| ' STATEMENT OF MEDICAL AND P HOSPITAL SUPPLIES, FURNISHED TO THE SICK AND WOUNDED OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY, AND MONEYS EXPENDED FOR THE SAME; At NEW YORK From April 15th, 1861, to December- 31st, 1865 ; BY MSvt• MSt'iif • Cr€ii» MS, $JR’]rirM*}MSljLMfcM$) Surgeon and Medical Purveyor, U. S.A. NEW YORK. 1866. STATEMENT 1 OF M E I) 1 C A L AND HOSPITAL SUPPLIES, FURNISHED TO THE SICK AND WOUNDED OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY, AND MONEYS EXPENDED FOR THE SAME; At NEW YORK, From April 15th, 1861, to December 31st, 1865 ; BY Bvt. Brig. Gen. It. S. S*I TTEItJLBE, Surgeon and Medical Purveyor. U.S.A. gmmi §jMiaJ gttmjjtag §*pt, NEW YORK. 1866. STATEMENT OF MEDICAL & HOSPITAL SUPPLIES, Issued at New York, from April 15th, 1861, to December 81st, 1805, by BYT. BRIG. GEN. R. S. SATTERLEE, Surgeon and Medical Purveyor, V. S• A. Medicines. Cardamom Seed, oz 1,576 Catechu, lb! 1,865 Cinchonia, Sulphate of, oz 115,013 Citrate of Iron and Quinine, oz. 27,819 “ “ “ Ammonia, oz. 37 Chalk, prepared, lb. 4,745 Chloroform, lb. 28,813 Collodion, oz. 3,110 Congress Water, bot. 641 Copaiba, lb. 25,853 Copper, Sulphate of, lb. 1,478 Creasote, oz. 30,927 Cubebs, oil-resin of, lb. 2,926 Disinfecting Powder, lb. 35,148 Disinfectant—Carbolic Acid, boxes 100 Chloride of Lime, lb. 85,726 “ Chlorinium, (mate’ls for preparing), pkgs. 2,591 Chlorinium, (salt mixture for,) lb. 3,270 “ Solution of Chlori- nated Soda, lb 60,346 “ Solution of Chloride of Zinc, lb. 7,150 “ Permanganate of Potassa, lb 10,683 (( <( u it bot. 7,358 Dover’s Powder, lb. 7,443 Ether, pure, lb. 19,848 Extract, Belladonna, oz. 9,105 “ Colocjnth, Comp: lb- 3,934 “ Gentian, lb. 36 “ Hemlock, oz. 2,514 Acid, Acetic, lb 3,101 “ Arsenious, oz. 778 '• Benzoic, oz. 492 “ Citric,' lb. 6,754 “ Hydrocyanic, oz 102 “ Muriatic, lb 4,307 “ biitrie, lb. 2,214 “ Phosphoric, Dilut: lb. 1,906 “ Pyroligneous, lb. 28 “ Sulphuric, lb. 2,097- “ *• Aromatic, lb. 8,483 “ Tannic, lb. 2,355 “ Tartaric, lb- 5,o65 “ Water, Oak Orchard, bot. 192 Alcohol, strong, qt. bot. 131,854 Alum, lb. 6,918 Ammonia, Carbonate of, lb. 5,647 “ Muriate of, lb. 2,743 Assafetida, lb- 808 Balsam Peru, lb- 1,244 Bibron’s Antidote to the Poison of Serpents, bot. 522 Beeswax, white, lb 3,815 Bismuth, Subcarbonate of, lb. 972 “ Subnitrate of, lb. 686 Blackberry Juice, condensed, lb- 960 Bromine, oz. 3,107 Brandy, qt. bot 149,376 Burgundy Pitch, lb. 537 Calomel, lb- 756 Camphor, lb- 11,257 2 Extract, Henbane, oz. 5,391 “ Hops, oz. 175 “ Nux Vomica, oz: 4,841 Fluirl Extract, Aconite Root, lb. 3,139 “ American Hellebore, lb 10,042 “ Black Pepper, oz. 64 “ Buchu, lb. 4,215 “ Colcbicum Root, oz. 546 “ “ Seed, lb. 3,114 “ Columbo, lb. 169 “ Dandelion Root, lb. 804 “ Ergot, oz. 5,399 “ Foxglove, oz. 101 “ Gentian, lb. 4,186 “ Ginger, lb. 14,181 “ Henbane, oz. 752 “ Ipecacuanha, lb. 3,479 ‘ Jalap, oz- 211 “ Peruvian Bark, lb. 10,165 “ Piukroot, lb 1,811 “ Quassia, oz. 241 “ Rhubarb, lb. 2,920 “ Sarsaparilla, Ib 973 “ “ Comp: lb. 25 “ Seneka, lb. 4,716 “ Senna, lb. 483 “ Valerian, lb. 2,150 " "Wild Cherry Bark lb. 4,116 Flaxseed, lb. a. 4-, 5 75 Gum Arabic, 11). 1,560 Glycerin, lb. 6,983 Hops, lb. 71 Honey, clarified, lb. 541 Iodine, oz. 28,000 Iron, Hydrated Oxide of, (mate- rials for,) pkgs. 1,110 “ Iodide of, oz. 71 “ Plaster, lb. 45 “ Sulphate of, * lb. 6,932 Lead, Acetate of, lb. 4,623 Lime Juice, gal. 305 “ “ hot. 3,500 “ Water, lb. 141 Liquorice, lb. 11,122 Lupuline, OZ- 179 Magnesia, oz' 26,096 “ Sulphate of, lb. 182,350 May-Apple, Resin of, oz. 3,519 Mercurial Pill Mass, oz. 91,139 “ Plaster, lb. 31 Mercury, Corrosive Chloride of, oz. CO 1 - Ob csT *• Iodide of, oz. 1,765 Mercury, Red Oxide of, OK. 2,809 “ with Chalk, lb. 1.142 Morphine, Suphale of, oz. 9,lt,l Myrrh, lb. 41 Ointment, Cantharides. lb. 4,1. A “ Carbonate of Zinc, lb. 747 Mercurial, lb. 10,111 “ Nitrate of Mercury, lb. 1,041 “ Resin, lb. 20,156 “ Simple, lb. 74,1kO Oil, Castor, qt, bot 60.176 “ Cinnamon, oz- 4,825 “ Cloves, oz- 171 “ Cod-liver, qt. bot 34,403 “ Croton, oz- 8,451 “ Cubebs. oz- 34 “ Olive, qt. bot. 43,587 “ Origanum, oz. 480 “ Peppermint, oz. 823 “ Turpentine, qt. bot. 27,490 Opium, lb. 1,101 “ Elixir of, McMunn’s, bot. 75 Pills, Assafetida, doz. 100 “ Camphor and Opium, doz- 143,167 “ Cathartic, Comp: doz. 1^97,345 “ Citrate of Iron & Quinine, doz. 2,721 “ Colocynth and Ipecac: doz. 2,728 “ Mercurial, doz. 1,446 “ Opium, doz. 193,155 “ Qiinine, doz. 62,483 “ Sulphate of Cinchonia, doz. 100 Pulverized Aloes, oz. 10,150 “ Cantharides, OZ 7,109 “ Cayenne Pepper, lb 4,500 “ Cubebs, lb. 8,750 Ergot, oz 149 “ Flaxseed, lb. 148,084 ‘ ‘ Gum Arabic^ lb. 229,260 “ “ Guaie, lb. 51 “ “ Kino, lb. 97 “ Ipecacuanha, lb. 4,374 *' Iron, oz. 156 “ Jalap, OZ. 815 “ Liquorice, lb. 1,503 “ Mustard, lb. 64,351 “ Opium, lb. 6,251 “ Persulphate of lron,oz. 11,243 “ Peruvian Bark, lb. 4,790 “ Rhubarb, lb- 2,948 “ Savine, OZ. 355 “ Squill, lb. 1,365 “ Slippery Elm Bark , lb. 781 Potassa, Acetate of, lb. 1,597 “ Bicarbonate of, - lb. 6,193 “ Bitartrate of, lb. 4,395 “ Chlorate of, lb. 6,S55 “ Nitrate of, lb. 2,473 Potassium, Cyanuret of, oz. 31 Iodide of, lb. 8,380 Quassia, lb. 81 Quinine, Sulphate of, ez. 294,365 Rhubarb Root, oz. 9,112 Silver, Nitrate of, oz. 12,600 “ fused, oz. 14,538 Soap, Castile, lb. 106,314 Solution, Arsenical, Fowler’s, oz. 35,541 “ of Ammonia, lb. •32,363 “ of Morphine, oz. 868 “ of Persulphate Of Iron, lb. 2,894 “ ofPernitrate “ oz. 97 “ of Potassa, lb. 129 Soda, Bicarbonate of, lb. 13,133 “ Borate of, lb. 1,432 Spirit of Ammonia, Aromatic,. lb. 3,874 “ of Ether, comp: lb. 8,803 “ of Lavender, comp: lb. 7,535 “ of Nitrous Ether, lb. 31,734 Strychnia, oz. 450 Sulphur, lb. 6,836 Syrup of Blackberry, bot. 1,304 “ of Iodide of Iron, lb. 2,963 “ Simple, lb- 110 “ of Squill, lb. 95,822 Tartrate of Antimony & Potassa, oz. 3,210 “ of Iron and Potassa, oz. 410 “ of Potassa and Soda, lb. 10,578 Tincture of Aconite Hoot, lb. 1,884 “ American Hellebore, \ oz* 968 “ Ergot, oz. 97 “ Foxglove, oz. 349 “ Iodine, •oz. 149 “ Larkspur, lb. 121 ** Muriate of Iron, lb 13,598 “ Oil of Peppermint, lb' 9,336 “ Opium, lb.' 22,478 “ Camphorated, lb. 18,689 “ Peruvian Bark, comp: lb. 79 “ Tolu, lb. 47 Vaccine Virus, crusts. 24,204 Whiskey, qt. bot. 449,213 Wine, Catawba, qt. bot. 10,468 “ Currant, bot. 384 “ Port, bot. 5,105 “ Sherry, qt. bot. 191,443 Wine, Tarragona, qt. bot. 44,980 “ of Colehicum Seed, lb. 1,498 Zinc, Acetate of, oz. 7,375 “ Carbonate of, oz. 4,600 “ Oxide of, oz. 245 “ Sulphate of, oz. 16,235 Hospital Siore 3 Ale, casks. 440 • l bot. 2,680 Apple-Juice, condensed, gal. 106 Arrow-root, lb. 10,626 Barley, hulled, lb. 57,631 Beef, Extract of, lb- 296,592 “ Soup, 50-ration-boxes of, no- 50 Candles, Sperm, lbs' 41,501 Cinnamon, powdered, lb' 2,148 Cloves, lb. 197 Cocoa and Chocolate, lb. 53,725 Coffee, concentrated. lb. 2,589 “ Extract of, gal. 13,589 Condensed Eggs, lb. 74,568 Corn Starch, lb. 125,913 Desiccated Vegetables, lb. 55,108 Egg-Nog, ■cans. 514 Farina, lb. 83,630 Gelatine, Shred, lb. 4,353 Ginger, powdered, lb. 2,930 Ice, tons. 1,796 Milk, concentrated, lb 254,318 Nutmegs, lb. 5,984 Pepper, Black, ground, lb. 7,850 Portable Lemonade, lb. 1,300 Porter, casks. 89 (l pt. bot. 430,616 Sugar, White, crushed, lb. 363,596 Tamarinds, lb. 260 Tapioca, lb. 46,467 Tea, lb. 158,061 Tomatoes, cans. 148 Surgical Instruments, Amputating, sets. 385 “ and Trephining, sets. 95 Bougies, gum elastic, no. 871 “ metallic, no. 239 Bullet Forceps, no. 362 “ Probes, no. 234 Buck’s Spongeholder for the Throat, no. 3,180 Capital Operating, sets. 107 Catheters, gum elastic, no. 9S5 “ silver, no. 240 “ metallic, no. 11G Catheter Cases, no. 235 Cupping Glasses and Tins no. 50,581 Caustic Holders, no. 29 Dissecting, sets. 790 Dressing Forceps, no. 56 Electro-Magnectic Machines, no. 8 Exsecting, sets. 158 Eye, sets. 2 Field Cases, no- 2,238 General Operating, sets. 150 Lancets, spring, no. 1,568 “ thumb, no. 10,517 “ cases, no. 3,240 Minor Operating, sets. 158 Needles, Surgeon’s, no. 1,740 Obstetrical, sets. 146 Focket, sets. 5,688 Post-Mortem, sets- 79 Pulleys, sets. 330 Probangs, no. 23,448 Razors and Strops, in cases, no. 3,625 Scarificators, no. 5,557 Scissors, no. 14,507 Speculums, assorted,- no. 1,125 Stethoscopes, no 1,422 Stomach Pumps, sets. 954 “ Tubes, ho- 1,659 Syringes, assorted, no. 72,230 “ Hypodermic^ no. 1,094 Teeth Extracting, sets. 3,528 Tongue Depressors, no. 3,941 Tourniquets, assorted, no. 89,371 Trusses, assorted, no. 22,630 Trephining, sets. 60 "Vaccinators, Spring, no. 2,132 Books, Medical, &c. Anatomy, Gray’s, cop. 448 “ Surgical, Powers’ cop. 1,081 “ (various authors,) cop. 768 Barwell on Joints, cop. 10 Bumstead on Venereal Diseases, cop. 326 Chemistry, Fowne’s, cop. 583 (various authors,) cop. 202 Chemical Journals, cop. 12 Da Costa’s Mod. Diagnosis, cop. 40 Dictionary, Med., Dunglison’s, cop. *747 “ English, Webster’s, cop. 134 “ Worcester’s, cop. 90 Dispensatory, U. S., cop. 1,748 Hospital Steward’s Manual, cop. 694 Hygiene, co^ 305 Hamilton on Fractures, cop. 20 Longmoreon Gunshot Wounds, cop. 487 Medical Formulary, cop. 260 “ Jurisprudence, cop. 310 “ and Toxicology, cop. 193 Obstetricy, cop. 274 Pathology, Yirchow’s cop. 346 Pharmacy, Parrish’s, cop. 428 Physiology, Dalton’s. cop. 431 Practice of Medicine, W ood’s, cop. 127 “ W atson’s, cop. 326 “ Bennett’s, cop. 163 “ (various au thors,) cop. 960 Prin. of Medicine, Hartshorne’s, cop. 805' Surgery, Prin’s of, Erichsen’s, cop. 379' “ Gross’ cop. 101 ‘' Smith’s, Stc’n, cop. 616 “ Macleod’s Surg. Notes cop. 172 “ Guthrie’s Com’entar’s, cop. 82 “ Minor Surg. Sargent’s cop. 357 “ (various authors), cop. 1,123 Therapeutics, Stille’s, cop. 345 “ Wood’s, cop. 91 Thompson’s Conspectus, cop. 961 Toynbee on Dis. of the Ear, cop. 267 Jones “ “ Eye, cop. 259 Wilson “ “ Skin, cop. 171 Woodward on Camp Diseases, cop. 101 Miscellaneous Medical Works, cop. 28- Bgoks cf Bscord, &c. Blank Books, cap size, no. 27,744 Case Books, no. 1,653 Copying Press Books, no. 4 Index Books, no 81 Meteorological Registers, no. 404 Morning Reports, no. 3,716 Order and Letter Books, no. 2,164 Prescription Books, no. 18,418 Registers of Patients, no 2,185 “ Surgical Operations, no. 40 Leeches, no 50 Ligature Wire, yds. 1,349 Muslin, white, yds. 668,178 “ green, yds. 1,070 Napkins for Opthalmia, no. 12,316 Needles, 25; Cotton Thread, 1 spool; Thimbles, 1—in ease , no. 7,871 Needles, sewing, no- 39,134 Oakum, lb. 67,644 Oiled Silk and Muslin, yds- 58,817 “ Paper, sheets 215 Pencils, hair. no. 88,244 Pins, papers 30,516 Roller Bandages, assorted, doz. 239,765 Suspensory “ “ no. 52,329 Silk, green, yds- 5,378 “ saddlers, oz- 7,218 Splints, sets- 12,830 “ Smith’s anterior, no. 8,440 Sponge, fine, oz. 86,611 Tape, 8 yd. pieces, no. Thread, cotton, spools 559 “ linen, oz. 19,613 Thimbles, no 239 Tow, lb. 20,208 Towel Rollers, no. 40 Towels, doz. 38,158 Towelling, yds. 7,716 Twine, lb. 9,878 Hospital Clothing. Drawers, no- 361,242 Dressing Gowns, no- 178,129 Night Caps, no. 83,769 Shirts, cotton,-f-XtomioX. no. 479,828 Slippers, pairs, 221,372 Socks, woollen, Dairs 503,178 Bedding. Bed Covers, gutta percha, no- 23,185- Bedsaeks, no. 293,737 Bedsacking, yds. 65,292 Bedticking, yds. 66,544 Bedsteads, iron and wood, no. 122,099 “ Dr. Crosby’s Invalid, no. 50 Beds, Water, india rubber, no. 753 Blankets, woollen, no. 528,218 “ “ wrappers, no. 1,167 Blanket Cases, canvas, no. ■ 7,688 Requisitions, Returns, Reports | of Sick, &c. no. 586 : Stationery, &C. Blank Forms, quires. 18,750 Copying Presses, no. 3 Envelope Paper, quires. 302 Envelopes, doz. 165,543 Erasers, no. 66 Ink, Black, (2 oz. bot.) no. 38,617 “ “ (qt bot.) no. 703 “ Red, bot. 452 “ Powder, papers 1,571 Inkstands, no. 6,149 India Rubber Bands, no. 1,144 Mucilage, bottles of, with brushes, no. 9,384 Paper, Blotting, sheets 4,749 “ Filtering, packs 4,620 it “ quires 142 «. Wrapping, quires 73,002 u a lb. 155,451 “ Wiiting, quires 368,830 Paper Files, no. 11 Pens, steel, no. 340,304 Penholders, no. 12,591 Pencils, lead, no. 92,196 Portfolios, no. 2,142 Quills, no. 12,942 Rulers, no. 43 Sealing Wax, sticks 9,635 Tape, Red, pieces 634 Wafers, half-oz. boxes, no. 1,468 Dressings, &C. Adhesive Plaster, yds. 82,164 Binders Boards, no. 76,507 Cotton Bats, no. 23,190 “ Wadding, sheets 1,718 “ lb. 825 Flannel, yds. 45,171 Fracture Boxes, no. 73 Gutta Percha Cloth, yds. 41,623 India Rubber “ lb. 143 “ “ Tissue, yds. 95 Isinglass Plaster, yds, 59,484 Liuen. yds. 99,510 ‘‘ Rags, lb. 3,593 Lint, lb. 66,365 Cots, no. 1,587 Counterpanes, no. 226,260 Cushions, air and water, no. 7,026 Mattresses, assorted, no. 72,450 Musquito Bars, no. 183,141 “ Netting, yds. 48,930 Pillows, assorted, no. 163,714 Pillow Cases, no. 441,514 Sheets, no. 812,668 Pillow Ticks, no. 158,036 Furniture, Appliances, &c. Axes, no. 65 Barometers, no. 5 Basins, tin, assorted, no. 13,307 “ “ Wash-hand, no. 50,089 Baskets, no. 63 Bandage Machines, no. 171 Bed Cards, no- 177,400 “ “ Frames, no. 155,841 Bed-Pans, no. 5,722 Bed-Screens, no. 68 Boilers, no. 127 Bowls, no. 36,582 Box Hooks, no. 32 Brackets, for lamps, no. 98 Brooms and Brushes, no. 45,449 Buckets, leather & india-rubber, no. 23,458 Cacolets, no. 25 Candlesticks, no. 7,656 Caldrons, no. 249 Carbon Filters, no. 216 Castors, no. 39 Chairs, no. 24,406 Chests, store, no. 33 Cleavers, no. 1,228 Qlothes-pins, doz. 607 “ lines, feet 276,029 Chisels, box &c., no. 17 Close Stools, no. 2,624 Coal Hods, no- no Cork Pressers, no- 13 , Combined Knives & Forks, no. 309 Clocks, no. 1,849 Corks, assorted, doz. 313,776 Corkscrews, no. 7,115 Crutches, pairs 1,735 Cups and Saucer®, of each. no. 4,150 Cups, tin, no. 49,560 Cullenders, ho. 26 Desks, no. 23 Dippers and Ladles, no. 5,812 Dishes and Plates, no. 108,819 Ewers and Basins, of each, no. 106 Faucets, no. 40 Feeding Cups, no. 4,139 Flesh Forks, no. 662 Funnels, glass, no. 1,642 “ tin, no. 2,488 Graters, no. 1,963 Green Holland, for window curtains, yds. 5,365 Gridirons, no, 1,412 Hammers, no. 63 Hatchets, no. 4,783 Hones, no. 2,755 Kettles, camp, no. 3,613 “ tea, no. 1,197 Knives & Forks, of each, no. 150,341 “ “ cai'ving, of each no. 3,188 “ Butchers’, no. 7,646 “ Bread. no. 2,512 Lamps and Lanterns, no. 14,747' Lamp Chimneys. no. 3,792 “ Fillers, no. 39 > Litters, hand, sets 17,984 “ horse, sets 1,111 Locks and Keys, no. 1,653 Looking Glasses, no. 5,865 Mats, door, no. 1,599 Measures, grad., assorted, glass, no- 5,042 “ “ minim, ■“ no- 3,640 “ tin, no* 1,173 Medicine Measuring Glasses, no. 6,322 “ Spoons, no. 9,340 Mess Chests, no> 1,951 Mills, coffee, no. 2,819 Mops, complete, no. 4,670 Mop Handles, no. 401 “ Heads, no. 360 Mortars and Pestles, glass, no, 73 “ “ iron, no. 38 “ “ wedgewood, no 3,016 Mugs, no. 59,943 Pails, tin, &c., no. 1,248 Pans, tin, assorted, no. 3,851 “ frying, iron, no. 1,298 “ sauce, iron, no. 1,800 Percolators, no 12 Pill Boxes, wood, 214 Tubing, india-rubber, feet 547 Containing Packages. Barrels, Casks, &c., no. 7,347 Bags, no. 286 Bottles, doz. 156,928 Boxes, packing, no. 154,039 “ paper. &c., no. 6,137 Caddies, wood, no. 21,642 Cans, no. 323,175 Jars and Pots, no. 55,267 8 STATEMENT OF Moneys Expended in Purchasing* the foregoing Supplies, And for Services of Contract Surgeons, Nurses, &c., by BYT. BRIG-. GEN. R. S. SATTERLEE, Surgeon and Medical Purveyor, U■ S. A. Year. 1st Quarter. 2d Quarter. 3d Quarter. 4th Quarter. Total. 1861 $100,000 00 $381,676 87 $271,508 04 $ 753,184 91 18G2 $500,050 94 929,088 82 918,384 13 432,111 32 2,779,635 21 1863 592,804 87 904,477 09 938,280 32 984,772 05 3,420,334 33 1864 935,301 20 998,552 16 2,864,760 57 1,673,884 48 6,472,498 41 1865 1,112,051 80 2,630,351 26 728,015 92 190,497 47 4,660,916 45 $18,086,569 31