THE SAINT LOUIS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND BY-LAWS PRINTED FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. INCORPORATED, DECEMBER, 1883. NURSES HOME, NO. 1510 LAFAYETTE AVENUE. ST. LOUIS: NIXON-JONES PRINTING CO. 1884. Members of the Society are reminded that the Annual Dues are payable December 1,1883. All Donations, Subscriptions, and Annual Dues should be sent to the Treasurer of the Training School for Nurses, Mrs. JAMES M. LEETE, 2912 Washington Avenue, who will return a receipt. THE SAINT LOUIS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND BY-LAWS PRINTED FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION. INCORPORATED, DECEMBER, 1883. NURSES HOME, NO. 1510 LAFAYETTE AVENUE. ST. LOUIS: NIXON-JONES PRINTING CO. 1884. 0||icct:> 1883—84. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. President: Mrs. W. H. Pulsifer, 1837 Kennett Place. First Vice-President: Mrs. J. G. Chapman, 1714 Lucas Place. Second Vice-President: Mrs. J. N. Norris, 3039 Piue Street. • Treasurer: Mrs. James M. Leete, 2912 Washington Avenue. Mrs. Chas. E. Briggs, 2735 Olive Street. Mrs. Sam’l Treat, 3023 Chestnut Street. Mrs. Dexter Tiffany, 3104 Laclede Avenue. Mrs. R. II. Keai.iiofer, 609 Garrison Avenue. Mrs. W. B. Farr, Vandeventer Place. ADVISORY BOARD: Rev. Dr. W. G. Eliot. Mr. Jas. E. Ykatman. Hon. Henry Hitchcock. Mr. George S. Drake. Dr. D. V. Dean. Secretary: Miss Julia Shepley, 1418 Washington Avenue. Superintendent of Nurses: Miss A. R. Hunt, Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Training School. Matron of the Home, 1510 Lafayette Avenue: Mrs. P. Coleman. STANDING COMMITTEES. Mrs. J. G. Chapman, Chairman. Mrs. W. L. Hdse. Mrs. G. O. Carpenter, Jr. Mrs. E. C. Copelin. 1. Hospital Committee. Mrs. John D. Davis. Mrs. Dexter Tiffany. Mrs. Daniel Catlin. Mrs. E. W. Nelson. Miss Mary Moore. Mrs. Chas. E. Briggs, Chairman Mrs. James M. Leete. Mrs. Martha Davis. 2. Household Committee. Mrs. Henry Amelung. MRS. G. A. riNKELNBURG. Miss Lizzie Sherman. Miss Daisy Sherman. Mrs. W. B. Farr, Chairman. Judge S. M. Breckenridge. Mrs. John Whittaker. Mr. John T. Davis. 3. Finance Committee. Mr. J. G. Cijapman. Mr. Geo. O. Carpenter, Jr. Mrs. E. Malinckrodt. Mrs. H. L. dousman. 4. Instruction Committee. Mrs. James N. Norris, Chairman. Mrs. H. M. Hoxie. Mrs. John W. Noble. Mrs. W. H. Pclsifer. Miss Frances Markham. 5. Publication Committee. Mrs. Samuel Treat, Chairman. Mrs. oerard B. Allen. Mrs. E. B. Adams. Mrs. Charles Parsons. Mrs. John B. Henderson. Mrs. R. H. Realhofer, Chairman. Mrs. Dwight Tredway. Mrs. C. T. Charless. Mrs. J. S. Fullerton. 6. Admission Committee. Mrs. Henry W. Eliot. Mrs. Newton Crane. Mrs. Edgar Lackland. Mrs. Theodore Meier. Mrs. David R. Francis. Mrs. Dexter Tiffany, Chairman. Mrs. John T. Davis. 7. Auditing Committee. Mrs. N. C. Chapman. Mr. W. H. Pulsifer. Mrs. J. G. Chapman. CORPS OF INSTRUCTORS. Lectures to be delivered to the Nurses of the Training School, at the Home, 1510 Lafayette Avenue. Dr. G. Baumgarten — Three Lectures : — 2. Urinology. 1. Observation of Pulse, Respiration, and Temperature. Dr. L. Bremer—Course of Lectures: — Nursing in Diseases of the Nervous System. Dr. C. E. Briggs — Four Lectures: — Water in Physiology and Nursing. Diet and Feeding of the Sick. Circulation. Digestion. Dr. D. V. Dean — A Course of Lectures: — Thermometry. Metric System in Medicines and Surgery. Methods of Administering Medicines and Remedies. Antiseptics, Dressings, and Care, in General Surgery. Dr. G. Engelmann— Course of Lectures: — Nursing after Gynaecological Operations. Dr. W. E. Fischel— Course of Lectures: — Food and its Preparation. Toxicology. Diferential Diagnosis of Eruptive Fevers. Dr. John Green— Course of Lectures: — What the Nurse should be able to recognize, and what she should be properly expected to do, and refrain from doing in matters relating to the eye. Dr. W. A. Hardaway—Course of Lectures:— Care of the Skin in Health and Disease. 5 6 Dr. J. P. Kingsley— Course of Lectures: — Care and Nursing of Infants and Children. Dr. W. A. McCandless— Course of Lectures: — Elements of Anatomy and Physiology. Dr. E. M. Nelson — Course of Lectures: — Nursing Lying-in Cases. Dr. William Porter— Course of Lectures : — Nursing and Emergencies in croup or diphtheria. Care of Lung cases. Dr. C. B. Pulsifer, — Course of Lectures: — Contagious and Infectious Diseases. Relations of the Nurse to the Physician, to the Patient, and to the Family. Dr. G. Richter— Course of Lectures : — Ventilation. Disinfection. Bathing. Arrangement of the Bed. Nursing of Dying Patients and care of the Dead. Dr. E. W. Saunders— Course of Lectures : — Special Nursing in Fever Cases. EXPLANATORY OF AIMS AND METHODS. The St. Louis Training School for Nurses, a society organized under the laws of this State, appeals to the public for and support. It has been commonly supposed that an}r person with a desire in that direction could properly nurse the sick, and the professional nurse 1ms too often been found to be entirely without education or moral character. The well known characters depicted by Dickens in “ Martin Chuzzlewit ” are not so much ex- aggerations as it at first seems, and to the class of which they are the type our sick have been trusted when the im- mediate friends and relatives have been incapacitated from attending them. Good nursing is as indispensable in illness as proper medical attention. Good nursing means intelligent work, a knowledge of the best methods of caring for the pa- tient. This intelligence can only be obtained by proper instruction and by practical experience at the bedside, and this intelligence and instruction the Training School proposes to give. Dr. Jacobi, of New York, says: “ I do know and pub- licly proclaim that the results of the best physicians have vastly improved since their cases have been in the hands of trained nurses.” The knowledge of uneducated women was, and is, ignorance driven to actual or alleged work by starvation. The knowledge of a trained nurse is the result of two years’ study under competent teach- ers and a constant practice. 7 8 Something was done early in the century towards in- structing nurses in this country, and fifty years ago train- ing schools were established in Germany; but the first training school in this country was established in 1873 in connection with Bellevue Hospital, in New York, modelled after the training school attached to St. Thomas’s Hos- pital, London, founded by Miss Nightingale. The first graduating class of the Bellevue Training School num- bered but six members. They now have 62 pupils, and four hundred applicants are waiting for an opportunity to enter. Training schools have been established in Boston, New Haven, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rochester, Chicago, and other cities, until there are now more than twenty existing in this country. The graduates of the Eastern schools have constant employment at $16 to $20 per week. That the School is needed in St. Louis is evident to any one who has had occasion to require the services of a nurse. The School may in time be self-supporting, but this cannot be expected at present, and the Executive Com- mittee appeal to the public for substantial aid. They do not regard this enterprise as in any way a charity. It appeals to the selfish side of our natures. The presence of a band of trained nurses, ready at all times to respond to the call of the sick, will be an inestimable boon. The Committee direct attention to the articles of Association and the By-laws, and solicit application for membership in the society, which may be addressed to Mrs James M. Leete, Treasurer, 2912 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. The Executive Committee of the St. Louis Training School for Nurses has made arrangements with the authorities of the St. Louis City Hospital for giving two years’ training to women desirous of becoming profes- sional nurses. 9 Applicants for admission to the Training School must be preferably between twenty-five and thirty years of age, of medium height and size, and possess a good common- school education. They must present certificates of good character, sound health, and physical capacity- for the duties of nurses, satisfactory to the Admission Committee and to the Snperintendent and Surgeon in charge of the Hospital. They should make their application to Mrs. R. H. Kealhofer, Chairman of the Admission Committee, No. 609 Garrison Avenue, St. Louis. After approval, they will be received into the School for one month on probation, during which time they will be boarded and lodged, but will receive no other com- pensation unless accepted as pupils, when they must sign an agreement to remain in the School and subject them- selves to the rules of the School and of the Hospital for a period of two years from the date of their entrance into the School. Applicants may be received at any time during the year, when vacancies occur. Failure to discharge the duties imposed, violation of the rules or regulations of the School or Hospital, evi- dence of moral or physical unfitness for their work, will be deemed sufficient cause for dismissal. A monthly allowance of ten dollars ($10) for the first year, and of twelve dollars ($12) for the second year will be made to each pupil. This sum is allowed for dress, text-books and other personal expenses of the nurses, and is in no wise intended as wages, it being considered that the education given is a full equivalent for their services. Board and washing will be furnished without charge, and in illness all pupils will have gratuitous medical attention. The nurses are required, after the month of probation, 10 to wear when on duty the dress prescribed by the School, which is of blue and white seersucker, simply made, wrhite apron and cap, linen collar and cuffs. The day nurses are on duty from seven a. m. to seven p. m. , and, when practicable, some time each day will be given for exercise in the open air. They are allowed a day off duty once a month. A vacation of two weeks is allowed in each year. It is not proposed to place nurses on night duty until they have been in the school three months. At the end of each term there will be an examination of the pupils, conducted under the supervision and in the presence of the Instruction Committee and of the Superintendent and Surgeon in charge of the Hospital, which being creditably passed, will entitle pupils of two years’ standing to the Diploma and Badge of the Train- ing School. INSTRUCTION. The instruction includes: — 1. The dressing of blisters, burns, sores and wounds; preparation and application of fomentations, poultices, cups and leeches, and of minor dressings. 2. The administration of enemas and the use of the catheter and the management of appliances for uterine troubles. 3. The management of helpless patients, making beds, changing clothing, giving baths in bed, prevention and treatment of bed sores, and the best methods of friction to the body and extremities. 4. Bandaging, making bandages and lining splints. 5. Care of patients’ rooms, changing sheets while the 11 patient is in bed. The best methods of supplying fresh air and of warming rooms and hospital wards. 6. Certain emergencies and how to treat them. 7. The preparation and serving of food for the sick. The pupils will also be instructed to make accurate ob- servations and reports to the physician in charge, of the state of the secretions, expectoration, pulse, skin, appe- tite, temperature of the body, intelligence — as delirium or stupor, breathing, sleep, conditions of wounds, eruptions, formation of pus, effect of diet, of stimulants, and of med- icine, and to learn the management of convalescents. When the full term of two years is ended, the nurses thus trained will be at liberty to choose their own field of labor, whether in hospitals or private families. Applicants for admission to the school will be required to answer the following questions. Blanks for this pur- pose may be had on application to the Superintendent of Nurses, at the Home, 1510 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, or to Mrs. R. H. Kealhofer, Chairman of the Admission Committee, 509 Garrison Avenue, St. Louis: 1. Candidate’s name in full, and address, . 2. Con- dition in life, single or a widow, . 3. Present occupa- tion or employment, . 4. Place and date of birth, . 5. Height, . 6. Weight, . 7. Where educated, . 8. Are you strong and healthy, and have you always been so? . 9. Are your sight and hearing perfect? . 10. Have you any tendency to pulmonary complaint? . 11. Have you any physical defects? . 12. If a widow, have you children? How many? How old? How are they provided for? . 13. Where (if any) was your last situa- tion? How long were you in it? . 14. Names in full and addresses of two persons to be referred to. State how long each has known you. If previously employed, one of these must be the last employer, . 15. Have you read, and do you clearly understand the regulations? . I declare the above statement to be correct. Date, Signed, . ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE ST. LOUIS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. Adopted Dec. 5,1883. It is hereby certified that the undersigned have asso- ciated themselves by the Articles of Agreement below set forth, under and pursuant to the provisions of Article X., of Chapter 21 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1879, “Of Private Corporations,” and hereby agree to form a society for the benevolent purposes in said articles set forth. And it is intended, in pursuance of section 970 of the said Revised Statutes, that the said society shall be incorporated in the manner prescribed in and by Article X., of Chapter 21, aforesaid, with all and singular the franchises, rights and powers which such corporation may lawfully hold under the statutes aforesaid. Article I. The name of this society shall be the “St. Louis Training School for Nurses.” Article II. The objects and business of said society shall be the training and education of nurses for the sick and wounded. Article III. Any person may become a member of this society who shall pay to the treasurer thereof, under such regulations and conditions as may be prescribed by the by-laws, the sum of ten dollars annually. 12 13 The payment of one hundred dollars at any one time by any person, subject to the regulations aforesaid, shall constitute such person a life member. The payment by any one person, subject to the regu- lations aforesaid, of the sum of five hundred dollars, shall constitute such person a patron, and entitle such person to nominate one pupil in said School from time to time. The payment by any person of the sum of one thou- sand dollars, subject to the regulations aforesaid, shall constitute such person a benefactor, and each benefactor may nominate two pupils in said school from time to time. Article IV. There shall be an Executive Committee of nine members, having the powers and duties here- inafter mentioned. Said Executive Committee shall be divided into three classes, each class consisting of three persons, and the term of office of each class, except as hereinafter provided, shall be three years. The following persons shall constitute the first Executive Committee, namely: Bertha M. Drake, Martha E. Ware, Emma B. Chapman, Cordelia H. Leete, Rebekah W. Briggs, Louise B. Norris, Caroline B. Treat, Anne S. Tiffany, Cornelia B. Pulsifer. The Executive Committee, composed of the above persons, shall at their first meeting divide themselves by lot into three classes, of three persons each, the members of the first class to serve for one year, and until their successors are elected, the members of the second class to serve for two years, and until their suc- cessors are elected; the members of the third class to serve for three years, and until their successors are elected. At the first annual meeting of the society, and at each annual meeting thereafter, the places of 14 those members of the Executive Committee whose term of office are then expiring shall be filled by election, by the members of the society, by ballot, under such regu- lations as may be provided in the by-laws. Article V. The officers of said society shall be the following: — A President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and Recording Secretary, and a Corresponding Secretary. Said officers shall respectively be elected by the Execu- tive Committee, to serve respectively for one year and until their successors are elected; such election to be held immediately after the annual meeting. The Presi- dent and Vice-Presidents shall be chosen from among the members of the Executive Committee for the year during which they are to serve. Article VI. An Advisory Board shall be annually appointed by the Executive Committee at the first meeting of said Committee after the annual meeting of said society. Said Board shall consist of not more than five gentlemen, whose duty it shall be to advise and consult with the Executive Committee from time to time as and whenever by said Committee requested. Article VII. The President shall preside at all meet- ings of the Executive Committee and of the society, may call special meetings of the Executive Committee and of the society at discretion, and shall call special meetings of the Executive Committee at the request of any two members thereof, and special meetings of the society at the request in writing of any five members thereof, provided the purpose of such meeting be indi- cated in such request. The President shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to said office, or as may be prescribed by the by-laws. 15 Article VIII. The Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the Executive Committee as First and Second Vice-Presi- dent respectively, and shall in that order perform the duties of the President in case of the absence or inability or failure to act of the President. Article IX. It shall be the duty of the Recording Sec- retary to keep a record of the proceedings of the Execu- tive Committee, and also of the corporate meetings of the society; such record to be at all times subject to the in- spection of the Executive Committee and the members thereof; and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the by-laws. Article X. The Corresponding Secretary shall con- duct such correspondence on behalf of the Executive Committee and of the corporation as may by the by-laws or by the Executive Committee from time to time be directed ; and shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the by-laws, or by the Execu- tive Committee. The same person may hold the office of Recording and Corresponding Secretary. Article XI. The Treasurer shall receive and keep all moneys of the society, depositing the same as may by the Executive Committee be directed from time to time; and shall disburse said moneys in such a manner as may be authorized by the by-laws. At each regular meeting of the Executive Committee the Treasurer shall submit a statement showing the amount of money on hand, and also the receipts and expenditures of the society since the last meeting of said Committee. Article XII. The Executive Committee shall control and manage the affairs of the society, subject to the pro- visions of the by-laws. Any vacancy occurring therein by death, resignation or otherwise may be filled by said Committee, and the person so elected shall serve until 16 the next annual meeting. Said Committee shall appoint Standing Committees of Administration, from among the members of the society, such Standing Committees respectively to exercise such powers and fulfil such duties as may be provided by the by-laws, and the Executive Committee may delegate to such Standing Committees or any of them from time to time such further powers and duties as to it may seem expedient. It shall be the duty of such Standing Committee from time to time to make such reports of its operations and of the condition and work of the society so far as entrusted to such Standing Com- mittee, as may be required by the by-laws, or as may be called for by vote of the Executive Committee at any time ; and, except as otherwise provided in the by-laws, each of said Standing Committees shall, in fulfilling the duties entrusted thereto, observe the directions which may be given by the Executive Committee from time to time con- cerning the same. At each annual meeting the Executive Committee shall, through the President, submit to the members of the society a full report of its condition and the management of its affairs and operations for the preceding year, with such recommendations as to said Committee may seem expedient. Akticle XIII. The annual meeting of the society shall be held in the City of St. Louis on the first Tuesday of December in each year, at such hour and place as may be designated by the Executive Committee. Notice of every such meeting shall be given to the members of the society by the Recording Secretary. Special meetings of the society may be called by the Executive Committee, or by the President as above pro- vided. The members present at any annual meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; but 17 not less than fifteen members of the society shall con- stitute a quorum at any special meeting. Article XIV. These Articles or any of them may be amended at any annual or special meeting of the society by a majority of the members present constituting a quorum; provided, that notice of the subject-matter of the amendment proposed to be acted upon at any such meeting shall have been given at a previous general annual or special meeting of the society. ST. LOUIS TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. BY-LAWS. I. There shall be seven standing committees designated as follows: — Hospital Committee, Household Committee, Finance Committee, Publication Committee, Instruction Commit- tee, Admission Committee, Auditing Committee. Such committees shall be composed each of one mem- ber of the Executive Committee, who shall be chairman, and not less than four nor more than eight members of the society; they shall be elected by the Executive Com- mittee at its first meeting after the annual meeting of the society in each year, and hold office for one year, or un- til their successors are elected. If. The Hospital Committee shall have the general di- rection of nurses and pupils in the Hospital, including their discharge. Shall keep a record of their character and qualifications, ascertained during their connection with the school, and, in case of their discharge, of the reasons therefor, which record shall lie upon the table at every meeting of the Executive Committee. III. The Household Committee shall have the care and superintendence of the Home and may act in any emer- gency that may arise there. Accounts shall be inspected monthly, and family expenses regulated by this commit- tee, one of whose members will be required to visit the Home at least once in each week. IV. The Finance Committee shall, with the Treasurer, manage the finance of this society. 18 19 V. The Instruction Committee, shall have charge of all instruction and examination of nurses, both practical and theoretical, including arrangements with instructors, the procuring of text-books and utensils. They shall pro- vide for quarterly as well as final examinations. VI. The Admission Committee shall have the manage- ment of the admission of new pupils, shall keep a list of applicants with information concerning them. VII. The Auditing Committee shall examine and coun- tersign at or before each regular meeting of the Executive Committee all bills and accounts, and at the close of the fiscal year make an examination of the books after the Treasurer. VIII. The Publication Committee shall attend to the printing of all published matter required by the Executive Committee. IX. Vacancies in any of the Standing Committees may be filled by the Executive Committee at any regular or special meeting. X. The absence of any member of the Executive or Standing Committee from meetings of the Committee of which he may be a member for a consecutive period of three months, without giving notice to the President or Secretary, may be considered as equivalent to a resigna- tion. XI. A regular meeting of the Executive Committee, and of each Standing Committee, shall be held at least once in each month, at such time as said Committee shall fix by standing rule. XII. The Treasurer is authorized to pay all bills passed by the Auditing Committee, and signed by the Recording Secretary, and to make such other disbursements as may from time to time lie ordered by the Executive Commit- tee.