' REGULATIONS OF THE Infirmary of Trinity Parish, J\[ EW-y ORK. 1 8 74. JOHN W. AMERMAN, PRINTER, Weto-yotft t No. 47 Cedar Street. 1874. CONSULTING PHYSICIANS. Dk. WM. M. POLK, 288 Fifth Avenue. Dr. WM. H. DRAPER, 4 East 37th Street. ATTENDING PHYSICIANS. Dr. GEORGE H. HUMPHREYS, 18 West 10th Street, Dr. HORATIO BRIDGE, 42 West 23d Street. Dr. CARLOS P. TUCKER, 43 West 26th Street. Dr. JOHN G. CURTIS, 35 West 33d Street. VISITING PHYSICIAN. Dr. 6HBO. H'. MITCHELL, *407 111-took Street. OPTHALIiIC SURGEON. Dr. RICHARD H. DERBY, 111 East 25th Street. ®nnit>j |»ftoman) RULES AND REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE VESTRY OF TRINITY CHURCH IN CHARGE OF THE INFIRMARY, MAY 28, 1874. 1. This Infirmary is intended for the sick poor belong- ing to Trinity Parish, in the City of New-York. 2. Whenever there is room, the Rector may, in his discretion, extend its benefits to the sick poor of free or Mission Churches of the City outside this Parish, 3. Application for admittance must be made to the Rector, or to some person deputed by him to act in his place, and the applicant, if not personally known to him, must be recommended by one of the Assistant Ministers or other Clergy of the Parish. 4. No person will be admitted without a certificate from the Visiting Physician, or other physician duly quali- fied to act, that the case comes within the rules; except in cases of extreme urgency, provided for in Rule No. 20. 5. No contagious, obstetric or chronic case shall be admitted. 6. The Sister in charge shall be known as the Superin- tendent, and shall be appointed by the Committee, and hold office during its pleasure. V. The Committee on the Infirmary shall hold stated monthly meetings at the Infirmary, and shall, from time to time, inspect its condition, and that of the sick therein. 8. At each stated meeting of the Committee, the Superintendent will present a statement in detail of the current expenses of the Infirmary for the preceding month, together with vouchers for the same. 9. The Superintendent shall also, at each stated meet- ing, report in writing the names of all patients admitted since the last meeting, their ages and diseases, their na- tionality and occupation, and the results of their treat- ment. Such reports shall be registered in a book to be kept at the Vestry office, and entitled the “Record of the Infirmary.” 10. Patients must strictly conform to such regulations as may, from time to time, be established by the proper authority, and to the directions of the Superintendent or the Medical officers. On failure to do so, they may, by order of the Rector or of the Committee, be removed from the Infirmary. 11. Visits to patients by their friends shall be allowed only on days and at hours to be specified by the Super- intendent ; and the Superintendent may terminate such visits whenever she shall deem it expedient. 12. Articles of food, delicacies, and the like, brought to patients by visitors, must be left with the Superin- tendent, and issued only by her or by an Attending Phy- sician. Visitors violating this rule will not be re-ad- mitted. 13. Convalescents must leave the Infirmary whenever the Attending Physician pronounces it safe, or whenever directed to do so by the Superintendent. 14. The religious services shall be as ordered by the Rector, and no Clergyman, other than those of this Par- ish, shall hold any services within the Infirmary, unless authorized to do so by the Rector. 15. Every patient entering the Infirmary shall be noti- fied by the Superintendent of such of these regulations as refer to the conduct of patients and their visitors. 16. The Committee shall appoint the physicians, and fix their number. 17. The Attending Physicians and the Visiting Phy- sician shall constitute the Medical Board, and may make such rules for their own government as are not inconsist- ent with those of this Committee. 18. In case of a vacancy in the Medical Board, they may nominate to the Committee suitable persons for ap- pointment. 19. There shall be a Committee of Inspection ap- pointed from among its members by the Medical Board. Such Committee shall, at least once a fortnight, inspect the Infirmary building, examine into the condition of the wards, water-closets and bath-rooms, the quality of the food and medicines issued to patients, and the capa- city and conduct of the nurses. It shall report from time to time to this Committee. 20. Exceptional cases of extreme urgency may be admitted by the Superintendent without an order from the Rector; but any such admission shall be forthwith reported to him or his deputy for the time being, and be subject to his approval. 21. Convalescent patients are expected and required to share in the labor incident to the management of the Institution.