EASTON DAILY EXPKESB: THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 21, 1876.’ V ... NORTHAMPTON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. —The Northampton County Medical Society : held its August meeting yesterday afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. rooms of Easton. There were present Drs. Abernethy, Bachman, D. Engelman, J. P. Engelman, Gotwald, Green, - Grower, Hunt, Laubach, Hawaii, Mclntire, ' Ott, J. Sandt, A. K. Seem, and A. Seip. r Also, Dr. Stahley, of the Dauphin County Society, and Dr. W. M. Baird, of the Warren District Society of New Jersey. The raeet- ' log proved to be an interesting one in the discussion of the treatment of various dis- eases. The Committee on School Hygiene 1 gave a partial report on the lighting of : schools, and a supplemental report on venti- lation, both of which topics being of so much importance that we publish the report in full. REPORT OP THE COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL HY- GIENE—LIGHTING. The scientific study of Physiological Op- tics is of comparatively recent origin, and a rational method of diagnoses and treatment of those affections of the eye which depend upon its optical condition is still more re- cent. From this fact it is not surprising that a great many cases of such trouble should now be found, which formerly were not re- cognized, or the trouble assigned to some other cause. But, after making due allow- ance for the increased delicacy in the meth- ods of investigation, a suspicion arose that cases of ametropia, or faulty vision from im- perfect optical condition, were on the in- crease. Investigations, both in Europe and America, confirm these suspicions to such an extent that it amounts to a demonstration. The condition which seems to be most rap- idly on the increase is myopia, or near-sight, and to that condition alone let us cunfine our attention for the present. It has been shown that there is a greater proportion of near-sigbted persons among educated people. Thus Dr. Lucien Howe, of Buffalo, examined the eyes of 1,008 school children, of whom 19 7 per cent, were myo- pic. While of “213 cases of eye disease seen during the past year among the paupers of Buffalo, the record shows only 3 5 per ceut. to have been near-sighted.” Furthermore it appears that myopia is more prevalent among the higher classes of our educational system than in the lower classes. Thus Dr. C. R. Agnew, of New York, found in the Brooklyn Polytechnic School 10 per cent, of myopes in the acade- mic department and 58 per cent, in the col- legiate. It might be said that this is ac- counted for by the coincidence of the near- sighted scholars keeping on in their studies, while the possessors of normal eyes leave school for other pursuits. But the same results have been obtained in too many observations to make it a mere coincidence. Besides Dr. Haskett Derby, of Boston, found 28 per cent, of the class of ’79 of Amherst myopic in their Freshman year; 50 per cent, of whom were more myopic in the following year. And the investigations of one of your committee on the students of Lafayette—as yet incomplete— corroborate the deduction of an increase in the propor- of near-sighted people in the higher classes by its development in men who previously had optically normal eyes. Another fact is also patent, that those na- tions famous for their studious habits have a far greater proportion of myopes in their population. Germany can no longer exempt near-sighted men from military duty. It is safe to conclude that there is a tendency in studious habits to produce near-sight. Gan there be any evil effects resulting from near sight? A few sentences from Bon- der’s “Anomalies of Refraction and Accom- modation” will answer this question. “Every progressive myopia is threatening with respect to the future. If it continues progressive the eye will soon, with trouble- some symptoms, become less available, and not infrequently at the age of fifty or sixty, if not mucu earlier the power of vision is ir- revocably lost.” Again: “Not only is the myope not in a condition to discharge all civil duties, not only is he limited in the choice of his position in society, but in the higher degrees myopia leads to disturbance of the power of vision and threatens its subject with incurable blindness.” If these things be so and Prof. Bonders Is universally acknowledged as the highest au- thority, it becomes a very important matter to determine the came of myopia, the con- ditions favorable for its increase, and if there be any means of prevention. From the facts stated it would seem that study and near sight in some way bear the relation of cause and effect. In what then do students habits differ from those in other occupations in life? Students are apt to remain for a long time in rooms containing a vitiated at- mosphere; with their heads Dent over their desks, reading or writing at or near their near point of vision, and keeping their gaze fixed upon the page with- out relaxation; and this, too, frequently, with insufficient light, which often comes in an imperfect direction. The vitiated air lowers the whole tone of the system—makes it less resistant, so to speak. The position of the head and nearness of the object act conjointly in such a manner as to cause pressure perpendicular to the antero-poste- rior axis, and the eye does not possess sufficient strength to elongate it in this axis. This will cause the eye to become near- sighted. The insufficient light demands an additional strain upon the eye, aggravating the pressure by making it a necessity that objects to be seen be placed near the eyes. There is one other cause, which only in- creases the importance of the subject. Again to quote Bonders: “Even on many emmet- ropic eyes simple tension for near objects has but little effect. In fact the predisposi- tion is almost invariably congenital, and in that case It is, moreover, nearly always hereditary.” So that any conditions that are prone to develop near sight, not only puts the possessors themselves on a path that is liable to lead to blindness, but also render the succeeding generations more sus- ceptible to the same causes and more likely to obtain the worst results. The increase of myopia, then, is a subject of great interest to everyone individually, of equal importance to the body politic. The requirements of modern life will not allow us to go back to the old days of general illiteracy; the com- fort of the individual and the strength of the State demand a race of people with nor- mal eyes. A remedy must be found, and, because of the new conditions, it is no reflection on the wisdom of the fathers should this remedy cause an innovation in time honored meth- ods. If this increase of near sight is due to school life, we must either modify the condi- tion of school life to prevent this increase or permit the illiterate to become the only healthy people in the nation. Thus far we have confined our thoughts to myopic eyes. Does faulty hygienic condi- tions work ill only in this class of eyes? We think not. It is a well determined fact that most cases of squint are due to that optical condition of the eye known as hypermetropia or over sight, a condition directly opposite to that of near sight. We think that the extra strain frequently put on the eye in school life is the Immediate cause of many a case of squint. And when we consider that so many cases of squint are neglected, finally causing blindness of the deviating eye, it is not a slight additional greivance. Besides the op- tical troubles mentioned there are many of the unclassiflable cases of asthenopia which have their cause, or are made worse from faulty hygienic conditions in school life. The subject then is of sufficient importance to warrant this lengthy discussion, and the question of remedy should receive our closest attention. We have asserted a triple cause —poor ventilation, unproperly constructed seats and desks and imperfect lighting—to which may be added a fourth, improper methods of study. In -regard to ventilation, a previous report has already shown how de- ficient are our schools; the matter of seats, &c., is reserved for another report. Our in- quiry has not extended into the methods of study, so there remain for present considera- tion only the subject of lighting. The sub- ject divides itself into two topics. A, The direction of the sight; and B, The amount of light. The first division is sub-divided into two: First, What direction should the light come in relation to the scholar, i. e., from his left or right side; from the back or front; and Secondly, the angle that the light should fall upon the desk; whether low down or high up approaching the vertical. Let us consider them in the i order proposed. What relation should the I direction of the light bear to the scholar? We want the,page illumined, and not the eye of the scholar; we want it uniformly lighted, and not covered with fixed or moving shad- ows. These propositions are so evident that it is not necessary to discuss them. The light then should not come from the front, that is indeed the worst direction, and should always be condemned. Shadows will be thrown upon the page if the light comes from the right hand side or from the back; these di- rections are therefore objectionable, while light from the left is nearly or quite free from these objections, and is the one which should be bad in all cases if possible. If it Is objectionable to have shadow from one direc- tion, it is more so to have them in two; and cross lights should not be allowed. This may seem in many instances to be over care- ful. But one must remember that the scholar remains hours a day, for weeks in succession, using its eyes to a maximum degree, and what would be of no moment were it to act for an hour, becomes a subject of great im- portance under existing circumstances, and this thought applies to the whole discussion. As to the angle at which the light should fall on the desk. Here again the shadows cast will be an important factor. The smaller they are the better. So the greater the angle the better. Light which is paral- lel to the desk top or nearly so is of very lit- tle or no use, and on account of its liability to shine into the eyes of the scholars is apt to do harm. Consequently our windows should be placed as near the ceiling as possible, and should not extend too near the floor. The higher the light enters, the more good is ob- tained from the reflection of the light from the ceiling. Whether skylights would be preferable or not is not determined, the bulk of the opinion being, however, that high lateral light is preferable to tight from above. As to the second question, “ how much light should be lurulsiiedwe niu-t not be guided by what we think to be enough light for a dwelling, for then if the day be dark, or a tine piece of work to be done, we can move closer to the windbw. In schools, how- ever, it is different, and a much greater amount of light must be provided. We do not think, however, with Dr. Herman Cohn, of Bresleau, who, in his report on School Hygene, at the Baris Exposition of 1878, as- serts that a school room cannot be too well illuminated, and recommends one square meter of window area to one square meter of floor space, although he places his minimum at his previous standard of one to five. There can be an excessive amount of illumination, i. an amount that will have to be excluded at all times by means of blinds or curtains. What relation, then, should the window area bear to the floor space ? Dr. Lincoln suggests Ito 6; Dr. Cohn, as we have already said, Ito 6. Other authorities say 0.200 to 0.223 square meters of glass to every scholar, which would amount to about the same thing. Dr. Loring does not think the light can be in excess if means are provided to subdue it at times. In our criticism of the schools of the county we took for our standard the following reso- lution offered .to the Brooklyn Board of Health by the Sanitary Commute?, in June, 1877. We adopt this because they are the results arrived at by careful men, and they are conservative rather than the reverse. 3. Resolved, The situation and area of win- dows of every school room hereafter to be constructed or provided shall be as follows : No window shall be less that three feet six inches (1.1 m.) from the floor, exclusive of the frame, nor more than ten inches (0.225 m.) from the ceiling, including the frame ; and the area of the window space, clear of the frame, shall not be less than one-sixth or more than one fifth of the area of the floor space. And with regard to the direction from which the light should fall on the pupils, the windows and seats of all the class rooms shall be arranged, preferably, in the following order : first, from the left; second, from the back ; and third, from the right. In no case shall the windows and desks be so arranged or permitted as to allow the light to strike the pupils directly in front. In our tables we give first the school, then in the next column the number of windows, then the total area of window space, its ratio to the area of floor space, whether this ratio is above or below our standard, the direction of windows follow, and criticisms upon this direction. As all light facing the scholar should be excluded, the area of the windows In this position are then given. This is fol- lowed by the height of the sill, and if the windows be too low, the area of window 1.1 under is stated, these 2.2 areas deducted from the total area of window space, give the next column or proper area of window space, the ratio to the floor space is then given and then whether this corrected area is above or below normal. The next column gives the distance of the top of the windows from the ceiling while the last column is de- voted to remarks, [Here follows the tabular statement of the schools of the county whose measurements are in the hands of the committee, under the above heading. The report then continues 1 From a careful examination of the above statistics, the following tables have been ar- ranged. We have separated the schools of Easton from the others, because it is a sepa- rate school district; we have, however, given a column which comprises all the reports seat us. The aggregate number varies, be- cause in some of the tables we include the “class rooms,” in others they are excluded: TABLE 1. Showing the amount of light furnished the schools without making any deduction what- ever. Rest of the Entire Easton. County. County. No. Prct. No. Prct. No. Prct No. of schools hav- ing more tn an ihe standard amount of light 25 51 25 51,5 50 39 No. of schools hav- ing the standard amount 11 22 25 31.5 30 28 No. of schools hav- ing less than the standard amount of light 13 27 29 37 42 33 T0ta1...,, 49 79 128 That is, one-third of the 128 schools and class-rooms reported are not provided with enough light. TABLE 11, showing the proportion of schools in which there are windows facing the pupils: Best of Entire Easton. County. County No. of schools examined... .35 75 110 No. of schools having win- dows facing the pupils.... 7 31 38 Per centago 2o 41 31 There are, in addition, four school rooms reported from the county, which have their seats arranged around the walls, so that some of the scholars have good and others poor light. Excluding these, one-third of the schools are faulty in the above table. table in. showing the proportion of school-rooms in which there is cross light: Rest of Entire Easton. County. County No. of schools examined....3s 75 110 No. of schools in which there is a cross light 13 48 61 Per centago 37 64 55 or more than one-haif not up to our stand- ard. TABLE IV. showing the proportion of schools having the sills of the windows sufficiently high: Rest of Entire Easton. County. County i No. of schools examined 35 79 114! No. of schools with sills of a proper height 22 5 27 Per centage 63 7 24 or less than one-quarter of the schools come up to the standard in this respect. Quite possible the subject was never thought of, and these that ate right only happen to be so. TABLE V. showing the amount of light furnished the schools after deducting that which enters the windows facing tne pupils, and that which enters too low: Rest of Entire Easton. County. County. No. Prct. No. Prct. No. Prct No. of schools hav- ing more than the standard amount Of light 16 40 9 11.5 25 22 No. of schools hav- ing the standard amount of light.. 5 14 22 28.0 27 24 No. of schools hav- ing less than the standard amount * of light 14 40 48 60.5 62 54 35 79 114 Or more than one-half of the schools re- ported have not a sufficient amount of proper light. TABLE VI. Showing the proportion of windows whose tops are near enough the ceiling. Rest of Entire Easton. County, County. No. of schools examined....36 79 114 No. of schools whose win- dows are high enough.... 6 9 15 Percentage 17 11.4 13 Evidently this was not taken into consid- eration at all in the erection of the buildings. An examination of the statistics also show that there is not a single school room of the 114 which does fail in some of the conditions that were formulated as our standard. Some indeed very slightly, and in a manner that can be easily remedied; but we are unable to point to one of them as a model. We desire to call attention to the following school rooms as especially bad: Easton-First Ward--The Grammar Schools, These are situated in the third story of the school building at the corner of Fourth and Ferry streets. In order to obtain additional light there are glass partitions between the school room and the class room. As a method of lighting this is always objection- able. {But even supposing all the light which enters the class room came into tne school room, which is impossible, the total amount of light is still too small, while the proportion of proper window area supplies to the floor space is only 1 to 18.4, or not quite one-third what it should be. Easton—Sixth Ward, primary, 1, 8., is in- sufficiently lighted and should be condemned. South Bethlehem—All the schools reported from this place are, without exception, poorly lighted. Bath—The secondary school has a propor- tion of 1 to 13.8 and the primary of 1 to 21,2 instead of 1 to 3 or 6, in Lower Nazareth, the Hecktown school and in Plainfield, Teel’s school are like- wise insufficiently lighted. In Palmer Township the Lincoln, Fre- mont, Polk and Franklin schools have the seats arranged around the sides of the room facing the walls. In this arrangement quite a number of the scholars will receive their light in an improper direction, and we think these schools too should be condemned. We confess that we are surprised at the re- sult of our investigation, being much worse than we anticipated even while we were ar- ranging the statistics, and the question arises, What can be done to improve the con- dition of our schools in this respect? As the question will come up again as a conclusion to the whole series of reports, but one or two suggestions will be made. There is evidently a lack of knowledge upon the subject, and some means should be taken to impart the desired information. A care- fully prepared lecture or two at the Teachers’ Institute might give the proper ideas, and so insure that the school rooms constructed hereafter shall be perfect in this respect. Those persons whose eyes are in any way abnormal should have seats given to them ia school which will be least liable to injure their eyes. When the time comes that every child entering our schools will be examined i by a competent physician, and their place in the school room determined by their physi- cal condition, especially of their ability to < see and hear, this scheme will become prac- ticable. Until that time everyone who sus- 1 pects their school children patients to have t faulty vision, should accompany the child and request the teacher to place it in the proper place in the school room. j [Should anyone desire to know the re- ported condition of any one school, they can 1 obtain the information by addressing a letter t to the Secretary of the Northampton Medical Society, Easton Fa., enclosing a stamp to pay return postage ] ( SUPPLEMENT TO THE REPORT ON VENTILA- , TION OP THE COMMITTEE ON SCHOOL HY- , GIENE. Since our report on ventilation there has i been a change made in the academy building ] in the Sixth Ward, of Easton. It seems that , the second floor is insufficiently heated while 1 there is an excessive amount of heat on the first floor. To equalize this, a hole 0,504 M. by 0,338 M. has been cut through the ceiling ] and lined with tin, so that the excess of heat j can pass from the lower room to the upper. We have no doubt that it will be an effectual s method of equalizing the temperatures, since I the difference of a single degree between the { temperature of the lower room and that of t the upper (and there must beat least that * much or it could not be perceived by the j senses) will cause quite a current of warm r air to ascend. But when we inquire into the j composition of the air, we do not find so much to commend. When we remember J that the means of ventilation in that build- i ing is very deficient, and that the openings of the ventilating flues are near to the floor, it is easily seen that the impure air from the i lungs of the children in the school below will t have an avenue of escape through the open- ing into the room above before it has time to 8 diffuse itself. Consequently the room above £ will be vitiated by the foul air of its own production not only but by that of the school . below as well. Perhaps in full justice it s should be said that we understand that the £ original plan contemplated carrying a pipe of the size of the opening up through the j upper room to within three feet of the ceil- ing. Had this plan been carried out there would have been another example of entire ? ignorance of the very first principles of the L laws of nature, hiding itself under compli- cated appliances, for as soon as the foul i) air enters the room it will be- gin to diffuse itself and if there a is no means of carrying it off in a current, s( will, in a very short time, be equally distrib- ei uted throughout the room. The whole ar- 0 rangement we must denounce as a piece of p criminal carelessness ; for when such death traps are made it will not do to mince words. And should there happen, among the schol- ars of these schools, any cases of the pre- ventable diseases, resulting fatally, those who de have the responsibility in this are morally guilty of the murder of these children, with- to out the cause can be clearly traced to some (ji other source, and even then we think they 0f would be accessories to the act by debitita- at ting the children with the poisoned air and ah thus hindering their recovery. Ac Tun' T?-*’'