Physical Training in New England Schools, BY I/ll. SCOTT, A. M., Secretary of New England Education League, WITH LETTERS FROM New England State Secretaries of Education, City Superintendents, Principals of High and Endowed Schools, College Gymnasium Directors, New York City and Philadelphia City Superintend- ents, and Gymnastic Teacher at West Point. THE APOLLO BELVEDERE. THE PEOPLE PUBLISHING COMPANY, io Hollis Street, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1899. This address and inquiry were prepared under the aus- pices of the New England Education League. They were given before the Boston Physical Education Society at Rogers Building, Boston, Mass., at the February meeting, 1899, and before the High School Teachers’ Institute in Hall of Repre- sentatives, Concord, N. H., April 28, 1899. The following photographs and other material were used at the institute: English school views, Phillips-Exeter gymna- sium, athletic field and athletics, Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, Harvard fields and athletic groups, Boston public gymnasia, swimming places, baths, classes, etc., New York City public school gymnasia, Cambridge and Rindge fields, Cambridge New Latin School with plans, Massachusetts State Normal School gymnasia, Gymnasia of Hartford High School, Wilbraham Academy, etc., Yale gymnasium and prescription of exercises, Manual of New Haven public schools, Connecti- cut manual of hygiene, etc., Greek statuary. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. Man made the school, God made the playground. Before letters were invented or books, or governesses dis- covered, the neighbors’ children, the outdoor life, the fists and the wrestling sinews, the old games (the oldest things in the world), the bare hill and the clear river,—these were education; and now, though Xenophon and sums be come, these are and remain. Horses and marbles, the knot of boys beside the schoolboy fire, the hard blows given and the harder ones re- ceived,—these educate mankind. Walter Bagehot. Home training needs a reinforce- ment in the form of supervision on the streets and playgrounds. Public play- grounds, well conducted by skilled and experienced teachers, should be authorized and maintained by the city authorities, and patronized and at- tended as regularly as the schools. Franz Schoeberle. I have come to the conclusion that more than half the disease which em- bitters the middle and latter part of life is due to avoidable errors in diet. Sir Henry Thompson. Or know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost? Paul (i Cor. 6:19). One of the first things to be re- garded in the pupil as school work begins is physical health and condi- tion. No right system of education will ignore this important matter at any stage of the pupil’s progress. Public education too often has neg- lected this subject or failed to give to it the attention it requires. In some private schools and colleges it has been lifted to a proper place on an equality with other departments of training. The tendency of school life and public opinion are setting in the right direction, but more emphasis needs to be put on proper care of the pupil’s health and physical state. It is not sufficient to keep pupils from breaking down under the pressure of school life. Many who do not go to that extreme come from the schools as weaklings for the work of life. A still larger number fail to receive that bodily development which is one of the best equipments for after life. Nor are teachers and parents wholly responsible for such results. In some cases they are doubtless remiss, but the chief difficulty lies in the inade- quate recognition of physical training in public education and the lack or weakness of public opinion on the subject. The supervision of trained instructors is essential to physical cul- ture. They should have special knowl- edge, experience and intelligent sym- pathy with the work. A physical di- rector should understand not merely the physical side of youth but the complex relations of mind and body. Thus he may be in accord with the best ideals of the school and may con- tribute to laying such a sound physical basis as will sustain the mental and moral structure to be reared thereon. Searching physical examinations to show the condition of the pupil and his ability to do the school work are necessary at proper times. The eye which is not unfrequentlv impaired in school life, the ear upon which so many calls are daily made, especially need occasional examinations.* Ques- * The writer finds, in frequent visits to city and coun- try schools, light entering schoolrooms in a way to impair sight of teachers and pupils. 4 PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. tions of food, exercise, care of body, the bath, habit, dress, rest, which have much to do with health and vigor and successful study, require appropriate treatment. Objections to certain kinds of sport and excess in them will be modified or removed under proper supervison. The occupations of the school should be so conducted as to promote good bodily development. School life should not merely prevent the impair- ment of health, it should improve health. To impart knowledge or to develop the mind at the expense of the bodily health is a perversion of ef- fort to be carefully avoided. School life is made too sedentary in many cases, its drain on nerve and brain too excessive. Johann Peter Frank, the father of school hygiene, raised a warning a century ago against a pre- mature strain on the youthful powers of body and mind: “Yet spare their fibres—spare their mind’s strength ; waste not upon the child the vigor of the man that is to be.” An interesting paper by Mr. Curtis of Clark University in the Seminary of October, 1898, treats this subject at much length. He asserts that the general average of school time is in excess of double the child’s capacity on an average for lessons requiring mental effort. He cites cases to show that pupils on half school time with the rest given to work in garden or shop show equal or better results than full time pupils. Physical training is advocated also as preventive of many physical evils in schools. As an example a portion of a report from New York city schools is quoted. Medical supervi- sion by a corps of one hundred and fifty physicians began in 1897. The first day, March 29, 1897, gave the following results: 140 children excluded. 14 cases diphtheria. 3 cases measles. 1 scarlet fever. 35 contagious eye diseases. 3 mumps. i croup. 8 chicken pox. 8 skin diseases. 67 parasitic diseases. Cases of neglect of cleanliness were numerous. “We consider,” say the members of the Brooklyn, N. Y., Homoeopathic Medical Society, “the curriculum of the Girls’ High School and the upper grammar grades too severe and exact- ing. The individual members of the committee have recently had under treatment many cases of nervous pros- tration among the attendants of the high school, which have been the di- rect result of faithful application to the required course of study, and the oculists have had their attention par- ticularly directed to many cases from this school where the pupils are com- pelled to wear glasses, perhaps for life, because of the strain put upon the eyes and nervous system by the pres- sure.” The first fundamental research into the physical and mental health of school children was instituted by Dr. Hertel in Copenhagen in 1881, and it led to a special hygienic commission to examine the condition of health in all the schools of the kingdom of Den- mark. At the same time a grand school commission was named in Sweden to inquire into the organiza- tion of school life. About 15,000 boys and 3,000 girls were examined in reference to health, measurement and weight. Professor Axel Key, a member of the Swedish commission, in an address before the Berlin Inter- national Congress speaks as follows:* “According to my examinations of 15,000 boys in the middle schools more than one-third are ill or are af- flicted with chronic maladies. Short- sightedness, which is demonstrably for the most part induced by the over- taxing of the eyes is school work, and well merits the name of school sick- ness, rises rapidly in height of preva- *“ School Life in Relation to Growth and Health,” by Prof. Axel Key. Popular Science Monthly, Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 107-112. Year 1890-91. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. 5 lence from class to class. Thirteen and a half per cent of the boys suffer from habitual headache, and nearly thirteen per cent are pallid; and other diseases arise in the lower classes to decline and rise again in the upper classes. Diseases of the lungs are most frequent among organic disor- ders. Diseases of the heart and intes- tinal disorders show a considerable tendency to increase in the higher classes. As to the average of illness in the different classes, it appears that in Stockholm seventeen per cent of the children in the first class were ill at the end of the first year. In the second school year the illness curve rose to thirty-seven per cent and in the fourth class to forty per cent. This remarkable increase of illness during the first school year is not casual, but it is exhibited in all the schools; and corresponding condi- tions were brought to light in the ex- aminations of Danish pupils. A sick- ness ratio of 34.4 per cent was found as early as in the lowest classes of the middle schools.” consistent with her health during her growing time. Without going into particulars as to the influences injuri- ous to the health of growing children which proceed from their homes or may be brought out in connection with the school and school work, it is still manifest that the burden of work which children have to bear under re- cent school regulations far exceeds what is permissible, and is to a large extent responsible for the liability of school children to illness.” The same authority calls attention to the periods of growth in boys and girls, and to the differences in growth at various months of the year as hav- ing a bearing on arrangement of va- cations and school management. A few words as to the physical sur- roundings of the school to promote health and right bodily development must suffice here. Every school or group of schools should have a playground and use it under proper supervision. In our va- riable climate indoor playrooms or gymnasiums are also essential. The best sanitary conditions, ventilation, dining or lunch room, baths, sanita- ries found in the most carefully ar- ranged schools should be universal. Take the playground. Teachers interested in the sports of youth as sources of pleasure and educational opportunity often quote Wellington’s saying as he looked on the playground of Eton College, “There Waterloo was won.” But the backs of Eton are large enough for the evolutions of an army. The playground has relation to bodily development, to spontaneity of action, power of initiative physically and mentally and thus affects the spirit and vigor of the future society. It is often said playgrounds, how- ever desirable, are expensive especial- ly in cities. But we reply, the difficulty does not rest at that point. Every city has open spaces, small and large parks and park systems, but by an ingenu- ity that will surprise the future stu- dent of our times these have been kept away from the schools of the people. “The most healthy of all the years of youth is with boys the seventeenth, which is also one of the two years of most active growth. The eighteenth, on the contrary, which follows imme- diately on the attainment of puberty, appears to be a very unhealthy pe- riod.” “Among the schoolgirls, the future mothers of generations to come, in- vestigation instituted in thirty-five schools with 3,072 pupils brought out a fearful amount of illness. Sixty-one per cent of the whole, all belonging to the well-to-do classes, were ill or af- flicted with serious chronic disorders; thirty-six per cent were suffering from chlorosis, and as many from habitual headache; at least ten per cent had spinal disorder, etc. . . . The expla- nation of it is easily found in the method of instruction for girls as a whole, and in the organization of girls’ schools after the pattern of boys’ schools. The amount of work, sitting still, etc., exacted of the girl is not 6 PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. The parkman and the schoolman, go- ing forth to teach and adorn the city, have started back to back and the farther they have gone the greater the distance between them. We have a park system and a school system but they are quite distinct. The fail- ure of schoolmen to secure right rela- tions between these systems, the lack of concert of action in departments of city government and unformed public opinion have deprived school children of playgrounds. It has not been a matter of cost. One of the best things in childhood and school life, the joy and discipline of innocent play, has thus been largely lost. These condi- tions should be quickly changed. We might dwell on other physical features of the school which touch the subject in hand, but will venture sim- ply to note one more, the bath. The idea of ample bathing facilities in schoolhouses seems strange to many people, but the fact that it so appears illustrates the failure of the school property to stand in right rela- tions to the physical side of education and the community. Dr. Rohe of Bal- timore, in a recent address before the American Medical Association, gave statistics of eighteen American cities with no free public baths. Among these were Cambridge,* Mass., Port- land, Me., Baltimore, Cincinnati, Mil- waukee, Minneapolis, St. Louis. His conclusion was that “five-sixths of the inhabitants of these cities have no facilities for bathing, except such as are afforded by pail and sponge, or river, lake or other body of water which may be accessible, but in win- ter even such sources of cleanliness are cut off.” Dr. T. M. Balliet, super- intendent of schools of Springfield, Mass., advocating school baths in that city asserts, that only one-half of the families have bath rooms in their homes. He also shows that lack of cleanliness in school children in cloth- ing or person pollutes the air, offends the sense of smell, injures the nerve centres and diffuses infective germs. Mr. H. G. Wadlin, chief of the Bureau of Statistics for Labor in Massachu- setts, in his report a few years ago, af- firms in reference to Boston that in 1892 a little above one-fourth of the people, living in rented houses, had proper bathing facilities and nearly three-fourths had none. Dr. E. M. Hartwell in his addresses has stated that in many cities of Germany, Swit- zerland and Scandinavia the bath has become a most useful adjunct of schools. Physical training involves better physical conditions in school proper- ties, a wiser adjustment of school life and work to the health and develop- ment of pupils. The public is ready to cooperate with such a cause. A pure, sound body has a close connec- tion with the mental and moral eleva- tion and the future vigor of the race. We pass now to an inquiry into the present state of physical training in the schools of New England. The writer has collected brief state- ments from the following quarters: I. State secretaries of education in New England. II. City superintendents in repre- sentative cities. III. Principals of prominent high schools. IV. Principals of leading endowed secondary schools. V. College gymnasium directors. VI. City superintendents in New York and Philadelphia. VII. West Point Military Academy. The results of the inquiry are sub- mitted with the wish that it might have been more exhaustive, but the writer has been unable to go into the investigation more fully at this time. For our present purpose it is perhaps sufficiently complete. The questions sent out were, in general, as follows: 1. What is the attitude of your insti- tution (city, state) to physical training? 2. What specific methods are taken in connection with the subject? * Cambridge new Latin School has ample bathing facili- ties, playroom, gymnasium, bicycle rooms, etc. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. 7 3. How, in your opinion, may good physical training be secured in all public schools of the state? how it may be secured in all public schools. It is not a legal subject. F. H. Pease, Superintendent of Schools, Dover, N. H.: The replies are summarized. Attitude favorable. Each teacher is required to give two periods of five minutes each daily to gymnastic exer- cises of some kind, the kind is left to teacher’s choice. No regular voice training but many teachers use some form of training. Teachers should be trained in any one of the “best” sys- tems which might extend throughout the city. Several systems might be used in the state. Correct standing, walking, etc., should be demanded. Athletics appeal to many boys, grace- ful carriage to many girls. The per- sonality of the teacher counts for much. STATE OF MAINE. Hon. W. W. Stetson, State Secre- tary of Education:* Attitude favorable, Ling system used somewhat, public opinion is an effective way to secure a state system. It is not a legal subject. Miss Mary S. Snow, City Superin- tendent, Bangor, Me.: Attitude very friendly, Swedish sys- tem, Maine is a big rural state and it is hard to say how the state may be covered. Albro E. Chase, Principal High School, Portland: Attitude favorable. Teacher of reci- tations devotes one period per week to such work as may aid her in her subject. Owing to conditions beyond control, physical training, in my judg- ment, cannot be secured in more than a few high schools in this state. Professor W. B. Mitchell, Bowdoin College, Brunswick: Believes such training should be in all public schools; thinks a system with music desirable for younger pupils. The Sargent system is used successfully at Bowdoin. End desired best attained, not by state laws, but by enthusiastic efforts of those interested. Teachers, superintendents and parents can have it, if desired; sends pamphlet of Dr. Whittier, the gymnasium di- rector, advocating physical training. T. W. Harris, Superintendent of Schools, Keene, N. H.: City has no particular attitude to subject. Ling system was put into schools some years ago, five minutes or so of such exercise in middle of afternoon session. It is useful relaxa- tion but has no special relation to physical development. Unless exer- cise is systematic with gymnasium and considerable attention given to it, it seems more a fad than anything else. Outdoor sports are many. No com- plaint of lack of physical exercise out- side of school hours. John F. Kent, Principal of High School, Concord, N. H.: Attitude favorable, military drill for boys and girls. Rev. J. H. Coit, St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H.: Physical culture a special feature from beginning of school in 1856, promoted judiciously and carefully by all means in our power. Gymnastic classes in winter ; ordinary games, ath- letic sports, rowing, boxing, fencing under guidance of experienced and competent masters. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Hon. Channing Folsom, State Sec- retary of Education: Physical training and method left to local authorities. I do not know Principal H. P. Amen, Phillips-Ex- eter Academy, Exeter, N. H.: * A careful digest of letters is presented, but quotation marks are omitted, because nearly all letters are shortened. 8 PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS Our attitude thoroughly sympa- thetic, have a well trained director giv- ing all his time to the work. Object is all around body building, required from middle of fall term to spring term. Each class has special exercises and in the four years receives sys- tematic training. Four hours per week in physical work required from each student, half of each period given to class work and half to indi- vidual work, with careful physical ex- amination. This subject counts as much as any other four-hour subject for graduation; no student admitted to the school who is unable to take regular gymnasium work. In no part of our work is there a stronger inter- est than in gymnasium work. It gives outlet for youthful spirits and strength, and contributes to moral character. Only men of a solid type and wide ac- quirements should be chosen to direct such work. committees in progressive places are wide awake in these lines. Teachers generally have exercise of some sort, but probably many lack train- ing for this work. Refers to cities, as Newton, Brookline, Bos- ton. The normal graduate ought to carry into her work some good ideas on the subject. The normal schools one of the most effective ways of reaching the schools of the state. If hereafter every new teacher in Mas- sachusetts should be required to have some minimum of professional train- ing, including physical culture, that would be the most direct way of mak- ing physical culture general. Phys- ical culture is a permissive subject by state law of 1897. Physiology, anat- omy and hygiene are mandatory, and it would be a reasonable interpreta- tion to include under a practical appli- cation of these subjects right bodily exercises. Attention has been special- ly called to the subject in my last annual report at some length and also in earlier reports. STATE OF VERMONT. Hon. M. S. Stone, State Secretary of Education of Vermont: C. F. Carroll, Superintendent of Schools, Worcester, Mass.: Attitude favorable, mild gymnastic exercises used. May be extended over the state by stimulating teachers with a knowledge of the needs. It is not a legal subject. Attitude favorable in and outside of public schools. A director in- structs teachers and occasionally visits schools. Some division of the Board has existed in the past, but now there is no opposition. This plan is quite satisfactory. City or town teachers might be trained by a competent per- son. I favor physical culture for chil- dren of all ages, at least above the second and third grades. Even in primary and kindergarten grades there should be suitable physical train- ing. Henry O. Wheeler, City Superin- tendent of Schools, Burlington, Vt.: Physical culture does not hold the place it should occupy. Exercises have been used for years but irregular- ly. I believe in physical training in our schools, but have not seen my way to introduce it. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. T. M. Balliet, Superintendent of Schools, Springfield, Mass.: Hon. F. A. Hill, State Secretary of Education : Attitude friendly, each teacher gives such physical training as she is famil- iar with. Physical training may be secured by getting a medical man who also understands physical training as a specialty to supervise it, and an as- sistant or corps of assistants to train The State Board believes schools should have good sanitary conditions and appropriate bodily exercises. In normal schools teachers are trained with these things in view. The school PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. the teacher. We shall probably do this another year. President C. W. Emerson, College of Oratory, Boston, Mass.: Physical culture may be secured in the public schools of the state by hav- ing the right system selected, and by setting apart a portion of each day for its study and practice, the same as for other recitations. F. W. Atkinson, Principal of High School, Springfield, Mass.: No provision unfortunately has been made even in our superb build- ing for physical culture. It should be made compulsory, especially in the large cities. Our girls need physical training sadly. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. D. W. Abercrombie, Principal of Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass.: Hon. T. B. Stockwell, State Com- missioner of Public Schools: The subject receives more attention from year to year; four of the five cities and at least five of the towns have special teachers. There are no uniform methods used; to secure good physical training in schools the regu- lar teachers must be qualified to do the work. So long as it depends upon special instructors it will not be a real success. “A sound mind in a sound body” is a working maxim of the school, and to secure it our best intelligence is directed. Encouragement is given to athletics, especially football and track athletics. Gymnasium work is re- quired from Thanksgiving to May. Careful physical examinations are given to each boy and special work prescribed where needed. Classes meet three times per week and work is progressive. A class competition is held annually in March, not as an exhibition but as an exposition of the season’s work. Miss Sibyl Howe Avery, Teacher Physical Training, High School, Providence, R. I.: In the English High School (600 girls, one teacher) there are two twenty-minutes periods per week; girls wear street dresses and basement playroom is used as a gymnasium. There are voluntary after-school classes where gymnasium suits are re- quired. In addition to regular gym- nasium work (Sargent system), there are many games; basket ball is a fa- vorite and the number of players is growing. The boys have very little gymnastics. There are two high school football teams. Three of the four high schools have some physical training. The subject, however, is treated inadequately from lack of time and scant money appropriations. Rev. Endicott Peabody, Head Mas- ter of Groton School, Groton, Mass.: We have had much benefit from physical culture; pupils gain unusual development in measurement and strength. Our instructor has had special training for his work. It seems an excellent idea to secure physical training in all schools of the state. A state appropriation would bring it about, for there is no difficulty in dis- covering good teachers. Dr. D. A. Sargent, Hemenway Gymnasium, Harvard University: I regret that I have not the time to go into an extended discussion of the important question that you raise as to the “Correlation of Physical Cul- ture to Public Education.” My only answer to your questions is this: put physical culture on exactly the same footing in every respect and detail as you would mental culture in our pub- lic schools and colleges. STATE OF CONNECTICUT.* Hon. C. D. Hine, State Secretary of Education: Most city schools have simple gym- nastics but few undertake systematic physical culture. The only way of * Publishes a little state manual on physiology, hygiene etc., with some suggestions on exercise. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. securing good physical training in all schools would be to have supervision. We cannot secure experts in all the schools. We, therefore, need super- visors to direct the work. It is not a subject required by law. Dr. Jay W. Seaver, Yale University Gymnasium: In Yale academic department every member of freshman class is required to take gymnasium exercises from November i to April i, unless con- nected with an athletic team in regu- lar training. A physical examination precedes this gymnasium work. After examination a little book of pre- scribed exercises to meet individual needs is given to each student to guide him in exercise aside from class work. An instructor is on floor of gymnasium at all times to give any necessary suggestions, and a physi- cian is present for free consultation on health five hours each day. A room is devoted to medical gymnastics for men needing special treatment for deformity, etc. The university as- sumes no responsibility for training of athletes. The gymnasium is equipped with all forms of baths and apparatus of German and American type. C. N. Kendall, Superintendent of Schools, New Haven, Conn.: I send you a copy of a pamphlet, a manual of exercises, prepared by Dr. E. A. Arnold of the Anderson School of Gymnastics. It was arranged for teachers in our schools. I do not think the public in New Haven is especially interested one way or the other in physical training. E. H. Smiley, Principal of High School, Hartford, Conn.: The city’s interest is shown by the fact that an ample gymnasium and two instructors, a gentleman and lady, have been furnished in the high school. There will probably be three periods per week (forty-five minutes each) for each pupil under competent instructor. Physical examinations are given preparatory to physical train- ing. To extend such training over the state, instructor and time must be arranged for. Physical training can be introduced into public schools by interesting teachers in the work in the normal schools and giving special induce- ments to teachers to study and apply gymnastics in their schools. The in- ducement may be by higher salary, for such a teacher is more valuable than otherwise. All cities should have a physical training director to organize the work. Where school boards will not hire such director, let individual teachers be encouraged to undertake the work and meantime school boards should be brought up to date. Edward G. Coy, Principal of Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn.: Attitude most friendly to different branches of athletics, baseball, foot- ball, tennis and track athletics. We seek best results from them as sports and educational agencies. Gymna- sium and playground are under charge of an expert; teams are always under supervision. Violent exercise and undue competition are guarded against; games away from school grounds allowed only once a year. We believe athletic play valuable also in an intellectual and moral way. Boys would degenerate with no out- let for surplus energy and school life grow tame. Can hardly say how physical training may be extended in all public schools, because for its suc- cessful development it requires school spirit, which it is difficult to arouse in a public school. NEW YORK CITY. W. H. Maxwell, Superintendent of Schools: My advice, based on experience, to any board of education or to any superintendent about to introduce physical culture, is to obtain a first- class supervisor or director of the sub- ject, and to require him or her to train the class teachers to do the work. PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. The method is military in that it makes it possible to train many at one time, movements are only such as are beyond question beneficial and in which liability to injury or over-exer- tion is reduced to a minimum. The means employed are well equipped gymnasium, interest of student and rigid discipline. The work is sys- tematic and progressive, embracing everything from setting up exercises to usual gymnastic appliances and in- cluding, besides, fencing and swim- ming. Forty-five minutes daily are given to this work in the first year. If measurements are below standard more time must be given. During the remaining three years riding and regular military drills take the place of gymnasium work and keep stu- dents in splendid physical condition. The cadet may be said to be con- stantly in training. The time is fast approaching when those in charge of public education will find it absolutely impossible to longer disregard the bodies of the children intrusted to their care. The matter has been too long neglected as is apparent to all who take even a passive interest in our school children. We have been too much engrossed in other matters and have given the edu- cation of our children too little thought, permitting those who have made teaching a profession to do very much as they saw fit. It is to be re- gretted that educators have not felt the responsibility which has thus been placed upon their shoulders. That, however, is readily accounted for by the fact that teaching with some is, in by far too many cases, but a makeshift, to be gladly dropped when some other opportunities present them- selves. Hearty cooperation of educa- tors of the right stamp is needed. Men holding the purse strings of public education should accede to the de- mand of those in a position to judge in these matters. Edward Brooks, Superintendent of Schools: We have gymnastics in our schools. Many of our principals and teachers have made special preparation for physical exercises. We have a very superior course of physical training in our Girls’ Normal School in which most of the teachers of the public schools are educated. It may be ex- tended over the state by the thorough education of the teachers of the state. United States Military Academy, West Point, N. Y.: Colonel N. L. Mills, U. S. Army, Superintendent, forwards reply from Herman J. Koehler, Sword Master and Teacher of Gymnastics: Methods of training are dependent upon existing conditions; what may be of value in one instance may be a failure in another. . . . All men are physically sound on entrance here. During the four years’ course they are constantly under surveillance of sur- geon ; every minute of the day is marked out; hygienic conditions are as nearly perfect as science can make them. Food, water, bathing, clothing, ventilation, everything has been care- fully considered and covered by regu- lations with penalty for disobedience. The individual has much to do with the above, but the amount of exercise is regulated entirely by the authorities. Physical training begins instantly on arrival of cadet. Upper classmen teach military carriage and “setting up” exercises for months. These are not so much for physical development as for easy and graceful poise and car- riage. Gymnasium work begins with the beginning of mental work. It aims at: i. The promotion of bodily health; 2. To offset drain of severe application to mental studies; 3. De- velopment of physical strength, en- durance, alertness, agility and the mastery of the muscle system, which means gracefulness, ease of move- ment and precision. In ordinary public schools it would be impossible to have anything- but the simplest methods, usually that of 12 PHYSICAL TRAINING IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. exercising between desks. However, (I can say from experience) even here much good can be accomplished. In future every school erected should have a gymnasium of suitable size. This entails little expense and would be a blessing to the children. Where schools are already erected, special gymnasium buildings for the children of two or three adjacent districts are recommended. This is done in some German cities. of training. The last word has not been said on school curricula. They are mostly new and comparatively ex- perimental. The fact that physical training is recognized in but few, is absent from or simply squeezed into many schools, suggests needed revi- sion at some points. Let leading schools and colleges invest the subject with proper dignity and value. If not of the first importance, as many think, for the physical life is the basis and instrument of the intellectual and moral life, it claims at least equal rank with any other school subject. Much may thus be accomplished. Legal recognition by state laws, believed by Secretary Hill to be involved in a proper interpretation of present stat- utes, will naturally follow in reasona- ble ways. Questions of working plans may readily be adjusted, as with any school subject, by men competent to handle the teaching and economic sides of the subject. Present conditions lift to un- due preeminence the military school which gives ceaseless care to physique as a requisite for successful war. The school of the people which is designed to conserve and develop society in a sane and rational way must not be thus left behind. The work should be in charge of a superintendent of physical education, assisted by a competent corps of in- structors. These should give all in- struction, class teachers having noth- ing to do with this instruction. It is often the case (and I again speak from experience) that physical education has failed in our public schools be- cause its success was dependent upon class teachers who were either neg- lectful or incompetent. It is a profes- sion by itself and it is a mistake to think that any man who has not been properly trained for this special pur- pose can conduct it properly. REMARKS ON LETTERS. The correlation of physical training to public education is sought because essential to a wise system of public instruction. Such a system is created to advance the power and happiness of the individual and the race. An edu- cation which ignores or impairs the body is not properly education. The inquiry, herewith presented, shows that profound interest in phys- ical training exists in some parts of New England, in others it receives scant attention and in many places it is ignored. This form of training may be enriched by contributions from hand work, voice, training, music, right intellectual pursuits and good morals. In truth every part of knowl- edge is related to every other part. A larger number of male teachers will probably be required to effect needed changes. Boys, at least, should have more service from men in all stages This inquiry reveals the need of conference among those directly con- cerned in the administration of educa- tion. Public education in New Eng- land is too vital a matter to be con- ducted in a divisive fashion or left to grope its way. Wise direction, con- certed action and organized effort are necessary to advance this and other school and social interests. Broadly trained teachers of physical culture may take the initiative in this work. They will be reinforced by the medical profession, parents, leaders in education and public opinion. Schools will not be slow to respond. Physical training needs to be better interpreted to the public mind. It has playground and gymnasium, but it is far more than these. It has been too much thought a matter of luxury and rec- PHYSICAL TRAINING. IN NEW ENGLAND SCHOOLS. 13 reation merely, but it goes deeper into life. Man is a unity; there is a solidarity throughout his nature. There is an interplay and interpenetra- tion of mind and body. A developed pnysique, hand-work, intellectual pur- suits, trained will, moral purpose are inseparable. They are confederate in building a sane and symmetrical man- hood. Let them keep step and time. Thus alone shall the school be true to life and fulfil its function in civiliza- tion. The right training of the youth is the renovation of the world and the resurrection of the race. defective. Numerous facts might be adduced to show how strong a claim the subject presented has on public at- tention. Professor W. T. Sedgwick of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that the New England Education League was doing good service in calling attention to the fact that the people of New England are one popu- lation group, and that so fundamental a subject as education should have broader treatment than it has received. Speaking as a biologist, this popula- tion group is one organism with metropolis and cities as heart and nerve centres vitally joined to their outlying areas. It is not worthy of New England civilization to have the existing differences in educational privileges between country and city, town and town, state and state, con- tinued where they can be remedied. As to physical training, it is one of a number of things which should be introduced in all schools. In order to effect this result, a better public opinion must be formed, for the svs- tem of education rests on the intelli- gent support of the people. It is also necessary that greater harmony of view be secured as to the first prin- ciples in physical training, and the method of procedure in carrying for- ward such training. This will give a rational, scientific and effective kind of training. Some communities have done much for playgrounds, gymnasia and physical care of pupils, but a large number are grossly neglecting these important features of school life. School hygiene is a subject which should have a large place in public thought, and in the estimation of teach- ers. It touches personal and social welfare and affects the vigor of the in- dividual and the race. Dr. D. A. Sargent of Harvard Uni- versity said he agreed with the views of the paper as to the necessity of physical training in all New England schools. The facts presented show that the subject, while of vital impor- tance, has generally inadequate treat- ment. It is evident that this interest needs to be considered in a wiser spirit and a more comprehensive way than it now receives. A generation or less ago, when the population was less urban, most youth, especially in the country, found much exercise in their necessary work, as in swinging the axe, riding the horse and varied forms of labor. But under the changed con- ditions of life new provisions are im- perative if the physique of the people is preserved and improved. A duty evidently rests on teachers of physical training, educational leaders, parents and citizens generally to lift the whole subject to the high plane its impor- tance commands. Examinations show that among students the physical de- velopment of males is superior to that of females, and that in many cases the sanitary state of school properties is DISCUSSION. PAPERS ON PHYSICAL TRAINING. The following papers were submit- ted to the Boston Physical Education Society in connection with foregoing address: places, or have prevented its entrance into school life in other communities. School playrooms, playgrounds and athletic fields are too rarely given their due prominence in the arrange- ment of schools, to the detriment of children and youth who lose opportu- nities for physical exercise and the discipline and pleasure of innocent youthful sports. In no city has the system of parks and public play- grounds been brought into right re- lations to the school system. Attention has frequently been called by school men, medical men and others to the need of better care in schools as to adjustment of school furniture to the pupil, the light, venti- lation, mid-day lunch, pressure of studies, physical examinations, water or baths on school premises, out- buildings. In certain New England communities much progress has been made in all these matters, but, as has been said, an extensive investigation shows that much remains to be done to secure right conditions generally. It would be possible to name commu- nities where these interests are receiv- ing due attention from school man- agement and the public, and, also, to specify communities where they are grossly neglected, but such specifica- tion is not our purpose. We aim rather to secure, so far as possible, better general school conditions throughout all New England. These results, it is thought, do not of neces- sity involve increased cost, but greater care. PAPER i. To State Secretaries and State Boards of Education, Mayors and School Boards of Cities and Town School Committees of New England: The undersigned, who are interest- ed in the physical training of children and youth in our schools, both public and private, and in improved physical conditions of school buildings, out- buildings and grounds, respectfully recognize your leadership in promot- ing these important objects, and so- licit, where possible, more vigorous effort in behalf of these interests. We recognize with satisfaction that at some points in New England much effort has been made to secure good health and right physical develop- ment of pupils and proper sanitary conditions in school life. An inves- tigation recently made into these mat- ters and correspondence with leading superintendents, principals and others in New England show, however, that too often these interests receive very slight attention or are wholly neg- lected. The relation of riodit physical train- ing and surroundings during school life to the health, growth, intellectual and moral life and after-career of all pupils is generally conceded. Facili- ties for such training are not expen- sive, but the non-recognition of its importance has resulted in its entire or partial neglect in many schools. Other studies and subjects of value, but of less relative importance, have frequently crowded this fundamental interest into narrow limits in some The neglect of physique and proper sanitation in schools has a pernicious effect upon society at large. It leads to neglect in these matters on the part of adults and to lack of care of public, health, sanitary conditions of PAPERS ON PHYSICAL TRAINING. 15 homes and communities and retards social progress. It gives to the mili- tary school, which trains for war and which practises ceaseless care of the physique, a disproportionate place in public training. To the advancement of the individual, family and commu- nity physical vigor and education are essential. Both of these conditions may be promoted to a greater extent by right training in the schools of the . people. Your leadership in the lines indi- cated is gratefully acknowledged. It has been necessary to progress al- ready made and will promote further improvement, both in progressive and backward communities. In all wise efforts to advance these interests it is our conviction that the public will give support and cooperation, to the end that in all New England condi- tions in and about the school may be favorable to the training of a strong, self-reliant and progressive people. 3. These facilities, provided by persons interested in right education, will, it is believed, be more productive if the college raises this interest to the same plane and dignity with other college pursuits. 4. Physical training and related subjects, without such recognition, are regarded by students and the pub- lic as of lower rank, recreations or luxuries, to the detriment of the stu- dent and the cause of symmetrical education, and in numerous cases are crowded out of the courses of stu- dents by other studies and various other considerations, which would be removed if a higher estimate were put on this department in college admin- istration, 5. The influence of college educa- tion on society is narrowed as com- pared with the military school, which gives ceaseless attention to physique, a defect m college training, in the opinion of many, to the disadvantage of the college man, college and so- ciety. 6. All lower schools, especially sec- ondary schools, which are much af- fected by the example and opinion of the college, share in the detriment re- ferred to, and those who have them in charge fail to find in the college the suggestion and reinforcement desir- able for the best results in physical education, physical conditions and en- vironment of schools. 7. The contribution of the college to the life of the people is less than would be forthcoming, if the college in its administration placed this sub- ject in better relation to the general training- of youth. 8. The action to which your peti- tioners solicit your favorable consid- eration would, in their opinion, be justified on educational grounds, would commend itself to parents and guardians of youth and to all inter- ested in a well-balanced education. PAPER 11. To the President and Fellows of Harvard College: We, the undersigned, respectfully submit to you the following petition: That physical training be admitted to the same rank with other college subjects which require the same time in and out of class or lecture room, and allowed to count in like manner for college standing and degree. We, also, beg leave to ask your fa- vorable attention to the considera- tions herewith stated: 1. The value of physical training, rightly conducted, to the health, vigor, intellectual and moral life of the student and his after-career is generally conceded. 2. The facilities for such training at Harvard College in buildings, ap- pliances, grounds and instruction are abundant and excellent.