2: t i fc K ft fC; MEDICINAL PLANTS, S. FLOWERS AKD SELECT POWDERS. WITH THEIR THEKAPEUTIC QUALITIES AND BOTANICAL NAMES; ALSO, PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, PREPARED IX VACUO; OINTMENTS, INSPISSATED JUICES, ESSENTIAL OILS, DOUBLE DISTILLED AND FRAGRANT WATERS, &c, &c, Raised, Prepared, and put up in the most careful manner, by the UNITED SOCIETY OF SHAKERS, AT NEW LEBANON, N. Y> ♦♦ A blade of grass—a simple lower, CiiU'd from the dewy leu; These, these shall speak with touching power, Of change and health to thee. ORDERS ADDRESSED TO EDWARD FOWLER, NEW LEBANON, N. Y., WILL MEET WITH PROMPT ATTENTION First Sstablisliecl in XOOO, BEING THE OLDEST OF THE KIND IN THK COUNTRY. 3£ a* o5 s| 'Sap ;3j yt si 3 £ 3* 3J JJ Si 2* 3j 31 Si * 17 3575 8974 (GS& lYo , < lilrM \) ) ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. ABBREVIATIONS. Acr. Acrid, Alt. Alterative, Ano. Anodyne, Anth. Anthelmintic, A-bil. Antibilious, A-lith. Antilithic, A-scor. Antiscorbutic, A-sep. Antiseptic, A-spas. Antispasmodic, Ape. Aperient, Aro. Aromatic, Ast. Astringent, Bal. Balsamic, Car. Carminative, Cath. Cathartic, Ceph. Cephalic, Dem. Demulcent. Deo. Deobstruent, Dia. Diaphoretic, Diu. Diuretic, Dis. Discutient, Erne. Emetic, Emo. Emollient, Emm. Emmenagogue, Exp. Expectorant, DEFINITIONS. Caustic, having a hot, biting taste. Changing the morbid action of the secretions. Mitigating pain, quieting. Destroying worms, or expelling them from the bowels. Correcting the bilious secretions. Preventing the formation of calculous matter. Useful in scurvy. Preventing mortification. Relaxing spasms, calming nervous irritation. Gently purgative. Fragrant, spicy. Producing contraction in the living tissues. Unctuous, mitigating, healing. Causing the expulsion of wind. Cleansing the bowels, purgative. Medicinal to the head. Lubricating, softening, mollifying. Having power to resolve viscidity. Increasing the cutaneous discharge. Acting on the kidneys, increasing the urine. Dissolving, discussing. Producing vomiting. Sheathing, softening, causing warmth and moisture. Promoting menstruation. Augmenting and promoting the discharge from the lungs. 2 ABBREVIATIONS. Feb. Febrifuge, Her. Herpetic, Lax. Laxative, Muc. Mucilaginous, Nar. Narcotic, Ner. Nervine, Pec. Pectoral, Ref. Refrigerant, Rub. Rubefacient, Sec. Secernant, Sed. Sedative, Sial. Sialagogue, Sti. Stimulant, Sto. Stomachic, Sty. Styptic, Sud. Sudorific, Ton. Tonic, Ver. Vermifuge, Vul. Vulnerary, DEFINITIONS, Expelling and allaying fever. Curing cutaneous diseases. Gently cathartic. Glutinous, lubricating. Relieving pain, stupefying, producing sleep. Strengthening the nerves. Beneficial in diseases of the chest. Diminishing animal temperature, cooling. Producing inflammation and redness of the skin. Separating substances in the body. Depressing the vital powers. Increasing the flow of saliva. Increasing action. Strengthening the stomach. Arresting bleeding. Producing sweat. Permanently strengthening. Expelling or destroying worms. Useful in the cure of wounds. CATALOGUE. Common names. Price. Abcess root,.......$1 00 Aconite leaves,.... 0 75 do root,...... 1 00 Agrimony,........ 0 50 Alder bark, black,. 0 25 do berries, black 0 50 do red or tag,... 0 25 Alum root,........ 0 50 Angelica leaves,... 0 25 Angelica root,..... 0 50 Angelica seeds,.... 0 25 Anise seed,........ Appletreebark,.... 0 40 Archangel,........ 0 50 Arnica flowers, .... 0 50 do root,....... 0 75 Ash bark, Mountain 0 56 do bark, Prickly,. 0 50 do berries, do .. 1 00 do bark, White,.. 0 40 Asparagus root, — 0 75 Avens root,....... 060 Backache brake, .. 0 75 Balm, Lemon,..... 0 50 do Sweet,.....0 50 Balm of Gilead buds Balsam, Sweet,.... 0 35 Barberry bark,.... 0 50 Basil, Sweet,...... 0 50 Basswood bark,.... 0 38 Bayberry bark,.... 025 Beech bark, ...... 0 30 'do leaves,..... 0 40 Belladonna leaves,. 0 75 Bellwort,......... 0 75 Benne leaves,..... 1 00 Beth root,......... 1 00 Botanical names. Polemonium reptans, Aconitum napellus, do do Radix, Agrimonia eupatoria, Prinos verticillatus, Deo. do do Bacca, Alnus serrulata, Heuchera pubescens, Archangelica atropurpurea, Archangelica atropurpurea, Archangelica atropurpurea, Pimpinella anisum, Pyrus malus, Lycopus sinuatus, Arnica montana, do do Radix, Pyrus americana, Xanthoxylum americanum, do do Fraxinus americana, Asparagus officinalis, Geum rivale, Asplenium filix-faemina, Melissa officinalis, Dracocephalum canariense, Populus balsamifera, Gnaphalium polycephalum, Berberis vulgaris, Ocymum basilicum, Tilia americana, Myrica cerifera, Fagus ferruginea, do do Folium, Atropa belladona, Uvularia perfoliata, Sesamum indicum, Trillium purpureum, Properties. Ast. Sud. Feb. Nar. Dia. do. Ast. Ton. Dia. Ast. Ton. A-sep. Ast. Deob. Ton. Ast. A-sep. Det. Ton. Bal. Aro. Car. Emm. Aro. Sti. Car. Aro. Car. Pec. Ast. Ton. Ast. Ton. Bal. Vul. Sti. Diu. Sti. Diu. Dia. Ast. Ton. Det. Sti. Aro. Ast. do Ast. Ton. Ape. Diu. Ton. Ast. Sto. Pec. Dem. Sto. Dia. Sud. Aro. Sto. Dia. Bal. Sto. Sto. Sud. Sed. Ton. Ref. Ast. Aro. Sti. Emo. Dis. Aro. Sti. Ast. Ast. Ton. Ast. Alt. Nar. Ano. Her. Dem. Dem. Lax. Ast. Ton. Pec. 4 Common names. Price. Betony weed,......$0 50 Birch bark, black,. 0 25 Bird peppers,...... Bitter root,....... 0 75 Bittersweet, false, bark of root,.... 0 75 Bittersweet berries, 0 50 Bittersweet herb,.. 0 50 Blackberry root,... 0 25 Blazing Star root,. Blood root,...'..... 0 50 Blue flag,......... 0 50 Boneset,.......... 0 25 Borage, .......... 0 50 Boxwood bark,___ 0 "50 do flowers,.. 1 50 Brooklime,........ 1 00 Buchu leaves,..... Buck bean,....... 1 00 Buckhorn brake, .. 0 75 Buckthorn berries,. 60 Bugle,........... 0 50 Burdock leaves, ... 0 25 do root,..... 0 35 do seeds, .... 0 30 Butternut bark,... 0 25 Canada Thistle root 0 60 Cancer Root plant,. 0 50 Canker weed,...... 0 50 Caraway seed,..... Oardamon seed,.... Cardinal flow's,blue 0 75 do do red, 1 00 Carduus, spotted,.. 0 50 Carrot leaves, wild, 0 50 do seed, wild,.. 0 50 Catnip, .......... 0 25 Celandine, garden,. 0 50 do wild,... 0 25 Centaury, low, .... 0 50 Chamomile flowers, do low,... 0 75 Cherry bark, wild,. 0 25 Chickweed,....... 0 50 Cicely, sweet,..... 1 00 Cicuta leaves,..... 0 25 Clary,............ 0 50 ^leavers, ......... 0 50 Clover heads, red,. 0 50 Cocash root,....... 0 50 Botanical names. Pedicularis canadensis, Betula lenta, Capsicum baccatum, Proj'erties. Ner. Ton. Dis. Ton. Ast. Sti. Car. Rub. Apocynum androsaemifolium, Ton. Cath. Sud. Celastrus scandens, do do Bacca, Solanum dulcamara, Rubus villosus, Aletris farinosa, Sanguinaria canadensis, Iris versicolor, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Borago officinalis, Cornus florida, do do Veronica beccabunga, Diosma crenata, Menyanthes trifoliata, Osinunda spectabilis, Rhamnus catharticus, Bacca, A-bil. Dis. Diu. Emo. Dis. Herb. Deo. Alt. Ast. Ton. Ton. Sto. Nar. Dia. Deo. Exp. Diu. Erne. Cath. Sud. Ton. Em. Sto. Dia. Ton. Ast. Sti. do Dis. Alt. Diu. Sti. Diu. Dia. Ton. Deo. Muc. Dem. Cath. Lycopus virginicus, Lappa major, Folium, do do Radix, do do Semen, Juglans cinerea, Cirsium arvense, Epiphegus virginiana, Nabalus albus, Carum carui, Eleterium cardamomum, Lobelia syphilitica, Lobelia cardinalis, Cnicus benedictus, Daucus carota, do do Nep^ta cataria, Chelidonium majus, Impatiens pallida, Hypericum mutilum, Anthemis nobilis, do do Prunus virginiana, Cerastium vulgatum, Osmorrhiza brevistylis, Conium maculatum, Salvia sclara, Galium aparine, Trifolium pratense. Aster puniceus, Pec. Deo. Ton. Sty. Feb. Sud. Her. A-scor. Diu. Car. Ton. Cath. Ton. Diu. Ast. Ton. Ast. Ton. Car. Aro. Aro. Sti. Diu. Sud. Her. Deo. Ver. Dia. Diu. Diu. Emm. Diu. Deo. Sto. Car. Sud. Diu. Her. A-bil. Sto. Ast. Ton. Sto. Ton. Feb. Sud. Ton. Stom. Ast. Ton. Sed. Emo. Ref. Car. Nar. Sti. Diu. Pec Acr. Sud. Sti. Sto. Aro. Deo. Sto. Sud. 5 Common names. Price. Cuckold,..........$0 50 Cohosh, black, .... 0 50 do blue,..... 0 30 do red,...... 0 50 do white,.... 0 50 Columbo root,..... 0 30 Coltsfoot,......... 0 35 Comfrey root,..... 0 40 Consumption brake, 1 50 Coolwort,......... 0 30 Coriander seed,.... 0 30 Cowparsnip leaves,. 0 50 do root,... 0 50 do seeds,.. 0 75 Cramp bark,...... 0 50 Crancsbill,........ 0 50 Crawley,.......... Culver's root,...... 1 00 Daisy flowers,..... 0 25 Dandelion herb,. .. 0 25 do root, ... 0 50 Dill seed,......... Dittany........... 0 50 Dock Yellow,..... 0 36 do Water,...... 0 50 Elecampane,...... 0 25 Elder bark,....... 0 50 do flowers,..... do dwarf,...... 0 50 Elm bark, Slippery, do ground,.. 0 30 do flour,--- 0 50 do superfine, 0 75 Euphorbia,....... 1 50 Fennel seed,..... Fern, Male,...... 0 50 do Sweet,...... 0 25 Fever bush,....... 0 50 Feverfew,......... 0 50 Fever root,....... 0 50 Fire weed,........ 0 50 Fit root,.......... 2 00 Five finger,....... 0 50 Fleabane,......... 0 30 Flower-de-luce,... 0 50 Foxglove,........ 0 38 Frostwort,........ 0 50 Fumitory,........ 0 75 Garget,........... 0 25 Garlick,.......... *1 Botanical names. Bidens frondosa, Cimicifuga racemosa, Leontice thalictroides, Actaea rubra, Actaea alba, Frasera caroliniensis, Tussilago farfara, Symphytum officinale, Bi.trychium lunarioides, Tiarella cordifolia, Uoriandrum sativum, Heracleum lanatum, Fol., do do Rad., do do Sem., Viburnum tantanoides, Geranium maculatum, Corallorhiza odontorhiza, Leptandra virginica, Leueanthemum vulgare, Taraxacum dens-leonis, do do Anethum graveolens, Cunila mariana, Rumex crispus, R. hydrolapathum, Inula heleniuui, Sambucus canadensis, do do Aralia hispida, Ulmus fulva, do do do do do do Euphorbia ipecacuanha, Anethum fceniculum, Aspidium filix.mas, Comptonia aiplenifolia, Benzoin odoriferum, Pyrethrum parthenium, Triosteum perfoliatum, Erechthites hieracifolia, Monotropa uniflora, Potentilla canadensis, Erigeron canadensis, Iris sambucina, Digitalis purpurea, Helianthemum canadense, Fumaria officinalis, Phytolacca decandra. Allium sativum, Properties. Ast. Diu. Car. Deo. Nar. A-spas. Sti. Deo. Ner. Emm. Car. Deo. Nar. Ton. Cath. Eme. Exp. Pec. Dem. Pec. Dem. Bal. Sti. Ton. Diu. Ton. Car. Sto. Ner. Car. Diu. do Car. Aro. A-spas. Sty. Ast. Ton. Bal. Sto. Cath. Diu. Ton. Diu. Vul. A-bil. Ast. Ton. Deo. Diu. Ast. Ton. Car. Sto. Aro. Ner. Sud. Ton. Deo. Her. Ast. Dia. Deo. Her. Exp. Ast. Sto. Diu. Deo. Sud. Her. Alt. Sud. Her. Dia. Ton. Diu. Dem. Emo. Diu. Dem. Ton. do do do do do do Eme. Cath. Ton. Car. Sto. Ver. Ton. Ast. Sto. Ast. Aro. Sto. Sti. Ner. Sto. Cath. Ton. Ton. Ast. Alt. Ner. A-spas. Ast. Emm. Em. Ton. Ast. Diu. Diu. Deo. Diu. Nar. Dia. Ast. Ton. Deo. Dia. Diu. Deo. Cath. Alt. Sti. Exp. Ton. 6 Common names. Price. Gentian,......... .$0 25 Ginseng,.......... Gold thread,...... 1 25 Golden rod........0 50 Golden seal,....... 0 50 Gravel plant,.....0 50 Hardhack leaves,.. 0 38 Heal-all, . .......0 75 Hearts-ease,...... 0 50 Hellebore, black,.. 0 75 do white,.. 0 75 Hemlock bark,.... 0 25 do leaves,... 025 Henbane, black,... 0 75 Hoarhound,....... 0 40 Hollyhock flowers,. 0 75 Hop,............. Horsemint,........ 0 50 Horseradish leeves, 0 25 do root,.. 0 50 Hyssop,.......... 0 50 Indian hemp,black, 0 75 do white, 0 75 Indian turnip,..... 0 50 Indigo, wild,...... 0 50 Ipecac, American, ) or Indian physic, $ Ivy, ground,...... 0 50 Jacobs ladder,.... 0 50 Job's tears, per doz. 1 50 Johnswort,........ 0 25 Juniper berries,.... 0 25 King's clover,..... 0 50 Knot grass,......,. 0 50 Labrador tea,..... 0 40 Ladies'slipper,.... 0 75 Ladies' sorrel,..... 1 00 Larkspur herb,.... 0 50 do seed,.... Laurel leaves,..... 0 50 Lavender, ........ Lettuce, Garden, .. 0 50 do Wild,.... 0 50 Life root,......... 0 75 Lily, White Pcnd,. 0 50 do Yellow Pond, 0 50 Linden flowers,.... Liquorice root, .... Liverwort,........ 1 00 Lobelia herb,...... 0 40 Properties. Ton. Sto. Act. Sial. Ner. Sti. Sto. Ton. Ast. Car. Aro. Diu. Ton. A-bil. Sto. Dia. Dem. Ast. Ton. Ast. Sud. Diu. Cath. Eme. Cath. Nar. Ner. Ast. Ton. Dia. Alt. Sud. Ner. Nar. Sto. Pec. Deo. Ast. Dem. Ano. Ton. Aro. Diu. Ton. Acr. Sti. do Exp. Ceph. Botanical names. Gcntiana lutea, Panax quinquefolia, Coptis trifolia, Solidago odora, Hydrastis canadensis, Epigaea repens, Spiraea toraentosa, Prunella vulgaris, Polygonum persicaria, Helleborus niger, Veratrum viride, Abies canadensis, do do Hyoscyamus niger, Marrubium vulgare, Althaea rosea, Humulus lupulus, Monarda punctata, Cochlearia armoracia, do do Hyssopus officinalis Apocynum cannabinum, Eme.Cath. Ton. Diu. Asclepias incarnata, Ape. Diu. Alt. Arum triphyllum, Sti. Exp. Aro. Nar. Baptisia tinctoria, A-sep. Ton. Dia. Gillenia stipulacca, Eme. Cath. Ton. Exp. Rad. Glechoma hederaoea, Smilax herbacea, Coix lachryma, Hypericum perforatum, Juniperus communis, Melilotus leuoantha, Polygonum -aviculare, Ledum latifolium, Cypripedium pubescens, Oxalis stricta, Delphinium consolida, do do Kalmia latifolia, Lavendula spica, Lactuca sativa, Lactuca elongata, Senecio aureus, Nymphaea odorata, Nuphar advena, Tilia americana, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Hepatica triloba, Lobelia inflata, Dem. Sto. Ton. Diu. Sial. Diu. Ast. Bal. Diu. Diu. Car. Sti. Emo. Dis. Diu. Ner. Car. Diu. Bal. Sed. Ner. Ano. Ref. A-sep. Diu. Nar. Acr. Diu. Nar. Acr. Her. A-sep. Car. Pec. Ner. Diu. Ano. Diu. A-scor. Nar. Diu. Feb. Aro. Stom. Pec. Emo. Ast. Ton. do do Sud. A-spas. Ner. Dem. Exp. Lax. Ast. Dem. Pec. Deo. Eme. Diu. Exp. 7 Common names. Price. Lobelia seed,......$ Lovage leaves,.... 0 50 do root,...... do seeds,..... 0 50 Lungwort,........ 0 75 Maidenhair,...... 0 40 Mallow, low,...... 0 25 do marsh,leaves 0 40 do do root,. 0 40 Man root,......... 0 50 Mandrake root,.... 0 50 Maple, red or soft,. 0 50 do striped,.... 0 50 Marigold flowers,.. 0 75 Marjoram, sweet, ..075 Marsh rosemary,... 0 50 Masterwort leaves,. 0 50 do root,... 0 50 do seeds,.. 0 75 Mayweed,........ 0 25 Meadowsweet,..... 0 50 Mezeron, Nett,.... Milkweed root,.... 0 50 Monarda,......... 0 50 Moosewood bark,.. 0 50 Motherwort,...... 0 25 Mountain dittany,. 0 50 Mountain mint, ... 0 38 Mouse ear,........ 0 60 Mugwort,........0 50 Mullein herb,..... 0 25 Mustard seed, black do do white Nanny-bush bark,. 0 50 Nettle flowers,..... 0 50 do root,....... 0 50 Nightshade,deadly, 0 75 Oak bark, black,.. 0 25 do red,--- 0 25 do white,.. 0 25 Oak of Jerusalem,. 0 50 Orange peel, Nett,. Osier bark, green,.. 0 40 Oswego tea,....... 0 50 Pappoose root,..... 0 50 Parilla, yellow,--- 0 50 Parsley leaves,.... 0 50 do root,...... 0 50 do seeds,..... 1 00 Peach bark,....... 0 50 Botanical names. Lobelia inflata, Ligusticum levisticum, do do do do Pertusaria faginea, Adiantum pedatum, Malva rotundifola, Althaea officinalis, do do Convolvulus panduratus, Properties. Eme. Diu. Exp. Car. Sto. Emm. Dia. Car. Stom. do do Pec. Sto. Dem. Exp. Car. Sto. Dem. Pec. Dem. Ast. Emo. Dem. Ast. Cath. Diu. Pec. Podophyllum peltatum, Deo. Em. Cath. Nar. Acer rubrum, Ton. Ast. Acer striatum, Ver. Ton. Calendula officinalis, Sto. Aro. Marjorana hortensis, Ton. Sto. Aro. Statice limonium, Ast. A-sep. Heracleum lanatum, Ner. Car. Diu. do do do do do do do do Maruta cotula, Sud. Dia. Sto. Spiraea salicifolia, Ton. A-sep. Feb. Daphne mezereum, Dia. Sti. Asclepias cornuti, Diu. Ano. Sud. Monarda punctata, Diu. Sto. Ton. Dirca palustris, Dia. Sti. Leonorus cardiaca, Ner. Sto. Emm. Cunila mariana, Sti. Ton. Ner. Sud. Origanum vulgare, Sud. Sto. Aro. Gnaphalium uliginosum, Sud. Stom. Artemisia vulgaris, Deo. A-bil. Ner. Verbascum thapsus, Ano. Dem. Ast. Sinapis nigra, Diu. Rub. Sti. Eme. Sinapis alba, A scor. Sti. Rub. Viburnum lentago, Ton. Urtica dioica, • do do do Ast. Ton. Atropa belladona, Nar. Ano. Quercus tinctoria, Ast. Ton. do rubra, Ast. Sti. Ton. do alba, Ast. Ton. A-sep. Chenoyodium botrys, Ver. Sto. Emm. Citrus aurantium, Ton. Sto. Cornus circinata, Ast. Deo. Ton. Monarda didyma, Sti. Sto. Ton. Feb. Leontice thalictroides, Deo. Nar. Emm. Menispermum eanadense, Ton. Lax. Alt. Apium petroselinum, Dem. Diu. do do Ape. Dem. Diu. do do Diu. Dem. Amygdalus persica, Cath. Ton. Sto. Common names. Price. Peach leaves,.....$0 50 do pits, ....... 1 00 Pennyroyal,....... 0 25 Peony flowers, .... 0 50 do roots,...... 0 75 Peppermint, ...... 0 25 Pilewort,......... 0 50 Pine bark, white,. 0 25 Plantain leaves, ... 0 38 Plantain, bitter,or ) Gall of the earth, ) do spotted,.... 0 60 Pleurisy root,..... 0 60 Poke berries,...... 0 50 do leaves,...... 0 50 do root,........ 0 25 Polypody,......... 0 50 Pomegranate,..... Poplar bark,...... 0 25 Poppy capsules, ... 0 30 do leaves,..... 0 38 do flowers, .... Princes pine,...... 0 40 Queen of the meadow do herb, 0 30 do root, 0 50 Queen's delight,... 0 75 Raspberry leaves,.. 0 25 Rock brake,....... 0 50 Roman wormwood, > „ „, or Rag weed,• •• ) Rose, damask, .... do red,........ Rose willow,...... 0 40 Rosemary flowers,. do leaves, . 0 20 Rue,............. 0 50 Saffron,........... Sage, ............ Sanicle root, black, 0 50 do do white, 0 59 Sarsaparilla, Am.,. Sassafras,......... 0 50 do pith,.... Savin,............ 0 85 Scabious,......... 0 25 do sweet, .... 0 25 Scabish,---...... 0 25 Scrofula plant, .... 0 50 Scullcap,......... 0 75 Botanical names. Amygdalus persica, do do Hedeoma pulegiodes, Paeonia officinalis, do do Mentha piperita, Properties. Ver. Ton. Lax. Ton. Sto. Car. Sti. Sto. Aro. Ner. Ner. Ver. Sto. Sti. Sud. Amaranthus hypochondriacus Ast. Her. Pinus strobus, Plantago major, Gentiana quinqueflora, Goodyera pubescens, Asclepias tuberosa, Phytolacca decandra, do do dy do Polypodium vulgare, Punica granatum. Populus tremuloides, Papaver somniferum, do do Folium, do do Petals, Chimaphila umbellata, Sti. Diu. Lax. Pec. Ref. Vul. A-sep. Det. Det- Det. Dia. Sud. Aro. Deo. Alt. Folium, do Radix, Deo. Cath. Alt. Pec. Dem. Cath. Ast. Ton. Ton. Alt. Nar. Ano. do do Diu. Sti. Eupatorium purpureum, Diu. Aro. do do Radix, do Stillingia sylvatica, Cath. Alt. A-sep. Rubus strigosus, Ast. Ton. Pteris atropurpurea, Sec. Ast. Ton. Ambrosia artemisaefolia, Sti. Ton. Ver. Rosa damascena, Ast. Rosa gallica, Ast. Cornus sericea, - Ast. Rosmarinus officinalis, _ Ast. do do Folium, Ast. Ruta graveolens, ' Ton. Diu. Carthamus tinctorius, Diu. Sto. Salvia officinalis, Sud. Sto. Sanieula marilandica, Ton. Ast. Eupatorium ageratoides, Deo. Sto. Aralia nudicaulis, Alt. Dem. Sassafras officinale, Sti. Ape. Ton. do do Dem. Juniperus communis, Sti. Emm. Deo. Erigeron philadelphicum, Diu. Sud. Erigeron annuum, Diu. OEnothera biennis, Dem. Scrophularia nodosa, Deo. Scutellaria laterifolia, Ton. Sud. Ton. Ton. Ton. Ton. Ton. Sto. Aro. Bal. Diu. Ton. Deo. Alt. Muc. Acr, Her. Sud. Sto. Ton. Ner. 9 Common names. Price. Scurvy grass,......$0 25 Senna, Am.,......0 30 Side-saddle plant,.. Skunk cabbage root 0 40 Snakehead,....... 0 25 Snakeroot, Button, 0 50 do Canada, do Rattle,. do Seneca, do "Virginia Soapwort,......... 0 50 Solomon's seal,.... 0 50 do small, .. 0 50 Sorrel, sheep,..... do wood,...... Southernwood, .... 0 50 Spearmint,........ 0 25 Speedwell, Virginia, 1 00 Spikenard,........ Spleenwort,....... 0 75 Spurred rye, ...... Squaw vine, ...... 0 50 Squaw weed,...... 0 50 Star flower,....... 0 50 Stone root, ....... 0 30 Strawberry leaves,. 0 25 do vines, . 0 50 Succory,.......... 0 25 Sumach bark,..... 0 25 do berries,... 0 25 do leaves, ... 0 25 Summer savory,... 0 40 Sunflower, wild,... 0 50 Sweet or King's clover Sweet flag,........ Sweet-gale burrs,.. 0 75 do herb,.. 0 50 Tamarack bark, ... 0 25 Tanzy, double,..... 0 25 Thimble weed,--- 0 50 Thornapple leaves,. 0 40 do seeds,.. 0 30 Thyme,---,...... 0 50 Tilia flowers,...... Turkey pea,....... 1 50 Unicorn root,...... 1 50 UvaUrsi,......... 0 25 Valerian, Am.,.... 0 70 do English, . Vervian,.......... 0 25 Botanical names. Cochlearia officinalis, Cassia marilandica, Sarracenia purpurea, Symplocarpus foetidus, Chelone glabra, Liatris spicata, Asarum canadense, Goodyera pubescens, Polygala senega, Aristolochia serpentaria, Saponaria officinalis, Polygonatum giganteum, Smilacina racemosa, Rumex acetosella, Oxalis acetosella, Artemisia abrotanum, Mentha viridis, Veronica officinalis, Aralia racemosa, Asplenium angustifolium, Acinula, Mitchella repcns, Senecio obovatus, Aster novae-angliae, Collinsonia canadensis, Fragaria virginiana, do do Cichorium intybus, Rhus glabra, Cort., do do Bacca, do do Folium, Satureja hortensis, Helianthus divaricatus, Melilotus leucantha, Acorus calamus, Myrica gale, do do Herba, Larix americana, Tanacetum vulgare, Rudbeckia laciniata, Datura stramonium, do do Semen, Thymus serpyllum, Properties. Sti. Ape. Diu. Cath. Diu. Deo. Cath. Deo. A-spas. Ver. Acr. A-bil. Ton. Ver. Sti. Diu. Bal. Her. Aro. Ner. Det. Sti. Exp. Dia. Ton. Dia. Sud. Alt. Ton. Ast. Dem. Bal. Dem. Ast. Ref. A-scor. Ton. Sti. Ton. Ner. Det. Feb. Diu. A-eme. Diu. Dia. Exp. Pec. Bal. Sto. Diu. Nar. Diu. Emm. Her. Acr. Her. Sto. Ner. Diu. Sto. Ast. Feb. Ref. do do Ton. Ape. Deo. Ast. Ton. Ast. Ref. Diu. Ast. Ton. Diu. Sto. Aro. Car. A-spas. Lax. Emo. Dis. Aro Sto. Ast. Aro. Her. Pec. Ast. Aro. Ape. Exp. Bal. Sud. Emm. Ver. Sto. Diu. Ton. Nar. Acr. Nar. Acr. Ton. Sto. Aro. Tilia americana, Sud. A-spas. Ner. (Corydalis)dicentra canadensis, Ton. Diu. Alt. Chamaelirium luteum, Arctostaphylos uva ursi, Cypripedium pubescens, Valeriana officinalis, Verbena hastata, Ton. Sto. Diu. Ast. Ton. Sud. Ner. Ano. Ner. Ano. Sti. Sud. Ton. 10 Common names. Price. Botanical names. Properties. $0 50 Viola cucullata, Dem. Sud. Ton. Lax. do canker, . 0 50 Viola rostrata, Dem. Ton. Virgin's bower,.... 0 30 Clematis virginiana, Sti. Nor. Wa-a-hoo bark,., Euonymus atropurpureus, Cath. Exp. ! o 30 Carya alba, Ton. Sty. . 0 75 Sarracenia purpurea, Ner. Ton. Watermelon seed,. Cucurbita citrullus, Dem. Ref. .' 0 25 Polygonum hydropiper, Sti. Arc. Whitewook bark,. . 0 30 Liriodendron tulipifera, Sto. Aro. . 0 50 Epilobium angustifolium, A -sep. Eme. Ast. 50 Arum triphyllum. Sti. Exp. Acr. Nar. Willow, pussy, ... . 0 40 Salix Candida, A-sep. Ast. do white, ,.. . 0 40 Salix alba, Ton. Ast. Wintergreen, .. . . 0 40 Gaultheria procumbens, Sti. Diu. Sto. Emm. Witch-hazel bark, . 0 30 Hamamaelis virginica, Ton. Ast. Her. do leaves , o 30 do do do do . 0 40 Chenopodium anthelmintica, Ver. . 0 40 Artemisia absynthium, Ton. Sti. A-bil. 25 Achillea millefolium, Ast. Sto. Det. N. B. An extra charge of 12^ cents the pound for packing in ounce packages. ----» » PULVERIZED SWEET HERBS. For culinary and other purposes, as, Sage, Tliyme, Summer Savory, Sweet Marjoram. Particular attention will be paid to drying and grinding of these, go as to preserve their aroma and strength. And they will be coarsely ground, or pulverized fine, as may be directed, by the new plan used in the best French Drug-mills. &y WARRANTED PURE. 11 PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS. It is a matter of eminent importance to the interested and benevolent physician, to be able to calculate with certainty, on the effect of any drug or medicine he may administer. This he cannot do, unless he be able to judge of its purity, condition, and carefulness of preparation. Perhaps no class of medicines present so many difficulties, and certainly none which have given such universal dissatisfaction on this point as Vegetable Extracts ; and some of our best physicians have nearly abandoned their use on this account. This is not surprising, when we consider the rude and imperfect means generally employed for evaporating; and the want of suitable knowledge and carefulness in the whole process of manufacture. Indeed, it requires much experience and consummate skill, in addition to the most perfect apparatus, to produce extracts that will be uniform and certain in their effect—as much depends on the freshness of the vegetable operated upon, maturity, season of collection, and influence of climate. To remedy the difficulties complained of, and furnish the profession with the article they so earnestly requested of us—pure and reliable extracts —we have directed our attention to this end, and spared no expense to procure the best information and conveniences for the purpose. Our for- mer experience and observations, of thirty years, have been of value ; and the possession of large botanic gardens gives us important advantages in the collection and freshness of the vegetables. Having built a new Laboratory, and furnished it with very complete fixtures for the various manipulations, among which is a vacuum pan for evaporation, embracing the late improvements of Benson and Day, and others peculiarly our own, built expressly for the purpose, we have suc- ceeded in producing extracts which meet the approval of the faculty, from whom we are receiving very flattering encomiums of praise. Professor Proctor says—" Extracts ought to be composed of a number of chemical constituents, or proximate vegetable principles, edtjced, and not produced, during the process of evaporation." This has been our aim ; and although we are aware "the quality of the product depends less upon the means adopted for extracting the soluble matter from the vegetable substances operated upon, than upon those by which the inspis- Bationis effected," yet we have found it important so far to acquaint our- 12 elves with the chemical constituents and nature of the principles con- sained in the drugs, their solubility, their relations to heat and air, their tvolatility, &c, as to be able on all occasions to adopt the menstruum best calculated to remove the greatest amount of active matter, and so control the evaporation, that it may not be injured by heat or lost by volatilization. It has been a matter of controversy among apothecaries and pharma- ceutists whether it was wise, in the inspissated juices, to retain the chlo- rophyl and albumen, so as to preserve the green color, as an index of its careful preparation ; but the well conducted experiments of M. Solon have proved them to be nearly inert. Hence, their presence only tends to enfeeble the proper extract ; and by the recommendation of Professor W. Proctor, of Philadelphia, we shall hereafter, in most cages, reject them, unless otherwise desired by parties so ordering in time of preparing. The following list embraces the principal kinds; but we hope to be able soon to furnish various others. They will be neatly put up in jars, con- taining 1 lb., £ lb. and % lb., or in bulk. We request immediate notice if any extract prepared by us does not fully meet the recommendations. 13 FLUIDS. Fluid Extracts. In 5 lb. bottles. Aconite leaves........... Aconitum napellus...... do root............. do do .....< Aletris................. Aletris farinosa........ Angelica root........».......................■ Arnica ................. Arnica montana........ Avens root.................................... Balmony............... Chelone glabra........ Bayberry............... Myrica cerifera....... Barberry bark........... Berberis............... Belladonna............. Atropa belladonna..... Beth root............... Trilliumpurpureum. ... Bitter root.............. Apocynum andros...... Bittersweet............Solanum dulcamara.... Black alder............. Prinos verticillatus .... Blackberry............. Rubus villosus......... Black cohosh............ Cimicifuga............ Black cohosh comp........•................... Black hellebore.......... Helleborus niger....... Black pepper...................*.............. Bloodroot............... Sanguinaria........... Blue cohosh............. Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue flag............... Iris versicolor......... Boneset................. Eupatorium perfoliatum Boxwood.......•....... Cornus florida......... Buchu..............• • • • Barosma crenata....... do compound......... do - do ._...... Buckthorn.............. Rhamnus catharticus .. Bugle weed.............. Lycopus virginica..... Burdock................ Lappa major.......... Butternut.............. Juglans cinerea....... Canella....................................... Cascarilla..................................... Catnip................. Nepeta cataria........ Cayenne pepper............................... Centaury......•........Hypricum mutilum . .. Chamomile.............. Anthemis nobilis...... Cherry bark............. Prunus virginiana..... do do compound.... do do ..... Cinchona pale................................. do comp.....................•.......... do calisaya............................. do red..........> ...................... Cleavers................ Galium.............. $1 15 15 15 90 15 90 78 65 90 15 15 15 90 80 90 90 15 15 65 90 90 15 65 78 40 40 90 90 90 90 90 65 65 90 90 90 78 90 15 40 90 90 90 2 14 Fluid Extracts. In 5 lb. bottles. Colchicum root.......... Colchicum autumnale do seed......... do do Coloeynth..........................• • •"......... Colombo................ Cocculus palmatus...... Coltsfoot................ Tussilago............... Comfrey................ Symphytum............ Conium................. Conium maoulatum...... Cotton root bark........ Gossypium herbaceum ... Cramp bark............. Viburnum opulus........ Cranesbill............... Geranium maculatum iubebs................. PiPer cubeba............ Culver's root............ Leptandra virginica...... Dandelion.............. Taraxacum............. do and senna............................ do compound............................ Dwarf elder............. Aralia hispida........... Elder flowers............ Sambucus............... Elecampane............. Inula................... Ergot etherial.................................. Fern, sweet............. Comptonia.............. Feverfew.....• •........Pyrethrum.............. Fever bush.............. Benzoin................. Fire weed............... Erechthites............. Foxglove............... Digitalis purpurea....... Frostwort............... Helianthemun........... Garden celandine........ Chelidonium....... Gelseminum............. Gelseminum sempervirens. Gentian................ Gentiana lutea.......... do compound........ do do .......... Ginger......................................... Gold seal............... Hydrastis canadensis Golden rod.............. Solidago................ Goldthread............. Coptis.................. Gravel plant............ Epigaea repens........... Hardhack............... Spiraea tomentosa........ Hemlock................ Abies canadensis......... Henbane................ Hyoscyamus niger....... Hop.................... Humulus lupulus........ Horehound.............. Marrubium vulgare...... Hydrangea...................................... Ignatia bean............ Strychnos ignatia........ Indian hemp............ Apocynum cannabinum .. do foreign...... Cannabis indica......... do white....... Asclepias incarnata...... Indian physic.......«... Gillinea trifoliata....... Ipecac.................. Cephaelis ipecacuanha 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 65 90 65 78 90 1 15 78 90 2 90 78 90 90 1 15 90 1 40 90 65 65 1 15 90 90 1 15 2 40 1 15 2 65 90 6 40 15 Fluid Extracts. Ipecac and seneka.............................. Jalap................... Ipomoea jalapa.......... Johnswort....................................... Juniper berries.................................. Ladies' slipper.......... Cypripedium pubescens... Lettuce................. Lactuca sativa.......... Lily, white............. Nymphaea............... Life root................ Senecio aureus.......... Liquorice...................................... Liverwort............... Hepatica americana...... Lobelia................. Lobelia iaflata.......... do compound........ do do .......... Lovage................. Ligusticum levisticum ... Lungwort............... Variolaria.......■...... Male fern............... Aspidium filix-mas...... Mandrake............... Podophyllum peltatum... do compound...... do do Marsh rosemary......... Statice limonium........ Mattico........................................ Mugwort............... Artemisia vulgaris....... Nux vomica..................................... Opium aqueous.................................. Orange peel............. Aurantium.............. Orris root....................................... Pareira brava........... Cissampelos pareira...... Peppermint............. Mentha piperita......... Pink root............... Spigelia marilandica..... do and senna................................. do compound................................. Pipsissewa.............. Chimaphila umbellata ... Pleurisy root............ Asclepias tuberosa....... Poke................... Phytolacca decandra..... Poplar bark............. Liriodendron tulipifera... Poppy.................. Papaver somniferum..... Prickly ash............. Xanthoxylum fraxineum. Quassia................ Simaruba excelsa........ Queen of the Meadow.... Eupatorium purpureum .. Rhatany................ Krameria triandra....... Rheubarb.............. Rheum palmatum....... do aromatic............................... do and senna.............................. Rue.................... Ruta graveolens......... Saffron......................................... Sarsaparilla, Rio Negro.......................... do and dandelion.......................... do comp.(U. S.P.) ........................ In 5 lb. bottles. $3 65 3 40 78 65 1 15 90 90 1 15 65 1 15 90 90 1 15 90 1 15 90 1 15 90 1 15 90 1 15 2 40 90 65 1 15 65 1 15 1 15 1 15 78 1 15 90 65 90 90 65 90 90 . 2 40 2 40 1 65 90 2 40 1 15 90 90 16 Fluid Extracts. Sarsaparilla, American Savin............ Scullcap........... do compound... Seneka ............ Senna ............. do compound Senna and jalap Skunk cabbage..... Snakeroot......... Solomon's seal..... Southernwood...... Spearmint......... Spikenard......... Squills............ do compound.... Stillingia.......... do compound. Stramonium....... Sumach........... Sweet gale......... Tag alder.......... Tansy, double...... Thyme............ Tonqua............ Turkey corn........ Turmeric .......... Unicorn............ Uva ursi........... Valerian, 2 oz...... Veratrum viride Vervain........... Wahoo ,........... Water pepper...... White oak......... Whitewood bark.... Wild indigo........ Wild turnip........ Wild yam.......... Wintergreen....... Witch hazel........ Wormseed......... Wormwood......... Yarrow............ Yellow dock. Laurus sassafras .... Juniperus sabina .... Scutellaria lateriflora do do Polygala senega..... Cassia acutifolia..... do do ..... Symplocarpus foetidus. Serpentaria.......... Convallaria.......... Artemisia abrotanum . Mentha viridis....... Aralia racemosa...... Scilla maritima. Datura stramonium. Rhus glabrum...... Myriea............ Alnus serrulata..... Tanaeetum vulgare . Thymus serphyllus.. Corydalis formosa Helonias dioica..... Arctostaphylos..... Valeriana officinalis. Verbena................ Euonymus atropurpureus. Polygonum punctatum ... Quereus alba............ Liriodendron .... ■....... Baptisia tinctoria........ Arum triphyllum........ Gaultheria procumbens., Hamamelis virginica Chenopodium........... Artemisia absynthium.., Achillea millefolium. Rumex crispus. In 5 lb. bottles. $0 65 65 1 1 2 . Other kinds made to order and in pound bottles, unless specially compounds made from private formula. AU ordered in buji. 17 PUEE INSPISSATED ALCOHOLIC AND HYDRO-ALCOHOLIC SOLID EXTRACTS. Solid Extracts. In lb. earthen jars. Aconiti....... Anthemidis.... Apoeyni andros Apocyni canab. Artemisiae........ Asclepiae inc...... Belladonnae....... Canabis ind...... Chimaphilae...... Cimieifugas....... Colocynthidis..... Colocynthidis comp Colombae........ Conii............ Cornus floridae .... Cubebse.......... Cypripedii........ Digitalis......... Dulcamaras....... Eupatori......... Filicis maris...... Gentianae ........ do in 1 lb. pots,net Geranii mac...... Hellebori......... Humuli.......... Hyoscyami....... Ignatiae amarae ... Iris versicol...... Jalapae........... Juglandis........ Lactucae.......... Lappi............ Caulophyllum..... Leonori.......... Leptandra........ Marrubii......... Nux vomica...... Papaveris........ Phytolacca?....... 2 Aconite......, Chamomile. .. . Bitter root. ... Indian hemp . Wormwood.... White Ind. hemp $2 75 3 25 2 75 2 75 2 25 2 75 2 75 Indian hemp, for Prince's pine. Black cohosh. Colocynth.... Boxwood...... Cubebs ....... Ladies' slipper Foxglove --- Bittersweet ... Boneset....... Male fern..... $3 00 2 25 3 00 9 75 Cranesbill...... Black hellebore. Hops.......... Henbane....... Ignatia bean ... Blue flag....... Jalap.......... Butternut...... Lettuce........ Burdock....... Blue cohosh Motherwort Culver's root . • ■ Horehound 44 2 75 3 75 4 75 2 75 In \i lb. glass & earthen jars. In X lh gl's jars cork stopple. $3 25 3 75 2 50 3 25 10 00 3 25 Poppy Poke . 3 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 2 75 3 50 10 25 3 50 2 75 2 25 2 75 8 25 3 25 4 25 5 25 3 25 3 75 8 25 2 25 3 50 per oz. 4 00 8 50 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 50 3 50 3 75 3 50 4 25 3 50 3 50 18 Solid Extracts. Podophylli.......Mandrake....... Quassias........................... Quercus alba..... White oak...... Rhubarb......................... Rumicis crispse ... Yellow dock..... Rubi villosi...... Blackberry....., Rutae............ Rue........... Sabinae........... Savie........... Sanguinariae...... Bloodroot...... Sarsaparillae, Am............... do do compound......... do Rio Negro............ do do compound Sennae, Alexandria ............... Spiraea........... Hardhack <...... Stramonii......................., Taraxaci......... Dandelion......, Trifoli........... Red clover..... Uvae Ursi........................ Valerianae........ English........, Veratri viride.....White hellebore In lb. earthen jars. S3 00 5 75 1 75 10 00 $3 25 6 00 2 00 In 3^ lb. In & !b gl's jars cork earthen jars. $3 50 6 25 2 25 stopple In 2 oz.'In 1 oz. gl's jars gl's jars cork cork stopple, stopple. $3 75 6 50 2 50 4 00 $4 00 6 75 2 75 4 25 ORDINAKY EXTRACTS. Extracts. Price. Extract*. Properties. Ash barkj white...$1 00 Fraxinus americana, Cath. Deo. Balm gilead...... 1 50 Populus balsamifefa, Bal. Sto. Pec. Balmony......... 1 50 Chelone glabra, A-bil. Ton. Sto. Belladonna....... 2 00 Atropa belladonna, Nar. Ano. Bitter root........ 2 50 Apocynum androsaemifolium, Ton. Diu. Deo. Bittersweet.......1 60 Solanum dulcamara, Deo. Her. Nar. Black root........ 2 50 Leptandra virginica, Cath. Deo. Boneset.......... 1 50 Eupatorium perfoliatum, Ape. Ton. Sud. Burdock.......... 2 00 Lappa major, Deo. A-scor. Acr. Butternut........ 1 00 Juglans cinerea, Cath. Alt. Celandine, garden. Chelidonium majus, Cath. Diu. Dia. Cicuta........... 1 00 Conium maculatum, Nar. Deo. Clover...........100 Trifolium pratense, Dis. Pec. Acr. Cowpafsnip---.. 150 Heracleum lanatum, Cath. Car. Diu. Dandelion........ 1 00 Taraxicum dens-leonis, Ton. Deo. Diu. Dogwood......... Cornus florida, Ton. Ast. Fleabane......... 100 Erigeron canadense, Ast. Diu. Sty. Foxglove......... 2 00 Digitalis purpurea, Nar. Diu. 19 Extracts. Price. Hardhack........$1 50 Hellebore ........ 2 00 Hops........* .... 2 50 Horehound.......2 00 Henbane......... 2 00 Lettuce, garden... 1 00 do wild.....1 00 Lobelia........... Motherwort....... 1 50 Mullein.......... 1 00 Oak, white....... 1 50 Poke............. 1 50 Poplar........... 1 00 Poppy............ 2 00 Princes pine......1 50 Raspberry, red.... 1 00 Rue,............1 50 Savin............ Senna ............ Skunk cabbage.... Smart weed... ... 1 00 Sorrel............ Sorrel, sheep...... Thorn apple...... Tanzy............ 1 50 Tomato .......... 1 50 Uvaursi,......= .. 2 00 Valerian......... 3 00 Wormwood •......1 50 Yarrow.......... 1 00 Extra eta. Spiraea tomentosa, Veratruui viride, Humulus lupulus, Marrubium vulgare, Hycscyamus niger, Lactuca sativa, do elongata, Lobelia inflata, Leonoras cardiaca, Verbascuru thapsus, Quercus alba, Phytolacca decandra, Populus tremuloides, Papaver somniferum, Chimapbila umbellata, Rubus strigosus, Ruta graveolens, Juniperus sabina, Cassia marilandica, Properties1* Ast. Ton. Nar. Acr. Nar. Ano. Ton. Pec. Ast. Ton. Nar. Ano. Ner. Ano. Diu. do Eme. Exp. Lax. Dia. Ner. Stom. Ano. Dem. Ton. Ast. Ton. Acr. Deo. Ton. Ast. Sti. Diu. Diu. Sti. Ast. Ton. Sti. A-spas. Diu. Aro. Deo. Sti. Cath. Diu. Cath. Deo. Symplocarpus foetidus, Exp. A-spas.Ner. Acr. Polygonum hydropiper, Rumex acetosa, Oxalis acetocella, Datura stramonium, Tanacetum vulgare, Solanum lycopersicum, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Valeriana officinalis, Artemisia absynthium, Achillea millefolium, Sud. Sti. Acr. Ton. Dis. Ref. Dis. A-sep. Ref. Acr. Nar. Ano. Ton. Sto. Ver. Ape. Deo. Sto. Ast. Ton. Ner. Sud. Sto. Aro. Ton. Sto. A-bil. Aro. Ast. Sto. 20 CONCENTRATED PREPARATIONS. Alkaloids and Resinoids. per oz. Asclepidin................... Pleurisy root... Baptisin..................... Wild indigo Caulophylin.................. Blue cohosh Cimicifugin.................. M acrotin......> Cornin....................... Boxwood....... Cypripedin................... Ladies' slipper . Gelseminin...................Yellow jessamin Geranine .................... Cranesbill...... Hydrastin, neutral........................... do resinoid.......................... Irisine....................... Blue flag....... Leptandria................... Culver's root ... Lobelin...................... Lobelia........ Lupulin..................... Hop........... Myricin...................... Bayberry...... Phytolaccin.................. Garget or Podophyllin.................. Mandrake. Sanguinarin.................. Blood root. Scutellarin................... Scullcap...... Senecin.....................Life root....... Stillingin.................... Queen's delight, Xanthoxylin......... ....... Prickly ash .... $1 50 1 00 1 00 62 1 00 1 00 2 00 62 1 00 62 1 00 75 1 50 I 00 62 1 00 75 75 1 50 1 50 1 25 1 00 OINTMENTS. Belladonna..................................$0 75 Ung. Belladonnae Bittersweet................................. 0 75 " Celastri. Cicuta...................................... 0 50 " Conii. Dock Yellow...............»................ 0 50 " Rumicis. Elder....................................... 0 50 " Sambuc. Hellebore................................... 0 75 " Veratri albi. Marsh mallows.............................. 0 50 " Althaeas. Meadow fern................................ 0 75 " Myricae. Savin....................................... 0 50 " Sabinae. Stramonium................................. 0 50 " Stramonii. Any other kinds made to order, if over 20 lbs. ordered, and strictly ac- cording to the Pharmacopoeia, or to the directions given. 21 DOUBLE DISTILLED AND FRAGRANT WATERS. Rose.........................................................$1 25 Peach........................................................ 0 75 Cherry....................................................... 0 75 Sassafras..................................................... 0 75 Peppermint................................................... 0 50 Spearmint.................................................... 0 50 Elder flowers................................................. 0 50 Any other kinds distilled to order. Also waters distilled in vacuo, from the expressed juice of Cicuta, Belladona, Henbane, Sarsaparilla, Dande- lion, Thorn Apple; and various others can be had by giving notice in time of preparation, and are recommended to Physicians for trial, especially Cicuta, Dandelion and Sarsaparilla for the cleansing of foul ulcers, &c. ESSENTIAL OILS. Common names. Per lb. Botanical names. Hyssop...........................$ Hyssopus officinalis. Peppermint....................... Mentha piperita. Spearmint ........................ Mentha viridis. Savin............................. Juniperus sabina. Spruce................. •......... Abies. Tanzy............................ Tanacetum vulgare. Wintergreen ...................... Gaultheria procumbens. Wormseed ........................ Chenopodium anthelmintica. Wormwood....................... Artemisia absynthium. And various other kinds. POWDERED ARTICLES. African cayenne, Elder flowers, Prickly ash bark, Angelica root, Elm bark, Pleurisy root, Bayberry bark, Elecampane, Peppermint, Barbery, Elder dwarf, Parsley leaves, Birch bark, black, Fox glove, Princes pine, Bitter root, Garget or poke, Queen of the meadow, Blood root, Golden seal, Rose-willow bark, 22 Boxwood bark, Burdock root, Beth root, . Butternut bark, Blackberry root, Belladonna, Cohosh, black, Cohosh, blue, Cranesbill, Cassia, pure, Cloves, Comfrey, Calamus, Cramp bark, Cicuta, Cohosh, white, Culver's root, Canada snake root, Cherry bark, Dandelion root, Dock root, yellow, Ginger, pure, Hemlock bark, Hoarhound, Hyssop, Hyoscyamus, Hellebore, Indian hemp, Indigo, wild, Indian turnip, Lily, white, root, Lily, yellow, root. Lobelia, Lobelia seed, Laurel leaves, Milk weed, Male fern root, Mandrake, Nerve root, Oak, black, Oak, white, Poplar bark, Raspberry leaves, Rue, Sumach bark, Sarsaparilla, Savin, Scullcap, Skunk cabbage, Snakehead or balmony. Sassafras, Stramonium seed, Spearmint, Sanicle, white, Spikenard, Tamarack bark, Unicorn root, Wakerobin, Witch hazel leaves, Wintergreen, White wood, Yellow parilla. Yarrow. 23 SYNONYMS. Difficulties having sometimes arisen from the use of the common name being applied to different plants in different localities, and also from the fact that druggists are frequently called upon for some article which they have, by a name distinct from that by which it is sold under, which they are not aware of, we have appended a list of synonyms, which the seller will please refer to before turning a customer away: Alder, striped see Witch hazel. Apple, Peru cc Thorn apple. Arbutus, trailing cc Gravel plant. Arsmart cc Water pepper. Asthma weed cc Lobelia. Balm, mountain cc Oswego tea. Balm, red cc cc Baneberry (C Red and white cohosh. Basil, wild cc Dittany. Bearberry cc Uva ursi. Becabbunga cc Brooklime. Bed straw cc Cleavers. Beech drops cc Cancer root plant. Bees' nest cc Wild carrot. Belladonna