5 ) MOMS (^Y«) AN ESSAY ON THK YELLOW FEVEE, AS IT HAS OCCURRED IN CHARLESTON, INCLUDING ITS OBIGlrf AND PROGRESS UP TO THE PRESENT TIME, BY THOS. Y. SIMONS, M.D., PORT PHYSICIAN, FORMERLY PRESIDENT OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY AND PROFESSOR OF PRACTICE OF PHYSIC IN THE LATE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SO. CA., MEDICAL ADVISER AND FORMERLY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, ETC. READ BEFORE, THE SO. CA. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, at its Anniversary meeting, may, 1851. CHARLESTON, S. C: STEAM POWER-PRESS OP WALKER AND JAMES. 1851. ft I K^ SIMONS ON YELLOW FEVER. / AN ESSAY YELLOW FEVEE, AS IT HAS OCCURRED IN CHARLESTON, INCLUDING ITS ORIGIN AND PROGRESS UP TO THE PRESENT TIME, BY THOS. Y. SIMONS, M.D., PORT PHYSICIAN, FORMERLY PRESIDENT OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY AND PROFESSOR OK PRACTICE OF PHYSIC IN THE LATE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SO. CA., MEDICAL ADVISER AXD FORMERLY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, ETC. READ BEFORE THE SO. CA. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, AT ITS ANNIVERSARY MEETING, MAY, 1851. CHARLESTON, S. C: STEAM POWER-PRESS OF WALKER AND JAMES. 1851. ESSAY. On the present occasion, 1 propose to call your attention to a consideration of the Yellow Fever as it has occurred in Charleston, in which I shall confine myself, as far as practi- cable, to the characteristics of the disease as exhibited among us. In the performance of this duty, I will, 1st. Give the history of Yellow Fever from its first appear- ance to the present time. 2dly. Inquire into the causes which have been supposed to produce the disease. 3dly. The former condition of Charleston, its present con- dition, and the system of medical police adopted. 4thly. The peculiar character of the disease and the diag- nosis between it and other fevers among us. 5thly. A succinct view of the various remedial agents adopted for its cure. In prosecuting this subject, I shall confine myself, as far as practicable, to the experience and observations of our own physicians—omitting what relates to other cities in our own or other countries. The first inquiry then, is, the history of the disease.* The yellow fever, says Dr. Good, as far as we have any record of its origin, was at Barbadoes, whence it spread to different West India Islands, and at length made its appearance at Boston, in North America, in 1693, to which place it was carried from Martinique, by the fleet under Admiral Wheeler. * I may here remark that most of this is taken from my report to the Board of Health, as its Chairman, in 1839. 6 Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. Dr. Craigie, in his interesting article on yellow fever, in his work on the Practice of Physic, remarks : " It is uncertain whether yellow fever prevailed among the indigenous inhabitants of the American continent previ- ous to the period when it was visited by Europeans. From the testimony of Alzate and several Spanish authors, it ap- pears that long before the arrival of Cortez in Mexico, a dis- ease named Matlazahuatl, attended with hemorrhages from the nose and mouth, and extremely fatal, used occasionally to prevail among the native Americans, and was particularly mortal, so early as 1545 and 1546—and afterwards raged ep- idemically in 1736-7, and 1761-2." Humboldt, indeed, maintains that this disease is totally different from the yellow fever, because it attacks the red or copper colored race, and is confined to the interior and elevated table land of Mexico at 1200 or 1300 tasis—7200 to 7800 feet above the level of the sea. Dr. Craigie does not think Humboldt's objections satisfac- tory. I must, however, regard them as very potent if not conclusive. I have never yet heard of an instance of real yellow fever prevailing among the copper colored race, or, ia another phrase, American Indians. Nor has it prevailed in any agricultural districts. It has been confined exclu- sively to cities, and cannot be propagated in the country, as will in our progress of investigation be shewn—and in cities, the blacks and mulattoes, for we have no Indians in cities, are almost entirely exempt. My own opinion is, that Hum- boldt was right as regards the disease not being yellow fe- ver. Dr. Craigie again remarks: " One of the earliest distinct record of the disease, is given by Echard, who informs—that when the expedition against Hispaniola under Venables, returned to Jamaica, they met there an enemy more severe than the Spaniards, which he says was the plague, and which, he adds, in a little time re- duced their army, originally 7000, to fewer than 2000." Dr. Craigie regards this epidemic as yellow fever and not plague—in which opinion I concur. On the earlier appear- ance of Yellow Fever in America, and particularly in Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. 7 Charleston, it was at first regarded as the Plague. Having given this general history of the first knowledge of the exist- ence of yellow fever, we will now consider its history among us. Its first appearance in Charleston was in 1699 or 1700, and it was called by Dr. Hewat the infectious distemper, and considered by the inhabitants as a plague. In 1703 it again occurred. It also made its appearance in 1728. That summer was uncommonly hot and dry; the beasts suffered from the want of water, and the fever raging with violence, swept off an immense number of whites and some blacks. The state of the city was truly deplorable, as the town, says Dr. Hewat, depended entirely on the country for fresh pro- visions, the planters would suffer no person to carry supplies to it, for fear of catching the infection and bringing it to the country. The physicians knew not how to treat this uncom- mon disorder, which was suddenly caught and proved sud- denly fatal. The calamity was so general, that few could grant assistance to their neighbors. So many funerals hap- pening every day, while so many lay sick, white persons suf- ficient for burying the dead were scarcely to be found. Though they were often interred on the same day that they died, so quick was the putrefaction, so offensive and infec- tious were the corpses, that even the nearest relations seemed averse from performing the necessary duties. In 1732 and 1739, it raged with so much violence that when at its height from ten to twelve died daily. It did not re-appear until 1745 and 1748, and was then comparatively mild. A few cases occurred in 1753 and 1755, and then there was a cessa- tion of the disease until 1792, with the exception of a few sporadic cases, which occur more or less every year. " In the year 1792," says Dr. Ramsay, " a new era of the yellow fever commenced. It raged in Charleston in that year and 1794, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 1800, 1802, 1804 and 1807. A few cases occurred in the years 1803, and 1805; in both years its victims did not exceed 59. In the years 1793 and 1808, the disease is not mentioned at all; and in the year 1806 it is only mentioned as having occurred in a very few cases under particular circumstances. In its visitations it 8 Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. extended from July to November, but was most rife in Au- gust and September; with a very few exceptions, chiefly children, it exclusively fell on strangers. The unseasoned negroes were not exempt from its ravages, but they escaped oftener than the white strangers; and when attacked they had the disease in a lighter degree, and if properly treated were more generally cured. Persons, both black and white, arriving from the West India Islands, enjoyed similar ex- emptions from the yellow fever of Charleston. In the year 1796 and 1798, it raged with the greatest violence; but since that time, has considerably abated both in frequency and vi- olence." From 1807 to 1817, we have no records of the existence of this disease as an epidemic, although there were sporadic cases. In 1817, it prevailed with great malignancy. It again occurred in 1819, 1824, 1827, 1828, 1830, 1838 and 1839. From the statements 1 have thus brought to your view, it will be seen how irregular have been the visitations of this disease. I will now present you, so far as we have any records, with the number of deaths in these respective years. In 1699, the fever which prevailed, swept off a great part of the inahbitants and a number of families. It was then con- sidered to be a plague, " though afterwards," says Dr. Ram- say, „" supposed to be the yellow fever." " In 1723," Dr. Hewat says, " the physicians knew not how to treat the dis- ease." In 1732, when the population must have been very small, from 8 to 12 whites died daily, which exceeds any mortality in our city since that time, although our population has greatly increased. The following facts I collect from Dr. David Ramsay: In 1799, there were - - 239 deaths. " 1800, " - 184 " 1802, " - - 96 " 1804, " - 148 " 1807, " - 162 From 1807 we have no account of the existence of the fever until 1817. 1 have collected the reports of the disease subsequent to that period, from the records of the Board of Health. Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. 9 In 1817, there were 268 deaths, of whom were adult males 164; adult females 56; and natives under eighteen 48. 19 blacks died, of whom 14 were males and 5 females. In 1819, there were 172 deaths; of whom 130 were adult males, 24 adult females, and 18 natives under the age of 18. There were 5 blacks, 3 males and 2 females. In 1824, there were 236 deaths ; 160 adult males, 32 fe- males, and 44 natives under 18. No blacks died this year of the disease. In 1827 there were 67 deaths ; adult males 40, females 3 ; native children over fourteen 4, under that age 10; stran- gers' children 6. Blacks 2, who were males. In 1828, there were 26 deaths ; adult males 21, females 3, native children 1, strangers1 children 1. There were no blacks. This year, a disease having many of the incipient symptoms of yellow fever, viz., the Dengue, prevailed as an epidemic, affecting every one, but proving only in a few in- stances fatal. It is probable that the prevalence of this epi- demic caused the cessation of the yellow fever and limited its extent. In 1830, there were 29 deaths ; adult males 23, females 1, native children 1, strangers' children 4. Blacks 1. In 1834, there were 46 deaths; adult males 28, females 10, native children 1, strangers1 children 5. No blacks. In 1835, there were 26 deaths; adult males 16, females 5, native children 4. Blacks 1. In 1838, there were 353 deaths ; adult males 281, females 30, native children 17, strangers1 children 11. Blacks 4 fe- males. In 1839, there were 134 deaths; adult males 104, females 14, native children 8, strangers1 children 7. Blacks 1 female. The first appearance of the disease occurred earlier this year than usual. The yellow fever did not appear in Charleston proper, again, until 1849. But it made its appearance in 1841 in the suburbs of the city, beyond the incorporated limits. No re- gistry having been kept of deaths, 1 am unable to say how far it extended, But I believe it was limited in extent, and certainly did not occur in the city. .10 Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. In 1849, there were 123 deaths ; 89 males, 34 females. Of whom, 65 from Ireland, 34 from Germany, 3 from Eng- land, 3 from Scotland. New-York 6, Boston 1, Georgia 1, Italy 1, U. S.2, Portugal 1, St. Johns, N. B. 1, South-Caro- lina 33, Charleston 2. Total 123. Of the two cases in Charleston, one was a young gentle- man who contracted fever from exposure on a sea island near Charleston—was brought up to the city and died. The other was a black man. From the condensed statements of the fever in this city which have just been made, we may deduce the following conclusions, to which 1 invite your attention : The number of native children who die during the preva- lence of fever is small in proportion to strangers, considering the great number who are liable, and is remarkably small in comparison with those who die of other diseases to which children are subject. All who have not been acclimated to Charleston, are lia- ble in the years when it prevails, to the fever, from which, however, many escape ; but those from southern latitudes are much less liable than those from northern latitudes, either in America or Europe ; and those from our surround- ing country are much less liable than those from the upper country. In conclusion, 1 may remark, that all natives arriving at the adult age are exempt from this disease, as well as those strangers who have had the disease, and not having it have been here many years The number of male adults is greater than that of females. There are more males liable to the disease than females, and they are more exposed to exciting causes and more careless in their habits and mode of life. The number of blacks who die is small, and the deaths are among those who have been brought from the country and are unaccustomed to the city, but these cases are rare and generally mild and manageable. The fever generally occurs at the middle or end of July, and prevails in August, September and October, and a few cases sometimes occur in November. In 1839, it commenced Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. 11 in June, and the only instance of its occurring earlier, was in 1732, when it commenced in May and terminated in Oc- tober. The following statistics on this point, are extracted from the. records of the Board of Health. In 1817, there were 3 deaths in July ; in August 80 ; in September 149 ; in October 33 ; in November 3 ; and these were in the beginning of the month. In 1818, in August 55 ; in September 27, and in October 20. In 1824, in August 32 ; in September 145; in October 42; in November 17. The frost occurred very early this year. In 18-27, in August 10; in September 38 ; in October 18. In 1838, in August 44 ; in September 219; in October 77 ; in November 6; which were in the first week of the month. In 1839, there were in June 5 cases ; in July 17; in Au- gust 73 ; in September 32 ; in October 9. There were fewer cases in September than usual, for as soon as a peculiar fever resembling the Dengue appeared, the yellow fever began to disappear. In 1849, the first case occurred on the 26th August, and to September there were 3 cases; in September 37 ; in October 65 ; in November 18 ; 16 occurred up to the 10th of Novem- ber, and 2 subsequently died in the Poor House, between the 26th and first of December. The next question which presents itself, is, the causes which produce this disease. By some, and at an early pe- riod, most physicians attributed its prevalence to importation. I am not disposed to enter largely into this vexed question, upon which so much has been written, and unfortunately with a partisan rather than philosophic spirit; and after all the discussions for two centuries and better, there is still discrep- ancy of statements and differences of opinion upon this point. Let me summarily bring to your notice the opinions of the most eminent physicians among us in Charleston, before en- tering upon the philosophy of this very important question. Dr. Lining, who first gave the most graphic description of this disease, remarks, » and lastly, whenever the disease ap- peared here, it was easily traced to some person who had 12 Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. lately arrived from some of the West India islands, where it was epidemical." This eminent physician does not give us any evidence in confirmation of this sweeping proposition, and it is not unfair to conjecture that his mind was biased by the opinion that the disease was first brought to Boston by Admiral Wheeler, from Martinique, in 1693. As Dr. Rush, when he recanted his opinion of the propagation of the disease by contagion, acknowledged he was led to ascribe the yellow fever prima- rily in Philadelphia, in 1693-4 and 97, to contagion, he was influenced by the opinion of Dr. Lining and others. Dr. John Moultrie, of Charleston, who wrote an admirable thesis in 1749, when he graduated in Edinburgh, and which has been translated from the Latin into German and French, disagrees with the opinion of Dr. Lining, and those whu ad- vocated the introduction and spread of the disease by con- tagion. 1 will now quote another passage from Dr. Lining: although says the Dr., " the infection was spread through the town, yet, if any from the country received it in the city and sick- ened and died on their return home, the infection spread no further, not so as to one in the same house." The same fact has ever since held true, as far as my experience of thirty years has extended, and I have never heard anything to the contrary. This fact will evidently show that at least the contagious or infectious character differs widely from those acknowledged as contagious and infectious by the whole pro- fession. Such as small-pox, for example. But there is one striking circumstance which occurred in 1841. The yellow fever occurred on the Neck or suburbs of Charleston, yet strange to say, that many who sickened were brought to the city and died, and it did not spread or generate a single case in the city. Let us now consider other medical opinions of more mo- dern date. Dr. David Ramsay, in a letter to Dr. Miller of New-York, in 1800, remarks : " The disputes about the origin of yellow fever, which have agitated the Northern States, have never existed in Charleston. There is but one Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. 13 opinion among the physicians and inhabitants, and that is, that the disease was neither imported nor contagious." This was the unanimous sentiment of the Medical Society, who in pursuance of it, gave their opinion to the Government last summer, that the rigid enforcement of the quarantine laws, was by no means necessary on account of yellow fever. Now these opinions were generally entertained until 1839, the particulars of which it becomes my duty to give, and let others form their judgment. The circumstances then occur- ring, has awakened doubts if not convictions in the minds of some few very intelligent physicians, whether the yellow fever has not occurred among us through importation, and either by infection cr contagion, or to use a new phrase, transmissibility. 1 will, therefore, give you all the facts and the opinions predicated upon them, and leave it to your judg- ment to decide. In 1839, the late Dr. Stroble endeavored to prove it oc- curred from importation, and predicated upon this, he wrote a work to prove the transmissibility, or in other words, con- tagious character of the disease. I refer you to the work for particulars, and will content myself with quoting from the w ork on the Practice of Physic, by our esteemed and emi- nent associate, Prof. S. H. Dickson, for whose medical opin- ions generally I have much respect. uDr. B. B. Stroble, of this city," says Dr. Dickson, " struck with the early and unexpected appearance of yellow fever here in June, 1839, was led to a patient, impartial and attentive examination of the subject. For the detail of his facts and arguments I refer you to his published work. They seem to me weighty if not conclusive, and if they do not prove, they surely render highly probable, the doctrine that yellow fever is in this country and climate, as it has been long maintained to be elsewhere, contagious and communi- cable, or, as Dr. Stroble has phrased it, transmissible, yellow fever is contagious; in other words, a case of yellow fever having been generated in a favorable season and locality, by its unknown and undetected cause, becomes itself a genera- ting centre productive of other causes, or of a morbid agent capable of producing them. 14 Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. " It is transmissible from any one centre to another, or from any one of its generating centres to a healthy locality, and this communication or extension may take place in two modes, either by consequence of a portion of atmosphere in which is diffused its undefined specific cause, as in the hold of a foul vessel, from any place where it prevails epidemically or by the introduction of a sick body or any formiles imbued with its contagion." Now, here we have the opinion on one side. Let me pre- sent you the other. On the 7th of June, 1839, three patients were admitted into the Marine Hospital, from the ship Burmah, which had ar- rived from Havana, of which I was informed by the physi- cian of that institution. The pilot, contrary to the regula- tion that all vessels having sickness on board should be brought to quarantine, brought in this vessel. The remain- der of the seamen on board that were sick, were sent to the Lazaretto, and the ship was thoroughly cleaned and venti- lated, she being in ballast. She was in the stream and did not come to the wharf for some weeks after, and had no com- munication, as far as could be ascertained, with other ves- sels. On the 17th and 19th, cases were admitted into the Hospital from the ships Chatham, Leonore and Elizabeth Bruce. The Chatham and Elizabeth Bruce, were lying at Fitzsimmons1 wharf, the Leonore was lying in the stream, opposite these vessels, and had never been to the wharf; the Burmah was lying- in the stream off Roper's wharf: the dis- tance from each of the vessels was therefore considerable, and there were a good many vessels between, on board of which no sickness had as yet occurred.. The Chatham ar- rived here from Boston, on the 5th of June, in ballast; the Elizabeth Bruce arrived in Charleston from New-York, 7th of June, in ballast; and the Leonore sailed from Boston and arrived on the 7th of June, in ballast—all the crews were well. Subsequently, the disease occurred in different vessels in the harbor, which it would be unnecessary here to detail. The appearance of the disease so early in the season and so soon after its occurrence on board of the Burmah, created a suspicion of contagion in the minds of some, but 1 could Simons on Yellow bever in Charleston. 15 not, upon the minutest investigation, come to that conclusion, and a committee, consisting of Drs. Lopez, Moultrie, Ged- dings, Campbell, Winthrop and Horlbeck, which was ap- pointed by the Medical Society, after making a minute and thorough investigation, came to the conclusion that the fever was not introduced by the Burmah, or by contagion, but was produced by the peculiar condition of our atmosphere. In other words, it was epidemic, and arose from causes among us. From that report 1 select the following passages: " By an examination instituted through reference to the captains and mates of the various vessels, whose information was given from the log books, your committee have ascer- tained that they had, at the time of their sailing from the dif- ferent ports, viz., Liverpool, Boston, and New-York, for this port, perfectly healthy crews, with sound cargoes, incapable from their character of generating foul air. That there was no malignant disease prevailing at the time of their depart- ure ; that their crews had not, while in this port, any com- munication, either direct or indirect, with the Burmah or her crew ; and finally, that that ship, in all these instances, lay in the stream, from a quarter to half a mile from them, except for a short period, of which mention will hereafter be made." —Page 5.) Again : " The presumption is thus fairly induced, that the cleansing and ventilation must have disinfected her, (the Bur- mah,) sufficiently of her foul atmosphere for purposes of safety, else, why none other of her crew remaining on board THENCE TO THE TIME OF DEPARTURE FROM OUR PORT, CON- TRACT THE DISEASE ?"—(Page 7.) Again : " Thus far your committee have satisfied them- selves, that the transmission of the fever through the agency of the Burmah, is neither tenable as a fact, nor in accordance with the opinions of a great majority of the medical profes- sion in this country."—(Page 8.) And again : " Your committee therefore, are of opinion, that the yellow fever which has prevailed, and still continues this season, has its origin, not from contagion derivable from 16 Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. those cases imported in the ship Burmah on the 6th of June last, but from local and general causes."—(Page 10.) 1 may here remark, that Dr. Lebby, in a letter to Dr. Stro- ble, shows that yellow fever occurred at Fort Johnson, some time before the Burmah arrived—and could not be possibly traced as arising from any foreign agency. I may here also remark, that in 1838, a fire occurred which destroyed one-third of the city of Charleston—and in this year and 1839, the exposure of an immense mass of mate- rials on the surface of so much uncovered earth, and water in the cellars, were exposed to solar influence, sufficient of themselves to generate yellow fever. I have thus given you the opinions of our own writers and physicians. You are all doubtless well acquainted with the different views taken by medical authors in the United States as well as Europe, and I think after a thorough investigation, you will readily perceive different conclusions drawn from the same facts, and indeed, what is more unpleasant, often discrepancy of opinion, as regards the facts. Likewise that bilious remittent fever has been not unfrequently confounded with yellow fever, and above all, in the ardor of discussion, philosophic research after truth has too often been lost in the maze of controversial sophistries. Y^et, I think that the most general opinion is, that the yellow fever, when epidemic, arises from local causes, while its contagious, or rather infectious influ- ence, under certain circumstances may occur. All epidemics may become infectious without being strictly contagious or capable of transmissibility or extension, beyond a certain limit; and hence, in former ages, they were all regarded as contagious, whereas, now it is more than questioned by many. Let us now enquire into a very interesting point of med- ical philosophy, which may throw some light on this subject. In former times the system of medical police and medical hygiene were miserably pursued. It was then in the treatment a rule, to have all fresh air excluded from the sick, for fear of catching cold. Now from this regime, we observe that not only there was an accumulation of fo- Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. 17 mites emanating from the body, but an exhaustion of vital air, oxygen gas and the accumulation of carbonic acid gas, (non vital,) hence the aggravated type and infectious char- acter of the diseases then existing ;* and under such a sys- tem of regime, it is not at all surprising that those, as nurses or friends, who were exposed to such a vitiated air, should themselves feel the effects of the disease. Hence the terri- ble accounts which were given of the infectious and pesti- lential nature of epidemics, and the violence and mortality incident thereto. From chemical discoveries, and the ju- dicious application of these discoveries to useful and practi- cal purposes, a new system of medical police and medical hygiene became gradually to be adopted, the effects of which have been signally observed wherever they have been faith- fully used. We now regard it as essentially important, to have a free ventilation to such an extent as to correct the vi- tiated air produced from the sources already stated, and we likewise use certain substances which are regarded at least, as partially disinfecting agents, and that plan has had a man- ifest influence and effect in diminishing the aggravated types of epidemics. We hear now no longer of the typhus gravior, which was so strongly depicted heretofore, which, says South- ward Smith, is not known in the hospitals ; but we have had evidences of the same disease in cases of emigrants crowded on board of vessels ill-ventilated, and accumulation of filth gene- rating a foul and pestilential atmosphere, and creating a fever very similar to the description given of the typhus gravior. From the great improvement in medical police, the apprehension of the propagation of these fevers by in- fection, has been much questioned by many, and the virulence and mortality evidently greatly diminished. Pre- dicated upon these principles, that extraordinary genius, Bonaparte, peformed an act which had a powerful influence * I may mention here an anecdote of that original and eccentric medical genius, Dr. Radcliffe, in the reign of Queen Anne. He was attending the young Duke o Beaufort, in small pox, and in opposition to the received medical opinion, as wellaa the strong" "****» bathed Wlth ^ ^ -id After the depletion by bleeding and purgation, if the pain in fte epigastnc region is not diminished", an'd if there , ^ b bty of stomach I immediately place in that region a large blister, and keep the irritation their continually, so as to act as a powerful counter-irritant. If the pain in the head con taiues, and in the spine, I use cupping and leeches. Of me P Zata to°Wk *" ^ir^ °f Cal°me]' Whh SOme -eta of the tn k P "P b,lmry SeCreti°n and Subdue acidity iniection 7 ' V^ 1^°^ °h^~^ an occasional kTd o?7er T; , Vegard illjections ver^valuabIe« - kind of derivative from the stomach, and preventing the sto- mach so peculiarly affected in this disease, from being imi- tated by cathartic medicine. Such, then, is the course of practice which I have followed in the inflammatory" When the extremities are cold, mustard poultices are then Thir ?fdenVatlVue' °r an^ other stimulating application. The next form „ the congestive, the symptoms of which iectT toeh lu A§ ^ lhG Inflammat^ the great ob- ect ,s to bring the over-excited condition of the system to such a state as to prevent congestion in the capillary system, and derangement of functional action in the dif- ferent organs, so in the congestive form we must endeavor to arouse the system from the extreme depression which exists, t or this purpose, whenever practicable, 1 use warm stimulating baths ; and if not convenient, 1 apply mus- tard plasters to the stomach and extremities, and sponge with stimulating applications. The great indication is to arouse the nervous system, and to have a proper circu- lating action. The other means of practice is not dissimilar to what I have described, so far as medicine is concerned in the inflammatory form. These, then, are the plans in the first paroxysm or sta- dium. I will now briefly consider the treatment in the second stage, but previously remark that the great class of patients are of that population where it is difficult to carry out faith- fully a judicious course of practice, except when in hospitals, and hence the mortality. Here, 1 frankly confess, all of our 30 Simons on Yellow Fever in Charleston. treatment is empirical. The stomach, in the stage of black vomit, is evidently not only functionally but organically de- ranged. There is hypertrophy of the Vasa Brevia, and an exudation of blood incident thereto, as I have previously ex- plained. In this stage, yeast, sugar of lead,* efferves- cence of carbonate of soda, and tartaric acid, carbonic acid gas, and many other means of this kind, have been used. My opinion is that no medicament in this stage can be of any service as taken in the stomach. The only plan which may be probably advantageous, is to keep up in the epigastric region a constant irritation, and to give, according to circumstances, stimulating injections. 1 have thus endeavored, in a very humble way, to discharge the duty assigned me, and as in my introductory address.f I repeat, I could have wished the appointment as your orator had been given to an abler member. Should it awaken a proper feeling to investigate the peculiar charac- teristics of our endemics, 1 should, indeed, be more than gra- tified. 1 have now only to invoke the blessings of the Great Supreme upon the labors of our Association, the objects of which are to produce brotherly love, and promote the cause of medical science and humanity. * Our late very eminent physician, Dr. Irvine, wrote a very interesting article on yellow fever, in which he advocated the use of acetate of lead to act as a sedative and subdue the irritability of the stomach, and prevent the functional derangements incident thereto. But his theory was not sustained by practice. t This part of the Address was omitted as unnecessary, but will appear in the proceedings of the Association. J >