RULES AND REGULATIONS v OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF WILLIAMSPORT, PA. WILLIAMSPORT, PA.: GAZETTE AND BULLETIN PRINTING HOUSE. 1896. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF WILLIAMSPORT, PA. WILLIAMSPORT, PA.: GAZETTE AND BULLETIN PRINTING HOUSE. 1896. BOARD OF HEALTH, 1896. District. Name. Term Expires. 1. . . JOHN K. CRAWFORD. . . . 1901 2. . C. W. YOUNGMAN, M. D. . . . 1900 3. . . JAMES B. KRAUSE. . . 1899 4. . . . . D. T. MAHAFFEY. . . . . 1898 5. . . H. H. FESSLER, M. D. . . . 1897 OFFICERS. President—John K. Crawford, 313 Market Street. Secretary—D. B. Else, City Hall. * Health Officer—A. Fighter, M. D., 436 Market Street. Assistant Health Officer (Plumbing Inspector)—J. A. TuRNEK. COMMITTEES. Sanitary Committee—Dll. YOUNGMAN, PRESIDENT CRAWFORD and Dr. Fesslkr. Finance „Con}jB\ftee-w-Messrs. Mahaffey and Krause. Ast}liviin{S$\\i. K*rause and Dr. Richter. Regular meetings, first Monday of each month, at 7.30 o’clock P. M., at the office of the Board of Health. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE CITY OF WILLIAMSPORT, PA., Adopted Makch 27, 189G. A PORTION OF AN ACT Entitled “An act dividing the cities of this state into three classes, ’ ’ Ac., approved May 23, 1889: BOARD OF HEALTH. Section 1. The Councils of any city of the third class may, by ordinance, create a Board of Health as herein provided, with the powers and duties herein enumerated. Sec. 2. The said Board shall consist of five members, who shall serve without compensation, and none of whom shall be members of Councils. At least two of their number shall be reputable physicians of not less than two years’ experience in the practice of their profession. The Board shall be appointed by districts to be fixed by Councils, representing as equally as may be all portions of the city, and shall serve for the term of five years from the first Monday of April succeeding their appointment. The Mayor shall nominate, and by and with the consent of the Select Council ap- point the members of said Board, and shall in like manner remove any or all of them for official misconduct or neglect of duty, and fill all vacancies for the unexpired term. At the first appointment the Mayor shall designate one of the members to serve for one Article XI. year, one to serve for two years, one to serve for five years, ind thereafter one member of said Board shall be appointed anmally to serve for the term of five years. Sec. 3. The members of the Board shall severally take and subscribe the oath herein prescribed for city officers, and shall annually organize by the choice of one of their number as Presi- dent. They shall elect a Secretary not of their body who snail keep the minutes of their proceedings and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board, and a Health Officer uho shall execute the orders of the Board, and for that purpose the said Health Officer shall have and exercise the powers and authority of a policeman of the city. The Secretary and Health Officer shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the Board and shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the Board. They shall severally give bond to the city in such sums as may be fixed by ordinance for the faithful discharge of their duties, and also take and sub- scribe the oath required of members of the Board. All fees which shall be collected or received by the Board, or by any officer thereof, in his official capacity, shall be paid over into the city treasury monthly together with all penalties which shall be recovered for the violation of any regulation of the Board. The President and Secretary shall have full power to administer oaths or affirmations in any proceeding or investigation touching the regulations of the Board, but shall not be entitled to receive any fee therefor. Sec. 4. The said Board of Health shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to make and enforce all needful rules and reg- ulations to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious or contagious diseases, by the regulation of intercourse with infected places, by the arrest, separation and treatment of infected persons, and persons who shall have been exposed to any infectious or contagious disease, and by abating and removing all nuisances which they shall deem prejudicial to the public health, to enforce vaccination, to mark infected houses or places, to prescribe rules for the construction and maintenance of house drains, waste and soil pipes and cess-pools, and to make all such other regulations as they shall deem necessary for the preservation of the public health. They shall also have power, with the consent of Councils, in case of the prevalence or apprehended prevalence of any con- 4 tagious or infectious disease within the city, to establish one or more hospitals, and to make provisions and regulations for the management of the same. The Board may in such cases appoint as many ward or district physicians and other sanitary agents as they may deem necessary, whose salaries shall be fixed by the Board before their appointment. It shall he the duty of all phy- sicians practicing within the city to report to the Secretary of the said Board of Health the names and residences of all persons com- ing under their professional care afflicted with such contagious or infectious diseases, in the manner directed by the said Board. Sec. 5. The said Board of Health shall have power as a body or by committee, as well as the Health Officer, together with his subordinates, assistants and workmen, under and by order of the said Board, to enter at any time upon any premises in the city upon which there is suspected to be any infectious or contagious disease, or nuisance detrimental to the public health, for the pur- pose of examining and abating the same, and all written orders for the removal of nuisance issued to said Health Officer by order of said Board, attested by the Secretary, shall be executed by him and his subordinates and workmen, and the costs and expenses thereof shall be recoverable from the owner or owners of the premises from which the nuisance shall be removed, or from any person or persons causing or maintaining the same in the manner herein provided. Sec. 6. The said Board of Health shall have power to create and maintain a complete and accurate system for the registration of all marriages, births and deaths which may occur within the city, and to compel obedience to the same upon the part of all physicians and other medical practitioners, clergymen, magistrates, undertakers, sextons, and all other persons from whom informa- tion for such purposes may properly be required. The Board shall make, and cause to he published, all necessary rules and regulations for carrying into effect the powers and functions with which they are hereby invested, which rules and regulations, when approved by the Mayor, shall have the force of ordinances of the city, and all penalties for the violation thereof, as well as expenses neces- sarily incurred in carrying the same into effect, shall be recover- able for the use of the city, in the same manner as penalties for 5 the violation of city ordinances, subject to the like limitation as to the amount thereof. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to submit annually to Councils, before the commencement of the fiscal year, an estimate of the probable receipts and expenditures of the Board during the ensuing year, and Councils shall then proceed to make such appropriation thereto as they shall deem necessary; and the said Board shall, in the month of January of each year, submit a report in writing to Councils of its operations for the preceding year, with the necessary statistics thereof, together with such other information or suggestions relative to the sanitary condition and requirements of the city as it may deem proper, and Councils shall publish the same in their official journal. It shall also be the d uty of the Board to communicate to the State Board of Health copies of all its reports and publications, together with such sanitary information as may from time to time be required by said State Board. 6 FILE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. Bill No. 410. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the appointment by the Mayor of a Board of Health. Providing for the organization of the Board, the election of a Secretary and Health Officer, fixing the amount of bond of Secretary and Health Officer, and dividing the city into Health Districts. Approved, July 29, 1890. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Select and Common Councils of the city of Williamsport, That immediately after the passage of this ordinance, and annually thereafter, at the time and in the manner fixed by the act of May 23, 1889, the Mayor shall nomi- nate, and by and with the consent of Select Council appoint a Board of Health, consisting of five members, who shall have and exercise the power and perform the duties under the provisions of the laws governing the city of Williamsport. At least two of said Board shall be reputable physicians of not less than two years’ experience in the practice of their profession. Sec. 2. The members of the Board shall severally take and subscribe the oath prescribed for city officers, and shall annually organize by the choice of one of their number as President. Sec. 3. They shall elect a Secretary not of their body, who shall keep the minutes of their proceedings and enter in a book to be provided for the purpose, and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board. Sec. 4. They shall elect a Health Officer, who may or may not be a member of the Board, whose duty it shall be to execute the orders of the Board, and perform the duties required by law. Sec. 5. (The Health Officer shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty.) (The' Secretary of the Board shall give bond in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duty.) 8 Sec. 6. The territory comprised in said city shall he divided for the purpose of this ordinance into five Health Districts in the manner following: The First and Eighth wards of the city shall comprise the First District; the Second and Third wards shall comprise the Second District; the Third District shall embrace all the territory in the city between Hepburn Street on the east, Campbell Street on the west, Susquehanna Eiver on the south and City Limits on the north; the Fourth District shall embrace all the territory in the city west of Campbell Street to Lycoming Creek from the Susquehanna Eiver to the northern boundary line; the Seventh Ward shall comprise the Fifth District. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE Board of Health of the City of Williamsport, Pa., Adopted March 27, 1896. Section 1. Any noisome matter, whether vegetable, animal, or otherwise; any pond or pool of stagnant water, or other nuisance of unwholesome things in the city, or within one mile of the boundaries thereof, which may be the occasion of infectious or contagious disease, shall he emptied, abated, removed or remedied by the person to whom the same belongs, or in whose possession, or upon whose property, it may be found. Sec. 2. If it shall appear that any of the said nuisances, as stated in Section No. 1, are caused or produced by any person or persons other than those on whose premises the said nuisance exists, or that the said nuisances are caused or produced by water, filthy, noisome or unwholesome matter flowing or running from the premises which may be in his, her or their occupation, the Health Officer shall then give direction to remove, cleanse, abate and remedy the same to the person or persons causing or producing such nuisance, or to the person or persons from whose premises, or from premises which may be in his, her or their occupation, the same shall flow. Sec. 3. No person shall cast into any street, lane or alley of this city, or shall suffer to run or be washed from any slaughter- house, stable, privy, yard or place, in his or her possession, into any such street, lane or alley, any blood, garbage, carrion, dead animals, dung, filth or noisome or offensive matter. Sec. 4. No person shall suffer any skins, swill or garbage, rags or other matter to be in a noisome or offensive state, within or upon property in his or her possession, within the limits of this city; or exercise within said limits any trade or manufacture that shall corrupt the air by offensive smell, and which can be pre- NUISANCES. 10 vented, abated or lessened, without detriment to such trade or manufacture, by modern appliances of art or science; or deposit in any open street, lane or alley, or near to any dwelling house, any contents of any slaughter-house, privy or stable, or any matter in an offensive state; or place or leave in any market house any offal or offensive matter; and any person having deposited or put at any place within the limits of this city any mass of matter that shall be offensive, shall immediately remove the same on the re- quirement of the Health Officer. Sec. 5. There shall be no hogs kept within the limits of the city, except on farms not yet laid out in lots and offered for sale. HOGS. Sec. 6. There shall be no slaughtering or dressing of slaugh- tered animals, nor rendering of tallow, within the limits of the city, except by farmers whose land is included in the city charter but not laid out in lots. SLAUGHTERING ANIMALS. Sec. 7. Every person keeping an oyster house or cellar, or owning or occupying as a tenant any place where oysters, clams and other marketable commodities are sold, shall remove the oyster or clam shells, or other refuse matter, from their houses, cellars, places or premises at least thrice in each and every week between the first day of May and the first day of November, and once a week in the other months of the year. OYSTER HOUSES. PROVISIONS. Sec. 8. No person shall sell or expose for sale any unwhole- some, damaged, decayed or spoiled provisions, meat, poultry, fruit or vegetables; and all dealers in provisions, meat, poultry, fruit or vegetables shall keep their stores, stalls or places of business in a clean and wholesome condition. EPIDEMICS. Sec. 9. In case of the prevalence, or of reasonable ground to apprehend the prevalence of infectious or contagious diseases in this city, the Board shall direct specially the cleansing of houses, cellars, yards or such other places as they may consider requisite or prudent for the preservation of the health of the city, or for the mitigation of the disease; and shall establish hospitals, one or more, (by and with the consent of Councils), as they shall deem necessary, and make suitable regulations for their management. Sec. 10. In case of the prevalence of infectious or contagious disease in this city, the Board shall remove persons from filthy and noxious habitations, or from noxious and peculiarly exposed places, to other habitations, whenever majority of all the members of the Board shall determine that the faithful care of the health of the city, or any neighborhood thereof, requires such a measure. 11 SMALL-POX. Sec. 11. The medical attendant in all cases of Small-pox, Varioloid, Cholera (Asiatic), or Typhus Fever shall within six hours after the diagnosis of the same report the same to the Health Officer in person, by letter or upon blanks furnished by the Board. Sec. 12. Any person affected with Small-pox shall he isolated as much as possible from the rest of the family and others, and shall occupy a room that has been stripped of all unnecessary furniture, such as carpets, cushioned chairs, lounges, window cur- tains, clothing, etc.; and the room occupied by the person so affected shall have the paper scraped off the walls, the walls white- washed, the floor scrubbed and the room thoroughly fumigated and ventilated, and the clothing and bedding disinfected before a permit shall be granted to remove the red mark. Sec. 13. No person recovering from the disease of Small-pox shall be permitted to appear upon the public streets of the city of Williamsport until he or she is provided with a certificate from the attending physician, stating that all danger from contagion, by reason of such disease, has passed away. Sec. 14. Every person dying of Small-pox in the city of Wil- liamsport shall be removed and buried or cremated from the place of his or her death within twenty-four hours after such death. REPORTING DISEASES. Sec. 15. The medical attendant in all cases of Anthrax (Splenic Fever), Actinomycosis or Kay Fungus, Bubonic Plague, Diphtheria, Membraneous Croup, Diphtheritic Croup, Scarlet Fever, Yellow Fever, Typhoid Fever, Relapsing Fever, Spotted Fever (Cerebro 12 Spinal Meningitis), Consumption of the lungs or tubercular disease which is active in any part of the body, shall report within twenty- four hours from the time of diagnosis, which shall be made at the earliest time possible, the age, sex, color, residence and gen- eral conditions surrounding such cases to the Health Officer, either in person, by letter or on blanks furnished by the Board. Cases in public hospitals of above diseases shall be exempted from such report. CERTIFICATES OF DEATH. Sec. 16. The medical attendant in all cases of death shall, upon request of undertaker or nearest relatives, furnish a certifi- cate of death, stating age, sex, color, residence and cause of death. If no diagnosis can be made, a post-mortem examination shall be held to determine the cause of death. In case of death where no physician has been employed, the cause of such death being apparent, any physician, who has ex- amined the corpse, can issue a certificate upon application, there being no unsettled Medico-Legal questions involved; otherwise it shall be reported to the Coroner or other legal authorities. Sec. 17. Physicians or mid wives shall report within one month from date of occurrence all births at which they shall officiate, upon blanks furnished by the Board, or by letter, stating the date of such birth; also sex, color, place and name of parents. In cases where no physician or midwife is in attendance it shall be reported by the father, or where the father is unknown, by the mother or the occupant of the premises where such birth occurs. BIRTHS. MILD CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Sec. 18. In epidemics or endemics of the milder contagious diseases, such as Varioloid (Chicken Pox), Measles, Whooping Cough, Pink Eye, contagious Ophthalmia, Scabies (Itch), Hun- garian Itch, German Measles (French), Erysipelas, or any form of Parasitic diseases affecting the attendance at the respective school buildings, shall be reported to the Health Officer by the Principals of such school buildings as soon as evidence of such epidemic or endemic is apparent. 13 Sec. 19. Undertakers officiating where death has occurred from any contagious disease whatsoever shall direct that all cloth- ing shall he destroyed or properly disinfected which has come in contact with the corpse. The corpse shall be swathed in disinfect- ants and the funeral held as soon as possible. Sec. 20. In cases of Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, Small-pox, Asiatic Cholera, The Plague, Spotted Fever or Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, no public services or public funeral shall be held, and no undertaker shall allow such public services where he officiates. Sec. 21. No undertaker shall bury or cremate any person with- out a proper certificate from a physician or other authorized per- son, and shall certify to such interment or cremation, giving name and date. Sec. 22. All undertakers must register in a book to be kept by the Board of Health. UNDERTAKERS. Sec. 23. No sexton of any cemetery within this city, or within one mile thereof, shall inter any body unless accompanied by a physician’s or undertaker’s certificate of death in accordance with the rules of the Board of Health, and shall make weekly returns of all interments to the Secretary of the Board of Health. CEMETERIES. DEATHS. Sec. 24. When death occurs from any contagious disease it shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of the premises to thoroughly cleanse, fumigate and disinfect the wearing apparel, bed clothes, furniture used, and the rooms occupied by the deceased. DUTIES OF HOUSEHOLDERS. Sec. 25. When contagious diseases are reported to the Board of Health it shall be the duty of the occupant of the premises to remove the patient to secluded quarters, devoid as far as possible from such articles as carpets, rugs, pictures, Avail paper and super- fluous furniture or clothing, to provide disinfectants and prevent unnecessary visits of relatives, friends or neighbors. PLACARDED HOUSES. 14 Sec. 26. Where premises are placarded in cases of DipTitheria, Small-pox, Typhus Fever, Asiatic Cholera, Spotted Fever or Cere- bro Spinal Meningitis no person shall enter the house or rooms oc- cupied by such cases unless in the capacity of nurse, purveyor of necessary articles of subsistance, physician, minister or under- taker; and they must observe all the recognized rules to prevent the becoming of carriers of contagion. DISEASES TO BE PLACARDED. Sec. 27. Upon notice from physician in attendance that Diph- theria, Scarlatina, Diphtheritic Croup, Membraneous Croup, Asiatic Cholera, Cerehro Spinal Meningitis (Spotted Fever), Small- pox or Varioloid exists upon any premises the Health Officer shall cause a placard to be placed on the house in a conspicuous place, with the name of the disease existing on the premises, said placard to remain thereuntil the Health Officer permits its removal, which shall not be until the premises or rooms occupied by the person with such disease has been cleansed, fumigated and disinfected. In case any of the above diseases are suspected to exist and the Health Officer has not been notified, the Health Officer shall investi- gate the case and placard if necessary. No one shall alter, destroy or remove placards of diseases except by order or permission of the Health Officer. Sec. 28. In cases of Small-pox, Varioloid or Asiatic Cholera a red flag at least eighteen inches square shall be placed near the placard of disease, and shall not be removed or destroyed except by order or permission of the Health Officer. COMPLAINTS. Sec. 29. Complaints of the violations of rules of the Board of Health or nuisances shall be made in writing, and signed with name and address of the party making the complaint, and shall be addressed to the Health Officer. The following are hereby designated as the general duties of the Health Officer of the city of Williamsport, in addition to the dirties prescribed in the Rules and Regulations heretofore adopted GENERAL DUTIES OF HEALTH OFFICER. by the Board, and such special duties as may be assigned him by the Board of Health, or its committees, at any time : He shall make a thorough examination of all streets and alleys within the city, to see that the same are kept in good sanitary con- dition, twice every month, from the first day of April until the first day of November of each year, and once a month for the balance of the year. The Health Officer shall see that all rules and regulations made by the Board of Health are maintained and enforced. Whenever he shall find parties maintaining a nuisance in any form, or vio- lating any of the rules and regulations of the Board of Health of this city, he shall give such offending parties a written or printed notice to comply with such rules and regulations within a given time, and in case of a nuisance, to abate the same within a stated time, which time shall be fixed at the discretion of the Health Officer, and in case the notice shall not be complied with, then the Health Officer shall notify the Board of Health. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to see that the rules relating to registration are properly complied with. He shall annually prepare for publication a report of all deaths recorded in the office during the year, to be submitted to Councils in connection with the annual report to be made by the Board in compliance with the Act of Assembly, and no publication shall be made, nor shall any bill be contracted by the Health Officer, in his official capacity, unless authorized by the Board. The Health Officer shall attend all meetings of the Board, and make brief monthly reports of the sanitary condition of the city, furnishing the Board all information he may have relating to sanitary matters. J. K. CRAWFORD, President. Adopted March 27, 189(5. 15 HEALTH OFFICER. Sec. 30. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to investi- gate all complaints of violations of rules of the Board of Health, or of the existence of nuisances made in the regular way as soon as possible, and to endeavor to ascertain the violators or parties com- mitting the nuisance, to notify them to abate the nuisance within 16 a reasonable time; also to make monthly reports to the Board of Health. If nuisances are not abated as per order of the Health Officer he shall notify the Secretary of the Board of Health, and if the viola- tion or nuisance is a menace to the public health the Secretary shall call a meeting of the Sanitary Committee, who shall visit the premises or otherwise investigate the nuisance or violation of the rules and report at the next meeting of the Board of Health. The Health Officer shall have the power to enforce forthwith the observance of the rules and regulations of the Board of Health and abate nuisances. The Health Officer shall advise with the San- itary Committee of the Board of Health upon all important mat- ters touching his duties, and shall not bring any suit or incur any expense without being authorized so to do by the Board of Health. When a contagious disease is reported, according to the rules, the Health Officer shall investigate it, and if such disease exists he shall placard the premises according to the rules. If the disease does not come under the rules for placarding he shall instruct those in charge of the patient, if he deems it necessary, how to avoid future contagion, and furnish printed copies of the rules of the Board of Health in relation to the disease existing on the premises. In case of doubtful diagnosis the Health Officer shall call to his aid the Bacteriologist of the Board of Health. OFFICE OF HEALTH OFFICER. Sec. 31. The office of the Health Officer shall be at the rooms of the Board of Health in the City Hall. He shall he at said office for one hour each day, the time to be fixed and notice placed on the door of the office. In case of ab- sence from the city or by reason of illness the Health Officer is unable to attend to his duties, he shall have power to appoint., temporarily, a substitute, who shall preferably be the Secretary of the Board of Health or Plumbing Inspector, or Assistant Health Officer; said substitute to have all the powers of the Health Officer. SECRETARY OF BOARD OF HEALTH. Sec. 32. The Secretary of the Board of Health shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Board and keep accurate 17 minutes of the same. He shall, upon request of the President or three members of the Board, or the Health Officer, call special meetings and duly notify the members. He shall have charge of the rooms of the Board and be responsible for the same. He shall have charge of all accounts, bills, papers, placards, pamphlets, rules, blanks, books, registers, etc., belonging to the Board. He shall keep all registers up to date and have them always open to the inspection of the Board, Health Officer and the public. He shall, upon request of the Health Officer or President, call meetings of the Sanitary Committees, and shall, if requested, keep minutes of the same, and shall, upon request of the Health Officer, temporarily act in his stead in case of absence or illness of that officer. Sec. 33. The Bacteriologist shall, upon request of the Health Officer, investigate doubtful cases of contagious diseases and report to said officer as soon as practicable; a fee of two ($2.00) dollars to be paid for each investigation. BACTERIOLOGIST. Sec. 34. The chemist shall examine all cases referred to him by the Health Officer and report as soon as practicable; the fee to be fixed for each case. CHEMIST. SANITARY COMMITTEE. Sec. 35. The Sanitary Committee shall, upon notice from the President of the Board of Health (who shall be Chairman of said Committee), or the Secretary of the Board, meet, investigate and report to the Board of Health upon all cases of nuisances commit- ted or maintained, which shall be brought before it. Sec. 36. Vaccinators appointed by the Board of Health shall be under the supervision of the Health Officer, to whom they shall report. VACCINATIONS. Sec. 37. The Plumbing Inspector shall be the Assistant Health Officer, who shall have especial care of all books, blanks, papers, etc., appertaining to plumbers and sewers. He shall make PLUMBING INSPECTOR. 18 regular monthly reports to the Board of Health of work done. He shall keep certain daily hours at the office of the Board of Health, and give notice of the same on door of office. He shall especially be well posted on the rules for plumbing and sewers, and see that no rules are violated. He shall attend all regular meetings of the Board of Health, and special ones when requested. This is to certify that the foregoing revised rules and regula- tions of the Board of Health were passed and adopted March 27, 1896, D. B. ELSE, Secretary. Approved April 4, 1896. W. G. ELLIOT, Mayor. BARNS AND STABLES. Sec. 38. All private barns and stables within this city, except those owned by farmers whose land is included in the city charter, hut not laid out in lots, shall he constructed according to sanitary requirements. All fronts of barns and stables facing streets or alleys shall be tightly closed, except doors used for ingress and egress. All openings needed for side air ventilation shall he placed in the ends or sides of the building facing the lots and not in alley or street: Provided, such openings are not within fifty feet of any dwelling house. All stables or barns that contain two or more animals shall he provided with high ventilating shafts through the top of the roof, to obviate the nuisance of fouling the surrounding air; and all barns and stables must have solid and not hollow floors, in connection with solid walls, where the animals stand. All manure must be kept in tight boxes or in cel- lars, and not more than two two-liorse loads of it shall be allowed to accumulate at one time, and its removal governed by the fol- lowing restrictions: All citizens having large and commodious barns or stables, keeping the manure inside the building to admit of loading it there, with closed doors, under effective roof ventilation, can load and remove the same at any time: Provided, No nuisance is committed thereby to the public, but citizens who do the work openly in the street, alley or yard, must do the loading of the manure as hereafter specified, viz : from the first day of April to the last day of September, between the hours of 11 P. M. and 5 A. M., and from the first day of October to the last day of March, between the hours of 10 P. M. and 6 A. M., but no manure shall be removed except in a tight vehicle, so protected that the manure in process of removal may not be dropped or left in any street, road, lane or way of the city. 19 Sec. 39. All livery, sale or boarding stables must be high and roomy from floor to ceiling, and must be provided with large ven- tilating shafts carried above the top of the roof; they must also have a thick outer wall, the floorings of the stalls to be constructed of material that will not emit sound caused from the pawing and stamping of animals ; also be provided with proper sewer connec- tions to carry off the waste liquid. The manure must be kept in a cellar provided for that purpose, and when removed must be loaded inside the building. Proper sewer connections for washing vehicles must be provided. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Sec. 40. All kitchen slops or garbage prepared for removal from the premises, shall be so removed in close carts or covered vessels, between the hours of 8 P. M. and 6 A. M. GARBAGE. PRIVIES AND CESS-POOLS. Sec. 41. No person shall remove, or cause or allow to be re- moved, the contents of any privy well or sink within the jurisdic- tion of the Board of Health, without first being licensed by the Board of Health to do so, and obtaining a permit therefor. LICENSES. Sec. 42. Every person desirous of being licensed to empty or remove the contents of privy wells and sinks shall make applica- tion in writing to the Health Officer, who, on being satisfied with the character of the applicant, and the security and tightness of his carts, shall grant him a license to the end of the current year. Every person desiring such license shall pay for the same at the rate of five dollars per annum; and whenever any such person shall desire, under his license, to empty or cleanse any privy well or sink, he shall first obtain from the Board of Health a permit to do so, at which time he shall furnish to the Secretary the name of the owner, agent or occupant of such property as shall so employ 20 him, to be mentioned in said permit and so recorded in the office, which permit shall particularly specify that the privy well or sink shall be emptied or cleansed between the hours of 11 o’clock P. M. and 4 A. M. from the first day of May until the first day of November, and between the hours of 10 o’clock P. M. and 6 o’clock A. M. during the other six months of the year, and shall state where the contents shall be deposited ; and if any such person shall, by himself, his agents or servants, remove, cause or allow, or assist in removing the contents of any privy well or sink, within said city, without having first obtained such permit, or shall do so at any other hour or hours than those specified in such permit, or shall deposit the contents of a privy well or sink at any place not designated by the Health Officer, he shall for every such offense be liable to such penalty as may be imposed under Section 48. PERMITS. Sec. 43. The price of each permit for the removal of night soil issued in the months of May, June, July, August and Sep- tember, shall be two dollars; permits issued at other times shall be without charge. Sec. 44. All privy wells dug or sunk in the city of Williams- port shall he in depth twenty feet, and shall be walled up with brick or stone; provided, that where rocks occur, or water per- manently springing or flowing into the well from beneath the surface of the ground, or other natural obstacle render it, in th judgment of the Health Officer, inexpedient that any well should be made of the depth of twenty feet, such well may be sunk to any depth less than twenty feet and not less than six feet, at the dis- cretion of the Health Officer, who shall consider the circumstances of the particular case, and direct such depth as he may deem expedient. CESS-I’OOLS. Sec. 4o. Every person or company selling milk in the city of Williamsport, must give liis or their name or names, with the name of dairy and where located, with the number of cows kept for dairy purposes to the Secretary for (gratuitous) registration, and the name of dairy, with the name of the owner or owners, MILK DEALERS. 21 shall be conspicuously printed in large letters on the wagon used for milk delivery. Sec. 46. There shall be no selling of milk within the limits of the city of Williamsport from any dairy feeding glucose refuse, brewers’ grain or distillery swill to milk-yielding cows, and every milk dealer shall, upon demand by the Board of Health, or the Health Officer, furnish a sample of milk and cream for analysis; and shall, at all times, upon demand, submit his wagons, cows, stables and dairy to inspection by the Board of Health or the Health Officer. Sec. 47. If any person shall violate any of the provisions of these Rules he shall be deemed guilty of committing a nuisance, be liable to such penalty as may be imposed under Section 48, and if any such person shall, after notice by the Board of Health or the Health Officer, as required by law, neglect or refuse to re- move or abate such nuisance, the said Board of Health or the Health Officer shall at once remove or abate the nuisance com- plained of; and the costs and expenses thereof shall be recoverable from the owner or owners of the premises from which the nuisance shall be removed, or from any person or persons causing or main- taining the same, in addition to such penalty as may be imposed under Section 48, and in the same manner. Sec. 48. Any person or persons violating any of the above rules and regulations shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, recoverable, with costs, together with imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, if the amount of the judgment and costs shall not be paid, before any alderman of the city. [All blanks required by the foregoing rules and regulations will be furnished on application to the Secretary of the Board of Health, free of expense.] Adopted August 19, 1890. J. K. CRAWFORD, Attest : President. J. J. Galbraith, Secretary. Approved August 25, 1890. F. H. KELLER, Mayor. I N 1) EX. Page, Board of Health, 1896 2 Portion of Act of Assembly dividing the cities of this state in- to three classes 3 Ordinance providing for the appointment of a Board of Health. 7 Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health— Nuisances 9 Hogs 10 Slaughtering animals 10 Oyster houses 10 Provisions 10 Epidemics 10 Small-pox 11 Reporting diseases 11 Certificates of death 12 Births 12 Mild contagious diseases 12 Undertaker's ’ 13 Cemeteries 13 Deaths 13 Duties of householders 13 Placarded houses 14 Diseases to be placarded 14 Complaints 14 General duties of Health Officer 14 Health Officer 15 Office of Health Officer 16 Secretary of Board of Health 16 Bacteriologist 17 Chemist 17 Sanitary Committee 17 Vaccinations 17 Plumbing Inspector 17 Page. Barns and stables 18 Livery and boarding stables 19 Garbage 19 Privies and cess-pools 19 Licenses 19 Permits 20 Cess-pools 20 Milk dealers 20