Quarantine Regulations Board of Health, CITY OF SALEM, MASS. ' MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. John P. Peabody, Chairman. J. H. Batchelder, Ciias. F. Pousland, George A. Collins, Daniel J. O’Brien, James Dalrymple, Health Officer and Agt. SALEM: « PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 1885, Ett Boarti of City of Salem, April 27,1885. Ordered, that the following be and the same are hereby adopted as quarantine regulations :— 1. From the 27th day of April, 1885, to the first day of January, 1886, all vessels arriving in this harbor from any for- eign port, or from any port south of Virginia, and also vessels arriving from any place in the United States where they may have touched on their way from any foreign port or place above named, shall come to and stop at the quarantine ground in said harbor. 2. The health officer, who is hereby made the agent of the board of health, shall visit all vessels that may arrive at the quarantine ground as soon as practicable after knowledge of such arrival has been by any means obtained by him, and shall make such examination as to the sanitary condition of said vessel, its cargo, officers, seamen, passengers, or other persons who may be on board, and such inquiry as to the port from which said vessel sailed as may be necessary. He may be assisted in such exami- nation by any member or members of the board of health. 3. Xo vessel arriving in said harbor from the ports aforesaid shall leave the quarantine ground until the examination pro- vided by said regulation 2 shall have been fully completed, nor without a written permit from the board of health or its said agent. 4. In case the board of health shall be of opinion that any vessel arriving in said harbor, or the cargo thereof is foul or infected so as to endanger the public health, such vessel shall at once be removed to the quarantine ground and be thoroughly purified in such manner as said board or its said agent shall direct, at the expense of the owners, consignees or persons in possession of said vessel, and shall not leave said quarantine ground until it shall have received a written permit as provided by said regulation 3. 5. While a vessel remains at the quarantine ground its cargo shall not be handled nor shall anything whatsoever be removed from such vessel; nor shall any person or persons go on board or leave the same without the permission of the board of health, or its said agent. Every vessel while at the quarantine ground shall constantly keep hoisted a yellow flag, not less than three feet in length and two feet in width. 6. For any permit granted under said regulation 3 or 4, the said health officer shall have the right to demand and receive from each vessel, her masters or owners, the fee established by the board of health. By order of the Board of Health, JOHN P. PEABODY, Chairman. . N. B. The quarantine ground established for the port of Salem is that portion of Salem Harbor included within the fol- lowing boundaries:—beginning, at Eagle Island, so called, and running northwesterly to Coney Island; thence from said Coney Island in a more northerly direction to the Great Haste; thence 4 from said Great Haste easterly to. Bowditch’s Ledge and from said Ledge southwesterly to said Eagle Island. [Extract from the Public Statutes.] The board of health in each seaport town may from time to time establish the quarantine to be performed by vessels arriving within its harbor, and make such quarantine regulations as it judges necessary for the health and safety of the inhabitants. Whoever violates any such regulation after notice thereof has been given in the manner before provided in this chapter shall forfeit not less than five nor more than five hundred dollars.