s J. T. GILMAN PIKE, Proprietor. THE GREAT REMEDY OF THE FORESTS ! PILLS! The Proprietors take this method of making known to the world, the most valua- ble and important discovery ever recorded in the history of medicine. In testing by chemical experiment, the medicinal properties of a rare plant, which grows along the banks of the Wapsepinicon River, in Iowa, they discovered that it possessed a healing and restoring power, which, in their opinion, in combination with other remedies, the result of their medical researches, would render it a GRAND CATHOLP^ON for a suffering world. The remedial powers of this plant, were test- ed with the least possible delay, and in the hundreds of instances, they proved fu'ly adequate to the complete and perfect removal of disease in any and every form, and it is confidently believed that the remedy is destined to produce an entire revolution in the medical world. Facts in their possess on fully warrant them in making the as- tounding announcement, that it immeasurably surpasses, in its power to uproot and ex- pel disease, every other medicine now known. AS A GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE it is unrivalled. It acts in perfect harmony with the laws of nature, and completely purifies the blood, a vitiated state of which is the cause of all disease. It has been administered in Asthma, Apoplexy, Barbers' Itch, Canker, Catarrh, Cholera Morbus, Colic, Colds, Cough, Consumption, Croup. Cramps and Convulsions, Cancerous Sores and Ulcers, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Dysentery Epilepsy, Erysipelas, Enlargement of the Spleen, Fever and Ague, Fe- male Complaints, Fevers of all kinds, Gravel, Gout, Hysterics, Inflammation of the Liver, Lungs, Kidneys and Bladder, Indigestion, Jaundice, Lepros\, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Palpitation of the Heart, Piles, Scrofula, Spinal Complaint, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Svphilis, Suppression of the Menses, Tic-Douloureux, &c. The Pro- prietors have yet to learn that it has failed in a single instance of eliecting a cure. Twenty-five Cents a Box. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. It is seldom that wi> are disposed to say anything in favor of Patent Medicines, but can assure the afflicted that the prop i tors of the Physianthr»p>c Pills are scientific physi' ians of age and experience; and we are able, also, to state, that thjir re iied / ha* performed some astonishing cures, in Giises pronounced hopeless by e ninent pnysicians. VW believe the P:iysianthropic Pills are deMined to a veiy extensive circulation, and 13 acq ur* a greater celebrity than has been awarded to any similar remedies heretofore offered lo ihe public.— American. Jirti&nn. A Great Dibcovtry in Medicine on the Prairies of Iowa. Strong & Osgood's Vegetable Physianthropic Pi I Ls, are producing a tremendous exc tement in this city This great remedy owes its celebrity to the asio- nisaina virtues ot a rare plant, wholly unknown to the profession, wh ch was discovered by one of the pro- prietors, on hip prairies oi Iowa. It is very singular in its operation, differing entiiely from anything ever before >iisro"ered As a piirifi'r oft he blood.il immeasurably surpas-.es all oiher remedies. As an alterative, it his no eqml. The pr.-•pnetors have administered it, in hundreds of cases, and it has never, to th^ir know- ledge, failed of effect ng a cure. In consfquence of its- cheapness, the mildness of its operation and its great power over disease, it is rapidly taking the place oPall other remedies.— Daily Globe, tifpt 30. ./Vet© Discovery in Medicine.—Considerable excitement has recently been produced among the vender- of m«-dcine>, in consequence of th- discovery ol a medical plant, a native ol ihe wes'ern prairns, which has lecently been combined bv Drs. Strong and Dsgood, with other valuable remedies, in such a manner as to bring a large cla-s of disease,*completely un lei control. The Physia^ thropic Pills will shortly throw a great multitude of oilier meili lines completely into obscuity, and they bui fair to eclipse th.- most celebrated i>me- de- >f 'heyday. The proprietors are scientific and experienced phvsirians, an' the ct>«ds of applicant lor thf Pill*, that we have seen ai ih*ir«ifh>e, induce the belief that they will be liberally rrmunerated fur their mnpnficent disci-veiy. A". Y JiVas,Uct 10. Physianthropic Pills — ^mong the numerous remedies before the public, we believe there is no one more hiehlv deseivmg qt a triaj than the PhysiamhroDic Pdis. This remedy is the result of scient fie research, amd is prepared by regular phy-icians in extensive practice in this city. The most valuable ingredient in its composition, we are told, was discovered on th' Prairies of Iowa, and is unknown to the piofe.-sion, and from its peculiar operation upon the system, we do not doubt if We are able io state, fiom personal observation, thai it is con-tantlv perlorming remarkable cures in the mo.st 'nveterate and obstinate diseases. Sunday Times, Oct 10, 1647. AGENTS. East Wei/mouth, H. & C. Lang. Hi/ifac, Zadoc Thompson, Jr. &Caleb Pool. Cohassett, Morgan B. Stetson, & Tho's Stoddard. Hingham, Royal Whiton. Scituate Harbor, Prouty, Perkins & Co. Randolph, E. Krench. North Bridgewater, Tyler Cobb, South do Lewis Holmes. East do H. O. A. Orr, & Levi Churchill. Pfympton, James McHanah. Plymouth, David Harlow. Wry mouth Landing, A. S. White. Sriluate, Thomas Clapp, & H. W.Bailey, Kingston t J. W. & C. S. Damon, P. Cobb. Marsh field, W. & (J. Ames, Bourne 6c Harlow. East Sloughfon, Nathan Blanchard. Milton, Dean M. Swift. Duxbury, James G. Ford & Co. Pembroke, Horace Collamore. Scituate, John Kharh. Hanover, Stephen Josselyn. Quincy, Esler Hayden. p» AH orders for the Physianthropic Pills, must bo directed to J T. GILMAN PIKE, Boston, Mass,, sole Proprietor. A Candid Attention is solicited to ihe following l;acis A highly celebrated European Physician, a man of great practical knowledge and experience, has established it as an axiom in the operation of medicines upon the human system. '• That a combination of similar remedies will -produce a more certain, speedy, and considerable effect, than any equivalent dose pf any single one." Of this law medical men have availed themselves, and with a want ot judgment which is amazing to every thinking mind, they have vied with each other to effect such a combination o'" remedies as would act with great power in the shortest time possible. A doctrine more perfectly at variance with sound physiology was never advanced. The Proprietors of the Physianthropic Pilis have established another axiom founded upon the basis of incontrovertible truth, and in perfect accor- dance with physiological law, viz : " That all remedies which act speedily and powerfully upon the system do violence to the laws of nature, and should never be used " The Physianthropic Pills operate midly and shwly, producing no griping, and frequently uproot the most veterateand obstinate diseases,without producing aoy strongly marked opeiation upon the system They are prepared by physicians of age and expeaence.who are perfectly acquainted with the ph\ siolt^i- cal state uf the sys:em. in which those diseases, for the removal of which, they are adapted supervene, and are daily performing cures, in all parts of the country, upon patients who have been abandoned as incurable, having tried all the boasted remedies of the day in vain. The slowness and mildness of their Operation, in connection with their omnipotence in arresting diseases, constitute their distinguishing fea- tutes. The operation of catharti *s is very imperfectly understood. I'is well known to educated phy- sicians, that vessels, stimulaied to discharge an unusual quaulily of fluids in a given time, are certain, afterwards, to sink to a torpid .slate; and all the secretions are lessened, to a certain extent, until the loss is it-paired. A remedy that would thoiouphly evacuate the bowels without making that demand upon the serum of the blood, which is constantly made by all the cathartic pills heretofore offered to the public, has long been sought., and has at last been found in the Physianthropic Pills. They accomplish all that can he accomplished by any other cathartic,without disordering the stomach or inflaming the intestines, by simply stimulating the secretory glands, rendered morbid by disease, whose ducts open into the intestinal canal, and also the musrular fibres of tne intestines, to a healthy action, producing at the same timejust that degree of relaxation requisite to remove thehaulened Igeces from the cells of the colon, which are frequently retained alter the use of the most drastic purgatives. Thai a mild remedy will ofien produce the de.»iroil effect, where a powerful one fails, no medical man who has any professional reputation at stake, will deny. The discovery of a reined/, by one of the proprietors, on the prairies of Towa, sufficiently powerful to produce any degree of catharsis requisite,conlaining,at the same time,an invigorating and tonic power adapted to preserve the strength of the system,is fraught with inc deulable blessi. gs to mankind, and the judicious combination of that remedy with others which operate upon all the secretions,adapt the Physian- thropic Pills to the cure of a wider range of diseases than any other remedy. '1 hey have been adminis- tered in hundreds of cases lor Asthma, Apoplexy, Barber's Itch,Cauker.Calarrh, Cholera Morbus, Colic, Colds, Coughs, Consumpiion, Cioup,'Cramp. and Convulsions, Cancerous Sores and Ulcers, Dropsy, Dyspepsia Dysentery, Epilepsy Erysipelas, Kulargment or the Spleen, Fever and Ague, Female Com- plaints, Fevers of all kinds, Gravel, Gout. Hysterics, Inflamation of the Liver, Lungs, Kidneys and Bladder, Iudigeslion, Jaundice, Leprosy, Liver Complaint. Neuralgia, Palpitation of the Heart, Piles, Scrofula, Spinal Complaint, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Syphilis, Suppression of the menses, Tic Douler- eux, &c, and if they have ever failed in a single instance, of effecting a cuie, the proprietors have yet to learn it. Certifio ites of cures are pouring in upon them every day, an unprecedented demand has been made for the Pills, and their office is daily thronged with patients, soliciting their advice in cases in which all other remedies have failed. Many a suffering and desponding patient to whom his physician has posi- tively said, " thou shalt noi come down from that bed, on which thou art gone up, but shall surely die," in contemptuous violation of his mandate, have, this very season, sowed and reaped, and gathered into barns. Their death warrants have been counteimanded by the Physianthropic Pills ; and mulliiudes, who have completely recovered from maladies, pronounced mortal by their physicians, are living to tell the story of their cure, and to attest -to the truth of these statements. STARTLING RVTDEXCG in favor of the PHYSIANTHROPIC PILLS—all doubts removed—their power to expel d.sease triumphant! Read the following— L1VEH C«)\1PLAINT-TI'J DOULOUK EUX-DROPSY—OBSTIN \TE CONSTIPATION AND PILLd—CUtLI'.D—Fit tweniy-ihree years i have been out of healin with what ti»y physicians called Liv- er Complaint- Three years ago last March, I was attacked with severe spasms in the head and farp, called Tic Douloureux. I had seven teeth extracted, but got no relief. During .tie nil de three years I was un- hide 10 lie on my left side, «>n account of the intense pam which it produced. I wis greitly emaciated, and my strengin was almost entire! v gone. I was also troubled with dropsy; my limhs were much swi |. len, as also was my chest ; and my respiration was difficult, arH very laborious. So j»rc.at wis my disiress at limes, that I would hive hailed death as a blessing I was afflicted also with piles, accorii|mnied with obsiinaie constipation. JVly physicians cnulH afford me no relief, and my cas'i was considered ho aeless. In this forlorn situation, with nothing bcfoie me but certain a>>d speedy de nil, I commenced taking the Physianthropic Pills To my perfect astonishment, in three, days I was able to lie on my left side with ease and in a few weeks all my complaints were removed, mv flesh retimed, and I now consider myself well. Toe cure was considered perfectly astonishing by all who knew my situation. 1 reside at 15-5 Dtdaucy Street. Tuirza Hammond. Mew Yurk, June 30. 1847. Mrs Hammond is a very respeoiahle lady, and a member of the Baptist Church, and will g.ve any further information tuai may be requisite, to any who call upon her. CHAIN FEVER AND FEMALE OBSTRUCTIO \'S CURED —!Wrs. M Hasted of New York Citv, had a severe attack of sickness, from which she never expected torecovei. She was given up by her physi- cians, and had lain in a Gt several days-, and hid been deprived of her reason for a week She^iad other dilHculties, also, which reudered her case entirely hopeless. She commenced using the Physiacthropic Pills, and Ln three weeks was completely restored. All who siv her, -aid she «■ uld not suivive a week. H>;r fiends considered her care almost a miracle. CASE OF FI 1\S CUtLED — A litile ehrid of VIrs Vm Bmkirk, eighteen months ol.l, was subject to fit3 They hid been g tiling rapidly upon him until he had thiiitekn in twenty tour hours. IJh w is -o debili- tated that lijs mother feared he would not survjve another attack. At this sti^e of the disease. I us began to take ihe Physitnthropic Pills. The disease immediately gave way, his in^lili and strength returned, and he is now perfectly well. 0° He never had another attack after he took the first dose of pills. gan to take the Phyahnthropic Fills. The disease immediately gave way, his health and strength returned. and he is now perfectly well. D^*He iierer had another attack after he took the first dose of pills. Maria Hawker, 78 Madison Street, had a most violent attack of disease, he was attended by several phy- sicians, who did all they could to relieve her, but in vain. She ha I been in a rit, or spasm about three days. Her jaws were set, her limbs convulsed, and drawn up, and she was evidently enduring great pain. All who saw her were of ihe opinion that she could survive buta few hours. Two eminent physicians *vere present, and witnesse 1 her condition, and have publicly certified to her critical and alarming situation. She commenced taking the Physianthropic Pills, and in ten days she was well. OBSTINATE CASE OF GRAVEL, OF LONG STANDING, CURED.-Mr Andrew H. Bridgeman.nf this cny, was severely afflicted with Gravel, formoie than three years. His disorder was of a very distres- sing character, attended with the most excru tiating pain; and was unable to urinate, except while sit- ting, and then with great pain. He was troubled, also, at times, with incontinence of urine, and had em- ployed »ev Mai physicians, without obtaining any relief. He used a great variety of remedies, but his complaint became daily more and more aggravated He purchased a box of the Physianthropic Pills, which gave him immediate relief, and he was perfectly cured of his complaint, before they were all taken. He considers his cure one of the most remarkable ever effected by medicine, and says he would not be in that diseased condition again, from which the pills have raised him, for thousands of dollars Call on him at his residence, 42 1-2 Hamilton stree', for particulars. New York, July 30,1847. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS AND BL ADDER.-Mrs Van Riper, near Patterson, N J. was afflicted for several weeks, with this painful disease; had availed herself of the service of the most skilful physicians, but obtained no relief. H«r case was considered hopeless by all who saw her. She took the Physianthropic Pills and was relieved in less than mi« hour, while the physicians was holding a consulta- tion upon her case, and is now perfectly well, and has used no other me Heine. UNPRECEDENTED CASE—A WOMAN'S LIFE SAVED.—Mrs Anderson, wife of W T. Ander- son, residing at 293 Grand street, had lost the use of her right leg, and left arm. They were both very much swollen, covered with purple spots, and entirely destitute of feeling. The blood had settled under her nails, and she had alarming sinking turns, and indicated that she was near her end She had been attended by four ot the most skilful physicians of the city for siz montt a, not only without benefit, but she bad been rapidly failing; and amputation of bi th limbs was considered the only ihing that could save her life, and ih.it was very doubtful An eminent surgeon came with his attendants, to perform the operation Which was to make her a cripole for life, even shj ■ id she survive it. The operation wis deterred a day or two at oer request, when she was put under the operation of the Physianthropic Pills ; and the swelling subsided, the circulation was restored, the feeling returned, and in two weeks she was able to walk In any part of the city CASE OF CONSI'MI TION CUKED —Je'.miah Smith, Esq., No. 27 L«wis street, had been affiVted for six years with shortness of breath, cough and pain in the side, accompmied with purulent and bloody expectation. He and his friends considered hisctse hapeless He loi.k the Physianthropic Pills, and in a short tune was reliov-d of all his diffic.ul ies. His health and strength returned, and he expresses Ihe full belief that this great remedy will prevent the fatal termination of hundreds of similar cases, if resorted to seasonably. ANOTHER—A daughter of M". Lane, residing at Blomingdale, was in consumption, apparently orig- inating in difficulties peculiar to her sex. Her case was considered hopeless, and was perfectly tuied in a gboit time by the Physianthropic Pills. Her father took the same remedy for inflammation of the eye, produced by an impure state of the blood, and was cured. After witnessing their hippy effect upon himself and daughter, h'i gave them to his hired man for Ague and Fever, which arrested the disease in two days I Imvo, tor many years, been in ihe baidt of wearing plasters, for various bodily pains and weaknesses, and I am prepared to say 'hat I have experienced m >re speedy and efficient relief, as well as more ease in the wearing, from Strong & Osgood's plaster, than any I ever used. i) C LANSING, D D. New York, June 26, 1847. S W. Pannly, M D.. of this city, in a communication to one of the Proprietors of the Philanthropic Pills, states that he owes him a debt of gratit .de, which can never be paid, and expresses his waimest thanks fur the recovery of his son from a dangerous illness, «vhen he was considered past th« possibility of a cure. This cure was effected by the Physianthropic Pills, administered in another form, for the sake of conven- ience. Dr. Family is favorably known in this city, and throughout the United States, as a man highly eminent in his profession. , If it were necessary, the Proprietors would swell this list of patients to anjr extent, many of whom have taken ihe (iraefeiibuig, Brandretbs, vV'ngtits and Moffats Pills, Bulls, Bristols, Sands and Tnwnsends Sarsaparilla, all of them perhaus good remedies in in-mv c»»es, and were ultimately cured by the Plusian- thr-'pic Pills; thuscl«arl\ establishing the tact, that tliey bring many obstinate diseases completely under control, ifterail other ren idiis have failed.'—Their claim to the public confidence is now fully established slsa BLi OD PVUWlLli, no other remedy eqvals them! They are rapidly throwing into obscurity all mmdial agents employed for this purpos*, a» is clearly indicated by the immense demand which is made for them daily.