GOOD NE'WS -FOR- Weak, Debilitated Men. The Particulars of a Simple and Certain Means of Home-Cure for those suffering from the Effects of Imprudence, Excesses, Wast- ing Weakness, Urinary Diseases, Lost Vitality, Nervous Debility, Early Decay, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Gleet, and Premature Old Age. Showing Clearly how any one thus Afflicted may Speedily, Cheaply and Perma- nently Restore Themselves to Health, Strength and Vigor, by the use of DR. RUDOLPHE’S Specific Rwdtf. Rwdtf. Mepi<2^<5FFI(S£Of toFiiraiT^MBSj STRENGTH MANHOOD The Particulars oI a Simple and Certain Means of Home-Cure for those Suffering from the Effects of Imprudence, Excesses, Wasting Weakness, Urinary Diseases, Lost Vitality, Nervous Debil- ity, Early Decay, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Gleet, and Premature Old Age. Showing Clearly how any one thus afflicted may Speedily, Cheaply, and Permanently Restore Themselves to Health, Strength, and Vigor, by the use of GOOD NEWS FOR WEAK, DEBILITATED MEN. DR. RDDOLPRFS SPECIFIC REPIEDY This treatise is intended for those suffering from the above- mentioned diseases, who, having no knowledge of medicine, but being sick, desire a speedy cure. To these I wish to impart, in the clearest manner, an intelligible statement of their case and the best remedial treatment. My wonderful success in thousands of cases, some of which were regarded by the best physicians of Europe and America as incurable, as well as my desire to benefit my fellow-men, at least entitles me to a fair hearing on the part of those afflicted. My long experience, extending over a period of thirty years, devoted entirely to the treatment and cure of this class of disorders, in no single case of which, from the most simple to the most aggravated and chronic, did I fail to cure or give great relief with the Specific Remedy, at least give me a claim to the Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1884, by Prof. F. C, Fowler, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. 2 attention and confidence of the public as well as the profession. I have more than justly-earned pride in this statement, and feel that I am doing suffering humanity the greatest and most lasting benefit by making my wonderful curative agent as widely known as possible, and to that end I have written this pamphlet, hoping that its plain, common-sense truths may be spread broadcast throughout the land: knowing that none, however remote or however hopeless their case may seem to be, into whose hands it may fall, but may rest assured that in consulting me they will find not only relief but a positive cure. MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. How few physicians understand the treatment and cause of these diseases! Hardly one physician in a thousand makes a study or specialty of Nervous Debility, or possesses a medicine which can permanently effect its cure; consequently, sufferers living at a dis- tance from large cities (their own physicians not understanding the necessary treatment) would have very little chance of getting cured, thus leaving an open field for quacks and their patented nostrums, which ruin thousands annually, which makes it the duty of some educated physician to check their wholesale slaughter. Who is better fitted to do this than a really successful spe- cialist who has given over a quarter of a century to the study and successful treatment of this one particular class of disorders? To the afflicted, such a one needs no apology. I have none other to offer. I desire to benefit my fellow-man, and to assist in the recovery of his vanished health. My purpose will be served if I can be the means of rescuing the unwary and unfortunate from the hands of unprincipled quacks, charlatans, empirics, venders of poisonous patent medicines, and unprincipled practitioners, and to place in their own hands not only the means of relief but of positive cure. I consider it honorable to advertise, though some physicians profess to consider it not professional, and I am sometimes asked why I do it. I advertise in order to make my remedy known, and have cured thousands who have first heard of me in this way. It multiplies my opportunities to cure the afflicted a hundred fold, and this reason should be sufficient to a person with one spark of humanity. The more useful the enterprise, the more it ought to be made known to mankind; any “ code of ethics,” among uneducated or selfish medical men, which would forbid this is contrary to humanity 3 and wholly unworthy of a conscientious man. I have never re- gretted advertising, and have been amply repaid in learning that I have, by the use of my remedy, cured hundreds who, but for me, would be either in their graves, in a state of idiocy, or else inmates of an insane asylum. I make no claim to infallibility, but I honestly believe that I can cure any case of the diseases before mentioned that has not reached the grade of insanity, and in such cases can afford the patient great relief (if my advice is faithfully followed), if not ultimately effect a cure. I have treated an enormous number of patients, with a success never before equalled on the face of the earth. The patients embraced both sexes, and almost every age and condition of life, many of whom had previously tried nearly every other treatment and advertised remedy without benefit. I do not claim that my views of these diseases are infallible in every instance, but I do honestly assert that they are both rational common-sense and in accordance with the laws of nature. As I have stated before, one of the most important parts of medicine is the right understanding of the causes, nature, location, and extent of the disease, and the properties of the medicines which will act most powerfully, healthily, and speedily in removing it. Here is where so many physicians grope in the dark and utterly fail, where the ignorant and superstitious pretender steps in with his poisonous compounds, dealing out suffer- ing, despair, and death. DR. RUDOLPHE’S SPECIFIC REMEDY is the result of years of patient study and experiment on the treat- ment and profound observations of the cause and nature of Nervous Debility in general. It is perfectly safe, never weakens the patient, never obliges a person to neglect his business; it exercises the most healthy influence upon every nerve, muscle, and blood vessel, on the brain, the spinal cord, glands, and lymphatics; every portion of the body pertaining to the vital organs is awakened into new life and vigor, thereby soon regaining their natural healthy condition. In fact, it acts with the most potent and remedial effect upon every filament, tissue, and nerve that, united, form the body, allaying all irritation, eradicating every morbific agent, every poison, invigor- ating the debilitated organs, enriching the impoverished fluids, building up the flagging nervous energies, imparting vigor to body and mind, and bringing every healthy faculty into play. 4 to public confidence are founded on the most extensive and thorough education, study, and observation, which have been confined exclu- sively to disorders of the bladder and urinary organs, and the thou- sands of eases which I have treated successfully. Besides these, my reputation and standing in the community in which I live, as daily evinced in the unsolicited testimonials, letters, and encomiums given me by the most distinguished people and prominent press of the country, confirm me in the right to assert my claims to honest confi- dence on the part of the afflicted. If all these stand for naught, then reputation and character are of no value to any one. MY CLAIMS DR. RUDOLPHE’S SPECIFIC is not a Patent Medicine, and I shall never patent it. If any one can make a remedy which will excel it in curing Nervous Debility, no jealousy of mine shall stand in their way, and as we are growing more enlightened the older the world grows, it would be strange if a new discovery was not made in this direction; but I challenge the world to produce a medicine or a physician that has cured as many cases in twenty years as I have with my remedy during the last year. I am often asked the question: “ How many packages will it take to effect a cure?” To which I will answer that some patients need more, others less. One package will cure any ordinary case, and many of my patients, after having paid out hundreds of dollars without receiving the least particle of benefit, have taken my treat- ment and have been cured by a single package, at the small cost of $3.00. These patients tell other sufferers who seek a like aid, and thus I get my remuneration from thousands of patients annually. My treatment never injures any one, but in all cases affords great relief, or a radical and permanent cure. My medicine is compounded in the most careful manner, from the finest and purest chemicals, with the truest knowledge of their therapeutic properties and physiological action, so that it is standard in every particular. When I take hold of a case, I exert my whole mind, energies, and skill to perfect a cure, irrespective of any money consideration, and bring to bear on it all that science, honesty, knowledge, and experience will accomplish, knowing that the exertions of these never fail to bring their just reward in due time. To those who are debilitated through ignorance of nature’s laws in youth, or from the excesses of more mature years, the signs of 5 which are very evident by the sunken eye, the sallow color of the face, attenuated form, aversion to society, but, above all, the haggard look which the consciousness of premature decay of the vital forces stamps on the countenance. (Premature decay, the curse of man- kind, which has caused more to commit suicide and rush unbidden into the presence of their Maker than all the misfortunes of life.) To these I recommend my Remedy. By its use the sparkling eye and bloom of health will again adorn and bedight you, and the noble works of a great master again with tenacity will cling to life, and, in his proper sphere, become the natural concomitant to a mutual enjoyment; for when life is divested of some of its pleasures, days are looked forward to as years, and years as to eternities. This little work is the outcome of my firm and honest belief that it is time to set aside all scruples on the ground of false delicacy and meet this momentous question face to face. At the same time, in this pamphlet I have purposely refrained from using broad terms or going into useless details regarding these diseases. My larger treatise (which will be sent free of charge to those applying for it) is exhaustive iti its description of these debilitating troubles. This pamphlet is intended for individual distribution, and its issue is prompted by a heartfelt desire to furnish that important information so essential to forewarn the ignorant and careless, and induce them to stop and consider to what end their course is leading, and to guard them against the inevitably fatal results, more terrible than those attending any other career of sin or degradation, viz., complete corruption of the physical being and hopeless imbecility, insanity, or perversion of the intellectual faculties. Better death of the body and rest in the grave than a living death of life-long idiocy. To that class, also, to whom words of warning come too late, who, through ignorance or folly, have already sinned, and, hopeless and discouraged, look forward to a life of wrecked hopes, seared ambition, blighted career, and bodily suffering, keenly intensified by shame and remorse, I feel both proud and happy that, as the result of years of chemical research and special study of this class of affec- tions, I can offer hope and salvation, promising to those who will sin no more, to place them again in possession of that robust health and mental vigor that the good God gave them and that they so foully abused. LET NO ONE DESPOND. Do not be deterred from seeking my advice because, after having been treated by many who failed to cure you, you have become dis- couraged. This is the very time that you should make one more trial. Many write me that they have tried different physicians and invested in various kinds of medicines, and, having received no relief, are discouraged, and have made up their minds to doctor no more. Is this right ? I know that the whole country is cursed with quacks and unprincipled men, claiming to be physicians, who know no more of medicine than they do of English grammar, who seek only to fill their pockets, regardless of all other considerations. But I cannot be responsible for their evil doings; I can only be responsible for my own actions. I am regularly educated for my profession, and licensed by the Connecticut State Board of Health as a reputable physician in gen- eral practice, and have devoted my entire life to the treatment of these disorders, and am not a mere patent-medicine pretender, seek- ing to deceive and swindle the poor and afflicted. I will guarantee to cure every case I undertake, unless I inform the patient I can only benefit it. Failing in doing this, I will refund all money I have received. Can any one act fairer? I submit this little pamphlet to the careful inspection of the honest, unprejudiced public, feeling confident that the common-sense truths contained in it will receive their cordial support, as well as be the means, if they are afflicted, of restoring them to perfect health. •> I would again impress it on the minds of all, that no form of Nervous Debility or Vital Weakness will go away of its own accord. It can only be removed by the most positive remedial treatment, such as I have so long and successfully used. If not checked, sooner or later the disease may end in Idiocy or Dementia, which is worse than death, if not death itself. Kind Reader, should this Treatise hold out any promise of relief to you, rest assured that it will be fulfilled to the letter, if you properly avail yourself of the remedial aid referred to herein. But if it holds out no such promise, because you are not a sufferer from any of the diseases mentioned yourself, thank God for your exemption from a scourge, the horrors of which none can fully realize but those who have felt its withering power, and at least earn for yourself a blessing by sending this pamphlet’ to any friend, rela- tive, or acquaintance who groans beneath this dreadful curse for want of the relief which my treatment can permanently give; or, if you wish to keep it, write me his name and address, and I will cheerfully send one to any such sufferer. 7 TREATISE UPON THE EFFECTS CAUSED BY IGNO- RANCE OF NATURE’S LAWS, VITAL WEAKNESS, ETC. The general effects of Vital Weakness, Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, etc., from ignorance in early life or excesses of more mature years, if not relieved by medical treatment, are most deplorable. This affection is one of the most widespread and destructive of modern times. Few, except physicians, have any conception of the prevalence of these debilitating diseases and their deplorable effects on both mind and body. These affections, accord- ing to the experience of the ablest medical men, “ degrade man, poison the happiness of his best days, and ravage society.” They are certainly “ among the most destructive diseases ever visited upon fallen man.” Its victims are found among people of both sexes in every city, village, and hamlet, for unfortunately many people living pure lives are sufferers from their ravages. Many who perish from the effects of these debilitating diseases are supposed to die from other causes, such as consumption, chorea, epilepsy, heart disease, debility and failure of vital powers. They destroy the mind as well as the body. In their milder form they produce loss of memory, melancholy, evil forebodings, timidity, loss of spirits, and loss of energy; in their worst form, idiocy and insanity. Many maniacs owe their loss of reason to no other causes. In the tabulated reports of every insane asylum are a great number of cases in which the cause of insanity is set down as “Vital Weakness.” No affection so completely unfits for either the duties or pleasures of life. Unlike the quacks, I do not wish to convey the idea that all persons who suffer from these debilitating diseases (usually in igno- rance of the consequences) are doomed to suffer to this extent. These results, it is true, are the end to which they are tending, if they do not conquer their excesses and obtain proper medical treat- ment ; but if they do so before the last sad stage is reached, there is good hope for them yet. Many think that all they have to do is to abandon their excesses, live a pure moral life, and that nature will restore without medical aid; but experience teaches me that it is very doubtful if, when the disease has been existing for any length of time, the physical frame will ever be built up again without proper treatment. The almost universal tendency of the disease is to grow worse, and unless the cause is removed, the haggard appearance, 8 the sunken eye, the downcast expression which seems to arise from a dread of looking a fellow-creature in the face, will be carried to the grave. In the severer form of the complaint, even with the aid of the most skillful remedies, if we save the mind at all, as I have said (in my work on Nervous Diseases), we do well, and even then the mind is apt to be enfeebled for several years. Among the other effects of the disease are aversion to society and love of solitude; dots and webs before the sight; pain in the back, left side, or breast; frightful dreams; sensation of falling in the sleep; bashfulness and timidity, especially with ladies; palpita- tion of the heart; flushes of heat; chilly sensations; rush of blood to the head; restlessness; cold feet; at times voracious appetite, at others loss of appetite and indigestion; dryness of the skin; pale, sallow complexion, with dark rings under the eyes; pimply erup- tions and blotches on the skin; dimness of the eyes; indisposition to study, exertion, or to concentrate the faculties on one subject for any length of time; a constant dwelling on their disease in the mind ; often causeless anxiety and dread of death; despair of recovery, etc. Some of these symptoms are present in some cases and not in others. CAUTIONARY ADVICE. In view of the deplorable effects of Vital Weakness, etc., my advice, as the result of thirty years’ experience is, that every person who has ever suffered through ignorance or excesses, or who is sub- ject to vital weakness, should take a course of treatment to remove the effects from the system, however mild the case may be, whether conscious of any bad effects or not, to prevent future trouble, which is liable to occur years afterward unless this precaution is taken, for the terrible effects of these debilitating diseases hang to their victim like an accursed mantle all his life, unless counteracted by skillful treatment, paralyzing every energy and blighting every hope. True Spermatorrhea, or “Vital Weakness,” as it is commonly called (General Debility and Lost Vitality are merely different degrees or stages of the same disease), may be conveniently divided into three stages, but it must be borne in mind that there is no well- defined line of demarkation between the different stages, one insen- sibly merging into the other. 9 FIRST STAGE. The main, if not the only, trouble, is in vital weakness. The patient, after having suffered in ignorance for some little time, has generally discovered the pernicious nature of his disease and at once abstains from all excesses and injurious habits, hoping by temperance and frugality to outgrow its evil effects. But the injury once having been done to the delicate nervous organization, he is sooner or later surprised and alarmed by an unseen drain upon his system, producing a feeling of weakness and indolence. These feelings of lassitude, in the first stage, occur sometimes at considerable inter- vals ; at others, several times a week. These deposits in the urine, etc., are a terrible drain upon the system ; they impoverish the blood and rob the body of the precious elements of manhood. For some time no other serious effect is observed, the general health being good, the vital powers vigorous. When these symptoms are present, treatment should be resorted to at once, for if the evil is not reme- died it soon passes into the second stage. Before using the Remedy. The feelings of weakness and depression now be- come general and the patient suffers with a thousand and one indescribable bad feelings, both mental and physical. Among them low spirits, nervousness, weariness, lifeless- ness, weakness, dizziness, feelings of fullness or bloating after eating, or sense of “ goneness ” or emptiness of stomach in the morning, flesh soft and lacking firmness, headache, blurring of eyesight, specks floating before the eyes, nervous irritability, poor memory, chilliness, alternating with hot flushes, lassi- tude, throbbing, gurgling or rumbling sensations in bowels, with heat and nipping pains occasionally, palpitation of heart, short breath on exertion, slow circulation of blood, cold feet, pain and oppression in chest and back, pain around the loins, aching and weariness of the lower limbs, drowsiness after meals, but nervous watchfulness at night, languor in the morning, and a constant feeling of dread as if something awful was about to happen. The sufferer now begins to experience a gradual failing of the usual strength and powers of endurance ; in some cases there is loss of flesh and various abnormal symptoms, headache, dyspepsia, low spirits and melancholy, weak back, gloomy forebodings, etc. ; and, SECOND STAGE. 1st week’s treatment. 10 although from various reasons he may not observe it, there is a per- ceptible weakening of the vital powers. In an advanced degree of this stage, urethral complications set in, the urethra becomes relaxed and weakened. There is a low degree of chronic irritation, which produces uneasy sensations in the passage at times, a burning sensa- tion on passing water, and a dribbling of urine afterwards. These are always bad symptoms, as they denote an advanced stage of the disease and debilitate the vital organs and impair the health. This is followed by nervous irritation, restlessness, lack of energy and ambition, loss of memory and want of self-confidence. If from neg- lect or improper treatment the disease has been allowed to reach this stage, appropriate treatment should be adopted at once, as, if not remedied, it generally passes into the third stage, making a con- siderably longer course of the remedy necessary. THE THIRD STAGE, or physical decay and sterility, “Loss of Vitality,” as it is termed, the vital powers continue to gradually fail; the urinal drains are now less frequent, because the secretions are less active. The nervous energies, how- ever, suffer the same. Inclination for either work or pleasure is irregular and feeble, the secretions are slow, weak and imperfect, and no longer under the control of the will; when the urine escapes it is often accompanied by a burn- ing sensation, owing to the unhealthy state of the urethra. In time all vital power is wholly lost. A gradual but steady decay sets in, strength and vitality ebb away. He is nervous, tired, weary, loses ambition, is not benefitted by his food or rested by his sleep, becomes round-shouldered, hollow-eyed, stooping, uncertain in his gait, with listless eye, coated and flabby tongue, irregular bowels, slight cough and expectoration, and sooner or later is told by some ignorant phy- sician that he has consumption, and they let him die for want of properly understanding and rationally treating his case. If married, the patient discovers himself but a poor companion for a gentle and loving woman, and many under such circumstances have committed suicide in despair. The general health is often still more impaired, although on the gradual extinction of the vital functions, a person will sometimes become fleshier, and to outward appearances look w'ell and healthy. No one knowrs better than himself, however, wrhat a fraud he is to the world. His vitality is lost, his secretions are imperfect, containing no elements of reproduction, and he is sterile 2d week’s treatment. 11 and incapable of transmitting life to posterity. The tendency of nature in most diseases is towards cure, but here it is towards deteri- oration. There is no chance here of the evil “ wearing itself out,” save in madness and death on the one hand, and on the other by the salutary intervention of the most vigorous, cautious and enlightened treatment. Towards the latter part of the second stage, and during any part of the third stage, the mind is liable to become diseased as well as the body; then comes mania, insanity—a grave consulta- tion of friends and physicians—a hurried removal to the confinement of an asylum—and he is entombed alive—a few months, or at most years, of mad delusion follow—and all is over! This is the sad end of many a once ambitious and promising life, recklessly sacrificed by vice and ignorance. DR. RUDOLPHE’S SPECIFIC REMEDY. This Remedy cures the weakness and relaxation, and removes the granular irritable condition of the vital ves- sels ; under its use the tissues of the ducts and vesicles, which are often in a granular, injected, or puffy state, empty themselves, contract, and become healthy, the morbid irritability is removed, and by its anodyne, heal- ing and tonic influence the relaxed ducts are closed and the vital drain, whether nocturnal or diurnal, speedily arrested, and the organs restored to a natural, healthy condition. There is no other remedy known capable of arresting these debilitating drains and of relieving the condition of irritation from which the vital organs are suffering. This unnatural drain in the urine, etc., the ruin of so many otherwise fine constitutions, is generally arrested the first week or two the Remedy is used. Its good effects are thus felt at once, and all suspense and anxiety as to the result speedily banished. A complete and permanent cure is rapidly effected, the drain arrested, and the whole system restored to health and vigor. In all urinary diseases, including Gleet, this medicine is an infallible cure. It is also highly beneficial for persons of advanced years, who may be suffering from a loss of vital power, or ailments common to old age. It has long been a settled axiom that for every disease, Nature, in her bounteous storehouse, has provided a sufficient remedy; and it was in support of this theory that from my earliest college career I devoted my entire time and study to the discovery of which particu- lar means was applicable in these diseases, and my conclusions, after 3d week’s treatment. 12 years of experiment and research, are simply that these terrible dis- orders and diseases have never been studied in their proper bearings ; and, further, I positively assert that Nervous Debility is as amenable to skillful treatment as any other disease of which I am acquainted. Let the reader bear in mind, however, that these are not merely boastful, hastily formed utterances, but the result of years of investi- gation in the dissecting-room, the hospital, at the bedside of private patients, and in the laboratory ; hence none can more fully appreciate the discouragements and trials attendant upon the treatment of the disease which I have made my specialty. My preparation is called DR. RUDOLPHE'S SPE- CIFIC REMEDY\ from the fact that I procured the original formula from a celebrated chemical professor of that name, under guarantee that should I subsequently think proper to introduce the Remedy to the public, I should do so under that title. The Remedy at that time seemed to meet every symptom and indication of these diseases, immediate and remote, but not with the rapidity and thoroughness I wished. It was then that I began to study the subject—and there is none more practically important in medicine— of special methods of medication for special diseases. Gradually, after years of studious work on the leading medical books, by means of physiological and pathological experiments, I reached that truth which is the great corner-stone of my unprecedented success. Thus it was that that which was before the best, became as near perfect as anything can become. At first this Remedy was restricted to pa- tients in private practice, but as cure followed cure, I listened to the advice of my old patrons and friends, and, boldly breaking the tram- mels of professional etiquette, I placed my Remedy before the pub- lic under the conditions agreed upon, as I conscientiously believe I possess the only preparation which sufferers can rely upon for permanent relief. It has even succeeded in cases where the pa- tients were absolute skeptics and hypochondriacs, and who pur- posely neglected many of the rules laid down for their guidance. From some of these men I have my highest testimonials, and to me they say that they owe a renewed life, vigor, and happiness, the sur- roundings of a pleasant home, handsome wife, happy children, and successful business. Mine is not an experimental remedy, but an infallible cure, the result of years of laborious study and practice, each ingredient in its composition having been selected for a special and powerful bearing 4th week’s treatment. 13 upon the cause of the disease, while my specific method of com- bining and applying these medical properties results in a permanent restoration to health. The secret of my success lies in the fact that I practice a com- mon-sense treatment; having first ascertained the cause, nature, loca- tion, and extent of the disease, I apply to its roots the remedy which over twenty-five years’ successful usage tells me will most efficiently remove it. A profound and thorough knowledge of medicine and chemistry enables me to warrant DR. RUDOLPHE’S SPECIFIC REMEDY to be the most perfect curative for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness and Premature Decay ever discovered in any age. Cost, study, and labor have not been spared in its production. It is made with the most assiduous care, from the finest and purest chemicals, with a true knowledge of their therapeutic powers and physiological effects. Nothing cheap or impure has been tolerated in its composition. It can be relied on. What may seem almost incredible is the aston- ishing rapidity with which it cures cases hitherto considered incurable. Every sufferer should understand that these diseases should meet with prompt and energetic medical treatment, as if allowed, through neglect, to become deep-seated and chronic, the result is that a much longer and more expensive course of treatment is necessary. Lose no time in placing yourself under treatment, and secure a rem- edy that has stood the test in thousands of cases. Lose no time, be- cause each day’s delay but increases the difficulty, and renders the cure more protracted. I belong to no special school or sect in medicine. I embrace the best features in each system. I retain that which commends it- self to calm, dispassionate judgment, and discard all others. The component parts of the medicine are entirely a product of the vege- table world. They are, moreover, innocent, as all medicines as well as food should be, harmless toward nature, but powerful in op- posing disease; restoring health by changing a diseased action to a healthy one; leaving the constitution free, healthy, and vigorous. If a sufficient quantity of the Remedy is used, and allowed to be taken up by the system, my experience teaches me the disease must yield and the patient be restored to health. And let me say here to all erring ones: do not keep your secret to yourself until it has sapped the fountain of your life and left you a wreck of humanity, a curse to yourself, and a burden to society; but if entangled in the snare of ignorance, or any debilitating disease or trouble, flee at once from its destructive influences, use the Specific Remedy, and be restored to health and vigor. Any sufferer wishing more information in relation to the use of the medicine recommended than is contained in the foregoing pages, will please address or call on me, and I will answer their inquiries promptly, gladly, and fully. 14 In order that all may avail themselves of the bene- fits to be derived from its use, the Remedy has been put at the low price of Three Dollars ($3.00) per package. Sent by mail, post paid, to any address. If preferred, the package can be sent by express. The Remedy is put up in pill form. Full directions for using are sent with each package. It is sent (securely sealed) in a plain wrapper, nothing being put on the outside to indi- cate its contents. The best way to have medicine sent is by mail; and I guarantee its safe delivery when sent in that way. Medicine sent by express will go perfectly safe, yet it is a much more expen- sive mode of transportation than when sent by the former method. The best way to send money is by Registered Letter, Postoffice Money Order, Express, Postage Stamps, Bank Draft, or by Money Orders obtained from the Adams, American, Wells, Fargo & Co., United States, Northern Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Denver & Rio Grande Express Companies. As a general thing, money will go perfectly safe in a common letter; still, I cannot be responsible for it if lost when sent in that manner, and therefore prefer that all letters containing orders for the medicine should be registered, or the money secured in the way I have stated. Allow me, in closing, to kindly request every unfortunate sufferer to give the Remedy a trial, being well satisfied that if they do so they will be more than pleased with the result, and will, in all human probability, be restored to perfect health. No matter how many other medicines you may have tried, no matter how dark and discouraging your case may seem, it is your duty to yourself, your family, your friends, and your God to hope on, hope ever, and use the means so kindly provided for your restoration. PRICE OF THE SPECIFIC REMEDY. After using the Remedy. For many years scarcely a mail has arrived which has not CONCLUSION. 15 brought me the most flattering testimonials from honest and grateful patients, who, having been restored to health and manly vigor by the use of the Specific Remedy, are anxious to bestow upon me their gratitude and heartfelt thanks. Many of these patients had previ- ously tried different physicians and invested in various kinds of medicines without relief, and I feel that this may possibly account for the heartfelt thanks, kind expressions of regard and gratitude, and whole-souled confidence they place in my method of treatment and remedies; for, having been disappointed so often, they feel an excess of gratitude and hope on finding that they have at last found what they have so long sought, and that the Remedy is not only doing what is claimed for it, but far exceeding the patient’s most sanguine expectations. In view of this fact I have concluded that if good reference can be given me for their safe return, I will send original testimonials, in their officially dated and post-marked enve- lopes, to anyone desiring to see them; the names of the writers being effaced, as I consider them sacredly confidential. In issuing another edition of my treatise, I take this opportunity of returning my hearty thanks to the hosts of kind friends and patients who have overwhelmed me with their unsolicited congratulations. Their gratitude I appreciate, their friendship I esteem ; thank- ful to have been the means through a kind Providence of alleviating a great source of human suffering; I will cordially grasp each one with a spiritual hand and wish them God-speed on the journey of life. NOTICE. Patients will please bear in mind that all communi- cations are regarded as strictly confidential. All letters are destroyed as soon as they are carefully read and the cases strictly examined, consequently it will be necessary to give in each letter your full name and address. Persons sending for the Remedy should write plainly the name to which it is to be addressed, the Post Office, County, and also the State. All let- ters or orders for the medicine should be addressed plainly, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, MOODUS, CONN. P. O. BOX 237. In this little pamphlet I have purposely refrained from using broad terms or going into all the details regarding the diseases men- tioned. My larger treatise [which will be sent free of charge to those ap- plying for it) is exhaustive in its description of these debilitating troubles. 16 Unsolicited Testimonials. The letters and testimonials received every month by me would form a large volume if published, and I doubt whether a book was ever written containing so much sad experience, such records of despair, such pathetic appeals, and so much of gladness and exulta- tion over restored health and vigor, as is contained in each month’s correspondence. The appended list of testimonials consists of a few very recent indorsements out of the many I have received regard- ing the worth of my treatment. For reasons which must be plain to every sensible reader, I do not give the names of these people in full. They are tokens of gratitude from persons who have been cured by me of Vital Weakness, Physical Decay, and all those troubles result- ing from the effects of ignorance in youth and more mature excesses, and although the writers have given me full permission to publish their letters, providing I withhold their names, still many of them, while they would not wish to have their names published to the world as having been cured of these complaints, feel so thankful for their escape from the terrible position in which they -were placed, and willing to point out the way to all similarly afflicted, they have given me permission to refer others to them by private letter, which I am always pleased to do. Westerly, R. I., Oct. 17th, 1887. Prof. F. C. Fowler : Dear Sir—When I applied to you for treatment, in July last, my condition was truly pitiful. I had been suffering from Vital Weakness for over six years. At first I had trouble at distant inter- vals, and seemed to suffer but little from the effects, in fact did not seem to injure me in the least, and I thought that either the trouble must be natural or would soon cease of its own accord. This theory was much strengthened by my visiting a home physician, who informed me that occasional troubles of this kind were perfectly natural, not to worry over them, that they would soon cease, etc. I 17 11 was satisfied with his explanation and concluded to let nature take its course. But the organism grew weaker, and the weakness grew more and more debilitating and seemed to gain ground almost im- perceptibly. Gradually the nervous system began to give away under the terrific drain, the blood became impoverished, and general debility and great weakness of both body and mind ensued. Espe- cially did the mental faculties suffer. I became morose, melancholy and dispirited; without energy, ambition or hope. At this point in my case, fortunately, a copy of your valuable little pamphlet fell into my hands. I perused its contents and grasped the opportunity to try your treatment, as a drowning man grasps at a straw. I was skeptical concerning the curative powers, and much doubted whether there were any remedial agents that could successfully cope with the peculiarities of my case. But my misgivings were quickly dispelled when I placed myself under your treatment. At first the remedies did not have the beneficial effect which I thought I had reason to expect from reading your pamphlet. I persevered, however, in the treatment, and finally had the pleasure of perceiving that the super- abundant irritation was being subdued, the diseased nervous system was eased and quieted, and the weak, nervous, depressed feelings became less and less frequent and finally ceased altogether. With the cessation of these debilitating drains, health, with its manifold blessings, returned, the eye became brighter, the step more elastic, and hopes of perfect manhood were established once more. I now feel that I am perfectly restored to health and vigor, and tremble to think what would have become of me had not your little book fallen so providentially into my possession. In conclusion, would say that I will be happy if my testimony will guide any poor sufferer afflicted as I was once to the health, strength and happiness I now enjoy. I will certainly take pains to inform all I may meet, suffering with diseases of this kind, of the benefits to be derived from your treat- ment, and will kindly answer the inquiries of any poor sufferer you may refer to me. Gratefully yours, E. R. S. Peoria, 111., Oct. io, 1887. Prof. F. C. Fowler. Dear Sir—I write you a short letter to express my gratitude for the benefit I have derived from your wonderful remedies. have written before, but thought I would wait long enough after its 18 use to see if I would have any return of the symptoms or not, but I am permanently cured, thanks to your treatment. I am escaping the awful doom to which I was rushing when I commenced to take your medicine. I had despaired of ever getting cured, and words cannot express my gratitude to you, for I feel that you have saved me from an early grave. You may use my letter, provided you withhold the name, for none of my friends knew of my condition, and I am de- sirous that they should always remain in ignorance of it. Thanking you for your honorable and just dealing, and the good, the great and lasting good, you have done me, I remain Yours, very truly, J. H. P. Yonkers, N. Y., Dec. 28th, 1887. Prof. F. C. Fowler: Dear Sir— Yours of the 23d received and contents duly noted. Having used your treatment, I feel satisfied in saying I am entirely cured. When I first began taking your medicine I only weighed one hundred and thirty pounds, and now my weight is one hundred and forty-eight. My bowels are regular, my water is clear and natural; have had no more trouble from my distressing complaint since I commenced using your medicine. I feel strong and happy once more. For four long years I suffered, taking strong medicine without much effect. I consulted several doctors throughout the United States, but their terms were so heavy that I could not afford to take their treatment, and when I found your terms were so reasonable, I sent for the Remedy at once; and it is needless to say that I do not regret it. Should I ever feel any of the old symptoms coming back, I will send for your treatment immediately. But I have no fears that it will be necessary for me to use any kind of medicine again. Before closing, I must say that 1 feel very thankful for what your restoratives have done for me, and can cheerfully recommend them to all persons . in need of such treatment. With warmest gratitude, I remain Respectfully yours, L. C. B. Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 17th, 1887. Prof. Fowler: Dear Sir—I have taken your treatment as ordered, and can thankfully say I am about cured, the weakness and aversion to so- ciety is fully removed. I have not had a single sleepless night since I began the second week’s use of the medicine, and since that time have been satisfied it would do all you claimed for it. The sounds in my ears have stopped, I feel much stronger in every way, circles around the eyes not so dark as heretofore, and I may say I feel like a new man in every particular. Have gained five pounds during the last two weeks. I look upon it as my duty to recommend your treatment to all who are suffering from Nervous Debility, etc. With many thanks, I remain Yours truly, Jno. D. H. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 13th, 1887. Prof. Fowler: Dear Sir—I am very pleased to inform you that your medicines completely cured the weakness and lassitude from which I had so long been suffering. As you wished me to write to you six months after you dismissed me, to give you particulars, I now do so, and, believe me, your name I shall always think of with gratitude. I can- not tell you what a different man I feel. I am now strong in body, and can enjoy myself at my daily employ, which, before consulting you, was a misery to me. Yours very respectfully, D. L. Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 24th, 1887. Prof. Fowler: Dear Sir—I have much pleasure in tendering you my heartiest thanks for the cure your advice and medicine have effected, and may say I was very skeptical of the issue when I began to use your medi- cines, but doubt has entirely subsided, and I have now a confirmed belief in their almost miraculous efficacy. Four months ago I bore about my body the piteous spectacle of my terrible disease. Now I am mentally and bodily a healthy man. If this avowal is likely to be of any service to you, and of use to any wretch accursed as I was once, you may publish it as the statement of a ■ • student. Yours most obediently, G. L. H. 20 Madison, Kan., Nov. 8th, 1887. Prof. F. C. Fowler: Dear Sir—My reason for not writing is this : When I finished the medicines I felt myself quite well, the nervousness and trembling of my hands having ceased, as also the specks I used to see before my eyes having gone. I thought, however, I would wait six months before I informed you of it, in case I should relapse, but this has not happened. You may publish this for the benefit of others, if you wish, leaving out my name. May you continue to do good. Respectfully, F. R. J. Portland, Conn., Oct. 29th, 1887. Prof. Fowler : Respected Sir—Yours to hand by this morning’s mail, and in re- ply am happy to tell you I have recovered full use of memory, the pains in the back are gone, and the weakness stopped the ninth day after using your medicine; in fact, I am perfectly healthy. Now that I am cured, please accept my best wishes and thanks for the prompt manner in which you attended to my letters, and also my medicines. Yours, etc., C. J. C. Wallace, Kan., Sept. 14th, 1887. Prof. F. C. Fowler: Dear Sir—For four years and a half I have been a miserable sufferer from nearly every local phase of those dreadful complaints, Lost Vitality, Nervous Debility, etc. I had lost all hope, my consti- tution was fearfully shattered, and my spirits failed me. Providen- tially I came into possession of one of your useful pamphlets (would to God that a copy could be placed in the hands of every young man!). I read it, and was amazed at its contents; that moment was my salvation; my eyes were opened to the enormity of my con- dition. I at once saw the true cause of all my intolerable sufferings, which three home physicians could not understand. I had sinned, it is true, most grievously, but it was done through ignorance. Under these distressing circumstances, as my last resource, I consulted you, and the happy result has been a thorough restoration to perfect manhood. S. W. M. 21 Clinton, Mass., Nov. 23, 1887. Prof. F. C. Fowler: Dear Sir—Yours came to hand on the 18th. I don’t know how to express the debt of gratitude that I owe to you, and if it laid in my power I would reward you handsomely. I cannot please you better than to tell you that I have not the least doubt in my own mind but that you have made a perfect cure of my case at very little cost. You have given me every satisfaction. I only regret that I did not apply to you sooner. The proverb says, “ Better late than never.” I now know what it is to enjoy health. I have sweet, refreshing sleep, good appetite, my memory is much strengthened; in fact, I am astonished at myself. I can perform my daily work without half the fatigue that I used to suffer. If ever I suspect any one suffering from the same, I shall most assuredly recommend him to the place from whence I have derived so much good. I hope to see my case among the rest. I beg that the name and address may be omitted. I remain yours thankfully, C. H. S. P. S.—Before I had recourse to your medicine and advice, I was much troubled with retention of urine and a soreness of the bladder. I do not know whether these were caused by premature decay of the vital forces or from natural debility; neither do I care now, for I am quite cured. Address all Letters or Orders for the Remedy to PROF. F. C. FOWLER, P. O. Box 237. MOODUS, CONN. No one in Connecticut, under its stringent laws, may practice medicine without first qualifying before the State Board of Health, and receiving from them a certificate of registration entitling them to prac- tice. See third page of cover. 22 YOUNG MEN! MIDDLE-AGED MEN! OLD MEN! If you need Help, Delay No Longer; the Remedy that will Cure You Speedily, Satisfactorily and Permanently, is Within Your Reach. No remedy that has hitherto been offered to the afflicted for the cure of all weakness of the bladder and urinary organs has met with such unprecedented success, or has been so favorably received by the medical profession, as DR. RUDOLPHE'S SPECIFIC. It has been thoroughly tested and extensively used for years with perfect success, and has proved to be the best and most: effectual treatment for curing all forms of these diseases known to medical science. In vital weakness, the trouble is due to the relaxed condi- tion arising from irritation and weakness about the orifice of the glands and their ducts. Once this weakness is checked for a suffi- cient time to allow this irritation and relaxed condition to subside, the parts regain their normal strength and are thus able to resist unnatural drains and a radical cure is effected. This remedy cures the disease by removing the irritable condi- tion of the ducts and vesicles; and, by speedily arresting the causes, it restores the organization to a healthy condition. It does not merely afford temporary relief, but its use produces a permanent cure. It cures because it arrests the cause of the disease—vital weak- ness—restores lost vitality and removes the effects of the disease from body and mind. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1885, by Prof. F. C. Fowler, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. 23 When all other remedies fail, and where the disease baffles the skill of the ablest physician, the Specific Remedy will effect a speedy and positive cure. All I ask is a trial of this medicine, which is founded upon nature and acts upon nature with natural results. I could cite numerous instances in which patients have applied to me, after being disgusted by useless, tedious and expensive courses of suppositious remedies, who have been quietly and easily restored. Very often, indeed, my chief difficulty has been to combat the injury arising from previous negligence and want of skill. The widespread prevalence of these diseases and their effects on the minds and bodies of their victims, has brought out hundreds of so-called remedies, but few of which, however, have ever proven of lasting benefit to the sufferer. The relation of these diseases can only be understood by acquir- ing a knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the affected organs. Many people—among whom may be found physicians who have never thoroughly studied the subject—affect surprise or incre- dulity when informed of the terrible effects of such diseases. But those who have thoroughly studied the subject, and the poor sufferer from these complaints, can easily understand the importance and urgent need of a radical cure. The true principles of the successful treatment and cure of the diseases and symptoms mentioned are the result of years of patient study and experiment. And it is a pleasure to me not only to be in possession of this valuable remedy, thoroughly attested and approved for the absolute cure of the diseases produced by the causes before mentioned, but also because I can furnish this remedy which will restore the debilitated organs and the impaired and prostrate physi- cal system to a healthful condition, a remedy neither painful, dis- agreeable nor troublesome to use. In 1873 I received an order from a private insane asylum for the Specific Remedy, to be used in the case of a young man, whose sufferings from Vital Weakness, caused by ignorance, imprudence and excesses, had rendered him a mental and physical wreck. By a persistent use of the Remedy and careful nursing he was restored, not, perhaps, to robust and perfect health, but so far that he is enjoy- ing good health and is today happily married. This was my first order of the kind mentioned; since which time many of the leading asylums of the country have adopted my treatment in cases where insanity was due to vital weakness. There are many cases where ignorance has not been the cause of these debilitating diseases ; the 24 weakness may have been inherited, brought on by exposure, over- work, or have come about through kidney diseases or other troubles. In such cases, cures by the use of the Specific Remedy are generally very rapidly accomplished. In cases of gleet the Remedy will effect a speedy cure. In the case of aged men suffering from a loss of vital power, while no medicine will entirely restore them to the vigor and fire of youth, the Specific Remedy will rebuild their nervous organiza- tion, tone up and invigorate the system so that they can be fitted to perform the duties of life properly and satisfactorily. Ignorant or vicious doctors often advise young men suffering from Vital Weak- ness to marry for a cure. Such a course always proves disastrous, and is the occasion of more divorces than all other causes combined. If you value your future happiness and welfare, do not marry until you are cured beyond a doubt. Many of the patients consulting me say that: “Aside from these troubles, I am apparently strong, healthy and robust. No one, to look at me, would suppose for a moment that I am afflicted in this way.” True, but the difficulty lies in the fact that suddenly this appearance of health will be swept away, unless proper medical relief be resorted to, and the patient will be left a pitiable example of extreme nervous exhaustion—shattered in body and mind. In cases of hidden spermatorrhea, many such patients are known to their friends and in the world as sufferers from consumption, indi- gestion, hypochondriasis, etc., etc., while in reality they are daily and hourly being drained of life, health and vitality, by reason of their vital weakness. Indeed, some of these sufferers do not themselves know from what disease they are dying by inches, but accept the hasty and incorrect dictum of their family physician, and go to their graves in happy ignorance of the curse imprudence and excesses has brought upon them. In many cases the duct? have become so weak and relaxed that there is an involuntary drain with the water, also when straining and when under excitement. To test its escape in the urine, pass off your water in a clear glass pint bottle and let it stand twenty-four hours in a warm place; then hold up the bottle between yourself and the light, and if you discover a sediment of a white, fleecy nature, resembling cotton, in the bottom, you are suffering in all probability from this hidden disease, from which all your present ailments come. Many patients afflicted in this way will notice, shortly after urinating, a dull pain in the forehead, sometimes extend- ing to the eyeballs, causing, as well, a feeling of general debility, as if they had no strength or will to do anything. If this weakness is 25 allowed to go on unchecMffPthe mind will become diseased, the eye- sight will be impaired and the vital forces consumed—thereby caus- ing partial and complete loss of vitality. This is vital weakness in the genuine sense of the term, and is the most dangerous form of the disease, because it is not perceived until it has developed its dis- astrous consequences. In some cases several of these various forms of vital weakness coexist in the same individual, but as a rule only one form exists at a time. Generally, however, the influence upon the organism is the same in these various cases. These drains, or abnormal waste, if continued for any length of time, cause the vital organs to be arrested in their growth, imparting to them the appear- ance of imperfect development, which is afterwards often followed by an atrophy or wasting away. These organic changes are attended with sharp, shooting pains in one or both glands, extending up into the abdomen. Sometimes, in aggravated cases, one of the glands (generally the left one) becomes soft and flabby, and atrophies, and often both glands, are effected and gradually become soft and waste away. The sympathy existing between the weakened organs and the mind fully explains the despondency, the gloom and misery, the loss of memory, the day dreams, the hypochondria and inclination to commit suicide, and other evidences of mental disorder, by which the sufferers from this disease are distressed. By Varicocele is understood a dilated and tortuous state of the cords and veins of the scrotum. It generally occurs in the young, and is almost always confined to the left side, because the left vein is longer than the right, and more indirect in its course; but mainly because the left vein is unprovided with a valve where it enters the vena cava, or large vein, so that the blood is apt to accumulate in it, and distend it, especially when it is brought to the parts by any ex- citement. Whatever may be the cause, the fact is that the walls of these veins do give way, become relaxed, as it were, and distended; bulging out in places into little pouches, giving the vessel, when full of blood, a knotty appearance. The whole vein, in old cases, is di- lated, enlarged, tortuous, cordy, and knotty. The disease is one very prevalent, and although it has been known to exist for years without any serious result, my observation has convinced me that these are exceptional cases, and that in the majority of instances the disease results in loss of vitality and wasting of the gland, and sooner or VARICOCELE. later impairs the general health by constant nervous irritation, in- ducing dyspepsia, dragging sensations in the groin, lumbago, or pain in the back, and a general depression of the system, despondency, hypochondria, gloomy forebodings, etc. The disease comes on slowly, with a dull, heavy, aching pain, sometimes extending up the cord to the groin and back; there is sometimes a sense of weight on the affected side, which is frequently flabby and elongated. The dis- eased side is very prone to sweat; the veins are doubled, knotty, harder and larger in places than in others, and irregularly dilated, some of them being six times their natural bulk. When taken in the hand, the affected scrotum feels as if filled with a bunch of earth- worms or a cluster of cords. It sometimes, if neglected, exists to such a degree as to resemble a rupture, the left side of the scrotum hanging down four to six inches. In advanced stages of the disease or disorganization, the epididymis becomes detached from the body of the gland, and is plainly distinguished by the finger. The result of all this is, that a considerable diminution of vital power takes place, and if means are not adopted to arrest a further break-up of the structure, the vital powers will subside altogether. By the use of the Specific Remedy, in cases of Varicocele, the dilated and sagging veins are emptied of their contents, the gland at once begins to grow larger, the parts regain their tone, strength, and contractility, relief is instantaneous, pain and dragging sensations disappear, the swellings vanish, and in a short time the veins regain their former shape. Meantime all the other symptoms improve, the weakness is removed, the organism becomes perfect, the glands get larger and healthier, and the patient feels that he has at last found just what he needed. PRICE OF THE SPECIFIC REMEDY. In order that all may avail themselves of the benefits to be de- rived from its use, the Remedy has been put at the low price of Three Dollars ($3) per package. Sent by mail postpaid to any ad- dress. If preferred, the package can be sent by express. The Remedy is put up in pill form. Full directions for using are sent with each package. It is sent (securely sealed) in a plain wrapper, nothing being put on the outside to indicate its contents. The best 27 way to have medicine sent is by mail, and I guarantee its safe deliv- ery when sent in that way. Medicines sent by express will go per- fectly safe, yet it is a much more expensive mode of transportation than when sent by the former method. The best way to send money is to send by Registered Letter, Express Money Order, Post Office Money Order, Bank Draft on New York, or Express. As a general thing, money will go perfectly safe in a common letter; still, I cannot be responsible for it if lost when sent in that manner, and therefore prefer that all letters con- taining orders for the medicine should be registered, or the money secured in the way I have stated. IN CONCLUSION. My office is open from 8 A. m. to 6 p. m., and I am at all times glad to see patients. I make no charges for consultation, either in person or by letter. If you have carefully read the preceding pages, the contents of which may or may not have fully described your troubles, and you still feel that you desire further information or ad- vice ; if there are any points upon which you are not quite clear, or if you are in doubt as to whether the treatment is suited to, or is able to reach and successfully cope with, the peculiarities of your case, I shall be happy to hear from you at any time, and will answer you in an honest, straightforward, and confidential manner. NOTICE. Patients will please bear in mind that all communications are re- garded as strictly confidential. All letters are destroyed as soon as they are carefully read and the cases are strictly examined, consequently it will be necessary to give in each letter your full name and address. Persons sending for the Remedy should write plainly the name to which it is to be addressed, the Post Office, County, and also the State. All letters or orders for the medicine should be addressed plainly, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, P.O.Box 237. MOODUS, CONN. 28 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO Patients Ordering the Remedy. THE best way to have medicine sent is by mail, and I guarantee its safe delivery when sent in that manner. Medicine sent by express will go perfectly safe, yet it is a much more expensive mode of transportation than when sent by the former method. The best way to send money when ordering the Remedy is to send by Registered Letter, Post Office Money Order, Express or Bank Draft. Postage Stamps will be taken at their face value in payment for medicine, if sent by Registered Letter. Express Money Orders can be obtained at the offices of the American, United States, or Wells- Fargo Express Companies. This is a very safe and convenient way to transmit money when ordering the Remedy. As a general thing, money will go perfectly safe in a common letter; still, I cannot be responsible for it if lost when sent in that manner, as I have lately had quite a number of complaints from people who sent me orders in common letters, which were never received by me, and I therefore prefer that all letters containing orders for the medicine should be registered, or the money secured in the way I have stated; there is then but little danger of loss, and when sent as I have advised, it is at my risk. To order by a Registered Letter is the best way in the world, as it gives the patient who sends it a prompt receipt for his money, saves me much time and annoyance, and is perfectly safe. Any Postmaster in the United States or Canada will always be pleased to register a letter when requested to do so. Do not send your orders by common letter if you can possibly help it. Always give your correct name and address in each and every letter, and write them plainly. You cannot be too particular about this. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by Prof. F. C. Fowler, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Always order by Registered Letter or Money Order, if possible. Canadian Currency, Notes and Postage Stamps are satisfactory. In ordering by Registered Letter, be sure that you place the correct registry stamp on your letter, as quite frequently a Canadian patient will fail to put on sufficient postage, and then the letter, instead of coming to me, goes to the Canadian clead-letter office, and is held there for short postage until I am notified and have sent the correct postage. Such errors as this have occasioned great and needless delay in the patients getting the remedy, and should be borne in mind by all Canadian patients. IMPORTANT TO CANADIAN PATIENTS. A letter of advice always accompanies each shipment of medi- cine, but the package generally leaves here several mails ahead of the letter, therefore patients receiving medicine without getting a let- ter of advice, and answering their questions, etc., at the same time, need not be annoyed, as the letter will come in due time. If there is anything you wish to know about your case, do not feel backward about writing me, as I will be pleased to answer and give you all the information in my power. I will now attempt to answer several questions which are cer- tain to be asked of me by many people who think of using my treatment: First — The Remedy is composed of purely vegetable ingre- dients, and contains no mercury or other injurious mineral proper- ties, and therefore cannot possibly harm the most delicate consti- tution. Second — The use of the Remedy causes no interference with the patient’s daily labor or regular routine of every-day life, and no difference whatever need be made on account of taking it. Third — All orders are filled the same day upon which they are received. Fourth — The Remedy is always sent in plain wrappers, securely sealed from observation, nothing appearing on the outside of the package but the name and address of the patient ordering it. Fifth — It will not in any manner interfere with any other medi- cine which the patient may be taking at the same time for other complaints. Sixth — I send my treatment all over the world wherever the mail reaches, with perfect safety and despatch. Moodus is an Inter- national Money Order Office, and Post Office Orders can be drawn on it from all foreign Post Offices having this privilege. Seventh — A cure is guaranteed to every one using this Remedy and giving the same a fair trial according to directions, or money cheerfully and conscientiously refunded. Eighth — C. O. D.’s: I can send the Remedy C. O. D. (collect on delivery) when so requested, but it always costs the patient from twenty-five to fifty cents additional, as the express company must be paid for returning the money in addition to the regular charges for transporting the goods. Ninth—Although I can do just as well for you at your own home, still I would be pleased to see you, and a personal visit might result in mutual benefit. Tenth — By all means do not marry until you are well, strong, and cured beyond a doubt. Eleventh — I use a specially prepared Specific for female debility and other kindred complaints. Twelfth — Am I perfectly responsible, conscientious and reliable in all my statements ? Will my assertions and promises be fully and faithfully carried out to the letter ? The facts given below will reply. To those people who are familiar with my justly earned repu- tation in treating these diseases (and in many parts of the country my name is a familiar household word as a skillful specialist, medical writer, lecturer, etc.), the foregoing questions may seem uncalled for and superfluous. I have been treating these diseases for years', as evidenced by the back files of all the more prominent newspapers of the country; have lectured in every State and Territory of the Union, also throughout Great Britain and her Provinces; have had every facility to study all forms and phases of the diseases I profess to treat, from coming in constant contact with thousands of patients so afflicted. As an evidence of my success, and the satisfaction myself 30 31 and remedies must have given, patients are respectfully referred to both of the Standard Mercantile Agency Reports as to my commer- cial standing, etc., and if in the past I have been reliable in all my dealings, and my numerous patients have been satisfied and grateful, it is reasonable to suppose such will be the case in the future. As to the estimation that my skill and remedies are held in for treating these diseases by the more prominent physicians (who do not make a study of these diseases), would say that not a day passes but that I am sent more or less patients by them, or my opinion concerning some complicated case is solicited, as they recognize that by reason of my treating thousands of cases I must naturally grow proficient in my specialty. RETROSPECTIVE. In my little pamphlet the literary critic will detect many errors in phraseology, the lover of the sensational will complain of its dull- ness, and the chronic fault-finder will pronounce it gross and unfit for general perusal. This, however, does not disturb the equanimity of the writer, for in its preparation he has been animated by a deeper and higher motive than a vain attempt to please the superficial or achieve a literary triumph. If its carefully verified statements, its fearless denunciation of every disease producing evil and its revela- tions of the misery and despair which are produced by ignorance and thoughtlessness, and its exhortations to a higher, deeper, richer manhood, touch only a few of the many hearts to which its pages will certainly appeal, the highest expectations of the author will be fully realized, and the world will be the better for it. “To the pure in heart all things are pure; ” and when at last the direct rays of the sun of wisdom shoot through the valley and over the summits of the great mountains of error and ignorance, in whose dark shadows humanity has lingered so long, and the paths of safety are disclosed by the clear light of perfect knowledge, then there will come an era of moral chastity and physical perfection, and mankind, no longer trammelled by weakness, or enslaved by passion, will go on from height to height in the realm of achievement, until at last there shall dwell on earth a generation whose watchword shall be “purity.” The general circulation of a carefully prepared treatise on the pitfalls which beset the path of youth, setting forth in plain but modest words the relation of the various parts of the body to one another, describing the anatomy of the various functions of the body and warning the young of the dangers of ignorance and imprudence, and the older of the dire results of excesses and revealing in all its hideousness the diseases and symptoms that are certain to occur from the transgression of nature’s laws, would accomplish more for the preservation and elevation of the manhood of the rising genera- tion than all the moral influences combined. Into the dark and fathomless gulf of hopeless ruin thousands of young men plunge every year, cursing that mistaken sense of propriety and bemoaning that ignorance which left them to fall an easy prey to these debilitat- ing diseases, from which a few candid words of warning would have saved them. In conclusion, I would say that should this Pamphlet fall into the hands of any sufferer afflicted with any of the diseases described in the foregoing pages, and they conclude to place their case in my hands for treatment, they may rest assured of honorable and consci- entious usage, and that my best endeavors will go out in their behalf. And let me say here to all erring ones, do not keep your secret to yourself until it has sapped the fountain of your life, and left you a wreck of humanity, a curse to yourself and a burden to society; but, if entangled in the snare of Nervous Debility or any weakening dis- ease or trouble, flee at once from its destructive influences; use the SPECIFIC REMEDY and be restored to health and vigor. Do not cast this Pamphlet carelessly aside, but if not suffering yourself from any of the diseases herein mentioned, hand it or send it to a friend. He will never be the wiser as to how it came to reach him, and you may thus be the means of rescuing some poor sufferer, who but for you might never know of a cure, or be warned until it was too late. Another thing, if several years should elapse after receiving this Pamphlet, and you should then feel the need of my treatment, do not hesitate to address me, for as I have been here so many years in the past, I will in all human probability be here for years to come in the future. Address all communications plainly, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, P. O. Box 237. MOODUS, CONN. 32 Zf)\e CWtfie*, That (f/'ft't+'H'A'. \}?r/nJsC'r is entitled to be registered in the town of <£>0 4 / as a Physician in general practice. Attest, CONN. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. MEMBE99 OF THE 60**0. Connecticut gJoaviT of fjtcaltTt, SECRETARY’S OFFICE. tv. Officer. Csfiea £3&«ven. C&. . <2/ 4P J ■> 7