NOTICE TO THE MEDICAL EXAMINERS OF THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Richard A. McCurdy, President 1904 To the Medical Examiner of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. We wish to notify you that we consider the Medical Examiner’s report to be the property of the Company and hereafter it must invariably be sent under separate cover to the Manager, whose name appears in print at the foot. Under no circumstances is it to be inspected by, or delivered to, the Soliciting Agent, or withdrawn or destroyed by anyone. Notice is also given that hereafter two blank forms will be attached to the lower margin of the Medical Examiner’s report. One is for the appoint- ment for examination which should be filled out by the agent and retained by the Examiner to be forwarded with his bill for examination when presented to the Manager. The other is a notice to the Soliciting Agent as to the disposition of the papers (whether held for completion, or forwarded to the Manager) which should invariably be detached by the Examiner and promptly forwarded or delivered to the Solicitor on the same day of the examination. To avoid unnecessary delays and insure the prompt dispatch of business, Examiners are requested to review the completed Examiner’s blank before for- warding, and to be sure that all questions have been clearly and fully answered. In recording each illness or impairment, the date, cause, exact nature, duration Dear Doctor: and remaining effects, if any, should be clearly given. In cases of appendicitis, renal or hepatic colic, or articular rheumatism, the number of attacks, with dates of each, particularly the date of last, should appear. Where a history of digestive disturbance is given, always note the fact that the possibility of appendicitis, renal or hepatic colic has been eliminated in your inquiry. Where any recent history of medical attendance is mentioned, request applicant to obtain and deliver promptly to you a statement from the physician con- sulted, giving full particulars. This is to be furnished without expense to the Companv, and forwarded at once by you the Medical Department at the -Borne Qffiee. Any suspicion of tuberculosis or cancer in 'father, mother, brothers or sisters should always be noted Applicants residing in close proximity to cases of tuberculosis should be reported with full particulars. Where applicants are decidedly overweight, or underweight, the exact weight by scales should be obtained and exact height and measurements given with an explanation as to distribution of weight and in the case of overweight, whether due to excessive fat or to large bones and muscular development, with long body and short legs. A statement should be made as to family characteristic in regard to weight. Full particulars as to habits, moral character and occupation should be given in detail. The advantage of this change by which the Medical Examiner’s report is sent direct to the Manager instead of being given to the Soliciting Agent, will at once be apparent, as a more confidential character of communication will be established, obviating the embarrassment so commonly experienced under former methods. A copy of the latest Instructions to Medical Examiners will be sent to you, upon request to the Medical Directors. Examiners are urged to co-operate with the Medical Department of the Home Office in the endeavor to expedite business and are therefore requested to complete their reports without delay and forward them to the Managers immediately upon completion. Please acknowledge promptly to the-*un4ersigned the receipt of this notice, which should be retained and attached to your copy of Instructions to Medical Examiners. Elias J. Marsh, M. D., Symonds, M. D., Medical Directors. Wm. Evelyn Porter, M. D , Henry H. Schroeder, M. D., Assistant Medical Directors. August 1, 1904. 10609