Worcester North District ESTABLISHED 4858. BY-LAWS, LIST OF MEMBERS, — AND — CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, — OF THE — J|w.|[o. pi |eddg, ESTABLISHED 1858. FITCHBURG : PRINTED AT THE REVEILLE PRINTING WORKS, 1874. BY-LAWS. Article i. The Worcester North District Medical Society shall hold its annual meeting in Fitchburg, on the fourth Saturday in April, at such place and hour as the President and Secretary may appoint. Notice of annual, and other stated meetings, shall be given to each member by circular letter from the Secretary at least seven days before such meeting. Art. 2. The following order shall be observed in the transaction of business at the annual meeting: ist, The Secretary shall read the record of the proceedings of the last annual, and of each succeeding stated meet- ing during the year, and shall report the names of all who have become members during that time. 2d, The President shall call on the Treasurer and Librarian for their reports. 3d, Reports of Standing Committees shall be called for. 4th, The officers shall be chosen for the ensuing year by ballot. 5th, Directly after the election of officers, the President shall call on the person ap- pointed for that purpose to deliver the annual address. 6th, Any propositions or communications which may be thought conducive to the welfare of the society, or to the interests of the medical profession, may be intro- duced by any member, and the society shall determine by vote whether they will enter on the consideration ol the same. 'Art. 3. The society shall also hold meetings quar- terly, viz: on the second Saturday of July, October and 4 January, at such hour and place as the President and Secretary may appoint, for the purpose of hearing re- ports of cases, or communications on medical, or scien- tific subjects, and discussing the same, and the members may engage in any exercises or discussions which may be deemed conducive to their mutual improvement. Other meetings may be held by special vote. Art. 4. The officers of this society shall be a Presi- dent, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian who shall hold their offices respectively for one year, and till others are chosen in their stead. There shall also be chosen, at each annual meeting, an Auditing Committee whose business it shall be to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and report thereon, in writing, to the society. Art. 5. At every annual meeting there shall be ap- pointed, one member to deliver an address or dissertation on some medical subject at the next annual meeting, and an election for the same purpose may be held at any sub- sequent meeting, if the member first elected shall decline the service, or in case of a vacancy from any cause; and in case a vacancy should occur after the January meeting, then the vacancy may be filled by the President and Sec- retary. Also, at every annual meeting, a subject for discus- sion at each' quarterly meeting, shall be selected by the President and Secretary and announced to the society, and one member shall be appointed by the President, to present a written communication on the subject selected for that meeting, which paper shall be filed with the pa- pers of the society, after the reading of which the sub- ject shall be open for general discussion. In case of va- cancy, the appointments may be made at any subsequent meeting. Art. 6. The President shall preside at all meetings of the society, he shall enforce an observance of the By- Laws during the meetings, regulate debate, state and put questions, and have a casting vote in case of an equal division, and shall call special meetings for urgent busi- ness, or the request of four or more members. Art. 7. In case of absence or disability of the President, all the duties of his office shall devolve upon the Vice President. Art. 8. The Secretary shall have charge and cus- tody of the by-laws, records, and other papers belonging to the society, he shall notify and attend the meetings of the society, keep a fair record of all its doings, and read at the meetings all such communications as the President may direct to be made, he shall notify the Chairman of each committee appointed by the society, in each case stating the commission and names of the committee, and he shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him. Art. 9. The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due the society, and keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, he shall annually make to the society a written report of his doings and of the state of the Treasury, and shall subject all his accounts to the inspec- tion of the Auditing Committee, shall perform the duties required of him by the Massachusetts Medical Society, and shall give such security as may be deemed proper by the society, or by the President and Secretary. Art. 10. The Librarian shall have the care and custody of all the books, instruments, anatomical and other preparations and apparatus of the society and shall be responsible for their safe keeping, he shall keep an accurate account of the same, and of all additions from time to time made thereto, whether by purchase or dona- tion, and shall so arrange and keep them as to accom- modate any member who may wish to take books from the library. He shall keep an accurate account of all books drawn from the library, noting the time when drawn, and when returned, and shall assess and collect fines for too long detention or injury of books, as pre- scribed in the by-laws, and shall pay into the treasury all such collections; he shall, from time to time, open the library and the business of his department to the inspec- tion of the Committee on the Library, who shall annu- ally report to,the society the condition of that depart- ment. He shall also perform such services for the Mas- sachusetts Medical Society as are.required by the by- laws of that institution. The Librarian shall keep an accurate account of all the publications of the Massa- chusetts Medical Society received for distribution to its fellows, and also of the number of copies distributed each year and to whom they are delivered. Art. ii. Any member c.f this society, who shall wilfully violate the by-laws, or be guilty of professional malpractice, or gross misconduct, shall be dealt with ac- cording to the by-laws of the Massachusetts Medical Society, in such cases made and provided. Art. 12. No pretender to any nostrum shall have the countenance of this society. Art. 13. Any fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society, residing within the limits of the Worcester North District Medical Society, may become a member of this society by signing the by-laws and paying to the Treas- urer the sum of one dollar, and may withdraw trom the society by honorable dismissal on payment of all his dues to the society and their voting his dismissal. Art. 14. For the purpose of defraying the neces- sary expenses of this society, and adding to the library, every member shall pay into the treasury an annual assessment of two dollars. Art. 15. The by-laws of this society may be altered or amended at the annual meeting, when a proposition for amendment shall have been made in writing at a previous meeting. Art. 16. The Library of this society shall be kept secure for the use of the members of said society, under the following regulations, viz : 1 st, Each member, on a personal or written applica- tion to the Librarian, may take two volumes and no more, at any one time, and retain them three months, or from the time of one stated meeting of the society, till the time of the next stated meeting, at the expiration of which time, if he shall neglect or refuse to return them, he shall pay a fine of ten cents per week, or part of a week, on each volume so retained. And if any book shall be lost or damaged while in the keeping of any member, he shall pay such sum as the Librarian shall estimate the damage to be, or he shall replace such book by a new copy of the same, and be deprived of all the benefits of the Library, until he shall have complied with all the provisions of this by-law. 2nd, Periodicals not bound, and other pamphlets shall be subject to the following rules. Each number of a monthly or semi-monthly, may be retained ten day, and of a quarterly, fifteen days. For detention for a longer time, the same fines shall be assessed as are required for the detention of other books beyond the time prescribed. Provided that after the expiration of three months from the date of publication of said periodicals, any member 8 not residing in Fitchburg, may retain any periodical thir- ty days. 3d, The Librarian shall cause every book belonging to the Library, to be labelled on the inside of the cover, with the following words, viz : “ Property of the Wor- cester North District Medical Society,” and in case any book is a gift to the society, the following words shall be appended, viz: “ The gift of ” inserting in the blank, the name of the donor. 4th, No person shall be allowed to take from the Li- brary, any book except in the presence of the Librarian, or of some person duly authorized by him. 5th, When any member applies for a book which is out, he may leave a written application for such book with the Librarian, who shall retain it after its return to the library, fifteen days for the person so applying. LIST OF MEMBERS. Admitted. rRemoved from the District. 1869. Adams, Henry O. South Royalston. 1861. Andrews, Robert Foster. Gardner. 1869. #Barbour, Charles J. Winchendon. 1861. /-Barrett, Wm. M. East Cambridge. i860. Batchelder, Jos. C. Templeton. 1867. Blood, Josiah M. Ashby. 1858. *Boutelle,#Thos. R. Fitchburg. 1869. /-Brown, Marshall L. Natick. 1859. Boynton, Royal B. Townsend. 1860. Colony, Geo. D. Fitchburg. 1862. *Coolidge, James. Athol. 1861. /-Corey, Charles G. Mason Village, N. H. 1858. #Cummings, Jas. P. C. Fitchburg. 1862. #Davis, Charles E. Ashburnham. 1863. Davis, Kendall. Athol. 1869. Deane, Henry A. Athol. 1869. /Dodge, Wm. L. Lancaster. i860. /Dow, John O. Springfield. 1867. /-Drury, Osram Monroe. Orange. 1863. Emerson, James. Gardner. 1869. Farrar, Daniel. Leominster. 1859. Field, Caleb C. • Leominster. 1874. Foley, James Purcill. Fitchburg. 1860. /-French, Leonard. Manchester, N. FI. 1872. Gendron, Joseph Etienne. Fitchburg. 1858. Godding, Alvah. Winchendon. 1862. /-Godding, Wm. W. Taunton. 1858. Gould, Joshua B. Templeton. 1863. /-Hanks, H. T. New York. 1870. Hartwell, Benj. H. Ayer. 1858. Hitchcock, Alfred. Fitchburg. 1870. Hitchcock, Alfred O. Fitchburg. 10 1867. rHildreth, J. L. Cambridge. 1869. rHildreth, Wm. H. Newton, Upper Falls. 1858. Jewett, George. Fitchburg. 1858. Lynde, James Porter. Athol. 1858. Marshall, Jonas A. Fitchburg. 1858.' Miller, Alfred. Fitchburg. 1861. #rMoore, James M. Manchester, N. H. 1870. rMcMahon, John J. Norristown, Pa. 1858. Parker, David. Gardner. 1859. Parker, James O. Shirley. 1858. #Parkhurst, Wm. Petersham. 1865. *Page, John T. Winchendon. 1870. rPage, Charles W. Hartford, Conn. 1859. Peirce, Geo. W. Leominster. 1864. /'Pierce Charles L. Natick. 1866. rPillsbury, Edward Liston. Boston. 1861. Plimpton, Asahel A. Shirley Village. 1866. Rice, Charles H. Fitchburg. 1867. Russell, Ira. Winchendon. 1871. Russell, Fred W. Winchendon. 1858. Sawyer, Edward J. Gardner. 1859. rShaw, Henry. Bedford. 1866. Snepard, W. Henry H. Westminster. 1873. Southard, Wm. F. * Baldwinville. 1859. #Stickney, A. G. Townsend. 1872. Stickney, A. L. Ashburnham. 1870. Taylor, Vernon O. Athol. 1862. /-Temple, Theron. North Amherst. 1861. /Topliff Charles G. Fisherville, N. H. 1858. * Warner, Clinton. Westminster. 1858. *Wellman, James R. Fitchburg. 1858. * Willis, Isaac P. Royalston. 1858. /-White, Jonathan A. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1858. rWood, Franklin A. Cambridgeport. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ANATOMY. 1. Gray’s Anatomy. 26. Maclise’s Surgical Anatomy. 27. Todd and Bowman’s Physiological Anatomy. 31. Wilson’s Anatomy. 42. Peaslee’s Human Histology. 114. Smith and Horner’s Anatomical Atlas. 129. Quain’s Anatomical Plates. 203. Anatomical Examination. 220. Baillie’s Morbid Anatomy. 247. Anatomy of the Human Body. 248. Bichat’s Anatomy, Yol. 1. 249. “ “ Vol. 2. 250. “ “ Vol. 3. 272. Wistar’s Anatomy, Vol. 1. 273. “ “ Vol. 2. PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. 2. Dalton’s Human Physiology. 4. Rikitansky’s Pathological Anatomy, Vols. 1 and 2. . 5. “ “ “ Yols. 3 and 4. 6. Jones and Sieveking’s Pathological Anatomy. 43. Beaumont’s Experiments and Observations. 97. Physiology and Pathology, by E. Brovvn-Sequard. 109. Digestion and its Derangements. 127. Carpenter’s Comparative Physiology. 136. Flint’s Physiology of Man, Vol. 1. 137. “ “ “ Vol. 2. 145. Philosophy of Eating. 12 158. Hasse’s Pathological Anatomy. 162. Virchow’s Cellular Pathology. 168. Physiology and Pathology of the Mind. 170. Marshall’s Outlines of Physiology. 191. Physiological System of Nosology. 104. Gross’ Pathological Anatomy. 209. Anatomy and Physiology. SURGERY. 11. Sargent’s Minor Surgery. 12. Hayward’s Surgical Reports. 13. Hunter and Ricord on Venereal Diseases. 32. Malgaigne’s Operative Surgery. 39. Cooper’s Lectures on Surgery. 68. Guthrie on Surgery of the War. 69. Notes on Surgery of the Crimean War. 80. Statistics of the U. S. Army, 1855-1859. 86. Manuel de Medecine Operatoire. 94. Erichsen’s Surgery. 95. Hamilton on Fracture and Dislocation. 96. Ricord’s Lettres on Syphilis. 105. Druitt’s Surgery. 106. Bumstead on Venereal Diseases. 123. Durkee on Gonorrhoea and Syphilis. 124. Gross’ Surgery, Vol. 1. 125. “ “ Vol. 2. 128. Pancoast’s Operative Surgery. 132. Ophtholmic Surgery, Lawrence and Moore. 135. Wale’s Surgical Operations. 138. Miller’s Principle of Surgery. 139, Miller’s Practice of Surgery. 150. Dorsey’s Surgery, Vol. 1. 151. “ “ Vol. 2. 13 152. Abernethy’s Surgery, Vol. 1. 153. “ “ Vol. 2. 198. Hand Book for the Military Surgery. 225. Pott’s Chirurgical Works, Vol. 1. 226. Lotta’s Surgery, Vol. 1. 227. “ “ Vol. 2. 228. “ “ Vol. 3. 240. Bell’s Surgery, Vol. 1. 241. “ “ Vol. 2. 242. “ “ Vol. 3. 243. “ “ Vol. 4. 244. Bell’s Operative Surgery. 264. Cooper’s Lectures, Vol. 1. 265. “ “ Vol. 2. 266. “ “ Vol. 3. 38. Lawrence on Diseases of the Eye. 49. Mackenzie “ “ “ 71. Toynbee on the Ear. 193. Surgeon’s Vade Mecum., 262. Pott’s Chirurgical Works, Vol. 2. 263. “ “ “ Vol. 3. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 15. Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine, Vol. 1. 16. “ “ “ Vol. 2. 17. “ “ “ Vol. 3. 18. « “ « Vol. 4. 19. J. Jackson, Letters to a young Physician. 24. What to Observe by the Bedside. 48. Dickson’s Elements of Medicine. 14 52. Barclay’s Medical Diagnosis. 67. Halland’s Medical Notes. 70. Sir J. Forbes on Nature and Art in Diseases. 83. Copland’s Medical Dictionary, Vol. 1. 84. “ “ “ Vol. 2. 85. “ “ “ Vol. 3. 103. Watson’s Practice. 113. De Costa Medical Diagnosis. 130. Epitome of Braithwaite’s Retrospect, Vol. 1. 131. “ “ “ Vol. 2. 134. Flint’s Practice of Medicine. 148. Marshall Hall’s Practice of Medicine. 156. Good’s Study of Medicine, Vol. 1. 176. Mackintosh’s Practice of Medicine. 178. Tvveedle’s Library of Practical Medicine, Vol. 1. 179. “ “ “ “ Vol. 2. 180. “ “ “ “ Vol. 3. 181. Elerle’s Practice, Vol. 1. 182. “ “ Vol. 2. 183. Watson’s Practice of Physics. 184. The Guide Board, Hall. 187. The Study of Medicine, Vol. 1. 188. “ “ “ Vol. 2. 189. “ “ “ Vol. 3. 190. “ “ Vol. 4. 196. Practice on Medical Philosophy. 201. Hall’s Practice ot Medicine. 212. Physician’s Vade Mecum. 215. The Illustrated Home Doctor. 218. Library of Practical Medicine. 230. Currier’s Medical Report. 270. Gregory’s Practice. 15 CHEMISTRY AND METERIA MEDICA AND THEROPEN- TICS. 34. Dunglison’s New Remedy. 36. Griffith’s Universal Formulary. 45. “ Medical Botany. 46. Stille’s Theropentics, Vol. 1. 47. “ “ Vol. 2. 56. Bowman’s Medical Chemistry. 60. Graham’s Elements of Trorganic Chemistry. 61. American Medical Formulary. 64. Headland on the Action of Medicine. 65. Garratts on Medical uses of Electricity. 87. Parrish’s Practical Pharmacy. 88. Brande and Taylor’s Chemistry. 142. Pereira’s Materia Medica. 160. Dunglison’s Medical Dictionary. 164. Chambers’ Lectures. 167. Anstie on Stimulants. 194. Gray’s Agricultural Chemistry. 202. Simon’s Chemistry of Man. 204. Magendies’ Formulary. 214. Manual of Chemistry. 229. Pharmacopoeia of the United States. 232. Henry’s Chemistry. 231. Walker’s Dictionary. 269. Pharmacopoeia of the United States. FEVERS. 37- Barlett on Fever of the United States. 66. Lyons on Fever. 146. Louis on Fever, Vol. 1. 147. “ . “ Vol. 2. 157. Wilson on Fever, Vol. 2. 159. Louis on Yellow Fever. 171. Hudson Lectures on Fevers. 197. Jackson on Fevers. 239. Essay on Fever. 245. Armstrong on Typhus Fever. 267. Fordyce on Fever. 271. Armstrong on Fevers. 99. La Roche on Yellow Fever, Vol. 1. 100. “ “ “ Vol. 2. OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 7. Bennett on the Uterus. 22. Condie on Diseases of Children. 23. Meigs. Woman, Her Diseases and Remedies. 28. Churchill’s Midwifery. 29. “ “ and Diseases of Females. 30. “ Diseases of Children. 35. West’s Lecture on Diseases of Infants and Children. 41. Tyler Smith on Leucorrhoea. 53. Montgomery on Pregnancy. 54. Meigs on Acute and Chronic Diseases of the neck of the Uterus. 58. Colombat on Diseases of Women. 81. Velpeau Accouchment, Vol. 1. 82. “ “ Vol. 2. 98. Simpson on Diseases of Women. 101. Bedford on Obstetrics. 102. Bedford on Diseases of Women and Children. 107. Ashwell on Diseases of Women. 108. West on “ “ no. Rainbothanes. 17 120. Whitehead on Abortion and Sterility. 126. Hodge’s Obstetrics. 143. Tanners on the Signs of Pregnancy. 144. Sims Uterine Surgery. 149. Murphy on Partarition. 163. Medical and Surgical Treatment of Women. 166. Pathological Anatomy of the Female Sexual Organs. 172. Fecundity, Fertility and Sterility. 175. Condie on Diseases of Children. 200. Devvess on Children. 211. Burns on Abortion. 233. Underwood on Diseases of Children. 396. Condie on Diseases of Children. MISCELLANEOUS. 3. Carpenter’s Essay on Alcoholic Liquors. 8. Gross on the Urinary Organs. 9. Habershon on Alimentary Canal, 10. Wilson on Diseases of the Skin. 14. Taylor on Poisons. 20. Carpenter on the Microscope. 21. Flint on the Respiratory Organs. 25. Bucknill and Tuke on Insanity. 33. Budd on Diseases of the Liver. 40. Morland on Diseases of the Urinary Organs. 44. S. H. Bennett on Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 50. Flint on Diseases of the Heart. 51. Budd on Diseases of the Stomach. 55. Effects of Climate on Tuberculosis. 57. Muller’s Physics and Meteorology. 59. Taylor’s Medical Jurisprudence. 18 62. Plates to Wilson on the Skin. 63. Barwell on Diseases of the Joints. 72. Neligan Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases. 73- “ Diseases of the Skin. 74. Greenhow on Diphtheria. 75. Winslow on the Brain and Mind. 76. Ashton on the Rectum. 77. Hodges on Diseases of the Rectum. 89. Wilson on Spermatorrhoea. ’ 90. Gross on Foreign Bodies in the Air Passages. 91. Salter on Asthma. 92. Bird on Urinary Deposits. 93. Morland on Uramia. hi. Fuller on Rheumatism. 112. Man and His Relations. 115. Copland on Palsy and Apoplexy. 116. Fibro Bronchitis and Rheumatic Pneumonia. 117. The Movement of Cure. 118. Manual of the Blood and Urine. 119. Curling on the Testis. 121. Alcohol and Tobacco. 122. Hodges on Auscultation and Percussion. I33- Fuller on the Lungs and Air Passages. 140. Bartholow on Spermatorrhoea. 141. Jones on Nervous Disorders. 154. Rushe’s Sydenham. 155. Clark on Climate and Gilbert on Blood. 165. Urinary and Renal Diseases. Roberts. 169. Anal Fissure Bodenhamer. 173. Stomach and Duodenum. 174. Superstition and Force. 185. Effects of Alcohol. 186. Weiss on Water Cure. 19 192. Johnson on Cancer. 195. American Gardener. 199. Massachusetts State Record. 217. Abstract of the Massachusetts School Report. 219. The Presage of Life and Death in Diseases. 221. Wyman’s Treatise on Ventilation. 234. English Malady. 236. Discourses on Tea. 237. Remarks on Homeopathia. 246. Arnaud on Rupture. 268. Nicholson Mechanic’s Companion. JOURNALS. 78. Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. 251. Philadelphia Monthly Journal. 252. New England Medical Journal, Yol. 10. 253. u 11 “ i( “ 11. 254. “ “ “ “ “ 12. 255. “ t( “ “ “ i^. 256. “ “ “ “ “ 14. 257. “ “ “ “ “ k, 258. “ “ « “ “ 16. 259. Medical Magazine, No. 1. 260. “ “ “ 2. 261. “ “ “ 3, 274. American Journal of Medical Science, Vol. 1. 2J$, * * * • < £ < 4 2 276. “ “ “ “ u 3. 277. “ u “ << 4, 278. “ “ “ “ “ 4-3. 279. u <£ u “ “ r 280. “ “ “ “ “ 6. 281. American Journal of Medical Science, 1852, Yol. 6. 282. “ “ “ “ “ “ >j' 283. ££ 11 “ “ “ <( 8 284. “ “ « “ “ “ g. 285. “ “ “ “ “ “ xo. 286. “ “ « “ ££ “ XX. 287. “ ££ “ “ (( “ 12. 28S. “ « ££ ££ ££ ££ x3. 289. “ ££ « “ « «. xg. 290. “ “ “ « ££ ££ 20. 291. “ ££ ££ “ ££ ££ 21. 292. ££ “ “ “ ££ “ 22. 293. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ £» 23. 294. ££ ££ ££ “ ££ ££ 24. 295. “ “ “ “ “ “ 24. 296. “ ££ ££ ££ “ 25. 297. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 26. 298. American Journal of Medical Science, 1828, Vol. 1. 299. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 2 300. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 3 301. ££ . ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 4 ££ ££ ££ ££ « ££ 1- 303. ££ ££ ££ iC “ ££ 6 304. ££ ££ “ “ “ ££ 7. 303. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ “ 8 306. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ g. 307. American Journal of Medical Science,1829, Vol. 10. 308. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 11. 309. “ “ “ “ ££ ££ 1^. 310. ££ “ “ 11 ££ ££ 16. 311. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ “17 312. •< ££ ££ ££ “ ££ 18. 3i3- “ “ “ “ “ “ 19. 21 3i4- American Journal of Medical Science,1829,Vol. 20. ■ « « (< 11 a << 21. 316 “ “ “ “ “ “ 22. “ “ “ 11 “ li 23. 3x8. Medical Journal, Vol. 35. 3r9- “ “ “ 36- 320. “ ££ “ 37. 321. “ “ ££ 38. 322. “ “ “ 39. 323. ££ ££ “ 40. 324. “ “ “ 41. 325. “ “ “ 42. 326.. “ “ “ 43. 327. “ “ “ 44- 328. “ “ “ 45- 329. “ “ “ 46. 33°. “ ££ ££ 47. 331. ££ ££ ££ 48. 332. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. x. 333- “ “ “ “ “ iS- 334. “ “ “ “ ££ 18. 333. ££ “ ££ ££ ££ 26. 66 66 66 66 66 2 y 337. ££ ££ ££ ££ “ 28. 338. ££ ££ “ ££ ££ 29. 339- “ “ “ “ “ 3°- 340. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 25. 341. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 31. 342. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 32. 343- “ “ ■ “ “ “ 33- 344. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 34. 345- “ “ <£ “ “ 35- 346. ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 36. 22 347- Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 37. 348. “ “ “ “ “ 38. 349. “ “ “ “ “ 39. 350. “ “ “ “ “ 40. 351- “ “ “ “ “ 41. 352. “ “ “ “ “ 42. 353- “ “ “ “ “ 43- 354- “ “ “ “ “ 44. 355- “ “ “ “ “ 45- 356- “ “ “ “ “ 46. 357- “ “ “ “ “ 47- 358- “ “ “ “ «• 48. 359- “ “ “ “ “ 49. 36°. “ “ “ “* “ 49. 361. “ “ “ “ « c;0> 362. “ “ “ “ “ 363. “ “ “ “ “ 51. 364. “ “ “ “ “51. 365. “ “ “ “ « 2. 366. “ “ “ “ “ $2. 367. “ “ “ “ « £3, 368. “ “ “ “ “ 22- 369. “ “ “ “ “ 54. 370. “ “ “ “ “ C4. 371- “ “ “ “ “ 55. 372. « “ “ “ 55. 373. « “ “ “ “ 56. 374. “ “ “ “ 57. 375- “ £< “ “ “ 57. 376. •< “ “ “ « 58. 377. « “ “ “ “ 59. 378. “ “ “ “ “ 60. 379. “ “ “ “ “ 61. 23 380. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 62. 381. “ “ “ “ “ 63. 382. “ “ “ “ “ 64. 383. “ “ “ “ “ 65. 384. “ “ “ . “ “ 66. 385. “ “ “ “ 67. 386. “ “ “ “ £* 68. 387. “ “ “ -£ “ 69. 388. “ “ “ “ “ 72. 389i « “ “ “ “ 73- 390. “ “ “ ‘ “ 74. 391. “ “ “ “ “ 75. 392. “ “ “ •‘ “ 76. 393- “ “ “ “ “ 77* 394. “ “ “ “ “ 80. 395. “ “ “ “ “ 81.