THE PHYSICIAN AS ARTIST: An exhibit of selected works by Meyer M. Melicow NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE June 9 — Aug. 22 THE PHYSICIAN AS ARTIST: An exhibit of selected works by Meyer M. Melicow The National Library of Medicine, as part of its regular series of exhibits, is presenting from June 9 — August 22 a collection of paintings and drawings by a prominent uropathologist, Meyer M. Melicow, Given Professor Emeritus of Uropathology at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York City. Displayed in this exhibit are 37 works - oil and acrylic paintings and ink drawings. The works include scenes rendered by Dr. Melicow during his world travels, some whimsical views of New York City, and a number of still life paintings. Dr. Melicow, the physician, has received many honors both in the U.S. and abroad. He has been cited by the American Medical Association, the American Urological Association, Columbia University, the University of Madrid Medical School, the Jerusalem Academy of Medicine, and the Japanese Urological Association, among others. His papers have been published in leading medical journals and he has delivered lectures and conducted seminars throughout the world. Dr. Melicow, the artist, has been given recognition by the American Physicians Art Association, of which he is a past president, the American Medical Association, and various other groups. His works have been exhibited nationally, and reproductions have appeared in numerous medical periodicals. Dr. Melicow resides with his wife, Sylvia, in New York City, and he is still very much active as a teacher of uropathology and as a practicing artist. The exhibit may be seen at the Library from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday -Saturday (closed Sundays), until August 22. 1 Still Life with Flowers and Fruit-Oil (courtesy N.Y. Academy of Medicine) Night Call-Oil (courtesy Mr. A. Rosenbaum] Still Life with Decoy-Oil Beach House-Aery lie Metropolis-Acrylic (courtesy Drs. D. and M. Malcolm) Hong Kong, Pen and Ink, Color pencil. 2. Night Call (courtesy Mr. A. Rosenbaum) 20. Exploratory Operation (courtesy Melicow Library, Dept. of Urology, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center). 7 Nature's Living Skyscrapers in the Veldt-Pen and Ink 8 Rain Clouds,Saranac Lake-Pen and Ink Tree, Seaview-Pen and Ink 10 Roof Tops, New York No. 2-lnk and Color Pencil 11 Sun and Tall Grass, Fire Island-Ink and Color Pencil 12 Lake Louise-Ink and Color Pencil 13 Vignette, Fire Island- Ink and Color Pencil 1 lL Tree, Caneel Bay-Pen and Ink I ^ Locust Trees, Westchester, New York, 1933-Dry Point 1 6 Caneel Bay-Ink and Color Pencil 17 Tel Aviv-Pen and Ink 18 19 20 Windy Day, Fire Island-Acrylic Dixville Notch, New Hampshire-Acrylic Exploratory Operation: Moment of Truth-Acrylic (courtesy Melicow Library, Dept. of Urology, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center) 2 Winter Reflection-Pen and Ink 23 25 22 Expanding Universe-Ink and Color Pencil Maine Woods-Pen and Ink 2^ Night Scene, New York 96th Street-Ink and Color Pencil Fire Island Dunes-Pen and Ink 26 Hammock by the Sea: Fire Island-Pen and Ink 2"7 72r,d Street and Riverside Drive, New York, 1933-Dry Point 2o Roof Tops New York, No. 1-lnk and Color Pencil 15. Locust Trees. Westchester, New York, 1933. 2Q Hong Kong Harbor-Pen and Ink 30 « allam Lake-Pen and Ink A ] 96th Street Nedick's-lnk and Poster Color ^2 Seaview, Fire Island-Pen and Ink A A Canasta by Moonlight-Acrylic (courtesy P&S Club, Columbia University) 34 Still Life with Flowers No. 1-Acrylic (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. B. Horlick) A ^ Lake Mohonk-Acrylic (courtesy P&S Club, Columbia University) 36 The Catskil,s' winter- Per< and Ink ^7 Trip through Europe-Ink and Color Pencil 6. Hong Kong. 28. Roof Topv New York, #1. Dr. Melicow at his easel — from a painting by Alex Ross. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service National Institutes of Health DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 75-903