DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LONGS. R. T. ftR'ALL, M. D. BY NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL R. WELLS, No. 389 BROADWAY. 1 87 3. “It ib an Illustrated Cyclopedia.” OB, SKIS %¥ ■6BA1MTIB, As manifested in Temperament and External Forms, and especially in the Human Face Divine. By S. R. WELLS, Editor Phrenological Journal. Large 12mo, 763 pp. With more than 1,000 Engravings. Illustrating Physiognomy, Anatomy, Physiology, Ethnology, Phrenol- ogy, and Natural IKstory, A comprehensive, thorough, and practical Work, in which all that is X known on the subject treated is Systematized, Explained, Illustrated, and Applied. Physiognomy is here shown to be no mere fanciful speculation, but a consistent and well- considered system of Character-reading, based on the established truths of Physiology and Phrenology, and confirmed by Ethnology, a* well as by the pecaliarities of individ- uals. It is no abstraction, but something to be made useful; something to be practiced by everybody and in all places, and made an efficient help in that noblest of all studies— the Study of Man. It is readily understood and as readily applied. The following are some of the leading topics discussed and explamed in this great illustrated work: Previous Systems given, including those of all ancient and modem writers. General Principles of Physiognomy, or the Physiological laws on which charac- ter-reading is and must be based. Temperaments. — The Ancient Doc- trines — Spurzheim’s Description — The New Classification now in use here. Practical Physiognomy. — General Forms of Faces—The Eyes, the Mouth, the Nose, the Chin, the Jaws and Teeth, the Cheeks, the Forehead, the Hair and Beard, the Complexion, the Neck and Ears, the Hands and Feet, the Voice, the Walk, the Laugh, the Mode of Shaking Hands, Dress, etc., with illustrations. Ethnology .—The Races, including the Caucasian, the North American Indians, the Mongolian, the Malay, and the African, with theh numerous subdivisions: also National Tiroes, each illustrated. Physiognomy Applied—'Ho Marriage, to the Training of Children, to Persona* Improvement, to Business, to Insanity and Idiocy, to Health and Disease, to Classes and Professions, to Personal Improvement, and to Character-Reading; generally. Util- ity o' Physiognomy, Self-Improvement. Animal Types. — Grades of Intelli- gence, Instinct and Reason — Animal Heads and Animal Types among Men. Graphomancy .—Character revealed in Hand-writing, with Specimens—Palmistry. “ Line of Life” in the human hand. Character-Reading. — More than a hundred noted Men and Women introduc- ed—What Physiognomy says of them. The Great Secret.—How to be Healthy and How to be Beautiful—Mental Cosmet- ics—very interesting, very useful. Aristotle and St. Paul.—A Model Head—Views of Life — Illustrative Anec- dotes—Detecting a Rogue by his Face. No Oi*e Gin read this Book without Interest, without real profit. “ Knowledge is power,” and this L emphatically true of a knowledge of men—of human character. Ho who has it is “ master of the situation and anybody may have it who will, and find in it die “ secret of success” and the road to the largest personal improvement. Price, in one large Volume, of nearly 800 pages, and more than 1,000 engravings, on toned paper, handsomely bound in embossed muslin, $5; in heavy calf, marbled edges, Vi; Turkey morocco, fhll gilt, $10. Agents may do well to canvass for this work. Free by poet. Please address, S. R. WELLS, 389 Broadway, New York. DISEASES OF THE TIIUOAT AND LUNGS. BY R. T. TR^ra^Sf.D. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL R. WELLS, No. 389 BROADWAY. 1 873. Entered, according to Aet or Congress, in the year I860, by FOWLER AND WELLS, In the Clerk s Office of the District Court or the United States for the Southern District of Eew fork PUBLISHERS’. PREFACE. Tiie great demand for the articles of Dr. Trail on Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, while in course of publication in The Water-Cure Journal, has induced the publishers to re-issue them in a more convenient form for reference and circulation. We can entertain no doubt that the author has clearly traced this very prevalent and rapidly increasing class of diseases to their true origin, and pointed out the best, and the only rational, plan of prevention or cure. The wide- spread distribution, therefore, of this little book can hardly fail to save thousands of valuable lives, while its teachings, if generally adopted by society, would at once arrest the fearful ravages of consumption and its kindred maladies, which now threaten, ere long, to ruin, if not exterminate, the human race. CONTENTS. Pagh Pieliminary Eemarks 7 Forms of Consumption 9 Other Affections of the Throat and Lungs 11 Geography of Consumption in the United States 12 Causes of Consumption 12 Persons most Liable to Consumption 15 Stages of Consumption 18 Prognosis 20 Treatment of Consumption 22 Temperature and Climate 23 Clothing 24 Diet 25 Drink 27 Bathing 27 “ Throat-Ail’ ’ 30 Quinsy 30 Croup 31 Diptheria 31 Influenza 34 Pneumonia 87 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. Iiv treating of the diseases of the throat and lungs, I shall comprehend all the ordinary forms of acute and chronic inflammation usually known and described under the names of throat-ail, quinsy, croup, bronchitis, dypthe- ria, putrid sore-throat, canker or aptha, pneumonia, influenza, and all forms of consumption. They are all peculiarly the maladies of what is called civilization, and the scourges of fashionable society. Comparatively rare in the ruder and cruder states of society, they increase and multiply with the enervating habits and unphysiological refinements of artificial life. Altogether, the group of diseases we are about to consider, constitutes the sources of nearly one fourth of the mortality of the country. Inflammation of the lungs alone is the cause of about one fifteenth of all the deaths; while consumption is everywhere sweeping the young and middle-aged in droves to their graves. Mortuary statistics show that the mortality from this dis- ease embraces about one seventh of the whole amount. In New York city there are not far from three thousand deaths annually of consumption, averaging more than sixty per week, or nearly ten per day. This is a fear- ful picture; and the picture becomes appalling in view of the fact that it is growing worse instead of better. It is true that the medical profession has no lack of remedies ; that it pro- fesses to have in its ample materia medica many valuable medicines for con- sumption. But there is one prominent fact which seems to stamp delusion, if not deception, on their pretensions. They never cure. They frequently kill. Their dispensatories, pharmacopoeias, and medical journals do indeed abound with prescriptions. Physicians are always ready with the “ latest fashion” of a remedy. Chemists and apothecaries are continually putting forward new specifics, which the doctors indorse and recommend as obsequi- DISEASES OF i'HE ITIHOAI AND LUNGS. ously as the American milliners and mantuamakers respond to the latest Parisian fashion-plate. And no sooner is one vaunted specific or nostrum —be it digitalis, prussic-acid, sarsaparilla, cod liver oil, inhalation, blood- food, hypopliospliite, ready-resolvent, tincture of credulity, or essence of moonshine—run out, and thrown aside as useless, or worse than useless, than some other equally detestable poison or nuisance is ready to take its place in professional favor and popular experience, have a similar run, and meet a similar fate. History lias, however, recorded one fact in relation to all of the consumptive nostrums of the past, as true science can infallibly predict the history of all future ones. They never have cured a single case, and they never will. Nor are the irregular physicians—quacks, they are sometimes called—less diligent in driving a profitable trade in the matter of selling worthless and injurious nostrums to poor, miserable, and dying consumptives. These en- terprising speculators in human gullibility very well know that this class of invalids will catch at promises as drowning persons do at straws. They are aware that they have but to concoct some flavored compound of alcohol, opium, and sugar, which will temporarily stimulate the blood and deaden the sensibilities, and then advertise, repeat, reiterate, declare, and, if need be, swear, that they have marvelously, miraculously, superhumanly, and preternaturally discovered a wonderful and infallible preventive and cura- tive of all kinds of consumption, and of all predispositions thereto, and which never fails in any stage ; Or to proclaim that, by some very strange and, for the cause of suffering humanity, most opportune and lucky adventure, they have stepped into the shoes or been invested with the mantle of some Indian, “ wild man of the woods,” or gypsy doctor, to enable them to rifle the pockets of the swarms of desperate and dying consumptives, as effectu- ally as leeches and vampyres draw the life-blood of the slumbering traveler. Bid me go where Thugs slow creep, Murdering men while yet they sleep Thus gives poison. Doth not he, Who for poisoning takes a fee. Softly curse those heathen Thu*,, While thy race is steeped in drugs ? The newspapers all over the country are continually displaying long col- umns of nostrums warranted to cure consumption; and no sensible person, it seems to me, can fail to be disgusted with their self-evidently false asser- tions and absurd pretensions. I have known eight hundred and fifty dollars paid for a single insertion of one of these quack advertisements, filling eight or ten columns of one of our city papers. If such investments are profitable to the nostrum-venders, what immense sums of money must be paid by the credulous dupes of these cunning knaves ! And every specious pretense, every perversion of truth, every falsification of science, as well as every outrageous lie that can be made to subserve the Bale of the fraudulent merchandise, is resorted to with a heartlessness that ought to bring a blush to the fire-seared face of Satan himself. FORMS OF CONSUMPTION. 9 FORMS OF CONSUMPTION. ' Medical authors are neither clear nor precise as to what disease or dis- eases they apply the term consumption. Some authors recognize only one form of consumption proper; other authors recognize two, three, and even more. There are, however, no less than seven distinct and prominent forms of this disease. Many physicians do not regard an affection of the lungs as really consumption, until disorganization has progressed to a fearful, if not fatal stage. But this method of diagnosis is practically useless ; for, unless we can detect it in its incipient stages, we have very little chance to effect a cure. Some writers limit the term consumption to the formation of tubercles in the lungs. Although this is the most common form of consumption, and al- though most forms of the disease are liable to be complicated with more or less of tuberculation, during some state or stage of its progress, this condi- tion is by no means a uniform nor necessary accompaniment. Consumption may be said to exist wherever the patient has the following aggregate of symptoms : Cough, pain or sense of weight in the chest, expec- toration, and hectic fever. There is usually more or less emaciation, and the hectic fever may be so slight as to be unnoticed. Very frequently, in the early stages, the patient will complain of a disposition to cough fre- quently, with a scanty expectoration of a tenacious phlegm, a slight difficulty of breathing on sudden exertion, a sense of chilliness in the fore part of the day, and a feeling of feverishness about the face toward evening. If these symptoms are attended with general decline of health and strength, there is no time to lose. The case should be regarded and treated as consump- tion. The term consumption properly applies to all forms of chronic inflamma- tion of the lungs, attended with ulceration, tuberculation, or any kind of disorganization, and it presents the following varieties: 1. Catarrhal.—This is the result of frequent colds “ settling on the lungs.” It is known by a violent and constant cough, and very decided paroxysms of hectic fever. There is great chilliness, sometimes, and at others the surface is hot and feverish. In this form the night-sweats are apt to be severe; the cough is severe, and the expectoration copious. The local condition of the lungs is that of an open ulcer, extending deeper and wider, in one or both lungs. As the ulceration progresses, the cough be- comes deep and hollow, but the breathing is not very greatly disturbed. 2. Tubercular.—This form affects more particularly persons of a scrofulous diathesis. It consists in the formation of myriads of little tumors, or hard- ened lumps, in the substance of the lungs, generally commencing in the up- per portion and extending downward. As the tumors or tubercles enlarge, they coalesce, soften, and ulcer a'e, and form variously shaped cavities, from which more or Less purulent matter is expectorated. The incipient stage of this form of consumption is denoted by short breath, 10 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. sense of. weight or oppression in the upper part of the chest, tickling cough, slight expectoration of tenacious pus or mucus, and frequent pulse. The nature or origin of tubercles has very much perplexed medical wri- ters ; and all the ideas advanced on the subject seem to be little more than vague hypotheses. 3. Dyspeptic.—By the term, dyspeptic consumption, is understood the extension of disease from the liver to the lungs; or, in other words, ulcera- tion or tuberculation of the lungs supervening on a primary disease of the digestive organs. It is named, not in reference to any peculiar state or con- dition of the lungs, but in reference to the primary malady. It may take the form of catarrhal or tubercular—usually the latter—and is known by the symptoms already mentioned as pertaining to those forms. 4. Laryngeal.—In this variety the local inflammation fixes upon the mu- cous or lining membrane of the larynx (upper portion of the windpipe), con- stituting chronic laryngitis. It is usually preceded by some form of dys- pepsia or liver complaint. It presents very mild symptoms in the early stage, but is really one of the most difficult forms to cure. It is character- ized by an almost constant soreness in the vicinity of the projecting portion of the trachea or windpipe, a tickling cough, and peculiar roughness or hoarseness of the voice. The expectoration is often copious, and sometimes streaked with blood. This affection, and also the common “ throat-ail,” is commonly, though erroneously, called bronchitis. 5. Apostematovs.—This is the form of consumption in which abscesses are said to form and break in the lungs. It differs from the catarrhal form in being an abscess in the lungs instead of an ulcer. It is attended with violent paroxysms of coughing, fixed pain and soreness in the chest, and, when the abscess opens, copious expectoration. Abscesses sometimes gather, suppurate, discharge, and heal successively, for months and years. 6. Hemorrhagic.-—Frequent attacks of hemoptysis, or spitting of blood, are the distinguishing features of this form of consumption. Persons of frail, lax fiber are most liable to it. Enlargement of the liver often induces hemorrhages from the lungs, which may be followed by rapid disorganiza- tion. Hemorrhagic consumption is generally complicated with tubercles in the lungs; and if these occupy any considerable portion of the lungs, the result is always fatal. 7. Bronchial.—This form of consumption is the bronchitis of medical au- thors It is evinced by a diffused sense of soreness through the chest, in- creased on deep inspirations, and attended with frequent cough and moder- ate expectoration. It may be confined to one lung, but usually affects both more or less. The seat of the local inflammation is the mucous membrane of the bronchial ramifications. In its early stages, its symptoms resemble a mild influenza or a severe cold, without, however, the catarrhal complication of influenza, or of the catarrhal variety of consumption. In severe cases, and in the latter stages, there is considerable difficulty of breathing, some- times amounting to crepitus—rattling, or wheezing, sometimes simulating a Blight croup, and at other times resembling a mild paroxysm of asthma. OTHER AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 11 OTHER AFFECTIONS OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. The “ throat-ail,” frequently termed “clergyman’s sore throat,” is an ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth and fauces, often affecting the tonsils, and frequently attended with a relaxed uvula. On looking into the mouth, the ulcerous specks or cavities are apparent. It is usually con- nected with a similar condition of the duodenum, or some other portion of the alimentary canal. The quinsy is an acute inflammation of the tonsils—almonds of the throat. They are red, swollen, and very painful. There is great difficulty of swal- lowing, and in severe cases the sense of suffocation is extremely distressing. If not soon checked, the inflamed organs suppurate. This disease is always accompanied with fever. The croup is an acute inflammatory affection of the mucous membrane of the trachea or windpipe, attended -with the secretion of a glairy, tenacious fluid, which, in severe cases, concretes into a membranous coating, obstruct- ing respiration, and causing death by suffocation. This concreted hardened substance when once formed is extremely difficult to expel through the nar- row opening of the glottis, hence the great fatality of the disease unless checked in its early or forming stages. The croup is easily known by the shrill ringing cough, the thick, heavy, adhesive matter expectorated, and the great difficulty of breathing which attends. It is always accompanied with a fever of a low typhoid character. Bronchitis in the acute form is not distinguishable from pneumonia In the chronic form it is the bronchial consumption already mentioned. Acute bronchitis, pleurisy, and pneumonia, for all practical purposes, may be re- garded as essentially the same disease. The term dyptheria has been applied to some forms of croup, but more frequently to that form of malignant scarlet fever in which the violence at the throat affects, prevents,or supersedes the ord nary rash or eruption from appearing on the skin. We shall regard it in this article as identical with the common putrid sore throat, and both as the malignant form of scarlatina alluded to. Canker or aptha is another form of the “ tliroat-ail,” already mentioned. Most persons are familiar with its appearance. Influenza seems to be compounded of acute catarrh and pneumonia. It is an acute inflammation of the lungs, extending to and involving the mu- cous membrane of the nose. It is always attended with a low typhoid feVer. With the cough, soreness of the chest, difficult breathing, and more or less expectoration, there is great depression of strength, feeble pulse, great con- gestion of the lungs as indicated by the oppressed respiration, and copious or constant sweating. Pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, is indicated by cough, pain in the chest, difficult breathing, and general fever. The pulse is variable, accordng to the form of the accompanying fever; and this may be either tho inflammatory, the putrid typhus, or the nervous typhus; and the latter 12 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. forms may present all degrees of severity, from very mild to extremely ma- lignant. When there is much blood expectoration, the disease has been called bilious pneumonia ; when the expectoration is very copious, thin, and frothy, it has been called peri-pneumonia notha, or bastard pneumonia; when the fever has been of a low diathesis without either of these complica- tions, it has been denominated typhoid pneumonia; and when attended with high fever, simple pneumonia. These distinctions are, however, found- ed on erroneous pathological notions. GEOGRAPHY OF CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES. It has been a vexed question with physicians, whether diseases of the lungs are most prevalent in the warmer or in the colder latitudes of our country ; and a still more perplexing question, whether the consumptive invalid has the best chance of recovery in the Northern or in the Southern States. According to the statistical information, in relation to this subject, fur- nished by the census of 1850, the account is greatly in favor of the South. Thus, in Alabama, the deaths of consumption were only one in twenty-five of the whole number; while in the whole United States the ratio was cue to nine. In Louisiana, the deaths of consumption were one in nineteen, while in Maine they were one in four and a half. In Massachusetts, one fifth of all the deaths were of consumption, and in South Carolina only one in thirty. Other Southern States compare with Northern ones quite as favorably" for the former; for examples: Georgia, one in thirty-six, against Connec- ticut, one in six. Arkansas, one in twenty-three, against Vermont, one in four. North Carolina, one in eighteen, against New Hampshire, one in four and a half. Florida, one in twenty-two, against New Jersey, one in seven and a half. Texas, one in twenty-seven, against Rhode Island, nearly one in four. New Orleans, one in eleven, against New York, one in six and a half, and Boston, one in six, etc. In estimating the precise value of these data, we must bear in mind that certain other diseases—the yellow fever particularly—are more prevalent in the Southern States, thus removing many persons who would otherwise add to the mortuary statistics of consumption. But with all due allowance on this head, the difference is greatly in favor of the South. We think, how- ever, that the greater apparent immunity from consumption in the Southern States is not due to the higher temperature of the climate ptr se, but, indi- rectly, to the greater exposure of the Southern people to the free, open air, consequent on their warmer climate and sparser population. This will, per- haps, appear obvious after we have considered the causes of consumption. Nor does it follow, necessarily, as we shall hereafter show, that because con- sumption is less prevalent in the Southern latitudes, that consumptive inva- lids as a general rule, can recover better by removing to a warmer climate. CAUSES OF CONSUMPTION. Whatever tends to impoverish or deteriorate the blood, depress or waste the vital energies, and obstruct the various outlets or emunctories of thff CAUSES OF CONSUMPTION. body, may be said, in a general sense, to be a predisposing cause of con- sumption. And this definition is broad enough to embrace the whole range of unphysiological habits. But there are many causes to be found in per sonal habits, social customs, dietetic influences, and in the use or abuse of stimulants, narcotics, drug-medicines, etc., which are specially predisposing to this disease. The exciting causes—colds, fatigue, or over-exertion, etc., are of little consequence, for the reason that, without the existence of some depraved or cachectic condition of the system constituting the predisposition, they would never induce consumption. First in the list of predisposing causes is constipation of the bowels.. This is usually more or less connected with a torpid condition of the liver, be- cause the same dietetic or other errors which occasion obstructions in the bowels, occasion, also, the same condition in the large depurating organ call- ed the liver. When constipation of the bowels and liver exists, the kidneys and skin are compelled to perform extra duty in the work of eliminating morbid and effete materials from the system, in consequence of which they become, finally, exhausted and torpid. Then it is that the lungs have to sustain the chief burden of depuration, and the result of this is a disorgani- zation or destruction of their tissue—consumption. Among the more prominent causes of constipation—to go back to the ori- gin—the remote causes of consumption—are fine flour, and the various mix- ed and high seasoned dishes of New England cookery, examples of which are seen in the favorite short-cakes, doughnuts, mince pies, and sweet cakes and oonfections too numerous to mention. One who can look on a New En- gland table with the eye of a physiologist, need not wonder at the great and increasing prevalence of consumption. The “hog and hominy,” or the ba- con, rice, and hoe-cake, of the South and West, may be as conducive to dis- ease as are the more complicated abominations of the New England tables ; but they will be more apt to induce fevers and bilious attacks than consump- tion, because, though equally gross, they are less constipating. Those who can understand the rationale of convulsions in children, will easily recognize the chief predisposing circumstances which lead to consump- tion in the adult. In the city of New York thirty or forty children die weekly of convulsions. And the same ratio of mortality, very nearly, from the same cause, will apply to all parts of our country. These convulsions are, in almost every case, owing solely to constipation of the bowels; and the constipation of the bowels, unless inherited, is, in every instance, attrib- utable to the improper food on which the children are fed. And thousands of children, who will not die of convulsions, are being prepared for consump- tion as they approach the period of maturity. But the most common and the most prominent cause of consumption re- mains to be stated. It is excessive alimentation; or, rather, the dispro- portion between the aliment and respiration. It is the excess of food taken into the stomach, over and above the quantity of ait taken into the lungs. 14 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. I am well aware that this theory is contrary to the common teachings of medical hooks, and the usual prescriptions of medical men. But 1 speak ad- visedly. Medical writers are constantly parading ‘meagre diet,” “innu- tritious or insufficient food,” as a cause of consumption. But where these are causes in one case, excessive eating and defective breathing are the causes in a thousand cases. It is true that many consumptives do not take more food than is necessary to replenish the natural waste of the tissues. But they do not breathe suffi- ciently to convert what food they do eat into assimilable material. The food, after being prepared in the stomach, and acted upon by the lacteal absorbents and glands, receives its final elaboration in the lungs. The nu- tritive materials must all pass through the lungs, before the arteries can convey them to the capillaries to be assimilated to the tissues. The process of digestion, therefore, may be said to begin in the alimentary canal, and conclude in the lungs. And this fact enables us to explain the rationale of the majority of cases of consumption, and also to indicate the proper and rational plans of treat- ment, both preventive and curative. Eating and breathing must correspond; that is to say, no one can, in any way, nor by any means, diminish the breathing capacity and increase the quantity of food with impunity. Every morsel of food i equires a oorre- ponding particle of air, or it can never be used. Else it becomes a burden, and must be thrown out of the organism as so much lumber or waste ma- terial. A person accustomed to breathe normally and eat normally as to quan- tity, can not diminish Ins respiration safely without, at the same time, cor- respondingly reducing his food; otherwise obstructions inevitably occur. If he become more sedentary in occupation, and diminish his usual amount of exercise, respiration will bo loss, and hence he must eat less, or obstruction and disease are certain to result. And if this habit is allowed to go on long enough, the whole blood is surcharged with improperly formed and unassim- ilable chyle; and this clogs up the lungs and gives rise to tubercles, ulcera- tion, expectoration etc , constituting consumption. These most important considerations are wholly overlooked by the medi- cal profession, and wholly unknown to, and unthought of, by the common people. A proper understanding of. them, and a due attention to the hygi- enic management which they suggest, would soon relieve our country of this disease—its chiefest scourge. Indeed, medical men generally have a theory respecting the nature of this malady, so far from the truth as it is possible to get; and the practice which they recommend to prevent consumption- pork, grease, gravies, alcohol, cod-liver oil, etc.—is precisely calculated to cause tubercles in the lungs, when they do not already exist, while their “curatives” con only aggravate them and hurry the patient to the grave. The views above suggested will, on a careful study, be found to harmon- ize with and explain a 1 the problems as well as the phenomena of consump- tive maladies, PERSONS MOST LIABLE TO CONSUMPTION. 15 PERSONS MOST LIABLE TO CONSUMPTION. It is well known that females are—other circumstances being equal—more liable to consumption than males. And it is equally well known that their greater exclusion from out-door occupations, and their more sedentary hab- its, correspondingly diminish their respiratory functions. Sitting in rooms over-heated, especially with hot-air stoves, and sleeping in ill-ventilated apartments, are predisposing causes which affect females more than males. It is well known, too, that the young ladies and the young gentlemen of our boarding-schools, and of the majority of our academies and colleges, are very liable to be found fatally consumptive during their course of study, or soon after graduating. Whatever causes may contribute more or less to this result, there are two causes which almost always exist, and which are of themselves sufficient to produce the disease. These are, constipating food and sedentary habits. To these may often be added, confined and unventi- lated bedrooms, all of which circumstances tend directly to diminish the breathing capacity of the lungs. I need not here dwell on the horrid practice of tight lacing, which tends so directly and so powerfully to put out the breath of life, by constricting the diameter of the chest. This monstrous practice is, happily, going out of fashion, albeit one of our Allopathic medi- cal journals has, on several occasions with- in a year or two, advocated the habit, as being both a preventive and a curative measure for consumption. A proposition so self-evidently absurd, so ridiculously silly, Fig. 1 is a side view of the chest and abdomen in respiration. 1. Cavity of the chest. 2. Cavity of the abdomen. 3 Line of direction for the dia- phragm when relaxed in expiration. 4. Line of direction when contracted in inspiration. 5, 6. Position of the front wails of the chest and abdo- men in inspiration. 7, 8. Their position in expi- ration. would hardly call for serious refutation, were it not put forward, and urged and re- iterated, with a show of anatomical and pathological knowledge just sufficiently plausible to deceive the ignorant and mis- lead the unthinking. The author of this outrageously foolish notion is not only the editor of a medical journal, but the author of a work on consumption; and however nonsensical his teachings may seem to us, and are of themselves, we are bound to regard him as earnest and honest in his opinions. It can not be possible—at least we will not believe it-—that he misfeao.hes the people in- tentionally, for the of the professional perquisites and advantages W• Fig. 1. Action or the Diaphragm. 16 DISEASES OF -THE THROAT AND LUNGS. treat Life lucubrations on this subject with the more attention, also, because they have been extensively copied and circulated through the newspapers of the country, without note, comment, or dissent, which is equivalent to their indorsement. The author above alluded to argues, in his periodical (Hall’s Journal of Health), that as tuberculation usually commences in the upper portions ot the lungs, where they have the least motion, by restricting the action and preventing the expansion of the lower parts of the lungs, the breathing will be forced on the upper portions, thus securing their greater expansion, and ob- viating the formation of tuber- cles. But the author happens to be most egregiously mistaken in his premises. He errs ana- tomically and physiologically as well as therapeutically. A. Heart. B, B. Lungs. C. Liver. I). Stomach. E. Spleen. m, m. Kidneys, g Bladder, d is the dia- phragm which forms the partition between the thorax and abdomen. Under the latter is the cardiac orifice of the stomach, and at the right ex- tremity, or pit of the stomach, is the pyloric orifice. The truth is, the upper parts of the lungs only act as the lower portions do, and for this reason tight lacing produces the very condition which Dr. Ilall r jeommends it to prevent or re- move. As this is an important mat- ter, let us make it plain by a few illustrations. The lungs fill all of the space above the diaphragm, with the exception of a small portion in the center occupied by the heart and its blood-vessels. When the diaphragm descends, the lower ribs are expanded laterally, and the air rushes into the lungs ; but the con- ical shape of the thoracic cavity alone is enough to show, to the most super- ficial observer, that the ripper portions of the lungs can have no action ex- cept in connection with the lower portions. Eig. 2. Vital System. PERSONS MOST LIABLE TO CONSUMPTION. 17 * When the abdominal muscles contract, the viscera of the abdomen are forced up against the diaphragm, which relaxes and is pressed up against the lower portions of the lungs, crowding or squeezing the air out of them, and thus alternate inspiration and expiration constitute the functional pro- cess of respiration. The relations of the lungs and heart to the abdominal viscera may be seen in fig. 2. Four years ago a lady came tomy establishment, whose body, around tho fegion of the stomach, had been re- duced, by tight lacing, to about one third the normal size. Her figure was frightfully yet fashionably de- formed ; yet she was married and had one child—a feeble thing, of course. Being one of the most ex- treme cases I ever saw in a person who was able to stand on her feet, I employed an artist to paint an ex- act representation of her size, form, and figure, which now hangs in the anatomical rooms of the Hygeio- Therapeutic College. This patient was laboring under a severe diabetes, a disease which is usually fatal under allopathic prac- tice. Her skin was pale, cold, and extremely torpid; and the reason why the disease took the form of diabetes instead of consumption is, doubtless, attributable to the fact that she had been many years a dyspeptic, and unable to take but an exceedingly small quantity of food, so that her blood had not be- come loaded with the elements of unassimilablo chyle and other effete matters, so frequently the cause of tubercles, not only in the lungs, but in other organs and tissues of the body. Fig. 3. is no aggravation of this patient’s appearance. Indeed, it comes considerably short of the reality. By contrasting the shape of this deformed chest with the bones of a natu- ral thorax (fig. 4), some idea may be formed of the direful consequences of restricting, in any way, the movements of the vital organs. Fig. 5 shows, more distinctly, the relations of the lungs to the heart and great blood-vessels. It will be pe-rccived that the right lung is divided into three lobes, and the left into two. Fig. 3. Contracted Chest. 18 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. “ Respiration occurs in aquatic animals which do not breathe air. In them the respiratory organs are membranes prolonged externally into tufts or fringes, called gills, each one of which is supplied with arteries and veins, during the circulation of blood through which aeration is ef- fected. Fig. 4. An inferior view of the thorax is represented in fig. 4. 1. The manu- brium. 2. Body. 8. Ensiform car- tilage. 4. First dorsal vertebra. 5. Last dorsal vertebra. 6. First rib. 7. Head of first rib. 8. Its neck. 9. Its tubercle. 10. Seventh rib. 11. Costal cartilages of the ribs. 12. Last two false ribs. 18. The groove along the lower border of each rib. “ In air-breathing animals the membranes or aerating surface is reflected internally, forming pas- sages or chambers in which the air is received, and on which the capillary vessels are distributed. Insects have a series of tubes ram- ifying through the whole body, and carrying air to every part. “ In the human lungs the sides or walls of the air cells are formed of a thin transparent membrane, and the capillary vessels are placed between the walls of two adjacent cells, so as to be exposed to the action of the air on both sides. The number of the air cells of the whole lungs is immense. M. Rochoux has estimated them at six hundred millions.” For further illustrations on this subject the reader is referred to the " Hydropathic Encyclopedia.” The ramifications of the windpipe, or rather of its divisions in the lungs which are called the bronchial tubes, into air cells, are represented in fig. 6. The Thorax. STAGES OF CONSUMPTION. Medical authors usually distinguish three stages of consumption. Of course this distinction int« stages is entirely arbitrary. The first stage, or commencement of the disease, may be dated from the first appearance of expectoration with the cough. A cough attended with raising of pus or mucus, unless accompanying asthma, or the result of a recent cold, should never be allowed to go without attention, as, in thousands of cases, it is the incipient stage of a malady which is incurable if not attended to at the out- set, nor should a protracted cough, if attended with the least degree of ex- pectoration, fail to excite alarm. It frequently happens that persons are in the habit of taking cold, and of having considerable cough, hoarseness, and STAGES OF CONSUMPTION. expectoration attend them ; but in a few days these symptoms disappear, and they are well again. But whenever a cold is unusually prolonged, and especially if there is increasing difficulty of breathing, the patient should be treated as a consumptive at once. Fig. 5 represents the anterior aspect of the anatomy of the heart and Jungs. 1. Eight ven- tricle ; the vessels to the left of the number are the middle coro- nary artery and veins. 2. Left ventricle. 3. Eight auricle. 4. Left auricle. 5. Pulmonary ar- tery. 6. Eight pulmonary arte- ry. 7. Left pulmonary artery. 8. Eemains of the ductus arteri- osus. 9. Aortic arch. 10. Supe- rior cava. 11. Arteria iunomi- nata; in front of it is the right vena innominata. 12. Eight subclavian vein ; behind it is its corresponding artery 13. Eight common carotid artery and vein. 14. Left vena innominata. 15. Left carotid artery and vein. 16. Left subclavian artery and vein. 17. Trachea. 18. Eight bronchus. 19. Left bronchus. 20, 20. Pulmonary veins; 18, 20, from the root of the right lung; and 7,19, 20, the root of the left. 21. Upper lobe of right lung. 22. Its middle lobe. 28. Its inferior lobe. 24. Superior lobe of left lung. .25. Its lower lobe. Fig. 5. Heart and Lungs. The second stage of consumption may he dated from the period when the patient is troubled with night sweats and hectic fever. These are exceed- ingly variable in degree and in regularity, hut are present, more or less, after the disorganization in the lungs has extended to a considerable portion of their structure, so as materially to affect the respiration. In this stage the majority of cases are incurable. Fig. 6 represents the bron- chial tube, and its division into air cells, as much magnified. 1. A bronchial tube. 2, 2, 2. Air cells or vesicles 3. A bron- chial tube and vesicles laid open. The third stage is mark- ed by a striking emacia- tion of the whole body. The breath is short and hurried, the pulse small, weak, and frequent, the eyes piercing and glassy, and the shoulders have a prominent and projecting appearance, from the falling in of the chest and abdomen. Recoveries have known even under such desperate cireumtances, but very rarely Fig. 6. Bronchial Tube and Air-Vesicles. 20 DISEASES OF THE THRO A'I AND LUNGS PROGNOSIS. In estimating the curability of the different forms and stages of consump- tion, we must take into account the original vitality of the patient, his early habits of life—whether tending to impair the stamina of the consti- tution, or to develop vigorous and enduring organs and tissues—the di- eases which he has had, and the medicines he has taken. As a general rule, consumptives are curable in the first stage, and incurable in the second. From the third stage, recoveries are extremely rare, although they do occasionally happen. Some forms of the disease are much more readily cured than others. The apostematous form, other circumstances being equal, is the most easily cured of all. Next in the order of curability in the bronchial, and thirdly, the catarrhal. The laryngeal, the, tubercular, and the dyspeptic do not differ essentially in this respect with each other ; but are all much more fatal than the pre- ceding forms. The hemorrhagic, when not preceded by other chronic dis- eases, nor by dissipated habits, is curable in a majority of cases; but when the patient has been much reduced by bleeding, drugging, by liquor- drinking, or tobacco-using, or by debauchery or self-pollution, his chance of recovery is exceedingly small. When the symptoms of two or more varieties co-exist, the prognosis is still more unfavorable. The dyspeptic form is usually complicated with the tubercular, and frequently with both the tubercular and hemorrhagic, and sometimes with both of these and the largyngeal. The most difficult and perplexing circumstance of all, in judging of the curability of any form of this disease, relates to the prior medication of the patient. Nine tenths at least of all the consumptives who have presented themselves for advice or treatment at my establishment, have been dosed more or less by the physicians of the drug school. Sometimes they have gone the whole round of drug-medication, beginning with allopathy, then trying successively homeopathy, eclecticism, and physio-medicalism, and finishing off with all the quack nostrums in the market. They have been damaged precisely to the extent that they have been drugged. But what kinds of drugs they have taken they seldom know; and they never know the quantities of the different medicinal poisons they have swallowed. I have cured several cases after a number of our most eminent physicians had, on a careful stethoscopic examination, pronounced fatally tuberculafed. And we have declined treating hundreds of cases because the patients had been fatally drugged before coming to us. Pa- tients have frequently come to me from hundreds of miles distance, expect- ing to be cured in a few weeks. They were not at all alarmed, and their physicians had never intimated that there was the least danger in the case. But I was obliged to be candid with them, and tell them there was no hope. In some of these cases the patients were able to do a moderate day’s work, and yet disorganization has progressed so far in the lungs, or the vital PROGNOSIS. powers of the system have been so wasted by drugs, that I could readily understand that the only question was, not whether the patient could recover, but how many weeks or months he could live ? The following cases illustrate the point I wish to present very distinctly. Three years ago last March, a gentleman about thirty years of age came to my establishment from California. His lungs were but slightly tuber- culated; the cough was very slight—scarcely troublesome; the expecto- ration was not at all alarming; a very slight sense of weight in the upper portion of the chest, with moderate difficulty of breathing on active exercise, was all that he complained of, so far as the lungs were concerned. But he had had, years before, bilious fevers and other complaints, for which the physicians had salivated him severely. He had also been bled and blistered several times, and taken antimony and digitalis freely. These agents and processes had shattered his constitution, and made a complete wreck of his digestive organs. And the nutritive system being destroyed, he had nothing to build upon. I could give him very little encouragement—not that I feared anything from the disease of the lungs per se, but I apprehended that he had been fatally poisoned. The patient himself was destitute of hope. He had studied his case thoroughly; and had learned too late the sad lesson, that when the living organism is poisoned to a certain extent, death is inevitable. But as he was determined to make a trial for his life, I gave him the best advice I could. He remained with me till the middle of the summer, with very little change in his symptoms. Then he went into the country, and remained till winter, when he began sensibly to decline, and died in the spring following, not of consumption, for his lungs did not evince any aggravation of their morbid condition until a short time before death, but of the mercurialization which he had received. This patient, I have reason to believe, complied with my advice in all respects to the letter, and lived as hygienically and strictly as was possible for him to do. In contrast with the above I will mention the following : One year ago last November a gentleman about forty-five years of age came to me from Canada. His lungs were extensively ulcerated; his cough was violent; expectoration copious, with hectic fever and night sweats. His friends considered him hopelessly diseased, and the physicians of the place pro- nounced him to be in a “ galloping consumption.” Fortunately, he took none of their medicines, though strongly importuned to do so. Nor had he, in his previous sickness, taken much medicine—none, indeed, except the simples of domestic treatment. He had also the advantage of an original sound constitution, derived from healthy parents, and had never been the victim of liquor nor tobacco. With all these favorable circumstances, notwithstanding the violence of the disease in the lungs, and the urgency of the symptoms, I judged that the chances were in his favor. He was put under a moderate course of bathing, and a very rigid dietary, and in two months returned home in good health, which he has enjoyed ever since. 22 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. TREATMENT OF CONSUMPTION. There are certain rules of management which apply alike to all forms and conditions of consumption, and certain rules which are specially applicable to particular cases. I will speak first of the general treatment, and then of the special. Exercise.—The pathological condition and proximate cause of consump- tion being essentially obstruction in the lungs, and the disease itself being an effort of the vital powers to relieve the obstruction in the blood-vessels by the processes of deposits in the air cells and glands, suppuration, ulcer- ation, and consequent cough and expectoration, the indication of the very first importance is to promote the action and expansion of the lungs to the greatest possible extent. This is to be accomplished by such exercises as favor the respiration without greatly fatiguing the muscular system. One golden rule is here always to be regarded. The exercises, of whatever kind, should never be so violent, nor so long continued, as greatly to dis- turb the breathing, nor the action of the heart. They should be frequent, varied, regular, and persevering, but never so severe as to cause panting of the lungs, or palpitation, throbbing, or fluttering of the heart’s action. Within these limits they can hardly be too vigorous. Another rule of scarcely less importance is, to commence all exercises gently, and gradually increase them, as they can be borne without the dis- turbances above mentioned. Consumptive invalids, anxious to make good progress, are very apt to overdo in the matter of exercise at first, by which means their muscles become lame and stiff, so that the cure is really re- tarded. And a third rule is worth mentioning in this place. A part of the exercises should always be taken in the open air. Calisthenic and gymnastic movements within doors are valuable—indeed, in many cases, essential; but out-door exercise in some form—walking or riding—is equally so. Feeble consumptives should be well-protected from cold by sufficient clothing, and if need be, while riding, with hot bottles or blocks to the feet, but they should never be permanently housed up. As a general rule, also, those exercises are to be preferred which more particularly call int© action the muscles of the upper extremities and trunk of the body. Pulling against weights, the Indian clubs, the dumb-bells, etc., are all serviceable. Horseback exercise for those who are not very weak in the muscles of the abdomen and lower extremities is to be highly commended. It is injurious in those cases in which the patient can not maintain the erect bodily position without great fatigue or increased difficulty of breathing. Walking on uneven ground, and even descending and ascend- ing hill-sides and mountains, are among the very best of exercises, provided they are practiced with due cau ion Many consumptives have recovered entirely by performing a long journey on foot; walking a very few miles the first day, and gradually increasing the task as the strength and respi- ration improved. And, no doubt, thousands of consumptives have lost their lives in consequence of the advice of their physicians, to be very particular 'TEMPERATURE AND CLIMATE. in avoiding all active exercise, and all exposure to cold. Active exercise and exposure to the open air in all kinds of weather have been the salvation of many consumptive invalids. A great many nostrums, and particular articles of diet or drink, and several drug medicines which actually re- tarded the cure, have obtained a reputation for being useful, because they were prescribed conjointly with a proper and systematic plan of out-door exercises. The exercises cured in spite of the medicine ; but the chief credit was given to the medicine; and so the next patient relied mainly on the medicine, paid little attention to exercise, and died. Sea-voyages are often beneficial by exposing the patient freely to fresh air and out-door exercise. Exposure to rough winds, rain, or snow is in- comparably less injurious than confinement in an over-heated and ill-ven- tilated house. Even catching cold occasionally does not damage the patient so much as constant confinement in-doors. Yocal gymnastics or voice-exercises should never be neglected by the incipient consumptive, nor by any who has the least predisposition to the disease. The reader may find a variety of instructions and examples in re- gard to the proper management of the voice in the “ Illustrated Family Gymnasium.” Speaking, reading aloud, declamation and singing, all of which are to be so practiced as not to fatigue the lungs, nor to induce soreness in the vocal organs, will do more to overcome the predisposition and arrest the early stages of consumption than all the apothecary stuff ever invented. TEMPERATURE AND CLIMATE The question whether a warm, cool, or cold climate is most conducive to the recovery of consumptives, has been much discussed in medical journals. The experience of the medical profession is very discordant on this subject. For a long time it has been the custom of physicians in our Middle and Northern States to advise their patients to go South. Eut as they almost invariably died, experience seemed to be against the plan. It is to be noticed, however, that, in at least nine cases out of ten, the patients were incurable before the advice to remove to a milder climate was given; so that, really, the result proves nothing for nor against the practice. Recently, some of the medical journals have proposed, in view of the fact that confirmed consumptives do not recover by merely going to a milder lati- tude, sending them to the cold regions of the North. Even Quebec, and the country still north of it, has been named as worthy of a trial. It seems to me that physicians, in recommending either a warm or a cold climate, look at the subject entirely through the spectacles of a false medi- cal education. They seem to be looking after something specifically cura- tive in some certain locality, as they are accustomed to regard drug-medi- cines as having specific virtues in certain forms of diseases. But as all virtue is in the living system, and all the curative power in the universe resides in the inherent powers of the constitution, temperature and climate, like air, exercise, food, water, etc., can only supply one of the proper mate- 24 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS rials and conditions for the uses of the living organism. And as consump- tion is essentially a disease of deficient respiration, it is obvious that what- ever, in the matter of temperature and climate, will supply the most favorable circumstances for free respiration, must, other circumstances being equal, be the best for the consumptive invalid Hence we are led to the conclusion that a pure atmosphere is of the first importance; and as the muscular system and respiratory function are in- vigorated by a cool and relaxed by a very warm climate, it follows neces- sarily that a climate so cool as the patient can bear without actual discom- fort is to be'preferred. The patient requires to be much in the epen air. Nothing is more dangerous to consumptives than the practice of keeping much within doors. Nor should rains, winds, nor snows prevent frequent exercise of some kind—walking, riding, calisthenics or gymnastics—in the open air. Invalids who are so feeble as to be unable to exercise vigorously will be most unquestionably more comfortable in the mild climate of Florida, Texas, Madeira, or the Bermudas; but, unfortunately, such cases are generally in- curable in any place. Those who have a slight affection of the lungs, and whose chief trouble is torpor or inaction in the digestive organs, will often, by spending a winter season in the Carolinas or Florida, and exercising most of the time in the open air, return in the spring very much rejuvenated. But then, a judicious plan of hygiene would have cured them at home. It is of vastly more importance what consumptives do than where they go to be saved. The proper rule for clothing is very simple—as little as possible, provided the patient is kept comfortable. The practice of burying consumptives in flannel under-shirts and drawers I regard as very pernicious. The patient should be so dressed as to be able to face almost any weather; but when exposed to cold or storms, the extra clothing should be in outside, not in under garments. Under-shirts and drawers tend to weaken the depurating powers of the skin, and thus increase the burden thrown upon the lungs Unequal clothing is a fruitful source of colds, coughs, and, finalty, con- sumptions. The fashionable dresses of females and children, with light, thin stockings and shoes, almost bare arms and shoulders, and a load of clothing, painful to carry, around the chest, abdomen, and hips, can not be too strongly reprobated. The ordinary dress of females in all civilized countries is as well calcu- lated to restrain the free action of the limbs, contract the chest, weaken the respiratory muscles, and expose them to colds, as could well be devised. It is not to be wondered at that our fashionably-dressed American ladies are so disinclined to walking, and so pi one to sedentary habits. It is impossible for them, in their present style of dress, to go out, unless the weather is particularly fair, or to wralk much without great fatigue and exhaustion. The following remarks of Florence Nightingale, in her work, “ Notes on Nursing,” on the subject of female dress, are as applicable to female patients as to female nurses • . CLOTHING. DIET. 25 “ It is, I think, alarming, peculiarly at this time, when the female ink- bottles are perpetually impressing upon us ‘ woman’s particular worth and general missionariness,’ to see that the dress of woman is daily mor e and more unfitting them for any ‘ mission’ or usefulness at all. It is equally unfitted lor all poetic and all domestic purposes. A man is now a more handy and far less objectionable being in a sick room than a woman. Com- pelled by her dress, every woman now either shuffles or waddles—only a man can cross the floor of a sick room without shaking it! What is become of woman’s light step ?—the firm, light, quick step we have been asking for r In no disease is a strict and strictly physiological dietary of more im- portance than in the complaint under consideration. But what is a physio- logical diet ? The most absurd and injurious notions are abroad on this subject. The most eminent physicians of the allopathic school, and, indeed, of all the drug schools, recommend the vilest trash that ever entered the human stomach as especially useful, if not really medicinal, for consumptive patients. Milk, flesh, grease, gravies, pork, hog’s lard, cod-liver oil, and alcohol are in the category of the preferred articles. In fact, whatever seems to be most conducive to the production of foul humors, scrofula, tubercles, measles, worms, canker, and scurvy in a well person, seems to be among the materia aHmentaria of the medical profession for the treatment of consumption. No wonder they never cure the disease. No wonder that consumption is still, as it ever has been, the opprobriorum medicorum. Many cases are recorded of consumptives recovering health on resorting to long journeys, on foot, or on horseback, or in carriages; and these recov- eries have taken place under the most opposite plans of diet. Some have lived almost wholly on rare beef and water; others have restricted their food mainly to stale bread or biscuit and such wild game as the field or the forest supplied ; others have lived “ generously,” eating whatever fell in their way. Some have subsisted wholly on coarse bread and water; others, almost wholly on plain vegetables. Some have indulged their appetites freely, so far as quantity is concerned; and others have been extremely abstemious. Of course, the advocates of animal and of vegetable food alike, and the ad- vocates of full and of spare diet, can equally prove the correctness of their views by reference to successful cases. But the intelligent physiologist and the close observer will conclude that the cures, in all of these cases, are attributable, principally, to the salutary influences of air and exercise, aided or retarded, as the particular case might have been, by the quantity or quality of the dietary which was adopted. It often happens that a combination of several favorable influences w?ill effect a cure, in spite of one or two adverse and opposing circumstances. And here is just where the people generally, and the medical profession par- ticularly. are deluded in thousands of instances. Because a patient recov ers, the inference is too apt to be drawn, that whatever he ate or drank must iket>-.s»a.nly have contributed to that result. DIET. 26 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. There is but one method for ascertaining the best dietary for a consump- tive, and this is a reference to physiological law. Whatever food will supply the purest tissue with the least wear and tear of the vital machinery is the best. In the application of this law to a given case, we can not consult the patient’s tastes, or habits, or present feelings. These may be normal or abnormal, natural or artificial, inherited or acquired. Our standard of judgment should be nature, not morbid propensities. Adopting this crite- rion, the conclusion is inevitable, that a simple fruit and farinaceous diet, in quantity carefully proportioned to the exercise and respiratory capacity of the patient, affords the best and the only rational hope of consumptives, so far as nutrition is concerned. Bread-food should be made of the pure grain and water, unsophisticated by salt, sugar, or shortenings, and unperverted by yeast, acids, or alkalies. The only rising required is pure atmospheric air. Milk, which is recommended and, indeed, highly extolled by the majority of medical authors on consumption, I regard as highly objectionable, as are all of its products—butter, cheese, cream, and buttermilk. Milk is recom- mended because it is so natural a food, being nearly allied in chemical constitution to the elements which compose the animal structure. Thig, however, is a grave mistake. No food can be more unnatural, as a single glance at the order and arrangement of nature, as manifested in all depart- ments of the animal kingdom, will serve to demonstrate. Nature has pro- vided milk for the nourishment of the young mammal, until the teeth are developed so that other food can be masticated. Then the supply is cut off. The mother is released from the duty of elaborating the food of her off- spring, and they, in turn, become independent of her. To protract the pe- riod of nursing beyond the design of nature is clearly a perversion of organic law, which can never be practiced with impunity. And still worse is the result where the human being resorts to the milk of other animals. Though the milk of the cow, in chemical elements, very closely resembles that of the human being, its organic properties are very different. The microscope discloses the fact, that the blood of the human being is so differ- ent from that of any other creature that its peculiarities can be readily detected by the eye when aided by powerful magnifying glasses. Every species of animals seems to be created with radical differences in the vital arrangements of its organic molecules; otherwise the distinctions of the animal kingdom could not maintained. They would be constantly blend- ing. The flesh, milk, and secretions of animals devoured by other animals would necessarily tend to amalgamate, as it were, all distinctive forms of structure, so that, eventually, all the animals on the eartli would become mixed breeds and monstrosities. The human being is placed on so high a plane above all else of the animal kingdom, that its higher and better nature requires an abstinence from all the secretions of other animals. But a greater objection still to milk diet, and one which will be more readily appreciated by the general reader, is this, The milch cow is always a diseased animal. Her secretion of milk DRINK.—BATHING. after the weaning of the calf is itself abnormal. Were the animal kept in normal conditions, the secretion of milk would, in the order of nature, cease whenever the offspring no longer required it. But in order to make the lacteal organs yield milk, contrary to the rules and design of nature, they must be abnormally and constantly excited, and the product is necessarily more or less diseased. And the offspring of cows who are milked ten or eleven months in the year are deprived thereby of as wholesome food as they otherwise would have ; and hence the practice of milking cows in order to feed human beings not only depraves the human being, but also deteriorates the animals themselves. What woman; whose breasts were so preternatu- rally and morbidly excited as to be forced to yield milk for other purposes than the nourishment of her own progeny, could supply a pure and whole- some article for her child ? The idea is preposterous. Yet it is not more absurd than is the practice of deriving that supply from animals which are kept in a morbid condition for the very purposes of affording it. DRINK. I have but little to say on this subject. The indiscriminate practice of drinkiDg by routine a large quantity of water by consumptives of all classes, and under all circumstances, can not be too severely reprehended. Thirst is the grand and the almost infallible rule. Those who use proper food have very little sensation of thirst, and hence require but little drink; while those who use salt and other seasonings have greater thirst, and require a larger quantity of water. As a general rule, a tumbler, or part of a tum- bler, of water should be taken soon after rising, or after the morning bath or ablution; and at all other times the patient may drink according to thirst. There has been altogether too much routinism, on the part of many Water-Cure practitioners, in the administration of baths to consumptive in- valids. Some have followed the “ cold-water plan” literally, while others have gone to the opposite extreme and prescribed, as the leading measures of treatment, hot water, vapor, and steam. All are useful in certain cases, and either will be injurious if not adapted to the circumstances of the case in hand. As a general rule, no application of water, cold or hot, and no method of applying water externally, should be resorted to which has a tendency greatly to disturb the respiration or circulation When the tem- perature is low, and the lungs much obstructed by tubercles, and when their substance is much disorganized by abscesses or ulceration, no bath should be employed which induces much of a shock. Packs douches, and plunges are here inadmissible. But in the incipient stages they are, each and all, among the most efficient curative agencies. The sponge-bath or tepid ablution in the morning on rising, the tepid half-bath in the forenoon, and the tepid sitz-bath in the afternoon, are well adapted to the great majority of cases. When, however, the patient is in- clined to be chilly at the bath hour assigned, the bath should be omitted. BATHING. 28 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. The temperature of all of these baths should be pleasantly cool, but never bo cold as to excite prolonged chilliness. Whenever the feet are inclined to be cold in the evening, or the head hot, the hot and cold foot-bath should be employed at bedtime. The wet-girdle or chest-wrapper, in the early stages, should be worn constantly until a critical effort or rash appears on the surface, after which it should be worn only during the day. It should always be so covered as to protect the clothing from dampness; and when- ever the application creates unpleasant chilliness, it should be omitted alto- gether. The wet-girdle is preferable in the dyspeptic and tubercular forms, in which cases the liver and digestive organs are particularly involved, and the chest-wrapper is to be preferred in the catarrhal, apostematous, laryn- geal, hemorrhagic, and bronchial varieties. In the laryngeal form a wet cloth, covered with a dry one, should be kept around the throat every night, and when there is considerable and constant soreness of the part, during the day also. In the apostematous, catarrhal, and bronchial varieties, water may be much more freely used, and of a cooler temperature than in the other forms. The majority of these patients will be benefited by the wet-sheet pack daily, followed by the dripping sheet or tepid half bath. These cases ap- proximate pneumonitis—inflammation of the lungs—in pathological charac- ter, and may be treated, especially in their early stages, nearly on the same plan. One rule, however, in relation to the temperature of the baths, should be always kept in mind as applicable alike to all forms, states, and stages of consumption. It is this: the temperature of the water employed must be adapted to the patient’s ability to exercise. If he is able to take active exercise in the open air so as to secure favorable reaction, the water externally applied may be much colder than when he is unable to exercise much except in the passive way. Many errors have been committed in the management of consumptive invalids from ignorance of or inattention to this simple and obvious rule of practice. For the cough, expectoration, hectic fever, night-sweats, diarrhea, etc., we have no special measures to propose. If the constitutional condition is properly cared for, these symptoms will be mitigated, so far as possible or proper. We regard the practice of stopping the cough by opiates and other nar- cotics, promoting the expectoration by nauseants, reducing the heat of the fever by antiphlogistics, checking the night-sweats by tonics, and restraining the diarrhea by astringents, as is the usual custom of all drug schools, as exceedingly pernicious—as so many ways of hurrying the patient out of the world. And, indeed, the whole plan of treating local symptoms instead of constitutional conditions, is wrong in principle and disastrous in practice. Nor can I refrain from animadverting, in this place, against the horrid practice of blistering the chest in consumptive cases. This practice is al- most universal with Allopathic physicians. I am unable to understand how the counter-irritation of them, as the phrase is, can do any good, while I can see many and weighty reasons why their effects must necea- BATHING.. 29 sarily be very mischievous. The chief difficulty in the lungs is obstruction, and their great need is expansion—exercise The respiratory muscles should have the freest possible play at all times, to facilitate circulation through the pulmonary tissues, and . obviate accumulation and over-distension. Blisters, by inflaming the surface and muscles of the chest, render the ex- pansive efforts of the lungs painful; hence, the patient inclines to breathe as little as possible; and a succession of blisters never fails to aggravate very greatly the dangers of the disease. After all, consumption is a disease to be prevented rather than cured. The best measures judiciously applied will sometimes fail. With some per- sons the development of the disease is the sure harbinger of death. For- tunately, however, the means which are best calculated to arrest the prog- ress of the disease are the most efficient preventives. A reasonable attention to hygiene will insure almost any person against all danger of ever falling a victim to this, the prevailing malady of our country. It may not be amiss to advert briefly, in this place, to the recent popular nostrums which are flooding the markets as specifics for consumption—the hypophosphites of lime, soda, and magnesia, the preparations of iron, and of cod-liver oil, and other “ blood-foods.” It would seem that the hundred- and-one remedies which are constantly before the public as infallible reme- dies, and the hundreds of vaunted specifics which have occupied so large a space in the advertising department of the newspaper press during the last quarter of a century, connected with the fact that the disease is constantly increasing in fatality—its victims increasing in a greater ratio than the advance of population—ought to convince all reflecting minds that the whole business of manufacturing and selling remedies for consumption, is now, and has been from the beginning, and will be so long as it will pay, a fraud and a cheat. All of these nostrums are put forward by their shrewd fabricators on some whim, prejudice, or false notion of the popular mind. But some of them are exceedingly specious in their representations and pretensions. This is particularly the case with the “blood-food” nostrums. It is claimed for them that they supply some element — phosphorous, iron, etc.—which the living organism needs for the healthy performance of its functions Their use is predicated on the ground that they are really fertilizers, the same as manure is to plants, or inorganic elements to vegetables. A correct physiology will dissipate all such notions in a moment. Ani- mals do not and can not get nutrient materials from inorganic elements. They must subsist wholly on the proximate elements of organized matter. No matter to what extent phosphorous, lime, iron, soda, etc., are deficient, the living organism can not obtain anything it needs or can use from the administration of these substances in their elementary state. As phos- phorous, iron, alkalies, earth, etc., they are poisons, and nothing but poisons, and as such will be rebelled against and rejected by the vital machinery. For this reason they are called medicines. As they exist in the proximate principles of grains, fruits, vegetables, or in animal matters. 30 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. they may be nutritious and usable But as they exist in their inorganic or elementary state, they are drugs, medicines, poisons, and nothing else. A very simple experiment will enable every rational mortal to settle this question for himself. Let him eat a meal of- phosphorous, iron, soda, lime, potash, magnesia, salt, etc., and compare the result with a meal of real blood-food—potatoes, bread, apples, etc. This affection is frequently denominated “ Clergymen’s sore throat,” from the circumstance that clergymen are frequently affected with it; but, like consumption, it seems to be increasing among nearly all classes of our people. It is invariably connected with a morbid condition of the digestive organs, more particularly involving the liver. This complaint is often con- founded with laryngitis, and both are very frequently, yet very improperly, called bronchitis. The locality of all these affections ought readily to dis- tinguish them from each other. Throat ail, a form of which is called canker, or aptha, has its primary seat in the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat; laryngitis is confined to the upper part of the windpipe, and bron- chitis affects the ramifications of the windpip e in the substance of the lungs. The chronic forms of laryngitis and bronchitis have already been treated of as varieties of consumption. In their acute form they require, substan- tially, the same treatment, as will be mentioned when I come to consider inflammation of the lungs, with the single exception of cold wet cloths con- stantly applied to the throat, and frequently changed, so long as any pre- ternatural heat remains. Throat-ail proper must in all cases be regarded as the result of a dys- peptic stomach or diseased liver; hence the appropriate treatment consists in such measures as will cure the primary malady; and here the dietary becomes the leading remedial appliance. Plain food, simply prepared, without seasonings, or shortenings, or risings, and abstemious in quantity constitute the essentials of the curative plan. Occasional sips of cold water gargles of cool or cold water, and the wet-girdle around the abdomen, over the region of the liver, are among the measures which may be used with advantage. “ THROAT-AIL.” QUINSY. The quinsy is a febrile disease; it is always attended with a constitu- tional febrile disturbance of greater or less seventy. When the fever is high, denoted by a dry skin, white tongue, strong pulse, and a uniform and preternatural heat over the whole surface, the wet-sheet pack should be employed daily so long as these symptoms continue. In severe oases it may be repeated twice or thrice daily. In the milder cases, and in the low forms of fever, occasional ablutions with tepid water are preferable. The bowels should always be freed at once with enemas of tepid water, and the throat should be constantly enveloped with cloths wet in the coldest water, and renewed so often as they become warm or dry. CROUP.— DIPTH ERIA. 31 CROTJP. The croup is an inflammatory affection of the mucous membrane of the trachea, or windpipe. It is usually seated a little way below the larnyx, but may extend the whole length of the trachea, from the larnyx to the bronchial ramifications, and even into them. The danger is proportioned to the amount of surface involved. The peculiarity of croupal inflammation consists in the formation of a secretion on the surface of the mucous membrane, of a tenacious and ad hesive character, and of a very dense consistence, which dries or hardens, and is then cast off. It is then with difficulty expelled through the glottis, or opening of the windpipe, and when not expelled, the patient dies of suf- focation. In some cases this preternatural membrane is not fully formed, the secretion being arrested in its earlier stage. The disease is then denomi- nated false croup. But when the secretion becomes so hardened as to be cast off from the mucous membrane in membrane-like fragments or patches, it is called true or membranous croup. The treatment must be prompt and thorough. The safety of the patient consists in arresting the secretion so soon as possible. Napkins or towels wet in the coldest water should be kept constantly around the throat and over the upper front part of the chest until the breathing becomes entirely free. The fever which attends is always of the typhoid character, and often very low, and sometimes malignant, and in managing it regard must be had to these circumstances. The temperature of the surface is the guide for the regulation of the bathing appliances As in all febrile diseases, when the whole surface is dry and hot, the wet-sheet pack should be employed. If the external tem- perature is low and unequal, the warm-batli is proper. In the intermediate states of feverish disturbance the tepid half-bath or tepid ablutions are to be resorted to. The bowels should be moved freely by means of enemas of tepid water; and when the difficulty of breathing, from the presence of tena- cious phlegm, is extreme, expectoration may be promoted by the drinking of warm water, so as to nauseate the stomach. In very bad cases it may be necessary to irritate the throat with a feather, or with the finger, so as to excite vomiting. DIPTHERIA. During the last year or two this disease has appeared in various parts of the United States. In some places nearly all the cases have been fatal. Medical men are not agreed as to its nature. Some regard it as a form of croup; others as a variety of malignant scarlet fever, and others as a new and distinct disease. I am of opinion it is nothing more nor less than a modification of scarlatina maligna, in which the febrile etfort is determined imperfectly to the skin, and partially also to the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, often involving to some extent the upper part of the 32 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. windpipe. In this latter ease the symptoms w.ll somewhat resemble those of croup. Though children are most commonly the subjects of it—as is the case with croup and scarlet-fever—it sometimes affects adults, it is certain that many cases of well-developed scarlet-fever are attended with what is called the “ diptheritic throat,” which goes to prove that diptlieria is really a form of this disease, the peculiarity of which consists in a deposit of layers of lymph in the early stage, concreting into a membranous covering, analo- gous to that of true croup, and which runs rapidly into gangrene. It is attended, of course, with low fever and extreme depression of the vital powers. In many cases the patient dies in one or two days. In Braithwaite’s Retrospect for January, 1860, a well-marued and severe case of diptheria is thus : “ The patient is suddenly (and generally in the morning') seized with violent vomiting of a thin, yellowish-white matter, of a very offensive char- acter; then purging of a fluid of similar appearance and smell, These dejections last an hour or so, and are followed by great prostration and stupor. The patient lies for a period varying from six to sixteen hours in a heavy sleep, from which he is with difficulty aroused, and then only to sleep again. The skin is hot; pulse 100 or more; the tongue of a bright red; drink is taken with avidity, if offered, but only to be immediately re- turned. And now the important question is put, ‘ Is the throat sore ?’ The answer is ahvays the same—‘ Not in the least.’ The reply, to a physician inexperienced in the horrible malady, may be fatal to the patient. The diagnosis is that this is not a case of diptheria. On the other hand, the experienced man expects this reply; he forthwith carefully examines the throat, and then he sees the disease. In this early stage the tonsils, the soft palate, and the back of the pharnyx present a bright shining red ap- pearance. The small vessels are not seen individually injected, as in many forms of sore-throat, but the appearance is as though the parts had been brightly painted and then varnished. Hanging from the velum to the tongue is seen, in this stage, a transparent film of a tenacious fluid, which is burst by expiration, sending its particles over the mouth, and the instru- ment used to depress the tongue. The next moment a similar curtain is formed. After a period varying from six to sixteen hours the condition of the patient materially changes. The stupor has passed off, and delirium, often of a violent character, takes its place; there are the usual symptoms of cerebral excitement, and the fever runs high; breathing is quickened; the voice is changed to a thick, yet shrill tone; there is a short, dry cough (in children, evidences of coming croup); the neck is puffy and blushed; the tongue is coated with a white fur, and all those parts hitherto so bril- liantly red are thickly spotted with a whitish substance, which, in a won- derfully short period, conglomerates, and forms one thick, plastic deposit, which in time may cover the whole palate to the teeth, so that the appear- ance, on opening the mouth, is as though it were lined with plaster of-Paris. The violent delirium then subsides; the powers of life fail rapidly; the hor- rible sensations of choking and suffocation come on; the sufferer tears at DIPTHERIA, hie neck with his nails and tries to open his mouth, yet full power of swal- lowing still continues, and he greedily gulps anything given him in the shape of drink ; large livid spots form on the extremities, amounting some- times to purpura; the diarrhea of a white and olfensive matter is incessant; muttering delirium comes on, and in a tetanic convulsion death closes the scene.” Though the above is a faithful and accurate description of the symptoms as they are usually presented in the worst forms of the disease, yet there are some cases—very severe ones, too—in which some of them will be absent. I have known severe cases wholly unattended with delirium, vomiting, or diarrhea. Nor is the attending fever in any case “high,” in the proper sense of that term. It may be violent, but is always of the low, atonic, or typhoid diathesis. In some cases a diptlieritic affection of the throat succeeds an ordinary attack of scarlet-fever, from which circumstance some authors infer that the diseases are necessarily distinct. I do not think the conclusion follows from the premises. I should rather infer that, for some reason—probably injudicious or mal-treatment—the scarlet-fever did notsucceed in eliminating from the system all the offending impurities —all the materies morbi— through the cutaneous emunctory, and so nature makes an effort to expel the remainder through the mucous membrane of the throat. Medical authors are not at all agreed as to the best or proper mode of treating this affection. The measures and the remedies which some prac- titioners recommend as useful, and even essential, others of equal experience condemn as useless, and even pernicious, and vice versa; from which the conclusion is legitimate and undoubtedly correct, that recoveries, when they do occur, take place in spite of the drug-medicines employed, rather than with their assistance. So far as Hygienic medication has been tried in this disease, its incom- parable superiority over all the drug systems has been fully sustained. Of several cases subjected to the water-treatment, to the exclusion of all drugs, which have come under the cognizance of Hydropathic physicians, all have recovered. This result seems to confirm tho opinion I have often had occa- sion to express, viz.: that there is scarcely any form of acute febrile or inflammatory disease known to physicians which is not curable, provided the efforts of nature are judiciously aided by water, air, temperature, and general regimen, and not interfered with by the administration of poisonous drugs. Among the drug-remedies which are most frequently prescribed by Allo- pathic physicians are calomel, chlorate of potash, chlorate of lime or soda, common salt, sesqui-chloride of iron, sulphate of zinc, antimony, caustic applications of nitrate of silver, with various tonics and stimulants, as quinine, wine, porter, beef tea, etc. The proper and the only rational plan of medication consists in local and general bathing, regulated precisely and at all times by the local distress and superficial temperature of the patient, and a due regard to pure air and 34 DISEASES OF THE THEUaT AND LUNGS. proper ventilation. The patient is not inclined to take, and does not require food of any kind until the severity of the local inflammation and the violence of the fever have materially abated. The practice of continually stuffing the patient on stimulating slop-food, or on food of any kind, because he ie ■weak and prostrated, is a most pernicious one, and is enough of itself to cause a fatal termination in many cases. In these low diatheses and malig- nant forms of disease all the powers of the constitution are struggling with all their energies to throw out the morbid matter. If they succeed, the patient will recover; but if this effort is unsuccessful, the patient must die. He has no ability, until this struggle is decided, to digest food; and to cram his stomach with it, or to irritate the digestive organs with tonics and stimulants, is merely adding fuel to the fire; it is adding another to the great burden the vital powers are obliged to sustain, and thus lessening the chances for nature to effect a cure. Cold wet cloths, well covered with dry ones, should be applied to the throat, as in cases of quinsy and croup; frequent sips of cool water may be taken, sufficiently to allay the painful sensations of thirst; the bowels should be freed by copious enemas of tepid water; the feet, if inclined to be cold, must be kept warm and comfortable by warm flannels or bottles of hot water; when the head is hot, painful, or the brain inclined to delirium, a cold cloth should be applied to the forehead and crown of the head, and the whole surface should be sponged with tepid or moderately cold water so often as the surface becomes very warm. When the whole surface is very dry and hot, the wet-sheet pack is the most appropriate. In the later stage of the disease, when the heat on the surface inclines to be irregular and the ex- tremities to become cold, the warm bath, if practicable, is the best appliance. Under this management the patient will, in most cases, be fairly convales- cent within one week from the attack. Occasionally, however, the disease will continue till nearly or quite the end of the second week. In a very severe case which was treated at our Hygienic Institute, 15 Laight Street, New York (reported in the Water-Cure Journal for May, 1860), the patient remained in a critical state from the sixth to the ninth day (and much of this time was thought by his friends to be dying); but on the ninth day the breathing became easier, the frequency of the pulse abated, and the patient was fairly convalescent. I have no manner of doubt that, in this case, had the patient taken any one of the many drug poisons which are administered for this disease by the drug-doctors, it would have turned the scale in favor of death. INFLUENZA. ' This is not, in a strict sense, a disease of the throat and lungs, but a fever, with a disproportionate local affection. Influenza is the connecting link between catarrh and pneumonitis, and embodies many of the charac- teristics of each There is a local inflammation of the mucous membrane which lines the nostrils and windpipe, with extreme congestion of the lungs It differs from what is technically and properly called pneumonia, ov'va&2im~ INFLUENZA. 35 ination of the lungs, in the catarrhal complication, and from pure, simple catarrh, in the pulmonic complication, while the accompanying fever (not symptomatic or secondary, as medical books have it), places it clearly among the visceral inflammations. Some nosologists class it among th« fluxes — the profluvia of Good—on account of the profuse sweating which usually attends. Its peculiar and characteristic symptoms are: great prostration, free or profuse perspiration, and extreme congestion of the lungs. The congestion of the lungs is greatly disproportionate to the inflammation, indicated by the slight pain and mad crate heat in and about the chest, while the sense of oppression and the difficulty of breathing are severe, and frequently very alarming. These prominent symptoms prove the inflammation as well as the fever to be of a very low or atonic diathesis, which fact should preclude, under the drug dispensation, all ideas of bleeding, reducing antiphlogistics, etc. Yet such is the medical practice of the drug doctors. Influenza is not per se a dangerous disease, yet the proportion of deaths of it is quite large. I can not, therefore, reconcile these two facts on any other hypothesis than that the usual medication, so far from helping the patients to live, assists them to die. I have never known nor heard of a death where the patient was treated hydropathically. The influenza has many times prevailed epidemically in Europe and in America In some instances it has swept rapidly over several states and nations. Indeed, it has been the most wide-spread pestilence ever known, though the rate of.mortality attending it has been small, as compared with the plague or the cholera. The peculiar causes of this distemper, and especially those which occasion its epidemic character, have much exercised the minds of medical men, with- out enabling them to arrive at any very satisfactory conclusion. To show the loose and incoherent manner in which medical men reason on this and on similar subjects, I can not do less than quote a paragraph from the Hydropathic Encyclopedia, Vol. 3d, page 151 : “ Influenza, like Asiatio cholera, is usually epidemic, and has prevailed at all seasons of the year in every state of the barometer and thermometer. Dr. Good very cautiously imputes its specific cause to ‘ some atmospheric intemperaments.’ Dr. Weber has suspected negative electricity of the mischief; but none of the modern theories are any improvement on that of Hippocrates, which was, ‘ provi- dential interpositionnor the very modest suggestion of Sydenham, who was rather disposed to ascribe it to some occult and inexplicable changes wrought in the bowels of the earth itself, by which the atmosphere becomes contaminated with certain effluvia, which predisposes the bodies of men to some form or other of disease.’ ” Medical men have always been altogether too prone to look toward “ the bowels of the earth ” instead of into the condition of the bowels of men, to discover the causes of disease. They have studied atmospheric intempera- ments, climatic influences vicissitudes of temperature, electrical states, pre- vailing winds, fogs, mists, tempests, tornadoes, thunder and lightning, DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. much more than they have the habits of men with the view of elucidating the causes of contagious, epidemic, and other diseases ; and having pursued their investigations in the wrong direction, it is not at all strange that they have discovered nothing. If medical men, and hoards of health, and sanitary associations would turn their attention in the direction of human habits and modes of life, they could hardly fail to see in the markets, slaughter-houses, cow-stables, pig- geries, cess-pools, distilleries, breweries, bakeries, graveyards, manure heaps, decaying offal, and last, though not least, battle-fields, sources of in- fection and contagions amply sufficient to account for all the pestilences which have ever scourged society, and for all the diseases which have been known among men. They would understand, too, that, with very few ex- ceptions, they were factitious and unnecessary—that they have been arti- ficially induced. The careless observer may not be able to trace any connection between the slaughter of a few thousand men, horses, and cattle, many of whose car- casses are left to decompose and putrefy on the battle-field, and a pestilence that prevails epidemically or endemically some time afterward ; but the in- telligent physiologist can expect nothing else. Very few of the residents of cities seem to have the remotest idea that, the effluvia of their markets, stables, slaughter-houses, and cess-pools, and the tobacco stench of the whole atmosphere, are prolific sources of the small-pox, measlas, whooping- cough, scarlatina, typhus and other putrid fevers, which are so prevalent, so contagious, and so fatal. And the farmer, whose comfortable mansion has a pretty flower-garden in front, a large cattle-yard on one side, a hor- rible hog-sty on the other, and a constantly accumulating reservoir of gar- bage and excrement in the rear, may not suspect that there is any necessary connection between these sources of impurities and the “ pernicious fever,” the “ malignant dysentery,” the “ terrible diptheria,” or the “putrid sore throat” that occasionally takes off a m mber of his family; and it may never enter into his imagination that the chronic canker in the mouth, ery- sipelas in the blood, scrofula in the glands, fever sores in the bones, granu- lations in the eyes, and humors in the skin, are the legitimate and necessary result of the miasms with which he has surrounded his domicil. Nature, however, is an inexorable teacher, and makes no allowance in punishing the misdeeds of man for his ignorance. If he eats, or drinks, or breathes conta- gion, the consequence—disease—will follow, whether he is cognizant or ignorant of the relations of poison to the vital organisih, and whether the poison be an accidental possession or the product of his own misdirected industry. Recognizing influenza as a low fever with a slight inflammation and severe congestion of the lungs, the plan of treatment is obvious : the bowels should be freely moved by means of an enema of tepid water; a wet cloth, covered with a dry one, should be kept constantly applied to the chest; a cold wet cloth should be applied to the head; the feet should be kept warm by means of hot bottles, if there is the least tendency to coldness of the ex PNEUMONIA. tremities; and the whole surface should be sponged occasionally with tepid water—just cool enough to be agreeable to the patient. The frequency of the ablution is to be determined by the degree of external heat, whether once, twice, or oftener in the twenty-four hours. Water may be drank according to thirst, and all food should be prohibited until the respiration has become comparatively free. In some cases the preternatural heat of the surface is so great as to render the wet-sheet pack the best appliance. PNEUMONIA. Inflammation of the lungs — pneumonia—pneumonitis — is a very prevalent and very fatal disease in nearly all parts of our country; it is also one of those diseases which are on the increase among us; and there is no disease in which the deadly virtues of the healing art, as exhibited in the popular system of drug-medication, are more prominent and apparent. Intrinsically, this disease is not at all dangerous. Left to itself, with no medication of any kind, probably not one case in twenty would terminate fatally. And we have not yet known a single instance of death under hy- dropathic treatment, although the experience of the physicians of our school has been extensive. I have myself treated many hundreds of cases, in young and old, strong and feeble, without losing any. Inflammation of the lungs appears under three distinct forms. In one form the fever is of the inflammatory character; another form is attended with the putrid form of typhus fever ; and the third with the nervous form of typhus fever. The first-named variety is usually denominated, simply, pneumonitis; the second form has been called “ bilious pneumonia,” while the third form has been termed “peripneumonia noth a,” or “bastard pneumonia.” The term “ typhoid pneumonia” has been applied to all forms except the first named. The source of error and confusion with medical authors and medical books consists in regarding the fever which attends inflammation of the lungs as secondary or symptomatic—as the consequence or effect of the local inflam- mation—whereas it is, in truth, the accompaniment. It is a part of the primary disease, and may partake of all the qualities of the various phases of inflammatory and of typhoid fevers, when these exist as simple fevers— that is to say, without local inflammation. Nothing can exceed the absurd and contradictory notions which are continually being put forward in all the medical journals of the drug- schools on the subject of typhoid, pneumonia. The leading Allopathic journals, particularly Braithwaite’s Retrospect, the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, and the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, are prolific of essays on the subject. The great difficulty, however, with them consists in reconciling the local with the constitutional affection—the inflammatory state of the lungs with the typhoid condition of the system. And this involves them in the awkward practical dilemma of “indications and contra indicationsthat is to say, the lungs requiring depletion while the general system calls for stimulation, and vice versa. If they bleed for 38 DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. the benefit of the lungs, the debility of the general system is aggravated; and if they stimulate for the benefit of the general system, the local disease is aggravated. They are always in a dilemma—always between Scylla and Charybdis ; or, in more homely phrase, between the frying-pan and the fire And so they usually compromise the matter by combining a little of both— bleeding, salts, and antimony, wuh quinine, opium, and brandy, or by substituting the mercurial plan. But it happens that each and all of these plans are a hundred-fold more damaging to the constitution than the dis- ease is when left entirely to itself. Some years since, Dr. Ames, of Montgomery, Alabama communicated an article to the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, in which he clearly proved, by facts, figures, arguments, and post-mortem examina- tions, that the ordinary method of treating inflammation of the lungs, by bleeding, opium, antimony, and mercury, so far from helping the patients to live, only assisted them to die. He showed, conclusively, that the debility and the drug diseases, which the treatment induced, were far worse for the patient than the original disease, and that in all cases they aggravated and prolonged the disease. And more : that when the patients did recover, in spite of the medication, they had a long and lingering convalescence, with frequent relapses and various sequelae of chronic diseases, which never oc- curred with those who were not thus medicated. But although these facts, and many similar testimonials from other physicians of the regular schools have been before the profession for many years, the general plan of practice is scarcely altered at all. It is still bleed, blister, mercurialize, and anti- monialize, as it was in the dark ages of medical science. Two or three English physicians, who have written books on Hydropathy, have gravely told their readers that pneumonia is one of the diseases to which Water-Cure will not apply ; and it is very common for the physicians of the drug schools, when discussing the relative merits of our respective systems, to bring forward this disease as a “ knock-down argument.” “ What,” say they, “ would you dare to apply cold water to a man’s chest when he was laboring under inflammation of the lungs ? Why, it would drive the disease in upon the vitals, and kill him sure !” We have to say of the English authors alluded to. that either they had never had any experience in treating pneumonia hydropathically, or that they were totally ignorant of the first principles of our system. There is no disease that can be named in which I would sooner test Hydropathy vs. Drugopathy than in this very pneumonia, taking it in all its forms, states, stages, and complications. And as to the objection of driving the disease in upon the vitals, the thing is utterly impossible, for the reason that it is there already. The only question to discuss is, what is the best method of get- ting it out—of driving it to the surface ? And for this purpose, judicious water-treatment is not only incomparably the best, but well nigh infallible But judicious treatment does not consist in a promiscuous application of cold water, nor in a mechanical routine of bathing processes. To be suc- cessful in managing its various forms the practitioner must ever keep in PNEUMONIA 39 new the leading features of the remedial effort, and adapt his prescriptions accordingly. The leading indication always is to balance the circulation and so diffuse the remedial action over and throughout the entire range of the depurating functions so much and so equally as possible. The tempera- ture of the body must be the guide of the physician. When attended with fever of the entonic or inflammatory diathesis, the whole surface will be uniformly hot and florid, with general dryness of the whole surface, and a vigorous, strong pulse. In this case we have little to do except to cool the Bystem -to reduce the external heat to the'normal standard, and for this purpose the wet-sheet pack, repeated so often as the heat rises much above the normal standard, with the constant application of the chest-wrapper, or a wet towel over the chest, are the processes to be preferred. Frequent ablutions of tepid, cool, or cold water will accomplish the same object, but not so promptly. The bowels should be freed with enemas of tepid water, and the patient allowed to drink cold water so freely as the thirst demands. No food should be taken until the violence of the fever has abated, or until the crisis or turn of the fever. In the typhoid forms of pneumonia, which are attended with low fever of either the putrid or nervous form, there is less external heat, with a great tendency to congestion of the internal organs. There may be cold extrem- ities, partial sweats, extreme headache, delirium, excessive nausea, difficult expectoration, very laborious breathing, etc., which special symptoms re- quire specialties of treatment. For the cold extremities, bottles of warm water should be applied to the feet; partial sweats require tepid sponging, followed by gentle rubbing with dry soft flannel; headache and delirium may be relieved by celd wet cloths to the head, frequently repeated, or the application of ice; when nausea exists, the patient should drink warm water freely until relieved ; and if there is a burning sensation in the stomach or lungs, he may take frequent sips of ice-water, or swallow bits of ice; when the expectoration or respiration is very difficult or painful, fomentations should be applied to the chest for a few minutes, followed by the wet towel well covered with dry flannel. In cases of very low fever, indicated by extreme grossness of the system, or very great debility, the wet-sheet pack should not be employed, but the surface may be sponged over with tepid water so often as the heat becomes disagreeable. THE Science of Health, A New First-Class Health Monthly, To educate the people in the Science of Life, which includes all that relates to Preserving Health and to the Art of Retaining Health, is the whole object and purpose of this Journal. It will not be the organ of any person, business, or institution, but an independent earnest Teacher of the Laws of Life and Health; the exponent of all known means by which Health, Strength, Happiness and Long Life may be attained, by using and regulating those agencies which are vitally related to Health and the treatment of Disease including Air, Light, Temperature, Bathing, Eating, Drinking, Clothing, Working, Recreation, Exer- cise, Rest, Sleep, Mental Influences, Social Relations, Electricity, and all normal agents and hygienic materials. Terms.—$2.00a year in advance; Single numbers, 20 cents; ten copies, $15.00, and an extra copy to agent. Yolumes begin in July and in January. The Phrenological Journal, A FIRST-CLASS MAGAZINE. 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Embracing Outlines of Anatom) —illustrated ; Physiology of the Human Body ; Hygienic Agencies, and the Preservation of Health ; Dietetics and Hydropathic Cookery ; Theory and Practice of Water-Treatment; Special Pathology and Hydro-Therapeutics, including the Nature, Causes, Symptoms, and "treatment of all Known Diseases; Application of Hydropathy to Midwifery and the Nursery ; with nearly 1000 pages, including a Glossary, Table of Contents, and a complete Index. Designed as a Guide to Families and Students, and a Text-Book for Phys cians. With 300 engraved illustrations. By R. T. Trail, M.D. $4.50. In the general plan and arrangement of the work, the wants and necessities of the people have been steadily kept in view. Whilst almost every topic of interest in the departments of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Hygiene, and Therapeutics" is briefly presented, those of practical utility are always put prominently forward. 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Price for the set, fully colored, backed, and mounted on rollers, sent by express, not mailable, (net) $20. The Hygienic Hand-PooJc : a Practical Guide for the Sick-Room, with Appendix. By R. T. Trail. One vol. 12mo, price $2. A new and carefully-revised edition of I this work has just been issued, which | should he in the hands of all who would get well and keep well without drugs. Hydropathic Faintly Physician: a Ready Preseriber and Hyi gienic Adviser. With Reference to the Nature, Causes, Prevention* and Treatment of Diseases, Accidents, and Casualties of every kind. With a Glossary and copious Index. By Joel Shew, M.D. Ulustra ted with nearly 300 engravings. One large volume, intended for use in the family. 12mo, 816 pp. Muslin, f 4. It posseses the moat practical utility ot I any of the author’s contributions to popu- lar medicine, and is well adapted to give | the reader an accurate idea of the organiza- tion and functions of the human frame.— New York Tribune. 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SlPieiK; On, The Right Relations of tite Sexes—Disclosing the Laws of Conjugal Selection, and showing Who May and Who May Not Marry. A Scientific Treatise. By Samuel R. Wells. One vol., 12mo, 250 pages; plain muslin, price, $1 50; in fancy gilt binding, $2. Pub- lished by the Author, at 389 Broadway, New York. Among the subjects treated are,the following: Marriage a Divine Institution; Qualifications for Matrimony; The Right Age to Marry; Motives for Marrying; Marriages of Consanguinity—of Cousins, when Justifiable; Conjugal Selection—Affinities; Courtship—Long or Short; Duty of Parents; Marriage Custoihs and Ceremonies of all Nations; Ethics of Marriage; Second Marriages, are they Admissible; Jealousy— Its Cause and Cure ; Causes of Separation and Divorce ; Celibacy— Ancient and Modern; Polygamy and Pantagamy; Love Signs in the Features, and How to Read Them; Physiognomy; Sensible Love Letters—Examples; The Poet’s Wife; The Model Husband and the Model Wife—their Mutual Obligations, Privileges, and Duties; The Poetry of Love, Courtship, and Marriage—Being a Practical Guide to all ♦he Relations of Happy Wedlock. Here are some of the contents, compiled from the Index, which give a more definite idea of the scope and objects of the work: Development and Renewal of the Social Affections; Inordinate Affection ; Function of Adhesiveness and Amativeness ; Admi- ration not Love; Addresses Declined, IIow to Do It; The Bible on Marriage; Matrimonial Bargains ; True Beauty ; Celibacy and Health; Celibacy and Crime; Marrying for Money; Facts in Relation to Consanguineous Marriage—when Permis- sible; Law of Conjugal Selection; Conju- gal Harmony • Conjugal Resemblances of Husbands and Wives; Pleasure of Court- ship ; Confidence in Love; Duty of Cheer- fulness; Woman’s Constancy; Laws and Remedy for Divorce; Drifting; Economy; Etiquette of Long Engagements; Falling in Love; Forbearance ; Whom Great Men Marry; Girls of the Period; Housekeep- ing ; Good Habits Essential; How to Win Love; Honeymoon; The Model Husband: Home, How to Make it Happy; Mutual Help; Conjugal Harmony; Hotel and Club Life; Inhabitiveness ; Terrible Effects of Morbid Jealousy ; Juliet’s Confession; Kisses ; Kate’s Proposal; Parental Love, How to Win it; Declarations of Love; Not to be Ashamed of it; Romantic Love; Sec- ond Love; Is Love Unchangeable ? Should Parents Interfere ? Love-Letters ; Love Song; Congratulatory Letter; Little Things; Love’s Seasons; Its Philosophy Early Marriage among the Ancients ; Mo- tives for it; International Marriage ; Mar- riage Customs; Marriage Defined; Its Le- gal Aspects; Marriage Ceremonies in the Episcopal, the Roman, and in the Greek Churches, Jewish and Quaker; Marriage Exhortation ; Prayer ; Hymns ; Ethics of Marriage: Health and Marriage; Hasty Marriages ; Marriage Maxims; Morganatic Marriages; Marrying for a Home, for Money, for Love, for Beauty ; Right Motive for Marrying; Advice to the Married ; Man and Woman Contrasted; Monogamy De- fined ; Matrimonial Fidelity ; Matrimonial Politeness; Legal Rights of Married Wom- en ; The Mormon System; Man’s Require- ments ; The Maiden’s Choice; Letters of Napoleon; When to Pop the Question; Pantagamy at Oneida Defined; Meddling Relatives; Physical and Mental Sound- ness ; Step-Mothers; The Shakers; Single- ness ; Sealing; Something to Do; Wedding in Sweden; Temptations of the Unmarried; Hereditary Taints; Temperaments; Tri- fling; Too Much to Do ; May WTomen Make Love; Lesson for Wives ; Wedding Gifts; With and I; Yes, How a Lady Said It; Plain Talk with a Young Man: Soliloquy of a Young Lady, and much more, covering the whole ground of Marriage. A beautiful Gift-Book for all seasons. The book is handsomely printed and beautifully bound. It was in- tended more especially for young people, but may be read with interest and with profit by those of every age. Copies will be sent by post to any address on receipt of price, by S. R. Wells, 389 Broadway, N. Y. LIFE ILLUSTRATED. AND 1873 DEVOTED TO 1 Ethnology, Physiology, Phrenology, Psychology, Boolalogy, Education, Art, Llteratnre, with measures to Reform, j Elevate and Improve Mankind Physi- »oally, Mentally and Spiritually, ■ Q. FL. WBLfJLiS, Editor. I The Study and Improve- ment Man in all hip Relations \n our object. | The Natural History of Ulan —including the Manners. Customs Religionsi and Modes of Life in different Families, Tribes and Nations will be given. Physiology, the Laws ol Life and Health, including Dietetics, Biercise, Sleep, Study, Bodily Growth tf.r., will be presented on strictly Hygienic principle*. Phrenology.—The Brain and its Functions, Uie Temperaments, Location of the Organs, Choice of Pursuits, etc., given Physiognomy; or, “The Human .Face Divine, wflh " Signs of Character, and How to Read Them” scientifically The Human Soul—Psychol- ogy -Its Nature, Office and Condition in Life and Dea.h ■ Man's Spiritual State in the Here and in the Hereafter Very interesting | Biography.—In connection Tilth, Portraits andPractical Delineations of Char- acter of our most distinguished men. marriage forms a part of tne life of every well organized human being The ele- ments of love are inborn The objects of Ma.riage stated All young people require instruction ar.d direction in the selection .it suitable life-companions. Phrenology throws light on the subject Let us consult it The Choice of Pursuits.— |How to select a pursuit to winch a person is best adapted , Law, Medicine Divinity. In vention . Mechanics , Agriculture , Manu- facturing ; Comfnerce, etc “ Let ns put the right man in the right place.” miscellaneous. — Ohnrchea, Schools, Prisons, Asylums, Hospitals, Refor- matories, etc. described with Modes of Wor 1 ship. Education, Training, and Treatment, 5iven in the new vol. of The Phrknor.ooio*1 OURNAL AND LIFE ILLUSTRATED TKIim*.—A New Volume, the57fh, commences with the July Number. Published monthly, in octavo form at $3 a /ear in advance. Sample numbers sent by post, 25ct.s. Clnbs of Ten or more. $2 each per copy. Subscribe now PLEASE ADDRESS HA M V E I, n. WE L L$, 1STO. 389 BEOADWAT, NEW YORK. U. 8. A.. A«w'iRUtTOK