THE Tlpn Ozone Battery A New Discovery in Electricity, S, R, BECKWITH, M,D„ -BY- 114. FIFTH AVENUE, NEWYORK. jFormerlg professor of Surgery . . . . TDlninersit£ of Cleveland ®blo ♦ ♦ Ipulte /ibebical College, Cincinnati . . . . Surgeon to tbe Cleveland Ibospital . . . Consulting |pbgsician to tbe Cincinnati private Tbospital for flervous Biseases, etc., etc., etc PRICE, 10 CENTS. CAREFULLY NOTICE. ist.—That our method of treatment does not cure by ELECTRICITY alone, but by a gentle, soothing current, and the conveyance of ozone, oxygen and medicine into the venous blood, or human sewers, where disease originates. 2nd.—That it is the first and only battery gener- ating a current by heat and cold ; the only electri- cal device where the intensity of the current can be regulated to the wants of each case. 3rd.—Its curative value is proved by a greater number of eminent physicians than any treatment in use by the profession. In addition the invention is declared to electrically accomplish what we state, by some of the most learned electricians in this country, such as W. T. Eckert, T. T. Eckert, Jr., Francis Broadnax, E. G. Cargill and others, whose letters appear in this treatise. 4th.—It is especially adapted for family use, be- cause with the medicine furnished the majority of diseases can be cured at their beginning by home treatment. sth.—It employs NATURE’S only CURATIVE AGENTS, ozone and oxygen, together with such medicines as are recommended by the profession. THERMO-GALVANISM. This force sets free oxygen and sends it into the system to make new red blood for the maintenance of life and restoration of health. Ozone cannot be manufactured, it is a part of oxygen, and electricity is the only agent that can set it free and carry it into a diseased part, where it destroys the bacteria and other germs that produce diphtheria, LaGrippe, typhoid fever and other infectious diseases. Med- icine sent into a diseased tissue by the battery force cures where stomach medication fails. INTRODUCTORY. To secure confidence in our discovery in medi- cal electricity, it is necessary to furnish evidence from the highest medical authority that by its ap- plication diseases are cured with more certainty and in less time than by any other means. It is important to show that when medicine administered through the stomach is subject to so many changes by reason of diet, disease, and other conditions, that its action is not only uncertain but frequently produces serious injury. The value of any art depends upon results obtained by those longest engaged in its intelligent applica- tion. At least ninety per cent, of the medical profes- sion who have been engaged in practice fora period of twenty years are unanimous in their statement that medicine as now administered, on a whole, is harm- ful. They believe the statement of the late distin- guished physician, Oliver Wendel Holmes, who said: “It would be better for mankind if all the medicine was thrown into the sea, but it would be hard on the fishes.” Physicians of mature experience give no medi- cine to their families, and urge their patients not to demand from them the administration of medicine through the stomach. Is there any other business that would not change its course if the same percentage of those longest en- gaged in it declared that the course leads to failure? After retirement and while enjoying that tranquil rest best fitting the wants of advanced age, I reflected upon the inefficiency and failure in medicine. I believe in the curative effect of medicine. Its value can only be determined by its effect upon the healthy, and by experiments with the sick. When introduced into the stomach it undergoes such a variety of changes that its identity is lost when it enters the blood circulation therefore it is impossible to tell the nature and composition of the drug when it reaches, by the circulation, the seat of disease, and it is impossible to determine what effect it produces. Actuated by the knowledge that Nature is the mother of cure, I endeavored to discover a treat- ment which would assist Nature in her efforts. It increases the rapidity of breathing and the heart’s action in every disease for the purpose of taking in and distributing a large supply of oxygen. Nature only does this, and nothing more. From long practice I was convinced that the electric force usually employed in disease, was pro- ductive of great harm. I then commenced a series of experiments with Thermo-Galvanism and em- ployed heat and cold to generate a current that could be regulated to meet the wants of each case. For four years I have been treating the most difficult and obstinate cases by the use of the bat- tery, and gave out thousands of the inventions to physicians; receiving in return more, and better medical testimony than has ever before been given in favor of any other method of treatment. Domestic remedies are often valueless or harm- ful, because they are not selected with special ref- erence to the cure of those diseases for which they are given. The introduction of medicine into the stomach by non professionals is to a certain extent a dangerous practice; the danger arises from a want of knowledge of drug action and the chemi- cal changes produced upon the drug while in the stomach. For the purpose of introducing a safe and more certain method of home treatment, we have by the advice of a large number of physicians, selected a case of domestic remedies, each bearing the name of the disease it is intended to cure. These medi- cines are conveyed into the diseased tissue by the use of the battery; in this way families can be sup- plied with a treatment similar to that of admin- istering prescriptions furnished by their physicians, and in most cases will prevent the necessity of em- ploying medical attendance. A moments careful reflection respecting the principle of the treatment will convince any intelli- gent person of the truth of this statement. To ex- emplify: In diphtheria, ozone and medicine are conveyed directly into the blood circulation of the throat, and in a few moments destroy the living germs that cause the disease. The same result is produced m typhoid fever, wffien the disks of the battery are applied over the glands of the abdomen where the typhoid geims breed and multiply. Nearly every disease is produced by a living enemy of health, so infinitely minute in size that the mag nifying power of a microscope is required to reveal its existence. Each and every variety of these disease producing germs are destroyed by the use of the treatment. This can be done at home as well as by professional treatment. The Thermo Ozone Battery, INVENTED BY S. R. BECKWITH, M.D., 114, sth Ave., N. Y. AN EXPOSITION OF ITS THEORY AND MODE OF OPERATION; SUGGESTIONS FOR ITS USE IN VARIOUS AILMENTS. This discovery is of the most vital importance to the sick, because it furnishes families with a means of curing disease at its beginning by home treatment. It consists of a Thermo-Ozone Bat- tery, constant in its action, creating currents of Thermo-Galvanism by a difference of temperature between the battery and its poles. It is the first and only electrical invention where the intensity of the current can be regulated to the needs of each case, by the person using it. It takes from air and water in contact with the positive pole, ozone and oxygen, and conveys, by the torce of the current combined with absorbtion, these natural cura- tive agents into the blood circulation of the parts intervening between the poles of the battery. The ozone, as stated by the Imperial Board of Health oi Berlin, “When sent into the blood, destroys microbes, bacteria, typhoid germs and other forms of disease-producing animalcules, in a few minutes.” The oxygen forms new red corpuscles of blood, and is the only agent capable of building up weak and worn out tissues; it assists the assimi- lation of food by its introduction into the blood, re- duces its unnatural heat on the same principle as water subdues fire. It forms red corpuscles of blood which fill up the excavation of an abscess or ulcer. It vitalizes the brain and nerves, and restores to health those afflicted with mental and physical disease. The introduction of oxygen by Thermo-Galvanism is the only means heretofore employed to assist nature in her method of cure. In every disease the breathing is more rapid than in health so that an 3 increased amount of oxygen shall be inhaled; the heart then pumps faster to distribute it to the diseased part. Here nature's cure begins and ends. Physicians without reflecting have recom- mended the inhaling of oxygen by various devices. The sick in their rapid breathing inspire all the oxygen that the heart can distribute, therefore the large amounts of oxygen, as given by inhalation are objectionable and often harmful. Water is composed of 8-9 oxygen and 1-9 hydro- gen; air, 4-5 nitrogen and 1-5 oxygen. The oxygen can only be separated from its associates by the art of chemistry or by the force of electricity. It cannot be absorbed or carried into the blood by any other force than that of electricity. Every other device claiming to cause absorbtion of oxygen is a BASE FRAUD. Every statement of cure by the use of such a device is a DELUSION AND DECEPTION. Testimony given in favor of a device incapable of producing any action, is additional evidence that a “Do Nothing” treat- ment is often better than stomach medication. What a lamentable history of the art of medicine? What an unfortunate perpetration of the use of frauds and humbugs kept up by the recommen- dation of men and women of a high order of intelli- gence and veracity. Medicine must either mend its ways or end. In its introduction into the stomach it is so altered by the chemical action of the gastric secretions which change with every disease and with every variety of food, that no physician can determine the composition of the drug when it passes from the stomach into the circulation of the blood. This statement is true of every drug ex- cept Mercury, some minerals and poisonous vege- tables. The sick with their faith in medicine ad- ministered through the stomach, have resided in a fool’s paradise. I CHALLENGE CONTRADICTION to the statement that 95 per cent, of all physicians who have practiced for 25 years, agree in their state- ments that the sick are better off without medicine than by taking it as now administered through the stomach. 4 Medicine possesses a capability of cure. This can only be accomplished by its introduction directly to the diseased part by a gentle current of Thermo-Galvanism. The first knowledge of elec- tricity was confined to its use in transmitting in- telligence, production of light, heat and power; to accomplish this required the application of a cur- rent that was either interrupted, pulsating, or undulating. None of these currents will de- compose water or send medicine into the blood cirulation. A thermo galvanic current is uni- form and the only one that can be employed to distribute uniformly oxygen and medicine into a diseased tissue. This form of electricity in its use upon the sick must be furnished from a battery where the current can be regulated in its intensi- ty to meet the wants of each case. Prof. Seebeck, of Berlin, in 1821, found that a thermo current (see Ganot’s Physics, page 840) could be produced by the application of heat and cold. To this eminent physician and teacher is due our method of using medical electricity. The Principle And Philosophy of Cure. First, the current of electricity heretofore used in medical treatment produces injury to tissues made sensitive by disease; such currents cause the products of disease to become collected in a bunch, analogous to that which is done in electro- plating when the substance to be plated is “bunched” if the current is too strong. The COLLECTING and HARDENING of disease de- posits is caused by a peculiar action of electricity known as polarization. Second, we discovered that a current of thermo GALVANISM PRODUCES AN OPPOSITE RESULT. It causes a rapid dissolution of those products which are produced in every form of disease, and assists nature in carrying these deposits out of the system. This is the only current of electricity yet known that is always continuous and capable from its UNIFORM ACTION OF CONVEYING OXYGEN AND MEDICINE INTO A DISEASED PART. Third, the construction of a battery which only generates a current by the action of chemicals upon the zinc and copper elements when there exists a difference of temperature between the bat- 5 tery and its poles. Therefore, the battery is a Thermal one, and the only device where the in- tensity of the current can be regulated by the per- son using it so as to me t the wants of each indi- vidual case. This is accomplished by increase or decrease of the temperature of the water in which the battery is immersed. It has no switches or corroding points, is constant in its action, last- ing with proper care for years. Positively harm- less and adapted to the use of the most sensitive person. A continuous or galvanic current of elec- tricity cannot be felt. To produce jars and shocks a Faradic current has to be employed. The inten- sity of a current is not altered, because the current is broken so as to produce a sensible force. We have often used a galvanic battery to heat a plati- num wire to a white heat, and looped it about a tumor or other growth for its removal. During the amputation no current is felt, nothing but the heat. With this fact before the reader we hope he will understand that the Thermo Battery gener- ates a proper current like other galvanic batteries, whose currents cannot be felt. Fourth, the air and water in contact with the positive pole is decomposed. Oxygen and its pure part, ozone, is set free and conveyed into the tissues intervening between the poles by the force of the current, aided by absorbtion; therefore the battery is properly named a Thermo Ozone Bat- tery. Is Electricity A Harmful Treatment ? The application of electricity to disease as usually employed is uncertain in its results and often harmful. It is well known that nearly all re- flective physicians have abandoned its use. The reason of its failure is due to a destructive change produced upon the soft and vascular tissues of the body. J. Althaus, M. D., M. R. C. P., London, Eng., illustrates this change, which we here re- produce. If electricity produced no other result, it should never again be used as a medicinal agent. Fortu- nately a mild current of galvanism causes an exactly opposite result, it stimulates, strengthens a part, and its force is conducive to a healthful condition of the body. 6 Fig- 1. The microscopical section of a healthy muscle Fig. 2. The same section as it appeared after a current of electricity had passed through it for two minutes. Testimony of Practical and Scientific Electricians. We have constructed the first medical bat- tery which generates a current of Thermo-Gal- vanism by difference of temperature between the battery and its poles. Therefore its principle of action is not generally understood, and because its currents, like other galvanic currents, are not felt, its force and. efficiency may be questioned by those unfamiliar with galvanism. 7 The following statements from the highest and best electrical authorities, are conclusive proof of the scientific construction of the battery and its certain production of a galvanic current having the force required to accomplish what is claimed for it. New York, September 20, 1893. Dr. S, R. Beckwith, Dear Doctor:— I have examined the Thermo Ozone Battery, electri- cally, and find that the principle upon which it is operated is correct, the action of the chemicals therein contained generating a current sufficient to meet the re- quirements ma,de upon it. As to its curative powers, too high a valuation cannot be set upon it. This state- ment is made after a large experience with the battery in my family, and never did it fail to accomplish the de- sired results. Great benefits were derived from its use. A proper introduction of this battery to the public is all that is required. If I can at any time, explain in de tail its principle of action and the work that it has done for me, it will afford me great pleasure to do so, and to answer any questions with reference thereto. Very sincerely, (signed) W. H. Eckert, Pres. Bi-Metallic Wire Co. New York, June 5, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D., Dear Doctor;—ln regard to experiments with your battery; lately I have been struck very forcibly by your explanation of the temperature of water to be used with the battery under different circumstances, and have of late made some experiments in that direction. Of course it may be that my system is vastly diffei ent from that of others, but at the same time I find on asking two or three friends who are using the battery, that I am not very far wrong in the assertion that the battery is more efficient when the temperature of the room is taken into consider- ation with the temperature of the water. My experiments have shown the following: If a room is say 70° F. I find in my case that if the battery is in water at 400 F it produces a fullness of blood in the head. By increasing the temperature of 8 the water, I received more beneficial results; was able to wear the battery longer. I would advise if you think well of the suggestion, to direct parties using the battery to vary the temperature of the water in which the battery is placed. Yours truly, (signed) T. T. Eckert, Jr., Electrician of the Western Union Company. Mr. Cargill, Electrician of Thompson—Houston Co., stated to us that he had taken one of our batteries used by his sister to his laboratory where it was carefully examined, and found it capable of generating electricity of the force claimed for it. The examina'ion was made because the electrical principles involved were to them new (see page 48 for the remainder of the letter.) New York, April 26, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D., Dear Sir:—l have made a careful examination of the Thermo Ozone Battery; am thoroughly acquainted with the material used in its construction; when used as you direct will generate a thermo current of sufficient inten- sity to decompose water at the positive electrode, convey medicinal agents into the tissues, also accomplish dis- integration of foreign substances in the body. I have determined by experimentation that when a strong galvanic current is carried into a substance capa- ble of conducting electricity, its tendency is to polarize or increase the substance; but when a feeble galvanic current is used in animal, earthy, or mineral substance, the effect is to disintegrate or separate the molecules of the substance acted upon by the current. It is my opin- ion that this will be the effect on deposits caused by disease in animal structures. Yours truly, (signed) Francis Broadnax,)E. E. New York, January 5, 1895. Dear Doctor:— Since April last I have used your battery in treating several acute ailments, and in each instance the treat- ment was successful. Recently I applied Tinct. of lodine for an abscess by carrying the drug into its cav- ity by the use of the battery. When it broke I discover- ed that the pus was colored by the iodine. This lead me to make the following experiments in electric trans- 9 fusion of diugs by your battery. 1 constructed a box as here shown DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING EIECTRO EM DOS MO S I S. the partition is rawhide secured so as to make the box absolutely tight; the positive pole of the Thermo Ozone Battery was placed in apartment “A” negative pole in “B.” the battery was immersed in very cold ice water; each apartment was filled with warm water distilled from snow. In “A” was put the Tr. of Aconite. In a short time the water in “B” was so thoroughly saturated with the Tr. that when tasted it produced a burning sensation in the mouth and throat. I also used Belladonna, Col chicum and alkaline solutions; In each instance the force of the current carried the drug through the rawhide as was shown by taste and chemical test. Experiment 2- I used in place of the rawhide, sole- leather three-eighths of an inch thick previously soaked in warm water. I again put Tr. of lodine in “A” and it was forced by the current into “B” in less than twenty minutes. I then employed a colored solution of Potash; In a few moments the water in “B"’ was dis- tinctly colored. Test showed that a fair proportion of the potash had been sent through the sole-leather into “B.” Dilute acids and other substances were conveyed through the leather without difficulty. To make this test more satisfactory to you a former college class-mate of mine, now a well known Chemist, will chemically test for the presence of the drugs after being electrically transfused through the partition, and send the results to you. Yours respectfully, Francis Broadnax, C. E., M. E., E. E. 10 New York City, January 7, 1895. Francis Broadnax, E. E. & C. E. Dear Sir;— Having made the experiments with the “Dr. Beckwith The; mo Ozone Battery” furnished me by you, on the lines suggested by your letter of the 2;th of Dec., ’94, as well as some others, I am very happy to send you the report of the results as I find them under the best conditions I can supply at present. I packed battery in ice as per directions and applied pulp disks to either pole as requested, the positive disk I soaked in a solution of Nux Vomica (l part in 7000 in water) (Strychnine). The negative I placed in pure distilled water, tested for foreign substances of any kind. I then took the glass trough containing the rawhide partition and filled both divisions with distilled water, tested for foreign substance and found no reaction of any kind. I then introduced positive pole of batteiy with pulp disk containing solution of Nux Vomica as mentioned above into one division placing negative pole with disk in the other division and passed current for 12 minutes; tested with blue litmus paper and found distinct acid reaction proving that the Nux V. had passed through the hide and entered water in portion of trough holding negative pole of battery, the intense bitter taste of Strychnine was perceptable. A solution of litmus was introduced, and colored the liquid a reddish pink proving the pas- sage of the acid, without doubt by action of the battery as the time was too short to allow the same to pass by the endosmose action set up. Trials with Aconite, Napellus, Sulphur in Alcoholic solution, lodine, Bro- and other substances of like nature were all tried with success. I then passed the Nux Vomica solution through a piece of dog-skin (the substance at hand most nearly approaching the human skin) into a beaker of water with both poles on the same side of the hide as per diagram, as an experiment roughly illustrating the action of the battery on the skin, with perfect success. Time of action about 15 minutes. All tests applied prove the passage of the substance experimented with to pass through the dog-skin with ease in sufficient quan- tities to be easily indentified upon treating with proper reagents. I shall experiment further with a better equipment and may be able to give you further details in a few weeks. Very respectfully yours, (signed) F. C. Burlingame, Chemist and Assayer. 11 “New York Sun”—One of the new features of elec- tric medication is the introduction of drugs into the human body through the skin. This is done by placing solutions of any drug under the positive pole and placed against the skin. The current drives the drug into the tissues. This property of electricity is known as cata- phoresis. Extracts from the Press. “Boston Transcript”—By the application of the poles of a galvanic battery to our bodies, we can introduce into the sewers of our system the greatest of all puri- fiers, ozone where it will destroy the germs of disease and the vast variety of parasites which produce such destructive disease as diphtheria, smallpox, cholera, typhoid fever, etc. Dr. S. R. Beckwith, of New York, has invented a Thermo Galvanic Battery, which when applied to the surface of the body liberates oxygen and ozone from the water in the wet sponge under the posi- tive pole and surrounding atmosphere The method is not original, it was discovered by Professor Mateucci, as early as 1820. ilNew York Mercury”—Dr. Beckwith, of this city, has recently discovered that electricity possesses the capability of carrying medicine into the blood circulation. By this means he has demonstrated that a drug can be sent directly to the seat of the disease, thereby saving the necessity of administering it by the stomach, whose secretions we believe often change the nature of the medicine administered so that when it reaches the dis- eased point it may be something else than was given, We learn that a large number of physicians throughout the country are making use of this wonderful invention in the treatment of their patients, and find it to accomp - lish what the inventor believes it is capable of doing. From page 173, Electricity up to Date, by John B. Verity, London, Eng. ‘ Galvanism possesses a very remarkable property in what is termed “cataphoric ac- tion,” this is the ability of a galvanic current to intro- duce drugs into the body. It is easily shown that medical substances in solution applied to the skin at the positive pole, traverse the body and can be detected in various ways. The drug is brought to bear on the affected part without the destructive effect that drugs un- doubtedly have on the process of digestion.” We have never claimed to be the discoverer of a force in electricity capable of conveying medicine 12 into the blood. But we do claim to have construct- ed the first, and only battery capable of accomplish- ing this purpose, and which from its simplicity and duration can be used by families. Hotv the Battery is to he Applied. The following cut shows its application when oxygen is conveyed into the blood circulation. The battery is immersed in cold water, positive pole secured nearest to hand and the negative about three inches above. 2, conducting wires. 3 and 4, wire wood pulp tablets, brown and white sides. If the water in which the battery stands is 40 F. it is 55 F. colder than the surface of the arm on which the poles are fastened; this difference of temperature generates a more intense current than when a less variation of temperature exists. By this means the force of the current is regulated to the wants of each case. No other battery is so constructed as to modify or alter the intensity of its currents; quantity alone is changed. It is as im- portant to vary the intensity of electricity for medi- cal purposes as it is to alter the degree of heat when applied for pain. The current generated by the battery traverses the red or copper wire to the positive pole, then conducted by the tissues to the negative pole and back to the battery, making what is known as an electric circuit. Its speed is about 180,000 miles per second. 13 The water contained in the sponge under the positive pole and the air in contact with it is acted upon by the force of the current, and the oxygen is set free and carried into the tissues intervening be- tween the poles, while the hydrogen as in all cases where electricity is employed goes over to the negative pole. The wood pulp tablets are wired so as to concentrate and give off a current at a minute point, thereby increasing its electro-motor force twice the square root of the diameter of the conducting wire. By this means the feeble current of the battery is sufficiently strong to carry the medicine in a few seconds into a diseased part. When the battery is applied for pleurisy, typhoid fever and other disease, its poles or disks are ap- plied over the affected part; for example, in a case of diphtheria the positive pole is on one side of the throat and the negative on the other, the current passing directly through from pole to pole, carry- ing into the part both ozone and oxygen, the for- mer destroying every form of disease-producing germs brought in contact with it. Notice. The writers of the following letters will observe that we have left out such portions of their valuable correspondence as do not refer directly to the Thermo Ozone Battery and its capability of curing disease. The first battery we sold after supplying a num- ber of physicians, was to Judge C. K. Smith, for- mer ATTORNEY FOR COMMODORE VANDERBILT, af- terwards elected judge in this city. He writes under date of June 24, as follows: (This letter he dictated in our office.) “Dr. Beckwith:—My friend, who has used your battery for two weeks to-morrow, has so nearly re- covered that her physician thinks it safe for me to sail for Paris. As you have no knowledge of the case, a brief history of it with the good results pro • duced by the battery I think will interest you. She became dropsical last July; this condition followed confinement, accompanied with severe hemorrhage- She received treatment in the country until December, when she was brought to the city; at that time her face was swollen to such an extent as to nearly prevent recognition. The physicians 14 employed stated that in addition to her general dropsy she had an effusion in the chest. For a time she improved somewhat from the use of digitalis and other remedies, until her stomach rejected medicine. She was then treated with four or five hypodermic injections of morphine daily and the medicine was given by suppositories. After a time we changed physicians, and Dr. Beck, the present attending physician, informed me that the day the battery was first applied, her pulse had av- eraged 130, and temperature exceedingly high. Her body and limbs were enormously swollen, breathing very difficult; had at times attacks of sinking, which the physicians said was due to a feeble condition of the heart. She slept but little, and that little was procured by morphine. She was deadly pale, no color in her lips, and her ears were nearly transparent; urine very scanty. She was sustained by taking large quantities of brandy and milk. During the second application of the battery we observed a return of color to her lips, a pinky hue under her nails, and her ears were less transparent. Your invention must have carried oxygen into her blood, as it alone produces red corpuscles of blood, and no one could paint under her nails. This is what the physician stated. We have applied the battery twice daily, and I am directed by Dr. Beck to state that at present her pulse is 85. temperature normal, dropsy entire- ly removed except a slight swelling in the lower part of the abdomen. Her appetite is good, her nealthy color nearly returned; she has not had a paroxysm of pain and suffocation during the last week. She takes but little stimulants and mor- Chine, Four days after commencing the use of the attery, her body became covered with a fine erup- tion that lasted for a few days. My physician will call in a few days and verify this statement, and more fully explain to you her condition.” Dr. Beck called in a few days and stated that the above is correct; also added many important facts in reference to the case. I had never known of a cure in a case of equal severity, and this cure stimulated me to use every endeavor possible to make known the value of the treatment. 15 Enlargement of the Liver, The following letter we know to be correct as Mr. Day was under our care until he recovered. His was a case of sclerosis (hardening ol the liver), and the only case of as long standing and equal severity that I have ever seen cured. West Orange, N. J., November 24, 1894. Dear Sir:—ln reply to your inquiry respecting Dr. Beckwith’s Battery. In the Spring of 1893, I was attacked with some disease of the liver and placed myself under the treatment of physicians in Orange. I took a very large amount of medicine without benefit, and was told by my physicians in July in the same year, that I had hardening of the liver and would not recover. I met Doctor Beck- with on the train between Orange and New York, of which I am Conductor, and went with him to his office. At that time my right side was very much enlarged. I was unable to retain any food, only able to take a little coffee and dry bread; I fre- quently vomited; was unable to sleep, and suffered a great deal of pain. After reaching his office he applied the battery over my liver with medicine, the first application relieved the pain. I took the battery home and applied it daily, and at the end of three weeks my appetite had returned and I was able to eat three good meals a day, and often took a lunch with me for the late train. The swelling in my side was rapidly reduced, and in short every symptom that I had fully passed away within one month. I was so grateful for the recovery that I advised my friends to apply the treatment, and have recommended the Battery to a number of cases, and in each case the treatment has been of great benefit. In my wife’s case she was entirely cured of a tumor which the physicians told me would have to be cut out. I shall be pleased to answer any other inquiries you choose to make. One of my friends, Mr. J. Y. Cory, of Forest Hill, N. J., in business on Church Street, with the Paterson Silk Company, suffered from disease of the liver, debility, and very nervous. I loaned him my battery and in a few weeks he was so much improved that he bought one for himself. 16 I do not know how long he used it, but I soon ob- served that he improved and in a few months was in perfect health and remains so up to this time. Yours respectfully, (Signed) David Ogden Day. Critical Tests and Cures by Eminent Physicians. When it is considered that the following are not MORE THAN ONE-FOURTH OF UNSOLICITED letters received, the evidence of remarkable cures by the discovery is substantiated beyond question. San Francisco, Cal., June i, 1893. Dear Doctor:—l have successfully treated two cases of irregular action of the heart of long stand- ing, with the Themo Ozone Battery;also a case of chronic inflammation of both kidneys with partial suppression of the urine, and other unfavorable symptoms. Send me ten more batteries. Yours fraternally, (Signed) E. B. DeLaMatry, M.D. San Francisco, Cal., August 25, 1893. Dear Doctor;—l gave out nine batteries to be used by different patients; in each case former treatment was but little benefit. I required each battery to be returned without payment for use if it failed to cure, or afforded no relief. Each paid for their batteries accompanied with a statement that they were cured, and that the battery was too ben- eficial in domestic treatment to be without it. In one case of nervous and insomnia, the patient had used hypodermic injections of mor- phine several times a day. The result obtained from the use of the battery can best be stated in the patient’s words. “I sleep as well as a child, am free from pain, and entirely relieved of nervous- ness.” I have to report the most remarkable cure that I ever witnessed. On July, 1892, a young lady fell from a loft in a barn, fracturing the pelvic bone near the hip joint, and severely injuring internal organs; inflammation of the kidneys and bladder followed. When I was called to see her on June 8, 1893, no urine had passed during the last twenty-four hours; her temperature was 104, pulse 130, great swelling 17 in the lumbar region, difficulty in breathing and the limbs dropsical. She had been in one of our hospitals for several months before she was brought to my institution. On examination of the urine its specific gravity was 1.004, thickly studded with blood cells and albumen. lat once used the remedy which you apply for dropsy, and transfused ozone and oxygen into her system for two hours daily, and at this writing her kidneys have been en- tirely relieved; no swelling of the limbs; she is now able to walk with the aid of a crutch. Yours fraternally, (Signed) E. B. DeLaMatry, M.D. 921 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal, Dec. 21, 1893. My Dear Doctor:—I have cause to congratulate you and the profession that out of your suffering from becoming poisoned while removing an ovarian tumor, you have had leisure to create good. I was long ago convinced of the value of oxygen intro- duced into a diseased system. I have a full outfit of electrical batteries, but your little invention fills a want never before supplied, I can give it ouffto patients to be used by them at home, with good re- sults as shown in the following cases: Case 1, A boy who had been paralysed on one side for six years, and could use his hand and arm but slightly, and dragged his leg when walking. After two months treatment by the use of the bat- tery, he became able to walk quite well, and has nearly full use of his hand and arm. Case 2, A lady with a painful milk leg following confinement, complicated with chronic inflamma tion of the ovary, from which she suffered severe pain, has used the battery for several months, with great benefit by not only curing her disease but in improving her general health. Case 3, A lady had suffered for some years with chronic inflammation of the stomach, her digestion was impaired, rapid pulse, great nervous prostra- tion and general debility. By three months use of the battery she is now well. I have a large practice in disease of the lungs and throat where I shall use the treatment. Yours fraternally, (Signed) C. B. Currier, M.D. 18 Wakefield, Mass., May 10, 1594. Doctor:—The fibroid tumor which i am treating with the Thermo Ozone Battery by placing the negative and positive disks on each side of the tumor, is improving. It has been reduced very considerably in its size, and I feel certain that a surgical operation will not now be required in her case. Yours very truly, (Signed) H. B. Cross, M.D. 2069 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio, May 9, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D. 114 Fith Ave., New York. Dear Doctor:—In reply to your favor will state that I have eight batteries in use wish my patients, and am having most excellent success with them. I believe that the treatment will accomplish ail that you claim for it. Yours fraternally, (Signed) M. L. Stehley, M.D. W. T. Plume, Insurance, Newark, N. j. dictated the following letter; “I have been a great sufferer from catarrhal headaches for twenty years, and tried all kinds of medicine and all kinds of applica- tions, even burned the skin of my head with chloro- form without obtaining any relief from anything. Observing that one of my neighbors had been cured of headaches by the use of the Thermo Ozone Battery, I was induced to try it. I have now used it for more than a year, and it is the first time in forty years that I have been able to go through a wet season of three weeks without suffering a ter- rific headache. Recently I loaned my battery to a friend who has inflammatory rheumatism, who was compelled to take morphine pills to get sleep. The battery worked so well that he has refused to let me have it back, and I am here to get another.” Mansion, Wis., June 24, 1894. Dear Doctor:—The battery accomplishes better results than I conceived possible. I have practic- ed medicine for forty-five years and think I have had sufficient experience to know a natural from a medicinal cure- The treatment must be generally adopted, for oxygen passively sent into the blood, and medicine into diseased structures, will cure where other means fail. Yours fraternally, (Signed) J. J. Herrick, M.D. 19 Medical Sanatorium, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. July 30th, 1893. Dear Doctor:—A description of your invention is before me. I think it must be a great improve- ment, I would like to have one. Yours fraternally, (Signed) R. Hamilton, M.D. This eminent physician called at our office and by his report substantiated his opinion. Clarion, Pa., January 8, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D. Dear Doctor:—l have suffered from lung trouble, neuralgia and headache. The first for about ten weeks and the last two indefinitely. I have had one of your Ozone Batteries about five weeks. Of the lung trouble I can say nothing for I was tak- ing medicine from my physician at the same time that I was using the battery. I have used it for neuralgia and headache with excellent results. I have reduced the pulse 14 beats in an hour’s ap- plication, I applied it for headache at different times on two of my children and it gave relief every time. lam very well pleased with the battery. Yours truly, (Signed) J. F. Hackett. 47 Liberty St., Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1894. Dear Doctor:—I can cheerfully say that I have every confidence in the efficacy of the Ozone Bat- tery, having used it in a case of pleurisy of an ag- gravated character, which yielded more readily by its use than any case I have ever found under the administration of medicine by the mouth; the case fully recovered after two applications of one hour each. I also used it in a severe case of lumbago which was entirely cured by one application of an hour. Yours fraternally, (Signed) Jas. C. Harrington, M.D. Nashville, Tenn., June 28, 1894. Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—I write you in relation to how lam getting on, have used the battery three times on my liver with medicine as you directed in your last letter; it has had a most wonderful effect upon my stomach and bowels, relieving me of a great deal 20 of pain. It has mostly removed an accumulation of gas in the bowels. I await your directions for treatment ot constipation, as this is all that remains from suffering since I was injured during the war. Yours truly, , (Signed) H. H. Hammer. Hammer Bros., Real Estate. Buena Vista, Va., April 21st, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D., Dear Doctor:—l take pleasure in stating that I have used the Thermo Ozone Battery for several months for a most violent attack of sciatica, which had been proof against any treatment whatever, and while I cannot say that I am entirely well, still the improvement is so marked that I feel constrain- ed to write in terms of the highest compliment to the merits of this little instrument. I am very truly yours, (Signed) Madison H. Hay the. Ocean Grove, N. J., Sept. 14, 1894. Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—Through Mrs. Thomas McClaryJ I be- came the possessor of one of your Ozone Batteries. My mother Mrs. Elizabeth Sayers, of Wilmington, Del., has been for many years a great sufferer from rheumatism; after using your battery for a few weeks she experienced great relief and now after six months she is almost entirely relieved. Respectfully, (Signed) R. E. Sayers. Rahway, N. J., October 16, 1893. S- R. Beckwith, M.D., Dear Sir: With gratitude and pleasure I want to inform you what the Thermo Ozone Battery has done for my wife. She was very low for a long time. Her skin was yellow and her limbs very much swollen and could do nothing at all. She had the services of a celebrated New York Doctor, who gave her mt dicine, but had no effect on the health, in fact we had given up all hope for her recovery. She was at Asbury Bark this summer for rest, and there by accident she tried one of your batteries which seemed to relieve her, and on this hope she procured one and used it ac- cording to directions. The result was wonderful; she grew better; her skin lost all the t yellow 21 appearance, resuming a healthy color again, and the swelling was entirely gone. What one of the best doctors in New York city could not cure, your battery did with the help of Providence. She can now do all the light house work again, and in judging from her appearance you woijld take her for ten years less of age than she really is at 61. A can conscientiously recommend your battery to all sufferers and feel assured they will be reliev- ed at once, and cured in a short time. I remain very respectfully, (Signed) Chas. W. Babel, 30 Main St. 2022 N, Charles St., Baltimore, Md., July 30th, 1894. Dr. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—Please send me another Thermo Ozone Battery. lam quite a convert to the great value of your discovery. It is a valuable invent- ion. I used it for a cancer of the uterus with good effect. It cured me ot malarial fever which has clung to me for years. The country is filled with humbugs, and people are cautious. Your evidence from the medical profession must be accepted same as with other agents they use. Yours fraternally, (Signed) Dr. R. J. Hall. 31 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, Vt, June 5, 1894. Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dear Doctor:—Batteries duly received. The boy on whom lam using a battery for Exopthal- mic Goitre is very much improved. The measure- ment of his neck in largest part has diminished two inches in about five weeks time. Now his father is suffering with Iritis and has been in a dark room for four weeks, and it is still very painful at night and conjunctiva veiy much congested, and quite a good deal of lachrymation. He is poor and feels in a great hurry to get back to his work again and wondered if the battery could not be used to ad- vantage on his eye. There is quite a large opacity on the cornea and the neuralgia is severe. I told him I would write you about it and get your opinion. Please reply soon as convenient, and oblige, Yours truly, S. H. Sparhawk, M.D. 22 St. Johnsbury, Vt., July 10, 1894. Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dear Doctor:—Your favor of the 6th of June was duly received. Many thanks for the suggestion made for the use of the battery in the case of Iritis which I wrote you about; I have used it once a day, and obtained immediate results therefrom; I used a solution of iodide of potash on the disk, and the action was fine; the patient had a previous severe attack of the same trouble, which had left some opacity of the cornea, and when this attack came on, it was very much increased with great congest- ion of the conjunctiva; it was also attended with very severe neuralgic pains which were worse at night. Very soon after the use of the bat- tery, the pain and congestion began to abate, and it has been a steady and continued gain until the present time; now the opacity has nearly all disap- peared, and I am confident that a persistent use of the battery will eventually absorb all of the old spot which was left from the former attack. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) S. H. Sparbawk. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 7, 1893. Dear Doctor:—Your principle of cure 1 believe is correct. I know from experience that galvanism will transfuse medicine into the system. Send me a battery and I will give it a fair trial. Yours fraternally, (Signed) J. C. Hummer, M.D. Feb. 19, 1893. I have just met Rev. A. L. Kilgore, of West- minister, Md., who has used your battery with good success in paralysis of several months standing, it has entirely cured him of obstinate constipation. March 25, 1893. I gave a battery to a patient for bronchial catarrh. He reports that it aggravated his con- dition. I then directed him to use the battery in warmer water, not below 55 F. In a short time he called and stated that he was very much improved. This aggravation shows me that there exists an im- portant force in the current. I have had asthma and by the continuous use of the battery lam re- lieved; it has also removed a trouble caused from malaria. 23 May 24,1893. There seems to be no limit of cure by your treat- ment. A lady seventy years of age, suffering from an organic disease of the heart, was severely injur- ed and became nearly helpless; her limbs were dropsical. While in this condition she was attack- ed with erysipelas. I knew that no remedies could benefit her, and tried the battery with proper remedies, her improvement has been so marked that lam satisfied she will soon recover from the attack, June 28,1893, You state in your circulars that the ozone driven into Peyer’s glands, the seat of typhoid fever, will relieve this disease. On confirmation of this state- ment I will state that I treated H. W. Berry, who had typhoid fever, he had been sick several days when I was called, his temperature was high, pulse very rapid, delirious- I applied the battery on the abdomen over the glands in the manner you suggest; the fever yielded in a very short time, and within three days he was able to be taken home, a distance of 60 miles. He has written me since that he has had no return of the disease, I send you a letter from a patient of mine, whose statements are correct. Yours fraternally, (Signed) J. C. Hummer, M.D, Baltimore, Md.., May 10, 1893. Dear Dr. Hummer:— I have suffered for years with a disease of the lungs, I have been under treatment by physicians of all schools, with no improvement but steadily getting worse; my appetite was gone and 1 could not retain medicine on my stomach. I had not improved under your treatment until March 3, 1893, when I commenced the use of the Thermo Ozone Battery by your suggestion. The first week of its use I found myself greatly aggravated and was about to give it up when I discovered that the directions stated that when an aggravation is produced the water can be used warmer in which the battery is placed. I then used it in water of a higher temperature, after I commenced the treat- 24 ment in this way I began to improve. Ino longer spit blood, which I had done during the winter months. My cough improved and I gained in flesh and*strength- It is just to the treatment for me to state that the good results obtained have been realized under the most trying circumstances. I have been exposed to all kinds of weather, as my work has been out of doors connected with the railway. I cannot say too much in praise of the battery, as this is the first Spring that I have been able to work for the last three years. I kindly thank you for introducing the treatment to me. Yours very truly, (Signed) J. A. Perkins- We have received cumulative evidence that ozone carried into Peyer’s glands destroys typhoid germs. The following evidence is conclusive on the subject. Dr. M. Cameron, of Washington, D. C.. reports a number of cures of typhoid fever by the use of the battery, and states that no other method of treat- ment cures the disease in as brief period of time. Dr. Bliss, of Maple Rapids, Mich., and Dr. Day- foot, of Rochester, N. Y., have supplied us with equally satisfactory evidence in the treatment of this disease. I Dr. McKnight, of Providence, R. 1., in a lengthy report details the cure of several cases. During the period that the disease was an epidemic in Montclair, N. J., we treated a number of cases and in no instance more than two days was required to destroy the typhoid germs. To show that this disease can be cured by home treatment we add the following evidence- Montclair, N. J., April 26, 1894. Dear Doctor: I feel it my duty to write you the effect produced by your battery in typhoid fever with my husband. He drank every day a quart of milk from the Gould farm until its delivery was stopped by the Health Board. He was attacked with the fever and became quite sick. I know that he had typhoid fever, because I am familiar with its symptoms, having had the fever myself while residing in London, I used the battery as directed by Dr. Tiffl Beckwith, of Orange, and in a few days he fully recovered. (Signed) Mrs. F. K. Roller. 25 Baltimore, Md., July 23, 1893. Dear Doctor:—I have been applying the battery to a lady who had suffered two surgical operations with flexion of the uterus; the operations were un- successful and she would not submit to another. I have applied the battery twice a day, using prop- er remedies to be carried into the enlarged organ. The treatment has been so marked that she is now able to visit her neighors and attend to light house- hold duties. Do not understand that I am com- plaining of the surgical treatment, for the operations were performed by two of the most eminent sur- geons. Fraternally, (Signed) J. C. Hummer, M.D. August 5, 1893. I have the pleasure of reporting a very peculiar cure by your battery. Mrs. E. for 16 years had suffered severe pain during each menstrual period; no treatment had benefitted her. I applied the battery over the ovaries, when the pain was violent. I carried into the parts a solution of Antikamnia. She has been using the treatment now for nearly three months, and during the last menstrual period she suffered no pain. J. C. Hummer, M.D. August 25, 1893. An old gentleman suffering several weeks from inflammation of the foot, which resulted in gangrene of the toes, his condition was very feeble. I called a consultation for the purpose of ampu- tation, it was decided that he was not able to stand the operation. After reaching home that night I concluded to return and use the battery, for if oxygen makes new tissues here was an opportunity for trial. In a few days healthy granulations ap- peared which improved his condition, until now no operation will be necessary excepting removal of some of the bones of the toes which are exposed. My brother physician, Dr. Morgan, had a severe attack of La Grippe, I was called to attend him and recommended the battery. His recovery was so rapid and he was so much pleased that he will write you a letter on the subject. (Signed) J. C. Hummer, M.D. 26 Baltimore, Md., Aug. 27, 1893. Dear Friend:—l applied your battery by the ad- vice of Dr. Hummer, with most excellent success in case of La Grippe. I have been giving careful attention to the principle of the treatment, and think it is correct. I have taken the liberty to give you in detail my opinion of the philosphy of the treatment, which I hope will not be uninteresting reading to you. (Signed) W. L. Morgan, M-D. Dr. Hummer has reported up to 1895, more than sixty cases which he has successfully treated by the use of the battery. Many of these reports were accompanied by letters from patients who had been cured. The well known physician, Dr. Way, of 210 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md., treats all of his patients by our method, and the sick of that city can obtain additional information by calling upon him. Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N- Y., Jan. 5, 1894. Dear Doctor:—I have used the battery every day since my injury, and have constantly improved. I suffered from soreness in the lower part of the spine with an aching pain between the shoulders; in ad- dition I have suffered from chronic ailments which have been relieved. My friend, Mrs. Vorhies who loaned me the battery has been relieved by its use, she purchased one of you last week for private use. I certainly have reason to speak a good word for the treatment. Yours truly, (Signed) Mrs- H. J. Swazie. Omaha, Neb., April 10, 1894. Dear Doctor:—About five years since I com- menced treatment for what was supposed to be stone in the bladder, the physician treated me for about three months without benefit, I then sought the advice of another, who was unable to find any stone in the bladder but treated me for a catarrhal inflammation. I was hardly able to attend to any business. I continued his treatment for a long time without any benefit. I then applied to another physician who informed me that my trouble was a 27 disease of the kidneys. I have been through a great amount of medical treatment; have had the sound used which caused me very severe pain after its use; it seems as if my system was palsied. I became sick and tired of trying medicine, when 1 met a friend, Otto Wieck, who told me ofhis being cured by the use of the battery. I am improving under this treatment and shall be happy to hear any suggestions you have to make in regard to its use. Yours truly, (Signed) John French Omaha, Neb., May i, 1894, Dear Dr. Beckwith:— I have followed your advice for two weeks. At first I did not find any relieffromthe treatment, but now it seems to be taking hold; the pain and pres- sure are being relieved, my suffering is very consid- erably less; it seems to give me new vitality. About a week ago I had one of my severe attacks which the treatment relieved. I believe the treatment possesses great virtue, although it works so silent- ly that it some times seems to be a wonder what it is accomplishing. Yours respectfully, (Signed) John French. Omaha, Neb., June 22, 1894. Dear Doctor:—In reply to your favor. I have followed the treatment as you advised. My suffer- ing has been great, but the treatment is overcoming it. I now believe that I shall fully recover. Yours very truly, (Signed) John French. Drakes Branch, Va., May 25, 1894. Dear Doctor;— While visiting St. Luke’s Hospi- tal in Richmond, a few weeks since I met a lady who described to me the great benefit she had re- ceived from the use of your Thermo-Ozone Battery. She had suffered a long time from rheumatism, and the battery was recommended to her by a physician in Baltimore, Md. Please send me one as soon as possible, and I will report progress. Yours truly, (Signed) Mrs. E. G. Friend. Bartow on the Sound, N- Y., April 29, 1894- My Dear Doctor;—I have used the battery as you directed. When I first applied it I felt a tingling 28 sensation in my leg under the positive pole; it has stopped the exhaustive drainage from which I have suffered so long; the dizziness in my head which has been very severe has almost disappeared. It has affected my kidneys very favorably, causing me to pass a large amount of urine. The improve- ment is very encouraging. Yours respectfully, (Signed) C. A. Couch. Omaha, Neb., May 6, 1894. Dear Friend:—I ought to have written you be- fore, telling you of the effect of the battery upon mother. She has been confined to her room for many years with paralysis. Since using the battery she has very much improved, and is able to go about a little, Ido not know that she can be per- manently cured, but the treatment has not only re- lieved her pain but causes her to sleep well. Mother states that you and my father, Dr, Clary, were great friends some forty years ago, and she joins me in thanking you for the kind attention you have given her. We have great confidence in the treatment. Yours very truly, (Signed) Miss C. C. T. Clary. Appleton City, Mo., May 10, 1894. Dr. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—About a month ago I purchased one of your batteries on the recommendation ot Dr- Platt, of Springfield, Mass. I sent him a full de- scription of my disease and he gave it as his opinion that the treatment would benefit me. I have now used it but a short time and it has helped me in many respects. I have long suffered from severe indigestion, sick headaches, pleuritic pains in the chest, also weak lungs. I am compelled to live mostly on milk and old bread. I am using the battery in water about 55 F., this seems to give me the most relief. Yours truly, (Signed) D. Walls. In this case the disks of the battery were applied over the stomach and medicine carried through its walls. This difficult case has been relieved. 29 Springfield, Mo., April 9, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D., My Dear Doctor:—l have tried the batteries you sent me with great satisfaction. The cases on which I have applied them have been old and very difficult ones, no prompt relief could be expected, yet they haye accomplished more than any other treatment. Yours fraternally, (Signed) M. B. Smyth, M. D. Parma, Ohio, April 15, 1594. Dear Doctor:—l called to day on the young man who has been using your battery for a long standing case of rheumatism. He is much better than he was when he began its use, I have great confi- dence in the merits of the battery. Yours very truly, (Signed) Rev. J. Spencer. St. Johnsbury, Vt., April 28, 1894. Dear Doctor;—I have all my batteries in opera- tion now and they are doing good work. I am using one in a case of goitre, another in a case of cancer of the breast, another in fibroid tumor of the uterus. All of these patients are improving. The patients inquire how they are to know that the bat- tery is in working order. It is difficult to make them understand that a continuous galvanic current cannot be felt, whether given by your battery or any other. Yours fraternally, (Signed) S. H. Sparhawk, M.D. Waco, Tex., May 21, 1594. My Dear Doctor:—I have used the battery, and my wife is also testing it for kidney trouble. She is not given to taking up any new method of treat- ment; she now says she has to admit that the bat- tery treatment is very beneficial, it at once stops her headaches. lam so well pleased with its re- sults that I wish you would send a battery to Mrs, A. M. Lots, Shelton, Wash., for her son, as I be- lieve it will cure him of epilepsy. Yours respectfully, (Signed) A. D, Rust. Editor of Waco Journal. Pomona, Cal., Sept. 2, 1894- Dear Doctor;—I am pleased with the success of your battery in the treatment of my case for ner- vous prostration, headaches, etc. I have also used it' on a rheumatic patient with great success. Piease send me another battery as I wish to use the treatment in my practice. Yours fraternally, (Signed) E. C. Armstrong, M.D. Birmingham, Ala,, Sept. 5, 1894. Dear Doctor;—We are much pleased with your Thermo Ozone Battery. Please send another to my brother, J. W. Brazeal, Steubenville, Montana. Yours respectfully, (Signed) B. M. Brazeal. Pomona, Cal., Nov. 4, 1894. Dear Doctor:—l take great pleasure in informing you that I am delighted with the good results I have obtained from the use of your battery in many difficult cases. Enclosed find P. O. for two more batteries, and oblige. Yours fraternally, (Signed) E. C. Armstrong, M.D. Chattanooga, Tenn., March 15, 1894. Dear Doctor:—l am giving the battery a good trial with Mrs. French. She is slow to take up new things and here the trial will be more satisfactory to me than in any other case. Enclosed find cheque for two Ozone Batteries, and oblige. Yours fraternally, (Signed) E. W. French, M.D. Cromwell, Conn., April 9, 1894. Dear Dr. Beckwith:—Please send another of your batteries to one of our patients, and oblige, Yours fraternally, (Signed) W. B. Hallock, M.D. Aiken, S. C., Jan, 19, 1894. Dear Doctor:—Enclosed find cheque for another bat- tery and box of medicine. Send it to Rev. E. E. Wil- son, Finlay, 0., he has been suffering with lung trouble and I loaned him my battery while at our cure. lie improved by its use and is anxious to continue the treat- ment. Yours fraternally, (Signed) O. B. Cause, M.D. APPENDICITIS, (The American Disease), The above name is applied to a disease of the append- age of a valve that exists in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen. This valve is at the point where the small intestine enters the large one. Many surgeons in this country claim that grape seeds and other sub- stances lodge in the valve opening or its worm shaped appendage. By this claim they feel justified in per- forming an operation which has subjected them to RIDICULE BY EUROPEAN SURGEONS. The Creator in the completeness and perfection of His creation, constructed man with an anatomy so varied and perfect, that every function of his body so operates as to best maintain health and life. There exists in no part of the organism a completeness of construction SURPASSING that of this intestinal valve and its append- age, which is MADE TO widen, so that a coin or trinkets often swallowed by children can readily pass through it. For additional safety the parts are covered with extra FOLDS of peritonium and when this tissue is inflamed it is often more active here than elsewhere; such inflam- mation is termed Appendicitis. When surgeons are asked why European and old surgeons so very rarely found it necessary to operate, they reply ‘‘ the disease was not understood.” Such statements dis lay ar- rogance and ignorance The heads of the tallest of such claimants professionally are below the knees of a Sir Astley Cooper, Abercrombie, Mott, Parker, Paul Eve, Nathan Smith, and others. I assert from a knowl- edge obtained during more than forty years of ex- tended surgical practice, that an operation for appendicitis is rarely necessary, and the inflamma- tion can be controlled by treatment. It is often well TO TRUST TO NATURE MORE AND MAN LESS. Byron said to his physicians during his last illness, “My mother by her prayers and oatmeal, often cured me of a worse ailment. I see you stand there a set of butchers; do as you like and have done with it.” I hope to be able 32 TO convince some one that appendicitis is but an in- flammation capable of cure by direct medical treat- ment. I earnestly hope that the cures here reported will lead many to consider the advantage to be gained by the use of the benificent force of a gentle cur- rent of galvanism in sending appropriate medicine into the seat of this disease, thereby preventing AN un- justifiable operation. In May, 1894, a gentleman of this city, who was soon to be operated upon for appendicitis, applied the disks of the battery Over the seat of the inflammation, placing under the positive pole a wired wool pulp tablet wet with medicine useful in controlling an inflammation; the force of the current uniformly distributed the drug into the most minute portion of the inflamed tissues; in a few hours the inflammation was reduced, and his re- covery was rapid. This gentleman is no longer afraid to eat grapes, seeds and all, or swallow a cherry stone as he did when a boy at home on the farm. J. H. Lindsey, one of the best known and popular architects of New York and Newark, resided in East Orange. He had long suffered from chronic inflamma- tion of the glands of the abdomen and peritoneum. He had employed a number of skillful physicians who agreed in their diagnosis and unfavorable prognosis. He had become wasted away near to death from want of assimilation of food; the valve at thej'unction of the small and large intestines was surrounded by lumpy deposits, the product of inflammation; at times it failed to open when the contents of the bowels and gas accu- mulated, which caused a fullness over the seat of the valve; this produced pain similar to that which occurs from strangulated hernia; the pressure would open the trap or valve allowing the accumulation to pass, which afforded temporary relief; here was one of the very few cases where an operation would have been justifiable, if the patient was able to endure it, but he was not; his case seemed hopeless. The battery was used two or three times a day in the same manner as mentioned in the former case. In a short time the deposits were removed, he at once commenced to improve, and by the treatment he has regained his former strength and health. His confidence in the efficacy of the method was exemplified yesterday in a visit to Dr. Tifft Beck- with, requesting him to employ the battery for the treat- ment of an aged friend near to death with typhoid tever. lam fully conversant with lie difficulty of determin- 33 ing A NATURAL from a medicinal cure. 1 have often seen wonderful effects produced by the mind upon dis- ease, and have become charitable to those certifying to cures from faith in some useless device. In these cases reported there was no alternative; deposits existed; they were readily detected and had to be removed by THE KNIFE, Or by MEDICINAL DISINTEGRATION. NO STOMACH MEDICATION HAD ACCOMPLISHED THIS, the best had been well tried and failed. As I reflect upon the truly wonderful results obtained by an un- seen, unfelt force, conveying imperceptibly, curative agents for relief, as air carries into our bodies the deadly GERMS OF CHOLERA AND TYPHOID FEVER, my mind IS filled with awe, wonderment and reverence, while endeavoring to comprehend the sublimity of created wisdom in originating even at the beginning a universal, pervading force, waiting man’s intelligence for its appli- cation to the relief of suffering and prevention OF DEATH. Joseph Fitzgerald, former editor of the Forum, Scien- tific Monthly, and brother of the VENERABLE BISHOP of Arkansas, writes as follows: “My wife was cured by three applications of your Thermo Ozone Bat- tery of a severe attack of lumbago, which prevented movements of her body. She was so much benefited by the first application as to be able to walk about the room. For upwards of fifteen years I have suffered from a painful ailment of the muscles of the calf of the right leg. During those years I, could not walk at a mode- rate pace the distance of a quarter of a mile without suffering severe pain in these muscles. About August 15th I began to use the battery (without any of the medicinal preparations), applying the electrodes (with wet sponges) at the part affected. I began to experience relief in three or four weeks; now (Dec. 20) I daily walk more than a mile at a time at a fair pace with very little inconvenience. A wholly unexpected and unsought benefit has come to me incidentally, viz., a very great strengthening of the nerves. When I began to employ the battery I was quite noticeably tremulous, and the most trivial cause would bring on a trembling of the hands sufficient to make my handwriting illegible After four or five weeks’ use of the battery I began m> self to notice a marked improvement, and the imporve rnent was remarked by my friends. Another unexpected benefit derived by me from the use of the battery is that it has saved me from insomnia during a season of 34 severe worry and anxiety. Ordinarily, under such cir- cumstances, I should have been unable to sleep for hours after lying down in bed; but not once since I commenced the nightly use of the battery have I lain awake more than a few minutes in the first part of the night. The same effect is experienced by nearly every person that uses the battery, This experience confirms me in the belief that the mild current of the battery has a specific action on the nervous system strengthening it and giving it tone. General Nervous Debility, Nervous Prostration, seems to be the disease of our century, but this is also “the age of electricity,” and perhaps electricity affords us the means of coping with that most formidable evil of high civilization.” J. L. Wardwell, 169 E. 42d St., New York, was one year in Andersonville prison, which permanently im- paired his health; has had frequents attacks of malarial fever. Five years since his physicians informed him that he had a tumor on the surface of the liver; has suf- fered from frequent attacks of severe pain, indigestion, vomiting, unable to attend to business a considerable part of the time. Tumor constantly growing; received no encouragement of a cure; examination showTed that the growth filled the right half of the abdomen; pain very severe; great debility and paleness. June 4th, prescribed for the pain Antikamnia by electric trans- fusion; pain relieved in a few minutes and has not since returned. This was followed by transfusion of lodine and other prescriptions. June 15th, reports no pain, good appetite, sleeps well, the tumor reduced. Sep- tember 24th, tumor nearly gone; patient in good health. Mr. Wardwell at this date January, 1895, is ,n good health, daily attending to his business. On June 12, 1893, J. S. Dumas, 114 E. 28th Street, New York, retired merchant, applied the battery for chronic rheumatism of many years duration; the joints of his fingers were painfully enlarged and had a limited motion; he had been unable to close his hands for three years, had frequent attacks of vertigo, occasional loss of consciousness preceded by fullness of the head, flushed face; on stooping or looking upward he became very dizzy. He continued the treatment until September 25th when he writes as follows: “Dear Doctor:—l am free from any disease. Have gained 16 lbs. in weight since I commenced yottr treatment. Yours truly. J. S. Dumas,” 35 Mr. J. T., East Orange, N. J., has had epilepsy for eighteen years, often having several spasms during the day. He used the battery for the introduction of ozone and oxygen without medicine for six months, when Mr. Cory, Linen Thread, Church Street, New York, who was cured of nervous prostration by the use of the bat- tery, and desired information in regard to the treatment in epilepsy, called on him and was informed that he had recovered. After three months treatment he reported to the office great improvement. We have not seen the patient since, but his father nforms me that he is practi- cally cured. Insomnia, brain fag, exhaustion of nerve force, result- ing in infeeblement of mind and body, has increased in frequency and severity in proportion to the increase of mental affliction. Recently these diseases have become so frequent that private hospitals and asylumns are established in great numbers to accommodate those afflicted with this mind destroying ailment. Electricity as usually employed and medicine admin- istred through the stomach, have afforded but little relief, and physicians in their failures have sent their patients abroad to wander away from the comforts of home and the care of friends. It is time to know what causes this disease. An overworked brain produces clogging OF THE veins surrounding the cells of the gray matter. Nothing but oxygen conveyed into the blood by galvanism can un- load the congested veins and permit a return of healthy action of the brain and nerve. The first case I treated by this means was Geo. Moss, residing in East Orange, N. J., manufacturer on Reade Street, New York. He had long suffered from nervous prostration, general exhaustion, inability to sleep, poor digestion, etc. He had been compelled to abandon his business, sell his home, and take the doctor’s last prescription to go to Europe, when he called at our house and there applied the battery. It relieved his pain at once, quieted his nervous excitation, and at the end of six weeks he had mostly regained his health. Since that time I have treated a great number of persons similarly afflicted, and have not failed in a single case. Among the number is that of Rev. J. Bastow. He called at our office on March ist, and stated that he had suffered from insomnia for nine years, his nervous prostration was so great that it impaired his mind to an extent that interfered with his work. He had been 36 subject to headaches and pains in different parts of the body. He had visited Europe twice in search of relief without benefit. On March 3d, we received the follow- ing letter : 1818 Morris Ave., Tremont, N. Y., March 2, 1893. Dear Dr. Beckwith :—I tried the battery last night and got a very much better night’s sleep than usual. Then too I am far lighter and happier to-day than 1 have been for a long time. I certainly am very hope- ful that I have struck something at last that will enable me to sleep and build up the nervous system. Many thanks for your kind personal attention. I will be in to see you after having given the bat- tery a trial. I shall be profoundly grateful for whatever you may do for me to put me on my feet. Your neighbor, Mr. Morse, of Orange, knows me well. Yours most gratefully and cordially, (Signed) J. Bastow. He paid us weekly visits until June 15th, and stated that he had fully recovered; was never better in his life. His statement was corroborated by his general appear- ance. I believe I possess the only treatment that can relieve the brain congestion produced by over mental exertion, often resulting in insanity. Therefore, I suggest to those suffering from this cause, to write me their symptoms, to which I will reply by sending copies of letters furnished by physicians who have with the treatment cured similar cases. By this means I believe the practice will soon become universal and the stigma so long attached to the art of medicine for its inability to relieve these cases, will be removed. Sewell Depot, W. Va., March 13, 1^93. Dear Dr. Beckwith I have chronic dyspepsia, suffering from severe pain in my stomach and bowels, have acid fermentation, nearly constant headache: also have frequent attacks of rheumatism. My nervous system is in a horrible condition. A friend of mine in Baltimore has recommended your treatment. Please send me a battery. Yours truly, (Signed) V. V. Garnett. 37 On March 27th, Miss Garnett writes: “I have been greatly benefited by the nse of your battery.” On July 26th she writes: “I believe I owe my life to the use of the battery while not entirely restored to health, I am so much improved that I feel certain I shall soon re- cover.” On December 20th she writes: “I remain in fair health and my dyspepsia and nervous prostration have been cured.” East Orange, N. J., December 16, 1804. Mr. W. Cummings, 253 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dear Sir:—Your note of inquiry on the 12th inst. at hand in regard to my experience of Dr. Beckwith’s Ozone Battery. 1 feel somewhat delicate about an- swering, for it is a very hard matter to tell when nature leaves off and artificial means commence. I will state my case briefly. My age 70, and for the last 20 years have been much out of health. I have been treated by the best physicians of both schools for malaria, liver and kidney trouble, and while I was patched up, cannot say that I was any day without more or less suffering. About two years ago I commenced using the battery and immediately felt its beneficial effects, and can truly say to day that I am in perfect health, and feel younger than I did 20 years ago. You can draw your own conclusions. I give the batteiy credit. I have seen wonderful results besides my own. I know not what your case may be, but if all other means you have tried have failed, would say by all means give the battery a thorough trial. Very truly yours, (Signed) John Ingersoll. Campbell, Tex., December 11, 1894. Dear Doctor:—l am ready to introduce your medical invention in electricity to my patients. After a thorough trial I am fully satisfied of the curative value of your discovery. Yours fraternally, (Signed) M. W. Patterson, M.D. DelNorte, Colo., Feb. 8, 1895. Dear Doctor;— Send me at once three batteries. Those I have had have been taken by my patients. 1 wish you could have seen the cure by the treatment in Mr. Meyer’s case. He is one of the best known men in the Slate and wishes to write to you. In the following case the battery acted like magic. 38 At this altitude, 7,880 feet, pneumonia is the most dangerous disease we have to contend with. The bat- tery does its work very speedily. In this case the patient was a girl four years of age, and |had a cokf followed by violent pneumonia. From the first I used the usual remedies and poulticed back and chest, with- out benefit. The third day there was active nervous congestion; the patches on her face which had been a bright red color became livid. For several hours the little thing had been in a comatose condition from which we could scarcely’rouse her; I applied the battery three times during the day. During the first application I observed a change for the better, the nails were less purple, patches on the face not as livid, breathing easier, temperature lower. In the evening after the last treatment she had a natural sleep, which continued during the night. In the morning she was bright and free from fever. It did not seem possible that so simple a thing as the battery could have done so wonderful a thing, for all who had seen the case believed she would die, yet no one doubted that the recovery was due to the treatment, for cases in this condition never recover from mountain pneumonia. (Signed) S. A. Goff, M.D. New York, October 13, 1893. Dear Doctor :—I commenced the use of your battery three months since. I had suffered everything from insomnia, and tried everything in vain until I got the battery. The effect has been simply instantaneous in producing sleep and rest. In about fifteen minutes after I apply the battery I feel a tingling sensation at the point of application and it produces a general warmth over the body. Recently I lost my voice, and believed I should be unable to fulfil an engagement to sing at a concert. I applied the disks of the battery to my throat, resulting in a complete restoration of voice within six hours. Once since I became very hoarse, which the treatment relieved in a short time. My sister, who is using the battery, is improving from chronic bronchitis. Yours truly, (Signed) Lyla Kavenaugh. Fort Wayne, Ind., January 8, 1894. My Dear Doctor;—Since your kind letter of December sth, I have used the battery one hour each day on my ankles alternately as per your ad- 39 vice, I cannot conceive how so simple a thing can effect my locomotion; neither can I perceive how a trolly pole touching a wire above the Electric Street •Car propels the car, but it does it with a vim. Now whether this device of yours has done me any good or not I cannot say; but one thing I do know as well as the man who was born blind, when he was asked by what means he had been healed, could only say as to who had restored his sight that “Whereas I was blind now I see.” I cannot say I am cured, but I can say that I walk very much bet- ter, and am better than I was six weeks ago, and believe it is the Thermo Ozone Battery which has helped me- My legs feel stronger and my feet more limber. I cannot give any definite result, only by saying that I am improving. Yours truly, (Signed) W. F. Barbour. Hackensack, N. J., October 14, 1884. Dear Doctor:—I have taken three treatments with the Thermo Ozone Battery. The first night I was restless, but I felt the power of the battery al- most instantly after applying the wet sponges; there was a decidedly increased action of my heart and a peculiar sensation in my head. The next night I slept so soundly that my head fairly ached in the morning. I had a similar feeling on rising the next morning. I feel better generally since I have taken the treatment and believe it will be very beneficial to me. Yours truly, (Signed) John O. Sherman. Blufton, Ohio, April 25, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D. Dear Doctor:—I am not mistaken in stating that you have something worth the attention of the pro- fession. I have great confidence in your ability and integrity, and know that any advance you have made in the treatment of the sick will prove to be beneficial. Enclosed find draft. I am satisfied that with your principle of treat- ment I shall have more satisfactory results than heretofore, I remain, yours fraternally, (Signed) F. C. Steingraver, M.D. P. S. I Graduated in your old College. 40 Maple Rapids, Mich., April 28, 1894. Dear Doctor:—Enclosed find draft for two more batteries. I have just cured a case of cerebro spi- nal meningitis with your treatment. The results obtained from sending medicine /and oxygen into the diseased structures were marvelous- Yours fraternally, (Signed) Geo- C. Bliss, M-D. Elgin, Mich,, July 21, 1594. Prof. S. R- Beckwith, M.D. Dear Doctor:—Please send me by express a Thermo Ozone Battery. I have a variety of medi- cal batteries and have learned to only use a gal- vanic current, merely strong enough to produce a metallic taste. You have made a useful discovery, and I have confidence in your ability to do so. I was among the early graduates of the old Cleve- land College, and have not forgotten your instruc- tion. Yours fraternally, (Signed) W- A. Shepard, M.D. Clarion, Pa., June 3, 1894. Dear Doctor;— Recently I visited a patient, whom I think is in the first stages of consumption, has had bronchitis for some time, also neuralgia and severe headaches. The battery soon cured the nerve pain and headache, and the patient is improving other- wise, but I think the consumption is hereditary and the treatment can do no more than afford tempor- ary relief. Yours fraternally, E. W. Reed, M.D. Clarion, Pa., August 23, 1894. Dear Doctor;—I visited my wife’s uncle at St. Mary’s, Pa. He has been able to do but little work for the past five years, and has not been out of the house since last Xmas. He is compelled to use a crutch and cane to walk about the house. His finger joints are as large as walnuts; and his family state that a yellowish fluid oozes from the joints. His knee joints were at least one half larger than natural. I applied battery during my stay of one week and he became able to walk about the house without a crutch or cane. Since reaching home they have written me that he walks about the garden, and walked down street a distance of two squares- All this has been accomplished in three weeks time, I have never witnessed such results 41 in a case of equal severity by any other treatment. I have no faith in non-professional statements of wonderful cures, because in such cures the disease is mostly nervous, and faith, in most of these cases, produces the presumed benefit. Yours fraternally, (Signed) E. W. Reed, M.D- Newark, N. Y. April 12, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D. My Dear Doctor:—Dr. Day foot, of Rochester, told me of your Thermo Ozone Battery, and he re- commends it highly, and states that he has cured several cases of catarrh and other diseases with it- I have a good combined Faradic and Galvanic Bat- tery, but Dr. Dayfoot told me that you had made a new discovery in the action of electric currents. Please send me one without delay. Yours fraternally, (Signed) J. A. Reed, M.D. Richmond, Fla., January 9, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D- Dear Doctor;—The Ozone Battery came all right and we have given it a fair trial. Mrs. Richmond has used it thoroughly. Her eczema of long stand- ing seems to be changed in its character, but she has not used it long enough to know what results it will produce, but invigoration was very marked within three days from the time of begining its use. She was nervous, sleepless and weak, and had been so for a long time, and as at once by magic she felt her strength returning by using the battery one hour a day with ice water. We think highly of the invention and are glad that our physicain called our attention to it. I shall take pleasure in recommending it to those suffering. Very truly yours, (Signed) Rev- J. F. Richmond. 1314 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 20, 1893. Dear Doctor:—Since receiving your Thermo- Ozone Battery, I have not been able to procure a dog on which to try the experiment you suggested of transfusion of oxygen into its blood but 1 have made experiments upon myself and am satisfied that the current decomposes water and con- veys its oxygen into the tissues in the manner you 42 describe. I think I have given it sufficient test in this way, and the treatment of several cases warrants me in stating that it is a discovery of great value. I have cured one case of rheumatism in less than a week, although the patient has been suffer- ing for some time, and the pains were violent. This patient is a well known lady of this city and desires you to send her a battery, address find below. I have also treated several cases of nervous pros- tration; all have improved more rapidly than I have ever seen similar cases do. About three weeks ago a gentleman friend ol mine was stricken with paralysis of his leftside; he was conveyed to the hospital and there treated for 24 hours; his case was diagnosed passive apo- plexy, that is, there was no clot found. On the following day he was removed home and treated by a well known Homoeopathic physician who recommended electricity, and the lady called upon me to use the Thermo Ozone Battery. This I ap- plied twice a day for one hour each application. In less than one week he was able to walk about the room with the assistance of a cane. He has now been under treatment a little less than three weeks and is improved very much, so as to surprise me. I shall take great pleasure in applying this method of treatment in my practice. Yours fraternally, (Signed) W. R. Register, M.D. 120 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 31, 1893. Dr. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—I am using one of your Ozone Batter- ies with most excellent success. Permit me to suggest an improvement in the manner of holding the sponges. I have found that the current is sufficiently active to produce desired results, it the water is not below 45 degrees in which the battery is immersed. I take the liberty of making a draw- ing which exemplifies my ideas. I feel so well satisfied with the invention that I would like to be supplied with the instruments for the benefit of my patients. Yours fraternally, (Signed) R. Reed, M.D. Mr. Sprague, of Liverpool, N- S., procured from us a battery for his own use. In an intelligent manner he described his case which is that of ner- vous prostration, insomnia and general debility, as 43 well as dyspepsia and constipation; his general condition is that of extreme debility. On Novem- ber 10, 1894, he writes as follows: “I have used the Thermo-Ozone Battery for nine or ten weeks and during that time I have felt very much better, better appetite, no tired feeling, greater ability to work, and I sleep well. I have concluded that this improvement is due to the battery, because for the past few weeks I perceived no benefit from the treatment; on examination I found one of the cords broken, having replaced it and screwed it up again so that it would work, I renewed the application and again derived benefit from the treatment. Respectfully, (Signed) J. D. Sprague.” 15 28th Ave., Denver, Colo., Dec. 30, 1893. Dear Doctor:—Enclosed please find draft for two batteries. Mr. J. G. Downs, first mentioned the battery to me, saying he had found it of great benefit, and suggested that I try it. The one he sent me has been tried by two or three parties, but not long enough to make it a test, excepting in the case of my sister, who has been much benefited by its use. Yours very respectfully, (Signed) Dr- Van Vleck. Rahway, N.J., Oct. 15, 1894. Dear Doctor:—I am happy to state that by the use of one of your Thermo-Ozone Batteries my daughter Amelia who had been suffering from ner- vous prostration for years, is so far as I can judge cured, and would cheerfully recommend it to all similarly afflicted. Yours respectfully, (Signed) Edward Urban. Omaha, Neb., April 30, 1894. Dear Doctor:—Please send by express one bat- tery. The first one I received I gave to a patient with a high fever, induced from acute orchitis. It broke the fever in a few hours, con- trolled the inflammation and reduced the swelling more rapidly than I ever observed in any other method of treatment. Yours fraternally, (Signed) H. A. Worley, M.D. Berea, O-, Oct. 14, 1893. Dear Dr. Beckwith:— Thirty years ago I was a patient of your’s, and 44 you advised me to study medicine, which I did, and it is to you that I owe what little success I have made in life. If I had not great confidence in you I should not have telegraphed you to-day, for a battery. I have one of the most profoundly sick men that it has ever been my painful pleasure to treat. He has had for several months dropsy of the chest; also at present the surface of the body is in a dropsical condition. Yours fraternally, (Signed) N. E. Wright, M-D. Berea, 0., November 25, 1893. Dear Doctor:—I owe you an apology for not writing you before, but I have been waiting until I had something to say. My patient, the dropsical one, is improving quite rapidly. He did not lie down for about six weeks on account of the effusion in his chest; his limbs kept up a constant oozing, so freely that a cloth had to be changed sometimes every one-half hour; the discharge was so acid that it burned the skin and produced soreness. I have also tried the battery on my daughter, and it has given her relief from attacks of severe headaches to which she has been subject for many years. Yours fraternally, (Signed) N. E. Wright, M-D Prol. J. Clegg Wright, of Cincinnati, Ohio, writes under date of March 30, 1894. “I find in using the Thermo-Ozone Battery that in acute nervous pros- tration its effect is slow but soothing, and very helpful, especially so if the disease is chronic. Its action on the heart and arterial system is quite rapid. In my experience I have found that it readily reduces the heart’s action in fevers. I think it a very useful invention. Aiken, S. C., February 22, 1894. Dear Sir:—l have been a careful student of the curative effect of galvanism for some years. So far as I have used the Thermo-Ozone Battery I find it an advantageous treatment; in some cases I have failed, but I am unable to decide whether it is due to the insusceptibility of the individual or the bat- tery. The last case I tried it on was a case of liver trouble that remained after a serious illness which originated at the World’s Fair; he was in the hospi- 45 tal lor weeks and returned in a very poor'health. The battery brought him out all O. K. „ . Yours with much respect, Si? (Signed) O. B. Cause, M.D. Nashville, Tenn., December 26, 1893. S. R. Beckwith, M.D. Dear Sir:—I think you do not place sufficient stress upon the treatment of children by the use of your battery. I have come to this conclusion from observing the effects of the treatment in my family. My son, five years ot age had whooping cough which was very troublesome, especially during the night. He vomited frequently during the attacks of coughing. I applied the battery in the evening and it relieved him at once. The little fellow so • readily found relief that he asked to have it applied. Our friend, Mrs. Hard, is a great advocate of the battery, it having relieved her children. too much space cannot be devoted to the treatment of children in your writings. Yours very truly, (Signed) W. B. Gillespie. 933 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn,aN. Y., July 18,1893. Dr. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—I have not as yet applied the battery in acute disease. In chronic cases such as long- standing insomnia and headache, it has acted with excellent success. Yours very truly, (Signed) F. Peele, M.D. Hotel Waterson, Boston, Mass., Nov. 6, 1893. Dear Doctor;—l have used the prescription you sent with the battery for one week. It has helped the contraction of the musles of so long standing, and the pain has disappeared. Yours truly, (Signed) M. B. Pope, Clifton Springs, N. Y., October 16, 1894. Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—Perhaps you may remember sending a battery to me at Cleveland about a year ago. I was one of your brother’s patients there and used it for ovarian trouble, which is now cured. I brought the battery here with me, I used it at night for sleeplessness. Parties here are interested in the battery and would like to know more about it. Kindly furnish me with information. Yours truly, (Signed); Mrs. L. S. Pot win. 46 This cure is of too much interest and importance to WOMEN HAVING OVARIAN TUMORS and who are looking for a cure without the use of the dreaded knife, to pass without further explanation. Professor Potwin, of Adelberta College, Cleve- land, Ohio, in September, 1893, wrote us by the advice of my brother, Dr. D. H. Beckwith, respect- ing this case- The letter contained a full descript- ion of her condition. From time to time I received letters stating that she was improving, then the correspondence ceased. As she was too feeble to stand an operation I inferred that the case had terminated fatally. No one but a surgeon familiar with this disease can appreciate our pleasure on the receipt of her letter of October x6th, 1894. From 1853, until I was poisoned when removing an ovarian tumor in St. Mary’s Hospital, Cincin- nati, I had removed several hundred of this class of tumors. I never cut through the walls of the abdomen for their removal without sadly re- gretting the failure of medicine to accomplish a cure. lam truly grateful to kind heaven in mak- ing known a force capable of carrying such drugs into these growths as will remove by disinte- gration and absorption a large proportion of ovarian tumors, especially during the early period of their existence. Boston Highlands, Mass., ]un 13, 1893. Dear Doctor:—The Thermo-Ozone Battery is doing well for Mrs. Paine. She is sleeping better and suffers much less pain. I have an anaemic patient who has suffered for months with severe neuralgia about the head and back. Will you kindly send me a battery without the medicine. I shall try it upon her with a good deal of faith that it will benefit her. I have ex- hausted medicine with only temporary relief. Please send as soon as possible. Yours fraternally, (Signed) J. P. Paine, M.D. Prof. Paine, M.D., is one of the oldest and most eminent medical teachers and physicians in Boston. He wrote me several letters subsequent to the above, in which he stated that Mrs. Paine was con- stantly improving. 47 Her brother, Mr. Cargill, Electrician wof the Thompson, Houston Company visited us during the treatment and made the following statement : ‘‘When seeing your battery which my sister was using, I told her that it was impossible to generate a current of galvanism by the means you employ- ed. Her rapid recovery from an ailment we sup- posed incurable, led me to take the battery to our works and there with others I examined and test- ed it, and found out what I never knew before, that electricity could be generated by a difference of temperature between the battery and its poles. In the examination we ruined the battery; my sister needs it and I have come here for another and want it sent by the first express. You are at liberty to refer to me in reference to the electrical conditions involved in the construction of the battery and to the good results that I have seen.” Mr. C., like the great majority oi electricians whose intelligence and ingenuity have been ex- pended in the construction of mechanical devices for the purpose of creating great force, are not familiar with the principles and philosophy of thermol currents. If electricians would make the same test they would not now occupy the position of mere bench workmen under their claim of being Electrical Engineers. Victoria Fire Ins. Co., Hamilton, Ont., April 15, 1894. Dear Doctor:—For some time I have been using your battery for my own treatment of insomnia and nervous prostration, the outcome of La Grippe. I have received great benefit from its use; conse- quently would like to purchase one for my daugh- ter. Yours very truly, (Signed) Geo. H. Mills. Hopkinsville, Ky., December x 6,1893. Dear Doctor:—By the recommendation of Dr. Gish, I procured one of your batteries. I have had stiffness of the knee and ankles for more than two years. Have been treated by a number of physi- cians a great deal for rheumatism, but found no re- lief. I used the battery according to your book of directions, and have succeeded in relieving the pain. In the short time that I have used it there is 48 no improvement in the stiffness, but from the effects produced I believe I will be benefited by perser- verence in its use. My son was quite sick last week, high fever, restless and nervous at night. I applied the battery and in a very short time his fever was controlled, and he fell into a quiet sleep. The next night his symptoms returned, he was tossing and nervous; I applied the battery again with the same result, therefore concluded it must be the treatment. Yours respectfully, (Signed) Mrs. Nanny Moon. Mrs. M. P. Minion, of New Orleans, writes as follows: “Yesterday I tried the battery in a case of severe toothache; I placed the positive pole with a hot sponge under it over the painful tooth and the negative on the opposite side of the face. The re- sult was that in a few moments the pain was reliev- ed and the child went to sleep. A friend of our s called a few days ago suffering with neuralgia of the face; he had long suffered from frequent attacks of face neuralgia. I applied the treatment the same as with the child and reliev- ed him in 45 minutes. He says it is the first time the pain has ever passed off after an attack has commenced inside of two days. I tried it on another case of prostration and gen- eral debility following La Grippe and malarial fever; this patient was very much reduced but after a few weeks treatment fully recovered. I wish the medical profession would turn their attention to this principle of cure.” 34 Maple St., Nashviie, Tenn., June 27, 1893. Dear Dr. Beckwith: Enclosed find draft for one of your batteries. I wish especially to try this in a case chronic rheu- matism and other complications of long standing. Yours respectfully, (Signed) J. W. Owen. Nashville, Tenn. July 24, 1893. Dear Doctor;—The battery I ordered some time ago was received. The party for whom I purchas- ed it is highly pleased with the results he had in using it. Inside of a week the pain was entirely relieved. Yours respectfully (Signed) J. W. Owen. 49 DeLand, Fla. , March 13, 1894. Dear Dr. Beckwith:—While in Gainsville, last month I purchased one of your batteries. I first tried it on a case of high fever and found that it re- duced the frequency of the pulse and heat with great rapidity. I have also used it in a case of chronic muscular rheumatism and succeeded in re- lieving the case in an unexpectedly brief period of time. I have tried it in cases of neuralgia, nervous prostration and it has done both patients good. How long will the battery last? Can they be re- charged? I look upon this as a valuable instrument. Enclosed find draft for another battery. Yours fraternally, (Signed) A. S. Munson, M.D- 1824 N. nth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 15, ’94. Dr. S- R. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—You will recollect my calling upon you early last month and stating that I had suffered along time from disease of the kidneys and bladder and that I had not been able to find relief from any treatment I had used. I have applied the bat- tery daily ever since with most wonderfully good results- It has nearly if not quite relieved the trou- ble. In addition to this I have been applying it to my temples with the medicine you suggested for weak eyes. I have been treated by an eminent occulist with only moderate improvement. By the use of the battery my eyesight is rapidly improving and the chronic inflammation is passing away. Yours very truly, (Signed) Mrs- J. H. McMonagle. Norwood, N. J., Sept. 12, 1894- Dr. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—This will introduce Mrs. Birmingham. I have recommended your little wonder as some- thing that will cure her. I have such faith that it will do it that I have advised her to try it. As it has done wonders for my wife, I feel that I cannot say too much in its favor. Yours truly, (Signed) Allen K. Nayes, Del Norte, Colo., January 10, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, Dear Doctor:—I have been afflicted with a drop- sical leg since 1879, which resulted from a terrible 50 run of mountain fever. After fourteen years I never expected to be cured of it. About six months ago ulcers or sores came on the shinbone which were almost impossible to heal. About that time I was spoken to by Dr. Cassels, who had read of your battery and said he believed it would help me. Several months after Dr. S. A. Goff, of this place who had procured one of your batteries kindly al- lowed me to use it and I used it one hour morning and evening each day for a week. Then I had to leave home and did not get to use it any more for eleven days; but my improvement was so marked that I am assured of a speedy cure, and I have re- commenced its use but a few days. The sores are all healed but one and that almost. I had a terrible time with inflammatory rheuma- tism last summer which went all over my body and lasted for several months. I seem to be entirely free of it now- Most respectfully, (Signed) R. A. Meyers. Cleveland, O. May 22, 1894. Dr. S. R. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—For some months I have been fusing, with great benefit, your Thermo Ozone Battery, under the direction of Dr. D. H. Beckwith. At his request, I write you in regard to its effect on my arm. which for more than a year has been partially disabled by pen-paralysis. At the time I commenc- ed using the battery, the entire right side seemed to be affected so much so that I could not sleep on that side. For some time I have been using the battery every night, attaching the rubber band to the right ankle, and keeping it on until morning. I am now able to sleep on the right side, with only occasional returns of the numbness, usually trace- able to an overuse of my arm during the day. Even if this were all, the battery would be invaluable to me, but there has also been a marked gain in the use of my arm, in different ways though I cannot as yet do much writing with a pen. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Mary Martin. Toronto, Ont., Oct. 27, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M. D. Dear Doctor.—About two months ago I came to Toronto to be treated for cancer in the breast, have ing been sent here (by the physicians whom I con- sulted) to have an operation performed with the object of having it removed. By the intervention of kind friends whom I met here, and who knew about your Thermo Ozone Battery, I was led to give it a trial. I am thankful to say that I have done so under the care of Dr. Danter, who prescribed the medi- cine for use on the tablets; and the result has been a surprise not only to myself but to every one who knew of my case. After about two months steady treatment, I am able to state that the tumor has very nearly disap- peared, the pain gone, and my general health has so much improved that I have gained in weight twelve pounds, and am stiil improving, and I feel that by continuing the treatment, it will wholly eradicate the trouble. This I think is truly marvelous when I con- sider the condition in which I was when I first came under the treatment; and I have no hesi- tation in recommending your battery to any who are suffering. I am, gratefully yours, (Signed) Ann Jane Hanna. Toronto, Ont, August 29, 1894. S. R. Beckwith, M.D. Dear Doctor:—l have been observing for some time the effect of your treatment of disease by a feeble current of gdvanism, generated by your Thermo Ozone Battery. I have in my practice employed your method of sending medicine into the blood circulation. This observation has been extended in the treatment of several cases, and it has been found to be successful. I have be- come convinced that electricity used in the man- ner of your discovery is capable of conveying into the system oxygen and medicine and pro- duces better results than by any other medical treatment. I think it should be used as an ad- junct, by every physician, to the art of medicine. I have just observed a case of paralysis of Mrs. Raymond, who has been employing the battery for several months, and her improvement is so marked and well defined that I think she will fully recover. I have also seen a case of locomo- ter ataxia where your treatment was employed, 52 and it produced better results than I have ever before seen. I shall take pleasure in recommending the treat- ment to the profession. The statements contained in Miss Hanna’s letter are correct. lam certain that the means employed was instrumental in de- stroying the cancer germs. The simplicity and safety of the treatment in connection with its cer- tainty of cure; makes it a very desirable treat- ment in domestic practice. (Signed) J. F. Danter, M.D. Pres, of American Health Ass’n. Remarkable quick cures of a case of [Skin Dis- ease. I had a very troublesome scaly eruption on the back part of my head for upwards of four years. Tried best liniments and salves without any permanent benefit;—the eruption still continu- ed to extend. I applied Dr. S- R. Beckwith’s Thermo Ozone Battery, placing positive disk with medicine for skin disease directly upon the part affected. After three applications and in less than one week a complete cure has been effected. (Signed) Calvin Raymond, Toronto, Ont, August 25, 1894. Orange, N. Jan. 22, 1895. Tifft Beckwith, M.D., 17 Oakwood Ave. Dear Doctor:—l desire to give you a brief state- ment of our daughter’s case and the result ob- tained by the use of your father’s battery. She was taken with scarlet fever in its severest form in May 22, 1892. The physicians stated that the case was malignant. Her blood seemed to have been poisoned as she suffered for a long time with a disease that we were told was Bright’s disease. During the summer she had an attack of nervous spasms, for which we employed the treatment of several physicians. These spasms continued, and in August, 1893, we took her to Philadelphia, and put her under the care of Dr. Kline, where she re- mained under his treatment until November 13th. 1893, without benefit. Then we procured one of your batteries. She had not menstruated since her attack of fever, her spasms were very severe and her general health poor. She has used the battery 53 more or less for one year. The spasms at first be- gan to grow lighter, and she has no return of them since last summer. She is now in good health, and I am very grateful to you and our friends in recom- mending the treatment. (Signed) Mrs. W. B. Plume, 16 Hawthorn St. We have previously published several cures of Epilepsy some of these reports were from physi- cians, others we treated and know they were cured. We do not pretend that every case of Epilepsy can be relieved but we do say that no other treatment has ever cured an equal propor- tionate number. Jersey City, N- J., Sept, x, 1893. Dear Doctor: —Having a few moments leisure will improve it by telling you what I think of the little wonder that I got from you some three months ago. My wife was completely run down, could not eat or sleep, no blood, but after using your battery for three weeks she found that there was a great change; and now after using the bat- tery three months she is perfectly well. I have used it myself and it has done me a world of good. I feel like a new man and can eat any- thing without distressing me in the least, and therefore cannot say too much in its favor. I am, Yours truly, (Signed) A. K. Meyrs. New Rochelle, N. Y., April 24, 1894. Dear Dr. Beckwith:—Enclosed find draft for an- other battery. I must admit that at first I was very skeptical regarding the battery, but my doubts are vanishing very fast. Yours fraternally, (Signed) C. N. Raymond, M. D., C. M. New Rochelle, N. Y., May 22, 1894. Dear Doctor.—I have used the battery in a case of fib oid tumor which I wrote you about. The pa'ient was in to-day and states that by actual measurment that the size of the abdomen is re- duced; also th it she could feel an improvement not only in increased weight, but also feels strong- er, and she believes that she will recover. 54 If this little instrument can remove a tumor which has defied the skill of some of the best sur- geons, I deem it nothing less than a wonder. Yours very fraternally, (Signed) C. N. Raymond, M. D. A letter of later date is as follows : “ I used the last battery in a case of dropsy; and think it will give improvement if the treatment is continued, so I have induced the family to purchase it.” As before stated, we constructed batteries at first much stronger than at present. We did not at the beginning of our investigation comprehend the curative value of a feeble current of Thermo Galvanism. We did not understand as now how' the current usually employed upon the sick would aggravate a diseased condition by bunching or ag- gregating diseased products. We insert the fol- lowing letter to show that our first batteries were too strong and it was well to recall them all. Medford, Md., April 3, 1893. Dear Dr, Beckwith:—I applied one of your batteries to my whfe, who had Jong suffered from nervous prostration, superinduced by uterine trouble which had existed for years. I placed the battery in wrater 45Q, sponges under the disks at 900, applied it on the ankle for 50 minutes Be- fore the application her feet and limbs were cold ; she has long suffered from coldness of the lower extremities, the right leg being especially cold. We were very favorably impressed with the treatment from good results obtained from the first application- On the following day we made a second application, using the water colder, when it produced vertigo, violent pain in the right temple and palpitation of the heart. She cannot be induced to use the battery again. Your truly, (Signed) L. H. Rhinehart. This battery was constructed of alternate layers of zinc and copper strips, and many times stronger than the battery we are now using. The case is merely reported to show that our principle of pro- ducing galvanism is true; also to demonstrate by actual cases that a strong current is harmful. 55 Lukens, Pa., November 22, 1894, Dear Doctor;—I have used the battery as yet but in a lew cases. I believe it has afforded them relief- I shall give the treatment a severe test- Yours fraternally, (Signed) J. R. Lefevre, M. D. Glen Falls, Md., March 30, 1894. Dr. S. R. Beckwith:— Dear Sir:—My physician, Dr. Price, ordered one of your batteries for me. I have been suffering for a long time with nervous prostration and indiges- tion. It acted like a charm upon me, and did me so much good that I cannot afford to be without it. Unfortunately I broke one of the cords, and have not used it for some little time. I now return the cord to be repaired as I need to use the bat- tery, for I dread another attack of nervous trouble with inability to sleep. Yours truly, (Signed) Mary R. Ireland. Springfield, Mass., Oct. 3, 1893. Dear Doctor:—l am so rapidly improving from my great prostration and lung trouble by the use of the battery that I feel anxious to be further in- structed in its use. (Signed) Mrs. M. L. Jackson. Del Norte, Colo., December 3, 1893. Dear Doctor:—l take pleasure in informing you that by the use of your treatment I have cured the difficult case about which I wrote. The father is so much pleased with the cure that he wants to purchase a battery for a New Year’s gift for some friend. I have another case that I wish to relate : A boy 13 years of age received a shock to his nerves from fright, resulting in chorea. His entire right side was in constant motion when awake, so much so that he had very little use of his right hand. He had been treated for some years with little or no benefit. I applied the battery in October ; the treatment was given at first every day for one hour, afterwards twice a week. The result is a complete cure; he uses his right hand as well as ever; net only that but it has entirely relieved him of a very nervous condition; his nervous system seems entirely changed and strengthened. I am gratified to be able to report such extra- ordinary cures by the application of your discov- ery. Yours fraternally, (Signed) S. A, Goff, M.D. The following letter from S. H. Platt, A. M., M. D., a widely known author and physician, is very instructive to those employing our treatment. The mass of people unfamiliar with electricity have yet to learn that a thermo galvanic current with its intensity of sufficient force to decompose water and send oxygen and medicine into the blood,can- not be felt, because it is continuous and as inap- preciable as air when not set in motion. Dr. Platt’s sister, Mrs. F. E. Barnes, Long Hill Street, Springfield, Mass., formerly residing in this city, has been afflicted for many years with tic- doleroux of the face. She had necrosis, (ulcera- tion) of the cheek bone, and the neuralgia was supposed to be due to this disease. The diseased bone was removed without lessening the severity of the pain. In May, 1894, she stated that the neu- ralgia of her face was so violent and persistent that she required the daily service of a physician to in- ject morphine hypodermically. By the application of the battery and its conveyance of medicine into the sheath of the nerve, the pain was entirely re- lieved in less than four weeks, and there has been no return of the neuralgia. With this and other evidence obtained by Dr. Platt, he writes as follows : Springfield, Mass., December 26, 1894. S. R, Beckwith, M.D., Dear Doctor:—Your battery is a success. I have known it to accomplish wonders. It lacks only one thing for use in families, namely, some sensible evidence that it is working. So many patients must see or feel, not merely to believe, but to be encouraged to persevere. The lack of perserverance many times causes failure, when it is not the fault of the battery. (Signed) S. H. Platt, M.D. 489 Communipau Ave., Jersey City, N. J. December 27, 1894. Dear Doctor:—On November 23rd I came to your office to procure one of your Thermo Ozone Batteries for myself. I had been an invalid for 57 two or more years suffering with severe head- aches, coming on worse at night. Rheumatism, especially in the knee joints, and indigestion. I employed physicians in Patterson, Jersey City and New York, obtained very little relief; taken a great deal of medicine. Since I have used the battery the pains have lessened, not so frequent, and 1 feel better than I have in a long while, although I cannot say that I am cured of all my troubles, but expect to be in a short time. (Signed) L. A, Hecht. Locomotor Ataxia, In closing our reports I hope the reader will per- use the following wrh such care as should be be- stowed upon a CURE HERETOFORE UN- EQUALED IN THE HISTORY OF MEDI- CINE. Locomotor ataxia is a disease correctly believed to be incurable. It is caused by a disease of the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis of the muscles of motion. Mr. Defossez, formerly associated with Mr. Ab- bey as managers of Mile. Bernhart, visited our office on july 15th, 1894. He was unable to walk with- out support; on attempting to step with his eyes closed he staggered and fell; could not put his toes together or move his hands to any extent without assistance. His father died from locomotor ataxia. In 1888, he observed that his motion was impaired and was treated for two years bv Professor Char- cot, of Paris, without benefit. He then spent one year under the the treatment of Professor La May- er, of Berlin, He has since been treated by special- ists in Holland and in this country. From the be- ginning he has suffered violent neura'gic pains in different parts of the body; also severe headaches, inability ro sleep, and all of these symytoms had gradually increased in severity until he was com- pel It d daily and nightly to take large doses of nar- cotics. Without hope of relief we applied the battery to the spinal column, carrying into it the usual reme- dies recommended, and gave this treatment at first twice a day. In a few weeks he improved in his gait, and at this time he walks into the office in a lively way, without assistance, and it is almost im- possible to detect from his appearance that he ever had locomotor ataxia. He is free from pain ex- cepting in damp weather, and as far as man is able to prognosticate the indications are clear that he will fully recover. Such a cure in a case of equal severity and long standing. I have never seen reported from a relia- ble so rce. To assure any one similarly afflicted of the advantage to be obtained from the treatment, I requested the patient to read the foregoing and then to add to it his statement which is as follows: 135 E. 24th St., New York, Feb. 24, 1895. Dear Dr. Beckwith:— I have read the above statement and it is true. The description but poorly describes my intense suffering during the last six years, and tails to con- vey a descripth n of my weak and staggering gait. I have gradually improved since employing your treatment, and my present condition is such that I believe in a few more months by continuing the treatment, I shall be fully well. Yours very truly, (Signed) A. J. Defossez. Morris Park, L. 1., December 28, 1894. Dear Doctor;—It is now two weeks that I have used the battery with medicine in my daughter’s case. She had visited L I. Hospital for treatment, and we were lead to infer that the breast would have to be removed. The tumor has reduced in size daily since commencing the treatment. The pains from which she suffered especially in the arm pit, has entirely gone. The tumor can scarce- ly be detected. (Signed) Mrs. W. B. Parsons. E. T. Albra, M.D., age 84, well known asan emi- nent Author and Physician, who assisted Dr. Morton in the discovery of the anaestheuc use of Ether, had suffered from cancer of the cheek, and applied different forms of treatment without bene- fit. He was treated by Tifft Beckwith, M.D., ot Orange, and by the use of the battery sent into the cancerous growth lodide of Arsenic and other Cancer, 59 remedies; in a short time as shown by microscopi- cal examination not a single cancer baccillus re- mained. The wound healed rapidly. Dr. A. wrote us: “Your discovery in medical electricity is of incalculable value. The sending of medicine into an affected part by the use of your battery produces cures where every other method of administring it fails, as shown in my own case. I believe it a safe and useful appliance in family practice.” Angel Center, Ind., Feb. 3, 1894- Dr. Beckwith, Dear Sir:—I have suffered from an enlargement of the lower part of the abdomen for a long time. My physicians tell me that I have a fibroid tumor of the womb. My menstruation is extremely pain- ful, my general health poor, my limbs swollen and dropsical- I have been under the treatment of sev- eral physicians, also spent considerable time at the Medical Institute- Do you think that your treat- ment will be of any benefit to me ? Yours truly (Signed) Mrs. A. Kistler. March 23, 1894. Dear Doctor:—l have now applied the battery using the medicines you requested for ten days. When I apply the battery I feel a bnrning sensation under the positive pole, and it causes a slight red- ness of the skin. My limbs are not as badly swoll- en; I think I feel some better, I certainly rest much better. Yours truly, (Signed) Mrs. A. Kistler. April 4, 1894. Dear Doctor:—I have measured the size of the abdomen as you directed and it is now reduced two inches, as shown by measurements. Since commencing the treatment there is a profuse dark yellow discharge. I sleep better and the bloating is going down out of my limbs, What do you think of my case ? Yours very truly, (Signed) Mrs. A, Kistler. May 27, 1894. Dear Dr. Beckwith:— Measurement shows that the abdomen has gone down three inches. I suffered no pain during the last period, and I am so thankful that I am cured of constipation, and no longer compelled to take such a large amount of pills. I am daily growing stronger and feel that I may recover. 60 Baltimore, Md., February 20, 1895. S. R. Beckwith, M.D. Dear Doctor:—Now that I have tried your dis- covery in the treatment of several cases, and met with unusual good results, I feel that I can con- fidently recommend the treatment to my patients and others. I received the following letters to-day, and the parties statements are correct. Yours fraternally, (Signed) W. R. Way, M.D, 1204 Stockton St., Baltimore, Md. Feb. 27, 1895. W. R. Way, M.D. Dear Doctor:—As you wish to know my exper- ience and candid opinion of Dr. Beckwith’s Thermo Ozone Battery, I simply say I think it is a most wonderful invention. I think I owe my life to it, or at least many months from suffering with dropsy, for which Dr. Hummer, my physician, applied the battery in my case- When I commenced its use I was propped up in a bed by four pillows so as to be able to get my breath, was perfectly helpless. My friends had very little hopes of my recovery or even seeing me on my feet again. The battery was put on about 9 o’clock at night and at 12 o’clock I took my baby and nursed it without assistance. Some of my friends who saw the battery put on had no faith in it, and thought I could not live the night through. They sent around in the morning to see how I was, and to their surprise I was alive and im- proving. I continued to improve under its use, and in less than two weeks the dropsy was entirely gone. I also found it of great help to me last summer when I had typhoid fever. It has proved very val- uable in rheumatism. In conclusion Ido not think the Thermo Ozone Battery can be too highly re- commended, Very respectfully, (Signed) Mrs. J. T. Buckhead. Clifton Springs, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1894. Dear Doctor;—l report progress without going into detail. I have increased confidence in the bat- tery, I have tested it for partial paralysis, dyspepsia and rheumatism. In consideration of the many years I have been afflicted, I am able to give a good account of the battery. Yours very truly, (Signed) Rev. S. R. Roseboro. August 20, 1894. Dear Doctor;— You will notice by my form- er letters that I have constantly improved since commencing the treatment, I think I can now safe- ly say that lam nearly well. My ysicians tell me that they are unable to detect the tumor. lam very.'thankful and grateful to you. Very truly, (Signed) Mrs. A. Kistler. Baltimore, Md., February 20, 189s. W. R. Wav, M D. Dear Sir:—Having a desire to do all that I can for the amelioration of suffering of humanity, I deem it my duty to say that after much suffering from palpitation of the heart and angina-pectoris nervous debility, I resorted to the use of Dr. S. R. Beckwith’s Thermo Ozone Battery, which I have used for more than two years, and have every rea- son to believe that it has been of the greatest ad- vantage to me. I have recovered from the angina- pectoris and greatly improved in other respects. When I use the battery I can see the blue veics become pink in color, showing that the blood is im- proving in vitality; therefore I take pleasure in re- commending the battery to others. I will here state that I am nearly eighty years of age, young people may expect even more benefit from its use than I have received. Yours truly, Rev. Wm. H. Briggs, 811 W. Franklin St. Conclusion. For four years our discovery has been put to the crucial test of treating diseases most of which were incurable. The test has been made by physicians who are most competent to give opinions in refer- ence to its value. In addition to the letters here furnished, we have equally valuable testimony to fill a volume, and from which we will send letters from physicians when requested. The treatment only differs from other methods by sending appropriate medicine into a diseased part, together with the oxygen and ozone. Its real value can only be appreciated by its use in 62 acute disease, where good results are observed in a very short time. A treatment that destroys the germs of diph- theria, typhoid fever, cancer, and other similar ail- ments, is the most valuable and useful discovery that has been made in centuries. Those employing the treatment are welcome to such information as we are capable of giving in ref- erence to their case, and the best method of apply- ing the treatment. This we earnestly desire to have done that but few failures may occur. Families using the battery will rarely require the service of a physician if they commence the treat- ment at the beginning of the disease. It is only in acute disease that its great value can be appreciated. By its use families are able to cure nearly every ailment during its first stage. Our discovery that electricity possesses two dis- tinct forces dissimilar in their action, is of vital im- portance in the treatment of disease. The force usually employed as heretofore shown, breaks down muscles and other soft tissues, resulting in laying the foundation for chronic ailments, fre- quently causing death. This assertion is in oppo- sition to the accepted theories of electric action; but the proof we have offered to substantiate the statement is conclusive. It is equally certain that the even, unfelt, continuous current generated by the Thermo-Ozone Battery produces in the animal economy an opposite result, and one most bene- ficial in the cure of disease. In obedience to the just requirements of the medical profession everything connected with our discovery is made free for the benefit of the pub- lic. We invite rigid scrutiny by physicians and electricians, whose duty it is to examine every new claim respecting their arts, and expose every CHEAT and FRAUD that is introduced. In keeping with this duty the distinguished Editor of “Electricity,” Nelson W. Perry, with other mem- bers of h's editorial staff, commenced last fall to expose the many medical and medico-electric FRAUDS that exist in this city. These frauds im- pose upon the credulitv of the sick by producing sentimental testimony of the same value as that furnished by hypnotism, mental science, bones of departed Saints, and other incomprehensible illu- 63 sions, which play upon the immagination of those unable to distinguish a natural from a medicinal cure. “Electricity,” in its November issue, ex- posed the Eleciropoise and its counterpart in every particular the oxvdonor. It states, “these frauds are on a par with Actenia and possesses no capa- bility of accomplishing any result whatever.” “We declare itto bean outrageous HUMBUG and FRAUD, with the full knowledge that many intelli- gent and honorable people have testified to its cures.” “We readily analyzed its contents and found it to contain nothing but a mixture of sulphur and black lead. That it costs less than forty cents and sold to the sick and poor for twenty-five dol- lars. The list of diseases claiming to be cured is enough to condemn the thing as an arrant FRAUD and stamp the whole scheme as a cheat. It is in- capable of producing any possible effect upon ani- mate or inanimate matter. Its power for benefit or injury is nill.” This exposition occupied four columns of the issue mentioned, and has been carried on in nearly every weekly number up to the present date. Mr. Perry visited us February 28, 1895, and. stat- ed that he desired to make a full examination of our inventions, and was ready to expose and pub- lish any wrongful claims that were made respect- ing it. The examination lasted for nearly three hours, when he stated that the invention was scientifically constructed, and capable of generat- ing a thermal current of electricity. He procured a battery for Mrs. Perry, and requested us to take charge of her case. He came to find a FRAUD; went away with the happy reflection that electricity through our dis- covery, furnishes a means of restoring his wife to health. His opinion and conclusion are of more intrinsic value than volumns of sentimental testi- mony. We have exposed another error in medicine by an Electro-Galvano Battery which is applied to medicated porous plasters. The force of the cur- rent sends the medicine into the tissues beneath the plaster. The claim that unbroken integuments absorb medicine is an error. The skin gives off but does not take up. The principle is explained in a circular which will be sent on request. 64 Thermo Ozone Battery $lO.OO “ “ “ with Box containing 10 Remedies and Tablets 12.50 Wired Wood Pulp Tablets, 2)4. dozen 1.00 1 Plaster, either variety, with Galvanic Battery,|i.00 Each additional Plaster, without Galvanic Bat- tery 25 3 Plasters in Box, with Galvanic Battery 1.50 6 “ “ “ “ “ 2.00 Spinal Plaster, with large Battery 2.50 Worn out or broken Plates of Battery will be replaced by mail for .25 The battery here represented is a voltaic pile composed of 28 strips of copper and zinc. Its force is not omy ample to convey the medicine contained in the plaster to the parts underneath it but equally as useful for other purposes as a more expensive battery. In addition to these important inventions we have a Uterine Pessary, composed of copper and zinc, which is readily applied in cases of enlarge- ment or displacement of the uterus. Its present use in Hospitals and by physicians in private prac- tice shows that it often cures this class of ailments which have not been benefited by medical or sur- gical treatment. To more successfully treat disease with electric transfusion than by any other known method, I obtained the favorite prescriptions of more than fifty physicians for the most prevalent diseases. These I have prepared for administering by elec- tricity. Each remedy is labeled with the name ot the disease for which it is adapted, and accompa- nied with the description of the disease and admin- istration of the remedy. This is the first and only opportunity for families to obtain for domestic treat- ment remedies recommended by so large a number of the profession. When not found at your Druggist send us the price named and the case or single remedies will be sent by mail. S. R. BECKWITH, M.D., 114 Fifth Ave., New York.