l\)l -——!---■--» ---- /' ^F* '' \ REGIMENTAL SURGEONS STATE OF NEW YORK, WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-3. By sylvester d. willard, m. d., OP ALBANY. y 4 0 4 jr. if. s, *X, • REGIMENTAL SURGEONS .OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, IN THE ¥AR OF ÏHE REBELLION, 1361-3. n,"„v By Sylvester D. Willard, M. D., of Albany. -115 I i .___ ■*- rî> i trf At a meeting of this society in 1862, I presented a list of the surgeons from the State of New York who were engaged in the military service of the United States. Dr. 0. White, delegate from the New York Academy of Medicine, presented the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted : Rtsolved, That the thanks of the State Médical Society be ac- corded to its Secretary, Dr. S. D. Willard, for the laborious com- pilation he has made of the médical raen who hâve entered the army from the State of New York, and that he be requested to continue the same. In compliance with this testimony of the Society's approbation of my labor, and in exécution of my original design, to procure the names, and, so far as possible, a notice of the labors of those of our profession who hâve been engaged in the military service, I again présent the list of regimental surgeons, revised, and with additions to the présent date. What at first seemed no very difficult task, has grown, with the unexpected magnitude of the war, into what now appears an enterprise almost impossible to accomplish. The list of the surgeons which our State has furnished in the various departments of the service must therefore go forth incomplète, and for the présent the history of their labors unwritten. One reason for this may be attributed to the fact that, in the progress of the startling events which hâve been developed in the last two years of our national history, almost every member of the profession, prompted by patriotism and professional pride, has been eager to render some service for the country, and there are but few surgeons of prominence who hâve not been called upon in one way or another to contribuée accordingly. To présent the names of the médical and surgical force of New York complète, would be to embrace, lst. Ail those who hâve entered the regular army. 2d. Those who hâve entered the navy. 3d. Those who hâve received appointments of surgeons of United 2 States volunteers, and placed in charge of brigades,divisions, gênerai hospitals, or as médical inspectors. This number has been largely increased from last year. 4th. A considérable number of mihtia régiments were called into temporary service, which in many in- stances were not accompanied by their regular surgeons, and the names of th.e substitutes do not appear on the muster rolls, at the office of the Adjutant General ; and more recently the militia force has been again ordered into the field to repel the invasion into Pennsylvania, and while their surgeons are doing good service, their names cannot at présent be obtained. 5th. The Sanitary Commission hâve likewisehad a large and able corps of surgeons in their employ, laboring in the hospitals and on the scores of transports, vit-iting every battle field, and rendering, so far as they could, most acceptable service in every department. The Commission hâve also employed some of the most di«tinguished members of the profession, in the several loyal States, many of whom were from New York, to visit and inspect the various mili- tary hospitals of the government, and to report upon their gênerai and sanitary condition. 6th. Quite a large number of the younger members of the pro- fession hâve been acting as assistant surgeons at some of the gênerai military hospitals about Washington, Alexandria, Bal- timore and New York, without rank of office, and under direct contract with the Surgeon General's Department at Washington. There hâve been surgeons appointed also to the various military posts in the State. To complète a list of this large number, at a time when mighty events are culminating and absorbing the inter- est of almost every pursuit, would be almost impossible, even with leisure for its accomplishment. It would comport with my wishes to posses the material for a suitable biographical dictionary of the médical corps of the State of New York, who hâve been engaged in this war ; and which should embrace a full account of their vari- ous camp, field and gênerai hospital service, together with a synopsis of their opérations and expérience. I am aware of the amount of labor the préparation of such a volume would involve, and of the length of time that would be required for its complé- tions Of course it could not be commenced until peace shall be restored, but the material should be gathered ; and I should feel myself under great obligations to every surgeon who would embody ail that relates to himself and send me for such a purpose. I could gather the material for some one who might hereafter use it. It would be only a deserved tribute to those who hâve so faithfully performed their many difficult duties in this bloody war. 3 Much has been said within the past year of the inefficiency of the médical Department, and of the incompetency of some of the surgeons, but the State of New York is chargeable with only a moderate part of this inefficiency. Many of the surgeons are learned and accomplished men. The great demand for assistant surgeons has necessitated the appointment of many young men, who hâve but recently left the schools. This could not be other- wise when the pay is so inadéquate to the service to be performed, and so entirely insufficient to meet the expenses of men more advanced in professional life. Thèse had no fixed préjudices to overcome, and hâve, per- haps, the more easily learned the great principles of modem sur- gery. That there hâve been individual exceptions to the compe- tency of some of the médical staff is not to be denied, nor should it hâve been expected to be otherwise ; but, as a body, the médical corps reflect crédit upon the profession and upon the State, and hâve been diligent and faithful officers. More than four hundred names hâve been added to the list of regimental surgeons and assistant surgeons within the last twelve months, most of whom hâve received appointments. Those connected with the first forty régiments which were enlisted for two years, from May, 1861, hâve been mustered out, their terni of service having expired. A few hâve been dismissed the service, while a large number of résignations hâve occurred. There are some whom death has overtaken. They were found in their armor, ministering to the wants cf their fellow soldiers, or exhausted from the labors they had already performed. Their names will be held in grateful remembrance ; and their self sacri- ficing dévotion to their profession, and the cause of their country, will rest as an unfading laurel upon their graves. My thanks are due to Surgeon General Quackenbush for the ready access that has been afforded in his Department, and to his assist- ant, Mr. Willis Merriman, who has again facilitated my labor. Albany, July 1, 1863. 4 AUXILIARY CORPS OF VOLUNTEER SURGEONS, APPOINTED BY GOVERNOR MORGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. Name. Résidence. Date of Commission. 1862. James R. Wood...........New York city...........April 7 Alfred C.Post............ do............ do Ernest Krackowizer....... do —,....... do Stephen Smith............ do........... do Charles D. Smith......... do........... do George A. Peters.......... do ........... do John O. Stone............ do ........... do Thaddeus M. Halstead..... do ........... do Willard Parker........... do ........... do Gurdon Buck.............. do ........... do Lothar Voss.............. do........... do Thomas M. Markoe........ do ........... do Alden March.............Albany.................. do John Swinburne.......... do .................. do Edward H. Parker........Poughkeepsie............ do Charles Winne....._...... Buffalo____'............. do William Detmold.......... New York city........... do Mason F. Cogswell........ Albany__.............. April 16 Samuel G. Wolcott........Utica.............____ do Sanford B. Hunt..........Buffalo.................. do Lewis Post............... Lodi, Seneca Co.......... do Jonathan Kneeland........ South Onondaga.......... April 17 John J. Crâne............New York city........... do George Cochrane.......... Brooklyn.............— do E. W. Alba..............Angelica, Allegany Co.....April 16 Gilson A. Dayton......... Mexico, Oswego Co....... April 17 'S. Oakley Vanderpoel_____Albany.................., do Daniel E. Kissam......... Brooklyn................ do Cornélius Olcott........... do ................ do Daniel Ayres............ do ................ do David L. Rogers..........New York city.......... do William H. Thompson____ do .......... do Charles Skinner........... Malone, Franklin Co...... April 19 F. Burdick...............Johnstown, Fulton Co____May 15 Smith Ely............... Newburgh............... do James V. Kendall......... Baldwinsville............ May 16 John V. Lansing______... Albany.................. May 19 Sylvester D. Willard...... do .................. do *William S. Denniston..... Newburgh............— June 9 Benjamin E. Bushnell...... Little Falls..............June 7 W. Blaisdell............... Coeymans............... June 12 Charles H. Porter......... Albany.................. Noah C. Levings..........New York....._......... Sept. 22 W. H. Bailey............. do .................. Dec. 15 * Died in the service. Accepted by the Médical Board aî Mbany, and passed as Surgeons New York State Voiunteers. NAME. Adams, John Quiney Alexander, Joseph B Alderbasch, H....... Allen, James........ Annstrong, Henry A. Armstrong, Théo. S.. •Atherly, Joseph . ... Andrus, C. II....... Avery, A. Gi'er...... Applegate, Louis. ... Baekus, Azel....... Bailey, William C... Baker, Charles II.... Bannistcr, T. 0...... Barrows, N.......... Barnes, Norman S... Barr, George W..... liassett, William . ... Bassett, Wilson T... Bâtes, C.C.......... Bausch, Charles..... Bauqi, A Clark..... Beach, John ........ Beakes, George M... Beardsley, Henry G.. Beebe, Frank D..... Beecher, Harris II.. . Beuedict, Micheal D. 34 38 42 38 38 40 34 46 43 28 31 35 41 33 ■ 30 29 30 30 58 32 38 47 Where graduated. University of New York. University of Virginia.. New York Med. Collège. University of Glasgow. Collège Phy'ns and Surgeons, Univ. of Louisville, Ky..... Univ. of Pennsylvania. Berkshire Med. Collège. Albany Médical Collège. University of New York. Collège Phy'ns and Surgeons Berkshire Collège. Berkshire Médical Collège.. Albany Médical Collège. ... New York University...... Tubingen................. Collège Phys. and Surgons. Albany Médical Collège. ... Collège Pins, and Surgeons, Fairfi(ld,*N. Y........... University of New York..... Castleton Médical Collège... Yale Médical Institute...... What service since graduation. Where appointed. Appointed since June 1862. 1853 1852 1854 1851 1845 1845 Practice 9 years.................... Student in Charity Hospital ; in prac- tice 18 years..................... Bartholomew Hospital 12 months; 3 years at Glasgow.............. In private practice.............. 1851 1848 1842 1856 1856 1852 1861 1841 1854 1851-7 Had charge of Westorn House of Re fuge 1 to 5 years................ In private practice................ Hospital practice 1 year, in private practice 18 years.............. 1856 1856 1832 1854 1846 1836 House surgeon at Bellevue hospital 18 months; in private practice..... 3 months at Boston Hosp. ; 3 months at New York Hosp............. Hospital and private practice Practice 18 years............ Deputy coroner of New York, In private practice.......... In private practioe..... Private practice 8 years. In private practice 25 years Asst. Surg. 7th Inf.. Asst. Surg. 89th Inf. Surgeon 2d Artillery. Surgeon 22d Infantry. Asst. Surg. 128thlnf. Asst. Surg. Ma. Art'y Asst. Surg. 102d Inf.. Surgeon 27th Infantry Surgeon (Uth Inf'try.. Surgeon 12Ist Inf'try. Asst. Surg. 175th Inf. Asst. Surg. 50th Inf.. Asst. Surg. Ist r. Cav' Asst. Surg. 114th Inf. Asst. Surg. 157th Inf. Asst. Surg. 114th Inf. Surg. 75th Infantry... What changes. Resigned. i Died Aug.12, 1862. ( In the service. Hesisrned. en Pismîssed. Resigned. Resigned. SURGEONS.—Continued. NAME. Bellows, James...... Bennett, George II... Benson, George G..... Berkey, ReeseB...., Berry, Abraham J.... Bidlack, William W., Bissell, Elias L....... Black, James W....., Bogardus, John C..... Bontecou,Reed B..... Boland, Hermon A..., Bostwick, Henry P.., Bott, Frédéric B....., Boulware, Jeptha R., Bradley, Thomas..... Brilliantosky, Samuel, Breesc, J. R......... Brown, Havrey E..... Browne, Rufus K..... Brueninghausen, Chas Buck, Ephraim W--- Burr, William J..... Bradner, William B.. Buel, William P..... Buckbee, Israël J.--- Burnap, Sidney R.___ Campbell, Augustus.. Campbell, CornéliusN. Carmalt, William II .. Carr, James E........ Where graduated. "38 42 33 34 30 28 34 24 37 40 35 37 40 25 27 51 29 43 28 53 42 30 40 37 27 43 Geneva Médical Collège.... Buffalo University......... Albany Médical Collège.... Médical Dept. Penn. Collège Michigan University....... Geneva Médical Collège.... Collège Phy'ns and Surgeons Castleton, Vermont........ Castleton, Vermont........ Zurich, Switzerland...... Albany Médical Collège. . Geneva Médical Collège. University Berlin........ Collège Phys. and Surgeons. University New York.... Long Island Collège Hospital Berlin, Prussia Collège Phys. and Surgeons. Geneva Médical Collège..... Collège Phys. and Surgeons. Collège Phys. and Surgeons. Albany Médical Collège..... Collège Phys. and Surgeons. Albany Médical Collège..... 1848 1853 1849 1852 1801 1851 1860 1847 184/ 1859 1847 1846 1856 1857 1860 1829 1857 1845 1856 1830 1841 18(52 1845 What service since graduation. Private practice 9 years. Private practice 9 years. In private practice In private practice In private practice In private practice Private practice and Gen'ral Hospital Attended Hosp. in Paris and Germany In gênerai practice............... Résident Surg. L. I. Col. Hos. ; Prof Anatomy N. Y. Médical Collège .... 4 years in Marine Hospital ; a; pointed by Gov. Fish................... Eastern Dispensary 1 year......., In private practice..............., 1 year Bellevue and private practice University of New York..... 1848 Collège Phys. and Surgeons. 1860 Castleton Médical Collège.. .1 1845 Assistant physician at Bellevue, 1 yr., private practice 15 years....... In private practice............... St. Luke's Hospital 18 months.... In private practice 22 years....... Where appointed. Surg. 148th Inf...... Asst. Surg. 70th Inf. Surg. Col. Doubleday'i Ist Heavy Artillery.. Surg. 38th Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 62d Inf... Asst. Surg. 44th Inf.. Asst. Surg. 43d Inf... Asst. Surg. 102d Inf.. Surg. 2d Infantry..... Asst. Surg. 142d Inf.. Surg. 73d Infantry-.. Asst. Surg. 54th Inf.. Asst. Surg. 177th Inf. Surg. 41st Infantry. Asst. Surg. 70th Inf. Surg. 51st Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 59th Inf. Appointed since June 1862. Surgeon 131st Inf'y. Surg. 77th Infantry.. Surg. 150th Infantry. What changes. Resigned. Resigned. Resigned. Cashiered. Promoted Sur. 22d In. Resigned. Resigned. Brig. Surgeon. Resigned. Resigned. es Surgeon and resigned. k Promot'd to Bri.Sur. ( and resigned. J Sur. 7thSt'ben Ran- '( gers.Sg.119 In.Rea Roigncd A. S. 9 In. Surg. 42d Inf. Res. A. S. 148th Inf. Case, D. Meigs....... 25 Casey, James W...... Cass, Jonathan....... Chamberlain, D. C... Chapin, Francis L. R, Chapman, James..... Chase, Enos G....... Churchill, Alonzo .... Churchill, Seymour... Clark, A. M......... Cleveland, Warren..., Coe, Agemon S . Cole, Palmer C... Collins, Thomas B. Colvin, Darwin. .. Colgan, Joseph S. Cooper, William S___ Cotelle, Victor Amedc Coventry, W al ter B... Crafts, Edward G___ Craig, James W..... Craig, William H.... Craudall. William B. Cooper, Henry C . Cunynghamc, Thurlow Cushing Thomas..... Cutler, J. L......... Dalrymple, A. P..... Dalton, Edward B... Dana, Samuel W.... Danaghe, William R. Darling Lewis........ David, William G--- D'Avignon, Francis J, De Lundre, George... 27 36 46 36 32 34 50 48 26 41 34 27 36 40 42 42 27 41 37 27 30 28 40 33 36 26 35 36 58 30 54 24 New York University. Buffalo University.......... Albany Médical Collège..... Castleton, Vermont. . On Med. staff thro' Crimean war, '54, In private practice................. In practice 23 years................ Prof. Anatomy, Albany Médical Coll. : General Hospital, Albany......... Prof. Chemistry Albany Med. Collège, Visited Mass. and Philadelphia Hosp Atte -ding Hospitals Buffalo and New York ; in private practiee........ Visited Hosp. in England & America 7 years....................... Surg. 76th Infantry. Surg. 29th Infantry.. Surg. 155th Infantry Surg. 83d Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 37th Inf. Surg. 42d Infantry. Asst. Surg. 85th Inf. Surg. 3d Cavalry.... Asst. Surg. 42d Inf. Asst. Surg. 5th Cav.. Asst Surg. 130th Inf. Surg. 6th Infantry... Surg. 12th Infantry.. Surg. 156th Infantry. Surg. 55th Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 115thlnf. Asst. Surg. 106th Inf. Asst. Surg. 72d Inf.. Surg. 77th Infantry.. Surg. 65th Infantry.. Surg. 53d Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 24th Inf. Surg. 7th Artillery... Asst. Surg. 40th Inf.. Asst. Surg. 118th Inf. Surg. 82d Infantry.... Surg. 50th Infantry... Asst. Surg. 75th Inf. Asst. Surg. 68th Inf. Asst. Surg. 52d Inf . Resigned. Resigned. Promoted to Surgeon. Resigned. Resigned. ( Resigned—app. Sur. } lOth Cavalry H» Resigned. W Resigned. Surg. 71 st Inf. Resigned. ( Reg. dis'd. app. Sur- ( geon 102d, and res»d Pro'ed Surg. 82d Inf. Surgeon 6th Artillery Resigned. Surgeon 160th Inf. SURGEONS.—Continued. NAME. Reynolds, Francis... Reynolds, Lawrence. Rice, Alfred........ Rice, Nathan P...... Rice, Pitkin B....... Riee, William H--- Robertson, Charles A •Ruggles, Eli Samuel Sabin, S. A......... Sanders, James Jr... Schoeckel, Jas. V. F. Schwarzenberg, G. A. Sass, Louis.......... Schenck, Otto....... gheldon, Andrew F.., Sherinan, SocratesN. Shipman, Azriah B... Shultze, Louis....... Shulze, Augustus..... Simon, John......... Simmons, Elanthan W. Simpson, George B. F. Skinner, Joseph T.... Skinner, Calvin....... Sloat, Spencer S...... Smith, Andrew II..... Smith, Joseph T...... Smith, J. Paschal.... 30 45 31 40 38 32 31 36 55 32 35 35 31 59 55 32 50 30 33 24 36 28 Where graduated. Dublin. Castleton Médical Collège... Harvard Univ. Med. Dept.., Harvard Univ. Med. Dept.. Collège Phys. and Surgeons Jefferson Médical Collège.. Edinburgh ................ University of Michigan...... Castleton Médical Collège . Berlin, Prussia............ Giessen, Prussia.........., Copenhagen................ Giessen.................... New York University....... Middlebury Collège, Vt...., ( Castleton, Vermont....... ( Jefferson Médical Collège. Burlington................ St. Louis................. Gottingen, Hanover......... Coll. Phys. & Surgs. Fairfi'ld Berkshire Médical Collège. Collège Phys. and Surgeons Collège Phys. and Surgeons Jefferson Médical Collège.., New York University....... 1849 1842 1852 1853 1850 1853 1861 1857 1850 1839 1851 1847 1848 1852 1824 1836 1842 1846 1860 1857 1834 1861 1857 1849 1858 1854 1858 What service since graduation. Where appointed. Appointed since June 1862. Late Asst. Surgeon British army, in Crimea.......................... In private practice................. 3 years visited Hos. of Europe; House Surg. Mass. General Hospital...... Been Surg. 28th infantry, 3 mos.Vol. Hosp. prac. 18 mo. ; priv. prac. 11 yrs. In private practice................. 1 year Hosj.ital in Détroit. . In private practice 12 years Visited for 3 years Hosp. of Glasgow. In active practice 37 years ; Member of Congress..................... Prof. Surgery Indiana Médical Coll 8 years.......................... Asst. Prof. Surg. N. Y. Med. Coll.'61 Asst. Surg. Sisters' Charity Hospital, St. Louis..................... In private practice 5 years Surg. Asst. Asst. Surg. Surg. Surg. Surg. 88th Infantry... Surg. 24th Inf.. Surg. HOth Inf. 18th Infantry... 132dlnfantry .., 81st Infantry. , 159th Infantry Surg. 9th Artillery.. Asst. Surg. 130th Inf Asst. Surg. 103d Inf. Asst. Surg. 46th Inf. A. st. Surg. 2d Cav.. Surg. 34th Infantry. Asst. Surg. 17th In , Surg. 68th Infantry.. In private practice................ Surg. 69th inilitia, inf try ; served on Blackwell's Island Hospital staff, Surg. 148th Infantry. Surg. 62d Infantry... Asst. Surg. 169th Inf. Surg. 106th Infantry.. Surg. 95th Infantry... Asst. Snrg. 43d Inf... Asst. Surg. 5th Art... Surg. 69th Infantry. What changea. Promoted Sur. 63d Inf. Deceased. Resigned. Surg. 45th Inf. I Dis'd, asst.surg.78th [& A. Surg. U.S. Vol. Surg. U. S. V. i Pro.toSur. 12th inf ; ( promo. to Brig. Surg. Resigned. Resigned. Resigned. Pro. Surg. 94th Inf; Asst. Surg., U. S. A Resigned. rt* Smith, Strowbridge.. Smith, William A. .. Smith, William M... Snow, N sa B........ Smith, Wm. Manlius. Spencer, John A..... Stewart, Joseph D... Spencer, Henry T.. Spencer, T. Rush. Squire, Truman II.. Staehle, Francis R.. Stearns, Charles W. Stebbins, Roderick.. Steele, AaronJ.... Stein, L ............ Steinach, Alderick.. Storck, Edward..... Stephenson, Mark... Sternberg, George M. Stiebe ing, George C. Stow, T. Ihvight..... Strong, Thomas D... Stuart, James C..... Sutton, Richard E... Teachout, Almon D.. Tefft, Nathan R..... Terry, W. F........ Thompson, John II.. Thompson, J. Harry. Tice, Lewis........ Tingley, William II. Tobin, Walter...... Torrey, Charles W. 33 41 36 52 39 28 51 34 43 38 33 42 44 24 50 33 33 47 23 30 32 39 48 31 42 52 27 34 34 37 52 25 New York Médical Collège.. Geneva Médical Collège.... Castleton, Vermont........, Fairfield Med. Col., N. Y..., Universitjr of Pennsylvania Royal Collège, Ireland...... Castleton Médical Collège... Albany Médical Collège..... University of Pennsylvania. Collège Phys. and Surgeons Bern, Switzerland......... University Pennsylvania___ Berkshire Médical Collège... Jefferson Médical Collège.., i Tubingen................. ( Wurzburg................. St. Gall..................., University of Michigan...., Collège Phys. and Surgeons Collège Phys. and Surgeons Giessen and Marburg....... Cleveland Collège, Ohio. ... Buffalo Uuiversity......... Berkshire Médical Collège.. University of Maryland.___ Cleveland Médical Collège.. Médical Soc. State of N. Y. New York University....... Collège Phys. and Surgeons, New York University... Jefferson Médical Colleg Heidelberg............. University of Wurzburg. 1851 1847 1840 1832 1849 1862 1834 1852 1840 1849 1858 1840 1842 1859 1831 1833 1854 1854 1826 1860 1854 1854 1851 1835 1851 1847 1852 1851 1846 1830 1858 House Surg. Ward's Island. In practice 15 years........ In private practice......... In private practice......... 1 year Hospital in Albany; 2 years Alms House.................... Résident Phy. at Blockley Hosp. ; ] year Prof. Geneva Médical Collège Served Mass. Gen'l Hosp. ; commis sioned Médical staff 1841.......... In private practice................ Rcs. Phy. Buffalo Hospital ; Dem. of Anatomy Buffalo Med. Coll. 14 mos. Att. Hos., Paris; in practice in N. J. In private practice................. 2 yrs N. Y. Hosp.; 8 yrs N. Y. Dis- pensary ; 9 yrs Ophthalmic Hosp... In active practice.................. In practie 6^ years................. In active practice................... Hosp. practice Boston and New York. In pri va te practice 29 years......... Hospital practice 15 months; gênerai practice 3 years.................. County Poor house 7 years; Seaman's Retreat 1 year.................... Surg. 93d Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 89th Inf. Surg. 85th Infantry.. Surg. 61st Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 69th Inf. Asst. Snrg. 31st Inf. Surg. 33d Infantry.. Surg. 89th Infantry. Asst. Surg. 7th Inf.. Surg. 3d Infantry. Asst. Surg. 26th Inf. Asst. Surg. Ist B. Art Asst. Surg. 103d Inf., Asst. Surg. U. S. army, Surg. 52d Infantry Surg. 17th Infantry... Surg. 115th Infantry, Surg. 122d Infantry Surg. 124th Infantry. Surg. 40th Infantry.. Asst. Surg. 17th Inf.. Asst. Surg. U. S army Asst. Surg. 40th Inf.. Asst. Surg. 51st Inf... Surg. 103d Infantry. (Disch'd; app. Surg. ( Serrell's Engr. regt. Res.Asst. S.74thN.G. Pro. Brig. Surg. &o. Resigned. Resigned. Surg. 38th Infantry. Resigned. Res ; app. Sur. 43reg; pro. Brig. Sur. disd ; Surg. 139th Inf. Dismissed the service. SURGEONS.—Continued. NAME. Totten, Gilbert T.... Townsend, Morris W. Trenor, Eustaee..... Trowbridge, Wm . W. Tupper, H.......... Uterhart, Cari....... Van Aernatu, Henry. Van Beust, Bernard. Vanderkicft, B. A... Vaudrey, E......... Van Etten, Solomon. Van Hoevenberg J. 0 Van Ingen, James L Van Slyke, David B. Van Slyke, Dewitt C. Vosburgh, William.. Wagner, Levi P..... Wainwright, D. W... Walker, Edward S... Washburn, Charles E Watcrbury, Robert L Watts, Robert Jr.... •Weed, lliland A.... Weidman, John S. .. Welcker, Rudolph... Wclles, Samuel R.... Whedon, George D.. Whitbeck, John F... Wbite, John P. P.... White, Whitman V.., Weiber, George...... 21 34 27 45 30 42 30 54 31 43 33 40 30 32 27 37 46 39 25 27 40 40 36 29 49 23 27 36 Where graduated. Collège Phys. and Surgeons Jefferson Médical Collège.., Collège Phys. and Surgeons Willoughby Médical Collège University of Buffalo...... Willoughby, Ohio. Leipsic.......... Médical School, Paris... Albany Médical Collège. Collège Phys. and Surgeons Buffalo Médical Collège.... Geneva Médical Collège--- Castleton Médical Collège. Albany Médical Collège.... Collège Phys and Surgeons New York University...... Collège Phys. and Surgeons. University of New York..... Collège Phys. and Surgeons, New York University....... Albany Médical Collège. University Germany........ Buffalo Médical Collège Albany Médical Collège.--- Coll. Phys. & Surgs. Fairfield Collège Phys. and Surgeons ( Berkshire Médical Collège } New York Médical Collège. Studied in Halle, Wurtzburg, Giessen............... 1861 1853 1856 1846 1862 1845 1836 1855 1843 1852 1850 1851 1853 1854 1849 1845 1845 1860 1857 1846 1845 1848 1835 1861 1857 1858 1857 What service since graduation. Where appointed. Appointed sir.ee June 1862. What changes. Served 2 mos. as sub. in N. Y. Hosp, In private practice 15 years Surg. to poor in Paris from 1836 to'52 In active practice............... In practice 9 years In active practice . In private practice.............. In active practice............... In active practice............... Several years on Surgical Staff New York Hospital................. Asst. Surg. 32d Inf. Surg. 47th Infantry. Asst. Surg. 119th Inf. Surg. 154th Infantry.. Brigade Surgeon..... Asst. Surg. 53d Inf.., Surg. Enfant Perdus Surg. 56th Infantry .. Surg. 120th Infantry. Surg. 18th Infantry.. Résident St. Luke's Hospital. In active practice............ Ist Asst. Surg. of University Hosp... In private practice................. In private practice ; 2 years Hospital Asst. Surgeon Bellevue Hospital.... 1 year in Blackwell's Island Hosp. in practice..................... Asst. Surg. lOlstInf., Surg. 35th Infantry.. Surg. lllth Infantry Surg. 114th Infantry. Surgeon 4th Infantry Asst. Surg. 34th Inf. Surg. 112th Infantry. Surg. 133d Infantry., Asst. Surg. 17th Inf., Served in Pruesian army Surg. 8th Infantry... Surg. 61st Infantry.. Asst. Surg. lOth Cav. Surg. 108th Infantry. Asst. Surg. 9th Inf.. Surg. 47th Infantry First Battalion Artill'y Resi'd ; Sur. 44th Inf. Sur.l02dInf.&USV. Resigned. Resigned. Resi'd; app. Sur. 5th ,_, Inf; subseq'ly dismid os Promoted to Surgeon. Promoted Brig. Surg. Res. Sur. 121st Inf. Prom. to Surg. 25th. Prom. to Brig. Resigned. Resigned. Resigned. Surg. Res. & Surg. lOth Inf. Resigned. •Wilcox, Charles H.. Willetts, Andrew J.. Wilson, James...... Winne, Charles K.... Wolf, Frederick..... Wood, Charles S..... Wood, Jared G...... wWood, Lucian P..... Woodward, George F Wright, F. Markee.. Wunderlick, Gerald.. Wylie, Farand...... Young, Oscar H..... Collège Phys. and fciurgeons. Dublin. ... 1858 1855 1854 1853 1851 1860 1854 2 yrs Brooklyn Med. & Surg. Ins'tute. Surg. 176th Infantry.. Surg. 99th Infantry.. A Jefferson Médical Collège... Surg. in Buffalo Hos. Sisters of Ch'rty Asst. Surg. U. S. army. Asst. Surg. 66th Inf.. Jefferson Médical Collège... Berkshire Médical Collège... Surg. 6th Artillery... A Surg. 13th Cavalry... Asst. Surg. Col. Dodge A Collège Phys. and Surgeons. 1854 1828 1847 1858 3 years asst. State Lunatic Asylum rracticedin Hosp. at Wurzburg 26 yrs. Asst. Surg. 80th Inf.. House Surg. <& Phy. at Albany Hosp.. Asst. Surg 177th Inf.. 28 25 23 33 35 27 31 32 56 42 25 * Wounded at Hanover Court House battle. Died in service. Discharged. Promoted to Surgeon. A—Signifies that the* appointment was made since June 1, 1862. Accepted by the Médical Board at Albany, and passed as Assistant Surgeons New York State Voiunteers. Adams, George....... Adams, Oliver B...... Adams, Henry F...... Adams, James L..... Akin, Washington Alexander, James H.. Allen, Charles S...... Allen, Isaac B....... Allingham, James J.. Amsdcn, Edwin...... Armstrong, David H.. Armstrong, Orlando W Armstrong, Theod'eS. Arnold, Newton I.... Arthard, Théodore... . Ash, James.......... Avner, Thomas....... Avery, George W..... Aymé, Henry..... Bâbcock, Moses T. Babcock, Oliver H. Bacon, James G.... Bailey, Lorenzo W., 28 27 38 38 47 25 34 35 23 37 25 32 34 43 37 28 21 37 1861 67th Infantry........ A A A A A A A 162d Infantry........ Castleton Médical Collège... 1858 1849 1849 Collège Phys. and Surgeons . Castleton Médical Collège... Bellevue Hospital Collège... 1859 1853 1852 1863 1847 1862 136th Infantry....... A A A A A A 7th Artillery......... Collège Phys. and Surgeons. 1855 1850 13th Inf. Rochester... A Asst. Surgeon, Rochester Hospital; A A 1852 1861 1860 1852 Castleton Médical Collège... A Mustered out. Surg. 70th Inf. Resigned. S.94th In.& llth Art. ASSISTANT SURGEONS.—Continued. NAME. Balch, Galusha B ... Barnes, N. Rounds.. Bâtes, Henry G..... Bassett, George D... Bass, Edgar C......, Barron, John C...... Batcs, Newton L..., Bayles, George...... Beardsley, Grove S.. Bebee, De Witt C... Beckett, Thomas.... Bedell, Eugène..... Beers, Lewis V...... Belding, H. H....... Benedict, Abijah G.. Bencdict, A. C..... Bennett, George H. R Bennett, George C. Benton, James D..... Blauvelt, J. F....... Bliss, Lyman W...... Blood, Herman M--- Bogert, E. S......... Bogert, R. D......... Bolster, John........ Booth, William..... Bowers, Alfred....... Boyd, Edson......... Bradford, Thcron--- Bradish, James S.... Bradner, Ira S...... Braun, Martin....... 22 27 40 31 31 23 24 25 23 25 30 24 25 34 25 38 38 27 25 22 23 30 36 36 42 42 Where graduated. Collège Phys. and Surgeons. Albany Médical Collège.... Albany Médical Collège Harvard University........ Albany Médical Collège.... Collège Phys. and Surgeons Jefferson Médical Collège .. Collège Phys. and Surgeons New York University...... Albany Médical Collège... Albany Médical Collège... Castleton Médical Collège. Castleton Médical Collège.. Collège Phys. and Surgeons Yale Médical Collège...... University of New York ... Cleveland Médical Collège . Albany Médical Collège--- Collège Phys. and Surgeons Buffalo Médical Collège. ... New York University...... Collège Phys. and Surgeons Toronto University..... London Collège of Medicine Indiana Médical Collège--- Médical Society State of N. Y University of New York . Mennsingen, Bavaria..... 1860 1858 1846 1852 1858 1861 1861 1859 1859 1863 1861 1842 1855 1860 1859 1851 1857 1851 1861 1860 1861 1862 1858 1855 1843 1849 What servioe since graduatiou. Where appointed. Appointed since June 1862. In New York and Bellevue Hospital. In private practice 10 years. In private practice 4 years.. 7 months in Buffalo Hospital; resi dent physician Erie Co. Hospital.. House Asst. Surgeon at Bellevue for a few weeks................•..... In private practice 7 years..,.... In private practice..............., House Surg. Brooklyn Médical and Surgical Institute............... 98th Infantry.. 76th Infantry.. 13Ist Infantry.. 125th Infantry. 146th Infantry. U.S. Navy........... Col. Doubleday's Ar'y U. S. Navy..... 25th Militia--- 50th Infantry. 125th Infantry. Ist Infantry.... In Bellevue Hospital... Royal Collège, Ireland. In private practice 4 years, 9th Cavalry--- lllth Infantry. 5th Artillery. .. lOth Cavalry. .. 152d Infantry., Asst. Surg. 6th Art. 5th Artillery... 112th Infantry. I46th Infantry. 56th Infantry .. 4th Cavalry.... What changes. Discharged. Mustered out. Surg. 4th Artillery. A.Surg.l75thIn.Res. ,_i * oo Resigned. Surg. Ist Mo'dRifl's. Ass't. Marine Corps. Resigned. J Dismissed. , I Resigned. Briggs, Caleb C...... Brown, Edward A.... Brown, D. M......... Brown, Spencer II.... Brown, John F....... Bryce, William M.... Budlong, William W.. Bundy, Oliver T. Jr.. Burbeck, Charles H.. Burdett, AbramS.... Burdick, J. T....... Burdick, Francis--- Borland, John II--- Burt, Asahel, Jr.... Bush, William P.... Caccam, Joseph..... Calhoun, James T... Camp, Nathan II.... Carpenter, Calvin H. Carpenter, Henry H. Carpenter, Henry W. Carpenter, James B. Carroll, 0. A........ Cartwright, SilasS... Carlton, George W.... Carrier, Joseph...... Catc, H. J........... Catlin, Benjamin S... Chambers, Wm. B.... Chase, Nathan B..... Chesley, George A .... Clark, Augustus P.... Clark, Caleb......... Clark, Henry K...... Clawson, Charles D... Chamberlain, Dwight S Cochrane, A. H....... •Collier, Henry...... Cole, Eli K.......... Cole, Henri B........ Comstock, Lucius S... Cook, Stephen G..... 35 23 30 44 26 34 25 24 31 30 41 34 32 36 40 33 26 28 43 34 29 40 37 24 25 47 25 28 28 25 30 23 27 30 25 54 51 Castleton Médical Collège... 1850 A Cleveland Médical Collège .. 1860 1857 1840 1861 1848 1858 1859 1852 1853 1840 1862 1861 1858-1853 Collège Phys. and Surgeons . Philadel'a Coll. of Medicine. Collège Phys. and Surgeons. A A In private practice 7 yrs; 3 yrs. Hos. Coll. Phvs. and Surg. Fairfi'd Medical'Society State of N. Y A A A A 139th Infantry....... Berkshire Médical Collège .. Collège Phys. and Surgeons. University of New York Castleton Médical Collège... 1862 1854 1859 1858 1847 1855 1853 1861 1848 1848 1862 1858 1837 1862 1861 1862 1862 A A A A A Collège Phys. and Surgeons . Collège Phys. and Surgeons . A A A Yale Collège Médical Dep't. A A A " A " ' A A A A A A A A A Médical Society State of N. Y Oth Cavalry.......... 92d Infantry......... lOth Cavalrv......... University of New York .... 1862 1857 138th Infantry....... New York State Med. Society University of New York .... 1863 1860 1833 1858 128th Infantry....... Res. Surg.l20th Art Resigned. ( Resigned, app. as ( surgeon U. S. N. Surg. à U. S. V. Surg. 117th Inf. Res.