COPYRIGHTED 1885 BY H H WARNER. Mensih" <- Sterhrr.Rochester.nSTu Fig. 1 is an apparent quarter size fac. simile view of " Warner s SAFE Cure" bottle, dark amber glass. The Caution under the Title is in Red Ink, the rest is Black on White. This bottle should have a Ferfeet Private Stamp over the Cotk. If the stamp looks as if it had been in any way tampered with, do not take the medicine as it is prob- ably spurious. Fig. 2 is an apparent quarter-size fac- simile of "Warner's TIPPECANOE, The Best," for Dyspepsia and General Digestive Disorders. The bottle isan dark amber glass imitation of a Log of Wood, and the Label, of Birch Bark. One of the Trade Marks is a Canoe, printed on the label and blown in the bottle. See that a Perfect Private Stamp is affixed over the Cork of every bottle. We also put up "Warner's TIPPECANOE, XXX," having a green and gold label. TO PURCHASERS. Under no circumstances is any dealer authorized to remove the Stamps over the Cork of " Warner's SAFE Cure/' nor is he authorized to repurchase our bottles, wrappers or boxes! If he offers to do this, we will be obliged if our patrons will" report the case to us. The proceeding is Criminal, and we shall prosecute Rigorously I Take no bottle of "Warner's SAFE Cure" (or other liquid SAFE Remedies) unless it has the following chocolate-tinted Private Stamp affixed over the Cork, as shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 2. Fig. 1. FAC-SIMILE PRIVATE STAMP. FAC-SIMILE PRIVATE STAMP. The Stamp of " Warner's TIPPECANOE, The Best," is round, light chocolate tint. See Fig. 5, which gives a full view of it as it is found on all genuine bottles. The Stamp of "Warner's SAFE Pills" is round, dark chocolate colored, with pictures of Safe and Negro gathering herbs. It is affixed to the ends of the outside wrapper, as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. C. Fig. 4. Press of McCalla & Stavely, 137-9 Dock St., Philad'a, Fig. 5, Fig. 6. "LOOK OUT ! LOOK OUT !" During the past Summer our Mr. Warner, while in one of the enterprising northwestern towns, made Enquiries of the local druggists in regard to trade. The following conversation took place in one of the more pretentious drug stores. Druggist-Yes, we have a fine sale for " WARNER'S SAFE CURE." The best trade will have it. Mr. W. - Whaf is that preparation in that black and white package ? Druggist-Oh, that is a "non-secret remedy," a "Kidney Cure," as it is Caiied. • Mr. W.-lt looks wonderfully similar to the packages of " WARNER'S SAFE CURE." I suppose you sometimes substitute it in the place of "WARNER'S SAFE CURE ?" Druggist-Oh, yes. We do when we can. We are here to make money, tand that stuff is good enough for the " ignorant cattle " about here. They are so hnorant they can't tell the difference unless they have previously used the genuine •WARNER'S SAFE CURE" After further conversation regarding other remedies less popular, but having a sale, Mr. W. found that all meritorious remedies are being substituted more or less, by so-called non-secret remedies with almost similar names. He finally left the store disgusted, regretting that humanity is so depraved and that the public is so easily thrown off its guard and allows the drug trade to palm off upon it articles similar in name and appeanjnce, but about whose qualities that trade knows Nothing and cares less, for the sole object of making a little larger profit. [Over. | H requires but little caution and less energy to detect such frauds. Our remedy is not called by us at present " Kidney and Liver Cure," or "Kidney Cure," or "Liver Cure," or any other similar name, but simply''WARNER'S SAFE CURE." OUR FORMULA IS NOT KNOWN BY ANYONE, and if it were it would take years to get the ingredients together for manufacture. These are facts easily established. "Warner's SAFE Cure" is readily known by the Picture of an Iron Safe on the Outside of the Package, and also on the Label of the Bottle, and special attention should be given to see that the Promissory Note Stamp over the cork of each bottle is Perfect. This Promissory note has the Firm's Signature, and it would he a State Prison Offense for any one to Tamper with it for the purpose of Misleading the Public. If the Stamp shows that it has been Tampered with in the slightest degree or is Missing, Refuse to take the Bottle. 'Warner's SAFE Cure" is Agreeable and Pleasant to the Taste: nothing like the Sickening taste of the VUe decoctions we have seen put on the market in Substitution of it. We give below an exact copy of the promissory note stamp over the Cork of Each Bottle, except that the regular stamp is of a Chocolate Color. Do not be imposed upon. FAC-SIMILE PRIVATE STAMP. FAC-SIMILE PRIVATE STAMP. IN DEX. Page. > Acre Dimensions 10 ' A Great Painting 27 American Rural Home 22 > Asthma-" Safe Asthma Cure ".. 29 ■ Beware of Fraud 3 Bladder Diseases 21 Bright's Disease of the Kidneys. 12 Calendar for '86 1 1 Caution to Sick People 21, 28,31 Change in Title of Throatine 26 i Children's Cases and Cures 14, 21 Cistern Capacities 18 Constipation 30 Cooks'Weightsand Measures... 4 Diabetic Diseases. 25 Duty of Fathers and Mothers... 31 Dyspepsia 27 Fac Similes Safe Cure....HI cover. " " " Pills II cover. " " " Yeast p. 16 Facts for Builders 12 Farm Wages for Twenty Years.. 19 Female Complaints, 4 Foods for Stock 12 Four Richest Men 22 Free Safe Yeast Cakes 19,24 Page. Free Trade and Tariff Facts 23 Free Treatment, by Mail 14, 23 General Debility 11 Gravel, Stone, Calculus 15 Hurricanes and Cyclones 29 Imitations and Substitutions ... 32 impotency 31 Index 1 Inflammation of Prostate Gland. 15 " It Makes Me Sick" 11,13,15 Kidney Diseases 5, 8 to 14 Labeling Children 15 Lame Back, Cause and Cure 9 Liver Diseases 18 Liquor Facts 15 Malarial Disorders 19,20 Meaning of R. R. Signals 11 Nervous Diseases 26 Origin of Names of Months 10 Permanent Effects 30 Piles caused by Liver Disease.... 7 Prices for 12 Years 30 Reward of $5000 for Proof of Fraud 32 Rheumatism 23 Page. Scarlet Fever and Measles 26 Seed to Sow per Acre 20 Sizes of Boxes for dif. measures. 27 Specific for Ladies 6 Stomach Disorders 27 Tippecanoe, The Best , 27 To Clean Lamp Chimneys. 26 To Compute Interest 24 To Estimate Grain in Field 14 To Foretell the Weather 28 To Measure Corn, Hay, etc 13 To Patients and Friends 2,31 To the Cured 31 Urinary Analyses 7 Urinary Incontinence 21 Vitality of Seeds 25 W arner's Safe Cure for Animals. 31 Warner's Safe Pills.. .II cover, 22, 26 Warner's " Safe " Kecipes 4 Warner's Safe Remedies 20,21 Warner's Safe Remedies Safe to Use 32 Warner's Safe Yeast... .6.16,17, etc. Wedding Anniversaries 18 Young Men! 28 r Ur' & zv! Z x Z z 'X / 1886 JAN. , • | Sunday •t i , • | Tuesday co <x> EJ 1 e S3 _e fcj 1 S3 <3 2 1886 MAY CJ <§ EJ § • | Tuesday 2 EJ 1 e S3 S' £. S3 <3 1 1886 SEPT. •s i •§ E4 1 i • | Tuesday <x> El 1 £ E3 e 2 ft 3 S3 <3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 b 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 OCT. 26 27 28 29 30 FEB. 31 JUNE 30 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 b 6 1 2 3 4 b 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 r MAR. 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 JULY 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 NOV. 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 x. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 APR. 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DEC. 28 29 30 1 2 3 AUG. 1 2 3 4 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 z - z i|l OPPORTUNITY MAY NEVER COME AGAIN I TAKE YOUR CASE IN TIME-TO-DAY I "k GREAT FAVOR TO THE PUBLIC!" "SAFE YEAST" Fresh Every YLonth for a Year, for $1,20 Only ! For the purpose of giving " Warner's SAFE Yeast" Universal introduction, during the First year we will send postpaid anywhere in the United States, on receipt of $1.20 in 2c. Stamps, One Ten-Cake Box of "Warner's SAFE Yeast" Every Month for One Year, and this will include all Presents and Premiums which may regularly be given in Connection with Every Box of " Warner's SAFE Yeast." We have adopted this plan, as stated, to give universal intro- duction to this Health Preserving Yeast, for we are Confident that when it is once used it will become the Great Household Standard. One Sample Cake Free, by Mail. WHEN THE YEAST WILL BE SENT--1On whatever day your order letter is receivep (unless you prefer some other date), in Every Month for the Year a Box of "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST" will be -/rf, mailed free to your post office address. Thus you get x good Fresh Yeast Every Month of the Year. v H. H. WARNER & CO., PROPRIETORS OF "WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES," GUARANTEE EVERY STATEMENT AND PROMISE MADE HEREIN BY "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST CO," To Our Patients and Friends. WE have been long enough before the Public to satisfy it that "Warner's SAFE Remedies" are all we claim for them. We do not profess, however, a Monopoly over the Treatment of Diseases, nor can we Admit that such Monopoly resides with Physicians. Our last year's Pamphlet was designed as a general Health Guide for home con- sultation, in which we recommended, besides our own, such other simple remedies and household recipes as were available in the average American home; and we believe it received a warm welcome, if the many compliments returned to us for the fairness we therein showed, is any indication. * It is Not altogether from a Selfish Standpoint thatwe put "Warner's SAFE Remedies" upon the market. True, we ask a Reasonable Reward for our labor, as do others. Nevertheless, should we choose so to do, we might demand that the Public should pay us five dollars a bottle instead of $1.25 for "Warner's SAFE Cure," and other "Warner's SAFE Remedies," as they have now become recognized Household Preparations all over the country and in every section of the globe. Persons knowing their merits, would rather pay an exorbitant price than be without them; but that would Defeat our Benevolent and Humanitarian Purpose. Should we become satisfied that the Public is not receiving Full Benefit from our Effort on behalf of Suffering Humanity, we would Gladly Discontinue the biisiness that we assumed as a Matter of Duty, that has, we might say, Forced Itself upon Us. Our Mr. Warner was cured by what is now "Warner's SAFE Cure" when he was given up by Physicians of both Schools, and out of gratitude he commenced in a small way to give the suffering in his immediate locality the benefit of the preparation that saved him. But it is evident that there was need of just such a medicine, from the fact that its Extra- ordinary Popularity rapidly compelled us to give to it our Entire time and attention, or else prove Untrue to the resolution Mr. Warner made when he himself was cured, i. e.: If it Restored him to health, he would Spread its Merits before the World. To accomplish what he regarded as his duty, however, cost him almost his entire fortune, for he was among the few millionaires when he undertook this great humanitarian work. " For the good of Humanity," seems to be his motive, the motive which has also impelled him to the manufacture of "Warner's SAFE (health preserving) Yeast." As our relations with the suffering public continued, it was found necessary to add to the list of "Warner's SAFE Remedies," for we are Not of those who cure All the Diseases that flesh is Heir to from One Dottie. Vie kindly ask you, therefore, to preserve our Pamphlet, and judge us fairly, and we are satisfied that, after diligent perusal, you will admit thatwe have at Least cured a Great many people, who otherwise would now be in their graves. This is Ample Reward for any Sacrifices we may have made. If we have cured one poor human being, we have accomplisheo a great work* "'Had there oeen one righteous man in the city, it would have been spared." An examination of our files for the last Decade would show hundreds and Thousands of letters from Fathers, Mothers, Sons and Daughters breathing Benedictions upon us for the Benefits Warner's SAFE Remedies" have conferred upon them. This is the Reward that one Should ■Seek and the one that should give Supreme Satisfaction. ROCHESTER, N.Y., U. S. A. S r. TORONTO, CAN. LONDON, ENG. MELBOURNE, AUS. /O/v7 " Warner's SAFE Yeast," One Year's Supply, Monthly, for $1.20 in 2c. stamps. Read bottom of Pages 1 and 17. 2 DON'T RUIN YOUR HEALTH BY USJNQ CHEAP SUBSTITUTIONS. "TAKE CARE! BEWARE!" ONE of the Principal Reasons why " Warner's Safe Cure" is called by the public " Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure" or Kidney Cure or Liver Cure, is the fact that it has become a Recognized Specific by the public the medical profession and the drug trade for Diseases of the Kidneys and Liver. For this reason unscrupulous and Designing men have used the titles of " Kidney and Liver Cure," " Kidney Cure," etc., with the assistance of Unscrupulous retail dealers, to impose upon our friends, and we regret that it is necessary to so severely Criticize them. It has, however, been carried to such an extent that it becomes the duty of all Honest men to Assist in Exposing such Frauds of every Nature. Another Reason why our former "Warner's SAFE Kidney and Liver Cure" was changed to "Warner's SAFE Cure" is that we found that Unsuspecting Friends were being Deceived by Unscrupulous and Designing men who put up Similarly-appearing Preparations, but, not being able to use our trade-mark of an Iron safe and the word "Safe," they used Packages Similar to Ours, and called their "medicine" by Any Imaginary name, and added the words, "Kidney and Liver Cure," " Kidney Cure," or " Liver Cure," to catch trade developed by us. We regret that these designing men went so far sometimes as to put the name of the Local Druggist on the Wrapper, thus throwing the Responsibility of their Dishonesty upon the local druggist. It becomes our duty to Warn the Public against all druggists who handle and Recommend Articles even though they know them to be inferior, simply because of the extra Money made by the operation. We have taken so much Trouble to Inform the Public against such Frauds that the Harvest of these unscrupulous manufacturers in this direction is much Diminished. But lately there have come to our observation cases of the most Unconscionable Swindling. SOME DEALERS. WE FIND, PRETEND THAT THEY HAVE AUTHORITY FROM US TO USE OUR FORMULA, OR THAT THEY POSSESS THE FORMULA. This is Inconsistent and Absurd, as any person, giving it a moment's thought, will at once see. In every such Case of Fraud that has Come to our Knowledge we have Prosecuted and Imprisoned the parties. We supposed the example was complete. We kindly ask your co-operation with us, for we again find it necessary to Prosecute a few more, and any Information of any Attempts at Fraud will be thankfully Received and Rewarded. ALL IMPOSITION SHOULD BE DISCOUNTENANCED, it makes no difference whether done by Friend or Foe, and any one's statement that he Knows the Formula of " Warner's SAFE Cure " is to us a Guarantee of the fact of Fraud. Why, scarcely a Month passes that some supremely Wise paper does not Publish the " Warner Formulae." Inas- much as every one is Different, "there must be some Mistake somewhere." These things would be very Amusing to us were they not published and used for Public Injury. Even if our Formula were Known, however, there are no Facilities, outside our Own laboratory, for compounding " Warner's SAFE Remedies." Neither would it be possible or profitable for any Dealer to secure the Ingredients entering into them, nor could he manufacture them without great loss, except on a very large scale. So, when any one makes any such Pretense, Denounce them as a Fraud and Report the Matter Immediately to Us. We will Attend to it on receipt, and you need have no further trouble. Our Preparations are easily Distinguished, and are simply known (See page 20) ax "Warner's SAFE Cure," "Warner's SAFE Rheumatic Cure," "Warner's SAFE Pills," (See page II Cover,) etc., and all have a picture of an Iron Safe (See page III Cover) on the outside of the Wrapper, and also on the Label on the Bottle. Another Absolute Protection is the Promissory Note Stamp (See page II Cover) Over the Cork, which should Always be in a Perfect Con- dition. If it is Not so, or if it shows the Slightest Sign of having been Tampered with, positively Refuse to buy the Medicine, as you Cannot then Tell whether it Is Genuine or not. ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A., LONDON, ENG., TORONTO, CAN., MELBOURNE, AUS. fO "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST'' A GOOD TRIAL. JgJ 4 HEALTH SHOULD BE THE FIRST CONSIDERATION. WHAT ARE "FEMALE COMPLAINTS?" four weeks, except while pregnant or nursing, and if it does not, it is due to some obstructive action of the blood vessels. It is always Preceded and Accompa- nied by great Congestion of the Lower Abdominal organs and kidneys. The blood vessels are filled up, particularly so of the kidneys, and these, Prof. Roberts, an acknowledged authority, says, always swell and are the direct cause of the Back-Ache women experi- ence at this time. This swelling and back-ache should always disappear as soon as the flow is begun and the blood-vessels are relieved of their pressure, and if it does not the evidence is positive that the kidneys are unable, from some disease or weakened condi- tion, to relieve themselves of the blood, which must then undergo decomposition and absorption, and become a direct irritant of the delicate organiza- tion of the urine-secreting tubes. This poisonous matter is carried by the circulation throughout the entire body, leaving its mark upon every organ. This congestion is repeated month after month,with the flow, until the Kidneys, strained beyond their power, fin- ally become inflamed and the inflammation extends to the Ovaries of the womb. The blood is filled with corrupt matters, the urinary tubes break down, Bright's Disease results, or, if escaped, a long train of Un- healthy Symptoms is set up, the woman is wretched in body and mind, existence becomes a burden, and another victim is added to the long list of those who pay tribute to that hydra-headed monster,-" female complaints!" TREATMENT : All this can be easily avoided by the use of "Warner's Safe Cure," which should be liberally used both Before the approach of the period, and Continued until it is over, to prevent congestion. "Warner's Safe Pills " must be used as needed until Constipation is fully re- lieved. MOTHERHOOD : Motherhood requires a harmoni- ous, healthful working of all the organs, particularly those concerned in reproduction, or the result is seen in offspring, "sent into this breathing world scarce half made up," and while life endures, to be a Constant Reproach to the Mother's Physical Shortcomings I Child-birth is an ordeal alike dangerous to the mother and child, and the great mortality that has attended it in young mothers, in late years, who have succumbed to convulsions and child-bed fevers, has been alarming! Tight lacing, forcing the ribs on the organs, all of which are crowded down on the Uterus, produces weakness of the abdominal muscles,-the great factors in confine- ment. The pregnant uterus, as it enlarges, presses upon the surrounding organs, diminishing the blood supply, and seriously increasing their already weakened state. The Kidneys particularly are the sufferers, as they are always actively con- gested. The urine-secreting tubes become blocked with foreign matter, resulting in inflammation which soon breaks them down. Albumen appears in the urine, the patient has head-ache, back-ache, and swollen feet, the bowels are constipated, and Specially Prepared from Eminent Authorities by our Medical Staff. SEVEN out of ten American women suffer from some of the disorders peculiar to their sex, of which the following are the com- mon and prominent SYMPTOMS : Painful, excessive, or cessation of, monthly flowMis-carriageLeucorrhoeal and other unnatural Vaginal dischargesFrequent urination.... Scalding of water, it often passing by drops....Suppression of •water....Bearing down. Soreness in lower part of the Abdomen. ...Bloat- ingSpinal tendernessPalpitation of the Heart. ...Back-acheConstipationUlceration of Womb. ...Local itching... .Weakness of the knees. Head-ache.. ..Pain in the back of the Neck. ...Swell- ing of the Feet.... Sore Breasts.... Irritability and Nervousness. The presence of any of the above symptoms indicates a serious disturbance, which may assume a chronic and oft times a malignant form, very difficult to cure. TREATMENT:' 'Warner's Safe Cure " has been singularly successful in the treatment of these oases, and will, with " Warner's Safe Pills," used faithfully, the directions being followed, together with "Warner's Safe Nervine," cure all cases that are not of a malignant character. Hot sitz- bathsand hot water vaginal injections materially aid the treatment. THE AGE OF PUBERTY : On the approach of the first menstruation, (which usually occurs at about four- teen years of age,) the nervous system is irritated, the blood vessels are overfilled. If woman has headaches and confused mental faculties, and the pain becomes more violent, obliging her to take to her bed, this is not nat- ural. Some obstruction exists in the blood vessels, and their contents are thrown back on the already overloaded organs, particularly the kidneys, the delicate organization of which suffer severely, nature occasionally finding temporary relief in bleeding from the nose or vomiting of blood. Vitality Is rapidly reduced, the circulation becomes poisoned, inflammation of various organs is very liable to take place, and instead of the Increased health which she Should have with the approach of this period, the con- trary is shown by the pale, wan features, which bear the impress of serious Constitutional derangement that Will burden her life for years to come. A little Common Sense on the part of the mother, a little instruction given to the daughter, and the liberal use of "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills," on the first Indication of the menstrual approach, and continued until two or three periods are healthfully passed through, will prevent all these evils. "EVERY FOUR WEEKS": The performance of this function should be a comparatively painless one, and the period should make its regular appearance every HTBEWARE OF ALL INJURIOUS "NON-SECRET" SUBSTITUTIONS. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES FOR THE COOKS. 1 lb. Wheat Flour, 1 lb. 2 oz. Indian Meal, 1 lb. Soft Butter, 1 lb. 2 oz. Best Brown Sugar, 1 lb. 1 oz. Powdered White Sugar, 1 lb. Broken Loaf Sugar, each make 1 qt.; 1 large Tablespoonfuls make gill; 1 common-sized Tumbler holds pint; 1 common-sized Wine-glass is equal to Ugill; 1 Tea-cup holds 1 gill; 1 large Wine- glass holds 2 ozs.; 1 Tablespoonful is equal to % oz. SOME "SAFE" AND SIMPLE, TESTED RECIPES. Bread Cake,-Two cups light bread sponge, raised with "Warner's Safe Yeast"; cups sugar, % cup butter, J/ grated nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 1 cup raisins, seeded, chopped and floured. Stir all well to- gether, adding fruit lastly; let rise until twice the original size, and bake in a moderate oven. DON'T DELAY TREATMENT-YOU MAY BEGIN TOO LATE. DON'T POSTPONE TREATMENT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE. 5 if outraged .nature fails to relieve her, as it sometimes does, by a miscarriage or diarrhoea, she drags out the balance of her pregnancy only to have at confinement Convulsions and Child-bed Fever, from the retention in the blood of uric acid, causing general blood-poison- ing, due to impaired kidneys, producing one form of Bright's disease of a very fatal type. If albumen makes its appearance during pregnancy, as it so often does, great danger is threatened, the kidneys are diseased, and Convulsions are almost sure to take place at Con- finement unless the kidneys are put in proper working order. TREATMENT: "Warner's Safe Cure" unloads the overfilled blood-vessels by its specific action upon the kidneys, increases their activity and strength for extra duties, dissolves the uric acid and carries it out, prevents all dropsies, and that disease known as "Milk Leg," stops the waste of albumen from the blood, and ensures a safe and natural delivery. Keep the bowels open with " Warner's Safe Pills." •'CHANGEOF LIFE": Ovulation,menstruation,ges- tation and lactation by turns absorb and govern almost all the energies of a woman's system during an average period of thirty-five years. All this time the lower ab- dominal organs are the seat of an active periodical con- gestion (menstruation) and a concentration of nerve force. When the "Change of Life" takes place, All the Nervous Force which has governed woman's Phy- sical life must find an outlet. Every nerve fibre is irri- tated, a re-action takes place, and moral and emotional Irregularities arise. At times she is desponding and hys- terical, and often the strain is so severe that the brain be- comes affected and Beason gives way,-never, in many cases, to return. Should she tide over this period safely her chances for long and happy life are measurably in- creased. Any undeveloped disease will be brought out at this period, particularly ovarian tumors. The change takes place at about forty or forty-five years of age, and the first symptoms should be closely watched for. TREATMENT: " Warner's Safe Cure" will re- lieve the swollen blood-vessels, remove the im- purities, strengthen and quiet tbo nervous sys- tem, and it should be At Once resorted to, for the best way to meet the "Change of life" is by a healthy constitution. Use a sufficient quantity of " Warner's Safe Nervine " to calm and regu- late the nerve centers and equalize the action of the heart, and "Warner's Safe Pills" to over- come the Constipation generally present. Thou- sands of women, whose cases we cannot for obvi- ous reasons publish, owe their Life and Health to the extraordinary Power of "Warner's SAFE Remedies." Ask your lady friends about their experience in the use of " Warner's Safe Cure." WALKING THROUGH FIRE Could, Not Have Caused Greater Suffering. Toronto, Ont., May 19, 1885.-When I think what a delicate, dying creature I was, what I have suffered and how Wretched my life was, and how often I prayed for death to take me out of pain and suffering, it is no wonder that I have to stop and think if it is possible that I am the same person I I am to-day Ten years You nger-looking than I was ten years ago. About that time I was taken ill, and my physician pro- nounced my disease Ulceration of the Uterus. For nearly three years I suffered all the agonies of death. Of course I was not bed-ridden all that time, but I was never well, and did not know what day I should be taken with a bad spell. Through the advice of physi- cians I underwent an operation, and was patched up for the time being. About this time I took spells of a very severe pain in my stomach. When I would first feel it coming on. it seemed like wind on my stomach, and felt as though I wanted to lift it up but could not. It would then go down to my bowels, and across to my kidneys, and would cause a burning sensation, and my urine would be hot. After I was free from the pain I would be taken sick at the stomach, and would Vomit for about twenty- four hours. By that time I would be so weak that I could not raise my head off the pillow. My physician termed these attacks Inflammation of the uterus, and I had the advice of some of the best physicians. Some- times I would not have these attacks for three or four months. Then again I would have them every two weeks, and so on for about five or six years, until in the summer of 1883 I was scarcely over one until I would have another. And the soreness never went away. It was around my womb, and all through my bowels. I suffered with cold feet. Why, I have sat for hours with my feet in hot water, and when I would feel real bad I would be Cold to my knees, and my head just Burn- ing! The agony I suffered at those times no tongue could describe I For days I could not walk or move my- self, because of the soreness in my bowels. I could not sit on a chair or straighten myself out in the bed. Two physicians pronounced my case helpless, that nothing could be done, that "some time you will go off so fast that you will not know what has happened. ' ' My husband thought it was my bladder and kidneys, and that I ought to try something for them. I thought, " What foolishness to think that any one's kidneys can be affected, and that they would not know it!" I made just as much urine then as when I was in perfect health, and I, like thousands of others, thought that if my Kid- neys were affected, I would certainly know it I Don't be foolish as I was, but promptly Treat your Kidneys. About that time "Warner's Safe Cure" was THE FAVORITE OF THE LADIES: "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST." Pocket Books.-1 qt. of warm water or milk, 2 eggs, 3teaspoonfuls of sugar, one half cake of "Warner's Safe Yeast," and 4 tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Add sufficient flour to make a sponge which should be set over night. In the morning add M teaspoonful of sal- eratus, and knead with flour to form a dough and set to rise again. Roll out and spread the surface with but- ter ; cut Into oblong pieces pointed at one end, and fold to form the pocket-book, by turning up the straight end, a little over one-third of its length, and folding down the point upon the previous fold. Lay on tins until light, and bake in a rather quick oven. Nice Tea Rolls.-Dissolve in a little water cake of " Warner's Safe Yeaet," 1 pt. of milk which has been boiled and cooled, 2 qts. of flour which has had rubbed into it 1 heaping tablespoonful of butter or lard, and 2 tablespoonfuls of white sugar. Place the flour in a pan, scooping out a cavity in the center, and turn in all the ingredients and let stand during the night. In the morning knead and set aside until noon. Knead again, roll out, cut with a round cutter, and butter one half; turn the other half upon the buttered surface; lay in the tins and let stand until tea-time, when bake in a quick oven. ty THOUSANDS OF SUCH TESTIMONIALS CAN BE PRODUCED. GOOD BREAD MAKES A HAPPY FAMILY. TRY WARNER'S " SAFE " YEAST introduced; I made up my mind to try it, and, I am happy to say, it worked more like a Charm or miracle, than medicine. I had not taken more than two bottles when I found that it was doing me good. 1 took altogether ten or twelve bottles. Mine was such a severe case that I would not stop until I was Sure that I was Cured, and to-day I am as healthy and hardy as if I had never been one day ill. It will be two years in August since I had my last attack, and since that time I have never had a physician visit me. I am the very Picture of Health. To "Warner's Safe Cure" I give all the praise. 146 Wellington St. GOT WORSE AND GOT WELL! None Should be Discouraged if it Nauseates. Providence, R. I., July 4th, 1884.-Before writing I wanted to feel satisfied in my own mind of the cure, and I can now say I do. I was taken sick the first of September, 1883, and kept around until the 23d, when 1 had to take to my bed. My sickness was Diver, Kidney and Bladder troubles. My liver refused to act. I had a very serious inflamma- tion of the bladder, and terrible pains in my kidneys. My urine was mixed with a great deal of mucous matter, and also a brick-dust sediment. The discharge of urine was very painful, and I was entirely Prostrated, not able to leave my bed until the last of November, when I got so I could ride out a little ways, and then was taken worse, and the 11th of December again took to my bed, and in connection with my other troubles I had A bsces- ses. My bowels were very much Bloated at times, and I was very Constipated. I did not know what It was to have an action of the bowels for years without an injection or medicine, and more times even that would not have the desired effect. I had no Appetite. I had no energy. My tongue was coated so thickly it did not seem like a tongue. I had no Strength, not being able to eat anything for several weeks. I could not Sleep nights. I commenced to take "Warner's Sake Cure" and "Sake Pills" the 27th of January, 1884. After taking a bottle or so, I thought I felt Worse, but after taking the fourth bottle, it produced a won- derful Improvement. I have taken in all thirty bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" and several bottles of "Warner's Safe Pills," and I enjoy better health than I have for Years. My appetite has returned, I can sleep nights, my bowels are regular, my liver performs its functions, and no one would think from appearances that I had been sick. In January I did not weigh 100 pounds. I was very thin, but to-day I weigh 127 pounds, and I Consider myself Well. Smithfield Ave. A SPECIFIC FOR THE LADIES. Testimony of an Eminent German Gradu- ated Practitioner. Brooklyn, N.Y., 53 Montrose Avenue, July 22, 1885.-Two years ago a patient of mine, who had been treated by scores of physicians, desired pro- fessional treatment for chronic Catarrh of the Bladder. I used all the means at the command of physicians without any change whatever, and was about to discharge the patient because I con- sidered a cure Impossible. At this time, however, throwing aside prejudice, I used "Warner's Safe Cure," without my patient knowing it. He was in a very bad condition, but finally under the use of this medicine the patient Entirely Recovered in four months. I have since employed "Warner's Safe Cure" in cases of Liver and Kidney disorders with the most gratifying results. It is particularly valuable in the treatment of Female Com- plaints, having found it almost a Specific in the Change of Life. I am now treating a patient who is suffering from Bright's Disease of the kidneys, with "War- ner's Safe Cure," and everything shows that he will recover his health. " Warner's Safe Cure " I am certain can be re- lied upon in all diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary organs, and if physicians would use it a deal of suffering, money and life would be spared. M. D. Graduate of Wuertzburg College, Germany. ESF Don't expect a Cure with One or Two Bottles. Your Disease is Deep-seated, and requires Full and Faithful Treatment. Bead the Testi- monials, and Keep up your Courage, and you will finally get Well. DON'T RUIN THE STOMACH BY USE OF LOW GRADE YEAST, Warner'S SAFE FEAST Muffins.-One pint of milk, two eggs, one-quarter cake of " Warner's Safe Feast," a pinch of salt and a teaspoonful of white sugar, and flour to make a thick batter. Let the mixture stand and rise for five or six hours. Bake in muffin rings. Buckwheat Cakes.-Two quarts warm water which has dissolved in it one cake or " Warner's Safe Feast," a large pinch of salt and new buckwheat flour to form a thick batter and stir well. Add a half teaspoonful of aaleratus in the morning and thin with sweet milk to make them brown, or, if water be used, beat in a tea- spoonful of good molasses. Bake quickly on a hot griddle. - • - - Buttermilk Griddle Bread.-To 1 qt. flour and 1 teaspoonful of soda, add a little salt and buttermilk to mix soft. Make with the hands in round cakes or flat biscuits, and bake slowly on a buttered griddle. French Rolls--One cake " Warner's Safe Yeast," well beaten white of 1 egg, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 2 of sugar, pts. new milk (warm), ard a little salt. Mix and let the sponge stand to rise until morn- ing ; then knead and let the dough rise. When light roll out 54 of an Inch thick; cut out with a large cookie- cutter or a saucer; butter the edges: roll each side to- wards and up to the center; lay on buttered tins, and when light, bake. GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTION WITH ALL OUR GOODS. jgJ WE CAN PRODUCE MANY THOUSANDS OF SUCH TESTIMONIALS. T THE TERRIBLE DROPSY. My urine had a very offensive smell. My Kidneys pained me almost beyond endurance. My flesh kept wasting away until my bones almost Pro- truded through the skin, and I became so much weakened that I could hardly move about. I knew myself that I could not last much longer. Since last April I have used five bottles of "War- ner's Safe Cure " and two bottles of "Warner's Safe Pills," and the Piles are Cured ; my Kid-' neys are all Right, and E have gained fifteen) lbs. of flesh . j ' X) their use. // p Windsor Hotel. A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR OTHER LADIES. Caelensburgh, Pa., Sept. 23,1884.-My wife was in a very critical condition from Ulceration of the Womb, and kidney and liver troubles. She commenced taking "Warner's Safe Cure," and continued until she is Entirely Well. I can heartily recommend /V n / Z7 . it to all suf- erers. ' HcsC' Pastor M. E. Church, Callensburtfh, Pa. fVas Rescued from Very Intense Suffering. Augusta, Wis., Jan. 30, 1885.-In the Fall of 1882, the disease of the Kidneys which had been preying on my system for years culminated in Dropsy. My feet, limbs and abdomen were ter- ribly swollen. I could not lie down for nearly three months, but had to sit bolt upright in a rocking chair. The Water pressed so upon my Heart that I was in danger of suffocation. My sufferings were too great to be described. Three noted Physicians said that I must Die, and two of them came to tap me, saying, "that might pro- long my life a few days." I objected to the operation, as prolonged suffering was not desirable. A few days previous to this, water DI isters came upon my limbs below the knees,and water dripped from these places, and continued to, until my size was greatly reduced, but still not normal. I was taking medicine of the attending physician all this time without any removal of the cause of my sickness. The Kidneys had almost ceased to perform their office, the quantity of urine was not above a teaspoonful, at time* only a few Drops, and that of a dark reddish purple. My appetite was nearly gone, I had nervous debil- ity, and could not sleep except when under the influence of spirits. My Digestion was very much impaired. My liver was very torpid. I had several chills and sinking spells. All were expecting my Death any day. The bloating had commenced, and the prospects were that it would continue. My nurse advised me to try "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Nervine." I con- sented, and finally my strength gradually re- turned and all bloating disappeared. "Warner's Safe Cure" Saved sx A? fjh » my Life. AOACc The statement of Mrs. Drake's case is true in every particular, as I was her nurse during her sickness.- Mrs. D. E. Cary. SENATOR MILLER'S WIFE BENEFITTED. Senate Chamber, Trenton, N. J., Feb 12,1885. It gives me pleasure to certify to the Beneficial Effects my wife has experienced in taking three bottles of " Warner's Safe Cure," when other remedies seem-/'/' ' ed to have No Z// good results. Cape May Co., ~~ N.J. 5 (Senator.) URINARY ANALYSES will hereafter be made by us for the nominal fee of $1.00, Prepaid. Former fee, $5.00. If an analysis is desired, ex- press, prepaid, at least 6 oz. of the urine passed on rising, enclosed in clean, corked vial, and packed in sawdust. State how many pints are passed in 24 hours, and always attach name to the bottle. A SLUGGISH LIVER CAUSES THE PILES. Omemee, Ont., July 13,1884.-All my life up to two years ago, I enjoyed excellent health. About that time I began to grow nervous, and the least exertion would tire me. I Constantly suffered from Bleeding Piles, for which I tried the most highly recommended remedies, and the best phy- sicians I could get prescribed for me without giving me any relief. About a year ago I was taken with a Severe pain in my Back and Side, with pains through my chest and under my shoul- der blade. I could not Walk any distance or exert myself much without having to urinate. Don't expect a Cure with One or Two Bottles. Your Disease is Deep-seated, and requires Full and Faithful Treatment. Read the Testimonials, and Keep up your Courage, and you will finally get Well, MADE BY PARTIES WITHOUT GOOD NAME OR REPUTATION. Warner's Safe Yeast Rolls.-Three coffee cups " Warner's Safe Yeast" bread dough when ready forthe baking pans. Into this dough mix very thoroughly the following: U teaspoonful soda (dissolved), 4 tablespoon- fuls butter, 1 of granulated sugar, and the white of 1 egg well beaten. Use as little flour as possible. Roll the dough half an inch thick, spread with a thin coating of butter, cut with a biscuit cutter, fold over, put in pans and set in a warm place to rise. When very light, bake in a rather quick oven. Send to the table immediately wrapped in a napkin. Eggless Cake.-One cup sugar, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup chopped raisins, cup butter, 2 cups flour, 1 tea- spoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, >4 teaspooAful cloves, & nutmeg. Very nice. Long Island Johnny Cake.-Mix together one of fine cornmeal, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonfui of butter, 3 well beaten eggs, 3 pts. of milk, and a scant M teaspoonful of saleratus. Spread thin in a flat pan and bake for one-half hour. This most delieious corn bread needs only to be tasted to be appreciated. jyEVERY INTELLIGENT HOUSEWIFE WILL PRAISE "WARNER'S SAFE 8 DON'T BE DISCOURAGED. ~ KEEP UP YOUR BRAVE HEART. ARE YOUR KIDNEYS ALL RIGHT ? THE GREATEST "LIBERTY." DO YOU KNOW THEY ARE NOT DISEASED? Doctors Cannot Prevent Us from, Self-Care. New York, May 25,1885.-For the past six years I have enjoyed as robust health as any man could ask for. For several years previous to 1877 I found myself growing constantly unfitted for service, and in 1877 I was in a very bad condition. My back ached constantly. My circulation was so bad that my feet and hands were Cold and my head Hot. It was impossible for me to sleep at night. My appetite was fickle, my head ached. I was easily fatigued, and was in every respect, so far as I knew, an Incurably sick man. I had examinations by prominent physicians, and they were Unable to help me. I discovered by reading one of Warner's.pamphlets that the Secret of my ill feelings was a Deranged condition of the Kidneys. I made up my mind that "Warner's Safe Cure " was the medicine for me to use, and I immediately began taking it. That, gentlemen, was over Six years ago. A few bottles restored me to what I believe was Perfect Health, for I have not felt an indication of myoid trouble since. A physician, a relative of mine, upbraided me once for recommending so generally and enthu- siastically, a proprietary medicine. I said to him, "Dear sir, can the schoolmen cure extreme kid- ney disease ?" He gave me an evasive answer, but acknowledged that "Warner's Safe Cure" had certainly X7 Z7 done a vast,-/ //C\s amount o ' good. f U. S. Hotel, N.Y. World Bartholdi Pedestal Fund Agent. THE purpose of the Kidneys is to remove the waste of muscular exertion and of improper digestion from the Blood and pass it off through the water. If this work is not wholly done every day, then the blood breeds disease and death. The lungs and skin take out the carbonic acid, the Kidneys the uric acid, the liver the biliary acid poisons. Because Kidney disease has few Symptoms peculiarly its own, and often no pain, a person will seldom suspect the Kidneys as the source of his ailments. SITUATION: There are two Kidneys located In the small of the back. One Is immediately below the liver, on the right, one below and behind the stomach, on the left. All the blood passing through them is relieved of its surplus water (uric acid waste) which flows down the ureters into the bladder. When the Kidneys are in a healthy condition, only the Water escapes. When they are inflamed by disease, the walls of the blood vessels are softened and expanded, and the Albu- men or life of the Blood escapes, because of the loss of nerve force. This condition is Albuminuria, or Bright's disease. SYMPTOMS: Back ache.... Unusua I desire to urinate at night.... Fluttering and pain in the heart ....Tired feelings.. .Unusual amount of Greasy Froth in water Irritated, hot and dry skin Fickle Appetite....Scalding sensations....Acid, bitter taste, with furred tongue in the Morning....Headache and Neuralgia.... Abundance of pale, or scanty floic of dark-colored water....Sour Stomach.... Heart-burn with Dyspepsia... Intense pain, upon sudden excite- ment, in the Small of the Back.... Deposit of mucous sometime after urination.... Loss of Memory... Rheumatism, chills and fever and Pneumonia.... Drop- sical Swellings....Red or white brick dust, albumen and tube casts in the xvater.... Constipation, alter- nating with Looseness....Short breath, Pleurisy and Bronchial affections. TREATMENT : Neglected Kidney disease will certainly Result in chronic Bright's disease, and, while it may not Speedily run its course, it will Surely prove Fatal in a few years, and make the patient's life very miserable. " Warner's Safe Cure," however, and "Warner's Safe Pills," are specifics for every form of Kidney disorder, of whatever name, for all forms of Kidney diseases have usually one Cause. Enough of "Warner's Safe Cure " must be used to effect a radical Con* stitutional Change. Any number of the above symptoms indicate Kidney disorder. THE ENTHUSIASM OF GEN'L WALLEN. 144 Madison Ave., New York, April 4,1885.- I took " Warner's Sake Cure" for four months, and was much benefltted by it. My constitution was built up, and from being in an enfeebled condition, scarcely able to walk two blocks with- out exhaustion, and having lost about thirty pounds, I can walk Two miles and am daily Gaining flesh. My friend, Gen. W. Cass, is almost well of diabetes, and I am recommending " War- ner's Safe Remedies " far and near. Indeed, were I lecturing about the country I could not say More than I am saying for " Warner's Safe Remedies." /) Brevet Brig. Gen. U.S. Army. / j "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST" IS A DRY HOP VEGETABLE YEAST. Theresa's Bread.-One cake "Warner's Safe Yeast " dissolved in a teacupful of tepid water, two large pota- toes mashed fine, three pints water, (warm in winter, cool in summer) two tablespoonfuls of white sugar and one of salt. At night mix together in the bread-pan and stir in flour to the consistency of pancake batter; cover lightly and next morning knead in flour until stifif enough. Take out upon the kneading board and knead rapidly for ten minutes. Let rise, cut into parts, mould quickly into good shaped loaves, which should rise again (not too light) then bake. Graham Gems.-1 pt. of milk, 1 egg. Mix quite stiff with graham flour and add a pinch of salt. Heat gem pan very hot and put into a hot oven. Rusk.-One cupful of white sugar, 1 of warm milk, 1 of butter, 2 eggs, cake " Warner's Safe Yeast" dis- solved in a half cup of warm water, and flour to form a sponge. Let rise through the night, and knead in the morning. After raising knead down twice. Mould in- to biscuit form, brush over the top with white of egg which has in it a bit of sugar; let it stand a little while and bake. W DON'T RUIN YOUR HEALTH WITH CHEAP YEASTS. JR THE ONLY CURE FOR DIABETES IS WARNER'S "SAFE" DIABETES CURE. 9 POPULAR WITH SISTERS OF CHARITY. St. Ann's Academy, 814 Tucker St., Phila- delphia, Pa., Nov. 27, 18^.-At first Sister thought " Warner's Safe Cure " relieved her, but got tired of it and began to think it did not do her any good. She then got worse. Could not take any solid food, nor could she sleep or stand without constant pain in her Back. About six weeks ago I insisted on her taking " Warner's Safe Cure" again, and it is astonishing how she has Improved. She can eat meat and vegetables (which she has not done for months), sleeps at night, and attends to her other duties. For the first few days she was taking it she suffered very much with pain in her kidneys. I told her I thought it was the medicine taking effect. After four days she began to feel Better. She suffered constantly from ulcers in her mouth and throat. They are all Gone since she has been taking "War- ner's Safe A * i Cure." deem life of the slightest advantage, in fact, unendurable. I had no faith, but as a dernier resort tried " Warner's Safe Cure," and though at some times discouraged, after two years' trial, I am happy to say that "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills" have effected a Per manent Cure, J? Celebrated Billiard Player. fl THE OBSCURITY FULLY CLEARED UP. Buffalo, N. Y., April 26,1885.-Since boyhood I have been troubled with some obscure disease' of the Kidneys, which, as I approached manhood, gradually grew Worse, giving me constant trouble with backache and other attendant pains, which seemed to me to necessarily follow diseases af- fecting these organs. I took a great many reme- dies, and found Nothing to relieve me. After using "Warner's Safe Cure," the secretions immediately improved, the backache left me, and all the Attendant Miseries which I have endured for years, Fled. I cannot too highly endorse " Warner's Safe Cure." BROKEN DOWN BY BUSINESS CARES. Batavia, N.Y., April 15,1884.-About two years ago my health was failing, my head pained me con- stantly, my appetite was uncertain, I could not sleep soundly. I attributed this to the extreme pressure of Business cares, but Igrew worse, and finally was confined to my bed for two months. It seemed as though I would Never Recover my former health. Under the aid of stimulants I gradually gained strength so that in a few months I was able to attend to business, but I could walk only with the assistance of a cane, and then in a slow and unsteady manner. I con- tinued somewhat in the same condition until February last, when I used " Warner's Safe Cure." It has Cured me. I consider itavaluable remedy and can highly recommend it. President /> /y /S Johnston '/v Harvester / J' Co. / THAT TERRIBLE " LAME BACK." MALE and female, old and young alike, at times chant the familiar u Oh 1 my back I" Outside of organic diseases of the Kid- neys and of neighboring organs, there is de- rangement of the Kidneys called Passive Con- gestion, which is brought on by constant use of the muscular tissues of that part of the body. CAUSE : The small of the back is extremely well supplied with blood and nerve tissue, and anything like constant bending of the body produces a strain on the muscles of the back, dilates the small blood vessels, allows more than the proper quantity of blood to enter, the circulation is impeded, the Kidneys become Over- loaded with Blood that refuses to " move onthe nerves begin to feel that pressure and undertake to force the action of the Kidneys, giving rise to that uniform dull aching in the loins, sometimes ex- tending to the shoulders, and eased only by lying down. Lame Back usually means Kidney disease! Deep seated pain is present on pressure, the spinal mem- branes share in the congesticn, constipation generally exists, and the urine is of a high color, pungent odor, and contains a cloudy sediment. This is one way in which Bright's disease begins. CARTER WINS THE GREATEST GAME! Cleveland, O., 1884.-For years I have been troubled with a very complicated case of Kidney disease, and have doctored with numbers of the best physicians in the country (my business call- ing me to all parts of the world), and had gradu- ally put myself down as Incurable, and did not E5"P0STP0NED TREATMENT MAY MEAN PREMATURE DEATH Instead or Baking Powder.-A good substitute for baking powder or for sour milk and buttermilk in biscuit and cake is a salted batter of flour and water raised with "Warner's Safe Yeast." For biscuit use the batter as if it were sour milk, putting in baking soda to neutralize the acid. If it is old and sour, use water to thin it. Bake at once. For cake this batter is almost as nice as cream. A little can be left to start the next. For griddle cakes a little sugar should be added to the batter to make the cakes brown nicely Warner's Safe Yeast Doughnuts.-Make a sponge of 2 potatoes, boiled, mashed and strained; 1 pint sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful salt, & cake "Warner's Safe Yeast," p which has been allowed to soften in a little tepid water. When light, mix ; allow to rise again, and push down as for bread. When light the third time, work into tLe dough the following: 2 cups sugar, 3 eggs, % cup of butter and a saltspoonful of cinnamon. If necessary, add a little soda. Roll inch thick, cut into the desired form, let rise, and fry in hot lard, or what is much better, well clarified beef drippings. (gT ALWAYS BUY YOUR MEDICINE OF YOUR LOCAL DRUGGIST, IF POSSIBLE. 10 ''WARNER'S SAFE YEAST" IS ALWAYS "UP WITH THE SUN" TREATMENT:" Warner's Safe Cure" and "Safe Pills" effect a positive cure and prevent a return by giving extra strength to the urinary apparatus and the muscular tissue. Don't post- pone treatment until it is too late. Ask your Neighbors about what "Warner's SAFE Cure" does for Lame Back and Kidney troubles. First my urine was Bloody and difficult to retain, then thick, high-colored, and about a teaspoonful of sedi- ment at the bottom, for several days. At other times it would be Clear as rain water, at others as Yellow as gold, but most always with a white Fog up through the middle of it. For two months or over there would be from an eighth to a quarter of an inch of white, ropy substance that I could almost lift on a straw after stand- ing awhile. This when I was passing but a pint and some of the time half a pint of urine in the course of twenty-four hours. I seldom had a natural Move- ment from the bowels; sometimes the excrements were very Dark and mixed with something that looked like tufts of wool. At other times it was Light-colored. To these distressing symptoms were added weak Heart action, weak, irregular pulse, dark and bright spots before the eyes, extreme wakefulness, and fright- ful dreams when asleep, and dumb chills too numerous to mention. From May till October I had cold Sweats on the upper and lower limbs. Fourth of July it began to take in half of my body, half of my face and across my forehead and between my shoulders, a sweat that colored my linen, and I had Varicose veins. Couldn't Stand on my feet for four months long enough to wash my face and hands; exercise, either active or passive, only added fuel to the already devouring flame. I concluded to give "Warner's Safe Cure" a fair trial, beginning the 7th of September, and after taking it three weeks the cold Sweating had left me, my Circulation was equalized, that burn- ing sore pain had left the back and hips, an abdominal Abscess broke that must have dis- charged as much as five pints, to say the least. One by one the ugly symptoms passed away. I took three bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure," one of "Warner's Tippecanoe, The Best," and nearly two bottles of " Warner's Safe Pills " and one bottle of " Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure." My case is like what the Queen of Sheba said of Solomon's wisdom, " the half has not been told." I Owe my Life to " Warner's Safe Cure." "OH! MY BACK! MY BACK! MY BACK !» Lockport, N. Y., April 25, 1884.-For ten years previous to a year ago last October, I suffered from Lame Back, which would occasionally con- fine me to the house. At the time mentioned, 1882, I became suddenly worse, and was all doubled up. Could not Walk without a cane, and then only a short distance and with the greatest difficulty. I could not dress or undress unaided. I called different doctors, but they failed to do me any good. In fact, I continually grew Worse. My rest was broken at night, and I could take no comfort in the daytime owing to a constant desire to Urinate. I would think I could urinate a gallon, yet on going to the closet not more than a teaspoonful was voided. There was a heavy Sediment in the urine which was of a yellow reddish color, thick and ropy. Once I tried to urinate, but not a Drop of water passed me, nor could I force it. All this night I suffered tortures. The next day I began a bottle of " Warner's Safe Cure." I only took three bottles, which Effectually and Permanently Cured me of All my Ailments. 1 have recommended it in not less than , knewV1t to fail. / " THE HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD." Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co., Ill., Jan. 22, 1885.- In November, 1883, I was taken with a Pain in the Small of the Back that nearly prostrated me for several days, not causing much alarm, for I had suffered that way now and then for nearly Seventeen years. Felt very un well, but still kept going, though conscious of constant failing. Bo last February, I was taken again with a sore Burn- ing pain in the back and hips, this time which rendered me almost Helpless as a babe. It would be hard for me to describe with tongue or pen what I suffered for 'uon months. There was hardly an organ that was not involved, with intense Mental suffering added thereto. SEE WHAT HIS LAME BACK CAME TO f Springfield, Mo., March 22, 1885.-In 1871, while superintending the erection of the Cement- ville Mills, W. T., opposite Astoria, Oregon, I was taken with Lame Back, Rheumatism and Kidney- troubles. I went to San Francisco, Cal., and put myself under the treatment of Dr. Richard Lane, successor to Dr. Cooper. After four months of his most successful THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER IS " WARNER'S SAFE CURE." THE ORIGIN OF THE NAMES OF THE MONTHS. January.-The Roman Janus presided over the be- ginning of everything; hence the first month of the year was called after him. February.-The Roman festival Februs was held on the 15th day of this month, in honor of Lupercus, the god of fertility. March.-Named from the Roman god of war, Mars. April.-Lat. Aprilis, probably derived from asperire, to open ; because spring generally begins and the buds open in this month. May.-Lat. Maius, probably derived fram Maia, a feminine divinity worshiped at Rome on the first day of this month. June.-Juno, a Roman divinity worshiped as the Queen of Heaven. July (Julius).-Julius Cmsar was born in this month. August.-Named by the Emperor Augustus Caesar, B. C. 30, after himself, as he regarded it a lucky month, being that in which he had gained several victories. September (septem, or 7).-September was the seventh month in the old Roman calendar. October (octo).-Eighth month of the old Roman year. November (novem, or 9).-November was the ninth month in the old Roman year. December (decern, or 10).-December was the tenth month of the early Roman year. About the 21st of this month the sun enters the Tropic of Capricorn, »nd forms the winter solstice. J3TA No. 1 COOKS EVERYWHERE WILL USE "WARNER'S SAFE "GRANDMOTHER'S YEAST" AND "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST," THE SAME. 11 treatment, I found myself on my bed. He advised me to go to Harbin Sulphur Springs, in Lake County, Cal. Here I stayed six weeks, drank and bathed in its waters, and still not much of a man, only in name. I returned to San Francisco nothing but a Wreck in body and partially in mind. After sixty days treatment again under the noted specialist, Dr. Brochk, German, I went to Pass E Robles Sulphur Springs, near San Francisco, Cal., bathed in them for a month, still suffering, and all this time I had an attendant to assist me to move. Again I returned to San Francisco and put myself under the treatment of the Chinese physician, Dr. Lap Po Te, who Patched me up a little. Then I returned after a year to Oregon and spent the summer on Puget Sound, and bathed in its waters. When fall came my malady returned, and after being under the treatment of doctors and the kind hands of my brother Masons, I rallied, and with an attendant I started for Philadelphia to visit Dr. J. R. B. McClintock, a professor in the hos- pital. Sir Knight McClintock did all he could for me, and at the end of two months Bro. McClintock told me it I ever wished to see my father, I had better go at once. I went to Bethel, Vt., and the Green Mountain air braced me up during the summer. In the fall I went tG Parsons, Kansas, and settled, all the time suffering Agony. Here I became engaged in business transactions for seven years, but suffering from my malady, which, at this time, I was told had become Bright's disease. At Parsons, Kan., I was induced to try "War- ner's Safe Cure," and after taking five bottles I found myself feeling Worse* than when I com- menced. I then read the directions over care- fully, and found "Warner's Safe Pills" were necessary. Again I commenced, and after taking twenty-one bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" and about six boxes of "Warner'sSAFE Pills," I found myself a new man, and to-day my back and kidneys are Without Pain, and, thank God, I edies." ' Will answer any letters if accompanied by a stamp. "GENERAL DEBILITY." WHAT is called " General Debility," is a general breakdown of the system, and a careful study of such cases will show that the real (though concealed) source of the trouble is impaired action of the Kidneys and Liver. Correct this, and health is restored. GOVERNOR TOM. ALVORD. Rescued from the Deadly 'General Debility.' Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 1,1884.-Some three years ago I first in my life felt tired and literally "worn out." I was then a member of assembly at Albany. It took the form of a most disagreeable Nausea, accompanied by occasional retchings, and of course the prostration which such attacks occasion. By sheer force of will power I seemed to overcome the first attack, but the year following it again came on with even more vio- lence than before. I felt a Sense of Weight and full- ness in the lower part of the body, followed by a dull Throbbing I'ain, and accompanied with a sensationof Feverish Heat, or a chilly Shudder. At times fever seemed to establish itself, then all the symptoms of a general reaction would manifest them- selves. I suffered from a general weakness, and an effort to move my limbs or body was attended with a feeling of weariness and exhaustion. In fact, my whole organism seemed to be Giving Out. I was unable to obtain relief, except by lying fiat upon my back, and even this relief was only temporary. Last summer, however, while recreating at my island in St. Lawrence river, I was again attacked in the same manner, and with still greater violence than upon tho second attack. I was really in a very Serious condi- tion, being not only confined to my house, but to my bed the greater part of the time. I determined to take my case into my own hands, and therefore procured "Warner's Safe Cure." I knew the proprietor well. I seemed to be benefltted by its use, and I continued until now I am Completely restored to Health by its means. I am satisfied that for physical ailments, and especially those incident to declining years, there is Nothing equal to "Warner'sSAFE Cure." Ex-Speaker N. Y. Assembly, Ex-State Lt.-Gov. * ''IT MAKES ME SICK."-A FATAL MIS- TAKE.-Because " Warner's SAFE Cure," though an Exceedingly Pleasant-Tastlng Medicine, makes some people Sick at the Stomach, they Quit Using it! Fatal Mistake ! Read the Directions ! The fact of the Nausea indicates that the Medicine has Struck a Hard, and IF NEGLECTED, a Fatal case! Modify the Dose as directed, and take on an Empty Stomach, but under No circumstances give up the Treatment. After a While the Jiausea will Go Away and then you will be very thankful that you did not desist. Don't expect a cure with One or Two bottles. Your disease is Deep-seated, and requires Full and Faithful treatment. Read the Testimonials, and Keep up your Courage, and you will finally get Well. THE GREAT HEALTH PRESERVER: "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST." WHAT BAILROAD SIGINALS MEAN. One whistle signifies "down brakes." Two whistles signify "off brakes." Three whistles signify "back up." Continued whistles signify "danger." Rapid short whistles "a cattlealarm." A sweeping parting of the hands on the level with the eyes, signifies "go anead." Downward motion of the hands with extended arms, signifies "stop." Beckoning motion of one hand. signifies " back." Red flag waved up the track, signifies "danger." Red flag stuck up by the roadside, signifies "danger ahead.'' Red flag carried on a locomotive, signifies " an engine following." Red flag hoisted at a station, is a signal to " stop." Lantern at night raised and lowered vertically, is a signal " to start." Lantern swung at right angles across the track, means " stop." Lantern swung in a circle, signifies " back the train." ALWAYS "UP WITH THE SUN WARNER'S SAFE YEAST." 12 "WARNER'S SAFE CURE" HAS SAVED THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN. BRIGHT'S DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. HOW IT RUNS: The body is suffering because your Blood is loaded with a poisonous element-Urie acid - which neither unaided nature nor the pre- scriptions of your physician can remove. Your only Sure course is to have the Urine examined, and get rid of the poison by the use of "Warner's Safe Cure." Put this off and harassing Cough may follow, the air-cells of the lungs become blocked, and the uremic poison spreads until there will come those terrible convul- sions from irritation of the nerve centers and brain tissues, near forerunners of Death. In the chronic form many cases before being established develop as Serious Local Troubles, viz., pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, heart disease, etc., to which the patient suc- cumbs, the existence of Bright's Disease being known to the physician only after post-mortem examination. THE MODERN SCOURGE: It is peculiar to no age or sex, but afflicts All Classes as they grow older, to a large extent as the result of the wear and tear of life, which necessarily impairs the delicate structure of the Kidneys. It works the Greatest Havoc in its Chronic form, before the person Suspects its Presence. The effect produced in the Kidneys is Paralysis of the Muscles of the Urine-bearing Tubes, and when the nerve power is gone, the albumen, or life of the blood, escapes, while the physical waste remains in and Destroys the Blood. TERRIBLE MORTALITY : Thousands of people die every year from supposed apoplexy, convulsions, heart disease, paralysis, gangrenous erysipelas, and other quick-ending disorders, when in Reality they are Victims of Chronic Bright's Disease. As their physicians cannot cure it, they therefore, to cover their inability, attribute death to other causes I TREATMENT: "Warner's Safe Cure" has cured Thousands of cases, and can cure You if you will give it Prompt and Thorough Trial. The disease is not the product of a day's wear and tear, and you Cannot Cure it in a Day, but if you take "Warner's Safe Cure" precisely as di- rected, and in Sufficient Quantity, it will restore you to health. Ask your Neighbors about what "Warner's SAFE Cure" does for Bright's disease. EVERY day hundreds of people die with this "national scourge." The real fact that it is Bright's Disease is often concealed until after Death, or in the last stages, when death is about to claim its victim. The inability of the medical profession to cure this disease often pre- vents them from making known the Real Cause of Death, and in eight cases out of ten, the physic- ian, unless he is an expert or a specialist, does not detect it, and pronounces Death as resulting from the Common ailments of the day. This is largely due to the fact that Bright's Disease has no Symptoms of its own, which, of course, excuses them if they give the cause of death another name, through ignorance and shame of their in- ability to cure this disease. A death is seldom announced to the world as the Direct result of Bright's Disease, unless some Prominent man is stricken down, in which case the very best medical specialists are sought, and by them the real facts are made known. Then we are amazed at the report of the ravages of this disease among prominent men. We desire to assist the public as well as the medical profession in detecting this disease, whether our specific is used or not. We care more for the Public's Good Opinion of vs and our remedy than for the paltry sum it may pay for our medical compound, which the world recog- nizes as a boon to humanity. Bright's Disease is the result of inflammation of the kidneys, acute or chronic, of a Consump- tive Character. You may know you have the disease if any number of the following symp- toms are present: SYMPT OMS : Growing debility.. . Aches and pains in the back...Furred mouth...Headache....Nervous- nessIndigestion....Hot and Dry Skin....Hard pulse...Pale, Watery Complexion... Irregular action of the Heart....DizzinessShort breath and Asth- matic troublesCramps in the legsLoss of vir- ility ....Frequent Urination....Pale urineWhite Sediment in vesselAlbumen and Tube Casts in urine, in the last stages.. Swelled Feet and Hands.. Dropsy in any part of the bodyDiarrhoea.... Bronchitis.... Vomiting.... Convulsions.... Pains in the Heart....Chills and feverScanty, Dark-colored Urine, which Scalds in passage, and is filled with Sand, Mucous, and covered with frothy, greasy Scum Rheumatic'pains flitting all about the Body. I know of a case of genuine Bright's disease (so claimed by physicians who gave him up to die, saying there was No Cure for him), which was cured through the use of " Warner's Safe Cure," -Richard Worrell, of Ellaville, this state. He is to-day, so far as I can judge, in Perfect Health. Knowing of this case gives me great confidence in the preparation, and I unhesitatingly endorse it. (Ex-Gov.) GEO. F. DREW Jacksonville, Fla., March 1,1884. YOU NEED NOT FEAR THE TERRIBLE BRIG-HT'S DISEASE, IF THE RELATIVE VALUE OF FOODS FOR STOCK. SOME VERY VALUABLE FACTS FOR BUILDERS. One hundred pounds of good hay for stock are equal to: One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the number of square feet of surface to be covered, on account of the lap in siding and matching of flooring. A cord of stone, 3 bushels of lime and one cubic yard of sand will lay 100 cubic feet of wall. Twenty-two cubic feet of stone, when built into the wall, is 1 perch. Three pecks of lime and four bushels of sand are re- quired to each perch of wall. There are 20 common bricks to a cubic foot when laid, and 15 common bricks to a foot of 8-inch wall when laid. Article®. Peets white flilcsia.. Pound®. .669 Article!. Lucerne Pound®. 89 Turnips .469 Clover, red, dry.... 88 Rye-straw Clover, red, green... .429 Buckwheat .373 Corn Carrots 371 Oats 59 Mangolds .368M Barley 58 Potatoes, kept in pit Oat-straw .350 R ye .317 Wheat Potatoes .360 Oil-cake, linseed .. ... .43 Carrot leaves (tops).. .135 Peas, dry Hay, English .100 Beans.....' 28 0T DON'T PATRONIZE ANY UNSCRUPULOUS DEALER. THE PROOF OF MERIT IS CONTINUED POPULARITY. 13 Which is Played on Unsuspecting Sufferers. Kingston, N. Y., May 6, 1885.-We have so fully tested the efficacy of " Warner's Safe Cure" in our family as to be fully convinced that we know of nothing equal to it. I know of a very Miraculous Cure of a gentleman so badly afflicted that his physicians gave him up, and his family fully expected soon to " mourn his loss." It was about two years ago when Mr. R. R. , of New York city (a relative of a late Vice-President of the United States), was very severely afflicted and called a physician who attended to him for a long time, and then finding no relief, changed to others. They all pro- nounced his case Bright's disease of the kidneys in its worst form, and that there was no Hope for him. One physician after another was tried, but no relief was obtained. He got very much Emaciated. Things were looking very serious, when along came a friend who recom- mended another physician who he felt certain, would give him relief. This physician was called and gave him some medicine in a two ounce bottle. The patient commenced taking, and soon appeared to feel a little better. After using up this small bottle he went again to his doctor and got another, paying $2 for each visit. He was now experiencing undoubted relief, and was using up several of these small bottles of medicine, when one day while at his office in New York city he laid his small bottle down on a desk where another large bottle was, belonging to his friend in the same office. In pouringout the medicines, the discovery was made that the contents of both bottles, large and small, were of the same color; then they Smelled and Tasted Alike! Not satisfied with this, they sent them out to a chemist, who pronounced them Both Alike! At once the $2.00 visits to the doctor were stopped, and he bought large bottles like his friend at $1.25 each! He persevered in using " Warner's Safe Cure," and Finally was restored to Health. Yours on the Square, , Business Manager Kingston (N. Y.) Freeman. A VERY COMMON TRICK STOP,HARD-WORKING HAN, ANU READ! Brunswick, Me., April 1,1885.-I have always been a healthy, hard-working man up to the last two or three years. I have been going down hill; there was a gradual loss of strength, a vague feeling of Unrest, a bloating of the eyes and face, which gradually increased until I was generally Dropsical. I struggled against this feeling as long as was possible, until I was finally confined to my bed. My physician gave me medicine which only made me sick at the stomach. He did not tell me what, the trouble was. To my wife he said: " Your husband has a very bad and far-advanced case of Bright's disease. It is only a question of time, and short at that with him." He gave my wife the impression that I was liable to Die any day. I began the use of " Warner's Safe Cure." Be- fore I had finished the first bottle the Puffs had left my eyes and temples, and in some degree my legs. I continued the use of the remedy, im- proving rapidly. Have now taken the eighth bottle, with one of "Warner's Safe Nervine," and am Perfectly Well, and am working in my quarry daily with drill and hammer. My Recov- TUdS GIVEN BUT TEN DATS TO LIVE. Boston, Mass., Aug. 6,'85.-Two years ago I was taken sick in Providence, R. I. The symptoms were typhoid fever, for which the best physician in the city treated me, with no good results. I consulted the best medical advice in Boston, and after four weeks treatment I was told that I had Bright's disease of the kidneys in its Worst form, but they gave me hopes of a speedy cure. Eight months after, they decided that my case was Hopeless and that they could do me no good, as mine was the worst case that had ever come tinder their care. When taken sick I weighed 260 pounds. After being in the hands of the best medical skill for ten months, I was reduced to 145' pounds. They informed me my case was beyond all cure, and gave me ten days to live. In reading your pamphlet over I saw some signatures that I knew were not there without good cause. So I had "faith," and I kept on taking "Warner's Save Cure" and gaining in strength till I have consumed 36 bottles, and am at present in far better health and condition than I have been for years. I am able to follow my profession and weigh at present 220 pounds. I am Perfectly Cured. // 17 Taber Street. "IT MAKES ME SICK."-A FATAL MIS- TAKE.-Because "Warner's SAFE Cure," though an Exceedingly Pleasant-Tasting Medicine, makes some people Sick at the Stomach, they Quit Using it! Fatal Mistake! Read the Directions! The fact of the Nausea indicates that the Medicine has Struck a Hard, and IF NEGLECTED, a Fatal case! Modify the Dose as directed, and take on an Empty Stomach, but under No circumstances give up the Treatment. After a While the Nausea will Go Away and then you will be thankful that you kept on using it. YOU KEEP THE KIDNEYS FREE WITH WARNER'S SAFE CURE. HOW TO MEASURE CORN IN CRIB, HAY IN MOW, ETC. This rule will apply to a crib of any size or kind. Two cubic feet of good sound, dry corn in the ear will make a bushel of shelled corn. To get, then, the quantity of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, measure the length, breadth and height of the crib, inside of the rail: multiply the length by the breadth and the pro- duct by the height; then divide the product by two, and you have the number of bushels of shelled corn in the crib. To find the number of bushels of apples, potatoes, etc. In a bin, multiply the length, breadth and thickness together, and this product by 8, and point off one figure in the product for decimals. To find the amount of Hay in a Mow, allow 512 cubic feet for a ton, and it will come out very generally cor- rect. BEWARE OF ALL " NON-SECRET " SUBSTITUTIONS. 14 NO PHYSICIAN CAN EQUAL "WARNER'S SAFE CURE" RECORD. "n©"particular PAIN," DIPHTHERITIC POISON And Yet He Nearly Dies of Bright's Disease. Boston, Mass., 199 Pleasant St., March 8, 1885.-About five years ago I became conscious that something was undermining my constitu- tion. There was No particular Pain. I would feel Dizzy at times, my Appetite was bad, and my disposition Irritable; my Bowels and Stomach did not act satisfactory. I was at the time in the colony of British Guiana (my native home), and the physicians there gave me the usual stuff. Continuing to suffer, I went to Barbadoes, where remedies were again prescribed by the most eminent physicians there. I continued to grow worse. Food I could only take with the greatest Discomfort. In that hot tropical climate at twelve o'clock in the day I would feel coldand Shake like a leaf from Nervous- ness. Having lived in America some time before, I was advised by my physicians to return to its bracing cli- mate. Handed at Boston, a poor specimen of humanity. Death would have been a relief, my sufferings were of auch a nature. The morning after my arrival, I visited & physician, who for some time dosed me to no purpose. 1 changed him for another, and another. My case be- came Alarming. Tube casts appeared in my urine. A few minutes after my urine was passed it became jelly-like and could be Sliced with a Knife. It was milky in color. The pains in my back were intense, especially after physical exertion, such as preaching or walking. When walking the streets, suddenly a blinding Dizzi- ness would seize me. A Tightness across my Chest made Breathing Difficult, and the rapid Pulsations of my Heart seemed to me at times audible. This was the statq I was in two years ago when I carelessly learned of " Warner's Safe Cure." Convinced that I had been Providentially led, I inynediately bought a bottle, and from that day up to five months ago I faithfully continued the same, with "Warner's Safe Fills" and "War- ner's Safe Nervine.'' I feel as Well as Ever I did before I was first troubled. I cannot sufficiently praise " Warner's Safe Cure." l/\P^• Ends in a Serious Case of Bright's Disease. New York, Jan. 26,1885.-Our little boy, eight years old, was taken sick with Diphtheritic sore Throat, November, 1883, and he did not seem to rally, even after the throat was perfectly well. He suffered from Nausea, Headache and a low Fever. Our physician thought it a bilious fever till in thebeginning of January, when he told us the boy had Bright's disease, even in a very Ad" vanced form. In four weeks the child grew Worse. The Dropsical swelling increased, skin Dry, constant Vomiting, bringing on Nose-bleed. Even the medicine would not Stay on his Stomach. Then we used "Warner's Safe Cure." We asked the doctor what his opinion was. He very Willingly gave his consent to try it, and prescribed six doses a day, two teaspoonfuls diluted in as much sweet- ened water every time. The hoy could take it With- out Nausea, and a week after there was Improve- ment. The Albumen in the urine had decreased con- siderably. The bowels moved regularly without the use of any pills, and the nausea diminished. Still the bloat- ing increased for some time; he was Tapped, and the water seemed to accumulate again, but in three weeks we could observe that the body did not grow larger. Then the swelling Decreased gradually, until bv the middle of May his body and limbs were perfectly Normal. The skin had grown Moist long before, he haa got some appetite, and could take three pints of milk daily. Before the use of "Warner's Safe Cure" could not procure perspiration by any means. By the first of May he was Out of Bed, and did not feel weak to speak of after nearly six months in bed; in June he was out, looking a little pale as the only outward sign of his long sickness, but feeling Perfectly Well, and in July he weighed eight pounds more than in the fall before he was taken sick. He has taken three doses of the med- icine all the summer through. The physicians say that he ftctly welLr Vice-Consul of Denmark. 69 Wall Street. Gen'l Christiansen, of Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York, told a representative of this house that the case was a clee* cure, and that " Warner's Safe Cure " was a " wcta&inrful remedy.' f Little Rock, Ark., May 11, 1885.-Several months ago my little boy was so badly afflicted with Kidney disease that I sometimes Despaired of his Recovery. Less than two bottles of "War- ner's Safe Cure" have Completely Restored his Health, and have given him a Liveliness of Spirit which he had never known before. Editor Arkansas Traveler. I j FREE TREATMENT BY MAIL.-In order to give patients by mail the most intelligent treat- ment, we have prepared a blank List of Questions for patients desiring treatment by mail, to fill out. Send for the " Treatment Blank." C3TG-IVE "WARNER'S SAFE CURE" TO PUNY CHILDREN. How to Estimate Grain.-Make a wood or iron frame one yard square, carefully let it down over the standing grain, then shell and weigh all the grain on the inclosed straws . Following are weights and their equals in grain: 4 oz. per sq. 5 } yd. equals 20.17 bu. " " 25.21 " acre. 44 55£ « « u 44 44 29.00 " H 44 6 " " 44 44 30.25 " 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 35.29 " «• «4 8 44 41 44 44 40.33 " 44 44 2 oz. per eq. yd. equals 10.08 bu. per acre. 2& " " ' 44 44 12.60 " 254 Ik $4 13.86 " " " 3 It »4 15.12 " 44 44 44 44 44 17.65 " " These estimates are on the basis of 60 lbs. per bushel. Two oz. a sq. yd. is the American average yield of wheat, 5% is the English average. •gFBEWARE I THE MARKET IS FULL OF FRAUDULENT SUBSTITUTIONS.. PERMANENT EFFECTS FOLLOW FAITHFUL USE. IS THE HORRORS OF GRAVEL DISSOLVED THE STONE AND PASSED IT. Morgan, Texas, April 10, 1885.-Two years ago I was afflicted with Gravel, from which I could only get Temporary relief from my physicians. The pain at times was of an Excruciating charac- ter, causing frequent Stoppages of the water, and great difficulty at all times in passing it. I was recommended to take "Warner's Safe Cure," which I did in tablespoonful doses seven or eight times a day. Used two bottles without any ap- parent Relief, and when that was gone, deter- mined to give it a fair trial, I purchased another. When that was about half gone, as I was walking along the road, all of a sudden, I was attacked with a severe pain and intense desire to stool and urinate, which, in spite of violent straining, I was unable to do. The Seat of Pain seemed di- rectly in the Neck of the bladder. I was in terri- ble Agony. The cold sweat stood all over me. I finally passed out, after the most excruciating agony, a Stone as large as a navy Bean, giving me immediate xy Z7 reiM- oCwZ Organ and Sewing Machine Dealer. THIS is the most fearful disease from which Man can suffer. It is known by the fol- lowing SYMPTOMS: Frequency of urination .... Brick dust or "red pepper'* deposits in the vessel. ...The water is Cloudy at times..Pain, in the Urethra, more severe During and After passing water Straining after urination Pain in the Back and at times in the Hip, and running to the Groin ("renal colic.")....Sud- den. Stoppage while passing water....Mucous, Pus and Blood in water Occasional passage of Small Gravel ... Sense of Weight in the Bladder. DESCRIBED : This disease was always regarded as a purely surgical disorder, only to be relieved by a terri- ble operation in which the patient often lost his life. There are Three kinds of Stone: uric acid, phosphatic, and oxalate of lime, the first occurring in nine cases out of ten, and originating in the Kidneys. CAUSE : This terrible disease is due to the defective assimilation and elaboration of the fluids of the liver putting an extra amount of work upon the kidneys, Increasing the solid matter of the excretions which undergo a chemical change, developing as Uric acid in Crystalline form. The collection of this acid always begins in the kidneys as fine Sand, which is carried into the bladder, a portion to be passed out, the bal- ance remaining to form the Nucleus of the Stone. PROGRESS : As the disease advances, the pain in the urethra near the Opening is usually severe during and after passing water, which is scalding at times, fol- lowed by a Spasmodic Effort to pass the last drop. All these symptoms are not constantly present in every case, but come on from time to time. The irritation and constant drain are so great that the entire muscular and nervous system soon give way; the nights are sleepless, the skin is dry; digestion is disordered; the bladder attempts to reject the water as rapidly as it is formed; the patient loses flesh, has hot flashes, ex- hausting night sweats occur, and unless speedily relieved, death puts an end to the torture. TREATMENT: " Warner's Safe Cure " has not only demonstrated its ability to Dissolve the stone and wash it out in the form of sand, but by its specific action on the primary seat of dis- ease, the liver, correcting its unnatural action, restoring its healthy function, it absolutely Pre- vents the first Formation of the sand. "Warner's Safe Cure" should be taken in tablespoonful doses every three hours, together with sufficient amount of "Warner's Safe Fills" to render the bowel contents soluble. The patient should also use hot Sitz baths daily, and if the case is an ad- vanced one, remain in bed. Ask those who have Used it, their opinion of " Warner's SAFE Cure." INFLAMMATION OF PROSTATE GLAND. Philadelphia, Pa., April 23, 1884.-I had five different doctors at different times, doctoring me for Enlargement of Prostate Gland, three of them saying that I could not be cured, and the other two that they could cure me. But after a time I found that I was only relieved a little, and doing me but little good. I had Given myself Up as to finding any more pleasure in this life. I was Cured after taking nine bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure," which I heartily recommend. 1306 Arch Ow "IT MAKES ME SICK."-A FATAL MIS- TAKE.-Because " Warner's SAFE Cure," though an Exceedingly Pleasant-Tasting Medicine; makes some people Sick at the Stomach, they Quit Using it! Fatal Mistake! Read the Directions ! The fact of the Nausea indicates that the Medicine has Struck a Hard, and IF NEGLECTED, a Fatal case. Modify the Dose as directed, and take on an Empty Stomach, but under No circumstances give up the Treatment. After a While the Nausea util Go Away and then you will be very thankful that you persevered. SPOTTED SKIN MEANS BAD BLOOD. TRY TIPPECANOE." It is an excellent plan to label children by marking their full names and addresses in indelible ink on their clothing, so that, if lost, they can be identified. Liquor Facts! In the United States there arc 198,- 930 liquor dealers, 75,435,735 gallons of distilled, and 2,- 284,066,935 malt liquors are produced, $76,905,385 in taxes are paid on distilled, and $18,084,954 on malt liquors. The Drink Bills as compared with other bills in the United States for 1884 are herewith given. We drink, a head, 16 gallons of coffee, 1016 gallons of beer, 1J6 gallons of spirits and Ji gallons of wines yearly: Liquor, $850,000,000. ■ Tobacco, $600,000,000, 1 Bread, $505,000,000. - .Meat, $303,000,000. ■---Iron and Steel, $290,000,000. -Woolen goods, $237,000,000. " Sawed lumber, $233,000,000. Cotton goods, $210,000,000. ™ "Boots and shoes, $196,000,000. -Sugar and molasses, $155,000,000. -Public education, $85,000,000. - Missions, home and foreign, $5,500,000. IQ?"''SAFE DIABETES CURE" tai THE ONLY DIABETES SPECIFIC Warner's Safe (HEALTH PRESERVING) RUIN THE STOMACH BY USING LOW GRADE, CHEAPLY MADE The above Fac Similes are Full-sized Reproductions of " Warner's 'SAFE Yeast" Package, Front and Rear Views. Take no Full Package if the Cover has been Removed, or Taken off, as the Yeast may have been exposed to Dampness, or a Cheap, Worthless Substi- tution may have been Put in by Designing Persons to Injure the Reputation of/* Warner's SAFE (Health Preserving) Yeast." White Label, Black Printing, and always look for the Iron "Safe," our Trade Mark. Ten Cakes in a Box, price 10c. a box. * ~ 16 jy WE CAN FURNISH THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Warner'S "Safe" Yeast, A DRY HOP, VEGETABLE PREPARATION. TJ"1? WITH THE STJJXT- AS the public is well aware, nothing enters more into domestic economy than Yeast. Light bread can be had from very injurious yeasts, but the prudent cook and housewife will not knowingly imperil the health and life of the family by using such miserable compounds, when a pure and wholesome article will make precisely as light bread and produce no evil effects. We deem it as much our duty to prevent ill health as to cure disease, and we may say we have been impelled to the course we have taken by the desire of the public, which, rendered suspicious by the mutual criminations and re-criminations of various parties in the public prints, have demanded of us in the name of humanity that we put up such preparations as can be relied upon for safety and healthfulness. The reputation won by us in the manufacture of " Warner's Safe Remedies," has been deemed by the public a sufficient guarantee that if we consented to manufacture "Safe Yeast" it would be worthy of the highest confidence. This good opinion, so universally conveyed to u«, is very gratifying, and we shall endeavor fully to deserve it. "Warner's Safe Yeast " is a dry Hop, Vegetable preparation, is manufactured with the greatest care, and by the very latest and best facilities. It is put up in round paste-board boxes, ten cakes in each box, and retails at 10 cents a box. It may be relied upon every time. We guarantee Satisfaction, if properly kept and used. "Warner's Safe Yeast" is made after the latest, most healthful, scientific formula, and is the Purest and most Wholesome Yeast ever put upon the Market. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We do not pretend to come into competition with Yeasts made by irresponsible parties who have no regard for the Public Health. Having no reputation at stake, they do not care if their compounds are injurious, provided they can secure sales for them. The human Stomach is very Sensitive, and though it may not at present feel the effects, when unreliable Yeast has done its work, its Coatings are likely to be Ruined for life. We have not undertaken this business of our own free will. It has been forced upon us by the Demands of the Public. As we have stated, we deem it our duty as much to Prevent Disease as to cure it, and we are confident no article used in domestic economy can be so injurious as a poorly prepared Yeast. The demands of "Warner's Safe Remedies " business have absorbed all the attention of H. H. Warner & Co., so that they found it impossible to yield to this new demand; nevertheless, ever anxious and willing to serve the public, Mr. Warner himself determined to accede to the demand, and has organized "Warner's Safe Yeast Company," who will give their entire time to the pre- paration and sale of " Warner's Safe Yeast." The same energy, push and merit that has given such universal and unprecedented popularity to "Warner's Safe Remedies" will be enlisted in the good cause of presenting the people with a "Safe Yeast" and having thus acceded to the public demand, we feel that it is only right that the public should now reciprocate every effort we make to further their best physical interests. &Y " Warner's SAFE Yeast " J j "'J a,t F,rst c'a" "A GREAT FAVORJTO THE PUBLIC!" "SAFE YEAST" Fresh Every YLonth for a Year, for $1,20 Only! For the purpose of giving "Warner's SAFE Yeast" Universal introduction, during the First year we will send postpaid anywhere in the United States, on receipt of $1.20 in 2c. Stamps One Ten-Cake Box of "Warner's SAFE Yeast' Every Month for One Year, and this will include all Presents and Premiums which may regularly be given in Connexion with Every Box of "Warner's SAFE Yeast." We have adopted this plan, as stated, to give universal intro- duction to this Health Preserving Yeast, for we are Confident that when it is once used it will become the Great Household Standard. One Sample Cake Free, by Mail. WHEN THE YEAST WILL BE SENT--On whatever day your order letter is receivep (unless you prefer some other date), in Every Month for the Year a Box of "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST" will be / /tS J'S mailed free to your post office address. Thus you get good Fresh Yeast Every Month of the Year. & 0T DON'T PATRONIZE ANY CHEAP SUBSTITUTIONS OF ANY NAME.jjH 11 18 NOTHING LIKE "WARNER'S SAFE CURE," FOR MALARIA, IS YOUR LIVER ALL RIGHT ? and preyent its further formation, strengthen the kidneys for their purifying processes, and then the distressing effects of torpid Liver, De- bility, Malaria and the thousand ills in their train, are effectually dispersed. Ask your friends about the virtue of "Warner's SAFE Cure" for all Liver disorders and Malaria. OR IS IT DISEASED, LIKE 95% OF LIVERS? THE Liver is the largest gland in the body. It is located on the right side of the body, below the right lung, and extends over into the left side and below the left lung, resting against the stomach and upon the right kidney. SYMPTOMS: HeadacheSallow complexion. ..Gradually Increasing Constipation. . .Disinclina- tion to exertion.... Vertigo.... DizzinessHighly colored urine. ...A" splendid" feeling to-day, and a Depressed one to-morrow. ...Pain under either Shoulder, and under Ribs on the Right side... .Neu- ralgic pain of ChestHeartburnIndigestion. Enlargement of Side below the ribs... .Dropsy of the Abdomen.. .Dry Mouth.. .Drown, flabby Tongue. Occasional Chills.... Hot flashes.... Moth patches on the Face.... Yellowish eye-ballsSick headache. Frequent vomiting of Ritter matter... Piles, caused by Congestion of the LiverSevere Spasmodic pain in Upper part of Abdomen, relieved by Pressure... Hic- coughJaundiceClay-colored stoolsSour Stomach... Variable appetite... Irritability of Temper. Diarrhoea.. .Dysentery.. .Rurning Palms and Feet. *.TS DISORDERS : Liver disorders give rise to thefol- fowing diseases, which are indicated by any number of the above symptoms, and are to be attributed to an Increase or decrease or change of the Rile : Jaun- dice, Obstruction, Gall Stones, Enlarged Liver, Con- tracted Liver, Inflammation, Congestion, Abscess, Tumors, Hydatids, Catarrh of the Bile ducts, Fatty Degeneration or Cancer, "Malaria." GALL STONES: This is a painful affection which afflicts many people, mostly during middle life, it being indicated by severe spasmodic pain in the right side, nausea and vomiting of sour matter, jaundiced com- plexion and greasy skin, caused by the passage of the stones through the narrow ducts from the liver or gall bladder into the bowels, and producing a complete Stoppage of the flow of Rile, which is thrown back into the circulation, making the skin very yellow. Gall Stones are probably due to Concentration or Hardening of the Rile, which is deflcient in its quality. They are more frequent in females and in those of sedentary habits, where constipation exists, as well as those who live largely on meat and use spirits. Besides the pain given by their passage, their formation is dan- gerous, as they may become Permanently Dodged in the Liver or ducts, and cause inflammation, ulceration, abscess, dropsy, etc. TREATMENT: "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills" restore power to the Liver to separate albuminous elements and con- vert them into urea, disgorge .the over-loaded ducts of the Liver, neutralize the lithic acid CONSTIPATION AND ENLARGED LIVER. Lowell, Mass., May 12, 1885.-At about six years of age our daughter had a terrible fit caused by eating blackberries, lodging in her stomach, that left her so Constipated for years that she suffered greatly, and her Liver enlarged greatly. Finally it affected her kidneys so she passed eight quarts of water in a day, and drank water con- stantly, and ate till she would suffer from it, and still be hungry. We could not get help here. We tried three doctors; she seemed no better, but after using nearly thirty bottles of "War- Cured. " WHO LIKES A SPOTTED COMPLEXION ? Baltimore, Md., May 14, 1885.-I was for at least six months afflicted with a Liver disorder which not only caused great indisposition, but dis- figured my face with yellow Blotches, especially my forehead. I, in vain, resorted to remedies prescribed by my physician and suggested by friends, and had almost despaired, when I was induced to try "Warner's Safe Cure." I had not taken a dozen doses ere the Eruption on my Face began rapidly to Vanish, and my general condition to improve. Now I have not one symptom of Liver trouble, or one Blotch on my Street. X "CONSIDER MYSELF SOUND AND WELL. " Lewiston, Idaho Ter., Jan. 8, 1885.-For a long time I had been suffering with a pain between my Shoulderblades, with loss of appetite, sick- ness at the stomach, and a dull pain in my right side. I tried "Warner's Safe Cure," which proved tome the disease had been Liver complaint, for after having used six bottles I felt like a new man, and I am at this time free from the old an™consider myself WellQ and sound. ■ - BOILS PREVENTED BY "WARNER'S TIPPECANOE." CISTERN EACH TEN INCHES IN DEPTH. THE REGULAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES. 1, Cotton; 2. Paper; 3, Leather; 5, Wooden ; 7, Woolen; 10, Tin ; 12, Silk and Fine Linen; 15, Crystal; 20, China; 25, Silver, 30, Pearl; 40, Ruby; 50, Golden; 75, Diamond. Sickheadache, regularly appearing, indicates that the system is deficient in natural acids. To correct it, take a tablespoonful of lemon juice, clear, fifteen minutes before each meal, and the same dose at bed time. Diameter in feet. Holdi In Gallons. Diameter in feet. Holds in Gallons. Diameter In feet. Holds in Gallons. Diameter in feet. Holds in Gallons. 25 3059 12 705 7 239 4 78 20 1958 11 592 206 3 44 15 1101 10 489 6 176 30 14 959 9 396 5 122 2 19 13 827 8 313 99 FAME OF "WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES" BELTS THE GLOBE. J® DON'T EXPERIMENT,-GO AHEAD AND GET WELL. 19 CHRONIC DIARRHOEA MALARIAL DISORDERS. Caused by Irregular Action of the Liver. Grand Rapids, Mich., July 14, 1884.-I have been a great sufferer for a great many years from Chronic Diarrhoea, from which I was enabled to get only temporary relief. For the last four years my disease seemed to Baffle medicine. I have had the best talent of our city, only to grow worse, but since I began using "Warner's Safe Cure'' I have gradually Improved and increased from 115, to 140 pounds. 1 have not had a sick spell this summer, whereas last summer I was Sick all the time, and much of the time confined to my bed. My appetite is uniformly good; my complexion changing from a Saffron hue to one of Health. My physician, Dr. Whitfield, is using " Safe Remedies" in hiS practice, and will corrob- orate my statement. He attributes my sickness to a torpid Liver, and affected Kidneys. Michigan _ Xy-'',1 / z? School ( y rrf} Moderator. y MALARIA, frequently called " General De- bility," "General Prostration," usually has its first effect in the Liver. It is a general name for just those effects in the system which are caused by the presence of Liver and Kidney Poisons in the Blood, and can only be cured by "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills." Bad air, bad drainage, bad water, long-continued over-exertion, cause loss of nerve life, usually in the Liver or Kidneys, and then comes the utter prostration of the malarious condition. MALARIA'S VICTIM Z.s Rescued front Untold Misery and Death. Bradford, Pa., July 3, 1884.-" Warner's Safe Cure " has restored my husband to health after years of suffering from [Malarial] Dyspepsia and disordered liver and kidneys. He has for several years been subject to violent pains in his stomach after eating, and though he tried a great variety of remedies, he obtained no relief except from taking warm water and throwing off the contents of his stomach, always undigested. These attacks left him in a Cold Sweat of Perfect Exhaustion for hours. About December last, he became so much worse that he could not even retain clam broth or milk without being greatly distressed, and though nearly Starved sometimes, he would not dare to eat, fearing the consequences. We feared he was incurable. I had, previous to giving "Warner's Safe Cure" to him, taken two bottles for Malarial troubles and been so much benefltted, my faith was strong from the beginning. If it sickened him or moved the bowels too often, I decreased the dose. For five months he took nothing but beef tea and thin gruel made of oatmeal or cornmeal with milk, and very little at a time, every three hours; no tea, coffee or chocolate, and no cold water, except a cup of water the first thing on rising and through the day when thirsty. By slow degrees he returned to heavier food. In all he took ten bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure," and is now well and often says, " 1 Never felt so Well in my life before." He has an excel- lent appetite, sleeps well and certainly looks and feels twenty years younger than he did several months ago. I strongly recommend your medi- cines. Endorsed: CHRONIC DIARRHCEA FOR 20 YEARS. Thorp P. O., Stewart Co., Tenn., Dec. 29,1884. "Warner's Safe Cure" has restored me to Per- fect health from an emaciated condition caused by Chronic Diarrhoea which had afflicted me in- cessantly for twenty years, had reduced me to a mere Skeleton, barely able to walk. With the use of a few bottles of " Warner's Safe Cure" I am well, weigh 190, and Free from all Aches. Farmer, / age 64. r PERFECTLY WELL AND WITHOUT PAIN. Newcastle, Pa., March 27,1885.-I was troubled in September last with an affection of the Liver, which was very painful and weakening. I let it run, the disease evidently getting a surer and firmer hold upon me. I have just now finished my seventh or eighth bottle of "Warner's Safe Cure," and can truthfully say I am Perfectly Well, and without Pain. I had received ineffectual treatment from c-i two physicians. . / Lf /'f/f Editor Clarion. (/ C f jt^°Don't expect a Cure with One or Two Bottles. Your Disease is Deep-seated, and requires Full and Faithful Treatment. Btead the Testimonials, and Keep up your Gwwrage, and you will finally get Well. ITTHE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE: "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." Twenty years' average of farm labor wages: 1866. Section. 1885. 1882. 1879. Eastern States ..$25 30 $26 61 $20 21 $33 30 Middle States . 23 19 22 24 19 69 30 07 Southern States.. .. 14 27 15 30 13 31 16 00 Western States.... .. 22 26 23 63 20 38 28 91 California .. 38 75 38 25 41 00 35 75 Federal Head ! During the war '61-'65, the federal army lost 9,584 officers and 319,912 men. Dimensions of an Acre.-5x968-10x484-20x242-40x- 121-70x6914 yards, or 60x720-110x397-130x363-220x198- feet. If you write to our testators, always enclose a stamp for reply. USTTHF GREATEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD IS "SAFE CURE." 20 "AROUND THE WORLD,''-THE FAME OF "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." "THREE CHEERS FOR IT I" Cure " for less than ten thousand dollars a bottle, I would cheerfully pay it. Hurrah! for "War- Cure Formerly with Nashua Lock Co. The Enthusiasm of a Miserable Sufferer! Chicago, Jan. 10,1884.-In the summer of 1879 I noticed, on coming home from my work (I am a bookkeeper), I would frequently get dizzy and feel Languid, and my complexion became un- usually sallow. I have always been more or less of a pale, bilious complexion. I also had Diar- rhoea, which did not seem to leave me, so I called in our family doctor, a man of first-class reputa- tion, and he said I had Malaria in my stomach. On April 1st, 1881, we moved to another part of New York city, but I got worse. I changed my physician, and the homeopathist also thought I had malaria. After trying him a few months, on the advice of a •ister 1 tried her doctor, an allopath. He thought my symptoms were more like Neuralgia than malaria. On the 1st of May, 1882, 1 moved over to the west side of New York city, expecting a complete change of air would cure me. I did not doctor at all. My symp- toms in fuU were as follows: I would, as I have before written, become dizzy and feel very weak while walking the streets. My Digestion was very poor, yet my appetite was good; I had pains, frequently accompanied with wind, in my bowels. I might walk all day, going at a slow pace, but if I ran a few blocks or walked rapidly it might Move my Bowels half a dozen times. My stool contained more or less of slimy, whitish matter, sometimes accom- panied with blood. I joined the Manhattan Athletic Club last year, feeling so much better in my bowels, but one day on running about a mile, at quite a slow pace too, it went to my bowels. The next day I felt half alive, and in a word, didn't get over it for two months. So last July I came to Chicago, and noticed in a few days I would get very dizzy. Finally, about the middle of August I became too Sick to leave my bed and called in a physician (allopath of 37 years' practice), and he has one of the largest practices in Chicago, I am told. I told him my symptoms and asked him to " go for " my Liver, as I was satisfied it was at the bottom of my troubles. I was in bed six days, without being a bit benefltted, having Night Sweats and a very Yellow Tongue. Then I thought of what my wife told me just before coming out here: " Now, be sure to take ' Warner's Safe Cure;' I know you haven't got malaria; it's your liver, and that is why you are so yellow;-I have heard so much of its curing people." Six bottles Cured me. It stopped the pain, the looseness of the bowels, the whitish matter and blood coming from them, and my poor digestion. If I were a millionaire and could not get "Warner's Safe MALARIAL FEVER, KIDNEY TROUBLES. House of Representatives, Washington, D. C., March 1, 1885.-Last fall I contracted Malarial fever in Eastern North Carolina and suffered very much for two months. The disease finally located in my Kidneys, and I had almost given up ever getting well again. I commenced taking "Warner's Safe Cure," and soon found G re at R e I i ef. My urine has been for a long while almost the Color of Blood. Very soon after tak- ing "Warner's Safe Cure," it cleared up, and my Kidneys are as Sound as ever were. I think " Warner's Safe Cure" a great blessing to man- kind, and if taken regularly will cure almost any diseaseof the kidneys. I shall take great pleasure in Prescribing it in my Practice. M.D. DISEASE CONTRACTED IN THE TROPICS. Fitchburg, Mass., August 9,1884.-Permit me to say that I have not been in better health for five years, thanks to " Warner's Safe Cure." I took in all some 11 bottles, attending strictly to the instructions contained in your Pamphlet. I have and shall continue to recommend "Warner's Safe Cure" to those of my acquaintance who are troubled as I was. My case was of a chronic nature, Liver Disease having been Contracted in the East Indies some years back. 104 Main St. WARNER'S "SAFE" REMEDIES, Etc., Etc. " Warner'! SAFE Cure," $1.25; "Warner's SAFE Rheumatic Cure," $1.25; "Warner's SAFE Diabetes Cure," $1.25; "Warner's SAFE Nervine," $1.00 and 50c.; " W arner's SAFE Pills," 25c.; " Warner's TIP- PECANOE, The Best," and "TIPPECANOE, XXX," $1.00; "Warner's SAFE Asthma Cure," (formerly SAFE Throatine,) 75c.; " Warner's SAFE Cure for Animals," $1.25; "Warner's SAFE Yeast," lOc. a Package. ACCEPT OF NO SUBSTITUTES. csr IF YOUR BLOOD IS POLLUTED, TREAT YOUR KIDNEYS. THE SEED REQUIRED TO PLANT AN ACRE. KIND OF SEED. QUANTITY. Asparagus in 12 inch drills 16 quarts Asparagus plants, 4 by feet 8,000 Barley bushels Beans, bush, in drills feet 1*4 bushels Beans, pole, Lima, 4 by 4 feet 20 quarts Beans, Carolina, prolific, etc., 4 by 3 feet 10 quarts Beets and mangold, drills, 2% feet 9 pounds Broom corn in drills 12 pounds Cabbage, outside, for transplanting 12 ounces Cabbage, sown in frames 4 ounces Carrot, in drills, 2J4 feet 4 pounds Celery, seed 8 ounces Celery, plant 4 by % feet 25.000 Clover, White Dutch 13 pounds Clover, Lucerne.... 10 pounds Clover, Alsike 6 pounds Clover, large red with timothy 12 pounds Clover, large red without timothy. 10 pounds Corn, sugar 10 quarts Corn, field 8 quarts Corn, salad, drill 10 inches 25 pounds Cucumber, in hills 3 quarts Flax, broadcast 20 quarts Grass, timothy with clover 6 quarts GT WE GUARANTEE PERMANENCY OF CURATIVE XF YOU are cured, tell all your friends about it. 2»i DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. then comes Incontinence or Dribbling of urine, which becomes thick, fetid, with heavy white Sediment, then ropy, bloody, and ammoniacal. TREATMENT : "Warner's Safe Cure"is the best possible remedy for all these disorders, and though they are of an obstinate character, yet if taken in time and "Warner's Safe Cure" is per- severingly used as directed, the most Severe Cases will Yield, the bladder being freed from all abnormal products, inflammation is reduced, the urine is rendered at first unirritating, and then re- stored to its natural quantity and quality. The walls of the bladder resume their contractile power, the genito-urinary organs their tone, and the patient will soon be onthe high road to Health. It should be most freely used on the first intima- tion of any trouble with the water, together with " Warner's Safe Pills " to unload the bowels, as all pressure occasioned by the loaded rectum must be removed. Daily hot sitz baths will be found valuable. To quiet the nervous system, one or two tablespoonfuls of "Warner's Safe Nervine" should be taken three or four times a day and on going to bed. Avoid draughts, sitting in damp places, exposure, fatigue, or the use of spirits. Ask your Friends aboutthe power of "Warner's SAFE Cure" in such cases. INCONTINENCE OF URINE IN CHILDREN: It should be attended to early, for the walls of the bladder soon become so weakened as to lose their contractile power, and the disease is very liable to become habitual and difficult to cure. " Warner's Safe Diabetes given in from one to four teaspoonful doses every three hours during the day, with from a tea to a tablespoonful of " Warner's Safe Nervine," according to age, on going to bed, will, with following these sug- gestions, result in a radical cure of incontinence. The bowels should be kept open, and by daily sponging the spine in its full length with cold water, which will increase the nervous tone, material aid will be given th# action of "Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure." THESE disorders are extremely wearing and annoying, and they cause a great deal of silent misery. They are indicated by these SYMPTOMS : Incontinence of UrineReten- tion of Urine... .Discharge of mucous, Pus and blood, with waterVariable Color of urine. Frequent urination.... Scalding of water.... Sharp or Dull pain in the lower part of the body... .Dis- tension of the BladderCold Extremities....Sudden stoppage of waterSlight or well-marked Chills. Furred Tongue. ...ThirstDoubling up to Relieve the Abdominal muscles.. .Bearing-down pain... .Pain running through the Back and down the Thighs. The above symptoms belong to inflammation, acute or chronic, of the Bladder, the latter often resulting in Catarrh, Abscess or Ulceration, and is usually caused by severe colds settling in the Bladder. The above disorders, allowed to proceed unchecked, can only result in a serious condition; the patient sometimes being a little better, but always losing, until his health is completely shattered and death is gladly welcomed. CAUSE : A part of the urine is retained, undergoes decomposition and sets up a chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes, which, being thrown off in the shape of pus and blood, designates that condition of the bladder known as Catarrh, which now rapidly re- duces the patient's health and strength. AN ENLARGED PROSTATE is peculiar to men only of fifty years of age and upwards, and particularly af- flicts men of sedentary habits. It is of two kinds-true growth of the gland, which is very rare, and for which there is no cure, and enlargement, the usual kind, pro- duced by congestion and inflammation, and Is Cur- able. LOCATION: This gland, situated between the neck of the bladder and the rectum, is composed of three lobes, the middle one being directly under the water passage, and is the one most usually affected. The dis- ease is very Stealthy in its Approach, and by grad- ually Increasing the pressure on the urinary canal, pro- duces the following SYMPTOMS: Frequent Desire to Urinate... .Irri- tation at Neck of bladder, which gradually Increases until the neck becomes InflamedThere is great difficulty in Starting the water; the stream is Feeble and small...Pain in the Urethra...Straining; Fullness of RectumConstipationPiles. The patient is Broken of his Rest by Frequent Urination. Health declines, the Appetite failsHead-ache, Emaciation and a sense of Weight in the Bladder ensue, [g^CAUTION.-Don't, we beg of you, Reader, postpone treating your case Promptly. If you feel out of sorts, don't let disease get a Grip on yourConstitution. Kidney disease Steals on you like an Indian, and Strikes when you do not Know it. Take yourcase in hand at Once. The doctors Cannot cure you-this they Admit. Treat Your- self with " Warner's SAFE Cure," and Live I TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." SEED REQUIRED-Continued. Grass, timothy without clover 10 quarts Grass, orchard 25 quarts Grass, red top or heads 20 quarts Grass, blue 28 quarts Grass, rye 20 quarts Lettuce, in rows 2J£ feet 3 pounds Lawn grass 35 pounds Melons, water, in hills 8 by 8 feet 3 pounds Melons, citrons, in hills 4 by 4 feet 2 pounds Oats 2 bushels Onion, in beds for sets 50 pounds Onions, in rows for large bulbs 7 pounds Parsnip, in drills feet 5 pounds Pepper plants, 2bJ by 1 foot 17,500 Pumpkin, in hills 8 by 8 feet 2 quarts Parsley, in drills 2 feet 4 pounds Peas, in drills, short varieties 2 bushels Peas, in drills, tall varieties 1 to bushels Peas, broadcast 3 bushels Potatoes 8 bushels Radish, in drills 2 feet 10 pounds Rye, broadcast 1% bushels Rye, drilled bushels Squash, bush, in hills 4 by 4 feet 3 pounds Turnips, in drills 2 feet 3 pounds Turnips, broadcast 3 pounds Tomatoes, in frames ..v-.V; 3 ounces Tomatoes, seed in hills 3 by 3 feet 8 ounces Tomatoes, plants 3,800 Wheat, in drills 1J4 bushels Wheat, broadcast 2 bushels $29** MILLIONS OWF, THEIR LIFE TO "WARNER'S SAFE CURE.''jgJ 22 WE AIM TO PREVENT, AS WELL AS TO CURE, DISEASE. THE RAILROADER'S REMEDY. URETHRAL INFLAM MATION. The School Teacher's Painful Experience. Truro, Mad. Co., la., June 14, 1885.-In the fall of 1880I had an attack of Bilious fever which left me with what the doctors pronounced Inflam- mation of the Urethra. I took medicine which appeared to relieve me, but exposing myself the following winter, the disease returned. I got no permanent relief from the best physicians. In July, 1881,1 returned to Ohio, from whence I had come to Ionia in the Spring of 1880. I tried a number of the best physicians there, and still obtained no perma- nent relief. The disease became chronic, and I would have to Get Up from Three to Six Times a Night to. urinate. I had a burning sensation nearly all the time I became alarmed. Tests were made by physicians, but neither sugar nor albumen were found. The specific gravity of the urine was at one time 1028. I had pains in the back, and my stomach was disordered. I became nervous, and soon was troubled with headaches. In the spring of '82 I gave up my school. I resolved to give " Warner's Safe Cure" a fair trial. I got half a dozen bottles, a bottle of "Warner's Safe .Nervine," and some of "War- ner's Safe Pills," and took them. I improved right away, and soon went to work, and have been engaged in either working or teaching ever since. If I become Bilious, I take a bottle or two of " Warner's Safe Cure" and a box or two of "Warner's Safe Pills," and Always find Relief. I always take pleasure in recommending ' War- ner's Safe Cure." Give the medicine a fair trial. The Unutterable Misery of the Engineer. Indianapolis, Ind., 810 W. Washington St., May 26th, 1884.- Having always been a very hehrty man, entirely free from pains of any kind, I could not believe, after getting a severe fall upon my right kidney, that any serious trouble would follow, yet the soreness would not get well, and I knew I was not able to keep at work, (which was running an express engine 212 miles for four trips a week,) but I thought I would wear it out, but the strain and jolting came near finishing me. It became next to impossible to urinate, which was accompanied with Tremendous Scalding in the region of the bladder, which seemed full of melted lead. I can- not describe the suffering, in fact cannot now realize it since my recovery. An examining physician pre- scribed for Catarrh of the Bladder, but 1 got Worse All the Time, passing a large quantity of pus, etc., but kept at work. I finally passed pure blood. I threw away all medicine on hand, and began taking "Warner's Safe Cure," and one day's trial of six doses, while on duty, completely Relieved me from pain and passing blood. I thought I met a Friend in that bottle. The other discharge did not disappear for three months, for after the first relief my Recovery was slow, and I at times was almost discouraged. I knew I could not be cured instantly, so tried to be satisfied. I took thirty bottles, and am now a Well man. b&0be-o?'lvO/ j</ WHAT CAME FROM "CATCHING COTA)." San Francisco, Cal., June 13, 1885.-While in charge of railroad laborers in New Mexico, one night we were left on a side track in a snow- storm and without fire. We all caught Cold, and I contracted a very severe case of Catarrh of the Bladder, and passed Blood Continuously instead of Water, until I became so weak I had to quit all work, could not walk, and had to be carried. I was Nearly Dead when I bought the first bottle of "Warner's Safe Cure," which gave me im- mediate relief from pain, and by taking "War- ner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills," according to directions, the bleeding was stopped in a few days. I continued to take the medicine for a year whenever I felt badly, and believe it Saved my / /rt/f /] ( -T . frf- Life WARNER'S SAFE PILLS." -With all of "Warner's Safe Remedies " use enough of "Warner's Safe Pills" to ensure one or two bowel move- ments daily, otherwise but partial resultswillbeobtained. They are purely Vegetable, do not gripe, and are Gentle and Effective in action. They are compounded on the formula of a successful British army physician in India, and are the Best and Safest Pills in the market. No other pills can be safely substituted for them. 7®"" Warner's Safe Pills" vial is covered with a White label with Black letters. The Private Stamp is affixed to the end of the outside wrapper. (See page II cover.) FOR PROMISSORY NOTE STAMP OVER BOTTLE CORK. THE FOUR RICHEST MEN: (1) Duke of Westmin- ster, 80 millions; (2) Vanderbilt, 175 millions; (3) Roths- childs, 200 millions; (4) Mackey,275 millions. Income: One Dollar buys your choice from over 120 standard dollar cloth-bound books of travel, adventure, romance, history, fiction; "World's Cyclopedia," "Lives of our Presidents," "History of the Civil War," (both sides), all illustrated-and the 8 page, 48 column A 1, home weekly American Rural Home of Rochester, N. Y. Send for sample copy (free). Mention this pamphlet. Year... (i) $4,000,000 $7,500),000 (3) $10,000,000 $13,750,000 Month. 300,000 676,000 850,000 1,000,000 Day.... 10,000 15,000 25,000 36,000 Hour... 450 800 1.000 1,500 Minute. 7 18 20 25 (3FASK YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT "WARNER'S SAFE "WARNER'S SAFE YEAST" IS FULLY GUARANTEED. 23 THE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM. DRAWN UP DOUBLE. RHEUMATISM is the term applied to the pains and aches located in the joints and fibrous tissues, and muscular system. It is a true Blood disorder, with a tendency to inflammatory affections, and is greatly affected by the weather. There are two general divisions, the Acute and Chronic. Of the Acute form the following are the SYMPTOMS : Pain. ...Beat.. .Redness...Swelling in the Joints, generally the Knees, Ankles, Shoulder and Elbow, changing the point of attack capri- ciouslyFeverQuick pulse ....Bot, dry Skin. Coated Tongue ....Sour-smelling PerspirationDe- ranged StomachDark-colored Urine.,., Brick- Dust in water. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM is distinguished by pains, soreness and stiffness of the muscles, particularly of the back, and attacks old people generally. The joints be- come enlarged, there is general debility, but no fever exists as in the Acute form. Rheumatism is called " Lumbago " when in the back, " Gout " when in the joints of the feet, and when the Sciatic nerve of the groin is attacked, it is called " Sciatica." CAUSE : All forms are due to one cause-lactic and uric acid in the blood, produced by some derangement of the digestive organs, and the liver, which produces these acids faster than the kidneys are able to remove them. Sometimes it is hereditary, or comes from weak kidneys, or liver, though the attack is finally brought on by sudden checking of the perspiration, exposure to wet or cold, sitting in a cold draft, errors in diet, sup- pression of the monthlies, or any cause that checks the expulsion of the waste matter of the body. TREATMENT: "Warner's Safe Cure" has repeatedly cured many cases of Rheumatism, particularly that caused by uric acid alone. But "Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure" is a real specific that acts as a solvent of the Blood Acids, which is chiefly the primary cause of the pain and stiffness of the joints, drives it out of the system through the bowels, reduces swelling, allays pain and restores the functional activity of the digestive organs. Patients report excellent results who first, use a few bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" and follow with " Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure." Note what your friends say about "Warner's SAFE Rheumatic Cure." Given up as Incurable, Cured by Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure. ' Constantia, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1885,-Two years ago this next October my baby was born, and while convalescing I was taken suddenly with what my physician said was Chill Fever, accom- panied by the most Terrific Pain in the Head, depriving me of sleep and rest and driving me almost Crazy, for which I could find nothing that would give me relief. A short time after this I was attacked with a severe Nose-bleed, which relieved the pain in my head. The fever with which I was burning up continued, however, and Rheumatism developed in my hip, knees and feet, the latter soon swelling so badly that they would pit on pressure, the pain in my joints being simply unendur- able, and necessitating the use of large doses of Ano- dynes. In this condition, tortured with pain, obliged to lie on my back, and growing weaker and weaker, find- ing no relief, to complicate matters an Abscess formed on my Hip, which broke, discharging large quantities of matter. I was so bad with this intense Rheumatic pain, and emaciated and stiffened that I could not move hand or foot. My Legs were being gradually Drawn Out of Shape. I had no rest, and got so that nothing could be retained on my stomach, not even a teaspoonful of water. My Body was apparently Bloodless. I was re- duced to a Skeleton, and had to be Lifted very carefully from side to side of the bed, in order that it might be stirred up a little, and was so Weak and Famished that I had some kind of a fit or convulsion every time I was taken up. The doctor said Be could do Nothing More for me,-that I would Not live a Week, and at this time, though I knew nothing of it myself, all my people and the neighbors were Expecting my Death at any Time. We called another physician, who found he could not help me, but offered to visit me and prescribe for a week without charge if I would let him experi- ment 1 This I declined to do. This was in February, 1884, and such was my condition, when one of Warner's Pamphlets was sent into our house by a neighbor. My sister, who was taking care of me, reading it and finding what virtue there was in "Warner's Safe Remedies,'' persuaded me to take some of " Warner's Safe Cure." She sent and got a bottle, and began giving it to mo in teaspoonful doses, which Quieted my Stomach, and which I followed up until about one-half of the bottle had been taken. My sister then sent and got a bottle of "Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure," believing that to be the remedy my case re- quired. The first dose I took Eased the Pain, and that night I had the First Night's Sleep since Jt was taken sick. I kept on with the medicine gradually, and soon saw an Improvement in my condition. My pain became lessandless, the Bloating went down my stomach was, enabled to retain food, and I Mended rapidly. Finally, I was able to move myself in bed, then to being moved FREE TREATMENT BY MAUIn order to give patients by mail the most intelligent treat- ment, we have prepared a blank List of Questions for patients desiring treatment by mail, to fill out. By filling this out, long descriptive letters of your case are not necessary. Send for the "Treatment Blank." A NEGLECTED LAME BACK WILL END IN BRIGHT'S DISEASE. THE FREE TRADE AND TARIFF CONTROVERSY. According to the Census of 1880, 7,670,493 persons were engaged in Agricultural pursuits; 4,074,238 were in Pro- fessional and Personal services; 1,810,256 were in Trade and Transportation services; and 3,837,112 were in Man- ufactories, Mechanics and Mining: showing the occu- pation of 17,391,099 out of 53,000,000 people. Free Traders insist that the Agricultural class has been taxed by the tariff for the benefit of t he non-Agricultural classes of work people. The Protectionists admit this, but insist also that the diversity of employments rendered pos- sible only by the tariff, has made the country industri- ally great in all departments of trade, manufactures, etc., etc. Both sides have merit. !&- DON'T DELAY TREATMENT. DELAY IS DANGEROUS. JgFJ 24 USE "WARNER'S SAFE PILLS" WITH "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." around the room in a chair, and from that to crutches, for my right leg was still Drawn up and Could not be made to Touch the Floor. This finally straightened out, the abscess healed, and I began to walk, and Oh, how good it seemed to be on my feet again ! I continued to improve until I had entirely recovered, and now, thank heaven, it is an easy task for me to Walk (from my home to the village and back) a distance of Four miles, without Fatigue or Soreness. I had taken in all some nine or ten bottles of "Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure," and no other medicine. My cure is re- garded by myself and all my neighbors-among whom it has excited a great deal of attention-as nothing short of a miracle. Yours truly, John Dingman, of Constantia, N. Y., being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is personally acquaint- ed with Mrs. Elmira Carr, and the facts as stated by her in regard to her sickness and recovery are positively true of his own knowledge. JOHN F. DINGMAN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of Aug"r,A . "185. T. L. SWEET, Notary Public, Constantia, N. Y «aines A. Baker, Merchant and Postmaster, of Con- stantia, N. Y., being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is well acquainted with Mrs. Elmira Carr, that he sold her "Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure," which she took during her sickness, that he knows of her being seriously ill, and believes every statement which she makes in regard to her case, and the means by which she recovered. JAMES A. BAKER. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of August, 1885.. T. L. SWEET, Notary Public. THINK OF IT! A Hereditary Case Permanently Cured. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1884.-Impelled by gratitude for my own restored health, and being desirous that others who suffer may be equally benefited, is the sole reason of this voluntary statement. For Twentyfive Years I have been the Victim of Chronic Inflammatory Rheumatism, and have suffered Untold Agony from pain and weakness consequent upon that disease. The joints of my hands, wrists, feet and limbs swelled to Twice their Natural Size, my appetite was capricious, and I was much Reduced in Fleshy I was also very Nervous and suffered from a com- plication of diseases natural to my sex. For mauy years when at meals I have been obliged to use both hands in lifting my cup or plate, and in the hot season, when my malady was always aggravated, could wear shoes only with the greatest Discomfort. I felt so bad and became so discouraged that, had it not been for my husband and children, I would have gladly Given up the Unequal Struggle. Doctors did me no good, and my Stomach became so Weak it would not retain drugs; carriage rides as a tonic was all the medi- cine I was capable of taking. In July, 1883, when "Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure" was brought to my notice by a gentleman in whom I had entire confidence, I have taken a New Lease of Life. It agreed with me perfectly. I took two tablespoonfuls of the medicine twice a day in water immediately after meals; my stomach retained it and my Recovery was Mar- velous. Four bottles have Completely Cured Me. Since I began taking " Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure" I have Gained Forty Pounds in Weight. I have changed so in appearance that former acquaintances are puzzled as to my identity. I am now as Strong both iff hands and feet as the average woman, and do not tire with exertion. My present condition is all the more to be Won- dered at, as in my case rheumatism is an I nherited disease, and can be traced through several gener- ations as well as my own. I had renounced all hope of cure because of this and the many vain efforts which had been made by the most skillful physicians in my behalf. I can enthusiastically endorse "Warner's Safe Rheumatic Cure." East Avenue. In September, 1885, Mrs. Swift reported the cure as Permanent. IT DRIVES THE FIRE FROM THE BLOOD. San Francisco, Cal., 1028 Battery St., June 27, 1885.-Having been afflicted for the last three years with Inflammatory Rheumatism, I was advised by a friend to use "Warner's Safe Rheu- matic Cure," and I am thankful to state that after using two bottles of the above-named medicine, and one vial of "Warner's Safe Pills," I found myself Entirely Well, and have not been troubled with Rheumatism since (six months TO THE LADIES: We guarantee satisfaction If you use "Warner's Safe Yeast" as directed. Try it and be convinced. Warner's Safe Yeast Co. SIMPLE RULES FOR COMPUTING INTEREST. Four Per Cent.-Multiply the principal by the num- ber of days to run ; separate the right hand figure from the product and divide by 9. Five Per Cent.-Multiply by number of days and divide by 72. Six Per Cent.-Multiply by number of days; separate right hand figure, and divide by 6. Seven and Three-Tenths Per Cent.-Multiply by USE "SAFE YEAST" AND YOU'LL ALWAYS USE IT.Jgl number of days, and double the amount so obtained. On $100 the interest is just 2 cents per day. Eight Per Cent.-Multiply by number of days, and divide by 45. Nine Per Cent.-Multiply by number of days; sepa- rate right hand figure ana divide by 4. Ten Per Cent.-Multiply by number of days, and divide by 36. Twelve Per Cent.-Multiply by number of days; separate right hand figure, and divide by 3. THAT CHILD WITH "WARNER'S SAFE MILLIONS OF LIVES SAVED BY "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." 25 DIABETIC DISEASES. holding me to strict Diet which diminished the quantity of sugar and water. I was finally discharged as well, but I wish to say that when the doctors pronounced me Cured I was really Worse in body and mind than at any time since I had been under their care. I was weak, suffering, spiritless, and almost without hope, passing an immense quantity of water, nearly five quarts daily, of high specific gravity, and was gradually losing flesh. Much alarmed, I resorted to " Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure." At that time I had lost Forty pounds of flesh. I began at once to take the medicine as directed, and within a week recog- nized a slight improvement. This encouraged me to the most exact following of the directions, and now at the end of three months, I am Another Man. I have gained flesh, lost the pains that racked me, the discharge of urine has been regulated, the sugar has disappeared, I am im- proved in Strength and Spirits, moving about with ease, where formerly I could not get about at all. My fluids have resumed their natural charac- ter and appearance. The other day, when stepping into a street car at a crossing, I found Dr. within, who eyed me up and down in a surprised way, and then remarked: " Why, Senator, you are a well man 1 " " Well, I feel pretty well," I answered. " What did it?" he questioned. " Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure," I said. The doctor muttered an incredulous reply! I have met fifty friends who have expressed Aston- ishment at my continued Improvement, knowing as they did my protracted indisposition, and the great difficulty of a cure in this disease. Ex-U. S. Senator X y and Ex-Register of U. S. Treasury. XJ <5_aJ THERE are two forms of Diabetes. Of the first, or Sugar Diabetes, we have as quite uniform SYMPTOMS : Frequency of Urination.... Excessive quantity... .High specific Gravity... .Great Thirst.... Sponginess of the Gums....Dry Mouth.... Muscular Weakness.. .Progressive loss of Flesh.. .Frequent Erup- tions on the Skin....Chilly Sensations....Occasional Pain in the Small of the Back. CAUSE : Sugar Diabetes is constitutional, caused by Nervous Weakness, which produces disorders in the liver. The urine is of a light straw color and amounts to from 4 to 30 pints in 24 hours, with a sweetish taste and odor. Indigestion or some form of dyspepsia is nearly always present, with alternate constipation and diarrhoea. It is chronic and does not yield to the regu- lar professional remedies. The average duration, if un- checked, is from one to three years. Allowed to run its course, boils, carbuncles, blindness and blood-poisoning occur, which latter comes on at times like a shock. Diabetes Insipidus is known by the following SYMPTOMS : Excessive flow of Pale urine,.. Of Low Gravity... Without Sediment.. .Great Thirst... .Vora- cious Appetite.... Harsh Skin....Gradual Loss of Strength. CAUSE : it is allied to Sugar Diabetes, though its effect is paralysis of the muscular walls of the kidney vessels, which allows the water to pass through un- checked. Its cause is loss of nerve force, and it occasionally follows blows on the head, spine, sudden checking of perspiration, and excessive use of ice water. It is more common in children than in adults, and is often hereditary. Constipation is frequently present, and death usually results from affections occurring as a result of the disease in the system. TREATMENT: If you have either of the above diseases, use "Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure" as directed on the bottle, adhering rigidly to the diet rules. It is the only remedy that has ever cured this grave affection. Give it a full and fair trial. Do not use the "Safe Cure" for the Diabetes. "WHAT GREAT WONDERS IT HAS DONE." Norwich, Conn., Dec. 18, 1884.-Gentlemen, I owe my life to "Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure." When I eommenced to take "Warner's Safe Dia- betes Cure" I was passing Ten Quarts of urine a day, and fourteen per cent, of that was Sugar. In a short time the percentage was reduced to ten, and from that there was a Great Gain, and about six weeks ago, after I had taken seven dozen bottles, I had my urine analyzed, and the Physician pronounced it Free from all Sugar. So you can see what ~A great wonders it has / done for me. Laurel Hill. xZ?-/ U. S. SENATOR B. K. BRUCE Put Upon the Highway of Health and Hope. Washington, D. C., June 17, 1885.-Some two years ago I first underwent medical treatment for what I supposed was Malaria, but which my physician said was Sugar Diabetes, generally re- garded as Incurable. My trouble was aggravated, no doubt, by the mental work incident to my office of Register. I had Eminent physicians of this city, who did all they could for me. ®"F0R ASTHMA NOTHING EQUALS "SAFE ASTHMA CURE,".jg3 NUMBER OF YEARS SEEDS RETAIN VITALITY. Vegetables. Yean. Vegetables. Cucumber .... 8 to 10 Radish Ito 5 Melon 8 to 10 Beets 3 to 4 Pumpkin 8 to 10 Cress 3 to 4 Squash 8 to 10 Lettuce 3to 4 Broccoli 5 to 6 Mustard 3 to 4 Cauliflower 5 to 6 Okra 3to 4 Artichoke 5 to 6 Rhubarb 3to 4 Endive 5 to 6 Spinach 3to 4 Pea 5 to 6 Turnip 3to & Vegetable*. Yean. Vegetable!. Yeari. Asparagus 2 to 3 Pepper ..2 to 3 Beans 2 to 3 Tomato ...2 to 3 Carrots 2 to 3 Egg Plant ...1 to 2 Celery Corn (on cob).... 2 to 3 ....2to3 HERBS. Leek 2 to 3 Anise . 3 to 4 Onion 2 to 3 Caraway .2 Parsley 2 to 3 Summer Savory ... .1 to2 Parsnip 2 to 3 Sage ..2to3 ry VEGETABLE AND HARMLESS-" WARN ER'S SAFE YEAST." 26 DON'T POSTPONE TREATMENT,-IT MAY BE TOO LATE. HOW HE HAS SOLVED THE MYSTERY. TREATMENT: " Warner's Safe Nervine " has established itself as an indispensable specific. It contains no opiate or other injurious drugs, but produces its quieting effect by giving increased tone. It supplies the place of opium or other bale- ful narcotics and stimulants. "Warner's Safe Cure " should be used with it to remove the local congestion and strengthen the weakened secretory organs. Ask your Acquaintances about the Power of " Warner's SAFE Nervine." McMeekin, Fla., Nov. 22, 1884.-I have been a great sufferer for three years with a disease that noted doctors of this country did not under- stand, or if they did, they could not furnish any relief. I had almost given up to die, and as a last resort I tried a bottle of " Warner's Sake Cure." The first bottle did me a vast amount of good. But after the first bottle I could not see that I improved any, and I wrote to you stating my symptoms, and received in return a prescription advising me to omit the use of " Warner's Safe Cure," and take " Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure " instead, and after the use of two bottles of "War- ner's Safe Diabetes Cure" I am Well as Ever I was in my life, after suffering for three years Pain that could be exceeded by none but Death. I hada combination of diseases,-malaria, gastric fever, and diabetes, and to those suffering with like diseases I would say, don't hesitate for one moment to give "Warner's Safe Remedies" a trial- yS My former zi home is in Bain- CA bridge, Decatur I / Co., Ga. SCARLET FEVER AND MEASLES. BOTH these diseases are due to blood poisons run a definite course, and require good nursing. SCARLET FEVER ia particularly prone to cause disease of the Kidneys. About 60 per cent, of all eases make trouble with these organs, and as a rule the Kidneys are the most seriously affected in the mild attacks ot Scarlet Fever, when the eruption fails to come out. The poison produces inflammation of the kidneys, and dropsy of the ankles and face. The Uric acid is Retained in the Blood, convulsions occur, and acute Bright's Disease follows. This is very apt to occur during convalescence, from undue exposure when the skin is working off the poisonous matter. MEASLES, with its peculiar poison, more often attacks the Lungs, weakening them so that through convalescence and afterwards the child is very subject to cold, inflammatory affections, and consumption. TREATMENT: In both of these affections, keep the Kidneys in working order, by " War- ner's Safe Cure," so that Congestion may be avoided, the poison matter thrown out as fast as formed, and in the majority of cases a healthy and speedy recovery will take place. Keep the patient apart from other children, well covered, and in a large room, with plenty of fresh air, and give cooling drinks. The garments and bed- clothing should be disinfected, and the child Kept in Doors a Fortnight after recovery. Ask the Neighbors about "Warner's SAFE Cure." THE SECRET OF NERVOUS DISEASES. THE nervous system being so closely related to the organic functions, is the Motive Power of the life machinery. Its healthy condition is, therefore, absolutely essential to ensure a natural and harmonious working of our body. The word "Nervous," like Malaria, which is used to describe so many unidentified ailments, is purely an American phrase, and means almost Anything in which the Nervous system plays an Important part. SYMPTOMS: Irritable temper, Sleepless nights, languor, feeling of Heaviness, Headache, and Malaise....A marked symptom of nervous disorder is that the patient feels Worse in the Morning, get- ting Better as Night Approaches Fluids are Changed in Character.. .The Blood circulates Improp- erly, and is Thin and Watery. ...The Heart acts Irregu- larly ...Kidney Action is Impaired. Lowered Nervous action is soon felt by the Kid- neys ; the uric acid is not excreted, the albumen is allowed to pass out, and the poisonous matters are re- tained ; distant organs are irritated, local congestions ensue, and the disorder assumes a chronic type, result- ing in Bright's Disease, nervous dyspepsia, hysteria, etc. Indeed, an extremely nervous condition is one of the marked forerunners of Kidney disorders. HOW TO TAKE PILLS.-Place the pill or pills underneath the tongue, paying no further atten- tion to them. Take a mouth full of water and swallow as in drinking, and you will find that unconsciously you have swallowed the pills. In the act of drinking the tongue curves back upon itself and by the force of the current of water the pills are imperceptibly washed down. THE TITLE of "Warner's Safe Throatlne," $1.00 a box, has been changed to " Warner's Safe Asthma Cure," which will retail at 75c. a box. SAVE VALUABLE STOCK WITH "SAFE CURE FOR ANIMALS." TO CLEAN SMOKY LAMP CHIMNEYS. and taking your stick place the end containing the nails on the cloth and it will be seen that the stick acts as an arm and the nails as fingers to grasp the rag. Nowall that remains is to moisten the inside of the chimney with the breath and rub. repeating the breathing into the chimney often as necessary. I can clean as well and twice as quickly this way as by water or powders. Then lay your stick and rag away for another time. Try this, and with a little practice you will be delighted with the ease with which you can make a chimney sparkle." A correspondent says: "I have been night o perator on railroads for over twelve years, and know how to clean lamp-chimneys, and want to tell the 'wimmin folks' how to do it. Whittle out a stick la inch square, and, say, a foot long. In one end drive four or five small nails, brads or small tacks, letting them project *4 of an inch, then set your lamp chimneys for a moment where they may become as cool as possible: next take a piece of soft ray, fold or twist it into a bunch, place it in the chimney jy "SAFE RHEUMATIC CURE" IS THE ONLY RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC. .TRY "WARNER'S SAFE CURE FOR ANIMALS," ETC., ETC. 27 STOMACH DISORDERS. SICK HEAD-ACHE: Sick head-ache is usually pre- ceded and accompanied by the following symptoms, which generally begin in the morning on rising : SYMPTOMS: A sense of Depression. . Uneasi- ness... .Vertigo ... Dizziness.... Glimmering vision.... Chilliness.... Coldness of the hands and feet.... Tingling in the Arm or Tongue .. Loss of Appetite, Slimy taste in the mouth. PROGRESS; Then comes pain in the head, particu- larly In and over the eye-balls, and the patient takes to his bed, has the room darkened, dreads every disturb- ance, and is Extremely Sensitive to Noise and Light. His pupils are contracted, pulse is slow and labored. Extreme sickness at the stomach and vomiting of acrid, bilious matters, follow, the pain in the head -then being intense. WHAT IT IS : This disease is a Nervous affection, chiefly caused by a retention of Kidney acid In the blood, which, carried to the brain, produces congestion. TREATMENT: If a thorough course with "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Safe Pills" is taken, this trouble will be Prevented. They cleanse the blood, tone the Stomach, remove the acid irritants of the nerves, increase the secretion of bile, and cause it to pass into the bowels in the Natural way. "Warner's Safe Nervine," taken two hours after each meal, awakens the nervous system, which is always depressed at these times. Where the headache arises purely from Stomach derange- ments, "Warner's Tippecanoe, the Best" has been found by our patients an excellent remedy. Ask your Friends about the Power of'1 Warner's Tippecanoe, the Best," for the Stomach. DYSPEPSIA, or Indigestion, either func- tional or organic, is denoted by the presence of any of the following SYMPTOMS: Headache ...Feeling of weight in the Stomach... .Bloated condition after eating... Eruc- tation of Gas.. .Nausea...Vomiting of Food. .Water- brash.... Pain in the Stomach... .Heart-burn.... Bad taste in the Mouth in the Morning... .Palpitation of the Heart, due to Stomach Pressure. ...Cankered mouth .., Gas in the bowels.... Loss of flesh.... Fickle Appetite... .Depressed, irritable condition of Mind Lack of buoyancy and energyVertigoDizzi- nessEasily chilled....Constipation, as a rule. CAUSE : This disease is due in the majority of cases to Irregular habits, hastily-swallowed meals, nervous waste, and torpid action of the liver. It is also often Secondary to Kidney disease, as well as coincident with Liver troubles. TREATMENT : In all cases of dyspepsia a thor- ough constitutional course of " Warner's Safe Cure" places the kidneys and liver in the health- iest state. MAL-ASSIMILATION OF FOOD : The food may be digested by the stomach and pancreatic juices, but from some impaired action of the absorbent ducts, It is not taken into the blood, but passes out of the body, the patient Receiving no Nourishment from it. TREATMENT: "Warner's Tippecanoe, the Best," is specially adapted to such Dyspepsia and mal-assimilation. Its action is in harmony with the laws of nature. It increases the secre- tion of gastric juice, restores it to its Normal character, prevents Fermentation, promotes Assimilation, and gives Tone to the Stomach. "WARNER'S TIPPECANOE, THE BEST," not a new, untried article, is an old, well-known formula of German origin, and was used in this country first in the time of the Harrison family. It should be taken before meals, in from a tea to two tablespoonful doses, according to age and condition. Being composed of the Choicest Vegetable Extracts known, it exerts, under proper circumstances, a Beneficial Influence over Old or Young. CAUTIONS : Eat only at stated Intervals-never be- tween meals; never late at night, carefully selecting only such plain, nutritious food as personal experience has shown to be Easily Diges ted, not using fluids until after the meal, and then only in moderate quantities. Particularly avoid hot bread, biscuit, cake or pie. GOOD HEALTH AFTER SEVEN YEARS. Bellaire, Ohio, June 8,1885.-"Warner's Tip- pecanoe, The Best" and Dyspepsia Can't agree. I have been using "Warner's Tippecanoe, The Best" for eighteen months, and I have used about fifty bottles. I am now enjoying Good Health. I am within six pounds as heavy as ever I was. I was Sick for Seven years, and in that length of time no one knows what I had to suffer! Death would have been a welcome visitor, but now I am happy that I shall live. I will gladly Xi answer all X/ X / si * stamped / inquiries. iff - (Seal Bros., Merchant Tailors.) "'TIPPECANOE, The Best/ the Universal Favorite." DON'T FEAR TO USE "WARNER'S SAFE CURE" FOR CHILDREN. Copies of Warner's Great Painting, "Niagara Falls in Winter," in 33 Colors, 12 x 30 inches, (a four- color fac-simile of which is on the 4th page cover), can be had in connection with the Cosmopolitan (Literary Monthly), 44 Broadway, N.Y., one year for One Dollar, and with the American Rural Home, Rochester, N. Y., (Weekly,) one year for $1.50. It is a very famous picture, done by Peter Cameron, and is worth $30,000. WE will send copies direct (post-paid; for $1.00. SIZES OF BOXES FOR DIFFERENT MEASURES. Length. Width. Depth. Holds. 24 in. 16 in. 28 in 1 bbl. or 3 bu< 24 in. 16 in. 14 in. barrel. 16 in. 16 in. 8 2-5 in. 1 bushel. 16 in. 8 2-5 in. 8 in. bushel. 8 in. 8 2-5 in. 8 in. 1 peck. 8 in. 8 in. 4 1-5 in. 1 gallon. 7 in. 4 in. 4 1-5 in. gallon. 4 in. 4 in. 4 1-5 in. 1 quart. 48 in. 41 in. 32 in. 1 ton of coal. SAFE PILLS," THE BEST KNOWN LAXATIVE. 28 "WARNER'S SAFE ASTHMA CURE,"-THE KING OF ASTHMA CURES, AN EXAMPLE FOR SUFFERING WOMEN. Waterloo, N. Y., August 28th, 1884.-For several years past I have been troubled with a severe Stomach disorder. While not confined to my bed, yet at no time during that period have I enjoyed good health. My tongue was covered with a yellow coating, my taste was either bitter or sour, and my stomach burned at intervals as if it were being consumed. All kinds of food Distressed me. I tried various remedies and different physicians, but without Permanent relief. I became extremely Nervous, and the most trivial things easily excited me. My spirits were Depressed, and I was frequently seized with Melancholy. My eyes became sunken and my face Haggard. My complexion was sallow, my lips colorless, and my body greatly Emaciated. Toalleviate my sufferings I tried various kinds of dyspepsia cures, cordials and nervines, but without permanent relief. Finally a friend induced me to try "Whrner's Tippecanoe, The Best." The first few doses seemed to warm up my stomach and tone up my nervous system. Sleep took the place of rest- lessness, my appetite returned, and my taste became natural. Food ceased to distress me, I gained flesh rapidly, and have since enjoyed better Health than I had known before in Years* (fa $ READER, HAVEN'T YOU FELT JUST SO ? Buffalo, N. Y., April 26,1885.-For the past seven or eight years I have been a victim of Dyspepsia, in its apparently Worst form, and have suffered Untold Miseries that length of time from it, ofttimes confined to my bed, ruu down in flesh until I was a mere Skeleton, and unable to perform my duties. I have been doctored and doctored, and have taken nearly everything recommended for Stomach troubles without any benefit, and had little doubt but what I was suffering from some malignant disease of the Stomach. Life was indeed a Burden to me, and words cannot express the fractional part of what I endured. I was unable to take solid food, and even the most bland liquids hurt me after awhile, not even being able to retain water on my stomach. A lady friend recommended "Warner's Tip- pecanoe, The Best," which I used without any hope, and only, as I thought, as a Last Resort. By the time I had finished three bottles, my Pains had Vanished and I am now able to eat heartily, have gained twenty pounds in flesh, and feel Splendidly; my friends hardly recognize me. I cannot say too much for "Warner's Tip- pecanoe, z? | X? A TheBest> d (School teacher) 698 Prospect Ave. HOW IT SEEMS TO THE PHYSICIAN. Buffalo, N. Y., April 26, 1885.-I have used " Warner's Tippecanoe, The Best " extensively in my practice, and find it to be a remedy of Great Value, particularly in cases of innutrition due to indigestion. I heartily recommend its use as a general Tonic and Appetizer. [^"CAUTION.-Don't, we beg of you, Reader, postpone treating your case Promptly. If you feel Out of Sorts, don't let Disease geta Grip on your Constitution. Kidney disease Steals on you like an Indian, and Strikes when you donotKnow it. Treat Yourself with "Warner's SAFE Cure." ATTENTION, YOUNG MEN: A word to you from a Humanitarian standpoint. Unprincipled persons, through cunningly-devised advertise- ments, by debasing the meaning of perfectly natural and healthful symptoms, try to frighten you into the belief that you are the victim of weakening diseases, and habits or vices. Shun them I They are after y our money I Avoid them 1 If you think anything of this nature ails you, state your case frankly to your regular family Physician, or If you prefer, write us fully, by Mail, and our Medical Staff will give you an honest account and treatment of your condition, charging you only a nominal fee. MORE THAN THE DOCTORS COULD DO. Cleveland, O., May 6,1885.-My wife has been troubled with Chronic Dyspepsia for years, and has taken "Warner's Tippecanoe, The Best" with m ore benefit than from anything she has ever taken. I have spent $500 a year for doctoring, but gave the doctors all up, and "Warner's Tip- pecanoe, The Best" has done More than the Pro- fession could. 132 Superior St. 7 ©"HAVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLES? TRY "TIFFEC ANOE.'L® THE R ULES FOR FOR ETELLING THE WE A THER. 1. When the temperature falls suddenly there is a storm forming South of you. 2. When the temperature rises suddenly there is a storm North of you. 3. The wind always blows from a region of fair weather toward a region where a storm is forming. 4. Cirrus clouds always move from a region where a storm is in progress to a region of fair weather. Cirrus clouds have a thin, streaming look, sometimes appearing like hair or carded wool, and sometimes like a brush or broom. They are the highest clouds. 5. Cumulus clouds always move from a region of fair weather to a region where a storm is forming. Cumulus clouds appear in round, rolling masses, piled one above another, like mountains topped with snow. 6. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the North or Northeast, there will be rain inside of 24 hours, no matter how cold it is. 7. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the South or Southeast, there will be a cold rain storm on the morrow ; if it be winter there will be a snow storm. 8. The wind always blows in a circle around a storm, and when it blows from the North, the heaviest rain is East of you; if from the South it is West of you; if from the East, it is South of you; if from the West, it is North of you. , . - 9. The wind never blows unless rain or snow is falling within 1,000 miles of you. 10. Whenever heavy white frost occurs, a storm is forming within 1,000 North or Northeast of you. NO BOTTLE WITH PROMISSORY NOTE STAMP OR CORK BROKEN, FOR-NERVOUS COMPLAINTS TRY "WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE** 29 THE TERRIBLE ASTHMA. the so-called water cure, and then hot and vapor baths. Still the disease clung to me. I then began using the compound now known as " War- ner's Safe Asthma Cure," which always gave me instant relief. I could hardly believe it possible that after Expending over $10,000 in the Pursuit of Health, I found a remedy that Destroyed all Fear of Asthma, and, in fact, the Disease itself. To-day my friends and family all say I look at least ten years younger than when suffering from Asthma. 1 know I feel a decade of years younger. We, the undersigned, believe the statements herein made to be true, and also know Mr. Burbank to be one of our best known and most respected citizens, whose honor is unimpeaehable. Pres't M. B. Anderson, LL. D.; Pres't Augustus H. Strong, LL. D.; Gen. J. A. Reynolds and others. ASTHMA,Whooping Cough, Hay Fever, Influ- enza, Bronchitis and False Croup in chil- dren, are all diseases of the air passages, due to an irritation of the lining membranes of the air-tubes, often resulting from obscure Kid- ney disease. Asthma occurs at all periods of life, Is often Hereditary, and is Intermittent in ap- pearance. SYMPTOMS : Cough, tightness of Chest and Wheel- ing. When spasmodic it occurs in the Night, and the victim Awakens Suddenly with a sense of Choking, gasping for Breath, the extremities are Cold, and the face is Purple. He Grasps his Throat, as if to tear out the obstruction, Rushes to the Open Air, and when at last enabled to get breath, sinks down, Completely Exhausted. THE CAUSE is not definitely known. Diseased heart, rupture of the air-cells of the lungs, dropsy and ex- haustion follow rapidly, measurably shortening life. TREATMENT: "Warner's Safe Asthma Cure" is a scientific compound that demonstrated its power not only to relieve, but to radically Cure Asthma, before we placed it before the public. It should be Burned as directed on the box, and as the disease is very frequently secondary to disorders of the Kidneys, thorough Constitu- tional Treatment should be taken with "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills." Ask your Friends what they think of " Warner's SAFE Asthma Cure." ALL THE AGONIES OF PHYSICAL HEATH. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 10,1884.-I have been so afflicted at night that I have gone from one spasm into another, and it seemed as though I must die. I believe I have Suffered the Agonies of physical Death a Thousand times. I had to be extremely careful regarding my diet, never daring to eat but the lightest of food at supper, for fear of waking in a Spasm. This fear is enough to dis- may the strongest. I could not enjoy life, I sim- ply existed. Sometimes I would go for a month without a bad spell, and then again the disease seemed to have gained strength from its very weakness, and I would suffer from Paroxysms nearly every night. Some six years ago a friend recommended me to try a remedy now known as "Warner's Safe Asthma Cure". The first trial seemed to have no perceptible influence, but after that my Recovery was Rapid. I used altogether about six boxes of " Warner's S a fe A sthma Cure, ''anditCompletely Cured me of All traces of Catarrh and Asthma. I have not had a suspicion of a return of my old trouble in Two Years, and as in previous years I always suffered in August with Hay Fever, and the past two years escaped it entirely, I believe my Cure is Permanent. HOW HE FINISHED HIS WANDERINGS. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1884.-For over a quarter of a century I suffered from Asthma. Inheriting the seeds of Asthma, my business, (merchant miller,) had a tendency to aggravate it, and at times it would so prostrate me as to utterly unfit me for work of any kind. At these times, acting on the advice of my physician, I spent a season at Lake Superior. I derived no benefit. I then tried the White Mountains for two successive seasons, but not receiving the help expected, I went to Minneapolis, Minn., but I returned home as great a sufferer. Then I went to South Carolina, but it failed. I tried Brooklyn Heights, and after I found the change was of no benefit, I visited the coal and oil regions of Pennsylvania. I returned home broken both in health and spirits, and tried YOUR AILING- HUSBAND TO USE "SAFE CURE." TO FIND THE STORM CENTRE OF A HURRICANE. -C S g n ® > E. S.E. e. N-E o g ® "5 o E o S./ 5 o o S.E g 4= s.w. 8 ° a s w. If the Ni storm) squalls « ® fl <3 S »o rt if N.W. N. £ o N.E. THE DIRECTIONS THE CYCLONE WILL TAKE. I. If the wind is from the South and the barometer falls, the storm will pass over us. It will grow warmer and cloudier and may rain. II. If the wind is in the Southwest the storm will pass to the North of us. III. If the wind is to the Southeast the center of the storm will pass to the South of us. IV. If the wind is Northerly, the storm has already passed and the weather is going to be fairer. V. In general, standing with back to the wind, the storm centre is to the left and somewhat in front of us. -Copyright. Used by per. of the American Rural Home. If the Nimbus (black storm) clouds and squalls move The Centre of the storm will move towards the OF ALL NONSECRET AND SUBSTITUTE GOODS. 30 BEWARE OF ALL CHEAP, VILE SUBSTITUTIONS. CURATIVE EFFECTS GRAVEL : T. 0. Lewis, San Francisco, CaL, ill ten years, cured in '81; 1884, " cure permanent." Francis L. Dow, Taunton, Mass., cured in '82; 1884, "not seen a sick day since." Hon. N. A. Plympton, Worcester, Mass., cured in '80 ; 1884, " well ever since." FEMALE DISORDERS: Mrs. Carrie L. Wallis, Beverly, Mass., cured in '81; 1884, well. Mrs. 8. A. Clark, East Granby, Ct., cured in '81; November, '84, perfectly well. Mrs. C. F. B. Haskell, Vernon, Vt., cured in '83; 1884, " never seen the slightest return." DROPSY : Mrs. E. Heim, East St. Louis, Ill., cured in '82 ; 1884, enjoying the best of health. GENERAL DEBILITY AND MALARIA : HENRY T. B. Deacon, Goderich, Canada, given up in '82 by East Indian, London and Canada specialists ; cured by Safe Cure in '82; in '84 reported, "taken no medicine in over two years." A. Way, Navarino, N. Y., cured in '81; 1884, "health never better." ABDOMINAL TUMOR: R. H. McMichael, Emporia, Kansas; 1882, cured ; 1884, " cure permanent." DIABETES : D. M. Dewey, Rochester, N. Y., cured in 1882 and remains well. We Challenge an Equal Record from any Medicine, Hospital or Physician I Wrought by "Warner's SAFE Cure" are Permanent. TO establish this fact, we have written to many patients, cured six, five, four and three years ago, and not two per cent, of them reported any return of the disorders when once fully restored. Among them note these: BRIGHT'S DISEASE : Rev. James Waxham, La- porte, Ind., cured In '82; 1884, " health fully restored." Edwin Fay, Davenport, Iowa, cured In '81; 1884, " free from kidney disorder." Joseph Jacques, St. Albans, <Vt., cured in '79; Jan. 1st, 1885, "never enjoyed better health." Rev. A. J. Graham, Grand Island, Neb., cured in '82; 1884, "all local trouble disappeared." John L. Clark, M. D., Waterloo, N. Y., cured in '81; In 1884 " sound and well." Elder James S. Prescott, Cleveland, Ohio, cured in '79; October, 1884, perfectly well. B. F. Larrabee, Boston, Mass., cured in '79 when given up by the doctors; 1885, no return of the dis- order. KIDNEY DISEASES : L. Dow, Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass., cure effected in 1882, permanent. James M. Davis, 330 South Pearl St., Albany ; cured in '81; "had no trouble since." (AND RHEUMATISM): N. B. Smiley, Bradford, Pa., given up by physicians, cured In '82; 1885, cure reported permanent. Ex-Gov. R. T. Jacob, Westport Ky., cured in '82; 1884, "never better." LIVER DISEASE AND MALARIA : Mrs. G. W. Hamilton, Milton, Fla., permanently cured in 1881. C. H. Oberbeck, St. Louis, Mo., cured in '82; 1884, "never better." (BLACKJAUNDICE)-DavidTooke, Colum- bus, Tex., cured in '80; 1884, "health excellent." (GALL STONES)-Rev. S. P. Smith, Marblehead, Mass., cured in '82 ; 1884, " no trouble since." DYSPEPSIA: S. A. Johnston, Lockington, Ohio, suffered thirty years, cured in '81; 1884, "my health is good." S. A. Gettys, Chillicothe, O., cured in '82; 1884, reported the cure permanent. BLADDER INFLAMMATION : Robert GRAHAM, 77 Penn St., Brooklyn, cured in '82, " have used no medicine since," Rev. James Erwin, West Eaton, N. Y., in '84 wrote, "relief obtained two years ago proved permanent." G. W. Fulton, Fulton, Tex., "had no symptoms of disorder since cured in 1881." CONSTIPATION.-In a healthy condition of the liver, Constipation is unknown. It may, therefore, be taken for granted that if there be persistent Constipation there is a con- stitutional disorder somewhere, either in the Bowels themselves, or in the Liver, which sup- plies the Cathartic Element. Powerful mineral cathartics do not correct the fault, they simply goad thebowels into Temporary Activity, only to leave them in a Worse Condition. The real philo- sophical method is to restore the Liver to its normal condition and then the Natural Cathartic element will be supplied and the difficulty will be fully cured. If our patients who are afflicted with this disorder-more common among Women than Men-will use "Warner's Safe Cure" freely, and " Warner's Safe Pills " (a Mild vegetable aperient) so as to secure at least one action a day, this obstinate disorder, and with it piles, fistulas, hemorrhoids and all similar evils, will disappear. ADVISE YOUR FEEBLE WIFE TO TRY "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICES FOR TWELVE YEARS PAST, ON A CURRENCY BASIS. 1885. 1884. 1883. 1882. 1881. 1880. 1879. 1878. 1877. 1876. 1875. 1874. 1873. Spring wheat, bush Corn, bushel Oats, bushel $ .87% .47 $ .83 .51% $ 1.01% .53% $1.14% •67% $1.14% .49% $ 1.05% .37% $ .99 .35% $ 1.2036 •44% $ 1.03 .4436 $1.02% 81.08% .65 $1.1736 .37 •26% .29% .34% •43% .37% .29% .27 .31% .3136 .47 .46 .28% Rye, bushel .58% .57% .59% .71 1.00 .77 .55 50% .66% .63% .6936 8S36 86 .66 Barley, bushel .70 * • 62% .70 .72 ■S4% •71% .61 •58% .66 1.26 1.84 94% Flaxseed, bushel.. 1.23% 2.50 1.35 1 26 1.27 1.32 1.30 1.26 1.45 1.3436 1.70 1.62 .70 Butter, pound .... .14 .20 .30 .33 .30 .28 .28 .20 .25 .26 .28 .28 1.2736 Cheese, pound.... .09 .13 .11 .11 .12 .12 .11% .1336 • 15% .14 .12 Lard, pound .07% .09% •11% •10% .06% •09% • 11% .13% 18.25 .08 Short ribs .05% .08% 17.50 .08% -11% 19.37% •04% .05 .09% • 10% 20.25 08 Pork, barrel .05 15.12% 13.25 9.75 8.87% 13.62% 18.75 15.25 Hogs .05% .06 .07% .06 .05 •04% •04% .03 • 04% .0636 .0436 .03% .1236 .07 .06 0436 ■05% Cattle .05% .08% •09% •05% .06% .05% .04% •13% •04% .04 .05™ .05% •04% .13 .05% Sheep •03% .09 ■04% •10% -04% .04 • 0436 .17 Muslin, bleached.. .11% •12% .13% .10 .12 Prints, yard •05% .06% .06 .06% .07 .07 111 LA .06 .07 .0736 • 10% .23 .09 .11% • 1136 .2436 11.50 Sugar, A .06% .11 .08% .09% .09% .15 .09% • 09% .11% .2336 .10% .24 Coffee, Rio .11 ~ .10' " .17% .17™ .21 Coal, hard, ton.... 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.75 8.50 6.62% 6.25 6.62% 7.75" 9.50 9.50 Pig-iron, ton 20.00 21.00 24.50 28.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 21.50 20.50 26.00 40.00 42.00 55.00 Lumber, M 9.00 10.12% 1.00 11.87% 1.00 13.50 12.75 10.37% 1.00 9.37% 1.00 8.87% 1.01 9.12% 1.05 7.75 7.6236 1.15 9.50 8.50 Gold 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11% 1.1136 1 14 SAFE CURE FOR ANIMALS" IS A 1. DON'T PATRONIZE ANY CHEAP SUBSTITUTIONS OF ANY NAME. 31 "WARNER'S SAFE CURE FOR ANIMALS." TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN CURED. TIE majority of human disorders come from derangement of the Kidneys and Liver. The same is true of the Animal creation. "Warner's Safe Cure for Animals" is especially prepared for Animals, Swine, Poultry, etc., and is put up in a three-pint bottle, which sells for $1.25. Many obstinate diseases of Animals would dis- appear if the Kidneys and Liver were In natural working order. Satisfaction is guaranteed if "Warner's Safe Cure for Animals" is given according to directions. Try it I FOR ALL Kidney and Liver Diseases, LOSS of Appe- tite, Indigestion, Constipation, Rheumatism, Lameness, Chills, Fever, Anemia (deficient or bad bKod), General Debility, Distemper, Mange, Influenza, Epizootic, Farcy (Scrofula), Founder, Calculus, Jaundice, Cancer, Heaves, Pleurisy, Hide Bound, Wind Broken, Itch, Ulcers, Bladder Disease, Dropsy, Retention of Water, Strangury (Bloody Urine), Red Water, Yellow Water, Bull Hurt, Heart Disease, Pleuro Pneumonia, Wheezing, Wens, Loss of Cud, Worms, Black Water, Quarter Evil, Felon, Staggers, String Halt, Stone in the Bladder, Bronchitis, Milk Fever, Milk Trembles, Cramp in Legs, Cribbing, Scab, Hollow Horn, Foul Noses, Rot, Trichinae, Con- sumption, Hog Cholera, Hoven, Ring Worm, Roup (Pip), Bladder Diseases, Murrain, Abortion in Cows, etc., etc. "Warner's Safe Cure for Animals" must be used Only for Animals, Swine, Poultry, etc. Don't let valuable stock die when it can readily be saved by "Warner's Safe Cure for Animals." The most interesting words a Doctor can hear are : " Well, Doctor, I am Well, and I owe you a Thousand Thanks for what you have done for me." In the past decade, we have the Best of Evi- dence for believing, Thousands of Persons have been Cured by "Warner's SAFE Remedies," who otherwise would to-day be in their Graves. The most interesting Letters we receive are from those whom we have Cured. We never tire of reading them. Indeed, who can be more interested in reading the minutest particulars of our Patients than we ? You tell your Friends, your Neighbors, at home and afar off, but do not forget that None can be more interested in the recital than We. At all times such Letters are prized by us, and in many, many instances we are able by referring others, who are skeptical, to what you say, to persuade them to give up their Prejudice, use "Warner's SAFE Remedies," and get Well. So, dear Patients, don't forget that no one on earth is more Anxious to read the Interesting Recital of the Facts of your Ailments and Cure, and none are more entitled to know the same than we who never lose interest in your welfare and in the good of Humanity. IMPOTENCY and general Loss of Power before Old Age, is generally caused by Mental, Business and other Physical Overwork, and is especially hastened by Bladder diseases, Catarrh, Suppur- ation, Abscesses, Venereal diseases, etc. Kidney diseases produce unhealthy water, which irritates the bladder, destroying in a large measure the virile power. Many of those who have passed the prime of life, report what they regard as wonderful results from the use of "Warner's Safe Cure" and "Warner's Safe Pills" for this condition. -Don't, we beg of you, Reader, postpone treating your case Promptly. If you feel out of sorts, don't let disease get a Grip on your Constitution. Kidney disease Steals on you like an Indian, and Strikes whenyouido not Know it. Take yourcase in hand at Once. Thedoctors cannot cure you-this they Admit. Treat Your- self with " Warner's SAFE Cure," and Live I FATHERSAND MOTHERS: As you value the Physical, Moral and Spiritual welfare of your Sous and Daughters, tell them "what the]/ ought to know" concerning those duties to liicmselres and to others, which they do not understand, and, unless you tell them, cannot find out except from depraved and demoralizing persons or literature I Secret uncleanliness and self-excitement do in- finite injury to health. It is the parent's solemn duty to instruct the child. If he cannot do it, then let him hire a Physician to do it for him! Marblehead, Mass., Dec. 15,1884.-About two years ago my little son, two years of age, was suffering from Diphtheria poison. He was very low, but in two days from the time of first giv- ing "Warner's Safe Cure " he was decidedly bet- ter. I only gave him one bottle. He has Never been Sick since, and is to-day as strong and well as a child can be. We owe his life to you. E. M. Beals. CONSCIENTIOUS PHYSICIANS ARE PRESCRIBING- SAFE CURE. " Warner's SAFE Yeast," One Year's Supply, Monthly, for $1.20 in 2c. stamps. Read bottom of Pages 1 and 17. FEMALE COMPLAINTS YIELD TO "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." IMITATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS. WE should consider that we neglected a Duty if we did not again Warn our Readers of the Risk run by patronizing Unscrupulous Dealers, of whom, we regret to say, there are many in this country. Leaving entirely out of the question the utter Lack of Principle of those who would Dishonestly reap the reward of another's Labor and Enterprise, we fail to find words properly to characterize those who, in order to add to their gains, Risk the Welfare of the Public ! Such personswill offer you a Preparation, saying, " It is just as good as Warner's," and the package will probably have upon it a card stating that it was put up by the seller himself! Do not be deceived I All such stuff is made by two or three Unscrupulous and Irresponsible houses mostly under the name of " Non-Secret " remedies, who try to imitate the smell and taste of our Preparation as closely as possible, but who do not know the Ingredients that are used in it. They also imitate the style of our Package, as nearly as the law allows, in some cases very closely, but all can easily be Detected by exercising a little care. The Dealer who is trying to humbug you does not know what his "Nostrum" is made of, as he purchases it of Unscrupulous Parties, who have Nothing whatever at stake. The Prescription on the Label is Fictitious! By what right can the Dealer Guarantee it, and, under such circumstances, what is his Guaranty worth ? Vie do not say that the Makers will put anything into it that will kill you on the spot; but the stuff will undoubtedly hurt you I Be on your Guard I Even our Empty Bottles have been filled with some Dirty Mixture and sold as our Medicine. If the Promissory Note Stamp pasted over the Cork and Neck of the Bottle, is Broken (seepage II cover) or shows any signs of having been Tampered with, refuse to receive the Medicine offered you, kindly Notify us at once, and go to some Honest Dealer, who regards the Public Health of at least equal importance to his own pocket. The Question that naturally arises is: Why do Dealers handle such Stuff and throw away their Reputation ? Because they can make three times as much Profit on each Bottle of it as they make on ours. Their Stuff costs but a few Cents a Gallon. Do you want to take such a Compound as that? Our Medicines are made with Good, Pure, Unadulterated Herbs, and according to Scientific Principles, and have Proved their Worth in Tens of Thousands of Cases from one end of the World to the other. Do not put yourself on a Level with such people by patronizing them I SAFE Remedies" Perfectly Safe to UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, Chemical Laboratory. Nr, H. H. Warner has placed in my possession the formulae of the several Medicines manufactured and sold under the general designation of " Warner's SAFE Remedies." I have investigated the processes of manufacture, which are conducted with extreme care and according to the best methods. I have taken from the Laboratory samples of all the articles used in the preparation of these Medicines, as well as the several Medicines into which they enter. I have also purchased from different Druggists in this City, "Warner's SAFE Remedies," and upon critical examination I FIND THEM ALL ENTIRELY FREE FROM MERCURY and FROM POISONOUS and DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCES. Rochester, N.Y., July 1, 1883. Ph. D., LL. D. Analyst of Foods and Medicines New York State Board of Health. Professor of Chemistry. University of Rochester. HTFIVE TTTOTTHA1VD DOIjIjARH REWAFLD To any person who will Prove, to an Impartial Referee, that any Testimonial used by us, is not, so far as we know, bona fide, vt will give Five Thousand Dollars (S5,000.) Rochester, N.Y., July 1, 1883. above Reward is a Standing One, and No one has yet put in a Successful CI»,?m far It. 39 t?r LADIES, READ PAQES 16 AND 17. THIS CUT IS A TWO-THIRDS Fac-Simile view of "Warner's SAFE Cure" Wrapper. I Hack ground. Wh.te letters. Compare this with your purchases. Wrappers of "Warner's SAFE Rheumatic Cure," SAFE Diabetes Cure, and SAFE Nervine are like this, differing only in reading matter and titles. TIPPECANOE has no Wrapper. SAFE Pills and SAFE Asthma Cure are put up in White wrappers with Black letters. wnen you purchase "Warner's SAFE Cure" or other liquid SAFE Remedies, reject any offered you which does not have over the Cork a PERFECT PRIVATE STAMP, bearing the firm's Fac-Simile Signature, and a Promissory Note of .01c. No Dealer is authorized, under any circumstances, to remove this Stamp, to sell the Remedies without it, or to repurchase old boxes, wrappers or bottles I If any offer to do so, please report the case to us for investigation. All Labels bear a "SAFE" and the firm's Fac-Simile Signature. Beware of Imposition. Take no worthless •* non secret " imitations, and cheap substitutions under any circumstances- TWO-THIRDS FAC-SIMILE. White Letters on Black background. Look for Perfect Private Stamp over the Cork, Always. Wrappers of "SAFE Diabetes Cure," ''SAFE Nervine" (large and and SAFE Rheumatic Cure " are like the Above, differing only in reading matter.