TJUUL. GKT71 •— '^CbiViit/V/ ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION B YL^WS ur int. uffalo General lospttal. ORGANISED DECEMBER, I 855, BUFFALO: THOMAS & LATHROPS' STEAM PRESS 1856. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION BY-L^WS nffato ieneral Hospital ORGANIZED DECEMBER, 1855. ^C60Fls& A"v ^^^v^iv BUFFALO: THOMAS & LATHROPS' STEAM PRESS. 1856. OFFICERS %\t §uffal0 <6mral jfaspttal FOR THE -5TE-A.R, 1856. CHARLES E. CLARKE,..............President. ANDREW J. RICH,.............Vice President. R. L. BURROWS,...................Secretary. GEORGE S. HAZARD,..............Treasurer. TRTTSTEES: GEORGE S. HAZARD, CHARLES E. CLARKE, ANDREW J. RICH, BRONSON C. RUMSEY, ROSWELL L. BURROWS, WILLIAM T. WARDWELL, PETER CURTIS, GEORGE HOWARD, JOEL WHEELER. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OP %\t Buffalo dmral |]asjrtfaL Stat* fff gjeto prUss: ERft COUNTY, J We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby, in pursuance of the Act of the Legislature of the State of the State of New York in respect to the incorporation of benevolent, charitable, scientific and missionary societies, certify : That we have associated, and do hereby associate, for the purpose and object of establishing and maintaining a Public Hospital in the City of Buffalo, in the County of Erie, and State of New York, under the name of The Buffalo General Hospital. That the association or society hereby formed, be known in law by the name and title of " The Buffalo General Hospital." That the particular business, object, and purpose of said society, shall be to establish and maintain a Public Hospital in the said City of Buffalo. That the affairs, concerns, and business of the said society shall be managed and conducted by nine Trustees. That the persons hereinafter named shall constitute the first Board of Trustees for the management of said Hospital, viz: George S. Hazard, Charles E. Clarke, Andrew J. Rich, Bronson C. Rumsey, Roswell L. Burrows, William T. Wardwell, Peter Curtis, George Howard, and Joel Wheeler. Witness our hands, at the City of Buffalo, in the County of Erie aforesaid, this twenty-first day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. [Certificate filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, Dec. 12th, 1855; and in the Clerk's Office of Erie County, Dec. 13th, 1855.] BY-LAWS GOVERNMENT AND REGULATION nffak §t\\txnl JJospiial ADOPTED DECEMBEB 7, 1855. ARTICLE I. objects of the association. The Buffalo General Hospital, is designed as a general charity, to afford gratuitous medical and surgical relief to indio-ent persons. Paying patients may also be received, under regulations pre- scribed by the Board of Trustees, ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIPS. Section I.—Any citizen of the United States, and of the State of New York, may become a member of this Association, in either of the forms, and upon the terms hereinafter prescribed, upon a written application to the Board of Trustess, and the approval of the said Board. Annual Members, upon the payment yearly of five dollars. Life Members, upon the payment of one hundred dollars in any one year. 6 BY-LAWS of the Annual Beneficiary Members, upon the payment yearly of fifty dollars: with the privilege of sending" to be treated at the Hos- pital one patient at a time, during the year in which the payment is made. Life Beneficiary Members, upon the payment of five hundred dollars within any one year, with the privilege of sending to be treated at the Hospital one patient at a time, during the continu- ance of the membership. Memberships shall not be transferable. Section II.—There shall be an annual meeting of the mem- bers of the Association, on the second Wednesday in January, of each and every year; for the purpose of hearing the report of the Trustees, together with the returns of the Inspectors of Election, and for transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. Section III.— For any special meeting of the Association, at least five days notice shall be given, in at least two of the daily newspapers published in the city of Buffalo. ARTICLE III. management op the hospital. The affairs of the said Hospital shall be managed and conducted by a Board of Trustees, as specified in the act of incorporation, to consist of nine in number, a majority of whom shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE IY. election op trustees. The first election of Trustees under these By-Laws shall be held on the second Wednesday in January, 1857; and annually there- after, the election shall be held on the same day of each and every successive year, at such place and hour as may be designated by buffalo general hospital. 1 the Board of Trustees, of which time and place, at least five days public notice shall be given by the Secretary, in at least two of the newspapers published in the city of Buffalo. The said elections shall be conducted by three Inspectors, to be appointed by the Trustees. The Inspectors shall proceed to count the ballots as soon as the poll is closed, and shall openly declare the result of the canvass; and shall deliver a certificate of the same to the Secretary, to be by him presented to the members of the Association at their annual meeting. ARTICLE V. THE DUTIES OF TRUSTEES. Section I.—At the first meeting of the Trustees, after their election, they shall elect, or appoint, from among their number a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Committees may also be appointed, from among members of the Association, when the interests of the Hospital may be advanced thereby. Section II.—The Board of Trustees shall meet, for the transac- tion of business, monthly. They shall annually prepare and present to the Association, a detailed report of all their proceedings, including a statement of the finances from the Treasurer. Section III.—In case of a vacancy in the Board of Trustees occurring from death, or resignation, the Trustees, at their next meeting, shall elect, from the Association, a member to fill the va- cancy. Section IV.—The Trustees shall annually elect, or appoint, two surgeons, and two consulting surgeons; and two physicians, and two consultino- physicians; who shall receive commissions under the seal of the Association, and shall be the Medical and Surgical Staff durino- the period of their appointment. Vacancies occuring du- ring the year shall be filled by the Board, by appointments, for the balance of the term. 8 by-laws of the Section V.—The Board of Trustees shall also appoint a war- den, a matron, and an apothecary. ARTICLE VI. THE DUTIES OP OFFICERS. Section I.—The President shall preside, at all meetings of the Association, and of the Board of Trustees; maintain order and de- corum ; and be governed by the usual parliamentary observances. He shall appoint all committees, unless otherwise specified by re- solution. Section II.—The President, or Vice President in case of his absence from the city, may call meetings of the Association or Board of Trustees, whenever he may deem necessary. He shall also call a meeting of the Trustees upon the written request of three members; and of the Association, upon the written request of ten members. Section III.—In the absence of the President, the Vice Presi- dent shall preside, and exercise the powers of the President. In the absence of both these officers, a President pro-tempore shall be appointed at any meeting. Section IV.—The Secretary shall record and preserve the min- utes and proceedings of all meetings; have the care of all the pa- pers of the Association; conduct the correspondence; attest under his hand and the seal of the corporation, all documents requiring the same; preserve a correct list of the members of the Associa- tion; and perform such other duties as usually appertain to his office, or may be assigned to him; and at the expiration of his term of office, deliver over to his successor in office, all books and and papers, the property of the Association. Section V.—The Treasurer shall receive, hold, and disburse all of the funds of Association. He shall also have the custody of all evidences of indebtedness to, and valuable papers of the Asso- ciation. buffalo general hospital. 9 The Treasurer shall pay out no monies, except by order of the Board of Trustees; in such manner and upon such form of draft as they may prescribe; and Ms books and accounts shall at all times be open to their inspection. Section VI.—The Treasurer and Warden shall each before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, give security for the faithful performance of the same, in such amounts as the Trustees may require. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OP THE WARDEN. Section I.—The Warden shall reside in the Hospital, and be the steward; and have the general charge thereof, and of all the prem- ises; and shall see that the regulations and directions of the Trustees are carried into effect. Section II.—He shall keep, in books provided for that purpose, a regular account of all monies received and disbursed by him on behalf of the Hospital; and also a record of all such contracts as he may have been authorized to make; which books, with the vouchers shall be laid before the Trustees at their meetings. Section III.—All monies coming into his hands, ho shall de- posito with the Treasurer, to be by him placed to the credit of the Hospital. Section IV.— He shall purchase, under the direction of the Trustees, the fuel, provisions, medicines, and all other stores for the use of the Hospital. He shall use every care to preserve all such articles from wasteful use, or theft. Section V.—He shall visit every ward at least once a day, and oftener if necessary. Section VI.—He shall have power to hire and dismiss all nur- ses and servants employed in or about the Hospital, subject to such orders and rules as the Trustees may prescribe. No subordinate 10 BY-LAWS OF THE shall leave the house without his permission; and it shall be his duty to discharge all those guilty of profanity, drunkenness, or other gross misconduct. He shall report his proceedings on all these subjects to the Trustees forthwith. Section VII.—The Warden shall register all patients upon their admission, recording the name, age, nativity, habits and disease of the person. Upon the discharge of the patient, he shall also record the fact, mentioning the case as cured, relieved, incurable, eloped, disorderly, or as the case may be. In the case of the decease of any patient, a special record shall be made of the name, &c, of the deceased. Suitable registers or record books, for the above statistics, shall be provided by the Trustees, and an abstract of the same shall be laid before the Board, from time to time as they may require. Section VIII.—The Warden shall permit no patient to go out of the house without his permission. Section IX.—The Warden shall offer to receive for safe keeping money or other valuables belonging to patients admitted to the Hospital; and in case of a patient dying, leaving money, clothing, or other articles of value, he shall report the same to the Trustees, for them to assume the disposition of the property. Section X.—If patients desire spiritual advice, the Warden shall, if practicable, invite the person preferred to attend, and shall see that decorum is observed while such person is present. Section XL—The Warden shall keep the accounts, make out and collect the bills against paying patients treated in the Hos- pital. He shall report to the Trustees any and all frauds practiced by charity patients, or by those who may be chargeable upon some other fund. Section XII."—He shall present annually to the Trustees a report, embracing such details and statistics in reference to the BUFFALO GENERAL HOSPITAL. 11 management, number of patients treated, results, expenses,