U.S.A. Wmsmtmetors. OFFICE AND GENERAL DEPOT: No. 40 3NT. XiIBEIlTY ST. j BALTIMORE, MD. J / FRIEOEN VJbLO.BAL T0:== ISAAC FRIEDENWALD, ENO. & PRINT. BALTO. “Strontium, the metallic base of Strontia, one of the alkaline earths, first obtained from native carbonate of strontium by Sir Humphry Davy in 180S, is of a pale yellow color, burns with a crimson flame, emitting sparks, decomposes water, liberating hydrogen gas, is hard, ductile and malleable, and is obtained from the anhydrous chloride by electrolysis. Specific gravity, 2.54; atomic weight, 87.5 ; symbol Sr. Its most impor- tant compound is the oxide called Strontia.”—Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia. “The Strontia Mineral Water Spring is located near Brook- land ville, Baltimore County, Maryland. All that is claimed for the Water is no doubt well sustained from the testimony given in its favor. It is prescribed for diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys; Gout, Rheuma- tism, Headache and Genital Weakness. It removes oppression after eating and assists digestion.”—Extract from the elaborate Treatise on Foreign and Domestic Mineral Waters, published by P. Scherer & Co., New York. STRONTIA SPRING. LOCATION. The Strontia Spring is located near Brooklandville, Baltimore County, Maryland, on the Green Spring Branch of the Northern Central Railway, about six miles north of the Druid Hill Park, Baltimore. The high elevation of the Spring is such that it is absolutely free from surface drainage. The Spring was discovered in 1877, and the virtue of the water immediately recognized. In a paper read in the Hall of the Johns Hopkins University, before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, at the eighty-fourth session, April 14th, 1882, upon the Potable Waters of Mary- land, Dr. W. C. Van Bibber said: “ When the saline or gaseous ingredients of water are sufficient in quantity to impart to it a decided odor or taste, or when from analysis or experience spring or well waters are found to contain substances which produce positive beneficial results upon some of those who drink them, they are termed Mineral Springs. Of these there are many in the State which are used for medicinal purposes. The water from one well has recently obtained much celebrity as a mineral water. This is the Strontia water, and the well from which it is obtained is situated near Brookland- ville, in Baltimore County. Its analysis has been made by Prof. William Simon, and shows that this water contains more Strontia than any other water known. It is highly esteemed by many physicians and others who have used it. What the particular medical virtues of Strontia are, or how this substance, in combination with other substances, gives such positive results as this water does in some cases, are questions which cannot be discussed in this paper.” ANALYSIS. The following Analysis is by W. Simon, Ph. D., M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons; Professor of Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry in the Maryland College of Pharmacy, Baltimore, Md.; Author of a Manual of Chemistry, etc., etc. Mr. O. P. Macgill. Dear Sir:—Of the many samples of water sent to me for examination, the product of your Spring is one of the very few deserving the name of Mineral Water. 2 It contains about ten times the quantity of saline matter usually found in common spring water. The presence of Iodine and Strontium was sur- prising to me, as these elements are but rarely found to a larger extent in water. The preliminary examination having shown the value of the water, I certainly would advise you to have it thoroughly examined and tested, both chemically and practically, by physicians. Hoping that you may succeed in rendering your Spring valuable to yourself and sick persons, I am, very respectfully yours, DR. W. SIMON. Laboratory Md. College of Pharmacy, Baltimore, July 28th, 1877. Result of analysis of a sample of Spring Water taken by myself from the well on the farm of O. P. Macgill, Esq., near Brooklandville, Baltimore County: The temperature was found to be from 50° to 510 F. Amount of gaseous constituents, not including Carbonic Acid, present as Bicarbonates: In 100,000 parts. Oxygen 0.82 cubic inches. Nitrogen 1.22 “ Carbonic Acid 3.50 “ SOLIDS, HELD IN SOLUTION. i„ IOO,coo parts. Nitrate of Potassium 4.66 parts. Nitrate of Sodium 1.43 “ Chloride of Sodium 12.87 “ Chloride of Magnesium 6.72 “ Chloride of Calcium 35 46 “ Bicarbonate of Calcium 6.75 “ Sulphate of Strontium 0.22 “ Bicarbonate of Strontium 1.86 “ Bicarbonate of Iron 0.88 “ Alumina 1.86 “ Silicic Acid 2.05 “ Phosphoric Acid traces. Iodine “ Ammonia “ Organic matter “ Total Solids 74-76 parts. PROPERTIES OF THE WATER. These are explained in the following letter from Dr. Jackson Piper, a member of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, residing in the neighborhood of the Spring: Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md., December 12, 1877. O. P. Macgill, Esq. The properties of the Strontia Spring Water are Tonic, Antacid, Aperient, Alterative, Antiseptic, Solvent and Resolvent. Tonic, in containing Nitric, Carbonic and Sulphuric Acids. Antacid and Aperient, for its Soda, Sodium, Magnesia and Lime. Alterative and Resolvent, for its Potassium, Strontia and Iodine. Solvent, for its Acids, and Antiseptic in its Chlorine and Acids. The class of diseases to which these properties address themselves are Affections of the Stomach and Bowels, Dyspepsia, Debility and Irritation, Chronic Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dyspepsia; Chronic Affec- tions of the Liver, Enlargements of Glands, and Affections of the Throat; certain affections of the Kidneys—Uric Acid, Gravel, and Phosphatic Deposits ; Chronic Rheumatism, and Scrofulous and Consumptive Dis- eases. This Spring Water will compare most favorably with the celebrated Bedford, Bethesda and Buffalo Lithia Waters. It is the only water in this country known to contain Nitric Acid, Strontia and Chlorine in such large excess, and these constituents make it an exceedingly valuable and remarkable water. JACKSON PIPER, M. D. Prof. J. R. Rogers, Ph. D., M. D., of the Examining Corps of the United States Patent Office, writes: “ The ingredients found in the water of the Strontia Spring, par- ticularly the Bicarbonate and Sulphate of Strontium, may be regarded as a boon which nature has conferred upon suffering humanity. These ingre- dients are valuable remedial agents in the treatment of diseased conditions of the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach and other digestive organs, and they are particularly potent when held in solution in natural waters. The phos- phoric acid, which is found in the water of the Strontia Spring, is also beneficial in the treatment of derangements of the nervous system.” Daniel J. Kelly, A. M., M. D., late Professor of Chemistry in the University of Georgetown, Washington, D. C., writes : “ From a comparison of Dr. Simon’s analysis of the Brooklandville Spring Water with more than a hundred analyses of famous mineral springs, it appears that the water in question is remarkably rich in nitrates of sodium and potassium, and in salts of Strontium.” 4 In offering this extraordinary water to the public, the Strontia Mineral Spring Co. desire to call attention to a significant fact, viz. that a large proportion of the testimonials to the efficacy of the water as a remedial age?it are given by eminent physicians and citizens of promi- nence residing in the city and vicinity of Baltimore ; and that its high character as a Table Water is vouched for by the leading hotel proprietors and restaurant keepers of that city. Therefore the Strontia Mineral Spring Co. feel warranted in asserting that a water so well endorsed at home is well worthy of the fullest confidence of the public. In proof of the absolute purity of the water and absence of organic matter, testimony is offered to the fact that after remaining three years in a barrel, it was found to be as pure as when originally taken from the Spring. Strontia Water will give immediate relief in Sick Headaches. It will cure the most obstinate cases of Dyspepsia. It will positively cure Diabetes, Albuminuria, and all curable affections of the Kidneys. It will cure Gout and Rheumatism. It will relieve any disordered condition of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. It will restore the Tone of the Stomach and increase the appetite. It will be found of great service in Scrofulous Affections and Weakness of the Lungs. Strontia Water, while possessing astonishing curative properties, is, especially in its highly effervescent state, a delightful and refreshing bever- age, promoting digestion. Carbonic acid gas, taken in moderate quantities, is known to have a salutary effect upon the stomach and mucous mem- branes, exciting the torpid digestive organs to action, and removing nausea. Strontia is distinctively a Table Water. It is entirely free from sulphate of lime. As a diluent for wines and liquors it stands pre-eminent. In the words of a distinguished physician, whose letter appears within, it is “ a light, agreeable and useful water for invalids, as well as for those, apparently in good health, who find other waters difficult to digest, or disagreeable to the taste.” DIRECTIONS FOR MEDICINAL USE. Persons who use mineral water as a remedial agent must bear in mind the fact that it is seldom resorted to except in chronic cases, and are frequently- disappointed if they do not receive immediate relief from a single gallon or less. To such we say, do not use Strontia Water. Sometimes the effect of a few glasses is entirely the reverse of that expected. The system must be impregnated with the mineral properties to insure success. Conse- quently, the water should be taken from two to eight weeks, to the extent of from four to eight glasses per day, from one to two glasses being always taken before breakfast. In cases of Diarrhoea or Dysentery half a glass at a time. Oppression after eating will generally be relieved by a glass of the water. To teething children, it should be given in small quantities, very frequently, during the day. It will be found to promptly relieve the irritation of the stomach. Medical Certificates. As a Tonic and Diuretic. IV. C. Van Bibber, M. D., 47 Franklin St., Baltimore. “ I have used the Strontia Spring Water, and found it a light, agreeable and useful water for invalids, as well as for those, apparently in good health, who find other waters difficult to digest, or disagreeable to the taste. “ The analysis of this water shows that it may possess unusually useful properties. The presence of the Chloride of Calcium and of the Bicarbonate of Strontium, together with small quantities of the Bicarbonate of Iron and Phosphoric Acid, will at once give it a high position in the estimation of all physicians as a decided tonic and diuretic, and one particularly useful in many diseases unusually prevalent at the present day." Diabetes, Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Liver Affections, &c. James E. Dwindle, M. D., 299 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore. “ During the past three years I have had considerable experience in testing the medical virtues of your Strontia Water. I am free to say it is far superior to any similar waters I know of, in airing such a variety of ailments. To the medical profession I do most cordially recommend Strontia Water as an invaluable adjunct in the treatment of Albumi- nuria, Diabetes and Kidney diseases generally ; also in many forms of Dyspepsia, complicated with Liver afifection.” Stomach and Kidneys, Gout and Rheumatism. R. H. Goldsmith, M. D. (late Physician to Bayview Asylum of the City of Baltimore), cor. Harlem Ave. and Calhouri St, Baltimore. “ For several years I have used your Spring Water in my profes- sional mission, and it affords me pleasure to do justice to its remarkable medicinal qualities. For diseases of the Stomach and Kidneys, or for Gout and Rheumatism, I know no combination, in art and nature, more capable of affording relief. In my own practice I have used it freely, and always with benefit.” 6 Acid Dyspepsia and Gastric Catarrh. f. H. Grimes, M. D., 259 Maryland Ave., Baltimore. “ As you have very generously given me every facility in your power to test for myself the merits of the Strontia Water which you are now rapidly and extensively introducing to the public, I take pleasure in attesting to its undoubted efficiency in the following conditions in which I have tried it, both on myself and others, viz. Acid Dyspepsia, Gastric Catarrh, and in some of the excesses of diet so often indulged in by many of the human family. Being fully satisfied of the above, I unhesitatingly commend it to those thus afflicted.” Dyspepsia; Renal, Hepatic and other Organic and Functional Disturbances. fos. Lloyd Martin, M. D. , 38 Mount Vernon Place, Baltimore. “ The Strontia Water from the farm of O. P. Macgill, Esq., is, I believe, a valuable medicinal water, acting as an alterative and resolvent. It is therefore capable of reaching, curatively, many forms of Dyspepsia, Renal, Hepatic and other Organic and Functional disturbances. It has been used with much satisfaction and relief by a member of my family.” Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Urinary Organs. Chas. G. W. Macgill, M. D., Catonsville, Baltimore Co., Md., one of the Trustees of the State Insane Asylum. “After prescribing Strontia Water in my practice and in my own family for the past four months, I am pleased to say that I regard it as a most valuable medicinal water. Its alterative, antacid, tonic and diuretic properties are positive, and I therefore found great benefit in its use in diseased conditions of the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Urinary Organs. To all persons affected with any of the above diseases or their kindred, I confidently recommend it.” Stomach Particularly. f. Robert Ward, M. D., Govanstown, Baltimore Co., Md., late President of the Board of Health of the State of Maryland. “ I have ordered the use of your Strontia Water in a case I have had under my care for the past two years; the patient, during that time, has been suffering from a complication of diseases, inability to take food or use water having caused great distress and emaciation. The water from your spring has been drank freely and without any discomfort, and digestion has been decidedly better than for the past two years. In diseases of the stomach particularly, the water will be found highly beneficial.” Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. f. H. farrett, M. D., Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md., late Medical Examiner for the U. S. Government, in the State of Maryland. “ I take pleasure in testifying to the good effects of your Strontia Water in Dyspepsia. My daughter has been using the water for this disease, and has derived immeasurable relief from it, and is now almost entirely restored to health. The Strontia Water certainly contains excellent medicinal properties, and I consider it a valuable beverage for Dyspeptic and Rheumatic subjects. ” Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidneys. W. G. Register, M. D., cor. Fayette and Calhoun Sts., Baltimore, Secretary of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. “ During the past year I have been using your Strontia Water quite extensively in my practice, and have had very good effects from it in the treatment of Dyspepsia, and in Liver and Kidney troubles. Its alterative, antacid and diuretic properties are most decided. I consider it one of the most valuable medicinal waters we have.” Nervous Dyspepsia and Paralysis of Kidneys. G. H. Cairnes, M.D., Woodberry, Baltimore Co., Md. “ Three months ago I ordered Strontia Water for a patient I have had under my treatment for the past nine months. She suffers with Nervous Dyspepsia, with all its distressing accompaniments, complicated with Paralysis of Kidneys ; resulting in complete suppression of urine. Inasmuch as suppression has on more occasions than one continued with- out interruption for eight days, I think it a very remarkable case. She is now using the water, all other remedies are stopped, and her condition is much better than it has been for the last nine months. For the past four weeks she has been out of bed three or four hours each day. From the decided beneficial effect in the above case, I feel justified in recommending the water to the profession as a valuable remedial agent, and to all suffer- ing with disease of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys or Bowels.” Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. H. M. Ewing, M. D., Mt. Washington, Baltimore Co., Md. “ Within the past two years I have given your Strontia Water a very fair trial, and my experience with it has been most satisfactory. I deem it an important therapeutic agent, especially in Dyspepsia, accompanied by acidity of the stomach, and also in Rheumatism. I cheerfully recom- mend it.” 8 As an Antacid and Diuretic. W. H. Worthington, M. D., Ellicott City, Howard Co., Md. “ I have suffered from periodical Dyspepsia for over forty years. I used a few gallons of your Strontia Water last summer with decided relief. Its antacid and diuretic properties are positive. I cheerfully and highly recommend its use to all persons suffering from diseases of the Stomach and Kidneys.” Nervous Dyspepsia. I. D. Thompson, M. D., Physician to Mount Hope Insane Asylum, Baltimore Co., Md. “ During the past year I have carefully tested the value of your Mineral Water as a cure for Dyspepsia, having used it quite frequently in my private practice, and also in the Insane Asylum with which I am connected. My observation has convinced me beyond a doubt that in those cases of Nervous Dyspepsia attended with acrid eructations, nausea and sick headache, the Strontia Water possesses positive curative qualities.” Atonic Dyspepsia. Jackson Piper, M. D., Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I have obtained great relief from Atonic Dyspepsia by the use of the Strontia Spring Water.” All Forms of Dyspepsia. R. W. Young, M. D., Washington, D. C. “ I am in receipt of the Strontia Water ordered by my son for me. It gives me pleasure to state that I have found great relief from the use of it, and I earnestly recommend it to all who are suffering under any of the forms of Dyspepsia.” J. Ridgely Hammond, M. D., 296 Hollins St., Baltimore. “ Seeing by the merest accident an analysis of a sample of your Strontia Spring Water, by Prof. W. Simon, and noting the large number of valuable medicinal properties it contained, I determined to try the water in several dyspeptic, gouty and rheumatic cases then (six months ago) under treatment, and I take pleasure in stating that in every case in which I made use of the water, possessing as it unmistakably does, alterative, tonic, antacid, antiseptic and aperient properties, I have witnessed decided beneficial results.” Dyspepsia, Gout and Rheumatism. 9 General Endorsement. Lewis M. Eastman, M. D., 349 Lexington St., Baltimore. “ I have used myself and prescribed for others, the Strontia Spring Water, and am pleased to endorse all that has been said in its favor. It is pleasant to the taste, agreeable to the stomach, and beneficial to the health.” Diabetes—Remarkable Cure. Hon. E. J. Heyikle, M. D., Baltimore, Md., State Senator, and for three consecutive terms Member of Congress from the Fifth Congressional District of Maryland. “ Physicians, as a rule, never give certificates recommending nostrums or secret remedies. I have never given a recommendation of any such, but I consider the Strontia Water an exception to the rule, being a product of nature. In justice to the suffering and to you, I feel it to be a duty to certify to the wonderful efficacy of this water. “ I am naturally, and from observation, inclined to question the claims of most mineral waters to the wonderful curative powers claimed for them ; but I have witnessed the action of this, and can no longer doubt. “ Mr. William L. Thomas, whose letter you have, is my nephew. I took great interest in his case, and was deeply solicitous about him. Physicians of large experience and undoubted skill pronounced his case a hopeless one; and his rapidly failing strength and emaciated condition surely indicated that he was not far from the grave. “ Fortunately, while in this condition, he was induced, without my knowledge, to make trial of the Strontia Water, and I am happy to say it has had a miraculous effect ufon him. If not fully cured, he is surely better than he has been for years, and I believe a continued use of the water will restore his health entirely. From the history of this remarkable case, I feel justified in freely recommending its use to others similarly affected. You are at liberty to use this as you deem best.” Case above Referred to. William L. Thomas, Machinery Department, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., residence, 211 Franklin Street, Baltimore. “ I have been using your Strontia Water for the past four months, and I feel safe in saying I have improved wonderfully during that time. You will remember I have the Diabetes and Kidney trouble, and have been a miserable sufferer for three years, and after I had been using the water for one month I found my health improving, and I am in splendid health at this time-, and feel sure that I will soon be well, as the pains in my back and side have entirely gone ; but I will continue with the water that I may be sure that I am cured. I also found since I have been using the water that 10 I have been cured of the Dyspepsia. I have two friends that have Kidney trouble, and I have urged upon them to use the water; which they are now doing, and with success, as the pains have gone, and, as in my case, they can sleep and eat with the same pleasure as before they had the trouble. I consider the Strontia Water a specific in the cure of Diabetes, and would take great pleasure in giving my opinion to any one; so should you have such persons, please send them to me, and I will warrant they will soon be convinced. I now weigh 127 lbs., and last August my weight was 90 lbs.” Since the above letter was written, Mr. Thomas has passed the medical examination, and been admitted as a member, of the Baltimore and Ohio Relief Association, one of the strictest life insurance organizations extant. TESTIMONIALS FROM PROMINENT AND WELL- KNOWN CITIZENS. Chronic Dyspepsia. W. H. Carpenter, Senior Editor of the Baltimore Sun. “ If my opinion of your Strontia Water is of any value, either to you or to the great army ol dyspeptics, it is at your service. I give it the more freely because I was at first prejudiced against it, and after trying it a few times threw it aside as not adapted to my case, which was one of Chronic Dyspepsia of several years’, or rather of many years’, standing. Subse- quently, I was induced by a friend, whom the water had greatly benefited, to give it a second and more thorough trial. After using it exclusively for drinking purposes for several months, the change in my condition became so marked, and the improvement in appetite and power of digestion so manifest, that I feel safe in saying that the Strontia Water comes more nearly to the nature of a specific in cases of Dyspepsia than any other of the multitude of remedial agents recommended for that particular malady. In all cases of simple Dyspepsia, and in many that have assumed a chronic form, I should say, from my own experience, that steady persistence in the use of the Strontia Water, with due attention to diet, will effect a perfect cure.” As a Solvent. C, Morton Stewart, Se?iior Member of the Firm of C. Morton Stewart & Co., Baltimore. “ It is with much pleasure that I add my testimony to that of the many who have recommended the use of Strontia Water to their friends. In some cases I consider it a specific remedy, whereas, as a delightful solvent, I think it a most valuable water.” 11 Kidneys. George G. Presbury, Baltimore, late one of the Proprietors of the West End Hotel, Lang Branch. “ I leave here for Long Branch on the 1st of May, to remain until November 1st. Please send me one barrel of your Strontia Spring Water, so as to arrive there before I do. I have been using the water only about eight weeks, and have received the greatest amount of benefit from it. My Kidney affliction has been entirely relieved, and my general health has not been so good for ten years, all of which I attribute to the use of this valuable water.” Kidneys and Stomach. f. E. R. Crabbe, of the Firm of fohnson, Sutton df Co., Wholesale Dry Goods and Notion House, 27 and 29 S. Sharp St., Baltimore. “ For a period of over two years I was a sufferer with what was pro- nounced Dyspepsia and an affection of the Kidneys. I was feeble, had an excessively disagreeable sensation about my head-Mndescribable—but feeling as if it was in a partly closed vise, producing something like vertigo, and accompanied by a loss of my usual good flow of spirits. So great was the depression, I had concluded that I could not live but for a short period, when a friend suggested the use of the Strontia Water from your place. I obtained a barrel of it, which I found so palatable that I used it in the place of hydrant water for a week or two, after which I drank but a couple of glasses daily. Before the contents of the barrel were more than half consumed, I was completely restored, but finding it the best remedy for Dyspepsia I know, I intend never to be without it.” Disordered Kidneys. L. P. D. Newman, Attorney at Law, 25 Lexington St., Baltimore. “ Since 1865 I have at times suffered the most excruciating pain from a derangement of my Kidneys. My physicians pronounced it gravel. The diagnosis was correct, as the calculi so frequently passed but too clearly demonstrated. But within two or three years past there has been an absence of calculi, but an increase, if possible, of pain in the Kidneys, and in the locality of the neck of the Bladder. I will not attempt to depict the acute, cutting, bearing down pain and agony this ailment has entailed upon me, for language is inadequate to express it; but those who have been tortured by disordered Kidneys will fully appreciate my condition. Morphine, Chloriodine and Chloral, in turn, have signally failed to allay pain resulting from this disorder. A very hot bath, which formerly had the effect of relaxing the system during these paroxysms of suffering, has ceased to be efficacious. My good Dr. R. H. Goldsmith induced me to try the virtues of Strontia Water, which, I am happy to say, affords me entire relief within ten minutes, arid has in no instance failed me." 12 Chronic Dyspepsia; Kidneys. T. C. Norton, D. D. S., Colton Dental Association, 81 Fayette St., Baltimore. “ With pleasure I give you the result of my experience with your Strontia Spring Water. I regard it as one of the most valuable remedial agents I have ever used. Having tried all the other well-known mineral waters, and derived very little, if any, benefit from their use, I determined to try Strontia in my case, which was one of Chronic Dyspepsia of many years’ duration, attended with a nervous affection of one of my limbs, which probably resulted from some derangement of my kidneys. After using the water freely for two months, I am happy to say it has restored me to perfect health.” Dyspepsia. N. F. Blacklock, member of the Firm of A. R. Blacklock & Co., Paper Manufacturers and Dealers, Baltimore. “ I cordially and truthfully endorse Dr. J. Piper in his praise of the virtues of the Strontia Spring Water. It is a superior water and possesses all the curative properties as claimed. I have been a sufferer for years from that terrible Dyspepsia, and must say I have experienced more relief from the Strontia than from any other remedy that I have taken. I hope you will make arrangements for visitors. I have no doubt you would have more demand than you could supply. I shall be pleased to be interviewed at any time at your instance.” A Delightful Water. A Home Necessity. Sweet after Remaining Two Years in a Barrel. D. W. Glass, Importer and Manufacturer of Cards and Papers, Paper Dealer and Stationer, 19 S'. Charles Street, Baltimore. “We have used your Strontia Water for years, and find it a home necessity. My wife and children enjoy it, and find it a pleasure and relief. I also have a barrel for store use. W e find it a specific, and cordially recommend it to any who wish a delightful water. In an old barrel, kept in the cellar for about two years, the water found in it seemed as sweet as if just sent us.” Liver and Stomach. John P. Ringgold, Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, N Charles St., Baltimore. “ The water I used from your Spring has had the most happy effect on my Liver and Stomach. I have used about all the known mineral waters and have received more benefit from the Strontia Water than from any of them. I can freely recommend it to the afflicted. It lightens up the system and makes one feel renewed.” 13 Stomach and Kidneys. Further Testimony to the Keeping Properties of the Water. Pure after Three Years in Wood. Christopher Shaw, Shaw's Cottage Hotel, 21 N High Street, Baltimore. “ In the summer of 1877 I purchased from you a barrel of Strontia Water. I used it myself and gave a quantity of it to my friends, who were, like myself, suffering from affections of Stomach and Kidneys, and in every instance the result from its use has been most satisfactory; and one of the most remarkable things in regard to the water is the fact that what remains in the barrel is as pure and delightful to drink as it was when I received it from you three years ago.” Robert S. Corse, an Ex- Commissioner of Baltimore County, Md., residing at Owings Mills, said County. “ I have suffered for several years, the cause of which I think proceeded from my Liver not being in active state. I tried all kinds of remedies and medicines that were suggested, but only received partial relief. My appe- tite was very poor, I was restless at night, and always felt badly in the morning, and could scarcely eat any breakfast. I concluded last summer, at the request of a friend, to try the Strontia Water, which I did use freely, and am to-day entirely relieved and well. I believe this to be a valuable mineral water, and would advise all suffering with Indigestion, Liver or Kidney diseases to use this water freely, and the result they will not regret.” Indigestion, Liver and Kidney Disorders. Irritative Dyspepsia and Sick Headache. D. Hopper Emory, Attorney at Law, St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. “ I am a great sufferer from Irritative Dyspepsia, obtaining temporary relief from the use of drugs. I was induced to try the Strontia Spring Water, and am confident it has not only done me good, but feel an improvement that promises a permanent cure. The water never fails to give me relief from Sick Headache.” Rheumatism. Mrs. P. H. Walker, wife of Hon. P. H. Walker, one of the Electors of President Cleveland; Director in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. on the part of the State of Maryland. “ I feel it my duty to the public, as well as to yourself, to give my testimony in regard to the effects of Strontia Water in Rheumatism. During the last winter and spring I suffered very much from this most painful disease, and when I met you at the well some time in April last, and 14 you recommended Strontia, with the assurance that its use would very soon effect a perfect cure, I must confess I was very skeptical about the result. A very few days’ free use of the water convinced me that you were correct; it has not only entirely relieved me of Rheumatism, but my general health has not been so good for several years, all of which I attribute to the use of Strontia Water. I wish you great success in introducing it to the public.” Rheumatism. Extraordinary Case. F. W. Ulrich, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 113 N. Calvert Street, Balti- more, at which place of business he has been located 40 years. “ With much pleasure I testify to the great merits of your Strontia Water. I was afflicted with acute Rheumatism to such an extent that my limbs were entirely useless without the aid of crutches. Major John Wright, of Rockland, Baltimore County, recommended to me the use of Strontia Water from your farm. I sent for a few gallons, and after drinking it freely for two or three days I threw aside my crutches, and was entirely relieved of all pain and difficulties. I regard the water as a specific in Rheuma- tism, judging from its remarkable effects in my own case.” Rheumatism, Sour Stomach. Maj. John Wright, Proprietor of one of the most extensive Bleach Works in the United States, at Rockland, Baltimore County, Md. “ I have been using the Strontia Water found on your farm near Brooklandville about six months. When I commenced to use the water it was for Sour or Acid Stomach, and after having used it for some time with good effect, I found I was also relieved of Rheumatism, to which I had been subject for some years. About two months ago I stopped using the water, but in a few weeks I had a return of the pains. I procured more of the water, and in a few days I was relieved again.” Joseph Riddlemoser, of the firms of Riddlemoser & Weatherley, Coachmakers, and Joseph Riddlemoser & Co., Livery Stable Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. “ For several years I have suffered with Rheumatism, having tried many remedies without any apparent relief. I have used the Strontia Water with great relief and satisfaction, and freely recommend it to all afflicted with Rheumatism and Indigestion.” Rheumatism. Dyspepsia and Kindred Diseases, Piles. J A. Cowardin, Editor Richmond Despatch, Richmond, Va. “I have used the Strontia Water, and I am sure it has benefited me in a general sense. It is a fine water for persons afflicted with feebleness, 15 Dyspepsia and kindred diseases, preserving the general tone of the system and giving health when it is much wanted. I have reason to believe it is also a remedy in other annoying diseases, such as Piles.” Sick Headache, Piles. George G. Berryman, Farmer, Reisterstown, Baltimore Co., Md. “ My wife and myself have been for many years great sufferers from Sick Headaches. I am glad to say the use of your Strontia Water has relieved us both of this distressing complaint. I have also for a long time been afflicted with the Piles. The water has effected an entire cure. I cannot speak too highly of it in these cases.” Diabetes, Dyspepsia and Peritonitis. James Duff’ Notion and Stationery Dealer, 115 S. Broadivay, Baltimore. “ Having been so greatly benefited by the use of Strontia Water, I think it but performing an imperative duty to those who are in the same con- dition as I have been in, to write you this. I suffered with pain in the back and loins, and at times also in the groin, and at all times was unable to hold my water more than one hour, mostly not over half that time, and if I had caught any cold not more than fifteen minutes, with a constant desire to urinate frequently, making more than half a gallon of water in one night. I had tried doctors until I was tired of it. I had become so bad that when I laid down at night I would for perhaps two hours have to get up every ten minutes, and never could sleep for more than a half hour. I had also lost weight rapidly—from 212 pounds to 180 pounds in about two months. I at last called on Dr. Dwindle, who pronounced my complaint a decided case of diabetes, and, without any other prescription, told me to use Strontia Water, which I at once began to do. I had not used one gallon before I felt relief, and gained in weight again, and my color, which had begun to be white or rather tallow color, is again natural. I do not hesitate to say that had it not been for the water I would not to-day be here to write you this. I have also given and sold the water to quite a number of people for Kidney complaints, Dyspepsia, &c., and my own daughter has used it after being a long time down with Peritonitis; and in every case it has done much good.” N. T. Pate, Office of Richmond Iron Paint Co., 700 and 702 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va. “ I was paralyzed in March, 1876, from the effects of which I suffered for several years. I procured a supply of Strontia Water, and after using it for some months I am satisfied with the benefits derived from it, and would cheerfully and cordially recommend it to any one suffering from that complaint or any nervous disease.” Paralysis. 16 Rheumatic Gout, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache. Col. Charles H. Mann, Proprietor Smedley House, Towso?itown, Baltimore County, Md. “ Having been greatly benefited by the use of your Strontia Water in my late attack of Rheumatic Gout, I desire to testify my belief in its curative qualities. During my indisposition I suffered with Heartburn or Water-Brash, causing sleepless nights and Headaches, until I was induced to use the water. I can now speak favorably of its healing qualities. I have also noticed its beneficial effects upon one of my family, who has been entirely relieved of Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, and upon another who has been relieved of inflammation of the eyes.” Paralysis, Constipation and Rheumatism. Washington Piper, Towsontown, Balthnore County, Md. “ I take great pleasure in testifying, from my own knowledge, to the great efficacy of the valuable water lately discovered on your farm in Balti- more County. I have used it several months for a combination of diseases, viz., Constipation, Rheumatism and Paralysis. From the two first-named diseases I have been a sufferer for fifteen years, and from the last, eleven years. I can say that the water has so greatly relieved me that I am now free from all aches or pains since its use, and look for a permanent cure. I notice a great improvement also in my Paralysis, in the better use of my limbs. My whole system seems to have undergone a change for the better, my health is improved, and everything I eat seems to agree with me.” Paralysis, Kidney Disease and Dyspepsia. Joseph M. Stevens, Richmond, Va. “ I have found great benefit from the use of the Strontia Water in Kidney disease, and in great debility, bordering on Paralysis. My wife has been suffering for years with Dyspepsia, and has received more relief from this water than from any medicine she has tried. I have also recom- mended it to my friends, who bear the same testimony to its beneficial effects.” Headache, Kidney Complaint and Disordered Stomach. Samuel K. Forsyth, Dining Saloon, 518 10th Street, Washington, C. “ For several months my health was so impaired that I could scarcely get about. I suffered with severe headaches two or three days or nights every week ; also had Kidney trouble of a dangerous character, and acute pains in my stomach and bowels. 1 had tried almost everything in the catalogue of medicines, and had about made up my mind that physicians were humbugs and that I would ‘ throw physic to the dogs ’ and trust 17 nature to cure or kill me. In this happy frame of mind I ran across my friend, Dr. Waggaman, one of our first-class druggists on Pennsylvania avenue. He kindly suggested to me to try the Strontia Water. To be brief, I drank two or three glasses a day, until I have used about twelve gallons. I am free from Headaches, free from Kidney trouble, free from all Stomach and Bowel difficulties, and my general health is better than it has been for over a year. I leave it for yourself and others to judge what has cured me. What the water will do for others afflicted as I was I cannot say, but it fits my case exactly, and I would not be without it. Scarcely any person will take certificates of this character for more than ten cents on the dollar. All I can say is, that I have simply written facts; and for the benefit of skeptics (to which class I myself belong), that I have no pecuniary interest in your spring of Strontia Water. I wish I had, for I sincerely believe it will be, in the not distant future, one of the most popular mineral springs on this continent.” Nervous Headaches, etc. W. I. Ge?itry, Cor. 26th and M Streets, Richmond, Va. “ It gives me great pleasure to recommend your most invaluable water, known as Strontia, to all suffering humanity. For the last twelve or thir- teen years, my wife, Mrs. Octavia A. Gentry, has been a great sufferer (and for four years I carried her up and down the steps in my arms) with the Kidney and Bladder disease, Indigestion and general debility. She also suffered intensely with Pain in the Back and Nervous Headache. Her disease baffled the skill of her attending physicians, who said that they had never seen or heard of such an aggravated case. In the last three or four months she was advised to try your most invaluable Spring Water, and before she used one gallon she commenced to improve. It gave her an appetite, relieved her Headache, and she never suffers with any Pain in the Back, and her digestion is good; and I may add, she is like another woman. I have recommended it to others suffering in similar ways, and it acts like a charm upon them. Under the circumstances, I cannot say too much in behalf of your invaluable water, and would particularly recom- mend it to all suffering females.” Calculus or Gravel. Capt. John R. King, an officer in the Baltimore Custom House, Residence 136 IV. Madison St., Baltimore. “ Having been a great sufferer for some years with Nephritic trouble, and used diligently a great many medicinal waters, including Buffalo Lithia, Bedford, Bethesda and Deep Rock, without any apparent results, I was induced by my physician to try the Strontia Water. I commenced 18 to use it in September last and, I am happy to say, with the most satisfactory and positive results. In two weeks from the time I began its use Ipassed a very large-sized calculus, and have had no return of those fearful paroxysms of pain incident to that disease. I believe the trouble has gone to stay. My general health has greatly improved, and I have gained 15 pounds in weight.” Kidney Diseases, Piles, Sick Headache. Samuel Gover Wilson, Auctioneer, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “Having suffered severely for many years with a disease of the Kid- neys and also with Piles and constant Headaches, I must return you my sincere thanks for the use of your invaluable Strontia Water, which you so kindly permitted me to obtain from your farm, as it has been the means of relieving me of all these troublesome afflictions and restoring me to perfect health.” Paralysis, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, etc. Frank L. Morling, Editor Woodberry News, Baltimore County, Md. “ In reply to your enquiry as to the effects of Strontia Water in my family, permit me to say that we used it with most wonderful results. Mrs. Morling, who has been afflicted with a complication of diseases, among them partial Paralysis and Constipation, which were attended with severe Headaches, used the water freely, and had no Headache, was free from Constipation, and walked better and with more ease than she ever did before using the water. Friends visiting my house have been much benefited by the use of the water. While using the water I have been entirely free from Dyspepsia, by which disease I have been a great sufferer. For Rheumatism, Constipation, Indigestion and Headache, I consider, from experience, Strontia a perfect cure. I hope our people will give it general use, for I know that it will do them great good.” Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles. Additional proof of the Absolute Purity of the Water. Hon. John R. Clark, late District Attorney, Howard Co., Md.; late State Senator; Ellicott City, Howard Co., Md. “ I have often intended writing to you to inform you how much benefit I have received from your wonderful Strontia Water. As you are aware, I have been drinking it at intervals for several years, and with so much decided benefit that I have now determined never to be without it as ordinary drinking water to quench thirst, as that is the only time I drink water, and never at meals. 19 “ As a sovereign remedy for Dyspepsia of long standing, producing Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles, I can conscientiously recommend it to all afflicted. “ One remarkable quality of this water is its keeping perfectly pure and agreeable in taste for over one year in my house.” Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Vertigo, Loss of Appetite. J. Wesley Lee, Merchant, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “Your Strontia Water has, in my case, been a complete success. I have for a long time been suffering from Dyspepsia, producing Sick Headaches and Vertigo, and loss of appetite. The water has relieved me of all unpleasant sensations and restored my appetite. My health, con- sequently, is much improved.” Dyspepsia. J. T. Gray, Marshal of Police, City of Baltimore, City Hall, Baltimore. “ I have been using Strontia Water for a short time for Dyspepsia, and have found great relief from it, and believe it to be an excellent remedy.” Dyspepsia, Weakness of the Lungs. Miss Mary E. Slade, “ My Lady's Manor," Baltimore Co., Md. “ Having for years been a sufferer from Dyspepsia and weakness of the Lungs, I was persuaded to try the Strontia Water, which, I am happy to say, has benefited me greatly. I have not been obliged to take any medi- cine since I have been drinking the water, which is very unusual, my health being much better than it has been for years, which I attribute to the use of the water.” Dyspepsia, Headaches, Vertigo, etc. John S. Pontier, Baltimore City Detective Office. “ The day I met you in the court-house in Towsontown, and you invited me to your house to try the Strontia Water, I shall never forget, as from that time I date the restoration of my health. I had been suffering for many years with Dyspepsia, causing constant Headaches, Vertigo, Numbness in my limbs, loss of appetite and sleepless nights, baffling the skill of eminent physicians, and rendering life almost a burden. Since I have been using the water everything has changed, and I am now in perfect health in every respect.” 20 Dyspepsia. Hon. J. Fred. C. Talbott, for three consecutive terms Member of Congress, Second District of Maryland ; residing in Lutherville, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I am convinced that your Strontia Water is a most valuable remedial agent in cases of Dyspepsia, from witnessing its beneficial effects in the case of a young lady who visited my family lately. Before using the water she was very much exhausted from total loss of appetite and depression of spirits. After drinking the water some two or three weeks, she was entirely restored to health, and gained about twenty pounds in weight.” As a Nervine, Tonic and Diuretic. Rev. James B. Avirett, Rectory of Silver Spring Parish, Montgomery County, Maryland. “ I think 1 can safely say that I have made a fair trial of the water from farm in Baltimore County. I am unable to speak of its mineral qualities with any technical accuracy, but am quite sure that it was of service to me as a nervine, a tonic and a diuretic.” General Endorsement by a well-known Actor. Charles R. Thorne, Jr., New York. “ The water arrived safely. I have used it and found it very good,' and it has relieved me greatly. When I run out I will send for more.” Thomas Dixon, Architect, 8 N Charles Street, Baltimore. “ I have been drinking Strontia Water from the welTon your farm in Baltimore County for several months, and have derived great benefit from its use. I have suffered many years from Dyspepsia, producing violent Headaches and other afflictions. Several members of my family have used it with like happy results, and we propose to continue drinking it.” Dyspepsia and Headaches. Dyspepsia. John H. Scharf, Ice Dealer, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I cannot find words too strong to express my opinion of the value of your Mineral Water in cases of Dyspepsia. I am sure that I have suffered with Dyspepsia for the past twenty years, tried every known remedy, and have had the advice of eminent physicians, who finally gave iip my case as 21 hopeless. I was confined for nearly two years to a diet of cracked wheat and tea. I commenced using your Mineral Water about three or four months since, and the result has been truly remarkable. Iam to-day in as perfect health as I have ever known in my life. I can eat any kind of food with impunity, and weigh more now than I ever have before. All of which I attribute entirely to the use of the Strontia Water.” Headaches. Charles B. McClean,for the last twelve years Surveyor of Baltimore Co., Md., residing in Towsontown. “ I take pleasure in testifying to the excellence and efficiency of the Strontia Water lately discovered on your farm. I used it, with uniform and invariable success, during severe and frequently recurring attacks of Headaches, which, however, have been of rare occurrence since I have been using the remedy mentioned.” Dyspepsia and Neuralgia of the Stomach, Sick Headache, Heartburn. Mrs. Jennie E. King, Brooklandville, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I have been suffering for three years with the Dyspepsia and Neuralgia of the Stomach, and have tried six different physicians, but none of them have ever cured me. Since I have been drinking pretty freely of the Strontia Water I have found it to do me more good than all the doctors’ medicines I have ever taken. For Sick Headache and Heartburn I don’t think there is anything that can equal the Strontia Water. I find it has done me much good in a great many ways.” Sick Headaches. Charles W. Lee, Merchant, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I desire to give my testimony in regard to your Strontia Water. In cases of Sick Headaches it gives almost instant relief. I speak from personal experience.” Dyspepsia. W H. Goodwin, Farmer, Texas, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I think it my duty to testify to the benefit my wife has received from the use of your Strontia Water. For many years before and after her marriage she has been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia. The use of the water she obtained from you has not only relieved her, but has effected a permanent cure.” 22 Tendency to Bright’s Disease. Charles Hamilton, Florist, Waverly, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I have been afflicted with a disease of the Kidneys since 1861. I was at that time under the care of physicians, who used variqus remedies, sometimes as many as a half-dozen cups at a time, which would give me temporary relief. Their opinion was that my case had a tendency to Bright’s Disease. I have had a number of physicians attending me since without being able to effect a cure. I concluded to try Strontia Water, and I can fully testify to the fact that the use of the water has entirely relieved me of all pain and trouble, which all other remedies, both internal and external, utterly failed to accomplish, and I have no doubt I am entirely cured. I can also fully testify to the great benefit my daughter has received in a very violent case of Dyspepsia, and also in regard to the general benefit derived by some of my neighbors to whom I gave some of the water. By reference to me their names and diseases will be furnished.” Liver and Kidneys. Daniel C. Grey, Farmer, Brooklandville, Baltimore Co., Md. “ It gives me great pleasure to testify to the benefit my wife has derived from the use of the water obtained from your place, which, I understand, you have named Strontia Water. She had been, for some seven or eight years, a very great sufferer from an affection of the Liver and Kidneys, which produced utter prostration. She had the advice of eminent physicians, but was unable to obtain relief. In the fall of 1876 she was so reduced as to be unable to leave her room, and so continued until this spring. About the early part of April she commenced using the water, and in about six weeks she gained some ten or twelve pounds in weight, was enabled to attend to her household duties with an entirely restored health, and has so continued to the present time, which we attribute to the use of the water.” Dyspepsia. William Arnold, Cooper, 240 Co?iway Si., Baltimore. “ I have been for many years one of the greatest sufferers with Dyspepsia in this city, and have spent hundreds of dollars in medicines and advice, but without being able to receive any relief; and I can truly say your Strontia Water has done wonders for me in the short time I have been using it, which has been about two or three months, and I feel assured that it has effected a permanent cure. I am now about 20 pounds heavier than when I commenced the use of the water." 23 Kidney Disease George Williams, Farmer, Davidsonville, Anne Arundel Co., Md. “ I feel it my duty, for the sake of others who may be similarly affected, to say that the Strontia Water which I have been using, at the advice of my physician, for Kidney troubles has given me the desired relief. For the past six weeks I have had no return of them.” William Grason, Attorney at Law, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md., now associated with his father, Hon. Richard Grason, late fustice of the Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland. “ I beg leave to add my testimony as to the efficiency of your Strontia Water. I have used it in Dyspepsia with the most beneficial results; indeed it has afforded entire and permanent relief.” Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. Case of Babetta Schwappack, certified to by Hon. C. Bohn Slinglujf, Attorney at Law and State Senator for Baltimore Co., Md., residing in Towsontown. “ By mere accident I took your Strontia Water, and its effects on my health have been so markedly favorable that I feel in my duty bound to give you this certificate. For a long time I have been suffering from Dyspepsia, which rendered my life miserable. Mrs. Slingluff, with whom I live, got some of your mineral water, and I took a glass before each meal; I found decided relief after using it two or three days, and have continued to improve steadily. I do believe it to be a complete cure for my disease, and advise any person who may read this to give it a trial. BABETTA SCHWAPPACK.” “ The preceding certificate is correct in every respect. The good effects of the water upon the person in question have been noticed by every member of my family, and her case was certainly an aggravated one. C. BOHN SLINGLUFF, Attorney at Law.” Disease of the Kidneys. J. Maurice Watkins, Hotel Proprietor, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I desire to testify to the value of your Strontia Water. I have been, for many years, under medical treatment for diseases of the Kidneys, suf- fering severely with pains about the loins and bladder, causing great weak- ness of the urinary organs, loss of appetite, and generally impaired health. I concluded to try your Strontia Water. I have been using it freely, to the 24 exclusion of all other medicine, for the past three or four weeks, and am glad to say it has given me entire relief from all trouble, and I believe I am now in perfect health in every respect.” As a Diuretic and Vermifuge. R. Ridgely Ware, Coal Dealer, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “ A severe cold fell upon my Kidneys, producing great pain, causing a large lump to rise on each side of my loins; my urine was of the color and consistency of molasses. The use of your Strontia Water, in less than three days, reduced the swelling, relieved the pain, and made my urine clear, without the aid of any other medicine. I also used it with my child, aged twenty-one months. It had a weakness causing it to vomit every few minutes. This water checked it, and in less than twenty-four hours the child was relieved; it brought from its bowels a great many worms.” Case of Diabetes. Handy & Rullman, City Drug Store, Annapolis, Md. “ Please send at once a barrel of Strontia Water. It is for a party leaving the city on Wednesday. Be sure to send at once. This will make the third barrel he has used. He had been using Bethesda Water until we induced him to try Strontia Water, and he says one barrel of the Strontia is superior, and of more benefit to his wife, who suffers with Diabetes, than two of the Bethesda Water. “ P. S.—If you wish to use his name you are at liberty to do so. Postmaster Grafton Monroe.' H. & R.” B. C. Reed, A. M, Principal Woodberry High School, Woodberry, Baltimore Co., Md. “ I am just from a coterie of gentlemen who were discussing the respec- tive merits of various medicinal waters. I had no hesitation in affirming the superior value of your Strontia Water. You may remember that a few years ago I was reduced from an average weight of two hundred pounds to about one hundred and fifty pounds, with a gradual downward tendency. Dyspepsia and Disordered Kidneys were at the bottom of my troubles. I had sought relief in many remedies, allopathic, homeopathic, eclectic, &c., but in vain. At last I tried your Strontia Water. For a while I tried three glasses of it a day, but experienced no appreciable benefit. Then I doubled the quantity; that is, I took a glass of the water before, and one after, each meal, and I soon realized that I was on the right road. I then resorted to the free use of the water, drinking it exclusively—full tumblers of it—and frequently during the day. I had found the specific Dyspepsia, Disordered Kidneys. 25 remedy. My health has been better ever since. I use the water only at distant intervals now, there being no necessity for it. I have scarcely a trace of Dyspepsia and am not troubled at all with Kidney disorder. I am sure that any one suffering from either of these complaints cannot fail to be benefited by the use of Strontia Water. But it must be taken in proper doses. ‘A little Strontia is a useless thing, Drink deep or taste not of the priceless Spring : Here shallow draughts will not efface our pain, But drinking deeply, brings us health again/ ” Dyspepsia. J. K. Anderson, Horseshoer, cor. Paca Street and Cider Alley, Baltimore, Md. “ For the past two years I do not believe any one could have suffered more with that terrible curse to humanity, Dyspepsia, than myself, having tried about every known remedy, under the advice of the most skilful physicians, without being able to obtain relief, and becoming so prostrated from inability to eat food or drink water without causing the most intense suffering from pain and nausea, that I had given up all hope of recovery. In the month of January last I heard of the remarkable cures which were effected by the use of the Strontia Water, and as a last resort I determined to make a trial of it; consequently I abandoned all medicines, and have been using it freely since that time, and can truly say the effect has been wonderful. I am like a new man; everything I eat agrees with me, even the richest and heaviest food. I am daily increasing in health and strength, and am fully convinced that in a short time I shall be in perfect health in every respect.” Neuralgic Pain in the Head. Sylvester Bowen, House Painter, Towsontown, Baltimore Co., Md. “ Feeling truly grateful for the benefit I have received from the use of Strontia Water, I desire to give my testimony in regard to its virtues. Having suffered with the most intense Neuralgic Pain in my Head for more than three months, during which time I was under treatment of skilled physicians, taking medicine daily, without receiving the slightest relief, I concluded to try the effect of the water. I purchased five gallons, and drank it freely according to your advice, and in two weeks I was entirely relieved, and, believe permanently cured, as I have been without a return of pain for more than six weeks. I attribute my cure entirely to this invaluable water.” 26 The foregoing testimonials referring chiefly to the medicinal virtues of Strontia Water, we give below the endorsement of the leading hotel pro- prietors and restaurant keepers of Baltimore, of the water as a beverage, in its aerated or effervescent condition. STRONTIA AS A BEVERAGE. “We have been using for some time Strontia Spring Water in our restaurants, and find it an exceedingly popular and valuable water. It gives entire satisfaction to our patrons. Robert Rennert Restaurant, German and Calvert Streets. C. S. Wood Eutaw House. Schafer & Kerlinger 17 and 19 N. Eutaw Street. Barnum & Co , Barnum’s Hotel. Thomas Boylan Guy’s Hotel. H. Guinand Mt. Vernon Hotel. Wm. H. Beach Opposite Academy of Music. Clifford Wood Howard House. Thos. P. Kavanaugh 169 W. Fayette Street. Louis Bennett, “Club” S. W. cor. Charles and Saratoga Streets. Levin I. Hall.. 6 St. Paul Street. John Ewell 188 W. Baltimore Street, cor. St. Paul. M. & J. T. Sheehan 8 Light Street. Chas. M. Herr 167 W. Baltimore Street. R. I. McElroy i6i£ W. Baltimore Street. F. Follmer Merchants’ Club, German Street. Chas. Leutbecher 9 Post Office Avenue. James S. Gorman Post Office Avenue. Albert Durham 146 W. Baltimore Street. Patrick Reilley 76 W. Fayette Street. Thomas Gordon 241 W. Fayette Street and 26 Gay Street. Chas. McRae in N. Calvert Street. Patrick Rodgers 52 and 54 Park Avenue. Edward F. Levell 52 Park Avenue. H. Samstag 163 W. Lombard Street. Eugene M. Daly German Street Hall. George Cassidy 123 W. Baltimore Street. Frederick Baylis Steward Athenaeum Club. E. Halstead Pimlico Hotel. Montgomery Madison and Eutaw Streets. O’Brien 5 S. Liberty Street.” This tribute comes from those who are practically and professionally familiar with all the favorite mineral waters, and with the demands of the most fastidious consumers of such waters; and can be supplemented with the endorsement of hundreds who prefer Strontia, as a beverage and diluent of wines and liquors, to any of the esteemed waters with which it is confidently put in competition. MANNER IN WHICH THE WATER IS PUT UP AND SOLD. Strontia Water is sold in effervescent condition, in pint, quart and half-gallon glass bottles. Each bottle bears upon its face a yellow label having a red centre and red side squares, the centre bearing a fac-simile of the Strontia spring- house, which constitutes our Trade-Mark. Each bottle also has a red- bordered white label, containing the analysis, and a yellow neck label having upon it the word “ Strontia.” The Water is also delivered in effervescent condition, in siphons and founts. In the state in which it is taken from the spring, it is sold in pint, quart and half-gallon glass bottles, labeled as above, and also in demijohns. PRICE LIST Effervescent or Non-effervescent. 1 dozen bottles (quarts) $1.75 1 case, 50 bottles (quarts) 6.00 i dozen bottles (pints) $1.25 1 case, 100 bottles (pints) 8.00 By the gallon, forty cents; in five gallon quantities, thirty cents. Liberal discount to the trade. NOTICE. Water will be delivered in the city of Baltimore without charge for delivery. We will purchase empty bottles returned. STRONTIA MINERAL SPRING COMPANY, Sole Proprietors, No. 49 N. Liberty Street, Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. UNEQUIVOCAL MEDICAL ENDORSEMENT. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS FOUND WITHIN. From W. C. VAN BIBBER, M. D., Baltimore, Md. “A decided tonic and diuretic. . . . The analysis of this water shows that it may possess unusually useful properties.” From JAMES E. DWINEIXE, M. D., Baltimore, Md. “ During the past three years I have had considerable experience in testing the medical virtues of Strontia Water, and am free to say it is far superior to any similar waters I know of, in curing such a variety of ailments.” From R. H. GOLDSMITH, M. D., Baltimore, Md. “ For diseases of the Stomach and Kidneys, for Gout and Rheumatism, I know no combination in art or nature more capable of affording relief.” From JOS. LLOYD MARTIN, M. D. (Homeopathist), Baltimore, Md. “A valuable medicinal water, acting as an alterative and resolvent. ... It has been used with much satisfaction and relief by a member of my family.” From CHARLES G. W. MACGILL, M. D., Catonsville, Baltimore County, Md “Its alterative, antacid, tonic and diuretic properties are positive.” From J. RIDGELY HAMMOND, M. D., Baltimore, Md. “ Possessing, as it unmistakably does, alterative, tonic, antacid, antiseptic and aperient properties.” From W. G. REGESTER, M. D., Baltimore, Md. “ Its alterative, antacid and diuretic properties are most decided. I consider it one of the most valuable medicinal waters we have.” From G. H. CAIRNES, 31. D., Woodberry, Baltimore County, Md. “ I feel justified in recommending it to the profession as a valuable remedial agent, and to all suffering with disease of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys or Bowels.” From LEWIS M. EASTMAN, M. D., Baltimore, Md. “I have used myself and prescribed for others the Strontia Spring Water, and am pleased to endorse all that has been said in its favor.” From ISAAC D. THOMPSON, M. D., Physician Mount Hope Insane Asylum, residing in Baltimore. “ My observation has convinced me beyond a doubt that in those cases of Nervous Dyspepsia attended with Acid Eructations, Nausea and Sick Headache, the Strontia Water possesses positive curative qualities.” From H. 31. EWING, M. D., Mount Washington, Baltimore County, Md. “ I deem it an important therapeutic agent, especially in Dyspepsia accompanied by Acidity of the Stomach, and also in Rheumatism.” From J. ROB’T WARD, 31. D., Govanstown, Baltimore County, Md. “In diseases of the Stomach particularly, it will be found highly beneficial.” From J. H. JAIIRETT, M. D., Towsontown, Baltimore County, Md. “ My daughter has been using the water for Dyspepsia, and has derived immeasurable relief from it. I consider it a valuable beverage for dyspeptic and rheumatic subjects.” From J. H. GRIMES, M. D„ Baltimore, Md. “ I have tried it both on myself and others. ... I unhesitatingly commend it.” From JACKSON PIPER, 31. D., Towsontown, Baltimore County, Md. “ I have obtained great relief from Atonic Dyspepsia.” From W. H. WORTHINGTON, M.D., Ellicott’s City, Howard County, Md. “Its antacid and diuretic properties are positive.” From R. W. YOUNG, M. D., Washington, D. C. “I earnestly recommend it to all who are suffering under any of the forms of Dyspepsia.” From lion. E. J. HENKLE, 31. D., Baltimore, Md. (Late Member of Congress, Fifth Congressional District of Maryland), referring to a case of Diabetes in his own family : “ It has had a miraculous effect.”