The Auditorium Building includes hotel, theatre and tower. Valua- tion, $4,002,830. The hotel has over one thousand rooms. See the offices, parlors, banquet hall and annex. It is eleven stories high. The theatre seats over 6,000 people and is lighted by 5,500 incandescent electric lights. It has one of the largest organs in the world. The stage is 98 feet wide and 69 feet deep. It is the home of the Thomas Chicago Orchestra of about 85 members. Its tower is eighteen stories high and for 25 cents a fine view of the city can be had. In this tower is the government weather bureau. The large Dry Goods and Department Stores between Randolph and Van Buren streets on State street are interesting. A walk back on Wabash avenue shows many nice stores ot various trades. Dearborn street has many high and elegant office buildings. The Board of Trade, La Salle street and Jackson boulevard, should not be neglected. Visitors are admitted free to the galleries. The Illinois Trust and Savings Bank across the street is very interesting. Ushers will show visitors through the Safet y deposits vaults. La Salle street has many noted sky scrapers. The Young Men's Christian Association is No. 155. The new $5,000,000 Post Office, Jackson boulevard, Adams, Dearborn and Clark streets will be 196 feet high and to top of dome 296 feet. The Great Northern Hotel and Theatre are opposite. A large part of the wholesale district is between tilth avenue and the river. Jackson Park, seven miles south: take I. C. R. R., time of transit, twenty minutes: or South Side Elevated, forty minutes. The park con- tains 586 acres and was the World's Fair site. The Field Columbian Museum is here located. It is the largest museum in the United Slates, and will repay at least one day's visit. It is free Saturdays and Sundays, other days admission, 25 cents. Midway Plaisance contains eighty acres and connects Jackson and Washington Parks. Washington Park, six miles south, contains 371 acres. It is one mile west of Jackson Park. Can be reached from downtown by Cottage drove avenue cars, time 4f> minutes. Its attractions are the Landscape Gardening Meadow of 100 acres, picturesquely distributed waters of thirteen acres, conservatory, stables, etc. University of Chicago. Midway Plaisance, 57th street, Ellis and Lexington avenues. The value of the buildings, grounds and endow- ments is over §11,000,000, it has 2,500 students and is open the entire year. Young women receive the same advantages as men. It has a press of ten Journals and a university extension to 50,000 members. It also maintains a college for 300 teachers. The Union Stock Yards are four miles south-west of the business district, and is best reached by Wentworth avenue car. Time taken to reach the yards, 35 minutes. With 200 acres devoted to yardage alone, twenty miles of streets, twenty miles of water troughs, fifty miles of feeding troughs, seventy-five miles of drainage and water pipes and a capacity of caring daily for 125,000 hogs, 20,000 cattle and 15,000 sheep, something of the activity which prevails will impress itself. The various plants are estimated as worth over $20,000,000, with a capital of $50, 000,000, and the number of employees about 25,000 with an annual wage of about $20,000,000. Inquire for and go to Armour & Co.'s' Packing House, which is the largest of its kind in the world. At the office you will be furnished free a special guide to show you about. Armour & Co. kill annually about 2,500,000 hogs, 1,250,000 cattle and 1,150,000 sheep. The firm ownes glue, soap, felt, curled hair and fertilizer works, also a pepsin factory, in which are manufactured 76 nroducts out of materials that formerly was considered waste. Doctors and SSSts should see Armour's Extract of Red Bone Marrow, which fn the vSous anaemias or any disease characterized by a depraved con- dition of the blood acts as a stimulant to the formative processes in- creasing the production of hemoglobin and red corpuscles. It is re- ported to promote cell proliferation and supplies the new born cells wi th nutrition, causing them to proliferate in turn and restores the blood to the normal condition. THE WEST SIDE. The big West Side is twenty-six miles long and eight miles wide. It is used for residences and manufacturies. Union Park, two miles west is reached by the Madison street car and contains fifteen acres. Douglas Park, four miles south west is reached by the Ogden avenue car, time thirty minutes. Its attractions are lakes, mineral wells, refectory, conservatory, winter garden, natatorium and a gym- nasium. . Garfield Park, four miles west is reached by the Madison street car in thirty minutes. It contains 185 acres, a half mile bicycle track, peristyle, lakes, casino and three miles of walks and two of drives. Humboldt Park, four miles west is reached by the Metropolitan Elevated, Humboldt branch, in twenty minutes. It contains 200 acres of woods, lawns, lakes, walks and drives. It has a large conservatory and refreshment pavillion. Cook County Hospital and others. Several medical and dental colleges may be reached in twenty minutes by the Ogden avenue car to Harrison street. They and the morgue there may be seen. Jewish Community of 40,000 is bounded by Canal, Halsted, 12th and 16th streets. Yiddish spoken and written. Religious services from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Synagogue Judd street. Yiddish theatre corner Jefferson and O'Brien streets. Hull House. Halsted and Polk streets, Halsted street car, time twenty-five minutes. A social settlement directed by Jane Addams. Elevating, uplifting, educating by nurseries, kindergartens, schools, clubs, concerts, lectures, gymnasiums, kitchens, trades and bank, the twenty-three nationalities in that district is its purpose. Wheelmen, Equestrians and those who drive will find delight in Chicago's fine roadways. The favored routes on the north side are Dearborn avenue, through Lincoln Park, Sheridan Drive, where one can go twelve miles to Evanston or twenty-seven and a half miles to Fort Sheridan. Side routes are west on Buena avenue one block and through beautiful Graceland Cemetery, west on Wilson avenue, through Sheri- dan Park. On return south of Lincoln Park follow close to the Lake passing the beautiful residences on the Lake Shore Drike. South Side. Michigan avenue boulevard and Grand boulevard, through Washington Park, Midway Plaisance to Jackson Park, which is seven miles south. Return by Drexel boulevard. West Side. Jackson boulevard to Ashland boulevard to 12th street boulevard across Ogden avenue viaduct through Douglas Park, then via Douglas Park boulevard to Garfield boulevard to Garfield Park, which is four miles, west. Return through Washington boulevard to Union Park, via Ashland boulevard to Jackson boulevard and back to business district. Side route Garfield Park to Central Park boulevard to Humboldt Park. Colleges, Dispensaries, Hospitals and Sanitariums are numerous. Go to any one of Chicago's 966 drug stores and ask for the Medical Directory. You will see the location of all and can there telephone to 77 ascertain what time important operations take place. Any visiting doctor is welcome and can inspect or witness operations. &g Theatres, Concerts and Places of Amusements with their attractions and their prices are best found among their advertisements in the daily papers. Church Services are printed every Sunday morning in all the papers. Board of Aldermen meet every Monday evening at the City Hall. The Drainage Canal cost $33,000,000. It is thirty-one miles long, thirty- eight feet deep, with twenty-two feet of clean water flowing through it from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. DEPOTS. Union.—Canal and Adams streets. Used by the following rail- roads : Pittsburg, Fort Wayne & Chicago; Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Chicago & Alton; Chicago, St. Louis & Pittsburg; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Dearborn.Station.—Dearborn and Polk streets. Used by the fol- lowing railroads: Chicago & Eastern Illinois; Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe; Chicago & Grand Trunk; Erie; Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville; The Wabash. Rock Island—Sherman and Van Buren streets. Used by the following railroads: Lake Shore & Michigan Southern; Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific; New York, Chicago & St. Louis. Central.—Lake Front and Twelfth street. Used by the following railroads: Michigan Central; Illinois Central; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis; Wisconsin Central; Pere Marquette. Chicago and North Western—Wells and Kinzie Streets. Used ex- clusively by the Chicago & North Western Railway. Grand Central.—Fifth avenue and Harrison street. Used by the following railroads: Baltimore & Ohio; Chicago & Great Western. These railroad companies in six years have elevated over 200 miles of tracks and depressed more than fifty-seven miles thus doing away with nearly 200 grade crossings. The work done and to be done in Chicago costs $17,000,000. SYSTEMS IN BUSINESS. Svstems in business are best illustrated at the Laboratory of Stearns & White Company, Nos. 181 to 189 Chestnut Street. Take the Northwestern Elevated at any of the loop stations, get off at Chicago avenue, walk north one hundred steps. Time from loop, three minutes. Visitors are always welcome. See the arrangement of stock. In the base- ment, bottles in cases, boxes for packing, crude drugs in packages, liquids in barrels, have each their marked place, numbered 1 to 1,000. All the fixtures, such as boilers, engines, engineer's tools, have their fixed place, marked Fl and upwards. On the first floor all manufactured stock is from 1,000 to 2,000. All " outside " goods, or crude materials, or those used for packages, stationery, etc., 01,000 to 2,000. All fixtures F1,000 to 2 000. On the second floor everything is numbered 2,000 to 3,000. On the third or order floor, 3,000 to 4,000. The price list number locates the goods. This space is marked by a tin device into which is slipped a printed card with number and name; this is protected by a mica slide. In filling orders the order sheet giving the number and name affords a double check then and there by number and name and a verification by name and number making mistakes next to impossible. Eacli label has its separate drawer which is marked L and the same number as the goods. Everything must come back to its numbered 78 marked place, because there is no other for it. A shelf filled with chemicals in various kinds of packages may look more disorderly than one filled with gallon bottles, yet each package is under its marked numbered place and there is no disorder anywhere. However rushed, there is no confusion. Everyone is at perfect ease and knows what he or she must do and how to do it, knowing that a way has been pro- vided to make two thinking checks that prevents all errors. On the fourth floor, while all fixed stocks are numbered 4,000 to 5,000, all medicines in the process of making are marked on blackboards. On the fifth floor all are numbered 5,000 to 6,000. A thousand numbers to each floor in manufactured goods. O for " Outside" goods, F for " Fixtures." The original office systems are as interesting as the copyrighted stock systems. The buying cards, classified and arranged, show each article purchased, where kept in the building, kind, date, quantity, from whom bought, price, contracts, quotations, criticisms. A complete history of each article is on its card, which makes intelligent buying easy com- pared with old ways. See the Bills Payable forms, where each incom- ing bill is alphabetically, dictionarily placed according to date of pur- chase, with the number that has been given that bill above a line and the amount of that bill below the line. These amounts added, with the discounts substracted, show all owed at any time. The check number which pays this bill is recorded in line headed Paid, so no receipts are required. Any bill, however old, can be quickly found from the Bills Payable book and its number. The Order Sheet gives credit, date sold, terms, billed by, examined by, register date, salesman's number, sold to, town and state, shipped by, salesman, binder folio, date billed, lederg folio, case file folio, shippers' check, inspector's check, put up by, quantity, list number, name, price, our goods, outside goods, exten- sions, making on one sheet an order sheet with all the check marks by fifteen different people, which when bound in its file becomes a page in a day book which is posted on the ledger. Small shortages are pre- vented by little articles being packed in paper bags printed in large type " This bag contains small packages. Please do not overlook them in unpacking." Each customer—also those whom we wish to sell- have their own case file. These are kept in oak boxes and are easily found by markers giving state, town and name. They have on one side the business, address, date, salesman, credit, average, how often, population, ledger, railroad lines, price list sent, samples sent, adver- tising sent, letters, calls, responds, specialities sold, complaints, re- marks, special formulas, prices quoted. On the other side prices charged, part two. Part three, miscellaneous. By referring to this file each customer's case is understood and his wants properly filled. All the bookkeeping is done by an original card system, a marvel of simplicity and accuracy. The Estimates, Contracts, and Formulas are also on cards. Each is handled separately by those detailed to attend to them. Any can be found in a moment. All must be seen to be appreciated. SPECIAL PREPARATIONS. 1022 An antiseptic and aatif ermentative solution of undoubted value. As a spray in any inflammation or unhealthy condition of the nose, throat and ear, or any abraided or mucous surface. As a gargle in sore throat. As an injection in gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, and kindred troubles. As a wash in inflamed or ill- conditioned wounds. Internally a safe and agreeable remedy in fermentative or catarrhal diarrhoea, and in diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc. An excellent deodoriser and disinfectant in the sick room and for the use of physicians as a wash for the hands and instruments during operations or obstetrical work. In such an agent, combining the greatest germicidal power with perfectly non- poisonous and non-irritating properties. It will not stain the clothing and is in- tended for both internal and external use. Benzomol contains the following ingredients: Benzoic Acid.—Obtained by dry distillation from gum benzoin, a drug long celebrated for its healing properties in the treatment of wounds. Thymol. One of the constituents of common garden thyme. It has an agreeable aromatic odor and is among the most powerful of vegetable antiseptics. It is superior to carbolic acid as an antiseptic, as it is not poisonous. Menthol. A crystaline substance obtained from oil of peppermint. It is destructive to all bacteria and will cure ringworm and many parasitic skin diseases, and is a superior local application for burns and scalds. A saturated solution of menthol will relieve the itching of hives, and pruritis of the vulva and anus. Eucalyptol. From the oil of Eucalyptus, a product of the blue gum tree of Tasmania. It is an efficient deodoriser and is used as a dressing for cancerous and other foul ulcers, substituting a pleasant for an offensive smell. Boric Acid. Obtained from the vapors which issue from certain volcanoes in Italy and some other parts of the world. It has proved especially valuable in treating inflammations of the eye, ear, nose and throat, as a local application, and in diseases of the mucous membranes generally. Baptlsla Tlnctoria. A plant growing in the United States and Canada. It has long been known as an antiseptic in typhoid and adynamic fevers, with a tend- ency to putrescene, and as a local remedy for ulcers tending to become gangrenous. Methyl Salicylate. Prom oil of wintergreen, possesses in a high degree the power of preventing putrefaction when added to liquids. Formaldehyde. Known as an antiseptic and tissue hardener. Gal., $3 00 Pint. $0.50 12oz.dos., $4.00. -V* '^B^ ^^^4" .^.-■^R