BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS. MECKLENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA. HEALTH PRIMER GOUTY OR URIC-ACID DIATHESIS, INFLAMMATIONS OF THE BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, BRIGHT’S DISEASE, DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AFFEC- TIONS PECULIAR TO WOMEN, MALARIAL POISONING, &c. THIS WATER AS A TABLE WATER. Testimonials of Well-Known Medical Experts. Statements of Hon. Roscoe Conkling, of New York, and of Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia. THOMAS F. GOODE, Proprietor Post-Office Address : BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. BA LT lM OEE: PRINTED B? KING BROTHERS, 1® West Baltimore Street. 1881. THESE WATERS AT THE SPRINGS. These Waters, fresh from the Springs, are without taste or odor to distirguish them from ordinary drinking water. €5 J3k X3T I? $ Cl JSff 1 Since these Waters have attained so great celebrity, a number of waters have been placed upon the market, claiming to be Lithia Water, and to be in all respects similar to these. The proprietors of some of the waters referred to are, by very artful means, endeavoring to mislead the public so far as to induce the purchase of their waters under the impression that they are the waters of the Buffalo Lithia Springv, of Mecklenburg County, Virginia. There are manufactured waters upon the market, claiming to be the waters of these Springs, and there is reason to believe that bottles, bearing the trade mark of the proprietor, are sometimes bought up, refilled with the common drinking water of the country, and sold for these waters. Every bottle, however, of the genuine Buffalo Lithia Water, will be found to have the trade mark above given, but the surest guarantee for getting the genuine article is to buy only from well-known parties. BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. Location. This watering place is five hundred feet above the level of the sea, and twelve miles from the Scottsburg depot on the Richmond and Danville Railroad. The springs are three in number, known as Nos. 1, 2 and 3. That all these springs possess remarkable remedial virtues is a well established medical fact. Spring No. 2, however, is that now attracting so large a share of attention, both of the medical profession and of the invalid public. The following is the analysis of this Spring, made by Prof. William P. Tonry, of the Maryland Institute, Baltimore, March 17th, 1874. Results expressed in grains per imperial gallon. Sulphate of Magnesia 0.885 GRAINS Alumina 9.067 Lime 33.067 Carbonate of Potash 29,300 Bicarbonate of Lime 14.963 Lithia 2.250 Baryta 1.750 Chloride of Sodium 4.921 Iron 0.800 Silica 1.873 Phosphoric Acid traces. lodine traces. Organic matter. small amount Total number of grains per gallon 98.376 Sulphuretted hydrogen 8.3 cu. in. Carbonic acid gas 59.2 “ This water is APERIENT, ALTERATIVE, TONIC, and POWERFULLY DIURETIC, 2 Its Medical Uses. The various maladies to which this wrater is adapted is fully indicated by the testimony of medical men, found in the following pages, except as to its action in CHRONIC DIARRHOEA and in various forms of BLOOD POISON, showing itself in ECZEMA and other CUTANEOUS DISORDERS. In CHRONIC DIAR- RHOEA, where caused, as is frequently the case, by acidity of the stomach or intestines or bile, its action is often very happy and decided. In nothing has it ac- complished results more remarkable than in ECZEMA of URIC ACID origin, and in various other forms of SKIN DISEASE. Several eminent medical gentlemen, whose statements appear in the following pages, refer in general terms to the value of this water in AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO WOMEN. It may be satisfactory to add that experience in its übe has established its value in UTERINE ENGORGEMENTS and ULCERA- TIONS, LEUCORRIKEA and in SUPPRESSED and DIFFICULT MENSTRU- ATION. This Water as a Table Water. It is held by most writers on mineral waters, that they should be taken, for the most part, on an empty stomach, and, perhaps, as a general rule, this is a sound one. There are many cases, however, in which this water is strongly advised by the profession to be taken in moderate quantities, say one or two goblets of the ordinary size, during meals. Taken as indicated, it will be found to increase THE APPETITE, PROMOTE DIGESTION, AND PREVENT AN EXCESSIVE PRODUCTION OF acid during the process of DIGESTION. A small quantity, taken after meals, will, as a general rule, relieve any disturbance resulting from any excessive or imprudent in- -lulgence. MANY PERSONS WHO CANNOT ORDINARILY USE MILK OR CREAM, WILL FIND THAT BY ADDING ONE-FOURTH PART OF THE WATER OF SPRING No. 3, IT WILL MAKE THEM NOT ONLY ACCEP- TABLE, BUT VALUABLE ARTICLES OF DIET. Suggestions as to the Quantity cf Water to he Taken,