rj— f^rsr ^ '/*--■ -,,K_ Sf ^^•v,,e--vv -tfck HOMCEOPATHY CONTRASTED WITH ALLOPATHY V / Pv J. G. STEHMAX, M. D, faster, August, 1S60. ^ LANCASTER. PA. PRINTED BY PEARSOL & GEIST. 1860. ^ ZSM, "0 §Kmuw>iniitolj ftmtotetf with lotopathg. Friends :—My object is not to assail the principle of Al- lopathy, or to attempt to prove the falability of its law, (a thing not at all impossible,) but to present it in contrast with the merits and powers of Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy being no longer an experiment, but an estab- lished fact, having undergone all the trials and tests of a bitter opposition, is now recognized as a science in every civilized portion of the earth. Having nearly passed through the first and second stages of its existence, ridicule and persecution, it is entering the third, its adoption; nor does it enter this stage with feelings of fear and temidity, but with strong hopes from prcseut assurance of receiving the reward it justly merits. After the severe and trying ordeal it has passed, it has claims upon every parent, friend, or well-wisher of a suffering people. It demands the attention of those who have been so indifferent about knowing the characteristic differences between it and its adversary; and more, if its merits outrival those of its op- ponent, (which we think it can be proven they do) justice and humanity require of you to give it your fostering care, and to protect it from the assaults of a hostile enemy. Not three-quarters of a century ago, the Homoeopathic Law of cure was discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Many years before he made a public announcement, he discovered what he blieved to be an immutable Law. Still he kept it quiet, entrusting it to a few of his disciples who, together, put it to practical tests, till fully convinced of its truthfulness, and when fully satisfied, he made a public acknowledgement of his system, and au unbounded success rewarded his weary and fatiguing years of experiment. The excited feelings of malice and revenge in his opponents, the Apothecaries, by stratagem and false devices secured legislation prohibiting him from pre- 4 homoeopathy contrasted paring and dispensing his own drugs. Deprived thus of his greatest priviledge, with clouds of blackest calumny over him, showering upon his head the vilest persecutions, he was com- pelled to flee and seek more peaceful abodes, but they too were only transitory, for here the same scenes were re-enacted. '»■ Thus driven hither and thither, he spread the seeds of Hom- oeopathy to the four winds, until every mountain, hill, valley and plain, bears fruits of the system of this truly great man. During thes6 harassing years, he was untiring in his labors, he published facts more firmly fixing his principles upon the public mind. He then announced Bella Donna as a prophy- lactic or preventive to Scarlet Fever, which the Allopathists of to-day very complacently recommend and prescribe for the same disease. Yet they are not candid enough to give the honor to its author, who, virtually by his principles, has saved Allo- pathy from the grave by furnishing an inexhaustable store from which she has been appropriating Homoeopathic "Thun- ders" nearly ever since it has been in existence. In Physic, Homoeopathy owes Allopathy little, but were the latter to pay the former her just dues, it would well nigh cause the annihilation of its own system. Twenty-six years ago, the first practitioner of Homoeopathy established himself in New York City. Here it took root and flourished. In that city alone, there are over one hundred and fifty practitioners, the majority converts from the old school. From this small germ, Homoeopathy has grown to its present proportions. Go where you will, and you will find Homoeo- pathy, not only in our towns and cities, but in the country and newly settled territories. Every year her forces are increasing and extending her domains, until only the earth's limits shall be its boundary. Institutions of learning are increasing rapidly, ten years ago there was but one Hcsmoepathic College, now they are to be found in all quarters of the Union, and out of it too, even in South America. In these institutions the student receives as full and complete a course of instruction as in any of the opposite school. Hundreds graduate in the different colleges annually, who go into the world to proclaim the teachings, and prove by successful practice the truthfulness of the principles promul- gated in their Alma Mater. In 1845, the American Institute of Homoeopathy, organized with thirty members. At its last annual meeting in June, this number had swollen to overdue hundred and fifty, all active and working. with allopathy. 5 Charitable Institutions under this system have fully tested its worth with gratifying results, and it is very encouraging to see how the sick embrace this new balm for the seton, blister and cautery, which are so much dreaded. Notwithstanding the violent and hostile opposition with which Homoeopathy has met by the " Old Guards" of the Allopathic school, who frown upon us and stigmatize our sys- tem_ as quackery, and urge upon State and County Medical Societies the adoption of resolutions repudiating all profession- al intercourse with Homceopathists, it has progressed, and we trust will continue to do so. Does any one suppose "that the course pursued by the Allopathic Conventions will retard the progress of Homoeopathy ? No, it only makes it take firmer hold on the public mind, it stimulates its friends to greater efforts, and elicits the attention of those who were before silent and inactive. If Homoeopathy is false and untrue, as Allo- pathy says it is, why not attack its principles by sound argu- ment, prove to the world that its tenants conflict with experi- ence of fifty years, and with common sense. This will do more to stay its progress than all the wordy resolutions. The question is often asked, why the ili-feelings of the Old School towards the New. We are at a loss to tell, unless it is that we presume to cure more cases, with less suffering and in shorter time than they. Such it must be, else Homoeopathy would not prosper as it does; the people would be foolish to adhere to a system thatcannot compete with another. Intelli- gent persons most certainly will not jeopardize their lives to sustain old, tottering schools and systems—and hence the many that renounce the one and embrace the other. Truly sorry that our brethern of the opposite school are so unfriendly, yet we freely say, we make no concessions to gain their good will, still we think the feelings of courtesy and civility demand more than some of them ever give. Christian- ity's teachings are entirely ignored, yet some hold the highest seat in the synagogue—the most scrupulous in the form of worship, and supplicate for grace when they never treat their brethren in the Profession with due respect. But to fulfill the contemplated object of this pamphlet when we began, we will present facts, compiled from reliable sources of both schools, to which we respectfully invite your special attention, that you will be better prepared to judge which mode of treatment is safe for the sick. homoeopathy contrasted COUNTRIES IN WHICH HOMCEOPATHY IS RECOGNIZED. United States, England, France, Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Baden, Wurtemburg, Bohemia, and nearly all the smaller States of Germany; Naples, and other States of Italy; Brazil, and other South American States; Spain, Hanover, Russia, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweeden, Hungary, Havanna. ® HOMEOPATHIC COLLEGES. Pennsylvania Homoeopathic Medical College, Philadelphia. Western " " " Cleveland, " " " " St. Louis. Hahnemann " " " Chicago. " " " " Albany. " " " " Rio-de-Janiero. Homoeopathic Prof, in the State University, Detroit. In Europe there are no Homoeopathic Colleges separate and independent of the other school. Yet in the principal Allo- pathic Colleges, the Crowns have appointed for the most im- portant chairs Homoeopathic Professors; this will be self- evident on examining the following list, besides many that are not mentioned: Dr. Henderson, Professor of Medicine and General Pathol- ogy, in the University of Edinburgh, and lately one of the Professors of Clinic Medicine.J . Dr. Bigel, Prof, of Midwifery in the University of St. Petersburg. Dr. Chevalier de Haratxus, Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Naples, and President of the Royal Academy of Medicine. Dr. W. Arnold, Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Zurich. Dr. Macdonald, Prof, of Civil and Natural History in the University of St. Andrew. Dr. Janer, Dean of Faculty and Prof, of Clinic Medicine, University of Barcelona. ^ dSi tIu with allopathy. 7 Dr. Folch, Prof, of Pathology in the University of Barce- lona. Dr. Quadri, Prof, of Opthalmic Surgery, Naples. Dr. Edward Martin, Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Freyburg. Dr. J. A. Weber, Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medi- cine in the University of Freyburg. Dr. H. Arnith, Prof, of Midwifery in the General Hospital of Vienna. Dr. Lambrecht, Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Padua. Dr. T. Buchner, Prof, of Homoeopathy in the University of Munich. Dr. Kenbel, Prof, in the University of Munich. Dr. Batta, Prof, of Surgery in the University of Genoa. Dr. Leupoldt, Prof, in the University of Erlangen. That Homoeopathy is sustained by the higher classes of society in Europe, it is only necessary tc note a few instances as proof. Dr. Necker, Physician Extraordinary tc H. M., the King of Prussia. Dr. Aegidi, Physician to H. R. H., Princess Wilhelm of Prussia. Dr. Backhausen, Physician to H. II. H., the Princess Frederick of Prussia. Dr. Kurtz, Physician to H. S. H., the Duchess of Anhalt Dessen, Princess of Prussia. Dr. Tiltmuller, Surgeon to H. S. H., the Grand Duke of Hesse. Dr. Lehman, Physician to H. S. E., the Duke of Anhalt Koethen. Dr. Schmidt, Physician to H. S. IL, the Duke of Lucca. Dr. Cramer, Physician to H. R. H., the Grand Duke of Baden. Dr. Goullon, Physician to H. R. IL, the Grand Duke of Weimar. Dr. Stapf, Physician to H. S. H., the Duke of Saxony. Dr. Varbard, Surgeon to II. S. H., the Duke of Saxe- Cabourg. 8 homoeopathy contrasted Dr. Quinn, Physician Extraordinary to the King of the Belgians, Physician in Ordinary to H. R. H, the Duchess of Cambridge. Dr. Weeer, Physician to H. M., the King of Hanover. Dr. Marenzeller, (Physician General to the Austrian Armies.) Physician to H. I. H., Arch Duke John, of Austria. Dr. Hartng, "Medicin en Cheif," of the ;Auetrian Army in Italy—was Physician to H. I. M., the Empress Maria Louisa. Dr. Dunez, Physician to Her Most Catholic Majesty, the Queen of Spain, Chevalier of the Order of Charles III, and of the Legion of Honor. Although we have no nobility, we have those equally as great and excellent, who use Homoeopathy for themselves and their families. The greatest men of the age give it their sup- port, ar.d it is enough to shake scepticism and inspire con- fidence in any, when such as Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, Wash- ington Irving, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Dr. Chapin, Hon. N. P. Banks, Hon. J. S. Shewell, Hon. A. Burlin- game, and a host of similar eminent men give it their prefer- ence. If there were no truth in Homoeopathy, or had it not superior advantages over Allopathy, is it at all probable that it would receive the countenance of such intellects, as of these men, some of whom were graduates and practitioners of the Allopathic school ? ^ WITH ALLOPATHY. HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, Ac. ^ (IF London Homoeopathic Hospital, 200 beds. Misholtz « « Russia. Hospital at Kremsier, " " Nechanits, " " Nishne-Novgorod, " Constadt, Homoeopathic Hospital of Moscow, Infantry Homoeopathic Hospital at St. Petersburg, Russia. Gumpendorf Hospital, Vienna. Leopolstadt " " Sisters of Charity Hospital, " Hospital of Gyongos, Hungary. " Gunz, Homoeopathic Hospital at Leipsic, Prussia. Clinique " " " Hospital, Turin. " Wards in Hospital Beaujon, Paris. Sisters of Charity at Ling. Berlin Homoeopathic Hospital, Prussia. Calcutta Native Hospital, India. Mississippi State Hosptital, Mississippi. * Chicago Hospital, one-half of its wards, Illinois. Protestant Half-Orphan Asylum, New York, New York. The Home for the Friendless, " " Central Homoeopathic Dispensary, " " Northern Bond Street " Brooklyn City Orphan Asylum,^Brooklyn, " Juvenile House of Industry, " " # " The Hospital is leased at present to Dr. Beainaed, et al., for the term of three years—he tried to get five, but could not—at the rate of one dollar per annum—the city to pay three dollars per week for all the poor patients it sends there, and Dr. BrainAed being at liberty to get what he can out of the paying patients. Why Dr. Bbainaed got the lease instead of any body else was because he had more money to invest in that kind of a risk, than any body else." This lease was given during the financial troubles, but as they are over, and the lease near its expiration, it will then revert to the city, when the Homoeo- paths shall have their half, the same as before it was leased to Dr. Brainaed. MS bjrr dfc :7S?M 10 HOMffiOPATHY CONTRASTED Northern Home for Friendless Children, Philadelphia, Penna. Homoeopathic Infirmary, Pennsylvania Homoeopathic Dispensary, Southern " " " „. " Good Samaritan Hospital, (200 beds,) St. Louis, Missouri. Cincinnati Dispensary, Cincinnatti, Ohio. Boston Homoeopathic Dispensary, Boston, Massachusetts. Orphan Asylum, Bangor/ Maine. Newark Homceopathic Dispensary, Newark, New Jersey. Protestant Orphan Asylum, Detroit, Michigan. The next thing to which we shall invite your attention, is the statistical reports of Hospitals under both systems, in the same place, or side by side in the same institution ; showing the loss Per cent, under each mode of treatment. EUROPEAN ALLOPATHIC HOSPITALS. Berlin Charite, 1838-9...........................Per. ct. Mortality. 10 to 11 Stuttgart Catherinnen, 1830-S................... " " 33 to 34 Munich General Hospital, 1832................... " " 7 to 8 Hamburg, Allg. Krankenhaus, 5 report........... " 6 to 7 Leibsic, Jacob's Hospital, 1839................... " " 11 to 12 Breslan Zu Allerherligen, 1838................... " " 17 to IS Strasburg Forgets Clinique, 1835-8............... " " 15 to 16 Brussels, St. Peter's Hospital, 1823............... " " 11 to 12 Milan Great Hospital, 1814...................... " " 15 to 16 Palermo Hospital, 1823......................... " " 12 to 13 Vienna General Hospital, 1S34........... ....... " " 13 to 14 " Brothers of Charity, 1838................ " " 9 to 10 " Elizabetherinnen, 1833.................. " " 8 to 9 St. Petersburg, Cival, 1837..................... " " 20 to 21 " Seidli'tz Clinique, 1840............ " " 13 to 14 Edenburgh Royal Infirmary, 1818................ " " 6 to 7 London, St. George's, 1850-5.................... " " 18 to 19 Lyons Hotel Dieu, 1837.........................' " " 13 to 14 Paris " " 1835......................... ' " " 9 to 10 " Marguerite, 1851-2........................ li " 11 to 12 " Val de Grace, under Broussais, 1819......... " " 7 to 8 Average 11 to 12 ^ ^ (fp WITH ALLOPATHY. 11 EUROPEAN HOMOEOPATHIC HOSPITALS. I CASES. I DEATHS. | PER CT. Hospital at Gyongyos, Hungary, to 1855,....... " Guns, " " 1851....... " Kremsier, Russia, 1845-8.......... " Nechanitz, " 1846-8.......... " Moscow, " 1854............. " Nistme-Novogorod, Russia, 1855.... Infantry Hospital, St. Petersburg, Russia....... Marenzellers Experiments at Military Hospital at Vienna, Austria......................... Herman's Experiments at Military Hospital at Tulzen, Austria........................ Sisters of Charity, Vienna, Austria, 1S34-'5G " " Lintz. " 1824-55, Horatio's Experiments, Naples, Italy 1829... London Homoeopathic Hospital............. Hospital at Leipsic, Prussia................ 1,538 143 395 8 1,520 94 394 10 '166 8 249 12 397 16 38 1 147 6 1,713 1,087 9,129 501 68 2 1,172 55 4,598 188 40,911 2,342 9.3 2. 6.1 2.5 4.8 4.1 4. 2.7 4.1 G.2 5.5 3. 4.7 4.1 5.7 Total................................ 40,911 Allopathic loss Per cent..............11 to 12. Homoeopathic loss Per cent............. 5.7 In St. George's (Allopathic) Hospital, London, during the years 1854 and 1855, there were 5,413 cases, 1,018 deaths, 18 Per cent. loss. In the London Homoeopathic Hospital, there were, during the years 1850 to 1856, 1,062 cases, 48 deaths, 4£ Per cent. loss. The Hospital of St. Marguirite, Paris, has two wards under Homoeopathic charge, side by side with the others under Al- lopathic charge. Their published reports give, the following result: Under Homoeopathic Treatment, i cue) 1,292 cases,......126 deaths.......9 75 Per cent. i850...........1677 " ......138 " ......8.32 « !85i::::::::::::i,694 « ......135 « ......8.96 •■ Under Allopathic Treatment: 1 cio .. 1,087 cases,......169 deaths,......14.71 Per cent. {fitn........ 1195 " ......107 " ...... 8.99 " S:::::.:::::l694 .. ......i35 « ......7.86 « Average of Three Years' Treatment: Allopathically,........3,724 cases,... .411 deaths.... 11.3 Per cent. Homceopathically,.....4,655 " ,399 8.55 A marked and indisputable contrast. 12 HOMOEOPATHY CONTRASTED The Hopital at Gyongos was under Allopathic charge from 1849 to 1853, when the Homoeopaths resumed treatment. Contrasting, we see that there were during five years of Allo- pathy, 622 cases, 98 deaths, 15.T percent. ; eleven years of Homoeopathy, 1538 cases, 143 deaths, 9.3 per cent. The Convent of Refuge, from 1841 to 1848, was under the charge of Allopathic Physicians, since then has been under Homoeopathic care. For the seven years under Allopathy : Number of cases 1851, deaths 102, per cent. 5.5. For the years under Homoeopathy : Number of cases 1662, deaths 49, Percent. 2.9. But to come nearer home for similar proofs. The Pennsyl- vania Hospital (Allopathic,) in its published report for 1859, gives the following result: Number of cases, 1,521; died, 158; loss Per cent., 10 to 11. The Good Samaritan Hospital (Homoeopathic,) for five years ending 1859, gives the following result: Number of cases, 53T, died 34, loss per cent 6 to 1. We will now present facts, for the special consideration of parents, that they may judge which is the better system in the treatment of diseases of children. The following is taken from the reports made annually under,oath to the Board of Education in the city of New York : I. IN ALLOPATHIC ASYLUMS. First.---New York Orphan Asylum : CASES. IDEATHS. I MOST T. For ten years ending 1S52. For year 1853............ For year 1S54........... 1584 220 209 2,013 34 | 1 in 41 0 0 34 1 in 59 Second.— The Three Roman Catholic Orphan Asylums. CASES. |DEATHS. | MORT'Y. For ten years, ending 1852...................| 5,149 For year 1S53............................... 964 For year 1854............................. 94 2 1,042 7,155 I 105 lin 54 1 in 482 1 in 120 lin '&. w ® WITH ALLOPATHY. 13 Third.—Leake & Watts' Orphan Asylum : ! | CASES. DEATHS. MOBT'y. For ten vears, ending 1852.............. 1,688 262 262 23 12 41 1 in 73 1 in 22 1 in 44 2,213 76 1 in 54 Fourth.— Colored Orphan Asylum CASES. |DEATHS. | MOBT'Y For ten years, ending 1852...................i 2,142 For year 1S53............................... 34S For year 1854............................... 403 2,893 136 ' 1 in 15 13 1 in 27 23 1 in 18 172 lin 16 II. IN HOMOEOPATHIC ASYLUMS. The Protestant Half-Orphan Asylum ; CASES. IDEATHS. | MOBT Y. For ten vears, ending 1S52...................j 2,543 Foryear*1853..............................I 2^5 ror year 1854............................. 257 21 00 00 1 in 126 3,075 I 21 1 in 146 Allopathically, the average loss Per cent, of the six asylums for the twelve years, is 1 in 41, or 2.4 per cent.; Homceo- pathically, at the Protestant Half-Orphan Asylum, for the twelve years, is 1 in 146, or .68 of 1 Per cent.; showing the ratio of mortality under Allopathic treatment, as compared with Homcsopathic, to be more than 3 to 1. As further proof of the superiority of Homoeopathic over Allopathy in the treatment of diseases of children, we will compare the results of three institutions in New 1 ork and Philadelphia, whose inmates are more alike in age and condi- tion. From their published reports, we have: The Nursery at Randall1 s Island, under Allopathic treat- ment. Years No. of Cases. Tb1„, ' ...........3,040 la]ll6,.................. ......2690 In 1S54......................... ' fi In 1855...........................2,378 In 1856...........................40J1 Deaths. Mortality 79 lin 39 208 lin 13 202 lin 11 95 lin 21 10,129 385 lin 17 *£. « 14 homoeopathy contrasted The Home for the Friendless Children, under Homoeo- pathic Treatment; Years. No. of Cases. Deaths. Mortality. In 1853..........................246 6 1 in 41 In 1854...........................280 13 1 in 21 In 1855...........................360 5 1 in 72 In 1856...........................306 6 1 in 51 1,210 30 1 in 40 The Northern Home for Friendless Children, under Homoeopathic Treatment. Year. No. of Cases, Deaths. Mortality. In 1859...........................140 4 1 in 35 Allopathic mortality, 5.8 Per cent. Homceopathic mortality, 2.7 Per cent. Parents, think of this ? More than one-half that died in these Hospitals might have been saved. Many a heavy and sad heart of some kind mother, mourning the loss of her child, might this moment be light, bouyant and free, had the proper means been used for its restoration. In place of consigning it to the tomb, she might see the object of her affections a sprightly youth in full vigor of life, realizing her fondest anticipations ; an ornament to society, and fulfilling the destiny of its creation. At times a species of Ophthalmia rages in Orphan Asylumns to such an extent as to necessitate the closing of the Institu- tion, and the dispersion of the inmates. This same necessity was threatening the Protestant Half Orphan Asylumn in 1842, when fortunately the treatment of this disease was given to a Homoeopath, Dr. Clark Wright. In the History of the Brooklyn City Orphan Asylum, it has been twice compelled to resort to Homoeopathy to. get rid of this scourge. In 1851 the Executive of the latter institution applied to Dr. Carrol Dunham to treat the children Homceo- pathically, inasmuch as the ordinary mode failed altogether as curative, or preventive as regards the healthy. The Doctor entered upon his duties January 21, 185T, and found 25 Oph- thalmic patients out of 121 children. During the next three months there were 13 new cases, but such was the efficacy of Homeopathy, that on May 2, 1857, when the Doctor was compelled to resign from ill health, he left but 3 cases of oph- thalmia in the institution. These are facts beyond dispute or WITH ALLOPATHY. 15 contradiction. In truth the old school Doctors make a public confession of its truthfulness by calling us "Baby Doctors," for by the appellation given, they admit our superiority. By public acknowledgement and statistical reports of the success of Homoeopathy over Allopathy in the treatment of general disease, we will show that those types which the old school dreads most, as Cholera, Yellow Fever and Typhoid Fever, are met with same comparative happy result. From the Report of the General Board of Health of Edinburg and Leith, Scotland, we take the following facts on Cholera : Allopathic: Cases, 581; Deaths, 489; Per cent., 84.2. Homoeopathic: Cases, 236; Deaths, 57; Percent, 24.2. HOSPITAL TREATMENT OF CHOLERA. Homoeopathic. Vienna Sisters of Charity. 1834 to 1850......No. of Cases, 1,202 Deaths 409 " Leopoldstadt, 1850.................. " 156 " 58 Berlin Homoeopathic Hospital,...,......... " 32 " 6 Bordeaux Hospital, 1832,.................. " 131 " 6 Marseilles Convent of Refuge.............. 260 " 15 London Homoeopathic Hospital, 1854....... " 37 " 7 Number of Cases. 1,818. Deaths 501 Allopathic. Edinburg Drummond St. Hospital..........No. of Cases 461 Deaths 291 Hall Kruchenberges Wards................. 104 " 53 Hamburg Hospital, 1831................... " 283 1<8 Berlin Cholera Hospital................... »' u 0bi St. Petersburg, by Dr. Lichenstadt......... M° "j-* Bordeaux Hospital, 1852.................. « 104 <( M irYork » i849:::::.:::::::::::: :: 1,790 :: 923 St. George " London, ISoi.......... " ^0 69 Number of Cases 3,899; Deaths 2,089 Average Allopathic mortality, 54 Per. cent Average Homoeopathic mortal- ity, 27 Per cent. Showing that exactly twice as many died under Allopathic treatment, as under the Homoeopathic. Sf* » 16 HOMOEOPATHY CONTRASTED YELLOW FEVER, The " Report" on Yellow Fever for the year 1853, in the city of New Orleans, give the following result: 555 cases, 33 died ; less than 6 Per cent. Under the best Allopathic treat- ment, the mortality was from 20 to 30 Per cent. Dr. Jewel (Allopath,) gives a report from Philadelphia. Number of cases 49, died 21; 55 Per cent lost. The " Re- port" of the Homeopathic treatment of Yellow Fever in Rio de Janeiro, South America, in 1851, is as follows : Number of cases 3,256, died 211. Less than 1 Per cent. ""iiTthe Mississippi State Hospital, under Allopathic careen 1853, the report give the following: Number of cases 49, died 21; 55 Per cent. lost. From Dr. Holcomb's " Observations on Yellow Fever," we take the following tabulated view for three years Homeopathic treatment: Years. No. of Cases. Deaths. In 1853.........................................555 33 In 1854.........................................112 0 In 1855.........................................349 22 Average mortality of 5.4 Per cent, to«w Report of Allopathic treatment of Yellow Fever on board H. M. ship "Dauntless," at Barbadoes : Number of cases 158, died 19 ; a mortality of 50 Per cent. TYPHUS FEVER. The following statistics of the three different modes of treat- ment. Expectant, or " Do-nothing ^treatment," Allopathic and Homeopathic. We take from a work entitled " Com- parisons of Homoeopathy and Allopathy, by Dr. Casper, Physician to the Hospital of the Sister of Charity, of Vienna. Expectant.—In 2nd Division of Prague Hospital. Years. No. of Cases. Deaths. Per Cent. '2- In 1849............................132 27 20.4 "~~ In 1850............................ 96 13 13.5 Allopathic—In Vienna General Hospital. Years. ;«^»- gri. No. of Cases. Deaths. Per Cent. In 1850.......................... 872 144 16.5 In 1852.......................... 451 133 27 In 1853..........................1,119 259 23.1 Q; WITH ALLOPATHY. It Homoeopathic—In Vienna Homo-Hospital. Years. No. of Cases. Deaths. Per Cent. In 1850............................ 81 9 11.1 In 1851............................ 80 10 12.5 In 1852............................121 n 9 Average mortality : Expectant, 17.5; Allopathic, 21.6; Homoeopathic, 10.6. Here again Allopathy loses 4 per cent, more than the " Do-nothing treatment," and twize as many as Homoeopathy. In Scarlet Fever and Croup, the difference in the loss per cent, under both systems, is as marked as that iu Cholera and Yellow Fever. Yet how frequently it is despised and con- demned because some kind parent loses one or two to a neigh- bors two to four under Allopathy. This is the sympathy it gets for not letting as many die as Allopathy does—but abetter day is coming—those who have been so unfortunate as to lose any of the family circle under this system, will judge its merits from the cases collectively, and not individually. Again, how often we meet those who believe in Homoeopathy and desire to adopt it, but are checked from doing so by fear of giving offence to public opinion, or to those who have been in attendance for years. Such ought to know that no one has any right to fault another for adopting that system of medicine that does insure to the sick the greatest chances of recovery. If human life were aught, then there might be reason to fear offence ; but when a prize is at stake, the value of which the human mind cannot conceive, personal fears sink into insignifi- cance. It is an old maxim that every system is right until the contrary is shown. Carrying out this principle, no one has a right to condemn Homoeopathy until proven to be false. We ask no one to adopt this system from what we have shown or believe, but we do ask of them who have been most bitter in their denunciations, to give it more attention and candid investigation, although we have shown that it is not without some merit and claims upon the suffering of this broad commonwealth. It is with pleasure we refer to such characters as Dr. Joslin, Sen , for freedom of thought and candor of expression, when at the time they hold the highest trust and confidence of the profession. A series of Allopathic resolutions were drawn up 18 homoeopathy contrasted repudiating Homoeopathy in the strongest terms, to which the members were to append their names. In due conrse of time the Doctor was waited upon for bis, but he declined giving it, in- asmuch as he knew little of Homoeopathy ; and until he had investigated it, he was unprepared to condemn it. However, soon after, he did investigate it thoroughly, and the result was, he became a convert to this system. Mr. Fewster Robert Horner, late President and perpet- ual Vice President of the British Medical and Surgical Asso- ciation, late Senior Physician to the Hull General Infirmary, &c, of London, in 1851 presided over a meeting of 300 medical men at Brighton, which adopted resolutions strongly denunciatory of Homoeopathy. In 1857, after investigating it, he announced himself a convert to Homoeopathy. Drs. Williamson, Herring, Gardener, Wells, Hempel, Roberts, Jeans, Neidhard, and others, the pillars of Homoe- opathy, were all graduates and practitioners of the old school from ten to twenty years. We might present facts upon facts, to sustain our position, but enough has been shown to dispel the doubt of its efficacy, and proving its superiority in curing disease. The banner is unfurled to the breeze, upon which is inscribed in golden characters, the 'motto, " Similia Similibus Curantur." Ever may it waft and send comfort, joy and peace, to many a dis- tressed and sorrowing heart. yfr>------------------......-.=,=^ WITH ALLOPATHY. 19 gwtltoritte ta wWk wt \xm §tfmt&. The authorities for the European Hospital Reports are to be found in the following works : Cless' "Statistics of the Catherinen Hospital," at Stuttgart. Koholzs' •' Charitable Institutions of Vienna." "Allg. Horn. Zeitscript Journal Imp." "Med. Chir. Acadamy of St. Petersburg." Griesslick's " Hygea." " Brit. Foreign Medica-Chir. Review." " Oesterrich Zeitzichrift." " Brit. Jour, of Homoeopathy." " Pragur. Med. Manatscrift." " North Amer. Journal of Homoeopathy." " Neaes Archiv " " Neno Zeits. fur. Horn." '• Klinik Homo. Viertaljahrscrift." " Stapfs. Archiv. der Homo. Leilk." til ^M. ^ f •>n. U^p ^