8 UNITED STATES Medicine W arehouse. John Henry, § COLLEGE PLACE, [Successor to Demas Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row,] NEW YORK. I shall endeavor to keep always on hand, complete and full stocks of all PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. MINERAL WATERS, DRUG- GISTS' SUNDRIES. FANCY GOODS and PERFUMERY, so that orders for these goods, whether in large or small qualities, may be filled as soon as received. , The large extent of my purchases and the numerous specialties of which I have exclusive control, enable me to sell to the 3?. wholesale trade at proprietors' prices when _ lar«e 1(,ts are orderctt TO THE TRADE. I have pleasure in again presenting my catalogue of Medicines, Perfumery, Mineral Waters, Fancy Goods,* &c. I have, in this issue, omitted prices for various reasons. First, the frequent changes made by proprietors, prevent the possibility of any quota- tions being given that could be reliable for any length of time. Secondly, many goods are imported from countries where the currency is in gold, and the slightest variation of the gold market at once affects prices here ; and Thirdly, it is impossible to give a list of prices in a book that is sent alike to retailer and wholesaler, that could be con- sidered as best prices to large dealers, or even as fair prices for dealers in a small way, yet who are entitled to low rates, from the fact that they are prompt and reliable. It has been my aim from the outset to build up and establish a trade in Proprietary Medicines that should rank second to no other establishment of the kind anywhere, not only in extent of business done, but in the amount and variety of stock, the care- ful attention to the requirements of customers, and a determination to keep only genu- ine and meritorious articles, thus establishing confidence and giving tone and charac- ter to the business. My stock of Medicines embraces some two thousand different proprietary articles, so that I am enabled to fill almost every order as soon as received ; and my stock of Fancy Goods, Druggists' Sundries, &c., comprises nearly as great a variety of items ; and to this branch of my business I beg to call the special attention of the trade, as it may not be generally known that I keep so large a stock of these goods, the greater part of which are direct importations from England, Germany and France. Druggists will find all they usually require in this line of goods in my Fancy Goods Department. I have engaged competent, careful and experienced men to superintend each depart- ment of my business, and have adopted and carried into effect the most practical, sim- ple and systematic arrangements, so that every order, as soon as received, may have the most careful attention and the utmost despatch. I have adopted all available checks against the possibility of errors in filling orders : yet it sometimes happens that they will occur, and in all such cases I shall be most happy to correct them as soon as my attention is called to them ; but I cannot bind my- self to be responsible for goods damaged, or taken out of cases after they leave my store, and are receipted for by transportation companies in good order. Such claims must be made against carriers of the goods. Nor can I fill orders at " previous prices," nor govern myself by the quotations of others. I sell from my own stock only, and at prices based on what the goods cost me. I shall be most happy to give quotations by letter, subject to the fluctuations of the market, and I flatter myself that I shall be able to give more advantageous prices and more satisfactory attention to orders than any other House in the United States. It cannot be expected, however, that long orders, containing many things which must necessarily be procured outside, can be filled the same day as received; never- theless my customers may rest assured that there will be no delay, and that every pains will be taken to execute their orders satisfactorily; I keep Genuine Goods only, and will at all times oppose the introduction and sale of counterfeit articles. My customers may therefore rely on getting goods that are guar- anteed to be genuine in all cases, as I will neither countenance nor recognize any fraud- ulent attempt to imitate the trade marks of others under any circumstances. John F. Henry, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, New York. [Successor to DEMAS BARNES & CO., 21 Park Row.] CATALOGUE Of MEDICINES, DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, FANCY GOODS, MINERAL WATERS, ETC., ETC. Retail. Per Doz. Per Qauntity. Acid-Phosphates, Horsford's 1 00 S' '.3 Alisnia-For the hair 1 00 Alleviator-Briggs' 50 Allevantor-Briggs' 1 00 Alterative-Jayne's-stmpd inside. 1 00 1 * do Louden's 1 00 do Pierce's 1 00 Aniboline-Kendall's 1 00 Ambrosia-Beeves' (new style). ... 1 00 do Ring's 1 00 do Sterling's 1 00 o Annihilator-Hedge's, F. & A 1 50 do Wolcott's (new style) 25 do do 50 0 do do 1 00 H Anodyne-Hunnewell's Tolu 50 7 do McIntosh's Pellitory ... 25 do Sand's Clove 25 do Townley's 25 2 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Roz. Per Quantity. Antidote-Bally's 150 <3 <5 * do Jeffries 1 00 do Shallenberger's 1 50 do Upham's (late Zane's)... 1 00 do Watt's Nervous 1 00 Aperient-Bailey's Saline 50 do Gregory's Seltzer 1 00 % do Tarrant's do ...... 1 00 Aqua Mirabilis-Gabaudan's 1 00 Assiinilant-0. P. Brown's 2 00 Agent- -Andrew's Pain Killing.... 25 do do do do .... 50 Balin- -Bennett's Galactic 2 00 do 0. P. Brown's Woodland ... 50 do Cook's of Life 1 00 do Cooper's 50 75 do Fetridge's 1000 FIs do Forsha's 50 do do 1 00 do Graefenberg Consumptive.. 3 00 do Gilbert's Pile 50 do Hovey's Hair 50 do Jumel's Mammarial 2 00 do Lotus, C. M. & Co 1 00 do Magnolia, Hagan's 75 s do Miller's magnetic 35 do Marsden's Peet 50 do do do 1 00 do Metcalfe's Cough 1 00 do Persian (new style) 35 do Rush's Lung 1 00 3 do Zanthorea 35 do do 75 Balsam-Arnold's Diarrhoea 25 % do Acacian, 0. P. Brown's... 1 00 do Alien's Lung 1 00 do Brant's 1 00 do Buchan's 1 00 do Becker's Eye 25 do Blackman's 50 0 do do 1 00 do Bristol's 25 do Bull's of W. C 1 00 Q do Christie's Ague 1 00 John F. Henry, New York. 3 Retail. Per Roz. i Per Quantity. Balsam- -Cheeseman's Io0 do Coe's Cough 35 II do Crumpton's Strawberry... 50 do Denton's 25 do Folger's Olosaonian 100 do Hall's 100 do Hermance's Lung 50 do Hill's of Honey,* 125 do Hooker's 35 do Hyatt's Life 100 do Keating's Hoarhound.... 25 do do do .... 100 do Miller's Sooth'g&Heal'g. 150 do Mrs. Gardiner's, of Life.. 50 do Masta's 75 do Park's Wild Cherry 100 do Porter's Curative 25 do do do 50 do do do 75 do Pettit's Canker 25 do Prior's Cough |50 do Peckham's 35 do Roman Eye 25 do R. & C. Veg. Pul 50 do do do 100 % »1 do Seabury's Cough 25 do do do 50 do Strickland's Cough 50 do Sherman's Ol's 25 do do do 100 do Sawen's Cough 35 do do do 100 do Silliman's do 25 do Turlington's* 25 do West's Botanic 50 do Wistar's Butts' 100 5 •• do do Park's 100 do Wilcox Pulmonary..... 35 do Van Deusen's Cough .... 35 Banisher-Upham's Pimple 50 Barley- -Robinson's Patent Eng.*.. 25 Bath Brick-Houchin's (in cans)*. 15 Bay Hum-Sylvester's 150 Bayher ine-For the Hair 100 ♦Stamps not required. 4 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Doz. Pea Quantity. Benzine- -Chain Lightning 15 do Denzlow's 15 do Dawson's* 25 do Hegeman's* 25 do Lubin's French* 25 do Sylvester's (very fine*) . . 15 Biokrene -or, Life Eejuvenator ... 1 00 Biscotine -Delluc's 75 Biscuit- Shinn's Charcoal 75 Bitters- Atwood's round 50 do do flat 50 do do Quinine Tonic.. 75 3 " do do do do .. 1 25 do do do do .. 1 50 do Argyle 1 00 do Angostura, gen 2 00 do Allen's Congress 1 00 do Bull's Cedron 150 do Baker's Orange Grove .. . 1 00 do Baker's (Virginia) 1 25 do Boerhave's 1 00 do Boker's 1 50 do Clark's Sherry Wine 1 00 do California Wine 1 50 do Drake's Plantation 1 50 .< do do Catawba, qts 1 50 do Ellis' Iron 1 00 / do English Female 1 50 do Griffith's Opera 100 do Gouley's . . 150 de Graef. Health A) do Greeley's Whiskey 1 00 do Green's Oxygenated 1 00 do Hartshorn's Jaundice.... 1 00 do Hubbell's Golden 1 00 do Hostetter's 1 50 1 ' do Hibbard's o do do 1 50 do Hutchings 75 do Hoofland's 1 00 k " do Jacob's 50 do do ., 1 00 do Johnson's 1 00 do Langley's 35 10 " do do 75 9 • > do do 1 00 71 " ♦Stamps not required, John F. Henry, New York. 5 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Bitters-Moffat's 1 00 5 do Mishler's Herb 1 00 do Newton's Jaundice 25 do Old Sachem 1 50 do Porter's 25 do do 50 do Poor Man's 25 do Richardson's S. W 1 00 do do Dry 50 do Red Jacket 1 00 do Roback's 1 00 do Russ's St. Domingo 1 00 do Rush's 1 00 do Romain's Crimean 1 50 do Slingerland's Old Homest. 1 00 do Speer's Wine 1 00 do yVahoo 1 50 do Walker's Vinegar 1 00 % do Warren's Billious . 50 »1 do do do 1 00 Bitter Sweet & Orange Blossoms Costar's 1 00 Blacking - Bubois' French, wood box 25 do Lemberger's, all sizes*. do Mason's, do *. do Robinson's do *. Blood Food-Church & Dupont's. . 1 00 Blood Maker-Badeau's 1 00 Blood Purifier-0. P. Brown's.... 1 00 do do Roback's 1 00 Blood Benewer-Sweet's 1 00 do do Wilson's 1 00 Blood Searcher-Lindsey's(Sellers) 1 00 Bloom of Youth -Laird's (G. W. only) 75 Bluing-Dutchers' Magic* 06 • do Van Deusen's large*. ... 10 do do small*.... 06 do Houchin's, all sizes*.. . . do Sawyer's Crystal, pat. box* 10 ♦Stamps not required. 6 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Roz. Per Quantity Brandy-Bininger's* 1 50 i do California* 1 50 do Catawba 1 50 do Rouyer,La Ferriere et Fils* 1 50 do Wolfe's* 1 50 do Van Brunt's B'k'y,very fine 1 50 do do W. Cherry do 1 50 do do Raspberry do 1 50 do do Peach do 2 00 Bucliu-Byrn's Ext 1 00 do Helmbold's 1 50 • t do Risley's 1 00 do Rankin's 1 00 do and Iron, Rush's 1 00 do Smolander's 1 00 1 Camphor Ice-C. H. & Go's 25 do Dawson's 25 do Henry's 25 /<C do Hegeman's 25 Camphorine 25 Candy-Bouche's Worm 25 do Colt's Foot Rock, Eng. pr. bx. do Central City 25 do Davis' 25 do Hamilton's Cough 15 do Hurley's Worm 25 do Howe's small* ) 8 06 do do med.* >• 12 do do large* ) 25 do Judson's Worm 20 do Nick's Worm 25 do Storm's Cough 10 Cankerine-Velpau's 25 Capsnles-Dundas Dick's C 1 00 do do do C & C. . 1 00 do do do all oth'r k'ds do Gedney's No. 1,* Cop. .. . do do No. 2,* do .... do do No. 3,* do .... do do No.l, C.&C... do do No. 2, do .... do do No. 3, do .... do Grimault's Matico ♦Stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. 7 Retail. Per Roz. Per Quantity. Capsules -Mathey Caylus, C* gdpr. do do C. & C. * do do do other kinds* do do Moth's gen. Fr. ,* do do do imt do Planten's Cop.,* No. 1 do do do * do 2 do do do * do 3 do do C & C do 1 do do do do 2 do do do do 3 do do Turpentine do do Cit. Iron & Cop... . do do Castor Oil do do do (Fr. in vials)... do do C. & C. do .... do do empty for medicine, per box do Quern's Cop., No. 1* do do do No. 2* do do do No. 3* do do C. & C., No. 1 do do do No. 2 do do do No. 3 do do Bi cord's Comp'nd. . do other kinds, Imp. & American Cardamons- S. C 06 ; Carminative-Dalby's* 25 do do Eng. gold pr. do Dixon's Blackberry.... 25 do Hart's 25 do J ayne's-stamped inside. 35 do do do 50 do Louden's 35 do Marsden's 1 00 Castoria 35 Catholicon-Marchisi's 2 00 a* do Marshall's (Graefen- berg).. 1 50 Cedar Camphor-Harris & Chap- man s 50 do do 1 00 do do 1 50 Cement -Ede's Diamond 25 1 not required. 8 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Pea Roz. Per Quantity. Cement-Forncrook's do Freese's American Mender do Hilton's do Hodgson's do Hunnewell's do Keeler's Pearl do Painter's Diamond do Steam's Imp. China 25 25 25 25 30 25 25 25 % Cerate-Blank's do Weaver's 50 35 Caramels-Smith's Cough 15 Charcoal-Belloc's, Fr., gold price f do Caswell & Hazzard's.... do Ellis' Willow 35 25 \k w • Cherry and Lungwort-Judson's.. 1 00 Chloraline- 35 do 50 do 1 00 Chloral-hydra t-Reay's do do 1 50 00 Chologogue-Osgood's 1 50 * Chloride of Soda-Labarque's imt. do do do gen. Fr. gold price... 50 Chlorodyne-Brown's (Eng.) do Hegeman's 1 1 00 00 Cigarettes-Espic's Fr. Fumigat'g. do Norton's Asthma 1 1 00 00 Cloverine do 15 Cock-Tail-Hughes' 1 00 Cocin-Phalon's 75 Cocoaine-Burnett's . 1 00 Coco-Eoline-Steam's 75 tFrench Medicines require no stamps. John F. Henry, New York 9 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Coco-Cream-Chalfant's, 50 Collodion-Ellis' Cantharidal 75 do Maynard & Noyes 50 Colorific -Boswell & Warner's 1 00 Comfits-Brown's Vermifuge 25 Compound-Clark's Anti-bilious.... 1 oo' do Dadd's Hoof & Mange.. 1 00 • do Gardiner's Rheumatic. 1 00 do German Worm 35 do Johnson's Rheumatic.. 1 00 do Larookah's Sarsapar'la 1 00 do Ley's Hair 1 00 <3*1 do Poland's white Pine.. . 1 00 3 do Rush's F. & A 1 00 do Sturgis' Electric 1 00 Confections-Barrell's Worm 25 do Bull's John do 25 do Hedge's do 25 do Holloway's do 25 do Kunkel's do.. . .... 25 do Pringle's do 25 do Spaulding's Throat. . 25 do Van Deusen's Worm. 25 £ S Cordial- -Arnold's Soothing 25 do Bower's Infant 25 do Brown's N ursery 35 do Fosgate's 35 do Foord's Tonic. 35 do Godfrey's* 25 do Holden's 1 00 do Jacob's 1 00 tert do Kidder's, Mrs 1 50 A do Kennedy's Diarrhoea 1 00 do Lucina Magnin's 3 00 do Metcalfe's Diarrhoea ... . 1 00 i do McLean's 1 00- do Morse's Invigorating 2 00 do Stabler's Diarrhoea 50 do Swayne's Bowel Sweet's Female Strength- 50 do ening 1 00 do Wishart's Pine Tree Tar.. 1 75 do do do do. . 1 50 do Warren's Tonic 1 00 *stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. 10 Retail. Per Roz. 'Per Quantity Corrector-Fitch's Heart do do do 1 75 50 << do do Bihary oO 00 do do do 1 Cream -Batchelor's 50 do Demorest's Curling Gouraud's Oriental 50 do 1 50 do Gile's Sunflower 35 do Hoyt's Coloring 12 do LaRue's Alabaster 75 do Phalon's « do Hawley's Dental do Patey's Cold 25 do Thorp's Alabaster 75 Curative-Brigg's Corn 50 do Houchin's Wart 25 * t Cure- -Ayer's Ague-stamped inside. 1 00 H It do Adams's Forest 60 do Badeau's Liver 1 00 do Bryent's 2 00 do Bennett's Quick 50 do Cary's Cough 25 do Coe's Dyspepsia 100 do Cherokee 2 00 do Cook's Corn and Bunion 50 do Dillow's Heave 25 do Dodd's Fever J 00 do Derby's Pile 1 00 do Farnham's Asthma 1 50 do Fowle's Pile and Humor.. . 1 00 • • do Gregory's Instant 50 do Howe's Ague 1 00 do Hermance's Asthma 1 00 do Kennedy's Catarrh 2 00 do Langley's Pimple 50 do Mrs. Belcher's Female 1 00 do Marsden's Cholera 1 00 do Norton's Catarrh 1 00 do Perry's Corn and Bunion.... 25 do People's 1 00 do Piso's 1 00 do Perry's Corn 25 do Rossman's Pile oO do Rhodes' F. & A 1 00 do Roof's Ring Bone 100 do Rogers' Fever 1 00 do Remington's Foot Rot 100 John F. Henry, New York. 11 . Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity Cure-Simond's Pain do Seward's Cough do Smith's Tobacco do Syke's Fellon do Tompkin's Pile do Upham's Asthma do do Fresh Meat do Weaver's Canker do Wilton's Catarrh small do Wilton's Catarh, large ..... do Whitmore's Foot Rot do Whittlesey's Dyspepsia 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 25 50 25 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 5' I ... Cuticle-Judd's 35 Dead Shot-Dutcher's, for Bugs.. . do Emerson's, for Horses. do Peery's, for Worms... 25 50 25 Delight-Queen's 1 00 Dentidecora-Gardner's 25 Dentiline-Curtis' 75 Dentine-Calder's do ' Caswell & Mack's 25 50 Derm ad or-Anderson's do do 25 50 Destroyer-Isaacson's 25 Discovery-Kennedy's 1 50 * »' Dissolvent-Kennedy's Rheumatic. 1 50 3 M Doctor-Poland's Humor 1 00 6' t* Dragees-Gollas', of Santonine, Fr., gold pricef do " Fougera's Fr do Guffroy's C. L. 0 do M. Caylus' Ferri.., Fr., gold price do Pelletier's Santonine, Fr., gold pricef 1 00 Drops-American Life do do do 1 35 00 >> tFrench Medicines require no stamps. 12 John F. Henry, New York Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Drops-Bardotte's Worm '35 do Brummell's Cough 20 do . Bateman's* 25 do Cary's Tooth Ache 25 do Houseman's Cough 25 do Hurd's Tooth Ache 25 do Kirby's Cholera 25 do Kornoran's Pine Tar.... 10 do do do do 15 do Lyon's Female Periodical.. 1 50 do Marshall's Pine Tree Tar.. . 25 do Miner's Botanic 50 do Pike's Tooth Ache 15 do Rice's Worm 25 do Spencer's Tooth Ache 15 do Upham's Tooth Ache 50 do Wilson's Neuropathic 25 1 do Wishart's Worm, sugar.... 25 Dry Up-Wadsworth's 1 00 Dye Colors-Excelsior* 25 do Howe & Steven's 25 do do 15 do Star 25 Dentifrice-Browns Camphor 25 7 It do Francis' 25 do Lamplough&Campbell's 35 Destroyer-Hutchinson's Worm... 25 Dressing-Brown's French 25 do Hartness & Hulings.... 50 Eau Angelique-Delluc's 1 00 do do 2 00 Electro-Silicon 15 Electuary - Upham's 1 00 Elixir-Barnaby's Rheumatic 1 00 do Boudault's Pepsine, Fr.g.pr do C arnrick's (full line) do Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Fer.P 1 50 do do with Bism 1 50 do do Cal'a Bark 1 25 do Downs' 35 do do 75 ♦Stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. 13 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity Elixir.-Downs' 150 do Delluc's Calisaya 150 do Gentian Compound 100 do Hubbell's Vai. Amon 50 do Hardys' Female 100 do Hegeman's Calisaya 125 do do Ferrated 125 do H. & Onderdonk's (full line) do Louden's Female 100 do La Porte's Life 2 00 do Millian's of Cal'a Bark. . . . 1 50 do McMunn's, of Opium 50 Io " do Nichol's Bark and Iron*... 1 25 do do Vai. Ama* 50 1 . do Tarant's, of Rhubarb 50 do do do 100 do Wright's Rejuvenating. .. 2 00 do White's Pulmonary 50 do Wyeth's (full line) do Wayne's Diuretic 100 Embrocation-Cooper's, Sir Astley. 150 do Roche's, Eng., gd. pr do Robert's ..; 35 Erasure-Le Burton's Washing... . 10 Esculapian-Coppuck's 35 Essence-Moore's, of Life 25 do Whitehead's of Mustard.. 25 do Peppermint, 1 oz. vials.. . do All kinds do Expectorant-Jayne's stamp inside. 100 do Fitch's 100 do Louden's 100 do Stabler's 50 Expedient-Bell's 50 Exterminator-Burt's Rat 25 do Costar's do 25 do do do 50 do Duboy's Rat 25 do Duboy's Fly, 50 in 25 box 10 do Parson's Rat 25 Extract-Brewer's Dandelion 25 \ i *Stamps not required. 14 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Roz. Per Quantity. Extract-Brown's, of Valerian.... 50 do Brant's Purifying 1 50 do Burnett's Flav.*-all kds do Borden's, of Beef. 1 00 do Billings' 25 do Blackman's Golden 1 00 do Carter's Smart Weed... . 50 do do do .... 1 00 do Gregory's Opium 35 do Gaudichaud's, Sandal-wd. 1 00 do Guilmette's of Juniper... 1 00 do Hdk'f-see Fancy Gds List do Hoff's Malt 50 do Henry's Flav., all kinds.. do Knapp's, of Roots for Beer 35 do do do do 70 do Liebig's of meat, all sizes do Mathew's Flav., all kinds do McGuire's Benne Plant. . 1 00 do Meakim's Flav., all kinds. do Patterson's Bitter Apple. 50 do P.&C.'s, of Roots for Beer 35 do Pond's Witch Hazel, 6 oz 50 3 do do do do pts. 1 00 do do do do qts. 1 75 do Thorn's gen 1 50 do Thorn's imt 1 00 do Tarrant's C. & C 1 00 do Tenney's do 1 00 do Tilden's* at their prices.. do Thayer's* do do Tourtelot's Beef, Ige 1 50 do do do solid. . . 1 00 do Well's of Juru-beba 1 00 Extractor-Buttrick's Grease 25 do Dailey's (see Salve).... 25 a -O do Ingham's Pain 35 Q Farine -Sea-moss 25 u »« Flag' Root-Hovey's Candied 15 do Kibbe's 10 Fluid- -Arnold's Writ'g,all siz's Eng do Bogle's Hyp 50 do 1 00 do 2 00 do Darby's Prophylactic 50 do Shaw's Silver Plating 50 *Stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. 15 Retail. Pei' Doz. Per Quantity. F hl id-Upham's Curling 50 Fly Paper-Dutcher's Lightning*. 10 do Davidson's Food-Comstock's Rational 1 00 do Dupont's Blood 1 00 do Liebig's Nutritive 25 do Nestle's (or Mother's Milk).. 1 00 do Wyeth's Chemical., all sizes. Files-Japanese Corn 25 Formadenta-C. M. & Co's. 75 . Friend-May's Ointment 25 do Poulterer's 25 do Valentine's Nurse's 25 Fnniigator-Perrin's 1 25 00 /A Galaktine-(Infant Food) 50 Gas Lighting Torches-Houchin's, all sizes.. Gas Lighting Tapers & Slides- Houchin's, all sizes Gas Turning Key-Houchin's, all sizes Gelatine-Cox's* imported 35 do Cooper's 25 G i ft-Samaritan's-Male 2 00 do do Female 3 00 Ginger-Brown's 50 1 • do Lyon's 50 do Purdon's 50 Gin-Bininger's L. D.* 1 50 do Charles', qts* 1 50 do do pts.* 75 Gingerbread Nnts-Rexford's 25 Glove Cleaner-Alexander's 25 ♦Stamps not required. 16 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Glove Cleaner-Jouven's 25 Glue Pot-Muchmore's.... 25 Glue-Spalding's 25 | Glu-ene 25 $ " Groats-Robinson's Patent, Eng. .. 25 Gum-Mastic and Tolu, Mathew's*. do Rose* ... do Spruce* do Crystal's Idaho 25 do Peck's sweet ' 35 Gun-Angell's Rheumatic... . 1 00 do Drake's Powder 2o Hair Coloring--Heimstreet's... 50 do do 1 00 do Egyptian 100 do London 100 Hair Dye-Briest's 50 do Bush's Argentine 100 do Bogie's 75 do do 1150 do Batchelor's 1 00 do do 1 50 do do 3'00 do Buckingham's Whisker. 50 do Bineaud's 100 do Barry's Safe 100 do Cristadoro's ' 100 do do 1 50 do do 3 00 do Gray's 1 00 do Hill's 50 do Hutchin's 100 do Jayne's-stamp inside.. . 100 do Kalopean .... 100 do Kromer's 50 do Louden's 1 00 do Leverton's Lightning... 1 00 do Miller's • 75 do Mathew's 'To do Phalen's 100 do do 1 50 do Russian 50 not required. John F. Henry, New York. 17 Retail. Per Voz. Per Qauntity. Hair Bye-Richmond 1 00 do Schultze's 1 00 do Tutt's 1 00 do V essey's 50 do do ... 1 00 do Wilbor's Monitor 1 00 Hair Gloss-Arnica 75 do Minnehaha 50 do Upham's 50 Hair Life-Selee's 50 do do 1 00 Hair Renewer-Bay Leaf. 1 00 do Dobbin's 1 00 do Hall's Sicillian... 1 00 Hair Vigor-Ayer's 1 00 10 <3* Hair Stain-Hambleton's 50 do Upham's Japanese.... 50 Healer-Brigg's Throat and Lung.. 1 00 Honey-Hale's of H. & T 50 do do do 1 00 Hunkidori- 10 Hypophosphites-Nichols' 1 50 do Winchester's ... 1 00 • • do do 2 00 do Wyeth's, all sizes Horseman's Hope- 50 Imperial-Granum 75 do do 1 50 Inhalers-Messer's 25 do Stafford's 1 00 Injection-Bron, Fr., gold price.. . 1 do Cherokee 00 do Dundas Dick & Co., Mat. 00 do Grimault's Matico, Fr., gold price do Mathew Caylus, French, gold price do Ring's Rose 50 18 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. 1 Per Roz. Per Quantity. Injection-Rochon's 1 25 Ink-Billing's Mauve* .. do Brigg's Indel S3 do David's, all kinds and sizes*. . do Houchin's do ■ *. . do Hegeman's Indellible* 50 do Kidder's do with prep * 50 do do do without pr .* 25 do Keeler's do* 25 do Payson's do* 30 do Tarrant's do* to Instrument-Gilbert's Pile 3 00 Invigorator-Bryan's Life 1 00 do Denton's Hair ...... 25 do Miller's 50 do Phalon's 75 do do 1 50 do Sanford's 1 00 do Simmon's Liver 1 00 do Webster's Hair 1 00 I Ipecac-Mitchell's Syrup 50 Irisin 1 00 Jelly-Quern's C. L. Oil 1 00 Jokes 10 Juices-Samaritan's, Root & Herb.. 1 25 Juniper-Langworthy's Compound 1 00 Kasirine 1 00 Kalliston-Burnett's 1 00 1 Kathairon-Lyon's 50 Killer-Arnold's Cough 25 11 do Aunt Sally's Corn 50 do Chichester's Rat 25 do Flagg's Cough 50 do do do 1 00 do Laycock's Worm 25 King of all Pain-Bull's 50 do do Kierstead's.... 50 ♦Stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. Retail. . Per Roz. Per Quantity. King of all Pain-McBride's 1 00 King Neuralgia-Watson's 1 00 Koskoo.. 1 00 King of Blood-Ransom's 1 00 Lamps-Houchin's Night-Bronze. 1 25 do do do J apanned 75 Laudanum-1 oz. vials Life for the Hair-Chevalier's.... 1 00 Lime-Nichol's Sulph.,* in cartons. 25 Lithontriptic-Lee's 4 00 do Vaughn's 1 00 Liniment- -Allen's N. & B.. . 25 do Ander's Iodine 1 00 do Bennet's Golden 25 do Butler's N. & B 25 do Barrell's Indian 35 do Burdsall's Arnica 35 1 • do Barker's 50 do Bragg's Arctic 25 do Baker's Hoof 75 do Bishop Soule's 75 do do do 1 50 do Coffeen's Chinese 50 do Cherokee-one size only. 50 do Farrell's H. G. . 25 do do do 50 do do do 1 00 do Fitch's Catarrh 50 do Fronefield's 75 do Four Fold 1 do Grant's German.... 35 do Henry's Vermont... 25 do do do 50 do Hunt's 50 do Hay's Pile 1 )0 do Huff's 50 do Jayne's j 50 do Jadwin's Subduing.... 25 do do do .... 1 )0 ' do Johnson's Anodyne.... 15 1 19 ♦Stamps not required. 20 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. PerDoz. Pea Quantity. Liniment-Kellinger's (Genuine ) 25 do do < Yellow - 50 do do (Wrapper) 100 do Kennedy's Rheum 50 do do Scattering. . 100 do Laubach's Eclectic 50 do Low's Magnetic 50 do McEckron's 50 do do 100 do Mexican Mustang 25 do do do 50 do do do 100 do McLean's Vol. Oil 25 do do do 50 do do do 100 do Nimmo's 35 do Osborne's N. & B 25 do Pollard's 25 50 do do do " Rub it in," N. & B. . . . 25 do Sawen's Oil 50 do Sweet's 35 do do 75 do Thorn's Arnica & Chlo.. 35 do Tom's Russian 25 do Tobias' Venetian 50 0 do do do 100 do do do Horse. 100 do Taylor's, or Oil of Life. 25 do do do 50 do Wing and Sisson's 50 do Young America 25 Liquid Pearls-Hegeman's 50 Liquid Silver 100 Liverw ort-Nowill's Honey 35 Lye-Concentrated 25 Lotion- -Bartine's Family 100 do do Horse 1 00 do Bally's 75 do Church's 75 do Graef, Eye 25 do McClintock's Papillary... . 35 do Munson's Pile 50 do Phalon's Paphian 150 do Palmer's Cosmetic.. 75 John F. Henry, New York. 21 Retail. Per Roz. Per Quantity. Lotion-Palmer's Cosmetic 1 00 do Perry's Moth and Freckle. 2 00 Loveline, for the Hair- 1 00 Lozenges- -Allen's, Mark, 15 do Bennett's Worm 25 do Barnes' Throat and Lung 10 do do do do 25 do Estlack's Diptheria 25 do Fellow's Worm 25 do Farnham's Tooth 25 do German Cath 35 do Hegeman's Chlo. Pot... 25 do do do Harrison's Peristaltic... do do Henry's Worm 30 60 do Keating's Cough 75 do Purdon's Worm 25 do Coryza 35 do Sherman's Cough 25 do do Worm 25 do Vichy, Fr. gold price.. . do Valentine's Chlo. Pot.. . 25 do Winslow's Liver 50 do Wistar's*.. 15 25 Lubricators-Blade's Euphonius... Magic Combs- 1 25 Magnesia- -Baker's Cit* 35 do Dunbar's Fluid J- pts*. . 1 do do do pts*.. X do do do qts*.. 3 do Ellis' Cal.* 50 do do Cit* 35 do do do Dry* 50 do Ede's Cit. Gran do Henry's gen.* 1 50 do do imt.* 50 35 do Hegeman's 4 do Husband's Cal. * 50 & do Murray's Fid. Eng.*.... do Nichols'* 35 do Rogers' Cit., Dry 35 Malabatre-For Sea Sickness 1 50 Marachella-Upham's 1 00 ♦Stamps not required. 22 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity Medicina-Mrs. Wood's 50 do do do 1 00 Milk-Borden's Condensed 35 Mixture-Butler's 1 00 do Braddock's Cough 50 do Chapman's Worm 25 do Carter's Spanish 1 00 do Foutz's 35 do McClintock's C. & C 35 do Robert's Colic 25 do Rowand's Tonic 1 00 do Strickland's Cholera... . 50 do Wright's Worm 25 Mosquito Anniliilator-Ketchum's 25 M uci 1 age-Barrett's 25 do Henry's (very superior). 25 Nervine-Cadwell's lacteal 1 50 do Dodd's 1 00 ♦ Nervous Antidote-Watt's 1 00 Night Lights-Houchin's* 75 do Nix's* 75 Odouselaine-Spencer's 75 Odontoline-Rogers' 75 £ Oil-British* do Burnett's Cod Liver* 1 00 b do Baker's do 1 00 do Castor, perfectly pure, 4 oz.... do do do do 8 oz... . do do do do 12 oz.... do Dove's Turf, 25 do do do 50 do Degrath's Electric :50 do do do 1 100 do DeJongh's Cod Liver (gen*).. 150 do Fougera's Iod.*do 150 do Gallagher's Hair 50 do Hegeman's C. L.* 1'00 do Hazard & Caswell's C. L* 100 do Ham's, of Gladness 25 do do do 50 ♦Stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. 23 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Oil- -Ham's of Gladness 1 00 do Harlem, gen.* 25 do do imt* 15 do Hoofland's Greek 50 do do do 1 00 do Henry's Sewing Machine (very fine) 25 6 & do Kavton's, of Life 1 00 do Little's White 50 do Merchant's Gargling 25 do do do 50 do do do 1 00 do Marston's C. L * 1 00 do Moeller's C. L 1 00 do Milhaus' Golden, C. L.,. 1 00 do Miller's Harness do Magic Macedonian 1 00 do Nichol's C. L 1 00 do do do and Lime 1 00 do Nolan's C. L 1 00 do Pratt & Butcher's Magic 50 do Page's Arnica 25 do do do Paragon Sewing Machine. . . . 25 do Parker's Nipple 50 do do do and Shield.. 1 00 do Pettes' Standard C. L 1 00 do Renne's Magic Pain Killing.. . 35 do do do do 75 do do do do 1 25 do Roger's Magnetic 50 do Rushton's C. L 1 00 do Rotton's Oxygenated, C. L 1 50 do Shepard's lightning 50 do Scarpa's Acoustic 1 00 do Sime's Pile 50 do Sime's C. L 1 00 do Thomas' Electric 50 do do do 1 00 do Upham's Magnetic 50 do Van Pattern's Chilblain 35 do Wright's, of Palm and Mace.. 1 00 do Wilbor's C. L. and Lime* 1 00 5 to do Wizard 50 do do 1 00 do Walker's (white) 50 do do (black) 50 Oiled Silk-For Surgeon's use.... ♦Stamps not required. 24 John F. Henry, New York Retail. Per Roz. | Per Quantity. Ointment- -Bowyer's Spikenard... 25 I do do do 50 do Butt's Imperial 25 do Brown's Etherial 50 do Bird's Pile Balm 50 do Bryant's 25 do Dillow's Green 25 do Foord's 35 do Graef. Green Mt 25 do Gray's 25 50 do do do Gridley's Tetter 50 do Holloway's-(stamped 35 £ do do do iaside 88 1 do do do 1 40 b do Harrison's Specific 50 do Hamilton's California. . 25 do Heiskell's Tetter 50 do Henry's Electric 50 do Jeffrey's 25 do Judkin's 25 do Kennedy's S. R 50 do do Scaof. 1 00 do do Healing 50 do Kiersted's 35 do Libby's or Graef. Pile.. 1 00 do Louden's All Healing. . 25 do McAllister's 25 do Mott's Hoof 1 00 do Miner's Botanic 25 do Mrs. Miller's Electric.. 50 do Norton's S. R 50 do Osborn's Golden 25 do Perry's Family 25 do Physic's Camphor 25 do Reed's Crimean 35 do Root's German 25 do Russell's Itch 25 do do S. Rheum.... 50 do do Pile 1 00 do Spangler's 35 do Sloan's ' 25 do do Horse 50 -r do Swayne's Itch 50 do Stafford's Olive Tar.. .. 25 do Taylor's Indian 25 do Tanner's German 25 do Trask's 25 0 do do 40 A John F. Henry, New York. 25 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Ointment-Terrell's 25 do Upham's Tetter 50 do W auregan 25 do Wheaton's Itch 50 Opedeldoc-Liquid* 25 do Steer's* do do Gen. Eng 25 do Seab ury's 25 Opaline- 50 1 COW Packet-Bowden's Moth 50 do Jones'P. P ? 10 Pain Purer-Simond's 25 Pain Killer-Davis' 25 )3 do do 50 do do 1 00 Pain Reliever-Marsh's 25 do do Pain Paint-Wolcott's • 25 do do 50 do do . . .■ 1 00 Palmella-Cooke's 1 50 Panacea-Baker's Pain 25 do do do 50 do do do 1 00 do Graefenberg 50 do Houck's 2 00 do Swaim's 2 00 do Swayne's 2 00 Paper-Diamond Mills 25 do Fayard's Rheum. Fr. gd. pr do Gayetty's Medicated* 50 do do do 1 00 do Jones' P. P 10 do Star Mills 25 Paracelsus-Backet's 25 Pastilles-B. L. Fahnestock'sWorm 25 do Carnes & Haskell's de Paris 35 ♦Stamps not required. 26 John F. Henry, New York Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Pastilles-Coudray's Fumigatg Fr. do Lewenberg's 50 do Kidder's Fumigating... 25 *^^^*> do Lanman & Kemp's 50 do Lightfoot's 35 do Moore&Taylor's de Paris 35 do Sawyer's American 35 do Hegeman'sBronchial... 35 do Wing's Worm 25 Paste -House's Tar 35 Pectoral-Ayer's, of Wild Cherry.. 1 00 IO do Bull's do 1 00 do Rust's Gum * 75 do Wynkoop's Iceland ....;• 35 Pencils-Clark's Indel 35 Pens- -Brigg's Glass 25 Pepsin-Houghton's Powder 1 00 do do Liquid 1 00 do Boudault's Fr., gold price. do Hawley's Dry... .* 1 50 do do Liquid, | pts.... 1 00 do do do pts 2 00 Pessaries-Hoffman's Pllilotoken-Risley's 1 00 Pills- -Ayer's-stamped inside 25 fa do do in glass 25 do Arnold's 25 do Atherton's 25 do Bennett's P & R 25 do Brandreth's 25 do do S. C 25 do Bell's Specific 1 00 do do do 3 00 do do Tonic 5 00 do Bryan's Life 25 do Brodie's Dys 25 do Beckwith's A Bil 50 do do A. Dys 50 do Blancard's,* Fr 0 1 do do * do do Blair's Gout, Eng 1 00 do Bristol's 1 25 • not required. John F. Henry, New York. 27 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Pills- -Brown's Renovating 50 do Clark's Female, (gen. onlyf). 1 00 do Clickener's 25 do Champion's A. B 25 do do F. & A.......... 1 )0 do Cook's 15 do Cheeseman's Female 1 00 do Covel's Rheum 50 do Constitution Life 25 do Costar's Bishop 25 do Cherokee 1 00 do Cockle's .... 1 00 do Cowden's Taraxacum 25 do Davenports's 25 do Deems' Southern Hepatic.... 25 do DeLamarre's 1 00 do Duponco's Female 1 00 do DeGrath's Electric Herb.... 25 do Deshler's F. & A...., 1 00 do Dean's Rheum 50 do Dehaut's Purgative, French, gold price 25 do Frost's do Filkin's 25 do Fitch's 25 do Foord's 25 do Graefenberg 25 »1 do Garvin's Sol. Tar 25 do Gregory's 25 do Galligan's F. & A 1 00 do Hutchin's 20 do Hunnewell's 25 do Halsey's 25 M do Holloway's-stamped inside. 35 5 do do do 88 4 • ' do do do 1 40 6' » • do Hobensack's 25 do Hibbard's R. F. & Rev. B.... 15 do do 25 do Hooper's true Eng 1 00 do do American* 25 do Herrick's 25 do Harvey's Female 1 00 do Harvey's Golden 1 5 00 do Hull's F. & A 75 do Hamilton's 25 do Hoofland's Podophylin 25 do Helmbold's Catawba grape. . 50 ♦Stamps not required. signed Job Moses. John F. Henry, New York. 28 .... Retail. Per Dm. °er Quantity. Pills- -Jayne'sF.&A.-stamp'dinside 1( )0 do do Sanative do 35 / I <3 * I do James' Cough 1 do Judson's Mt. Herb 35 do LaVille's Gout, Fr., gold price do Louden's F. & A 1 JO do Snn 35 do Lanman & Kemp's 50 do Lee's Windham, Chas 25 do Leidy's Blood 25 do Lorraine (Turner's) do Langley's | 25 25 25 25 do Mott's Chalybeate 50 do J iivor 25 25 CIO 25 do Morrison's. Nos. 1 & 2, (Eng) 75 do Morse's Indian Root 25 do 25 25 rln 25 do Norton's Chamomile 1 00 do Napoleon Cough 50 do Parson's Purg io do Parmelee's Veg 25 25 50 25 50 do Page's R. R 25 do do Mandrake 25 do do Cough 25 Port op's 25 25 do Roback's 25 do SC 25 25 do Rose's 25 do Rush's (Boston) 25 ' * 25 do Spangler's 25 SThnll'a Aonifi 50 do Sargent's Back-ache 50 do do Liver 25 do Shallenberger's 1 50 do Soule's Sovereign Balm 25 do Sellers' ,25 II 1 1 John F. Henry, New York 29 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Pills- -Schenck's Mandrake 25 do Spencer's 25 do do Gideon 25 do Strong's Sanative 25 do do Pectoral zn do Slioshonees do 25 do Sawen's Magic Nervine 50 do Sandford's 30 1 do Spalding's Cephalic 25 do Strickland's 25 25 do Todd's 25 do Taylor's Mandrake 25 do Townsend's Spla do S. C 25 do 35 do Turner's Neuralgia 100 Tutt's Liver 25 do Van Deusen's do Velpau's Female 100 do Van Buskirk's Liver 25 do Wing's A. Bil 25 do Wilder's 25 do Wilton's 25 do Winchester's Specific 100 do Wishart's Dys -. 100 do Winslow's Mrs., Mystic 2 00 do Wright's Plain 25 do do S. C 25 do Wilson's 25 Plasters-Allcock's Porous* 25 do Barnes' P. Man's Paper*. 10 do do do Kid*... 20 do do do Cloth*.. 15 do do Arnica 25 do Badeau's 25 do Backett's Corn 25 do Bruce's 25 do Blackman's 25 do Balm of Gilead & Cedar. 25 do Court, Wilson's Crown. . do do De La Cour's do. . do do do Arnica do do Yards'* do do Dyckman's* do do Herrick's Arnica.. do Crittenden's, small 15 do do medium... 20 do do large 25 *Stamps not required. 30 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Plasters- -Crew's Spread Mustard. . 10 do do do do . . 15 do do do do 20 do do do do .. 25 do Davison's Adhesive 25 do Dyckman's Tablets 25 do Ellis' Adhes. 5 yd. rolls* pr yd do do de 1 yd. rolls*. 50 do do Corn* 25 do Ede's C. & B. (Eng.) 50 do Hance Griffith & Co.'s all kinds do Hemlock, De La Cour's.. 25 do Herrick's 25 do Hurd's Neuralgia 20 do Husband's Isinglass,* pr. yard 1 00 do Holloway's Arnica 20 do do do 25 do do do 40 do Irving's Cedar 25 do Jew David's or Hebrew. . 25 do do do 50 do Knapp's 20 do do 25 do Littlefield's C. & B 25 do Morehead's Magnetic.... 25 72. do Morgan's C. &. B.(Eng.).. 50 do Prickl v Porous Sat. P.P.P. do do do Kid do 15 do do do do do 20 do do do do do 25 do Bobbin's Isinglass, yd. rolls 1 00 do do Arnica Court.. 10 do do Surgeon's Dres 50 do do Arnica Parch. 10 do do Kid.Arn. Court 12 do do Corn & Bunion 25 do do Surgeon's Ad.. 1 00 do Shivers' Ad, 5 yd' rolls.. Pl' yd do Taylor's Ad. (Eng.) do do Wells' Stg. Ar. &B. Pitch 20 do do do 25 do do do 40 do do other kinds do Walls, Close & Co. C. & B. 25 Plug's-Lange's 15 ♦Stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. 31 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Polish- -Bro. Jonathan's Furniture. 35 do Brown's Glass Cleaning .. 25 do Dixon's Stove* 10 do Gem Stove 10 do Vermont Window* 25 Powders-Alden's Condition 25 do Bury's do 35 do Barber's Red Horse C'n. 25 do do do do 50 do Costar's Electric 25 do Carson's Cleaning 25 do Carlton's Condition 25 do Composition, 2 oz do do 4 oz do Cary's Horse and Cattle. 25 do Dale's do do 25 do Diamond Polishing .. 15 do Dillow's Heave 25 do Equine 25 do Egyption Carb'c Disinfg 25 do Fronetield's Cattle 25 do Fickardt's do .... 25 do Foutz's do 25 do Grant's Condition 35 do Hair, Blond, Gold,Silver, Diamond and Rainbow do Harvell's Condition .... 25 do Hopkin's Magic Healing 1 00 do Henry's Insect do Knowles' Insect 25 do do do 50 do do do 1 00 do Lyon's Magnetic 25 do Manhattan Condition... 75 do Maynard & Noyes' Ink. 25 do McNevin's Diarrhoea... 25 do Persian Insect,L. M. & G. 35 do Punderson's Condition.. 25 Jx4 do Poland's Magic 50 do Poole's Insect 25 do do do 50 do do 1 00 do Pyle's Poultry do Robert's Horse 35 do Rulison's Condition 25 do Sloan's Condition 25 do do 50 do Sawen's do 25 ♦Stamps not required. 32 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. PerPoz. Per Quantity. Powders-Stafford's I..& S. . 1 00 do Starin's Condition 25 do Saunder's Face 1 00 do Seidlitz Sylvester's reg. do do do full wgt do Soda do do Sheridan's Condition... 2o do Spencer's pos. and neg.. do Toni's Condition 75 25 do Thompson's F. & A 75 do Tobias' Derby Condition 25 do Tarrant's Seidlitz do Upham's Depilatory.... 1 00 Preservative-Cristadoro's Hair .. 50 do do do .. 1 00 do do do . . 3 00 do Miller's Leather, all kinds Prescription-King's 100 do Bell's prepared oO Pulmonales- 2»5 Pulnionica-Waters' 1 00 Quinine-Steam's Sweet per oz.... 3 00 Regenerator-Tebbett's Hair 1 00 Regulator-Emerson's Bowel 75 do Wood's Liver 1 00 do Simmon's do 1 00 R ej u ven a tor-Pearson's 1 00 Relief-Chamberlain's 25 do do 50 do Flagg's do do OU 100 do Farnham's Electric •>o do Migrath's 50 do do 1 uu do Mother's (Bartholic's) 2 00 do Prior's Pain. 50 it A * do Radway's Ready 1 50 do do do 00 do do do . 00 John F. Henry, New York. 33 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Relief- Read's Asthma 25 do do do 50 do do 1 00 i do Sloan's Instant 25 1 Remedy -Brigg's Pile 100 do Cary's Toothache 125 do Clark's Cough 1100 do Cherokee 2 00 do Cady's Catarrh. 200 do Costar's Cough 25 do Constitution Catarrh.... 100 do Crichton's 0. K 150 do Chumar's Epileptic, pts.. 300 do do do qts.. 6 00 do Central American l!00 do Barley's Heave 125 do Demeritt's Catarrh 150 do DeBing's Pile i:oo do Pitler's Rheumatic 1'50 do Graef. F. & A '50 do Goodale's Catarrh 1|OO do Harper's Cough 35 do Hunnewell's Univ.Cough 25 I do do do do 50 do Louden's Pile ■ 1'00 do Metcalfe's Rheumatic.... 100 do Norton's Catarrh 100 I do Perry's Comedone 2 00 do Rush's Female 2 00 1 do Remington's Foot Rot... 100 do Seelye's Catarrh ....... 2 00 do Strickland's Pile 100 do do Ague....... li00 do Sage's Catarrh 50 /o »• do Shoshonees 100 • do So. Am. Fever & Ague... 100 do Stainburn's 50 do Turkish 150 do Velpau's 50 do Van Deusen's Ready.... 35 do Whitcomb's Asthma.... 150 3 h do Wilson's (Rev. E. A.) con- sumptive 300 do Warren's Pile 100 Renewer-Wilson's Blood 100 Rennet -Blair's Liquid* 25 do Shinn's 25 do Wyeth & Bro 25 *Stamps not required. 34 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Doz. Pea Quantity. Renovator-Brown's Scalp 50 do do do 00 do Rushmore's Fabric. .. 25 do Rugg's Digestive.... 1 00 Resolvent-Rad way's Sarsaparill'n ! 1 00 r 0/1 Restorative-Circassian Hair i 00 Restorer -"America," i 00 do Barrett's Hair 100 do Bay Leaf Clock's 100 do 1 00 do Ezekiel's 100 do Fisher's Eureka 100 do Gallaudet's Hair 75 do Gray's 100 do Hiawatha Hair 100 do J erome's 1 00 do Knowles' 1 00 do London Hair Color 75 do Mrs. Allen's 1 00 do Massasoit 50 do Martha Washington... . 1 00 do Marsh's Hair 50 do Montgomery's 1 00 do Nature's 100 do Rossetter's 75 do Rush's ... 100 do Singer's 100 do Wood's Hair 100 Rock Rose-Myers' 1 00 Rosadalis 1 50 Rosemary & Castor Oil-Spalding' 35 0 Revivmn- -Morse's 50 Reliever- -Winslow's Pain 1 00 Salve-Adam's Golden 35 do Blackman's 35 do Brandin's | 35 do Balm of Gilead 25 ; do Bryant's 35 do Conklin's* 15 do Costar's Buckthorn 35 do Carbolic 35 CM ♦Stamps not required. John F. Henry, New York. 35 Retail. i Per Roz. Per Qauntity. Salve- -Dailey's 25 do 50 do do 1 00 do Dailey's Horse 50 do Duncker's 35 do Egyptian 25 do Excelsior Sticking 25 do Griswold's 25 ; do Grace's 25 ! do Hardy's 25 do Hamilton's Eve 25 do Louden's 25 do Mitchell's Eye (genuine).... 25 do Maggiel's 25 Pacre's Climax 25 do Pettit's Eye 25 Q. n do Peleg White's* 15 do do 25 do Prior's 25 do Pike's Corn 20 do Rose Lip, (all kinds) 25 : do Redding's Russia 25 n 50 do do 1 00 do Stephen's Eye 25 i do Smith's Magnetic 25 do Sawyer's (Miss) 50 do Wooley's 25 Salts- of Lemon, Henry's 15 Sarsaparilla-Ayer's 1 00 do Bull's, John 1 00 do do A. II 75 I do Bristol's 2 00 do Corbett's Shaker.... 1 00 do Guysott's & Y. D... 1 00 do Graefenberg 1 00 1 1J do Helmbold's 1 50 do Hurley's 1 00 do Larookah's 1 00 do & Iodide of Lime, 1 00 do & Iron, Rush's 1 00 7 1 * do Sands' Iodide oi 2 00 1 do Townsend's, Old Dr.. 1 50 / I' do do S. P.... 1 50 do & Potash, Wilder's.. 1 00 ♦Stamps not lequired. 36 John F. Henry, New York. Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Schnapps-Wolfe's, qts 150 3 do do pts.. 75 Silver White-Miller's 25 Silverine-H. & S- 50 Snuff-Bliss' Catarrh 25 25 25 35 25 7 Sapolio-Morgan's 15 A do. Nichols' 15 Sepia- 1 00 Seal Oleum- 50 1 00 Soda-Rogers' Lemon 35 Solution-Labaraque's Disinfecting 75 do Spear's Fruit 1 00 Solvent-Costar's Corn 25 do Houchin's Corn 25 Sozodont-Van Buskirk's 75 • Soother-Paine's Chloral 35 Specific-Crossman's 1 00 do Carey's English Sweeny.. 50 .do do do do 1 00 do Humphrey's, in boxes.... do do in vials do do in cases do Ludlum's 1 00 do Lallemand's Gout.: 2 00 do Reynolds' Gout, Eng 3 00 do Stoddard's Cholera 35 do Spiller's Inhaling 1 00 Spirit-Ham's Invigorating 50 1 00 Stillingia-Langworthy's Comp'd. 1 00 John F. Henry, New York. 37 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Substitute-Quinine 100 do Kibbe's Tobacco 10 Svapnia-Steam's, per oz 300 , Spot Queen- r Sugar of Lemons-Gant's I75 1 do Matthews' 75 do P.&M 75' do Pyles 50 Suppository-Bartlett's Pile 100 d( ) Sawen's Pile )75 Sure Death-Bennett's, for Rats... 25 Sure Pop-Isacson's 25 Syrup -Atherton's Cough 85 do Aubergier's Lactucarium Fr., gold price do Burrington's Croup 35 do Bicknell's Dysentery J50 do do do 75 do Bumstead's Worm 25 do Clark's Worm 125 do Constitution Life 150 do Corbin's Worm 25 do Durand's, Jackson's, Pect'l. 35 do Davis', of W. C. and Tar. . 125 do Delmonico Little's Pectoral 50 do do do do 100 do Edward's Tar and W. C.... 25 do do do do .. • 50 do do do do .. 75 do Foord's Pectoral 75 do do do 150 do Graef. Dysentery 50 do Gould's Pin Worm 75 do Gallup's, of Briar Root.... 75 do Hecht's Croup 100 do Hufeland's, of Tar 50 do Hasting's of Naptha 100 do Hooker's Cough |35 do Henderson's Cough 50 do Hobensack's Worm 25 do Hasson's Tar !50 do Howe's Concentrated 100 do Larookah's 50 38 John F. Henry, New York. Syrup-Larookah's I He 1 tail. 00 | PerDoz. Per Quantity do Leathe s Y. D 1 50 do McDonald's Petroleum... . 1 00 do Marsden's Carminative.... 1 00 do New England Cough 50 3 do Peruvian 1 00 (3< do do • • • • 2 00 o do Puccoon 25 do do 50 do Parish's Phosphate 1 00 do do Hypophosphites... 1 50 do Ritter's, of Tar 25 do Rowand's Blackberry 25 do Ransom's Hive 35 do Roger's, of Liv. Tar & Can. 1 00 do do W orm 25 do Swayne's Wild Cherry... . 1 00 do Schenck's Pul 1 50 0 do Seller's Cough 35 do Smith's Tonic 1 00 do Sines' of Tar 25 do Scovill's Stillingia Blood . . 1 00 do Seabury's Hive 25 do Strickland's 50 do Tobias' Pulmonary 75 do Weaver's Salt Rheum 1 50 do Wright's Indian Veg 25 i do Winslow's Soothing 35 do W elch's Hoarhound 25 do Wilder's Worm 25 Tablets Tooth-Lyon's 50 do W elling's Dyspepsia 50 do Well's Carbolic.... 35 Tar- -Forest's Juniper 35 do Garvin's First Solution. .... 1 00 do do Volatilized, for inha- lation, with inhaler, &c. 5 00 do Hale's Honey 50 do Morris' Syrup 50 do Stafford's Olive 50 Tea- -Beale's German 25 i do Hamburg 15 do Judson's Worm 25 do Kellogg's do do Klutz's German Worm 25 do Kennedy's Hair 1 00 John F. Henry, New York. 39 Retail. ■ \ Per Roz. Per Quantity Tincture-Cooper's Anti Pain 50 do Hampton's Veg 1 00 do Henry's Arnica 35 do Norwood's Ver. Vir 2 00 Tissue- -Albespeyre's Blistering, Fr. gold price. do Brown's Blistering* Eng. do do do Horse*| Tonic- Blair's Quin. & Glyc. Hair.. 1 00 do Crinosoleum Hair 35 do Hoofland's 1 50 do Jaynes' Hair 1 00 do Louden's Hair 1 00 do Laubach's G. S 1 00 do Marsden's Calisaya 1 00 do Potter's Hair 1 00 1 do Rohrer's W. Cherry 1 (3*1 b do Schenck's Sea Weed 1 50 2 do Strickland's 1 00 do Van Deusen's Mandrake.. . 1 00 1 do Wilder's Chill 1 00 do Wilhoft's Ague 1 00 Tootli Paste-Bazin's List do Carleton & Hovey's. 35 do Dale's 35 do Glenn's List do Hudson's 50 do J ewsbury & Brown's 1 00 do Sherman's 50 do Other kinds, import- ed and American.. Tooth Wash-Burnett's 1 00 do Chlorine, R. & Co... . 75 j do Cutler's Myrrh 75 . do DeCosta's 35 : do Oak 1 00 do Imported several varieties ■ Tooth Powder-Hurd's 25 do Johnson's Am.. .. 25 do do do .... 50 ' do do do .... 75 1 do Thurston's 25 i do do 1 50 Toilet Sets-Burnett's 4 00 *Stamps not required. 40 John F. Henry, New York. Tricopherous-Barry's Retail. 50 Per Roz. Per Qu antity. Tripoli- -Mt. Eagle 10 Trix-For the Breath 10 Try Me- -For the Breath 10 Troches- -Arnold's Cough 25 /****■ do Brown's Bronchial 35 do do do do do do 1 75 50 1 do do Laxative 35 do Byram's W. C 25 do Benton's Tar 25 do Carleton's & Hovey's.... 25 do Dame's 25 do Gilman's 25 do Hopkin's Catarrh 25 do Hamilton's Comp. Buchu 1 00 do I. D. Smith's 25 do Jadwin's Chlo. Pot 25 do Kibbe's 25 do "My" Carbolic 25 do Rushton's Ch. Pec 35 do Sayer's 25 do Thomas' Tar 25 Tubes-Messer's Inhaling 25 Ursina- Savage's 75 Valerian -Brown's 50 Vermifu ge-Bryan's Tasteless 25 do Chapman's 25 do Frey's 25 do Fahnestock, B. A 25 do do B. L 25 do do Hobensack's Jayne's Tonic 25 35 II. (3 do Loudon's 35 do McLane's 25 do McLean's Candy 25 do Orrick's. 25 do Peery's Dead Shot. ... 25 do Swaim's 25 do Swayne's 25 do Seller's 25 do Winer's 25 John F. Henry, New York. 41 Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity. Via-Fuga-De Bing's 1 00 Vigor-Ayer's Hair 1 00 Vitalia-Phalon's 1 00 ! (3r Veto-Thompson's 50 Vegetine- 1 25 Wafers-Bryan's 50 ! 1 do Locock's 25 do Houchin's S. Polish 15 do do do 25 do do do 50 do Nason's Black 1 50 do do Regulating 1 00 Wash-Edey's Carbolic Baby 1 00 do Helembold's Rose 75 do Samaritan's ..... 50 Water-Anders' Iodine 1 00 do Barnes' Magnolia 1 00 do Constitution 1 00 do Poor Richard's Eye 25 do Reynold's 25 do Thompson's, Isaac, Troy... 25 Water of Happiness-Tooth Drops 25 Wax of Antilles-Hunt's 35 *Whiskey-Bininger's Old Ky.Bo'n 1 25 do do Wheat Tonic 1 50 do Cutter's 1 50 do Maple Forest 1 50 do Wolfe's Bourbon 1 25 do do Scotch 1 50 White Glycerine-Pearl's 1 50 Wine-Bininger's Sherry* 1 50 do do Port* 1 50 do do Maderia* ....... 1 50 do California (all kinds) do Crook's, of Tar 1 00 do Halsey's Forest 1 50 do Hubbell's, of Iron, all sizes do Hygienic 1 50 *Stamps not required. 42 John F. Henry, New York. Wine -Kunkel's, of Iron Retail. l|00 Per Roz. Per Qu antity. do Rhus 1 50 do Speer's Sambuci* 1 25 do do Port Grape* 1 50 do Tilden's Ferated W. 0 1 50 do Wolfe's Sherry*- • • • 1 50 do do Port* 1 50 do do Maderia 1 50 do Wyeth's of Iron, all sizes.. Wild Cherry-Wilder's 100 Zylobalsamum-Mrs. Alien's 75 & 'stamps not required. ADDENDA. Antidote-Horton's Miasma 1.50 Bitters-Sawen's Life Invig 1.00 Elixir-Seay's Bark and Iron 1.50 MINERAL WATERS.* Adirondack-pints do quarts Balston Lithia-Pints Columbian-\ Pints do Pints Congress-Pints do Quarts Empire-Pints do Quarts Fort Edward-Pints do Quarts Gettysburg-Quarts Geyser Spring-Pints do do Quarts High Rock-Pints do Quarts Hathorn-Pints, do Quarts Hanbury Smith's-Kissengen.... do do Vichy Middletown-Quarts Massena-Pints do Quarts Missisquoi-Quarts Saratoga-" A " Pints do do Quarts Star-Pints- do Quarts St. Louis-Magnetic, Quarts Vermont Springs-Quarts White Sulphur, Va.-Quarts ♦Stamps not required. I Retail. Per Doz. Per Quantity, John F. Henry pio. 8 COLLEGE J-'lACE, y CATALOGUE OF JI r u ggists'* fjwiries AND SAKOY SOO®S» Alabaster Cream,-For the Complexion. La Rue's, Thorp's Alabaster Tablets. Irvine's-gilt• plain'' ' ' .... Amandine. Baz.in's Arctnsine. Lyman's, Canada Bear Grease Anrilave, or Ear Brush. Atkinson's, J. & E.-London Specialities. Bags-Sponge. Rubber Lined Cambric Checked.. 46 John F. Henry, New York. Balm-For the Complexion. Persian Hagan's Magnolia Thousand Flowers Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Lotus Jumel's Mammarial Balls. Rubber, Complete List Bandoline. Coudray's, No. 1161, assorted " 1164, " " " 1165, " " " 1171, " Bazin's " 601, '' Barley. Robinson's Patent Bay Rum. Sylvester's Pure Blacking. Bresson's French, in tin, No. 0 << CC CC CC ■£ CC CC CC CC g Brown's Liquid Fr. Dressing ... Day & Martin's, large " " medium " " small DuBois' Fr., in wood boxes, Jacquot & Co.'s Fr., in brass boxes " No. 2 " 3 " " 4... Lemberger's American, No. 1 " " " 2 " " " 3 CC CC CC " " " 5.......''...."........' " " " 5i Marcerou's Fr., in tin boxes, " No. 1 CC CC Q Mason's Paste, large " " medium " " small John F. Henry, New York. 47 Blanc de Perle. Coudray's No. 2604, Liquid Dorin's No. 4, on China, CC it g tt " " io' " " "34, Liquid, Lubin's Powder, fine " " superfine " Liquid Bloom. Mad. Demorest's Lily " Roseate Glenn's, Rose Laird's, of Youth Cristiani's, of Roses, For others, see Liquid Whites. Biscotine-Food for Invalids. . Delluc's Bott les-Feeding. Burr's Green " Flint " Flint in boxes, Common La Forme's Maw's Alexandra " Export " Com. Green Morgan's Walls, Close & Co.'s Fittings for Maw's Alexandra " Export " " Com " Burr's Bottles-Salts. Bazin's, in variety Cut Glass, empty and filled Ede's, empty and filled, in variety Wicker, in variety Bougies. English French Boxes. Fancy Toilet, for Holidays " Perfume Pill, Eng. and Am. Nested, Plain and Gilt 48 John F. Henry, New York. Box es-Continued. Powd. or Prescription, White, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 " " Star, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 " " Gilt, " 1, 2 and 3 " " Col'd " 1,2 and 3 " " White, Nested, 3 sizes " " Star, " " " " Gilt, " " " " Col'd, " " Powder, Puff,-see Puff Boxes, Soap, English white metal, in variety Breast Pipes. Improved, with Flexible Tube, No. 1 It CC ll ll Cl I) Breast Pumps. Fry's Goodyear, Hard and Soft Rubber, Lang's Magic• • • • Mattson's Needham's National Union Walls, Close & Co.'s Brilliantine-For the Hair. Atkinson's Coudray's Brooms-Whisk. Velvet and Hurl Handles, all sizes and patterns Bailey & Co.'s London Specialties Brecknell, Turner & Sons' do Briedenbach's do Brushes-Bandoline. Bone and Buffalo Handle Brushes-Bath. Solid wood Back, variety Brushes-Cloth. Rosewood plain and Inlaid Maple " " Black Walnut " Buffalo " Many sizes and patterns. John F. Henry, New York. 49 Brushes-Cloth, Ozier. French with and without handles " Velvet Backs, &c " Rosewood handle " Plush Brushes-Flesh. Round Head, Hard and Soft Oblong " " " Curved With Handle and Straps. Brushes-Hair. French, Ivory, plain and carved, oval and square, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 Row French, Buffalo Handles, inlaid and plain, 9, 11, 13 and 15 Row French, Satin Wood, ex. fine trepanned French, Tulip Wood " " " Rosewood, " " in 9, 11 and 13 Row, many patterns Prout's English inlaid Satin Wood, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Very fine goods Low, Son and Haydon's English, Nos. 0-80, 1-80, 2-80, 3-80, 4-80, 5-80, 6-80 7-80, 3-25, 1-58, 3-58, 3-27, 1-11 6-117 and 7 B. oval, Satinwood, extra stiff' Bristles and Whalebone do American, full line, best manufacture Brushes-Hat. Rosewood, Tulip Wood, Buffalo, Velvet Back, Fancy Backs, in variety Brushes-Infant. French and English, 5 to 9 Row, in Ivory, Bone, Buffalo, Shell, Pearl, Inlaid, Rosewood and Satin Wood, many patterns Brushes-Nail. English and French, Laurencot's Boxwood, unbleached and bleached, Buffalo and Bone Handles, with and without wings, 5 to 12 Row Brushes-Shaving. Badger Hair-Bone, Buffalo, Rosewood and Fancy Handles Pocket-variety, Bristle-large assortment, both French and American, Brushes-Shoe. Complete line, with and without handles 50 John F. Henry, New York. Brushes-Tooth. French, Ivory, 3, 4 and 5 Row English, Prout's, 4 and 5 Row, Wax Backs " " 4 and 5 " Plain " " " 4 and 5 " Unbleached " " 4 and 5 " Assorted " 3, 4 and 5 Row, in variety French, Laurencots, 3, 4 and 5 Row, Bone, Buffalo, Box- wood, oval, hollow, cut, castellated, &c., &c French, 3, 4, and 5 Row, Bone Handles " " " Buffalo " " " " Sandal Wood Handles, " " Inlaid Handles " " " Fancy Handles " " " Pocket " " " Waxed Back " " " Badger " •' " Double end, with sp'ge " " " Gum and Palate " 3 Row Infant, variety of patterns, Bristles Soft, Medium and Hard in all grades Cachons. Arnaud's Genuine, Paper Boxes " " Metal " Hooper's " Paper Boxes, new style " " Metal " " " • Kibbe's S. C. Aromatise Camphor Ice. Bazin's Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Glenn's Henry's Hegeman's Capotes. Skin, extra fine white, in envelopes " fine white " common white " " pink Rubber, extra fine pink, patent band " " " white, " " " fine white " " pink, " common pink Caps. Rubber, pink and white Cards. Dougherty's Playing, full line John F. Henry, New York. 51 Cards-Continued. Goodall & Son's English, very elegant in design, and of superior quality, complete line Cardamoms. Kibbe's Sugar Coated Carmine-For Lips. Dorin's Cement. Ede's Diamond, large " " small, Painter's Hilton's Hodgson's Hap-e-man's Chamois. Best English manufactures No. D, " C " B, " A, " 1 2 " 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 Cigarettes. Espic, French, Cire A Moustache. Lubin's assorted Coudray's " Cocoaine. Burnett's, For Hair Cocoa-Butter. Thompson's Cocoa-Cream. Chalfant's, for Hair Cocin. Phalon's Colt's Foot Rock. In 5 lb boxes 52 John F. Henry, New York. Cologne. Burnett's, qts, Glass and Cork Stop " pts. " " " " i pts " " " i oz, " " Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s, 4, 8 and 16 oz Delluc's • J. M. Farina, genuine, qts., Wicker " " " pts. " " " " i pts. " " " " Square " " " Octagon. " " " Long " " Opposite Juliclis-Platz, all styles,. F. M. Farina, 4711 long <( Lubin's French Violet's French Bazin's, List Glenn's " Vosburgh's Cologne Mixture. Glenn's lbs. and | lbs Combs-Dressing. Ivory, 64, 7 and 7| inch, plain back, " 64, 7 and 7-j " crooked " " 6|, 7 and 7£ " quilled " Tortoise Shell, 6, 6|, 7 and 7-J- inch, plain back " " " " " " crooked" " " " " " " quill " Buffalo, 6, 64, 7, 7| and 8 inch, plain back, " " " " crooked " " " " " quill " " " " " metal " " " " . " fancy " " " " blonde " " " " brass side riv'd, some very choice Patterns. India Rubber, complete list Am. Raw Horn, all styles, 5 to 8 inches. Noyes' metal back, full line,. Barber, all coarse ,and fine and coarse " hand made, black, shell and raw horn S wedged back . full line Metal back, 3 to Benches, cheap, Imitation shell, 5 to 8 inches, all styles Combs-Fine Teeth. Buffalo, Black " Blonde John F. Henry, New York. 53 COMMON WIDTH. Inches. 1| to 2| 24 to 24? 2f to 2| 2f to 24; 24 to 34 34 to 3f 3f to 3| 3# to 3| to 44 No. 8. No. 9. No.10. No.11. No.12. No.13. No.14. No.15. No.l 6. Superfine.. $1.10 $1.55 $2.20 $2.45 $2.70 $2.80 $2.95 $3.05 $3.20 S. S. " 1.45 2.05 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.35 3.60 3.85 4.00 S. S. S." . 2.00 2.75 3.45 3.85 4.25 4.85 5.25 5.50 5.60 MEDIUM WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No.11. No.12. No.13. No.14. No.15. No.16. Super. Med $2.00 $3.00 $3.75 $4.25 $4.55 $5.00 $5.35 $5.55 $5.75 S. S. 2.75 3.60 4.55 5.20 5.70 6.20 6.60 6.95 7.25 S. S. S. " 3.25 4.85 6.10 6.75 7.30 8.00 8.60 9.35 9.75 EXTRA WIDTH AND THICKNESS. No. 8. No. 9. No.10. No.ll. No.12. No.13. No.14. No.15. No.16. S. Wide $3.25 $4.05 $5.00 $5.60 $6.10 $6.60 $7.10 $7.60 $8.10 s. s. 4.25 4.85 6.10 6.75 7.30 8.00 8.55 9.20 9.75 S. S. S. " 4.85 6.50 8.10 8.95 9.75 10.55 11.35 12.20 13.00 IVORY COMBS. John F. Henry, New York 54 Combs. India Rubber, complete line Combs-Infant. Ivory and Rubber, Nos. 50, 100 and 200 Combs-Pocket. Buffalo, with Mirror " " and Brush " Double Shell, " " in Cases India Rubber, variety White Horn, folding, Metal Back Combs-Whisker. Buffalo, Black " Blonde Shell White Horn Combs. Shell, Ladies' Parting " " Smoothing Buffalo " " Comedone Remedy. Perry's Cork Screws. Cards, of 1 doz. each, several assortments, " | " Pocket Patent Power, Rubber Wire, in variety, Corn and Bunion Plasters. .Ede's Square English Morgan's " " Maw's Square Thick English " " Thin " Walls, Close & Co. Thin English " " Round " Young's " " " Square " Littlefield's Arnicated American Robbin's " " Mitchell's " " John F. Henry, New York. 55 Cosmetique, or Stick Pomade. Bazin's Coudray's, 960 assorted odors and colors, " 940 " " " " " « « « « « " 943 " " " " ft p* ff ff ft If Glenn's " " Guerlain's, Square Box, assorted odors and colors Italian, Large, black and white assorted, " Small, " " " " Lubin's, Large, assorted odors and colors, " Small, " " " " Mouilleron's, " " " " Piver's, Large, " " " " " Small, " " " " Pinaud's, " Violet, very fine, " Moelle de boeuf, " Small, Medium, and Large assorted, Pope's, medium, Vosburgh's assorted, Court Plaster. Dickman's Arnica, black, white and flesh " " Tablets, tri-colored, " " Mechanics on Kid, De La Cours, 3 colors, Littlefield's Imperial, 3 colors, Prout's English Black and White Bobbin's Arnica, Black, White and Flesh " " Kid "• " Tablets, tri-colored " " Parchment " Imperial, black, white and flesh " Balsamic " " " Waugh's Epsom, English, Black, very superior Wilson's Yard's Crackers. Rimmel's, Rose Water " Costume. Crayons. Coudray's Black and Blue Dorin's " " Cream. Bazin's, Cold, Chalfant's, Cocoa, Glenn's. Cold, 56 John F. Henry, New York. Cream-Continued. Giles', Sunflower, Gouraud's, Oriental Hawley's Dental, Hegeman's de Perles La Rue's, Alabaster, Patey's Cold, English, Robinson's, of Lilies, Shaving, see Shaving Cream, Coudray's, Paris Specialties, Chardin, Jne. Paris Specialties, Chins', Nice Specialties, Dentifrice. Brown's, Camphorated Coudray's, Opiat No. 2251 " " " 2252 Cleaver's, Sapanaceous, English] Farnham's French Tooth Lozenges Dr. Francis' Lamplough & Campbell's, Camphorated Rimmel's Soap Societe Hygienique, Powder See Tooth Powders. Dentine. Calder's Caswell, Hazard & Co's Dentidecora. Gardiner's Douche-Nasal. Essex, Hagerty's Dressing, French-For Shoes. Brown's Dropper's Medicine. Tweed's Dorin's, Paris Specialties Fan Angelique. Delluc's-a superior Tooth Wash, Large " " " " ' Small John F. Henry, New York. 57 Eau Dentifrice. Societe Hygienique Eau Lustrale. Guerlain's Jules Hauel's, Large. " " Medium ' " Small Elastic Bands and Rings Electric-Disc Electro-Silicon, Cleaning Powder Email de Paris. Jared & Rene's Upham's Enamel. Bogie's Complexion Powder, Rose and White Delmar's Satin Lavel's Pearl-a superior Lily White, rich colored Pho- tograph Labels of the prominent artistes of the day.. Phalon's Snow White Enameline. Braford's Euxesis. Lloyd's English Extracts-Handkerchief. Atkinson's English Large, 4 oz Medium, 2 oz Small, 1 oz These perfumes (and all goods of Messrs. Atkinson's manufacture) are highly recommended. A line of the following popular odors of each size in stock, viz. Assorted, .Gardenia HeliotropeHoya Bella MillefleursMoss Rose MuskNew Mown Hay PatchouliRose Geranium Stephanotis.. Spring Flowers Tea RoseViolet White RoseWood Violet Wild HyacinthYlangylang 58 John F. Henry, New York. Extracts-Handkerchief-Continued. Atkinson's Bouquets. De CarolineEcho Ess BouquetJockey Club OperaSuez Canal U nparalleledWest End Bayley's English Ess. Bouquet Bazin's Assorted, J oz. Cork Stop " " | oz. " " | oz. Glass Stop " 1 oz. " " Musk, i oz. Cork Stop " i oz. " " " i oz. Glass Stop " Oriental Drops " Hedyosmia " Turkish Essence, and many othesr Briedenbach's Wood Violet. Burnett's Florimel Baker's Assorted Chardin, Jne. Santalina, large and small Nagali Jungfrau Violette de Mars' Chiris' Assorted, in 1 lb. tin cans Coudray's Bouquet des Alpes, No. 1756 Ede's Hedyosmia, No. 10, oval " " No. 538, cut glass Glenn's Assorted, i, | and 1 oz. in variety " " 1 lb. and f lb. bottles, viz.: Bridal Bouquet Bouquet de Caroline. Essence Bouquet Frangipanni Heliotrope. Jasmin Jockey Club Lavander Magnolia Millefleur Moss Rose Musk Musk Rose New Mown Hay Orange Flowers Patchouly Pond Lily Rose Geranium Sweet Briar Tube Rose West End Ylaug Ylaug John F. Henry, New York. 59 Extracts-Handkerchief.-Continued. Henry & Demarson's Flirts Perfume " Asst'd do. ... " No. 850 " No. 851 Hinman's Assorted Letcliford's English Floro-Heraldic " Cut Glass, No. 235, 3 bottles in fancy box. " " No. 235, 1 bottle in fancy box, -J- doz. in package Letchford's Round, No. 179, 3 bottles in fancy box.... " Assorted odors " Fountain Perfumes, 1 doz. in glass box.... Low, Son & Haydon's Assorted 1 oz Lubin's Genuine, | doz. in Box, full list " " -J " " assorted f2 Jockey Club ,T , 1 Patchouly 1 J i Musk Assortment. t WestEn<i: i i i i i i i i i i i i.. [ 1 Violet '2 Patchouly. „ „ 1 Jockey Club Ao. 2. J i Ess. BOUquet Assortment. Bouquet de Caroline 1 New Mown Hay "1 Jockey Club 1 Patchouly . No. 3. J 1 Rose Geranium Assortment. 1 Heliotrope 1 Magnolia 1 Tea Rose The above Standard Extracts are warranted genuine and of my own importation. All the popular perfumes always on hand. Mouilleron's, f doz. In Fancy Box " 999 1 " In Oval Fancy Box " 1002 1 " In Square Fancy Box Petit Aine, | doz. In Round Fancy Box " | " In Oval " " " | " In Square " " " " In Book " " Phalon's Night Blooming Cereus, large and small " Flor de Mayo, " " '' I Love You " Assorted, 1 oz Piesse & Lubin's 60 John F. Henry, New York. Extracts-Handkerchiefs.-Continued. Pinaud's Aux Fleurs de Cashmere " de Fleurs de Perse " Aux Fleurs des Champs " de Viollettes des Bois " des Enfants " des Demoiselles " de Fleurs de Chine " de Fleurs des jardins d'Italie " Essence Bouquet " " Royale....' " Essencia de YJang-Ylang " Essence de Violettes de Parme " Assorted, 1 oz " " > oz Fiver's " $ oz. G. S. 1 doz. in box.. " " No. 2603, in fancy colored box " Ne M'Oubliez pas...' " Pensez a moi Rigaud's, Assorted Rigge's Vegetable Essence Rimmel's Ihlang Ihlang " 52 Extracts Violets, Variety... Vosburgh & Co.'s Agavine, 1 doz. in box with an elegant metal stand Vosburgh & Co.'s Asst'd, 1 doz. in a box with an elegant metal stand Vosburgh & Co.'s Asst'd, 1 oz., glass stoppers, No. 259.. " cork stoppers, " 260... " " " £ oz., glass stoppers, " 261. .. " " " cork stoppers, " 260... " " " $ oz., cork stoppers, " 269... " " " j oz., " " " 274... " Musk, I, % and 1 oz " Jockey Club do " Patchouly do " Night Blooming Cereus, 1 oz " Knight Templars 1 oz " Pond Lily 1 oz " Golden Star 1 oz " Opoponax 1 oz " Diamond Decanter " " Fish Style " " Diamond Gem, enameled and gilt " " ' " " Flint " " Complete List Woodworth's Nilsson Bouquet Eyebrow Pencils. Dorin's John F. Henry, New York. 61 Ede's London Specialties Etni Mystereux. Dori n's Flag Root. Kibbe's S. C Carleton & Hovey's S. C Flasks-Drinking and Pocket. Fry's, full line i pint, 1 pint and pints, half covered, Morocco, Calf, Hog and Cape Goat, with and without Cups. " English Leather, with and without Cups, " Wicker " " " " French and German Glass and Patent Cork Feeders-See Bottles. Fittings For,-See Bottles. Feather Dusters. Plain, No. 4 to 24 Colored/' 3 to 24 Files, Nail. Assortment Filters. English and French Finger Cotts. Rubber, Light, assorted sizes Formadenta. Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s French Dressing. Brown's Gattie & Peirce-London Specialties. Gallouin, Arbelin A Co.-Paris Specialties. Perfumerie Illustree Gelle F reres-Paris Specialties. Gelatine. Cox's Cooper's 62 John F. Henry, New York. Gloves. Flesh, in variety. Glove Cleaner. Alexandria Jouven's Xenia Glycerine-White-For Complexion Pearl's Groats. Robinson's, Large, in Tin " Small, in Paper Gum -Chewing. Spruce Mastic Tolu Rose Motto Gum Labels-Dennison's. Hooper's Cachons. Metal, New Style, Paper " Hunkidori-For the Breath, Henry & Demarson's-Paris Specialties. Ink. Arnold's, Copying " " Quarts " Pints " " i pints " " 4 oz " " cones Billing's Mauve, 1, 2 and 4 oz., pints and quarts Carter's, List Davids' Black and Blue " Octagon Stands " 4 oz. Bottles " 6 " " 8 " " pint " " quart " " carmine, 1 oz. G. S " " 1 " Draped Stands Worden & Hyatt's, 1 oz.. .. " " 2 " John F. Henry, New York. 63 Ink-Con tinned. Worden & Hyatt's 4 " " " 8 " Worden & Hyatt's pints " " quarts . Violet, Carmine, Gold, Silver, Black and assorted Barber's English Marking...:.' Ede's " crimson marking Hegeman's " Kidder's " Payson's " Tarrant's " Ink Powder. Maynard & Noyes' Indispensables. French Leather, Small, containing Buffalo Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes and Comb Morocco, Large, containing Hair, Nail, Tooth, Cloth and Hat Brushes and Comb, in Buffalo, Stainwood, Tulipwood, &c Very desirable for Travelers. Jokes-For the Breath Jewsbury & Brown's Oriental Tooth Paste Kalliston-For the Skin Burnett's Kalydor-For the Skin. Rowland's English Key Rings and Chains in variety Lait de Violettes . Lavel's Pearl Enamel, very fine. Rich Colored Photo- graphs of noted Stage celebrities Lemon Sugar. Gantz's Mathew's Preston & Merrill's Pyle's Lily White and Rose Bloom. Lavel's, Rouge Pad, in cover 64 John F. Henry, New York. Lily White. Bazin's Spanish, No. 717 " Round, large, No. 702 " " medium, No. 701 " " small, No. 700 " Magnolia Tablets, No. 705 Cascarilla.*.... Glenn's Harvey's, large and small Irvine's Spanish, Gilt " " Plain " Alabaster, Fancy " " Plain " Chalk Balls " Pink " " Chalk " 4 doz. in box, loose Lavel's Enamel Mother of Pearl Savoy's Italian Vosburgh's Lime Juice and Glycerine. Rimmel's, small, medium and large Yardley's Lint, patent. Taylor's English, 1 oz. packages 1 lb. " Lip Salve. Bazin's, metal box, No. 687 Cristiani's Glenn's Liquid Silver. Taylor & Nye's Liquid White, or Blanc de Perles. Coudray's Dorin's Gouraud's Oriental Cream Hagan's Magnolia Balm Hegeman's Creme de Perles Laird's Bloom Lubin's Phalon's Snow White Planchais Fleur de Lys. Ristori Pearl Drops John F. Henry, New York. 65 Lotion. Boardman's Cosmetic Caswell, Hazard & Co's Glycerine Church's Gowland's English Palmer's, small and large Perry's Moth and Freckle Phalon's Paphian Lozenges, French Tooth. Farnham's Low, Son & Haydon's, London Specialties Letchford's London Specialties Lubin's Paris Specialties Magic Combs Meen Fun-Face Powder. Hobb's Genuine Medicine Droppers. Tweed's Mirrors-Hand and Pocket. Florence, No. 5 " " 6 cc cc ry " "8.'.'.'..... ... ........ " " 9 " "10 " " 11 " Circular, No. 7 " " "8 " " " 9 " " "10 " Plate, No. 8 cc cc cc g " " " 10.'.'..'."... " " "11 Rosewood Plate, 4 to 8 in.'I K " Com. 1£ to 8 " 2. Mahogany, " 1£ to 8 " & ~ Plate, 4 to 8 " >■ & Satin-wood, " 5 to 7|" M 3 Com. 4-J- to 7|" ® Tulip-wood, Pl't J g' Rosewood Stands with 13 Mirrors Mahogany " " " " 66 John F. Henry, New York. Mirrors-Hand and Pocket.-Continued. Magnifying, 3| to 6 in Ivory Dentists' Traveler's, covered Pocket, with comb " " " and brush " variety Mucilage. Henry's Pure Gum Torrey's " Mysterieux. Dorin's, containing Blanc, Rouge, Crayon and Puffs.. . Morgan Brothers'London Specialties S. Maw & Son's, " " Monilleron's Neveu, Paris " Nasal-Douche. Hagerty's Essex Nail Files. Bone, Shell and Pearl in great variety Nipples. Davidson's White, large, No. 20 " Pure Gum, large, No. 23 " White, small, No. 25 " Pure Gum, small, No. 29 American White " Gum " Cork or Plug Maw's English leech-bite, small large " " Black leech-bite, large. Common, large " small Nipple Shields. Boxwood Needham's Hagerty's Kent's Quinlan's Rubber... John F. Henry, New York, 67 Nipple Shells Night Lights. Houcliin's Nix's Nursing Bottles-Nee Bottles. Tubes for Nursing Bottles Brushes " " " " " " " Tubes Nurses' Friend, a Medicated. Infant Powder Fra's Newberry & Sons' London Specialties Oat-meal-Scotch, Robinson's Odonto-Rowland's English Odontine-Bazin's Odontaline-Roger's Odorators. Maw's, plain " fancy Oiled Silk, 5 yard Rolls Oiled Muslin, 5 yards Rolls Oil. Palm & Mace Henry's Sewing Machine Oil-Hair. Bazin's Rose, 1 oz. " " 2 oz " " 3 oz " Bears, 1 oz " " 2 oz " " 3 oz Bay Rum, 2 and 4 oz Glenn's Rose, 1, 2 and 3 oz " Bears, 1, 2 and 3 oz " Golden " Jockey Club, screw cap 68 John F. Henry, New York. Oil-Hair.-Continued. Coudray's French perfumed, assorted odors " No. 1015 " " 1016 " " 1017 " " 1018 " " 1019 Lubin's Antique, small and large, assorted odors Pinaud's Variety Piesse & Lubin's Pestachio Nut Rimmel's Lime Juice and Glycerine, small " " " " medium Rowland's Macassar, genuine Societe Hygienique, Assorted in Box and Solid Odors.. Violet's Gelatine Label 1 " Photo. " > Assorted Odors " Engraved " ) Vosburgh's Bay Rum, 1, 2 and 4 oz " Bears, 1, 2 and 4 oz " Rose, 1, 2 and 4 oz " Antique, 1, 2 and 4 oz " Complete List. Onguent-for Whiskers. Bellingham's Opaline. Pevey's a superior Tooth Preparation, in collapsible tubes: Orange Flower Water. Chiris', small " medium " large Paper. Gayetty's Medicated, 500 and 1000 sheets Jones' P. P. P Mortimer's Star Mills Filtering Papier. Fayard Hygienique No. 5774 John F. Henry, New York 69 Pastilles. Carnes & Haskell's de Paris Coudray's, Perfumed for Burning, Large, 2636 " Small, 2635 Hooper's " " Lubin's " " Mad. Lewenberg's de Florence " a-la-Rose Moore & Taylor's de Paris Pearl Drops-Ristori. Pencils-Camel's Hair. Clark's Indellible Marking. Pens-Glass. Brigg's, for Marking Clothes Scofield's " " Perfumers. Boston, Essex Plaster-Adhesive. De La Cour's Ellis' 1 yard rolls " 5 " Littlefield's Isinglass Bobbin's Surgeon's 1 yard rolls " Isinglass, 1 yard rolls• • • • Taylor's, English, 5 yard " Plasters-Court. De La Cour's black, white and flesh Dickman's Arnica, black, white and flesh, " " Tablets tri-colored " " Mechanics' on Kid Littlefield's Imperial, black, white and flesh Prout's, English, black and white Bobbin's Arnica, black, white and flesh " " Kid " Tablets, tri-colored " " Parchment• • • • " Imperial, black, white and flesh " Balsamic. " " " " Surgeon's Dressing Waugh's Epsom, English, black, very superior Wilson's Yard's 70 John F. Henry, New York. Plaster-Corn and Bunion. Ede's, English, Square Morgan's " " Maw's " " Thin Walls, Close & Co.'s English, Square, Thick " " " Round Young's " " Littlefield's, American, Arnicated Felt " " on Chamois Bobbin's " Arnicated Kid Mitchell's " Felt Plasters-Mustard. Crew's Prepared Sinapism, No. 1 " 2 " 3 " 4 Fougera's " Riggolot's French " Square " " " Round Pill Boxes. American, nested, red, English, " " shouldered Bronzed, Pink Saucers. Morgan's, English, by Case " " " Gross P oni ade-Imported. Coudray's, No. 510 Tin Can -J-lb Asst'd Odors " " 511 " " " " " 512 " i " " " 525 des Enfants " " " " 529 Confortable " " 600 Regeneratrice Porcelain Pot " " 616 de la Cour " " 644 Moelle de Boeuf " " 874 du'Jockey Club " " 909 Brilliantine " " 917 de Voyage, Wicker, Large " " 978 Hongroise, Glass Jar, Small " " 980 " " " Large " " 981 " Porcelain Pot " Stick, see Cosmetique. Low, Son Haydon's, Blue Pot John F. Henry, New York. 71 Pomade.-Imported.-Continued. Pinaud's, la Duchesse " Meduline " Florentine Moelle de Boeuf Glass Stop Fiver's, Blue Pot " des Families 16 tin cans in box " " 32 " " Societe Hygienique Violet's Asst'd Pomade-American. Bazin's Philocome Sm. Med, & Lge. White & Yel " Barrel " " " " Comp'd ox Marrow, Screw Cap " Bear and many others. Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Carrot Glenn's Philocome, small, medium and large " Barrel " " " " Crystaline " large " Golden Oil and others Robinson's Carnation, large and small Cream of Lilies, large and small Savage's Ursina Thompson's Optime Vosburgh's Ursina, No. 389 Bay Rum, 2 and 4 oz., Nos. 393-391 Orange Blossom, 4 oz., No. 404 Japanese, No. 405.... Tureen, No. 412 Glass Cap, 4 oz., No. 413 Beef Marrow, 4 oz., No. 430 " Oval Bell, 1 oz., No. 439 Beef Marrow, 2 oz., No. 431 " Barrel, large, No. 444 " Toy Tumbler, No. 447 O. K. Ox Marrow, No. 451 Sultana, No. 401 " Eugenie, No. 452 Powder-Toilet. Bazin's list Blue Paper, common Bogie's Enamel, Roseate and White 72 John F. Henry, New York Powder.-Toilet.-Continued. Chardin's assorted odors in silver box, large " " " " small Coudray's Blue Paper " No. 2507 " Filbert Meal for the hands, large " " " " " small Earl & Brown's Rose Leaf Glenn's list Lubin's Fleur de Riz, in large box with puff " " " small box " " " paper a la Violette " Rafraichissante " Marechale " Fleur d'amandes " " " a la Violette " Violet " Rose Nurses' Friend, for Infants Pinaud's, Large in box " Small Piesse & Lubin's, Pestachio Nut Rimmel's Rose Leaf " Fleur de Riz Saunders' Face Violet's common and fine Powder-Depilatory. Bazin's Gouraud's, or Poudre Subtile Upham's Powder-Hair. Blue Paper Gold Diamond. Blonde Silver Violet Powder-Sachet. Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Assorted Odors Coudray's, -A- lb bottle, " " " i " " " Powder-Silver Cleaning. Carson's and others Powder-Tooth.-see Tooth Powder. Preston Salts-Cut. In variety John F. Henry, New York. 73 Puffs -Powder. Ivory, Bone, Metal and Wood Handles all sizes, French and American Puff Boxes. China, with and without Puffs Scotch Wood Metal, Illuminated " Frosted " Painted Straw, very rich Paper, plain " fancy " photographic in great variety, with and without Puffs, many new and elegant Styles, constantly arriving Pungents. Ede's English, filled and empty " Cut Glass " Fancy " Wicker " Plain in great variety. Prout's London Specialties Piesse & Lubin's London Specialties Pinaud & Meyer's Paris Specialties River's L. T. Paris Specialties Petit Line's Paris Specialties Kazor Strops. Emerson's Goldschmidt's Berlin Torrey's Square, 4 sides, No. 100 cc cc cc ct zyQ " " " " 55 u u cc cc " Oval, 2 sides, " 90 " Flat, 2 " " 30 " " 4 " " 20 " " 4 " " 10 " " 4 " " 40, with drawer for Razor, Rattles, I. R.- 74 John F. Henry, New York. Ronge. Bazin's Vinegar Coudray's Vinaigre, No. 2575 " Lemon " de Theatre on Porcelain Pot, No. 2541 Cristiani's Rose Bloom Dorin's de Theatre, No. 4 paper box " Vegetal " 9 metal " " " " 10 paper " " Grenadine " 77 Carmine for the Lips " Liquid " 24 French, Ordinary Glenn's Vinegar " Lemon " Rose Bloom Gouraud's Oriental Lubin's Liquid " Extract of Roses for the lips " on Card " " Porcelain Vosburgh's Vinegar Rigge's London Specialties Rigaud & Co's Paris & London Specialties Rimmel's Paris and London Specialties Rowland & Son's London Specialties Sachets. Atkinson's Assorted Odors Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Assorted Odors Coudray's " " Lubin's " " Sapolio.-Morgan's. Salts-Of Lemon Henry's Shaving Cream. Bazin's, Rose, Small, ) '• " Large, J " Almond, Small, ) " " Large, f " Ambrosial, Small, { " " Large, j Coudray's Lettuce Glenn'sa. John F. Henry, New York. 75 Shaving Cream.-Continued. Guerlain's, Porcelain Pot, Large " " " Small " Earthen " Large " " " Small Lloyd's Euxesis Lubin's Rose " Almond " Lettuce " Ambrosial Pinaud's Rose " Lettuce " Almond and others Very superior and of delicate perfume. Sarg's Glycerine Cream Shaving Soap. Bayley's Sperm-Shaving Tablets Bazin's Barbers' Bar Colgate's " " Guerlain's, Round Cake " Square " Rigge's Round " " Square " Sarg's Glycerine, in tin Societe Hygienique. Barber Vroom & Fowler's Military William's Yankee " Barbers' Bar Winter's, English Rypophagon Skins-Chamois. See Chamois Skins. Split, for Caping Plaster Smelling Salts. Ede's English, in variety Bazin's Soap. Bazin's perfumed, wrapped, assorted odors " Poncine " Pumice " Erasive " Sand Brecknell's, Skin Tablets Buchans Carbolic-Disinfecting " Toilet, Honey, No. 1 " " Plain 2 76 John F. Henry, New York Soap.-Buchan's-Continued. Buchans Carbolic Honey, No. 3 " " Plain, " 4 " " Glycerine, " 5 " " Camphorated, 6 ... Carbolic, Bath, No. 6, 6 cakes, paper Carbolic Bath, 7, % gross, wood " Medicinal 8, " Dental " Shaving Bayley's English, Ess. Bouquet " Spermaceti " Otto of Rose " Violet " Glycerine " Rose " Spermaceti Shaving Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s Juniper Tar Colgate's, complete list Constantine's, Tar-Persian Healing Coudray's Lettuce No. 295 " Glycerine 299 " Jockey Club 300 " de Voyage, 304 " Confortable, ass'd 31 " Honey 35 " Guimauve 36 " " 52 " Assorted 53 " Omnibus 82 " " 83 " Similotype 236 Gelle Freres, Monster, Assorted " " Pink " " White " Infant " Sand " Theobroma Glenn's Honey " Glycerine " Erasive Guerlain's Shaving, round " " square Gouraud's Italian Medicated Hull's Old Palm Lubin's large Rose " small " " large Assorted and Solid " small " " " John F. Henry, New York. 77 Soap.-Continued. Lubin's-doz. in box of the following odors: Jockey Club Patchouly Musk Bouquet de Caroline Heliotrope Violet Frangipanni Ess. Bouquet Magnolia Geranium Millefleurs New Mown Hay.... Orange Flow'er Lettuce West End Low, Son & Haydon's Brown Windsor in p'k'ts, by case and gross " " Magnum, 3 cakes, paper.. " Musk Brown Windsor, packets " Chinese Musk, No. 3, paper " Honey, No. 4, 3 cakes in paper box " " " 4, 3 doz. in wood box " Glycerine, No. 4, 3 cakes in paper box " " 4, 3 doz. in wood box " Turtle Oil, No. 4, 3 cakes in paper box " " " " 4, 3 doz. in wood box " Elder Flower, No. 4. 3 cakes in paper box.. " " " No. 4, 3 doz. in wood box... " Marshmallow, No. 4, 3 cakes in paper box. " Glycerine'I « Turtle oil! i and 1 lb. bars, 12 « ttiij m J-lbs. in box also assorted Elder Flower .... . . . " Brown Windsor. . | <l' ' dO' " RoseJ Morrison's Tar Mouilleron's, in fancy box Oakley's Transparent Cakes. Bars and Balls Petit Aine, in fancy boxes. Phalon's Paphian Pinaud's Lettuce, very fine Violet " " Fleurs de Mai, very fine " Glycerine, very fine " Almond Courbe and others Fiver's Lettuce, large, No. 1237 " small, No. 1512 Bigge's Shaving, square cake " " round " Genuine English Military Rimmel's Tooth " Pellucid Glycerine Robinson's complete list 78 John F. Henry, New York. Soap.-Continued. Sarg's Glycerine, cakes, between boards ... " " " paper wraps " " " tin caps " " liquid, in glass " " scented, in glass " " cream, in glass Thompson's Tooth Tuft's Tripoli Violet's Thridace Vroom & Fowler's Military William's Barber Bar " Yankee " Barber's Favorite Waters' Tooth Winter's Rypophagon Suspensories. Silk Linen Cotton Netting, full assortment Hoffman's Patent Rawson's U. S. Army, No. 1 " " " 1| cc cc cc cc 9 cc it it cc o cc cc cc cc Syringes. Davidson's No. 1 " " 2 " " 3 Richardson's No. 2 " " 3 Mattson's Family " Original " Irigator Anglo American Franco " Essex, in variety Hard Rubber, full line Soft " " " Glass " P. P. in wood cases Fountain Soeiete Hygienique,-Paris Specialties John F. Henry, New York. 79 Saunder's J. Tonzean London Specialties Tags. Dennison's Talc de Venice. Chardin's Dorin's Tapers-Wax Houchin's Teething Rings. Rubber Ivory Thermometers Toilet Water. Lubin's Tinct. Benzoin Lavander, distilled, large " " " small " " Amber, large " " " small Pinaud's " " Coudray's " " " " Distilled Violet's " " small Coudray's Verbena Pinaud's " Florida Water, L.&K " " Hegemau's " " Rust's Magnolia Water, Barnes' Tooth Paste. Bazin's Charcoal " Rose Caswell, Hazard & Co's Formadenta Coudray's Opiat, tin, large, 2252 " " " small, 2251 Delluc's Coral Gardner's Dentidecora Glenn's Charcoal " Rose Gosnell's Cherry Jewsbury & Brown's Oriental, small " " " large Pevey's Opaline 80 John F. Henry, New York Tooth Powder. Rowland's Odonto, English Trotter's English Hudson's " Cleaver's Saponaceous, English Societe Hygienique Lamplough & Campbell's Camphorated Brown's Camphorated Calder's Dentine Lee's Thurston's large and small Johnson's American, large " " medium " " small Butler's Swan's• Hurd's Dale's Orris Tooth Soap. Rimmel's Thompson's Houchin's Robinson's Waters' Tooth Tablets. Lyon's Tooth Lozenges. Farnham's French Tooth Wash. Burnett's Oriental Reed, Cutler & Co's Mathey Cay 1 us' Da Costa's Societe Hygienique Eau Angelique, Delluc's large " " small Tooth Picks. Quill, No. 2 " " 3 " " 4 " " 5 Wood, in boxes Towels-Turkish. No. 1, White Cotton "2, " " 81 John F. Henry, New York. Towels.-Continued. No. 3, White Cotton " 1, Brown Linen cc 9 ii cc " Striped Tripoli. Mount Eagle Trix-For the Breath Tryme-For the Breath. Tweezers-In variety Twine. Sea Island, pink, white and assorted Imperial Linen, assorted Linen Jute Cotton. ... Wrapping Paper Tubing, I. R.. 1-16 " 1-8 " 3-16 " 1-4 " 3-8 « " 5-8 . ' " 3-4 " 1- " Syringe Ursina. Savage's, or Canada Bears' Grease Vosburgh's Vinaigre. Pinaud's Bully's Societe Hygenique, large and small Rimmel's " Violet's Bazin's • • Violet's Paris Specialties I have to request that parties who are unknown to me or who are not well rated in the books of the mercantile agencies, would remit cash with their orders, or send sat- isfactory city references, upon the receipt of which their orders shall have immediate attention. I shall not hold myself responsible for the execution of any orders not taken by my authorized agents, nor even then, should there be any doubt as to the standing of the parties ordering; nor shall I consider myself bound to fill orders given for goods that suddenly advance when such orders are limited to the price previous to the advance- At the same time I shall endeavor to give fair market prices at all times, so as to make it to the advantage of purchasers to give me their orders. When desired, I will effect insurance on goods shipped to order. A large proportion of medicines is put up in glass, and liable to breakage in transit. By careful packing, however, the probabilities of breakage are very materially lessened. The packing of every article is examined by two competent men, whose initials are attached to the in- voice. Bitters, liquors, etc., are sometimes abstracted en route. These are unavoid- able accidents, for which I can in no way be held responsible ; your recourse is upon the Transportation Co., or an Insurance account. Let each order, if three a week, state shipping directions in full. Orders received for goods not in stock, etc., will be filled to the best of my ability as your agent, and being paid for by me cannot be exchanged, or prices abated. I charge for Cartage, and for packed Cases. When original packages can be used, no charge is made. I much prefer remittances, and save considerable expense thereby. If you do not remit, drafts are always made at sight. I cannot control the Bank through which they will be presented. I am compelled to make all Bills net cash, funds par in New York, on presenta- tion of Invoice, or the unqualified acceptance of Drafts, with exchange. I respectfully solicit the trade of all dealers, both wholesale and retail, and shall en- deavor to give the utmost satisfaction in prices and in promptly filling their orders. The very large capital I have invested in this business enables me to carry heavier stocks than any other competing house ; and as no European house makes so extensive a specialty of proprietary medicines, it will at once be apparent that this is the lead- ing HOUSE OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD. Trusting, therefore, that you will find it to your advantage to favor me with your orders. I am, Your respectfully, 8 College Place, N . Y., July 1st. 1871. JOHN F. HENRY.