33533$ A Medicine Chest 11ST ONE BOTTLE. Every woman of sense keeps about the house some, where a collection of simple remedies for the less serious ills and trifling injuries to wdiicli all are sub- ject. There is a great collection of bottles. One is for this, and another for that. The bottles are of all sizes, colors and descriptions, and in various states of fullness or emptiness. If the baby has the summer complaint, one is used. If one of the boys gets his ears frost-bitten, it is another. A sprain calls for a black bottle and an insect bite for a blue one. 3DR. PIERCE’S Compound Extract of SMART-WEED OR WATER PEPPER is a medicine chest in itself. It does away with the old box full of dirty bottles. It has all the virtues of the entire collection and many that it did not possess. It is a family medicine chest condensed into one bot- tle. It costs 25 or 50 cents according to the size of the bottle. The old - fashioned collection of remedies cost a small fortune. It was like buying out a small drugstore. Dr. Pierce’s Compound Extract of Smart-Weed is composed of Smart-Weed, Jamaica Ginger, Anodyne and Healing Gums and the best French Brandy. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES Diarrhea, Dysentery (Bloody Flux ), Summer Com- plaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Colic, Cramps and Pain in the Stomach ; breaks up Colds, Febrile and Inflammatory Attacks, Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia, and relieves all Pains and Sup- pressions to which females are subject from taking cold at a critical period. APPLIED EXTERNALLY IT CURES Sprains and Bruises, Frost - bites, .Chilblains, Rheu- matic Affections, Neuralgia, Pain in the Back, Sore- ness and Stiffness of Joints, Stings and Bites of Poisonous Insects and Reptiles, Caked Breast, or “Ague in Breast,” and Enlarged Glands—in short, is an unexcelled Finiment for Man or Beast. Price, 25 or 50 cents, by Druggists. World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Prop’s, 663 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. Sheridan’s Famous Trick. LIVED BY HIS WITS. An amusing story is told of the great English dramatist, Sheridan. “Sherry,” as he was nick-named, was at the famous English health resort, Bath, with a sadly depleted pocket-book. He was so poor that his boots were out at the toes, and he hadn’t the where- withal to get a new pair. He purposed to leave in a few days for London, and wished to arrive in the metropolis presenting a de- cent appearance. With this end in view, he visit- ed the two lead- ing boot-makers in Bath and or- dered from each a very fine pair of boots, each pair to be made from the same pattern. He instructed Boot-maker No. i to deliver his pair of boots at nine o’clock on the morning of his contemplated departure for London. He instructed Boot-maker No. 2 to deliver his pair of boots at ten o’clock on the same morning. The appointed day arrived and with it Boot- maker No. i with a fine pair of boots. Sherry tried on the boots and expressed his general ap- proval of them. He liked them in every respect except that the right boot pinched a little. He instructed Boot-maker No. I to take the right boot back to his shop, stretch it a little and return with it at two o’clock that afternoon. Of course, the boot-maker did not trouble to carry away the left boot, which was perfectly satisfactory. A few minutes later Boot-maker No. 2 put in an appear- ance with the other pair of boots. Sherry also ap- 1 proved of them, but upon trying them on, discov- ered the left boot pinched a little. He ordered Boot-maker No. 2 to take the left boot back to his shop, stretch it a little, and return with it at two o’clock that afternoon. In each case Sherry promised payment on receipt of the other boot. Like Boot-maker No. i, the second boot-maker went away, leaving behind the satisfactory boot. Then Sherry cheerfully put on Boot-maker No. One’s left boot, and Boot-maker No. Two’s right boot and mounted the first coach for London. Now Sherry considered that a good joke. It wasn’t the last one he played. He played a good many of them. But a man cannot play tricks on the law and prosper. Sherry wrote some of the greatest comedies ever written, and was one of the brightest wits that ever lived, but he died a young man in poverty and dis- grace. He died a pauper. People of or- dinary common sense nowadays do not play tricks on the law of the land. They know that it would mean arrest and punishment. But thousands of people who are supposed to have good, sturdy common sense, try to match their wits against disease, and try to dodge or defeat the laws of health. Retribution for the law-breaker is sure and swift—it doesn’t make any difference whether he breaks the laws of the land or the laws of health. ' In the pursuit of wealth men overwork, over- worry and neglect their health. Then, when they get physically hard-up, they try to cheat nature out of a new lease of life. A man overworks. He is too ambitious. He A CONFIDENCE GAriE. 2 doesn’t take sufficient time for his meals. He doesn’t give himself time to rest or recreate or sleep. He is in too big a hurry, and tries to crowd thirty hours’ work into every twenty-four. When he isn’t absolutely working, he is thinking or worrying about work. He never thinks or wor- ries about his health. He neglects that utterly. He finds that his appetite is not as good as it used to be. He realizes that he is a trifle dyspeptic and that his digestion is a little ‘ ‘ out of whack. ’ ’ But he is in such a rush that he hasn’t even time to properly masticate his food. When he eats a little of something that is hearty it seems to stick in a lump down in the lower part of his throat. If it’s something especially hearty, he can even taste it for two or three hours after his meals. If he in- dulges in something that is rather indigestible he is troubled with pains and cramps across the abdomen. He recognizes the fact that he suf- fers from constipation, but he doesn’t pay any particular attention to it. He says, “Oh, that’s nothing. I am of a naturally constipated habit—always have been more or less so.” The man’s liv- er gets sluggish. His complexion looks muddy. The poisons of constipation are absorbed by the blood and car- ried to all parts of the body. The food that he takes isn’t prop- erly digested and the blood doesn’t receive and dis- tribute the life- giving elements of the food. The process of tearing down and re- building, that means health, is checked and almost completely stopped. A man in this condition is like a locomotive that never goes to the repair TRYING TO TRICK NATURE. 3 shop. All parts of his mechanism get rotten and rusty and are not replaced. There is bound to be a smash-up. . . , . The tissues of the brain are poisoned by the blood, and are not revivified by life-giving nutri- ment. The man begins to suffer from headaches. Then sleeplessness and nervousness. Then he tries to trick nature. He resorts to different dan- gerous drugs to temporarily allay the headaches. He takes other dangerous drugs to quiet the nerves. He resorts to opiates in order to get sleep. He be- gins to indulge in stimulants to brace up his ap- petite. In each case he gets temporary relief. He is trying to cheat nature and to play a confidence game on death. Like Sheridan, he may succeed for a time, and consider it a great joke, but the punishment is sure to come. The laws of health are strictly enforced. The man who breaks them must pay the penalty. He cannot cheat nature, or “confidence” disease. When a man is in the condition de- scribed, disease strikes at his weakest point. If he is a business or profes- sional man who works very hard with his brain, the chances are that the break- down wilLcome in the shape of nerv- ous exhaustion or Kostration. If : is a clerk and leads a sedentary life, or works bent over a desk, the probabilities are that his lungs will be the weak point, and the breakdown will come in the shape of consumption, bronchitis, asth- ma, nasal catarrh, grip or some throat trouble. If the man is an out- door worker, exposed to all changes of weather in a rigorous climate, the breakdown is likely to come in the form of rheumatism. If the man has been THE WEAKEST POINT. 4 a drinking man, or a locomotive engineer, subject to the continual jar of an engine, the weak point is usually his kidneys or bladder, and disease will strike him in the form of Bright’s Disease, or some bladder trouble. If the man lives in a swampy country or a badly drained city, he will probably pay the penalty with a case of malaria or chills and fever. The exact form of the disease doesn’t cut any figure. The cause is the same in each case, and the cure is the same. It doesn’t do a bit of good to treat for the outward manifestations. The doc- tor who tries to treat nervous prostration, or con- sumption, or rheumatism, or Bright’s Disease, or malaria as separate, primary diseases is a nincom- poop. He is just as foolish as his patient. Dike him, he is simply juggling with the real disease— trying to cheat nature—to play a confidence game on death. The only way to cure is to properly There is just one speedy, certain cure for the cause of these troubles. That cure is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med- ical Discovery. It goes direct to the genesis of disease. A man’s stomach and diges- tive organs are where he lives. Get them right and the balance of the machine will jog along without any fric- tion. But let a man’s stomach get ever so little “ out of whack ” and the whole mechanism suf- fers. When a man gets sick nature says: “ Feed the brute.” But you can’t feed the brute if the brute’s feeding mechanism is in a state of collapse. Now, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical A CERTAIN REMEDY. 5 Discovery acts first on that feeding mechanism. It braces up his stomach. It makes him hungry—• hungry as he used to be when he was a boy and stole and ate raw turnips out of a farmer’s field. It sets the digestive juices to flowing. It sees to it that the life-giving, tissue-building elements of the food are absorbed into the blood, and that the impurities and refuse of the food are rejected and excreted. It puts the liver to work and makes it earn its living. It fills the arteries with the rich, red, life-giving blood of health. Old, inert, half- dead tissues are torn down, carried away and ex- creted, and new, healthy, vital tissues are built up in their place. It doesn’t make any difference where the weak spot is, the “Golden Medical Discovery ” puts new, healthy tissues there and carries away the old, broken down and diseased ones. In case of Bright’s Disease the “Golden Medical Discov- ery” stops the waste of vital elements. In bladder troubles it rebuilds the tissues and carries off and eliminates the old diseased and inflamed tissues. Here are two testimonials that tell the story of what Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will do in cases of kidney and bladder troubles. THE KIDNEY AND BLADDER. “ Through your skillful treatment, I am once more a well man,” writes J. N. Arnold, Esq., of Gandy, Logan Co., Neb. “I suffered for years and could not find relief until I com- menced taking your ' Golden Medical Discovery.’ I suffered for years with constipation and torpidity of the liver, which resulted in irritation of the prostate aud inflammation of the bladder. I had only taken one bottle when I found great re- lief. The medicine has effected a permanent cure. It has been two months since I stopped taking the medicine, and I have no symptoms of the disease returning. You have been the means of saving my life.” “Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the finest rem- edy ever compounded for bladder trouble,” writes Prof. C. Chreiner, of Carthage, Jasper Co., Mo. “My case was a desperate one. I was alarmed, and had about given up all 6 hopes. Dr. Anderson told me mine was the worst case of catarrh of the bladder he ever saw. He told me there was only one remedy in the world that he knew of that would reach my case, and that was Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. In less than one-half hour after my first dose I felt relief. Three bottles have cured me, sound and well. Now where can I find words to express my gratitude ?” This great medicine cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption, bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, nasal catarrh, effects of la grippe and throat troubles. It cures by removing the cause. It is the great blood-maker and flesh-builder. It fills the blood with the life-giving nutriment of the food. It tears down the diseased tissues in the lungs, and builds up healthy, muscular air - cells. It facilitates expectoration and clears the lungs. It invigorates the breathing and fills the lungs with life-giving oxygen. It soothes the cough and allays inflammation. Thousands have testi- fied to their recovery under this marvelous medi- cine after all hope was gone. Here are just a few grateful testimonials, taken at random from among tens of thousands. ALL LUNG TROUBLES. “ I had a bad cough and got so low with it that I could not sit up,” writes Mrs. Mittie Gray, of New London, Union Co., Ark. “Our family physician told my husband that I had consumption. I had pains through my chest and spit up blood. I took your ‘ Golden Medical Discovery ’ and it cured me. It saved my life. I don’t think anyone would die of consumption if they would take Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery.” ‘‘I had a very bad cough, also night sweats and was al- most in my grave with consumption,” writes Mrs. Clara McIntyre, Box iji, of Ashland, Middlesex Co., Mass. ‘‘A friend of mine who had died of consumption came to me in my dream and told me to take Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery', and, thank the Lord, I did so. By the time I had taken half of the first bottle I felt much better. I kept on 7 till I had taken three bottles. That was all I needed. I got Well and strong again.” “ i am now enjoying magnificent health, after having suf- fered for years with chronic catarrh,” writes Ramon Sanchez, B)sq., of Penasco, Taos Co., New Mexico. ‘‘By the use of your • Golden Medical Discovery ’ I have now recov- ered my health, and am now both physically and mentally a sound man, attending to my business and enjoying life.” “I had the grip, which left me feeling miserable—no strength and a cough,” writes Mrs. C. Maynard, of East Lyme, New London Co., Conu. “As some of my family died of consumption, I feared that. I began taking Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. After taking the second bottle I felt much better, and am now well for one of my age (sixty- three years).” Because of the wide reputation that Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has achieved as a blood- maker and flesh - builder, many people of a corpulent habit have hesitated to take it. This is a mistake. While the ‘ ‘ Golden Med- ical Discovery ’ ’ is truly the great blood-maker and flesh-builder, it does not make corpulent people more corpulent. It builds solid, healthy, muscu- lar flesh tissue, but does not raise the weight above the normal figure. Excessive corpulence and ex- cessive leanness, odd as it may seem, are both dis- eases of the same nature. They are both caused by improper nutrition of the body. That is the exact point that the “ Golden Medical Discovery ” hits. It is the great cure for improper nutrition. It is the one medicine in all the world that is aimed exclusively to correct all faults of nutri- tion. It accomplishes its purpose, and in doing so is the right medicine for both wasting diseases and for people who suffer from excessive cor- pulence. ABOUT CORPULENT PEOPLE. 8 In cases of brain troubles or nerv ous troubles, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery acts along the same lines as other diseases. It cures by correcting faulty nutrition. That is at the bottom of nearly all diseases. It cures by making the blood rich and healthy, and by build- ing new and normal brain and nerve fibers. It tones up the whole nervous system. It gives a man sound, refreshing sleep and healthy nerve rest. Thousands liaye testified to the marvelous cures accomplished by it. Here are a few sample testimonials. DISEASES OF THE NERVES. "Ten or twelve years ago I had something like ‘falling sickness,’ with intense misery in my head,” writes M. V. Grills, Esq., Carrollton, Carroll Co., Ky. “I had a doctor to treat me for it, but he gave me but little relief. Then I went to Covington, Ky., and had all of the doctors there try me. I would be working hard, and the next thing I would know X would be lying as though I were dead. I would be carried iuto the shade or the house and perhaps I could go to work the next day or perhaps I would be in bed for weeks. I would have cramps in legs and arms, and my eyes would feel as though they came out of my head. Very often I would faint if I attempted to sit up for any length of time. I happened to get one of Dr. Pierce’s circulars. I got three bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, and I have not had an attack of the trouble since.” “ I desire to say that I have lately given Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery a trial,” writes MissC. M. Malette, of Houston, Harris Co., Texas, “and it has completely cured me of very serious and obstinate disorders in which the heart’s action was impaired, (accompained by pain for two weeks) not from bad digestion altogether, for my digestion was almost perfect. I took it for two weeks. I could not feel much effects at all from it at first, and never felt stimu- lated by it as by ordinary tonics. I only began to experience less discomfort from my illness, after about the fourth dose, and in four or five days still less, and several days after I was surprised to find that I was actually better. Two weeks having passed erery symptom had disappeared." (Miss) DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. Rheumatism is a disease of the blood. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery drives all acids and impu- rities from the blood and promptly 9 cures not only rheumatism, but all diseases that are due to impure blood. “I had rheumatism,” writes Mrs. E- Young, of Covington, Linn Co., Iowa. ‘' My whole limb was swollen and very pain- ful. I tried all the liniments I heard of, but did not receive the least relief from any of them. I went to bed discour- aged, as I could not use my limb. I tried Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. In a few days I began to gain, and in six weeks I was all right, and have had better health than for several years before taking this medicine.” “ I had eczema in its worst form,” writes Austin Ramsey, Esq. of Saltillo, Huntingdon Co., Pa. “ I tried three doctors, but got no relief. I thought it would set me wild, it itched and burned so badly. The neighbors thought I would never be cured. I took your ‘Golden Medical Discovery’ and am now about well.” When a man’s liver is out of order he is ripe for almost any disease that hap- pens along. His entire constitution is in a state of receptivity and is ready for contagion of any description. The “Golden Medical Discovery ” is the best of all known liver invigorators. It will put the laziest of livers on a lope in no time. It makes your liver lively and your blood pure. It is the best of spring medicines. A LAZY LIVER. “ I had been troubled for several years with spells of liver complaint," writes H. N. Dransfield,Esq., Centennial, Mon- roe Co., IV. Va.,“ and about two years ago my health gave way. I tried Sarsaparilla. I was getting worse all the time. I had a weakness in my left side and limbs, palpitation of the heart at times, cramping pains in the stomach after eating; nerves weak, and no energy for anything. I took Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Medical Discovery, and began to mend from the start. X soon felt like a newsperson. I am now enjoying splendid health and have a splendid appetite, good digestion, and also a peaceful, quiet mind.” 10 “ A heart overflowing with gratitude,” writes Mr. George W. Noble, of Whitestone, Lancaster Co., Ca., “prompts me to write to you and thank you for the good your mediciue has done me. For the last five years my health has been bad, and in October 1895, I was taken down. I would be up for two or three days tnen be in bed for the next three weeks. I kept getting worse all the time until in December when I was taken worse. I sent for a Doctor, and he said I had liver complaint and indigestion. He treated me for same but I grew worse all the time. Could not eat without great pain. Had a knot in my stomach as big as a man’s hat crown, and it was hard like bone. I could not lie on my left side at all, and would have night-sweats, high fevers and chills. About January 15th, 1896, I wrote you and by your advice began taking Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. From the first bottle I could see no benefit, but I started on the second and before I had taken half of it I could feel the effect of the mediciue, and you may feel assured that I felt happy. I continued to take the ’ Discovery ’ until I had taken five bot- tles, and one vial of ‘ Pellets.’ I can now say that I am well and able to do my farm work, and can eat anything without any ill effects. I think Dr. Pierce’s medicines are the best in the world, for torpid liver, andfvvould advise all who suffer with liver trouble to give them a fair trial.” Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is not a “cure-all.” Getting right down to bottom facts, it really cures but one disease. That one disease is improper nutrition in all its forms. But it happens that this one disease manifests itself in the form of the various diseases that have been named. It cures this one disease, and cures it certainly, quickly and permanently. It makes a new man out of an invalid. It builds him up in every way, and builds him up in the natural way—by feeding him. It first feeds his blood and through his blood every organ in his body. It is the sick man’s food —the bread of life for the ailing. There is nothing in the world “just as good,” and the druggist who says so makes the statement for the sake of a little added profit to be made upon some inferior article —probably of his own concoction. Dr. Pierce will cheerfully answer all letters from sufferers free of charge, giving his best advice. He may be reached by addressing the Association of which he is president, the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 11 Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute 663 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, N, Y. WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Proprietors. Organized with a Pull Staff of Physicians and Surgeons FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC DISEASES. We have not the space to speak, individually, of the large number of professional gentlemen composing the Faculty of this old and world-famed Institution, but will say that among them are those whose long connection with the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute has rendered them experts in their several specialties. As the fruits of our extensive practice many very valuable specifics have been developed and perfected for the cure of different chronic diseases, and a very few of these (only five in all) have been put up and offered to the public as proprie- Nftt tary mediciues; but they have not been lauded as lll/l “cure-alls,” or panaceas, and are only recommended as remedies for certain easily recognized t'fVlla. diseases. We do not adopt the humbug plan of representing that they will cure all diseases. There are many chronic diseases for which we do not recommend any of our proprietary medicines, and which, as we know from vast experience, can only be successfully treated ky medicines specially prepared and adapted to each individual case. 12 Advantages of Specialties. By thorough organization and subdividing the practice of medicine and surgery in our Institutions, every invalid is treated by a specialist—one who devotes his undivided atten- tion to the particular class of diseases to which the case belongs. The advantage of this arrangement must be obvious. Not Necessary to See Patients. By our system of diagnosis, we can treat many chronic dis- eases as successfully without as with a personal consultation. Full particulars of our system of examining and treating patients at a distance are contained in The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser. A GREAT BOOK FREE! When Dr. Pierce published the first edition of the above great work, he announced that after 680,000 copies had been sold at the regular price, $1.50 per copy, the profit on which would repay him for the great amount of labor and money expended in producing it, he would give away the next half million free. As this number of copies has already been sold, we are now distributing, absolutely free, 500,000 copies of this most complete, interesting and valuable common sense med- ical work ever published—the recipient only being required to send us twenty-one (21) one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, ana the book will be sent, post-paid. The Free Edition is precisely the same as that heretofore sold at $1.50 except only that the books are bound in strong manilla paper covers instead of cloth. If French cloth, embossed covers are preferred, send 10 cents extra—31 cents in all—to cover extra cost of that binding. The Book is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. Send now before all are given away. They are going off rapidly. Address: World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main St, BUFFALO, N. Y. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Abandoning the treatment of all diseases except those in which we have attained the greatest success, and then still further narrowing and concentrating .our study and profes- sional efforts by again subdividing these affections, giving to each member of our Faculty but a single disease, or class of diseases to treat, we believe that we thereby attain the best possible results. So alarmingly prevalent are those chronic diseases peculiar to women, and so famous have our Institutions become for their cure, that we were long ago obliged to create a Special Department, now thoroughly organ- ized, and devoted exclusively to the treatment of these cases. The physicians and surgeons in this Department have made these delicate diseases their sole study. Diseases of Women. 13 Many a-re brought to our Institutions from far distant Staten Oil beds, and they go home in a few weeks well and strong. Quite as marvelous are the thousands of cures annually ac- complished through correspondence, while the patients re- main at home among their friends and loved ones.- Others come and consult us personally, are examined, prescribed for, and allowed to return home to carry out the treatment. Ev- ery case consulting our specialists, whether by letter or in person, is given the most careful and considerate attention. Not the slightest symptom or peculiarity of constitution escapes our specialists’ attention and deliberate consideration. Every important case (and we get few which have not already baffled the skill of the home physicians) has the benefit of skilled specialists. BARRENNESS, or STERILITY, is generally due to causes which can be easily removed, yet are not generally under- stood by physicians, who manifest little interest and often treat lightly a subject fraught with so much importance to humanity. Our specialists have devoted to this subject care- ful study. By their skill, stricture of the neck of the uterus, and other impediments to the bearing of offspring, have been easily and painlessly overcome, and hundreds of homes thereby made happy. Further particulars in the “ People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser.” FIBROUS TUMORS of the uterus have frequently been cured by injection and other means, and even OVARIAN TUMORS have been made to yield to electrolysis, and other treatment, without resorting to operative surgery. As a last resort, however, our surgeons do not hesitate to operate in these cases. Send twenty-one cents in one-cent stamps for Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, containing Complete Treat- ise on Diseases of Women, illustrated with numerous wood- cuts and colored plates. The treatment of Diseases of the Air Passages and Lungs, such as Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Laryngitis, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption, both through correspondence and at our Insti- tutions, constitutes an important specialty. MICROSCOPICAL EXAfllNATION.—If suffering from a lingering cough, accompanied by expectoration, send a little of the sputa, dried on clean white paper, for microscopical examination. This you can enclose in your letter, and will enable us to determine whether or not the substance of the lungs has become affected. For a Complete Treatise on any one of these diseases, see the “ Common Sense Medical Adviser,” which you can obtain by sending twenty-one cents in one-cent stamps. BRIGHT’S DISEASE, DIABETES, and kindred maladies, have been very largely treated and cures effected in thousands of cases which had been pronounced beyond hope. These diseases are readily diagnos- ticated, or determined, by chemical analysis of the urine, without a personal examination of the patient, Nasal, Throat and Lung Diseases. Kidney Diseases. i 14 who can therefore, generally be successfully treated at their homes. The study and practice of chemical analysis and mi- croscopical examination of the urine in our consideration of cases, ‘with reference to correct diagnosis, in which our Insti- tutions long ago became famous, has naturally led to a very extensive practice in diseases of the urinary organs. Proba- bly no other institution in the world has been so largely patronized by sufferers from this class of maladies as the old World’s Dispensary and Invalids’ Hotel. Our specialists have acquired, through a vast and varied experience, great expert- ness in determining the exact nature of each case, and hence, have been successful in nicely adapting their remedies for the cure of each individual case. The treatment of diseases of the urinary organs having constituted a prominent branch, or speciality, of our prac- tice at the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, and being in receipt of numerous inquiries for a complete work on the nature and curability of these maladies, we cannot do better than to refer all such inquirers to the “ People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser,” containing as it does an exhaustive consideration of these maladies. ' Epileptic Convulsions, or Fits, Paraly- sis, or Palsy, Locomotor Ataxia, St. Vitus’s Dance, Insomnia, or inability to sleep and threatened insanity, Nervous Debility, Nervous Exhaustion, or pros- tration, arising from overstudy, excesses and other causes, and every variety of nervous affection, are treated by our specialists in these diseases, with a measuie of success heretofore unparalleled. See numerous cases re- ported in the “ People's Common Sense Medical Adviser.” - Dyspepsia, “Liver Complaint,” Obstinate Constipation, Chronic Diar- rhea, Tape-worms, and kindred af- fections, are among those chronic diseases in the successful treatment of ' -- which our specialists have attained unparalleled success. Many of the diseases affecting the liver and other organs, contributing in their functions to the pro- cesses of digestion, are very obscure and are not infrequently mistaken by both laymen and physicians for other maladies and treatment employed directed to the removal of a disease which does not exist. Examinations of the urine have con- tributed important aid in ascertaining the real nature of these maladies in our practice—furnishing, as thev do, in this class of affections, unmistakable data to guide the accomplished practitioner aright. While we do not overlook the impor- ance of other aids in forming a diagnosis, or opinion, of the nature of diseases, affecting the digestive organs, yet we .ertaiuly should not know how to get along successfully, with these diseases, without the help of microscopical and Chemical examinations of the urine. Address all correspondence to World's Dispensary Medical Association, MAIN STREET,^ BUFFALO, N\ Y. Nervous Diseases. Diseases of Digestion. 15 A Great Book Given Away. Every home should possess a good, practical medical book, written in plain English that any one can understand, to be referred to in the little and big emergencies that come up in the home life of every family. The careful mother cannot afford to be without one. In the home where there is a family of children there are innumerable slight ailments and trifling ills that call for a common sense knowledge of the home practice of med- icine. Such a book will, in the course of a year, save many dol- lars in doctors’ bills. The Common Sense Medical Adviser fills this universal want as no other medical work has done. It is the work of an eminent and skill- ful physician, Dr. R. V. Pierce, who has been for thirty years chief consulting physician to the In- valids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. It is the most comprehensive work upon the home-treatment of sickness and accident cases that has ever been published. It is written in plain English that any one may understand. For the ordinary accident cases that occur in every home, and for the sudden attacks of illness, it rec- ommends by preference the remedies that are us- ually at hand in every household. Even in the most serious cases of illness and accident the book is invaluable as it enables members of the family to administer simple and effective remedies while awaiting the arrival of a physician. In country homes where it sometimes takes hours to secure the 16 services of a physician, Dr. Pierce’s book is an absolute necessity. The book is especially aimed to meet the needs of women. Every woman ought to know all about her own physicial make-up. She ought to know the vital importance of health. The Common Sense Medical Adviser contains several chapters on the reproductive physiology of women, written in plain language and illustrated fully and carefully, ijvery wife and mother should read these chapters, both for her own sake and that of her daughters. The book contains hundreds of simple remedies for the cure of many common ailments that come to every family. There are 1,008 pages in the vol- ume, with over three hundred illustrations and colored plates. It is a complete and practical medical library in one volume. More than a mil- lion homes now possess copies of this remarkable work, and thousands have written to Dr. Pierce, thanking him for the benefits derived from the possession of the book. Miss Rachel a. Jones, of Tkomasville, Rankin Co., Miss., writes: “Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit I have received from your wonderful ‘ Med- ical Adviser.’ I must say, and can say boldly, that it is worth more than its weight in gold. I have gained more information in the perusal of a few pages than the price which you formerly asked would be worth to me. You are doing a good and grand work. I do not see how you can give such a volume away. I have been offered $2.50 for it, but I would not part with it for five dollars. It is continually loaned out. It is not at home at this present writing. The book is a God’s blessing sent through you to the world. May God bless you in this grand work of sending relief to all suffering women.” * » Nearly seven hundred thousand copies of the work were sold at its former price of fd.50 each. The profits on these sales have enabled Dr. Pierce to distribute the present edition absolutely free. A copy of the Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper - bound, will be sent free on receipt of twenty-one one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only. If you want a French cloth binding with embossed covers, send thirty-one cents, to defray also the cost of this more durable and handsome cover. Address, the World’s Dispensary Medical Associ- ation, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 17