i 1 Mi BY-LAWS OF THE WORCESTER DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY, LIST Or MEMBERS, AND A COPY OF SUCH BY-LAWS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY AS HAVE SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE DISTRICT SOCIETIES. (?> WOROESTE R: PRINTED BY EDWARD R . F I S K E , Fra.iklix Office, Foster Stueei. 18G0. l-^^nr ( I BY-LAWS WORCESTER DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY, LIST OF MEMBERS, AND A COPY OP SUCH BY-LAWS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY AS HAVE SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE DISTRICT SOCIETIES. WOROESTER: PRINTED BY EDWARD R. FISKE, Fkakxljn Orrici, Foster Street. 18C0. The Worcester District Medical Society was organized Septem- ber 20, 1804, as a Subordinate Society under tho Massachusetts Medical Society, in accordance with an act of the Legislature of March s, 1803, with power to elect its own officers, to establish its own regulations (so that they be not repugnant to tho by-laws of the general Society,) and to hold property and dispose of the same. The elements of this District organization had been in ex- istence under another form since the year 1794. ORDER OF BUSINESS AT ANNUAL MEETINGS. 1. Reading of the proceedings of the last annual and of each succeeding stated meeting during the year, by the Secretary. 2. Reports of Treasurer and of Librarian and of Committee on the Waldo and Wilder Fund. 3. Election, by ballot, of officers of District Society, viz: Pres- ident, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee on tho Waldo and Wilder Funds, and Librarian. 4. Election of Auditing Committee. 5. Election of Committee on Library. 6. Election of Dissertator; appointment of three members to report cases, or present communications for consideration and dis- cussion, at each of the other meetings during the year. 7. Election by ballot of Counsellors and Censors. 8. Report of Standing Committees. 9. Propositions or communications of general interest to the Profession. 10. At twelve o'cloqj^ the Dissertation. ', ^. EXTRACTS FROM THE BY-LAWS OF THE STATE SOCIETY, HAVING SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DISTRICT SOCIETIES. By-Law XXVI. Every District Society shall annually elect a President, who shall be, ex dfflcio, a Vice President of the Society (xvn.) ; a Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian, a Commissioner on Trials (xxxm., 8>), Councillors (xn.), not less than three nor more than five Censoi*s, for the examination and admission of Fellows in that District (xxx.); and such other officers as such Society may see fit. XXVII. District Societies may make their own regulations, provided they are not incompatible with tho By-Laws of the Gen- eral Society. XXVIII. The Secretary of each District Society shall, ten days before the anuual meeting of the Councillors, furnish the Re- cording Secretary of the Society with the names of all those, not already reported, who have become.Fellows in his District. XXIX. The Treasurer of each District Society shall collect the assessments within his District as soon as may be. He shall, on or before the annual meeting of the Councillors, make a full re- turn, to the Treasurer of the Society, of all the assessments charged on his list, with the.condition of each, whether paid or uipaid; and transmit the amount collected, after deducting such reasonable expenses as he may have incurred^and five per cent. for services; and such return and remittance shq,ll be a full re- lease from the domand created by the charge required in By-law xxn. He shall also report tho deaths and removals whif h have occurred in the District, and any circumstances respecting tkp pe-' 4 cuniary abilities of the members which it may be important for the Treasurer to know. In case any District Treasurer shall neg- lect to make his return as herein provided, he shall be liable to bo proceeded against, according to law, for the whole amount of as- sessments charged to him on his list, provided the same do not exceed the sum which this Society is authorized by the charter to impose as a penalty for a breach of its By-laws; and, should it exceed that sum, he may be proceeded against for that sum, in addition to the amount actually received by him. THE CENSORS. XXX. The Censors for the* Suffolk District Society shall offi- ciate for thUt District, and for the Society at large; and shall meet, for tho admission of Fellows, in Boston, on the Thursday next preceding the annual meeting of the Society, and on the last Wednesday in January and July. They may advertise these meetings in such manner as the Board shall determine. The Censors of the other Medical Districts (i. e. other than the Suffolk) shall hold their meetings at the same place and on the same day as the District Societies themselves; and shall not ad- vertise, unless the Dictrict Societies direct it to be done at their own expense. (See Art. ii., xxvi.) XXXI. Three Censors shall constitute a quorum, and tho sen- ior Censor shall preside. Whenever a quorum is not present, and a candidate offers himself for examination, the presiding officer of1 the District Society may appoint substitutes for*absent Censors, to form a quorum, for the time being. Unless a quorum be present,'no vote shall be taken, except on the question of adjournment. (See Art. ii.) XXXII. Each Board of Censors shall appoint, at their first meeting, a Secretary from their own body. The duty of every Secretary so appointed, shall be to keep a faithful record of the meetings and transactions of the Board, and to give immediate notice to the Recording Secretary^ the*Sooi,etyg|^ the^o^aniza- tion of such Board. H^_ shall also keep a book, with the formof subscription, for th£ signature of those admitted by the Board . and, at the termination of {he year for which he has been appoint- ed, he shall.transmit to the Recording Secretary a true copy of the records he may have made, in order that the same may be laid ^eforg the Councillors. . f BY-LAWS OF THE WORCESTER DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY. Article 1. The Worcester District Medical Society shall hold its annual meeting in Worcester on the second Wednesday in May, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at such place as snail have been previ- ously designated by vote of the Society. Notice of the annual meetings shall bo given to each member by circular letter from the Secretary at least seven days before such meeting. Article 2. The following order shall be observed in tho tran- saction of business at the annual meeting : 1st. Tho Secretary shall read the proceedings of tho last annual, and of each succeed- ing stated meeting during the year, and shall report the names of all who have become members of tho Society during that time. 2d. The President shall call on the Treasurer, and Librarian, and upon tho Committee of the Waldo and Wilder Funds, for their reports. 3d. The Officers shall be chosen for the year ensuing,' ' by ballot. 4th. Reports of Standing Committees shall be called "" for. 5th. Any propositions, or communicutions, which may bo thought "conducive to the welfare of the Society, or to the inter- ests^f th^a, naedigal profession, may be introduced by any member. __^m6t]|r At twelve o'clock, the Tresident shall caii.pn the person ap- pointed to deliver the annual discourse, and the other business shall be suspended until the discourse shall have been^h^ivered. Article 3. The Society shall hold meetings on tho 2d Wednes- day of October and the 2d Wednesday of January annually, ajt 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of hearing reports of cases, or com- 6 munications on medical or scientific subjects, and discussing the same; and the members may engage in any exercises or discus- sions which may be deemed conducive to their mutual improve- ment. Other meetings may be held by special vote. Article 4. • The Officers of this Society shall be a President, one Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee on the Waldo and Wilder Funds, and Librarian, who shall hold their offices re- spectively for one year, and till others are chosen in their stead. There shall also be chosen at each annual meeting an Auditing Committee, whose business it shall be to audit the accounts of tho Treasurer and of the Committee on the Waldo and Wilder Funds. Article 5. At every annual meeting, there shall bo one mem- ber appointed to deliver an address or dissertation on some medi- cal subject at the next annual meeting, and tho same appointment may be made at j#y subsequent meeting if tho member first ap- pointed shall decline tho service. There shall also be appointed at the annual meeting three members to report cases or present com- munications for consideration and discussion at each of the other meetings during the year. Article G. Tho President shall call all meetings of the Society and preside at tho same; he shall also call special meetings for urgent business or at the request of four or more members; he shall enforce an observance of the By-laws during the meetings, regulate debates, state and put questions, and have a casting vote in case of equal division on any question. Article 7. It shall be the duty of the Vice-President, to pre- side at any meeting when the President is absent; and in case of death, disability or resignation of the President, all the duties of his office shall devolve on the Vice-President. Article 8. The Secretary shall have charge and custody of the By-Laws, Records and other papers of the Society; he shall notify and attend the meetings of the Society, and keep a fair record of all its doings, and read at the meetings all such commu- nications as the President may direct to be made; he shall notify the chairman of each committee^pptJtnted ^y tij$ Socjety, in each case stating the commission and names of the Committee, and the shall perform suoiother duties as may be assigned him. Article 9. The Treasurer shall collect all monies due the Soci- ety, exce.pt such as are otherwise specially provided for, and keep an accfirate account of all receipts and disbursements; he shall annually make to the Society a written report of his doings and of the state of the Treasury, and shall subject all his accounts to tho inspection of the Auditing Committee, and shall perform the du- ties required of him by the Massachusetts Medical Society. Article 10. The Committee on the Waldo and Wilder Funds shall liavc the general custody and management of "the bequest of the late Hon. Daniel Waldo, and of that of the late Dr. Charles W. Wilder, subject to such directions as may from time to time be given by the Society. It shall be their duty to keep the same at interest, taking therefor such security as shall render the invest- ment safe. As funds shall accrue frcm said investment, they shall be put out at such rates of interest as sh#ll make them available at sb^ort notice; and said Committee shall pay out no money except by a vote of the Society, specifying that the money appropriated is to be drawn from the interest of the Waldo Fund or from the Wilder Fund, nor until said vote shall have been certified to them by the Secretary. They shall also keep in a book, to bo provided for that purpose, an account current with each legacy, which shall, at all times, be open to the inspection of any member of the Soci- ety; and, at every annual meeting, they shall make a printed re- port in detail of their transactions for the year past. They shall also give such bonds for the faithful performance of their duties as shall be satisfactory to the other officers of the Society. Article 11. The Librarian shall have the care and custody of all the books, and of the museum, instruments and apparatus of the Society, and shall be responsible for their safe keeping. Ho shall keep an accurate register of the same, and of all additions, from time to time made thereto, whether by purchase or donation, and shall so arrange and keep them as to accommodate any mem- ber who may wish to take books from the library, or to consult them at the library. He shall keep an accurate account of all books drawn from the library, noting the time when drawn and when returned, and shall assess and collect all fines for too long detention or injury of books, as prescribed in the By-laws, and shall pay into the treasury all such assessments collected. He sb,all fx©m time'to time open the, iibraj'y and the business of his department to the inspection of a committee on the library, who shall annually report to the Society the condition of that de- partment. He shall also perform such services for th^e Massachu- setts Medical Society as are required in the By-laws of j|hat insti- tution. Article 12. Any officer of this Society may, for sufficient roa- I sons, resign his office, or may be removed therefrom, by a vote of the Society, for neglect of duty, or misconduct, at a regular meet- ing called for that purpose, or with a specification of such purpose in its call. Article 13.' Any Member of this Society who shall wilfully violate the By-laws, or be guilty of professional mal-practice or gross misconduct, shall be dealt with according to the By-laws of the Massachusetts Medical Society in such cases made and pro- vided. Article 14. No pretender to any nostrum shall have the coun- tenance or fellowship of this Society. Article 15. The Society mayjmblibh any communications or papers that may be deemed beneficial to the members. Article 16. Any fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society residing in the County of Worcester, may become a member of this Society by signing the By-laws, and may withdraw from the Society by honorable dismissal on the payment of all his dues to the Society, and their voting such dismissal. Article 17. The By-laws of this Society shall not be amended or altered except at the annual meeting, and then only when a proposition for amendment shall have been made at a previous meeting. Article 18. Regulations of the Library. 1st. The members of this Society shall be entitled to the use of the Library; and on a personal or written application to the Librarian, each member may have from the Library, three volumes, but no more at any one time. 2d. Any members may retain any book from the Li- brary four months, or from one stated meeting to the next, after the expiration of which time, if he neglect to return it, he shall pay a fine of ten cents per week on each volume so retained, and be deprived of further use of the Library until he shall have com- plied with this By-law ; and if any member shall injure or lose a book in his possession, he shall pay such sum as the Librarian shall estimate the damage to be, or he shall replace it by a new copy of the same. 3d. P0o^cais not bound, shal^a sukiecfcffc) the following rules-^^pfarnumber of a semi-monthly or monthly j&,* may be retained ten days, and of a quarterly, fifteen days, and for a longer.detention, the same fines shall be assessed as for de- tention oi other books beyond the time prescribed. 4th. The Librarian shall cause every book belonging to the Library to be labelled on the inside of the cover with the following words— 9 " Property of the Worcester District Medical Society," or, " Gift of------to the Worcester District Medical Society," as the case may be. 5th. No person shall be allowed to take any books from the Library except in the presence of the Librarian, or of some person duly authorized by him. 6th. When any member applies for a book which is out, he may leave a written applica- tion for it with the Librarian, who shall retain the book after its return to the Library, fifteen days for the person so applying. 7th. Works of reference and valuable books with plates, may be withheld from circulation at the discretion of the Library Com- mittee ; and the Purchasing Committee shall insert such a reser- vation in newly bought books before their deposit in the Library. Article 14. Physicians not members of this Society may take books, instruments and apparatus purchased by the Waldo Fund, on signing a receipt for the same and depositing with the Libra- rian money to the amount of twice the cost of such books, instru- ments and apparatus, or if the books belong to a set, to twice the cost of the set; the loan being with the same limitation of time, and subject to the same fines as when made to members. o OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. ORAMEL MARTIN, P UK SI DENT. CALVIN P. FISKE, VICE-PRESIDENT. THOMAS H. GAGE, Secretary. J. MARCUS RICE, Treasurer. S. FOSTER HAVEN, Jr., Librarian. JOSEPH SARGENT, ' ) Committee on the RDFUS WOODWARD, > Waldo Legacy and HENRY CLARKE, ) the Wilder Fund. MEMBERS. Adm. Karnes. 1808 * Allen, Israel 1818 *Allen, Silas 1860 Ames, Joseph S. 1836 Andrews, John 1804 *Babbitt, Thomas 1813 *Bagg, Henry 1818 *Ball, Stephen 1855 Barnes, John 1822 *Batchcller, Stephen • 1853 Bates, George A. 1846 Bates, Heury G. 1832 Bellows, Albert J. 1837 *Benedict, William M. 1847 Bennett, Alonzo W. 1839 Bigelow, Henry 1839 *Blood, Oliver H. 1832 fBoutelle, Thomas R. 1821 *Brigham, Daniel 1831 *Brigham, Adolphus 1838 Brooks, Alphonso 1854 Burdetf^ George W. 1855 *Burgess, George M. 1838 *Burnett, Joel 1836 Butler, John S. 1844 Carpenter, Henry 1854 Carpenter, Nelson 1858 Chamberlain, Eben N. 1839 Chandler, George 1852 Clarke, Henry 1847 Clarke, Rowse R. 1851 *Cummings, James P. C. 1839 *Cutler, Charles 1840 Davis, Henry G. *Died. t Seceded. Last known Residence. Resigned or Retired. Died. Age. Sterling, 1817 61 Leominster, 1827 1840 78 Holden, Boylston, 1855 Brookficld, 1813 51 Princeton, 1818 71 Northborough, 1828 1850 83 Milford, Moyalston, 1848 71 Boston, Bellows Falls, Charlestown, 1848 Millbury, 1847 50 Uxbridge, Newton Comer, Worcester, 1858 57 Fitchburg, Marlborough, 1826 1S37 77 Shrewsbury, 1859 56 Princeton, Clinton, Blackstone, 1859 42 Southborough, 1845 46 Hartford, Upton, Warren, Millbury, Worcester, Worcester, Whitinsville. Fitchburg, 1858 28 Grafton, 1840 25 New York, 12 A dm. Names. 1845 Erving, J. F. 1822 *Estabrook, George 1839 Fay, Charles M. 1839 fField, C. C. 1804 *Field, John 1812 *Field, Seth 1847 Fiske, Calvin P. 1855 Fiske, Daniel S. 1804 *Fiske, Oliver 1804 *Flint, Austin 1820 Flint, Edward 1X08 *Flint, John 1820 *Flint, Joseph II. 1813 *Fobes, Seth 1804 *Frink, John 1855 Gage, Thomas H. 1854 Gillmore, Henry 1850 fGodding, Alvah 1852 Goulet, Ambrose 1820 Green, Daniel 1804 *Green, John 1811 Green, John 1815 Green, Samuel F. 1851 Griggs, Samuel 1851 Griggs, Thomas T. 1822 *Harrington, Loami 1839 Hartwell, Samuel 1839 Hartwell, Samuel C. 1807 *Haskell, Abraham 1810 *Haskell, Abraham 1853 Hathaway, John E. 1859 Haven, S. Foster, Jr. 1845 Hawes, R. L. 1851 Heard, John 1844 *Heywood, Benjamin 1822 Heywood, Benjamin F. 1848 *Heywood, Frederic 1850 fHitchcock, Alfred" 1821 Homans, John 1804 *Howe, Josiah 1839 |Hoyt, George 1860 Hubon, Peter E. 1839 Hunting, Amory 1850 *Huntley, Osmon L. Last known Residence. Resigned or Retired. Died. Age. Connecticut, Rutland, 1846 51 Charlton, Leominster, Rutland, 1815 Brookfield, 1837 1850 88 Fiskdale, East Brookfield, Worcester, 1825 1837 74 Leicester, 1827 1850 90 Leicester, 1855 Petersham, 1809 Leicester, 1846 60 Oakham, 1814 32 Rutland, 1811 Worcester, Brookfield, Winchendon, South Boston, Auburn, 1844 Worcester, 1808 45 Worcester, Ceylon, Westborough, Grafton, Paxton, 1832 1840 Southbridge, 1854 Southbridge, Ashby, 1824 1833 88 Leominster, 1826, 1829 Worcester, Worcester, Worcester, 1848 Townsend, Worcester, 1860 39 Worcester^ Realejo, Cen. Am 1856 30 Fitchburg, «»! Boston, Templeton 1823 1843 73 Athol, Worcester, Kansas, Fitchburg, 1856 37 13 Adm. Karnes. 1859 Jewett, Fredric A. 1849 Jewett, Henry A. 1840 Johnson, H. F. 1840 Johnson, J. J. 1822 "Jones, Asa 1831 Kendall, P. T. 1834 Knight, Addison 1851 Knight, Elam C. 1815 *Knowlton, Seth 1819 *Lamb, Dan 1853 *Layng, Edward 1804 Learned, Jonathan 1845 Leland, F. 1842 *Lincoln, Henry 1852 *Lincoln, Henry M. 1843 Lovell, Ephraim 1817 *Manning, Samuel 1850 fMarshall, Jonas A. 1826 *Marshall, Silas 1851 Martin, Oramel 1822 *McFarland, James 1832 Metcalf, John G. 1849 Mignault, P. B. 1852 fMiller, Alfred 1838 Miller, Erasmus D. 1839 *Mirick, Lawson 1845 *Newton, Calvin 1856 Nichols, George K. 1854 Nichols, Jonathan 1858 Orcutt, Almon M. 1804 *Osgood, Jonathan 1851 Osgood, J. W. D. 1824 Parker, Amos 1838 fParker, David 1827 Parker, Henry 1838 *Partridge, Warren 1822 *Peabody, Nathaniel 1822 Pearson, Silas 1826 Peck, Gustavus D. 1837 Peck, William D. 1823 Phelps, Moses Last known Residence, „*§£§££ Died. Age. Shrewsbury, Northborough, Southborough, Keene, N. H. Spencer, Clinton, R. I. Blackstone, Shrewsbury, Charlton, Worcester, Milford, Lancaster, Westminster, West Boylston, Cambridge, Fitchburg, Templeton, Worcester, Rutland, Mendon, Worcester, Ashburnham, Dorchester, Brookfield, Worcester, Boston, Beetown, Wis. Hardwick, Gardner, Greenfield, Shrewsbury, i Gardner, Worcester, Princeton, Boston, Westminster, Northampton, Sterling, Hubbardston, 1854 1839 1827 1832 51 1832 1820 1853 74 1856 is00 55 1854 28 1822 42 1823 41 1860 -62 1853 53 1822 60 1858 1853 53 1834 1855 81 1824 39 14 1804 *Philips, Ebenezer H. 1838 Pierce, Delano 1852 f Pierce, George W. 1856 *Pillsbury, Enoch H. 1838 Plant, John 1840 Poole, Alexander 1835 *Pond, Benjamin 1838 Porter, Joshua 1857 Potter, Albert 1837 Rawson, Levi 1855 Rice, J. Marcus 1804 *Rice, Til lev 1836 Rising, Henry H. 1838 *Robbins, Augustus 1*80 Robbins, James W. 1858 Robinson, Albert B. i860 Robinson, Henry 1