With blood our hano'< ire itee stain, ' If or poison men ti ease their pain. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. PEL T and EL Uand FOOD ANIMATED VITAL MAGNETISM CONVEYED FROM MAN TO MAX H E A LI NG_T HE SICK WITHOUT MEDICINE— SURGICAL OP- ERATION OR THE LAYING ON OF HANDS. No Metallic Substances are used—No Battery ■ Band or appliance, But purely j and literally ANIMATED MAGNETISM APPLIED BY MEANS OF FELT and FLUID and FOOD, Conveyed from man to man through the Grand Process and Power of Nature’s Law. THE MOST WONDERFUL SUC- CESS EVEE ACHIEVED IX THE HEADING- ART. Can be sent to all parts of the world and there applied without a physician or any knowledge of disease. ! Thousands' v ’ usr at once who have oeen considered beyond the reach of : any human agency. THE BLIND SEE! THE OLAF H£AH. THE LAME WALK! THE 8!0K ARE HEALED! It is scientifically and Locally Applied Stronger and More Powerful than any Magnetic, or Body of Magnetic Healers can Impart; Simply, correctly and Scien- tifically Generated, Held and Supplied at any degree of strength desired to Fulfill and answer the REQUIREMENTS OF ANYCASE Condition or Necessity of Imparting Life Health and Vigor to any Diseased part —or Organ. IT WILL OTTTXK " Positively and unconditionally Cure, Because it is a scientific and Well Attested Fact Proven beyond the Shadow of a Doubt Through years of Practical experience and constant Demonstration ; that Animated Vitalised Magnetism _ Imparted from the Healthy to the Unhealthy man or or woman Will Cure Any and All classes of disease. To The Public: The Public are, to a great ex- tent, acquainted with the most marvelous results of the Fritz-soman Treatment. It has been used in nearly all the principal cities of this coun- try as a strictly private Formula and specialty of our own, and what little popularity we have attained throughout the civilized world as a most remarkable heal- er, has been gained through its wonderful influence. Wonder, admiration and as- tonishment has every where attended our great success. Physicians have stood aloof and marveled in silent envy while seeing the Deaf,—Blind,— Sick and Lame healed by this most remarkable art. No man, any Remedy Practice—mode —or manner of treatment, has ever performed such great and noted cures, as the author of this system. We now Bow once more to an afflicted Public—prepared to wel- come a whole world, but more particularly the sick hosts of this City, to our office, where we dispense only and ahvays, the Fritz-soman Treatment Avith Avhich we promise that even greater cures than ever (if that be possible) shall attend our Avork. Men, Women and Children broken dovm and suffering by the racking Pains and penalties of disease, avlio have been SAyill- ing doAvn enormous quantities of nauseous, poisonous drugs, Avrenching, gagging, spitting and puking over the nasty, bit- ter, griping, sickening, deadly doses, or he Avho has been cut and carved by the surgeon’s knife, suffering all the torments of the damned on earth, and “ paying dear for every dose and slash,” Avill hail Avith joy our triumphant march. If Ave had the voice of the mighty waters, the eloquence of a Clayr—could write in the lan- guage of the heart—or touch the souls of men with kindly sympathy,—bearing on pinions of light these glad tidings to every bed of disease,—the sufferer’s froAvn would become a smile,— hope Avould fill the heart of the afflicted—the poor bed-ridden in- valid, whose cheek is pallid at the approach of death,—Avould then eradicate Avith the knoAvledge of succor. Read this Paper carefully through, weigh every word and argument offered ; this system of treatment is a scientific truth, and will bear the light of the closest investigation—and the most thorough trial. It stands pre-eminently above all others— the easiest applied, and produces the most satisfactory results. Nature is your Physician ; he unerringly points out every symp- tom—and warns you against dis- ease—through the debility and pains you suffer; you need not question Doctors ; you are readily apprised of the fact by Nature— and with this treatment the remedy is at hand—which will as surely bring returning health as the sun lises and sets in her di- urnal course. Then reason should teach ns, and our own common sense admonish us, to get relief from any disease as soon as the first knowledge of its existence reaches us. Get that relief where it can be obtained the most promptly. Set about it at once regardless of trouble or expense —Health lost all is lost. It is the only fortune the millions possess. This opportunity for personal benefit should be seized upon at once. Remember that you can be cured now. We have had years of experience with these remedial agents in every class and form of disease, treating more cases annually than any Physician in the world, and we have never lost a single case by death, besides curing thousands who Avere considered incurable, raising from the death-bed hun- dreds who had lost all hope ; and those who had often said, I will try no more, are to-day living evidences of our success, thus shoAving the wisdom of our mode of treatment, and the great effi- cacy of this system in healing the sick. OFFICE 150 TREIVIONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. jfintered and Copyrighted according to Law, Approved by Act oi Congresn, In the year iSB£, month of March, by A. D, Fritz, in the office of the Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C. All persons are cautioned against copying any p/ our publications, or imitating our mode of treatment in any form, Alt rights, are secured by itfWt a&f reserved hy {h* 4 uthgr, We would not have think N one moment that we won . / \ ■-. :% our hard-earned reputation by for ing upon you a mode of treatment, un- less we had the most positive km w ledge and reliable evidence of its success. We have put this Treatment up in the form Prescribed with an r.hsol're- assurance of success, know 1,-;.',' f;b; i ,-vr it is the Best the world}- fyfyfc known J We do not lose sight old, iff that every form of Practice! fpopit- ment, or Merchandise, presfi 'fgmx offered the general Public is cUf pd but a Money-making Scheme for its Projectors, and must therefon be looked upon with suspicion and dis- favor. While in one sense this may be true, yet in another light it is very far from the fact. All right-minded and honorable Professional o: Busi- ness men are very careful about foist- ing upon the Public any article which does not possess well-attested merit. For all things without merit are exceedingly short-lived, and nev- er fail to bring disaster to their pro- jectors. It is, therefore, certain ruin, both Financially and .Profes- sionally. As the Thief, Defaulter, or Forger must sooner or later end his career in ruin and disgrace, so certain must all things stand or fall upon their individual merits. If we discarded or looked upon each new innovation with disfavor, the greatest Inventions of the Age, and the sublimest interests of man, would suffer Eternal Martyrdom, and the human race would still suffer with the most loathsome diseases of ancient times. Further let us appeal to the direct understanding of all intelligent think- ing people, and ask them if frf-t should not use the same reasonUmd judgment in selecting a Physician, or a means of cure for their diseases, as in any other business transaction of life ? While the art of healing may seem a divine one to the sick and dying Patient, yet with the Doc- tor—be he whom he may—it is but a consideration of “ Fee,"—Dollars and cents ; we know, if we pause but for one moment to think, that the Doctor, Lawyer, Minister, Merc ha eg Farmer or Tradesman, only useU 'f . calli’-I'-' ts i :;.cpp‘ :« ..i-. I laxity and Wealth, and that every in- | telligent and enterprising man does not leave a stone unturned to bring his name before the public in Ids par- ticular business capacity ; this we all deem a laudable object, and an hon- orable strife among men, which has a tendency to lead to excellence in all Professions. We have determined to take the lead as a healer of the sick—for certainly there is no call- ing so ennobling in life, as his, or hers, who labors to ease human suf- fering, and prolong human life—no matter if dollars, cents, and popu- larity be the mainspring that prompts to action. We assure you, upon the business honor of man to man, that we have found our mode of Treatmen1 the most successful of any in the aunals of history. It is an utter impossibility for it to fail in a single case,— .where death, has not already set her seal,—and no Physician,— or Treatment on Earth can show so successful a record as it has brought us in our enormous practice during the last fifteen years. We have never as yet been disap- pointed in its action, nor in the in- tegrity and intelligence of the people who have treated with us ; we have trusted to their independent reason- ing and discrimination in its use, and know, from the interest always manifested, and the remarkable suc- cess of our past career—coupled with the thousands of patients whom we have treated,— the multitudes whom we have cured,—and the un- told amount of suffering we have ale- viated,— that the past can be but a glimmering of light at the day’s dawn- ing ; and, ere long, the full deluge of the noonday’s sun will have eclipsed the earth, producing a halo of rejoic- ing from a world of diseased-ridden people. The Fritz-sonian System permanently cures without manipulation, drugs, or the knife. Although we may not have the j Persuasive Eloquence of a Beecher, : the Humorous Philosophy of an In- | gersoll, or the Logic of a Sumner, S yet we believe that we can at least | convince every intelligent hearer, i that we believe in, and are willing to take our own medicine. We shall not endeavor to tickle the j ear with flowery rhetoric, or to please ; the eye with fancy sketches, but will | speak in a plain, direct and compre- | hensive manner, presenting solid facts, supported by sound theory and conclusive evidence, that we are pre- senting a claim of the Utmost Im- portance to the Human Race, and worthy of an Enlightened People’s j Close Investigation and most i thorough trial. In order to arrive at a comprehen- j sive understanding of the Fritz-so- j'man system of treatment, it will be necessary to state in a few words our Theory which embraces the whole category of disease, by which the human race can be afflicted. The cause of all Disease, of what- ever name or nature, is simply Con- gestion, or a Congested con- dition of the small arteries and blood vessels which pass through or around that particular part or organ—Sim- ply this and nothing more. Prove it 1 We will. Mark now,— Where Pure Blood circulates there can be no disease. All scientists agree upon this point.— Nothing but Conges- tion can retard circiclation,— 'There- fore, no matter by what cause that Con- gestion is produced. Force this circula- i tion through the part and the disease is renioved. Correct, are we not I Be- cause there is no Congestion where the blood flows freely ; Stop circulation and death ensues,— Start circulation and life begins. Partial Congestion is disease—Perfect Congestion is death. —As a partial circulation is diseased life,— While a perfect circulation—is perfect health and life. Principles. We will now pass on to our princi- pC of Treatment For the absolute F.fwMscase without Manipula- ■ ' oTv* °r Surgical operation. I-orVohvenience sake we will name :it Felt and Fluid and Food. In the hrst place, what is Felt, and why is it used ? Felt is simply a pressed texture instead of a woven one—we use it manufactured into a thick, elastic, absorbent medium, because it is the most economical substance which will absorb,— take on,— and hold our life-giving principle,— Vi- talized Magnetism,—the very spirit-essence of life. Live wool (that is wool taken from a live, perfectly healthy male [Buck] Sheep) will take on and retain vital- ized magnetism from Hand Manipula- tion or Pathctlogical Co?iveyance, on the same principle that fine steel, will attract, take on, and hold min- 's eral magnetism from contact with the magnetic (load) stone. And like the magnet, it will be- | come exhausted from use, as all I things in Nature and Art must be fed, nourished and replenished in order to retain their perpetual power. This then necessitates or brings into use our Fluid, which is a vitaliz- ing producer, or perpetuator, which replenishes, supplies or recharges this vital magnetised Felt, On pre- cisely the same principle that a solution of vitriol coming in contact i with copper and zinc feeds or charges the Magnetic Battery. While the full force of the mag- netized Felt, perpetuated and strength- ened by Vitalized Fluid placed di- rectly over any diseased part or or- gan, speedily, silently, and stead- ily, vitalizes and forces circulation, establishing a perfect action of the Blood and nerve vital fluid, produc- I ing a healthy condition, by supply- ing nutriment from the Blood and nerve vital fluids, while in this active state of circulation. The Food.—The debilitated system, | caused from a diseased action of any mmnm The Fritz-soman System cures disease deemed beyond the reach of any human agency. organ of the body, must be sustained while the cure is going on—as with- out proper sustenance, healthy blood cannot be manufactured ; therefore it would be impossible to supply the waste tissue. As all food taken into the stomach contains a certain por- tion of nutriment, it must be fully assimilated in the stomach before passing into the absorbent glands, by keeping up an active secretion of all the digestive organs what will we use for this purpose,— DR UGS ? Certainly not. Our Food, which is prepared from the expressed juices or extracts of certain Fruits, Vegeta- bles and Animal matter—Abounding in Nutritive, Alterative and Assimila- tive properties, will therefore produce a perfect digestion of all other Foods combining with it, when taken into the stomach thus eliminating a Pure, Rich, healthy Blood. The combined influences of these Healing elements must, will, and do remove all diseased action from the human system. Our Treatment is one of the Most Wonderful and Glorious Achieve- ments of Science, rendering the true principle of disease, its cause and cure, simple, rational and compre- hensive, converting a sovereign rem- edy into a legitimate article of com- merce, which can always be carried with you, shipped or transported to any part of the world—Applied with- out a doctor,—Medical skill or knowledge of disease. Nature is your physician. He puts a pain in the part diseased, and only calls upon you to apply the remedy over or around the spot he has desig- nated, and bids you use the Food prepared from Nature’s labratory. This Treatment unfolds the deep- est research, most ingenious, power- ful and far-reaching element of man’s ability to hold the invigorating prin- ciple, the very essence of life, in such abeyance as to produce the most wonderful results in removing dis- eased action from any part or organ of the human system. It is so sci- entifically conceived, so practically constructed and simply arranged, that any person of ordinary intelli- gence can produce a stronger, and more powerful healing influence, than any magnetic, or b-ydy of magnetic healers can impart. It will always answer the condition and require- ment of the case, conveying both health, strength and vigor to the patient. It will Cure,— positively and un- conditionally Cure,— Because it is a Scientific and well-attested Fact— proven beyond a Shadow of Doubt, through years of Practical Experi- ence—and constant Demonstration, that Vital Magnetism, imparted from the positive Healthy to the Negative Unhealthy man or woman, will Cure any and all classes of disease. The only trouble has been that it was an utter impossibility for one Positive Nature, to convey it to another of the same Nature. This truth accounts for the many failures of the Manipulators, or so-called Natural Magnetic Healers. Pre- cisely the same Principle will apply to the Scientists or Christian Heal- ers,—their Power resting solely upon a Psychological condition of the Pa- tient. All Nature, and Creative forces are influenced by Perfect Positives, and Decided Negatives. By our mode of application and impartation of this most subtile power, every human being becomes the Negative and our treatment a certain and powerful Positive This may seem strong Language, but it is nevertheless true ; true to the very letter; absolutely and literally true; as heat is Life; and cold is death ; so sure will it produce Animal heat; Equalize and force circulation; Impart life; cure dis- ease ; Perpetuate health ; and pro- long human existence. This is no wild visionary scheme ; but a practical fact; susceptible of proof, and the widest range of demonstration; easily proven by yourself, beyond the shadow of a doubt. Select a person troubled The Fritz-sonian System is a sound theory, a scientific fact, and a perfect success. LECTURE Delivered by Dr. Fritz, nt Exeter Unit, London, upon the Introduc- tion of the Fritz-sonian System and Treatment for the Cure of CHRONIC DISEASE. Animated Vital Magnetism. Ladies and Gentlemen: Like all things with which you may not be fully acquainted, the Fritz-so- nian System of Treatment may seem strange and almost an impossibility, or may, perhaps, seem almost too good to be true. We would say to you that it has already passed the or- deal, and where it is known is no long- er doubted. We are here to-night to introduce it to you as a Friend,— one who will improve upon acquaintance, and one to whom you can pin your faith ; for we have been acquainted with this system of treatment for twenty- five long years, and for the past fif- teen years of this time it has nobly stood by us in every emergency, and has never faltered nor once disap- pointed our most sanguine anticipa- tions ; therefore we love it as a friend for the good it has done hu- manity, but from you, as partial strangers, we can only ask for it a re- spectful hearing, and a just verdict in the end ; We will do our best to pre- sent it in such a form that you may be able to grasp the principle, and reason to the ultimate effects. And although many precious lives might be saved during the time of your investigations and most natural pro- crastination, we can only place the truth of its wonderful success before you, and trust; to yons better judg- ment for the result. The past century has been fraught witii many changes, in not only all the Arts and Sciences, but as well in the opinions of men. Ignorance, Superstition, and the belief in, and love of, old Dogmas, are being fast buried in the history of the past. The Burning of Witches, the Post- Horse, the Packet and Stage-Coach, have given place to the Iron Horse, the Telegraph and the Telephone, the old Tallow Candle to Gas and the Electric Light. As innovation after innovation dawns upon the world, so, too, are the old schools of medicine Calo- mel and Jalap, Blood-Letting, and the Purge, being fast buried among the Dead images of a barbaric race. And the sufferings of man, like the elements of nature, are being con- trolled by the wisdom and mighty genius of man. After an extensive practice of over twenty years’ experience, travel and research, this treatment has been perfected. It always proves positive, uniform and reliable in its results, free from the many objections which almost all persons have experienced in the use of drugs. It has proved, by actual experi- ence, to be the most reliable and positive cure for nearly every form and condition of chronic disease. We do not speak from a theoreti- cal standpoint, nor any matter of guess-work, but from actual experi- ence in our most extensive practice, upon hundreds of patients every one of which have been cured—after nearly every other known means had utterly failed, and almost every lib- eral-minded physician of every land, who have investigated the subject at all have added their testimony to our own experience. The Fritz-sonian System is the most wonder- ful success erer achieved in the healing art. with any morbid, or painful disease ; (and they are legion) apply it accord- ing to the instructions given ; watch the result; upon the very applica- tion, its magic influence is felt; a warm, pleasant glow of Animal heat; Generates, Irradiates, and Permeates the whole system. The patient feels that New Life is entering into the circulation; that the Nerve Vital Fluids are receiving a strange pleas- ant stimulus, and that Nature is be- ing aided in her effort to throw off disease. Its influence is mild, yet powerful, prompt and efficacious in not only relieving, but in permanently curing every form and condition of disease. With this treatment, we do not have to Wait, and “Dope,” and Drug, and experiment; Poultice, Cup and Blister ; still suffering, and suffering on from day to day and week to week, hoping against hope, that relief will come changing doctors; employing consulting physicians (besides swilling down enormous quantities of patent medicines) until at last we sink into the grave from utter exhaustion and despair. We do not wish to be understood that our mode of treatment will cure any and all diseases in a moment although many are cured in a very short time. But it will relieve in all cases —* and where reasonable time, perseverance and judgment is displayed, It will permanently cure any curable disease. In the most obstinate cases it seldom requires more than a few days, still there are diseases which have been a long time coming on are thoroughly seated and chronic these may and often do take weeks and even months before a thorough restoration tc health. So if you are not cured in a day, do not give up in despair, for some of the most remarkable cures have taken place after its close and continued use for some time, Bui of this fact you may rest assured it will never disappoint you in the end. And once tried it is always used the one noble ■ friend which never deserts .or fails to give relict in the hour of your direst need. Now—as we have said before— all Disease or Diseased Action is but a Congested condition of the small arteries, blood vessels, and nerve vital fluids which pass through the Diseased part or Organ. Dis ease causes this Congested Condi tion, and this Congested Conditior perpetuates Disease. There may be, and are, man} primary causes of disease ; as Strang ulation, a blow, a bruise, a wound, £ severe cold, damp or wet, Linger ing disease is the result of lon£ Continued or improperly treatec acute affections; Such as malaria fevers,—Agues, or epidemic climatic diseases, Or from simple or more complicated contagious complaints such as scarlet fever, measles -oi small-pox; or from a still more prevalent source, inherent scrofula, syphilis, blood and organic tempera- mentary predisposition to disease. From whatever cause, source or natun disease may arise, The ultimate effects and organic conditions are the same. Now mark well the fact, If you take a severe cold congestion of the lungs takes place, followed b} fever and inflammation, again pass- ing to a chronic congested condition. If you become billious or malarious, a congestion of the liver is the result. Exposure to inclemencies of the weather, produce rheumatism, the result of a congested state of the parts exposed, and so on from begin- ning to end infinitum. As heat is life and cold is death, so heat or fever creates a rapid circulation, and cold or congestion retards circula- tion. Now in order to allay fever or any inflammatory action ; or disease, we equalize the circulation of blood and in order to remove cold, con- gestion, and death symptoms; we increase the circulation, which also equalizes it. Hence it is simply, action and reaction, that either allays fever or removes congestion; but The Fritz-sonian System removes congestion, forces circulation and cures the patient. in order to produce or induce a perfect health, we must as well have a free and unrestricted action and cir- culation of the nerve vital fluids. As the running brooklet clears, purifies, and cleanses water, so does the equal circulation of the blood and other fluids of the body purify themselves, thus the healthful adjustment of the machinery of the body depends upon a free circulation of all its fluids. Again Reason, Experience, and Common Sense teach us that where a Free Circulation of Blood exists, there can be no disease. 21.ten of course disease Retards Circulation Now in order to cure disease, we must only force or equalize circulation, and if it be a fact that Congestion is the cause of non-circulation, and all disease results from the same source, namely Congestion; Then in order to remove the cause and cure the Dis- ease, we require or need but the One Remedy ; this remedy we find comes from but the one source—Animal Heat generated by and from Vitalized Animated Magnetism. Any person “ with half an eye ” can see at once the remarkable prin- ciple embodied in the Fritz-soniav theory of treatment. The very fact of our having produced an artificial medium of holding and conveying vital magnetism capable of being eliminated through Positive and Neg- ative forces from the Medium or ve- hicle (The Felt) direct to the pa- tient, must be one of the most powerful healing agencies of scier tific or divine origin. And further, being able to perpetuate that moffi subtle power, the very Life Essence of all animated nature by the simple application of The VITAL MAG- NETIC FLUID, through which means we gain the perpetual action of a perfect Vital Magnetic Current, or natural power of healing far sur- passing in simplicity, power, effect, mode of use, healing capacity and direct results, than could pos. :bly he achieved by any number ot indi- vidual magnetic healers. Let ns for one moment com on ■ our system of treatment with old, or that with which you arc a:- quainted and by which you have generally been treated, watch every point while we reason. We will en- deavor to be just and candid and make it perfectly plain to the think- ing or even to the uncultured mind ; for we are of the opinion that most men have brains although they may not have education. As it is a well- established and settled fact acknowl- edged by all scientists that Conges- tion is the direct cause of all disease, we will proceed to remove Congestion. You are taken sick, it matters not with what disease, you send for the physician, he enters the room, feels the pulse, looks at the tongue, shakes his head, opens his saddle- bags, excuse me he writes a prescrip- tion, but no matter, the first thing you get is a Physic to remove the Accumulated Feaces, Unload the Stomach by an Emetic, Quinine to act as a Tonic, or Antiperiodic, when if this does not happen to relieve the congested condition by this very general reaction of or through the whole system—Then your very scientific and popular Doctor com- mences to fire into your stomach Shot- gun after Shot-gun Doses of “Pukes,"’ “Purges,” “Poisons,” “Tonics,” “Antiperiodics,” “Anodynes,” “Stim- ulants,” “Nervines,” and “Diuretics,” but in spite of all this you recover— But, my God, how do you feel for about a week ? you feel like a man without a Heart—Liver or Intestines. I would now ask Is it not more reasonable and more in keeping with common sense, To relieve this causal of disease, “ Congestion,” by apply- ing Vitalized Magnetism direct to the diseased part or organ, producing at once without any experiment op uncertainty the circulation of blood through the part diseased, that relief may be immediate and the system receive no such shock as it would from this long continued struggle with both medicine and disease. To make it still more plain, The Fritz-soman System is the only never- failing treatment yet discovered. Let us Illustrate. Supposing there was a beautiful stream running through your garden or meadow, its waters pure and clear : as the morning dewdrop, glistening i in the bright and glorious Sunlight, | ever ebbing and flowing peacefully I and healthfully from its fountain to | the mighty ocean; supposing from i some cause an avalanche of earth or drift should be deposited in its bed | so as to obstruct its flow, How soon, , “Er’e the day passes,” its clear pure ! crystal waters are turned to a murky i Pond or Stagnant pool, How would ■ you again clear and purify its bright I and crystal elements ? Would you ! gu, or follow up to its mouth in the | mountain side, perhaps miles and | miles away, and there commence to | force away the obstruction, so far | below, Or would you like a sensible, I intelligent, practical man, take your I spade and simply remove the accum- j ulation, giving water again its : free and untrammeled flow ? How | long will it be Er’e all its beautiful j crystal healthfulness will return, and |in joyous gladness go dancing, ! dancing on, whispering to the silent | pebbles, “I’m free ! I’m free ! ’ As the streams are the arteries and Blood vessels of the earth, So is the Blood the water and Brooklet of the ; human body, when unimpeded in its circulation it remains free and nour- ishing. But like the stream when it becomes obstructed in its course it is ; jendered impure, stagnant, and poi- I sonous. Now if diseased action or an ob- | structed circulation should take place in a Man’s Knee, and it should con- I sequently become congested and ; swollen, the Blood naturally becomes i Fevered, The Bowels become consti- paled, The Urine high colored, the ! Tongue coated, &c. What should ; be done ? The old school and theory ! of Physic would be to go away back i to the Mouth, as the “ Fool ” would !to the mouth of the stream. They ' would vomit to clear the coating from the .Tongue. They would Physic to f the Bowels. They would e a Diuretic to clear the urine ; a i Diaphoretic to allay the Fever, and ! Quinine to prevent its return. And aftei ait this “ Old School Scientific Doctoring” and “Tom Foolery,” how much good has been done the real disease, and cause of all this derangement of the system, namely, : the swollen, conjested knee ? Simply i none at all. But on the other hand j they have done irreparable injury. ; They have weakened the system and irritated every healthy organ in the body. Now our treatment would be to do precisely as the sensible, prac- tical man would do with the Stream. We would simply remove the obstruc- tion or congested condition of the small Arteries and Blood vessels which passed through the diseased part or Knee. We would give the blood a free and unobstructed circu- lation, when as a natural result the swelling would abate, the Fever would disappear, the Tongue would clean, the Bowels and Kidneys be- come normal. The Knee would be cured, and no bad results would fol- low. If it Is a crown of glory to save a human life, and hundreds rescued an eternal monument, how much bright- er the diadem and greater the im- mortal eulogy over a million rescued from the grave! Shall the people perish, for the simple reason that the old schools of medicine have failed to cure them ? Is it consistent with reason and intelligence to pursue a theory or course of treatment, or to employ a doctor; who has no promises to make, and even goes so far; as to tell you that no medicine will reach your case, but that he will try ? Any “ Fool ” can try, but the wise man seeks in nature a cure for his pa- tient. Is there any question; but that the old Theory and Practice of Physic is retrograding year after year ? and as this is true, does it not behoove us to ask, Why is it true,; The Frftz-sonian System relieves the moment i applied and a speedy cure is the result. The reason is plain : It has utterly failed to answer the requirements for which it was designed. As an intelligent people, should we not stop to investigate, and give a respective hearing to the claims of a system ; which promises ; and is every day fulfilling the requirement never yet attained by any other treat- ment ; That is in every instance ; an immediate relief, and in hundreds of cases performing the most wonderful and permane7it cures ? v Does it not seem that it'is to the direct interest of those who are suffering with lingering complaints, which is unfitting them for their business, rendering life unpleasant; and burdensome, bringing poverty to their door, and heaping hardships upon their families, to look about them and see if something cannot be done to change this condition of things ? We tell you most emphati- cally, there can be something doiie, and is every day being done. Positively and unequivocally, being done. No disappointment. But successful in every case and instance. Then it would seem not only a duty, but an absolute command of necessity, to bestir yourself. Not sit; or lie ; quietly down and eat the bread of enforced idleness. Suffer and complain. Complain and suffer, until you become an intolerable nuisance ; both to yourself and your family, just from the simple reason that a few bottles of “Pukes,” “Purges,” and poisonous obnoxious medicines have failed to cure. What could you expect when you have seen these very “ things ” fail so often before ? If you would stop but for one moment and reflect,— carefully reflect,— could you not see the mis- take ? I tell you it is high time for the sick man to open his eyes to the fallacy of drugs for the cure of Chronic Disease. They never have, nor never will bring to any Deaf, Blind, Lame, or Sick man, a satis- factory result; we must look for it elsewhere. I tell you in all candor and earnestness, that the Flitz-sonian system of treatment of Felt and Fluid and Food embodying the whole life principle is the only thing, that will positively and unconditionally cure Chronic Long-standing Diseases. Has not its simplest element al- ready done wonders, although only employed in an imperfect and crude form. Operated and Manipulated by honest though generally illiterate men and women, who made no claims to know ; why ; or how ; they could perform such wonderful and miraculous cures. Many deemed it a gift from God. And indeed they were right. It is a gift from the higher power,—from Nature,—frem the Elements of Life and the creative power and genius of man. As Fulton controlled the power of steam; and Franklin captured the lightning. So knowledge, Experi- ence, and practice, has enabled us to put in a practicable shape ; the long sought for healing power and cura- tive influence of Vitalized Magnetism. One question we will now ask the candid thinking mind ; if you have tried different Physicians, and the old theories and practice. If you have been taking and using Medi- cines of almost every name and kind; if they have failed to cure you after a sufficient and reasonable trial, Is it not about time that you now tried another and more rational theory and treatment; when the facts are that you must make a change if you ever expect to get well, would it not be in accordance with reason and good Judgment that you now give us a hearing and try but one course of this treatment; we only ask a fair trial and just verdict; For we are just as confident as we exist that it will be for your interest to do so ; and that you will be more than Satisfied with the change, and its re- sults; we now ask you; If Not, Why Not? This is the question for you to decide; If Not, why Not? The query is most Respect- fully submitted to an intelligent people. The Fritz-sonian System never disappoints the patient, a rapid cure always follows. The Fritz-. fan System. Felt and Fluid and Food. ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS. NOTHING ME IT ON EARTH. DON’T BE DECEIVED. Felt and Fluid and Food. IT IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF LIFE. SCIENCE, AET & FOOD COMBINED. GOD’S BEST GIFT TO MAN. CL.h. Q Of TO-DA.T. Str anger: Read this over carefully—At least three times—l want you to perfectly understand—That our System and Treatment is NOT like any other—It may be the means of saving your life—When you are brought to see and to thoroughly understand that it is not like—nor anywhere near like any other treatment which you have ever used, or seen used. Every day people tell us that they have used this Treatment or something similar When we come to question them, they have been using some common mag- netic Pad ; Magnetic Belt; Elec- tric Pad, Band, or Belt, or Some- body’s Liver Pad—Now we want you to understand and to remem- ber that none of these are ours— Nor are they on the same Prin- ciple as ours—-Nor anything like ours. Our System and Treatment is no more like the above in kind or principle, than is Alcohol like Water—or that Flour is like Mashed Potatoes—or a Wagon is like a Sled—Now remember and always bear in mind. That our Treatment is a Sys- tem of “ Animated Vital Mag- netism," constantly and continu- ally applied, or kept, on the dis- eased part or organ—Every Hour —Minute—and Second of the time—until the disease is entirely removed from the system—And just as fast as the diseased sys- stem uses—takes up—or can ab- stract the vital magnetism from the Felt (which is simply a vehi- cle). It is again supplied—fed— or charged—by the use of our Chemical Magnetic Fluid by dampening or wetting the origin- ally-charged vitalized Felt with the Fluid. This seems plain enough, and should be easily understood, but to make it still plainer we will illustrate. For instance, whefi you eat a good, square, heart} meal—you are full—feel good— and are capable of labor—But after you have worked off this Food or nutriment—you gradu- ally grow weaker as hunger in- creases—or as your stomach gets empty—until in time for want of vitality you completely collapse— Our Treatment acts on the same principle—As long as the Felt is thoroughly charged—well Fed— filled full with Animated Vital i Magnetism—it forces circulation j —removes disease—and care.- * because it has the strength io: I constant action—But when che | Vital Magnetism or Food is used up—it grows weak and worthless—and therefore must be again Fed or supplied with more magnetism—The same as you must be fed when hungry—While we feed you with bread and meat —We feed our Appliance for re- moving disease with Animated Vitalized Magnetism, which our Fluid contains through chemical action and affinity—Do you see ? Can you understand ? Do you realize ? We First Feed—Charge—or supply the Felt Appliance, Pad I or Band, with Vital Animated' Magnetism By actual Hand I Manipulation—As you put Yeast j in your Flour to raise Bread— So do we supply the first princi- ple—From ourselves, or from the Natural, Vital, Healing Power of Man—Then as the Dough rises and keeps rising just as long as you keep supplying the yeast—So does the vital magnet- ism keep flowing and flowing into the system just as long as we keep up the supply—with the Natural Magnetic “ Fluid!' Therefore we always have a live, active principle at work on the disease. Nothing in nature or art can ibsist or exist upon itself—lt must be perpetually fed, sus- tained, nourished and supplied with Fuel or Food for power. This Treatment must not be i co:-'-founded with any other—For | it is as pre-eminently ahead of all f v>Aer modes and manners of I -Healing-—in time required—sira- | pi i city of action—sound theory— practical results—and scientific principle—as Modern Chemistry is superior to old Alchemy. It is a dangerous thing—for science and the sick—To con- found it with—or as similar to that of the numerous Medicated Pads—Magnetic Belts—-Electric Bands, etc. Animated Vital Magnetism is “Not” a steel magnet a Medicated Pad, nor an Electric Battery—But it is— the absolute result of vital Hand Manipulation or Positive Animal ! Magnetism. Therefore any dis- | cerning mind—or the most un- i lettered person can easily see the i great dissimilarity in almost every particular. The only way it could possibly become confound- ed or be mistaken for any of the old Treatments—is from the sim- ple fact that we make use of a Felt Pad, Band, or Appliance as a vehicle or medium to hold or take on and retain our healing principle—for the purpose of ap- plication to the disease—For in- stance, you may take medicine out of a “ spoon,” but this would not constitute or make the “spoon” a part of the Treatment —would it ? any more than an empty Pill Box will move the bowels. Now you may charge steel—or zinc and copper—with mineral magnetism and sew it up in a Belt—How long do you sup- pose that this magnetism will last I when coming in contact with the body—or any substance which will absorb or attract it—Twenty- four hours perhapsl—Not longer —After this, then it is no better than a worthless rag—ls it any wonder that these Belts, Bands and Pads usually fail. Let me tell you right here ; “and don’t you forget it!” Noth- ing can feed or exist upon itself. Until perpetual motion is discov- ered every power must have its source of supply, and everything which power must be constantly fed, the Pad, the Belt, the Telegraph and the Locomo- tive. No power or action can generate within itself. You need not be deceived—if you will only reason from cause to effect—always taking the laws of nature for your guide and act accordingly. FELT and FLUID and FOOD. Felt and Fluid and Food. The “Felt” is Live Wool which takes on Animated Vital Magnetism. The “Fluid” Is a natural Magnetic Production which per- petuates Vital Magnetism. The “Food” Is a Chemical combination of Fruits, Vege- table and Animal matter. The “Felt” and “Fluid” and “Food” constitutes the Fritz-sonian System and Theory of Animated Vital Magnetic Treatment. The “Felt” Sustains, takes on and holds Vital Magnetism Felt and Fluid and Food. as a vehicle or vessel retains any other Vital Principle. “ The Fluid ” Sustains, Feeds, Supplies or Replenishes the vital magnetism to the Felt as fast as it is taken up or consumed by the System. The “Food” Sustains the System, keeps all the Secretions of the body open and active, and furnishes Nutriment to the debil- litated organs. The “ Felt ” and “ Fluid ” and “Food” Forces and Equalizes Circulation, supplies vitality and sustains the System until the de- Felt and Fluid and Food. Militated Organs are restored to |iealth. The “ Felt ” Being charged with Animated Vital Magnetism, py means of actual Hand manip- ulation, thus rendering it possi- ble of retention and conveyance at will from man to man. The “Fluid” Being a natural Planitary Chemical production, will recharge and perpetuate vital magnetism as long as a particle of Animated Magnetism remains in the (vehicle) “ Felt.” The “Food” Being a Tonic, Alterative and Assimilative Nu- Felt and Fluid and Food. triment, supplies the P'atty Tis- sue of the body until the “Felt” and “Fluid” forces and sus- tains a perfect circulation of Blood through the (Congested) diseased organs. The “ Felt ” and “ Fluid ” and “ Food ” Being the embodiment of all the vital principles of Life and Health, and Action of the Blood and Nerves and Circulation, Vitalizing, In- vigorating and Sustaining, Equalizing and Energizing every function of the Body, must produce a perfect, perma- nent and lasting free and equal distri- bution of every Health-Giving and sustaining element of the most vigor- ous life. LET JEALOUS DOCTORS HOWL! THE MEDICINE VENDERS WAIL, AND THEIR MYRIAD DUPES CONTINUE TO SCOFF. Reason, Truth, Intelligence, Experi- ence, and Good Works will Prevail. Heroic Medicines—Poisons—Drugs—the Lancet and the Knife must he Consigned and forever Buried among the Dead Images of a Barbaric Race. Reasoning Men Have Lost All Faith lu Drugs. li We Have No Faith in Medicine.’’ Thirty years’ experience in the study, research and active Practice in healing the sick, both with and without medicine, has convinced us that no confidence can be placed in Drugs—And that the Fritz-sonian System is the only Treatment upon which we can implicitly rely with any assurance of success. The most wonderful and remark- able cures which have been every- where attested and recorded from its use—Convinces us still further that the world should be made more intimately acquainted with its sove- reign healing Powers—in all cases of Long standing Chronic diseases and deformities. It stands pre-eminently above all others. No words are adequate to portray nor thought deep enough to con- ceive its vast and unlimited benefits to man. We repeat: If we had the voice of the mighty waters, the eloquence of a Clay could write in the language of the heart —or touch the souls of men with kindly sympathy,— bearing on pinions of light these glad tidings to every bed of disease, the sufferer’s frown would become a smile, hope would fill the heart of the afflicted the poor bed- ridden invalid, whose cheek is pallid at the approach of death,—would then radiate with the Inn •ed; ° of succor This would ini. the tidings of help to that poor widow whe is being consumed by the canker of disease,-—to the ever- faithful wife and mother, whose tower- ing step bespeak the burden and frailty of her sex. These words would bring joy to die old man whose eyes have become dim by the weight of years,— or the young who grope their way in darkness, or the great calamity of total Deafness. It ; will bring the priceless gift of light, and | the chime of merry bells will gladden the unstopped Ear. He who totters on the weary walk of ! life, supported by crutch and cane, suffering from the wrenching pains of Nerve and Bone—to him it would bring the eloping staff which nature’s Cod has given. It will stay the hand of that youth whose passions have taken hold on hell, and command his unholy impulses, saving him from disgrace and ruin, healing his malady, and leading him ! onward to noble deeds, which even his | enemies will praise. It will snatch the young bright, I beautiful and sprightly maiden from the : jaws of death, and make disease b ! her types less feared in the land. Let it not be said that we cast i . - j most precious Pearl before swine or ■ that we speak to fools. You suffer,— ! you read,— you understand. The i language of your own heart, the appeal i to your own, better, higher and noble sense, bids you Pause,— Reflect,— Listen. The words we utter are truths I No such means have ever yet been vouched to man, and they will as surely I bring returning health as the sun rises I and sets in her diurnal course. Stop and witness this melancholy j sight—as you stand beside the bed of ; rum or her--who is fast sinking into the ong, dark, unknown hereafter, watch- ng the light of reason fade from the roving eye, the pallid cheek, the atten- uated form so perfect in all God’s love- iness, soon to be covered by the cold doUs of earth—to feel that this need lot have been,—had not neglect of ob- rainins the means of cure within our •each, and vouched for by all that is ruthful and appealing to our own sense if experience, been delayed until too .ATE. But the day is passed, and the long, ireamless night of death approached md snatched from our midst a human :orm. When the hand of disease is upon is, , nr’ is every day bringing us nearer door, we should not stop to the- • ■.:■■■ r repine. Tie- time has then come for prompt md efficient action. The old remedies .vhich have dropped thousands into the nave, should not be depended upon; nit reason and judgment should take he helm, and the greatest, safest and nost positive of all means employed. Life is sweet and most precious to all, vhether the king upon his throne, the president in his chair, the judge upon ;is bench, the merchant behind his counter, the farmer at the plough, the vidow in her cottage, or the pauper in lis hovel. THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM RAPIDLY GAINING IN FA- VOR WITH THE SICK AFFLICTED AND DEFORMED. Wonderful Cures are being performed in our midst. Hundreds and Thousands in all parts of the Land of the Deaf, Blind, Sick and Lame are given a new lease of life. He Heals the People, who in return, are overwhelming him with orders. Excitement Runs High. In time past, but more recently, in Boston, mention has often been made in the principal journals concerning the most wonderful cures which have been everywhere recorded in favor of the Fritz-sonian system of treatment, and so overwhelming is the evidence in its fa- vor that it can be no longer doubted. Formerly, this system of treatment was only used by Dr. Fritz, its Author, as in the Practice of a great Physician, and administered only by hmiself. But through his great Liberality and wish to benefit humanity, to-day it is being sent to every part of the world, gladdening the hearts of all Peoples of every tongue and nation. The Doctor does not wish to be understood as an advocate of no medicine at all, or as denying or doubting for one moment the efficacy of certain medicines properly ap- plied for the purpose of counteracting Poisons—healing sores—alleviating pain and certain acute diseases—But he most emphatically protests against the use of all Deadly Poisons, whether vegetable or mineral. God in his wonderful goodness has implanted in nature a cure for all dis- eases of man. The Foods and life-giving forces,—harmless in and of themselves, yet ever potent in healing and vitalizing prop- erties—they will benefit and not destroy human life—nor cause a worse disease while alleviating a lesser one. Nor does he condemn Surgery in the abstract—as often its judicious employment is the only means of saving valuable life. But he does say that but very few well-authen- ticated cures of long-standing chronic diseases has ever been recorded as em- anating from the use of medicines—and thousands of cases have been made ab- solutely worse.—He also, like all reason- able men, must condemn in the strongest terms the indiscriminate use of the knife. All experience and authority goes to show that more cures have been per- formed without medicine than with it—the finer and more vital principles of Nature, Life and action being far more potent m their effects. Hipocrates, the Father of Medicine, says; “ All men ought to un- derstand the principles of the vital mag- netic science in its relation to medical art.” This would shield them from imposition and quackery, whether in or out of the schools. Animated Vita! Magnetism. Vitalized Mag- netism has proven tok.e in al' aSes of the world one 0£ the most Strange, Weird, Efficient, and Powerful Healing Agents—it is the almighty crea- tive god-like pow- er—which ener- gizes, vitalizes and magnetically controls all things “ Emanating Seating6' atom "and ani- mating all nature —it is the vehicle of light, life, and thought, creating, j divinizing and I T!-cK»..iing The ry st :rrt-c«sence of 1u; stft . „g and MvH-v influence— "TiCd t perme by this subtle j^er—it is no less than the finger of Ood,working through mind and matter, re- unfimkedre^urceT3 “During the past few years many of the most startling Cures have been record- ed as emanating from the Fritz- sonian System of Treatment— fair- ly outrivaling many of the mys- terious and mar- velous cures wrought by our Saviour and some His of Apostles —much like those of a Newton, a Castor or a Dar- ring—only more brilliant effec- tual—and lasting, This system | so pregnant j with good results I —so potent in its action —so con- slant and uniform jn its success and safe consistf1 ingenious blending of Vitalized Magnetism its vitalistic perpetu- at mg power and vital- ous nutriment rood. OVER ONE HUNDRED REASONS WHY THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM IS THE BEST. BECAUSE IT NEVER FAILS. BECAUSE—It is endorsed by the best people of every land. BECAUSE—It possesses an immense array of facts to sustain its use. BECAUSE—It is the Greatest Triumph of Nature’s Laboratory. BECAUSE—It can always be carried with the pa- tient, and applied at will. BECAUSE—It requires no Physician, nor medical knowledge in its use. BECAUSE—It never disappoints a patient in remov- ing disease. BECAUSE—It is adapted to, and will cure all chronic complaints. BECAUSE—It is a highly scientific and pleasant treatment. BECAUSE—It should be used by every sick man and woman. BECAUSE—It has performed more cures than any other treatment in the world. BECAUSE—Its cures are perfect, permanent and lasting. BECAUSE—It will advance the science and art of healing. BECAUSE—It will simplify the removing of disease, and do away with Drugs. BECAUSE—It will cure through the grand power of nature’s laws. BECAUSE—It will not impair the integrity of the constitution. BECAUSE—It removes both the cause and the ef- fects of disease. BECAUSE—It sustains a nicely balanced contrast of every healing element. BECAUSE—Its healing effects are soothing, pleas- ing, bracing and vitalizing. BECAUSE—It produces a sudden transition from sickness to health. BECAUSE—It acts as a servant or hand-maid to nature in curing disease. BECAUSE—It contains the stronger and|finer ele- ments of the human system. BECAUSE—It is a perfect equalizer of the circula- tion. BECAUSE—It can be used with perfect’’safety and success. BECAUSE—It supercedes Drugs, the Lancet and the Knife. BECAUSE—It cannot be too highly extolled, nor too universally employed. BECAUSE—It is simple, gentle, pleasing, yet all powerful in its action. BECAUSE—It is the Power that gives life and vi- tality to every animate thing. BECAUSE—It is the vitalizer of all life, in nature, and the universe j BECAUSE—It contains the finest elements of all healing powers. : BECAUSE—It is pre-eminently and universally successful. BECAUSE-—lt is impossible to do any harm to the most delicate organ, j BECAUSE—It is the most powerful healing influ- ence in the universe. : BECAUSE—It contains no poison to break down the constitution. BECAUSE—It robs almshouses and graveyards of their many victims. BECAUSE—It prolongs life, health, strength and vitality. BECAUSE—It contains the vital principles of Life itself. BECAUSE—It will remove disease quicker than any other known remedy. BECAUSE—It is nature’s remedy, the vital princi- ple of all life. BECAUSE—It never poisons men to ease their pains. BECAUSE-It is the Treatment of true Christian Philanthropy. BECAUSE—It promotes intelligence, and strength- engs the reasoning forces of man. BECAUSE—It is the finest and the best true healing principle. BECAUSE—It is as old as the Universe, and as stable as God’s ways. BECAUSE—It is the one great healing principle under the control of all men. BECAUSE—It is like electricity, only a thousand times more volatile. BECAUSE—Its influence can be felt as soon as it comes in contact with the patient. BECAUSE—It often cures in a day diseases of years’ standing. BECAUSE—It is impossible for diseased action to exist where it is used. BECAUSE—It is the most reasonable, sensible au skilful of Physicians. BECAUSE—It is the healing principle of I ■ ancient and modern times. BECAUSE—It promotes the hapiness of mankind by removing their disabilities. BECAUSE—It is vital magnetism conveyed from man to man. BECAUSE—It is a natural magnetic healer, always on duty. BECAUSE—It contains every principle of the cura- tive agency of all medicines. BECAUSE—It produces an active condition of every organ of the body. BECAUSE—It is vital medicative without deple- tion or poison. BECAUSE—It is a sovereign Doctor to all human- ity. BECAUSE—Its principle is the deepest, grandest, and sublimest, a part of deity itself. BECAUSE—It commends itself to the Intelligence of all men. BECAUSE—It forces new life into the circulation, and airests decay. BECAUSE—It is a method peculiar only to itself, entirely different from all others. BECAUSE—It is the Physician of all Physicians, the God-given influence. BECAUSE—It will cute any chronic disease known t6 man. BECAUSE—It cures the Deaf, Blind, Sick and Lame. BECAUSE—It Purifies the Blood and forces the cir- culation. BECAUSE—It removes all congestion, and forces the Nerve fluids to action. BECAUSE—It promotes an active secretion of all the vital organs. BECAUSE—It promotes an active secretion of the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. BECAUSE—It enriches the Blood by supplying it with Red Corpuscle. BECAUSE—It promotes a perfect assimilative of all food taken into the stomach. BECAUSE—It expands the Lungs by forcing circu- lation around the air cells. BEC AUSE—It controls the action of the heart and circulation. BECAUSE—It allays all fevered and inflammatory coaditions at once. BECAUSE—It arouses the dormant action of a de- bilitated constitution. BECAUSE—It electrifies the blood and tones up the system. BECAUSE—It cures consumption by removing all its first causes. BECAUSE—It allays pain by promoting absorption and circulation. BECA USE—I( scatters Tumors and removes every scrofulous element from the blood. BECAUSE—‘ ■ ires cancers by forcing circula- te through the malignant growth. BECArJu cl res Paralysis by forcing the circu- i of the Nerve Vital Fluids. yC'-AC ires all diseases of the Liver by lorcaig an active secretion of Bile. BECAUSE—It will cure deformities by supplying vitality to the bones and muscles. BECAUSE-It will cure inflammatory scrofulous enlargement by its absorbent action. BECAUSE—)•: will cure all diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. BECAUSE —lt will cure tumors, cancers, scrofula, and all blood diseases and impurities. BECAUSE—It will cure all female derangements, misplacements and irregularities. BECAUSE—Ir will cure nervous debility, sperma- torrhoea, lost or weakened manhood. BECAUSE —lt will cure Paralysis, Apoplexy, Rheu- matism, Deafness and Insanity. BECAUSE—It will cure all diseases of the principal life-sustaining organs of the body. BECAUSE—It is harmless, yet all potent, in the hands of the most inexperienced. BECAUSE—It strengthens and builds up every at- tribute of man and womanhood. BECAUSE—It perpetuates the strength of man to age. BECAUSE—It fills the home life of woman with health, comfort and joy. BECAUSE—It restores that youth whose passions have taken old on hell. BECAUSE—It snatches the young, bright and beautiful from the jaws of death. BECAUSE—It promotes the beauty of woman through its health-giving influence. BECAUSE—It contains the three necessary ele- ments to health and life. BECAUSE—It fosters and sustains an active se- secretion of all the organs of the body. BECAUSE—It contains no metallic substances, bat- tery attachments or complicated appli- ances. BECAUSE—It contains the two fundamental laws of cure—the Law of Power and the Law of Harmony. BECAUSE—It is a mild, steadfast, moderate, firm, even temperate, enunciator of healing power. BECAUSE —it cures muscular and bone diseases, by removing all Uric and Lactic Acid from the Blood. BECAUSE—It cures Dyspepsia by stimulating the stomach to a perfect assimilation of foods. BECAUSE—It has met with the most wonderful success ever achieved in the healing BECAUSE—It cures diseases which have been con- sidered beyond the reach of any human agency. BECAUSE—It is the only thoroughly scientific treatment which can be sent to all parts of the world. BECAUSE—It heals on the Theoretical Basis of removing congestion by direct action and reaction. BECAUSE—It cures when the Last hope has ex- pired, and every other treatment has failed. BECAUSE—It should be tried before taking any more medicine or doctoring any fur- ther wih anybody. BECAUSE—It is simply Aminated Magnetic Felt Vital Fluid and Vitalized Food. FINALLY—It is the great and only positive cure for all diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Stomach, and Kidneys, Tumors, Can- cers, Scrofula, and Blood, Female De- BECAUSE—rangements, Misplacements, and Ir- regularities, Nervous Debility, Sper- matorrhoea, Lost or Weakened Man- hood, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Deafness and Insanity, and all the concomitant derangements and diseases of the principal life-sustaining organs of the Body, Nerve Forces, Brain and Vital Powers. DISEASES CURED BY THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. Diseases of the Head, Throat and Lungs. Now, in the first place, we want you to distinctly understand us when we say that this Treatment will “ Not ” cure Consumption. Neither can any other treatment cure this fell destroyer of the human race—where an absolute decay of any organ of the body has taken place, no power on earth can re- store it. But we also wish you to understand us when we say that we “ can most pos- itively ” cure the diseases causing and leading to Consumption—such as Ca- tarrh Bronchitis General Debility, etc. These causes are the first or form- ing stages of consumption—and can most positively be cured—not helped—- cured—No doubts need be entertained of a perfect and lasting cure—Consump- tion need not result—You need not die with this disease—You can use it with the same positiveness of success—as that you exist—lt is an eminently sue. cessful treatment—perfectly reliable in its results—Any person threatened with Consumption who neglects to avail themselves, at once, of this treatment, —is to say the least—Guilty of criminal negligence—as the choice lays entirely with themselves— To live—or—die— You may say that you cannot afford it —or that you do not believe it—But I tell you this lame excuse will not do—if your life is worth the effort-—this is your opportunity—You know that medi- cine will not cure—And we tell you em- phatically, that this will. Do not neglect it—Make the start this day—write this hour—Drop every- thing—lt is your only hope—your only chance for life. Diseases of the Kidneys and Genito-Urinary Organs. If diseases of the kidneys and genito organs were better understood and more properly treated, one-half the suf- fering of the human race could be avoided. Diseases of these organs produce more general misery to both man and woman than all other organs of the body combined, as they are the most important in their functions, as well as most delicate and complicated in their construction. No Treatment over yet devised is so well adapted to the cure of all the different diseases of these organs as Vital Magnetism; in fact, it has never been known to fail. Diseases of these organs produce a chain of symptoms and diseases almost too mind-harrowing and misery-produc- ing to record. A few links of the chain which is forged around the unhappy sufferer are, in the first place, Lame Back, High Colored or Colorless Urine, Urinary Deposits, Weakened Sexual Capacity, Diabetes, or Bright’s Dis- ease, Inability to Retain the Water, Scalding and Bloody Urine. And as disease progresses, producing a gradual wasting of brain, muscular and nerve power, incapacitating, poverty-stricken- ing, unhappy, unsatisfied marital rela- tions, enforced sterility, morbid feel- ings, suicidal tendencies, loss of mem- ory and brain capacity, lack of confi- dence in self and all mankind, unstable- ness, softening of the brain, spinal complaint and softening of the spinal marrow, disfiguring eruptions, leaving WiU the Day of Great Thing and of Miraculous Powers Never Cease. Ever since the Fritz-sonian system of treatment for healing the sick has been brought into use some of the most wonderful, and remarkable cures ever recorded have been of almost daily occurence. When Dr. Fritz was astonishing the people of the different cities of this coun- try with his seeming miraculous healing powers—fairly awakening the dead— opening the eyes of the blind -unstopping the deaf ear—causing the lame to walk and curing the most hopeless cases of disease as if by a wave of the hand —speaking and acting the words of life and healing power—we but little dreamed of the silent but most potent factor at work—and how he brought forth and utilized one of the most refined elements in all nature to meet the demands of his proudest fancies—that of alleviating the suffering of man. They deemed him as peculiarly gifted of the gods, and attributed these marvellous cures to the wonder- ful magnetic influence which he himself ex>: ted over the patient. But since his most remarkable system has been published and put upon the market, we see that it is not the man, but the wonderful genius of .e man in controlling the most vital healing properties of natures vast Labo. ory—As Fulton discovered and steam was utilyzed to drive the most ponderous machinery. As Franklin controlled the lightning, and Morse made it speak from nation to nation, and with it Edison has illuminated the world—so too has the mighty genius of this man controlled animal magnetism, a still more subtle power destined to revolutionize the art of healing. And placed it within your power—to heal all your maladies. some cases where the sense of hearing was entirely lost—although we do not recommend it in such cases; But we have the utmost confidence that this is the most universally successful treat- ment ever yet devised. We use no oils or medicines in the Ear—no inhalations or insnuflations in the Nose or Mouth— but a continuous and gentle current of vital magnetism applied in the external orifice of the ear by means of our Felt and Fluid. It is a pleasant; perfectly safe; and highly scientific mode of treatment; and the only form that the Deaf should ever employ—as where this fails no other means has ever been known to succeed. Bhenmatims. Rheumatism. This most painful disease is caused from a lack of proper secretion of the kidneys: as uric and lactic acid of the blood ; when this acid matter secretes about the tissues of the joints; pressing against the sen- sitive nerves thus causing the most in- tense and excruciating pains.- There are different varieties of the disease: yet all arising from the same source— a poisoned condition of the blood and congestion of a part—generally brought about by exposure to cold and damp.— In all cases the Fritz-sonian system will have the most prompt and happy results By getting up an active secretion of the Kidneys, removing congestion and forcing circulation ; Don’t let anything prevent you from employing this treat- ment at once —if you would avoid pro- tracted suffering deformity and a crippled condition for life. Paralysis and Palsy. Paralysis; Palsy; Ataxy; Corea; and other diseases of this nature can be cured if nature has not ceased to act, or in other words if the Patient is gradual- ly and slowly improving ; instead of re- trograding or daily growing worse. Felt and Fluid and Food is particularly adapt- ed to diseases of this character, and has performed some of the most wonderful and remarkable cures, and the only per- fect cures ever recorded. Blood Diseases. Syphilitic Scrofulous ; Impov- erishment; Eruptive, &c. No treat- ment ever yet. devised or employed, will so quickly, permanently, and unequivo- cally remove all poisons ; humors ; and imparities; from toe circulatory fluids —smooth, soften and beautify the skin as the Felt and Fluid and Food. The Eye. For all diseases of The Eye our treatment is pre-eminently successful. Don’t neglect to confer with us at once —if you would avoid the worst of all fates, total blindness. Finally, we might thus go on and enumerate disease after disease, or, more properly speaking, painful and troublesome symptoms or effects of dis- ease ; but we deem it unnecessary, as it matters not what your trouble or condi- tion may be, you are most cordially in- vited to communicate with us, that we may confer together and ascertain if the Fritz-sonian system of treatment is adapted to the case. You can always rely upon intelligent counsel, candid ad- vice, and an honest decision. We in- vite correspondence. them liable at any time to Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Consumption, Blindness, Deafness, Paralysis, Palsy, Apoplexy Locomotive Ataxy, Diabetes, Strictm , Bloody Urine, Emaciation, decrepid old age while yet in the prime of life, or at last dying by inches with some horrible lingering disease, or filling a suicide’s grave. Behold what a great fire a little mat- ter kindleth. Now, the cause of all this suffering in the first place is very simple, and can be easily remedied, if you will take our advice, and nip the evil in its bud, by at once using Felt, and Fluid and Food. Yet, if the disease has pro- gressed to its worst, and even last stages, do not despair. It will still cure you, only requiring more time and more perseverance. It is the correct treatment. It will not fail. The Liver. Diseases of the Liver ; Conges- tion— Ulceratfon—lnflammation Tor- pidity—Jaundice—Gallstones— Billious- ness—Constipation—Dark or Clay col- ored stools—Diarrhoea;—Piles— Colic— Indigestion—Emaciation and decline- Truly a lamentable chain, of symptoms to arise from the disease ti- re quire quite a book to .U-lineate, and their sufferings never coin-.; be pictured by the pen of the historian. Many remedies have been devised, Pills and Potions innumerable concocted, but man still suffers, and suffers on. Rem- edies of a day. The disease only to re- turn again and again. For the complete—permanent and lasting cure—Not to return upon the change of every moon and season : But a radical cure. Employ the only direct remedy that can possibly be used in these cases with a positive assurance of success—Vital Magnetism—the Life- giving principle of every organ of the body. The Stomach. Diseases of the Stomach, Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, &c. There are but few diseases that create a greater disturbance of the general animal econ- omy; than a difficulty of this organ. Creating the most Morbid, Debilitating, Gloomy, Despondent, Dejected, and miserable Gnawings,—Burnings—Belch- ing—Fullness—lndigestion Inactivity of the Stomach and whole alimentary canal. By the Fritz-sonian treatment all diffi- culties and distressing symptoms are overcome—And a perfect healthy diges- tive action established; Relief is at once obtained ; by applying the treatment di- rectly over the stomach—Arousing a perfect digestion—by removing the con- gested condition which has taken place in the organ and surrounding tissues. Cancers and Tumors. Cancers Tumors Scrofulous Swellings; and all diseases of this malignant character; can be cured at any stage; excepting where actual de- composition of the parts have taken place—After the cancer assumes an open eating sore—The tumor becomes incisted—The scrofulous swelling an inflamatory or cold abscess—Our treat- ment will not cure.—But at any stage before this takes place ; they can be cured; and the entire enlargement re- moved by absorption—Therefore allsuf- mrerswith these diseases should under- take their treatment at once ; while they ive a positive certainty of cure—Next . w.kv't* next month may be too late. ■We Fritz-sonian system of treat- ment never disappoints a patient—and :s not recommended for anything it will not cure—nor for the incurable stage of any disease. Avoid the knife and the most horrible of all deaths—by obtain- ing a full course of treatment at once. The Ear. Deafness. Where there is a roar- ing hissing or disagreeable noise in the head Where sound can be heard but words can not be distinguished—Where it has been gradually growing worse from year to year—the secretion dark- colored, dry or scally—the tissues of the Ear shrunken and the cavity en- larged—or where there is a scrofulous or Otorhoe’l discharge—ln fact any case where the Drum of the ear is not de- stroyed—Every case without exception can be benefitted ; and a great majority of them entirely cured—The Fritz-soni- an treatment has been successful in GENTLE3IEN AND LADIES’ CONFIDENTIAL DEE Alt TALENT. Gentlemen: The mind of man could not conceive A nobler mission to fulfill, Than manhood's weakness to relieve, As slowly he ascends the hill. Nervous Debility— Seminal Weak- ness—Spermatorrhoea Lost Manhood—and Impotency. Is a calamity or disease which may befall or afflict any man; because a man partially or completely loses his sexual powers or capacity is no reason that he has ever been either addicted to secret vices or criminally over-indulgent in vcnery—But may and often does result from a myriad of other causes. Nevertheless, Loss of Power in any form is a great misfortune to man—He naturally becomes degraded in his own mind, losing confidence in himself both morally, soci- ally, and in a business capacity— — And as if to make his misery still more complete—he loses the love and esteem of the wife of his bosom, or the woman of his heart’s desire—From the very nature of things all women must de- spise, loathe, and abhor a man without manhood—As all men lose both love and respect for woman without womanhood (from the very philosophical reason that all sex magnetism and affinity is lost)—nothing to attract but everything to repel. Then how essential that we look to these things in time, before we are forever de- barred from the pleasures attending the necessary demands of our sex the one Essential to the happiness of all men. Cast away! an incurable while yet in the prime of our existence—The picture seems too sad to contemplate—The symptoms b\ which you know of the approaching danger —are too plain.to require repetition here— therefore it seems only necessary to say— Gentlemen, when the warning linger is pointed at you, as you value your future happiness, business capacity, love of wife and influence in society, go this day, this hour, build up your already shattered and tottering manhood; let it not be a thing of the past, an unredeemable satisfaction and pleasure, the pearl of great price and pride of your declining years. We know of no Treatment in the tyhole range of our experience—upon which you can depend with the same degree of cer- tainty of cure as you can upon “Felt, and Fluid and Food.” Vital Magnetism contains and sustains every principle of Man's Lost Vitality. It is simply and scientifically employed—lt re- quires no Physician—can be daily and con- stantly used without the knowledge of any person—sent to any part of the world—and will restore Lost Manhood in roery instance and under all conditions—giving strength from its first application and a radii at cure in a few weeks. Venereal Blood Poison. The most candid advice, is, do not marry, nor even contemplate marriage so long as there is any Syphilitic Blood Poison in your system, It is but a covered up or smothered volcano—liable to break out at any time and sting you unfo death— Young man, did you ever consider what a cruel dastardly thing it is to wile away a poor girl into foul embrace. To take her to sleep in a bower of roses where she will wake to find herself in a charnel house. What man can contemplate without dismay the prospect of giving life to a doomed progeny, blear-eyed, shrivelled, and wail- ing as infants; if they live, scrofulous, shrunken, ill-favored youths; as men, dys- peptic, hollow-cheeked, and consumptive, and at length sinking into an early grave, the victims of their parents’ transgressions. This Treatment is one of the most powerful and subtile Blood Purifiers in all cases of Venereal or Scrofulous Blood Poisoning. We cannot urge you too strongly to honestly and faithfully carry out the instructions necessary in these cases—That you may once more become “ A Man ” in every sense the term implies —We cannot dwell—It is not necessary for us to say more—We could not have said less—The path is open—Take your choice —Will you use this Treatment and become A Man—the possessor of all manliness— Or put off and become an Imbecile—Or die a most horrible death from a most loathsome disease. ladies : We do not deem it advisable in a publi- cation of this kind to speak too pointedly nor too elaborately on the diseases to which your peculiar Organism is subject—We would much rather leave it to you to draw your own inferences from the few Remarks we may drop—and trust to your wisdom— To Nip the Evil in its Bud—before it de- stroys all your hope of happy maidenhood or Married Felicity—Let no evil conse- quences of your solitary hours—grow and ripen into unhappiness and bring forth scorpions to sting your after life—Do not let your noblest Womanhood become im- paired—The Constitution Broken down— The Memory or intellect Weakened—Your Mind wander or Thoughts revert—become Dreamy and Listless—with eyes Sunken and Dull—lips Pale—cheeks without Lus- tre—and step inelastic—Company of the opposite Sex no Pleasure—and Society r drag—Let not these ravages go too far— seek Relief while you Can Be Cured. If you value your Womanhood and your Motherhood give this your attention—You are within the Prime of Life—and yet your strength is slowly but surely wasting away —Your mental Power has received a heavy shock—It vibrates through the entire Ner- vous System Procrastination means Death—not a sudden dissolution but a slow and lingering death. When you feel peevish and fretful, ner- vous and Despondent ■— Hysterical and “ Awful,”—dull and languid in the morn- ing—Pains under the points of the shoul- ders—Weakness across the small of the Back—dull Headache—weak Stomach— bloating and bearing down Pains—besides the many other symptoms with which you Suffer—Remember the Consequences— Don’t allow it to Run on—Our Felt and Fluid and Food will make a quick and rapid change for the better—the right thing done at the right time will produce a most rapid cure—One thing is very certain, you never Can Be Cured unless you try— Then why not Seize the Opportunity as it is now offered—Don’t let Procrastination seal your fate as “ too late,” nor render your Existence a Miserable failure. MIRACULOUS, WONDERFUL, AND SHE MOST REMARKABLE CURES. Modern Miracles. Having read and heard so much about this Fritz-sonian Treatment and of its most remarkable success during the past few years—and what seeming miraculous cures he was performing with his System— I could not help but become considerably interested—as I had been a terrible sufferer for many years—and had as I supposed exhausted every means known to art and science without receiving any great bene- fit. I had been treated by such men as Bartholomew, Agnew, Flint, Baker, Rush, Thorndike, and a score of others full as well known and celebrated in the pro- fession—No wonder then that I took hold of a new thing with reluctance and but little confidence. Still I thought that if there was help for others there might be for me, and I could but try, as I had a thousand times rather have been dead than to continue suffering as I was and had been for the past ten years. I will tell you a little of my condition and then you can judge better how a man feels when he has been snatched from a living hell and from the very brink of the grave. In the fall of 1875 I took a severe cold which seemed to settle all over me, my feet and every joint in them swelled to nearly three times their natural size. The nerves ached and every joint seemed as if being drawn from their sockets. I con- stantly groaned with the most excruciating pains for three mortal weeks; no rest nor any ease day or night; hot fomentations, the most powerful liniments and opiates done me no good nor eased me in the least. Only when I laid in a dead stupor from large doses of morphine did uncon- sciousness come over me for a few mo- ments at a time—When at last the pains did begin to ease up a degree, my feet began to turn black and blue—the blood seemed to stop circulating in my limbs— a deathly coldness and heaviness oppressed me—my urine became thick and streaked with blood—my bowels discharged the most foul matter—chills—fevers—smother- ing sensations—dead, heavy aches—and sharp, twitching pains went shooting all over my body—l hovered between life and death for many months—finally the disease appeared to assume a more settled charac- ter—a sort of a paralytic rheumatism, as the doctors called it. At times I could get out of bed and around a little But pain, I was always in pain—My bowels became so that they would not move without the most powerful cathartics, and my water had tc be drawn more than half of the time—l doctored arid lingered, and lingered and doctored—I suffered and prayed, I prayed and suffered, and often wondered why God had so afflicted me—Days came and lengthened into weeks, and weeks into months, and months ran into years—Still time brought me but little relief, and all the time more feeble and despondent. I had often heard and ray friends had sometimes advised me to try Felt, and Fluid and Food—Bottled Magnetism, as they called it—but everybody knows how such things are—I thought that if the mosi noted physicians could not help me, ol course nothing else would—and as for th( idea of a man getting well of such a dis ease as mine without medicine, why the idea was preposterous. But as the saying is, “A drowning man will catch at a straw,’ and one day while I was laying on the sofa in my room reading over a circular de scribing the Fritz-sonian System, I came to the words, “ If not, why not ?” 1 stopped and thought, read a little furthe: and thought again. Now, here I am; 1 have tried all the regular doctors and the) have done but little for me; yes, nothing and Dr. Fritz says if after you have triec everything and nothing does you any good why not try this? If not, why not? Yes this is the question. If not, why not ? I made up my mind then and there tha I would try it—and I did—l sent that ver) day, and God bless the day, it is and evei will be a sacred one to me. Before I had been using it one hour, 1 felt its revivifying effects. In a few weeks my appetite became good—my urine passec free and assumed its natural color. M) bowels were as regular as clock-work.— The blood circulated in my limbs, and ir less than three months I was where yor see me to-day—A thoroughly well, hearty sound man. I used no medicine, unless his Food may be called medicine. I tell you it is wonderful, perfectly wonderful. I can hardly realize it myself— that I should be where I am to-day— tough and rugged—able to once more take my place in business among men, strong— I could almost knock out Sullivan. I have just returned from a trip Out West. While stopping at the Palmer House in Chicago, I noticed an exceed- ingly fine-looking gentleman who was attracting considerable attention among the guests in the office, very graphically de- scribing his experience with Dr. Fritz. Let me tell you, gentlemen, said he, that man saved my life, and I shall never forget him. I will tell you how it was. My name is Hill—C. M. Hill. I live and was born out here in Wanconda, and there is where I came mighty near being buried. I am now 35 years old. What I am telling you happened just before the big fire—the latter part of ’7O, when Dr. Fritz had his office occupying the whole building No. 196 Clark St., every resident of Chicago will remember what great cures he was performing then. I have seen the whole building crowded, and the side-walks for more than a block each way waiting to see him. Mr. Palmer here will tell you what an excitement he created. And Fred Gross- man, the real estate man who had charge of my affairs then will tell you what condi- tion I was in about that time. Just after I got married and was the happiest man in Wanconda, I was taken sick and kept running down for more than a year, when our child was born. I considerably overdone myself by being up a good deal nights. Finally I began to cough and raise the worst matter you ever saw, kept growing weaker and weaker every day until the doc- tors told me I must either change climates or die. I tell you I was a skeleton. I settled up my affairs the best I could, kissed my wife and babe good-bye, never expecting to see them again in this world. My father and one of the neighbors helped me to the depot. When I looked out of the car window as I passed through here on my way to Minnesota it was with a heavy heart. Stranger, were you ever sick, leav- ing all you held dear on earth, going away to a strange place to die? If you ever were, you can imagine my feelings tha: day. Well, I went to Minneapolis, and stayed there a few weeks, but got no better. The doctors then advised me to go on through to Colorado. So I went, but how I ever got there I don’t know, but I did, and stopped at a very good hotel at Colo- rado Springs. There I improved a little, and got so that I could take a little ridt every fine day. But after a little I com menced growing worse very rapidly, and fearing that I should die in a few days I d; termined to return home at onee and see my wife and little one if possible before I passed over. I had a very comfortable bed provided in a Pullman, and at last, in uttei exhaustion and the very last stages of con sumption, I found myself once more ai home in my own bed, with my dear ole mother and loving wife to attend me. 1 lingered without hope for over a month, and then revived a little again as most consump tives. I then called on Dr. N. S. Davh here, and he informed me that my only hope of ever seeing spring was to go t( Florida at once. I told him that I hac tried Minnesota and Colorado, and if i I must die, I should die at home. The day dawns. That night when I got home, my litti< ! one was looking at some pictures in a pape I upon the floor. My wife carelessly picker I it up and laid it on the bed. After’ a, liffh ! I glanced at it and saw that it was one o Dr. Fritz’ circulars. I read a few lings am then became interested, and read it hear!- all—and that night before I fell asleep had firmly made up my mincl to see him. Be tween hope and the excitement I was abh the next day to be taken to his office, never shall forget my feelings while beinj helped into his presence. I dropped inti a large easy chair, and after I had got nr breath a little, the doctor came up to mi and said, Well, young man, you are no dead yet, are you ? I said no, but might; near it. Yes, said he, It’s a close shave but I guess you have struck a lead thi time. Do you want to get well ? I criei gentlemen, right then and there I bawlei like a baby, and came near choking t death from coughing. The doctor told m not to be excited, that if I would only kee] a stiff upper lip he would cure me. Am what’s a fact, gentlemen, he went right a it and done it. I gained rapidly from th first, and within six months was once mor well. We have sold out up here in War i conda, and I now live on a large farr which we have lately bought, four mile from Decatur, Alabama, in the Tennesse valley. I can do as much work and stam as much exposure as any man in that regior Gentlemen, you just go up to Wancondi and see what the folks there have to sa about my case and Dr. Fritz. You bet i he tells you that his treatment will cure case that it will do it. He is now in Boston, and has a enormous sale of his Felt am Fluid and Food—he is the smartes man and the greatest genius I ever saw When he looks at a man he knows wha ails him, and don’t you forget it,—and h knows how to cure him too. A day or so after this episode at th Palmer House, I stepped into a large Vier na bakery and cafe on the corner of State i Vanburen Sts., kept by a gentleman by th name of Wilhelm Henreci, one of the fa mous Henreci Bros., who enjoy the reputa tion of keeping the finest cafes in the Wes tern metropolis. After partaking of a ver liberal repast, and while lighting a fragran Havana at the counter I casually inquirei of the gentlemanly attendent if he had eve known a doctor in that city by the name 0 Fritz. His countenance brightened up in ; moment as he answered, I do, sir, know hin well, and I guess nearly everybody els< does in this city. Why, sir, he is the great est healer that ever lived. Stranger, m; name is Henreci. I am the proprietor o this place, and I will just tell you what tha man did forme. You see, he used to b< my wife’s mother’s doctor. He cured he of a very distressing sickness while the] were living in Peoria, 111., and shortly afte: we were married I was taken very sick right in our busiest time. For three long weeks I laid right on the broad of my back, suffering everything but death with, as the doctors said, spinal irritation, and inflam- mation of the kidneys. I had six of the very best doctors to be had, and all the ease I could get was from hypodermic injec- tions of morphine, and as soon as the ef- fects of that would wear off a little the pains would commence again worse than ever. One evening, after the worst time I had suffered yet, and all my friends expect- ed that I would die, who should walk into the room but Dr. Fritz, the author of the best system of treatment on earth. My wife iii her desperation and as a last resort unbeknown to me—for to tell the truth, I hadn’t much confidence in him—had sent a messenger after him. He smilingly came up to the bed, and spoke kindly, and asked me what 1 was there for. I replied because | I couldn’t help myself. He said I had | 1 good deal better be attending to my busi- -1 ness than laying in bed. I answered that 1 if I did not get some help soon that I did | not think I should ever attend to much bus- • iness again. Oh, yes you will, says he, you I will be over at the store to-morrow all I right. I asked him if he thought I was a j d n fool. Oh no, says he, but I think I your doctors are. Let me show you how easy I can cure you. So saying, he took a piece of felt cloth and a small bottle of some kind of liquid. He dampened the cloth with the liquid, laid it upon the small of my back, and then placed his hand over it to keep it there. After letting it rest for about ten minutes he placed a band of com- mon muslin around me to hold the cloth in place. I felt quite a burning and prickling all the time as if the Blood was trying to force ivs way through the veins, lie then delibcretcly pulled all the covering off of me, hit me a slap with the flat of his hand, and told me to get up and dress. I did not think I could, but I was so mad that I made the effort, and to my surprise I got up all right, and when once on my feet he handed me my pants and told me to dress myself. I did so without saying a word, but I tell you I kept up a terrible thinking. The next day I went about my business, and have been doing so ever since without the least symptoms of a return of the disease. I spent quite a number of days in the city, conversed with a great many people, and learned of more than three hundred cases full as remarkable as those above re- lated. Among the most prominent people in social, professional and business circles. ( k C. H. Hunter., Fifth A vc. Hotel, N. Y A Horrible Sight. | Mrs. Jane Hovey, of Beacon street, Bos- i Fritz-sonian S.itm of Treatment says: | About eigiu vtara ago I had a small lump I make its appearance on my left shoulder, i which gradually enlarged until I had a j surgical operation which removed it for a I short time. Then it commenced to make I its appearance again, and inside of three | months grew to an enormous size— I again j had it removed with the knife, by which 1 I suffered so much that I firmly made up my mind that I would much prefer death • than to pass through another operation— | therefore you may judge of my feelings j when it commenced reappearing before the ; wound was healed—This time it grew so fast that inside of four months it was much larger than ever before and very tender to the slightest touch. It extended around to the back of my neck and between the shoulders until I was a most horrible sigh|, and suffered more than mortal can ever tell. I commenced the Fritz-sonian Treat- ment by placing the Felt over and around the Tumor, and dampening it twice a day with the Fluid. I took one tablespoonful of the Food before each meal, which sus- tained and kept up my strength—and call it miracle or what you will, the tumor be- gan to grow smaller and smaller every day, until at last it had entirely disappeared— All the time I was under this course of treatment I felt well and continually im- proved in bodily health. One year has now passed and no sign of the tumor re- appearing—On the other hand I am better in every respect than I have been for years. This is, to say the least, a most remark- able cure—but I have seen equally as won- derful results on some of my friends who have used it through my influence. Snatched from the very Jaws of Death. Mrs. I. A. Hollinsworth, of Charlestown, Mass., says:—On the night of April 9th last I was taken with gouty pneumonia. The pain in my feet was intense—did not close my eyes for 48 hours—attacked my left elbowy"and on the nth my urine turned thick and full of mucous—bow’els had not moved—spittle a thick, ropy phlegm—lack of breath, and a rattling in the throat con- sidered by my physician as a forerunner of death. J My husband wrent to Boston for thi| Fritz-sonian treatment. When it arrived! I was laying in a death-like stupor, and a heavy, labored breathing. The Felt Pad was applied warm and slight- ly dampened across my chest—could not swallow j the Food—in about 15 minutes be- gan to I|reathe easier, and in two hours was quite con ■ Portable—took one teaspoonful of the Food dropped into a comfortable sleep 1 n three days W'as about the house again. Thus was I snatched from the very jaws of death. He was Struck with Death and Still Recovered. The lion. Erastus Benedict, of Albany, N. Y., says : About three years ago I was kicked in the stomach by a horse—lnflam- mation of the bowels set in, and my urine was scarcely anything but pure blood— Nothing passed my bowels for fourteen days—The most celebrated surgeons said there was no hope as mortification was about to set in—l had been delirious for the last thirty-six hours—and they expected every hour would be my last. Through the earnest desire of one of the members of our legislature, Mr. Forsythe, they de- spatched to New York and procured the Fritz-sonian Treatment—A band of Felt was placed around me dampened with the Fluid, and I was given one teaspoonful of the Food every half hour—l felt easier at once—The fever soon abated—My bowels moved the second day—My entire recovery was rapid—and I can truly say that I was cured after being struck with death. Never Saw the Like. I believe the Fritz-sonian system of treat- ment to be a marvel and a wonder—and that the finger of God is in it. My little boy Henry had a very severe fall about two years ago. He struck right across the small of his back, which swelled up fearful- ly, and from the time he fell he could not move nor stand on his feet. The bones of the spine grew out of shape, and his knees were drawn up near to his stomach—he re- mained in this condition for over a year, nearly all the time suffering the most in- tense pain. Large bed sores were formed on both hips, which we could not heal. My husband brought home from Boston one of Ur. Fritz’ papers, which we read, and made up our minds to try his Treatment. We did so, and in less than two weeks Henry began to improve, and in less than six months from that day was entirely well. He is a great healthy boy now. Oh, il everybody only knew about it, hbw much suffering might be saved. Mrr. Sarah Rockwell, Lynn, Mass. Narrow Escape. Rev. Win. Foley, of 361 West 15th St., Chicago, 111., had a very narrow escape from death. This is his own story: One year ago I was in the very last stages of Bright’s disease of the Kidneys. My fam- ily physician and various counsel had given me up to die—I had lost all hope— but wras persuaded through friends as a last resort—for 1 had no confidence—to get the Fritz-sonian Treatment. 1 con- sented, and they got it for me—T began to improve at once—and to-day I am a w'eil jnanr—l did not take a panicle of mcdS cine—We all consider it nothing less than a miracle—Since my extraordinary recov- ery, I know of at least fifty others who have used it, and they to have got well— It is to say the least remarkable. The Hand of Ood. Gen. Singleton, of South Carolina, on a visit to his niece residing in Boston, called upon Dr. Fritz for a difficulty from which he had been suffering for over twelve years—almost entire deafness and a partial paralysis of the whole left side—The doc- tor told him that his Treatment would em- phatically cure him—ln four hours his hearing was entirely restored—and in less than three months he completely recovered from his paralysis—He says the doctor used no medicine—Simply the Felt, and Fluid and Food. The General says he cannot understand it, unless it was the hand of God. Still Alive. About three years qgo my attention was first called to the wonderful cures being performed by Dr. Fritz through his most remarkable System of Felt and Fluid and Food. Ever since the war I had been a great sufferer, and as I supposed beyond any hope of relief—I was troubled with a disease of the heart which every day threatened my life. At the same time a distressing asthmatic difficulty, scarcely ever being able to lie down to sleep, be- sides having a large running sore on my right ankle and four on my left leg just below the knee, the direct results of being wounded in the army. Thus was I a per- fect wreck living yet dying by inches. My surprise can better be imagined than de- scribed when the doctor told me that he thought his system of treatment would make me a comparatively well man—com- fortable the balance of my days at least, if not entirely cure me. I commenced his Treatment by applying a bandage about my ankle and leg, wearing a garment over my chest and a pad over the region of the heart—dampened each day with the Fluid —and taking internally one teaspoonful of his Food before each meal—l commenced gaining at once—My shortness of breath left me in about thirty days—the heart assumed its natural action in a few weeks and inside of one year my limbs complete- ly healed—and I. now consider myself a much better man in every way than I was eighteen years ago—ln fact I am perfectly well in every respect. I have lived in Bos- ton all my life, am well known here, and I consider the Fritz-sonian System a godsend to the afflicted. I have seen at least twenty others who have been cured by this treatment, some of them in the very last stages of disease. Chas. Foster, of Parker St. DR. FRITZ, AUTHOR OF THE FRITZ-SONIAN SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. The World's Greatest Expert in Diagnosing Diseases, Healing the Sick and curing deformities. ESTABLISHED SUCCESS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Such Knowledge of Disease—Such Marvelous Healing Power—Such Scientific Truths— Such Practical Demonstrations, and such Uncontrovertible Facts— the afflicted are called upon to witness. M :t:k: tkt light of o;en day. She attds it tail: to kilt her igaoraitt, tor tow ip kei Mrs, HIS REMARKABLE POWERS COMMAND THE LIGHT OF REASON AND DEMAND INVESTIGATION FROM EVERY HUMAN BEING WHO IS SUFFERING FROM DISEASE, CRIPPLED BY DEFORMITY, OR THREATENED WITH A PAINFUL, LINGERING DEATH. therefore he GIVES “Free” Consultations, “Free” Examination and “Free” Delineations to all patients. OFFICE 150 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. DR. FRITZ tells at once what ails the Patients, and Just how they feel in every particular. From a strictly scientific knowledge of their structure, and a thorough acquaintance with every disease which afflicts mankind. Without asking any questions—Looking at the Tongue or feeling the Pulse—Without any information from the patient —Without any previous knowledge of the case—Without any questions or examinations whatever—Without in any way com- ing in contact with the patient—OZbTOE L—-Without any hesitation.—Every Ache, Pain and disagreeable feeling is pointed out and described fully, clearly, explicitly and hotter than the Patients can them solves. He locates, describes, understands and explains disease at1 a glance, historizes :ts iricipency, progress and termination, and convinces the Patient that he is a thorough master ' ah rrofessiop.•* DR. FRITZ HAS ATTAINED GREAT EMINENCE THROUGHOUT THE CIVILIZED WORLD. Not only from a most wonderful natural intuitive talent, a thorough scientific training in the very best schools of medicine, an intimate acquaintance with the most celebrated medical authors of the world, his great discoveries in the art of healing his most wonderful capacity and genius in every department of his science, but from a most extensive practice among the very best and most cultured people of the principal cities of all countries. It is said of him that no physician of the world can so readily and unerringly describe and explain every symptom and condition of disease, or perform such remarkable cures in so short a time. SICKNESS, DISEASE AND DEFORMITIES ARE BUT A PLEASANT PASTIME FOR HIM TO OVERCOME. He gives life to the dying, robs the sick room of its suffering and the coffin of its prey, He is the most scientific and wonderful delineator, thorough revelator; the deepest searcher of hidden causes, secrets and sources from which spring all the different diseases and deformities which afflict humanity. POSITIVE KNOWLEDGE OF DISEASE AND A POWERFUL MAGNETIC INFLUENCE IS THE ONLY POTENT FACTOR OF ITS CURE, And none need this knowledge and wonderful healing agency so much as the suffering man or woman. And from what source can it be better obtained than from the physician of such experience, skill, intuitive genius and eminence in his profession ? Not only are all who consult him astonished and surprised at his wonderful knowledge of disease—His plain, concise explanation of every cause and effect, but at the rapidity with which his treatment relieves and cures the most obstinate case.— He Possesses an Almost Infinite Power in Healing the Sick and Alleviating Human Misery, Having as well the natural gift and a thorough comprehensive knowledge of the natural forces of nature, besides the scientific attainments requisite to their application, rendering him the most remarkable healer in the world. BE. FRITZ CM NOW BE CONSULTED AT HIS OFFCE, No. 150 TREIONT STREET, BOSTON. HOURS FROM 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., and 7 to 0 EVENIKOS. SUNDAYS FROM 10 A. M. to 4 P. M,