Girm, tacferfa, -«f Fungus Destroyers MICROBES AND THE jniGnOBE Theqby SHOWING HOW MICROBES CAUSE DISEASE AND HOW THEY ARE DESTROYED BY Wm. Radam’s Microbe Killer SO AS TO PREVENT AND CURE DISEASE. If you will read this Pamphlet Carefully and thoroughly, you will be convinced 1st, That the Microbe Theory of Disease is correct. 2nd, That this treatment is rational and effective. 3rd, That the Microbe Killer has done more to cure and relieve the afflicted, than any other known remedy. 4th, That it will cure you if you are sick. It will pay you to read the testimonials. We certify to their being genuine and reliable. You will find a parallel to your case in some of them. Don’t cast this little Book away after looking hastily over a few pages. It deserves a careful perusal and may prove to be your best friend. Hand it to some afflicted person. It may be a kindly act for which someone will be forever grateful. The Wm. Hadam Microbe Killer Co. JMo. 7 Laight Street, New York City. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS. X. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED if a disease of long standing is not cured in a short time. The medicine works strictly in the line of nature and removes a disease as it comes. Several months are required in many cases. The medicine is sure to do its work if given a chance. Jt must thoroughly cleanse the blood of all disease and purify the system, which it will do if given time. 2. IT LEAVES NO HARMFUL EFFECTS, no drugs in the system. It will not harm the teeth nor eat the lining of the stomach. Can be used as an eye-wash or an injection into the most delicate parts of the body without harm. Hence don’t believe if you are told (by parties who know nothing about it) that it is injurious.' 3. EXERCISE A LITTLE JUDGMENT as to its proper use. The same directions will not suit all cases. It is generally best to begin with No. 1 and take small doses, increasing gradu- ally until you know just how and when you can take it to derive greatest benefit. If it makes you feel weak or sick stop for a day or two or take less. Jf you are not certain about the action of the medicine or would like more definite information, call upon or send inquiry to the office, giving full particulars. No charge is made for consultation. 4. BETTER RESULTS GENERALLY FOLLOW when medicine is taken a half-hour or more before meals. But in some cases of dyspepsia, it works better taken after meals ; ex- perience will be your guide. When the food fails to digest and fermentation sets in, causing distress, or a feeling of fullness, or the formation of gases, also when Nausea ensues or a headache is threatened, or even after a headache is fully developed by taking three or four full doses after the meal, from twenty to thirty minutes apart, the process of digestion will be greatly aided and the pain and discomfort is almost certain to disappear. 5. IN MANY CASES, notably rheumatism and consumption, patients appear to be worse soon after using the medicine. The cause is reaction, the medicine grappling the disease. Moderate its use or stop entirely for a few days. Don't take too much to begin with and always commence with No. /. 6. IF YOU DERIVE BENEFIT from the use of Microbe Killer, be kind enough to report the fact and allow us to refer to you as having been helped. Jt may be the means of leading others to health, who would not try the medicine on an uncertainty. We do not ask a testimonial, but simply to be permitted to refer to you. Jf you derive no benefit, please report the same, and we may be able to discover a cause unknown to you. gladly do all in our power to effect a cure. And we believe the cases are few which this medicine will not reach. 7. IT IS WELL IN LOW AND CHRONIC CASES to begin with small doses. This medicine takes vigorous hold of some diseases, as rheumatism, syphilis and some skin diseases. Take but two tablespoonfuls four times daily for three or four days. Three tablespoonfuls for four days then four tablespoonfuls for Regular dose. Fill from the Jug a pint or quart bottle, keeping both tightly corked. Use from the Bottle, and refill when empty. 8. IT HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED by various experiments in the use of the Microbe Killer that it is not only a remedy suited to long-standing chronic complaints, but that it is a certain and speedy cure when the body is first attacked by disease. At such times doses must be more frequently given. Pronounced attacks of pneumonia have been entirely broken in twelve hours. Fevers from six to twelve hours. One physician writes us that his daughter was taken down with a “Violent Fever.” Half wine glass doses were administered every half hour, and by morning the fever had entirely abated, and in a few days the patient was again in school. La Grippe invariably yields in a few hours to proper treatment. The various fevers will yield to this prompt treatment. Jn all such cases, give the equivalent of two to four table- spoonfuls, at intervals of one half hour at first, lengthening the intervals as the medicine takes effect. 9. IT IS AN IMPORTANT FACT that when kept on hand and administered promptly at the first appearance of any illness, it immediately checks the threatened disease. A prompt use of the Microbe Killer in every instance proves effectual in restoring health. We consider this element of more importance than its power over chronic troubles, and would request a fair and faithful trial in incipient and ever violent attacks. This point cannot be emphasized too strongly. Use promptly and freely when first attacked, and an equally prompt restoration will follow. Don’t fail to read the testimonials. LADIES, THE last page but one is exclusively yours ; you should read it carefully. If you have doubts about this medicine, or if any one has tried to poison your mincf against it, read the last page; it will prove very in teres tins?. Beware of Imitations Read Carefully the Following Directions. The action of the Microbe Killer is directly upon the blood. Its operation is not to tem- porarily allay the symptoms of disease, but to affect radical and permanent cures, through an absolute purification of the diseased organ or diseased system from all foreign life. It acts according to natural law and is an aid to nature. If the disease be of sudden devel- opment, such as diphtheria, pneumonia, cholera, etc., its operation must be equally prompt ; but where it has been years in establishing itself, as in many cases of rheumatism, consumption, cancer, etc., months may be required to eradicate it. The sick must remember that it is necessary, to a lasting and constitutional cure, to remove not only the active present cause—the developed microbe—but to destroy the vitality of the microbe seed. It is to the hidden and passive seed that the relapse, after apparent convalesence, is so often due. The treatment must be persistent and radical. In chronic diseases, nothing short of a blood-cleansing equivalent to constitutional purification must be aimed at. The sick must be patient. They must remember that the duration of treatment must be proportioned to the period of development. Intelligent judgment must be exercised by each individual patient. If weakness or sickness ensues upon the first internal use of the medicine, attended possibly by slight skin eruptions, let the medicine be discontinued for a day or two. The symptoms are not unfavorable, but the discomfort is unnecessary. In all cases see that the bowels are kept open. The poisons of disease, released by the Microbe Killer, must be eliminated from the system by the natural process. The same directions will not suit all cases. While some patients are susceptible, deriving immediate benefit, others require a much longer time. The difference is in the person, not in the medicine. But generally in low and chronic- cases, begin with small doses—a tablespoon- ful three times daily, gradually increasing to two and then to three tablespoonfuls four times a day. For information, in special cases, send inquiry to the office. No charge for consulta- tion. To prevent escape of the curative gases, keep the jug well corked or use from bottle, to be replenished as required. In cases of rheumatic and surface inflammations and soreness, use the medicine as a com- press, i. e., with saturated flannel and dry cloth covering. This compress is remarkably effective in all throat affections. For rectal and vaginal troubles, use by injection. In sore throat or nasal irritation from colds, gargle wrell and apply through the nostrils. In catarrh, a nasal douche, twice a day, from a wineglassful of Microbe Killer added to half a pint of warm water, will prove per- manently curative. Microbe Killer is nature’s simple and honest remedy—pure water powerfully charged with &erm-destroying gases. It is harmless to the teeth, and to the lining of the stomach, is free from taint of drugs, and no ill results can attend its continued use for the time necessary to absolute blood-cleansing and the constitutional cure of chronic diseases. In deeply seated cases, for the entire destruction of germ and seed, nature may require that the system be saturated with the medicine for several months, pending the formation of new blood and new tissue. The virtue of Microbe Killer is not in instantaneous operation, but in the certainty of ultimate cure wherever it is allowed to do its work to the end. Some have discontinued its use because at first they felt worse instead of better. This was the BEST EVIDENCE OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE MEDICINE, and if they had taken it properly and continued its use, a perfect cure might have been expected. ALWAYS BEGIN WITH SMALL DOSES, and increase to regular dose as you find yourself able to take it. We especially request that you report results from using the medicine. We desire to follow each case to a cure. SPECIAL REQUEST. Please report when taking medicine, if results are not just what you expect. Many times the wrong number is taken ; sometimes the wrong quantity ; again, the time when taken may be changed to advantage. Our experience may be of help to you, and we will gladly answer any inquir - made in person or by letter. No charge for consultation. MIGEOBES^ As Described by Noted and Advanced Scientists. The word Microbe means small life, being derived from the Greek Mikros, small; bios, life. It was suggested by the late eminent French surgeon Sedillot, in a discussion which took place at the Paris Academy of Science on the ltth of March, 1878. He thought it the best word that could be used, as it only referred to small life, whether vegetable or animal, and decided nothing as to the nature of the beings in question. Since that time it has been adopted by the leading scientists of the couutry, aud is now fast coming into general use. This is as it should be, for Germ Theory offers a wide hel l for investigation of which the masses have heretofore known but little. This condition of things cannot long continue as the influence exerted by the Micro-organism, known to the people as germs, is too great for them to very long consent to remain ignorant of the part that they play in the general economy of nature. In addition to useful microbes there are others which are injurious to us, and a large number of diseases to which men aud domestic auimals are subject. The germs of these diseases, which are only the spores or seeds of these microbes, float in the air which we breathe and in the water whieh we drink, and thus penetrate into the interior of our bodies. Hence we see the importance of becoming acquainted with these microbes. They are “the in- visible agents of life and death.” Early in 1he last century the great Swede Naturalist, Linnaeus said, “A certain number of diseases result from animated invisible particles, which are dispersed through the air.” MONSIEUR PASTEUR, who for years has made them a special study, first discovered that these minute insects were the causes of spreading the most deathly contagion, through their aston- ishing rapidity of reproduction. Pasteur discovered them in myriads in human blood, in sheep, rabbits aud rats. He found that the microbe was the direct cause of variolosis—or small pox— bronchitis, yellow fever and other contagious diseases. The microbe in the human system attacked by variolosis, is thread-like, cylindrical, somewhat swelled. It is the smallest of all powerfully magnified animal organisms. It breeds by the thousands per minute. Pasteur, after making a close study of the microbe, discovered that the quickest way to exterminate them was by the free inhalation of oxygen gas or by liquids charged with that gas, BUT ADMITS THAT THE TIME MUST COME WHEN SOME LIQUID WILL BE DISCOVERED THAT WILL EFFECTUALLY DESTROY THE- MICROBE, WHICH LIQUID MUST CONTAIN SUCH GASEOUS COMBINATIONS AS WILL DIRECTLY DESTROY IN THE HUMAN BODY, THOSE GERMS OR MICROBES OF DISEASE. PROFESSOR TYNDALL says of the microbe. “They are found in myriads and countless shapes, floating in the air, destroying man as well as beast and vegetation. The virtual triumph of the antiseptic system of surgery is based on the recognition of living eontagia or microbes, as the agents of putrefaction, and this discovery made, it behooves the closest study of the subject by the physician, surgeon, chemi«t, agriculturalist—in fact by all men, to endeavor to discover some POWERFUL LIQUID SUBSTANCE, HEAVILY CHARGED WITH SOME SO FAR UN- DISCOVERED GASEOUS SUBSTANCE THAT WILL PENETRATE THROUGH EVERY TISSUE OF THE HUMAN, ANIMAL OR VEGETABLE SYSTEM, AND EFFECTUALLY DESTROY THAT DEATH-DEALING PEST, THE MICROBE.” DOCTOR MacLAGAN, a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, says : “ The idea that many of the diseases to which man and the lower animals are subject from the presence in the system of minute organisms, is not a new one. 11 This theory has positively proved that many diseases are due to the presence and propagation in the system of minute living organizations.” “ It is evident,” adds this noted physician, “ that the destruction of these germs is as much a law of nature as their development; that tiie time must come when some powerful antidote will be discovered that will effectually destroy those germs, but that the antidote must be a liquid strongly impregnated with gaseous substance that will penetrate through entry part of the human system, and thus effectually exterminate those miuute microbes which, thus far, have defied all the most strenu- ous efforts known to the medical world. It is generally admitted that the large majority of epi- demic and contagious diseases which affect men and animals are caused by the introduction of certain kinds of microbes into the organism. In reply to the question how these microbes are introduced into the body, and where they are before entering it, it is easy to show that these microbes exist in immense numbers—they or their spores—in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the ground on which we tread, and whence there rises, whenever it is dry, a fine dusl; charged with all sorts of germs, which penetrate together with the air into our mouths and lungs. When these moving germs encounter a favorable medium, at once moist and warm, such as the human mouth or lungsvthey fasten there and and are immediately developed. A FRENCH WRITER SAYS: "The parasitic nature of CROUP and DIPHTHERIA, which had long been suspected, was only shown in 18S1 by the researches of two American physi- cians, Wood and For mad. In all cases of croup, the blood was full of microbes. All the organs, and especially the kidneys, were likewise filled with them. In Diphtheria, a child contracts a simple catarrhal angina, or laryngitis; the micrococci, which up to this time remained inert in the niou'h, begin t > grow and multiply under the influence of the inflammatory products which favor their development: the plant which has been dormant becomes widely diffused.” 4 IV U A XV • We Radam’s Microbe Killer eminent Scientists. Namely : That a genu- ine Microbe destroyer to be effective in eradicating diseases, and at the same time harmless to the human system, must be a liquid charged with some power- ful germ-destroying gas. THE MICROBE KILLER is strictly and only pure water charged with gases, which positively destroys microbes. A Valuable Scientific Discovery, For years, research and experiments have been made by scientific men and chemists to find an element of medicine that will destroy microbes in the system without injury to the person. It has fallen to the lot of a practical experiment- ing nursery man, Mr. William Radam, of Austin, Texas, to make this most valuable discovery. At first it was not known that it had any curative proper- ties, but by trial on persons afflicted with various diseases, it was found lo cure all those germ diseases which had heretofore been considered incurable. Further investigation demonstrated that it was a wonderful tonic and blood purifier, and acted directly on all the organs of the body, the Heart, Stomach, Liver, Bladder and Kidneys, as well as the Lungs; and parties afflicted with long-standing complaints, many so complicated that the best physicians laded to agree upon what they were, or how to cure them, have been completely cured by using Microbe Killer. It seems to make no difference what the disease is, nor how many complaints a person has, the medicine reaches them all at once. It looks reasonable enough, when we consider that there is but one cause for all diseases, namely, microbes, and any medicine that will destroy these microbes must necessarily remove the disease, whatever its name. Hence our claim that “RADAM’S MICROBE KILLER CURES ALL DISEASES.” At first it seems ridiculous, but second thought shows it to be entirely reasonable. Furthermore, actual experiments prove it to be true. Thousands have been entirely cured. It has been put to severe tests, but when faithfully used, the most satisfactory results follow. By its own merits it has forced its way among the people, until now the best families in the country are using it, and praising its virtues, clergymen, lawyers, judges, the best known business men, and even physicians. We ask you to consider whether any stronger argument than this could be used in its favor. These people are not deceived. Had it been of no value it would have produced no results. A CARD. WILLIAM RADAM has complied with all the requirements of law in obtaining a registered trade-mark, containing the words Microbe Killer (see cover). No jug is genuine unless stamped “ Wm. Radam’s Microbe Killer.” Has label, with trade-mark, as on front of the cover (with skeleton, etc.) stamped on lower right ''orner, factory 3, New York. Every jug is sealed and covered with a green cir'ular paper, with name and time trade-mark was regis- tered (December 13, 181'' Look out for fraudulent imitations. Please notify this office if you have rea on to think what you gat i« nat genuine. w HAT DOES It ADAM’S MICROBE KILLER DO* No amount of theorizing will satisfy the public. They require hard, solid facts. YVe arc prepared to meet just such a requirement. A single remedy has never heretofore cured so many people of such a variety of diseases within the space of one year. It is almost miraculous. We challenge the world to produce a parallel record. In nearly every case where the Microbe Killer has not produced the expected results, it can be shown that the medicine was not taxen in the manner to produce those results or was not continued a sufficient length of time. .A. YERT ITEM. Experience teaches that the same medicine must be taken by different persons in different ways. No stereotyped directions can be given for all cases. Each patient must exercise some judgment in the use of this medicine. Some take heroic doses and obtain the best results. Others must use a small quantity at a time. In general it is best to take small doses (of from one to two tablespoonfuls) frequently, aggregating from two to five wineglassfuls each day. An average wineglass contains four tablespoonfuls. For most complaints take the Microbe Killer on an empty stomach, one-half hour before meals. But for some forms of stomach troubles it may result better to drink the medicine after eating, taking three or four small doses fifteen minutes apart. This arrests fermentation, aids digestion and corrects acidity of the stomach. In time the ferment-germs will be destroyed and the stomach will have no enemy present to prevent its proper action on food. How can one medicine cure so many diseases? The fact is plainly shown that disease of different characters are readily overcome by this one remedy Only one conclusion can be drawn from this fact, namely : There is one common fault for different diseases. That cause is the deadly Microbe. If all diseases have a common origin whatever will destroy and remove that cause will cure disease, or more properly speaking, kill the disease ; nature is restored to her normal condition and Health is the inevitable result. Radam’s Microbe Killer does destroy these disease germs. This statement has now been abundantly proven and cannot be controverted. This explains wh) the Microbe Killer is so efficacious in restoring so many to health. It matters not what may be the name of the disease, it has its origin in the microbe and can be cured by the Microbe Killer, which attacks and destroys not the name but the root—the cause. SPECIAL DISEASES, And the Effects of the Microbe Killer Upon Them. ft OTUM A THIS distressing disease is classed as incurable. I fa ill Ah It can be relieved by inhalations of smoke produced by burning various ■ BBsf ini drugs, but no permanent cure is obtained. It is unquestionably of microbe origin, and the Microbe Killer has proven almost a specific for this complaint. If of long standing it will take a longer time to cure ; but that it does cure is conclusively shown by the many testi- monials given, and by the greater number who have derived like benefit but have given us no written testimonials. Prompt relief may not always be experienced, as with the smoke, for the Microbe Killer stirs up the disease, and in throwing it off may cause increased expectoration. Use the medicine in small, oft-repeated doses, gargling before swallowing. The same, sprayed into the throat through an atomizer, medicates the bronchial tubes and produces favorable results. Persistent use of Microbe Killer will cure asthma. A DDIRITRITO THE EFFECT°F microbe killer on cuts, bruises, AuuIUL.Ii I Ui burns, and any accident where the skin or flesh is bruised or injured, is truly marvellous. If it could be used in the operating room, in hos- pitals on the battlefield, many a life would be saved and much pain and suffering avoided. When an injury occurs the wound is immediately attacked with microbes floating in the air. These multiply so rapidly and work so furiously as to cause inflammation, soreness, and sometimes suppuration, gangrene, proud flesh, etc. If this attack of microbes can be prevented, none of these results will follow. We give you the results of actual experience. When the accident occurs 6 saturate the wound thoroughly with Microbe Killer, lay some lint or absorbent cotton over it and bind with a cl6th. Saturate this cotton with Microbe Killer and keep moist and note the result: In a few moments the pain will disappear; nature will commence the work of repair, without the hindrance of microbes, and in an incredibly short time the wound will be healed without soreness or pain. A gentleman, in opening oysters, by a sudden slip of the knife cut a deep gash in the fleshy part of his thumb, a long and deep cut, which laid the flesh open. After thoroughly cleansing the wound with Microbe Killer he tied it up and saturated the cloth with the medicine, and continued his work without pain. The day following he removed the cloth—there was no inflammation, no soreness, the edges had closed together, and, to avoid the risk of their being torn apart again, he applied court plaster. In a few days the wound was entirely healed and no inconvenience experienced. Another gentleman, who had a hard, cancerous lump removed from his mouth, said it healed in three days by frequently using Microbe Killer, to the great, astonishment of his surgeon. Equally good effects result in the case of burns. Take a good dose of Microbe Killer inter- nally and cover the burned parts with cotton or cloth thoroughly saturated with Microbe Killer. The pain will cease at once, and the burn will heal without a scar. If surgeons and hospital stewards would use the Microbe Killer in their practice, it would prove a valuable auxiliary and greatly facilitate the recovery of the patient. BLOOD PURIFIER. THIS IS THE SECRET OF THE SUCCESS OF the Microbe Killer. It cleanses the blood of all disease germs and restores it to a perfect condition. All diseases are in some way connected with the blood, and if the blood be good, with proper circulation, there can be no sickness. The Microbe Killer being composed of water and microbe destroying gases, quickly enters the circulation, and the gases are diffused into every part of the body and pene- trate every tissue, following the deadly microbe to its remotest lair and destroying it. Success has attended the use of Microbe Killer in blood diseases when all other remedies have failed. Parties thus afflicted will be cured if they will continue the use of the medicine until it has thor- oughly cleansed the system. BLOOD POISON. NO OTHER MEDICINE HAS PRODUCED SUCH marvelous results in cases of Blood Poison. The experience in this line alone is enough to convince the most skeptical that Radam’s Microbe Killer has virtues and capacities exceeding any other known remedy. THE CASE OF M. C. BATTY, of Meridian, Miss., has no parallel. A man literally alive with microbes, so that they were exuding from every square inch of his body until he became a loathsome object, a burden to his friends and a wretched sufferer who only longed for death to relieve him. The most skillful medical treatment failed to do him any good. At first he refused to use Microbe Killer, pronouncing it a humbug, (as so many do who judge without knowledge), but a personal friend was so urgent that consent was obtained, and the result is a complete restoration to health. He used eight or ten gobletfuls daily of No. 3, and saturated the sores with the medicine. He says that no one was ever before known to recover from such an advanced stage of putrefaction. A gentlemen poisoned himself by running a bone from a dead animal into his thumb. By night his arm had swollen to the shoulder and became exceedingly painful, with alarming symptoms and every indication of serious trouble. He wrapped the wound with cotton satu- rated with Microbe Killer, drank several doses at short intervals, and the following morning the swelling had disappeared, also the pain, and he had no more trouble with it. Such extreme tests show conclusively that the Microbe Killer will prevent blood poison if taken in time, and will cure the most aggravated case. It will also prove equally efficacious in DESTROYING THE EFFECTS OF POISON OAK. PARTIES TROUBLED WITH PIMPLES, BOILS and like indications of impure blood, should use Microbe Killer, as it certainly removes these disagreeable symptoms and pro- duces a healthy, ruddy appearance of the skin. Its use should be continued until the blood is thoroughly renewed. BRONCHITIS. THIS DISEASE IS VERY COMMON IN THIS CLIMATE and becomes troublesome and dangerous, leading to consumption. It should not be neglected. It has been very successfully treated with Microbe Killer. Indeed, the cases are rare that do not readily yield. Some have been most aggravated ; many had given up hope of recovery, were wasting away, and would soon have been the victims of death. Now they rejoice in health perfectly restored. We can refer to many such in this city. The Microbe Killer can be taken in small doses frequently, always gargling the throat before swallowing. As in all affections of the mucous membrane, increased expectorations may be looked for. This applies to bronchial catarrh and bronchial con- sumption. THE ATOMIZER IS USED WITH GOOD EFFECT IN BRONCHITIS and all throat affections. The tubes should be hard rubber, and not metallic. The Microbe Killer is used and sprayed into the throat until the air passages become thoroughly medicated. The spray can be breathed into bronchial tubes and lungs, and can be, for catarrh, exhaled through the nostrils. The treatment is efficacious for SORE THROAT, TONSILITIS, DIPHTHERIA and persistent, irritating coughs. We call especial attention to this use of the Atomizer, because the direct application of Microbe Killer to any diseased membrane is very healing, destroys inflammation, and in con- tact with phlegm loosens and dislodges it so that it is readily thrown off. For DIPHTHERIA it is a specific, never failing to cure that disease. The Microbe Killer destroys the membrane at once. Be faithful and persistent in treating Bronchitis, and you can be cured. Granulations in the throat are destroyed by Microbe Killer. BRIGHT’S DISEASE. We have been eminently successful in treating this dis- ease, parties having recovered who were apparently in the last stages. The action of the Microbe Killer is so favorable on the kidneys and digestive organs that almost every kind of kidney complaint is cured. FOR ALL DIFFICULTIES OF THE BLADDER THE MICROBE KILLER is most excellent; where the color of urine is wrong or sediment appears ; or inflammation and burning pain exists, the use of Microbe Killer will soon correct these difficulties. For CATARRH or inflammation of the bladder the Microbe Killer, diluted from one to three parts with warm water, can be injected into the bladder with good results. ARISES FROM IMPROPER INDIGESTION AND ASSIMI- LATION of food. Digestion is not confined to the stomach, but continues through all the digestive organs, and if any one of them J3 out of order, the health is affected. As the Microbe Killer is one of the best aids to digestion, and acts on the liver, it will cure biliousness. It should be taken in regular doses. If troubled with headache, as soon as it is threatened take a dose, and if not relieved in fifteen minutes take one-half dose and still another one or two at intervals of fifteen or twenty minutes. It will usually prevent an attack of sick headache. SO FEW ARE ENTIRELY FREE FROM CATARRH AND SO much money is spent in a fruitless attempt to obtain relief that it would be a Heaven-sent blessing if this medicine did nothing more than cure this one disease. The people have been deceived with so many “sure cures’* for catarrh that they are inclined to question even the truth. It is a satisfaction to know that the claim made for the M’crobe Killer is Fully Substantiated by the many severe tests to which it has been subjected, until it can be safely stated that there is rarely if ever a case of catarrh which this medicine will not cure, even when so bad as to be extremely offensive. The proper treatment is to drink the Microbe Killer three or four times a day for the blood, and to use it in the head night and morning. For this latter purpose use a douche by which the liquid is forced into the head by gravitation through a rubber tube ; or it can be snuffed into the head from the hand or a spoon, or through a little glass inhaler costing ten cents. In this treat- ment use from one-fourth to one-half Microbe Killer, balance warm water, and see that the preparation thus made does not pass into one nostril and out of the other, but is made to flow back into the throat and out through the mouth, thus thoroughly to saturate and medicate the entire cavity in the head and reach every part of the diseased membrane. When the head is filled with the liquid so that it begins to flow from the mouth, by removing the obstructions in the nostrils and snuffing up air, the water will be forced and sprayed into the head thus reaching the back and lower part of the throat. This treatment will prove effectual and if continued will cure any case of catarrh. Without making extravagant claims for this disease, it can be truthfully stated that the Microbe Killer has proven very efficacious in its treatment. It has been used in many cases of car *?.r, but generally not until the sufferer had exhausted every other means and had about abandoned hope. Even then great and unexpected relief has resulted, but so deep-seated had become the disease, and so weak the patient, that there was not strength to throw off the microbes as they were dislodged and destroyed. On the other hand, some have recovered—rescued from the very jaws of ieath. The treatment is to drink Microbe Killer as freely as possible, and keep it applied to the cancer. If discharging, it must be kept clean, every particle of pus removed at each dressing and absorbent cotton saturated with Microbe Killer pressed against the diseased parts. No. 2 is usually strong enough for this, although some prefer to u*« No. i It seems to lessen pain, and in some instances relieves it entirely. When it is consider < k» alarming is the increase BLADOER. BILIOUSNESS. CATARRH. GANGER. caucer on this coast and how inevitably iatai us resuus, n of hope can penetrate the darkness. We have repeatedly shown the living microbe of this disease under the microscope, thus proving it to be a microbe disease. CROUP. This disease, like diptheria, needs prompt treatment and being strictly of microbe origin, yields immediately to the application of Microbe Killer. Give small doses frequently, and keep the Microbe Killer applied to the throat as much as possible by spray, gargle or any simple application. It will be found a safe, speedy and Sure cure for croup, and can be safely given to the youngest child. A compress around the throat is helpful. When first attacked with the microbes which produce symptoms called “ a cold,” in other words, when you first catch cold, if you will drink a wineglassful of Microbe Killer and follow it up with other doses repeated every half hour (smaller doses tc suit your case), it will invariably break up a cold, and may save you from other and more serious troubles which result from colds. A compress of Microbe Killer around the throat at night is A cough is not a disease but an effort of nature to expel whatever excites the mucous membrane of throat or larynx. It can be relieved or made quiet by cough mixtures containing some preparation of opium, but can be cured by Microbe Killer. Take small doses frequently, gargling throat and letting Microbe Killer linger in the lower part of throat as long as possible. When obstinate, use the atomizer, medicating the throat and larynx with the spray. Persistent and unyielding coughs have speedily yielded Is pronounced incurable. The microbe of this disease was dis- covered by Koch (a German), in 1882. If the Microbe Killer can destroy and remove this an important question is solved. That it does is no longer a matter of doubt or experiment. It has cured so many of this disease, in all parts of the country, that living monuments exist in almost every city. The first person thus cured was Geo. Plummer of Travis County, Texas, whose testimonial was given in 1887, and appeared in our former pamphlet. Thousands since have lived to bless the day when they first used Radam’s Microbe Killer. It may not and does not cure all, for the reason that many wait until vitality is so feeble that there is not sufficient strength to throw off the disease. Even in such cases the medicine will greatly relieve, will cause easier expectorations and prolong life in more comfort. But where the patient has not waited too long, a cure may be most confidently expected. Care should be taken to use the medicine properly. Commencing always with small doses of No. 1, taken as frequently as may be found to produce most favorable results. It can be truthfully stated that no medicine has done so much for consumption as Microbe Killer that none will give such relief and satisfaction. In many cases months will be required to so overcome the rapidly developing microbe as to show perceptible gain. Do not be discouraged. You have doctored for years and grown steadily worse. You can afford to try Microbe Killer a few months when so much evidence is furnished of its efficacy. One prominent citizen stated that it kept him able to attend to his business which no other medicines had done and if required to continue its use for years, it was cheaper and better than whiskey, which the doctors insist on his drinking, and as he stated "it is the only medicine a consumptive can tie to." Pains in the chest can sometimes be removed by covering with a compress of Microbe Killer. Which is so effectual in removing pain and destroying all inflam- mation, is made of absorbent cotton, or flannel cloth saturated with Microbe Killer (either number which may be at hand), and laid upon the body over or around the affected parts. This should be covered with old dry cloths ora towel to exclude air. A piece of oil silk over the compress is best, and this covered with a towel as it holds the moisture in and prevents evaporation. Avoid letting the medicine wet any clothes, as it is liable to injure them. This will be more thoroughly treated under head of "Malaria." When attacked by a chill go to bed, cover up warm, take a good dose of Microbe Killer and repeat COLDS. COUGHS. CONSUMPTION. THE COMPRESS. CHILLS AND FEVER. the dose, or half dose, every twenty minutes until warmth and perspiration result; continue smaller doses at longer intervals. This will usually break up the disease. Continued use of Microbe Killer eradicates the disease entirely from the system. CHRONIC DISEASES of all kinds find their natural enemy in the Microbe Killer. The reputation of this medicine was secured by curing chronic diseases which baffled the skill of the regular practitioners and resisted every other method used. The success thus attained, the cures effected of cases beyond hope and pronounced incurable have caused much jealousy and provoked attacks from doctors and druggists which have been vigorously, but fruitlessly made, hoping thereby to destroy confidence in the medicine and break up this business. We are glad to note that the people investigate and judge for themselves, and are not altogether led and influenced by statements and charges which are so evidently prompted by personal interest and malice. 9 MICROBE KILLER CURES CHROMIC DISEASES when ail other remedies fail There is abundant evidence to substantiate this statement in the Thousands who have been cured. results from some form of indigestion, and is in many cases brought on by habitual inattention to nature’s call. It can usually be corrected by reforming the habit and forcing one’s self to be regular. Purga- tives seldom, if ever, restore nature’s powers. The Microbe Killer is not a purgative, but often acts as a regulator, and in three cases out of four keeps the bowels regular. Where it does not, we recommend injections at night, three times a week, of hot water, taken in copious quantity and as hot as it can be borne. This will be found very healthful, cleansing and healing. CONSTIPATION COMPLEXION. Nothing will give such a fresh, rosy and healthy complexion as the use of Microbe Killer. Makes good blood, which, in turn, carries only the best elements to rebuild and supply the waste pi ices. Many ladies have told us that they had no further use for cosmetics or powder. The ruddy, youthful look im- parted far surpassed all artificial attempts. Elderly persons grow younger, not only in looks, but in their feelings, and the change is very noticeable. From which almost nobody is free—is readily and quickly reached by Microbe Killer. It furnishes an element required in the process of digestion and enables nature to properly assimilate food and supply the body with healthy nourishment. Many a poor sufferer has found speedy and permanent relief in this valuable medicine. Where the food cannot be retained, but almost every meal is thrown up, the stomach is strengthened and soon no trouble of that kind is experienced, but the food is easily digested with comfort to the patient. Where fermentation sets in and gases form, or sour stomach or water brash result, or pain and distress follow eating, the Microbe Killer stops this fermentation by destroying the microbes which cause it, and the food is properly digested before it sours and rots in the stomach. We have had some of the most marvellous cures in this line, and believe that any form of dyspepsia or stomach trouble can be cured by Microbe Killer. Take the medicine regularly. If the best results do not follow its use before meals, or if fermentation sets in, take several doses after each meal—small or large as your experience shows to be the best. But little need be said of this dangerous disease, as few will have courage to trust to the Microbe Killer when attacked with it. If they could believe it, there is nothing which so quickly and so eekectually destroys the microbe which produces this disease as Microbe Killer. A thorough application to the throat will prevent the formation of the membrane, and when formed will destroy it. Take the Microbe Killer freely in small doses, gargle before swallowing, spray the throat thoroughly with atomizer and keep compress saturated with Microbe Killer around the throat. (See article on “ The Compress ”). Diphtheria has no terrors to those who use the Microbe Killer. is removed, and the parasites which caused it is destroyed by using Microbe Killer. Thoroughly saturate the scalp with Microbe Killer once a day ; cover with a cloth, or better, with a rubber cap or oil-silk, to keep the medi- cine from evaporation—a few such applications will suffice. If barbers knew its value as a head-dressing and face-wash after the shave, no shop would be without it—it would be a big card to draw custom. It does not injure the hair. DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRHCEA, and all diseases of the bowels are cured by this medicine. If very obstinate, use hot compress of Microbe Killer over the abdomen, and give injections of cooked starch mixed with Microbe Killer. Many lives have been saved when given up by physicians. has been greatly benefited, and in some cases fully restored, when caused by scarlet fever or catarrh. Use same as for catarrh. can always be cured by the persistent use of Microbe Killer. Sometimes it is quite obstinate and requires a long time, but it finally yields. The Microbe Killer should be drank freely, the parts frequently bathed and all excesses avoided ; also such food as is known to aggravate the complaint. Cases that have baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians have succumbed to persistent use of Microbe Killer. Treated same as Eczema, but yields more readily. A compress can be kept on the inflamed swellings. We are glad to state that several cases have been successfully treated, and we have yet to learn of one not benefited. Some are entirely cured ; others improve rapidly, with every indica- tion of an ultimate cure, . DYSPEPSIA- DIPHTHERIA. DANDRUFF DEAFNESS ECZEMA ERYSIPELAS. EPILEPSY-FITS. EYES. For sore or inflamed or granulated lids bathe freely with Microbe Killer No. 1 clear or diluted with warm water. If No. 2 is used dilute it with water, let the fluid run • . . lnto the eyes- The eyes can be bathed several times a day. There is no danger of injuring the eye. At saturate some absorbent cotton or cloth with Microbe Killer and lay over the eyes binding it on with a cloth tied around the head. Where the eyes are very bad this can be done during a part of the day also ; most gratifying results will follow and with much less pain and inconvenience than under the usual treatments. Always result from an attack of microbes, no matter what name may be given them. Hence all Fevers are Cured by the Microbe Killer. When first attacked drink the Microbe Killer freely in small doses. If throat is sore put a flannel compress around. If typhoid fever, keep compress over bowels. If very thirsty give Microbe Killer in small doses frequently. It will quench thirst better than anything else. A warm sponge bath (using hot Microbe Killer heated in a bottle), applied to only a portion of the body at a time to avoid taking cold, will be found beneficial. FEVERS FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Under this head we include ailments peculiar to women; suppressed or profuse or painful menstrua- tion, catarrh or ulceration or inflammation of the womb, Whites or Leucorrhoea and any kind of weakness. Microbe Killer is proving a greater bless- ing to women than any other known remedy. They have been the victims of most shameful practice and extortion, and anything that is an honest and beneficial remedy which they can use themselves without harm or trouble or pain, is truly a Heaven-sent blessing. Many a poor sufferer has been surprised and overjoyed to find herself speedily cured after years of ineffectual doctoring., The Microbe Killer rightly used will cure any of these complaints. Where injections are necessary or a more permanent application by the insertion of cotton saturated with Microbe Killer, it can be done easily by the patient. Where more particulars are needed, consultations are free and can be private, or letters of inquiry will be promptly answered. GENERAL DEBILITY. People get out of sorts, feel sick without knowing just what ails them, lack appetite, have no ambition and are easily fatigued, need a tonic, etc. For such the Microbe Killer is just the thing. It gives appetite, renews strength, restores vitality, aids nature to throw off lassitude and reassert its usual vigor. The English—whose testimonials come from the Lon- don factory, have coined a word which exactly fits the case. They call it a “ Wonderful Pick- Me-Up.” Use the wonderful Microbe Killer four times daily, a wineglassful at a time. GRAVEL. We have not heard of a single failure to relieve or cure this disease. It pre- vents the formation of stones and dissolves them when formed. HEART DISEASE often results from a disordered stomach, in which case it is always cured by Microbe Killer. Sometimes it is improper circulation of or impurities in the blood'. Microbe Killer always helps such |:ases. Great satisfaction will be experienced by its use. HEADACHE. Sick Headache is always cured by Microbe Killer. Sometimes the first dose will prevent its recurrence. Many who have suffered for years have not had a single headache since using Microbe Killer. Read the article on “ Biliousness." NERVOUS HEADACHE is not so quickly overcome, but only requires a little more >atience and persistence in using Microbe Killer. If bowels are constipated, take copious hot vater injections instead of purgative. (See article on Constipation). HEARTBURN. (See article on Indigestion.) INDIGESTION. Few are free from this ailment. When the stomach fails to perform its proper work a whole train of other complaints soon follows ; restore the stomach to a natural and healthy condition and the organs are isually restored also. There are many forms of Indigestion. The most common is fermenta- ton of the food, resulting in the formation of gases, which cause much distress, or.water-brash >r heartburn ; or the food seems to lay undigested like a dead-weight in the stomach. Whatever form may be taken the Microbe Killer, if properly used, will certainly correct it. dore people have used Microbe Killer for indigestion than for any other disease, and more have lerived benefit from its US'" than from any other remedy. Much depends on the manner of treat- nent. Generally it is best to take the Microbe Killer before meals, but in all cases of fermen- ation take it about fifteen or twenty minutes after meals. By a little thoughtful experimenting rou will soon learn how best to take it to derive the greatest benefit. If troubled with heartburn >r water-brash take repeated doses. INFLUENZA. Treat same as Catarrh. See article under that head. AONDICE Results from Indigestion and imperfect action oi the liver. 5e? articles "Biliousness ” and”1 Liver Complaints,” KIDNEY TROUBLE. Many people meet witn indifferent success in doctoring this con laint, and yet the Microbe Killer seldom if ever fails to cure. Even Bright’s Disease has been cured when in its most advanced stages. If food be properly digested and assimilated the kidneys will soon become healthy. But, in addition, the Microbe Killer acts directly on the kidneys and liver to eradicate riisease and strengthen them. Take the medicine four times daily. LIVER. As the Microbe Killer is the most efficient remedy for all forms of indigestion, it has proven the best for all liver troubles, and parties who have failed to obtain relief from other remedies are gratified to find themselves getting well by using Microbe Killer. like all contagious diseases, is caused by the Microbe. When the germ is sufficiently developed the patient is stricken down with fever and eruptions. Use Microbe Killer in small doses, frequently taken. Treatment is the same as for “ Fevers.” Our reports from agents located in malarial districts are most gratifying. They write that it seldom fails to cure this disease, and we believe it never will fail. If taken properly the increased vitality given to the system enables it to resist and throw off the disease. The germs of malaria are absolutely destroyed. (See directions for Chills and Fever). Drink as freely as you can. One strong man who had been reduced so as to be unable to work, suffering five years with malaria, drank a gallon of No. 2 in ten days, and was so rejoiced at his complete recovery that he came to the office to express his thanks. Discard your quinine, which only relieves, and take the Microbe Miller which cures. Treat the same as Rheumatism. A hot compress of Microbe Killer kept over the painful parts will sometimes give immediate relief. NERVOUSNESS AND NERVOUS DEBILITY. The Microbe Killer quiets the nerves and allays nervousness ; insomnia or sleeplessness is corrected, and people who before using Microbe Killer could not sleep now rest as peacefully as a child. As so often stated, the Microbe Killer supplies what nature lacks, relieves, restores, builds up and strengthens, so that every organ performs its proper function and all the system works harmoniously. OLD ACE GROWING YOUNG. It may seem extravagant to claim for the Microbe Killer the power to arrest advancing infirmity and make people younger, but such seems to be the fact. When carefully considered, it is reasonable. Natural vitality te increased ; the blood is not only enriched, but circulates better and reaches every tissue of the body ; the complexion becomes fresher and looks healthy. Several have told us that they have improved so much and feel and look so much younger that they believe ten years will be added to their lives. Elderly people should drink small doses at such times as they find will be most beneficial. Drink plenty of Microbe Killer and put a hot compress over the side affected. Keep warm and induce perspiration. This dangerous disease can be prevented and cured by the use of Microbe Killer alone. Drink in frequent doses, and use as a com- press over lungs and around throat. Drink regular doses four times daily ; bathe the anus night and morning with cleai Microbe Killer ; a small injection of Microbe Killer, either clear or half water, taken on retiring and retained, medicates the parts—not over ten or twelve table- spoonfuls can be used. For Itching Piles bathe as above, and at night saturate a sma! piece of cotton and press it tightly against the anus. Parties suffering from this disease will find great relief by using Microbe Killer. Many have been entirely cured. Parties who have used the Microbe Killer for paralysis have beer greatly benefited, and in some instances a second attack has been prc vented. MEASLES MALARIA. NEURALGIA. PLEURISY. PNEUMONIA. PILES. PARALYSIS. like malaria, is almost always cured by Microbe Killer, but i sometimes requires vigorous and persistent treatment. The dis ease is directly attacked by the medicine, and at first the symptom may appear worse. Some require but small doses—others take larger quantities. Each mus determine for himself after trial. Use the compress (see article on “ Compress ”) for all inflame< and painful swellings. If the disease be aggravated* or discontinue entirely for couple of days. The numerous testimonials show tfaat very severe cases have been cured ar many more as bad or worse have derived like benefit. RHEUMATISM Parties suffering from these distressing complaints can doctor themselves without examinations or incon- venience and at little comparative cost. The Microbe Killer has cured cases of many years’ standing which seemed past all hope. Drink freely and use as an injection. Keep the diseased parts clean, and, if any discharge, medicate and cleanse thoroughly with Microbe Killer. RECTAL TROUBLES. STOMACH. Many of the ailments of the stomach are treated under the head oi Indigestion and Dyspepsia. See these articles. The Microbe Killer is admitted to be the most efficient remedy of anything known for al stomach troubles. Parties who have suffered forty years have found speedy and permanent relief in the Microbe Killer. SORES indicat impure blood, and as the idicrobe Killer is a perfect blood purifier, i dries up the fountains which feed the sores, and they disappear. Even the mos aggravated varicose ulcers have been cured. See article on Blood Poison ant Blood Purifier. SCARLET FEVER. See the article on Fevers, and treat as there directed. The use of Microbe Killer not only lessens the dange and severity of the disease, but shortens its duration an. prevents the evils which so often follow. Keep a wet compress around the throat and giv spoonful doses frequently. TYPHOID. See articles on Fevers and Scarlet Fevers. SKIN DISEASES. whether itch, Eczema, tether, salt rheum, ringworm or dar druff, are caused by microbes, and are cured by Micro! Killer. When possible, use Microbe Killer externally an drink it freely. A compress kept over ringworm will destroy it. See the articles on Eczem and Dandruff. SCROFULA manifests itself in many ways, and can only be cured by the use of perfect blood purifier. (See article on Blood Purifier.) It is entire! eradicated from the sytem by Microbe Killer, which must be taken ; freely as the case will permit. SYPHILIS and all venereal diseases have been most successfully treated by the Microl Killer. Where there are discharges use an injection—clear or diluted wii warm water. Drink freely in small doses. If aggravated symptoms sho themselves, take less or discontinue for a few days. The Microbe Killer drives the disease oi not back into the system to reappear again worse than ever. TEETH. Many people have had fears about injury to teeth. There is no ground t such fears. Microbes cause decay of teeth, as of everything else. Mic'p Killer stops it and preserves the teeth. If the teeth are sensitive, so that; unpleasant sensation is experienced when eating, it can be avoided by taking the Microbe Kill through a tube or swallowing through the mouth without touching the teeth. Toothache speedily cured. See article on Pain. THROAT TROUBLES yield gracefully and readily to action of Microbe Kill' Dangerous attacks such as diphtheria and croup are treat under those heads. Quinsy is cured by frequent ini doses gargled before swallowing and a compress kept around the throat. Even ulcerated a granulated throats are quickly cured. The atomizer or spray is very beneficial in all thrt troubles. It can be freely used. result from Nature’s effort to throw off impurities. The discharge is a m. of living microbes. Any organ may become ulcerous, such disease be' named accordingly; as ulceration of the throat, stomach, bowels, womb, < It may sometimes be called catarrh of the throat, etc. Use Microbe Killer freely, both int nally and externally. Faithful use and application will produce entirely satisfactory results, and there is remedy so effective and so easily used as the Microbe Killer. The most aggravated cases varicoso ulcers, as well as ulcerated throats, etc., have been cured. ULCERS Use internally according to the general directions, giving to children so doses, from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful. Copious injections of water will aid in their removal. Tape wot ms have been expelled by MicroDe Kller. For these, abstain from food for a day and drink a few doses fifteen mini apart. WATER BRASH See articles on Indigestion and Dyspepsia. WORMS. WHOOPING COUGH. When first attacked take very freely in small doses continue as tne patient may be able to bear it. G; ling the thKpat with Microbe Killer after each parox will afford relief. The Price of the Microbe Killer Is three dollars ($3.00) for one gallon jug, cash accompanying the order. A case contains two. jugs, securely packed, price $6.00. The medicine will keep for many years if not tampered with. Always write your address as plainly as possible, and make all money orders, checks, drafts, etc., payable to the order of the company. In ordering Microbe Killer, please state how you wish it shipped, whether by freight or express. All letters asking for information should contain a stamp to insure a prompt reply, This medicine is pleasant to take, slightly tart, making it a pleasant drink. It increases [he appetite, relieves the feeling of fatigue and languor, and is strongly recommended to both ;ick and well. HONEST TESTIMONIALS THE MOST CON- VINCING PROOF. Vo the Intelligence of the Reader, in Sickness or Health, the following lines are respectfully addressed. Between waste and repair there is a constant struggle for supremacy in the human system. Vhere waste exceeds repair, the foundation for future trouble is being laid. Nature designed that human beings should pass out of existence by a slow and continuous rocess In primitive ages this was the rule, and it should be the rule to-day; but, instead, the olemn and lamentable fact confronts us that a majority of our race die before reaching the age f maturity. Why? Because waste is more rapid than repair. Doctors treat the different symptoms of disease with different medicines, thus exposing '-pair. Nature’s only means of preservation and perpetuation, both to the devastating effects of Lrong drugs, as well as the debilitating influence of natural waste. Is it any wonder that eat’n claims our dear ones when they have begun to live? Symptoms have all along been ustaken for disease and treated accordingly. Herein is made a fatal blunder, and herein lies le prime cause of an appalling death-rate. All true scientists and earnest and honest searchers after facts, and, indeed, ali broad- linded and investigating physicians in every country now proclaim that a large majority of the ifferent diseases have one and the same cause, viz., microbes. Either one or all of the different gans of the human system are liable to be attacked -by these diminutive destroyers, and each gan complains in its own peculiar way ; hence different symptoms. The same remedy that iccessfully banishes the insidious foe from the nasal passages will rout it from the stomach, e liver, or the blood. No matter where it locates, it produces fermentation, putrefaction, dis- .se and death. It follows that if microbes cause disease, the removal of the microbes from the ,tem means restoration to health. The same medicine that will from one organ U remove them from the entire system. For proof of our claim we earnestly ask you to read carefully the genuine and undeniable stimonials which follow in this book. These statements are from honest people, like your- lf, and written for no other purpose than a desire to inform you of the wonderful curative iwers of Radam’s Microbe Killer. A careful perusal of this book means a trial of this great panacea, and a trial means that e long your own glad testimonial- will be added to the many thousands now on file in our ice. Call and see them. We can'only publish a few. And while we are talking to you con- entially, we ask you to write to those giving the testimonials, sending a self-addressed stamped velope for reply. In nearly all cases you will receive a prompt answer. Read the evifence given by a few of the grateful thousands who have been restored to alth by this great remedy. Investigate the matter fully, and you will be more than con- iced that we have what we claim—the greatest discovery of the age—a Genuine Microbe Killer. By special permission we refer you to the persons named below as having used the crobe Killer themselves or in their families with good results. They are all well known, living or near Philadelphia: Mr. John Burton and Mr. Elwood Burton, Tullytown, Pa. Both these gentlemen are ectors of the Farmers’ National Bank, of Buck’s County, located at Bristol, Pa. Mr. Amos B. Headley, Tullytown, Pa., has been engaged in the lumber business in Tully- yn for some years. Mr. John V. Terry, of John V. Terry A Co., importers of tailors’ trimmings, southeast ner Eighth and Market streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Joseph W. Janney, wholesale lumber merchant, pier 37|, North Delaware avenue, iladelphia. Pa. Mr. George W. Waite, superintendent of the New York, Susquehanna and Western Rail- d, Jersey City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Waite had suffered from.malaria for years before taking Microbe Killer. Mr. O. T. Terry, of 0. T. Terry & Co., southeast corner Fourth and Market streets, impor- (■ of woolens. * Malaria and Hay Fever Cured. Rochester, N. Y., June 7, 1890. I had been suffering for twenty years with Malaria and Hay Fever and could find no relief from any physician’s prescription or patent medicine. I commenced taking Radam’s Microbe Killer in October, 1889, and have been in most excellent health and spirits ever since. Yours truly, Fred’k Klein, 11 Stone street. Muscular Rheumatism of Ten Years’ Standing Cured. Philadelphia, July 1, 1890. For the benefit of suffering humanity I herewith send you my testimonial. For the past ten vears I have been a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism, and could get no relief after employing the best physicians until I commenced taking your remedy, and I am happy to state that I have used only two jugs, and am entirely free from all pains, and feel like a girl of sixteen again. Quite a number of my friends have been likewise greatly benefited, and we are all thankful that there is still “ Balm in Gnead.” Mrs. S. Bennett, New Osborn House. A Certain Cure for Hay Fever. Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1889. I have suffered for years from Hay Fever and could find no relief whatever. Was advised to use Radam’s Microbe Killer, and after taking it for a while was entirely relieved. J would not be without it, and to those suffering with Hay Fever I fully recommend it as a certain cure. S. W. Preston. Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia Cured. New York, March 27, 1890. I am sorry I could not reply sooner to your request in regard to the virtues of your med- icine. I don’t think I could say too much for it. It has cured me of chills and fever and Dyspepsia. I could not sleep or eat anything. Now I sleep well, eat everything, and have gained in every way. I will tell every one all I know about it. The Microbe Killer is a delightful tonic. I am thankful I heard of it, it has done me so much good. I have not felt so well for years. Respectfully, Annie Cooley, 75 E. 56th street. Internal Abscesses Cured. Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1890. Gentlemen :—Having received no benefit from the treatment of physicians for internal abscesses, I was persuaded to use the Microbe Killer, and after using about four gallons the abscesses have disappeared entirely, and my general health has been greatly improved. C. Ritchie. Malaria and Night Sweats Cured. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 12, 1890. Gentlemen :—I most cheerfully give my testimony in regard to the great benefit I have received from the use of the Microbe Killer. I suffered from malaria, night sweats, very severe pains in chest and back, and numerous other complaints that I am unable to describe. I had not worked for for over four years, and at times my cough was so severe that I thought I would choke to death. I consulted the best physicians and tried all medicines, but obtained no relief until I was persuaded to try the Microbe Killer. After using it for about one week there was a change for the worse which was alarming in its nature, but I continued taking it, and after using three jugs I was so much benefited that I again went to work. I continue the use of this wonderful remedy, and have up to the present time taken six jugs, and am almost well. The cough and pains have all disappeared, and I feel like a new man. Respectfully yours, Wm. L. Prichard, 222 Harrison St. I have known Mr. Prichard for fourteen years, thoroughly reliable and conscientious gentleman. He is well known in Wilmington, and Yours truly, John Wilhelm. Complete Cure of Catarrh of the Throat and Bronchial Troubles. Trenton, N. J., Sept 10, 1890. Gentlemen :—I take pleasure in sending you my voluntary testimonial of your great remedy. I had been suffering for more than a year with catarrh of the throat and bronchial troubles, and was continually growing worse under the charge of the best physicians, and had lost all hopes, when your remedy was recommended to me, and I improved right along until to-day, after using ten jugs, I am in the very best health and spirits. Mrs. J. W. Horn, 41 Wall st. Splendid as a Family Medicine. Brooklyn, N. Y., Bee. 22, ltfO. Gentlemen :—Your communication in reference to what the Microbe Killer has done for myself and family to hand, and in reply would say that we have used it for various family ailments, foremost of which is rheumatism, from which my wife has been suffering for many years. After taking the Microbe Killer for about five weeks she began to improve, and is now entirely free from all rheumatic troubles. My family have used it on all occasions for various troubles, such as headache, toothache, diphtheric sore throat, open sores, etc., with remarkable success. I have also sent it to over fifty personal friends in Brooklyn, who are using it with entire satisfaction. Will be pleased to give any further information possible to any one who may desire to call or write to me. Respectfully yours, John E. Seward, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 82 Broadway. Cured of Rheumatism of Forty Years’ Standing, also Catarrh and Bronchitis. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 1, 1890. Gentlemen :—I cheerfully give you this testimonial for the benefit of the suffering. I have had rheumatism for at least forty years. I had no rest from it night or day ; frequently could not get about. I would often spend half the night sitting up and rubbing. ' I spent much money doctoring, but received no relief till I took Radam’s Microbe Killer. The first jug No. 1 relieved me of pain. I have taken m all eleven jugs, and have been cured not only of rheumatism, but of catarrh, bronchitis and dyspepsia. I am now seventy-two years of age, eat well and sleep well—in fact, feel like A new woman. I would be glad to talk or write to any one similarly afflicted and who needs an encouraging word. Yours truly, Mrs. S. H. Briggs, 208 N. 13th St. A Preventative from Typhoid Fever. Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1890. Gentlemen:—From the high opinion I have of your remedy for what it has already done in my family I am induced to send you herewith my testimonial, in the hopes that it may be the means of assisting others to keep disease from their homes. Four of my family were taken down with Typhoid Fever, one after another, and fearing the balance of us, consisting of seven, might be similarly afflicted, I bethought me of the Microbe Killer, and the seven of us drank it quite freely, with the result that not one of us were affected with any illness whatsoever. I firmly'believe that it was your remedy that saved us. Of the four who were sick I did not administer any of the Microbe Killer, for my physicians not knowing exactly the nature of it, forbade it. My mother died from the fever. The morning after her death I had a very severe headache, and after drinking a good draught of Microbe Killer I was speedily relieved. Let me assure you that henceforth my home shall not be without Microbe Killer, which I shall use both as a preventative and cure for any disease. Henry W. Peth, 177 Clifford Street. Female Troubles and a Complication of Diseases. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 25th, 1890. Gentlemen :—I consider it my duty I owe to you and suffering humanity to state what your Microbe Killer has done for my wife. She was suffering with a complication of diseases. Pen cannot describe what she has gone through. I have paid more than a thousand dollars to physicians with but little results. She has now used five jugs of the Microbe Killer, and feels better than she has for fifteen years. She has used it for female troubles with surprising results. We cannot praise it too highly. Very respectfully, Godfrey Hardenstine, 2273 Atlantic Ave. Ulcer Cured. Brushton, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1890. Gentlemen I take pleasure in adding my testimony to that of others who have been helped by the virtues of Radam’s Microbe Killer. For over three years I have had a sore upon my leg which has caused me the most intense pain and suffering. The ulcer was as large as my hand, and has baffled all treatment of several physicians. I purchased a gallon of the Microbe Killer and began using it according to directions. In a very short time the ulcer began to improve and heal. New flesh was formed, and the disagreeable and unpleasant discharge and offensive odor were entirely remoyed. My appetite increased, and I could sleep nights, as I had not done for months. I have taken three gallons of the Microbe Killer, and feel sure that by continuing the use of it for a short time I shall be entirely cured. The M. K. has done wonders for me, and I cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted. Yours truly, Mrs, Ruth S. Cornish, Cannot Speak Too Highly of the M. K. It Has Cured a Complication of Troubles. Wilmington, Del., July 8, 1890. Some friends of mine having spoken very highly of your Microbe Killer, induced me last February to send to Philadelphia and get a case of it for myself and wife. For the last seven years, both in summer and winter, I was troubled with a cough. Also pains and aches in every part of my body, so badly that I was scarcely able to walk one square without being completely prostrated. I used the medicine regularly, and in three months’ time I was completely cured. J am seventy-one years old and feel as well to-day as I ever did in my life. My wife was troubled for four years with Malaria and Catarrh in the head so badly that it caused dizziness and ringing in her ears. She was also troubled for sixteen years with a sore just below her knee about 2£ inches in diameter, and although I have spent a great deal of money for medicines to purify the blood, it never would heal, except for a few weeks at a time, and then break out again. She commenced taking the Microbe Killer the same time as I did ; also bathing the sores two or three times a day, and I am happy to state it is now entirely well, all traces of it having disappeared. She is also rid of her Catarrh and Malaria. She is seventy years old and is able to do as much work about the house as she did ten years ago. We cannot speak too highly of your medicine. Yours, very respectfully, John J. Wilhelm, 219 West Second street. Severe Cold on the Lungs Cured. Now as Well and Strong as Ever. Rahway, N. J., March 27, 1889. During the month of April I caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and which was fast assuming the nature of Consumption. I coughed terribly, had a great many hemorrhages, and had to assume a sitting position in bed in order to sleep. I had no appetite. I was urged by a friend to try a jug of your Microbe Killer, and after taking it three days I could lie down and sleep comfortably. The cough left me, my appetite returned, and I am as well and strong as I ever was. I cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted. If any should desire to see or communicate with me in regard to the above my address is Mrs. Lizzie Dougherty, Rahway, N. J. Hemorrhages of the Lungs. New York, Dec. 30, 1890. Gentlemen :—Having suffered xrom several hemorrhages of the lungs for years, and after being treated by several physicians with no beneficial results, I was finally persuaded to use the Microbe Killer. After using same for a short time I began to improve steadily, and am now entirely cured, not having had a recurrence of the hemorrhages since taking it. I will cheer- fully answer all communications to those afflicted as I was. V< y truly, Melville Sterne, 135 West 64th St. Its Benefits for Catarrh of Stomach, Throat and Lung Troubles. Roch ster, N. Y., June 12, 1890. I suffered all last summer with catarrh of stomach, throat and lung trouble, accompanied by a very distressing cough, and found no relief from the physician’s medicine until he rec- ommended the Microbe Killer ; since that time I have been taking it regularly with decidedly beneficial results ; my cough having left me and lungs cleared of mucus, I am stronger and better in every respect ; therefore I take pleasure in rec mmending it to any one similarly affected, and will be glad to have any one call on me and talk with me in reference to its great benefits. Very truly, Chas. E. A. Lippincott, S037 Mt. Vernon street, or 17 North Eighth street. Don’t Fail to Read This Testimonial. Brooklyn, N. Y. Myself and wife had used your Microbe Killer with great benefit for Chronic Catarrh, Rheumatism, and Eczema. Unsolicited, wholly on my own responsibility for the benefit of relatives, I wrote to nearly forty of those whose certificates you publish, embracing nearly all diseases, dated 1887, 1888, 1889: “ Please give me your present impression of William Radarn’s Microbe Killer.” I wanted to see if they still thought as favorably of your remedy as when they gave you their certificates. For the information of all interested, the sick and their friends, I am happy to say that the replies are uniformly not only favorable but remarkably enthusiastic in praise of your good medicine. After my thorough investigation I am not deterred by the cry “ quack ” or “ humbug.” You should be given the credit you are entitled to. Sincerely yours, I. W. Barnum, 253 Halsey street. The Greatest Medicine for Nervousness. CJentlemem—I have used two jugs of the Microbe Killer, and am now on my third. I think it is the greatest medicine in the world for Nervousness that I have ever taken. I have tried many different remedies, and none did me any good until I commenced taking the Microbe Killer, which I cheerfully recommend to all afflicted as I have been. Respectfully, Samuel Haines, Mt. Ephraim, N. J. Completely Cured of Rheumatism. Considers It a Great Medicine. New York, Aug. 6th, 1891. Gentlemen :—Last April I was confined to my room with Rheumatism in my left knee. It was so painful that I could not touch it. I heard of the Microbe Killer as being good for such cases, and concluded to give it a trial. After three days’ use of it I was able to attend to my business, and before I had finished the jug I was completely cured and would not know that I was ever troubled with Rheumatism. I have not felt a touch of it since. I consider it a great medicine, and heartily recommend it. Yours very truly, John H. Pratt, 81 Warren St. La Grippe Cured in Three Days. New York, May 8th, 1891. Gentlemen :—During a severe attack of La Grippe I used the Microbe Killer, taking a jug of No. 2 in three days, using no other medicine, and recommend it to all who wish a speedy cure. Yours truly, J. De Young, 815 Broadway. Sick Headache and Nervousness Completely Cured. Canadensis, Pa., Nov. 10, 1890. Gentlemen :—I cheerfully give you this testimonial for the benefit of other sufferers. I have been troubled with Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart and Nervousness for the past fifteen years. I have had some of the best medical attendants, but obtained only temporary relief until I took the Microbe Killer which effected a complete cure. I have also found it a great strengthening medicine for the entire system, and would not be without it in the house. I con- sider it all you claim it to be, and would advise anyone afflicted with any disease to use it. Very respectfully yours, Mrs. M. E. Price, Canadensis Valley House. Catarrh and General Decline. Homer, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1891. Gentlemen :—I very cheerfully testify to the benefit which my daughter has derived from the use of the Microbe Killer. She had Catarrh and Cough, and looked as though she would soon follow her older sister, who died of consumption. She is twelve years old. Has taken a little less than one gallon, and now her appetite is good and she is growing strong, rosy and healthy. Very respectfully, Mrs. Lewis Baker, Clinton St. From March Number “U. S. Mail.” The father of the editor of the United States Mail resides at 222 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., and is a gentleman now past seventy-eight years of age. For a number of years, up to November, 1890, his health has not been good, but since that date there has come a marked change for the better, and he is now as robust and as perfect in his physical condition as it is possible to become. Every wrinkle in his face has disappeared and given place to plumpness, while his complexion is as clear and as fresh as a man in fine health at forty. The credit for this transformation of an old and worn-out man into a healthy and strong person is entirely due to the constant use, four times a day, of “ Radam’s Microbe Killer.” We make this state- ment entirely unsolicited, and have never even seen the discoverer of the remedy, and the twelve jugs of the cure taken were all paid for at regular rates. Published at 18 Broadway, N. Y. City. John H. Patterson, Editor. Cured of Stomach Trouble. Poiyr Byron, Aug. 19, 1891. Gentlemen :—I was very much troubled with Water Brash accompanied with poor appetite and a continuous pain, which was very severe, especially after eating. My general health was so poor that I was unable to work. I heard of and was induced to try your Microbe Killer, and am happy to state that one jug relieved me of all my troubles. My appetite is now good, and I can eat almost anything without being followed by a distressing feeling. I consider the Microbe Killer a very valuable remedy and take pleasure in recommending it. Respectfully yours, John McEntee. A Severe Case of Catarrh Cured. Wilmington, Dei.., Jan. 9, 1891. Gentlemen:—It is with pleasure that I write to inform you how much my health has improved since I commenced taking the Microbe Killer. I have been troubled with atarrh jor several years, and last winter had an attack of La Grippe which aggravated my trouble and left me in a very bad way. Had such pains and trouble with my head that last March I placed myself under the treatment of two of Philadelphia’s most noted physicians, and after following their advice and direction for six months was just as bad as ever. I then entered a hospital but they did not seem to understand my case. I had up to that time expended over two hun- dollars, and being unable to work was beginning to feel very despondent when my attention was called to the Microbe Killer. I commenced its use and will soon have taken eight jugs. I am so much improved in health that I cannot speak too highly of it. I consider i: the most valuable medicine in use to-day, and can say in good faith that it will benefit when physicians all fail. I am now working every day. Respectfully yours, Isaac C. Parsons, 512 East Fifth St. A Very Severe Case Cured. Port Byron, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1891. Gentlemen :—Last Spring I had a severe attack of La Grippe, which left me in a very weak and exhausted condition. My throat and mouth were covered with Canker sores, which extended the entire length of the Bronchial tube. At one time I thought a cure was impossible, and was auout ready to give up. This was my condition when I began using your Microbe Killer. After using a little over two jugs I was enabled to walk out and breathe the fresh air, and strength and vigor have returned. It began helping my mouth and throat immediately and I am now almost cured. I consider it my duty to voluntarily send you this testimonial in order to inform people of the benefits of a medicine that has almost snatched me from the grave. My mother has also used it with great benefit, and we would not be without it in the house. Very respectfully yours, Alice A. Cowles. Cured of Female Troubles and Cured Whooping Cough in Children. » New Haven, Conn., March 22, 1890. I feel it my duty to be thankful to Mr. Radam. I have been suffering a long time from Female Trouble peculiar to my sex. No doctor could help me. My neighbor, Mr. Werner, your agent for New Haven, told me to try your medicine,* because it cured him of Consumption and complicated diseases. He recommended the Microbe Killer very highly, so I gave the medicine a fair trial, and after using a few gallons I found great relief. Now I am cured, and feel strong and healthy. My children had the Whooping Cough, and the M. K. cured them all in very short time, and they are looking better and stronger than before. Yours, etc., Mrs. Emily Mager, 203 Goffe street. Read This Testimonial. Philadelphia, Pa., March 15, 1890. I have used in my family for some months the Microbe Killer, with nothing but good results. It has cured several sudden colds almost immediately. It broke all symptoms of the Grippe at once, and they were bad for a few hours, with my wife and self ; and cured tired or malarial feelings for both of us, of long standing. It cured symptoms of worms in a few days in our two small children. It cured completely, in less than a week, badly poisoned blood in my two and a half year old boy; pimples and sores came on his cheeks, and especially upper lip and nose. We gave him No. 1, two teaspoonfuls four times a day, and secured a silk sponge to a ribbon, then bound it over the sores, and kept it full of the Microbe Killer, and also injected in his nose with “ Shoemaker’s Nasal Spray,” with only the few end holes in the instrument left to emit medicine. The others we bound over tightly (as the instrument '.s for big folk). Several of my friends have since used the Microbe Killer, and they all praise it. I think you are doing the leading, proper thing for the benefit of humanity. E. W. Thorne, 1307 Arch street. ~ Chronic Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Cured. For twenty-five years I have suffered from dyspepsia, indigestion and liver complaint. I have been treated by allopathy and homeopathy physicians, and used all kinds of patent medicines advertised to cure dyspepsia, but never found a cure in any of them. Three mgs of Radam’s Microbe Killer has done more for me than all the doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines I have taken these last twenty-five years. Very respectfully yours, S, B, Smith, Chelsea, Mass. From a Prominent Philadelphia Physician. Philadelphia, Pa., August 29, 1891. Gentlemen :—I feel that I owe a positive duty to suffering humanity, to bear willing testi- mony to the extraordinary curative properties which I have found unmistakably existing in Wm. Radam’s Microbe Killer ; am therefore willing to confer with anyone who may be referred to me. Regarding the benefits received, I have to say that its positive cure of Dyspepsia in my own case, and of Dyspeptic tendencies in other members of my family, besides many to whom I have recommended it, have been such as to be truly astonishing, and fixed it in my own mind as being the most valuable remedy for stomachic troubles, ever discovered or compounded. Besides this, I have been for nearly fifty years a sufferer from Rheumatism, which, during the last few years, has assumed the most violent forms, generally termed gout, sciatica, and lumbago, increasing in violence with every attack, until during the Fall and early part of last Winter, the attacks were so frequent and violent that I had about given up in despair; when having met a gentleman who had thoroughly tried the virtues of the Microbe Killer, he pleaded with me so earnestly to try it as to, finally, extort from me a promise to do so, which promise I fulfilled, though without faith, not believing for a moment that microbes had anything to with Rheumatism, but hoping faintly that the Dyspepsia (which had assumed so serious a form tha there were very few things that I could eat or drink) might be to some extent relieved. I had not used the M. K. more than a week before experiencing a change for the better, sc marked that I could scarcely believe the evidence of my own senses. To be brief, I can now truthfully say that though considerably past seventy years of age, I can and do eat heartily, and enjoy without fear of evil results, anything which the appetit craves, and consider the Dyspepsia positively cured. With regard to the Rheumatism, thougl not able to say that it is entirely cured (having had a comparatively slight attack recently) I fee a positive certainty in its final eradication. F. M. Dixon, D.D.S., 1507 Walnut St. A Sure and Permanent Cure for La Grippe. Port Byron, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1891. Gentlemen :—Last Spring I was attacked by a second visitation from La Grippe, and as I was not very strong (the result of the first attack) I was in perfect misery, being racked from head to foot with pain and very high fever, accompanied with a bad cough. I began using Microbe Killer, and in sixteen hours after I commenced 'taking it the fever began to subside, the pains had left me, and in a few days I began doing a little light work. In a week’s time I was com- pletely cured. I have been working hard all Summer and am feeling as well as I ever did in my life. I consider the Microbe Killer a sure and permanent cure for La Grippe, and heartily recommend it. Yours respectfully, Frank Mettler. Cured of La Grippe. Richburg, N. Y., June 3, 1891. Gentlemen :—One year ago last Fall I was taken with La Grippe, which left me in a very bad state. I got no better until a few weeks ago, when I was persuaded to try your Microbe Killer, with the most satisfactory results. I can truly say that I now consider myself a w.ell woman, and I shall never cease to ue thankful that I was so fortunate as to learn of your great medicj le. I only wish that all who suffer as I have done could derive the benefit that I can testify to in my own behalf. I cannot say enough in its praise. Very respectfully, Mrs. Susie A. Lamphaer, (age 70 years). Chronic Dyspepsia and Sore Throat Cured. For ten years I have suffered constantly from dyspepsia and indigestion. I doctored with the best physicians, and tried everything that I could hear of that was good for dyspepsia, but it was no good in my case. I was advised by a friend to try Wm. Radam’s Microbe Killer for my dyspepsia. I was willing to try anything, as I was suffering very much from ndigestion. I procured a jug of No. 1, for which I paid $3.00, and allow me to say just here that had the price been $100 it would have been cheap, for I have paid more than $500 for medicine that did me no good. My food always came up after eating, and my stomach was in a horrible condition. After taking a few doses of the Microbe Killer I had no pain, and my appetite increased, food tasted good and sat well on my stomach, and before 1 had finished taking the first jug I had no symptoms of dyspepsia. It is now three months and I feel better than for fifteen years. Another very remarkable cure in my family was that of my daughter who had suffered for five years with a chronic throat trouble. The last physician I employed was a specialist, to whom I paid $50, but .1 give the doctor credit for doing the best he could ; his medicine jiad no effect upon the disease. She was cured in three weeks by Radam’s Microbe Killer. Respectfully yours, John W. Dork, 136 Congress Ave., Chelsea, Mass. 20 Consumption Cured. Something accomplished by no other Medicine ! Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 23, 1891. Gentlemen :—I consider it my duty to acquaint you with the benefit I have received from the use of the Microbe Killer. For three years I have suffered from Lung Trouble and had such heavy hemorrhages that I was compelled to abstain from all business. I consulted some of the most prominent physicians who all agreed that I had Consumption and could not live. The last Doctor that attended me, gave me a thorough examination and told me my left lung was partially gone, and my right one very badly affected. I was confined to my bed and was as helpless as a child. I heard of your wonderful medicine and sent for it at once, determined to try it as the doc- tors had given me up. I took about four jugs before we could see much improvement. After that time I began to gain rapidly, and after taking fifteen jugs of your medicine I went to work, attended to all my business, and considered myself cured, to the astonishment of my neighbors and friends. I fear no sickness with the Microbe Killer in the house, and would not be without it if it cost $100 per jug. I cannot recommend this medicine high enough. I should like all the world to know what it has done for me. Yours very truly, G. R. Cooke, 776 Broadway. All the Symptoms of Consumption Cured. Jersey Shore, Pa., May 5, 1891. Gentlemen :—Last September I caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs, and in November resulted in a hemorrhage. I had all the symptoms of Consumption. After being treated by a physician for about two months, his medicine so affected my stomach that I could take neither food nor medicine. Some friends induced me to try the Microbe Killer. My stomach began to grow better im- mediately ; but all the other symptoms were so aggravated at first that my friends were greatly distressed and urged me not to continue taking the medicine. But I persisted in using it, and in a month began to improve slowly. For five months I had not been able to leave my room, but during the latter part of March and April I grew so perceptibly better that everyone grew interested in the medicine I was using. So far I have taken but four jugs. I am growing stronger all the time, am able to take exercise in the fresh air, and take great pleasure in re- commending the Microbe Killer to all who are afflicted. I am so hankful to be able to write this unsolicited testimonial, and will be glad if it will influence but one sufferer to try your medicine, and find the relief that I have. Very truly yours, Maud Pepperman. A Remarkable Statement. Cured by M. K. after being given up. Gentlemen :—In December of 1889 I had an attack of La Grippe, and it left me with a weak- ness and pain under the right shoulder blade. In the following May I was taken severely sick with Pneumonia which ran into a slow fever taking Typhoid form. I was very low for ten weeks. It finally terminated in the formation of a large abscess upon the right lung, keeping me in bed seven weeks longer and leaving me with a severe cough. In this weak state—for I was un- able to move in bed—the physicians said the termination would be quick Consumption, and that speedily. My friends who had seen me through this complication of diseases felt that I could only be made comfortable until the end. At this point the Microbe Killer was recommended. It was given at once according to di- rections, and soon a slight change was visible. I was raised from the bed and in two weeks able to walk about the room. I can attend to business, and am still gaining in flesh and strength. I took no other medicine and attribute my final recovery to the Microbe Killer. Am using it still. B. Z. Stebbins, Jr., Deerfield, Mass. Consumption—Given up by Doctors—Cured by Microbe Killer. Ballard Vale, Mass,, Feb. 4, 1891. Gentlemen ;—Last July the doctors pronounced my disease Consumption, and said I would not live till Fall if I did not leave this climate ; I was very sick and raised a good deal with oc- casional hemorrhages I went to Western New York and there heard of the Microbe Killer for the first time. I v as persuaded to try it, and commenced to improve at once, and to-day go to work regularly, and do a hard day's work. I have taken six jugs, and shall continue to use it as I think it the only medicine that will cure Consumption. My wife has had stomach trouble for years that no doctors or medicine could help, and since she has been taking the Microbe Killer she has become entirely cured. I know of a great many other cases that have received the same benefit by the p?e of the Mi crobe Killer, and I cheerfully recommend it tcrall those afflicted. H. Clukev. Given Up to Die, but now a Living Witness of its Benefits. Philadelphia, Pa., May 7, 1891. Gentlemen :—For the past three years I have been a very sick man, suffering from Dropsy, enlargement of the liver, combined with Kidney trouble. During that time I have not been able to do any work, having been so swollen in the feet and stomach that I could not walk or keep my shoes on. My doctor could do nothing for me, and told me that I had not long to live. I went to the University, and they said there they could do nothing for me except tapping. From there I went to the Presbyterian Hospital, where, after examination, they also wanted to tap me. I said no, and returned home to die. I then heard of your Microbe Killer, and was persuaded to try a jug. I did so, and am now happy to say that the swelling has almost entirely disappeared, I can wear my shoes all day long, and am able to attend to my business. My appetite has returned, and I can eat or drink anything. I feel very thankful that there has at last been discovered a medicine that will cure suffering humanity of all its ills, and will be pleased to have anyone call and see what the Microbe Killer has done for me. I am a living witness of its benefits. I remain, yours truly, Walter J. Griffith, 4126 Haverford Ave. Remarkable Cure of a Little Boy Suffering from a Complication of Diseases. Springfield, Mass., April 20, 1891. Gentlemen :—I take pleasure in writing to you what benefit my little boy has derived from the use of your Microbe Killer. Last August he was taken with Rheumatic Fever. For five weeks he hovered between life and death. The Rheumatism went to his heart. He also had Peritonitis, abscesses on his head, and a sore on the back of his head. He laid for a few weeks on one side and could not be moved. He was confined to his bed for four months. We employed the best doctors. They gave us but. little hope. Tongue cannot tell his suffering. At that time I was induced to try your remedy. Since the first he has not shown any signs of the Rheumatism. For the last week he has been out doors, the first time since last August. People hearing of his wonderful recovery come to see him, and think his recovery almost a miracle what the Microbe Killer has done for him. Very respectfully, Mrs. E. D. Brice, 38 Charter Ave. Asthma, Bronchitis and Kidney Trouble—Recommends it very Highly. Port Jefferson, L. I., N. Y., March 7, 1891. Gentlemen :—My brother was troubled with Asthma for five years, and what the doctors called Chronic Bronchitis. He could not work half of his time until he took your Microbe Killer. He has taken three jugs, and I consider him almost cured. I can also recommend it very highly for Kidney Complaint, as I have used it myself with the best of results. You are welcome to use this testimonial as I believe it will do all you claim for it. Enclosed find check for two jugs of No. 1 Microbe Killer. Please forward as soon as possible. Yours truly, H. C. Gover. Cured of a Complication of Diseases. Also a Splendid Eye Wash Falls of Schuylkill, Philadelphia, Feb. ‘26, 1891. Gentlemen :—I have been a sufferer from Catarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma for 24 years, ind Hay Fever for 15 years. After having been attended by my family physician for some rears without avail, I tried different specialists and paid out fully $500 for treatment and nedicines without obtaining any benefit whatever. On the contrary, was gradually growing vorse and had about given up all hopes cf ever being a well man again. I accidently heard of yonr Microbe Killer, and as a last resort determined to give it a rial. I commenced its use in April, 1889, and think I have taken about twenty jugs, and an now thankfully say that I am entirely cured. I am back at work again, arid can thank he Microbe Killer for being to-day as well a man as I ever was in my life. I found your medicine very efficient in breaking up a cold, and also can highly recom- lend it as a very good eye wash, having purchased two iugs for an old man who is using for general debility, and who also used it for his eyes with good results, it having nproved his sight very much. Hoping that you may have good success with the Microbe Killer, in healing the thousands f sick, v I remain, yoursTvery respectfully, John M. Shkonk; 3418 Ridge Ave. Dropsy attd Liver Trouble. Marblehbad, Mass., Jan. 23, 18§i. Gentlemen :—1 cannot say 100 much for the merits of your Microbe Killer. It is a life giving medicine for the suffering and afflicted. I have been suffering for years from Dropsy and Liver trouble, mv liver being enlarged to almost twice the natural size. I was attended by a phys:cian for six months without any benefit whatever, so concluded then to try your Microbe Killer I have up to the present time taken five jugs of it, and it has done me more good than all other medicines combined. I am feeling stronger and better than I have felt for years and cannot speak too highly of the Microbe Killer. Yours respectfully, P. A. Thornkr. Read this Remarkable Testimonial—Cured of Rheumatism at Eighty-two. Danbury Hospital, Conn., April 28, 1891. Gentlemen •—For the past forty years I have been afflicted with rheumatism. At times was rendered entirely helpless, and for six months at a time could not help myself turn over in bed, or put my hands to my face. My age is eighty-two years and seven months. I have been confined in the hospital for one year and seven months, which I soon expect to leave. I have taken twelve jugs of your Microbe Killer. The aggravated pains have entirely left me, and I now feel like a new man. I can cheerfully recommend the Microbe Killer to all those afflicted with rheumatism as a sure cure for that painful disease. Yours very truly, Present address, 170 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Samuel Baldwin. Heartily Recommends it for Heart Failure and Neuralgia of Stomach. Scranton, Pa., Jan. 10, 1891. Gentlemen :—I feel it both a duty and a pleasure to state what the Microbe Killer has done for me. I was suffering from heart failure and neuralgia of the stomach, and in spite of the best medical attendance grew rapidly worse being unable to sleep nights, and had very poor appetite. My condition was such as to alarm my family and friends. At this stage I began using your Microbe Killer, and am now happily free from pains in the stomach, and my general health has very much improved. I cheerfully recommend it as the best medicine I ever knew, and would advise its use to all afflicted. Very respectfully, Mrs. R. E. Staples, 227 North Ninth Street. Spider Cancer Completely Cured. Orange. Mass., March 27, 1891. Gentlemen :—About nine months ago I was compelled to dispose of my business in Boston and came to Orange, which is my home, on account of sickness. I was troubled with a spider cancer on my leg, indigestion and generally broken down in health. I was under a doctor’s care for some time, but with no apparent benefit, and was beginning to feel discouraged when my daughter and a friend of mine prevailed upon me to try your Microbe Killer. I sent to Boston for a jug, took it, and as it benefited me. continued its use. I have taken three jugs in all, and now consider myself completely cured, my cancer being entirely gone, and my general health almost perfect. I think the Microbe Killer is the greatest medicine on earth, and would recommend it to all afflicted. Yours very truly, S. J. Howell. _ A Preventative of Hay Fever. Delaware City, Del., Jan. 23, 1891. Gentlemen :—I have suffered with hay fever for twenty-five years, and after trying all kinds of medicine that came under my notice without being benefited, my sister sent me a circular from Boston, recommending the Microbe Killer. I started taking it the first of last May, and continued until November. I am happy to say that I escaped the hay fever this year. Every year the fever came on from the 15th to the 17th of August, and continued until the first frost. I cannot describe my sufferings. Have had to sit up many nights to keep from choking. I intend to start taking the Microbe Killer again this year early in the Summer and continue until after frost. Respectfully, William Beck, Female Trouble and Dyspepsia. Tarrytown, N. Y., Fefc, 16, 1891 Gentlemen :—I take pleasure in adding my testimonial to the value of your medicine known as Microbe Killer. 1 have been a sufferer for the past twelve years from female trouble peculiar to my sex, and dyspepsia in its worst form, and got nothing but temporary relief, until learning from E. B. Sanford what it had done for him, as well as for hundreds of others. I have taken two jugs of your Microbe Killer, and I feel better and stronger than I have felt for years. It acts as a tonic as well as a cure. Very respectfully, Mrs. Charles Pope, 49 Wildey St. A Case of Lead Poisoning Cured. Clarke Green, Pa., Aug. 11, 1891. Gentlemen :—I take pleasure in testifying to the merits of the Microbe Killer, and what it has done for me. I have been a sufferer from lead poisoning for the past two years, con- tracted while attending to my business of painting (having been a painter for twenty years). I have been treated by good physicians, but received no permanent benefit. I had little appe- tite, and was so run down that I had hardly strength enough to get up or down stairs. Would stumble and fall at the smallest obstruction. My limbs were stiff, with no action in the joints. I had about given up hopes of ever being cured, when through the kindness of a friend I obtained and read one of your pamphlets. I determined to try it, and sent for the Microbe Killer. In ten days after commencing its use I had gained five pounds in weight, the stiffness had disappeared from my limbs, my appetite was good, and my strength returned. I am now perfectly well, and cannot be thankful enough for the good your Microbe Killer has done me. I think with the Miciobe Killer in the house you can hold the fort against the attacks of any disease. I cannot speak too highly of it and would recommend its use to all afflicted. Respectfully, Jeremiah Northup. Cured of Nervous Dyspepsia. Brockton, Mass., Aug. 16, 1891. Gentlemen :—I was for a long time a sufferer from Nervous Dyspepsia and tried all the known remedies without avail. I had about given up when the Microbe Killer was recom- mended to me, and I determined to try it. After using a jug of No. 1, I felt much better, but continued its use until now, after completing a jug of No. 2, I am perfectly cured. Yours respectfully, John Morton, Box 1264. Varicose Veins, and Enlarged Gland Cured. Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1891. Gentlemen :—After doctoring in vain for a long time, my trouble being Varicose Veins and enlargement of the Postate Gland I concluded upon the urgent solicitation of your agent here to try the Microbe Killer. I have used less than one gallon and am almost well. I have great faith in your medicine and would recommend it to all the afflicted. Very respecfully, Ezra Lane, 114 Clinton St. Cured of Lung Trouble, after Physicians Gave Him Up. Brooklyn, March 13, 1890. A sense of gratitude prompts me to add my testimony to your wonderful remedy. My little boy caught a severe cold, which settled on his lungs, gradually weakening him until he was unable to retain anything on his stomach, and was given up by the eminent physician on the case. Your remedy has completely restored him to health, strength and appetite, and I have the utmost confidence in it. Sincerely yours, A. Jansen, 187 Front Street. Cured of Hemorrhage of the Lungs. Albany, N. Y., June 24, 1891. I wish to say in regard to the William Radam Microbe Killer that it has cured me of hem- orrhage of the lungs, from which I have been suffering for ten years. I cheerfully recommend it to those thus afflicted. I have also had a very severe cough, of which I am a great deal better. The doctors told me that I could not live two years, but I am here yet and working every day. ' Alexander Crane, 233 Second Street. Used M> K. as a Last Resort. Now Completely Cured. Clockvili.e, N. Y., March 26, 1890. I had been suffering with liver and lung trouble, and for fourteen months had coughed a great deal, especially nights. It was accompanied with great expectoration. I was losing flesh and strength, and as I was well aware oi what came from such conditions of the system, I thought I must yield myself a prey to that dread destroyer—consumption. One physician said that I had bronchitis. Another, after a careful diagnosis of my case, said that it was my lungs and liver. No one but my family knew what I was suffering, but my friends saw the change in me, and showed their anxiety by urging me to go to a warmer climate for the winter. About this time a friend told me about your Microbe Killer, and gave me your book. Aft r reading it carefully I though*- this was my last hope ,and sent to your agent, Mrs. E. L. Knight, of Homer, for a case of the medicine. I commenced taking the No. 1 the 20th of December. 1889, and for the first two weeks thought I did not feel quite as strong, but my cough grew gradually better, my expectoration less, and before I had taken one jug I was so much better that my friends began to ask what I was taking. My appetite increased. 1 gained in strength and flesn, •" nd at the end of two months and a half I had gained ten pounds in weight. I was so happy to be well again that I want all that are suffering as I have been to know about it, and I willingly give this testimonial to encourage thereto try the Microbe Killer. . as. vVm. M. Kelsey. The Whole Family Uses It. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 8, 1890. About five months ago I got my first jug of Radam’s Microbe Killer, and my whole family commenced to take it. My wife, for weak lungs (she had pains in her lungs almost all the time). My youngest boy, aged five, was covered with sores from Eczema, and my other two children took it for loss of appetite, and I was threatened with the Grip. We have now taken nearly four jugs. The boy having Eczema is now almost entirely well and his skin is in a nice healthy condition. My wife is greatly improved, and the other two children have nice clear complexions and have gained much in flesh. My oldest boy had a sore on his chin that had been there for weeks and we could not heal it up no matter what we put on it He hadn’t used the Microbe Killer a week before that sore was all gone. As for myself, I know if it had not been for the Microbe Killer I could not have been able to have withstood the Grip and keep at work as I did. I cannot recommend it too highly. There are several to whom I have recom- mended it that are like myself, they wouldn’t be without it in the house. Respectfully yours, Ira J. Walrath, 155 Glenmore Avenue. Cured of a Complication of Diseases. Gentlemen :—I cannot tell you, if I try, how much good the medicine has done me. I have four complicated diseases to contend with, and do know that it is good for every one ot them. I have only taken the contents of one jug, and am very much surprised at the large amount of good it has done me. I shall continue to use the Microbe Killer, and nothing else. Lucy A. B. Robby, 18 Nickerson St., Pawtucket, R. I. Rev. J. O, R. Corliss, pastor of the Methodist Church, at New Gretna, Burlington County, N. J., writes very encouragingly as follows : New Gretna, April 3, 1889. About four years ago I took a heavy cold that resulted in a stubborn Catarrh. It increased in severity, gradually extending downward to the pharynx and larynx, thence to the bronchia. The back part of my throat was covered with ulcers ; my voice lost its strength and resonance, sometimes fading away into aspirations. To go out into the cool air was to be filled up with phlegm and mucus, until it was no pleasure to leave the house. I tried remedies official and remedies patented with no relief; the disease still increased in malignance. Radam’s Microbe Killer was suggested to me, and had some one other than yourself had charge of it, I should have dismissed it from my mind. Having confidence in your judgment, I felt “there must be something in it.” A faithful use of the remedy has convinced me that there is salvation in it for every catarrhal sufferer. I feel improved in every way ; health much improved, voice strong, discharges much less profuse, ulcers healed, hoarseness gone, can get a full breath of air—in short, can say the remedy is all that is claimed for it. Yours, J. O. R. Corliss. Consumption and Kidney Trouble Cured. c_. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 15, 1890. I take pleasure in informing you that I have taken your Microbe Killer for Consumption and Kidney trouble, also Catarrh, and am happy to say that it has done me more good than all the physicians I have had, and highly recommend it. I have gained ten pounds in weight since using it, Very respectfully, E. B. Sandforb, 58 W««dbine St, Chronic Bronchitis and Weakness of Lungs. Manayunk, Pa. I have been troubled for three years with Chronic Bronchitis and Weakness of the Lungs. I have tried all sorts of medicines without any beneficent results until about a month ago, when I heard of the Microbe Killer. I bought a gallon, paying three dollars for the same. Before I commenced taking it I would cough perhaps for an hour before I could sleep at night, and in the morning I would also cough a great deal. I had no appetite, and felt low spirited. The first week after I commenced using the Microbe Killer, I noticed an improvement in my condition. I coughed less, slept better, and had a better appetite, and now—well, say—I feel like a new man. My cough has almost entirely disappeared. I eat heartily and rest well. I feel as though I had found the right medicine at last, and before another month I expect to be entirely cured. I think that the Microbe Killer is the greatest medicine known to the world. Stephen Montroy, 4092 Pechin Street. [The above voluntary testimonial is of special value to Philadelphians, coming as it does from one of the most popular men in his district.] Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea at the Age of 6i. Norristown, Pa., March 17, 1890. Chronic Diarrhoea cured of five years’ standing at the age of sixty-one. It is with pleasure and the duty I feel, I add my testimontal for the benefit of suffering humanity. I had not been able to eat anything without bad results. . My diet principally was Baker’s cocoa and toast. I was persuaded through relatives to try William Radam’s Microbe Killer, which I did without much faith, but faith increased, and when I had taken five jugs and a half I felt cured, and now I am able to eat food without Inconvenience, which I had deprived myself of for five years. Respectfully yours, E. B. Taylor, 40 Jacoby Street. Humor on Face, and Stomach Trouble Cured. Somerville, Mass. I am not inclined to make a statement for the sake of advertisement, but must in justice to you add another testimony in regard to your wonderful remedy. I have gained twenty-eight pounds in three months, been cured of a humor on my face which had troubled me for a long time. I had also been suffering from severe stomach trouble for a number of years which is now entirely cured. It has given me a good appetite, and I now feel very well. My weight is now 144 pounds ; was 116 when I commenced to take your Microbe Killer. Respectfully, A. M. Merrill, 79 Bonair Street. Advised to Go West. Remained at Home and Cured by Microbe Killer. Brooklyn, Nov. 29, 1889. In reply to your inquiry regarding your medicine, I would state for the benefit of all sufferers afflicted likewise, that about twelve months ago I was taken with a severe hemorrhage and compelled to give up work. I applied to two of our most eminent physicians, one in Brooklyn and one in New York, and they both agreed in advising me to go to Southern Cali- fornia as being the only chance to save my life and very little hope at that. I did not find it convenient to go, and so I tried the Microbe Killer, and in a month was back at work and have been at work ever since. I will be pleased to testify to the merits of your medicine in person to any one who is interested. Respectfully yours, George Sanderson, 80 Vanderveer Street. This Should Convince thd Most Skeptical Read It. Towanda, Pa., September 4, 1890. Three months ago I was a very sick woman. Had a soreness in my chest and lungs, and was troubled with night sweats. I consulted two eminent physicians who told me that my right lung and throat were affected. In fact, that I had Consumption. I was so hoarse most of the time that I could hardly speak above a whisper. I could do but little work, being only able to sit up part of the day, as I was very weak and short of breath. Had no appetite, and severe pains most of the time. I heard of your Microbe Killer and commenced using it with the best of results. After I had taken it one month the night sweats left me, the soreness in my lungs had disappeared, and my throat was so much better that I could speak in an ordinary tone. I also began to gain strength and flesh, and have continued to do so ever since to the astonish- ment of all my friends and neighbors who had given me up for lost. » I was also troubled with Indigestion, and am completely cured of that. I am now able to work all the time, and often walk two miles a day. Mrs, W. H, Benedict, Box 51. Cured of Kidney Troubles. Philadelphia, March 30, 1889. I have had Kidney troubles for three years, accompanied with pains and aching across my back and hips. Suffered very much at times; at night I had pains across the lower part of the abdomen; had considerable inflammation at the neck of the bladder. In general, it almost broke me up. I could get no relief from anything I had taken until I commenced with your Microbe Killer. I feel now like a new person; I will further explain my case to any one writing me. Would advise any one with any disease of the kidneys to use the Microbe Killer. Elwood Prickitt, cor. 4th and Market streets. Microbe Killer Saved Her Life. Stockholm Centre, N. Y., June 19, 1890. In January last I had La Grippe, which left me with a bad cough. The cough continued and about the middle of April I took a severe cold My lungs were very sore and so bad that I could not rest day or night, could not lie down but few minutes at a time. Breathing was very difficult; I continued to grow worse. My friends were alarmed at my condition, and I feared there was no help for me, until May 5, when my brother procured a jug of William Radam’s Microbe Killer and sent it to me. I took that according to directions, and in seventeen days from the time I commenced taking it I was nearly well. Have taken no medicine of any kind since May 22, have worked every day about the house, and feel certain that Microbe Killer saved my life. Nella A. Danahea. Severe Case of Rheumatism Completely Cured. Philadelphia, Pa. Have been taking the Microbe Killer for rheumatism in small of my back, hips and legs, and am completely cured. When I sat down could hardly rise again ; pains were very severe at night. You can refer any one suffering from that painful disease to me for reference. Yours truly, , J. Terry, 623 North Sixth Street. Cured of Rheumatism. Rome, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1890. Gentlemen :—Yours of the 20th at hand. Would say to you my wife has been troubled with rheumatism for about four years ; has taken three jugs of Microbe Killer, and for all we know is entirely cured, as she has not been troubled since she had taken the first jug. Yours truly, B. B. West. Rheumatism and Sick Headache Cured. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1890. Gentlemen :—I have been a sufferer from rheumatism and sick headache for years, and after trying other medicines without any apparent benefit I concluded to try your Microbe Killer, and am happy to say it has entirely cured me of both complaints It has also cured sore throat in my family. I have more faith in Microbe Killer than in any o.her medicine manufactured. Very respectfully yours, Mrs. F. L. Smith, 418 Connecticut St. Cured of Inflammatory Rheumatism. Gentlemen:—I have been troubled with inflammatory rheumatism for a number of years. At times my knees and feet have been swollen to double their size, which has confined me to my bed for four or five weeks at a time. I have taken all sorts of medicine, but have never found anything to help me so much as the Microbe Killer. I am now using my second jug, and am happy to state that I have not had the least trouble since commencing its use. I do not have any pain now at all, and I see no reason why, with judicious use of the Microbe Killer, that I should not have a perfect cure. I may further state that my wife has found it an excellent remedy for diabetes. Yours respectfully, Owen H. Burns, West Troy, N. Y., Corner of Albany County. Cured of Neuralgia. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1890. Gentlemen :—If anything I can say with regard to the Microbe Killer will be of any benefit to afflicted humanity, I am only too willing to do so. I have been afflicted with Neuralgia more or less for several years, and have never been able to get permanent relief until I used the Microbe Killer, which I feel has completely cured me. I feel better generally since its use, an ' think it a grand, good thing. It is excellent for burns, the pain is all gone in less than half - hour. Yours truly, Mary C. Hawkins, No. 80 Grand £ Lung- Trouble. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 6, 18i)0. Gentlemen :—I am now starting on my fourth jug of Wm. Radam’s Microbe Killer, and I can truthfully say it has benefited me greatly. Last Fall I was taken down with a heavy cold, which settled on my lungs. I was not able to work for over five months, when I was told by a friend of your Microbe Killer. I commenced taking it, and before I had taken the second jug I was able to go to work again, and have been working ever since. Hoping that this letter may benefit all who have suffered as I have, I remain, very respectfully, Joseph Cook, 402 West Fourth St. Remarkable Cure of Diphtheria. Given up by Physicians. Albany, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1890. Gentlemen :—I became interested in the following case, and as I consider it a most remark- able ure—in fact, as most physicians will say, one of a thousand, I think it would be both profitable and instructive to enter more into details than is usual in a testimonial. The case in question was that of a young child four years of age whose sister is in my employ, (in this way I heard of the case), who had been sick with the diphtheria and membranous croup for several days, attended by one of our leading physicians, who gave very little hope of its recovery, and virtually abandoned the case on Oct. 10th, with the remark that he could do no more for her, only they must keep on giving the medicine he left with them. On Oct. 12th, as the child was much worse, I concluded it was time to try what the Microbe Killer would do. I sent one jug of No. 1 and a quart of No. 2, with instructions to use as much of the Microbe Killer as they could induce the child to take. The mother seemed to understand the situation, and went right to work, using No. 2 by heating a small quantity in a bottle and then saturing a piece of flannel previously warmed with the Microbe Killer, and applying it to the throat with a compress, using No. 1 at the same time internally, giving the child as much as she could be induced to take, as near as the mother could judge, about one tablespoonful every fifteen minutes. At this time the child was unconscious, unable to articulate. This treatment threw her into perspiration which seemed to loosen the phlegm, and she threw off considerable mucus. This treatment was con- tinued for twenty-four hours, until the following afternoon, when, by a violent effort, a large quantity of mucus was ejected, containing apparently a piece of solid matter. The child imme- diately fell into a sound sleep and continued so throughout the afternoon and night. From this time the improvement was noticeable, and in two days she was able to be around and continues to improve steadily, with good prospects of an entire recovery. W. H D. Woodruff, 13 Plain St. The above facts, as written by Mr. Woodruff, I have read carefully, and testify that they are true in every particular. I thank God, that in His providence Mr. Woodruff was led to send me the Microbe Killer and save my child. Elizabeth Goergen, 42 Slingerland St. Cured of Asthma of io Years Standing. New York. I cheerfully give you this testimonial for the benefit of suffering humanity. I have had Asthma very badly for at least ten years. I have been all over Europe and this country, and tried everything, only obtaining temporary relief until I used the Microbe Killer. It will do all you claim for it. Also was troubled with Chronic Bronchitis, which threatened to develop into serious lung trouble, but the use of your remedy cured me. I will never oe withont it. Hope every one afflicted will use it. I consider it the best of tonics. Your respectfully, Mrs. Dr. Skinner, 209 W.,46th Street. Hay Fever, Asthma and Catarrh. Washington, D. C., January 20, 1890. I have found great relief in the use of Microbe Killer for Hay Fever, Asthma and Catarrh. I am convinced that it will cure the diseases I here mention. I can also recommend it for burns and inflammation of any kind. Very respectfully, M. G. Smith, 527 Eleventh Street, N. W. Recommends It Highly for Asthma. New York, Match 20, 1890. Your letter came to my hands all O. K. I can truthfully say that the Microbe Killer has benefited me very much, as I have been afflicted with Asthma for a number of years and nothing given me relief as this medicine did. I recommend it highly. Am taking t still. Yours respectfully, George Klee, 200 Allen Street. 28 Cured of a Complication of Diseases. Bridgeport, Conn., March 27, 1890. I am desirous of expressing to you my gratitude for the beneficial results obtained by the e of your Microbe Killer. A few months ago I was a very sick man, suffering from a com- ication of diseases due to overwork. I was advised by a friend to try your remedy. I did so; id am now happy to say that I am completely cured. Wishing you every success, I remain, very respectfully yours, D. W. N. Yost - [Mr. Yost is the inventor of Yost’s Typewriter.] Cured of Kidney Trouble, Washington, D.C., March 21st, 1890. I am now taking the second jug of Microbe Killer, and it has done more for me than I can 11. It has about cured my Kidney trouble, has increased my appetite, and built up my nervous 'stem. When I consider my age (in my seventy-second year) and that I was completely run >wn when I began taking it, I can truthfully say that it has done wonders for me. Mrs. Marion H. Carpenter, 1533 Ninth street, N. W. Good for Kidney Trouble and Indigestion. Cambridgeport, Mass., March 20, 1890. This is to certify that I have been troubled with Kidney disease for the past two years, and ave spent a great deal of money without getting any relief. In six months it has cost me $85 nd I did not get as much relief as I have from one jug of Radam’s Microbe Killer. For indiges- on I do not know of its equal. For twelve months I did not eat any food without its causing le sickness to my stomach. Upon taking only a few doses of the Microbe Killer I have been erfectly cured. E. Richardson, 8 Hancock Place. A Splendid Family Medicine. Rochester, N. Y., June 8, 1890. I have been using your Microbe Killer in my family for the past six months, and the bene- ts derived therefrom have not only been most satisfactory, but simply marvelous. I would nhesitatingly recommend it to all, for it is certainly all you claim for it. Elmer E. Almy. (Mr. Almy is proprietor of the New Osborn House). It is a Cure for all Liver Troubles. West Stockholm, N. Y., June 14, 1890. I have had what the physicians call Liver trouble for about fifteen years. It caused me intense uffering, having pain in the stomach nearly every day during the last two years. The pain was o severe that I was obliged to take opium to relieve it. I began taking William Radam’s Mi- robe Killer about five weeks ago. Have taken about one gallon. I suffer but little pain now. )o not have to use opium, and feel so much better than when I began taking the Microbe Killer hat I believe by continuing the use of it, I shall be entirely cured. I have worked on the high- vay shoveling dirt two days this week. Have not been able to do that kind of work at any time before within the last five years. J. S. Chellis. [Mr. Chellis is widely known as a teacher of violin and band music, and is the leader of Chellis’ Orchestra and Stockholm Brass Band.] A Severe Case of Catarrh and Rheumatism Cured. New York, Aug. 21, 1891. Gentlemen :—My wife had suffered for nearly a year with Catarrh of the head and ears. During that time she was treated by a celebrated spec'alist, but did not seem to get much if any relief. I then induced her to try Microbe Killer, and she began its use two months ago and I am happy to say that to-day she is entirely well. You will recollect that she was cured about three years ago of a Yery severe case of Rheumatism in the knees, and has had no return of that trouble since. You are at liberty to refer to us, and also to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, whom your medicine cured of La Grippe and Rheumatism. Very respectfully, Geo. B. Eddy, 7 Murray St. 29 Important to Ladies. New York, Dec. 22d, 1890. Gentlemen :—I deem it my duty to write this for the benefit of others as to what great ben efit my wife received from the use of the Microbe Killer after being sick for three years, bein; constantly under the physician’s care for a disease peculiar to her sex. She was induced b me (very much against her own will) to use the Microbe Killer, and after one month’s use wa completely cured, so I take great pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers. Yours truly, S. Frank, Cashier for H. B. Herts & Sons, 242 Fifth Ave. South Butler, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1891. Gentlemen :—I am using Radam’s Microbe Killer with great benefit for Catarrh, Bronchia affections, and Fermentation of the Stomach, I consider it a most valuable remedy. Very respectfully, Silas D. Crofoot. Port Byron, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1891. Gentlemen :—One jug of Radam’s Microbe Killer relieved me of Sciatic Rheumatism am severe pains in the back. I heartily recommend it as being a first class remedy for the above named complaints. Respectfully, Horace Christian. Montezuma, N. Y., August 22, 1891. Gentlemen :—I am using Radam’s Microbe Killer with great benefit for Sciatic Rheumatisn and Diabetes. I take pleasure in recommending it to all. Very respectfully, James Blanchard. Port Byron, N Y., Aug. 22, 1891- Gentlemen :—I consider Radam’s Microbe Killer to be the best remedy I ever used for Bron chitis, and would advise all persons suffering from any throat trouble to use it. Very respectfully, Jessie Jerden. Port Byron, N. Y.,Aug. 22, 1891. Gentlemen :—I have used Radam’s Microbe Killer for Neuralgia, loss of appetite, and Fer- mentation of the stomach, and it has proven very satisfactory. I take great pleasure in recom mending it. Very respectfully, L, H. King. Port Byron, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1891. Gentlemen :—I am using Radam’s Microbe Killer for Sciatic Rheumatism, combined wit! Nervousness, Insomnia, and loss of appetite, and find my health very much improved. It is certainly a good remedy, and I heartily recommend it to all. John Stewart. These are but a few of the very many testimonials on file in our office. CAUTION. There are many imitations of the Microbe Killer now being introduced by unscrupulous persons. Use none but the genuine WM. RADAM’S MICROBE KILLER. See that every Jug is properly sealed with Green Label. EMPLOYMENT. We want good, reliable Agents to handle this great remedy. We offer liberal terms to right parties. Write for full particulars, naming town and county you wish to work. Of Interest to Ladies. The Benefits to Be Derived Are Marvelous. Ho disagreeble examination is necessary. Ho dangerous or harmful medicine to take. You can treat yourselves at home. You are sure to recover of whatever ailment. The expense is trifling. The results are most gratifying. We need not here name diseases. Every lady knows whether she is troubled with ANY of the various complaints peculiar to her sex, and if she is, it will cost her nothing to consult privately, and thus learn personally of th* remedy that will cure her. Every irregularity and unnaturalness, all inflammations, ulcerations and weaknesses are completely cured and the system fully restored to a normal condition. It is worth your while to inquire into this state- ment either in person or by letter. As a toilet water for the complexion, it has no superior. It is most healthful and invigor- ating to the skin, removes pimples, blackheads, etc., and gives a fresh and youthful appearance to the complexion, with no possible injury. A. Word to Mothers Who have growing daughters just blossoming into mature womanhood. How often does nature require some little aid to perfect this wonderful change ! How often is a young life blighted or subjected to unnecessary sickness and inconvenience because of some obstruction, something unnatural yet unknown, which could easily be removed or regulated if given proper and timely attention. Through feelings of delicacy the patient victim suffers in silence, and allows the evil to continue without attention rather than mention it to even her mother. She thinks because not real sick that it will wear off, or nature will soon restore strength and resume healthy functions. Mothers should be more watchful, and not keep daughters in igno- rance of nature’s ways and nature’s needs. The Microbe Killer has power to render just the assistance needed at such times ; a single gallon will cause a healthy change and remove every obstruction and irregularity. We make this matter prominent because it is of great import- ance. Thousands of ladies suffer without knowing the cause, and dread to place themselves under a physician’s professional care. We know whereof we affirm when we say that the MICROBE KILLER WILL CURE ALL SUCH DISEASES. A simple home remedy, inexpensive, pleasant and effective—positively so in ALL FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It should be kept in the house at all times. Pour from the jug into quart bottles, cork tightly and keep for use. Time does not injure it. If anything ails the children, a bad cold, croup, worms, diarrhoea, a fever or any indisposition, a few doses of the Microbe Killer promptly administered restores health. If a child is injured, burnt, bruised or cut, tie up the wound and saturate well with Microbe Killer. It is the greatest family medicine known, and | should be in every household. It can be safely given in small doses to the baby. It aids digestion, helps teething, cures I summer complaints, and where a child is weakly or puny, it soon gives strength and vigor, and I he child becomes robust and healthy. But there is another period in a woman’s l'fe when the Microbe Killer is of inestimable ij .ervice, namely, that commonly called “ Change of Life." Some are unable to survive this ' hange. Many barely escape after much sickness, and all suffer more or less. The tendency § >f Microbe Killer being to assist nature and produce healthy, normal action, it has proved to I >e invaluable at this period. It should be used moderately but continuously from its com- | nencement. The change will scarcely be noticed. We desire to impress this fact upon the I ainds of our lady readers, and feel warranted in forcing it upon their attention, namely : you I ave no better friend than the Microbe Killer. Nothing yet discovered so completely meets j! our needs in the many ailments which annoy and afflict, but which so seldom receive medical ' reatment. It is strictly a home remedy, and can be used by yourselves. Drinking it tones up ij! nd strengthens the system. Used as injections or a compress, it positively cures any case | f inflammation, ulceration, congestion or leucorrhoea. How is Radam’s Microbe Killer Made ? What are its Ingredients? These puzzling questions have interested some people far more than the inquiry, “What will this medicine do? Will it cure me?” We have taken much pains to prove its intrinsic value, to test and make public its curative powers. Throw a life-preserver to a man overboard, does he stop to inquire what it is made of, or insist on having every ingredient of which it is composed branded plainly on the outside? As soon as it is recognized as a life-preserver, he quickly seizes it and puts it to practical use. But the curiosity of some people is unbounded ; their incredulity abnormally developed, and they (especially of the profession) scorn to use or re- commend anything they do not know all about, no matter what may be its established claim for recognition. Accordingly, repeated ATTEMPTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO ANALYZE !T by parties who claim to be expert chemists, the object apparently being in each published case to discover if possible a pretext for condemnation and attack, anything to prevent the people using it. For some reason no two of these experts agree, aSift some differ widely. We take pleasure in giving the main results of their labors. Their statement is that each gallon of Radam’s Microbe Killer contains in varying quantities nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sul- phuric acid, leaving the inference or openly asserting that it is a deadly poison. The public are already surfeited with this stale subject, but so persistent are the prejudiced and malicious enemies of the Microbe Killer that they renew the attack at every opportunity, and the old complaint breaks out in a new spot every now and then, and for awhile they deceive the people to their hurl. Wishing the public to be correctly informed, and hoping to place the matter in so plain, clear and convincing a light that our maligners will be forever silenced, and that all further slanders will fall of their own dead weight unnoticed and uncared for, we state the following FACTS ABOUT THE MICROBE KILLER. 1. It does not contain the above acids in any proportion whatever. The following affidavit should settle that question : “State of New York, City of New York. ss. Wm. Radam, being duly sworn, says: I am the discoverer of the Microbe Killfer. I have never bought nor used one dollar’s worth of sulphuric, muriatic or any other kind of acid to make my Microbe Killer, nor have I given the formula referred to, to any of my companies now manufacturing this preparation. William Radam. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of December, 1889. [seal] N. R. COTTMAN, Notary Public (204) New York 2. THE GENUINE MICROBE KILLER IS COMPOSED only and exclusively of pure water charged with Microbe destroying gases, hence cannot be analyzed. Therefore when any one claims to know how to make the Microbe Killer, and says it costs 15 cents a gallon, you may be sure the truth is willfully perverted, and the informant is attempting to prejudice your mind, or else he is talking about something of which he is entirely ignorant. It is harmless, contains no poison, is effective in destroying disease, is a family remedy which should constantly be kept n every household, and when thoroughly known it wrill be duly appreciated and take its proper place as one of the most important and valuable discov- eries ever given afflicted humanity. It is sold by special agents in almost every town. HEADQUARTERS & FACTORY, No. 7 LAIOHT STREET, NEW YORK CITY.