" Y Pacts interesting to Physicians, Surgeons, Apothecaries, &c, A TREATISE ON THE MEDICINAL USE OF COD-LIVER OIL.. Lr^y- r<&*r- ■ s BY EMERY SOUTHER. )■ Druggist and Apothecary, Corner Grten St. and Lyman Place, Boston, j. y^. MTO'SPII©^. The " Boston Medical and Surgical Journal," for Dec. 1848, edited by J. V. C. SMITH, M. D., says :—Mr. Souther, in Green Street, has acquired reputation for the elegant manner of putting up the Oil of his make. Till he gave us some statis- tics in regard to the extent of this comparatively new business in Boston, we had no conception of the active demand for Cod-liver Oil. Mr. Souther, in the first place, has quite a squadron of fishermen under his patronage, who are deriving an unex- pected revenue from a source never contemplated by them till this new enterprise was started. Mr. Souther manufactures hundreds upon hundreds of gallons, in a short space of time,—and to keep his presses working, he is receiving daily the raw material, sometimes as many as ten barrels a day of the livers of COD-FISH, from which alone the true medicinal Cod-liver Oil is procured. Boxes of beautifully labelled bottles are sent off in all directions; and, although considerable compe- tition already begins to be exhibited, the supply from all reliable sources is repre- sented to be inadequate to meet the influx of orders from abroad. This Oil consists chiefly of oleic and margaric acids, in union with glycerin, combined with a small proportion of resinous matter, phosphoric acid, iodine and bromine. Its medical properties are ascribed to the iodine, small as the quuniity is in any given quantity. In strumous diseases, much reliance is placed on its action. Its flattering influences are fully admitted by taking a few ounces habitually; and the complexion, too, is represented to become clear and much improved by persisting in its use. A TREATISE ON THE USE OP COD-LIVER OIL, IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA AND CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND THROAT. BY EMERY SOUTHER, CHEMIST AND APOTHECABY, CORNER OF GREEN STREET AND LYMAN PLACE, BOSTON. BOSTON: MEAD'S PRESS, 4 STATE STREET. 1848. PREFACE. The constant call on the subscriber from physicians of respect- ability, for Cod Liver Oil, has induced him to examine the various opinions expressed in the European Medical Journals as to the best mode of preparing it; and the result has demonstrated, that from the fish of this coast it can be prepared with less disagreeable taste and in greater purity, than any that has ever been imported from abroad. Within the last two years the demand for it has so much increased, that he has put in operation an establishment for its manufacture on an extensive scale. And in ordinary seasons he assures the profession and dealers, he will be able to supply them with an uniformly good article. In connection with the above he would state, that the Oil which is generally sold throughout the United States, is procured from the livers and other internal parts of various kinds of fish, exposed for *a long time to the air and the heat of the sun, the livers thereby becoming much decayed, and the oil from which produces nauseating effects, and is deleterious in its operations upon the diseases for which it is used. The Oil prepared by me I warrant to be the real purified Oil of the Cod-fish Livers, manufactured daily from fresh livers. The subjoined opinions of the medical press show the cause for the increased demand. It will also be observed, that this Oil is not a nostrum, but one of the regular remedies of the Pharma- copoeia, which will divest it of all appearance of quackery. It is put up in pound bottles, at the low price of^£**cts. each, with the usual discount to dealers; and can be sent with safety to any part of this or any other country. All orders promptly answered, by addressing the Proprietor, TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OF THE USE OF OLEUM JECORIS ASELLI, PURIFIED COD-FISH LITER OIL; MANUFACTURED BY EMERY SOUTHER, Corner of Green Street and Lyman Place, Boston, and is now used by the following Physicians, in their practice in this city and adjoining country: JOHN WARE, M. D.; JOHN HOMANS, M. D.; J. B. GREGERSON, M. D.; J. W. FLINT, M. D.; JONAS H. LANE, M. D.; SAMUEL MORRILL, M.D.; WOODBRIDGE STRONG, M. D.; GEORGE BARTLETT, M. D.; ASA B. SNOW, M. D.; SILAS DURKEE, M. D.; E. C. DREW, M. D., of Boston ; and DR. ALLEN, Cambridge, Mass.; AMOS TWITCHELL, M. D., Keene, N.H.; HENRY CADY, M.D., Monson, Mass; Dr. DOUGHERTY, Newark, N. J. ; Dr. SMITH, Maryland Penitentiary ; and other practitioners in the country. [From the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Feb. 1848. J. V. C. Smith, M. D., Editor, and Boston Quarantine Physician.] Oleum Jecoris Aselli.—From the circumstances that the pro- fession in Europe are giving unusual attention of late to the Cod Liver Oil, and that the New England physicians are as ambitious as their brethren in other places to avail themselves of all new agents, it may be serviceable to them to mention that Mr. E. Souther, Druggist, in Green Street, opposite the head of Stam- ford Street, in this city, manufactures the article—and his speci- mens are excellent. His process is very exact, and being con- ducted under his own eye, the quality is not to be questioned. Livers are procured from the fish, immediately on being caught, and are not partially decomposed, as they too frequently are, before being manufactured. In strumous diseases, a degree of confidence is placed in the Cod-liver Oil, that encourages its further use. Its importation hereafter is absurd, since, probably, a better Tj^Gs made at home, than can be procured in England or France. _______ [Testimony of Dr. McRuer, of Bangor, Me.] Two years ago, I first had the opportunity of witnessing its extensive and approved use, both in private and hospital practice in Europe. Since then I have prescribed it freely to my own pa- tients, and from close and impartial observation of its effects, I have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable addition to the materia medica, and particularly useful in those chronic, 5 wasting diseases, which either arise from hereditary causes, or depraved nutrition. I feel very anxious that the medicinal char- acter of the Oil may not be injured, through the selfishness of the trade, either by its imperfect preparation, or its too indiscriminate use, and cheerfully lend my aid in confining its manufacture and sale to apothecaries of respectable standing. Judging from the sample you have seut me, I am satisfied that you prepare it with skill and fidelity. [Extracts from Pereira's Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Vol. II. p. 793.] The Oil obtained from the common Cod appears to have been for a long period a popular remedy in various countries of Europe, for rheumatism and some other diseases. In 1732 it was strongly recommended by Dr. T. Percival ; in 1807, by Dr. Bradsley, who states that it was in high repute in Lancashire. This Oil has been analyzed by Marder, and the following ingredients found in it:— green soft resin ; brown hard resin ; gelatine ; oleic acid ; margaric acid ; glycerine; coloring matter; chloride of calcium ; chloride of sodium, and sulphate of poiash. Since which, iodine and bromine have been detected in this Oil. Physiological Effects —At the commencement of its use, it frequently causes nausea, disagreeable eructation, and occasionally vomiling. In the dose of a tablespoonful it acts as a laxative, diaphoretic and diuretic ; and when the habit has surmounted the repugnance to the nausea and sickness, these effects will cease. Dr. Bardsley found that most patients were disposed to get fat under its use. But Taufflield declares, that in doses of from two to four spoonsful a day, he never found it " exert any appreciable influence upon the urine or perspiration, or produce any disturbance in the economy." Uses.—Though it has been used more or less successfully in a considerable number of diseases; the cases in which it has proved most successful, are those of a gouty, rheumatic, or scrofulous nature. As the Oil contains iodine, and as it proves most suc- cessful in those maladies in which this element proves successful, it has been suggested that iodine is its active principle. In rheu- matism, it is indicated in the chronic forms of this disease, where the muscles and tendons are rigid, and the joints nearly inflexible. In scrofula it has proved successful in most of the forms of this disease, but especially when it affects the bones, (as in rickets, caries, &c.) and in tabes mesenterica. In the latter most intract- able form of this disease, its efficacy has occasionally been most surprising. Even in phthisis, benefit is said to have been obtained by its use. In chronic skin diseases attention was drawn to its 6 use, some years since, by Dr. Marshall Hall. In chronic opthahnia, especially of a scrofulous kind, it has been given internally, and, in some cases, applied to the eye with benefit. From Foreign Journals on the Use of the Cod-fish Liver Oil, in Scrofula and Chronic Rheumatism. Dr. Taufflield relates, in the first place, a case of scrofulous affection of the bones of the back. All remedies seemed to fail, till the Oil of Cod was given and persevered in for some time, until the cure was completed. In the second case, a girl of six years, whose foot was a shapeless mass, pierced by a number of fistula openings, two spoonfulls were given daily for nearly six months, with the same evident improvement, after the failure of the ordinary remedies. Suffice it to say, that in all the most marked good effects followed, and the author comes to the con- clusion, that when the remedy is administered with perseverance, it is able to effect an alteration in the constitution, and imprint a favorable direction on the organs of nutrition. This advantageous effect of the Oil has shown itself in the majority of the persons who'have taken it, by the more or less speedy return of strength and plumpness, and by an indisputable influence on the scrofulous disease itself:—hence the Oil of Cod will fulfil the indications of the general treatment. Dr. Taufflield proceeds to say, that the Oil was, moreover, ad- ministered to two women who had lost the use of their limbs for several years, in consequence of chronic rheumatism of the joints. In these patients the power of locomotion was so limited, from the swelling and stiffness of all the joints, that it was necessary to carry them from one bed to another. The use of the Oil gradually removed the swelling of the joints. In five or six months, the power of motion was re-established ; at present the patients are able to walk with considerable ease. The efficacy of the Oil of Cod, in these diseases, whether scrofulous or rheumatic, is fully confirmed by the observations of Schenck, Gunther, Wesner, Moning, Schuttle, Brefeld, and other practitioners. It is probable that its healing power depends primarily on its restoring the func- tions of nutrition when it is in a disordered state. The therapeutic properties of this Oil have been attributed, by some physicians, to a small quantity of iodine, which M. Hopper has discovered in it. The above may be reduced to the following proposition, viz : The Oil of Cod-fish has a favorable influence on the general state of lymphatic patients who make use of it; and, when properly administered, it has the property of curing scrofula of the bones, marasmus, and chronic aurethetus of a scrofulous or rheumatic form. The Oil of Cod must be administered with per- 7 severance, and for several months, to produce an advantageous result.—[Abridged from the Gazette Medicate, Nov. 9, 1848 ] [Extract from the 25th Number of the British and Foreign Medical Review.] Dr. Roesch affirms that scrofulous affections are produced by an excess of acid matters in the fluid of the body ; and that Cod-liver Oil is, therefore, one of the most suitable remedies. [From the Providence Medical and Surgical Journal, 1840.] The Oil which Mr. Everett employs, and which he has found an efficacious remedy in tubercular diseases, is of a pale straw color, and all I aim at is to add my testimony to that of others who have successfully employed it. [From the Monthly Journal, 1847.] Dr. Graves corroborates the testimony of those (and, amongst the rest, of Dr. Bennet) who have extolled the use of this medicine in strumous diseases in general. He has seen it do what he never saw any other remedy effect. [From the Medical Times, 1847.] Dr. Willshire says ; There is one agent I must not forget to speak of, viz.,—Cod Liver Oil,—this has lately been much praised. I have administered it in twenty cases, and certainly found benefit from its use. Many persons speak very highly of it indeed. [From the British and Foreign Medical Review.] Dr. Bennett says, that the Laplanders, and the inhabitants of some northern nations, take it habitually, and consider it a delicacy; and even in Shetland, that it is used extensively when fresh, and considered wholesome. The Oil has been used immemorially in some of the northern nations, as a cure for rheumatism. The purified sort, obtained from Mr. Donovan, who has experimented for this purpose, (has a specific gravity 0.934,) is of a pale yellow color. Dr. Brefeld states, that the Oil is not the cause of the diarrhoea which may occur during the use of it, and that it is to the iodine that the Oil owes its efficacy in scrofula; and that the iodine thus occuring in a natural production may be supposed to possess a stronger therapeutic action than when obtained by chemical means. (After allowing that the odorous qualities are so atrocious, it will be no objection, for when it is necessary the pa- tient will little trouble himself about what will do him good, and will be willing to swallow any substance which holds out the hopes of cure.) 8 In the January number. 1842, the above Journal says:—"We think that from so respectable an authority as Dr. Bennett, a sim- ple intimation in any of the journals, that he had found Cod-liver Oil useful in such and such cases, and had witnessed its successful employment in Germany, would have secured all practical ends.) Dr. B. says, the diseases this Oil is capable of curing, are rheuma- tism, gout, scrofula, rachitis, malacosteon, scrofulous-caries of the bones, atrophia mesenterica, phthisis pulmonalis, chronic skin dis- eases, scrofulous ulcers, scrofulous diseases of the eyes. Dr. B. has, according to his own statement, cured vomica and caverns of the lungs, by the use of this Oil. In the same journal, page 442, Dr. Forbes adds :—" That the strong and recurring evidence of the beneficial effects of the oleum jecoris aselli, forbids us to doubt that it is an agent of considerable efficacy in some cases;" and he trusts that his pre- sent notice of it, " will induce members of the profession to embrace suitable opportunities of testing its merits. [From the London Lancet, June 27, 1846.] On the Use of Cod-liver Oil in diseases of the Respiratory System.—The efficacy of the Oil of Cod-liver in phthisis pulmo- nalis, (or consumption,) has recently been attested by several ob- servers. Dr. Thompson, who is one of the physicians of the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, at Brompton, states that he has derived more benefit from it than from any other medicine which he has tried. Dr. Toogood and Dr. Huss speak of its value. The above journal, of 1848, says of the use of Cod-liver Oil, in phthisis :—" The beneficial effects of this animal oil, in Con- sumption, though undoubted in certain cases, appear to be but little known to the generality of the profession in this country. That it is capable of effecting more good than any other medicine with which we are acquainted, we have convinced ourselves by a considerable experience." Dr. Madden, of Torquay, says, on some points connected with Tubercle of the Lungs, that his experience of Cod-liver Oil, in phthisis, is extremely favorable. The manufacturer has permission to refer all invalids, who may desire it, to various individuals who have used the Oil. For obvious reasons, a parade of their names in a pamphlet might be unpleasant to them, but they will be given to any who wish to consult them before using it. CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAFARILLA AND DOCK-ROOT. This Compound is offered to the public as a safe and speedy remedy for the cure of every disorder arising from an Impure state of the Blood; and, on a thorough trial, it will be found highly beneficial in Hall Klicmii, Kryniprlast, Pimplrs on Ihc Face, Chronic Rheumatism, Asthmatic Coughs, and Scrofula in all its forms. Having had much experience in the compounding of various medicinal preparations, iu Boston, and being thoroughly acquainted with the wants of the afflicted community, for some preparation of SPANISH SARSAFARILLA, based upon scientific principles, to supersede the various nostrums bearing the title of Syrups, Extracts, &c, of Sarsaparilln, that have been palmed off on the public for a long time, has prompted the subscriber to prepare himself, what he can warrant to be a real Fluid Extract of Spanish Sausapa- killa, of great strength, which, combined with Dock-Root, also a well-known purifier, (each bottle contains one hundred grains of pure Hydriodate of Potass, which can be furnished with or without it, as physicians may wish,) makes one of the most powerful, safe, and efficacious remedies for the above-named complaints, that has yet been before the public, and can be taken with perfect safety by persons of all ages, after the following DIRECTIONS.—A child may take from half to two teaspoonsful, and an adult from two to four teaspoonsful. In all cases to be taken three or four times a day, before eating, reduced with a little water or syrup. Shake the Bottle before using, and use as a Wash externally, as often as it is taken internally, where there is any eruption on the Skin. DANDELION PANACEA. This Compound is a preparation from the fresh DANDELION ROOT, combined with other valuable tonics. The strength, elhcacy, and the following recommendation, can be relied upon. It is a sure remedy for all those Bilious complaints incident to a New England Spring. Such as general Weakness and Debility of the System ; loss of Appe- tite, Liver Complaint, Headache, and all diseases arising from Indigestion,Costiveness. and all obstructions of the Stomach and Bowels To all persons who are liable to any disar- rangement of the system, this medicine will be found to be—just what Nature requires— a real Spring Physic; and is highly recommended to take the place of the practice of former years, of taking large quantities of Sulphur and Cream of Tartar. DIKb'OTIO>N.—After shaking the Bottle well, an adult may take from a table- spoonful to a small wine-glassful, three times daily, half an hour before each meal; and children from one to three teaspoonsfuls, according to the age and health of the patient. The above Medicines will stand the test of all other preparations of the kind, which are now floating throughout the country in the shape of nostrums. The articles of my manufacture are used by respectable physicians, which fact divesis them of all appearance of quackery, and will, upon a thorough trial, be found to be just what they are here repre- sented, and are highly recommended to all who are afflicted, to use with perfect safety, from which much benefit may be derived, if not cures obtained, if their use is persevered in. N. B. For security against fraud, see that one of these pamphlets accompanies each Bottle of medicine. TESTIMONIALS of the beneficial effects and cures of various diseases, from the use of the Purified Cod-Liver Oil, Extract of Sarsaparii.la and Uock-Root. and Dandelion Panacea, or Spring Bitters, can be had on application to EMERY SOUTHER, Chemist and Apothecary, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, corner Green St. $ Lyman Place, Boston. Sold, also, by Druggiets generally. tf -^ IMPORTER AND DEALER I\ FOREIGN LEECHES, Corner oi* Green St. and JLyinan Place, Boston. _>) /