LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, To July, IS79. Where no price is affixed the work cannot be furnished, it being out of print or not yet published. Publications marked * do not appear in the Contributions, Collections, or Reports. No. Author. Title. Pages. W ft Price. A Journal of Regents, 8vo.* 32 1846 B Report of Organization Committee 8vo.* 32 1847 C Digest of Act of Congress, 8vo.* 8 1847 D Dallas, G. M. Address at Laying Corner Stone, 8vo.* 8 1847 E Henry, Jos. Exposition of Bequest, 8vo.* 8 1847 F First Report of Secretary, 8vo.* 48 1848 G Report of the Institution, 8vo.* 38 1847 II Second Report of Institution, 8vo.* 208 1848 I Third Report of Institution, 8vo. * 64 1849 J Programme of Organization, 4 to.* 4 1847 K Correspondence, Squier A Davis, 8vo. * 8 1848 L First Report of Organization Com- mittee, 8vo.* 8 1846 M Reports of Institution up to Jan. 1849, 8vo.* 72 1849 N Officers, Regents, Act, &c., 8vo.* 14 1846 0 Act to establish Smithsonian In- stitution, 8vo.* 8 1846 P Owen, E. D. Hints on Public Architecture, 4 to.* 140 1849 Q Check List of Periodicals, 4to.* 28 1853 1 Squier & Davis, Ancient Monuments of Missis- sippi Valley, S. C. I, . 346 1847 2 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledgel Is-c- 346 1848 1. 1 1 2 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 3 Walker, S. C. Researches, Planet Neptune S. C. ii, 60 1850 4 Walker, S. C. Ephemeris of Neptune for 1848, S. C. ii, 8 1849 5 Walker, S. C. Ephemeris of Neptune for 1849, S. C. ii, 32 1849 6 Walker, S. C. Ephemeris of Neptune for 1850, S. C. II, 10 1850 7 Walker, S. C. Ephemeris of Neptune for 1851, S. C. II, 10 1850 8 Downes, John Occultations in 1848, 4to.* 12 1848 9 Downes, John Occultations in 1849, 4to.* 24 1848 10 Downes, John Occultations in 1850, 4to.* 26 1849 11 Downes, John Occultations in 1851, S. C. ii, 26 1850 12 Lieber, Francis Vocal Sounds of L. Bridgeman, S. C. ii, 32 1850 13 Ellet, Charles Physical Geography of U. S. S. C. ii, 64 1850 14 Gibbes, R. W. Memoir on Mosasaurus, S. C. II, 14 1850 15 Squier, E. G. Aboriginal Monuments ofN. Y. S. C. II, 188 1850 16 Agassiz, Louis Classification of Insects, S. C. II, 28 1850 17 Hare, Robert Explosiveness of Nitre, S. C. II, 20 1850 18 Gould, Jr., B. A. Discovery of Neptune, 8vo.* 56 1850 19 Guyot, A. Directions for Meteorological Ob- servations, 8vo.* 40 1850 20 Bailey, J. W. Microscopic Examination of Soundings, S. C. II, 16 1851 21 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1849 8vo. 272 1850 22 Gray, Asa Plant® Wrightianae, S. C. hi, 146 1852 23 Bailey, J. W. Microscopic Observations in S. Carolina, Georgia, and Elorida, S. C. ii, 48 1851 24 Walker, S. C Ephemeris of Neptune, 1852. Appendix I, S. C. Ill, 10 1853 2 5 Jewett, Chas. C. Public Libraries of United States, 8vo.* 210 1851 .50 26 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. ii, 464 1851 27 Booth, 0 C. and Morfit, C. Improvements in Chemical Arts, M. C. ii, 216 1852 .50 28 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1850, 8vo. 326 1851 29 Downes, John Occultations in 1852, S. C. iii, 34 1851 1 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 3 No. Author. Title. 1 Pages. Date. Price. 30 Girard, Charles j Fresh-Water Fishes of N. America S. C. hi, *80 1851 31 Guyot, A. Meteorological Tables, M. C. i, 212 1852 32 Harvey, Wm, H. Marine Algae of North America. Part I, S. C. hi, 152 1852 33 Davis, Chas. H. Law of Deposit of Flood Tide, S. C. iii, 14 1852 .75 34 Directions for Collecting Speci- mens, M.C. n, 40 1859 free 35 Locke, John Observations on Terrestrial Mag- netism, S. C. iii, 30^1852 36 Secchi, A. Researches on Electrical Rheo- metry, S. C. iii, 60 1852 37 Whittlesey, Ch. Ancient Works in Ohio, S. C. iii, 20 1851 38 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. iii, 564 1852 39 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. iv, 426 1852 40 Riggs, S. R. Dakota Grammar and Dictionary, S. C. IV, 414 1852 41 Leidy, Joseph Extinct American Ox, S. C. V, 20 1852 42 Gray,Asa Plantae Wrightianae. Part II, S. C. V, 120 1853 43 Harvey, Wm. H. Marine Algae of North America. Part II, S. C. v, 262 1853 10.00 44 Leidy, Joseph Flora and Fauna within Living Animals, S. C. v, 68 1853 45 Wyman, Jeffries Anatomy of Rana Pipiens, S. C. v, 52 1853 46 Torrey, John Plantae Fremontianae, S. C. vi, 24 1853 47 Jewett, Chas. C. Construction of Catalogues of Libraries, 8vo.* 108 1853 .50 48 Girard, Charles Bibliotheca Americana Historico Naturaiis, 8 vo.* 68 1852 49 Baird, S. F. and Girard C. Catalogue of Serpents,' M. C. ii, 188 1853 1.00 50 Stimpson, Wm. Marine Invertebrata of Gr.Manan S. C. vi, 68 1853 1.50 51 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1851, 8vo. 104 1852 52 Coffin, Jas. H. Winds of the Northern Hemi- sphere, S. C. vi, 200 1853 53 Stanley, J. M. Portraits of N. American Indians, M. C. n, 76 1852 54 Downes, John Occultations in 1853, S. C. vi, 36 1853 4 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 55 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. v, 538 1853 56 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. vi, 476 1854 57 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1852, 8vo. 96 1853 58 Leidy, Joseph. Ancient Fauna of Nebraska, S. C. vi, 126 1853 59 Chappelsmith, J. Tornado in Indiana, S. C. vii, 12 1855 .25 60 Torrey, John Batis Maritima, S. C. vi, 8 1853 61 Torrey, John Darlingtonia Californica, S. C. VI, 8 1853 62 Melsheimer,F.E. Catalogue of Coleoptera, 8vo.* 190 1853 2.00 63 Bailey, J. W. New Species of Microscopic Or- ganisms, S. C. vn, 16 1854 .50 64 List of Foreign Correspondents of Smithsonian Institution, M. C. 16 1856 65 Registry of Period. Phenomena, folio,* 4 1854 66 Annular Eclipse, May 26, 1854 M. C. 14 1854 67 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1853, 8vo. 310 1854 68 Mitchell, B. R. & Turner, W. W. Vocabulary of Jargon of Oregon, 8vo.* 22 1853 69 List of American Correspondents of Smithsonian Institution, 8vo.* 16 1853 70 Lapham, I. A. Antiquities of Wisconsin, S. C. vn, 108 1855 71 Haven, S. F. Archaeology of the United States, S. C. vm, 172 1856 72 Leidy, Joseph Extinct Sloth Tribe of N. America, S. C. vn, 70 1855 73 Publications of Societies in Smith- sonian Library, • S. C. vii, 40 1855 .25 74 Catalogue of Smithsonian Publi- cations, M. C. v, 52 1862 75 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1854, 8vo. 464 1855 76 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. vii, 252 1855 77 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1855, 8vo. 440 1856 78 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. vm, 556 1856 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 5 No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 79 Runkle, John D. Tables for Planetary Motion, S. C. ix, 64 1856 1.00 80 Alvord, Benj. Tangencies ofCirclesand Spheres, S. C. viii, 16 1856 1.00 81 Olmsted, D. Secular Period of Aurora Borealis S. C. viii, 52 1856 82 Jones, Joseph Investigation on A. Vertebrata, S. C. viii, 150 1856 1.50 83 Meech, L. W. Relative Intensity of Heat and Light of the Sun, S. C. ix, 58 1856 1.25 84 Force, Peter Auroral Phenomena in North Latitudes, S. C. viii, 122 1856 1.25 85 Publications of Societies in Smith- onian Library. Part II, S. C. VIII, 38 1856 .25 86 Mayer, Brantz Mexican History and Archaeology S. C. ix, 36 1856 87 Coffin, Jas. H. Psychrometrical Tables, M. C. i, 20 1856 .25 88 Gibbs, W. and Genth, F. A. Ammonia Cobalt Bases, S. C. ix, 72 1856 1.00 89 Brewer, Th. M. North American Oology. Parti, S. C. xi, 140 1857 5.00 90 Hitchcock, E. Illustrations of Surface Geology, S. C. ix, 164 1857 4.00 91 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1856, 8vo. 468 1857 92 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. ix, 482 1857 93 Meteorological Observations for 1855, 8vo.* 118 1857 94 Runkle, John D. Asteroid Supplement to New Tables for b s S. C. ix, 72 1857 1.00 95 Harvey, Wm, H. Marine Algae of North America. Part III, S. C. x, 142 1858 6.00 96 Harvey, Wm. H. Marine Algae of North America. 3 parts complete, 4 to. 568 1858 20.00 97 Kane, E. K. Magnetic Observations in the Arctic Seas, S. C. x, 72 1859 1.00 98 Bowen, T. J. Yoruba Grammar and Dictionary, S. C. x, 232 1858 4.00 99 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. x, 462 1858 12.00 100 Gillis, J. M. Eclipse of the Sun, Sept. 7, 1858, S. C. xi, 22 1859 .50 101 Hill Thos. Map of Solar Eclipse, Mar.15, ’58, 8vo.* 8 1858 .15 102 Osten Sacken, R. Catalogue of Diptera of North America, M. C. hi, 112 1858' 6 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 103 Caswell, A. Meteorological Observations, Pro-| vidence, R. I., S. C. xn, 188 1860 2.00 104 Kane, E. K. Meteorological Observations in Arctic Seas, S. C. XI, 120 1859 105 Baird, S. F. Catalogue of North American Mammals, 4to.* 22 1857 .50 106 Baird, S. F. Catalogue of North American Birds, 4to.* 42 1858 .50 107 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1857, 8vo. 438 1858 108 Baird, S. F. Catalogue of N. American Birds, M. C. ii, 24 1859 .25 109 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1858, 8vo. 448 1859 110 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1859, 8vo. 450 1860 111 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xi, 506 1859 12.00 112 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xii, 540 I860 12.00 113 Bache, A. D. Magnetic and Meteorological Ob- servations at Girard Coll. Pt. I, S. C. xn, 22 1859 .25 114 Sonntag, A. Terrestrial Magnetism in Mexico, S. C. xi, 92 1859 1.25 115 Report on Invention of Electro- Magnetic Telegraph, M. C. ii, 40 1861 free 116 Rhees, Wm. J. List of Public Libraries, Ac. 8vo.* 84 1859 117 Catalogue of Publications, Ac., in Smithsonian Library, M. C. in, 264 1859 2.00 118 Morris, John G. Catalogue of Lepidoptera of North America, M. C. hi, 76 1860 1.00 119 Whittlesey, Ch, Fluctuations of Level in N. A. Lakes, S. C. xii, 28 1860 1.00 120 Hildreth, S. P. Meteorological Observations at and Wood, J. Marietta, O., S. C. XVI, 52 1867 1.00 121 Bache, A. D. Magnetic and Meteorological Ob- servations at Girard Coll. Pt. II, S. C. xiii, 28 1862 .25 122 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C. i, 738 1862 123 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C. ii, 715 1862 124 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- . lections, M. C. hi, 772 1862 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 7 No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. | 125 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C. iv, 760 1862 126 LeConte, John L. Coleoptera of Kansas and New Mexico, S. C. xi, 64 1859 1.25 127 Loomis, E. Storms in Europe and America, Dec. 1836, S. C. xi, 28 1860 1.25 128 Lea, Carpenter, &c. Check List of Shells in N. America M. C. ii, 52 1860 .25 129 Kane, E. K. Astronomical Observations in the Arctic Seas, S. C. xii, 56 1860 1.00 130 Kane, E. K. Tidal Observations in the Arctic Seas, S. C. xm, 90 1860 1.50 131 Smith, N. D. Meteorological Observations in Arkansas from 1840 to 1859, S. C. xn, 96 1860 1.25 132 Bache, A. D. Magnetic and Meteorological Ob- servations at Girard Coli. Pt.III S. C. xm, 16 1862 .25 133 Morris, John G. Synopsis of Lepidoptera of North America. Part I, M. C. iv, 386 1862 2.00 134 Hagen, H. Synopsis of Neuroptera of North America, M. C.iv, 368 1861 135 Mitchell, S. W. Venom of the Rattlesnake, S. C. xii, 156 1860 136 LeConte, JohnL. Classification of Coleoptera of North America, M. C. iii, 312 1862 1.50 137 Circular to Officers of Hudson’s Bay Co., M.C. viii, 6 1860 138 Morgan, L. H. Circular as to Degrees of Rela- tionship, M. C. ii, 34 1860 139 Collecting Nests and Eggs of North American Birds, M. C. ii, 34 1861 free 140 LeConte, John L. List of Coleoptera of North Ame- rica. Part I, M. C. vi, 82 1866 .75 141 Loew, H. and Osten Sacken Monographs of Diptera. Part I, M. C. vi, 246 1862 1.50 142 Binney, W. G. jBibliography of North American 1 Conchology. Part I, M. C. v, 658 1863 3.00 143 Binney, W. G. jLand and Fresh-Water Shells of j North America. Part II, M. C. vn, 172 1865 1.25 144 Binney, W. G. Land and Fresh-Water Shells of j North America. Part III, M. C. vn, m 186. 1.00 145 Prime, Temple 'Monograph of American Corbicu | ladm, M. C. vii 9. Jl86 1 .75 ! 8 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 146 M’Clintock, Sir F. L. Meteorological Observations in the Arctic Seas, S. C. xiii, 164 1862 1.50 147 Annual Report of Smithsonian 1 Institution for 1860, 8vo. 448 1861 148 Directions for Meteorological Ob- servations, M. C. i, 72 1860 149 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1861, 8vo. 464 1862 150 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1862, 8vo. 446 1863 151 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xiii, 558 1863 12.00 152 Carpenter, P. P. Lectures on Mollusca, 8vo.* 140 1861 153 Guyot, A. Tables, Meteorological and Phy- sical, M. C. i, 638 1859 3.00 154 List of Foreign Correspondents of Smithsonian Institution, M. C. v, 56 1862 155 Whittlesey, Ch. Ancient Mining on Lake Superior S. C. xiii, 34 1863 156 Egleston, T. Catalogue of Minerals, M. C. vn, 56 1863 .50 157 Results of Meteorological Obser- vations from 1854 to 1859, 4to.* 1270 1861 158 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C. v, 774 1864 159 Mitchell, S. W. & Morehouse, G. R. Anatomy and Physiology of Re- spiration in Chelonia, S. C. xiii, 50 1863 1.00 160 Gibbs, G. Instructions for Ethnology and Philology, M. C. vn, 56 1863 .25 161 Gibbs, G. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon M. C. vii, 60 1863 .50 162 Bache, A. D. Magnetic and Meteorological Obs. at Girard Coll. Pt. IV, V,&VI, S. C. xiii, 78 1862 1.00 163 Circular on History of Grass- hoppers, M. C. ii, 4 1860 164 Smithsonian Museum Miscellanea M.C. viii, 88 1862 .50 165 Allen, H. Monograph of the Bats of North America, M. C. vn, 110 1864 166 Bache, A. D. Magnetic Survey of Pennsylvania S. C. xiii, 88 1863 1.00 167 Le Conte, Jno. L. New Species of North America Coleoptera, M. C. vi, 180 1866 1.00 168 Circular Relative to Birds from Middle and South America, M.C. vm, 2 1 1863 free LTST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 9 No. 1 Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 169 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C. vi, 888 1864 170 Comparative Vocabulary, 4to.* 20 1863 free 171 Loew, H. Monograph of the Diptera of North America. Part II, M. C. vi, 372 1864 172 Meek, F. B. and Palaeontology of the Upper Mis- Hayden, F. V. souri. Part I, S. C. xiv, 158 1865 173 Dean, John Gray Substance of the Medulla Oblongata, S. C. xvi, 80 1864 174 Binney, W. G. Bibliography of North American Conchology. Part II, M. C. ix, 302 1864 2.00 175 Bache, A. D. Mag. and Met. Observ. at Girard Coll. Parts VII, VIII, & IX, S. C. xiv, 72 1864 1.00 176 Circular, Collecting North Ame- rican Shells, M. C. ii, 4 1860 free 177 Meek, F. B Check List of Invertebrate Fos- sils of North America, M. C. vn, 42 1864 .25 178 Circular to Entomologists, M.C. viii, 2 1860 179 Catalogue of Publications of So- cieties, M. C. ix, 596 1866 180 Draper, H. Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope, S. C. xiv, 60 1864 181 Baird, S. F. Review of American Birds in Smithsonian Museum, M. C. xn, 454 1866 2.00 182 Results of Meteorological Obser- vations from 1854-1859. Vol. II, 4to.* 546 1864 2.50 183 Meek, F. B. Check List of Invertebrate Fos- sils of North America, M. C. vn, 34 1864 m Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xiv, 490 1865 12.00 185 List of Birds in Mexico, &c., 8vo.* 8 1863 186 Bache, A. D. Mag. and Met. Observ. at Girard College. Parts X, XI, & XII, S. C. xiv, 42 1865 .50 187 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1863, 8vo. 420 1864 1.00 188 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1864, 8vo. 450 1865 1.00 189 Scudder, S. H. Catalogue ofOrthoptera of North America, M C. viii, 110 1868 1.00 190 Queries Relative to Tornadoes, M. C. x, 4 i 1865 free 10 LIST OP SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 191 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C. vn, 878 1865 192 Leidy, Joseph Cretaceous Reptiles of the U. S., S. C. XIV, 142 1865 193 Duplicate Shells from Expedition of Capt. Wilkes, 8 vo.* 4 1865 194 Binney, W. G & Bland, T. Land and Fresh-Water Shells of North America. Part I, M.C. vm, 328 1869 195 196 Hayes, I. I. Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas, S. C. xv, 286 1867 197 Whittlesey, Ch. Glacial Drift of Northwestern States, S. C. xv, 38 1866 198 Kane, E. K. Physical Observations in the Arctic Seas. Complete, 4 to.* 340 1860 199 Newcomb, S. Orbit of Neptune, S. C. xv, 116 1866 200 Conrad, T. A. Check List of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America, M. C. vn, 46 1866 .25 201 Stimpson, Wm. Ilydrobiinao and Allied Forms, M. C. vii, 64 1865 .50 202 Pumpelly, R. Geological Researches in China, Mongolia, &c. S. C. xv, 173 1866 3.50 203 List of Works published by Smithsonian Institution, M. C. vii. 12 1866 204 Cleaveland, P. Meteorological Observations, Brunswick, Me., 1807-1859, S. C. xvi, 60 1867 1.00 205 Circular for Archaaology and Eth- nology, M.C. vm, 2 1867 free 206 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xv, 620 1867 12.00 207 Relative to Scientific Investiga- tions in Russian America, M.C. vm, 10 1867 208 Pickering, Chas. Gliddon Mummy Case in Smith- sonian Institution, S. C. xvi, 6 1869 .50 209 Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1865, 8vo. 496 1866 210 Arrangement of Families of Birds in Smithsonian Institution, M.C. vm, 8 1866 211 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xvi, 498 1870 12.00 LIST OP SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 11 No. Author. Title. Pages. W ◄ P W O P 212 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M.C.Tin, 921 1869 5.00 213 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C. ix, 898 1869 5.00 214 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1866, 8vo. 470 1867 215 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1867, 8vo. 506 1868 216 Photograph Portraits of North American Indians, M. C. xiv, 42 1867 .25 217 Hoek, M. Meteoric Shower, 1867, Nov. 13, 8vo.* 4 1867 218 Morgan, L. H. Systems of Consanguinity and Af- finity, S. C. xvn, 616 1869 219 Osten Sacken, R. Monograph of Diptera of North America.. Part IV,, 358 1869 2.00 220 Swan, Jas. G. Indians of Cape Flattery, S. C. xvi, 118 1869 221 Coffin, James H. Orbit, Ac., of Meteoric Fire Ball, July 20, 1860, S. C. xvi, 56 1869 1.00 222 Schott, Chas. A. Tables of Rain and Snow in United States, S.C.xvin, 175 1872 3.00 223 Gould, B. A. On the Transatlantic Longitude, S. C. xvi, 110 1869 1.00 224 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1868, 8vo.* 473 1869 225 List of Foreign Correspondents of Smithsonian Institution, 8vo.* 53 1869 226 List of Publications of Smithson- ian Institution, 8vo. 34 1869 227 Gill, Theod. Families of Mollusks, M. C. x, 49 1871 .25 228 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1869, 8vo. 430 1871 1.00 229 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xvn, 616 1871 230 Gill, Theod. List of Families of Mammals, M. C. xi, 104 1872 .25 231 232 Stockwell, J. N. Secular Variations of Orbits of Planets, S. C.xvii 220 1872 2.00 233 Ferrel, Wm. Converging Series, Ratio of Dia- meter, and Circum. of Circles, S.C.xviii, 6 1871 .50 234 Baird, S. F. Relative to Food Fishes, M. C. x, 14 1871 free 12 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. 5q o a; Ph 235 Circular Relative to Thunder- storms, M. C. x, 2 1871 free 236 Circular Relative to Altitudes, M. C. x, 2 1871 free 237 Circular Relative to Lightning- rods, M. C. x, 4 1871 free 238 Rhees, Wm, J. List of American Libraries, and Public Institutions, M d 256 1872 1.00 239 Harkness, Wm. Magnetic Observations on the Monadnock, S. C. xviii, 226 1872 2.00 240 Barnard, J. G. Problems of Rotary Motion, S. C. XIX, 74 1872 241 Wood, H. C. Fresh-Water Algae of N. America, S. C. xix, 272 1872 7.50 242 Clark, H. J. Lucernarise. 11 plates, S. C. xxii, 138 1878 7.50 243 List of Foreign Correspondents of Smithsonian Institution, M. C. x, 63 1872 244 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1870, 8vo. 494 1871 1.00 245 Check List of Smithsonian Publi- cations to July, 1872, M. C. x, 21 1872 free 246 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xvm, 643 1872 12.00 247 Gill, Theod. List of Families of Fishes, M. C. xi, 96 1872 248 Hilgard, E. W. Geology of Lower Louisiana, S. C. xix, 38 1872 249 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1871, 8 vo. CO 1872 250 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections, M. C..X, 913 1873 5.00 251 Carpenter, P. P. Monograph of Chitonidae, 252 Carpenter, P. P. American Mollusca, M. C. x, 446 1873 253 Tryon, G. W. Monograph of Strepomatidae, M. C. xiii, 490 1873 254 De Saussure, H. Monograph of Hymenoptera, M. C. 430 1875 2.00 255 Clarke, F. W. Specific Gravity Tables, M. C. xii, 272 1873 1.00 256 Loew, H. Monograph Diptera. Part III, M. C. xi, 381 1873 2.00 257 258 Watson, S. Botanical Index, M. C. xv, 484 1878 2.00 259 Jones, Jos. Antiquities of Tennessee, S. C. 181 1876 3.00 360 ... ... LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 13 No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. Price. 261 Packard, A. S. Directions for Collecting and Pre- serving Insects, M. C. xi, 60 1873 free 262 Newcomb, S. Orbit of Uranus, S. C. xix, 296 1873 3.00 263 Astronomical Telegram Circular, M. C. xii, 4 1873 ... 264 LeConte, J. L. New Species Coleoptera. Part II, M. C. xi, 74 1873 265 LeConte, J. L. Classification Coleoptera. Part II, M. C. xi, 72 1873 266 Woodward, J. J. Toner Lecture I. Cancerous Tu- mors, M. C. xv, 44 1873 .25 267 Swan, J. G. Haidah Indians, S. C. xxi, 20 1874 1.00 268 Coffin, J. H. Winds of the Globe, S. C. xx, 781 1876 269 flabel, Simeon, Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumal- whuapa in Guatemala. 8 plates, s. c. 94 1878 2.00 270 Osten Sacken, C. E. Catalogue of Diptera of North Am., M. C. 324 CO CO H 2.00 271 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1872, 8vo. 456 1874 ... 272 Smithsonian Contributions, S. C. xix, 660 1874 12.00 273 Miscellaneous Collections, M. C. xi, 789 1874 5.00 274 Miscellaneous Collections, M. C. xn, 767 1874 5.00 275 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1873, 8vo. 452 1874 1.00 276 Clarke, F. W. Specific Heat Tables. Part II, M. C. xiv, 58 1876 .50 277 Schott, C. A. Temperature Tables, S. C. xxi, 360 1876 3.00 278 Check List of Smithsonian Publi- cations, M. C. 24 1874 279 DaCosta, J. M. Toner Lecture III. The Heart, M. C. xv, 32 1874 .25 280 Alexander, S. Harmonies of Solar System, S. C. xxi, 104 1875 1.00 281 Newcomb, S. Planetary Motion, S. C. xxi, 40 1874 .75 282 Wood, H. C. Toner Lecture IV. Study of Fever, M. C. xv, 50 1875 .25 283 Gill, Theod. Catalogue of Fishes, M. C. xiv, 56 1875 284 Smithsonian Contributions, S. C. xx, 794 1876 12.00 285 Smithsonian Contributions, S. C. xxi, 543 1876 12.00 286 Annunl Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1874, 8vo. 416 1875 1.00 287 Rau, Charles, Arcbseological Collection, Nat. Museum, S. C. 118 1876 2.00 14 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. No. Author. Title. Pages. Date. I Price. 288 Clarke, F. W. Specific Gravity Tables. Supp. I, M. C. xiv, 62 1876 .50 289 Clarke, F. W. Tables, Expansion by Heat M. C. xiv, 58 1876 .50 290 List of Smithsonian Publications, Toner Lecture II. The Brain, 8vo. xiii, 12 26 1876 1877 291 Brown-Sequard, M. C. xv, .25 292 Cope, E. D. Batrachia. Bulletin National Museum, No. 1, M. C. xiii, 106 1875 .50 293 Kidder, J. L., Coues, E. Birds Kerguelen Island. Bulle- tin National Museum, No. 2, M. C. xiii, 61 1875 .50 294 Kidder, J. L., and others, Nat. Hist. Kerguelen Island. Bulletin Nat. Museum, No. 3, M. C. xiii, 122 1876 .50 295 Lawrence, G. N. Birds of Mexico. Bulletin Nat. Museum, No. 4, M. C. xiii, 56 1876 .50 296 Goode, G. B. Fishes of Bermuda. Bull. Nat. Museum, No. 5, M. C. xiii, 82 1876 .50 297 Goode, G. B. Classification of Animal Re- sources, etc. Bulletin Nat. Museum, No. 6, M. C. xiii, 139 1876 .50 298 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1875, 422 1876 1.00 299 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1876, 8vo. 300 Keen, W. W. Toner Lecture Y. Continued Fevers, M. C. xv, 72 1877 .25 301 Check List of Smithsonian Publi- cations to July, 1877, M. C. xiv, 72 1877 free 302 Adams, Toner Lecture VI. Subcutaneous Surgery, M. C. xv. 20 1877 .25 303 Streets, Thos. H. Natural History of Hawaiian and Fanning Islands and Lower California. Bulletin National Museum, No. 7, M. C. xiii, 172 1877 .50 304 Dali, Wm. H. Index to names applied to Bra- chiopoda. Bulletin Nat. Mus., No. 8, M. C. xiii, 88 1877 .25 305 Jordan, David S. North Amer. Ichthyology, No. 1. Review of Rafinesque’s N. Am. Fishes. Bulletin of Nat. Mus., No. 9, M. C. xiii, 53 1877 .25 306 Jordan, DavidS. North Amer. Ichthyology, No. 2. Notes on Cottidae, &c. Bull. Nat. Mus., No. 10. 45 plates, M. C. xiii, 120 1877 .50 307 Gill, Theodore, Fishes of Western North America. Bulletin of Nat. Mus., No. 11, M. C. LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. 15 No. Author. Title. Pages. W ft Price. 308 Jordan, D.S., and Brayton, A. W. North Amer. Ichthyology, No. 3 Distribution of Fishes of S. C.. Ga., and Tenn. Bulletin Nat Museum, No. 12, -VI. C. 237 OO # CO .50 309 List of Foreign Correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution to Jan. 1878, VI. C. xv, 120 1878 .25 310 Barnard, J. G. Internal Structure of the Earth, S. C. 19 1877 .25 311 Holden, Edw. S. Index Catalogue of Books Relat- ing to Nebulae, M. C. xiv. 126 CO .50 312 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Coll. (Bull. N.M., 1-10.) 45 plates, VI. C. xiii, 982 1878 5.00 313 Eggers, Baron, Flora of St. Croix and Virgin Is- lands. Bull. Nat. Mus., No. 13, M. C. 314 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. M. C. xiv, 911 1878 5.00 315 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. M. C. xv, 880 1878 5.00 316 Circular in Reference to American Archaeology, M. C. xv, 15 1878 free 317 Elliot, D. G. Classification and Synopsis of Trochilidae, S. C. 289 1879 5.00 318 Dali, Wm. H. Remains of Man from Caves in Aleutian Islands. 10 plates, S. C. 44 1878 2.00 319 Circular. Inquiries Relative to Crawfish and Crustacea, M. C. xv, 8 1878 free 320 Circular Relating to Collections of Living Reptiles, M. C. xv, 2 1878 free 321 Shakespeare, E. 0. Nature of Reparatory Inflamma- tion in Arteries after Ligature, etc. 7 plates, M. C. 74 1879 .25 322 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. M. C. xvi, 323 Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution for 1877, 8vo. 500 1878 324 Circular relative to Scientific and Literary Exchanges, M. C. 2 1879 free 325 Circular. Business Arrangements of the Smithsonian Institution, M. C. 7 1879 free 326 i Goode, G. Brown, Catalogue of Collection of Animal Resources and Fisheries of U. S. Bulletin Nat. Museum, No. 14, M. C. 367 1879 .50 16 LIST OF SMITHSONIAN PUBLICATIONS. No. Author. Title. Pages. Date, j Price. 327 Smithson,James, Scientific writings of, M. C. 1879 328 Rhees, Wm. J. Smithsonian Institution. Docu- ments Relative to its Origin and History, M. C. 1027 1879 3.00 329 Smithsonian Institution. Journal of Board of Regents and Re- ports of Committees, M. C. 1879 330 Rhees, Wm. J. Smithson and his Bequest, M. C. 1879 331 Rau, Chas. The Palenque Tablet, S. C. 1879 332 Proceedings of the Nat. Museum for 1878, M. C. 333 Proceedings of the Nat. Museum for 1879, M. C. 334 Elliot, D. G. List of Described Species of Hum- ming-Birds, M. C. 22 1879 .25 335 List of Principal American Libra ries, Museums, Societies, etc., M. C. 6 1879 free 336 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. M. C. xvii, 337 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. M.C. xvm, 338 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- lections. M. C. xix, 339 Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col lections. M. C. xx, 340 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, S. C. xxii, 341 Annual Report-of Smithsonian In- stitution for 1878, © CO 342 Kumlien, L. Contributions to Natural History of .Arctic America. Bulletin ol the National Museum, No. 15, M. C. 343 Jordan, D. S. Synopsis of the Fishes of the U. S Bull. Nat. Mus., No. 16, M. C. 344 Check List of Smithsonian Pub- lications, M. C. 16 1879 free 345 Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1879, © > 00 ...