RULES FOR THE ADMISSION OF PUPILS TO THE ST. LOUIS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. The Executive Committee of the St. Louis Training School for Nurses, has made arrangements with the authorities of the St. Louis City Hospital for giving two years' training to women desirous of becoming professional nurses. Applicants for admission to the Training School must be preferably between twenty-five and thirty years of age, of medium height and size, and possess a good common school education. They must present certificates of good character, sound health, and physical capacity for the duties of nurses satisfactory to the Admission Committee, and to the Superintendent and Surgeon in charge of the Hospital,and should make their application to Mrs. £.11. Konlhofet*, chairman of the Admission Committee, No. fiffi) Garrison Avenue? St. Louis. After approval they will be received into the School for erromontl/on probation, during which time they will be boarded and lodged, but will receive no other compensation unless accepted as pupils, when they must sign an agree- ment to remain in the School, and subject themselves to the rules of the School and of the Hospital for a period of two years from the date of their entrance into the school. Applicants may be received at any time during the year, when vacancies occur. Failure to discharge the duties imposed, violation of the rules or regulations of the School or Hospital, evidence of moral or physical unfitness for their work, will be deemed sufficient cause for dismissal. A monthly allowance of ten dollars ($10) for the first year, and of twelve ($12) for the second year, will be made to each pupil. This sum is allowed for dress, text-books, and other personal expenses of the nurses, and is in no wise intended as wages, it being considered that the education given is a full equivalent for their services. Board and wash- ing will be furnished without charge, and in illness all pupils will have gratuitous medical attention. r v -r The Nurses are required, after the month of probation, to wear, when on duty, the dress prescribed by the School, which is of blue and white seersucker, simply made, white apron and cap, and linen collar and cuffs. The day Nurses are on duty from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m., and, when practicable, are allowed some time each day for exercise in the open air. They are also given a day off duty once a month. A vacation of two weeks is allowed once in each year. It is not proposed to place Nurses on night duty until they have been in the School three months. At the end of each term there will be an examination of the pupils, conducted under the supervision and in the presence of the Instruction Committee, and of the Superintendent and Surgeon in charge of the Hospital, which, being creditably passed, shall entitle pupils of two years' standing to the Diploma and the Badge of the Training School. INSTRUCTION. The instruction includes: - 1. The dressing of blisters, burns, sores, and wounds; preparation and application of fomentations, poultices, cups, and leeches, and of minor dressings 2. The administration of enemas, and the use of the catheter, and the management of appliances for uterine troubles. 3. The management of helpless patients, making beds, changing clothing, giving baths in bed, prevention and treatment of bed sores, and the best methods of friction to the body and extremities. 4. Bandaging, making bandages, and lining splints. 5. Care of patients' rooms, changing sheets while the patient is in bed, the best methods of supplying fresh air, and of warming rooms and hospital wards. 6. Certain emergencies, and how to treat them. 7. The preparation and serving of food for the sick. The pupils will also be instructed to make accurate observations and reports, to the physician in charge, of the state of the secretions, expectorations, pulse, skin, appetite, temperature of the body, intelligence - as delirium or stu- por, breathing - sleep, condition of wounds, eruption, formation of pus, effect of diet, of stimulants, and of medicine, and to learn the management of convalescents. When the full term of two years is ended, the Nurses thus trained will be at liberty to choose their own field of labor, whether in hospitals or in private families. This side is to be filled out in the Candidate's own handwriting, and sent to Mrs. R. H. Kcal+iofety Chairman of the Admission Committee,'609~GatrisorrArventre'. 1. Candidate's name in full, and address, . . 2. Condition in life, single or a widow, 3. Present occupation or employment, 4. Place and date of birth, . . . 5. Height, 6. Weight, 7. Where educated, 8. Are you strong and healthy, and have you always been so 2 J1. Arw gva'i' scyilc and Hearing perfect 2 10. Have you any tendency to pulmonary complaint 2 11. Have you any physical defects 2 12. If a widow, have you children 2 How many 2 How old 2 How are are they provided for 2 13. Where (if any) was your last situation 2 How long were you in it 2 has known me years. 14. Names in full and addresses of two persons to be referred to. State how long each has known you. If previously employed, one of these must be the last employer. . . has known me years. 15. Have you read, and do you clearly understand the regulations 2 I declare the above statement to be correct. Date. Signed,