THE WATER SUPPLY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK E. Waller ~Ph. D. 1 desire, in the first place, to present the results of complete an- alyses of the Croton water made at different times. The various denominations of salts quoted have been given in order to literally quote the different analysts. For the three first, double columms are given, representing the result, in grains per English (Imperial) gallon of 70,000 grains, and also in grains per United States gal- lon of 58,318 grains, the first columns in each case being the form in which the analysts have recorded their results, to judge from the context. In Nos. 4 and 5, the magnesium and calcium bicarbon- ate have been calculated back to mono-carbonates, and the results given brackets. Another table of the same results, calculated to parts per 100,000, is appended. There is probably less difference in the results than the figures would seem to indicate, the mode of stating the results in the ear- lier analyses rather suggesting different methods of conducting the examination, and calculating the results to those at present in use. Next, permit me to call your attention to a chart showing graph- ically the variations found in the constitution of the Croton water by Dr. C. F. Chandler during the Summer months of 1867 and 1868, representing some fifty examinations, and my own results, made in a similar manner every week, from the latter part of 1872 to the middle of 1879, representing about 350 examinations. The average results may be thus stated : Average of results of tests made on Croton water (Parts per 100,000) : Mineral matter. Org. and volatile. Total solids. Hardness Ox’u absor- bed from Perman - ganate. Summer of 1867 6.72 1.12 7.84 4.32 0.181 U 1868 5.66 1.97 7.63 0.168 Last 2 mos. 1872 7.48 0.44 7.92 3.553 0.131 Y ear 1873 6.23 1.59 7,82 3.395 0.135 U 1874 5.83 1.76 7.59 3.332 0.166 1875 5.656 1.835 7.491 3.293 0.211 u 1876 5.416 1.682 7.098 3.159 0.185 u 1877 5.603 1.823 7.426 3.260 0.253 u 1878 5.299 1.904 7.203 2.846 0.183 First 5 mos. 1879 Average from Nov. 5.424 ) 0.912 6.336 2.811 0.072 1872, to May,1879, inclusive - 5.702 1.678 7.380 3.210 0.180 2 THE AVATER SUPPLY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The “ Total solids” AArere determined by weighing the residue obtained by evaporating a measured quantity ; the “ Organic and Volatile ” by igniting this residue, moistening Avith carbonic acid Avater, drying and weighing again ; ‘‘Hardness” by standard soap solution as usual, the results being expressed in the Equivalent of calcium carbonate, AAdiile the “ Permanganate ” test Avas that of Miller. (J., Lond. Chern. Soc., 1865, p. 117 ; see also R. Angus Smith, Watts’ Dictionary, v. 1039 ; Wauklyn’s Water Anal., Ist Ed., 1868, p. 43. &c. and others), acidifying with H2 S 04, adding standardized solution of permanganate, until the color held for half an hour at the ordinary temperature of the laboratory. In addition to these, several other examinations made at irregu- lar intervals, and at other times than those specified above might be given, but as they present no marked deviations, I will not oc- cupy your time with them. As a sample of similar determinations made on samples of the Croton, taken from different parts of the city at the same time, I would present the results obtained in April of last year, when the odors in the water caused suspicion that it contained some com- pounds dangerous to health. No. Locality. Mineral matter. Organic & Vol. Total Solids. Oxygen absorbed from Permanganate. 1 West 33d St. 6.6 2.2 8.8 0.064 2 East 34th St. 6.0 1.5 7.5 0.060 F 5 West 131st St. 4.4 1.3 5.7 O.064F 8 East 122d St. 5.7 trace 5.7 0.062 The samples marked F were clarified by subsidence or filtration before examination, as they contained varying amounts of muddy sediment, and were therefore not fair samples of the water as or- dinarily used. It may be mentioned that about a pint of No. son standing half an hour in a cylinder, some inches in diameter, de- posited a sediment fof an inch in depth. When this sediment was distributed as evenly as possible through the water and a portion was examined, the results Avere No. Mineral. Org. and Vol. Total. Oxygen from Permanganate. 2 75.7 21 96.70 0.366 5 69.2 15.1 84.30 0.455 tHK WATER SUPPLY OP THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 3 A portion of the sediment was examined separately. Shaken with ether it afforded as soluble in that menstruum, a minute pro- portion of vegetable wax having a slight greenish-brown tinge, pro- bably from the presence of chlorophyll. A small amount was obtained for analysis. The results were Loss on ignition. 23.31 Silica 43.61 to 51.00$ Lime 0.63 =CaCo3 1.12$ Magnesia 3.16 =MgCo3 6.64 Ferric and Alurainic oxides 20.92 As to other determinations on the Croton Water, the following results are offered. Parts per 100,000. Date. Free Ammonia. Albuminoid Ammonia. Remarks. August, 1874. 0.00095 0.0145 average of 6 December, 1877. 0.0010 0.0102 “ of 2 Nov. 16th, 1878. 0.0015 0.0130 July 11th, 1879. 0.0008 0.008 April 4th, 1881. 0.0020 0.0110 “ 22d, “ 0.0016 0.0117 average of 10 u u u 0.019 to 0.031 Total NH3on very turbid samples. May 16th, 1881. 0.001 0.007 Nov. 8th, 1881. 0.002 0 012 Nitrogen in Nitrates. July 29th, 1881. 0.0198 Nov. 8th, “ 0.0181 The results obtained on free and albuminoid ammonia do not in- dicate any material alteration in the proportions of those constitu- ents yielding nitrogen in those forms since the examinations began to be made. The investigation of last April shows that the qual- ity of the water does not vary very much in different parts of the city at the same time, unless the sediment is mixed in, when the amount of nitrogen obtainable as ammonia by distillation may reach nearly thrice the amount obtainable from the sample when fairly clear. The amounts of nitrogen in nitrates so far as they go give no indications of sewage contamination in the water. 4 THE WATER SUPPLY OP THE CITY OP YEW YORK. About the end of last year a paper by Prof. Leeds on “ Relative purity of city waters in the United States,” was published in the Chemical JShews (xnv p. 265), in which the Croton water was con- demned as contaminated. The analytical results were given as follows: Croton, June 23d, 1881. (Results in parts per 100,000) Free Ammonia 0.0027 Chlorine 0.350 Albuminoid “ 0.027 Hardness 3.30 Oxygen required 0.81 Total Solids 11.80 Nitrites none Mineral Matter 5.00 Nitrates 0.8325 Organic & Vol. 6.80 These results I strenuously object to as misleading. The term “ nitrates ” is indefinite, and when so many chemists calculate their results to “ nitrogen in nitrates,” &c. a false impres- sion is readily created by the above statement in that regard. The “ oxygen required,”! have learned was obtained by Kubel’s method —by the action of potassium permanganate on the water strongly acidified with sulphuric acid at the boiling temperature. Inasmuch as most chemists (at least in English speaking countries), use the permanganate test at ordinary temperatures,such a statement as the above, without specifying the method used, is calculated to convey a false impression of the quality of the water. Moreover the tes performed in that Avay isopen to serious objections. Under those circumstances the chlorine in the water would affect the results, and Prof Leeds himself has shown us that the reagents used invariably contain impurities which would affect the test to the prejudice of the water tested, the permanganate containing chlorine compounds, and the sulphuric acid (which is used in con- siderable amount) containing lower oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, so that where a line is drawn on comparatively small amounts of oxygen absorbed from permanganate, the impurities in the reagents would make a great difference in the conclusions to be drawn. Prof. Leeds’ results on Total Solids and Free and Albuminoid am- monia are very high, indeed higher than any results I have obtained during the past fourteen years, except when—as last spring—the samples of water were so charged with sediment as to render them by no means fair samples of the Croton Water as ordinarily obtain- able. The conclusion would seem to be that his sample was turbid with sediment. The water supply of the city of new York. 5 With regard to other determinations they either agree with the preceding examinations, or the methods employed were different from those of which I made use, and therefore preclude a compari- son between them. In commenting on the results, Prof. Leeds remarks: “New York and all the places mentioned lower on the list receive their water from contaminated sources. The feeders which empty into Croton Lake, the principal reservoir of the New York water, pass through a settled country, with numerous tanneries, factories, &c., along their banks. Analyses of the Croton water, made at different times during the past five years, have shown that it is to be classed among contaminated water supplies,” A quotation of this state- ment was sent to Mr. Isaac Newton, Chief Engineer of the Croton Aqueduct Department. His reply was briefly to the effect that he had comparatively recently examined the Croton Avater-shed, and that Prof. Leeds’ assertion with regard to it was altogether erro- neous. From other sources, I have been able to ascertain, first, that with regard to the population of the water-shed: for its area of 339 square miles the population is from 17 to 20,000, or about one man to every ten acres. Permit me to quote the table given by Mr. D. M. Greene in the 23d annual report of Water Commissioners of Troy for 1877, p. 120. Population of water sheds for city supplies ; City. Population per square mile. Rochester, N. Y. . . .36 New York, N. Y. . . . . 65 Albany, N. Y. ... . .77 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. . . . 86 Schuectady Cohoes, )g, from Mo. J roy, | River. . . . 103 Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . .119 Boston, Mass., ... . . 229 London, England, . . . . 270 /Second.—As to industries in the Croton water-shed. But few tanneries now exist in that region for the simple reason that the most of the trees yielding the necessary bark have been cut down, and tanning is no longer profitable in that section. As regards other industries the region contains but few factories of any kind, and those are on a small scale. 6 THE WATER SUPPLY OE THE CITY OE NEW YORK. To sum up, I desire to express a most emphatic dissent from Prof. Leeds’ conclusions for the following reasons: 1. The proportion of chlorides existing in the water has not in- creased of late years so far as the records extend, and hence no in- dications of contamination by sewage or manufacturers can be assert- ed to exist. 2. The amounts of oxygen absoi-bed by permanguate test for a number of years, (serving to compare the water with itself at differ- ent times) show no changes in the quality of the Croton water. The same may be said for the results on Free and Alluminoid Ammonia and Organic and Volatile matter. 3. The Croton water-shed is not crowded either with population or with manufacturers as Prof Leeds seems to imagine. 4. The health of the community is not, and has never been, such as to indicate the presence of any contamination in the water sup- ply. THE WATER SUPPLY OE THE CITY OF NEW YORK. COMPLETE ANALYSES OF CROTON WATER RESULTS IN GRAINS PER GALLON. Number 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 Professor Analyst J. C. Booth. Dr. J. R. Chilton. C.F. Chandler. E. Waller. August, Sum’er May,' May, Nov. 1843. 1843. 1859. I860. 1872. 1879. 1881. Gallon used Eng U. S. Eng. u. s. Eng. U. S.* Sodium chloride .... 1 0.44 0.367 4.404 0.336 0.402 0.284 0 205 0.205 Calcium sulphate ... ) 0.353 0.294 0.158 0.024 0.723 0,193 0.161 0.179 0.205 0.188 0.201 0.260 0.024 0 200 0.216 0.828 0.690 0.90 0.270 0.225 0.054 .... I 0.84 0.750 0.147 0.122 .... [ 0.104 0.087 Magnesium carbonate.. 0.939 0.782 1.52 0.700 0.390 0.325 (1.101) (0.770) 0.918 0.685 Calcium carbonate 2.293 1.910 1.266 0.836 0.696 (1.648) (1.439) 1.650 1.319 1.913 1.3:38 2.670 2.331 0.110 0.092'] 0.058 0.175 0.045 Silica 0.339 0.299 I 0.46 0.383 0.170 0.142 0.621 0.222 0.274 0.210 Organic and volatile 0.276 0.240 J 0.916 0.763 0.670 0.874 0.560 0.233 3.590 2.990 6.873 Solids by evaporation... 4.998 4.174 4.16 3.466 3.705 3.087 4.780 3.849 4.893 3.168 0.296 0.243 0.172 0.124 0.124 ABOVE RESULTS GIVEN IN PARTS PER HUNDRED THOUSAND. 1 o 3 4 5 6 Analyst . Booth. Chil ton. Chai idler. Waller. 1843. ( 1843. 1859. 1869. 1872. 1879. 1881. 0.629 0.690 0.487 0.351 0.351 ( 0.504 0.272 0.041 1.239 0.276 ' 0.309 0.351 0 322 0 345 0.449 0.041 0.343 0.371 1.183 ) 0.386 0.092 1.286 0.210 f 0.149 1.341 1.200 0.557 (1.888) (2.826) 3.280 (1.320) (2.467) 2.294 1.575 1.174 3.276 2.171 0.194 2.830 2.262 4.578 trace. 3.996 0.100 0.157 ) .... 1 0.243 0.300 0 078 0.513 y 0.657 ( 0.394 ) 1.060 0.380 0.470 3.360 1.309 1.150 1.500 0.960 0.400 Total 5.129 11.788 9.190 Solids by evaporation Chlorine 7.140 5.943 5.293 0.508 8.200 0.416 6.600 0.294 8.390 0.213 5.432 0.213 Nos. 1 and 2. Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. F. B. Tower. N. Y., 1843, p. 135, No. 3. Report of Water Commissioners of Albany for 1865, p. 50. Nos. 4 and 5. Report of Board of Health for 1871, New York, p. 371. No. 6. Report on Croton Water, New York, 1881, p. 45. * U. S. gallon of 231 cubic inches (58,318 grains).