v M t / ' V ' ‘ ■' ' ■ V. VOL XVI. EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 3, 1895. NO. '207 THE ONLY CLIMATE ON EARTHS The HeaithfuSness of Las Vegas and Vicinity Absy Set Forth by a Resident Physician of Ex- perience, Information \ and Standing. ffi BllillBS«us mt BY Frakois If. Atkins, S. b., M. D.» Secr---lary Mew jK-x'c, Medical society ; Sec- v»tarv New Mexico Territorial Board of Health; Meoibet American Climato- logical Association. (Specially Prepared for In*. Optic.) Eastern people, the physicians, as well as as those unlearned in medi- cine. often hear of the wholesomeness of the climate of the dry plains of the southwest, and the adjacent hab- itable mountain regions But lam satisfied that but few of these have any just conception of what we resi- dents know and experience here, from ! year to year, in continuous, protract-: ed residence, as to the absence of a j host of diseases , commonly prevalent i rarfhdf oT -Too- i o'lsne a K >ui;in OdthohC- 1 Tha 'Unidv.l Scandinavian singers of', Amoixc.r met >n Boston. Mass,, in a»> mial c-mveudon, 10-day. The pro- gram includes au extensive musical festival lasting for several days. There mr-: a cloud burst in the neigh hot-homi of ilaigler ami Ives, Neb , eiuHOic live wash-outs on the liur- ;ii railroad. One wash-out L about Ibu feet long and fifteen feet, deep. A letter from President Clew and will be real at the Tammany’s society Fourth oi July celebration. It is said that he touches briefly upon the fiaan evil and political condition ol the country. i Ji,;s : bitty persons ware assembled!; at East Turner had in Denver at 10 o’ciocK, yesterday morning, the lime set for the Colorado democratic mass convention for consideration of the financial question. The iron mills of the Moorehead,Mc-! Clean company, at P.ttsbnrg, Pa.,have been sold by the sheriff- The plant is worih over $1,000,000, but went for $ll,OOO, jnsfc no ugh to cover taxes due and sheriff’s costs. The confederated Irish societies will hold a meeting of the Great Northern hotel, in Chicago, this evening, for the purpose of perfecting arrangements far the annual demonstration of the or- ganization August 15 h. A Berlin correspondent who Isas in- timate relations with the Bismarck family says Bismarck has been suffer- ing from great physical depression, combined with severe neuralgia in the lico and Is only able to take liquid food. Despite the reward of $5,000, of- fered oy the West Side street railway company for the slayer o' Ca.hu r ntrwi,, ’V- --.a-Cs Clgr, , was, lu-aa' > ooiiged .> re cum & ver- dict iiitributidg the deed to unknown parties. Suite Coronvssioaef. oi Insurance Wilpc'.e, of Colorado, has requested the aUoraey gen oral to take all neces- sary step;: to prevent the Great West- ern main d aid jissuoiatioa and Greet Western mutual accident association from ooniiidO c business. J. H, Yindever. treasurer of Poin settc: county, Arkansas, claioiv to have been robbed or several thousand dol- lars. duly Ist is the last day for ccaaia irummers »-•> settle aud the discovery of the alleged robbery just, be;ore the hour of settlement caused a sensrtion. LLiG &r.m.i3l athletic meet between the teams t the universities of Oxford at id Caiubiidge (3 in progress in Lou- der,, to-day. More than usual interest attae.br:; to the event, owing to the possibility of au international contest being: arrau; ’ w a <„;» or more of the AmertT;aa' universities. Governor McKinley, ot Ohio, ie vspeudu.qg the ci y in Chicago. To- morrow, he will make au address at Sharpshooters’ park, by invitation ot ■the trade aud labor assembly, which wLI i;.,A . its Fourth of July demonstra- iiori at. that place. Vice-President stcrt iiaon will also address the iabor- Ites. •I HBB3 Fox veil, a carpenter residing in Pir.usmomb, Ncbr,, went -to Eng- -1; ’ winter, to establish bis rights as cboimint to one-third bis de ceased uucie a e.s! ate. a letter re- ceived there brought news lo the Fox- well fiouilj that he had b een viotor- joua. Tiic estate is valued at $3,000,- 000. . The trial °f J ibe:. Balfour, who has nirairfed a worhl-vvid j-fauie in oono.ee- ti si. u,a lim i.’biirhtbl, build lag socie- ty, and other aolofisoU frauds, was, to- day, &ct for July 2i;,] by Justice Col- - Ta , in London. Balfour’s stealing ran up well into the millions and swallow- ed the savings of thousands of widows and ethers m poor circumstances, lie ■w;a., iiaaiiy captured iu Brazil, after a tedious search. The Newmarket, England, Ist of jGly ns acting opened under favorable auspices. The Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Croker, M. F. Dwyer and many other notabili- ties were present, la the trial p)ate or £OO sovereigns for three-year-old and over, “Ottoman” won, “Sauteuz” second, “Virago” third. There were seven. runners, iucludino- Dwyer’s “Don Alonzo” tviih ‘.‘Simms” UP The American entry was not placed. The course was the Banbury’ mile* The closing of the term of the Min- nesota supreme court, to-day, was ren dered ootabie by the conclusion of the case of Harry 0,-iy ward, who has been convicted of the murder of Catherine Ging. The decision of the court will not be made public for some days, but it is thought, beyond question, that a aew trie’ will be refused. Hayward’s recent application to the New York Life and Travellers’ Accident insur- ance companies for the f 10,000 insur- ance on Dm life of his victim was made merely lo hear ou* his claim of luno «euee. treatment, and but rarely a fatal is- ’ sue, as may be seen, for instance, in a broken-down drunkard, or in a child of tuberculous parentage suc- cumbing to this with complications. I can not iccall a case of pleurisy, with effusion, occurring- in a roevi- ■ on sly healthy person —all the eases I have seen having been contracted: I elsew here, or being secondary to tv;-' bercular disease. Asthma is very | uncommon here, as originating here, i 1 have seen two or three cases of bronchitis, that had asthmatic symp- toms accompanying, but speedily re- solving, as a rule, under treatment. The chronic degenerations of the kidneys, collectively referred to as Bright’s disease, are practically un- known in Las Vegas. The only case? j of this sort that 1 have seen, with j in the rit|e, and tube casts j C. W. Allen purebssed « ticket to SSaoto Pe, this afternoon. Herbert Clav Will h- rr tbs Las Veges ball boy s, in ISarta Fe, Mrs. N. Fetter man and Ed are in town from the Fi rt Union raocii. Mrs. Albert TUoa ie down from Wagon Mound, visiting the liudulphs. E. 3. Learned, formerly of Trinidad, passed through fur Albuquerque Mrs. Sarah Tel for, wife of «. railroad msa, left for Colo , at noon. Mrs. M. A. Henry, the milliner, intended leaving for Ind ependence, M ■ to-da>. Mayor F. E. OSney left for Santa Fe, to j attend a meeting of the Tondtcna! dental | boaid. “Skike” Lashley returned to F«*Mo, this j morning, after a week’s visit to L lauds in | tee Meadow City. Dan Rodes set sail for the oldest | city In the United States on bis initial trip I over to the ancient, Capt; L. C- Fort and Agapito Abeyba,}i„ went over to Santa Fe, last night, along j with the rest of (ha crowd. Misses Elsie and Mb'- • j Trinidad, nieces of M S. Carl H v-berg, of i Mora, at e visiting her, . tr there G;o. C. Simmons, reprc&ouxiag fh; ’ Provident life insurance «.»uipa»y, has j gou» across the mountain to 6ama Fo. Misses lrm» Davis, May Wiegaml, Min- j me HoiKinan an I Annie Hand went j Raton, to attend a picnic of l.’ o ftfttoo i club. Frank Crosson, having attended the j meeting of ttu insane asylum board, ye- - j terday, left for home, on the midnight j train. Begay, the prize who failed to; do up -he Las Vega* hoy, nag gone to >S«a-1 ta b e ,to second Gallagher in his «»ht there. | io-morrc-w, Richard Dunn left for Oatskill, at noon; : H, H. Wheelock took a business tnp i’y the road; A. B'senuum returned from his wool-buying expedition down the road, G. s. pulleovvider, who has been cashier for the Harvey house, at the Needles, is in the city, on his way to Chicago, Hi ■ health has - much improved he is gcio ; | back to live, j A. 7i. Stevens, grand master of the\ j j," ... b lodge, i. O. O. F., rt- ding In Affm- \ -■->„ tvdl visit ibe c-i> F; IC. Olaey, of this city, is president of the or- ganization ; Dr. D. W. Mauley, of Rauta Fe, secretary ana treasurer; Dr. A. A. Bearup, of Roswell, Dr. vV . IT. White, of Silver City, Dr, L. H Chamberlain, of Al- buquerque, members.