WHAT THE PROFESSION HAVE TO SAY ABOUT CON, TiC, A VENA AS PREPARED BY 41 LIBERTY STREET, N eur We give to the Medical Profession, in the fol- lowing pages, certificates from gentlemen who can be reached by mail or otherwise. INDEX. PAGE. Description of Con. Tinc. A vena ... c Certificate of B. Keith, M.D 4 Certificate of W. H. Trowbridge, M.D 6 Certificate op D. W. Kissam, M.D 1 Certificate op E. H. M. Sell, M.D 8 Certificate of D. M. Hodge, M.D 11 Certificate of Edward Sutton Smith, M.D 13 Certificate of James Begen, M.D 14 Certificate op Geo. M. Harris, M.D 15 Certificate of William F. Waugh, Prof, of Medicine, 1? Certificate of Wm. B. Gray, M.D H Certificate op S. Witt, M.D i7 Certificate of F. H. Bostock, M.D 13 Certificate op G. H. Lathrop, M.D 19 3 CON. TINC. AYENA. Derived from—A vena Sativa. Properties—Nerve-stimulant (tonic, laxative and solvent, we believe by increase of nerve-power). Common name—Oats. Employment—We first prepared the active principle from the Oats in 1858, since which time we have been experi- menting with it in different diseases, but as space will not allow, can name only a few of the most important, among which are paralysis, and all cages where there is a deficiency of nerve-power. It is of great value in sick-headache, con- stipation, kidney troubles, chorea, neuralgia of the stomach and bowels, and almost a specific in cases of neuralgia of the uterus, coldness of different parts of the body depend- ing upon want of nerve-force; being given with podophyllin and quinine, or podophyllin and hydrastin, it will give re- lief found from no other combination. In painful and de- ficient menstruation it is invaluable, especially in combina- tion. (See Con. Helonias Comp.) Specially recommended in diseases of females when they have a burning feeling on top of the head. Epileptic fits are greatly relieved by its use. Lancinating pains, cramps, alcoholism, sterility of fe males when not of anorganic character, diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, whooping-cough, dysentery, diarrhoea, sleep- lessness, as an antidote for the opium habit, in all congest- ive difficulties, for loss of nerve-power so common among ministers, lawyers, public speakers and writers, and in fact in the convalescent stage of all acute diseases. Dose, from ten to thirty drops, three or four times a day. When given in hot water its action is almost instantaneous. An overdose causes pain at base of the brain. 4 Deeming it a duty of every member of the medical pro- fession to add their mite to promote the cause of medical science, I have thought best to give a statement of my suf- ferings and restoration from paralysis. For the benefit of the profession and the encouragement of the paralytic, I will endeavor to make my delineation plain. In ihe first place, 1 belong to a family of paralytic tendencies. My mother was stricken with paralysis, which affected her head and speech, and a second attack within thirty days, and died about sixty days from first attack. In the fall of 1866 I had a slight attack, which affected the upper portion of my body, and for a short time I lost my voice and the use of my hands, but in a few hours regained my former power by the use of brandy as a stimulant. A short time after this attack I started for Florida, and re- mained there six months, living among the pines. In the spring of 1867 I returned to New York and resumed the practice of my profession, and from that, time until the Au- gust of 1870, was not affected by my old symptoms, when they reappeared ; but as professional duties were pressing, I felt that I could not give them up, and my difficulty in- creased to such a degree that in October 1 was prostrated by a second attack. I was affected like my mother, only my arms were powerless. Immediately after my attack I com menced the use of Kidder's battery, and continued its use for four hours, during which time 1 was fed on beef-tea and a large quantity of brandy. The power of the battery was increased during the last hour to ns utmost extent, then at intervals was diminished, then suddenly increased, thus giv- ing me a shock while I held the poles in my hands. By this treatment a partial sensation in my arms and head was re- stored. From October until the last of December I was very ill. Improving a little, I went to Virginia, on the borders of Chesapeake Bay, where the climate was more mild than in New York, and remained there three and a half years, suf- fering from the effects of the disease, during which time I took those medicines which are supposed to be the best in such cases (strychnia, etc.), but without any decided benefit. During this time my mental condition was much affected, and it was with great difficulty I could write out an idea correctly. I suffered much with pain in the back of my head, dizziness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, and great constipation of the bowels. About once a month I had a diarrhoea and a sinking or gone feeling at the stomach. My Jacksonville, Fla., March 31, 1881. 5 left side was more affected than the right, and the lower part became much emaciated. I had but little control over the urinary organs, and much difficulty in using my hands and arms a portion of the time. During these years of suffering, the greatest relief I received was from the use of alcoholic stimulants, although I tried the catalogue of reme- dies for paralysis. I now began to realize that my treatment was a failure, and that I must wear out unless the disorgan- ization could be obviated. Strychnia in large or small doses seemed to diminish the nerve-force, and left me with cold extremities. Alcoholic stimulants seemed to act as a solvent, producing warmth of the skin and extremities, and causing a free action of the kidneys and a quiet sleep ; but the ef- fect would last only a little over two hours. Acids gave me no relief. At times, Bi-Carb. Soda would give relief. Considering the action of different remedies tried, I con- cluded that I required a nerve-stimulant possessing, in some degree, a solvent power of the composition of the brain. tii 185S, while preparing and testing the active principles of plants, I had prepared the active principle of the Avena Sxteva (common oats). I tested it in the various classes of nervous diseases, and found it to have stimulating powers to an eminent degree. At this stage of my history I had been under the paralytic influence three and a half years, and in condition as before described. I resolved to at once return to New York and try the Avena in my own case, which I had prepared in the form of a Concentrated Tincture. I did so, and by its daily use for twenty-one days felt free from the long physical and mental suffering, and it seemed as though I had never had paralysis. The surprise, happiness, and pleasure was better felt than described. What particular portion of my brain was affected I do not pretend to say, but will give my method of using the medicine and the results obtained, and hope the profession will give it a trial, believing it will be a valuable addition to our Materia Medica. Jcook fifteen drops of the Con. Tine. Avena in a little water, three or four times a day. After taking it eight days the pain in head, along the spine and lower extremities, began to pass away; my digestion was improved as well as the flow of urine, and I began to feel that I had some control over the urinary organs for the first time in more than three years. Its influence on the alimentary canal was to produce frequent gaseous discharges from the bowels. It appeared to me that it acted as a stimulant (producing a solvent effect), by the morbid discharges from the bowels. Therefore, I consider the properties of the Avena to be Nerve-stimulant and solvent, and believe it will be a valuable agent in the treatment of all cases of obstruction in the brain, and for the relief of all nervous diseases. It is now over ten years since my attack, and a little over six and a half years since my relief by the use of the Avena, and during that time I have taken it when I have felt spells of lassitude, and have had no recurrence of paralysis, I have used it in similar cases with marked results. I am now in my seventieth year, and living among the pines in Florida the year round Would recommend this climate to the paralytic, consumptive, and rheumatic. B. Keith, M.D. Stamford, Conn., April 18, 1881. Messrs. B. Keith & Co.: Gentlemen—I have used your Con. Tine. Avena until it has become one of my reliable friends in the practice of medicine. You know my habit is few remedies. With new ones my procedure is cautious and sceptical until I am satisfied whether they are reliable or not. With this careful procedure the Avena is adopted. I have few more reliable than it. I find it to meet cases of nerve exhaustion from overwork or worry with marvellous certainty. Also where the nerve-power has heen dethroned by traumatic causes, for example, direct injury to regions of brain or spinal cord. Of the latter variety I’ve a notable case, viz. ; A little girl, four years of age, who, two years since, fell with great violence in such a way as that her spinal cord was injured in the region of the sacrum, with general concussion and shock to the whole nervous system, evidenced, after her recovery from the first violent symp- toms, by a weakness that required frequent and long-con- tinned rests in bed, by peevishness, restlessness, and an nnsatisflable uneasiness, amounting at times to a semi- spasmodic condition, followed with its resulting somno- lence. She could not walk without constant fear of falling, would trip and fall from little things in her way. Could not stoop at all without losing her balance. This condition lasted on and on, spite the efforts of various experienced physicians in this locality and in the city of New York, until, finding the case no better, doctors have declared it incurable and assured the parents that they must expect nothing for their child but imbecility, or better, death, by an acute turn in her case. I began the Avena in doses of 5 drops thrice daily, and continued it for 3 weeks. The parents’ hopes brightened upon finding their little one less frequently attacked with the paroxysmal seizures—less ir- ritable—even beginning to play a little—less somnolent, etc. I then ordered 7 drops in warm water each meal- time, and 10 drops at bedtime in cold water. The child is steadily improving—can now stoop to the floor and pick up a pin with deliberation and certainty of balance, walks quite strong and steady without fearof falling, and in many ways shows decided improvement. Many cases of nerve exhaustion from causes above named might be cited, all benefited or cured. My own case shall be presented. Two and a half years since I was attacked with abscesses of the pelvic region, involving the prostate organs, first one and then the other, and finally leaving these after their discharge, first per rectum, sec- ondly externally, they repeated in the gluteal muscles and folds of the rectum and outside the anus for months, and greatly reduced my strength, both from the extreme pain and large drain they produced. I found myself upon re- suming my work to tire out very soon, to be extremely irritable, etc , shewing my nervous system to be in a very weakened state. For this I took the 1-33 of a grain of strychnia thrice daily, the only result discoverable being to sharpen my appetite, and not to help strengthen the ner- vous system in the least. I then commenced the Avena, and have grown strong and firm in my nerve-force. But now I find that when, from night work and days’ toils com- bined, my nervous system flags, cries out for a let-up, but will not rest because its cords have been so hard strained, they will continue to vibrate in an irregular manner, viz.; restlessness, irritability, no sleep, etc., 10 to 15 drops of Avena taken at bed-time procures me such a composed and peaceful, dreamless sleep that the awakening thereafter finds me fresh as a boy after his morning yawn. Other pa- tients say, “ Doctor, I slept so sweetly, I don’t know why, but it came to me unknown, and I’m fresh as a lark this morning.” You may count me among the constant patrons of the inestimable Con. Tine. Avena. Yours truly, W. H. Trowbridge, M.D. 112 Prospect Place, 1 Brooklyn, N. Y., April 11, 1881. ) Messrs. B. Keith & Co.: I willingly give you a certificate that your Con. Tine. Avena has given me very great satisfaction, for after two years’ treatment I had failed to get any good result in a case of epilepsy of six years’ standing, due to injury of the head of a child now 15 years old. Finally, six months ago, I used the Avena only, and judging from the most positive 8 and great improvement, I can base tbe result upon that only. I shall further use it in traumatic deposits in the nervous centres. Though this is the first certificate I have ever given, I give it most cheerfully. Respectfully yours, D. W. Kissam, M.D. What E. H. M. Sell, A.M., M.D. (.Member of American Medical Association), has to say: New Yobk, April 14, 1881. Messes, B. Keith & Co. : Dbab Sms—In reply to your note requesting me to furnish you the results of my experience with your Con. Tine. Avena, it affords me great pleasure to put at your disposal the following notes : You are aware that I have been making use of many of your valuable remedies from the time I entered the medical profession. The Avena has been in my hands about seven years. Given the numerous experiments I have made, I think I am warranted in at- tributing to it the following properties; Diuretic, slightly laxative, tonic, stimulant, but especially nerve-stimulant. I believe that there can be but little doubt that the greater part, if not all its action, is exerted through the nervous system. To enable the practitioner the better to appreciate the action of this most valuable remedy, 1 will cite some of the applications which I have made of it. I have found it a valuable adjuvant to the several uterine tonics and to many remedies that I have found very serviceable in the various female diseases. It is especially indicated in cases where the nervous and circulatory systems are at fault. The inebriate will find an excellent substitute in it for in- toxicating drinks. It will in many eases cure inebriety, provided the patient is kept from his old associates. Per- sons suffering from nervous headache, or from nervous prostration, due to mental strain, will find in it an excel- lent remedy. Many cases of sleeplessness will readily be relieved by it without any narcotic or anodyne effect, which the Avena does not possess. It has also worked wonders in neural- gia, so common in patients suffering from hemiplegia. One of these unfortunates came recently into my hands, having been treated for three months previously by three different physicians, one of whom being an old professor and a generally accepted authority. In spite of the opium and morphine (at best a very doubtful treatment in such a 9 case) to which these men subjected bin, the patient suf- fered inhumanly. The Avena relieved him at once, thanks to which remedy, aided by galvanism, the patient is now gradually improving. In the opium and morphine habit, the A vena has proven itself the very best remedy. Recently I prescribed this medicine to a man past middle age, who had been made the slave of the morphine habit by his physician, who i rented him for neuralgia or sciatica. At the end of three years he had gradually brought himself to this most de- plorable condition, his physician having kindly (?) fur- nished him with a hypodermic syringe, that he injected two syringefuls of Magendie’s solution every three hours, the minimum and maximum quantity actually used during twenty-four hours being twelve and twenty-four grains of morphine. The only effect these large doses of morphine had upon the patient were fifteen minutes of sleep with his eyes wide open. I ordered from twelve to twenty drops of the Avena, and the quantity of morphine at once to be reduced one half, and as rapidly as possible to stop it altogether. When the patient had taken about two drachms of the Con. Title. Avena, it was reported to me that he slept the greater part of the time, fully two hours at one time, and now with his eyes completely closed. Not hearing anything more of the patient for at least two months, I called a few days since at his house to ascertain something about him. I had warned him against using large doses of morphine, for the Avena will quiet the nerves, and the morphine will take effect, and thus there is danger of the patieut going to sleep never to awake again here. I found the patient alive, how- ever, and just in the act of making a hypodermic injection. After the small quantity of Avena (one ounce) had been taken, the patient resorted, not only to his usual doses, but he himself informed me that he had taken twice as much, namely, from 48 to 50 grains of morphine during twenty-four hours. I was also informed that he had just employed a new physician, one who was making a kind of specialty of treating the morphine habit. Let us hope that lae medical world will hear of his success with this case. Were I to rest the virtue of this remedy on the effect it produced on this single case, it would suffice ; but I must hot conclude my already too lengthy remarks before I give in conclusion a brief account of a radical cure : Mrs. M. I. L., middle-aged, a clergyman’s widow. I will let her relate her own case. She was treated in the summer of 1876. Under date of January 18th, 1877, she writes ; “I hardly know how or where to begin. l’’or a number of years I 10 have been troubled with pain in my back, together with soreness and weakness in my bowels. At times I suffered very much. I went to a physician who gave me morphine, that afforded temporary relief. I used liniments and strengthening plasters to but little purpose. When I would stop the morphine for a few days, the pain was so bad that I had to take it again. About seven years ago I got much worse, the pain was constant and severe, the weakness and soreness in my bowels increased so much that 1 was unable to stand on my feet or walk. All the relief I could get was by taking morphine. I went to several doctors and told them, as near as I could, haw I felt; but their medicines failed to relieve me, so I was obliged to keep on with the morphine. I many times thought 1 would rather die than take that all my life. I consulted with seven different physi- cians, telling them I wanted to stop taking morphine, asking for something that would relieve me, instead of taking that, but they all told me they knew of nothing that would take its place. I became thoroughly heart-sick and discouraged, thought I must suffer as long as I lived and die a horrible death. There is no use in my trying to describe the feel- ings of a person that has taken morphine fc r years—those that have experienced it know all about it, and those that have not taken it, can’t understand it, even if I could find words to express it. Nearly two years ago I read an ad- vertisement of Dr. B., of C., saying that he could cure any one from taking morphine, so I, like a drowning person catching at a straw, wrote to him. He sent me a circular, telling of his many cures. I had great hope I should now fet help. I ordered the medicine, took it four months, paid im eighty dollars. 1 was then no nearer being cured than the first day I took it. It was too expensive for me to con- tinue it upon uncertainties, so I stopped, and had to go back to the morphine again, more discouraged than ever, and thought I would never try to stop again, but take it and die as soon as possible. I don’t know what Dr. B. gave others, but I believe that thei,e was morphine in what he sent me. *' Last summer I heard of the wonderful and almost mirac- ulous cures you had performed here in G., and being then very sick and some time confined to my bed, I concluded to try once more, and see if you could do anything forme. I had but very little faith that anything would help me, but for all my unbelief your medicine worked like a charm. I have not taken a particle of morphine or anything of the kind since the first day I saw you. “ The Nervine took the place of the morphine, making mo comfortable, and keeping my nerves quiet. At the end of 11 two weeks I got along nicely without the Nervine. Under your treatment I have regained my health. I have not been as well for ten years. I feel twenty years younger, and weigh twenty-five pounds more than ever before. I can’t feel thankful enough to you, my good doctor, for your timely aid. I can nardly realize to-day that I have not taken any morphine in six months, after I had taken it seven years. I have taken one of those little bottles like I gave you oz.) full in five days.” (This was twelve grains daily.) “I believe mine was one of the worst cases on record. There must have been power in your medicines to cure me in two weeks. I am now able to do my own housework, and feel well. I wish I could see every person in the world that has suffered as 1 have. I would send them all to you. I believe you would cure them all, if it were possible for you to treat so many. You see my faith is great, but I had to see the works before I had the faith. I do hope you will let it be known that you can cure such cases.” These are mere extracts of this lady’s letters, and the Nervine to which she refers was Con. Tine. Arena. I have the honor to be, gentlemen. Very truly yours, E. H. M. Sell. 51 West 35th Street. New York, April 13, 1881. Messrs. B. Keith & Co.. It gives me pleasure to report the following cases illus- trating the therapeutic action of Avena Sativa : Case I.—Miss D. A. came under my treatment from the hands of another physician, who had seen her every day for three weeks without being able to control a violent nausea so that anything more than a small quantity of gruel could be retained by the stomach. I found the patient in an ex- tremely nervous condition and suffering from severe pain in the occipital region, extending into the neck and down- ward along the spine, places at intervals being more pain- ful and sensitive than others. Had never menstruated freely, nor without severe pain ; was now nineteen years of age, and menstruation, which had always been scanty and painful, began at fifteen. Could not endure the slight- est light or noise. This patient was evidently neuras- thenic. The bowels were constipated, she was emaciated and could not raise the head from the bed without extreme nausea. Gave Con. Tine. Avena in 5 drop doses every 4 12 hours during the day. The following day the nausea dis- appeared, and an improvement began, which continued. The pain in the occiput was not felt alter the second day. The bowels were relieved, strength and appetite were re- stored. and the neurasthenic symptoms gradually but rapidly disappeared. The next menstrual crisis was nearly painless, the flow was freer, and, in short, the patient was restored to perfect health, which she now—nearly a year since the treatment—fully retains. Case II.—Miss F. S., a student in a young woman’s col- lege, aged 19, was obliged to leave school on account of uterine trouble and “nervousness.” At my first call, found a blonde, thin and spare, nervous temperament, lying on the bed and crying. Found the uterus prolapsed, the neck constricted so that it was impossible to pass a uterine sound. Menstruation was always preceded by pain, which continued a day or two before the flow was es- tablished. The patient was hysterical, the mental symp- toms including every conceivable vagary of thought and manner. She went with the most astonishing rapidity from one train of thought to another, from one fancy to another.. Had been treated by female doctors for the uterine symptoms. Had had ergot, electricity, and mor- phia. Began treatment with lldonius. which somewhat re- lieved the uterine displacement. Endeavored at different times, but without avail, to insert a uterine pencil of Iodo- form to relax the constricted uterine neck. The obstruc- tion was constriction atid not flexion. Finally gave Con. Tine. Avena Saliva, 10 drops 3 times per day. Within a few days was able to pass the intra-uterine pencil. The next menstrual period w as somewhat painful, but the flow began with the pain. The following period was normal. The result of treatment by Avena was the subsidence of the nervous and hysterical symptoms, the establishment of health, increase of strength and weight; and with Uelonias, the prolapsus was reduced, and at the next term of the female college, the patient returned, and during the last six months has been able to pursue her studies without an intermission. * Case III.—C. J. B., a reformed inebriate, had been losing strength and appetite for some months. Had previously had delirium tremens, and felt himself falling into that nervous condition which preceded those attacks, or fol- lowed a long debauch. He was treated by a physician with tonics, which failed to give him any relief, except tempora- rily. Was finally given a patent medicine, the principal in- gredient of which was rum. He gave way to his appetite, and when I was culled to sec him he seemed rapidly ap- 13 preaching Mania-a-potu. The tongue was coated, nowels constipated, the whole body tremulous. Gave Con. Tine. Avena, 10 drops 3 times per day in alternation with Nux Vomica. In a day or two the patient felt able to control his appetite and was allowed to go out. The nervous symptoms passed away, and the Nux being discontinued, and the Avena continued, strength and sleep (which had been greatly disturbed by nightmare and restlessness) re- turned. The patient said that each day he realized that the medicine was “ lifting him right up.” I have used Avena in other similar cases with equal success. Con. Tina. Avena Saliva is par excellence a remedy for neurasthenia. It is a nerve-food of stimulating and tonic properties unequalled by any other remedy. It gives in- creased vitality to the whole nervous system. It should be thought of in defective menstruation from neurasthenic causes, in neuralgia, or any disturbance of the great nerve- centres, cerebro-spinal meningitis, and all forms of nervous debility from inebriety, opium-eating, excessive use of to- bacco (have just used it in such a case successfully), and sexual excess or nervous strain. I am using it in such cases with great satisfaction. Very truly yours, D. M. Hodge, M.D., 137 East 125th Street. Irving House, N. Y., April 11, 1881. Messrs. B. Keith & Co.: Gentlemen—Since the spring of 1876 I have used your preparation of Con. Tine. Avena in my practice with the greatest success. One case, a broker in this city, had quite a severe stroke of paralysis affecting the foot and arm of the left side. I immediately put him upon your preparation of Avena. The result was very gratifying, for in three weeks all trace of the difficulty vanished, and he has enjoyed perfect health ever since. As a tonic in cases of great nervous prostration conse- quent upon great mental exertion, I have never known any- thing to equal it. In a most difficult case of defective menstruation arising from an amemic condition of the system (a member of my own family), a most speedy and complete cure was effected in a few weeks. 14 I consider it invaluable in all such cases. I feel confident that the profession will be astonished at its efficacy in cases that nothing else will reach. Yours sincerely, Edward Sutton Smith, M.D. New York, April 12,1881. Messrs. B. Keith & Co.: Gentlemen—I have given your (Jon. Tine. Arena Sativa to a patient who suffered from a violent and constant pain in the head (left parietal region). The pain had remained about eight months after a paralytic stroke, and many medicines had been used for its cure, but without avail. Before the use of the Arena the action of the heart was very irregular, and -when the pulse could be counted it averaged 110 to the minute. On first using the Arena the patient took 10 drops three times a day and experienced some mitigation of the pain. After a week I advised 15 drops for a dose four times a day, and in another week the pain had almost ceased. This last dose was continued for three weeks, at the expiration of which time the patient, feeling so well, decided to discontinue the medicine, and took none for a month, when the pain returned in the same region, but not anything like what it had formerly been as to severity. The medicine was recommended in the 15 drop doses and the pain ceased again in a few days. At this time I made further examination of the heart, and found its action much strengthened, and the pulse, although still somewhat irregular (the pulsation averaged but 86 to the minute), With increased fulness. One very noticeable effect of the Arena in this case was the permanent cheerfulness of disposition imparted to the patient after its use for a few days. I believe, from observation of all the symptoms, that this patient, by continuing the remedy for two months more, will be entirely well, and enjoy better health and spirits than for nearly two years past. I have given the remedy in other cases representing many phases of disease, but in these it has not yet been used, quite long enough to fully determine its action. So far as tried, I have found it a Stimulant, Heart tonic, sedative, and a tonic to the nervous system in cases of exhaus ion, from overwork or nervous strain. 1 have used it in some cases where 1 had formerly employed Digitalis, and found its action in nearly all of them somewhat more prompt, and 15 the effect better sustained than with the latter remedy. It improves the force of the circulation to that extent, that I have found it a remedy for coldness of the extremities. Convalescent patients have remarked the refreshing sleep obtained after its use by them. I have not yet fully de- termined the manner of its action or scope, and will try it further in a wider range of cases. I find that an oxer-dose will cause pain in the occipital region. Very truly yours, James Begen, M.D. 435 West 51st Street. Port Republic, N. J., March 31, 1881. Messes. B. Keith & Co., New York City ; Gentlemen—Your preparation of Avena Sativa has ac- complished its work so well for my little paralyzed daughter and for myself that I must tell you somewhat about it, and this will explain why I desire you immediately to ship me four pounds by express, so that I may receive it before starting for Cimarron, Kansas, which will be my P, O. ad- dress hereafter. One year ag» last November my little daughter, aged four years, received a fall, which resulted in spinal curvature and a complete paralysis of lower ex- tremities and partial paralysis of bowels and bladder. Of course she suffered from spinal irritation, with all its con- comitants. Last summer we made some progress toward recovery by means of tonics and sedatives, with electricity, bathing, and rubbing. But the past winter has been so cold and damp, especially here by the seacoast, that we could not give her the attention her case required. I was also absent from home a portion of the winter, and re- turned here March 1st, 1381, when I found her very much run down, appetite poor, sleep much disturbed, bowels con- stipated, disposition peevish, fretful, and irritable ; feet constantly cold and cheeks pallid. Upon your recommen- dation and for the purpose of proving the Avena, I im- mediately quit the use of all other remedies (including electricity), and, for the first week, gave her five drops in a little warm water before each meal and before going to bed. Before the end of the week her bowels became regu- lar, and the red color was returning to her cheeks. At the end of the week, very much to our surprise, we found her feet warm and moist upon preparing her for bed. The second week I commenced giving her the Avena in ten drop doses, in warm*water, with same interval as before and have continued so doing to the present. The Avena is giving us good satisfaction and much pleasure, as her sprightliness and vivacity have returned, and, though still quite sensitive and crying easily, she is not peevish and fretful, and we find that she helps herself more than for months, for now she can turn over in bed without help. We have great faith that by the use of the Avena and the blessing of the Lord upon our efforts that we shall, ere- long, see our little one walking again. In my own case, I am much gratified with the effect of the Avepa. I am suffering greatly from gun-shot wound in side of the head ; also from a broken hip, so that I have to wear a harness and walk on crutches ; and am also af- flicted with dilatation of right side of heart, with very rapid and feeble pulse and frequent palpitation—the car- diac trouble doubtless proceeding from constant nervous shock, as my hip trouble is such that there is a permanent, spontaneous luxation of the head of the femur, upward and backward, whenever I flex the knee. In fact I am a walking epitome of army injuries. With all this there is a great deal of nervous irritability, so that I am not alto- gether calculated to make home happy. I am also troubled with insomnia, constipation, and loss of appetite, or rather was before I commenced the use of Avena in February, 1881, since which time, when I take it, I sleep better than for years; am scarcely troubled at all with the palpitation ; have a better appetite- have lost, to a great extent, my melancholy, moroseness, and suicidal tendency, all of which have been greatly aggravated upon the approach of and during a storm. My bowels are now regular, and I feel a return of physical and mental force and strength that I never anticipated. Owing to your kindly interest in me and mine, I feel compelled to make these statements. The dose 1 take, ordinarily, is twenty drops in a little warm wrater, before each meal, and twenty drops clear at bedtime. When a storm is approaching, and during its prevalence, I take forty drops at a dose. I also take that amount whenever my mental work seems to confuse me, and when physical work overpowers me. Very truly yours, George M. Harris, M.D. Philadelphia, Pa., April 30th, 1883. Messrs. B. Keith & Co., New York : Gentlemen—I have found the Con. Tine. Avena quite a resource, when patients complain of insomnia from fatigue, and especially when they arise from sleep un- ested ; feeling, as they say, “ more fatigued than when they retired.” I have found it invariably to give relief, I prescribe from 10 to 15 drops on retiring. I have also used it for hemiplegia with good results. Yours, &c., William F. Waugh, Prof, of Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. 17 Richmond. Va., November 10th, 1881. Messrs. B. Keith & Co., New York : Gentlemen—It gives me great pleasure to add my most uearty endorsation of your truly invaluable Con. Tine. Avena Sativa. I have used and am using it largely in my practice, and with the most gratifying results in all cases to which it is seen to be adapted by the revelations of the test glass, our only sure guide. I never adminis- tered a medicine that gave me more satisfaction. It fills a vacuum long felt by me, and fills it well. Very respectfully, &c., Wm. B. Gray, M. D. Dr. Gray also writes under date February 37, 1883 ; “ I am more and more pleased with the Con. Tine. Avena Sativa. Save in a case of Hystero-Epilepsy (where by the test glass it was not indicated), it has never failed me, and I shall continue to use it with a large number of my atients North Dana, Mass., May 5th, 1883. Messrs. B. Keith & Co., New York: Gentlemen—I have used the Con. Tine. Avena. Sativa in many cases with excellent success. Although I do not propose to give you a lengthy article upon its use, or even speak of its modus operandi upon the tissues of the body, I will state a few cases where it has given me great satisfaction. Almost the first case where I used it was a lady of 70 years suffering with insomnia, from asthenia. I commenced giving the Avena in ight-drop doses twice a day; after two days increased dose to twelve drops three times a day, ’ the last dose at bed time. After she had taken it for one week, she told me “ she slept as well as when a child/’ Continued its use for four weeks (gradually diminishing the quantity), when I discharged her. She has not had an attack of the same kind since. Case 2.—Male, age 38, suffering with neurasthenic cephelgia. Commenced giving Arena in fifteen-drop doses in warm water; after four or five days increased dose to twenty drops. After ten days there were no pains in the head, and patient said “he felt better than for years.” Contiuued the medicine for one month. Cash 3.—A lady, age 39, morphia habit. Had used it eight years. At the time I saw her (one year ago) she was using from seven to ten grains each da.y. Com- menced giving the Avena in fifteen-drop doses in warm water three times a day, beside at bedtime a dose in cold water (I find to give it in quite warm water its action is greatly accelerated). After giving it four days, ’ncreased dose to twenty drops, and at bedtime gave thirty drops. After using the Avena three weeks jshe said “ she had no desire for morphia any longer,” and gave me the last bottle she had opened, quite half full at the time. Continued the use of the Avena six weeks, when she said she “ was entirely free of the habit.” Case 4.—A lady, age 65. Had used morphia for six or seven years; was using about same amount daily as case before mentioned. Commenced giving Arena in twenty drop doses four times a day, and continued its use for four weeks, when I gradually diminished the dose, and ifter six weeks’ treatment she declared herself as “ feel- -ng better than for years, and entirely free from any de- sire for morphia.” Trusting for success in the future as in the past from the use of the Con. Tine. Avena, I am, respectfully yours, S. Witt, M. D. 18 Chatsworth, 111., March 12th, 1882. Messrs. B. Keith & Co., New York : Gentlemen—I have used the Con. Tine. Avena Sativa in a number of cases with excellent results. Among which was case Mr. C. G., age 72. Was prostrated by an unusu- ally severe attack of paralysis, affecting his entire right side, also his speech, so that he could not make himself understood except by signs. I gave him the Con. Tine. Avena in 15-drop doses every 2J4 hours. In 24 hours a 19 marked improvement was perceptible. Continued treat- ment, and before a week had passed his recovery was complete. Case 2.—Mr. A. O., age 55. Had so far lost use of hands from paralysis, that he had been unable to work at his trade (blacksmith) for nearly 2 years. Had been under treatment in various forms, without benefit. I prescribed the Con. Tine. Avena for him, and continued its use for about six weeks, when he had regained the en- tire control of his hands and he is now working at his trade. I have also used the Avena in two cases of Sun Stroke, in both of which the result was an immediate relief, and a full restoration to health. In these cases I gave the Avena in hot water, in doses of 20 to 30 drops every few minutes or until animation is produced, then gradually decreased dose and frequency of giving. Have also used the Avena in my general practice, as nerve stimulant, &c., with most gratifying success. . Yours, truly, F. H. Bostock. M. D. Wtjrtsboro, N. Y., May 24th, 1882. Messrs. B. Keith & Co., New York : Gentlemen—I have used the Con. Tine. Avena Sativa in very, very bad cases of opium and morphia habit, and always with immediate relief. Shall give my experience to the profession soon. Yours truly, G. H. Lathrop, M. D.