DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD. BY R. VAN SANTVOORD, M.D., OF NEW YORK, VISITING PHYSICIAN TO THE WORK-HOUSE AND ALMS-HOUSE HOSPITALS. ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL CORD. 567 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. ANATOMY OF THE SPIHAL COED. Axel Key U. Retzius:—Studien in d. Anatomie des Nervensystems. Vir- chow-Hirsch, Jahresb., 1870, I., S. 28. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., IX., S. 308, 1873. Stud, in d. Anat. des Nervensyst. und des Bindegewebes. Grossfolio. Stockholm, 1875 und 1876, I. u. II.—Eichhorst: Entwicklung des mensch. Ruckenmarks. Virch. Arch., Bd. 64, S. 425.—Krause, W.: Allgemeine und mikroskop. Anatomie. Hannover, 1876.—Schiefferdecker : Regeneration, Degeneration u. Architectur desR.-M. Virch. Arch., Bd. 67, S. 542.—Flechsig, P.: Die Leitungs- bahnen im Gehim u. R.-M. des Menchen. Leipzig, 1876.—Ueber Systemerkran- kungen des R.-M. Arch. d. Heilkunde, Bd. XXIII. u. XIX., 1877.—Lowe, S.: Ueber d. Bindesubstanz im Centralnervensystem der Saugethiere. Arch. f. Psych, u. Nerv., XII., S. 1, 1876.—Mayser: Experim. Beitrag z. Kenntniss des Bauesu. s. w. Ibid., VII., S. 599, 1877.—Hugenin, G.: Anatomie des centres nerveux. Paris, 1879.—Unger, L.: Ueber den Bau der grauen Substanz des centralen Nervensystems. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, S. 491. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Axel Key and Betzius describe the arachnoid as a membrane which lies pretty close to and in parts, especially in the cervical portion of the cord, is adherent to the dura mater. Anteriorly, as far round as the ligament, dentic., the space between it and the cord, the subarachnoidal space, is crossed only by a few fibres. Posteriorly, this space is divided up by a longitudinal septum, incomplete in many places, and by numer- ous parallel and oblique fibres and membranous septa. These fibres and septa are made up of fibrous connective tissues, and aye covered with endothelium. The arachnoid itself is composed of layers of fibrillary network, and is covered with a layer of endothelium. The pia is cov- ered with a subarachnoidal fibre-network, in which the larger vessels are located. Attention is called to the asymmetry which so often exists between the different sides of healthy cords. According to Boll, Key and Betzius, the pia sends in funnel-shaped prolongations with the vessels, which are continued over the capillaries, and form a system of intercommunicating lymph-spaces, which open into the subarachnoidal space. The subarach- noidal, as well as the subdural space, is in free communication with the sheaths of the nerve-roots and the lymph-vessels of the peripheral nerves. The subarachnoidal space of the cord communicates freely with that of the brain. Unger concludes that the fine, so-callea nerve-fibre network discovered oy Gerlacli in the gray matter of the cord is really connective tissue ; because, in the chick, it appears before any ganglion cells are visible. 568 DISEASES OF THE SPIHAL COED. Carriere has proved the existence of the anastomoses between the mul- tipolar ganglion cells. (Arch. f. mihrosTc. Anat., XV., S. 125, 1877.) Mayser has demonstrated that some fibres of the anterior roots pass through the anterior horns to the gray substance of the opposite side. The most important recent contribu- tion to the anatomy of the cord is that of Flechsig. By the study of the devel- opment of the central nervous system in numerous fetuses and in children, he discovered that certain tracts in the white substance of the cord develop at different periods. From this circum- stance he was able to divide the white substance into certain tracts or systems, which in the fully developed cord are, for the most part, no longer anatomi- cally separable. These, in the order of their development, are first, the anterior columns exclusive of their inner fourth {pr incipal mass of the anterior columns), and the posterior columns exclusive of the columns of Goll {wedge-tracts) ; second, the anterior halves of the lat- eral columns {anterior mixed region of the lateral columns); third, the layer of fibres lying next to the lateral periphery of the gray matter (the lateral boundary layer of the gray substance); fourth, the columns of Goll); fifth, a thin layer of fibres at the periphery of the lateral col- umns, reaching from or near the pos- terior nerve-roots to about the middle of the lateral columns {the direct cere- bellar lateral column tracts), and sixth, the inner fourth of the anterior columns {pyramid tracts of the anterior col- umns), and a mass of fibres, including the posterior half of the lateral columns, except the third and fifth {the pyramid tracts of the lateral columns). The pyramid and cerebellar tracts, and probably the columns of Goll, unite the nerve-centres above the cord with the different centres, etc., scattered at different heights along the cord. The Diagram of the Developmental Systems of the Spinal Cord after Flechsig. I, section at height of the 3d, II at height of 5th cervical nerves ; III, at height of the 6th dorsal, and IV of the 4th lumbar pairs. 1, principal mass of the anterior columns; 2, wedge-tracts; 3, anterior mixed region of the lateral columns; 4, lateral boundary layer of the gray sub- stance ; 5, columns of Goll; 6, direct cere- bellar lateral column-tracts ; 7, pyramid tracts of the lateral columns ; 7', pyramid tracts of the anterior columns ; v, ante- rior roots. ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL CORD. 569 principal mass of the anterior columns, the wedge-tracts, and the ante- rior mixed tracts of the lateral columns, for the most part unite the gray matter with peripheral organs, or unite different parts of the gray matter which lie at different heights on the cord. The anterior pyramid tracts appear usually at the height of the lower dorsal vertebrae (variable), increase gradually in size, and finally pass upward into the pons without crossing over. The lateral pyramid tracts appear in the lower half of the lumbar enlargement, and increase in size on going upwards. In the lumbar portion they are peripheral, but soon the cerebellar tracts appear, and separate them from the periphery, and they approach nearer to the gray substance. In the cervical portion they touch A he periphery for a short distance again. In the pons each crosses over To the opposite side in the anterior pyramid. The pyramid tracts are probably made up of fibres from the gray col- umns, which go either directly into the lateral columns of the same side, or through the anterior commissure, into the anterior pyramid columns of the other side, and are to be regarded as indirect continuations of the anterior roots—indirect, because interrupted by the ganglion cells. The relative size of the pyramid columns varies. Usually the greater number of pyramid fibres are to be found in the lateral columns. Some- times almost all the pyramid fibres are found in the lateral columns; sometimes almost all pass into the anterior columns. In the same indi- vidual most of the fibres of one side of the pyramid may cross over to the lateral column of the opposite side, while most of the fibres of the other side may not cross at all, i. e.} may pass into the anterior column. It is obvious how this irregular crossing may give rise to the asymmetry of the cord mentioned above. The exceptional non-decussation of the fibres is important in explaining the exceptional symptomatology of some lesions of the cord and brain (hemiplegia on the same side as the brain lesion). The direct cerebellar lateral tracts appear in the upper part of the lumbar enlargement, partly as a compact bundle of fibres at the peri- phery of the posterior half of the lateral columns, partly as a number of isolated fibres scattered over its section. • They increase in size in passing upward. They receive large bundles of fibres from the region of Clark’s columns, and seem to be connected with these tracts and with the cells of Clark’s columns (PicTc, Gentralblt., 1878, No. 2). These tracts pass through the restiform bodies into the cerebellum. The portion of the lateral columns not included in the above varies m size in different parts of the cord, corresponding to the size of the nerve-roots which enter at any given point. The connections and func- tions of the lateral boundary layer of the gray matter are little under- stood. The fibres of the anterior mixed region of the lateral columns come in part from the lateral parts of the anterior gray columns, in part they are to be regarded as the direct prolongations of the anterior roots. Their fibres pass in part back into the gray matter, in part into the medulla. Their function is wholly unknown. 570 DISEASES OF THE SPIHAL CORD. The principal masses of the anterior columns do not increase in size from below upward. They come in part from the anterior roots, in part from the gray matter of the cord, and pass only in part directly into the medulla. Nothing more is known of them. ' The columns of Goll are very small in the lumbar region; they in- crease steadily from below upward in size. Their fibres come partly from the posterior gray columns, partly from the posterior commissure. They terminate apparently in nuclei in the medulla. The wedge-tracts vary greatly in size in different parts of the cord, increasing markedly at the enlargements. They are made up for the most part of direct continuations of the posterior roots, but there are also numerous longtiudinal bundles of fibres in them. They terminate for the most part in nuclei in the medulla, but they enter also into the formatio reticularis, the olivary bodies, etc. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SPIHAL COED. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Balighian : Beitrage zur Lehre von der Kreuzung der motorischen Innerva- tionswege im Cerebro-spinalsystem. Eckhardt’s Beitrag zur Anat. u. Physiol., VIII., Bd., S. 193.—Luchsinger: Zur Kenntniss der Functionen des Rucken- marks. Arch. f. Physiol., Bd. XVI., S. 510.—Schiff: Ueber die Leitung der Gefiihls-Eindrucke im Riickenmark. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg., 1879, S. 455.— Koch, W.: Ein Beitrag zur Lehre der Hypergesthesie. Virchow’s Arch., Bd. 73, S. 273, etc. The more recent investigations of Schiff confirm the observations of other writers, that when only a small portion of the gray matter of the cord remains intact, all the white matter and part of the gray having been severed, sensation to touch and pain remain in the parts posterior to the section. If, however, the intact portion is small, and in the extreme lateral periphery of the gray substance, sensation is retained on only one side of the body, together with a slight power of voluntary motion. The existence of different tracts for the different kinds of sensation has not been demonstrated, although Brown-Sequard, from certain facts in pathology, believes that they do exist. Vulpian denies their existence, believing that the different kinds of sensation only modify the sensitive tracts in different ways. Schiff confirms the observations of Woroschi- loff, in that he proves that the white longitudinal fibres of the anterior lateral columns, although having chiefly to do with voluntary motion, “conduct a trace of sensation to the brain.” Woroscliiloff states that each lateral column contains sensitive fibres from both legs, the greater number crossing over to the opposite side of the cord. As the experi- ments were conducted only on the lumbar portions of the cords of rabbits, PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SPIHAL COED. 571 Erb is not inclined to accept the results unconditionally. The complete decussation of sensitive fibres is not yet proved. Koch confirms the ex- periments of Ludwig and Woroschiloff, who found that section of the inner two-thirds of the middle portion of the lateral columns in the lum- bar portion of the cord gave rise to hyperaesthesia of the parts lying be- low, and on the same side as the section. The fasciae, periosteum, and joint-surfaces shared in this hyperaesthesia. In the cervical portion of the cord and in the medulla, section of the outer fibres of the lateral col- umns gave rise to this phenomenon. Section of the outer portion of this region gave rise to hyperaesthesia of the joints alone, cutting the inner, of the skin alone; but in neither case was the hyperaesthesia so marked as when the whole region was severed. Strong electrical currents caused a cessation of the hyperaesthesia. From the recent investigations of Flcchsig, it seems probable that the pyramid-tracts are the chief conductors of the voluntary motor impulses. Luchsinger has proved that under the influence of picrotoxin convulsions would occur in the extremities behind the section of the cord, proving that, for this poison at least, the convulsion centre is not exclusively in the medulla. The following summary of the present theories concerning the inner- vation of the blood-vessels is taken from Erb’s second edition, no modifi- cation of it being necessary from more recent publications. References and authorities must be omitted for want of space. There are probably ganglion cells on the vessels, or in their neighbor- hood, which serve as local vaso-motor centres. These local centres are under the influence of the larger nerve-centres, and are connected with them through two varieties of fibres, which lie in the peripheral nerves, viz., the vaso-constrictor and the vaso-dilator fibres. These fibres con- nect with two varieties of vaso-motor centres, which are scattered through- out the cord, and perhaps the upper nerve-centres, possibly also through- out the cerebral convolutions; but the most important are in the medulla oblongata. The two varieties of centres are the vaso-constrictor and the vaso-dilator centres. Both kinds of centres may be directly irritated, the condition of the vessels depending on which is most so. The con- strictor nerves seem to need a stronger irritation than the dilator, in order to react. After section of the nerves, their irritability sinks more rapidly than that of the vaso-dilator fibres. Reflex influences may cause dilatation or contraction of vessels. Vessel-reflexes from the spinal cen- tres certainly occur, but they are more limited than those radiating from the medulla. Similar reflexes may be excited from the local centres, manifested by dilatation of the vessels when the irritation is slight, by contraction when it is powerful. The location of these centres in the cord is unknown. The vaso- motor nerves, as they come from the spinal centres, lie, for the most part, in the lateral columns. How they make their exit from the cord is, for the most part, unknown. The vaso-motor nerves for the head come from the cervical portion of the cord, those for the upper extremi- 572 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. ties from the thoracic portion, those for the pelvis and legs from the lower dorsal and lumbar portions. The vaso-motor nerves of the sciatic nerve, however, do not pass into it through the sacral roots, but pass through the sympathetic. A similar condition of affairs seems to exist in the brachial plexus. Tschirjew confirms by elaborate experiments the reflex nature of the knee phenomenon (Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1878, No. 17). Gowers proved that ankle-clonus resulted from direct stimulation of the muscle, the time between the tap on the muscle and the reaction being only .4 to .8 of a second, too short a time for a reflex. Nothnagel {Arch. f. Psych., VI., S. 832, 1876) and Lewinski {Ihid., VII., S. 327, 1877) have proved that strong irritation of distal parts (skin nerves) may exert an inhibitory action on tendon reflexes. Erb has proved the same fact in a case of spastic paralysis. In Stiimpell’s experi- ence, flexion of the great toe has no inhibitory influence on ankle-clonus, as stated by Brown-Sequard. Flexion of the whole foot, by relaxing the tendo Achillis, causes its cessation. Lanyendorff has proved that the brain has a crossed action in inhibiting reflex action, the right side of the body being under the influence of the left side of the brain, etc. Goltz, Luchsinger, Ostroumoff and Nawrocki have proved the exist- ence of nerves which pass through the peripheral nerve-stems, and which, on irritation, cause a secretion of sweat. The centres for these nerves lie chiefly (Nawrocki) in the medulla, but exist also (Luch- singer) throughout the whole length of the cord. The “sweat nerves” reach the nerve-trunks through the sympathetic system. Remak (see Poliomyelitis Anterior Subacuta), by the analysis of cer- tain facts in pathology, has sought to establish the supposition that there exist groups of ganglion cells in the cord, which control groups of muscles which act functionally together, but which receive their innerva- tion from different nerve-trunks. Gouty {Gaz. med. de Paris, 1876, No. 22) found that section of the posterior spinal roots in frogs had no noticeable effect on the nutrition of corresponding parts. He makes the spinal ganglia responsible for trophic changes. GEHEEAL THEEAPETTT1CS OF DISEASES OF THE SPIHAL COED. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Nussbaum: Nervendehnung bei centralen Leiden. Bayr. arztl. Intelligenz- blatt, 1876, Nr. 8.—VoGTr Die Nervendehnung als Operation in der chirurg. Praxis. Leipzig, 1877. — Edlefsen: Zur Behandlung des Blasenkatarrhs. Deutsch. Arch. f. klin, Med., XIX., 82. HYPEREMIA—APOPLEXY. 573 In a case of traumatic paraplegia, in which there occurred strong tonic convulsions, Nussbaum stretched the crural and sciatic nerves with the ef- fect of stopping the convulsions, but not influencing the paralysis. The seat of the lesion, whether in cord or in cauda equina, was questionable. Vogt comes to the conclusion that nerve-stretching has no effect on cen- tral lesions. It is indicated only when there is functional disturbance of a peripheral nerve, either from increased irritability or from disordered circulation. In traumatic tetanus the results are favorable. Fdlefsen recommends for catarrh of the bladder, oil of turpentine (10-12 drops 4 or 5 times a day) and balsam of copaiba. lie claims good results from the use of chloride of potassium (solution 1-20 of water, a tablespoonful to be taken every two or three hours). HYPEREMIA OF THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS MEMBRANES. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Fabre: Des phenomenes spinaux dans les affections cardiques. Gaz. des hop., 1876, No. 147. In the last stages of diseases of the heart, Fabre has observed pain, anaesthesia, pargesthesia, and slight paresis, rarely also convulsive phenomena, which are probably due to passive hypersemia of the cord. APOPLEXY OP THE SPIXAL MEXIXGES. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Weber: Spinal Meningeal Hemorrhage. Boston Med. and Surg. J., July 8th,. 1875.—Dowse: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage of spinal Cord. Trans. Path. Soc., XXVII., p. 1, 1876.—Lutkenmuller, J.: Ein Fall von Haamatorrhachis. Wien, med. Bl., 1878, I., 964, 1879, II., 5.—Dixon, E. L.: Intermeningeal Spinal Haemor- rhage Simulating Strychnia Poisoning. Lancet, London, 1879, I., 833. — Lancereaux: Hematome de l’arachnoide comprimant la moite gauche de la moelle epiniere, etc. Rev. med. fraruj. et etrang., Paris, 1879, I., 23-25. Of these records of cases, some of which the writer has not had access to, that of Dixon deserves mention. The patient was seized with violent tetanoid convulsions recurring at short intervals, and brought on by any movement. Consciousness was not affected. Death occurred in two hours. On autopsy, the spinal arachnoid cavity was found filled with 574 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD. blood, all other organs being healthy. The resemblance of this case to one of strychnia poisoning is its chief jioint of interest. No chemical examination of the stomach and contents was made. There was no reason to suspect poisoning. PACHYMENINGITIS AND PERIPACHYMEN- INGITIS SPINALIS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. riETRULLA: Die Pachymening. cervical, hypertrophica. Diss. Breslau, 1876.— Joffroy, A.: Considerat. et observ. relatives a la pachymening. cervic. hyper- troph. Arch, gener., 1876, Nov., p. 542.—Lewitsky : Fall von Peripachyme- ning. spinalis. Berl. klin. Woch., 1877, Nr. 17.—Leyden : Fall von Rucken- markserschutterung durch Eisenbahnunfall. Arch. f. Psych., VIII., S. 31, 1877.— Berger, M.: Zur Kenntniss der Pachymeningitis spinalis hypertropliica. Deutsche medic. Wchnschr., Nos. 50, 51, 53, 1878. Gibney, V. P.: Cervical Pachymeningitis. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1879, XX., 20-22.—Glynn: Internal Hyper- trophic Pachymeningitis of the Cord. Brit. Med. J., 1878, II., 805.—Spencer, W. H.: Case of Idiopathic Inflammation of the Spinal Dura Mater. Lancet, 1879,1., ■ 836.—Kohts: Gerhardt’s Handbuch f. Kinderheilk., Bd. V. "With reference to the etiology and pathology of these diseases, the following cases are of interest: The possibility of the occurrence of peripachymeningitis from trauma is indicated by cases reported by Lewitzky and Leyden. The case re- ported by the former, Erb regards as inconclusive. That of Leyden re- sulted from a railroad accident. The jpitopsy disclosed caries of the vertebra as its probable point of departure. Spencer reports a case of suppurative peripachymeningitis apparently primary, and resulting from exposure to cold. Pain in the back and lower extremities without paresis was the main symptom. Koht’s case was one of tubercular tumors on the outer surface of the dura mater in a child. The process seemed to originate in necrosis of a rib with (secondary ?) involvement of the lung. The pressure of the tumor caused degenerative changes in the cord. Olhvier’s case was one of deposit of urates on the anterior surface of the dura mater, and on the sheaths of the nerves in a case of severe chrome gout. The symptoms during life, which were probably depen- dent on this lesion, wrere a sense of constriction about the neck, thorax, and abdomen, with fulgurant pains in the limbs. Glynn reports a case of typical cervical pachymeningitis resulting in death in twenty months. Transverse myelitis existed at site of the lesion < of the dura mater. Erom a clinical point of view, the cases of Berger and Gibney are of LEPTOMENINGITIS SPINALIS. 575 interest. Their cases recovered completely or almost completely after a tedious course of over a year. Cold was the apparent cause in Berger’s case. Counter-irritation, galvanism, iodide of potassium, and frictions with alcoholic liniments were used. One of Gibney’s cases, apparently traumatic in its origin (Med. Rec., N. Y., 1880, Sept. 25th), recovered without systematic treatment. Ergot and the iodide of potassium seem to have had some influence over the disease in his experience. Joffroy calls attention to this relatively favorable course of cervical pachymeningitis as contrasted with that of transverse myelitis. LEPTOMENINGITIS SPINALIS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Schwarz: Meningite spin. Arch. med. beige, Dec., 1874.—LAShGUE: Menin- gite spinale, supposee de nature rhumatism. Arch, gener. de med., Juin, 1874, p. 743.—Schultze, F.: Das Verhalten des R.-M. und der Riickenmarksnerven- wurzeln bei acuter Basilarmeningitis. Berl. klin. Woch., 1876, Nr. 1.—Beitr. z. Pathol, u. pathol. Anat. des centr. Nervensyst. Virch. Arch., Bd. 68, 1876.— Vulpian: Lemons sur les malad. du systeme nerveux, 1877, p. 111.—Meningo- myelite subaigue. Chir. med. de l’hop. de la charite, Paris, 1879, 626-632.— Dunlap: Meningitis Caused by Penetration of a Fishbone into the Spinal Canal. Brit. M. J., London, 1879, I., 289. The predominance of the exudation in acute meningitis upon the posterior surface of the cord seems to be best accounted for by the numerous septa which exist in the subarachnoidal space and the con- sequent greater vascularity of the posterior meninges. This is more satisfactory than the previous supposition that it resulted .solely from the position of the patient or (Vulpian) from the richer nerve-supply of the posterior meninges. The case reported by Dunlap is of interest because of its unusual eti- ology. It was one of inflammation of the upper part of the spinal men- inges and of those covering the under surface of the cerebrum and medulla, caused by a fishbone which penetrated from the pharynx partly through the second right inter-vertebral foramen and partly through the first inter-vertebral cartilage into the spinal dura mater. Vulpian states that he has seen rapid improvement in a case of acute spinal meningitis, caused by cold, follow the administration of large doses of salicylate of soda. 576 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. TUMORS OF THE SPIHAL MEHIHGES. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Dowse: Fibro-nucleated Tumor from the Dura Mater of the Cervical Portion of the Spinal Cord. Brit. Med. J., 1875, May 29th.—Biot: Note sur un cas de sarcome intrarhachid. Lyon med., 1875, Nr. 31.—Pel: Myxom der Spinalme- ningen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, Nr. 32.—Gowers: Myo-lipomaof the Spinal Cord. Transact, of the Pathol. Soc., XXXII., p. 19,1876.—Hunicken: Sarcoma- tose Geschwulst im Wirbelcanal. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, 382.—Bulteau: Tumeur sarcomateuse de la moelle. Progres med., p. 181, 1878.—Wood, H. S.: A Case of Spinal Hydatids. Austral. M. J., 1869, I., 222. Of these newly reported cases little is to be said. Gowers' case was one of lipoma containing a large number of transversely striated mus- cular fibres situated at the conus medullaris; Wood’s, one of hydatid cysts of the lower end of the dura mater, causing it to project out through some of the sacral foramina, hydatids being found also in the liver. In the case reported by Bulteau, a spindle-celled sarcoma, about the size of the first phalanx of the thumb, was found growing from the pia mater at the junction of the cord and the medulla. Nothing in the clinical histories of these cases calls for special mention. AFLEMIA OF THE SPIHAL CORD. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lauenstein, C.: Zwei Falle von Embolie der Aorta. Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Med., XVII., S. 242 u. 491, 1876.—Malbranc, M.: Beob. tiber Aortenthrombose u. Aphasie.—Ibid., XVIII., S. 462, 1876.—Vulpian: Legons sur les mal., etc., p. 98, 1877. — Friederich, A.: Recidivirende vortibergehende Riickenmarkslah- mung. Virchow and Hirsch Jahresbericht, II., 1879, S. 113. Under this subject the case related by Friederich alone deserves special mention. The patient was a student, twenty years old, who, since he was eleven or twelve years old, had suffered from repeated attacks of paralysis, the first one following an exposure to cold. In the attack in which Friede- rich saw him, all four extremities became almost completely paralyzed in the course of a few hours without loss of sensation or of reflex action. In two days recovery was complete without treatment. The patient had an hypertrophied heart and a systolic murmur. Friederich suggests that a temporary anaemia of the cord was the cause of the attacks. SPINAL APOPLEXY— CUTE TRAUMATIC LESIONS. SPIRAL APOPLEXY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Webber: Fall von Spinalhamorrhagie. Schmidt’s Jahrb., Bd. 170, S. 25, 1876.—Fox, E. L.: On Spinal Hemorrhages. Med. Times and Gaz., 1876, Aug. 23d.—Remak, E.: Fall von atroph. Spinallahmung durch traumat. halbseit. Blutung in die Halsanschw. des R.-M. Berk klin. Woch., 1877, Nr. 44.—Vul- pian: Legons, p. 92, 1877. Beyond the bibliography, the case reported by Remak alone will be alluded to. This was a case of atrophic paralysis on one side of the body, resulting from an injury which Remak supposed to be a hemor- rhage confined to one-half of the cord in the cervical region. ACUTE TRAUMATIC LESIORS OF THE SPIRAL COED. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Feinberg: Wirbelfractur und Riickenmarksabscess. Berl. klin. Woch., 1876, Nr. 82.—Hulke: Three Cases of Broken Neck. Med. Times, 1876, July 29th.— Hayeii : Arthrite de l’articulation de l’axis avec l’atlas, etc. Gaz. des hop., 1876, No. 147, Soc. d. Biol.—Seeligmuller: Fall von geheilt. Fractur d. Lenden- wirbel. Deut. med. Wchnschr., 1877, Nr. 28.—Heynold, H.: Fall von Luxation und Fractur des 6. u. 7. Halswirbels, verbunden mit ungewohnl. nied. Tem- peraturabfall. Berl. klin. Woch., 1877, Nr. 39.—Nieden, A.: Ueber Temperatur- veranderungen (Hyperpyrexie und Apyrexie), bedingt durch Verletzungen des Halsruckenmarkes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., No. 50, 1878.—Rigler, Johs: Ueber die Folgen der Verletzungen auf Eisenbahnen, insbesondere der Verletzungen der Wirbelsaulen und des Riickenmarks, 1879.—Beck, B.: Ueber Verletzungen der Wirbelsaulen und des Riickenmarks. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1879, 207-255. Injuries to the spinal cord, without lesion of the spinal canal or of the soft parts, occur more readily when there already exists some anomaly of the spinal column, as in the case of Hayem, in which there existed hypertrophy of the odontoid process. Beck records a case of softening of the cord in the dorsal region with a clot between the dura mater and the bone, which was traumatic in its origin, but without fracture of the vertebrae. 578 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD. GRADUAL COMPRESSION OF THE SPINAL CORD. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Westphal: Arch. f. Psych., II., S. 374, 1870.—Frommann: Fall von Wirbel- caries u. Degener. des R.-M. Virch. Arch.,Bd. 54, 1872.—Pierret: Plusieurs cas de nevrite parenchym., etc. Arch, de physiol, norm, et path., VI., 1874, p. 968.—Gowers: Caries of Dorsal Spine, etc. Med. Times and Gaz., 1876, Nov. 4th.—Ramskill: Ibid., Nov. 18th.—Kadner: Zur Casuistik der Riickenmarks- compression. Arch, de Heilk , XVII., 1876, S. 481.—Hayem: Gaz. des hop., 1886, Nr. 147.—Couty: Note sur les troubles vasomot. et therm, observes dans un cas de compress, d. 1 moelle. Gaz. medic., 1876, No. 37.—Vulpian: Lemons, 1. c., p. 14, 1877.—Masse: De la compression lente de la moelle epiniere. Mon tpel., 1879. The secondary degeneration which, in the cases of Westphal, From- mann, and Kadner, was observed to extend upward for a short distance above the point at which the cord was compressed at the periphery of the cord, was evidently situated in the cerebellar lateral column tracts of Flechsig. In regard to vasomotor disturbances in these cases, Vulpian speaks of various varieties as occurring from irritation and paralysis of vaso-dilator ,u,nd vaso-constrictor fibres. Although, as a rule, motor disturbances show themselves first in com- pression of the cord from Pott’s disease, yet, as in RamskilVs case, dis- turbance of sensation may be first in order of time. On the other hand, .compression from behind may cause predominant disturbance of motion, ;according to Vulpian, because the gray matter suffers less from pressure than the white. Although, as a rule, there is increase of reflex action in these cases, Kadner has shown that in many this increase may not be present. CONCUSSION OF THE SPIRAL CORD. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Willigk, A.: Anatom. Befund nach Himerschutterung. Prag. Vierteljahr- schr., Bd. 128, S. 19, 1875.—Bernhardt, M.: Ueber die Folgen der Gehirns- und Ruckenmarkserschutterung nach Eisenbahnunfallen. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1876, Nr. 20.—Buzzard, T.: A Railway Case; Shock from an Unexpected Descent, etc. Transact, of Clin. Soc., London, Yol. IX., 1876.—Leyden: Fall von Rucken- markserschutterung durchEisenbahnunf all. Arch. f. Psych, u. Nerv., VIII., S. : 31, 1877. — Eberhard, Gust. : Ueber die Erschiitterung des Riickenmarks. SPINAL IRRITATION—NEURASTHENIA SPINALIS. 579 Gotting., 1878.—Bernadis, J. B. E.: De la commotion de la moelle epiniere. Montpel., 1879. In a case reported by Leyden as concussion of the spinal cord, peri- pachymeningitis with cheesy tubercular meningitis and secondary myeli- tis from compression were found to have developed. Willigh, in a case of concussion which died three months after the accident, claims to have found the capillaries and the small arteries and veins throughout both cord and brain widely dilated and showing slight fatty degeneration of their walls. Buzzard has observed disturbance of speech and of the functions of the tongue with glycosuria as the result of concussion. Bernhardt and Leyden have added to the list of cases in which the morbid symptoms appeared after a considerable time had elapsed since the injury. Erb has also seen several such cases. SPINAL IRRITATION. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Coghill, J. G. S.: Irritable Spine as an Idiopathic Affection. Brit. Med. J., London, 1879, II., 571-573. Coghill reports four cases of irritable spine as treated successfully by tonics and by the local application of Corrigan’s bouton, heated to a blue heat, over the painful spots. The cases reported by Benedickt (Neue Behandlungsmethoden der Spinal-Irritation. Wien. Med. Presse, 1879, 105, 173) are cases of pure hysteria, not of spinal irritation in Erb’s sense. SPINALIS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Holst: Ueb. Neurasthenie und ub. ihr Verhaltniss zur Hysterie und Anaemie. Dorp. med. Zeitschr., VI., S. 15, 1876.—Anjel: Ueber vasomotor. Neurasthenie, etc. Arch. f. Psych, u. Nerv., VIII., S. 394, 1878. Erb protests against the classification of this disease as a manifesta- tion of hypochondria {Jolly). Though often combined with the latter, it is to be regarded as of distinctly spinal origin. The recent literature given above calls for no comment. 580 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. MYELITIS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. V. n. Velden u. Leyden: Fall von acuter aufsteig. spinaler Paralyse. Deutscli. Arch. f. klin. Med., XIX., S. 333, 1877.—Lauinger, C.: Beitr. z. Lehre von d. acuten Myelitis. Ibid., XIX., S. 424, 1877.—Vulpian: Leqons sur les mal. des syst. nerv., p. 144,1877.—Leyden: Ueber experiment, erzeugte Riickenmarks- sklerose u. die Ausgange der acut. Myelitis. Berl. klin. Woch., 1877, Nr. 49.— Charite-Annal., III. (1876), S. 248, 1878.—Grasset: Mal. du syst. nerveux, 1878. —Westphal: Ueb. combinirte (primare) Erkrankungen der Ruckenmarksstrange. Arch. f. Psych., VIII., S. 469, 1878.—Kahler und Pick: Ueb. combinirte Sy stem erkrankungen des R.-M. Ibid., VIII., S. 251, 1878.—Prout et Joffroy: Contribution a l’etude de la myelite aigue. Observ. de myelite a debut apoplec- tiforme, etc. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compte-rendu, Geneve, 1878, 157-159.—Caizergues, R.: Therapeutique de la myelite sypliilitique. Rev. med. franc, etetrang., Paris, 1878, II., 353, 385, 417.—Schuster: Ein Fall von acuter Myelitis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, XVI., 292.—Atkinson: On the Morbid Histology of the Spinal Cord in Five Cases of Insanity.—Leyden, E.: Beit rage zur acuten und clironischen Myelitis. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1879, I., 1-26.— Ueber die durch plotzliche Verminderung des Barometerdrucks entstehende Riickenmarksaffection. Arch. f. Psychiat., 1879, IX., 316-324.—Babesiu, V.: Ueber die selbststandige combinirte Seiten- und Hinterstrangsclerose des Ri'icken- marks. Virch. Arch., 1879, Bd. 76, S. 74-84.—Vallin, E.: Note sur quelques formes du rhumatisme spinal. Gaz. des hop., No. 18, 1878, p. 138. Vallin reports three cases of more or less complete paralysis of the ex- tremities, two being associated with disturbances of sensation, occurring in connection with acute articular rheumatism. In two, the symptoms rapidly passed away, a slight hemiplegia remaining in a third two months after the inception of the disease, at which time the patient passed from under observation. Erb considers it doubtful whether arsenic, phos- phorus, mercury, bisulphide of carbon, alcohol, or lead can give rise to acute myelitis. Leyden reports three cases of a peculiar form of myelitis resulting from sudden diminution of barometric pressure. One case was that of a laborer who, half an hour after coming out of a caisson, where he had been working under increased atmospheric pressure, became suddenly paraplegic ; death occurred in the fifteenth day, the patient having the usual symptoms of acute myelitis with grave vesical symptoms. The cervical and lumbar parts of the cord were healthy. In the dorsal por- tion were seen, scattered through the cord, particularly in the posterior columns and in the posterior parts of the lateral columns, accumulations of large, round, nucleated cells which pushed apart the nerve-fibres, and contained among them only a few normal vessels—no neuroglia, no blood pigment. The nerve-fibres in their neighborhood showed in greater or less extent signs of parenchymatous myelitis. The gray CHROMIC MYELITIS. 581 matter was normal. Leyden believes that the process consisted in a splitting of the masses of nerve-fibres by oxygen or carbonic acid set free from the capillaries without rupture of their coats or with rupture of only such small vessels that no noticeable hemorrhage took place, and in the subsequent filling up of these spaces with cells. The dorsal portion of the cord was probably affected because of its normally lesser consist- ency than the enlargements. The other two cases were similar, except that one patient was discharged completely recovered in nineteen days, the other recovered incompletely in thirty days, at which time he was discharged from the hospital. Hayem, by tearing out the sciatic nerve of young rabbits, caused a cicatricial myelitis which became the point of departure of a progressive central myelitis with muscular atrophy. The process consisted in a degenerative atrophy of the ganglion celis. A similar, though slower result followed simple section of the sciatic nerve. Leyden’s latest experiments in the artificial excitation of myelitis have enabled him to demonstrate the passing over of acute myelitis into cyst-formation and sclerosis. Vulpian has observed similar processes after injecting nitrate of silver into the cord. v. d. Velden described a case in which numerous small foci of acute myelitis were found in the upper thoracic and cervical portion of the cord predominantly in the anterior and lateral columns and in the ante- rior horns. The process was characterized by changes m the nerve-fibres, slight exudation around the vessels, and slight increase in the number of glyoma cells. Lauinger, C., has published a case in which the process was even more purely parenchymatous. These two cases followed the clinical course of acute ascending paralysis. In that of v. d. Velden, the galvanic and faradic irritability was fully lost on the second day of the illness, while in that of Lauinger the faradic irritability was fully re- tained. The reflexes in the latter, which at first were fully lost, returned in a few days; an apparent exemplification of the inhibitory effect of the acute affections of the cord suggested by Goltz. In the case reported by Leyden (see above), faradic irritability of the muscles was good three days after the beginning of the disease. A case reported by Schuster of acute myelitis is of interest on account of its probable syphilitic origin, and the good, although not complete, recovery after five months of treatment by warm baths, electricity and mercurial inunctions. CHROYIC MYELITIS. Since the discovery by Flechsig of the various tracts or systems in the cord, of which an account is given above, several observers have endeav- ored to discover the relations which exist between these systems and cer- 582 DISEASES OF THE SPIHAL COED. tain previously classified diseases of the cord (lateral sclerosis, amyotro- phic lateral sclerosis, etc.), and have also endeavored to differentiate a new class of diseases which is characterized by a primary affection of a number of these systems to the exclusion of others. This latter class, the combined-system diseases of the cord, will be here spoken of. The relation between Flechsig’s discovery and the previously known diseases will be alluded to under the appropriate headings. Kaliler and Pick have described a case in which at least four systems were involved, and in which the degeneration confined itself approxi- mately within their limits. Then there are cases in which the myelitic process is not confined strictly within the limits of any distinct systems, but is spread, more or less widely, over the section of the cord, as in cases described by Westphal, “in which there can be no question of a limitation of the affection to the systems of Flechsig. Such cases are very frequent and seem not unfrequently as if they were the result of a disease which began as a system disease, but which came to be examined at a later stage ” {Erb). The most important recent contributions to this subject have been from Babesiu, Leyden, and Westphal. The case reported by Babesiu clinically presented all the symptoms of spastic paralysis, with the addition of atrophy of the optic discs, some loss of sensation in the feet, retention followed by incontinence of urine, and dragging pains in the feet and genitals. On autopsy, in addition to some lesions of the brain, etc., which had no probable connection with the symptoms observed in the limbs during life, degeneration of the lat- eral columns was found, most marked in the thoracic portion, where the degeneration reached from the posterior almost to the anterior horns. In the cervical expansion, the degeneration of the lateral columns dwin- dles down to a small triangle at their periphery, being separated from the posterior horns by healthy tissue. Downwards a similar diminution takes place. Only in the periphery of the cord does the degeneration approach the anterior columns. Wedge-shaped, sunken-in, sclerotic spots were found in the lateral cerebral tracts above the anterior pyra- mid. The posterior columns in their posterior periphery, and the col- umns of Ooll were tolerably evenly affected throughout the cord. The central canal was filled throughout with growing cells. Ganglion cells of the anterior horns and Clark’s columns normal. The pia mater of the cord was thickened, especially in its posterior and lateral parts, and was also congested and strongly pigmented. This short abstract of the case gives an idea of the class of cases which are grouped under the heading “combined-system diseases of the cord.” It is unnecessary to state how manifold the symptoms may be in these cases, according to the particu- lar system affected, and how still more confused may be the symptom- complex when the disease is of the irregular form. Leyden believes that only two forms of primary “ system diseases” of the cord have been demonstrated, i. e., tabes dorsalis and atrophy of the motor parts of the cord (degeneration of the cells of the anterior horns, CHROKIC MYELITIS. 583 motor tracts, spinal nerve-roots, and nerves of the muscles). A com- bination of these two may exist, giving rise to a “combined-system disease.” Kaliler and Pick, Westphal and Babesiu, he thinks, have sys- tematized their cases more definitely than the clinical facts warrant. He cites several cases of his own, one of which resembled very closely that reported by Kaliler and Pick, and states that he believes that all the cases of this class are cases of simple extension of disease by continuity of tissue with typical ascending and descending degeneration. Westphal (Ueber combinirte (primare) Erkrankung der Eiicken- marksstrange, Arch. f. Psych., Bd. IX., 691-737) analyzes his pre- viously reported cases. He concludes that, although the paralysis in these cases bore no constant relation to the lesions of the lateral columns, yet this was the main element in its causation. The degeneration of the muscles was also an element. Implication of the lateral columns without paralysis, as in Friedreich-Schultze’s case (Yirch. Arch., Bd. 70, S. 141), might have been due to non-destruction of the conducting fibres by the morbid process. Absence of muscular rigidity in his own cases, in which both lateral and posterior columns were involved, he accounts for by the extension of the affection of the posterior columns in the lumbar region to the posterior root-zones, by which extension reflexes were prevented. The supposition that the inflammatory process was transmitted by con- tinuity of tissue or through the pia mater he rejects, because in all his cases healthy tissue intervened between the posterior and the affected portions of the lateral columns, and the pia mater was thickened only over the posterior surface of the cord. In one case, the affected portion of the lateral columns did not extend to the periphery. Westphal con- cludes that in certain cases of myelitis the process may extend in the long axis of the cord, at least in the lateral and anterior columns, and, in general, symmetrically; that there is no manifest single point of departure of the process; and that there are no pure system diseases, although here and there are indications that this or that system may be affected as such. Some undiscovered changes in the gray matter of the cord, which was apparently normal in Westphal’s cases, may underlie these cases. The existence of some change is suggested by the red re- action of otherwise normal appearing ganglion cells, in diseased cords, with methyl-violet [Jurgens), whereas in normal cords the ganglion cells color blue with this reagent. Westphal rejects the idea that what in one of his cases looked like typical ascending and descending secondary degeneration (and is so regarded by Leyden), was so in fact, because the portion of the cord which would have to be assumed as that primarily affected was not involved in its whole diameter, and in cases, of disseminated sclerosis the isolated foci of disease have never been ob- served to be the points of departure of secondary degeneration. He therefore concludes that the affection of the columns of Goll, the cere- bellar-lateral tracts, and the lateral pyramid tracts observed in this case were primary degenerations of these systems. Atkins found irregularly disseminated myelitis in three cases of in- 584 % sanity of different types. In one case of general paresis extensive soft- ening of the lumbar and sacral regions of the cord was found. Erh quotes the following principles from Renz, of Wildbad, which should control the employment of thermal baths in myelitis: During the active stages of disease, harm is apt to be done unless the greatest care is exercised in their use. This rule holds good, whether the disease is acute or chronic. The baths must be cooler, less frequent, and of shorter dura- tion the more obviously progressive a chronic disease is. Acute cases should not use them till they are convalescent. When a case is improv- ing, the time and temperature of the baths may be increased cautiously. Only those cases in which the meninges are prominently affected endure baths of high temperature and long duration with benefit. DISEASES OF THE SPIRAL CORD. MULTIPLE CEEEBRO-SPIUAL SCLEROSIS. BIBLIOGKAPHY. Charcot : Diagnostic des formes frastes de la sclerose en plaques. Progres med., Paris, 1879, VII., 97-99.—Frommann, C.: Untersuchungen iiber die Gewebs- veranderungen bei der multiplen Sklerose des Gehirns und Riickenmarks. Jena, 1878.—Pitres, A. : Contribut. a l’etude des anomalies de la sclerose en plaques disseminees. Rev. mensuelle, Dec., 1877, p. 893.—Da Costa: Multiple spinal Sclerosis (Case). N. Y. Med. Rec., 1879, XV., 313.—Westphal, C.: Ueber strang- formige Degeneration der Hinterstrange mit gleichzeitiger fleckweiser Degenera- tion des Riickenmarks. Arch. f. Psych., 1879, IX., 389.—Pollard, F.: Case of Disseminated Cerebro-spinal Sclerosis in a Child. Lancet, Aug. 10th, 1879, p. 183.—Dickenson, Cheadle, and Dreschfeld: Cases of Disseminated Sclerosis in Children. Med. Times and Gaz., 1879, I., pp. 112, 139.—Bristow : A Case of Disseminated Sclerosis. Med. Times and Gaz., 1879, I., 673.—Lomikowsky, M. : Laryngoscopischer Befund bei Sclerose en plaques cerebrospinales. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, 610.—Pollak, L.: Multiple Herdsklerose des Hirns und Riick- enmarkes im Sauglingsalter. Deutsch. Arch. f. k. Med., 1879, XXIV., 407-415. —Leyden, E.: Beitrage zur acuten und chronischen Myelitis. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., I., 1-26. This abundant literature furnishes little new information. The number of cases (all without autopsies) reported in children from five months to eight years of age is somewhat remarkable (Dickenson. PollaJc). Two of Dreschfeld’s cases were brothers. WestphaVs case was one which presented the irregular complex of symptoms characteristic of multiple spinal sclerosis. The autopsy dis- closed columnar degeneration of the posterior columns, with multiple sclerosis of the lateral columns. Leyden reports a case in which all the symptoms of the disease appeared, but in which almost complete recovery (slight difficulty in LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. 585 speaking, tremor and weakness of legs remaining) occurred after treat- ment by galvanism and a bath-cure at Rehme. This case he regards as one of acute, multiple cerebro-spinal inflammation which resolved and did not go on to sclerosis. He thinks that the case tends to prove that sclerosis is a late stage of an acute process, not a distinct process in itself. LOCOMOTOK ATAXIA. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bush : Ein Fall von Tabes dorsalis ; Schwinden der Sehnenreflexe nach mehrjahriger Dauer der Krankheit. Petersburger med. Wochenschr., No. 46, 1878.—Kahler: Casuistischer Beitrag zur Therapie der typischen Tabes. Prager med. Wochenschr., No. 36, 1878.—Briersion : Contribution a 1’etude du tabes dorsalis ataxique. These, Paris.—Onimus : De la contracture dans l'ataxie. Gaz. des hop., No. 88, 1878.—Audibert : Des phenomenes viscereaux dans l'ataxie locomotrice progressive. Marseille med., 1878, XX., 521-530.—Kahler, O., und Pick, A. : Beitrag zur Pathologie und pathol. Anat. des Centralnervensystem. Vrtljschr. f. f>rakt. Heilk., Prag, 1879, I., 1-86.—Erlemeyer, A.: Ueber Tabes dorsalis incipiens. Cen. Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1879, IX., 3-7.-Ferry, Jules : Recherches stastistiques sur l’etiologie de l'ataxie locomotrice progres- sive. Par., 1879.—Beluger, A. : Note sur le traitement de l’ataxie locomotrice par les eaux de la Malon. Ann. Soc. d’hydrol. med. de Paris, 1879, III., V., 3. •—Petit, L. H.: De la ataxie locomotrice dans ses rapports avec le traumatisme. Rev. mens, de med. et de chir., Paris, 1879, III., 209-224.—Berger : Zur Sympto- matology der Tabes dorsualis; d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur, Bresl., 1878, IV., 216.—Friedreich: Nystagmus bei Ataxie. Bericlit iiber die Ver- sammlung der ophthalmolog. Gesellschaft, 198.—Kahler und Pick: Zur Lehre von der Ataxie. Vrtljsch. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag., 1879, II., 86-97.—Robert, A.: Ataxie locomotrice; amyotrophie secondairedesmembres superieurs; arthro- pathie du coude gauche. Progres med., Par., 1879, VII., 326.—Berger: Zur Aetiologie der Tabes dorsalis. Breslau arztl. Ztschr., 1879,, I., 70.—Vul- pian : Ataxie locomotrice progressive (5 cases). Chir. med. de l’hop. de la Charite. Par., 1879, 807-832, 823-828.—Erb, W.: Zur Pathologie der Tabes dor- salis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., 1879, XXIV., 1-52.—Christian, J.: Des rapports de l’ataxie locomotrice progressive avec la paralysie generate. Union med., 1879, XXVIII., 157.—Hardy: Ataxie locomotrice. Gaz. des hop., Paris, 1879, LII., 1033.—Vallin : Des alterations trophiques des os maxillaires dans l’ataxie locomotrice. Union med., Par., 1879, XXVIII., 737-749.—Drosdoff : Archiv f. Psych., IX., 203, 1879.—Berger: Ueber Sehnenreflexe. Centrabl, f. Nervenheilk. und Psych., etc., 1879, No. 4. With reference to the etiology of tabes dorsalis it is to be noted that Vulpian affirms that hysteria, especially in its convulsive form, has a de- cided influence on the development of the disease. Among forty-four of the cases analyzed by Erh in a recent article, twenty-seven were found to have had syphilis, which usually had developed several years before the tabes, and which was usually light in its antecedent symptoms. Fournier found twenty-four out of thirty, and Vulpian fifteen out of twenty cases 586 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. of tabes which were syphilitic. Erb is therefore inclined to believe that syphilis has a more direct connection with tabes than he has formerly held. Kalder and Pick advance the supposition that ataxia and other forms of spinal disease, occurring after acute infectious diseases, are the result of accumulations of the fungi which cause the acute diseases, in the central nervous system, and which give rise to nutritive disturbances of greater or less gravity and extent. As examples of the previously known fact that the morbid process in tabes is in most, perhaps in all cases not confined to the posterior col- umns, cases reported by Hayem, Prevost, Kahler and Pick, and West- phal may be cited. In Hayem's case, sclerosis of part of the lateral col- umns, numerous changes in the gray substance, sclerosis of the ascending root of the trigeminus and of the so-called “respiratory bundle” existed in addition to a lesion of the posterior columns. The cases of Westphal and Kahler and Pick have been referred to under myelitis as cases of combined system-diseases of the cord. Also a case communicated by Friedreich ( Virch. Arch., Bd. 70) is to be mentioned, in which an ex- tensive annular degeneration existed, resembling the lesion found in one of Kahler and Pick's cases. In all these cases, the direct cerebellar lateral tracts were involved in addition to the posterior columns. The sup- position is advanced that the ataxia results from the implication of those columns and not from the disease of the posterior columns. This sup- position is far from being proved. In his recently published analysis of fifty-six clinical cases of locomo- tor ataxia occurring in his own practice, Erb gives a tabulated statement of the relative frequency and importance of the symptoms of the disease which cannot be transcribed here in full, on account of my limited space. In this paper he lays greater stress than formerly on the occurrence of spinal myosis, or, as he proposes to call it, reflex immobility of the pupil, to distinguish the condition from immobility of the pupil during accom- modative effort and from complete immobility, and to include those cases in which the pupil fails to respond to light, but in Avhich it is of normal size or is dilated. Erb found the symptom in fifty-four per cent of patients examined. Vincent found it in ninety-two per cent. It is probably not an early symptom. It is only found in progressive paraly- sis of the insane with equal frequency (nineteen out of twenty-one cases Vincent). Atrophy of the optic nerve occurred in only six out of forty-nine cases. Tendon reflex was absent in all but one of fifty cases. This is proba- bly always an early symptom. Mechanical irritability of the quadriceps was always fully preserved (tested in thirty-two cases). Erb has found tendon reflex absent in only two other morbid conditions, i. e., pro- gressive cerebral paralysis and in cases of paresis of the quadriceps with atrophy and degeneration reaction. In Erb's experience, it is never ab- sent in young or middle-aged people in health. Hence he thinks that its absence may be regarded as almost pathognomonic of tabes in its earlier diagnosis. Cutaneous reflex was absent in six out of forty-seven LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. 587 cases. Analgesia to strong irritant (Berger) was present in thirteen out of twenty-nine cases. This symptom, which is not rare in other diseases, is often early present, hut it must he remembered how widely sensibility varies in normal subjects. Oulmont, by careful examination of the disturbance of sensibility in ataxic subjects, discovered that it was not only very frequent, but very widespread. He discovered certain spots of predilection (in the breasts, around the umbilicus, fingers and forearms, backs of the legs, the heels and toes, etc.). Experiments to determine the farado-cutaneous sensibility in tabes conducted by Drosdoff (seven cases), and Erb (four cases), showed di- minution all over the body. A broad, soft wire brush was used. It appears to be an early symptom and may prove of diagnostic value {Erb). Remak, E., in two cases discovered that sensibility could be exhausted by an abnormally small amount of irritation. Pierret has found that all possible nervous disturbances of hearing may precede the ataxic symptoms. Althause has recorded a case of the same sort. Among unusual cases may be mentioned the following: A case of “hereditary” tabes in which attacks, several hours long, of spasmodic coughing, great feeling of anxiety, rapid respiration, dyspnoea, and cyano- sis with frequent and rapid pulse (bronchial crises) is recorded by Kaliler and Pick. The same observers record a case of ataxia following malarial fever, with recovery after two months under quinine. Slight nystagmus and slight stiffness of the legs remained. The nystagmus, difficulty of speech, and absence of pains and of sensory disturbances seem to ally this case with that reported by Leyden as acute cerebro-spinal sclerosis with cure, rather than with locomotor ataxia. Erb records a case of not very typical but distinct ataxia following diphtheria (?) and exposure to cold which recovered rapidly, under galvanic treatment, in six months. Ataxia associated with lesion of the left olivary body and a unilateral case with a tuberculous nodule in the middle of the left parietal lobe are recorded by Kaliler and Pick. The same observers record a case of ataxia of apparently cerebellar origin in which the tendon reflex was very powerful. They record also a case of tumor of the third dorsal vertebra in which ataxia preceded all the symptoms of the transverse myelitis which subsequently developed. Robert records a case of sclerosis of the posterior columns and of the anterior cornua of the brachial enlargement which, in life, was a case of typical tabes associated with marked atrophy of the forearms and hands. Erb and Hardy record two similar cases of this somewhat rare combina- tion (both clinical). Kellogg reports two cases very imperfectly, which seem to fall under Friedreich’s form of tabes, and which developed in brothers at their sixth year. In other branches of the same family were other similar cases. Kaliler and Pick have reported a case in which four systems 588 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD. were involved, viz., the pyramid tracts, the cerebellar lateral tracts, with Clark’s columns, the wedge-tracts, and the columns of Goll which, as the affection was associated with defective development of the cord, they have tried to rank as a case of hereditary tabes. As the ataxia was very slight, the paralytic symptoms prominent, and there were no disturb- ances of the bladder or of sensibility, the justice of this classification seems questionable (Erb). The rules given by Renz (see myelitis) in regard to the use of thermal baths in myelitis hold good for tabes also. He begins with a bath of 31.0°-32.5° C., of 5-10 minutes’ duration. Every two or three baths he decreases the temperature until 29° or 28° is reached. When lancinat- ing pains are present, baths from 33° to 34° of 8-15 minutes’ duration are best. See obtained good results, when the pains were prominent, from salicylate of soda. Erb recommends the energetic use of the combined antisyphilitic treatment, when syphilis coexists in a case of tabes, much more strongly than formerly. In his limited experience with it, he has seen encourag- ing results. In one case of atrophy of the optic discs, of two and a half years’ standing, he saw material improvement of vision under galvanic treatment. SPASTIC PARALYSIS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Erb : Ueber das Vorkommen. der spastischen Spinallahmung bei kleinen Kindern. Betz’ Memorabil., 1877, Heft 12, S. 529.—Seeligmuller: Ueb. spast. spinale Paralysen bei Kindern. Amtl. Bericht lib. d. 50. Vers, deutsch. Natur- forscher u. s. w., in Miinchen, 1877, S. 299.—Flechsig, P.: Ueber Systemerkran- kungen im R.-M. 4. Artikel; Primare Degeneration der Pyramidenbahnen. Arch. d. Heilk. XIX., S. 53, 1878.—Pick, A.: Zur Lehre von den Systemerkran- kungen des R.-M. Fall von Sclerose later, amyotrophique. Arch. f. Psych., VIII., S. 294, 1878.—Stoffella: Ein Fall von Seitenstrangsclerose des R.-M. Wien. med. Wochenschr., 1878, Nr. 21 und 23.—Leyden: Ueber spastische Spinallahmungen. Berl. klin. Wchnsclir., 1878, No. 48.—Velden, R.. Fall von spastischer Spinalparalysie. Heilung. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, No. 38.— Henck, G.: Ein Fall von acuter spastischer Spinalparalysie. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, XVI., 29-31.—Seguin, E. C.: The Present Aspect of the Ques- tion of Tetanoid Paraplegia. Arch, of Med , N. Y., 1879, L, 74-83.—Westphal: Fin Fall von spastischer choreatischer Paralysie. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1879, IV., 421.—Schulz, R.: Gibt es eine primare Sclerose der Seitenstrange des Rtlcken- marks? Deut. Arch. f. klin. Med., 1878-9,XXIII., 343-356.—Zunker, E.: Mittheil v. Kranklieitsfallen welche unter den Sympt. der spastischen Spinalparalysie einhergingen. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1879, IV., 241-255.—Nixon, C. J.: Clinical Contributions to Diseases of the Spinal Cord. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1879, LXVII., 289-291.—Feinberg: Fall von spastischer Spinalparalyse. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, XVI., 290-292.—Charcot: Sclerose laterale amyotrophique, etc. Gaz. de hop., 1879, LIL, 1065-1082.— Ricklin : De la paralysie spinal spasmodique. spastic paralysis. 589 Gaz. med. de Paris, 1878, Nos. 27, 29, and 31.—Shaw, J. C.: Case of Progressive Muscular Atrophy with Sclerosis of Lateral Columns. Jewell’s J. of Nerv. and Ment. Dis., Jan., 1879..—Mitchell, S. W.: Spasmodic Disorders of the Legs. N. Y. Med. Rec., June 28th, 1879, p. 601.—Amyotrophic Unilateral Spinal Sclero- sis (case). Boston M. and S. J., 1879, C., 248.—Westphal, C.: Ueber combinirte (primare) Erkrankungen der Riickenmarkstrange. Arch. f. Psych., Bd. VIII., S. 469, and IX., S. 691.—Babesiu, V.: Ueber die selbststandige combinirte Seiten- und Hinterstrang Sclerose des Ruckenmarks. Virch. Arch., Bd. 76, S. 74-84.— Minot, F.: Cases of Diseases of the Spinal Cord. Boston M. and S. J., 1879, C'., 432.—Seeligmuller, A.: Ueber Lahmungen im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinder- heilk., XII., S. 321, XIII., S. 226-315.—Mader: Einige Falle seltener Spinal- krankheiten. Wien. med. Presse, 1879, 961, 995, 1058.—Stumpell: Zur Kennt- niss der Sehnenreflexe. Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Med., 1879, XXIV., 175-191.— Gowers, W. R.: A Study of the So-called Tendon Reflex Phenomenon. Proc. Roy. M. and Chir. Soc., London, 1878-79, 366, and a few others. Seeligmiiller calls attention to the possibility of the relationship of parents being an etiological factor in spastic paralysis in cases which he has observed among children. No case has yet been published which proves the existence of a pri- mary disease limited to the pyramid tracts satisfactorily. Sto fella has published a typical, uncomplicated .case of spastic paralysis, in which, on autopsy, gray degeneration of both lateral columns, principally in their posterior portions and in the lower thoracic and lumbar portions of the cord, was found. In these portions of the cord, the degeneration reached to the meninges externally, and to the posterior horns internally. Un- fortunately the absence of any record of the condition of the brain and medulla, and of any microscopical examination of the cord, renders the case incomplete, and therefore inconclusive. Erb supposes that the lesions actually found in the lateral columns in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis represent the type which we may expect to find in an uncomplicated case of spastic paralysis. The degeneration' in these cases is found predominantly in the lateral pyramid tracts, with a much less marked lesion in the principal mass of the anterior columns, and the anterior mixed region of the lateral columns. The anterior pyramid tracts are also sometimes degenerated. The degeneration of the pyramid tracts is marked, involving atrophy of the nerve- fibres, etc. In the other tracts of the white matter of the cord, which may be involved, an interstitial growth of the neuroglia is found without marked degeneration or atrophy of the nerve-fibres (Flechsig and Pick). The pyramid tracts are affected throughout the whole length of the cord, and the lesion has been traced through the pons into the crura cerebri. The anterior gray columns are degenerated, there being nothing typical of this particular disease in the microscopic appearances. The cells of the tractus intermedio-lateralis, those of Clark’s columns, and of the posterior gray columns are normal. The lesion of the gray matter is usually most prominent in the cervical enlargement. The changes characteristic of bulbar paralysis are found in the medulla. The anterior roots of both cord and medulla are gray, de- generated, and atrophic. The muscles, especially of the upper extremities, 590 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. present about tbe same appearance as in typical progressive muscular atrophy. Flechsig and PicJc have concluded that, in amyotrophic lateral scle- rosis, we have to do with a disease affecting the ivhole system of nerve- fibres and ganglion-cells, which unite the motor centres in the cortex of the brain with the muscles. Both these observers are inclined to regard the process as a primary disease of the nervous elements, a so-called parenchymatous degeneration or sclerosis. Flechsig seems inclined to regard the lesions of the anterior parts of the lateral columns, and of the principal masses of the anterior columns, as an accidental and immaterial complication. Pick regards them as being continued from the anterior roots and the primarily affected pyramid tracts. With reference to the symp>tomatology of spastic paralysis, Erb, in the second edition of his work, calls attention to the great prominence of contracture in children affected with the disease. The increase of ten- don reflex may usually be found in them if care is exercised in bringing the limbs into a proper position for its demonstration. In testing the ankle-clonus too strong or sudden flexion must be avoided. Numerous cases of more or less typical spastic paralysis are reported clinically in recent literature. Many autopsies of cases, in which spastic symptoms have been prominent, have also been reported and shed some light on the affection. Hallopeau (Des paralysies bulbaires. These, Paris, 1875, p. 121) and Schulz each reports a case of tumor of the me- dulla, with secondary degeneration of the pyramid tracts, in which spastic symptoms were prominent, though associated with other symptoms. Pitres (Revue mens., 1877, Dec., p. 902) reports a case which Charcot diagnosed as one of spastic paralysis, but which afterwards developed other symptoms. On autopsy multiple sclerosis was found. Both anterior pyramids and foci in the lateral columns wTere sclerotic. Hydro- myelus of the cervical portion of the cord with .symmetrical {secondary ?) degeneration of the posterior portions of the lateral columns in the lumbar portion of the cord, were found in a case of spastic paralysis, in which later disturbances of sensation occurred {Sanger). Shaw reports a case giving a typical clinical history of bulbar paralysis with progressive muscular atrophy, without contracture, in which, in addition to the ordinary lesion of the medulla and anterior horns, sclerosis “of a very light character throughout the cord,” was found in the lat- eral columns. Two cases in which the symptoms of spastic paralysis were prominent, though complicated by others, in which no lesions of the lateral columns existed, are of special interest. Schulz reports a case of internal hydro- cephalus of twenty-five years’ duration, in which some disturbance of sen- sation was the only symptom complicating an otherwise typical history of spastic paralysis. The cord was normal. Mader reports a case in which the white substance of the cord ivas normal. The prominent spastic symptoms which existed in life seemed to have been caused by a lesion of the cauda equina. The anterior gray SPASTIC PARALYSIS. 591 columns were sclerosed in part, and a peculiar, apparently inflammatory degeneration of the muscles existed. Inflammatory changes in the bones and knees were also found. Other symptoms besides those characteristic of spastic paralysis existed during life. A case reported by Bramivell, in which rigidity and paralysis of the legs, with numbness and greatly in- creased tendon-reflex, disappeared after the discharge of a lumbar abscess, may be ranked with this case as being possibly of peripheral origin. The cases of combined-system diseases of the cord, above referred to, must be here alluded to, as in them spastic symptoms were associated with lesions of the lateral columns, except in WestphaVs and Leyden’s cases. With reference to the conclusions to be drawn from clinical and patho- logical experience in respect to spastic paralysis, Leyden, writing in 1879, states that while the symptom-complex, known as spastic paraly- sis, is pretty frequent in spinal diseases of different kinds, it does not form a peculiar disease in itself. It occurs in some forms of meningitis and myelitis, which are susceptible of cure. He does not think that any decided relationship to sclerosis of the lateral columns is manifested in cases of chronic myelitis, in which the peculiar symptom-complex occurs, although in these cases the periphery of the anterior and lateral columns is, to a greater or less extent, affected. The spastic phenomena can be explained by the interruption of the conduction of motor impulses from the brain by the myelitic process, and the consequent increase of reflex irritability below the lesion. Other influences, however, may cause mus- cular contraction, such as associated movements from irradiation of vol- untary impulses and descending neuritis and myelitis. Erb explains the absence of spastic paralysis in those complicated cases reported by Leyden and Westphal, by the coincident existence of degeneration of the gray substance and of the anterior roots, which must, of course, prevent con- tracture as well as increased tendon reflex. Westphal explains their ab- sence, in his cases, by the implication of the white matter in the posterior root-zone, which prevented reflex action. Erb states that complete degeneration of the pyramid columns must cause only paralysis, since some power of conduction is necessary for the production of spastic symptoms. He concludes (1878) that a decided connection is manifested between sclerosis of the lateral columns and spastic paralysis. Cases recorded since 1878 seem to support his conclusion, although the peculiar symptom-complex of spinal paralysis has been exceptionally found with- out lesion of the lateral columns. These cases were not, however, per- fectly typical. Erb and Charcot lay great stress on the necessity of limiting the desig- nation spastic paralysis to those cases which are perfectly typical. Any complicating symptom (disturbance of sensation, vesical weakness, etc.) throws doubt on the diagnosis. The history of the recently reported complicated cases illustrates fully the truth of the latter statement. The possibility that certain diseases of the brain may commence, especially in children, with the symptoms of spastic paralysis is to be kept in mind 592 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD. (see case of Schulz and clinical observations of Seguin and of Miles, spastic infantile paralysis, Med. Rec., 1ST. Y., 1879, XVI., 217). Stiimpell calls attention to the relaxation of the limbs, which takes place in spastic paralysis, when the legs are deprived of the irritation of their own weight by the support afforded by water in a bath. The use of the bath is of value in determining the amount of paralysis, the spas- tic element being thus eliminated. The same observer saw ankle-clonus in typhoid fever and in phthisis without other nervous symptoms, except, in some cases, hypersesthesia of the muscles. No change was found in the cords of the phthisis cases to explain the phenomenon. He found increased tendon reflex in a case of lead paralysis affecting only one arm, in a case of poisoning by strychnia and in three cases of poisoning by atropine. Mitchell saw a case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis improce in all respects under tonic treatment (elixir quiniae, ferri et strychniae, phos- phates and cod-liver oil). He saw two cases resembling spastic paralysis recover in sixteen hours and three weeks respectively. Hench, G-, had a case, very nearly typical, which recovered in thirty-four days. Dry cups to the spine and purgatives were used. Velden gives one of recovery after thirteen months’ illness. Case was not quite typical. Chloride of gold was used for two and a half months previous to recovery (chloride of gold, 0.3; distilled water, 15.00; fifteen to twenty drops three times a day). Mitchell obtained temporary relaxation of spastic contraction by the use of massage. In the absence of the spastic contraction, the patient could not stand up. No other cases are reported which shed light on the treatment or lighten the prognosis of this class of diseases. TREATMENT AND PROGNOSIS. HEMIPLEGIA AAD HEM1PAPAPLEGIA SPIHALIS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Weiss, R: Stich an’s R.-M. zwischen Atlas u. Scliadel. Durchtrennung der recliten Halfte. Langenbeck’s Arch., XXI., S. 226, 1877.—Gowers: Unilateral Gun-shot Injury to the Spinal Cord. Lancet, 1877, Nov. 17th, p. 728.—Remak, E. : Ein Fall von atropischer Spinallahmung durch traumat. lialbseit. Blutung in. d. Halsanschwellung des R.-M. Berl. klin. Woch., 1877, Nr. 44.—Schultze, F. : Beitr. zur Lehre von den Riickenmarkstumoren. Arch. f. Psych., VIII., S. 367, 1878.—Henry, James : A Case of Spinal Hemiplegia. Am. Jour, of Med. Sci., Oct., 1877, p. 440.—Vnlpian, A.: Myelites chroniques, compression lente de la moelle. Clinique med. de Fhop. de la Charite. Paris, 1879, 657, 667. POLIOMYELITIS ANTERIOR ACUTA. 593 A short mention of Gowers,* case is all that calls for special mention here. In this case, a splinter of bone, knocked off by a pistol-bullet, in- jured the right half of the cord between the second and third vertebrae. Reflex action was diminished on the affected side. The sensibility to pain was abolished, that to touch was retained. The posterior column was not directly injured. The anaesthesia reached exactly to the median line. POLIOMYELITIS AYTERIOR ACITTA. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Herrmann, J.: De la paralysie infantile chez l’adulte. These, Paris, 1876.— Salomon, G.: Yier Falle von spinaler Lahmung Erwachsener. Berl. klin. Woch., 1877, Nr. 39.—Seeligmuller : Ueb. die Unzulanglichkeit uns. Kenntnisse liber das Mitralstad. der spin. Kinderlahmung. Amtl. Bericht d. 50. Vers, deutsch. Naturforscher u. Aerzte zu Miinchen, 1877, S. 300.—Rosenthal, M.: Zur klin. Charakteristik der Poliomyelitis anterior. Virch. Arch., Bd. 72,1878.—Schultze: Beitrage zur Pathol, und pathol. Anatomie des centralen Nervensystem, etc. Virchow’s Arch., Bd. 73, S. 444.—Althaus, J.: On Acute Anterior Myelitis in the Adult. Am. J. M. Sci., April, 1878.—Seeligmuller: Ueber Lahmungen im Kindesalter. Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., XII., 321; XIII., 226, 315.—Hamon, Henri: De la paralysie infantile, ses deformations, son traitement. These de Paris.—Alt- haus, J.: On Infantile Paralysis. London, 1878.—Simon, J.: Diagnostic et traite- ment de la paralysie infantile. Gaz. med. de Paris.—Muller, F. : Zur Poliomye- litis anterior acuta bei Erwachsenen. Oester. arztl. Vereinstg., Wien, 1879, III., 45.—Sturges, W. A. : Three Cases of Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis in Adults. Brit. M. J., 1879, I., 849, 888.—Sainton, H.: Quelques considerations a propos d’un cas de paralysie spinale atrophique aigue de l’adult. France med., 1879, XXVI., 514, 523—Muller, F. : Die acute atrophische Spinallahmung der Erwachsenen. Stuttg., 1879.—Kirmisson, E.: De l’integrite de faisceau claviculaire du trapize dans la paralysie infantile du membre superieur. France med., Par., 1879, XXVI., 673.—Mader : Progressive Myelitis anterior mit Muskelatrophie, Hypo- glossuslahmung. Tod.-Ber. d. kk. Krankenanst. Rudolph Stiftung in Wien, ’78, 350. The important recent contribution to this subject is the case of acute poliomyelitis in an adult, with autopsy reported by Schultze. The patient was a woman, aet. 42. The disease began with a chill, followed by eight days of fever. The paralysis was typical in its way of occur- rence and in the electrical reactions. Exposure to cold was the appar- ent cause. Death resulted from phthisis pulmonalis in thirty-four days after chill. On autopsy, degeneration was found in the anterior horns of those parts of the cord which corresponded to the affected limbs and degeneration of the corresponding anterior roots. At the junction of the lumbar and dorsal portion of the cord, a number of slightly and a few 594 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. greatly swollen axis-cylinders among a large number of normal ones were found, predominantly in the antero-lateral columns. Clinical histories of this disease in the adult, quite typical in their course, are given by Althaus, Sturge, and Sainton. Seeligmiiller calls attention to the small number of exact observations of the initial stage of the disease which have been recorded. The initial symptoms are often so slight as not to give rise to careful examination of the cases. His last communication contains an analysis of seventy-five cases in children, which occurred in his own practice. The analysis led to no result which needs to be mentioned here. He records four cases, two of them doubtful, in which progressive muscular atrophy occurred in later life in patients who had infantile paralysis. Kirmisson calls attention to the non-implication of the upper part of the trapezius in two cases of infantile paralysis, in which complete atrophy of the deltoid, biceps, supra- and infra-spinati, and lower two- thirds of the trapezius existed. Seeligmiiller saw complete recovery in one case of infantile paralysis of the right shoulder after four and a half months of electrical treatment. poliomyelitis anterior sitbacitta ET CHRONICA. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Df jejune : Atroph. muscul. et parapleg. dans un cas de syphilis maligne pre- 'Coce. Arch, de Physiol., 1876, 480.—Ketly, K.: Poliomyelitis anterior acuta et chronica. Wien. med. Woch., 1877, Nr. 28 u. 29.—Salomon, G.: Berl. klin. Woch., 1877, Nr. 39.—Eisenlohr: Neuropatholog. Beitrage, I. Zur Casuistik der subacut. vorderen Spinallahmung. Arch. f. Psych., VIII., S. 310, 1878.—Ro- senthal, M.: Zur klin. Characterise d. Poliomyelit. anterior. Virch. Arch., Bd. 72, 1878.—Erb, W.: Ueb. eine noch nicht beschrieb. Mittelform der chron. atroph. Spinallahmung. Vorlaufige Mittheil. Erlenmeyer’s Centralbl. f. Nerven- heilk. u. s. w., 1878, Nr. 3.—Bataille, V.: Contributions a l’etude de la paraly- sie spinale atrophique de l’adulte. Paris, 1878.—Malone, M. J.: Case of Suba- cute Spinal Paralysis in the Adult. Dublin J. M. Sci., 1879, 297.—Kahler und Pick: Beitrage zur Lehre von den Veranderungen der elektrischen Erregbarkeit bei Poliomyelitis anterior subacuta. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., 1879, II., 41- 72.—Edes, R. F.: A Case of Anterior Spinal Paralysis with Formation of Vacu- oles in the Ganglion Cells of the Spinal Cord. Bost. M. and S. J., 1879, Cl., 105-109.—Renaut : Remarques anatomiques et cliniques sur deux points particu- lars de l’intoxication saturnine chronique. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1878, p. 394.— Dejerine : Recherches sur les lesions du systeme nerveux dans la paralysie diph- theritique. Arch, de Physiol., 1878, p. 107-144.—Aufrecht: Die Ergebnisse eines Falles von subacuter Spinal paralysie, etc. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Bd. XXII., S. 33.—Kahler u. Pick: Ueber Vacuolenbildung in den Ganglion-Zellen des Riickenmarkes. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., 1879, Bd. II., S. 5-17.—Vul- PIAN: Paralysie atrophique de l’enfance. Chir. med. de l’hop. de la Charite, Par., 1879, 772-779.— Remak, E.: Ueber die Localisation atrophischer Spinallah- mung und spinaler Muskelatrophieen. Arch. f. Psych., 1879, IX., 576.—Bern- hardt : Beitrage zur Pathol, der peripherischen und spinal. Lahm. Virchow’s Arch., 1879, Bd. 78, 267.—Ricklin : Considerations sur deux cas d’atrophie mus- culaire sans alteration des cornes anterieures de la moelle. Gaz. med., No. 49, 50, 1878. — Adamkiewicz, A. : Zwei parallele Falle, Poliomyelitis, Bleilahmung. Charite-Ann., Berl., 1879, IV., 430, 454. The etiological connection between lead poisoning and poliomyelitis anterior has been investigated by J. J. Mason (lead-poisoning in frogs, N. Y. Med. Jour., 1877, July, p. 36). His results were negative. Erb alludes to them as needing confirmation. Vulpian found chronic mye- litis with destruction of the ganglion-cells in a dog poisoned by lead. In a case of lead paralysis in the human subject, he found degeneration and atrophy of isolated ganglion-cells, with some increase of nuclei, and with sclerotic spots in the roots of the cervical enlargement. Friedlander (Virch. Arcli., 75, S. 24, 1879) records an autopsy of a case of lead paralysis in which degenerative changes were found in the muscles, nerves and spinal roots, but the spinal cord was perfectly normal. Remak criticises this case unfavorably on account of the imperfect clinical history. As shedding some light on the pathology of the affection may be cited the cases of Vulpian and Aufrecht. These were complicated cases of irregularly distributed myelitis in adults, in which atrophy of the muscles and lesions of the anterior horns existed. The latter in his case found certain clear nucleated fibres, with here and there a spindle-formed mass of striated muscular substance, which he regarded as muscular fibres in the process of regeneration. Scattered through the nerves he found small nucleated fibres, in some places split into two parts, which he regarded as newly developing nerve-fibres. Kaliler and Pick report a case - in which an excessive formation of vacuoles in the ganglion-cells of the anterior horns was the only spinal lesion found to explain paresis without evident atrophy, which existed during life in all the limbs. The only change in the electrical reactions was a diminished excitability to both currents in some muscles, princi- pally in the extensors of the arms and hands. A similar lesion was found in a case reported by Ecles, in which atrophy of forearms and legs began to develop less than four months before death. The abstract of this case given in the Boston Med. and 8. J. is very imperfect. Dejerine publishes a case which, clinically, was not a typical one of poliomyelitis anterior, but in which degenerative atrophy of the muscles existed with degeneration of the motor nerves and anterior roots. The ganglion-cells of the anterior horns in the lumbar enlargement had, for the most part, disappeared. There was no indication of an irritative process in the connective tissue or on the blood-vessels. This same observer, from the examination of five cases of diphtheritic paralysis, concludes that in the anterior roots of the spinal nerves a lesion is always found, which corre- sponds to that which occurs in the distal end of a cut nerve, and is pro- POLIOMYELITIS ANTERIOR SUBACUTA ET CHRONICA. 595 596 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL CORD. portionate in intensity to the duration of the paralysis. The posterior roots are never affected. A light alteration, to which the above is secon- dary, is always found in the gray substance, affecting the parenchyma and the insterstitial substance equally, and not limited to any particular cell groups. Ricklin speaks of a case (reported by Debove in the Proqres Med., 1879, p. 856) in which atrophy rapidly involved the legs, the forearms slightly, and the hands considerably, coming on with fever and pain in the limbs. These latter ceased after the second day in the arms, in the legs they diminished in violence, coming on in paroxysms three or four times an hour. Paralysis wras nowhere Complete. Sensibility and the sphincters were normal. Death occurred in three and a half months from intercurrent pneumonia. On autopsy, the spinal cord was normal. Clinical histories of more or less typical cases are recorded by several observers, which confirm on the whole Erb’s statements in regard to course and prognosis of poliomyelitis anterior chronica. Renant records two cases of extensive lead paralysis, which was preceded by high fever, with no other apparent origin than the process which resulted in the paralysis. Bernhardt records a case of lead paralysis, in which the elec- trical reactions were those of Erb’s middle form of poliomyelitis anterior (see below). Erb states that the fibrillary contractions of the muscles, which are usually present in the earlier stages of poliomyelitis anterior chronica, may be absent. The atrophying muscles are often painful on pressure, and may also be the site of-spontaneous pains. In the more lightly affected muscles, reflex action may be only diminished, not, as is usually the case, entirely abolished. Cases strongly resembling lead paralysis are reported by Erb, Rosen- thal, and Adamkiewicz. This latter observer saw a formerly very free secretion of sweat disappear with the onset of the paralysis. Erb has recently described what he calls a middle form of chronic poliomyelitis anterior, which differs from the ordinary type of the dis- ease in that the paralysis is never complete, that the reflexes are not at all or only partly abolished, and that, while the degeneraction reaction in the muscles themselves is marked, the nerves are not at all or very little affected. Erb has seen four cases of this form of disease. Its course is very gradual. The evenly distributed muscular atrophy develops without fibrillary contractions. In other respects the symptoms are those of typical poliomyelitis anterior chronica. Three of Erb’s cases improved, one recovering completely. The fourth developed slight symptoms of bulbar paralysis, but seemed to be stationary when it was recorded. The constant current applied over the spine was used in the case of cure. In this place will be mentioned the results obtained by Remak, from a recent clinical study of twenty-one cases, including infantile, lead and chronic atrophic paralysis, the latter including four cases of progressive muscular atrophy. He finds that in these diseases there exists a marked ACUTE ASCENDING PARALYSIS. 597 tendency toward the isolated involvement of certain groups of muscles which act functionally together, although the individual muscles of these groups are innervated by different' nerve-trunks, and although other muscles innervated by these same nerve-trunks are not involved. The most important of these groups are the biceps, bracliialis anticus, and supinator longus—the muscles on the dorsum of the forearm, exclusive of the supinator longus—the quadriceps extensor cruris and tibialis anti- cus, the sartorius and the perinei not being involved. These groupings have been previously observed in isolated cases. Remak regards this fact as pointing to the probability of the existence of certain foci of ganglion- cells in the cord corresponding 'to these groups of muscles, and therefore to the probability that any disease in which this grouping occurs is of( spinal origin, although an affection of the spinal roots or of the plexuses near the cord may give rise to a similar grouping of affected muscles. He argues that this tendency in lead paralysis is an indication of its spinal origin. In a case reported by Schultze, in which all the muscles supplied by the sciatic nerves, except the tibiales antici were paralyzed, on autopsy it was found that the lower half of the lumbar enlargement of the cord was degenerated. The case thus demonstrated that the spinal centre for the tibialis anticus is in the upper half of the lumbar enlargement and disassociated with the centres of the other muscles supplied by the same peripheral nerve. acute ascending paralysis. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Vulpian: Legons sur les malad. du syst. nerv. Paris, 1877, p.,188.—Grasset: Malad. du syst. nerv. Paris, 1878, p. 467.—Ketly, K.: Vergiftung mit Sublimat. Tod in Folge von aufsteig. acut. Paralyse. Pester med. chir. Presse, 1878, Nr. 8 u. 9.—Jaffe, T.: Ein Fall von Paralysis ascendens acuta. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1878, XV., 653.—Dejerine, J.: Sur l’existance des lesions des racines anterieures dans la paralysie ascendante aigue. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1878, 375.— Recherches sur les lesions du systeme nerveux dans la paralysie ascendante aigue (Paris, These).—Fox, A. W.; Case of Acute Ascending Paralysis. Brain, 1879-80, II., 418. In Ketly’s case of acute ascending paralysis following poisoning by corrosive sublimate, the anatomical investigation was negative in results. The case reported by Jaffe occurred in a syphilitic subject after excess in venery. The abolition of all the reflexes, and the almost complete abolition of faradic irritability of nerves and muscles with slight galvanic irritability, seems to point rather to acute poliomyelitis anterior. The reactions were tested by Frb. No autopsy. Fox’s case was almost typical in its clinical course. No changes were found in the cord except an apparent slight increase of connective tissue 598 DISEASES OF THE SPINAL COED. in the cervical region of the cord. Sections of the medulla seemed to stain with abnormal readiness. Some increase of connective tissue seemed to exist about the cauda equina. Dejerine claims to have found in two cases of acute ascending paraly- sis seen under Vulpian, an alteration in certain fibres of the anterior roots (parenchymatous neuritis). The myeline was broken up into frag- ments. Multiplication of nuclei in the Avhite substance of Schwann, and disappearance of the axis cylinders were noted. The majority of the fibres were unaltered. The same lesions were found in the intra-muscu- lar nerves of the affected members. TUMORS OF THE SPIHAL CORD. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Schultze, Fr.: Beitr. z. Lehre von den Riickenmarkstumoren. Arch. f. Psych., VIII., S. 367, 1878.—Roth, W.: Glyome diffuse de la moelle, syringo- myelie, atrophie musculaire. Arch, de physiol, norm, et path., Par., 1878, 612- 647.—Kohts: Gerhardt’s Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten. Bd. V. (Tubercular Tumor of the Cord).—Mader: Einige Falle seltener Spinalkrankheiten. Wien, med. Presse, 1879, 1058. In the cases of glioma of the cord reported by ScJiultze and Roth, the process seemed to take its point of departure from the ependyma of the central canal of the cord. Scliultze's case, a telangiectatic gliosarcoma myxomatodes, extended from the conus terminalis to the pons. For a while it presented the symptoms of a lesion of one-half of the cord. The peculiar combination of irritative and paralytic symptoms of striking inconstancy is brought forward by Schultze as a diagnostic point in tumors of the cord. The other cases reported call for no special comment. SECONDARY DEGENERATIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Dejerine, J., et Mayer, A.: Recherches sur les alterations de la moelle epiniere et des nerfs du moignon cliez des amputes d’ancienne date. Gaz. med. de Paris, No. 39-40,1878.—Issartier: Des degenerations seeondaires de la moelle epiniere consecut. aux lesions de la substance corticale du cerveau. These, Paris, SPINA BIFIDA—SYRINGOMYELITIS. 599 1878.—Taylor, F.: A Case of Disease of the Brain with Descending Degenerations of the Spinal Cord. Guy’s Hosp. Rep., 1879, 169-184. Taylor’s case is the only one which calls for special mention. It was one of typical descending degeneration, originating in a peculiar gelati- nous transformation of the corpus callosum, portions of the optic thalami, etc. The gelatinous substance of the cerebrum dissolved in alcohol, leaving only the blood-vessels, which showed nothing abnormal except a collection of small bright nuclei on their walls. The degeneration of the cord was darker and more sharply defined than usual. In the degen- erated portion a structureless, almost homogeneous tissue took the place of the nerve tissue. The disease followed a fall on the back of the head. Paresis and spastic contraction of the limbs were the spinal symptoms of the case. SPINA BIFIDA. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ranke, H.: Zur Aetiologie d. Spina bifida. Amtl. Bericht der 50. Vers. d. Naturforscher u. Aerzte, Munchen, 1877, S. 297.—Jalirb. f. Kinderheilk., XII., S. 116, ’78. Ranke advances the theory that spina bifida lumbalis is caused by a growing together of the membranes of the cord and the external skin in embryonal life before the closing in of the spinal canal, the closure of the canal, being thus prevented. His theory is based on three autopsies, in all of which the lower end of the cord was adherent to the sack. SYRINGOMYELITIS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Schule: Beitrag z. Kenntniss der central. Hohlenbildung im R.-M. Deutsch.. Arch. f. klin. Med., XX., S. 271, 1877.—Pick, A.: Beitrag zur norm. u. pathol. Anatomie der Centralnervensyst. Arch, f. Psych., VIII., S. 283,1878.—Schultze, F.: Beitr. z. Lehre von der Rtickenmarkstumoren. Ibid., VIII., S. 367, 1878.— Kahler und Pick: Beitrag z. Lehre von der Syring. und Hydromyelie. Vrtljsch. f. prakt. Heilk., 1879, II., 20. In Schule’s case, an enlargement of the central canal from softening of its walls occurred. The supposition that a congenital hydromye- litis may be the point of departure for a syringomyelitis later in life {Leyden) is supported by recent observations of Pick, who saw two 600 DISEASES OF THE SPIHAL COrRD. and even three central canals obviously formed by the growth of the ependyma and by the dividing off of diverticulum-like processes. Schultze considered that in his case the same thing might have happened. Kahler and Pick saw in an adult cord a triangular dilatation of the lumbar portion, which was otherwise normal, obviously due to a defect of development. In a second case, the same condition existed, except that there was an increase of connective tissue around it, and the epithe- lium was in part destroyed. They found dilatation of the central canal in a case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and in one of progressive muscu- lar atrophy with marked sclerosis of the posterior columns. They suggest that the condition noted in the first two cases may be regarded as an indication of deficient development, and therefore of predisposition to disease. TOUIO COYTRAOTIOYS OF VOLUNTARY MUSCLES. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Seeligmuller: Ueber spastische spinale Paralysen bei Kindern. Amtl. Ber. der 50. Vers, deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte, Miinchen., 1877, S. 299,—Ueber spastische spinal Paralyse. Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk,, XIII., S. 226. Seeligmiiller lias observed two more eases of this rare affection. Tlie first was a female public singer, whose mother had suffered from cramps in the calves. From her earliest childhood spontaneous tonic contrac- tions of the kind described in SeeligmiiUer’s first case (see Erb) would occur at times in the muscles of the calves, face, tongue, and hands. Otherwise she was perfectly healthy. The muscles of the legs, thighs, and upper arms were hypertrophied. Treatment effected very little, but some spontaneous improvement took place after its cessation. The second case was a strongly developed healthy man, aged twenty- eight years, without hereditary tendency to disease. During four or five years he had stiffness all over the body. If he sat still for a while he would have to stretch and press his knees together before he could rise. If he wanted to dance he would have to try for some time before he could get going, and then there was no further difficulty. If any muscle was caused to contract by electricity it would not relax immediately. The right leg, right gluteal region, and the muscles of the right side of the back was more developed than those of the left side. Treatment with the induced current produced no effect. Massage caused some improvement.