|sostort Pebwal 3Cibvarn 5 Hamilton Place, Boston. July 30, 18T8. The undersigned, appointed by the Massachusetts Medical Society as a committee to report upon the forthcoming revision of the United States Phaemaco pceia, appeal to each Fellow of the Society to respond to the following interrogatories at as early a date as may be possible; in order that the needs and wishes of our local physicians may be incorporated in the very important revision of our national phar- macopoeia. 1. Please erase any of the following drugs, or any of the pharmaceutical preparations, which in your experience seem useless as therapeutical agents. Ammoniated Tincture of Va- lerian. Amylic Alcohol. Angustura. Animal Charcoal. Anise. Anise Water. Antimonial Ointment. Antimonial Plaster. Antimonial Wine. Aperient Effervescing (Seid- litz) Powders. Aralia. Arnica. Arnica Plaster. Aromatic Confection. Aromatic Powder. Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia. Aromatic Sulphuric Acid. Aromatic Syrup of Rhubarb. Arrow-root. Arseniate of Sodium. Arsenic. Arsenious Acid. Assafetida. Assafetida Mixture. Assafetida Plaster. Atropia. Azedarach. Acetate of Lead. Acetate of Morphia. Acetate of Potassium. Acetate of Sodium, Acetate of Zinc. Acetated Tincture of Opium. Acetic Acid. Acetic Extract of Colchicum. Aconite Leaves. Aconite Plaster. Aconite Root. Aconitia. Adhesive Plaster. Alcohol. Alcoholic Extract of Bella- donna. Alcoholic Extract of Coniutn. Alcoholic Extract of Hyos- cyamus. Allspice (Pimento). Almond Mixture. Alum. Alum-root. American Centaury. American Columbo. American Hellebore. American Hemp. American Pennyroyal. American Senna. Ammoniac. Ammoniac Mixture. Ammoniac Plaster. Ammoniated Copper. Ammoniated Mercury. Ammoniated Tincture of Guaiac. A Bark of Cotton Root. Bark of Pomegranate Root. Barley. Basilicon Ointment. Bay-rum. Bean of St. Ignatius. Bebeeru Bark. Belladonna Leaves Belladonna Plaster. Belladonna Root. Benne. Benne Oil. Benzoate of Ammonium. Benzoic Acid. Benzoin. Bicarbonate of Potassium. Bicarbonate of Sodium. Bichromate of Potassium. Bismuth. Bitartrate of Potassium. Bitter Almond. Bitter Almond Water. Bitter Orange Peel. Bitter Polygala, Bittersweet. Black Alder. Black Hellbore. Black Mustard. Black Oak. Black Oxide of Manganese. Black Pepper. Black Snakeroot (Cimicifu- gia). Blackberry. Bloodroot. Blue Flag. Blue Gentian. B Balm. Balsam of Fir. Balsam of Peru, Balsam of Tolu. Barbadoes Aloes. Barberry. 2 Bone. Chamomile. Compound Pills of Iron, Compound Pills of Rhubarb. Compound Pills of Squill, Compound Powder of Ipe- cacuanha. Compound Powder of Jalap. Compound Powder of Rhu- barb. Compound Resin Cerate. Compound Solution of lodine. Compound Spirit of Ether. Compound Spirit of Juniper. Compound Spirit of Lavender. Compound Syrup of Sarsapa- rilla. Compound Syrup of Squill. Compound Tincture of Ben- zoin. Compound Tincture of Car- damom. Compound Tincture of Cin- chona. Compound Tincture of Gen- tian. Borate of Sodium (Borax). Brandy. Bromide of Ammonium. Bromide of Potassium. Charcoal. Chesnut. Chlorate of Potassium. Chloride of Ammonium. Chloride of Barium. Chloride of Calcium. Bromine. Broom. Buchu. Chloride of Iron. Bugle-weed, Burdock. Chloride of L ime. Chloride of Sodium. Bui gundy Pitch, Burgundy Pitch Plaster, Butterfly-weed. Butternut. Chloride of Zinc. Chlorinated Lime. Chlorine Water. Chloroform Mixture. C Chromic Acid. Cinchona. Cadmium Cinnamon. Cinnamon Water. Calabar Bean. Calamus. Citrate of Iron. Calomel. Camphor. Camphor Water. Camphorated Tincture of Opium. Canada Fleabane. Citrate of Iron & Ammonium. Citrate of Iron and Quinia. Citrate of Iron and Strychnia. Citrate of Lithium. Citrate of Potassium. Citric Acid. Compound Tincture of lodine, Confection of Opium. Confection of Orange Peel. Confection of Rose. Canada Pitch. Clarified Honey. Cloves. Canada Pitch Plaster, Canada Snakeroot. Cochineal. Cod-liver Oil. Confection of Senna. Conium Leaves. Canada Turpentine. Canella. Coffee. Col chi cum Root. Conium Seed. Copaiba. Canna. Cantharidal Collodion. Colchicum Seed. Coriander. Cantharides. Cantharides (Blistering) Ce- rate. Collodion. Collodion with Cantharides (Cantharidal Collodion). Colycynth. Col umbo. Corrosive Chloride of Mer- cury (Corrosive Sublimate). Cotton. Cantharides Paper. Cape Aloes. Capsicum. Caraway. Carbolic Acid. Commercial Bicarbonate of Sodium. Cow h age. Cranesbill. Creosote. Commercial Chloroform. Creosote Water, Croton Oil. Carbolic Acid Water. Commercial Oxide of Zinc. Common Silkweed. Crowfoot. Cubeb. Carbonate of Ammonium. Carbonate of Barium. Compound Cathartic Pills. Compound Decoction of Sar- saparilla. Compound Extract of Colo- cynth. Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, Compound Galbanum Plaster. Compound Infusion of Cate- chu. Cyanide of Mercury. Cyanide of Potassium. Cyanide of Silver. Cypripedium. Carbonate of Lead. Carbonate of Lithium. Carbonate of Magnesium. Carbonate of Potassium. Carbonate of Sodium. Carbonic Acid Water. D Cardamom. Dandelion. Decoction of Barley. Decoction of Bittersweet. Decoction of Dogwood. Decoction of Iceland Moss. Decoction of Logwood. Decoction of Pipsissewa Decoction of Red Cinchona. Decoction of Seneka. Carrot Seed. Cascarilla. Compound Infusion of Flax- seed. Castor. Castor Oil. Compound Infusion of Gen- tian. Catechu. Catnep. Cerate, Compound Infusion of Rose. Compound lodine Ointment. Compound Mixture of Iron. Compound Mixture of Liquo- rice. Cerate of Carbonate of Zinc. Cerate of Extract of Cantha- rides. Decoction of Uva Ursi, Decoction of White Oak. Decoction of Yellow Cin- Cerate of Subacetate of Lead. Cevadilla. Compound Pill of Soap. Compound Pills ot Antimony. Compound Pills of Galbanum. chon a. Chalk. Deodorized Tincture of Opium. Digitalin. Chalk Mixture. 3 F Fluid Extract of Stillingia. Fluid Extract of Uva Ursi. Fluid Extract of Valerian. Fluid Extract of Wild-cherry Fluid Extract of Yellow Jas Digitalis. Diluted Acetic Acid. Diluted Alcohol. False Sarsaparilla. Fennel. Fennel Water. Ferrocyanide of Iron. Fever-root. Fi°*. X I^. Flaxseed. Flaxseed Meal. Flaxseed Oil. Fleabane. Flesh-colored Asclepias. Flexible Collodion. Florentine Orris. Fluid Extract of American Hellebore. Fluid Extract of Belladonna Root. Fluid Extract of Bittersweet. Fluid Extract of Blackberry. Fluid Extract of Buchu. Fluid Extract of Canada Erigeron (Fleabane). Fluid Extract of Cimicifuga. Fluid Extract of Cinchona. Fluid Extract of Colchicum Root. Fluid Extract of Colchicum Seed. Fluid Extract of Colombo. Fluid Extract of Conium Seed. Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid. Diluted Muriatic Acid. Diluted Nitric Acid. Diluted Nitromuriatic Acid. Diluted Phosphoric Acid. Diluted Solution of Subace- mine. Frostwort. Fused Nitrate of Silver Fusel Oil. tate of Lead. Diluted Sulphuric Acid. Distilled Vinegar. Distilled Water. C Galbanum. Gallic Acid Gamboge. Garlic. Gaultheria. Gentian. Dogs-bane. Dogwood. Dover’s Powder, Dried Alum. Dried Carbonate of Sodium. Dried Sulphate of Iron. Geranium. E German Chamomile. Gillenia. Effervescing (Soda) Powders. Egg. Elaterium. Ginger. Ginseng. Glacial Phosphoric Acid. Glycerin. Glycerite of Borate of Sodium. Glycerite of Carbolic Acid. Glycerite of Gallic Acid. Glycerite of Tannic Acid. Glycerite of Tar. Golden-rod. Elder. Elecampane. Ergot. Essence of Lemon. Essence of Peppermint. Essence of Spearmint. Ether. Goldthread. Ethereal Oil. Expressed Oil of Almond. Extract of Aconite. Fluid Extract of Cotton Root. Fluid Extract of Cubeb. Fluid Extract of Dandelion. Fluid Extract of Digitalis. Fluid Extract of Dogwood. Fluid Extract of Ergot. Fluid Extract of Gentian. Fluid Extract of Geranium. Fluid Extract of Ginger. Fluid Extract of Hydrastis. Fluid Extract of Hyoscya- mus. Green" lodide of Mercury. Guaiac. Extract of American Hemp. Guaiacum Wood. Gum Arabic. Extract of Arnica. Extract of Belladonna. Extract of Bittersweet. Gutta-percha. Extract of Black Hellebore. Hardback. H Extract of Butternut. Extract of Calabar Bean. Hemlock Leaves. Hemlock Pitch. Extract of Cinchona. Extract of Colocynth. Extract of Conium. Hemlock Pitch Plaster. Honey. Fluid Extract of Ipecacuanha, Fluid Extract of Liquorice Root. Fluid Extract of Lupulin. Fluid Extract of Matico. Fluid Extract of Mezereon. Fluid Extract of Pareira Honey of Borate of Sodium. Honey of Rose. Hops. Horehound. Extract of Dandelion. Extract of Digitalis. Extract of Gentian. Extract of Hyoscyamus. Extract of Ignatia. Extract of Indian Hemp. Extract of Jalap. Extract of Logwood. Extract of May-Apple. Extract of Nux Vomica. Horsemint. Hydrastis. Hydrate of Chloral. Hydrated Oxide of Iron. Hyoscyamus Leaves. Hyoscyamus Seed. Hypophosphite of Calcium. Hypophosphite of Iron. Hypophosphite of Potassium. Hypophosphite of Sodium. Hyposulphite of Sodium. Brava. Fluid Extract of Pipsissewa. Flnid Extract of Rhatany. Fluid Extract of Rhubarb. Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla. Fluid Extract of Savine. Fluid Extract of Seneka. Fluid Extract of Senna. Fluid Extract of Serpentaria. Fluid Extract of Spigelia. Fluid Extract of Spigelia and Senna. Extract of Opium. Extract of Quassia. Extract of Rhatany. Extract of Rhubarb. Extract of Seneka. Extract of Stramonium Leaves. I Extract of Stramonium Seed. Iceland Moss. Ignatia. Extract of Valerian. Fluid Extract of Squill. Impure Carbolic Acid. 4 Impure Carbonate of Potas- Larkspur. Lavender. Nitrate of Lead. Nitrate of Potassium. Nitrate of Silver. Nitrate of Sodium. Nitric Acid, Indian Hemp. Infusion of Angustura. Infusion of Buchu. Infusion of Capsicum. Infusion of Cascarilla. Infusion of Chamomile. Infusion of Cloves. Infusion of Columbo. Infusion of Dandelion. Infusion of Digitalis. Infusion of Ginger. Infusion of Hops. Infusion of Juniper. Infusion of Pareira Brava. Infusion of Quassia. smm. Lead Plaster. Lead Water. Lemon Juice. Lemon Peel. Leptandra. Levant Wormseed. Lime. Nitromuriatic Acid. Nutgall, Nutmeg. Nux Vomica. Lime Liniment. Lime-water. Liniment of Aconite. Liniment of Ammonia. Liniment of Camphor. Liniment of Cantharides. Liniment of Chloroform. Liniment of Subacetate of Oatmeal. o Oil ot Amber. Oil of Anise. Oil of Bergamot. Oil of Bitter Almond. Oil ot Cajeput, Infusion of Red Cinchona. Infusion of Rhatany. Lead. Liniment of Turpentine. Liquorice. Liquorice Root. Liverwort. Infusion of Rhubarb. Infusion of Sage. Infusion of Senna. Infusion of Serpentaria. Infusion of Spigelia. Infusion of Tar. Infusion of Thoroughwort. Infusion of Tobacco. Oil of Camphor. Oil of Canada Erigeron. Oil of Caraway. Oil of Ceylon Cinnamon. Oil of Cinnamon. Lobelia. Logwood. Lupulin. Lycopodium. Oil of Cloves. Oil of Copaiba. Oil of Cubeb, Oil of Fennel. Oil of Gaultheria. Oil of Hedeoma. Oil of Horsemint. Oil of Juniper. - Oil of Lavender. Infusion of Valerian. Infusion of Wild-cherry. Infusion of Yellow Cinchona. lodide of Ammonium. M Mace. Madder. lodide of Arsenic. lodide of Lead. lodide of Potassium. lodide of Sulphur. lodine. lodine Ointment. Magnesia. Magnolia. Male Fern. Oil of Lemon. Oil of Nutmeg. Oil of Origanum. Oil of Peppermint. Oil of Pimento. Marble. Manna. Marsh Rosemary. Marshmallow. lodoform. Ipecacuanha. Ipecacuanha Spurge. Irish Moss. Mastic. Matico. Oil of Rose. Oil of Rosemary. Oil of Rue. Oil of Sassafras. Oil of Savine. Oil of Spearmint. Oil of Theobroma. Oil of Thyme. May-apple. May-weed. Mercurial Ointment. Iron. Iron Plaster Isinglass. Mercurial Plaster. Mercury. Mercury with Chalk. Mezereon. J Oil of Tobacco. Oil of Turpentine. Oil of Valerian. Oil of Wormseed. Ointment (Simple). Ointment of Ammoniated Jalap. Juice of Coninm. Juice of Dandelion. Juniper. Mezereon Ointment. Mixture of Citrate of Potas- sium. Molasses. Morphia. Mucilage of Gum Arabic. Mucilage of Sassafras Pith. Mucilage of Slippery-elm Bark. Mercury. Ointment of Belladonna. Ointment of Benzoin. Ointment of Cantharides. Ointment of Carbolic Acid. Ointment of Carbonate of K Kameela. Kino. Mucilage of Tragacanth. Muriate of Morphia, Muriatic Acid. Koosso. L Musk. Ointment of Creosote. Lead, Lactate of Iron. Lactic Acid. Mustard Paper. Myrrh. Ointment of lodide of Lead. Ointment of lodide of Potas-. • fm in sium. Ointment of lodide of Sul- phur. Lactucarium. Lard. N Large-flowering Spurge. Nitrate Ammonium. 5 Ointment of Nitrate of Mer- cury. Ointment of Nutgall. Ointment of Oxide of Zinc. Poison-Oak Poke Berry Poke Root. Sabbatia. Safflower. Sage. S Ointment of Red lodide of Mercury. Ointment of Red Oxide of Pomegranate Rind. Poppy. Port Wine. Sago. Santonin. Potassa. Sarsaparilla Sassafras Mercury. Ointment of Rose Water. Potassa with Lime. Powder with Aloes & Canella, Sassafras Pith. Savine. Ointment of Tannic Acid. Ointment of Yellow Oxide of Mercury. Oleoresin of Black Pepper. Oleoresin of Capsicum. Oleoresin of Cubeb. Precipitated Carbonate of Calcium. Savine Cerate. Scammony. Precipitated Carbonate of Iron, Scullcap. Seneka. Senna. Precipitated Carbonate of Zinc. Oleoresin of Fern. Oleoresin of Ginger. Oleoresin of Lupulin. Olive Oil. Precipitated Phosphate of Calcium. Serpentaria. Sherry Wine. Silver. Precipitated Sulphur. Prepared Chalk. Prepared Oyster-shell. Prickly Ash. Prune. Opium. Opium Plaster. Orange Flowers. Orange Flower Water. Oxalate of Cerium. Simaruba. Slippery-elm Bark, Soap. Soar) Cerate, Soap Liniment. Soap Plaster. Socotrine Aloes. Soda. Pumpkin Seed. Pure Carbonate of Potassium. Oxalate of Iron. Oxalic Acid. Pure Prussian Blue. Purging Cassia. Purified Aloes. Oxide of Antimony. Oxide of Lead. Purified Animal Charcoal. Solution of Acetate of Am- monia. Oxide of Silver. Oxide of Zinc. Purified Chloride of Ammo- nium. Solution of Ammonia. Oxysulphuret of Antimony (Kcrmes Mineral). Oyster-shell. Purified Chloroform. Solution of Arseniate of So- dium. Pyrophosphate of Iron. Pyroxylon (Soluble Gun-Cot- ton), Soluti.aa -of Arscnite of Po- tassium. p Solution of Chloride of Ar- senic. Pale Cinchona. 0 Solution of Chloride of Bad- ri m. Pale Rose. Pareira Brava. Quassia. Quince Seed. Quinia. Solution of Chloride of Cal- cium. Parsley. Pellitory. Peppermint. Peppermint Water. Permanganate of Potassium. Persimmon. Solution of Chloride of Iron, Solution of Chloride of Zinc. Solutian of Chlorinated Soda. Solution of Citrate of Iron. Solution of Citrate of Mag- nesium. Solution of Citrate of Potas- R Raisins. Phosphate of Iron. Phosphate of Sodium. Phosphorus. Pill of Carbonate of Iron. Rectified Oil of Amber. Red Cedar. Red Cinchona. Red lodide of Mercury. Red Oxide of Mercury. Red Rose. Solution of Gutta-percha. Solution of lodide of Arsenic sium. Pills of Aloes. and Mercury. Solution of Lime. Pills of Aloes and Assafetida. Pills of Aloes and Mastic. Red Saunders. Red Sulphured of Mercury. Reduced Iron. Solution of Nitrate of Iron. Solution of Nitrate of Mer- Pills of Aloes and Myrrh. Pills of Assafetida. Resin. Pills of Copaiba. Pills of lodide of Iron. Resin Cerate. Resin of Jalap. Resin of May-Apple. Resin of Scammony. Resin Plaster. cury. Solution of Permanganate of Potassium. Solution of Persulphate of Iron. Pills of Mercury. Pills of Opium. Pills of Rhubarb. Solution of Potassa. Solution of Soda. Pills of Sulphate of Quinia. Pipsissewa. Plaster of Ammoniac with Rhatany. Rhubarb. Rosemary. Rose Water. Solution of Subacetate of Lead. Mercury. Plaster of Pitch with Cantha- Solution of Sulphate of Morphia. Solution of Persulphate of Iron. rides. Round-leaved Dogwood. Rue. 6 Spearmint. Spearmint Water. Spermaceti. Spermaceti Cerate. Spigelia. Spirit of Ammonia. Spirit of Anise. Spirit of Camphor. Spirit of Chloroform. Spirit of Cinnamon. Spirit of Juniper. Spirit of Lavender. Spirit of Lemon. Spirit of Nitrons Ether. Spirit of Nutmeg. Spirit of Peppermint. Spirit of Spearmint. Squill. Starch. Suppositories of Aloes. Suppositories of Assafetida. Suppositories of Belladonna, Suppositories of Carbolic Acid. Tincture of Bloodroot. Tincture of Cantharides. Tincture of Capsicum. Tincture of Cardamom. Tincture of Castor. Tincture of Catechu. Suppositories of Lead. Suppositories of Lead and Opium. Suppositories of Opium. Suppositories of Morphia. Suppositories of Tannic Acid. Swamp Dogwood. Sweet Almond. Tincture of Chloride of Iron Tincture of Cinchona. Tincture of Cinnamon. Tincture of Colchicum. Tincture of Colombo. Tincture of Conium. Tincture of Cubeh. Sweet Orange Peel. Syrup (Simple). Syrup of Almond. Syrup of Blackberry. Syrup of Citric Acid. Syrup of Garlic. Syrup of Ginger. Syrup of Gum Arabic. Syrup of lodide of Iron. Syrup of Ipecacuanha. Syrup of Lactucarium. Syrup of Lemon. Syrup of Orange Flowers. Syrup of Orange Peel. Syrup of Red Rose. Syrup of Rhatany. Syrup of Rhubarb. Syrup of Seneka. Syrup of Squill, Syrup of Tolu. Syrup of Wild-cherry. Tincture of Digitalis. Tincture of Ginger. Tincture of Guaiac. Tincture of Hemp. Tincture of Hops. Tincture of Hyoscyamus. Tincture of lodine. Stillingia. Storax. Stramonium Leaves. Tincture of Jalap. Tincture of Kino. Stramonium Ointment. Stramonium Seed. Tincture of Lobelia. Tincture of Lupulin. Tincture of Myrrh. Tincture of Nutgall. Tincture of Nux Vomica. Stronger Alcohol. Stronger Ether. Stronger Water of Ammonia. Strychnia. Subacetate of Copper. Subcarbonate of Bismuth. Tincture of Opium. Tincture of Orange Peel. Tincture of Quassia. Tincture of Rhatany. Tincture of Rhubarb. Subcarbonate of Iron. Sublimed Sulphur Subnitrate of Bismuth. Tincture of Rhubarb and Senna. Suet. Sugar. Sugar of Milk. Sulphate of Aluminum- Sulphate of Aluminum and Potassium. T Tincture of Serpentaria. Tincture of Squill. Tincture of Stramonium. Tamarind, Tannic Acid Tincture of Tolu. Tincture of Valerian. Sulphate of Ammonium. Sulphate of Atropia. Sulphate of Cadmium. Sulphate of Cinchonia. Sulphate of Copper. Sulphate of Iron. Sulphate of Iron and Am- monium. Tansy. Tapioca. Tar. Tobacco. Tobacco Ointment. Tar Ointment. Tormentil. Tar Water. Tartaric Acid. Tragacanth, Troches of Bicarbonate of Tartrate of Antimony and Potassium. Troches of Chalk. Sodium. Sulphate of Magnesium. Sulphate of Manganese. Sulphate of Morphia. Sulphate of Potassium. Sulphate of Quinia. Sulphate of Sodium. Sulphate of Strychnia. Sulphate of Zinc. Sulphite of Potassium. Sulphite of Sodium. Sulphur Ointment. Sulphureted Antimony. Sulphuret of Antimony. Sulphuret of Iron. Sulphuret of Potassium. Sulphuric Acid. Sulphurous Acid. Sumach. Tartrate of Iron and Ammo- nium. Troches of Chlorate of Po- tassa. Tartrate of Iron and Potas- sium. Troches of Cubeb. Troches of Ginger. Troches of Ipecacuanha. Troches of Liquorice and Opium. Troches of Magnesia. Troches of Morphia and Ipecacuanha. Troches of Peppermint. Troches of Santonin. Tartrate of Potassium. Tartrate of Potassium and Sodium. Thoroughwort. Tincture of Aconite Root. Tincture of Aloes. Tincture of Aloes and Myrrh. Tincture of American Helle- Troches of Subcarbonate of Iron. bore. Tincture of Arnica. Troches of Tannic Acid, Tincture of Assafetida. Tincture of Belladonna. Tulip-Tree Bark. Tumeric. Tincture of Benzoin. Tincture of Black Hellebore Turpentine. 7 u W Wine of Ipecacuanha. Wine of Opium. Wine of Rhubarb. Wine of Tobacco. Uva Ursi. Wahoo. V Washed Sulphur, Water. Wormseed. Wormwood V alerian. Valerianate of Ammonium. Valerianate of Quinia. Valerianate of Zinc. Water Avens. Whiskey. White Hellebore. White Mustard. White Oak. Y Valerianic Acid, Vanilla. Veratria. White Wax. Wild-cherry. Wild Ginger. Willow. Wine of Aloes. Yarrow. Yeast. Veratria Ointment. Vinegar. Yellow Cinchona. Yellow Dock. Vinegar of Bloodroot. Vinegar of Lobelia. Vinegar of Opium. Vinegar of Squill. Violet. Wine of Antimony. Wine of Colchicum Root. Wine of Colchicum Seed. Wine of Ergot. Yellow Jasmine. Yellow Oxide of Mercury. Yellow Sulphate of Mercury. Yellow Wax. Yellow-root. 2. Please add to this list any drug or pharmaceutical preparation not in the above list, which in your experience has proved to be a useful therapeutical agent. 3. a. Please state if in your opinion it would be advisable to name in the new edition of the United States Pharmacopoeia the maximum safe dose of each remedy. (Please answer yes or no). h. Or whether some mark should be added by the prescribing physician to empha- size a larger dose. (Please answer yes or no). 8 4. Whether in your opinion it would be advisable to express each dose in both the present and metrical system of weights and measures. (Please answer yes or no.) 5. Please state any further suggestions here, and as concisely as possible. (Sgd) R. AMORY, ) (Sgd) R. T. EDES, > Committee. (Sgd) E. S. WOOD, ) (Please sign here.) M.D., Mass.