rT' •■ ■£*■ •r.sF NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland % ^ A GRAMMAR OF m ® sp &snr 3 CONTAINING AN EXPLANATION OF THE SYSTEM OF LINN^US, AND THE TERMS OF BOTANY, WITH BOTANICAL EXERCISES, Yor the Use of Schools and Students. Illustrated by Forty-five Engravings. MULTUM IN PARVQ. ^BERT JOHN THORNTON, M.D. •HF. UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE; AND OF THE 'JON COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS; LECTURER OS O AUTHOR OF THE NEW FAMILY HERBAL, &C. NEW-YORK: BY JAMES EA-TBURN AND CO. MTERARY ROOMS. BROADWAT. yion U Kingsland, Printers. 1818. ,f\%*.- "A <®> TO THE REV. DR. GOODAL^, PROVOST OF ETON, fyc. fyc. 47 Broad-Street, City. Dear Sir, YOU may, perhaps, be surprised to find a work on Botany dedicated to you in the same manner as I had the honour of affixing your il- ! lustrious name to my School-Virgil; but when | it be considered, that, together with being one of the best classical scholars of the age, you unite •• in your own person all kinds of knowledge, and ! in the science of Botany you are equally an adept as in other branches of polite literature, and have honoured me by the approval of my ] labours, and most ardently wishing to facilitate ... the acquisition of useful knowledge to the younger _________________________________________; IV DEDICATION. branches of the community, to no one more pro- perly could this dedication be addressed ; and I have the honour of thus publicly, as well as privately, testifying how much I feel myself, Dear Sir, Your obliged devoted friend, Robert John Thornton, M.D. GRAMMAR OF BOTANY. INTRODUCTION. UTILITY OF THE SCIENCE. I. BOTANY is a name given to that part of Natural History, which treats of vegetables or plants as a science. II. Plants, according to the science of botany, are divided in classes ; orders ; genera ; species ; and varieties. 111. The classes of the sexual systems of Lin- naeus* are 24, the orders 121, the genera 2000, the species about 30,000, and the varieties al- most innumerable. Observation Such arrangements of botanists are so many steps by which we arrive at a knowledge of plants. By mi'ans of classes,a. certain number of plants, of certain com- mon properties, are brought under review: by orders, a still less number: and by genera, the number is still further diminished. IV. The true botanist will first discover the class, next the order, then the genus, and lastly G UTILITV OF THE SCIENCE. the species of every plant, which last is the ob- ject and the end of botanical science. Observation. There is nothing useless in nature. Some plants administer to the immediate wants of man in diet, for timber to build with, for clothing, for making of pa- per, rearing of silk-worms. Others furnish medicine for curing of diseases, some are ornamental,* all have their respective inhabitants, and give out in the sun vital air, which imbibed into the blood by the lungs, as well as the spiracula of insects, is the sine qua non of life. In short, without vegetables, there could be no animals, or the ani- mated world would only catch a gHmpse of life, and then miserably perish through hunger, so much do all living be- ings owe to plants! V. The system of botany which chiefly pre- vails among all civilized natifns, is that of Lin- naeus, a Swede, who was born in 1707, and died in 1778 ; and it is this system which will be taught in the present work. Observation. Botany is commonly considered as a sci- ence of names or terms, because, on the first entrance into the study of this science, we are obliged tolearn the harsh- sounding and difficult language of botanists. But it should be remembered that words are but sounds indicative oi things, and the number and variety of plants alone create the necessity for using a great number of terms. The no- menclature of botany is compared by Linnaeus to the in- vention of letters. On the composition of letters depend words, and on words depend sentences, and on sentences * The reader who wishes to understand the uses of plants, will find these fully detailed by Dr. Thornton, with figures in wood, by Bewick, of each plant serviceable to man, in Dr. Thornton's New Family Herbal, being an Account of Plants used in Medicine, Diet, and the Arts. DIFFERENT KINDS OF PLANTS. 7 4 our power of reasoning ; just so, the comprehending of the terms of botany leads to the knowledge of plants, and these terms form the vestibule which we are obliged to traverse before we can arrive at the Temple which Flora inhabits. Without this knowledge, the labours of travellers would be useless. How many plants indeed have been observed by them, and attempted to be described in lan- guage not botanical, and which plants no reader has been since able, from such a description, to divine ! From this cause also, nearly all the knowledge of the ancients is lost to us; therefore, to reject a botanical nomenclature, would be to sink into the ancieirf state of barbarism. - CHAP. I. OF VEGETABLES OR PLANTS. B {Vegetabilia sen Plantoe; Plantes ou vt'getaux.*) Consistence and height of different Plants. 1. A Tree, (arbor, arbre,) a ligneous plant in *tem and branches,, generally rising to a great height, and of long life, producing buds in cold climates. Examples. Oak, Willow. 2. A Shrub, (frvtcx, arbrisseau,) a tree of small size, whose young branches produce buds, Ex. Althaea frutex, seu Hibiscus syriacus. * The first word, in italics, is Latin, and the other French. These are placed in |«u-entheses, and need not be learnt, exieptfhe pupil is acquainted with therespective languages. They serve, however, to showr how nearly resembling the several terms are in each. The learner may also omit getting the observations by heart. 8 COUNTRIES OF PLANTS. 3. Under-shrub, (sw^rutex sous-arbrisseau,) a ligneous plant, which is smaller than a shrub, and whose young branches have no buds. Ex. Laurustinus. 4. Herb, (herba, herbe,) of a soft tender sub- stance, whose fibres are relaxed, and which dies down in the winter, whether its roots be annual or perennial. Ex. A Tulip. Observation. The difference betwixt a tree and a shrub is very difficult to define, although obvious by sight in many instances: the trunk of a tree is usually single, of a shrub numerous even from the base, and the under shrub with us is marked by producing no buds. Herbs, seeing that they differ much from trees in their structure, are supposed to have no ligneous fibres, but if you strip otf the outer bark, which is tender, you will find several largish longi- tudinal threads, of a substance less coloured, harder, dif- ferently organized from the rest, and composed of fibres, which are woody, and which enable them to resist the winds. Some herbs rise ten feet in height, and, on the contrary, there are perfect trees which do not reach a span in height. Countries which these inhabit. 5. Exotics, (exoticce, exotiques,) plants stran- gers to the countries in which they are cultivated. (See Smith's Exotic Botany.) 6. Indigenous, (indigence, indigenes,) plants the natural produce of that country to which we be- long. (See Smith's English Botany, and Dr. Milne's Indigenous Botany.) Obs»rvation. In the cultivation of plants, much depends upon knowing not only the peculiar natures of different plants, but the climates in which these are produced. Those HABITATIONS OF PLANTS. 9 from hot climates mostly require the stove, and it is curi- ous to observe, that plants from colder climates than ours, bear our cold badly, as the snow serves as a clothing to the herbage of cold climates, which comes on early before the piercing frost. Places where they naturally grow. 7. On Plains, (campe&re, des champs incultes,) large flat surfaces of %adultivaled ground. Ex. Gentiana campestris.l 8. On Lands for Tillage, (arvensis, des terres en jachere,) where the land has been pre flared, but is not yet sown. Ex. Veronica arvensis. 9. On sown Land, (agrestTS, des champs culti- ves,) where the seed has been committed to the ground. Ex. Veronica agrestris. 10. In Gardens, (cultce, des jardins,) places prepared for the cultivation of plants. 11. In trodden Places, (ruderales, parmi les decombres.) Ex. Hordeum murinum. 12. In Hedges, (dumosce, or sepiarice, des haies.) Ex. Sambucus nigra. 13. On Sands, (arenosae, des lieux sablonneux.) Ex. Lilium Capense. 14. In Meadows, (pratenses, des prairies.) Ex. Poa pratensis. 15. On Mountains, (montancE, des montagnes.) Ex. Veronica montana. 16. In Forests, (sylvaticee, des forets,) land completely clothed with trees. Ex. Melampv- rum sylvaticum. 10 HABITATIONS OF PLANTS. 17. In Woods, (nemorosce,) more open. Ex. Melampyrum nemorosum. 18. Marshes, (paludosce, des marais.) Ex. Scirpi. 19. Lakes, or Stagnant Waters, (lacustres, des lacs et eaux dormantes.) Ex. Isoetes lacus- tris. 20. On the Borders of Rivers, (littorales, des bords des fleuves.) Ex. Rushes. 21. On the Seashore, (maritime* qui naissent sur des bords de la mer, ou dans la mer.) Ex. Plantago maritima. Observation. The only true foundation of gardening, and the right cultivation of plants, depends upon the know- ledge of the native places of their production, whence the rules and principles of the art ought to be derived. When describing of plants by travellers, the country should be named, as respects the kingdom, province, district, and, when plants are very rare and scarce, the particular spot should be noted. Other particulars should be also men- tioned, for although plants often bear great diversity of soil and situation, still we find particular plants adapted for particular places. Thus, plants are adapted for hills, and the altitudes of mountains may be ascertained by their pro- duce. Thus, the mountainous, commonly called alpine plants, are the same all over the world : in lower situations climates vary, but in these they are the same. Thus, the alpine plants of England, Scotland, AY ales, Lapland, Green- land, Siberia, Switzerland, the Pyrenean mountains, Olym- pic, Ararat,and the Brazils, are the same, although growing in places so remote from each other. The advantage of such distinctions will be seen when we come practically to study botany : thus in the first class of British plants, we shall find that Glasswort, or Samphire, (palicornia,) is only to ho met with in salt-marshes, or on the seashore, and that all the other plants of this class are to be met with COTYLEDONS OF PLANTS. 11 111 stagnant, or pure waters, and, in searching after par- ticular plants, we are often coi 'ucted to them by knowing their habitations. (Vide our Piw deal Botany, where the secondary characters of the genera, and the several Habi- tations of plants are given.) COTYLEDONS, Their Number or Absence. _** 22. Acotyledonous, (acotyledones, acotyledo- nes,) plants whose embryos have no lobes, or seminal leaves. Ex. Ferns. 23. Monocotyledonous, (monocotyledonps, mo- nocotyledones,) plants whose embryos possess one cotyledon, or lobe. Ex. Grasses. 24. Dicotyledonous, (dicotyledones, dicoty- leMones,) plants which sprout up with two cotyle- dons, or seminal leaves. Ex. Bean, Spinach. 25. Polycotyledonous, (polycotyledones, poly- cotyledones,) having several cotyledons. Ex. Firs. Observation. The cotyledons in seeds, or as they are call- ed, seed-lobes, are immediately attached to the embryo, or plantule,and when this shoots in the earth, they expand into lobes, or leaves, distinct from the other kind of leaves. Hence, the cotyledons are likewise called seminal-leaves. In general, plants produce two of these lobes, or leaves, as in the bean, or lupine, where they are lobes: in the spinach, radish, cucumber, they are leaves, and in the genus pini (pinus) the cotyledons are four, or more. Those which produce a single cotyledon, are the grass or corn tribe, palms, the orchis tribe, and the lilies in gene- ral, with several others. Here the cotyledon does not, as in the other instances, rise on the surface of the earth, but 12 ROOTS OF PLANTS. is buried in the ground, and hence, these plants have been supposed by the vulgar to have no cotyledons. Perhaps there are no plants truly without cotyledons, or parts destined to furnish the embryo with the first nourishment analogous to the breasts, the Mammae, of animals, (Vide our Philoso- phy of Botany, Vol. I. p. 30,) and the seed-lobes of mosses, according to the observation of Hedwig, are both nume- rous and perfectly distinct from the other leaves, so that these plants are very improperly placed by authors amongst the acotyledonous', a circumstance arising more from imagina- tion, than the actual observance of nature. The structure also of plantsvary, as they have one or more cotyledons, those with one being by far the most simple. (See Desfon- taine's admirable Memoir on the Organization of Monoco- tyledonous and Dicotyledonous Plants.) CHAP. II. Roots, (Radices, les racines.) 26. The Root is the organ situated at the ex- tremity of a plant, plunging itself commonly into the earth, covered or terminated with radicles, or small fibres, (radicular,) which have the faculty of sucking up nutritive juices for the benefit of the plant. The body of the root itself is called caudex. Observation. The whole plant is usually supposed to be nourished by the root, but if a Grape-Vine be partly intro- duced into a hot-house, and partly into a green-house, whilst a part is abroad, we shall find, at the same season, all the different appearances which climate produces, ori- ginating from the • powers of different branches, indepen- dent of the root, and yet sever the roots, and the whole plant dies; such is its wonderful separation and connex- ion ! The inoculating, or budding of plants, shows the ROOTS OF PLANTS. 13 line circumstance, one plant producing seven or eight different sorts of fruits, and the juices of the parent stock not affecting the fruit Some plants have their roots at- tached to rocks, and others to the bodies of plants, hence called parasytical, as the Missletoe (Viscum) and others agt!in thrive in water. Nevertheless the growth of plants gr«-.itly depends upon the soil in which they are placed, and therefore on the roots which pump up the nutritive juices. The organization of the root and stem differs. The pines are more open in the root, as may be seen in the oak ; and soft herbaceous plants have sometimeffcven lig- neous roots, as the CabbagjO If the inain body of the root be cut below, lateral radges shoot out: hence the pro- priety of gardeners cutting this part; and they are torpid in the winter, or autumn, hence the necessity of trans- planting at this season. For the radicle^, like leaves, have their seasons of growth and decay, of fall, and renewal, and in spring are renewed ; and in this infant state, if ex- posed to cold and change, by transplanting, the loss of the plant is almost inevitable. Plants having no locomotion, yearly spread, and thus change their quarters by the ex- tension of their roots, and Duhamel found that the roots of iiti Oak, in a good soil, was near four feet in length, whilst the stem had only si\ inches of height. I. Their Duration. 27. Annual, (annua, annuelle,) perishing with- in the year. Observation. Both root and plant perishing together, and (he species is only continued by means of the seeds produced. Ex. Annual Stock. 28. Biennial, (biennis, bisannuelle,) such plants as are produced from seed, either in the spring, summer, or autumn, outlive the winter, but do 'in! blow that season, and the following year pro- 14 ROOTS OF PLANTS. duce flowers and seeds, and then die. Ex. Oenothera biennis Observation. The term biennial is applied to any plant that is produced one year, and flowers another, provided it flowers but once, whether that event takes place the se- cond year, as usual, or whether from unfavourable circum- stances, it may happen to be deferred to any future time. (Vide Smith's Introduction to Botany, p. 103.) 29. Fruticose, (fruticosa, frutiqueuse,) lasting three years. * 30. Perennial, (peremnk, vivace,) lasting ma- ny years. Ex. Trees. ' Observation 1. Many plants of hot climates, naturally perennial, and even shrubby, become annual in our gar- dens, as the Mignonette, (Reseda,) which rises in warm climates, to appear as a bush, and the garden Nasturtium, (Tropaeolum) 2. These observances are of the greatest use to garden- ers, who are in the habit of marking their distinctions by the following signs: 0 Annual, $ Biennial, T? Shrubby, H Perennial. II. Substance. 31. Bulbous, (bulbosa, bulbeuse,) having the form of a bulb. Ex. Tulip. Observation. The bulbous root, called also a bulb, in French oignon, is a substance, tender, succulent, of a round or oval form, composed of several tunieks, or coats, which cover one another, and is terminated beneath by a fleshy portion, from which issue small radicles, which constitute the true root. Linnaeus calls the bulb an hyber- nacle, or winter receptable of a plant, composed of the bases of pa*st leaves, and placed immediately upon the ROOTS OF rr.AM'S. 15 rjot. Martyn snys, the bulb is vulgarly considered as a root, and was called so by botanists till Linna'us correct- ed the error, and showed that it was a single bud, envelop- ing the whole plant. 32. Tuberous, (luberosa, tubereuse,) composed of tubers. Observation. The tuberous root is a round, fleshy, solid body, from which .small fibrous roots often shoot out both laterally and from beneath, as in the potatoe (solanum tu- berosum.) f _ 33. Fibrous, (fibrosa, fibreuae,) consisting of fibres. Ex. Grasses. ■ Observation. These fibres are often slender, like hairs. III. Structure. 31. Simple, (simplex, simple,) if it does not branch or divide. Ex. Turnip. 35 Branched, (ramosa, rameuse,) having la- teral divisions. Ex. Trees. IV. Direction. 36. Perpendicular, (perpendicidaris. pivo- tante,) descending perpendicularly Ex. Radish. Obrtrmtion. The fibrous root, when it descends in a stniirt' t direction in the can!:, is called a perpendicular root wit!: manv plants this direction is very principal, and then this p;i:-' of the root is called the tap-root, [f this be cut, the side roots are increa eA Hence the advan- tage of cutting such roots designed for pots—(Vide Ob- servation, p. 1:.) 10 ROOTS OF PLANTS. 37. Horizontal, (horizontals, horizontal, \ when, instead of taking the descending course, it spreads horizontally. Ex. Iris. Observation. It is a curious fact that roots, as if they had a presentiment, make their course to good soils. 38. Repent, (repens, rampante,) running ho- rizontally, and at distinct parts throwing out roots. Observation,. This is well seen in the Strawberry, and this part is flailed in .EnglSj# a runner, and likewise in Couch Grass, hence the last is a weed most difficult to exterminate. V. Form. 39. Globular, (globosa, globuleuse,) of a round figure. Observation. As in some of the tuberous roots. Ex. The Turnip. 40. Solid (solida, solide,) of one uniform sub- stance. Ex. Crocus. 41. Scaly, (squamosa, ecailleuse,) covered with scales. Observation. These are supposed to be the rudiments of old leaves, aa in the Lily 42. Tunicated, (tunicata, tunique,) having se- veral coats. Ex. Onion. 43. Knotty, (nodosa, noueuse,) forming knots united by a thread, as in the Filipendula. ROOTS OF PLANTS. 17 41. Articulated, (articvhilus, articulee,) cut from space to space by contraction-, or articu- lations, which resemble knots. Ex. Adoxa mos- chatcllina. 45. Fascicular,(fasrindaris. fisciculee,) when a large poition of tubers pro'< >d from the same centre, shooting forth in an eloni; ited form, as in the Piony. 46". Grumous, 'Grumosa, gnirndeuse.1 smaller portions of tubers united in a corm^on cen- tre with their substance, and ending beaked, as the Ranunculus. 47. Granulated, (granulata, irni'iulee,) com- posed of small granules. Ex. Saxifraga granu- lata. 48. Twin, (tcsficulata, didyme,) when two tu- bers almost round, are contiguous, or adhere, as in thu Orchis. 49. Palinaled, (palmata, palmee,) divided into blunt lobes hke ringers, as in some species of the Orchis. 50. Fibrous, (fibrosa, fibreuse,) composed of many simple fibres, as Grasses. 51. Premorse, (pnrmorsa, succisa, tronquee, on ronge"e,) appearing as.if the end was bitten off, as in the Devil's bit, (Scabiosa.) Obscrratit-n. This is beautifully seen in the early Prim- rose and Cowslip, when you may observe persons unac- quainted with botany, accusing the innocent old women, who sell these wild plants for gardens, of cutting off the bo'tom of the roots to prevent them from growing. 18 STEMS OF PLANTS CHAP. III. i Stem Caulis, Tige.) 52. The Stem takes an opposite direction to the root, multiplies the plant, and is usually covered with both leaves and flowers. Observation. According to Linn joints. Ex. Cacalia articulata. Observation. Lamark has ably distinguished knotty from jointed, as the former strengthens the stem, and makes part of it, whereas the latter is only the place of union of two 'i joints, where it more easily breaks. 118. Branched, (ramosus, branchue,) giving out branches, as most plants. Observation. Opposed to simplex, simple. 119. Dichotomous, (dichotomus, dichotome,) forked, and dividing always into two parts, as the Misseltoe. 120. Stoloniferous, (stoloniferus, stolonifere,) putting forth suckers. 121. Twiggy, (virgatus, vergetee,) pushing out weak and unequal rods or twigs, as many species of Passerina. 122. Proliferous, (prolifer, prolifere,) is when the branches always grow from the extremity, as ';. the Pinus. '! Observation. Putting forth branches only from the centre ,); of the top.—Martyn. H A term seldom used.—Smith. , 123. Paniculate, (paniculatus, paniculee,) where • the branches are many times subdivided, and the flowers are numerous. Ex. Erigeron cana- dense. \\ Observation. Having branches variously subdivided.— If Martyn. 1 BKANClIKS OF PLANTS. 29 124. Fastigiate, (fustigiatus, fastigiee,) the stem being terminated by equal branches, so as to make a level top. Ex. Gypsophila fastigiata. CHAP. IV. DIVISIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF STEMS. 125. Branches, (rami, branches,) divisions of the stem. 126. Branchlets, (ramuli, rameaux,) divisions of branches themselves. Observation. Stems terminate in roots, as branches do in stem, and branchlets into branches, and these last pene- trate their respective bases in the form of an inverted cone, so that the medulla of the receptacles remain distinct, al- though the ligneous parts adhere : but the cortical parts of it are homogeneous. Hence, some have supposed the cor- tical part to serve the office of roots, and this part possesses a great absorbent power, as is seen by putting of stems into water, when much of it will be absorbed. 127. Very much Branched, (ramossiinus, tres- rameuse,) having numerous branches, as most trees. I. Thtir Siiuution. 128. Alternate, ( er. Ex. Hypoxi- -picata. 277. Veiny, (venota, vein^cs,) over whose ''• surface run nerves, which ramily much, and communicate together. 278. Wrinkled, (rugosn, rugueuses ou ridees,} f irnished with very prominent parts, cutting the surface into small portions. Ex. Salvia. 279. Bullate. (bullata, bullees ou boursou- .")0 LEAVES OF PLANTS. '•Ij fie'es,) having the surface rising above the vein*. V* so as to appear like blisters. Ex. Ocymum bul- latum. 1' Observation. These elevations are convex above, and ' concave beneath, and only a greater degree of the wrin- t!■'' kled leaf—Vide No. 278. , 280. Pitted, (lacunosa, lacuneuses,) when the I disk is buried between the ramifications of the , nerves. Ex. Lichen pustulatus. '.[■* Observation. Contrary to wrinkled, in which it rises! 281. Dotted, (punctata, ponctuees,) full of small points, hollow and transparent, or having vesicles, containing in them an essential oil. Ex. Hypericum. Observation. Linnaeus has used several terms to express ;A this meaning, and if there be any difference in the terms ii, perforatum, pertusum, punctatum, the first may be rendcr- ';]: ed perforated, the second punched, and the thiid dotted.— iij; Martyn. ijj 282. Glandular, (glandulosa, glanduleuses,) A having glandular bodies either on the surface, or 'I1 on the serratures. •:|i 283. Papillose, (papillosa, mamelonees,) hav- 1 ing the surface covered with fleshy dots or points. ! Ex. Lichen pullus. I | Observation. Synonymous with vcrrurosum, warted.— ' | Martyn. I'1 284. Pimply, (papulosa, pustulees,) covered [ F.AV :S OF PLANT*. 51 with vesicular transparent points. Ex. Several species of Mesembryanthemuin. XIII. Expansion. 285. Flat, (plana, planes,) having both upper and under surfaces alike, flat and parallel in all their extent. Ex. Anagallis tenella. 286. Channelled, (canulicuLna, canaliculus,) having a furrow in the form of a channel, the whole length of the leaf. Ex. Juncus bulbosus. Observation. Hollowed above with a deep longitudinal groove, convex underneath.—Martyn. 287. Concave, (concava, concaves,) when the disk of a leaf sinks, whilst the sides rise. Ex. Sidum hybridum. 288. Convex, (convexa, convexes,) having the disk raised. Observation. Opposed to concave. 289. Cucullate, (cucullata, capuchonnees,) opening at top, and drawn to a point at bottom. Ex. Geranium cucullatum. Observation. In the shape of a paper rolled up conically by grocers, for small parcels of spices.—Martyn. 290. Plicate, (plicata, plisse'es,) the nerves sinking and rising alternately, forming the disk into acute angles. Ex. Alchimilla. Obttrvation. Folded like a fan, distinguished from waved by the folds being angular —Martyn. 52 LEAVES OF PLANTS. 291. Waved, (undulata, ondecs,) the disk sinking and rising alternately, so as to form with ■i the edges folds. Ex. Tragopogon undulatum. ijj Observation. The surface rising and falling in waves, or jl obtusely. \i 292. Curled, (crispa, crepues,) when tBemar- | gin appears very large for the disk, or is formed i f! into very many irregular plaits. Ex. Malva 4 crispa. Observation. All curled leaves are monsters, or produc- tions of art.—Martyn. XIV. Substance. 293. Membranaceous, (^membranacea, mem- braneuses,) of a dry nature, having no distin- j guishable pulp between the two surfaces. Ex. Grasses. IK 294 Scariose, (scariosa, scarieuses,) of a na- il ture like dry skin, and sonorous betwixt the fin- ;| gers. ■■'" 295 Thick, (crassa, epaisses,) of a firm and ;-o!id substance. Ex. The Aloe. 296. Fleshy, (carnosa, pulposa, charnues,) full of pulp within. Examples. In the Sedums, and jjj other succulent plants. Ih XV. Form. IS 297. Round, (terctia. cylindriques,) a fleshy I LEAVES OF PLANT?. j3 leaf, round its whole length, and terminating in a point. Ex. Allium vineale. 298. Gibbous, (gibba, gibbeuses,) fleshy, and having two surfaces convex. Ex. Sedum acre. 299. Depressed, (depressa, de'prime'es,) pulpy, and more flattened at the di>k than the sides. Ex. Sedum rubens. 300. Compressed, (compressa, comprime'es,) pulpy, and more flattened at the sides than the disk. Observation. Opposed to depressed. 301. Triquetrous, (triquctru, triquetres,) hav- ing three flat sides its whole length, but termi- nating in a point. Ex. Allium triquetrum. 302i Sword-shaped, or ensiibrm, (ensiformia, gladiees,) thick in its central part, and possessing cutting edges, and tapering gradually to a point. Ex. Iris. Observation. Ancipital, or two-edged, tapering from the base towards the apex.—Martyn. 303. Strap-shaped, or tongue-shaped, (lingu- lala, seu linguiformia, linguiformes,) linear, fleshy, t and convex underneath. Ex. Mesembryanthe- mum lioguiforme. x Obitrvaiion. Linear and fleshy, blunt at the end, convex underneath, and having usually a cartilaginous border.— M.trtyn. 304. Faulchion-shaped, or acinaciform, (aci- naciformia, acinacilbrmes,) more or less fleshv, .J 4 LEAVES OF PLANTS. with one border thick, obtuse, whilst the other ijjis cutting. Ex. Mesembryanthemum acinaci- (i !| forme. i 305. Hatchet-shaped, or dolabriform, (dola* ■nbriformia, dolabriformes,) cylindric in their in- A ferior part, having the upper part enlarged, thick |||on one side, and cutting on the other. Ex. Me- ' I sembryanthemum dolabriforme. ' | Observation. Compressed, roundiVh, obtuse, gibbous on t fthe outside, with a sharp edge, roundish below.—Martyn. I'ri XVI. Duration. $ 306. Caducous, (caduca, caduques,) fallingbe- |lj fore the end of summer. ■'l 307. Deciduous, (dccidua, tombant,) falling in autumn. 308. Persisting, (persistcntia, persistaotes,) re- maining longer than the autumn, and falling off | the ensuing spring. '! Observation Remaining on the plant till the fruit is ripe, | or after the summer is over, as the Oak.—Martyn. V l j 309. Ever-green, (sempervirentia, toujours |verts,) remaining through several seasons, and appearing green in the winter months. Observation. The decay of the leaf, and its fall, lias been the object of much botanical investigation. Some plants: are ever-greens, and it may be observed that resinous plants more especially retain their foliage. Many have supposed it is from old age that leaves fall, and if a plant be removed, the rapidity with which leaves are parted with, gives the Li LEAVES OF PLAN 1 A ^J sign, whether transplantation has succeeded or not. In this case, it is a kind of sluffmg, and the living gets rid ot the dead or mortified parts. XVII. Composition. 310. Compound, (composita, composees,) com- posed of several little leave?, or leaflets, placed upon a common petiole. Observation. This is known by the leaves not falling off alone, as from a branch, but being also accompanied by the petiolus. 311. Jointed, (articulata, articulees,) when o«ie leaflet grows out of the other. Ex. Cactus opuntia. 312. Conjugate, (conjugata, conjuguees,) when the petiolus bears on its sides, and almost at its summit, one pair of leaflets. Ex. Zygophyllum /abago. #,13. Binate, (bhuita, binees,) when the petio- les bears two leaflets precisely at its summit, in- serted at the same point. Ex. Cynometra. 314. Digitate, (digitata, digitees,) composed of five leaflets, or even more, which arises from the same point. Ex. Sterculia fcetida. Observation. The digitate leaf, to correspond with the name, should have five leaflets spreading out like the open fin^is: but LiniKiiii makes binate,ternate, and quinate leaves, to be species of the digitate;. and the leaves of Horse-chestnut, though they have more leaflets than five, are, ne\ ertheless, called digitate.—Martyn. "15. Pedate, (pedatat pediares,) when a bifid i. 56 LEAVES OF PLANTS. petiolus bears leaflets attached to only the inner part of the divisions. Ex. Passiflora pedata. 316. Ternate, (ternata, ternees,) when the pe- tiolus bears three leaflets, as in Trefoil. 317. Pinnate, (pinnata, pinnees, ou ailees, when the petiolus bears many leaflets on each side. Ex. Astragalus. 318. Two-yoked, or bijugous, (bijuga, biju- guees,) a pinnate leaf, having two pair of leaflets. Ex. Orobus. 319. Three-yoked, or trijugous, (trijuga, tri- juquees,) having three pair of leaflets. 320. Unequally-pinnate, (impari-pinnata, ai- l'As avec impaire,) terminated by an odd or sin- gle leaflet, as in the Nut. 321. Abruptly-pinnate, (abrupte pinnata, ai- lees sans impaire,) a term used in pinnate leaves, when they have neither leaflet, (foliolum) nor tendril, or clasper, (cirrus) at the end. Ex- Cassia. XVIII. Recomposition. 322. Decompound-leaf, (decomposita, recom- pos^es,) having a second composition, that is, the petiolus, instead of bearing the leaflet, bears other petioli, to which the leaflets are attached. Observation. Decompound, is when the primary petiole is so divided that each part forms a compound leaf.—Mar- tyn. 323. Bigeminate. (bigcmina. bi^eminees,) is J.l.AVLS 01 PLAV1S. 01 when a dichotomous petiolus re-unites four leaf- lets at its summit. Ex. Mimosa unguis Cati. Observation. A decompound leaf, having a dichotomous or forked petiole, with several folioles or leaflets at the end of each division.—Martyn. 324. Biternate, (bitcrnata, bitemees,) when the common petiolus divides into three petioli, each of which bears three leaflets. Ex. Epime- dium. .325. Bipinnate, (bipinnata, bipinnees,) having a common petiolus, which produces partial peti- oli, upon which are inserted the leaflets, and dis- posed in the manner of wings. Ex. Mimosa ar- borea. XIX. Super composition. 326. Super-decompound, hupra-decomposita, sur-composees,) is when the second petioli, in- stead of bearing leaflets, divides into other peti- oli, to which the leaflets are attached. Ex. Pim- pinella glauca. Obsen-ation. When a petiolus, divided several times, connects many leaflets, each pail forming a decompound leaf.—Martyn. 327. Tergeminate, (lergemina, tergemenees,) when the petiolus is divided into two parts, which supports each two leaflets at their summit, and which, besides, bears ear h a leaflet, situated with- 58 LEAVES OF PLANTS. out, near to the bifurcation of the common peti- olus. Ex. Mimosa tergemina. Observation. When a forked petiolus is subdivided, having two leaflets at the extiemity of each subdivision, and also two other leaflets at the div ision of the common petiole.— Martyn. 328. Triternate, (tritemata, triternees,) when the petiolus divides into three parts, and which subdivides again into three other parts, each fur- nished with three leaflets. Ex. Paullinia triter- nata. Obsevvalion. A species of superdecompound leaf, when a petiole has three biternate leaves.—Martyn. 329. Tripinnate, (tripinnata, tripinne'es,) is when the second petiolus, instead of bearing leaf- lets, divides into other petioles, to which the leaflets are equally attached to the sides. Ex. Aralia spinosa. Observation A species of superdecompound leaf, when a petiolus has bipinnate leaves ranged on each side of it.— Martyn. XX. Sleep. 330. Sleep of leaves, (foliorum somnus, som- meil des feuilles,) is the different appearances they put on, chiefly at night, from, that which they possessed in the day. Observation. Nothing can be more extraordinary than the sleep of plants, or the folding of their leaves, as well as LEAVES OF PLANTS. 59 pKnb,, at stated hours, chiefly in the night. The contrac- tions of the lcaws at night, in some instances, so changes the physiognomy of plants, that they can no longer be re- cognised. This appearance is more evident in young than in old plants. This arises equally with plants in the stoves, as out of doors, which shows that it cannot depend on heat, and with some plants in the midday, which proves that it does not wholly depend upon the absence of light. It arises from the irritability of plants, and is peculiarly seen in the sensitive plant, which tribe peculiarly obeys this law of nature, upon u liich a number of experiments have been made.—Vide our Philosophy of Botany. XXI. Position of the Leaves in Sleep. 331. Conniving, (conniventcs, conniventes,) when the two opposite leaves meet together so exactly by their superior surfaces, that'they ap- pear to form but one leaf. Ex. Alsine media. 332. Including, (includentia, renfermantes,) when the leaves, which are alternate, approach near to the stalk. Ex. Sida abutilon. 333. Environing, (circum-sepientia, environ- nantes,) when the leaves naturally horizontal rise up, and make a kind of funnel, the mouth being narrowed.. Ex. Malva Peruviana. 334. Defending, (muuientia, preservantes,) when the leaves take an opposite direction from that above, and falling down make a kind of cap, protecting whatever lies underneath. Ex. Mille- ria quinqueflora. 335. Conduplicate, (conduplicantia, condupli- quantes,) when leaves, during the night, fold to- gether, like tin- leaves of a book. Ex. Vicia faba. 60 PETIOLES OF PLANTS. 336. Involving, (involventia, recouvrantes,) when the leaflets of compound flowers, during the night, approach by their summits only, mak- ing an arch or hollow underneath. Ex. Trifoli- um resupinatum. 337. Diverging, (divergentia, divergentes,) when the leaflets, on the contrary, approach at their base, and are open at their summits. Ex. Melilotus officinalis. , 338. Depending, (dependentia, pendantes,) when the leaves, which are erect in the day, de- cline during the evening. Ex. Lupinus albus. 339. Inverting, (invertentia, roulees dans une situation renversees,) when during the night the more tender surface of the leaf is protected by being inverted. Ex. Cassia. 340. Imbricate, imbricantia, retournees dans une situation horizontale,) when the petioles of the leaflets lie longitudinally along the common petioles, and the inferior surface of the leaflets become the exterior. Ex. Tamarindus Indica. CHAP. VI. THE DIFFERENT PETIOLES. 341. Linear, (linearis, lineaire,) of the samt breadth throughout. 342. Winged, (alatus, ail<\) having a thin mem- brane, or border, on each side. Ex. Citrus au- rantiurn. 343. Cubbed. (ch:vaius. dilate a son sommet. PETIOLES OF PLANTS. 61 ou cn massuc,) growing gradually thicker towards the top. Ex. Cacalia suaveolens. 311. Compressed, (compressus, comprimt,) flat- tened on the sides. Ex. Populus tremula. 345. Round, (teres, cylindrique,) without any angles. Ex. Betula. 346. Triquetrous, (triqueter, triquetre,) hav- ing three plane sides. 347. Channelled, (canaliculatus, canalicule,) hollowed above, with a longitudinal groove. Ex. Rheum palmatum. 318. Spinescent, (spinescens, spinescent,) soft at first, but afterwards becoming hard and thorny. Ex. Rhamnus catharticus. I. Tlieir Direction. 319. Erect, (ercctus, droit,) rising nearly per- pendicular to the horizon. 350. Patent, (patens, ouvert,) forming an acute angle with the stem. 351. Recurved, (recurvatus, recourbe",) curv- ed downwards, so that the bow, or convexity, iJ upwards. II. Surface. 352. Smooth, (glaber, glabre,) free from an> pubescence. 353. Prickly, (aculcatus, aiguillonneqp armed with prickles. 6 ,' 62 STIPILES OF PLANTS. 354. Naked, (nudus, nu,) destitute of thorns or prickles. 355. Articulate, (articulatus, articule,) jointed. furnished with a single joint. Ex. Oxalis. III. Size. 356. Very short, (brevissimus, beaucoup plus court que la leuille,) much shorter than the leaf. 357. Short, (brevis, i*n peu plus court que la feuille,) a very little shorter than the leaf. 358. Equal, (mtdiocris, de la longeur de la feuille,) of an equal length with the leaf. 359. Long, (longus, un peu plus long que la feuille,) a little longer than the leaf. 360. Very Long, (longissimus, beaucoup plus long que la feuille,) much longer than the leaf. IV. Division. 361. Simple, (simplex, simple,) made up of one piece. 362. Compound, (compositus, compose",) of se- veral pieces. Ex. Robinia pseudoacacia. CHAP. VII. ACCESSARY PARTS TO LEAVES. 363. Stipules, (stipida;, stipules,) membranous leafy productions, placed at that part of the stem where the leaves take their origin. MIPlTES OF PLANTS. C>~' I, llieir Number. 36 J. Solitary, (solitaries, solitaire,) one only. Ex. Melianthus. 365. Twin, (geminue, geminee,) in pairs. II. Situation. 366. Lateral, (laterales, laterales,) placed on each cide of the petiole. Ex. Lotus tetraphyllus. 367. Extra-foliaceous, (extra-foliacece, extra- foliacees,) growing on the outside of the leaves, or below them. Ex. Betula. 368. Intra-foliaceous, (intra-foliacecs, intra-fo- liacees,) growing above, or within the leaves. Ex. Morus nigra. 369. Opposite-leaved, (opposita-folioe, oppo- sees aux feuilles,) opposite the leaves. III. Attachment. 370. Sessile, (sessiles, sessiles,) connected di- rectly with the stem. 371. Adnate, (adnatce, adnees,) fixed to the pe- tiole. Ex. Rosa. 372. Decurrent, (decurrentes. decurrentes,) ex- tending downwards along the stem. 373. Vaginant, (vaginantes, engainantes,) in- vesting the branch by its basis, in form of a tube. Ex. Polygonum. 64 STIPULES OF PLANT-. IV. Structure. 374. Subulate, (subulatce, subulees,) linear m bottom, but gradually tapering towards the point. 375. Spinescent, (spinescentes, spinescentes,) becoming hard and thorny. 376. Lanceolate, (lanceolatce, lanceolees,) ob- long and gradually tapering towards each extre- mity, like the head of a lance. hj 377 Sagittate, (sagittatas, sagittees,) triangular, | hollow at the base, with acute angles. Ex. Pi- sum. 378. Lunate, (lunatce, lunulees,) shaped like a small crescent. V. Direction. \ 379. Erect, (erectoz, droites,) rising in a direc- '■> tion perpendicular to the horizon. 380. Patent, (patentes, ouverts,) between erect and horizontal. \t 381. Reflexed, (refiexce, reflechies,) hanging f down perpendicularly. VI. Borders. 382. Intire, (integerrimic, tres-entieres,) undi- I vided, having no sinus. I 383. Ciliate, (ciliatce, ciliees,) the edge guard- i ed by parallel bristles, placed longitudinally 384. Serrate, (serrate, serres,) having sharp ! ARMS OF PLANTS. 05 imbricated notches about the edge, pointing to- wards the extremity. 386. Dentate, (dentatw, dentees,) having spread- ing teeth about the margin, remote from each other. 386. Pinnatifid, (pinnafifidce, pinnatifides,) di- vided transversely by oblong horizontal segments, not extending to the midrib. VII. Duration. 387. Caducous, (caducie, caduques,) falling off quickly. 388. Deciduous, (decidual, tombantes,) falling off in the autumn. Ex. Padus. 389. Permanent, (persistentcs, persistantes,) continuing after the leaves drop off. Ex. Pkum. VIII. Size. 390. Very short, (brcvissimcr, plus court que le petbde,) shorter than the petiole. 391. Equal, (mediocres, de la longeur du peti- ole,) of the length of the petiole. 392. Long, (longer, plus longues que le petiole,) longer than the petiole. CHAP. VIII. THE ARMS OF PLANTS, (PubeS, Amid.) 393. Hairs, (pili, les poils,) projections rough to the touch. Ex. Borago. 6* 66 ARMS OF PLANTS. 394. Bristles, (setcc, les crins,) very stiff hairs. Ex. Dips.'.fus. 395. Silkincss, (sericum, la soie,) soft, com- pact hair, shining like silk. Ex. Protea argentea. 396. Down, (lanugo, le duset,) soft, and very short hairs. Ex. Digitalis. 397. Cotton, (gossypium, le coton,) soft and in- terlaced hairs, like cotton. Ex. Populus alba. 398. Wool, (tornentwn, la laine,) hair like the last, but less soft, and more like wool. Ex. Ver- bascum. These are, 399. Simple, (simplices, simples,) without di- vision. 400. Branched, (ramosi, rameux,) subdivided. 401. Hooked, (ramosi, en crochet, on hame- i on,) bent at the summit. Ex. Agrimonia. 402. Feathery, (plumosi, pluineux,) furnished with lateral hairs. 403. Stellate, (stellati, etoiles,) shooting out from the same point, and diverging. Ex. Lactuca. 404. Toothed, (glochides, en double scie,) having two rows of hooks or teeth. Observation. Many of these terms it is impossible to de- fine with accuracy, as their differences are so very minute, that an adequate idea of the appearances can only be ob- tained by sight. 405. Spines, or thorns, (spina, les epines,) sharp projecting points issuing from the wood, with which it makes a part. Ex. Prunus spino- su«. ARMS OF PLANTS. 67 406. Prickles, (aculei, les aiguillons,) similar projections issuing from the bark, of which it makes a part, having no connexion with the wood. Ex. Rosa canina. 407. Stings, (stimuli,) points which sting by means of a poison. These spines and prickles are, 408. Simple, (simples, simplices,) without di- vision. Ex. Prunus spinosa. 409. Forked, (fourchues, bifurquees,) shoot- ing out into divisions. Ex. Poteria. 410. Branched, (ramosi, ramifies,) separating. Ex. Gleditsia. 411. In pairs, (bina>, gemince, deux a deux.) two and two. Ex. Ziziphus. 412. In threes, (ternce, trois a trois,) three to- gether. Ex Berberis. 413. In fours, (quaternat, quatre a quatre,) four together. 414. In bundles, (fasciculati, en faisceau,) growing in bundles. Ex. Cactus. 415. Verticillate, (vcrticillati, verticilles,) in whirls. Ex. Azyma tetracanthos. 416. Conic, (conici, coniques,) like a cone. Ex. Zanthoxylon. Observation. Spines, Lc. serve as a defence to plants against animals, and form our hedges, and produce a shel- ter for birds. We may here remark a wise provision in nature, Horses refuse nettles, thistles, and whins, which are greedily devoured by the jackass. Hy culture, many vegetables'lose their spines. I til! ARMS OF PLANTS. 417. Glands, (glandulce, les glandes,) small protuberances. These are, 418. Miliary, (miliares, miliaires,) very small and numerous. Ex. Pinus. 419. Vesicular, (vesiculares, vesiculates,) like small bladders, transparent, and rilled with an in- flammable oil. Ex. Myrtus. 420. Utricular, (utriculares, utriculaires,) like little bottles, filled with their proper juices, which appear more watery than oily. 421. Globular, (globulares, globulaires,) re- sembling small globules, which appear sometimes like brilliant spots upon the inferior surfaces of the leaves of the labiate flowers. 422. Lenticular, (lenticulares, lenticu-laires,) like small lentils, which render the surface rough to the touch. Ex. Betula. 423. Cupped, (cupulares, en godet,) little fleshy and concave glands, which we observe at the base of the Almond, Plum, and Peach. Observation. In the year 1745,t;uettard,alearned French naturalist, published his Observations on the Hairs and talands ot Plants. He has even formed a system derived from the consideration of the forms, situations, and other circumstances of the hairy and glandular appearances on the surface of plants. He has even shown that these ap- pearances are, in general, constant in plants of the same nature, family, or genus. 424. Bractea, (bractece, les bractees,) small leaves, situated close to the peduncle, or flower- stalk, differing somewhat from the other leaves of PROPS OF PLANTS. 69 the plant, either in colour, or consistency, or form. lis.. Salvia, sclarea. ()b;-.i nation. When these leaves are clustered together, the whole together is called u coma, from hojji, Greek, a head of hair. 425. Coloured, (eoloratee, colore'es,) of any colour but green. Ex. Salvia Horminum. 42(5. Caducous, (caduca:, caduques,) falling. 427. Falling, (deciduce, tombantes.) 428. Persisting, (persistentes, persistantes,) per- manent. Ex. Tilia Europaea. 429. Two, three, &.c. (bince, ternce, deux, trois) Ex. Two, Campanula Alpina, three, Erica, caly- cina, four, Corymbium scabrum, many, Bartsia coccinea. Observation. The same terms are used here as with the Stipule, which this part much resenroles. In general, the Bractea is of the same duration as the common, or true leaves of the plant. This circumstance is worthy of atten- tion, as it will, in many instances, enable us to distinguish the Bractea from the Calyx, the leaves of which last al- most always wither when the fruit has ripened, if not, in- deed, before. CHAP. IX. THE CROPS OF PLANTS, (Fulcra.) Observation, In the Delineatio Plant, of Linnajns, there are seven fulcras enumerated : 1. The Petiolus ; 2. Stipu- la; 3 (!irrhus; 4. Pubes; •">. Arma, which comprehends prickles, thorus, and stings; 6. Bractea; 7 Pedunculus Several of the articles cannot be considered as props, for J 10 PROPS OF PLANTS. the more commodious sustentation of plants. But I know not upon what principle we can denominate the spina, the aculeus, the glandnla, and the pilus, as species of props, or even bractea and stipula. The petiole and peduncle can also scarcely be considered as a prop. Perhaps the only true one is the tendril. 430. Tendril, (cirrhi, les vrilles,) which arc slender productions, like threads, attaching them- selves to neighbouring bodies, and generally curl- ing round them in a spiral manner. Observation. The whole stem sometimes takes upon it- self the office of the tendril, (caulis volubilis.) Vide No. 82. These are, 431. Foliar, (foliares, attachees au pe"doncule,) proceeding from the leaf. Ex. Gloriosa superba. 432. Petiolar, (petiolaris, attachees au ptdon- cule,) proceeding from the petiole, as the Pea 433. Peduncular, (pedunculares, attachees au pecloncule,) attached to the peduncle. 434. Axillary, (axillares, axillaires,) from the axilla of the leaf. Ex. Passiflora. 435. Convolute, (convoluti, roubles e'n tire- bourchon,) twisted inwards. Ex. Vitis. 436. Revolute, (revoluti, repliees,) twisted outwards. 437 Leafed, (foliati, feuillees,) bearing some leaves. 438. Simple, (simplices, simples,) without di- visions or ramifications. Ex. Vicia. 439. Forked, (bifidi, fourchues, bifidcs,) di- 6 PEDUNCLES OF FLOWERS. 7! viding at the extremity into two threads. Ex. Vitis. Observation. Opposed to simple. 440. Trifid, (trifidi, trifides,) into three. Ex. Bignonia. 441. Multifid, (multifidi, multifides,) cut into many parts. Observation. Tendrils are very important appendages to vegetables: by means of them, weak debile plants elevate themselves so, as to have the enjoyment of light and air, which plants so exceedingly covet,and without which they sicken and die. The Trumpet-flower, (bignonia radicans,) and some species of the Ivy, (hedera,) emit tendrils, which serve the place of roots. The Passion flower, (passiflora,) by means of their tendrils, out-top the highest trees. In the Vine, (vitis,) the branches being veiy long, fragile, and slender, would be liable to frequent breaking, unless by means of their claspers, they were mutually bound together to support each other, so that the whole care is divided be- twixt the gardener and nature. The former, with his liga- ments of list, secures the main branches, and nature, with those of her own providing, the less. 442. Equal, (mediocres, de la longeur du peti ole,) of the length of the petiole. 443. Long, (longce, plus longues que le pet;' ole,) longer than the petiole. CHAP. X. THE PEDUNCLES OF FLOWERS. 444. Peduncle, (pedunculus, pddoncule,) i« 72 PEDUNCLES OF FLOWERS. the footstalk of the flower, just as the footstalk of the leaf is called petiole, (petiolus.) Observation. Flowers are sometimes sessile, that is, im- mediately placed upon the stem, Ex. Trillium sessile, some- times even arise from a leaf, Ex. Ruscus; but in general they have an intermediate wiry substance, into which all the parts seem contracted; and which, by varying in length, gives the most commodious situation of the flowers with respect to light. I. Their Structure. 445. Simple, ^simplex, simple,) without divi- sion, and bearing only one flower. Ex. Viola tricolor. 446. Compound, (compositus, compose,) hav- ing divisions, or ramifying. Ex. Pisum. 447. Common, (communis, commun,) not di- viding, but bearing many sessile flowers assem- bled. '*•- 1. Sometimes in round or oblong heads. Ex. Sparganium. 2. Sometimes in catkins. Ex. Salix. 3. And sometimes in a common calyx. Ex. Scabiosa. 448. Partial, (partialis, partiel,) having a pe- dicel (pedicellus} to each of the divisions. Observation. It is the ultimate subdivision of a common peduncle, immediately connected with the flower itself. II. Insertion. 4 19. Radical, (radicalis, radical,) proceed- ing immediately from the root. Ex. Primula. PEDUNCLES OF FLOWERS. 73 460. Cauline, (caulinus, caulinaire,) arising from the stem. Ex. Canna Indica. 451. Ramose, (rameus, rameal,) proceeding from a branch. Ex. Populus. Observation. These may be called in English a root-pe- duncle, a stem-peduncle, a branch-peduncle. III. Situation. 452. Terminal, (terminalis, terminal,) termi- nating the stem, or proceeding from its top. Ex. Corona Imperialis. 453. Axillary, (axillaris, axillaire,) proceed- ing from the angle made by the leaf and stem, or the branch and stem. Ex. Passiflora. Observation. Proceeding from the axillas, or from the bosom of the leaves or branches. 454. Extra-axillary, (extra-axillaris, extra-ax- illaire.) placed near the axilla. 455. Opposite the leaf, (oppositifolius, oppose aux feuilles,) placed opposite the leaf. IV. Direction. • 456. Appressed, (adpressus, applique-,) press- ed close to the stem. Ex. Physalis pruinosa. 457. Erect, (erectus, droit,) approaching to a perpendicular. 458. Patent, (patens, overt,) spreading. 74 PEDUNCLES OF FLOWERS. 459. Drooping, (cernuus, penche,) looking to- wards the earth. Observation. This term is distinguished from nutans, nodding. Vide No. 75. 460. Flaccid, (fiaccidus, foible, ou entraine" par le poids de la fleur,) weak. 461. Zig-zag, (filexuosus, flexueux,) extending here and there. Ex. Aira flexuosa. V. Form. 462, Round, (teres, cylindric,) as with most plants. 463. Triquetrous, (*ni(}'weZer,trique'tre,) three- sided. 464. Four-cornered, (tetragonus, tdtragone.) jl' x. Convolvulus sepium. 465. Filiform, or thread-shaped, (filiformis, filiform,) of a fine structure, like a thread. Ex. Calendula pluvialis. Observation. 01the same thickness in all its parts. 466. Attenuated, (attenuatus, aminci,) dimi- nishing insensibly in thickness from the base to the summit. Observation. This is the case in the round, or cylindrical, . b|it not in so striking a manner. 467. Incrassated, (incrassatus, epassi a son sommet,) thickening at the summit, opposed to attenuated. Ex. Helianthus annuus. PEDUNCLES OF FLOWERS. 75 468. Geniculate, (geniculatus, genicul^,) bent at the joints. Ex. Pelargonium. 469. Articulate, (articulatus, articule',) jointed. Ex. Hibiscus. Observation. Having a single articulation. VI. Cloathing. 470. Scaly, (squamosus, e"cailleux,) having scales. 471. Leafy, (foliatus, feuille*,) with leaves. 472. Naked, (nudus, nu,) without either. 473. Bracteated, (bracteatus, muni de brac- te"es,) having bracteas. VII. Measure. 474. Short, (brevis, un peu plus court que la fleur,) shorter than the flower. 475. Middling size, (mediocris, de la longeur de la fleur,) of the length of the flower. 476. Long, (longus, un peu plus long que la fleur,) somewhat longer than the flower. 477. Very short, (brevissimus, beaucoup plus court que la fleur,) shorter than the flower. 478. Very long, (longissimus, beaucoup plus long que la fleur.) Observation. These terms are in reference to the flower, by comparing the different lengths of the peduncles with it, hence we derive the short, (brevis,) somewhat shorter than the flower; middling size, of the length of the flower; long, longer than the flower, and so on. I 76 FLOWERS. CHAP. XL Flowers, (Flores, Fleurs.) i Observation. These are the most attractive parts in plants, '■ and serve to embellish nature, at the same time that they ' reproduce their kind. I 479. Inflorescence, (inflorescentia, inflores- ; cence,) is the manner in which flowers are fast- I1 ened to the plant, by the medium of the pedun- | cle. ! Flowers are called from I. Their Insertion. 480. Radical, (radicales, radicales,) immedi- ately affixed to the root. Ex. Colchicum. 481. Cauline, (cauline, caulinaires,) placed on the stem, as the Stock. 482. Ramose, (ramei, rameales,) growing on \ the branches, as the Apple. II. Situation. I 483. Terminal, (terminates, terminates,) the f peduncle, or flower, growing at the extremities. Ex. Rosa. 1 484. Axillary, (axillares, axillaire,) betwixt * the stem and leaf Ex. Hysopus. S485. Supra-axillary, (supra-axillares, supra- axillaires,) inserted into the stem above the leaf, the petiole, or axilla. ji Observation. Called also supra-foliaceous.—Martyn. inflorescence, 77 486. Extra-axillary, (extra-axillares, extra- axillaires,) growing on the outside of the axilla. 487. Opposite, (oppositi, opposees,) placed opposite the leaf. Ex. Solanum dulcimara. 488. Alternate, (alterni, alternes,) placed in regular succession or gradation one above anoth- er. Ex. Passiflora. 489. Scattered, (sparsi, ^parses,) placed in no apparent regular order. Ex. Jasminum. III. Attachment. 490. Sessile, (sessiles, sessiles,) placed direct- ly on the stem or branch. Ex. Labiati. Observation. Without the intervention of a peduncle.— Martyn. 491. Peduncled, (peduncu'ati, pedonculees,) with the intervention of a peduncle. Ex. Lilium album. IV. Direction. 492. Erect, (erecti, droites,) nearly perpen- dicular. Ex. Gratiola. 493. Horizontal, (horizontales, horizontales,) making a right angle with the stem. 494. Drooping, (cernui, penche'es,) pointing directly to the ground. Ex. Hyacinthus non scriptus. 495. Nodding, (nutans, penchees,) curved, 7* 73 flowers. and somewhat bending down. Ex. Renealmia nutans. Observation. But not so much curved as drooping.— Martyn. 496. Turned up, (resupinati, renversees,) when the upper lip of a labiate corolla appears the lower. Ex. Scrophularia. Observation. As if turned topsy-turvy. 497. Distichous, (distichi, distiques,) the flow- ers placed in two opposite ranks. 498. Unilateral, (unilaterales, unilaterales,) placed only on one side. Ex Heliotropium. 499. Uniform, (secundi, detournees d'un seul cote,) all the flowers turned towards one side. Ex. Erica herbacea. Observation. Pointing one way, directed or inclining the same way. V. Number. 500. Single, (solitarii, solitaire,) one flower only to each peduncle. Ex. Dianthus Chinen- sis 501. Two together, (bini, deux,) two flowers only. Ex Pisum. 502. Three together, (terni, trois,) three flowers. Ex. Ixia viridis. ' 503. Clustered, (conferti, entass^es,) flowers crowded together. Ex. Leonfidon FLOWERS. 79 504. Fasciculate, (fasciculati, fasciculees,) when many flowers spring from a common point, and are upright, parallel, and formed like a bun- dle. Ex. Dianthus barbatus. VI. Forms. CC73 505. Verticillate, (verticillati, verticil- lees,) when the flowers grow in a whirl, or round the stem in rings. Ex. Lamium album. These are either, 506. Sessile, (sessilis, sessile,) without pedun- cles. Ex. Labiati. 507. Pedunculed, (pedunculafus, pedoncule,; elevated on peduncles. Ex. Lilium album. 508. Naked, (nudus, nu,) without involucre. or leaves. 509. Involucred, (involucratus, muni d'un in- volucre,) having an involucre. 510. Bracteated, (bracteatus, muni des brac- tees,) having bractea. 511. Six-flowered, (sexflorus, sexflore,) having six flowers, &c. 512. Crowded, (confertvs, pedoncules rappro- chc's,) having the peduncles near each other. 513. Spreading, (distans, pedoncules ecartes,) the peduncles wide asunder. X/" 514. Capitate, (capitt'es, ou en tete,) when the flowers are assembled so as to form a globular head, or almost round. Ex. Platanus. These are, 515. Sessile, (sessile, sessile,) squat. Ex. Teucrium pumilum. | 80 INFLORESCENCE. 516. Pedunculate, (pedunculatum, pedoncu- lee,) peduncled. Ex. Teucrium capitatum. 517. Terminal, (terminale, terminate,) at the I extremity of a branch or stem. ; 518. Axillary, (axillare, axillaire,) fixed at the 5 axilla. 519. Roundish, (subrotandum, arrondie,) some- \ what round. Ex. Selago fruticosa. 520. Globular, (globosum, globuleuse,) having a round form. Ex. Gomphrena globosa. 521. Conical, (conicum, conique,) resembling a cone 522, Dimidiate, or halved, (dimidiatum, dimi- die'e ou arrondie d'un cote, et plane de I'autre,) round on one side, and flat on the other. Ex. Lippia hemisphaerica. 523. Leafy, (foliosum, feuillee,) having leaves intermixed with the flowers. 524. Naked, (nudum, nue,) without leaves, opposed to the last term. H73 525. Spicate, (spicatus, epiees, ouen dpi,) disposed in a spike. Observation. A spike is defined to be a species of inflo- rescence, in which sessile flowers are scattered alternately on a common simple peduncle. These are, 526. Terminal, (tcrminalis, terminal,) at the extremity. 527. Axillary, (axillaris, axillaire,) arising from the axilla. FLOWERS. 81 528. Simple, (simplex, simple,) having no sub- divisions, spicules, or spikelets. 529. Compound, (composita, compose,) com- posed of several spicules, or spikelets. 530. Glomerate, (glomerata, glomere",) having the spikelets, or component spikes, variously heaped together. Ex. Panicum Italicum. 531. Ovate, (ovata, ovoide,) shaped like an egg. Ex Sanguisorba officinalis. 532. Ventricose, or bellied, (ventricosa, ren- tru,) gibbous, or protuberant at the sides. 533. Cylindrical, (cylindrica, cylindrique,) of a cylindrical form. 534. Spiral, (spiralis, en spirale,) twisted like a screw. 535. Interrupted, (interrupta, interrompu,) di-, vided by intervals of smaller flowers. Ex. Men- tha spicata. 536. Ramose, (ramosa, rameux,) branched. 537. Articulate, (articulata, articule,)in joints, Ex. Salicornia herbacea. 538. Leafy, (foliosa, feuAe",) having leaves. Ex. Ballota suaveolens. 539. Comose, (comosa, chevelu,) terminated by a tuft or brush ; a species of bractea, called coma. Ex. Lavandula staechas. 0* 540. Amentaceous, (amentacei, amenta- cees,) possessing an ament or catkin. Observation. An ament is a species of inflorescence, as well as a calyx, and consists of chaffy scales, arranged along a slender stalk, or thread, wdiich is the common re- ceptacle. Ex. Salix. 82 FLOWERS. These are, 541. Globular, (globosum, globuleux,) of a round figure. 542. Ovate, (ovatum, ovoide,) like an egg. 543. Cylindrical, (cylindricum, cylindrique,) of a cylindric shape. 544. Filiform, (filiforme, filiforme,) fine like a thread. Ex. Fagus pumila. 545. Scaly, (squammosum, ecailleux,) having scales. 546. Naked, (nudum, nu,) without scales. ET 547. Racemous, (racemosi, en grappe,) in raceme. Observation. The raceme of a peduncle, with short late- ral branches. 548. Simple, (simplex, simple,) when the pe- duncles are not divided. Ex. Ornithogalum Py- renaicum. 549. Compound, (compositus, composee,) the peduncles being divided. Ex. Vitis 550. One-sided, or unilateral, (unilateralis, unilateraie, when the flowers grow only on one side of the common peduncle. Ex. Pyrola se- cunda. 551. Uniform, (secundus, detournee,) all the flowers turned towards one side, pointing one way, directed or inclining the same way. Observation. We have no proper English terms for this word. One-ranked tends to mislead, because a plant may have more ranks or rows of flowers than one, directed to the same point of the horizon, or nearly so INFLORESCENCE. 83 552. Leafy, (foliatus, feuille,) with leaves in- terposed. Ex. Thesium Alpinum. 553. Naked, (nudus, nue,) without any leaves. 554. Erect, (erectus, droit,) upright 555. Pendulous, (pendulus, pendante,) hang- ing down. Ex. Cytisus laburnum. OAF 556. Thyrsoid, (thyrsoidei, en tbyrse,) in the manner of a thyrse, having a conical figure, ^ as the Lilac. Observation. A thyrse is a panicle contracted into an ovate form.—Martyn. Or, in other words, the inferior pe- duncles extend horizontally, whilst the upper are shorter, and nearly upright. These are, 557. Ovate, (ovatus, ovoide,) having the fi- gure like an egg. 558. Oblong, (oblongus, oblong,) of an oblong shape. 559. Leafy, (foliatus, feuille",) with interpo- sing leaves. 560. Naked, (nudus, nu,) without leaves. IL7 561. Corymbose, (corymbosi, encorymbe,) in corymbus. Observation. A corymbus is where the lesser flower- stalks, being of unequal length, are produced along the common peduncle on both sides, and rise to the same height, so as to form a flat or even surface at top.—Rose. 2. In the corymb, the peduncles take their rise from dif- ferent heights ; but the lower ones being longer, they all form nearly an even surface at top.—Martyn. These are, 84 FLOWERS. 562. Simple, (simplex, simple,) not compound, Ex. Thlaspi arvense. 563. Compound, (compositus, compose,) form- ed of several sinall corybuses. Ex. Gnaphalium staechas. O* 564. Paniculate, (paniculati, paniculees,) in panicles. Observation. A panicle is a species of inflorescence, in which the flowers or fruit are scattered on peduncles, va- riously subdivided, as in Oats, and some of the grasses. These are, 565. Pressed together, (coarctata, serree,) close, condensed. Ex. Agrostis sylvatica. Observation. Opposed to the next term. 566. One-sided, (unilateralis, unilaterale,) formed on one side. 567. Divaricate, (divaricata, ecartees,) spread out. Ex. Briza. Observation. When the pedicles form an obtuse angle with the main peduncle.—Martyn. iTF 568. Umbellate, (umbellati, ombellees,) in the form of an umbel. Observation. An umbel is a receptacle stretching out in- to filiform proportioned peduncles from the same centre. These are, 569. Sessile, (sessilis, sessile,) immediately placed upon the stem. Ex. Sisum nodiflorum. 570. Pedunculed, (pedunculata, pedoncult'e,) with peduncles interposing. Inflorescence. 85 571. Simple, (simplex, simple,^) having only one set of rays. Ex. Anthriscus pecten. 572. Compound, (composita, composee,) when each peduncle bears, instead of a flower, another umbel, which, as being smaller than the other, is called an umbellet, or umbellule. 573. Partial, (partialis, partielle,) a partial umbel, otherwise called umbellule, is when a smaller umbel proceeds from the general, or universal umbel. Observation. The larger set of rays constitutes the uni- versal, or general umbel, and the second, or subordinate set, the partial umbel.—Martyn. ICT 574. Involucred, (involucrata, munie d'un involucre,) having an involucre. Observation. An involucre consists of small leaves, placed at the origin of the peduncles, or rays of umbels. It is a species of Calyx, which see, N<^ 624. 575. Naked, (nuda, depourvue d'involucre,) without an involucre. 576. Globose, (g/ooosa, globuleuse,) of a round appearance. 577. Convex, (convexa, convexe,) rising to- wards the middle. 578. Flat, (plana, plane,) having a flat sur- face. 579. Unequal, (incequalis, inegale,) when the flowers of the circumference differ from those of the disk. ST 580. Cymose, (cymosi, en cyme,) dispos- ed in a cyme. 8 86 flowers. Observation I. A cyme is when the inferior, or general umbel, is true, but the superior, or partial umbel, false, as not proceeding from a point or centre. 2. Linnaeus explains it to be an aggregate flower, com- posed of several florets, sitting on a receptacle, producing all the primary peduncles from the same point, but having the partial peduncles scattered or irregular, all fastigiate, i. e. forming a flat surface at top.—As the Corymbus, Cyme, and Umbel, bear much resemblance, it may be right to put together, and discriminate these three kinds of inflo- rescence : 1. In the Corymbus, the peduncles take their rise from different heights ; but the lower ones being longer, they all form nearly an even surface at top. 2. In the Cyme, the peduncles take their rise from the same centre, but the subdivisions are irregular. 3. In the Umbel, the peduncles take their rise from the same centre, and the whole is disposed with a striking re- gularity.—Martyn. 581. Sessile, (sessiUs, sessile, connected im* mediately with the stem. Ex. Sedum aizoon. 582. Trifid, (trifid, trifide,) three-cleft. Ex. Sedum Acre. 583. Quadrifid, (quadrifida, quadrifide,) four- cleft Ex. Crassula rubens. 584. Tripartite, (tripartita, tripartite,) divid- ed into three parts. Ex. Sambucus ebulus. 585. Bracteate, (bracteata, munie de bractees,) having a bractea. 586. Naked, (nuda, nue,) without such in- vestment. Ex. Cornus sanguinea. EP 587. Spadiceous, (spadicci, portees sur un spadix,) having a spadix. Palms, Arums, &c. Observation. A sort of aggregate flower, having a com- ' CALVX'P.S. 8 moti receptacle, bearing many florets, usually surrounded by a spathe. These are, 588. Simple, (simplex, simple.) Ex. Arum maculatum. 589. Branched, (ramosus, rameaux,) as in Palms. 590. Spathed, (spatha involutus, enveloppe" dans une spathe,) surrounded by a spathe, a spe- cies of calyx. 591. Naked, (nudus, depourvu du spathe,) without such investment. 592. Flat, (cimplunutus, aplati,) as if pressed betwixt the fingers. VII. Calyx. ID" 593. Calyx, (calyx, calice,) is the outer expanded part of a flower. Vide No. 649. VIII. Perianth. HT" 594. Perianth, (perianthium, perianth,) is a calyx contiguous to the flower. Observation. The leaf is monopliyllous, composed of one leaf, or polyphyllous, consisting of several, cut into various forms. IX. Segments. 595. Lobed, (lobatus, lobe,) when the segments are round at their summits, instead of pointed. 88 CALYXES. 596. Partite, (partitus, divise,) when the ca- lyx is cut nearly to its base. Passiflora. 597. Bifid, (bifidus, bifide,) cleft into two parts, but not so deep as partite. 598. Multifid, (muhifidus, multifide, ou laci- nie,) many cleft. 599. Tripartite, (tripurtitus, tripartite,) deep- ly cleft into 3 divisions, or parts, Lc. kc. 600. Equal, (cequalis, egal,) the divisions all of the same size. 601. Unequal, (inttqualis, inegal,) some of the divisions larger than the rest. Observation. Of unequal sizes. Ex. Pinguecula. 602. Irregular, (irregularis, irregulier,) the parts greatly disproportioned. 603. Labiate, lipped, (labiatus, labie,) the di- visions formed above and beneath, in the form of lips. X. Surface. 604. Coloured, (coloratus, colore',) varying from a green colour. Punica. 605. Petal-like, (petaloideus, petaloide,) re- sembling a petal. Passiflora. 606. Smooth, (glaber, glabre,) without hairs, or roughness of any kind. 607. Downy, (pubescens, pubescent,) having soft hairs. 608. Villose, (villosus, velu,) having still finer hairs. CALYXES. 89 | 609. Rough, (hirliis, heriss€,) armed with | bristles. j 610. Tomentose, (tomentosus, tomenteux,) co» | vered with down. f 611. Striated, (striatus, strie',) streaked. Observation. Scored with very slender lines.—Martyn. j XI. Duration. 612. Caducous, (caducus, caduc,) falling off al- most immediately. Ex. Papaver. Observation. Falling before the corolla is well unfolded. f —Martyn. J 613. Deciduous, (deciduus, tombant,) falling off after the corolla has expanded. Ex. Berbe- ris. 614. Permanent, (persistens, persistent,) re- maining after the fall of the corolla. Borago. ,; Observation. Remaining usually with the fruit, and often I ■serving the office of pericarp.—Martyn. \ i r XII. Size. . 615. Long, (longus, long,) longer than the tube of the corolla. 616. Short, (abbreviatus, court,) shorter than the tube of the corolla. 617. Intermediate, (mediocris, mediocre,) of the length of the tube of the corolla. 8* 90 CALYXES. XIII. Common Cahjx. 618. Simple, (simplex, simple,) composed of one row of leaflets. Ex. Tragopogon. Observation. Opposed to calycled and imbricate.—Mar- tyn. 619. Double, or many ranked, (gernino seu multipfici or dine, sur deux ou sur plusieurs rangs,) leaves placed on two or more ranks. 620- Polyphyllous, (poiyphyllus, polyph^lleJ having man}'leaves 621. Imbricated, (imbricatus, imbrique,) leaves lying upon each other, like tiles of a house. Centaurea. 622. Squarrose, (squarrosus, raboteux,) con- sisting of scales, very widely divaricating, or spreading every way. Ex. Carduus. 623. Calyculate, or calycled, (ca'ycutatus, seu auctus, calycule',) having a calycle, or little scales at the base, on the outside. Ex. Bidens. Observation. Applied to the calyx, when not common, as where the scales are placed at the bottom of the pink. XIV. Involucre. tCP 624. Involucre, (involucrum, involucre,) is a calyx remote from the flower. Ex. Gera- nium. Observation. These are small leaves placed at the foot of the umbels, in the (umbellate?) applied also to the whirl, (verticillatae) and also to other kinds of inflorescence. IALYXES. ^1 625. Universal involucre, (involucrum univer- sale, involucre universel,) is when these small leaves, leaflets, are placed at the origin of the universal involucre. Ex. Geranium, Meadia, Apium. 626. Partial involucre, (involucrumpartiale, involucre partie),) is when the leaflets are plac- ed at the foot of a partial umbel. Ex. iEthusa cynapium. Observation. These distinctions are of vast importance, as the fool's parsley, (yEthusa cynapium) a poisonous plant, is hardly to be distinguished from the common parsley, but by means of the leaves of the involucre. The fool's parsley has a partial involucre, consisting of three leaves, stationed at the foot of each umbellet. 627. Dimidiate, (dimidialum, dimidie,) placed only on one side. Ex. iZEthusa cynapium. Observation. Not going all round. 628. Monophyllous, (jnonyphyllum, mono- phylle,) consisting of one leaf. 629. Polyphyllous, (polyphyllum, polyphylle,) consisting of several leaves. 630. Simple, (simplex, simple,) having'only one set of rajs. Ex. Anthriscus pecten. Observation. Or having the receptacle divided once on- ly.—Martyn. 631. Pinnatifid, (pinnatifidum, pinnatifide,) having the leaf divided transversely, by oblong horizontal segments, or jags, not extending to the mid-rib. Ex. Daucus carota. 92 CALYXES. XV. Spatha. [LT 632. Spathe, (spatha, spathe,) is when the calyx opens longitudinally. Observation. This calyx forms a kind of sheath, or hood, and belongs generally to flowers which produce a spadix, also to such as sometimes have no spadix. Ex. Arum, Narcissus, Crocus, Iris. 633. Plane, (plana,) flat and parallel in all its extent. Ex. Calla. 634. Cucullate, hooded, or cowled, (cucuUata, en cornet,) wide at top, and drawn to a point below. Ex. Geranium cucullatum. Observaion. In shape of the paper rolled up conically by grocers, for small parcels of spices, also from a similitude in the form, this term was applied to the. cowl, or large pendant cape of the upper garment, which turned up occa- sionally to cover the head.—Mariyn. 635. Convolute, (convoluta, convoluted,) roll- ed together like a scroll. 636. Boat-shaped, or navicular, (cymbiformis, cymbiforme,) resembling a boat in shape. Ex. Renealmia. 637. One-valved, (univalvis, univalve,) open- ing only on one side. Ex. Arum maculatum. 638. Two-valved, (bivalvis, bivalve,) opening on both sides. Ex. Siratiotes. 639. Bipartite, (2-partita, 2-partite,) deeply cleft into two parts. 640. Six-parted, (6-partit'a, 6-partite,) deep- ly cut into six parts. corollas. 93 641. One-flowered, (\-flora< 1-flore,) bearing but one flower. Narcissus poeticus. 642. Many flowered, {multiflora, multiflore,) bearing many flowers. Ex. Narcissus jonquilla. XVI. Glume. IT 643. Glume, (gluma, glume,) the outer husk of corn and grasses. 644. One-flowered, (l-fiora, 1-flore,) enclos- ing one flower. 645. Two-flowered, (2-fiora, 2-flore,) enclos- ing two flowers, and so on. XVII. Calyptra. [E? 646. Calyptra, (calyptra, calyptre,) the caiyx of mosses. Observation. Like a hood, or extinguisher of asandle. XVI11. Volva. [£j> 647. Volva, (volva, volve,) the calyx mushrooms. Observation. This appears like a torn fringe surrounding the pedestal of the mushroom or fungus tribe. XIX. Corolla. \ET 648. Corolla, (corolla, corolle,) the deli- cate inner leaves of the flower. 94 COROLLAS. Observation. Linnaeus supposed that it was composed of the liber, or inner bark of the plant. It may be distinguish- ed from the calyx, usually, by the fineness of its texture, and brilliancy of colour. The calyx is generally of a rough and thick texture, and usually green. But there are many exceptions ; the perianth in bartfia., is coloured : whereas that of daphne laureola is green. Linnaeus makes the dis- tinction betwixt the calyx and corolla, to consist in the for- mer having its segments or petals alternate with the stami- na; whereas the latter has its parts or leaflets opposite to them. This appears from the inspection of the class tetran- dria and pentandria, &,c. XX. Number of Parts. 649. Monopetalous, (monopetala, monopetale,) consisting only of one petal, or coloured leaf. Ex. Primula. 650. Dipetalous, (dipetala, depetale,) having two petals. Ex. Circea. 651. Tripetalous, (tripetala, tripe'tale,) having three petals. Ex. Tradescantia. 652. Tetrapetalous, (tetrapetala, tetrapetale,) composed of four petals. Ex. Cheiranthus. 653. Pentapetalous, (pentapctala, pentapetale,) consisting of rive petals, as the Dog Rose 654. Hexapetalous, (hexapetala, hex ipetale,) composed of six petals. Ex. Lilium. 655. Polypetalous, (polypetala, polypetale,) consisting of many petals. Ex. Nymphaea. Observation 1. Linnseus uses this term in opposition to the monopetalous corolla. By other writers ;t is usually put down for a flower, consisting of more than six petals.— Martyn. I COROLLAS. 95 2. The office of the petals is to guard the iuternal and more essential parts of the flow cr, also to furnish a resting place for insects, in search of honey, and to absorb light, and liberate azotic gas, for the benefit of the flower. Dar- win esteems the corolla as the lungs of the stamens and pistils, and with great probability.—Smith. 656. Regular, (regularis, regulitre,) equal in the figure, size, and proportion of parts, of which we enumerate the following kinds : XXI. Monopetalous. XXII. Regular Corollas. 657. Bell-shaped, or campanulate, (campanu- lata, campanulee,) having the f. nn of a bell. Ex. Campanula. 658. Globular, or globose, (globosa, globu- leuse, en grelot,) in the form of a bell, but hav- ing the orifice pursed in, so that it has a round- ish appearance. Ex. Andromeda. 659. Funnel-shaped, or infundibuliform, (in- fundibuliformis, infundibuliform, en entonnoir,) having a conical border placed upon a tube. Ex. Nicotiana. 660. Salver-shaped, or hypocrateriform, (hy- pocrateriformis, hypocrateriforme,) having the border spread out horizontally, and placed upon a tube. Ex. Phlox. Observation. This resembles an old-fashioned salver.—■ Martyn 96 COROLLAS. 661. Wheel-shaped, rotate, (rotata, en roue, the limb spreading flat, with scarce any tube' Ex. Kalmia. Observation. Without any tube.—Martyn, XXIII. Their Tube. Observation. Tubus is a Latin word, signifying a tube, or hollow pipe, and is put for the lower, narrow, hollow part of a monopetalous, or one-petalled corolla, by which it is fixed into the receptacle.—Martyn. 662. Straight, (rectus, droit,) without any bend. Ex. Pervinca. 663. Bent, or bowed, (arcuatus, coarbe',) hav- ing some bend. Ex. Duranta. 664. Cylindrical, or round, (cylindricus, cy- lindrique,) without any angles. 665. Filiform, (gracitis, delie, filiforme,) fine like a thread. 666. Bellied, or ventricose, (ventricosus, ven- tru, renfle,) more swelled at the middle, than at either its base or orifice. 667. Appenda^ed, (appendieidatus, appendi- cule.) furnished with some additions distinct from the tube. XXIV. Orifice. Observation. Fcux is a Latin term, signifying throat, be- ing the opering of the tube of the corolla Where the claws of the v•-•'ypetalons corolla join, so as to form a tube. this term is likewise applied.—Martyn. COROLLAS. 97 668. Closed, (clausa, clos, ferine",) as if stran- gled at its entrance. 669. Dilated, (dilatata, dilate", ouvert,) more open than the other part of the tube. Ex. Mi- rabilis. 670. Five-sided, pentagonal, (pentagona, pen- tagone,) having five distinct regular sides 671. Prominent, (prominens, saillant,) the tube forming a kind of starting out underneath the limb. 672. Naked, (nuda, nud,) without any hairs, or appendages. 673. Crowned, (coronata, couronne,) border- ed by certain projections, somewhat resembling a crown. 674. Cloathed, (villosa, pilosa, velu,) furnish- ed with hairs, &c. 675. Tuberculated, or sealed, (glandulosa, squamosa, tubercule, ecailleux,) furnished with glands, or with a kind of scales, which obstructs more or less the entrance into the tube. XXV. Limb. Observation. The limb is the border or upper dilated part of a monopetalous corolla. Since we have only the word border in English, to express the upper spreading part, both in this and the polypetalous corolla, it would be perhaps better to preserve the Latin term limbus (limb) to this. For limb, as applied to express the border, we have the authority of astronomers. 676. Plicate, (plicatus, plisse,) presenting re- gular foldings, like a fan. 9 98 COROLLAS. 677. Spreading, (patens, etale, ouvert,) form- ing a right angle with the tube. 678. Straight, (rectus, droit,) parallel to the axis of the tube. 679. Reflexed, (refiexus, renverse,) bent back towards the tube. XXVI. Monopetalous. XXVII. Irregular corollas. 680. Ringent, (labiata, labiee,) having the border of the corolla like two lips, and these open, placed upon a tube. Ex. Lamium album. Observation. A ringent flower is an irregular one-petal- led corolla, the border of which is usually divided into two parts, called the upper and lower lips. The first has some- times the name of galea, or helmet : the second of bar- ba, or beard. The opening between them is named ric- tus, or the gape: the opening of the tube, faux, the throat or jaws: the prominent swelling in the Faux is palatum, the palate ■. the upper part of the tube is collum, the neck. —Martyn. 681. Personate, (personata, personne-,) having the border of the corolla like the lips, the mouth closed, greatly resembling the snout of an ani- mal, also placed upon a tube. Antirhinum. Observation. A personate, or masked corolla, is defined by Linnasus to be " a ringent corolla, but with the lips closed at the inside of the palate;" but ringent, which ex- presses gaping, is a contradiction in terms. It would be better to define it a species of labiate corolla, with the lips closed.—Martyn. COROLLAS. 99 682. Tubular, (tubulata, tubule'e,) is when the floret of a compound flower ends in a tube, the border being five cleft. Ex. Artichoke. Observation. A tubulbus floret is one which has a bell- shaped border, with five reflex segments, rising from a tube.—Martyn. 683. Ligulate, (ligulata, ligulee, ou en lan- guette,) another species of compound flower, where the florets have their corollets spreading out flat, and placed upon a tubular base. Observation. Petal of the corolla like the strap of a shoe. 684. Compound, (composita, composee,) con- sisting of both kinds of corollas, viz. tubular and ligulate florets. Observation. The word compound is used to express where several florets are enclosed in a common perianth, and on a common receptacle, with the anthers connected in a cylinder round the tube. It is also again employed to express where tubular florets are found in the disk, or cen- tre, and ligulate in the ray, or circumference. They are the radiati, rayed flowers of Tournefort. XXVIII. Regular Polypetalous. 685. Rosaceous, or rose-like, (rosacea, rosa- cee,) consisting of four or more regular petals, inserted into the receptacle by a short broad claw, as in the Dog Rose. Observation. The Piony, Poppy, &,c. are examples. 686. Cruciform, or cross-shaped, (cruciformes, 100 COROLLAS. seu cruciatcs, cruciforme,) composed of four equal petals, spreading out in the form of a cross. Observation. The four petals have the form of a St. An- drew's cross, the lower part is called the unguis, or claw, and the upper part tolamen, or border, each petal having the appearance of a battledore. The claw is somewhat longer than the border. 687. Pink-like, (caryophyllata, fleur en ceillet,) consisting of five regular petals, ending, at the bottom in a long narrow claw. Observation. Resembling a single pink or carnation. The petals are in form like the former. XXIX. Irregular Polypetalous. 688. Papilionaceous, or butterfly-shaped, (pa- pilionacea, papillonacee,) consisting of four pe- tals, producing the appearance of a butterfly on the wing. Observation. These turn against the wind, as may be re- marked on a blustering day, presenting the banner to the wind. The lower petal is shaped like a boat, and is called carina, or keel: the upper petal, which spreads and rises upwards, is called vexillum, the standard or banner: the two side ones stand singly, being separated by the keel, and are called aim, the wings. The keel is sometimes split, and then the corolla is properly five-petalled. Sometimes these are called Pea-blossomed flowers, the pea being the most remarkable genus of this natural tribe. 689. Anomalous, (anomala, anomale,) formed of different sized petals, the flowers not being papilionaceous. Ex. Aconitum. nectarv. 181 XXX. Duration. 690. Caducous, (caduca, caduque,) the corol- la falling off before the dropping of the stamina. 691. Deciduous, (decidua,) falling with the stamina. 692. Marcescent, (marcescens, marcescente,) withering, but not dropping. XXXI. Colour. 693. White, (alba, blanche.) 694. "jferple, (purpurea, pourpre.) 695. Scarlet, (coccinea, ecarlate.) 696. Violet, (violacea, violette.) 697. Blue, (ccerulea, bleue.) 698. Azure, (cyanea, azuree ) 699. Green, (viridis, verte.) 700. Yellow, (lutea, jaune.) 701. Brown, (fusca, brune.^ 702. Variegated, (varicgata, panachee,) of different colours. Observation. It may be just remarked, that the same terms apply equally to the corolla, as the calyx, under head IX. p. 87. as lobed, partite. Lc. and a segment is in Latin called lacinia, and the segment of a segment, laci- nule, (lacinula.) XXXII. Of the Nectary. 703. Nectary, (nectarium, la nectaire,) pro- perly speaking, that part which secretes and con- tains the honey. Ex. Passion-flower. 9* 102 NECTARY. Observation. The term nectary is a complex idea. Eve- ry singular appearance of the flower, whether it secretes honey, or not, if none of the seven parts of fructification, is called by botanists, the nectary. The following are amongst the most prominent examples : 704. A spur, or horn, (nect. corniculatum,) as in larkspur, (delphinium.) 705. A small open cup, (cyathus apertus,) small hollow cups, circularly ranged in the interior of the flower, as in hellebore, (helleborus.) 706. A cup closed by a lid, (cyathus clausus,) a similar arrangement of nectaries, as in the pre- ceding, but closed with a lid, as in dejril in the bush, (nigella.) 707. Like the cut finger of a glove, (nect. cam- panulatum,) hollowed like the finger of a glove cut off, but depending, as in renealmia, limodo- rum. 708. Like a funnel, (nect. infundibuliforme,) as in narcissus. 709. Like a slipper, (nect. calceiforme,) as in lady's slipper, (cypripedium.) 710. A simple cavity, (fovea excavata,) an ex- cavation at the base of each petal, as in crown imperial, (fritillaria.) 711. A naked channel, (linea longitudinal! s excavata,) a hollow longitudinal groove in a pe- tal, as in white Lily, (lilium album.) 712. Villous projections, (nect. barbatum,) nu- merous villi placed upon the petal, as in some species of Iris. 713. Filaments without anthers, imitating sta NECTARY. 103 inina, (filamcnta sine antheris, veluti stamina,) filiform projections like stamina, each terminat- ed with aclasper, as in Arum. 714. Petal-like, (nee. petalum mentiens,) as in Snow-Drop, (Galanthus,) and Trollius. 715. Resembling a nest of doves, (columbulos referens,) five cornuted nectaries, the whole re- sembling much a nest of doves, as in Columbine, (Aquilegia.) 716. Resembling dolphins, figuram delphini reprcesentans,) like a dolphin, elevated on a pillar or filament, as in Monkshood, (Aconitum ) 111. Like a tongue, (veluti lingua,) as in In- dian Reed, (Cauna Indica) 718. Resembling rays of glory, (fiJamenta ver- sicolorata in orbem posita,) projections in the form of rays of glory, as in the several Passion- flowers. 719. Giving the appearance of various animals, (nect. formam animalium mentiens,) as in the se- veral Orchises. 720. A naked scale, (squama nuda,) as in Ra- nunculus and Willow. 721. A fringed scale, (squama fimbriata,) as in Parnassia. 722. Glands upon the stamens, (glandidce fila- mentis adsperscv,) as in Dittany, (Dictamnus.) 723. Gland- at the insertion of stamens, (glun- du'a-filumentispositce,) as in the Stock. 104 THE SEVEN PARTS OF FLOWERS. XXXIII. The Seven constituent Parts of Flowers. Flowers, although apparently so diversified, consist only of seven Parts 1 724. I. Pistil, (pistdlum,\e pistil,) in the cen- tre of the flower. 725. II. The Stamen, (stamen, les stamines,) exterior to this. Observation. Both these are projecting bodies, being ex- tensions of the pith and icood. The Pistil is discriminated by a swollen base, which is the seed-vessel, or Germen, which being opened, discloses the seeds. The Stamen is discriminated by having a part tvhich forms and contains coloured Pollen, hence called an Anther by botanists. A perfect Pistil is composed of three Parts. 726. The Stigma, (stigma, le stigmate,) at top, rarely absent, though sometimes obscure. 727. The Style, (styus, le style,) elevating the stigrna, not absolutely essential. 728. The Germen, (germen, lovaire,) or seed- vessel in the infant state, always present. A perfect Stamen is composed of two Parts. 729. The Anther, (anthera, l'anthere,) at top, containing the fertilizing dust, (pollen, Poussiere fecondante,) always present. 730. The Filament, (filamentum, le filet,) ele- vating the anther, not so essential, being absent in some flowers. For the protection and nourishment of the central organs of vegetables, (viz. the Pistilla and PERICARPS. 105 Stamina,) Nature has usually furnished two other I Parts. 731. III. The Corolla, (corolla,) interior.— Vide No. 648. 732 IV. The Calyx, (calyx,) exterior. Vide { No. 593. Observation. Both expanded bodies, being expansions of j the bark and rind. As an appendage to the Corolla, there is found in some plants, 733. V. The Nectary, (nectarium,) for the se- creting and containing of honey. Vide No. 703. 734. VI. The Pericarp, (pericurpium,) which is only the germen enlarged, filled with mature seeds. Vide No. 736. 735. VII. The Receptacle, (receptaculum,) the basis upon which all the other parts rest. Observation. This last part is very conspicuous in the '■ Poppy, aud the compound flowers. ' XXXIV. The different Pericarps. Ten different sorts of Pericarps, or Seed-ves- sels, are enumerated by botanists. 736. I. Drupe, (drupa, le drupe,) is a pulpy seed-vessel, encompassing a stone, or nut. 737. II. Pome, (pomum, la pomme,) is a pulpy seed-vessel, not enclosing a stone, or nut, in the middle of which are radiated cells for the reception of seeds. 106 PERICARPS. 738. III. Berry, (bacca, la baie,) is a pulpy seed-vessel, without radiated cells in the centre, having the seeds irregularly dispersed through- out the pulp. 739. IV. Follicle, (folliculus, le follicule,) is a membranous seed-vessel, of one valve, opening longitudinally, i. e. on the side, and having no apparent suture for fastening or attaching the seeds within it. 740. V. Silique, (siliqua, la silique,) is a mem- branous seed-vessel, of two valves, with a dis- sepiment intervening, seeds attached alternately to the upper and under sutures, seed-vessel longer than broad, flowers cruciform. 741. VI. Silicle, (silicula, la silicule,) has the same definition as the last, except that the seed- vessel is broader than long. 742. VII. Legume, (legumen,\e legume,) is a membranous seed-vessel, of two valves, no dis- sepiment, seeds attached to the superior suture only, flowers papilionaceous. 743. VIII. Capsule, (capsula, la capsule,) is a membranous seed-vessel, varying in the num- ber of valves, without the characters of peri- carps 739, 740, 741, 742, as defined above, splits in a determinate manner into valves. 744. IX. Nut, (nux, la noix,) a hard stone, or shell, enclosing a kernel, but without a pulpy covering, in which case it would be a Drupe. 745. X. Strobile, (strobilus, le cone,) is a seed- vessel composed of ligneous scales, which em- brace the seeds within their bosom. SEEDS. 107 XXXV. Terms applied to Pericarps. 746. Valves, (valvulaz, les valves,) are the ex- ternal pieces forming the sides of the seed-ves- sel. 747. Sutures, (sutures, les sutures,) the edg- es, or margins, by which the valves are connect- ed. 748. Column, (columella, la coluyhelle,) a cen- tral point of union of the partitions' in the seed- vessel. Observation. Often serving the office o£ receptacles of the seeds. 74^. Partitions, (dissepimenta, les cloison,) the division offhe-seed-vessel into'cells. 750. Cells, (loculi, les logues,) hollow places for the reception of the seeds. 751. One-seeded, (monospermus, monosperme.) 752. Two-seeded, (dispermus, disperme,) and so on. XXXVI. The different Kinds of Seeds. The following are striking examples : 753. A double seed, each resembling a boat, (semen duplex, navicularformam reproesentanj,) as in the Umbelliferas. 754. Kidney-shaped, with heptagon and penta- gon cells, (reniforme, cellulis pentugonis et hepta- goni>,) as in Poppy-seed, (Semen Papaveris.) |l 108 SEEDS. h 755. Ovate, (ovatum,) shaped like an egg, as !.! in Eyebright, (Euphrasia.) | 756. Globular, (globosum,) as in the Pea, (Pi- tt sum,) and Coriander, (Coriandrurn.) I 757. Square, (tetragonum,) having four sides, Is as in Foxglove, (Digitalis.) I 758. Triangular, (triangulare,) having three i; sides, as in Tansy, (Tanacetum.) • 759. Cylindric, (oblongum,) oblong, as in St. j! John's wort, (Hypericum.) 760. Resembling a particular shell, (figuram conches mentiens,) as in the Wood-sorrel, (Oxalis.) * 761. Ditto, as in Purslane, (Portulacca.) 762. Ditto, as in Cinquefoil, (Potentilla.) 763. Resembling the head of a monkey, (figu- ram cynocephali reprcesentans,) as in the Cocoa- nut. 764. A single crown, (corona simplex,) as in Ragwort, Se necio.) 765. A double crown, (corona duplex,) as in Holy Thistle, (Centaurea benedicta.) j 766. A shuttle-cock, (corona pennacea,) as in Dandelion, (Leontodon.) XXXVH. Terms applied to Seeds. 767. Aril, (arillus, Parille,) is the outer coat of the seed. 768. Eye, (hilum, umbilic externe,) an oblong scar, marking the place where the seed was af- fixed by an umbilical cord to the seed-vessel. SEXUAL SYSTEM. 109 769. Heart, (corculum, Pembryon,) the rudi- ment of the young plant within the seed. 770. Plume, (plumula, la plumule,) the as- cending part of the corcule, or infant stem. 771. Radicle, (radicula, la radicule,) the de- scending part, or infant root. 772. Cotyledons, (cotyledones, les cotyledons,) the side-lobes, furnishing nourishment to the cor- culum. 773. Seminal leaves, (folia seminalia, les lobes seminaux.) the first leaves of the plantule, serv- ing the office of cotyledons, or lobes. 774. Pappus, (pappus, F aigrette,) a feathery crown. 775. Stipe, (stipes, le stipe,) a thread con- necting the pappus to the seed. XXXVIII. The Twenty-four Classes of the Sexual System of Linncvus. 776. First class. Monandria. One Stamen. 777. Second class. Diandria. Two Stamens, or Stamina, 778. Third class. Triandria. Three Stamens. 779. Fourth class. Tetrandria. Four Stamens, of equal length. 780. Fifth class. Pentandria. Five Stamens, anthers not united. 781. Sixth class. Hexandria. Six Stamens, all of equal length. 782. Seventh class. Heptandria. Seven Sta- mens. 10 110 SEXUAL SYSTEM. 783. Eighth class. Octandria. Eight Stamens. 784. Ninth class. Enneandria. Nine Stamens. 785. Tenth class. Decandria. Ten Stamens, filaments separate. 786. Eleventh class. Dodecandria. Twelve Stamens, to nineteen, inserted on the recepta- cle. 787. Twelfth class. Icosandria. Twenty, or more Stamens, inserted upon the calyx or co- rolla. 788. Thirteenth class. Polyandria. Many Sta- mens, inserted into the receptacle. 789. Fourteenth class. Didynamia. Four Sta: mens, two long, two short; flowers ringent. 790. Fifteenth class. Tetradynamia. Six Sta- mens, four long, two short ; flowers cruciform. 791. Sixteenth class. Monadelphia. Filaments united at bottom, but separate at top. 792. Seventeenth class. Diadelphia. Filaments united in two sets. 793. Eighteenth class. Polyadelphia. Fila- ments united in three, or more sets. 794. Nineteenth class. Syngenesia. Anthers united. Five Stamens. 795. Twentieth class. Gynandria. Stamens in- serted on the pistil, or on a pillar elevating the pistil. 796. Twenty-first class. Moncecia. Stamens and pistils in separate corollas, upon the same plant. * 797. Twenty-second class. Dicecia. Stamens SEXUAL SYSTEM. Ill and pistils in distinct corollas, upon different iji. plants. j; 798. Twenty-third class. Polygamia. Various Jf situations. Stamens only, or pistils only, along j. with bisexual flowers. I 799. Twenty-fourth class. Cryptogamia. Sta- ,f mens and pistils inconspicuous. XXXIX. General Observations. Class III. Triandria, contains chiefly the na- •! tural tribe of grasses. Class V. Pentandria, has the lurid plants, a poisonous tribe, also the um~ belliferce. Class VII. Hexandria, the lilies. Class XII. Icosandria, contains the edible fruit. Class XIII. Polyandria, has many poisonous plants. Class XlV. Didynamia, has the natural tribe of ringent flowers. Class XV. Tetradyna- mia, contains the natural tribe of cruciform flow- ers, which are antiscorbutic. Class XVI. Mo- nadelphia, is composed chiefly of the mallow tribe. Class XVII. Diadelphia, consists of the papilionaceous tribe, which produce mostly edi- ble seeds. Class XVIII. Syngenesia, possess the compound flowers. The other classes are not composed of natural tribes, except Class XXIV, Cryptogamia, which has the natural tribes of ferns, mosses, seaweeds, and mushroomsi XL. Classes and Orders of the Sexual System, ex- plained and illustrated by Examples. ITT 800. Class I. Monandria, (one stamen,) *', contains two Orders. | 112 SEXUAL SYSTEM. P' 801. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- : lum. Ex. Salicornia, (jointed glasswo t.) Can- ' na F.* (Indian flowcring-reed.) Ii 802. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. I Ex. Callitriche, (star-headed water chickweed.) [ Blitum, (strawberry spinage.) jl EP 803. Class II. Diandria, (two stamina,) yi' contains three Orders. ii: 804. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- ,. lum. Ex. Ligustrum, (privet.) Veronica, (speed- | rvell.) 805. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Anthoxanthum, (sweet-scented vernal-grass.) 806. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Piper, F. (pepper.) ILT 807. Class 111. Triandria, (three stamina,) contains three Orders. 808. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Valeriana, (valerian.) Crocus, (saf- ■ fron.)—Iris. 809. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. GraminaPleraque, (most of the grasses.) I 810. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. pl Ex. Montia, (water chickweed.) 'i HT 811. Class IV. Tetrandria, (four equal | stamina,) contains three Orders. Lr 812. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pisfil- ; lum Ex. Dipsacus, (teasel.) Scabiosa, (scabi- t ous.) Plantago, (plaintain.) i * F. means foreign, those not marked so, are the natural i' produce of England. SEXfALSYSTEM. 113 813. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Aphanes, (parslcy-piert.) 814. Order 3. Tetragynia, having four Pistil- la. Ex. Potamogeton, (pondweed.) HT 815. Class V. Pentandria, (five stamina,) contains six Orders. 816. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Primula, (primrose.) Convolvulus, —Lonicera, (honeysuckle.) 817. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Gentiana Centaurium, (centaury.) Conium, (hemlock.) Ulmus, (elm.) 818. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Viburnum, (wayfaring tree.) Sambucus (elder.) 819. Order 4. Tetragynia, having four Pistil- la. Ex. Parnassia, (grass of Parnassus') 820. Order 5. Pentagynia, having five Pistilla. Ex. Statice, (thrift.) Linum, (flax.) Drosera, (sundew.) 821. Order G. Polygynia, having many Pistil- la. Ex. Myosuru9, (mouse-tail.) ET 822. Class VI. Hexandria, (six equal sta- mina,) contains five Orders. 823. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Hyacinthus, (hyacinth.) Convallaria, (lily of the valley.) Narcissus, (daffodil.) 824. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Oryza. F. (rice.) 825. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Rumex, (dock.) Colchicum, (meadow-saf- fron.) 10* 114 SEXUAL SYSTEM. 826. Order 4. Tetragynia, having four Pistil- la. Ex. Petiveria, F. (guinea henweed.) 827. Order 5. Polygnia, having many Pistilla. Ex. Alisma, (water plaintain.) [LT 828. Class VII. Heptandria, (sevenstami- na,) contains four Orders. 829. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Trientalis, (chickweed, winter green.) jEsculus, F. (horse chestnut.) 830. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Limeum, F. 831. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Sarurus, F. (lizard's-tail) 832. Order 4. Hepiagynia, having seven Pis- tilla. Ex. Septas, F. !LT 833. Class VIII. Octandria, (eight stami- na,) contains four Orders. 834. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum Ex. Epilobium, (willow herb.) Erica, (heath.) Daphne, (mezerion.) 835. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Galenia, F.—Weinmannia, F. (mountain chickweed.) 836. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Polygonum, (bistort.) Persicaria, (knot grass.) 837. Order 4. Tetragynia, having four Pistil- la. Ex. Paris, (herb Paris.) Adoxa Moschatel- lina, (tuberous moschatel.) ILT 838. Class IX. Enneandria, (nine stami- na,) contains three Orders. 5EXUAL SYSTEM. 115 839. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Laurus, F. (laurel.) 840. Order 2. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Rheum, F. (rhubarb.) 841. Order 3. Hexagynia, having six Pistilla. Ex. Butomus, (flowering rush.) Cr 842. Class X. Decandria, (ten stamina,) contains five Orders. 843. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Arbutus, (strawberry tree.) Ruta, F. (rue.) Pyrola, (winter green.) 844. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Saxifraga, (saxifrage.) Dianthus, (pink.) Saponaria, (soap-wort.) 845. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Cucubalus, (spoiling poppy.) Stellaria, (stichwort.) 846. Order 4. Pentagynia, having five Pistil- la. Ex. Sedum, (stonecrop.) Oxalis, (wood-sor- rel.) Agrostemma, (cockle.) Lychnis, (mea- dow pink.) 847. Order 5. Decagynia, having ten Pistilla. Ex. Basella, F. (American night-shade.) CEP 848. Class XI. Dodecandria, (twelve to nineteen stamina,) contains six Orders. 849. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- Ium. Ex. Asarum, (asarabacca.) Lythrum, (purple striped loosestrife.) 850. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Agrimonia, (agrimony.) Heliocarpus, F. 851. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistil- 116 SEXUAL SYSTEM. la. Ex. Reseda, (dicr's weed.) Euphorbia, (spurge.) 852. Order 4. Pentagynia, having five Pistil- la. Ex. Glinus, F. 853 Order 5. Dodecagynia, having twelve Pistilla. Ex. Sempervivum, (houseleek.) 854. Order 6. Polygnia, having many Pistil- la. Ex. Alisma, F. (Er 855. Class XII. Icosandria, (twenty or more stamina on the calyx or corolla,) contains five Or- ders. 856. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Prunus, (black thorn.) Myrtus, F. (myrtle.) Amygdalus, F. (almond-) 857. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla. Ex. Crataegus, (hawthorn.) 858. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistilla. Ex. Sorbus, {mountain ash.) 859 Order 4. Pentagynia, having five Pistilla. Ex. Mespilus, (medlar.) Spiraea Ulmaria, (mea- dow sweet.) S. Filipendula, (drop-wort.) 860. Order 5. Polygnia, having many Pistilla. Ex. Rosa, (rose.) Rubus, (bramble.) Tormen- tilla, (torm.cntil.) Fragaria, (strawberry.) [LT 861. Class XIII. Polyandria, (twenty or more stamina on the receptacle,) contains seven Orders. 862. Order 1. Monogynia, having one Pistil- lum. Ex. Papaver, (poppy.) Chelidonium, (ce- landine.) Nymphsea, (water lily.) 863. Order 2. Digynia, having two Pistilla, SEXUAL SYSTEM. 117 Ex. Fothergilla, F.—Calligonum, F.—Paeonia, F.—(pi^ny.) 864. Order 3. Trigynia, having three Pistil- la. Ex. Delphinium, (larkspur.) Aconitum, (monkshood.) 865. Order 4. Tetragynia, having four pistil- la. Ex. Cimicifuga, F.—Tetracera, F.—Caryo- car, F. 866. Order 5. Pentagynia, having five Pistil- la. Ex. Aquilegia, (columbine.) Reaumuria, F.—Nigella, F. (fennelflower.) 867. Order 6. Hexagynia, having six Pistilla. Ex. Stratiotes, (fresh-mater soldier.) 868. Order 7. Polygynia, many Pistilla. Ex. Adonis, (pheasant's eye.) Ranunculus, (crowfoot.) Helleborus, (hellebore.) [LT 869. Class XlV. Didynamia, (four long stamens, two short,) contains two Orders. 870. Order 1. Gymnospermia, Seeds naked in the bottom of the calyx. Ex. Glechoma, (ground ivy.) Lamium, (dead nettle.) Melissa, (baum.) 871. Order 2. Angiospermia, Seeds contained in a pericarp. Ex. Antirrhinum, (snap dragon.) Digitalis, (foxglove.) Scrophularia, (water belo- ny.) ILT 872. Class XV. Tetradynamia, (four lortg stamens, two short,) contains two Orders. 873. Older 1. Siliculosa, Seeds in a small, short, or round pod. Ex Draba, (whitlow-grass.) Hesperis, (honesty.) Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris? (shepherd"1 s-purse.) 874. Order 2. Siliquosa, Seeds in a long slen- 118 Sexual system. derpod. Ex-CheiranthuSj^aW-^ower.) Bras- sica, (cabbage.) Sinapis, (mustard ) IE? 875. Class XVI. Monadelphia, (filaments united at bottom into one body,) contains five Or- ders. 876. Order 1. Pentandria, having five stami- na. Ex. Hermannia, F.—Wakheria, F.—Melo- chia, F. 877. Order 2. Decandrip, having ten stamina. Ex. Geranium, (crane's-bill.) 878. Order 3. Endecandria, having eleven stamina. Ex. Brownea, F. 879. Order ^4. Dodecandria, having twelve stamina. Ex. Pentapetes, F. 880. Order 5. Polyandria, having many sta- mina. Ex. Malva, (mallow.) HT 881. Class XVII. Diadelphia, (ditto united at bottom into two bodies,) contains four Orders. 882. Order 1. Pentandria, having five stamina. Ex. Monnieria, F. 883. Order 2. Hexandria, having six stamina- Ex. Fumaria, (fumitory.) 884. Order 3. Octandria, having eight stami- na. Ex. Polygala, (milk-wort.) 885. Order 4. Decandria, having ten stamina. Ex. Pisum, (pea.) Ulex, (furze.) Trifolium, (trefoil.) IE? 886. Class XVIII. Polyadelphia, (ditto, united at bottom into three or more bodies,) con- tains four Orders. 887. Order 1. Pentandria, having five stamina Ex. Theobroma, F. SEXUAL SYSTEM. 1 11' 888. Order 2. Dodecandria, having twelve stamina. Ex. Monsonia, F. 889. Order 3. Icosandria, having twenty sta- mina. Ex. Citrus, F. (orange.) 890. Order 4. Polyandria, having many sta- mina. Ex. Hypericum, (St. Johns wort.) C? 891. Class XIX. Syngenesia, (five united anthers,) contains six Orders. 892. Order 1. Polygamia cequalis, when all the flosculi, or florets, are bisexual. Ex. Leon- todon, (dandelion) Sonchus, (sow thistle.) Hi- eracium, (hawkweed.) Carduus, (common this- tle.) 893. Order 2. Polygamia superflua, when the florets in the centre are bisexual, and those in the circumference female. Ex. Anthemis, (may. :cced.) Bellis, (daisy.) Senecio, (groundsel.) Chrysanthemum, (ox-eye daisy.) Tussilago, (coltsfoot.) Inula, (elecampane.) 894. Order 3. Polygamia frustranea, when the florets in the centre are bisexual, and those in the circumference barren. Ex. Centaurea, (blue bottle, knapweed.) Helianthus, F. (sunflow- er.) Rudbeckia, F. 895. Orders. Polygamia necessaria, when the bisexual florets in the centre produce no seed, but the pistil florets in the circumference pro- duce perfect seed. Ex. Calendula, F. (mart. gold.) Silphium, F.—Gnaphalium, (cudweed.) Arctotis, F. 896. Order 5. Polygamia, segregata, many partial or proper calyxes within the common ca- 120 SEXUAL SYSTEM. lyx, separating the flosculi or florets. Ex. Echi- nops, F (globe thistle.) Gundelia, F.—Stcebe, F.—OZdera, F.—Speranthus, F. 897. Order 6. Polygamia monogamia, contains simple flowers, (i. e. not compound,) which have their anthers united. Ex. Viola, (violet.) Im- patiens, (touch-me-not, balsam, F.) Lobelia, (cardinalflower, F.) IE? 898. Class XX. Gynandria, (stamensgrow- ing out of the pistil, or an elongated receptacle,) contains eight Orders. 899 Order 1. Diandria, having two stamina. Ex. Orchis. Cypripedium, (ladies'-slipper.) 900. Order 2. Triandria, having three stami- na. Ex. Sisyrinchium, F.—Ferraria, F. 901. Order 3. Teirandria, having four stami- na. Ex. Nepenthes, F. 902. Order 4 Pentandria, having five stami- na. Ex. Passiflora, F. (passion flower.) Glu- ta, F. 903. Order 5. Hexandria, having six stamina. Ex. Aristolochia, F.—Pistia, F. 904. Order 6. Decandria, having ten stamina. Ex. Kleinhovia, F.—Helicteres, F. (screw tree.) 905 Order 7. Dodecandria, having twelve stamina. ■ Cytinus, F. 906. Order 8 Polyandria, having many sta- mina. Ex. Arum, (cuckow-pint) IE? 907. Class XXI. Moncecia, contains ele- ven Orders. 908. Order 1. Monandria, having one stamen. SEXUAL SYSTEM. 121 Ex. Chara. Zannichellia, (horned pondweed,) Elaterium, F. (wild cucumber.) 909. Order 2. Diandria, having two stamina. Ex. Lemna, (duckmeat.) Ana;uria, F. 910. Order 3. Triandria, having three stami- na. Ex. Sparganium, (burr-reed.) Typha, (cat's tail.) Carex. 911. Order 4. Tetrandria, having four stami. na. Ex. Urtica, (nettle.) Ml rus, F. (mulberry.) Buxus, (box.) Betula, (birch.) 912. Order 5. Pentandria, having five stami- na. Ex. Xanthiutn, (lesser burdock ) Amaran- thus, F. (amaranth.) 913. Order 6. Hexandria, having six stamina. Ex Zizania, F.—Pharus, F. 914. Order 7. Heptandria, having seven sta- mina. Ex. Guettarda. 915. Order 8. Polyandria, more than seven stamina. Ex Fagus, (beech.) Sagittaria, (arrow head.) Corylus, (hazel.) Quercus, (ouk.) 916. Order 9. Monadelphia, Filaments united in one body. Ex. Pinus, (fir.) Hura, F. (sand- box tree.) Thuya, F. (arbor vitce.) Cupressus, F. (cypress.) Ricinus, F. (palmi christi.) 917. Order 10. Syngenesia, anthers united. Ex. Cucumis, F. (cucumber.) Tricosanthes, F. (serpent cucumber?) Cucurbita, F. (gourd.) Mo- mordica, (balsam apple.) 918. Order 11. Gynandria, stamina growing out of the pistillam. Ex. Andrachhe, (bastard orpine.) Agueja, F. 11 122 SEXUAL SYSTEM. IE? 919. Class XXII. Dicecia, contains four- teen Orders. 920. Order 1. Monandria, having one stamen. Ex. Najas, F 921. Order 2. Diandria, having two stamina. Ex. Salix, (willow.) Vallisneria, F. 922. Order 3. Triandria, having three stamii na. Ex. Empetrum, (crow berries.) Osyris, F, (poet's cassia.) 923. Order 4. Tetrandria, having four stami- na. Ex. Hippohas, (sea-buckthorn.) Viscum, (misletoe.) Myrica, (gale.) 924. Order 5. Pentandria, having five stami- na. Ex. Cannabis, F. (hemp.) Humulus, (hop.) Spinachia, F. (spinach) Pistachia, F. (pistachia nut.) 925 Order 6. Hexandria, having six stamina. Ex. Tamus, (black bryony.) Smilax, F. (rough bindwood.) Dioscorea, F. 926. Order 7. Octandria, having eight stami- na. Ex. Populus, (poplar.) Rhodiola, (rose root.) 927. Order 8. Enneandria, having nine stami- na. Ex. Mercurialis, (mercury.) Hydrocharis, (frogbit.) 928. Order 9. Decandria, having ten stamina. Ex. Carica, F. (papaw.) Schinus, (Indian mas- tich.) 929. Order 10. Dodecandria, having twelve stamina. Ex. Menispermuin, F. (moon seed.) Datisca, F. (bastard hemp.) SEXUAt SYSTEM. 123 930. Order 11. Polyadelphia, having many stamina. Ex. Cliflbrtia, F. 931. Order 12. Monadelphia, filaments united. Ex. Juniperus, (juniper.) Taxus, (yew.) Ephe- dra, F. (shrubby horsetail.) 932. Order 13. Syngenesia, anthers united. Ex. Ruscus, (butcher's broom.) 933. Order 14. Gynandria, stamina growing out of the pistillum. Ex. Clutia. IE? 934. Class XXIII. Polygamia, contains three Orders. 935. Order 1. Monceoia bisexual, and male or female flowers on the same plant. Ex. Valan- tia, (cross-wort.) Acer, (maple.) Parietaria, (pellitory of the wall.) Atriplex, (orach.) 936. Order 2. Diozcia, bisexual, and male of female flowers on separate plants. Ex. Fraxi- nus, (ash.) Diospyrus, F. (Indian date plumb.) Pisonia, F. (fingrigo.) Gleditsia, F. (three-thorn- ed acacia.) 937. Order 3. Tricecia, bisexual, male and fe- < male flowers, growing separately on three dis- tinct plants of the same species. Ex. Ceratonia, F. (carob tree.) Ficus, F. (fig tree.) IE? 938. Class XXIV. Cryptogamia, contains five Orders. 939. Order 1. Filiccs, comprehending the Fi- lices, (ferns.) Ophioglossum, (adder's tongue.) Equisetum, (horsetail.) Pilularia, (pepper-grass, &rc.) 940. Order 2. Musci, comprehending the Mus- ci, (mosses of different kinds.) 124 SEXUAL SYSTEM. 941. Order 3. Algce, including the fuci, (sea- weed.) Jungermannia, Lc. 942. Order 4. Fungi, containing the Agaricus, (mushroom.) Lycoperdon, (piffball,) and other plants of that tribe. 943. Order 5. Hepaticce, possessing the Liver- worts. Observation. The Sexual System, as it is called, has of late undergone several changes. The enlightened pupil of Linnaeus, Thunburg, has abolished classes XX. XXI. XX[f. and XXIII. Gmelin, professor at Gottingen, has abolished likewise class XII.:. and we have attempted almost a New System, formed out of the ashes of the old, which has met with the approbation of Professor Martyn, &c. l-'j REFORMED SEXUAL SYSTEM. BY DR. THORNTON. XLI. THE CLASSES. I. Classes taken from the number of stamina. I. Monandria one stamen. II. Diandria two stamina. III. Triandria three stamina. IV. Tetrandria four stamina. V. Pentandria five stamina. VI. Hexandria six stamina. VII. Heptandria seven stamina. VIII. Octandria eight stamina. IX. Enneandria nine stamina. X. Dccandria ten stamina. XI. Dodecandria 12 to 19 stamina. XII. Polyandria 20 or more stamina I. A closs taken from the obscurity of the stamina. XIII. Cnjptogamia concealed stamina 11* 126 REFORMED SEXUAL SYSTEM. XLH. ORDERS. II. Orders taken from the number of pistilla. I. Monogynia one pistillum. II. Digynia two pistilla. III. Trigynia three pistilla. IV. Tetragynia four pistilla. V. Pentagynia five pistilla. VI. Hexagynia six pistilla. VII. Heptagynia seven pistilla. VIII, Octogynia eight pistilla. IX. Enneagynia nine pistilla. X. Decagynia ten pistilla. XI. Dodecagynia 12 to 19 pistilla. XII. Polygynia 20 or more pistilla. II. Orders taken from some curious particularity in the stamina. XIII. Didynamia \ fof Stamina' tW° lt>nS' 3 ( two short. XIV. Tetradynamia \ si* staimna> four lonS. 3 ( two short. i twenty or more stami- XV. Icosandria ? na, inserted on the { calyx or corolla. XVI. Monadelphia $ filaments united in one r I body. XVII. Diadtlphia j filaments united, forming r ) two bodies. REMARKS OX SEXUAL SYSTEM. 127 C filaments united, form- XVIII. Polyadelphia 1 ing three, or more ( bodies. XIX. Syngenesia five anthers, united. vv y~, j . i stamina arising from the XX. Gynanana < .... ° C stamina apart from the XXI. Monozcia I pistil on the same ( plant. C stamina arising from XXII. Diozcia I the pistil on different ( plants. vv-iit n i S bisexual and unisexual XXIII. Polygamia ^ flowerg Class Cryptogamia has the Natural Orders, I. Filices. II. Musci. III. Algce. IV. Fungi. V. Hepaticve. XLIII. Remarks on some parts of the Sexual Sys* tern, including Reasons for our Reform. I. The Class IV. Tetrandria, being a numer- ous one, Linnaeus chose to separate it into two, and an opportunity presented itself from the con- sideration of the differences which occurred in plants having four stamina, from the proportion of these. Didynamia expresses this difference ; and the flowers are either ringent, or personate, a natural tribe. But as all the ringent flowers are not included in tl%- class Didynamia, some coming II 128 REMARKS ON SEXUAL SYSTEAL ji under class II. Diandria, there can be no good | reason for not making this real division of a class I into an order. The system hence becomes more I easy and regular, and in fact more frequently ap- I proaches to a perfect or natural system. II. The class VI. Hexandria, also readily se- ,K parates into two parts, from the like considera- w tion of the proportion in the stamina, and Tetra- RJ dynamia contains the natural tribe of cruciform us are not natural, but being made into or- ders, many of them then become natural as orders, as theColuninifera. V. The Papilionaceous flowers, as they are generally termed, form the order Decandria in the class XVII. Diadelphia, of Linnaeus ; but the author, unwilling, as it should seem, to make any breach in so natural an assemblage of plants, has so far deviated from the principles of his system, as to refer to that class several genera, which strictly belong to the preceding class, being in fact Monadelphious. This inconvenience is en- tirely obviated in the present scheme, where Monadclphia and Di delphia constitute two suc- cessive orders to the class X. Decandria. VI. Polyadelphia is a small, and, as Dr. Smith observes, " rather an unnatural class." Most persons are shocked to see citrus, the orange, in this class, and not in the Icosandria class ; for Linnaeus describes it of the class XVIII. Polya- delphit, order III Icosandria. Now in our Re- forme.l Sexual Susie.a. it comes under class XIII. Polyandri-t, order Icosandria, in juxta-position with other edible fruits, entering into our subdi- vision Poiyadelphia. VII. Class V. Pentandria, a very numerous class, is subdivided by .S.y/,genesia, and so formed into two classes by Linna-us, the latter of which, however, us containing an order, Monogamia, is not, therefore, altogether a natural class. We obviate this by making Syngencsia an order, and the subdivision Poiygamia to contain the natural 1130 REMARKS ON SEXUAL SYSTEM. tribe of compound flowers ; whilst, under ano- ther subdivision, Monogamia, several plants not having compound flowers, would arrange them- selves. VIII. Against Gynandria, which Dr. Smith calls " an odd and miscellaneous class," there lies the same objection, as we observed above, as i against the class Diadelphia, the numerical names J of classes being applied to orders. In our scheme, , class II. Diandria, has an order Gynandria, which contains the natural tribe of orchises ; and thus ' the mind is delighted to see a natural assemblage an order, if not as a class. The separation of the remainder cannot be regretted, a3 not pos- sessing amongst each other the smallest affinity. IX. Monozcia is a miscellaneous class, and bor- rows the name of its secondary divisions from most of the other classes, as Monandria, Dian- dria, &c. ; nay, even from Monadelphia, Syngene- sia, and Gynandria; for all these become, in Linnaeus's Sexual System, orders. In our scheme, class Triandria, which contains mostly grasses, has order Monozcia; hence it is we retain this natural assemblage in the same class at least, if not in the same order. X. Diozcia. The same remarks apply here, as to Monozcia. XI. Polygamia is subdivided by the classes Monozcia and Diazcia; these, in the logic of sci- ence are, therefore, in reality orders. OLA>b, ORDER, GENUS, SI'ECIES. 131 jjSE XLIV. Explanation of the Words, Class, Order, M Genus, and Species. t ' The number of plants formed by the omnipo- tent and all-wise Creator, are so vast, that, with- jj/ out the aid of method, the mind of man would be 'I '■ overpowered by this profusion in the bounty of God, and he could only imperfectly treasure up in the store-house of his brain, the various be- ings of the vegetable race. But by the aid of method, the difficulty arising from number is in a *!<1 great part obviated. The student, when examining any plant, has to settle, which has been before explained, 1st, the Class, 2dly,the Order, and then, 3dly, the Genus, which three advances in the science of Botany, it is of the utmost importance to well under- stand. Other sciences also have recourse to the aid of art, and as the latter is contrived to mount up with facility to a great height, so we rise to the acquisition of science step by step. For example, let us take astronomy, and we ' shall find that the philosopher has invented two hemispheres, the northern and the southern, di- ? vided by the ecliptic circle ; and the stars are f situate in one or the other of these two hemi- spheres. He next has fancied figures in the heavens, which are called constellations, which mean a cluster or assemblage of certain stars, and this greatly facilitates the acquirement of as- ;i . ti-onomv. So the botanist has also his grea'or 132 CLASS, ORDER, GENUS, SPECIES. divisions, or classes ; his smaller divisions, or orders ; and thirdly, his subaltern divisions, his genera, or assemblages of plants, all which agree in certain characters, and these possess one com- mon appellation ; for otherwise the memory must have been over-burthened with names. It is the same as respects the appellation of persons, as the several family names, and some have, instead of using the term genera of plant*, called these assemblages by the title, " the fami- lies of plants." The most common observer has not failed to notice the dilVerent sorts or kinds of Roses, con- stituting one family ; as the common Dos; Rose of the fields, and the garden Moss Rose, &c. Thus the several species of Geraniums natu- rally arrange together, constituting one genus, all agreeing, if not in the character of the corol- la, in that of the germen, which resembles in each a crane's-bill ; hence its appellation. The different sorts of Ranunculus all agree in having a nectary at the base of the unguis of the petal ; hence one common appellation", or gene- ric name. The PheasantVeye, Adonis, is not a ranunculus, only as wanting this generic charac- ter. Thus the several Passion Flowers all a°ree in a curious formed nectary, and the same classical character ; the stamina being five, beneath, and the nectaries in each species being rayod. And each genus, or family, contains a greater or less number ol species : thus we have two Marvels GENERIC AND SPECIFIC CHARACTERS. 133 of Peru, (Miribalis,) varying in the length of the tube, Lc. Genkric characters. These are always taken from the parts of fructification, and no other; and here some promi- nent feature must run through each species, as has been explained before, to constitute a genus.* Let us take for an example— The Rose, (Rosa.) Generic characters. Calyx, perianth, (No. 594, p. 87,) multifid, (No. 598, p. 88,) unequal, (No. 601, p. 88.) Corolla, pentapelalous, (No. 653, p. 94.) Specific characters. These are derived from every consideration, but chiefly from the leaves* as thus— Species 1. Dog rose, (rosa arvensis.) Flowers, cy- mose, (No. 580, p. 85.) Germen, globular, (No. 728, p. 104.) Peduncles, smooth, (No. 444, p. 71.) Stem and Petioles, prickly, (No. Ill, p 27.) Prickles bowed down- wards, (vide observation 1, p. 27.) Species 2. Burnet rose, (rosa si-inosissima.) Pedun- < i..es, hispid, (No. 444, p. 71.) Stem and Petioles, very prickly, (No. Ill, p. 27.) Prickles, straight. (Vide observa- tion 1, p. 27.) * These generic characters of plants may be seen in a work lately published, called " Practical Botany," where the characters are given, w-ith a plate of dissections to each genus. The specific characters in i In- " species of plants," by LimiKus. 12 I BOTANICAL QUESTIONS, FOR THE EXERCISE OF YOUTH. 1. What is the science of Botany ? (vide p. 5, where the answer will be found.) 2. Is botany a mere vocabulary of words? [ (vide p. 6.) 3. What is a tree ? (p. 7.) 4. How does a shriib differ from a tree, and an undershrub from a shrub ? (p. 7, 8.) 5. What is an herb ? (p. 8.) 6. What is an exotic plant ? (p. 8.) 7. When is a plant indigenous ? (p. 8.) 8. Describe the places where plants are found to grow ? (p. 9.) 9. What advantages can be derived from knowing the natural stations of plants ? (p. 10.) 10. What are cotyledons ? (p. 11.) 11. How are all plants divided into four dis- tinctions of cotyledons ? (p. 11.) 12. Do these parts serve the office of breasts to the young plant ? (p. 12.) 13. What is the definition of a root ? (p. 12.) 14. What are the radicles of roots ? (p. 12.) QUESTIONS. 135 15. What is called the caudex of roots ? (p. 12.) ! 16. What are the useful observations made on roots? (p. 12.) i 17. Define an annual and biennial root ? (p. 13.) 18. What is a fruticose plant ? (p. 14.) ' 19. When are plants said to be perennial? (P- 14.) 20. What is a bulbous root? (p. 14.) 21. What is a tuberous root ? (p. 15.) 22. What is a fibrous root ? (p. 15.) 23. Describe the twofold structure of roots ? (p. 15.) 24. When is a root said to be perpendicular ? When--------------- horizontal ? When--------------repent? (p. 15, 16.) 25. What are the forms of roots? (p. 16.) 26. How do the following roots differ, viz. the globular, solid, scaly, tunicated, knotty, articu- lated, fascicular, grumous, granulated, twin, pal- mated, fibrous, and premorse ? (p. 16, 17.) 27. Give the definition of a stem ? (p. 18.) 28. What is the descending and ascending cau- dex ? (p. 18.) 29. What are the kinds of stems ? (p. 18.) 30. How do the culm, scape, stem, and stipe differ? (p. 18.) 31. What do botanists mean by herbaceous, suff'ruticose, fruticose, and arboreous plants ? (p. 19.) 32. Define the following terms as respects the ■; j , 136 ©.UESTI0N3. I consistency of stems, viz. solid, succulent, cork ed, medullary, empty, rigid, and lax ? (p. 19, I 20.) I 33. What difference is there betwixt the bo- [ tanical terms erect and straight ? (p. 20.) 34. Define the following directions of stems, viz. the ascending, geniculate, flexuose, declin- ed, nodding, procumbent, prostrate, repent, sto- loniferous, sarmentose, climbing, and twining ? 1 (p. 21,22, 23.) 35. Are some plants found to twine always in the same direction ? (p. 23.) 36. Name the plants that follow opposite direc- tions, (p. 23.) 37. Define the following forms of stems, viz. the round, half-cylindric, compressed, ancipital, angular, triquetrous, four-cornered, membra- nous, and articulated, (p. 23, 24.) 38. Define these botanical expressions, re- specting the cloathing of plants, viz. naked, leaf- less, leafy, scaly, sheathed, imbricated, winged. (p. 24, 25.) 39. Define the surfaces of stems, as respects their being polished, striated, furrowed, channel- led, smooth, pubescent, hairy, hirsute, tomen- tose, scabrous, muricated, stinging, prickly, thorny, chinky. (p. 25, 26, 27.) 40. What is the difference betwixt polished and smooth ? (p. 25.) 41. What is the difference betwixt striated, furrowed, and channelled ? (p. 25.) i QUESTIONS. 137 42. What is the difference betwixt pubescent and hairy ? (p. 25, 26.) 43. How does hirsute differ from the forego- ing terms ? (p. 26.) 44. Do any other plants sting besides the net- tle ? (p. 27.) 45. How does the prickle and thorn differ? (p. 27.) 46. Define the composition of stems, viz. sim- ple, without knots, knotty, jointed, branched, dichotomous, stoloniferous, twiggy, proliferous, paniculate, and fastigiate. (p. 27, 28, 29.) 47. How are knotty and jointed stems parti- cularly distinguished ? (p. 27, 28.) 48. What are branches ? (p. 29.) 49. What are branchlets ? (p. 29.) 50. Does the medullary part in branches unite with the same in trees, as does the cortical? (p. 29.) 51. What difference exists between branches which from their situation are said to be alter- nate, opposite, decussated, verticillate, two-rank- ed, scattered, and crowded ? (p. 29, 30.) 52. When are branches from their directions, said to be erect, spreading, horizontal, incurved, recurved, reflexed, declined, divaricate, diffuse, and fastigiate ? (p. 30,31.) 53. What difference is there betwixt erect and straight 7 (p. 30.) 54. What is the difference betwixt the terms spreading and much-spreading ? (p. 31.) JO* 138 QUESTIONS. 55. What is the difference of recurved and reflexed? (p. 31.) 56. Give the definition of leaves, (p. 32.) 57. Are leaves at both surfaces always green ? (p. 32.) 58. Are leaves alwaj's of a green colour ? (p. 32.) 59. What essential office does leaves perform? (p. 32.) 60. By whom was the foliation of leaves chief- ly studied ? (p. 32.) 61. Of what use is this inquiry? (p. 32.) 62. What term is opposed to foliation ? fp. 33.) 63. What are buds? (p. 33) 64. When are these formed ? (p. 33.) 65. At what time are they best examined ? fp. 33.) 66. Explain the differences of the terms, in- volute, revolute, obvolute, convolute, imbricat- ed, equitant, conduphcate, phcate, circinal. (p. 33, 34.) 67. Explain the insertions of leaves, as being radical, cauline, rameal, and floral, (p. 34.) 68. When are leaves said to be situated alter- nate, opposite, decussated, twin, verticillate, or stellate, distichous, scattered, clustered, imbri- cated, fascicled ? (p. 34, 35.) 69. When from their attachment are leaves called adnate, sessile, petiolate, peltate, conflu- ent, perfoliate, amplexicaul, semi-amplexicaul, connate, vaginant, decurrent ? (p. 36, 37.) QVESTI0N3. 139 70. How do perfoliate and amplexicaul leaves differ ? (p. 36.) 71. In the direction of leaves, when are they apprcssed, erect, spreading, much-spreading, horizontal, inflexed, recurved, reclined, reflex- ed, resupinate, involute, revolute, oblique, sunk, floating, emerged, (p. 37, 38, 39.) 72. In circumscription, when are leaves round, roundish, ovate, obovate, oval or elliptic, ob- long, lanceolar, lanceolate, parabolic, spatula- shaped, or spatulate, wedge-shaped, linear, su- bulate, acerose, setaceous, ovate-oblong, linear- lanceolate ? (p. 39, 40, 41, 42.) 73. How does the oval resemble the ovate leaf? (p. 39, 40.) 74. In what way does the ovate leaf differ from the elliptic ? (p. 39, 40.) 75. In a word compounded of two terms, which of those two terms are to predominate ? 76. Define the angles of leaves, as intire, an- gular, triangular, deltoid, rhomboid, trapeziform. Q». 42.) 77. How docs Linnaeus define a deltoid leaf? (p. 42.) 78. Describe the Sinuses and Lobes of leaves, as heart-shaped, kidney-shaped, or reniform, crescent-shaped, or lunate, arrow-shaped or sa- gittate, spear-shaped, or hastate, lyre shaped, or lyrate, runcinate, fiddle-shaped, or panduriform, pinnatifid, lanciniated, or jagged, lobed, palmated. (p. 13, 11.) I U) QUESTIONS. 79. In spear shaped, or hastate leaves how do the angles point ? (p. 43.) 80. Are the jags in the lyre-shaped leaves all of an equal size ? (p. 43.) 81. How do lyrate and runcinate leaves dif- fer ? (p. 43, 44.) 82. How do palmate leaves resemble the hand ? (p. 45.) 83. Describe the borders of leaves, as intire, quite-intire, crenate, serrated, dentate, or tooth- ed, ciliate, spiny, cartilaginous, revolute, repand, ecrose, lacerated, (p. 45, 46.) 84. May a leaf be intire, whose edge is indent- ed or toothed? (p. 45.) 85. When are the summits acute, acuminate, cuspidate, mucronate, tendrilled, obtuse, emar- ginate, retuse, truncated, premorse ? (p. 46,47.) 86. How do acute and acuminate differ ? (p. 46.) 87. When are plants said to be stipuled, and when without this appendage ? (p. 47.) 88. When are the surfaces of leaves called smooth, pubescent, velvetty, or downy, tomen- tose, silky, hirsute, scabrous, aculeate, strigose, level, polished, viscous, coloured, nerveless, nerved, three-nerved, triple-nerved, lineate, striate, sulcale, veiny, wrinkled, bullate, pitted, dotted, glandular, papillose, pimply ? (p. 47, 48, 49, 50.) 89. How does bullate and wrinkled differ ? (p. 49.) QUESTIONS. 141 90. What terms does Linnasus use to express our term dotted ? (p. 50.) 91. Do^s papillose and warted mean the same ? (p. 50.) 92. in the expansion of leaves, when are they called flat, channelled, concave, convex, cucul- late, plicate, waved, curled ? (p. 51, 52.) 93. To what term is convex opposed ? (p. 51.) 94. How do the terms plicate and waved dif- fer? (p. 51, 52.) 95. In the substance of leaves, when are they membranaceous, scariose, thick, fleshy ? (p. 52.) 96. In the forms of leaves, when are they round, gibbous, depressed, compressed, trique- trous, sword-shaped, or ensiform, strap-shaped, or tongue-shaped, faulchion-shaped, or acinaci- form, hatchet-shaped, or dolabriform ? (p. 52, 53, 54.) 97. In the sword-shaped leaves, how many sharp edges are there ? (p. 53.) 98. In the duration of plants, when are they caducous, deciduous, persisting, ever-green ? (p. 99. What plants are chiefly ever-greens ? (p. 51.) 100. How do we know when transplanted trees have succeeded? (p. 54) 101 In the composition of leaves, when are they compound, joined, conjugate, binate, digi tate, pedate, ternate, pinnate, two-yoked, or bi 112 QUESTIONS. jugous, three-yoked, or trijugous, unequally-pin- nate, abruptly-pinnate ? (p. 55,-56.) 102. How are compound leaves especially known ? (p. 55.) 103. In the recomposition of leaves, when are they decompound, bigeminate, biternate, bipin- nate ? (p. 56, 57.) 104 In the supercomposition, when are leaves superdecompound, tergeminate, triternate, tri- pinnate. (p. 57, 58.) 105. What is called the sleep of plants ? (p. 58.) 106. Is the cause heat or light ? (p. 59.) 107. In what plants is this more particularly seen? (p 59.) 108. In the position of leaves in sleep, when are they conniving, including, environing, de- fending, conduphcate, involving, diverging, de- pending, investing, imbricate ? (p. 59, 60.) 109. As respects the petioles, when are they linear, winged, clubbed, compressed, round, tri- quetrous, channelled, spinescent ? (p. 60, 61.) 110. As respects the direction of the petioles when are they erect, patent, recurved ? (p. 61.) 111. Define the surfaces of petioles, as being smooth, prickly, naked, articulate, (p. 61, 62.) 112. How is the difference expressed, as to the sizes of petioles, as very short, short, equal, long, very long ? (p. 62.) 113. As respects the divisions of petioles, when are these simple, and when compound ? (p. 62.) QUESTIONS. 143 " < 111. What are stipules ? (p. 62.) 115. As regards the number, when are these solitary, when twin ? (p. 63.) 116. As to situation, when are stipules lateral, extra-foliaceous, intra-foliaceous, opposite-leav- ed ? (p. 63.) .> 117. Considering attachment, when are sti- pules sessile, adnate, decurrent, vaginant ? (p. 63.) Kr 118. As respects structure, when are stipules subulate, spinescent, lanceolate, sagittate, lu- nate ? (p. 64.) 119. As regards direction, when are stipules erect, patent, reflexed ? (p. 64.) 120. As regards the border, define stipules as being intire, ciliate, cerrate, dentate, pinnatifid. (p. 64, 65.) 121. Considering duration, when are stipules called caducous, deciduous, permanent? (p. 65.) 122. As to size, when are stipules very short, equal, long? (p. 65.) 123. What are the distinctions of the arms of | plants, as hairs, bristles, silkiness, down, cotton, * wool, &c. ? (p. 65, 66.) 124. Define these as being simple, branched, / hooked, feathery, stellate, toothed, (p. 66.) 125. Go on with the arms of plants, and dis- criminate spines, prickles, stings, (p. 66, 67.) 126. Define these as being simple, forked, branched, in pairs, in threes, in fours, in bun- j.; dies, verticillate, conic, (p. 67.) V 144 QUESTIONS. 127. Are all animals kept away from plants by this armature ? (p. 67.) 128. Is there not another part esteemed amongst the arms of plants, as glands ? (p. 68.) 129. Define these as being miliary, vesicular, utricular, globular, lenticular, cupped, (p. 68.) 130. Define this part as being coloured, cadu- cous, falling, persisting, two or three, (p. 69.) 131. How is the bractea distinguished from the calyx? (p. 69.) 132. What were esteemed once as the props of plants ? (p. 69.) 133. What is a tendril? (p. 70.) 134. Define these as being foliar, petiolar, pe- . duncular, axillary, qonvolute, revolute, leafed, simple, forked, trifid, multifid. (p. 70, 71.) 135. What are the essential uses of tendrils- ? (p. 71.) 136. When are these called equal, and when long? (p. 71.) 137. What is the peduncle of flowers ? (p. 71.) 138. What is the use of the peduncle ? (p. 72.) 139. In the structure of peduncles, when are they simple, compound, common, partial ? (p. 72.) 140. From insertion, when are peduncles ra- dical, cauline, ramose ? (p. 72, 73.) 141. From situation, when are they terminal, axillary, extra-axillary, opposite the leaf? (p. 73.) QUESTIONS. 145 142. From direction, when oppressed, erect, patent, drooping, flaccid, zig-zag ? (p. 73, 74.) 143. From form, when round, triquetrous, four-cornered, filiform, or thread-shaped, atten- uated, incrassated, geniculate, articulate ? (p. 74, 75.) 144. From cloathing, when scaly, leafy, nak- ed, bracteated ? (p. 75.) 145. From measure, when short, middling-siz- ed, long, very short, very long ? (p. 75.) 146. What is the intention of nature, in pro- ducing flowers ? (p. 76.) 147. What is the meaning of the word inflo- rescence ? (p. 76.) 148. When are flowers from their insertions^ called radical, cauline, ramose ? (p. 76.) 149. When are flowers from their situations, called terminal, axillary, supra-axillary, extra- axillary, opposite, alternate, scattered ? (p. 76, 77.) 150. When from their attachment, are flowers sessile, peduncled ? (p. 77.) 151. When from their directions, are they erect, horizontal, drooping, nodding, turned up, distichous, unilateral, uniform? (p. 77, 78.) 152. What is the difference betwixt nodding and drooping ? (p. 78.) 153. When are flowers from numbers, called single, two-together, three-together, clustered, fasciculate ? (.p. 78, 79.) 154. When are flowers from their forms, ver- ticillate, capitate, spicate, amentaceous, race- 13 ■it M 146 QUESTIONS. mous, thyrsoid, corymbose, paniculate, umbel- Ilate, cymous, spadiceous? (p. 79, 80, 81,82, 83, 84, 85, 86.) 155. When are verticillate flowers sessile, pedunculate, terminal, axillary, roundish, globu- lar, conical, dimidiate or halved, leafy, naked 1 (p. 79, 80.) 156. When are spicate flowers terminal, axil- r lary, simple, compound, glomerate, ovate, ven- ^ tricose or bellied, cylindrical, spiral, interrupted, ramose, articulate, leafy, comose ? (p. 80, 81.) 157. When are amentaceous flowers, globu- lar, ovate, cylindrical, filiform, scaly, naked? (p. 82.) ' 158. When are racemous flowers simple, com- pound, one-sided or unilateral, uniform, leafy, naked, erect, pendulous ? (p. 82, 83.) 159. When are thyrsoid flowers ovate, oblong, leafy, naked? (p. 83.) 160. When are corymbose flowers, simple, compound ? (p. 84.) 161. When are paniculate flowers pressed to- gether, one-sided, divaricate ? (p 84.) 162. When are umbellate flowers sessile, pe- > dunculed, simple, compound, partial? (p. 84, 85) 163. When are involuered flowers, naked, globose, convex, flat, unequal ? (p. 85.) ! 164. When are cymose flowers sessile, trifid, j quadrifid, tripartite, bractate, naked? (p. 86.) 165. How does the corymbus, cyme, and um- bel, differ from each other ? (p. 86.) QUESTIONS. 147 166. When are spadiceous flowers simple, branched, spathed, naked, flat? (p. 87.) 167. When is a calyx called a perianth ? (p. 87.) 168. When are the segments of the calyx term- ed lobed, partite, bifid, multifid, tripartite, equal, unequal, irregular, labiate or lipped? (p.'87, 88.) 169 When is the surface of the calyx colour- ed, petal-like, smooth, downy, villose, rough, tomentose, striated ? (p. 88, 89.) 170. From duration, when is the calyx cadu- cous, deciduous, permanent ? (p. 89.) 171. When from size, is the calyx called long, short, intermediate ? (p. 89.) 172. When is a calyx, called a common ca* lyx, involucre, spatha, glume, calyptra, volva ? (p. 90, 91, 92, 93.) 173. When is a common calyx, called simple, double, or many-ranked, polyphyllous, imbricat- ed, squarrose, calyculate, or calycled ? (p. 90.) 174. When is an involucre, called a universal involucre, a partial involucre, dimidiate, mono- phyllous, polyphyllous, simple, pinnatifid ? (p. 91.) 17$. When is a spatlut called plane, cucullate, or hooded, convolute, boat-shaped, or navicular, one-valved, two-valVed, bipartite, six-parted, one-flowered, many-flowered ? (p. 92, 93.) 176. Define a one-flowered, and two-flower- ed glume, (p. 93.) f 43 QUESTIONS. 177. Give the definition of the corolla ? (p. 93.) 178. What is the supposed origin of the corol- la ? (p. 94.) 179. What is the usual texture of the calyx and corolla ? (p. 94.) 180. What is the usual colour of calyx and co- rolla? (p. 94.) 181. Are there no exceptioms to this general rule ? (p. 94.) 182. How does Linnaeus distinguish the calyx from corolla ? (p. 94.) 183. As to the number of parts, how do you define the corolla as monopetalous, bipetalous, tripetalous, tetrapetalous,pentapetalous, hexape- talous, polypetalous ? (p. 94.) 184. To what does Linnaeus oppose the term monopetalous ? (p. 94.) 185. What are the offices of the corolla, leaves, or petals ? (p. 95.) 186. Define the monopetalous, regular corollas, as being bell-shaped or campanulate, globular or globose, funnel-shaped or infundibuliform, sal- ver-shaped or hypocrateriform, wheel-shaped or rotate, (p. 95, 96.) 187. Describe the tubes of regular monopeta- lous corollas, as being straight, bent or bowed, cylindrical or round, filiform, bellied or ventri- cose, appendaged. (p. 96.) 188- Describe the orifices of regular monopeta- lous corollas, as being closed, dilated, five-sided QUESTIONS. A'*J or pentagonal, prominent, naked, crowned, cloath- ed, tuberculated or scaled, (p. 96, 97.) 189. Describe the limb of regular monopeta- lous corollas, as being plicate, spreading, straight, reflexed ? (p. 97, 98.) 190. When are irregular monopetalous corol- las, called ringent, personate, tubular, ligulate, compound ? (p. 98, 99.) 191. What are the upper and lower lips of a ringent flower ? (p. 98 ) 192. Are not these parts called sometimes ga- lea or helmet, and barba or beard? (p. 98.) 193. What do we mean by the gape, throat, jaws, gullet and necfc of a flower ? (p.98.) . 194. How do ringent and personate flowers differ', as respects the lips being open or shut ? (p. 98.) 195. What is the meaning of a compound| flow- er? (p. 99.) 196. What part is called the disk, and what the ray of a compound flower ? (p. 99.) 197, When are regular, polypetalous corollas, called rosaceous or rose-like, cruciform or cross- shaped, pink-like or caryophyllous ? (p. 99, 100.) 198. What is the l;;men or border, and unguis or claw, of a petal ? (p. 100.) 199. What kind of cross do cruciform flowers resemble ? (p. 100.) 200. Define the irregular polypetalous corollas, as papilionaceous or butterfly-shaped, and ano- malous. (P- 1000 13* - 150 QUESTIONS. 201. Do the butterfly-shaped flowers turu against the wind ? (p. 100.) 202. Where are situated the vexillum, stand- ard, or banner, the two alae or wings, and the carina or keel, in the butterfly-shaped flowers ? (p. 100.) 203. In the duration of corollas, when are they called caducous, deciduous, marcescent ? (p. 101.) 204. What are the colours of flowers ? (p. 101.) 205. What is implied by the term nectary, as used by botanists ? (p. 102.) 206. Describe the principal forms of necta- ries, (p. 101, 102, 103.) 207. Define the seven constituent parts of flow- ers, as the pistil, stamen, corolla,calyx,nectary, pericarp, receptacle, (p. 104, 105.) 208. How are the stamens and pistils of flow- ers discriminated ? (p. 104.) 209. What is called a perfect or complete pis til? (p. 104.) 210. What is called a perfect or complete sta- men? (p. 104.) 211. Is the receptacle equally conspicuous in all flowers? (p. 105.) 212. Define the different pericarps, as the drupe, pome, berry, follicle, silique, silicle, le- gume, capsule, nut, strobile, (p. 105, 106) 213. Explain the following terms applied Vj pericarps, viz. valves, sutures, column, parti'- QUESTIONS. 151 tibns, cells, one-seeded, two-seeded, and so on, (p. 107.) 214. Describe the seeds that are most con- spicuous, (p. 107.) 215. Explain the following terms as applied to seeds, viz. aril, eye, heart, plume, radicle, co- tyledons, seminal-leaves, pappus, stipe, (p. 108.) 216. Define the twenty-four classes, viz. mo- nandria, diandria, triandria, tetrandria, pentan* dria, hexandria, heptandria, octandria, ennean- dria, decandria, icosandria, polyandria, didyna- mia, tetradinamia, monadelphia, diadelphia, po- lyadelphia, syngenesia, gynandria, monoecia, di- cecia, polygamia^ cryptogamia. (p. 109,110,111 .N| 217. How many classes depend on number alone, and name these ? (p. 109. 110.) 218. How many classes on number and inser- tion? (p. 110.) 219. How man}r classes on number and propor- tion ? (p. 110.) 220. How many classes on the union of fila- ments ? (p. 110.) 221. How many classes on union of anthers ? (p. 110.) 222. How many classes on union of stamina and pistilla ? (p. 110.) •223^ How many classes on the separation of stamens and pistils ? (p. 110, 111.) 224. What is the name of the class, where. these parts, the stamens and pistils, are invisible '. 'P. HI-) 225. What are the leading observations re- 152 QUESTIONS. specting the quality and nature of the plants, con- tained in the respective classes? (p. 111.) 226. How many orders has class i, and name them? (p. Ill, 112.) 227.------------------------class n. ? (p. 112.) 228.------------------------class in. ? (p. 112.) 229.------------------------class iv. ? (p. 112, 113.) 230.----------------------,— class v. ? (p 113.) 231.------------------------class vi. ? (p. 113, 114.) 232.------------------------class vn. ? (p. 114.) 233.-----------------------class vm. ? (p. 114.) 234.------------------------class ix. ? (p. 114, 115.) 235. ---.---------------------class x. ? (p. 115.) 236.------------------------class xi. ? (p. 115, 116.) 237.------------------------class xn. ? (p. 116.) 238.------------------------class xni.? (p 116, 117.) 239. What is the meaning of the two orders, l,gymnospermia, and 2, angiospermia, to class xiv.? (p. 117.) 240. What is the meaning of the two orders, QUESTIONS. 153 1, siliculosa, and 2, siliquosa, to class xv. ? (p.. 117.) 241. Why could not the orders to classes xiv. and xv. be derived from the number of pistilla ? (p. 117.) 242. Name the orders to class xvi. (p. 118.) 243.------------------class xvn. (p. 118.) 244.------------------class xvui. (p. 118, 119.) 245. Why are the terms of the other classes used in these three classes for orders ? (p. 118, 119.) 246. What are the names of six orders of class xix, and define Or. 1. Polygamia ozqualis. 2. Polygamia superflua. 3. Polygamia frustranea. 4. Polygamia necessaria. 5. Polygamia segrega- ta. 6. Polygamia monogdmia ? (p. 119, 120.) 247. Name and define the 8 orders of class xx. (p. 120.) 248.-----------------11 orders of class xxi. (p. 120, 121.) 249. ---------------— 14 orders of class xxii. (p. 122, 123.) 250.----------------- 3 orders of class xxih. (p. 123.) 251. Name the natural orders of class xxiv. (p. 123, 124.) 252. Name the classes and orders in the re- formed sexual system, by Doctor Thornton, (p. 125, 126.) 253. In what does this reformed system differ irom the sexual system of Linnaeus, and from what «, 54 QUESTIONS. remarks did this reformed system arise ? (p. 127, 128, 129, 130.) 254. Explain the term class, order, genus, species, (p. 131, 132, 133.) 255 Explain the botanic terms, class, (p. 131.) 256. ■■ ------------------- order, (p. 131 ) 257. ■-------------------genus, (p. 131.) 258. ■ species, (p. 132.) 259. Give an example of the generic and spe- cific characters of plants, (p. 133.) 155 GLOSSARY OF THE CHIEF BOTANICAL TERMS.* A. Acuminate. Very sharp pointed. Ending in an awl- shaped point. Aggregate, flower. When several small flowers are so combined by the intervention of some part of the fructification, that taking away one of them destroys the uniformity of the whole. This common bond is either the receptacle or the calyx. Approximating. Approaching, or very near to. Awl-shaped, (Subulatus.) Linear below, but gradually tapering towards the end, like a cobblers awl. Awn, (Arista.) A projection from the glume or chaff", in corn or grasses, commonly called the beard in corn. Awnless. Having no awn. B. Banner or Standard, (Vexillum.) The upper large petal of a papilionaceous or pea-flower. Biennial. Enduring two years, and then perishing. Bracte, Bractea, or Floral leaf. A leaf different from the other leaves in shape and colour, generally situated on the peduncle, and often so near the corolla, as easily to be mistaken for the calyx. * Copied from the " Flora Rustica" of Professor Martyn, by his libe- ral permission, this venerable man being ever found anxious to pro- mote and extend science, and to him it is the botanic world it indebt ed for settling the Lauguage of Botany. 156 GLOSSARY. c. Calyx. The flower-cup, or outer green covering of the flower. Ciliate. Guarded on the edge by parallel hairs, resem- bling the eye-lashes. Compound leaf. Connecting several leaflets on one pe- tiole. Connate. United, cleaving together. Corolla. The inner covering of the flower, which being commonly larger and more beautiful than the other parts, is in common language frequently called the flower. Creeping stem. Running along the ground, and putting out roots. Culm. The stem of corn and grasses. Cusp. The point of a lance, a word applied to the calyx-. D. Dichotomous, or forked. Dividing constantly by pairs. Digitate leaf. Compound, having a simple petiole con- necting several leaflets, spreading like the fingers when open, and usually five in number. Divaricate, or straddling Parting from the stalk or branc'h at an obtuse angle. E. Elliptic leaf. A long oval. Emarginate. Notched at the end. F. Filament. The thread-like part of a stamen, supporting the anther, and connecting it with some other part of the flower. Flexuose stem. Changing its direction in a curve at eve- ry joint. GLOSSARY. 157 • Floscule, or Floret. One of the small comjpenent flowers of an aggregate flower. Footstalk. See Petiole. G. Germ, Ovary, or Seed-bud. The rudiment of the fruit yet in embryo. Glaucous. Of a sea-green colour. ( Globular or spherical. Round like a globe, sphere, or nail. Glomerate. Growing close, having the form of a ball. Glume. The cfllyx or corolla of corn and grasses, called - the husk or chaff, when dry. H. Head. A manner of flowering, in which the flowers are in a close roundish form. Hirsute. Shaggy, rough with hairs. I. Fmbricate. Lying over each other, like tiles on a roof. Involucre. A calyx remote from the flower. K. Keel, (Carina.) The lower petal of a papilionaceous co- rolla, enclosing the stamens and pistil, shaped like a boat. L. Lanceolate leaf. Oblong, and gradually tapering to each extremity, shaped like the head of a lance. Leaflet. A diminutive of leaf, and put for the component leaf in compound leaves. Legume, or Pod. A membranaceous seed-vessel of one cell and two valves, in which the seeds are fixed al- ternately ulong one suture only, as in Pea, &c. In the siliqua, which is also called a pod in English, 158 GLOSSARY. the seeds are ranged along a partition, dividing it into two cells, and they are fastened to both sutures, as in Stock, Wall-flower, Turnip, &.c. Leguminous Plants. Having a legume or pod for a seed- vessel. Linear. Of the same breadth from one end to the other. M. MelHferous. Bearing honey, as the nectary. Monopetalous. Consisting of one petal. , Multifid leaf. Divided into several parts, which have the edges straight, and therefore linear sinuses between them. N. Nectary or Nectarium. A part of the flower secreting ho- ney, or whatever is not calyx, corolla, stamina, or pistil. '»' Nerve. A simple unbranched vessel in a leaf, stipule, &c. o. Ovate, or egg-shaped leaf. Longer than broad, the base the segment of a circle, and narrower at the ex- tremity. In the oval leaf the curvature is the same at both ends, but the proportion of breadth to length nearly as in the section of an egg. P. Panicle. A form or manner of flowering, wherein the flowers or fruits are dispersed on peduncles various- ly subdivided. Papilionaceous corolla. Butterfly-shaped, consisting of four-irregular petals; one called the banner or standard, two wings, and the keel, as in Pea, &.c. .Peduncle. The flower or fruit-stalk, supporting the fructi- fication only. Perennial. Continuing several years. GLOSSARY. Petal. The leaf of the corolla. In monopetalous flowers it is the whole corolla; in polypetalous flowers each separate part is a petal. Petiole. The Iraf-stalk or foot-stalk connecting the leaf with the branch. Pinnate leaf. A compound leaf, having a simple petiole, connecting two rows of leaflets. Pistil or Pointal. An organ in flowers for the reception of the farina or pollen. It usually consists of the germ, style, and stigma. Pollen. The farina, fine meal, or impregnating dust, con- tained in the anther of flowers. Procumbent stem or stalk. Lying along the ground, with- out putting forth roots. Pubescent. Covered with hairs. R. Receptacle. The base connecting the other parts of the fructification. s. Scabrous. Rugged. Rough with tubercles or prominent stiftish points. Serrate. Toothed like a saw. Serrulate. Having very" small teeth. Sessile. Sitting close: in leaves without any petiole; in flowers and fruits, without any peduncle. Sinuate leaves. Having wide openings in the sides. As the Oak. Spatha or Spathe. A kind of calyx, opening or bursting longitudinally, in form of a sheath. As in Arum, Narcissus, in Spike. A form -v manner of flowering, wherein sessile flowers ate placed alternately on a common simple peduncle. As in an ear of wheat, rye, or barley ; in many of the grasses, in lavender, &ic. Spikelet, or Spicule. A partial spike, or subdivision of a spike. Spinule, dimin. of Spina. A little thorn. 160 GLOSSARY. Stamen. An organ in flowers, for preparing the farina or pollen. It usually consists of the filament and an- ther. Stigma. The top of the pistil; pubescent and moist, in or- der to detain and burst the pollen. Stipula or Stipule. A scale at the base of the nascent pe- tiole or peduncle. • Style. The middle part of the pistil, connecting the stig* ma with the germ. Subcylindric. Almost cylindric. Subflexuose. Somewhat or slightly flexuose. Subglobular. Almost globular, spherical or round. Subovate. Nearly or almost ovate. Subquinquefid. Slightly cloven into five parts. T. Tendril or Clasper, (Cirrhus.) A filiform spiral band, by which a weak plant supports itself on other bodies, as the Vine, Pea, &lc. Ternate leaf. Having three leaflets on one petiole ; as in the Trefoils. Throat, (Faux.) The opening of the tube in the corolla, or between the segments of the corolla, where the tube ends. Trifid. Three-cleft, or cloven into three parts. Truncate. Cut oft* at the end in a transverse line, as the leaf of the Tulip-tree. V. Valve. The outer covering of a seed-vessel, or the several pieces which compose it—also Hie leaflets of the calyx and corolla in grasses, and the scales which close the tube in some flowers, as in Borage. Verticillate plants. Having the flowers growing in a whorl, (Verticillus.) Villous. Covered with soft hairs, like the pile of velvet. Umbel. A kind of receptacle, extending slender propor- tional peduncles from a common centre, like the sticks of un umbrella. As in Parsley, kc. GLOSSARY. 161 W. Wings, (Alee.) The two side petals in a papilionaceous co- rolla or pea-flower. Whorl, (Verticillus ) A manner of flowering, in which se- veral flowers surround the stem or branch in a ring. *«* For the other terms, vide the preceding1 part of our work,or Mar- •yn's admirable "Language of Botany," which is alphabetically ar- ranged. 14* 162 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. FORMS OF PLANTS. Fig. 1. A tree, vide No. 1. p. 7. Fig. 2. A shrub, vide No. 2. p. 7. Fig. 3. Under shrub, vide No. 3. p. 8. Fig. 4. Herb, vide No. 4. p. 8. Observation. Instead of leaving the spaces wholly blank: we shall fill them up with occasional observations. ------Some within a finer mould Arc wrought, and temper'd with a purer flame To these the sire omnipotent unfolds The world's harmonious volume, there to read Tiie transcript of himself. On every part They trace the bright impressions of his mind, As seen in tree, or shrub, or tender herb. How beautiful the diversity of nature ! How each plant i* adapted for its station ! The eartii is covered as with a carpet with lowly herbs, a little above them rise the shrubs, and undershmbs, and next, towering high in air are seen the frees, in which last more especially birds are found to .mild. How magnificent a scene ! What tho* I trace each herb and flower, That drinks the morning dew ; Did I not own Jehovah's power. How vain were all 1 knew. From Solomon's bong.' EXPLANATION OP PLA'lES. 163 PLATE II. COTYLEDONS OF PLANTS. Fig. 1. Monocotyledonous, vide No. 23. p. 11.. Fig. 2. Dicotolydenous, vide No. 24. p. 11. Fig. 3. Ditto. Fig. 4. Polycotyledonoqs, vide No. 25. p. 11. Observations. These are sometimes of a very thick sub- stance, as the Lupine, but usually the cotyledons are semi- nal leaves, and differ essentially from the other leaves. In the Turnip they are smooth, whilst the other leaves are rough. The former are therefore attacked by the fly, whilst the rough leaves are left untouched. To avoid this evil, agriculturists have discovered, that it is right to sow seeds with the turnips whose cotyledons are found to be a greater delicacy to this insect, so that whilst they are de- vouring these, they leave untouched the turnips, which are safe in their rough leaves, for if the cotyledons are remov- ed by art or accident, the infant plant becomes stinted of food, and either perishes altogether, or becomes dwarfish hardeners keep melon and cucumber seeds for a few years, in order that the. future plants may run less to leaf, and be more abundant in fruit. This arises from the cotyledons becoming a little damaged, and hence affording a sparer diet to the young plantule. How much cause have we to admire the goodness of God in providing cotyledons m nourish the yoim:; plant! Mouocotyledous plants are usu- ally furnished with bulb-- 164 EXPLANATION OF TLATES. PLATE III. ROOTS OF PLANTS. Kinds. Fig. 1. Bulbous, vide No. 31. p. 14. Fig. 2. Tuberous, vide No. 32. p. 15. Fig. 3. Fibrous, vide No. 33. p. 15. Fig. 4. Branched, vide No. 35. p. 15. Fig. 5. Perpendicular, vide No. 36. p 15. Fig. 6. Repent, vide No. 38. p. 16. Fig. 7. Globular and Solid, vide No. 39 and 40. p. 16. Fig. 8. Scaly, vide No. 41. p. 16. Fig. 9. Tunicated, vide No. 42. p. 16. Fig. 10. Knotty, vide No. 43. p. 16. Fig. 11. Articulated, vide No. 44. p. \1 Fig. 12. Grumous, vide No. 46. p. 17. Fig. 13. Twin, vide No. 48. p. 17. Fig. 14. Palrnated, vide No. 49. p. 17. Fig. 15. Premorse, vide No. 51. p. 17. Observations. Bulbous roots contain in the winter, per- fect plant, even flowers with their stamens and pistils, but in a blanched state. The perpendicular, or tap roots, ab- sorb nourishment deep in the earth. This, if cut, shoots out horizontal or side radicles, taking anotlier direction in the search of food. If a trench be dug, and water poured in it, roots will find then- way thither. EXPLANATION O&tfLATES. 16l PLATTE IV. STEMS OF PLANTS. , Kinds. Fig. 1. Culm, vide No 53. p. 18. Fig. 2. Soape, vide No. 54. p. 18. Fig. 3. Stem, vide No. 55. p. 18. Fig. 4. Stipe, vide No. 56. p. 18. Observations. The culm is a stem peculiar to grasses, or plants allied to them. How much are we indebted to this tribe of plants, which forms the groundwork to the rest, and is of a green colour, which best relieves the sight and contrasts with the blue of heaven L The more this tribe is trodden under foot, the more it grows ; hence in husband- ry we observe heavy rollers are used, without destroying it. How has God adapted the food to the stomach ! Grass is the natural purge to the dog and cat, but food to horse and sheep. What state would man be in were there no grass, which includes also corn ? The leaves how beauti- fully do they close the ears of corn, and, after serving this office, roll round the stem, presenting a leaf like a flag. The scape elevates the fructification from the root. How magnificent in the towering aloe, how small in the dande- lion ! Stems, how they multiply the plant, and expose the leaves and flowers in the best manner to the influence of light! Stipes belong to the fern tribe, which serve for beds to shelter the poor wanderer lost in an uncultivated track. The fungu* tribe are both food and poison. 166 r.XFLANjriON OF PLATKS. PLA1E V. FOLIATION OF LEAVES. Fig. 1. Involute, vide No. 147. p. 33. Fig. 2. Revolute, vide No. 1 18. p. 33. Fig 3. Obvolute, vide No. 119. p. 33. Fig. 4. Convolute, vide No. 150. p. 33. Fig. 5. Imbricated, vide No. 151. p. 33. Fig 6. Equitant, vide No. 152. p. 34. Fig. 7. Conduplicate, vide No. J 53. p. 34. Fig. 8. Plicate, vide No. 154. p. 34. Fig. 9. Circinal, vide No. 155. p. 34. Observations. How are leaves in their early state confin* ed together, and protected against cold ! Trees in hot cli- mates have no buds, in cold they have them. Besides, being thus orowded together for warmth and safety, thry possess often an additional guard, as scales, glued together by a resin, as the horse-chestnut. Like young birds, these are protected also by a kind of wooliness. Each particular plant has its own mode of enfolding their infant leaves which never alters. Whence all this intention, regularity, and design? U a bud betaken out of one tree, and put into the bark of another tree of the same genus, though a different species,it will become a tree,and produce l.-am-h- es and fruit of its own kind. This is called inoculation. •• How manifold are thy works, O Lord, in wisdom hast inoumade them all." EXPLANATION OF PLATE-". 1^ PLATE VI. > LEAVES. Insertion. Fig. 1. Iiameal, vide No. 158. p. 34. Fig. 2. Floral, vide No. 159. p. 34. Situation. »'" Fig. 3. -Alternate, vide No. 160. p. 34. Fig. 4. Opposite, vide No. 161. p. 35. Fig. 5. Twin, vide No. 163. p. 35. Fig. 6. Verticillate, or Stellate, vide No. 161, p. 35. Fig. 7. Distichous, vide No. 165. p. 35. Fig. 8. Scattered, vide No. 166. p. 35. Fig. 9. Clustered, vide No. 167. p. 35. Fig. 10. Imbricated, No. 168. p. 35. Fig. 11. Adnate, vide No. 170. p. 36. Fig. 12. Sessile, vide No. 171. p. 36. Fig. 13. Petiolate and Peltate, vide Nos. 172, 73. p. 36. ■bFig. 14. Perfoliate, vide No. 175. p. 36. ^Fig. 15. Amplexicaul, vide No. 176. p. 36. ^Fig. 16. Semi-amplexicaul, vide No. 177. p, 37. Fig. 17. Connate, vide No. 178. p. 37. Fig. 18. Vaginant, vide No. 179. p. 37. Fig. 19. Decurrent, No. 180'. p. 37. 168 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE VII. LEAVES CONTINUED. Direction. Fig. 1. Appressed, vide No. 181, p. 37. ' Fig. 2. Erect, vide No. 182, p. 38. Fig. 3. Spreading, vide No. 183, p. 38. Fig. 4. Horizontal, vide No. 185, p. 38. Fig. 5. Inflexed, vide No. 186, p. 38. Fig. 6. Revolute, vide No. 192, p. 39. Fig. 7. Reclined, vide No. 188, p. 38. Fig.. 8. Reflexed, vide No. 189, p. 39. Fig. 9. Oblique, vide No, 193, p. 39. Fig. 10. Sunk, vide No. 194, p. 39. Fig. 11. Floating, vide No. 195, p. 39. * Fig. 12. Emerged, vide Mo. 196, p. 39. Observations. How ornamental are leaves to the planfi themselves, how artfully disposed! Who adjusted them in such regular disposition ? How are they seen to court the light, by which they receive their colour ! Take, for instance, a Geranium, and change the aspect of its position, and you will see it at first as if in disorder, and afterwards, J all the leaves will be turned in an opposite direction tuJT what they had before in order to face the light. A plaM having been left in a dark garret, has been found to extenrT its branches, and creep to a hole, and thcrebv escape from its confinement, in the search of light, EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 169 PLATE VIII. LEAVES CONTINUED. Circumscription. Fig. 1. Round, vide No. 197, p. 39. Fig. 2. Roundish, vide No. 198, p. 39. Fig. 3. Ovate, vide No. 199, p. 39. Fig. 4. Obovate, vide No. 200, p. 40. Fig. 5. Oval, vide No. 201, p. 40. Fig. 6. Oblong, vide No. 202, p. 40. Fig. 7. Lanceolar, vide No. 203, p. 40. Fig. 8. Parabolic, vide No. 205, p. 40. Fig. 9. Spatula-shaped, No. 206, p. 41. Fig. 10. Wedge-shaped, No. 207, p. 41. Fig. H. Linear, vide No. 208, p. 41. Fig. 12. Subulate, vide No. 209, p. 41. Fig. 13. Acerose, vide No. 210, p. 41. Fig. 14. Ovate-oblong, No. 212, p. 41. Fig. 15. Linear-lanceolate, vide No. 213, p. 42. Angles. Fig. 16. Angular, vide No. 215, p. 42. Fig 17. Triangular, No. 216, p. 42. Fig. 18. Deltoid, vide No. 217, p. 42. Sinuses and Lobes. Fig. 19. Heart-shaped, No. 220, p. 43. Fig. 20. Kidney-shaped, or reniform, vide No. 221, p. 43. Fig. 21. Crescent-shaped, vide No. 222, p. 43. 15 170 EXPLANATION Ob PLATLS- PLATE IX. LEAVES CONTINUED. Sinuses and Lobes continued. Fig. 1. Arrow-shaped, or saggittate, vide No. 223, p. 43. Fig. 2. Spear-shaped, or hastate, vide No. 224, p. 43. Fig. 3. Lyre-shaped, or lyrate, vide No. 225, p. 43. Fii;;. 4. Runcinate, vide No. 226, p. 44. Fig. 5. Fiddle-shaped, or panduriform, vide No. 227, p. 44. Fig. 6. Pinnatifid, vide No. 228, p. 44. Fig. 7. Sinuate, vide No. 229, p. 44. Fig. 8. Laciniated, or jagged, vide No. 230, p. 44. Fig. 9. Lobed, vide No. 231, p. 44. Fig. 10. Palmated, vide No. 232, p. 44. Borders. Fig. 11. Crenate, vide No. 235, p. 45. Fig. 12. Serrated, vide No. 236, p. 45. Observations. Plants placed in a dark room will even turn their leaves to the light of a candle. Light seems to enter as a component part of vegetables, as leaves become blanched when excluded from light. If probably helps the decomjKisitiondf water, and the liberation of the oxygen, for the formation with caloric of oxygen ga.-, which is the support of all animated nature. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 171 PLATE X. LEAVES CONTINUED. Borders continued. Fig. 1. Dentate, or toothed, vide No. 237, p. 45. Fig. 2. Ciliate, vide No. 238, p. 45. Fig. 3. Spiny, vide No. 239, p. 45. Fig. 4. Cartilaginous, vide No. 240, p. 46. Fig. 5. Erose, vide No. 243, p. 46. Fig. 6. Lacerated, vide No. 244, p. 46. Summits. Fig. 7. Acute, vide No. 245, p. 46. Fig. 8. Acuminate, vide No. 246, p. 46. Fig. 9. Cuspidate, vide No. 247, p. 46. Fig. 10. Mucronate, vide No. 248, p. 46. Fig. 11. Tendrilled, vide No. 249, p. 46. Fig. 12. Obtuse, vide No. 250, p. 47. Fig. 13. Emarginate, vide No. 251, p. 47. Fig. 14. Truncated, vide No. 253, p. 47. Fig. 15. Praemorse, vide No. 254, p. 47. Observations. The petiolus or foot-stalk of the leaf, shoots forth into several tine ramifications, which anasto- mizing, that is, uniting, form a regular and beautiful series of ligneous vosels, or web-work, which is filled up with parenciiyma, or pulp, and this when eat away produces those skeletons of leaves, so exquisite in their diflerent ap- pearances, infinitely superior to the finest laces, and which arc formed also by maceration in water. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XI. LEAVES CONTINUED. Surface. Fig. i. Smooth, vide No. 257, p. 47. Fig. 2. Pubescent, vide No. 258, p. 47. ' Eig. 3. Velvetty, vide No. 259, p. 48. Fig. 4. Tomentose, vide No. 260, p. 48. Fig. 5. Silky, vide No. 261, p. 48. Fig. 6. Hirsute, vide No. 262, p. 48. Fig. 7. Scabrous, vide No. 263, p. 48. Fig. 8. Aculeate, vide No. 264, p. 48. Fig. 9. Strigose, vide No. 265, p. 48. Fig. 10. Nerveless, vide No. 270, p. 49. Fig. 11. Three-nerved, vide No. 272, p. 49; Figk 12. Many-nerved, vide No. 273, p. 49. Observations. The upper and under surfaces usually dif. fer, the upper being mostly polished. The under is re- plete with absorbing vessels, which imbibe moisture__ Hence, in dry weather plants hang their leaves down If two leaves be placed on water in different surfaces, that placed on the under surface will survive for many days and weeks, whereas the other will soon perish. The absorb- Cut power of leaves vtfjl be again treated of, p. 175. tJ2 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 173 PLATE XII. LEAVES CONTINUED. Surface continued. Fig. 1. Lineate, vide No. 274, p. 49. Fig. 2. Striate, vide No. 275, p. 49. Fig. 3. Sulcate, vide No. 276, p. 49. Fig. 4. Veiny, vide No. 277, p. 49. Fig. 5. Wrinkled, vide No. 278, p. 49. Fig. 6. Bullate, vide No. 279, p. 49. Fig. 7. Pitted, vide No. 280, p. 50. Fig. 8. Glandular, vide No. 282, p. 50. Expansion. Fig. 9. Channelled, vide No. 286, p. 51. Fig. 10. Cucullate, vide No. 289, p. 51. Fig. 11. Flat, vide No. 285, p. 51. Observations. Leaves are organs of perspiration. Dr. Hales found that the great sun-flower lost 1 lb. 14oz. weight in the course of twelve hours In a hot dry day. In a dry night it lost about 3 oz.; in a moist night scarcely any~al- teration wa* observable; but in a rainy night it gained 2 or 3 oz. The same experiment was made on the vine, cab- bage, &.c. with various results as to the exact degree of the perspiration, but all proving it to be considerable. Ever- greens are found to perspire much less tlian other shrubs, 15* 174 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XIII. LEAVES CONTINUED. Expansion continued. Fig. 1. Convex, vide No. 288, p. 51. Fig. 2. Plicate, vide No. 290, p. 51. Fig. 3. Waved, vide No. 291, p. 52. Fig. 4. Curled, vide No. 292, p. 52. Form. Fig. 5. Round, vide No. 297, p. 52. Fig. 6. Gibbous, vide No. 298, p. 53. Fig. 7. Depressed, vide No. 299, p. 53. Fig. 8. Compressed, vide No. 300, p. 53. Fig. 9. Triquetrous, vide No. 301, p. 53. Observations. It is reported that there is a tree of great «xtent in Madagascar which is continually dropping water like heavy rain. And Dr. Smith has observed, that groves of poplar and willow exhibit this phenomenon, even in England, in hot calm weather, when drops of clear water trickle from their leaves like a light shower of rain. Ovid has made an elegant use of resinous exudation of the Lombardy poplars, which he supposes to be the tears of Phaeton's sisters, who were transformed into those trees. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 17/6 PLATE XIV. LEAVES CONTINUED. Forms continued. Fig. 1. Sword shaped, or ensiform, vide No. 302, p. 53. Fig. 2. Strap-shaped, or tongue shaped, vide No. 303, p. 53. Fig. 3. Faulchion-shaped, oracinaciform, vide No. 304, p. 53. * Fig. 4. Hatchet-shaped, or dolabriform, vide No. 305, p. 54. Composition. Fig. 5. Jointed, vide No. 311, p. 55. Fig. 6. Compound, vide No. 310, p. 55. Fig. 7. Stipuled, vide No. 255, p. 47. Observations. Of sixteen trees tried by Bonnet, the as- pen, (populus tremula,) and lilac, were the only leaves that seemed to imbibe water equally well hy either surface, whilst all the others evidently succeeded best with their under sides laid upon the water, being in that respect the reverse of herbaceous plants. Of these, the white mulber- ry leaf was the most Temarkable, not living more than five days when supplied by the upper surface, whilst such as floated on their backs continued in perfection near six months. The vine and the walnut were not less remark- able for fading almost as soon, when fed by their upper surface, as when left w ithout any water at all. Leaves of hazelnut and the rose, when laid upon the water, imbibe sufficient moistuie to nourish other leaves on the same branch : so will one leaflet of a French beau supply its neighbour, that does net touch the water. J 76 I.XPLANATIO,\ OF PLATES PLATE XV. LEAVES CONTINUED. Composition continued. Fig. 1. Rinate, vide No. 313, p. 55. Fig. 2. Digitate, vide No. 314, p 55. Fig. 3. Pedate, vide No. 315, p. 55. Fig. 4. Pinnate, vide No. 317, p. 56. Fig. 5. Ternate, vide No. 316, p. 56. Observations. All plants produce fresh leaves every year; but all do not renew them at the same precise peri- od. Amongst woody plants, the elder, and most ol the honey-suckles ; amongst herbaceous, the crocus and tulip, are the first which put out or expand their leaves. The oak, walnut, and ash, are constantly the latest in putting forth their leaves. The greatest number of plants unfold their leaves in spring; but the mosses in winter. These striking differences, with respect to so capital a circum- stance in plants, as that of unfolding their leaves, seem to indicate that each species of plant has a temperature pro- per or peculiar to itself, and requires a certain degree of heat to extricate the leaves from their buds, and produce the appearance in question. In general, plants stript of many of their leaves cannot shoot vigorously; witness those that have undergone the depredations of insects, and animals, which diminishes the number of their shoots, and sometimes wholly suspends their growth. Young garden- ers are very apt to strip away leaves to let the sun get at (be fruit: but this should only be done when the fruit is nearly ripe, as the leaves absorb from the air nourishment to the fruit. The mulberry, the proper food for silk- worms, however, bears the loss of its foliage three or four times a year, without the least injury, so wisely has Prov i- dence adapted all things! 1' To face p iyi. /lr,m/, .»„///\.r. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XVI. LEAVES CONTINUED. Composition continued. Fig. 1. Two-yoked, or bijugous, vide No. 318, p. 56. Fig. 2. Three-yoked, or trijugous, vide No. 319, p. 665* Fig. 3. Unequally pinnate, vide No. 320, p. 66. Fig. 4. Abruptly pinnate, vide No. 321, p. 56.. Recomposition. Fig. 6. Decompound, vide No. 322, p. 56. Fig. 6. Bigeminate, vide No. 323, p. 56. Fig. 7. Bitemate, vide No. 324, p. 57. Of all leaves the compound are most affected by light, insomuch that it appears in several cases the sole cause of their expansion, and when withdrawn they fold over each other, and are then in that state called their sleep. They appear to possess even a greater degree of vitality than other leaves, and some of them are sensitive, as the mimo- sa sensitiva, pnd pudica, oxalis sensitiva, and smithia sensi- tiva. The smallest touch to the sensitive plant, as it is called, will contract its leaf, a still wider stroke, a branch, «nd a stroke on the branch, almost the entire plant. 178 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XVII. LEAVES CONTINUED. Recomposition continued. Fig. 1. Super-decompound, vide No. 326, p. 57. Fig. 2. Tergeminate, vide No. 327, p. 57. Fig. 3. Triternate, vide No. 328, p.-«68. Fig. 4. Tripinnate, vide No. 329, p. 58. ## Light acts beneficially upon the upper surface of leaves, and hurtfully upon the underside, hence the former is al- ways turned towards the light, in whatever situation the plant may happen to be placed. Trees nailed against a north wall turn their leaves from the wall, and in direct opposition to those on a southern wall against them. Plants in a hot house all present the fronts of their leaves, and this influences even the posture of the branches, to the side where there is more light, but neither to thfc qHarter, where most air is admitted, nor to the flue "in search of heat. If the blanches of a trained fruit tree in full leaf be disturbed in their position, the leaves resume their original direction in the course of a day or two, the brighter the day. the more quickly is this accomplished. Succulent leaves, though so thick and firm, and unapt for motion, are peculiarly sensible of light. M. Caldrini found vine-leaves turn to the light When separated from the stem, and sus- pended by a thread. Of this any one may be easily satis- fied, provided the experiment be made with sufficient care and delicacy. Plate JI r*"— la fate p 17* ': 1| 'M% f /t.ltwHxmtfVr Torac- p.,;,,. /■i,/f, n/ *'**.-m ll./lic;,.n..m/p'\ r EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 179 PLATE XVIII. STIPULES. Fig. 1. Twin, vide No. 365, p. 63. ARMS OF PLANTS. Fig. 2. Glands, vide No. 417, p. 68. Fig. 3. Bractea, vide No 424, p. 68. Fig. 4. Prickles, vide No. 406, p. 67. Fig. 5. Spines, or thorns, vide No. 405, p. 66. Fig. 6. In threes, ternate, vide No. 412, p. 67. Linnaeus observes, that thorns often disappear by cul- ture, thus the pear-tree in its wild state is protected with thorns, but from cultivation it loses this defence. In the white thorn, or what is commonly called May, the spines proceed in such a regular direction, that if the leaves be stript off from a branch, it will present a regular chevaux de frize. Some tendrils after taking a number of turns in one direction, have a power of twining a contrary way, by which their chances of seizing objects are multiplied, some plants twine with the sun, some against his motion. The flower-stalk of the eardiospermum holicacabum ends in a hook, by which it grasps a neighbouring bow, and so gain- a support for its heavy fruit which hangs like a bunch of grapes. At every step we observe the power and goodness of the all-wise Creator ! 180 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XIX. DIFFERENT CALYXES. Fig. 1. Perianth, vide No. 594, p. 87. Fig. 2. Involucre, vide No. 624, p. 90. Fig. 3. Spathe, vide No. 632, p. 92. Fig. 4. Glume, vide No. 643, p. 93. Fig. 5. Calyptra, vide No. 646, p. 93. Fig. 6. Volva, vide No. 647, p. 93. Fig. 7. Amentum, vide No. 540, p. 81. Which is rather to be considered as a receptacle than a Calyx. Observations. Of 1021 Genera, known in the time of Pro- fessor Alston, 673 had a perianth, 72, a spathe ; 75, an in- volucre ; 29, a glume ; 18, an ament; and 3, a calyptra; and about 110 want a calyx altogether. We cannot fail to admire the goodness of Providence in this affair ; thus, in the lily, there needed no calyx, the petals being fleshy and firm,; but in the carnation, whose petals are long and slen- der, there is a strong calyx, a perianth, increased with scales at bottom, and with five large teeth at top, which close inwards before the flower expands, and outwards af- terwards, as a rest or prop, so of the involucre, it first, as in the anemony, closes the flower, afterwards is found at a distance on the flower-stem, the ament is like a tiled house at first, and the spathe as a hood, as in the calyptra and volva, and the chaff of corn is at first covered with glumes, some containing one or two or more flowers. Plate n fiax p.iSo. B. /irown .fat/bfS Y Piute I". B.tlrea.H.tatlp'li y. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 181 PLATE XX. DIFFERENT COROLLAS. Fig. 1. Monopetalous, vide No. 649, p. 94. Fig. 2. Tripetalous, vide No. 651, p. 94. Fig. 3. Tetrapetalous, vide No. 642, p. 94. Fig. 4. Pentapetalous, vide No. 653, p. 94. Fig. 5. Bell-shaped, vide No. 657, p. 95. Fig. 6. Funnel-shaped, vide No. 659, p. 95. Fig. 7. Ringent, vide No. 680, p. 98. Fig. 8. Personate, vide No. 681, p. 98. Fig. 9. Rosaceous, vide No. 685, p. 99. Fig. 10. Cruciform, vide No. 68C, p. 99. Fig. 11. Papileonaceous, videNo. 688, p. 100. Fig. 12. Anomalous, No. 689, p. 100. The Tubular, Ligulate and Compound flowers will be found in the orders. ' ■ Obwrva'ions. How is the sight regaled by this cxul> -- ance of the goodness of God.! Had he not designed I.; please us, would he have created so many delightful ob- jects for our contemplation and wonder ? and havf udc>r the regale of -mell to the charms of beauty ?—Solomon in all his glory is not arrayed like one of these. HoiV tlicr. will heaven be -prcad over with flowers! 16 182 EXPLANATION OP PLATL.S. PLATE XXI. DIFFERENT NECTARIES. Fig. 1. Spur or horn, vide No. 704, p. 102. Fig. 2. Like a funnel, vide No. 708, p. 102. Fig. 3. Fringed scales, vide No 721, p. 103. Fig. 4. Five petals resembling a nest of doves, vide No. 715»p. 103. Fig. 5. Top like.dolphins, elevated on a pil- lar, vide No. 716, p. 103. Fig. 6. A simple cavity, vide No. 710, p. 102. Observations. At every advance we have more and more cause to be grateful to Providence. It has been the will afGodto elevate even inanimate flowers to distinction. The stamina and pistilla are the males and females in plants, and these generally are produced in the same flow- er protected and', nourished by the corolla and calyx. Sometimes these 6r$|Hns are found apart as in the cucum- ber, when bees carry the farina of the male flower to the pistilla of the female flower, and thus produce the espou- sals of flowers. The residuary farina is now made by them into wax, which is the material of their octagon cells, a fabric which has been the astonishment of mathemati- cians. In these cells the honey of flowers is deposited, sucked in by a proboscis evidently marking design, and what a whole city could not have accomplished, is per- formed for us by these little industrious labourers. Their economy is a spurce of incessant admiration, and an ad- mirable epitome of a well ordered state. How ought we also, gifted with reason, but of a superior kind, to elevate our thoughts to the Supreme Disposer of all things. To face p. jo'z PlaU VI. tl./:reu-n .\m(of V.I - j^^ftt—s_31^^^£^ To face p.i8Z /'/,lf<- I //. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XXII. WHITE LILY. In this flower there is no calyx. j Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. A Corolla, Hexapetalous, | Composed of six petals, vide No. 654, p. 94. Fig. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Has six stamina, vide . No. 822, p. 113. Stamens perfect, composed of Fig. 13. The Anther, vide No- 729, p. 104. Fig. 14. Filament, vide No. 730, p. 104. Pistillum perfect, composed of Fig. 15. Stigma, vide No. 726, p. 104. Fig 16. Style, vide No. 727, p. 104. Fig. 17. Germen, vide No. 728, p. 104. Observations. This flower has been usually selected for teaching, as possessing six large fleshy petals, three of which have a ridge in the middle and excavations of each side of this elevation, into which the sides or edges of the other petals are locked, when the flower is in bud, mark- ing most evident design in Providence. These petals, when expanded, form a beautiful basin, out of which pro* ject the six stamina, whose anthers hang upon a point, so that thev vibrate with every gale, and open their cells by the sides folding back, disclosing the farina. The stigma of the pistillum is large for the reception of the globules of ■ farina, (or rathep a fine essence,) which passes down the style to vivify the seeds lodged in the germen, which af- terwards becomes a pericarp. The other parts of theflow- er have been before treated of. 183 ;1 •di LXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XXIII. THE TWENTY FOUR CLASSES. Ij: , Fig. 1. Monandria, vide No. 776, p. 109, al- ii ', so No. 800, p. 111. fa r Fig. 2. Diandria, vide No. 777, p. 109, also I! No. 803, p. 112. Fig. 3. Triandria, vide No. 778, p. 109, also j >■• No. 807, p. 112. Fig. 4. Tetrandria, vide No. 779, p. 109, also , No. 811, p. 112. Fig. 5. Pentandria, vide No. 780, p. 109, also No. 815; p. 113. Fig. 6. Hexandria, vide No. 781, p. 109, also No. 822, p. 113. Fig 7. Heptandria, vide No. 782, p. 109, also No. 828, p. 114. Fig. 8. Octandria, vide No. 783, p. 110, also 1 No. 833, p. 114. ' Fig. 9. Enneandria, vide No. 784, p. 110, al- ' so No. 838, p. 114. Fig. 10. Decandria, vide No. 785, p. 110, al- so No. 842, p. 115. Fig. 11. Dodecandria, vide No. 786, p. 110, also No. 848, p. 115. Fig. 12. Icosandria, vide No. 787, p. 110, al- ^ ' so No. 855, p 116. .» Fig. 13. Polyandria, vide No. 788, p. 110, al- I so No. 861, p. 116. ,, Fig. 14. Didynamia, vide No. 789, p. 1 LO, al- ''j'j so No. 869, p. 117. i /'late Via. R./lriw n jwA'.i; \; EXPLANATION OF PLATES. lotf PLATE XXVII. ,5 BOTANICAL EXERCISES. He suppose the reader must now wish to put into Prac- tice the knowledge previously acquired, and we will there- ;. fore conduct him into the fields and garden. Suppose he «as to see the following plant, he would then describe it— RED VALERIAN. (Valeriana rubra.) Is an herb (vide No. 4. p. 8 ;) an exotic (vide , No. 5. p. 8.) cultivated in gardens (vide No. 10. ■ p. 9.) and producing two cotyledons (vide, No. 24. p. 11.) an annual (vide No. 27. p. 13.) hav- \ inga tuberous root (vide No. 32 p. 15.) shoot- ing perpendicularly in the ground (vide No. 36. p. 15.) possessing a stem (vide No. 55. p. 18.) herbaceous (vide No. 57. p. 19.) succulent (vide No. 62. p. 19) nearly erect (vide No. 68. p. 20.) round (vide No 83. p. 23.) smooth (vide No. 103. p. 25.) simple (vide No. 114. p. 27 ) leaves, r cauline (vide No. 157. p. 34.) opposite (vide No. 161. p. 35.) sessile (vide No. 171. p. 36.) reclin- ed (vide No. 188. p. 38.) lanceolate (vide No. 204. p. 40.) upper leaves (linear-lanceolate) , (vide So. 213. p. 42.) intire uide No. 214. p. » 42.) without stipules (vide No. 256. p 47.) deci- duous (vide No 307. p. 54.) flowers on pedun- cles (vide No. 444 p. 71.) forming an umbel (vide No. 568. p. 84.) which is simple (vide No. 571 p 85.) each flower has a calyx (vide No. ' 593. p. 87.) a perianth (vide No. 594. p. 87.) 190 EXPLANATION OF PLA'l L«i PLATE XXVII. CONTINUED. short (vide No. 616. p. 89.) and a corolla (vide No. , 648. p. 93.) monopetalous (vide No. 649. p. 94.)' 1 funnel-shaped (vide No. 659. p 95.) tube bent J (vide No. 663. p. 96.) orifice naked (vide No. ] 672 p. 97.) limb spreading (vide No. 677. p. 98.) j cut into five lacinia;, or segments (vide observa- tions page 101.) having a nectary, a spur (vide i No. 704. p 102.) possessing one stamen (vide No. j 725. p. 104) and one pistillum (vide No. 724. J p. 104.) Therefore of Class 1. monandria, (vide j No. 800. p. 111.) Order 1. monogynia, (vide J No. 801. p. 112 ) in the Sexual System, (vide No. I 774. p. 109.^ or an exceptional species, of class* in. since the other valerians have three stamina 1 i PLa* xrv. To face p. ig<>. It Br*>un< scufrfjr.T. i tcue XV U ffrtWTt scufpl.VY (EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 191 PLATE XXVIII. male speedwell, (Veronica officinalis.) Or the description may be drawn out thus : Fig 1. ROOT, (No. 26, p. 12,) perennial (No. 30,) fi- brous (33) Fig. 2. STEM, (55) rigid (66) round (83) hirsute (106) Fig. 3. LEAVES, (145) opposite (161) petiolate (172) ovate (199) serrated (236) somewhat hirsute (262) Fig. 4. PEDUNCLES, (444) simple (445) bracteate (473) Fig. 5. (454) a narrow leaf. Fig. 6. FLOWERS, (479) terminal (483) peduncles (491) single (500) spicate (525) Fig. 7. CALYX, a perianth (594) 4-partite (596) rough (609) Fig. 8. COROLLA, (648) monopetalous (649) wheel- "liaped, or rotate (661) tube straight (662) limb 4-partite (vide observation, p. 101) segments ovate, unequal (vide p. 101,) blue (697) Fig. 9. STAMINA, (725) two, therefore of class Dian- dria (803) perfect, having an anther (729) at top, and fila- ment (730) Fig. 10. PISTILLUM, (724) one, therefore of the order Monogynia, (804) perfect, having a stigma obscure (726J style (727) and germen (728) Fie. 11. PERICARP, (734) a capsule (743) many seed- ed (752) Fig. 12. SEEDS, small, flat. Fig. 13. NATIVE of Great Britain, found in gardens (10) meadows (14) and mountains (15) 192 explanation of plates. PLATE XXIX. yellow flag (Iris Pseudacorus.) Fig. 1. ROOT, perennial (30) fibrous (33) Fig. 2. STEM, medullary (64) erect (68) geniculate (72) round (83) smooth (103) K J Fig. 3. LEAVES, radical (156) and cauline (157) alter- nate (160) sessile (171) vaginant (179) erect (182) ensiform (302) ' Fig. 4. PEDUNCLES, axillary (453) Fig. 5. FLOWERS, axillary (484) erect (492) yellow (700) J J Fig. 6. CALYX, a spatha (632) two, or three-flow ered (642) of 1 or 4 valves, or leaves (vide observation to \u 594) Fig. 7. COROLLA, six-partite (vide observation, p. lt.il,) segments 3, large, ovate, reflexed, 3 segments, small, up- right, pointed. ^ Fig. 8 STAMINA, 3, perfect, anther oblong, under the stigma of the pistillum, of class triandria, (807) Fig. 9. PISTILLUM, 1, perfect, stigma, remarkable, be- ing like 3, petals, each of which appears bifid, segments pointed, serrate at top, concealing the stamina. Stylo simple, germen triangular. Of the order, 1. mono-'viii.-. (808) Fig. 10. PERICARP, a capsule (743) Fig. 11. SEEDS, numerous. Fig. 13. NATIVE of Britain (6) near rivers (20) Pint. .11/ 7b face p. ipx. o /i.w*.i.n^.'.r.r Plate Mil B. llrowil Jui'p' VY. explanation of plates. 193 ' PLATE XXX. lacimated teasel, (Dipsacus laciniatus.) Fig. 1. STEM, (56) rigid (66) erect (68) articulated (91) striated (100) hirsute (106) branched (118) branches, spreading (136) ' Fig. 2. LEAVES, two at each joint, opposite (161) con- nate (178) recurved (187) middle rib aculeate (-<>-!) Fig. 3 CALYX, common, polyphyllous (620) rough (609) permanent (614) long (615) the proper perianth (594) •i-toothed. Fig. 4. COROLLA, monopetalous "(649) tube, straight (662) limb straight (678) quadrifid (vide observation, p. 101,) segments ending acute. Fig. 5. STAMINA 4, perfect, filaments long, anthers in- r.umbent, hence of Class IV. TETRANDRIA (811) Fig. 6 PISTILLUM 1, style filiform, stigma, simple, hence of Order 1, MONOGYNIA (808) Fig. 7. PERICARF, none. Fig. 8. SEED, single, crowned (764) n 194 explanation of vlates. PLATE XXXI. primrose (Primula acaulis.) Fig 1. ROOT, perennial (30,) premorse ('vide 51 and ob- servation ) scaly. Fig. 2. STEM, none. Fig. 3. LEAVES, radical (156) erect CI82,) somewhat revolute (192) obiong-ovate (212 and 199, vide observation to No. 212) unequally crenate (235,) smooth above (257,) ] hirsute on the under side (262) veiny (277J wrinkled (278) somewhat waved (291) peduncle very short (356,) Fig. 4 STIPULES, subulate- (374J Fig. 5. FLOWERS on very long petioles (478J radical (480) erect (492) single (500) of a sulphur colour. Fig. 7. CALYX, a perianth (594) monophyllous (/vide observation to No. 594) 5-toothed, rough (609) permanent (614) intermediate size (617) Fig. 8. COROLLA, monopetalous (649) salver-shaped (660) tube, cylindrical (664) prominent (671) orifice, di- lated (669) limb, spreading (677)-five-parted, segments, emarginate. Fig. 9. STAMINA 5, perfect, anthers, erect, oblong. Filaments veiv short. Comes under Class V. Pentandria (-815) Fig. 10. PISTILLUM 1, perfect, stigma very conspicu- ous, style long, germen round. Hence of order 1, mono- gynia. Fig. 11. PERICARP, a capsule (743; Fig. 12. SEEDS many. Fig. 13. NATIVE of England, found common in mea= dows (14) .* P v> Pl„/e \l\ ■>-w explanation of plates. 10j • PLATE XXXII. bellvdonna (Amaryllis.) Fig. 1. ROOT, bulbous (31) perennial (30) tunicated | C42) i Fig. 2. STEM, a scape (54) succulent (62) round (83) smooth (103) ■■ Fig. 3. LEAF, radical (156) linear (208) Fig 4. FLOWERS, umbellate (568) pedunculed (570) ; simple (571> a beautiful flesh colour. Fig. 5. CALYX, common (vide sect. xiii. p. 90) two- valved (638) many flowered (642) Fig. 6. COROLLA, hexapetalous (654) bell-shaped (657) petals lanceolate, with a hook at each alternate petal. , Fi;' 7. STAMINA 6, perfect, conspicuous, filaments ' long, anthers incumbent Me ice of Class VI. Hexandria. Fig. 8. PISTILLA, pcrfeqt, having a conspicuous stig-* ma, long style, and large germen. Hence of order 1. M0- , nogytiia (823) Fit. 9. PERIC \RP. a cansule (743) Fig. 10. SE>:;P\ many, globular (756) Fig. 11. NATIVE of theCaribee Islands, Barbadoes and Surinam. *36 explanation of plates. PLATE XXXIII. horse chestnut (JEsculus hippocastanum.) Fig. 1. TRUNK, arboreous (60; solid (61) branched (118) branches spreading (136; somewhat civet (l:.:>) Fig 2, LEAVES, opposite (161) petiolate (172) pal- mated (232) folioles seven, cuneiform and oblou- (202; and (207; serrated (236) acute (243) somen hat wrinkled (278; middle one largest. FLOWERS, thyrsoid (556; Fig. 4. CALYX, a perianth (594; monophyllous (vide observation, p. 87; quinquefid, or 5-cleft (vide Nos. 597 and 598.; Fig. 5. COROLLA, tetrapetalotis (652; subrotund, mar- gins plicate (vide 676; and spreading (vide 677; anoma- Fig. 6 STAMINA 7, perfect, filaments pilous (vide No. 105; anthers large. Comes under class VII. Heptandria (oZoJ Fig 7. PISTILLUM, perfect, stigma, subulate, style, villous (vide No. 259; germen, ovate. Hence of order 1, monogynia (829; Fig. 8. PERICARP, a capsule (743; muricated (vide No. 109; trilocular (vide No. 749; trivalvular (vide No. 746; two or three-seeded (752) Fig. 9. SEEDS, globular, (750. \ Fig. in NATIVE ol Asia. /'Me XX ro fair p.igt HI D I , f To fair p igj. /'/i/te \\l B.'Brovrn.**ruhr* .VJ? explanation of plates. 197 PLATE XXXIV. evening primrose (CEnothera.) Fig. 1. STEM, rigid (66) erect (68) hairy (105.) Fig. 2. LEAVES, alternate (160; sessile (171) spread- ing (183) under leave^vate-Ianceolate (204) obscurely toothed (237) ending alflte (245) smooth (257) flat (285.) Fig. 3. FLOWERS, axillary (484) peduncled (491) yel- low, single (500) spicate (525.; Fig. 4. CALYX, a perianth, monophyllous (594) quad- ripartite (vide No. 596) lacinia}, oblong, acute, deflexed, deciduous (613.) Fig. 5. COROLLA, tetrapetalous (652; regular (656) pe- tals obcordate. Fig. 6. STAMINA 8, perfect, filaments long, anthers in- cumbent. Hence of class VIII. octandria (833.) Fig. 7. PISTILLA 1, perfect, stigma quadrifid, style long, germen beneath the calyx. Falls under order 1, mo- nogynia. Fig. 8 PERICARP, a capsule. Fig. 9. SEEDS, many. Fig. 10. NATIVE of Virginia 17* ; 1 J98 EXPLANATION OF PLATES, i PLATE XXXV. flowering-rush (Butomus umbellatus.) Fig. 1. ROOT, horizontal (37; repent (38.) ■4 Fig. 2. STEM, a scape (54; succulent (62) round (83) ' smooth (103J m Fig 3. LEAVES, equitant (15z5 erect (182; triangular (216) quite intire (234) acute (254; smooth (257.; Fig. 4. FLOWERS, single (500; umbellate, simple (571) a pale red. Fig. 5. CALYX, an involucre (624; universal (625; three-leaved (vide No. 622.; Fig. 6. COROLLA, hexapetalous (654; marcescent (692; Fig. 7. STAMINA 9, perfect. Hence of class IX. enne- andria. Fig. 8. Pistilla 6, perfect, stigmas bifid, styles inconspi- ' cuous, germens oblong, producing order 3,hexagynia(841.) I Fig. 9. PERICARP, capsules (743; six. ' Fig. 10. SEEDS, many. Fig. 11. NATIVE of Britain, on the borders of river* (20; Plate XXII. To fire p. iqS. fi ». »».fc«£.'xr IV,i/i Will •itp'.vr. KXPLANATION OF PLATES. IM PLATE XXXVI. granulated saxifrage (Saxifraga granulata.) Fig. 1. ROOT, tuberous (82) granulated (47.) Fig. 2. STEM, round (83) hairy (105.) Fig. 3. LEAVES, radical (156) and cauline (157) petio- late (172) kidney-shaped (221) crenate (235) Fig. 4. CALYX, a perianth, monopetalous (594) quin- quepartite (vide No. 596) segments ending acute, perma- nent (614) Fig. 5. COROLLA, pentapetalous (653) Fig. 6. STAMINA 10. Hence of class X. decandria (842.) Fig. 7. PISTILLA 2, that is, there is a common germen, ending in two styles. Hence falls under order 2. dygynia (644.) '^ Fig. 8. PERICARP, a capsule. Fig. 9. SEEDS, many, small. Fig. 10. NATIVE of Europe £0\) 'EXPLANATION OF PLATES- PLATE XXXVII. aserabacca (Asarum Canadense.) Fig. 1. STEM, the termination of the leaves, which aip in pairs. Fig. 2. LEAVES, radical (156) twin (163) petiolate (172) petioles very long (460) villous at the base, intire (214) kidney-shaped (221) mucronate (248.) Fig. 3. FLOWERS arise from the centre of the two pe- tioles, small, and always under the shelter of the leaves. Fig 4. CALYX, a perianth, monophyllous (594) three- cleft (vide No. 597.) Fig 5. No Corolla. Fig. 6. STAMINA 12; hence comes under class XIL DODECANDR1A (843.) Fig. 7. PISTILLUM 1, with curious stigma, called stel- late, star-shaped Forming order 1, monogynia. Fig. 8. NATIVE of Canada. POSTSCRIPT. These will serve as sufficient examples of the method of describing plants, which the young botanist should habitu- ate himself to, with the aid of our grammar, and then should form them into an Hortus Siccus /v,,/, u/t: *^ V^r / J 5 3'.-»n$em,If>? ^01 DIRECTIONS HQW TO MAKE AN HORTUS SICCUS. After having collected as good a specimen as possible of the plant, lay it flat, disposing of it in the best manner, so that the flowers and leaves do not interfere with each other, betwixt ashict of white paper; put this on a quire ofblot- iting paper, and also a quire over it, and then apply a weight on the top. Books answer this purpose very well. The next day put dry blotting paper as before, first opening the sheet of paper, and making any alterations in the disposi- tion of parts. Dried specimens, are to be fixed into slips of i paper, or glued with common glue. These should be kept in shelves or drawers. To prevent the depredation of in- sects, Dr. Smith recommends a solution of corrosive subli- mate, muriate of mercury, in some spirits of wine, with I'Mrhich the plants arc when dry to be gently moistened. I i I /'/,//, VVl To faee p. lot j H BmenxJahri I INDEX THE BOTANICAL TERMS EXPLAINED IN THE GRAMMAR. ABRUPTLY-PINNATE, leaves Acerose, leaves ». Acotyledonous Aculeate, leaves Acute, leaves Acuminate, leaves . Adnate, leaves . ------, stipules Alternate, branches --------, leaves -------—, flowers Amentaceous, flowers Amplexicaul, leaves Ancipital, stem ADgular, stem -------, leaves . Annual, plant Anomalous, corollas . Anther, part of the flower Appcndaged, corolla . Appressed, peduncles ---------, leaves Arboreous, stem . Vumb. P-ig* 321 56 210 41 22 11 264 48 245 46 246 46 170 36 371 63 128 29 160 34 488 77 540 81 176 36 86 23 87 23 215 42 27 13 689 100 729 104 667 96 456 73 181 37 60 19 CJ04 INDEX'. Aril, part of seed Arrow-shaped, leaves Articulated, root ■----------, stem . ----------, petiole . . ----------, peduncles . , ■----------, spike Ascending, stem . . Attenuated, peduncle Axillary, peduncles -------, flowers , , -------, flower -------, spike , Azure, colour B. BELLIED, tube Bell-shaped, corolla Bent or bowed, tube . Berry, pericarp Biennial, root . . Bifid, calyx . . . Bigeminate, leaves compound Binate, leaves Bipartite, spathe Bipinnate, leaves compound . Biternate, leaves compound Blue, corolla . Boat-shaped, spathe . Bractea, arms of plants . Bracteated, peduncles -----------, flowers -----------, cyme . Branched, roots ---------, wool • ■ ■■■'■--! spadix Plate XXI/I To lace p.tQ4 \ Flowers HBro.cn », Xlork. INDEX. 205 Branches, division of stems Branchlets, division of stems Bristles, arms of plants . Brown, corolla . Buds, foliation Bulbous, roots . . . Bullate, leaves . . tfumb, page 125 29 126 23 394 66 701 101 146 33 31 14 279 49 CADUCOUS, leaves ----------•—, stipules ■-------------, bractea -------------, perianth -------------, corolla Calyculate, common calyx Calyptra, calyx Calyx .... Capitate, flowers Capsule, pericarp Cartilaginous, border of leaves Cauline, leaven -------, peduncles -------, flowers Cells, divisions in pericarps Channelled, stems ----------, leaves ——-----, petioles Chinky, stems , Ciliate, leaves ------, stipules Circinal, foliation Clas- 1 . ---- 2 ---- 3 . ----4 . 18 | 206 INDEX. Class 6 Numb 822 ■i ------ 7 ■ . . . . 828 ., ---- 8 . . 833 ----9 ' . . 838 i ---- 10 • . 842 ---- 11 • . 848 ! ---- 12 • 855 ---- 13 • . 861 ---- 14 . 869 ---- 15 • ♦ - . . 872 1 ---- 16 '. . . 875 ---- 17 . . .881 ---- 18 . 806 ---- 19 . . • . 891 ] ---- 20 .... ■ 898 ---- 21 . . 907 —— 22 > • • . . 919 ---- 23 • . . . 934 ---- 24 938 Cloathed, orifice . . . 674 Clustered , leaves . . 167 ----- flowers . . 503 Climbing, stems 81 Closed, orifice . . 668 Clubbed, petioles . 343 Coloured, leaves . 269 .... j bractea . 425 calyx . 604 i Column, 3art of pericarp 748 Concave, leaves . 287 Compressed, leaves 300 —, stems . 85 Compounc , leaves 310 , petioles . . 362 , peduncles 446 , flowers . , raceme . 5'J9 549 +>»(.\ '•'»■ "MOJff j/ aot ft aoof <>l 1//AYY wnd To fiuxp ivi llttte \\1\ /ijiroa'n.*, VY..~t INDEX. Compound, corymbus •—■------, umbel . ----------, radiate . Common, peduncles Comose, spike . Compressed, petiole Conduphcate, foliation ■ ------, leaves Conic, spines . Conical, capitate . Connate, leaves Conniving, leaves . Convex, involucre . . -------, leaves . . Convolute, tendril . —————, spathe ---------, leaves Conjugate, compound leaf Corolla ... Corked, stem . Corymbose, flower Cotton, arms of plants Cotyledons . . . . Crowded, branches . Crowned, orifice . Crenate, leaves Crowded, verticillate Cucullate, leaves --------, spathe . Culm, stem . , Cup, closed by a lid, nectary Cupped, glands Curled, leaves Cuspidate, leaves . , Cylindrical, spike . ---------, ament 208 Cylindrical, tube Cylindric, seeds D. Deciduous, leaves ' , stipules . ----------, calyx ——-----, corolla . Declined, stem . i. ■ -, branches Decompound, leaf . Decurrent, leaves ————, stipules . Decussated, branches ■, leaves Defending, sleep of leaves Depending, sleep of leaves Digitate, compound leaf . Deltoid, leaves Dentate, leaves —------, stipules . Depressed, leaves Dichotomous, stem Dicotyledonous iMlated, orifice Dimidate, capitate flowers Dimidiate, umbel . Dipetalous, corolla . Distichous, leaves ■ ■ ----, flowers . Divaricate, branches . -----, panicle . Diverging, leaves in sleep Dotted, leaves . Double, calyx Double seed, each resembling Down, an armature boat Numb. pag/- 664 96 759 108 307 54 , 388 65 613 89 691 101 74 21 141 31 322 56 180 37 372 63 130 30 162 35 334 59 338 60 314 55 217 42 237 45 385 65 299 53 119 28 24 11 669 97 522 80 627 91 650 94 165 35 497 78 142 31 567 84 337 60 281 50 619 9C 753 107 396 66 Plate XXX To lace p toO. BJtroun «•. MFort. rrafeWM B.&nwn gc \ )r>/4 INDEX. Downy, calyx . Drooping, peduncle ---------, flowers Drupe, pericarp Eighth class . Eighteenth class Eleventh class . Emarginate, leaves Emerged, leaves . Empty, stem . Environing, leaves in sleep Equitant, foliation t Erect, stem . (, ——, branches -----, leaves . -----, petioles . -----, stipules -----, peduncles -, flowers -----, raceme . Erose, leaves Equal, petiole . -----, stipule -----, peduncle -----, calyx Ever-green, leaves . Eye, seed Exotics . Extra foliaceous, stipules Extra-axillary, peduncles -------' , flowers * F. Falchion-shaped, leaves Falling, bractea ink 1<* 210 INDEX. Fascicular, root Fasciculate, flowers . Fastigiate, stem . ---------, branches Feathery, wool Fibrous, root . Fiddle-shaped, leaves Fifth class Fifteenth class . Filament Filaments without anthers nectary Filiform, peduncles , -, ament -, tube . First class Five-sided, corollas Flaccid, peduncles ———, involucre Flat, leaves . ----, spadix —-—, involucre Fleshy, leaves . Flexuose, stem Floral, leaves . Foliar, tendril Foliate, pericarp . Forked, spines ———, tendril , Four cornered, stems ■-------------, peduncles Fourth class Fourteenth class . Fringed scale, nectary Funnel-shaped, corolla Furrowed, stem i fating stamina, Plate XXXIl To face p.tto. ft./ir.„,n,r IM. Pfft/f XWIII /I /ln>u>n f*c . \ )f*rA INDEX. 211 G. Geniculate, stem .... ---------, peduncle . . Germen ..... Gibbous, leaves .... Glacds ...... -----, at the insertions of the stamens, tary..... -----, upon the stamens, nectary Glandular, leaves . Globose, involucre Globular, roots . , --------, glands . ——----, capitate . . . , ament . . . --------, corolla . , seed ... Gloiperate, spike Glume, stem Granulated, root Green, corolla Grumous, root :| H. Hairs, armature Half-cylindric, stem . Hatchet-shaped leaf Heart, part of seed . Heart-shaped, leaf Herb Herbaceous, stem Hersute, stem . -------, leaves . . Hexapetalous, corolla Horizontal, root . . ■ ' , leaves Numb. 72 468 728 298 417 c- 723 722 282 576 39 421 520 541 658 756 530 643 47 699 46 393 84 305 769 220 4 57 106 262 654 37 185 212 INDEX. Horizontal, flowers Hooked, wool . I. Imbricate, leaves asleep Imbricated, foliation . ————--, leaves ----------, common calyx Including, leaves asleep . Incrassated, peduncles Incurved, branches Indigenous Imbricated . . . . Indexed, leaves Inflorescence Intermediate, calyx . Intire, leaves ----, stipules Interrupted, spike Intra-foliaceous, stipules Inverting, leaves asleep ' . Involute, foliation . Involucre .... Involucred, verticillus ----------, flowers . Involving, leaves asleep . Irregular, segments . Jointed, leaves compound K. Kidney-shaped, leaves . Knotty, roots ------, stems Pl'lle XXXIV To fate p 121 B Jlrourn. ■ INDEX. 213 L. •Numb. page •J Labiate, calyx .... 640 92 Lacerated, leaves . . . 244 46 Laciniated, leaves .... 230 44 ' Lanceolar, leaves . . . 203 40 f Lanceolate, leaves . . . 204 40 ----------, leaves . k . 376 64 Lateral, stipules .... 366 63 Lax, stem . . . . . 67 20 Leafy, stems . . 94 24 " -, peduncles . 471 75 -----, capitate flowers . . 523 80 —■—, spike .... . 538 81 -----, raceme .... 552 83 Leafy, thyrse .... . 559 83 Leafless, stem .... 93 24 Leaves..... . 145 32 Leaved, tendril . 437 70 Legume, pericarp . . . . 742 106 Lenticular gland .... 422 68 Level, leaves .... 266 48 Ligulate, corolla . . . , . 683 99 Like the cut finger of a glove, nectary 707 102 Like a funnel, nectary . . , . 708 102 Like a slipper, nectary . 709 102 Like a tongue, nectary . . , . 717 103 Linear, leaves .... 208 41 Linear, petiole .... . 341 60 Linear-lanceolate, leaves 213 42 Lineate, leaves . . . . 274 49 Lobed, leaves .... 231 44 -----, perianth . 595 87 Long, petiole '. . 359 62 , stipules . . . . , . 392 65 • —, tendril .... 443 71 ----, peduncles . . 476 76 ——> perianth . . 615 89 214 INDEX Lunate, stipules Lyre-shaped . . M, Many-flowered, spathe Marcescant, corolla Medullary, stem Membranous, stem Membranaceous, leaves Monocotyledonous, leaves Monopetalous, corolla . Monophyllous, involucre Middling size, peduncles Miliary, glands Muriated, stems Much spreading, leaves . Multifid, perianth -------, tendril N. Naked, stems . . . ------, petioles . ------, peduncles . . ', verticil ------, head of flower ------, ament ————, raceme ------, thyrse ------, involucre ------, cyme ------, spadix ,. ------, orifice of tube . ■ channel, nectary . ------ scale Nectary .... Plate XIV17 To face p .114 A»»»»*.yTOn« ~n To faeep u5 Plate xxxvn INDEX. Nen ed, leaves Nerveless, leaves .Nineteenth class . . Nodding, stem . --------, flower Nut pericarp o Oblong, leaves ------, thyrse . . . Oblique, stem ------, leaves . Obovate, leaves Obtuse, leaves . Obvolute, leaves One-tlowered, glume . ------------, spathe One-seeded, pericarp > One-sided, raceme . One-valved . Opposite, branches --------, leaves . , . --------, flowers Opposite-leaved, stipule . Opposite the leaf, peduncle Oval, leaves Ovate, leaves -----, spike -----, ament -----, seed . . . Ovate-oblong . . P. Palmated, root --------leaf 216 INDEX. Paniculate, stem ----------, flower Papilionaceous, flower Papillose, leaves Pappus, part of the seed Partite, perianth Partitions, pericarp Parabolic, leaves Partial, pedunc'les . —-----, umbel . ■------, involucre . Patent, petioles ------, stipules ------, peduncles Peduncular, tendril Peduncle . Peduncled, flower . ----------, verticil ■■ —, umbel . Pedunculate, head Pedate, leaf . . Peltate, leaf . Pendulous, raceme Pentapetalous, flower Perfoliate, leaf Perennial, root . Perianth, calyx Pericarp . Permanent, stipules ■----;------, calyx Persisting, leaves ---------, bractea Perpendicular, root Personate, corolla Petal-like, calyx , '■ —, nectary Petiolate, leaves . Numb Bate JX1VI11 To face p.n6. ', Pericarps. BMhmmsc.K Forms of Flowers. fX/lffi ifrDEX. 217 PetibJar, leaves Pimply, leaves . • Pinnate, leaf Pinnatifid, leaf . --------, stipules —----, involucre . Pink-like, corolla Pistil, part of flower . Pitted, leaves Plicate, foliation ———, limb of corolla ------, leaves . Plane, spatha Plume, part of seed . Polished, stem ■■■ i , leaves Polycotyledonous . Polyphyllous, calyx . ---- i , involucre Polypetalous, flower . ^ Pome, pericarp Premorse, root Praemorse, leaf Pressed together, panicle Prickles, arms Prickly, stems -------, petioles . Procumbent, stem Proliferous, stem . Prominent, orifice of tube Prostrate, stem Pubescent, stem ——- ' , leaves . Purple, corolla . Quadrifid, cyme Quite intire, leaf a 19 Numb. P»g 432 7( 284 51 317 5f 228 4- 386 6£ 631 9 687 10( 724 lo- 280 st 154 3< 676 9' 290 5 633 95 770 10! 99 2.c 267 4f 25 11 620 9C 6*9 91 655 94 7^7 105 51 17 254 47 565 84 4C6 ■ 67 111 27 353 61 76 22 122 28 671 97 77 22 104 25 258 47 694 101 583 86 234 45 218 INDEX. R. Racemous Radical, leaves ———, peduncles -------, flowers Radicle, part of seed Rameal, leaves Ramose -------, peduncles . —------, flowers Receptacle Reclined, leaves . Recurved, leaves ---------, petioles . . Reflexed, branches . —-------, leaves . --------, stipules ——----, limb of corolla Regular, corolla Repand, leaves Repent, roots . ------, stems . . Resembling a nest of doves, nectary -----------dolphins, nectary . -----------a particular shell, nectary ---------— rays of glory, nectary ——------the head of a monkey, nectary ———-----■- a single crown, nectary --------■— a double crown, nectary -----------a shuttle-cock, nectary Resupinate, leaves Retuse, leaves .... Revolute, foliation ■ ■ , border . —————, tendril .... Rhomboid, leaves Plate XL. ./ Botanical Exercise. Jca Tree. "* JL/bv*m*c..vy \L\\ i Plate XLL A Botanical Exercise &A*u,n~-.rr INDEX. 219 Rigid, stems Ringent, corolla Root * Rosaceous, flower Rough, calyx Round, stem ———, circumscription —, form of leaf ■, petiole -., peduncle Roundish, leaf --------, flower Runcinate, leaf Sagittate leaf Salver-shaped, corolla Sarmentose, stem Scabrous, stem ■ , leaf . Scaly, root . -----, stem -----, peduncle -----, ament . Scape, stem . Scariose, leaf . Scarlet, corolla Scattered, leaf ---------, flowers Second class Semi-amplexicaul, leaf Seminal leaves . Serrate, leaf Serrated, leaf . Sessile, leaf . ■— —, stipule . ----—, flower 220 Num1-' Sessile, verticil . . ■ ,■■■—, head ——, umbel . ------, cyme Setaceous, leaf Seventh class . Seventeenth class Striated, stem Short, petiole . • ■ -, peduncle . —— , calyx Shrubs ^ftr- . Bihi !e, pericarp Si!kine*ij armature Silky, kaf N * Silique, pericarp?. Simple^ root "—^f-\,*tem? • ——i—, petiole . ■------, wool . -------, tendril '------. spine . ■------, peduncje ——--, spike ■------, raceme ■------, corymb —-----, umbel . —-----, spadix ■------, calyx . ------, involucre . Simple cavity, nectary Single, flower Sipuate, leaf Six-flowered, verticil Six-parted, spathe Sixteenth class Cfixth class Plate XLU A Botanical Axerase. Tobacco. B/SroumecAir r-*rr«*< Nutmeg. Sleep of leaves Small open cup, nectary . Smooth, stem -. ■, leaf ;. -------, petiole" . • . -------, calyx . Solid, root Solitary, stipules Spadiceous . Spicate . . ■,.« Spathe .••-•. t » . Spathed, spadix . .& Spatula-shaped, leaf Spear-shaped, leaf . Spines, or thorns . Spinescent, petiole ----------, stipule Spiny, leaf Spreading, branches ----------, leaves ---------, flowers ----------, limb or corolla . Spur, nectary . .'< • Square, seed Squarrose, calyx . A Stamen .... Stellate, arms Stem .... Stipules Stinging, stem . Stings, arms Stipe, stem . . • ——, part of seed . Stipuled, leaves Stigma, part of flower . Stoloniferous, stem • U J.VDFX. Uniform, raceme Unilateral, flowers Universal, involucre Utricular, arms Waved, leaf , Wedge-shaped, leaf Wheel-shaped, corolla White, corolla Winged, petiole -, stem , Without knots, stem Without stipules, leaf Wool, arms Wrinkled, leaf Zig-zag, stem W 22o Numb. page ii 551 82 "i 498 73 Ii 625 91 420 68 > 291 52 207 41 'V" 661 96 ,.'. ' 693 101 342 60 V' 98 25 '•'., 115 27 256 47 398 66 278 49 461 74 r ' 1 TERMINI BOTAJVICI. A DICTIONARY or For the Use of STUDENTS IN BOTANY. A NEW EDITION. BY JAMES LEE, AtJtHOR OF THE " INTBODUCTION TO BOTANY.". i3l EDITOR'S PREFACE. This Dictionary first appeared as an Appen- dix to Mr. Lee's Introduction to Botany, as ear- ly as the year 1765. It has been several times reprinted, but not with any improvements, and errors have been multiplied by inattention. This edition has been carefully compared with the works of Linnaeus, from which the Dic- tionary was originally compiled : some errors in the translation have been corrected, and some additional terms have been added. There is one cir'.umstance, however, upon which it may be necessary to say a few words. Among Bota- nists there is a difference of opinion with respect to the anglicising the Latin technical terms, how far the original words should be kept and na- turalized to our language, in ; f deeree thej may be mutilated conformably to oo. ..u...., or f e what extent they may be entirely rejected, and 20 \ff' > 2$0 EDITOn's PREFACE. j words purely English adopted to supply their i l J,' place. These points have created considerable !;. dispute. Here, the Latin words are U9ed with i their plural, wherever they occur as technical j■ words ; nor, from what has been said to the con- trary by Professor Martyn and Dr. Smith, is the ||:, Editor able to discover any good reason to re- ject this principle as a general rule : and in pro- ;j portion as he is no friend to the revolutionizing his vernacular tongue, so he is inclined to op- t. , pose the making Latin words, by barbarous mu- i tilation, into very bad English words : which, from the circumstance of their being considered as English, may in time be interwoven with the texture of the English lauguage, which, in their original state, will not be likely to undergo any change in their use or application. Although perianthium may be called perianth, and scapus scape, &<•. as has been adopted by Professor Martyn ; yet, with all due deference to his au- thority, it is to be observed that words which are abridged of their terminations" are not, therc- .w editor's TREFACE. 231 fore, in reality English words more than the ori- ginal words which have been clipped to make them. When they are recognised and adopted by a nation they may become a part of the na- tional language, but till then, however they may be trimmed and pruned, they mu8t be consider- ed as exotics. It is therefore the least incon- venience and the greatest gain to keep the Latin terms with their proper terminations, so far as the technical language of the science is con- cerned. As the explanation of the terms in Botany of- ten derives considerable assistance from engrav- ed figures, The Elements of Botany, in three vo~ lumes, illustrating all the Classes and all the Or- ders of the Linnwan System, is the work uniform- ly referred to when the Class and Order of the plant are mentioned. London, April 1, 1813. I DICTIONARY OF BOTANICAL TERMS. The Latin word in Italic characters denotes that it is of- ten combined with the previous word, and the explanation implies that conjunction. The Latin words themselves are explained according to their alphabetical order. ABBREVIATUM perianlhium. When the calyx is shorter than the tube of the corolla. See Tobacco, Elements of Botany, Class v. Order 1. \bortiens, Jlos. A barren flower, such as pro- duces neither fruit nor seed ; as the stamini- I'erous blossoms of Dioecious plants. See Ele- ments of Botany, Class xxii. Vallisneria spi- ralis, Cannabis, Juniperus, &c. \br\ir>tnm, folium pinnatum. A term used only in pinnate leaves, which are said to be abrupt- i Iy pinnate when they have neither leaflet nor \[' tendril at the end, as Mimosa pudica. Class W xxiii. Order 1. ACAULIS, without stalk or stem, as Carduus aCiiuHs. Co* jlr';i 234 DICTIONARY OK ||li Acerosum/oZiMw. A linear and permanent leaf, r i as in the Pine-tree. Class xxi. Order 8. In i|i| form of a needle, usually inserted at the base I fj| into the branch by articulation, as in the cone- \T'' bearing trees. Philos. Bot. I jit, Acicularis, needle-shaped, as in Scirpus acicu- 11\i laris. \ wm Acinaciforme folium, falchion or cimeter-shap- i mi e^' as *n Mesembryanthemurn acinaciforme. M\ Acini. The small external berries which com- M pose the fruit of the mulberry, blackberry, !'1!|. and raspberry. ill H Acotyledones plants. Plants whose seeds have jj|c" no cotyledons or lobes to the seed or seed- \%: : leaves. 1,1 Aculei. Prickles, fixed in the rind or surface ;| \ of the bark, as in the stem of the Rose. See p BOTANICAL TERMS. 241 ftre generally of a different shape and colour from the other leaves of the plant, and are al- ways seated near the fructification. See Ho- lostium umbellatum, Class iii. Order 3. Fig. 2. Bracteatus. Furnished with floral leaves. BULBIFEROUS caulis. A stalk bearing bulbs, as in a species of Lily, called Lilium bulbife- rum. Bulbus. A hybernaculum, or winter receptacle of a plant, vulgarly called the root, but in re- ality, is a single bud, enveloping the whole plant. Bulbosa radix. A bulbous root ; squamosa, sca- ly, as in the Lily ; tunicata, coated, as in Ce- pse ; duplicate, double, as in Fritillaria; or snliduy as in Tulipa. Bullatum/ofrwm.. When the surface of the leaf rises above the veins, so as to appear like blis- ters. CADUCUS calyx. To fall off; a term signify- ing the shortest time of duration of the calyx, falling off at the first opening of the flower, a9 in the Poppy. This term also applies to leaves which fall off before the end of the summer. Calimariae (from Calamus, a reed.) The 19th Order in Linnseus's Fragments of a natural ar- rangement in the Philosophia Botanica. It contains sedges and other plants allied to grasses. Calcar. Spur. Calcariatum ncctarium. A kind of nectarium re 21 242 DICTIONARY OF sembling a spur, as in the Delphinium, Clas? xiii. Order 3. Calyculatus calyx. A little calyx added to a larger one, as in Dianthus, Class x. Order 2. Calycanthemi. The 40th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Calyptra. A veil* in mosses, where it is placed over the pericarpium, and is supposed to be the corolla. Calyx (plural Calyses.) A flower-cup, of which there are seven kinds enumerated, See Vol. I. p. 7. Campanaceffi (Campana, a bell.) The 32d Or- der in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural ar- rangement, containing plants with bell-shaped flowers. Campanulata corolla. Bell-shaped flowers, as Harebell. See Elements of Botany, Class vi. Order 1. Canaliculatum folium. A leaf having a deep channel from the base to the tip. Cancellatus. Latticed. Candelares (Candela, a candle.) The 62d Or- der in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural ar- rangement. Capillaceum/u/tMm. (From capillus, hair,) ex- emplified in the leaves of Ranunculus aquatilis, &c. Capillaris. Hairs undivided. Capillarus pappus. Hairy down, as in the Dan- delion. See Elements of Botany, Class xix. Capillus. Hair. The first degree of the Lia BOTANICAL TERMS. 243 naean 9cale for measuring plants, the diameter of a hair, the twelfth part of a line. Capitati Jlores. Flowers collected into heads, as Thistles and other plants, with compound < flowers growing with a head. Capitatus. Headed. Capitulum. A little head, a kind of inflorescen- tia, in which the flowers are connected into close heads on the tops of the flower-stalks, as in Adoxa moschatellinat Elements of Botany, .' Class viii. Order 4. Capreolus. A tendril, one of the appendages of plants. See Elements of Botany, Vol. II. p. 40. Capsula (plural Capsulae.) A hollow pericarpi- um which cleaves or opens in some determi- nate manner ; as the seerkvessel of the Tea, Class xiii. the Fox-glove, Class xiv. &c. Carina. The keel of a boat or ship. The low- ; er petal of the papilionaceous corolla. See Spartium, Elements of Botany, Class xvii. Or- der 4. Carinatum/o/tmn. When the back of a leaf re- sembles the keel of a ship. Gariophyllaeus^os. Clove tree, or flowers grow- ing in the manner of carnations. Carnosum/oh'um. A fleshy leaf; the substance more stiff than mthe folium pulposum. Cartilagineum folium. A leaf whose brim is hard and tough, of a different substance from the disk. Oaryophillae. Carnations or pinks, a natural Or- 244 DICTIONART > r der of plants in Linnaeus's Fragments of a na- tural arrangement. Catenulata scabrities. A kind of glandular rough- ness, hardly visible to the naked eye, resem- bling little chains, on the surface of some plants. Catkin. One of the seven kinds of calyx of Lin* mrus. See Elements of Botany, Class vii. Or- der 3. Cauda. A thread terminating the seed. Caudex. The stem of a tree. Caulescens. Having a stalk or stem different from that which produces the flower. Caulina/o/za. Leaves growing immediately on the stem, Caulis. [*.ctvxa«5 comprehending the trunk of a tree, whereas the Latin term is confined to the stalk of herbs only. Cavus. Hollow. CERNUUS, Drooping, pointing directly to the ground. Cespitosa. Plants which produce many stem9 from one root, and form a surface ol turf or sod. CILIATL \T. Whose margin is guarded by pa- rallel bristles, formed like the eyelash Circinalea/olia. A term of foliation, expressive of the leaves within the gemma being rolled spirally downward, the, tip occupying the cen- tre. I BOTANICAL TERNS. 245 Circumrissa capsula. Cut round. A capsula opening, not longitudinally or vertically, as in most Capsulae, but transversely or horizontal- ly, like a snuff-box, usually about the middle, so as to fall nearly into two equal hemispheres, as in Anagallis, Hyoscyamus, &.C. Circumsepiens. When leaves growing in an ho- rizontal position, erect themselves in the night, by clasping together in the form of a funnel. Cirrhiferus pedunculus. A peduncle bearing a tendril, as in the Vine. Passion-flower, Class v. Order 3,&c. Cirrhosum/o/ium. A leaf which terminates in a clasper, or tendril, as in Gloriosa. Cirrhus. A clasper, or tendril, one of the ful* chra of plants, as in the Passion-flower and Anguria. See Elements of Botany^ Class v. and Class xxi. CLAS1S. A class, according to the Linnaean system, is an agreement of plants by those two parts of fructification, the Stamen and Pistil- lum. (Tavatus. Clubbed, becoming thicker toward the top, Clavicula. A little key. A tendril, the same as Cipreolus, or Cirrus. Clausa corolla. When the neck of the corolla is closely shut in with valves f'OADUNATA. Several growing together at their base. Coarctatus. Close pressed together, opposed to divaricatus. 21* 24G DICTIONARY OK Cochleatum legumen. A legumen like the shell of a snail, as in the seed-vessel of the Medica- re See Martyn's Eclogues of Virgil, new Edition, Plate 3. Colium. Neck. Coloratum/o/wm. When a leaf, which is gene- rally green, is of a different colour, as in the common Beet. Columnella. A little column, the substance that passes through the capsula, and connects the ,i several partitions and seeds. a Columniferi. Pillar-shaped. The name of the t34th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natu- ral arrangement. Ii Coma. (K«ju«, a head of hair.) A kind ofbrac* *-' tea, terminating the stem in a tuft or bush, as \{ in Crown Imperial, &c. * Communis gemma. Regards the contents of the gemma, containing both flower and fruit. Communis calyx: When a calyx contains both receptaculum and flower. Commosae. The name of the 36th Order in Lin- naeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Comosa radix. The fibres which put forth at the base of a bulbous root, resembling a head ■f of hair. | ComyacUixn folium. When the leaf is of a com- pact and solid substance. , Completus/os. When the stamen and pistillum are both in the same blossom. Compositus^os A compound flower, as those of the Class Syngenesia. The essential cha- BOTANICAL TERMS. 247 racter of a compound flower is, that the an- ther e should be united together, so as to form a cylinder, and the filament separate at the base. Compositus. Compound, as, when every foot- A dk of a general umbel produces a partial um- bel Compositum///wra. When the foot-stalk bears more than one leaf, of which there are the following kinds, Articulatum, Digitatum, Con- jugatum, Pedatum, Pinnatum, Decompositum, Supra-decompositum. Compositae. The name of the 21st Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. Compressa. Flatted, the opposite sides coming nearly together. Compressus caulis A stem resembling a cylin- der compressed on the opposite sides. Concavum/o/iW Hollowed, the margin of the leaf forming an arched disk. Conceptaculum. A pericarpium of a single valve, which opens longitudinally, and the seeds not affixed to it. Conduplicata. Doubled together. A term in vernation or leafing ; signifying, that in the bud, the two sides of the leaf are doubled over each other at the midrib. Confertus. Crowded or clustered together. Conferti vcrticilli, flires. When flowers are crowded together, and formed into whorles -'18 DICTIONARY OF round the stalk, as Lythrum salicaria, Class xi. Order 1. Confluentia/oh'a. To flow together, as in the pinnated leaf, when the pinnae run into one another. Conglobatus^os. When flowers are collected into globular heads. Conglomeratus^os. Flowers irregularly crowd- ed together. Congesta umbella. Flowers collected into a spherical shape, as in garlick. Conicum. Cone-shaped, rounded and lessening towards the point. Conica scabrities. A kind of setaceous scabri- ties, scarce visible to the naked eye, on the surface of plants, formed line cones. . Conifene. The 15th Order in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement, containing cone-bearing trees. Conjugatum To join or couple together, a kind of pinnate leaf, where the leaflets are by pairs. Connatum. To grow together, when two oppo- site leaves unite at their base, so as to have the appearance of one leaf, as in the common Garden Honeysuckle. This term is applied al- so to filaments or antherae, united into one bo- dy, as in the Classes Monadelphia and Syngc- nesia. Connivens corolla. When the tops of the petals converge, so as to close the flower, as in Trol- lius Europaeus. Conniventes antherae. Antherae approaching or BOTANICAL TERMS. 2VJ juirTming towards each other, as in the Class Dydinamia. Continuatum folium. Continued, when the leaf appears to be a continuation of the substance of the stalk. Contorta < orolla. A twisted corolla, where the edge of one petal lies over the next in an oblique direction, as in Hcrmannia althaeifolia, Class xvi. Order 2. Applied to the corolla where the lips of the petals meet. Contortae. The 29th Order of Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement. Contraria valvulce. Valves are termed contraria, when the partition is placed transversely be- tween them. Convexum/o/j'w?n. A leaf rising from the mar- gin to its centre. Convolutus cirrhus. A tendril twining in the same direction as the apparent motion of the sun, as the Convolvulus. Convolutus. A term in vernation or foliation, when the leaves are rolled up like a scroll of paper. Conus. Cone. See Strobilus, Class xxii. Or- der 8. Corculum The heart or essence of a new plant within the seed. Cordatum/o/tum. Heart-shaped leaf. Cordiformus. Shaped like a heart. Corolla In common language, this part is call- ed the flower. In Potany it is composed of one or more petals. As, Limuca, Class xiv. which £50 DICTIONARY OF is a corolla of one petal, and the Rosa, Claas xii. a corolla of five petals. Corollula. A little corolla. Corona seminis. A crown adhering to many kinds of seeds, serving them as wings, by which they are dispersed. Coronariae. The 9th Order of Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement Cortex. The rind or outer bark of vegetables. Corticalis gemma. Having its origin from the scales of the bark. Corydalae. From xopv%, a helmet. The 28th Order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural ar- rangement. Corymbus. (K«f i^f «$, from xogv$ a helmet, and that from x*e* the head.) An inflorescence, where the flower-stalks are inserted at differ- ent distances from each other in a common stem, but produce their flowers nearly even at the top, of which, Achillea is a good exam- ple, Class xix. Order 2. Costatum/oZi'um. A ribbed leaf. Cotyledon. A side lobe of the seed. The term is used also to express the seed-leaves of young plants, as may be well seen in the Radish when it first appears above the ground. CREN ATUM folium. A notched leaf, when the margin is cut at right angles to the centre, in- clining to neither of the extremities, axin Sib- thorpia, Class xiv. Order 2. : obtusely cre- nate, when the angles are rounded : acutely crenate, when the angles are pointed. BOTANICAL TERMS. 251 Crinitus. (Crinis, hair.) Hairy, having long hair, or beards resembling hair, as in Phleum crinitum. Crhpum folium. A curled leaf, when the cir- cumference becomes larger than the disk ad- mits of, as in Malva crispa. Cristatusjflos. When the flower has a tufted crest, as the flower of Polygala. Class xvii. Order 3. Cruciformes Jlores. Cross-shaped flowers, con- sisting of four petals, disposed in the form of a cross, as in the Class Tetradynamia. See Ele- ments of Botany, Dentaria bulbifera, Class xv. Order 2. Cryptogamia. The 24th Class of the Linnaean system. CUBITUS. A cubit, the ninth degree of the Linna-an scale for measuring plants, from the elbow to the extremity of the middle finger, or seventeen Parisian inches. Cucullatum/o/twm. A leaf rolled up lengthways, from the base, forming an inverted cone in shape like the paper rolled up conically by grocers ; as in Geranium cucullatum. Cucurbitacae. Gourds, and Gourd-like plants. The 45th Order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Culminije. (Culmen, the top.) The 26th Or- der of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural ar- rangement. The top or crown. Culmus. A reed or straw, the proper stem of grasses. 252 DICTIONARY OF Cuspidatum folium. A leaf whose apex reseul bles the point of a spear or lance. Cuneiforme folium. A wedge-shaped leaf, ta- pering from the tip to the base. CYATHYFORMIS corolla. A corolla in the form of a cup. Cylindracea spica. A spike of flowers in form of a cylinder. Cymbiformis Boat-shaped. Cymus. An inflorescence, which in general ap- pearance resembles an umbel, but the flower- stalks of the smaller sub-divisions are irregu- lar, and do not, as the larger ones, proceed from a centre. See Cornus sanguinea, Class iv. Order 1. Cymosus^os. A flower with a cymus inflores- cence. Cymosai. The 63d Order of Linnajus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement. D^ED LXUlsl folium, Winding and torn. Where the margin of the leaf has many various wind- ings and turnings Debilis caulis. A feeble stalk, see Elements of Botany, Zannichellia palustris. C lass xxi. Or- der 1. Decagynia. The fifth Order in the tenth Class of the Linnaean system. Flowers having ten pistilla, as Phytolacca decandra. Class x. Or- der 5. Decandria. The tenth Class of the Linnaean system. K0TAMCAL TERMS. 253 Decaphyllus calyx. A calyx consisting of ten leaves, as in Hibiscus. Decemfidus calyx. Cut into ten parts. A ten- cleft calyx, or rather perianthium: as in Po- tentilla and Fragaria. Decemloculare pericarpium. A ten-celled peri- carpium or seed-vessel, as in Linum, Class v. Order 5. Deciduum/oJi'Mni. The leaf that falls off in the winter. Declinatus caulis. A declined or declining stem. Descending archwise. The least degree of curvature towards the earth. Decomposita folia. When a petiolus is so di- vided, that each part forms a compound leaf Decumbens flos. Having the stamina and pistil- la declined or bending down to the lower side of it. Decurrens folium. Running down : when the base of a sessile leaf extends itself downwards along the stem, beyond the proper base or ter- mination of the leaf, as in Symphytum, Cardu- us, i:c. Decursive, folium pinnatum. When the bases of the leaflets are continued along the sides of the leaf-stalk. Dccussatafolia. When leaves grow in pairs, and opposite, each pair being opposed alter- nately, as in Melaleuca, Elements of Botany, Cla-s xviii. Order 2. Dellexus ramus. A branch bowed, or bending downwards. 254 DICTION iKY OF Defiorata stamina. Having shed or discharged H the farina of the anthera. '$! Defoliatio. The time in autumn when plants J shed their leaves. Eng. But Plate 1910. M Dehiscentia. The gaping or opening of capsu- le lae : is also put for the season in which this ft usually happens. y! Deltoides/ofo'wm. A leaf formed like the Greek i-V Delta (A) as in Mesembryanthemum deltoidcs l» and Populus nigra. Eng Bot. PL 1910. W Demersum fonum In aquatic plants, leaves 'I sunk below the surface of the water ; as Apo- m uogeton, Elements of Botany, Class xi. Order 4. iff T)exisapanicula. Numerous flowers closely com- .§ pacted. A greater degree,of congesta, heap- $ ed. . i$| Dentroides surculus Shrub-like, a subdivision '1 of the surculus in the genus Hypnum. .'* Dentata radix. (Dens, a tooth.) A toothed root. Dentatum/oZwm. Toothed. A leaf having ho- it1 rizontal points as teeth, of the same consist- ence of the leaf, and standing at a little dis- Jjj tance from each other. ij derived from dens a tooth.) Having small [jl teeth or notches. This term is applied to leaves, calyses, and to seeds. | Denudatae. Stripped naked. The 7th Order in Linmeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. BOTANICAL TERMS. 255 if epcnAens folium. Hanging down, the leaf point- ing towards the ground Depressum/u//u/n. Hollow in the middle ; or having the di-k more depressed than the sides. This term has reference to succulent leaves only ; and is opposed to convex. Determinate rauiosui, abruptly branched ; when each branch, after terminating in flowers, pro- duces a number of fresh shoots in a circular order from just below the origin of those flowers ; as Erica tetralix, Elements of Botany, Class viii. Order 1. Dextrosus caulis. A stem twining from right to left, as the Hop and Honeysuckle DIADELPHIA. The 17th Class in the Linnae- an system. Diagnosis plantae. Consists in the affinity of the Genus and the difference or distinction of the species. The specific characters in the Spe- eies Pfantarum, Systerna Vegetabitium, and oth- er works of Linnaeus, are true Diagnoses. Diandria. The second Class in the Linnaean system. Dichotomus caulis. When the divisions of a stem are produced by two and two, as in Ch'o- ra perfoiiata. Class viii Order 1. and Vis- cum, Class xxii. Dicotyledones. When the seeds have two co- tyledons, which are afterwards the seed^ leaves. Didymus. Twin. 256 DICTIONARY OF Didyma anthera. When antherae come by twos on each filament, as in Salvia. Didynamia. The 14th Class in the Linnaean sys- tem. Difforraia/o?«z. Different forms : when leaves on the same plant are of different shapes. Diffusus caulis. When the branches of the stalk spread different ways. Digitatum/o/z'wm. Fingered, when the top of a leaf-stalk connects many leaflets. The horse- chestnut-leaf is a good example of this kind of leaf. Digynia. Two pistilla. The second Order in each of the first thirteen Classes, except the ninth, of the Linnaean system. Dimidiatum. Halved, or hemispherical; when applied to a capitulum, or head, it means, re- sembling half a head, round on one side and flat on the other ; when applied to a spatha, in- vesting the fructification on one side only. In an involucellum the word is well illustrated in JEthusa cynapium, where the three long nar- row pendulous leaves, which compose its par- tial involucrum, are wholly on one side. See Class v. Order 2. Dioecia. (Derived from Dioica ica. Having the spikelets or com- ponent spikes variously he iped together, us in Panicum itaiia-m BOTANICAL TFCMS. 2G7 Glomus. A roundish head of flowers. Glomerulus. (A diminutive from Glomus.) A small roundish head Of flowers. Gluma. A husk, or chaff, a kindof calyx pe- culiar to corn and grasses, Class ii. Order 2. and Class vi. Order 2. Glumosus^os. A kind of aggregate flower with a common Glume at the base, as in corn and grasses. Glutinositas. Like glue. The quality of slippe- ry moisture. GRAMINA. Grasses. One of the nine Linnae- an tribes of the vegetable kingdom, and the 14th Order in his Fragments of a natural ar- rangement. Granulata radix. A root consisting of many lit- tle knobs, like seeds of grain, attached to one another by small strings, as in Saxifraga granu- lata. GYMNOSPERMA. Naked seed. A plant bear- ing naked seeds, in opposition to that which has the seeds enclosed in a capsula or other seed-vessel. The first Order of the Class Di- dynamia. See Seeds exposed in 111. of Class xiv. Gynandria. The 20th Class in the Linnaean system. HAB1TATIO plantarum. The native place or growth of plants. Habitualis charncer. The character or descrip- tion of a plant, taken from its habit, which consists in the placentatio, radicatio, ramifica- ^Co- dictionary OK tio, foliatio, stipulatio, pubescentia, inflorcs centia. Habitus. The external appearance ; Linnaeus defines it the conformity or affinity that con- generous vegetables have to one another in placentation, raditication, &.c. Hamus. A hooked seed, which adheres to whatever it touches, as the burr of the Arcli- U)n lappa. Hamosa seta. Hooked bristle. Hastatum/u/m/n. A leaf resembling the head of a spear or halbert, as Arum maculatum, Class xxi. Order 7. HEMISPHERICUS calyx. Half round, or half a sphere, as in Tanacetum. Heptandria. The seventh class of the Linnaean system. Herba. An herb. According to Linnaeus, it is the part of the vegetable which rises from the root; terminated by the fructification, com- prehending the stem, leaf, fulcra, and hiber- naculum. Herbacae planta. Plants which annually perish down to the root. Herbaceous. Herb-like, that perishes every year. An annual stem, not woody. Herbaceus caulis. A stalk that dies annually. Hermaphroditus flos. A flower that contains a union of at least one anthera and one stigma in the same blossom. Hesperidae. The list Order in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement. BOTANICAL TERMS. 269 Hexagonus caulis. A stalk with six angles. Hexandria. The sixth class in the Linnaean system, having six stamina of an equal length. Hexagynia. Six pistilla. Hexapetala corolla. A flower consisting of six distinct petals; as Colchicum autumnalc, Class vi Order 3. Hexapetaloides corolla. Divided so near to the base as to have the appearance of a six-petal- led corolla, but in reality one petalled, as in Agapanthus. Hexaphyllus calyx. A Calyx consisting of six leaves or leaflets. IRAN'S corolla. A gaping monopetalous flower. llilum. The eye. An external scar of the seed, where it has been fixed to the fruit or receptaculum. Hirtus. Rough-haired, nearly the same as hir- sutus. The hairs staffer than in pilosus. Hirsutus. Rough, hairy. Hispidus. Covered with stiff hairs or bristles. HOLERACE.E. Pot-herbs. The 53d Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. HORIZONTALIS flos. A flower growing with its disk parallel to the horizon. HYALINUS. The colour of glass with its transparency. Hybernaculum. Winter-lodge. The part of a plant which encloses and secures the embryo from external injuries. 23* 270 dictionary of Hybrida planta. A mule. A plant produced from the mixture of two different species. Hypocrateriformis corolla. A monopetalous flower, shaped like a cup or salver, as the Genus Vinca. ICOSANDRIA. The twelfth Class in the Lin- naean system. IMBERBIS corolla. A beardless corolla. Imbricatus. Tiled. When the scales of a stalk' or calyx, lie over one another in the manner of tiles upon a house. The Calyx of the Sea- biosa and Centaurca are examples. Class iv Order 1. and Class xix. Order 3. Immutatae. Unaltered. Impar. Odd. Applied to a pinnated leaf termi- nating in an odd lobe, as in the Pyrus domes- tica, Class xii. Order 2. 1NEQLWLIS corolla. An unequal flower, when the parts do not correspond in size. Inanis caulis. A stem filled with a pithy or spongy substance. Inaequivalvis. Unequal valves. Incanum/o/nim. A hoary leaf. Incisum folium. A leaf cut into irregular seg- ments. Includens calyx. An including or enclosing ca- lyx. Shutting up and concealing the corolla ; as in Phalaris. Includens somnus. When the alternate leaves approximate to the stalk during the night, so that the flower or tender twig is protected be- tween them. BOTANICAL TERMS. 27i Inciso-crenatum. Deeply cut. Incompletu-flos. An imperfect flower; either without stamina, or without pistilla. See Vol. i. p. 18. Incrass;itus£>r(/imcw/us. A foot-stalk of a flower which increases in thickness as it approaches the flower. Incumbens anthcra. An anthera which is affix- ed to the filament sideways. Incurvatus cuulis. A stem bowed or curved in- wards. Indi visum folium. An entire, undivided leaf, as in Piper, Class ii. Order 3. Incrme/o.ium. Unarmed. A leaf without bris- tles or prickles. Inlcrus Jlos. A flower whose Receptaculum is situate below the Germen, as in the Poppy. Intlatum perianthium. A calyx puffed out like a $ bladder. Intlexa folia. Leaves bending inwards towards the stem. Inflorescentia, signifies the various modes in which flowers are joined to the plant by their ' foot-stalks. Infractus. Bent in an angle, so as to appear as if broken. Infundibuliformis corolla. A monopetalous flow- er shaped like a funnel. Insertus petiolus. A foot-stalk inserted into the stem. Integer. Entire; undivided. i SI 272 DICTIONARY OF 1' Integrum/oh'um. An entire or undivided leaf: ''!; without divisions. V Jntcgerrimum folium. An entire leaf, whose margin is destitute of incisions or serratures. Interfoliaceus peduncidus. A flower-stalk rising from between opposite leaves. Interruxytum pinnutum folium. An interruptedly pinnate leaf. Having smaller leaflets between each pair of larger ones. Interrupta spica. A spike of flowers interrupt- ed or broken by small clusters of flowers be- tween the larger ones. Intorsio. Writhing or twisting. Intortus stylus. A style twisted inwards. Intrafoliaceae stipuhe. Stipulae growing on the inside of the leaves of the plant. Inundata loca. This term is applied by Linna:- us to such places as are overflowed only in winter. Invertens somnus. When during the night the more tender surface of the leaves is protect- ed, by being inverted. Involucellum. A partial involucrum, as in Cicu- ta virosa, Class v. Order 2. Involucrum. The calyx of umbelliferous plants, standing at a distance from the flower, as in Crythmum maritimum, Class v. Order 2. Invoiuta/o/to. Rolled in. Leaves when their lateral margins are rolled spirally inwards on both sides. Involvens somnus. When the leaflets of com- pound leaves during the night approach bv botanical terms. 273 titcir lips only, making an arch or hollow un- derneath. Irregularis corolla. An irregular corolla. Dif- ferent in the figure, size, and proportion of the parts of the border. A flower, the parts of which want uniformity. ISTHMUS interceptum. Pods with various cross-divisions, forming distinct cells. JUGUM. A yoke ; couple or pair of leaflets. Juba. A crest of feathers. Julus. A catkin. See Saururus cemuus, Class vii. LABIATUS/os. A lipped flower, as JYepeta cataria, Class xiv. Order 1. LACE RUM ybZitMn. A cleft or fissure. A leaf whose margin is cut into segments, as if rent or torn. Laciniae. Segments or incisions. Laciniatum/o/zuw. A leaf cut into irregular in- cisions, or divided into segments. Lacinula. A little jag. Lactescentia. Milky ; those plants are called milky, whose juices are white, yellow, or red, as Etiphorbia Celandine, k.c. I.acunosum/o/iMm. A leaf whose upper surface is depressed between the veins ; the reverse of rvgosum. Lacustris planta. A plant which grows in lakes. Laevis. Smooth. Free from protuberances and inequalities. Lamella). Thin plates. This term when ap- 274 DICTIONARY OF plied to a fungus means that part which in English is commonly called the Gills. Lamina. A thin plate. The upper expanded part of a polypetalous corolla. Lana. Wool. A kind of pubescence, which covers the surface of some plants. Lanatum folium. A woolly leaf, as the Stachis Germanica. Lanceolatum folium. A lance-shaped leaf, ob- long, and tapering towards both extremities. Lanugo. Down. Soft hairs clothing the parts of plants. Laterales^ores. Flowers coming from the sides. Laterifolius/os. A flower by the side of the base of the leaf. Laxus. Loose. Easily bent. «. Laxus caulis. Loose, weak, or slender stem, as Zanichellia, Class xxii. Order 1. LEGUMEN. A pericarpium of two valves, in which the seeds are fixed along one suture on- ly, as in the common Pea and Bean, and other papilionaceous plants. See Spartium, Class xvii. Order 4. Lenticularis scabriiies. A kind of glandular sca- britis, like small tares. Leprosus. Spotted like a leopard, exemplified in many Lichens. Laevis caidis. Smooth. A stem having an even surface. LIBER. The inner rind or bark of a plant. Lignosus cawis. A woodj' stem. Lignum. Wood. BOTANICAL TERMS. 275 Ligulatus flos. When the petals, tubulated at the base, are strap-shaped, and widest at the extremity. See, as an example, the magni- fied Floret of the Dandelion, Class xix. Liliaceae. Lily-like. The 10th Order in Lin- naeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Limbus. A border. The upper expanded part of a monopetalous corolla. Linea. A line. The second degree in the Lin- naean scale for measuring plants, the twelfth part of an inch. Linear. Every where of the same breadth. Linear-subulatum. Linear-subulate. Lineare/o/twm. A narrow leaf, whose opposite margins are almost parallel, as in the Genus Pirms. Lineari-cuneiforme. Linear-wedge-shaped. Be- tween both, but inclining more to the wedge- shaped. Lineatum folium. A leaf, whose surface is mark- ed with lines running lengthways. Lingulatum folium. A leaf tongue-shaped, line- ar, fleshy, the lower side convex. Lineari-/<* nceo/atam. Linear-lanceolate. LOBATUM folium. When a leaf is divided to the middle into parts, which are separated from each other, as the Dioncea Muscipula. Class x. Lobus. A Lobe. Loculamentum. A cell. The divisions of that kind ofpericarpium called a capsula, as in the Cyamus Nelumbo, Class xiii. Order 7. 276 DICTIONARY OF Loculus. The little cell of an anthera contain- ing the pollen. Locus foliarum. The particular part of the plant to which the leaves are affixed. Lomentacese. Bean meal. The 56th Order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. Longiusculus. Longish. hongum per ianthium. When the tube of the ca- lyx is equal in length to that of the corolla. LUC I T>UM folium. Clear, shining leaf, or trans* parent. Lunulatum/ofom. A moon-shaped leaf, when it is round and hollowed at the base, like what is vulgarly called a half-moon. L-unulata. Shaped like a crescent. Luridse. Pale, wan. The 33d Order in Lin* naeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Luxurians^os. A luxuriant flower. LYRATUM folium. A leaf shaped like a harp or lyre, with transverse divisions, broadest at the apex, the lower ones gradually less and more distant. MARESCENS'coroHa. A flower that withers on the plant, as the Nymphaza Alba. Class xiii. Order 1. Margo folii. The margin or edge of the leaf. Masculus^os. A flower containing stamina on- ly, as Valisneria, Fig. 1. and Juniperus, Fig. 1. Class xxii. .MEDIOCRIS. Of a middling length, Applied BOTANICAL TERMS. 277 to a petiole", that is of the same length as the leaf. .Medulla. Marrow. The pith of a plant. Membranaceum/o/iam. When a leaf has no dis- tinguishable pulp between its Burfaces, and is thin and pellucid. Metnbranatus. Flat like a thin pellucid leaf. »i'1 Mensura. A measure. Meteoricae vigilice. When flowers open and ' shut according to the temperature of the air. AIONADELPHIA. The 16th Class in the Lin- A nieau system. Monandria. The first Class in the Linnaean sys- tem. }•> Monocotyledones. A term applied to plants irj whose seeds have a single cotyledon. r Monoecia. The 21st Class in the Linnaean sys- , tern. Monogynia. One Pistillum. The first Order ( of the first 13 Classes in the Linnaean system. Monopetala corolla. A flower having one petal, '*■' as in Linncca borealis. Class xiv. Order 2. Monophyllum involucru n. An involucrum of one leaf. Monosperma Having one seed. Monostachyos. A stem bearing a single spike. MILIARIS scabrities. A kind of glanular rough- ness appearing on the surface of some plants like grains of millet. MUCRON \TUM ftlium. A leaf terminating i» a sharp point, as Ruscus, Class xxii. Order 3. 24 278 DICTIONARY OF Multangularis caidis. A stem having many aa- gles lengthwise. Multidentata corolla. A many-toothed corolla. Multifidum folium. A leaf divided into many linear segments or divisions. Multiflorus pedunculus. A foot-stalk with many flowers. Blultiloculare pericarpium. A many-celled pe- ricarpium. Multipartitum/o/«'«/». A leaf divided into many parts. Multiplicatus flos. A luxuriant flower, whose corolla is multiplied so as to exclude some of the stamina. Multisiliquae. Many pods. The 23d Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. Muniens somnus. When the upper leaves of a plant, which during the day had spread out horizontally on long foot-stalks, drop them at night, and hang down so as to form an arch all round about the stem. Muricatus caulis. A stalk whose surface is co- vered with sharp points, like the Murex shell, Muricatae. The name of the 11th Order in Lin- naeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Musci. Mosses. One of the nine tribes of ve- getables of Linnaeus, and the 65th Order in his Fragments of a natural arrangement. Mutica gZ«w?ia. When the awn is wanting. The awn is also.said to be mutica, when it is not sharp pointed. EOTANICAL TERMS. 279 ,> Mutilatus^os. A defective flower. NATANS/o/tu/zi. A leaf which swims on the ^' surface of water. Navicularis valvula. When the valve of a seed- vessel resembles a ship or boat. NECTARIUM. (Plural Nectaria.) That part of the corolla containing the honey-juice. See Nasturtium, Class viii Nervosum folium. A leaf having vessels per- fectly simple and unbranched, extending from % , the base towards the tip, as in Laurus CinnQr \fi. momum, Class ix. Order 1. '. NICANS. Nestling. Nidulantia semina baccarum. Seeds nestling in, * the pulp of a berry. Nitidum/o/wm. A bright shining glossy leaf. NUCAMENTACEiE. The 17th Order in Lia- njeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Nucleus. A kernel. See Lotus, Class v. Or- der 1. Nudus. Naked. Without leaves or other co- vering / Nudus caulis. A naked stalk, as in the Colchi- | cum, Class vi. Order 3. Nudiusculus. Almost, or rather naked. Nutans When applied to a stem it is explained to mean, bent down outwards from the top :— when applied to a flower it signifies that the penunculus is considerably curved, but not so much as in the Jlos cernuus ; which, as thg term implies, points directly to the ground. 280 DICTIONARY OF Nux. A nut. A seed covered with a shell. See Rhamvus lotus, Class v. Order 1. OBCORDATUM petalum. A heart-shaped pe- tal, with its point downwards. Obliquus. Awry. In a direction neither per- pendicular nor horizontal. Obliquum folium. When the tip of the leaf points obliquely towards the horizon. Oblongum folium. An oblong leaf, twice the length of its breadth. Obovatum folium. An oval or egg-shaped leaf growing on its foot-stalk, by the smaller end. Obsoletum lob a'um folium. Leaves having lobes scarcely discernible. Obtusangulus. Obtusely-angled. Obtusum/oZx«m. A leaf blunt or rounded at the tip. Obvolutum/oZ/um. Rolled against each other; when the margin of each leaf alternately em- braces the straight margin or the opposite leaf. OCTANDRIA. The eighth Class in the Lin- naean system. OFFICINALIS. A term to denote that the plant is used in medicine, or kept in apothe- caries' shops. OPACUM/o/j'wm. A dark coloured leaf not re- flecting light. Operculum. A lid or cover to a capsula. Oppositayb/ia. Leaves growing by pairs oppo- site to each other, but in such a manner that each pair crosses the other above and below. J BOTANICAL TERMS* &8J ORBICULATUM/o/zwm. A round leaf. Orchideae. The name of the 4th Order in Lin> naeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement Ordo. Order. Orgya. A fathom, or six feet. OS A mouth. OVALE folium. An oval leaf. Ovarium. The germ. Ovatum/oZtwrn. An oval, or egg-shaped leaR Ovato-lanceolatum folium. An ovate-lanceolate leaf. Between these two forms, but inclining to the tanceolatum. Ovato-oblongum/oZmm. An ovate-oblong leaf; that is, an ovate form lengthened out. Ovato-subulata capsula. An ovate-subulate cap- sula. Between ovate and awl-shaped, but most tending to awl-shaped, as in Aconitum. PAGINA superior folii. The upper surface of a leaf, otherwise called supinus discus. Palea. Chaff. A thin membrane rising from a • common receptaculum, which separates the flosculi. Paleaceum. Chaffy scales, as in the Genus Schoenus, Lc. Palmaris mensvra. The measure of a palm or hand ; the breadth of the four fingers. Three inches. v Palmae. Palms. One of the nine Linnaean tribes of the vegetable kingdom. Palmat? radix. A handed root, as in the Orchis Genus. 24* *°* B1CTI0NARY OF Palmatum/oZiwm. A leaf shaped like an open hand. Palustris. Marshy or fenny * Panduraeforme folium. Shaped like a guitar or fiddle. Panicula. A loose spike, as in Poa annua. Paniculatus caulis. Having branches variously subdivided. Papilionaceus. A butterfly-shaped flower, as the blossom of the Pea and Bean. See Class Diadelphia, Order 4. Papilionaceae. The 55th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Papillosum folium. A nipple. A leaf covered with fleshy excrescences like nipples. Pappus. Down. A downy feathered cup ad- hering to the top of the seed, by which the seed is borne away in the air. See Illustra- tion of Class xix. Papulosum folium. A leaf whose surface is co- vered with little blisters. Rarabolicum folium. A leaf in form of a para- bola. Parallelum disscpimenlum. When the partition is parallel to the sides of the pericarpium. Parasitica planta. Plants which grow only on, or out of, other plants, as the Misseltoe, Class xxii. Order 4, &c. Partialis umbella. A partial umbel. A little umbel, a part supported by the universal um- bel, as the invo/ucellum in the Cicuta rirosa, Class v. Order 2 BOTANICAL TERMS. <£u.1 Partiale involucrum. The same as involucellum. When at the base of the partial umbel. See Cicutavirosa, Class v. Order 2. Partitum folium. A leaf divided almost to the base. Parvum perianthium. A little calyx, or com- paratively small, opposed to magnum. . Patens caules, rami, &c. Spreading stalks, branches, &c. Patulus calyx. A calyx, bearing the flowere loose or dispersed. Pauciflores. Having few flowers. PECTIN ATUM/)/t«m. A sort of pinnate leaf, in which the leaflets are toothed like a comb. Pedalis caidis. A stalk, a foot in height. , Pedatifidum/o/uf/w. A leaf resembling the web foot of a water fowl, as in Arum muscivorum. Pedatum foliu.n. A kind of compound leaf, whose divisions somewhat resemble the toes of a foot, as in Anguria pedata, Class xxi. Or- . der 2. Pedicellus. A little foot-stalk. That which sup- ports one flower only, where there are seve-, ral on one pedunculus ; or, the ultimate sub- division of a common pedunculus, immediate- ly connected with the flower itself. Pedunculus. (Plural Pedunculi.) The foot- stalk of a flower. Peduncularis cirrhus. A tendril proceeding from the foot-stalk of a flower. Pedunculati Jlores. Flowers growing on foot- stalks. <:;* 284 DICTIONARY OF Peltatum/oZiwin. When the foot-stalk is insert- ed into the disk of the leaf, and not into its base, as in the Cyamus nelumbo, Class xiii. Or- der 7. Penicilliformia stigmata. Stigmata in form of a painter's pencil. Pentagonus caulis. A five-angled stalk. Pentagynia: The fifth Order of different Class- es in the Linmean system Pentandria. The fifth Class in the Linnaean system. Pentapetala corolla. A flower consisting of five petals, as Dianthus, Class x. Order 2. Rosa, Class xii. &c. Pentaphyllus calyx. A calyx consisting of five leaves. Perennis radix, caulis. A perennial root, or stem. Continuing for many years. Perfectus^Ls. A flower having stamina and pis- tilla united in the same blossom. PerfoliitumyWzMm When the base of the leaf entirely surrounds the stem, or when the stalk grows through the centre of the leaf, as in Chlora perfotiata. Class viii. Order 1. Perforatus. Pierced through. Perforatae. The 16th Order in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement Perianthium. One of the seven kinds of calyx, so called when it closely surrounds the fructi- fication, as Dianthus, Class x. &c. Pericarpium Whatever surrounds and con- tains the seed. BOTANICAL TERMS. 285 Perichaetium. A bristly involucrum, surround- ing the base among the leaflets, in Mosses, which Dr. Smith calls a calyx. See Class xxiv. Order 4. Perpendicularis radix. A perpendicular root. Persistens. Applied to leaves which remain on the plant till the fruit is ripe, or after the summer is past.—To stipuloz continuing after the leaves drop off: as in the Class Diadel- , phia. To Calyces, remaining after the corol- la is withered, as in the Class Didynamia. Personata corolla. (From Persona a mask.) A kind-of labiate corolla which has the lips clos- ed : as in Antirrhinum linaria, Class xiv. Or- der 2. Pertusum. Punched. Applied to a leaf which has hollow dots all over the surface. Pes. A foot. Petaliforme stigma. A petal-shaped stigma, as the Iris, Class iii. Order 1. Petalinum nectarium. A petaline nectarium: when the nectarium is inserted into the petal. Petalodes^/Zos. A flower having petals, in oppo- sition to apetalous, destitute of petals, or hav- ing no corolla. Petalum. (Plural Petala.) The leaf of a flow- er. See Dianthus, Class x. &c. Petiolaris cirrhus. A tendril proceeding from the foot-stalk of a leaf. Petiolatum folium. A leaf growing on a foot- stalk. 2S6 DICTIONARY OF Petiolus. (Plural Petioli.) A foot-stalk of a leaf. See Pepper, Class ii. Pileus. A hat or bonnet. The orbicular ex- pansion which covers the top of a mushroom. Pilus A hair. An excretory duct of a plant in shape of a bristle. Pilosus Covered with long distinct hairs, thin- ly placed. Pinnatum folium. A winged leaf. A kind of compound leaf, where the leaflets are fixed on a common stalk, opposite to each other, as in the Mimosa, Class xxiii. Order 1. Pinnatum folium A winged leaf. Pinnula. A subdivision of the pinna of a pin- nated leaf. Pinnatifidum folium. A kind of simple leaf, di- vided transversely by oblong horizontal seg- ments, not extending to the midrib. Piperita?. Piper, (Pepper.) The name of the first Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natu- ral arrangement. Pistillum. (Plural Pistilla.) One of the seven parts of fructification of Linnaeus. See Vol. I. .P.8- Pistilliferus^os. A pistilliferous flower, having one or more pistilla without stamina. Pixidatum folium. A kind of foliage, where one leaf is let in to another by a joint, as in Equi- setum, Class xxiv. Order 1. PLACENTA. A term used by Boerhaave to signify what by Linnaens is called receptacu* lnnu BOTANICAL TERMS. 287 Placentatio cotyledones. A disposition of the lobes in the vegetation of the seed Planipetalus^os. A flower with plain flat pe- tals. Plantae. Plants. One of the seven Linnaean families of vegetables, under which denomina- tion are included Lilia, Herba, Arbores. Planum fMum. A plane or flat leaf, having two surfaces parallel. Plenus flos. A full or double flower. Plicatus. Folded like a fan : distinguished from waved by the folds being angular. Plumata seta. A feathered hair or bristle. Plumosus Pappus. A flying crown to some seeds, composed of compound feathery hairs, as in Tragopgon, Class xix. Order 1. Plumula. The Plume or ascending scaly part of the corculum, or heart of the seed. POLLEN. An apparently fine powder contain- ed in the anthera PoHex. The length of the first joint of the thumb, an inch. Polyadelphia. The 18th Class in the Linnaean system. Polyandria. The 13th Class in the Linnaean system. Polycotyledones. Many cotyledons. Polygamia. The 23d Class in the Linnaean sys- tem. Polygamia asqualis. The name of the first Or- der in the Class Sy.ige Pulposum folium. A leaf having a pulpy or fleshy substance, as Sempervivum tectorum, Class xi. Order 6. Pulveratum folium. A leaf powdered with a kind of dust like meal, as in Primula fannosa. Punctatum/o/tu"i. A leaf sprinkled with hollow dots or points, as in the Genus Hypericum. Pungens. Sharp and prickly. 25 M 290 Vjl'lIUNAUV lit Putamen. The shell of a nut, and other fruits' allied to it. Putamineae. The name of the 31st Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. Quadrangulare folium. A quadrangular leaf,. having four prominent angles in the circum- scription 6f its disk. Quadrungularis caidis. A stem having four pro- minent angles. Quadricapsulare pericarpium. Having four cap- sulae to a flower, as in Rhodiola rosea. Qjiadridentatus pappus. A four-toothed seed- down, as in Rudbcckia. Quadrifulus calyx. A four-cleft perianthium. Quadrijugum/o/ii«m. A pinnate leaf having four pair of leaflets. Quadriloculare pericarpium. A four-celled pe- ricarpium. Quadrilobum/oZi«m. A leaf consisting of four lobes. Quadripartitum/oZnwn. A leaf consisting of four divisions almost to the base. Ojuadrivalve psricurpium* A four-valved peri- carpium. Q,uadrisidium/oZmn. A leaf divided into four parts. Quaterna folia. When verticillate leaves are by fours, having four in each whorle, as the Herb Paris, Class viii. Order 4. QUINA/oZm. Verticillate leaves produced by fives. BOTANICAL TERM a. 291 Quinatum/oZi'rm. A sort of digitate leaf which has five leaflets on a foot-stalk. Qjiiiiquaiigulare/o^'K/u A leaf having five pro- minent angles in the circumscription ef the disk. Quinquecapsulare pericarpium. Having five capsulae to a flower, as in Aquilegia, Class xiii. Order 5. Quinquejugum folium. When a pinnated leaf' has five pair of leaflets. Quinquelocularepericarpium. A five-celled pe- •' ricarpium,as in Pyrola, Class x. Order 1. Quinquelobum/o/.•«/«.. A five-lobed leaf. QuinquefidumJToZtum. A five-cleft leaf, consist- ing of five divisions, with linear sinus and straight margins. j,j Quinquepartitum/oZztt/n. Consisting of five di-a *' visions alrrlost down to the base ' l" Quinquevalve pericarpium. A five-valved peri- carpium ; as in Hottonia, Class v. Order 1. RACEMUS. A bunch of grapes or currants, or any other bunch of berries or flowers having that resemblance, as the Barberry. See Class si. Order 1. Rachis. The back bone. A kind of Tecepta- culum, as in the Pmvicum, Lolium, and many other grasses. Rachis folii plnnati. The middle rib of a wing- ed leaf, to which the leaflets are affixed ; as in the Mimosa, Class xxiii. j Radiatus.yZos. A kind of compound flower, in which the florets of the disk are tubular, and^ " 92 DICTIONARY OF those of the radius ligulate, as in the Class Syngenesia, as the Daisy, Sunflower, kc. Radicalia folia. Leaves proceeding immediate- ly from the root. Radicans caulis. A stalk bending to the ground, and striking root, but not creeping along. Radicatum folium. A leaf shooting out roots. Radicula. A little root. Radius. The ligulate margin of the disk of a compound flower. Radix. (Plural Radices.) A root. Rameum. Rameous, growing on the branches. Ramea folia. Leaves that grow only on the branches, and not on the trunk. Ramentum. A small particle of any thing ; ap- plied by Linnaeus to the small loose scales which are frequently found on the stems of plants. ""j Ramosissiraus. Many branches, subdivided with- ijti out order in all directions. if? Ramus (Plural Rami.) A branch of a tree. < j Ramosus caulis. A stalk having many branches. || RECEPTACULUM. The basis on which the *■$ parts of fructification are connected. See PI. ' ; to illustrate Class xix. a WecMnatum folium. A leaf reclined, or bending downward arch-wise, the apex ascending. Rectus caulis Making one right line ; not bent. Recurvatum/oZiMtft. A leaf bent backwards in the form of an arch, the convex side upwards. fl| Reflexus ramus. A branch bent back towards the trunk. BOTANICAL TERMS. 2f3 Hefractus. Bent back at an acute angle as if it were broken. Kegularis corolla. A flower, the parts of which are equal in figure, size, and proportion, as in Ligustrum, Lilac, Jasmine, &.c. Remotus. Remote, distant. Remotus verticillus. When the whorles of flow- ers and leaves stand at a distance from one another, as in the Galcopsis ladanum. Reniforme folium. A kidney-shaped leaf, as Asarui/>, Class xi Order 1 UepandumfoLum. This term is understood dif- ferently by different botanists. A literal trans- lation of Linnaeus's definition is : " A leaf, the rim of which is terminated by angles having sinuses between them, inscribed in the seg- , ment of a circle." Repens radix. A creeping root, extending ho- rizontally. Repens caulis. A creeping stalk, either run- ning along the ground, on trees, or rocks, and strikinir roots at certain distances. Re\)lan$ flagellum. Creeping along the ground, as the Strawberry. Restantes pedunculi. Foot-stalks remaining af- ter the fructification has fallen off. Kesupinatus flos. When the upper lip of the flower faces the ground, and the lower lip is turned upwards, or when that which is usually ; the upper lip (in a labiate corolla) becomes j. 'Jie lower : and the contrary ; so that the i ?5* 2L*4 DIUTTONARY QJ? flower is, as it were, turned upside down, This is exemplified in Scrophularia. Resupinatum folium. When the lower surface of the leaf is turned upwards. Reticulata corolla. Having distinct veins cross- ing like net-work. Retroflexus ramus. A branch bent in different directions. Thus it seems to differ from Re- flex, which is only simply bent back to an au- . gle. Retrofractus pedunculus. Reduced to hang down as it were by force, so that it appears as if broken. Retusum folium. When the apex of the leaf is blunt, or terminates in an obtuse hollow. Revolutum/ofc'wm. A leaf rolled spirally back- wards from the lateral margins. RHCEADES. The 30th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Rhombeum folium. A leaf whose shape some- what resembles a rhombus, or the figure of the Ace of Diamonds. Rhomboideum/u'ifwj. A leaf of geometrical fi- gure. RICTUS. A Gap whose sides and angles some- what resemble a rhombus. The opening be- tween the two lips in a labiate flower. Rigidus. Stiff. Difficult to bend. Rimosus caulis. Abounding with clefts and chinks. Ringens. Grinning, or gaping, as the corolla of Teucrium. Class xiv. Order i. BOTANICAL TERMS. 2&5 ROSACEUS^os. A flower, whose petals are placed in a circle, in form like those of a rose. Rostratus. Beaked. Rostellum. A little beak. The descending plain part of the corculum of the seed, which forms the root. Rotaceae. Wheel-shaped. The 52d Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. Rotata corolla. A wheel-shaped corolla. Rotundatum folium. A roundish leaf, rounded, or with angles in a circle. Rotundo-trigonum. Obtusely three-cornered, or three-sided, with the corners rounded off; as in the germ of Hyacinthus. RUBRA lactescentia. Red milkiness in plants. Ruderata laca. Rubbishy places. Rugosum folium. A rough or wrinkled leaf. Runcinatum. Like the teeth of a great saw, whose serratures are bent downwards. SAGITTATUM/oZi'm/w. An arrow-shaped leaf, as the leaf of the Arum maculatum, Class xxi. Order 7. Sarmentaceae. Sarmentum. (The twig or spray of a vine ; from sarpo to prune, derived from the Greek a^nu, and that, from *$«•», a pru- ning-knife.) The name of the 49th Order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange-. ment. SCABEU. Rough with tubercles, or prominent stiflish points. Applied to the leaf and stem : also to the calyx of the Acorn, 296 DICTIONARY OF Scabridae. The name of the 20th Order in Lin- naeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement: Scabrities. A kind of pubescens, composed of particles scarcely visible to the naked eye, sprinkled over the surface of plants. Scabrous. Rugged. Scandens caulis. A climbing stem, generally by the support of some other body. Scapus. A kind of stalk which elevates the fructification and not the leaves, as in the Colchicum autumnale, and Tqfieldia palustris, Class vi. Order 3. Scariosum/oZmn. A leaf of a dry substance, sinuous to the tonch. Skinny. Scitamina. (From Scitamentum or Scitum eduli- um. An eatable of a rich flavour. Pleasant spicy plants.) The name of the 3d Order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment, which consist of Amomum, Curcuma, Maranta, &lc. Scorpioides^/Zo*. A flower resembling the tail of a scorpion. Scutellum. A kind of fructification which is or- bicular, concave, and elevated in the margin, as in some species of Lichen. The pelta is flat. Scyphifer. Cup-bearing. A subdivision of the Lichens, having the fructification in an elevat- ed obconicalform, like a drinking-glass. SECRETORIA scabrities. A kind of glandular roughness on the surface of some plants. BOTANICAL TERMS. 297 Secundus. All turned to one side, pointing one way. Secunda spica. A spike of grass with the flow- ers turned all towards one side, as Nardus stricta, &c. Securiformis pubescentia. A kind of pubes on the surface of some plants, the bristles resem- bling an ax or hatchet. Segmenta. Segments. The parts into which a calyx is cut. Segregata polygamia. The 5th Order of the Class Syngenesia : the character of which is defined to be, when several florets compre^ hended within a common Calyx are furnished also, each, with its proper perianthium, as in Echinops, Class xix. Order 5. Sejugum folium. A pinnate leaf having six pairs of leaflets. Semen. Seed, The rudiment of a new plant; are known according to the number, figure, superficies, and consistence. Semiamplexicaule folium. A half-stem-clasping leaf Embracing the stalk halfway round. Semicolumnar. "A stem flat on one side and round on the other. Semiflosculus. A flower composed of semiflo- rets as in the Class Syngenesia. Semiflosculosae. The name of a subdivision of compound flowers comprehending such as are made up wholly of fertile ligulate florets, as in Dandelion. See the first Plate of the Class xix. L 298 DICTIONARY OF Seminale folium. Seed-leaf. Seminatio. The natural dispersion of seeds. Semiorbiculatum semen. A seed in the shape ot half a sphere. Semiquinquefidus calyx. A half-five-cleft ca- lyx. Semisagittata stipula. A stipula shaped like half the head of an arrow. Semisexfidus calyx. A half-six-cleft calyx. Seminale folium. Seed-leaf Semiteres caulis. A stem flat on one side, and round on the other. Sempervirens/oZitwi. An ever-green leaf. Sena folia. Leaves growing in sixes, as in Gali- um spurium. Sensiles planta. Sensitive plants. Changing the situition of their parts when touched. Senticoss. Like briars or brambles. The 35th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Sepiariae. He ;e Plants. The 25th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. Sericeum folium. A leaf whose surface is cover- ed with very soft hairs pressed close to the surface so as to give it a soft silky texture. Sermentosus caulis. The shoot of a vine, naked between each joint, and producing leaves at the joints, where, if put into the ground, it would strike root. It seems to be in shrubs, what the runner is in herbaceous plants. Serratum folium. A leaf whose margin js like BOTANICAL TERMS. 299 the teeth of a saw ; as the leaf of the Arbutus unedo, &c. Serratum, serrate. Sawed. Notches like the teeth of a saw, inclining all the same way, ei- ther towards the point or base. Serrato-ciliatum/oZtwn. A leaf having fine hairs on the serratures, like the eyelashes. Serrato-dentatum folium. A leaf having the ser- ratures toothed. Serrulatum folium. A leaf, finely serrate, with very small notches or teeth. Sesquialterflosculus. When a large fertile flo- ret is accompanied by a small abortive one : as in Aira villosa. Sessile folium. A leaf growing immediately to the stem of the plant without any foot-stalk ; as in Hippuris, Class i. &c. Setae. Bristles. A kind of pubescens, covering the surface of some plants. Setaceum folium. A bristle-shaped leaf. Setosus. Bristly. Having the surface set with bristles. Sexangularis caulis. A six-sided stem. • Sexfidus calyx. A six-cleft calyx. Sexloculare pericarpium. A six-celled pericar- pium, as in Asarum europaum, Class xi. Or- der 1. Sexus. Sex. SICCA. Dry. Silicula. A little pod, as the Shepherd's Pursp See Illustration to Class xv. 300 v DICTIONARY OF Siliculosa. The name of the first Order in Class xv. Siliqua. A pod. See Illustration, Class xv. and its character, as differing from a legumen, Vol. II. p. 24 Siliquosa. The second Order in Class xv. Siliquosae. The 57th Order in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement. Simplex caulis. A simple or single stem. Sim- plex is always opposed to compound. Simplicissimus caulis. With few or no branch- es. Sinistrorsus caulis. A stem twining from left to right, as in Polygonum, Class viii. Order 3. Sinuatum folium. A leaf whose sides are hol- lowed or scolloped, or divided into lateral hol- lows. Sinus. (Plural Sinus.) A hollow, cavity, or notch. Situs foliarum. The disposition of leaves on the stem and branches, which are either starry, by threes, opposite, alternate, scattered, or crowded. SOLIDUS caulis, radix. A solid stalk or stem, a solid root; as in the Turnep. Solitarius. Solitary. Separate, one only in a place. Solutus stipula. Loose, opposite to adnatu9. Somnus. Sleep. As applied to plants, is the contraction or collapsing of the leaves or pe-. tals of a flower, which take place in many Genera, especially in the night. The Trago- BOTANICAL TERMS. 301 pogon and common Daisy furnish examples of this property. SPADIX. The receptaculum of a palm or the Arum ; a pedunculus which proceeds from a spatha. Sparsi, rami, pedunculi. Scattered without or- der, as the Rhamnus lotus, Class v. Order 1. The Ruscus, Class xxii. &c. Spatha. A kind of calyx resembling a sheath, as in Suyrinchium bermudiana, Class xvi. Or- der 1. Spathaceae. The eighth Order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Spatulatum/oZz'wm. A leaf in form of a spatula, an instrument used to spread salve; i. e. rounded at the apex, and narrower and linear at the base. Species. A species, is a distinct form and char- acter, originally so created, and capable of producing others like themselves. Spica. A kind of inflorescence in which sessile flowers are alternate on a common simple foot-stalk, as in an ear of wheat; Lavender, &c. Spica secunda. When the flowers all turn to one side, as in Pyrola secunda. Spica disticha. When the flowers are in two rows, and incline two ways. Spicula. A little spike. Spinae. Thorns, as in the Rhamnus lotus, Class v. Order 1. Spinosus. Armed with thorns. See the dirA 26 3Q2 DICTIONARY OF tinction between a thorn and a prickle, Class xii. Order 3. Spinescens. Becoming hard and thorny. Spiralis. Twisted like a screw. Spirales cotyledones. Seed-leaves twisted spi- rally. Spithama. A short span. Or seven inches. Splendentia/o/ia Shining leaves. SQUAMOSUS. Covered with scales. Squarrosum. Rough, scaly, or scurfy, as the calyx of Genus Centaurea, Class xix. Order 3. STAMEN. (Plural Stamina.) One of the se- ven parts of fructification in the Linnaean sys- tem. See Vol. I. p. 8. Ray calls the stami- na capill amenta. Staminiferus/?os. A flower, having stamina and no pistillum. Statuminatae. The 61st Order of Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Stellata folia. Leaves surrounding the stem, like the radii of a circle. Stellate seta. A kind of bristly pubescens, when they rise from a centre in form of a star, as in the Mesembryanthemum barbatum. Stellata plcnta. One of Ray's Classes. The 44th Order of Linnreus's Fragments of a natu- ral arrangement. Sterilis flos. A barren flower. Stigma. (Plural Stigmata.) Summit of the Pis- tillum. See PI. 1. and 3. Vol. I. Stimuli. Stings. Processes or sharp points from a plant producing inflammatory itching BO'IANICAL TERMS. 303 , punctures. They are usually on the stem or leaf, which is then called unns. Stipes. (Plural Stipites.) The base of a frond. See p. 43. Vol. II. Stipitatus pappus. A kind of stem that elevates . the down and connects it with the seed. See PL 1. Class xix. Stipula. (Plural Stipulae.) One ' of the kinds ' of fulcra of plants, growing at the base of the foot-stalks of the leaves, and are either by twos, single, deciduous, abiding, adhering, loose, on the inside of the foot-stalks or on the outside. See Meborea, Class xx. &c. Stipulates glandula. Glands produced from sti- pulae. Stipulatus. Having stipula. Stolo. A shoot, which running on the surface of the ground strikes root at every joint, as in the Strawberry. Stoloniferous. Producing shoots or runners from the root. Striatus caulis cidmus,k,c. Channelled streaks, running lengthwise in parallel lines. Strictus caulis. Straight stiff shoot, without flexure. Sirigae. Strong hard flat hairs or bristles. Stri<»-osus. Set with stiff lanceolate br,sties. Strobilus. A kind of pericarpium, formed from an Amentum, with hard scales lying over c tch other, as the cone of the Pine-tree. See Class xxi. Order 8. Stylus. (Plural Styli.) That part of the pistil- 304 DICTIONARY OF lum which elevates the stigma from the ger- men. See PL 1. Vol. I. SUB, in composition is used frequently by Lin- naeus, for, almost, somewhat, thereabouts, ap- proaching to, most commonly. Suberosus. The outward bark, soft, but elastic like cork, as the Ulmus suberosa. Submersum/o'zwm. When aquatic plants have their leaves sunk under the surface of the water. Subramosus caulis. A stem having few lateral branches. The same as Demersum. Subrotundum folium. A leaf almost round. Subulatum. Awl-shaped, linear at the base, and smaller towards the point. Succulente. Juicy. The 46th Order in Lin- naeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. SuccMlentum fo! ium. A leaf full of juice or pulp, in opposition to Exsuccum, juiceless or dry. Suffrutex. (Sub under, and Frutex a Shrub.) An under shrub. Permanent or woody at the base, but the yearly branclyp decaying; usually of a lower growth than the Frutex or Shrub ; as in Lavender, Sage, Thyme, &c. Suffruticosus. Under-shrubby. Sulcatus caulis, culmus. A stalk, deeply furrow- ed lengthwise. Supsrflua polygamia. The second Order in Class xix. Syngenesia. Superus flos. When the receptaculum of the flower stands above the germen, as in the Rose. aJ BOTANICAL TERMS. 30c Supinus Discus folii. The upper surface of a leaf. Supra-axillaris pedunculus. The foot-stalk of a flower, whose insertion is above the angle < formed by the branch. Supra-decomposita folia, are composite leaves , which have little leaves growing on a subdi- ,'■ vided foot-stalk, as in Ranunculus rutafolius. Supra-foliaceus pedunculus. The foot-stalk of a ' flower inserted into the stem immediately above the axilla of the leaf. Surculus. (Plural Surculi.) The small branch- es of mosses, or shoots of Ferns. Syngenesia. The 19th Class in the Linnaean . system. Systema. A System. A regular arrangement of natural bodies according to some certain . characters. TEGUMENTUM. A cover. Teres caulis. A round stem, a stem without angles. Teretiusculus. Almost, or inclining to colum- nar. Tenuis, is put both for slender and thin. Tenuifolia planta. A plant with narrow leaves. Tergeminum/o/i'mn compositum. A leaf three times double, when a dichotomous foot-stalk is subdivided, having two leaflets on the ex- tremity of each division. Terminalis j?os. A flower terminating a branch. Tevnn folia. Leaves in whorles by threes. Ternatum folium. Having three leaflets on one 26* 306 DICTIONARY OF foot-stalk, as in Trifolium pratense, Class xvi. Order 4. Terni pedunculi. The foot-stalks of flowers in threes, or three together from the same axil- la. Terni flores. Flowers growing three and three together, as in Beta maritima. Tesselatum folium. A chequered leaf, whose squares are of different colours. Tetradynamia. The fifteenth Class in the Lin- naean system. Tetraedra siliqua. A four-sided pod. Tetragonus caulis. A four-cornered or square stalk, as in the plants of Class xiv. Tetragynia. One of the Orders in several Classes in the Linnaean system of plants which have four pistilla. Tetrandria. The fourth Class in the Linnaean system. Tetrapetala corolla. A flower consisting of four petals, as Dcnlaria bulbifcra, Class xv. Or- der 2. Tetraphyllus calyx. A four-leaved Calyx. Tetrasperma planta. Producing four seeds in each flower. Textura vegetabilium. The texture of vegeta- bles. THALAMUS. A bed receptaculum. Theca. (A Sheath ) such seeds as have an ariihis by this name Thyrsus. A spike like a Pine cone. Used by Vaillant for Scopoli has distinguished ^ BOTANICAL TERMS. 307 TORMENTOSUS. Covered with a downy nap. Tomentum. A kind of pubescence, covering the surface of some plants of a woolly or downy texture. Tororsum pericarpium. Protuberant, swelling out in knobs ; like veins and muscles. Torta corolla. When the petals of a flower are twisted, as in the Hermannia althaifolia, Class xvi. Order 2. Tortilis arista. Awns or beards of corn twisted like a screw. Torulosa. Brawny protuberances. When the Pericarpium is bunched out by the seeds. TRACHEJE. Air vessels. "3fc Transversum dissepimentum. When^ the .jf ti- tion is at right angles with the sidesyof^Ppe- ricarpium. *t \ Trapeziforme/oZmw. A leaf having jour pro- minent angles whose sides are neither equal nor opposite, as the leaf of the Populus alba. Triandria. The third Class in the Linnaean system. Triangulare folium. A triangular leaf. Trichotomus caulis. A stem divided by threes. Tricocca capsula. A capsula with three cells, and a single seed in each cell. See the seed vessel of the Tea-tree, Class xiii. Tricoccae. The 47th Order in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement. Trtcuspidatifs. Three-pointed. 308 DICTIONARY OF Trifidum/oZrum. A leaf divided into three line- ar segments, having straight margins. Triflorus pedunculus. A flower stalk bearing three flowers. Trigonus caulis. A three-sided stalk, or stem, having three prominent angles lengthwise. Trigynia. The third Order in some of tfc > Classes of the Linnaean system. Trihilatae. Seeds having three eyes, orthret scarred. The 50th Order of Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement. Trijugum folium. A winged leaf with three pairs of leaflets. Trilobum^/bZiMm. A three-lobed leaf. Trinervatum/o/iMm. A leaf having three nerves meeting behind or beyond the base. Trinerve/oZtrnn. A leaf having three strong nerves running from the base to the tip, as in the Rhamnus lotus, Class v. Order 1. Trioecia. The third Order in the Class Poly- gamia in the Linnaean system. TripartitumybZzum. A leaf divided into three parts down to the base, but not entirely sepa- rate, as in Eryngium campestrc. Tripetala corolla. A flower consisting of three petals, as Water-Aloe, Class vi. Order 5. Tripetalodeae. Three-petalled. The sixth Or- der in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural ar- rangement. Triphyllus calyx. A calyx consisting of three leaves. Trip'mmtum folium rompnsitvm. A leaf having BOTANICAL TERMS. 3Q9 a triple series of pinnae, or wings, as in the common Fern. Triplinerve/oZzutfi. A leaf in which the nerves meet above, or short of the base, as in Piper nigrum, Class ii. Order 3. Professor Martyn and Dr. Berkenhout understand this term to mean a leaf having threefold nerves, or run- ning three and three together. Triqueter. Three-sided. Having three sides, quite flat. Triquetrum/oZttim. A leaf having three plain sides. Trisperma. Three-seeded, as the Euphorbia, Mercurialis, Sac. Triternatum folium compositum. A compound leaf, when the divisions of a triple footstalk are subdivided into threes. Trivalve pericarpium. A pod or capsula con- sisting of three valves. Trivialia nomina. Specific name. Tropici solaresflores. Tropical solar flowers. Truncatum. Terminating in a line as if cut off. Truncatum/oZittwi. A leaf having its apex, as it were, cut off, as the leaf of the Tulip-tree. Truncus. The body or stem of a tree. TUBER. (A truffle.) A knob, in roots. Tuberculatus. Having pimples or tuhercles. Tuberculum. A little pimple. Tuberosa radix. A tuberous or knobbed root, consisting of roundish fleshy bodies, or tubers, connected into a cluster by intervening threads, as the Potato, &c. 310 DICTIONARY OF Tubulatus calyx. A tubular calyx. Running into the form of a tube. Tubulosus flos. A Tubulous compound flow- er, composed wholly of Tubulous florets. Tubus. A tube. The lower and narrow part of a monopetalous flower. Tunicatus. Coated with skins or membranes. Tunicatus radix. A kind of bulbous root, hav- ing coats lying one over another from the cen- tre to the surface, as in the Onion, Tulip. &c. Turbinatum pericarpium. A kind of pod, nar- row at the base and broad at the top, as the seed-vessel of the Shepherd's Purse. Of this there is an example in the Plate illustrat- ing the Class and Orders of Class xv. Turgidum legumen. Swollen, puffed out, as in Ononis. Turio. The young buds, or shoots of Pines. VAGINA. A sheath. Vaginales. The name of the 27th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrange- ment. Vaginans folium. A sheathing leaf. Vaginatus caulis. A stem surrounded with a sheath formed by the base of the leaf. Valvula. The wall by which the seed or fruit is covered externally. Vasa. Vessels. VEGETABILIA. One of the three kingdoms of nature. Venosum folium. The veins which run over 'he whole surface of a leaf. BOTANICAL TERMS. 311 Ventncosa tpita. A spike narrowing at each extremity, and bellying out in the middle. Ventriculosus calyx. A calyx bellying out in the middle, but not in so great a degree as Ventricosus. Vepreculae. (From Vepres, a briar.) The 54th Order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a natural arrangement. Vernatio. The position of the leaf within the bud. Verucosa capsula. A capsula having little knobs or warts on its surface. Versatilis anthera. When the anthera is fixed by the middle on the point of the filament, and so poised as to turn like the needle of a compass, as in the common Lily. Verticalia folia. The term vertical as applied to a leaf in this place is not clearly under- stood by any of Linnaeus's commentators, but Martyn is of opinion that it is nearly synony- mous with obversum. Verticillati rami,flores. Branches and flowers, surrounding the stem, like the spokes of a wheel. Verticillatae. The 58th Order of Linnaeus's fragments of a natural arrangement. Verticillus. A Whorl. When flowers or leaves grow in whorles, as in Hippuris, Class i. Ly- thrum, Class xi. &c. Vesicula. A little bladder. Vesicularis scabrities. A kind of glandular roughness, resembling Vesiculae. 312 DICTIONARY OF Vexillum. A standard. The upright petal of a papilionaceous flower. See Spartium, Class xvii. Order 4. Vigiliae plantarum. The time when plants open and shut their flowers. VILLOSUS. Covered with soft hairs. Villus. A surface of soft close hairs, forming a fine nap like velvet. Vimen. A twig, slender and flexible, fit for bending. Vinaceum. Guitar-shaped. Virgatus caulis. A rod-like or wand-like stem or branch. I Virgultum. Small twigs or brush-wood. Viscidum folium. A leaf whose surface is clam- my, as in Senecio viscosus. Viscositas, Clammy. The quality of tenacious moisture. Vivipara planta. A plant that reproduces its like from a germ generated in the parent plant, and not from seed, as Festuca vivipara. See Class iii. Order 2. ULIGINOSA loca. Boggy places. UMBELLA. An Umbel. A receptaculum which from a common centre runs out into thread- shaped footstalks of proportionate lengths, like the sticks of an umbrella. Umbellatae. The 22d Order in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a natural arrangement. Umbellatus flos. An umbellated flower, as Ci- cuta virosa, JEihusa cynapium, Critluwm mart timvm. Class v. Order 2. « BOTANICAL TERMS. 313 Umbellula. A little umbel. Umbilicatum folium. A peltate leaf, shaped like a navel, at the insertion of the footstalk, as in the Cuamus nelumbo, Plate 3. Class xiii. Order 7. Umbilicus. The navel. UNANGULATUS caulis. A stem of one angle, as in Irisfatidissima, Class iii. Order 1. Uncinatum stigma. A hooked stigma. Undatum_/bZi«//i. A waved leaf, whose surface rises and falls in waves towards the margin, as Rheum undulatum, &c. Undulata corolla. A flower whose petals are waved. Unguiculatum petalum. A petal with one claw. Ungulata silicula. A hoof-shaped pod. Unicapsulare pericarpium. Having one capsula to each flower. Unguis. A nail or claw, that part of a petal which is joined to the receptaculum. In mea- sure, the length of a nail, half an inch. Umcusflos. One flower. Unicus radix. A single root. Unifloras pedunculus. A one-flowered flower- stalk. Unilabiata corolla. A one-lipped corolla. Unilateralis racemus. A bunch of flowers grow- ing on one side. Uniloculare pericarpium. A one-celled peri- carpium. Univalve pericarpium. A one-valved-pcricar- pium. 27 314 DICTIONARY, &C. Universalis umbella. A universal, rather gene- ral, or primary umbel. VOLVA. The calyx of the fungi. See Class xxiv. Order 4. Volubilis. Twining, growing round some other body in a spiral ascending direction. URCEOLATA corolla. A pitcher-shaped flower. Urens. Stbging. Armed with stings as the ;common Nettle. UTR1GULI. A kind of glandular, secretory vessels on the surface of various plants. VULGARIS. Common. The specific name of many plants4 as Hippuris vulgaris, Class 31 Order 1. &c. N AMES OF ALL THE CLASSES AND ORDERS OF THE LINNiEAN SYSTEM, SCIENTIFICALLY ARRANGED. -— Order. Order. Class I. 2 Digynia MONANDRIA. 3 Tetragynia 1 Monogynia ■■--------------------------- 2 Digynia Class V. PENTANDRIi1 Class IT. 1 Monogynia DIANDRIA. 2 Digynia 1 Monogynia 3 Trigynia 2 Digynia 4 Tetragynia 3 Trigynia 5 Pentagynia _____ 6 Hexagynia Class III. 7 Polygynia TRIANDRIA. --- 1 Monogynia Class VI. 2 Digynia 3 Trigynia HEXANDRIA 1 Monogynia 2 Digynia Class IV. 3 Trigynia TETRANDRIA. 4 Tetragynia 1 Monofrynia 5 Hexagynia CLASSES AND ORDERS 316 NAMES OF THE Order. 6 Polygynia Class VII. HEPTANDRIA. 1 Monogynia 2 Digynia 3 Tetragynia 4 Heptagynia Class tVIII. OCTANDRIA. 1 Monogynia 2 Digynia 3 Trigynia 4 Tetragynia Class IX. ENNEANDRIA. 1 Monogynia 2 Trigynia 3 Hexagynia Class X. DECANDRIA. 1 Monogynia 2 Digynia 3 Trigynia 4 Pentagynia 5 Decagynia Class XI. DODECANDRIA. 1 Monogynia 2 Digynia 3 Trigynia 4 Tetragynia 5 Pentagynia Order. 6 Dodecagynia Class XII. ICOSANDRIA. 1 Monogynia 2 Pentagynia 3 Polygynia Class XIH. POLYANDRIA. 1 Monogynia 2 Digynia 3 Trigynia 4 Tetragynia 5 Pentagynia 6 Hexagynia 7 Polygynia Class XIV. DIDYNAMIA. 1 Gymnospermia 2 Angiospermia Class XV. TETRADYNAMIA. 1 Siliculosa 2 Siliquosa Class XVI. MONADELPHIA 1 Triandria 2 Pentandria 3 Heptandria 4 Octandria 5 Decandria 6 Endecandria 7 Dodecandria OF THE LINN2EAN SYSTEM. 3H idrder. 7 8 Polyandria Class XVII. DIADELPHIA. 1 Pentandria 2 Hexandria 3 Octandria 4 Decandria Class XVIII. POLYADELPHIA. 1 Dodecandria 2 Icosandria 3 Polyandria Class XIX. SYNGENESIA. 1 Polygamia aequalia 2 Polygamia superflua 3 Polygamia frustranea 4 Polygamia necessaria 5 Polygamia segregata Class XX. GYNANDRIA. 1 Monandria 2 Diandria 3 Triandria 4 Tetrandria 5 Pentandria 6 Hexandria 7 Octandria Order. Class XXI. MONOECIA.u. 1 Monandria 2 Diandria 3 Triandria 4 Tetrandria 5 Pentandria 6 Hexandria 7 Polyandria. 8 Monadelphia Class XXII. DIOECIA. 1 Monandria 2 Diandria 3 Triandria 4 Tetrandria 5 Pentandria 6 Hexandria 7 Polyandria 8 Monadelphia Class XXIII. POLYGAMIA. 1 Monoecia 2 Dioecia 3 Trioecia Class XXIV. CRYPTOGAMIA 1 Filices 2^Bfusci 3 AIgas /''••• .-. ' 4 Fungi THE END. 27* \ a?- ^-----^ \ A "T V 4 '7--33S* ty//Jljt'^(l S v. ■*% 3 . I y .Ss s S i'M* 1 .1 * / ■■■: 'A'f - ■» • A '