f ALLACIES AND CLAIMS ; A WORD TO THE WORLD ON HOMOEOPATHY. BY Dr. E. H. RUDDOCK. Reading, England, FIRST AMERICAN EpiTlON. C--S.-«AtSSY' Homoeopathic Pharmaceutist 66 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, C. S. Halsey, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the U. S. for the Northern District of Illinois. CHURCH, GOODMAN & DONNELLEY', PRINTERS AND KLECTROTYPERS, CHICAGO, ILL. NOTE TO THE SECOND ENGLISH EDITION. The first edition of this tract, consisting of 30,000 copies, published nine years ago, has long been out of print. In deference to urgent requests, it is now reproduced in a somewhat enlarged, and, it is hoped, improved form, in the belief that it may throw some light on an im- portant subject. NOTE BY THE AMERICAN PUB- LISHER. This little tract has had an immense circula- tion in Europe, and seemed so suitable for the purpose that I have obtained from its author the right of publication in America, hoping that it will be as useful here as at home. Dr. Ruddock has written several of the most practical and useful works for the public that have ever been issued from the press. Mention is made of some of them on the last pages of this tract. They can be had of Homoeopathic physicians and pharmaceutists, or from the pub- lisher of this tract. *** It is respectfully requested that this tract be widely circulated,by enclosure in letters, etc. One copy, with a sheet of ordinary note paper and envelope, requires only single postage. anti (Claims: A OX j^OMCEOPATHY. FALLACIES. The following are some of the most common fallacies and objections prevalent in regard to Homoeopathy. An attempt is made to state them fairly and meet them fully, in the hope that conviction of the truth of Homoeopathy may result: I. “ Homoeopathic Medicines are do- nothinf/ remedies : they do neither good nor harm : bread-pills would do as well; in fact you cure by diet.” To the professional man who makes this statement I say, “Then go you and do likewise.” But first tell me what diet it is which cures Asiatic cholera ? and what system of hygiene is it that cures croup ? And, once more, tell me also, when you lose a case of rheu- matic fever, is it because you do not pay attention to diet and hygiene ? 6 NATURE AND HOMCEOPATHY. Further still, we are told that recoveries which have taken place in connection with Homoeo- pathy were dependent on the unaided efforts of nature that our medicines were powerless in the matter. But in reply to that objection, I have just one thing to say: Given two cases of acute rheumatism, in all respects equal: you shall treat yours either on the real do-nothing system, or by diet, or by both; and I with our medicines, and my case will be convalescent some days before yours, and the sufferings will have been less. This is every-day experience. Y. “ Homoeopathy cures fry faith.” Now it must at once strike us here, that if this charge were true, still Homoeopathy is a very precious thing. We might naturally suppose that every one would prefer to be cured in this si mple way, rather than by unpleasant mixtures from an apothecary’s shop. Imagine, for example, that you had inflammation of the lungs; that the doctor told you it would cure you if you took a teaspoonfull of water, or looked every half hour in a glass; and that, beside, it were a fact that this would really happen if you could make up your mind to take him at his word. Imagine this, I say, and is it not certain that, like a sensible person, as you are, you would adopt this HOMCEOPATHY NOT FAITH. 7 treatment, rather than empty a dozen pill-boxes and four-ounce physic-bottles, and only the chemist knows what beside ? Of course you would ! It would not be your fault if your faith were weak ! But faith has nothing whatever to do with cures by Homoeopathy. For example our system is daily gaining ground with farmers, and is largely adopted in counties where cattle are bred and grazed. Who would be wild en- ough to say that the pig indulges in imagination, or that the sheep and cow exercise faith ? And yet hundreds of them have been cured by Homceopathic treatment. An ass in ancient time forbade the madness of a prophet; so in modern days, the brute, healed of its disease by Homoeopathy, is a standing rebuke to those who deny that our medicines exercise any power over the human frame. It may fairly be con- cluded that, if Homoeopathy can cure cattle, it is simply because there is virtue in its medicines. The same may be said in reference to infants, and patients in delirium, in the treatment of whom it is remarkably successful. Now, in view of this, the inference is plain. What is good forthe gander, is good for the goose. Since Homoeopathy can cure a calf, we may depend on it, ■> would cure even an Allopathic doctor, 8 THE PRINCIPLE OF SELECTION. should he happen to be ill, in spite of his utter unbelief! In other words, it is wholly inde- pendent of the patient. Its innumerable cures are not the result of faith, but solely of valuable medicines applied by skillful hands. 3. “ Homoeopathy moans small No, it does not prevent people from dying. “ I know that,” say you, “ for I had a friend who was given up by the Allopathic doctor and went under Homoeopathic treatment, but he died,” Likely, very likely; and I had a friend who, not being cured by Homoeopathy, tried an Allopathic doctor and was not cured by him. but died. Your argument might have DIED UNDER HOMCEOPATHY ! 19 some force if death were rare under Allopathic treatment. But. though such is not the case, people do not give up Allopathy because their friends die under it; they say, “ everything was done which could be done, but the disease was so deep-seated, or so complicated, that recovery was impossible.” Yet when recourse is had to Homoeopathy at the last moment, too late for the organism to respond, even to the gentlest treat- ment, then, forsooth, it is said, “ Homoeopathy was tried, but proved a signal failure! ” Of this, however, be assured, that the Homoeopathic treatment is more favorable to the prolongation of life and the alleviation of suffering, and in curable cases is more effectual in its results, than any other.* Another advantage is, that the Homoeopath suffers less frequently from acute diseases upon the old principle that a stitch in time saves nine and he knows the right kind of stitch too. * Several life insurance companies now in- sure at a discount of 10 per cent, from their usual rates, persons who employ Homcepathic practice—and it is proved that they can well afford it. HOMOEOPATHY AND THE FACULTY. 20 0. “Homoeopathy may do for women (and children, but it is not adapted to the acute maladies of robust men.” How do you know ? Have you tried it fairly and hon- estly? giving to it a fraction of the space of time you have spent in trying Allopathy? No, you have not. Suffice it to say that there is no curable disease, however serious or complicated, in man, woman, or child, under whatever cir- cumstances, which is not more amenable to Homoeopathic treatment than to Allopathic. You regard it as a sort of pleasant fancy suit- able to amuse and interest those who are weak en- ough to believe it; its medicines being tasteless, or sweet and harmless, children are pleased to take them. True; and these are advantages not to be despised. The instinctive dislike of child- ren to Allopathic drugging is in itself a signifi- cant fact. - 10. “ Hut if all that you say be true, how is it that the profession as a body does not adopt Homoeopathy ?” “ I will answer you this question,” says Dr. M. Granier, of •\ismes, in his admirable Conferences upon Homeopathy, “ when you have told me why truth is always persecuted, and every discovery EFFECTS OF OPPOSITION. 21 met at its birth by the monster of opposition, seeking to devour it. “ Homoeopathy is repulsed by the Academies; so much the better. It does but accomplish its destiny. If the Academies were the just pro- tectors of discovery, the simple fact that they condemn Homoeopathy would show that our doctrine ought to be considered the most bare- faced error. But as they endeavor to check all new ideas, and are the antagonists of scientific truth, it is an honor to be condemned by them. “There is no condemnation so terrible as silence. Nothing develops our strength like action. The footsteps of Homoeopathy outstrip the age—its portion is with the persecuted nov> (1S58), but the triumph of the future will be its reward.” Since Dr. Granier wrote the above lines, our science has made great progress; many eminent physicians have enrolled themselves under its banner; thousands upon thousands of sufferers have accepted it as their exclusive method of treatment; and in the very country of whose Academies Dr. Granier had so bitterly to com- plain, the government has lately appointed Dr. Leon Simon lecturer on Homoeopathy at the Sorbonne. 22 EFFECTS OF OPPOSITION. Societies, and especially Medical Associations, only receive new doctrines, however true, when they can no longer be opposed to them without running counter to public feeling. in a few words I will now point out some of the claims of Homoeopathy on your confidence. HOMOEOPATHY A TRUE GUIDE. 23 CLAIMS. Homoeopathy is a true guide to correct treatment. The meaning of the word, em- bodied in the formula similia similibus curan- tur, is—“ likes are cured by likes.” Thus, if ipecacuanha in a large dose produce simple vomiting, it will cure when given in small doses, a similar simple vomiting arising from other causes. To know' what drugs are capable of doing, Homoeopathic physicians take them in large doses while they are in perfect health, and note their poisonous effects. When a dis- ease comes to them for treatment, they select from amongst the drugs they have thus tested or “ proved,” one which simulates the action ot the disease; and they find, by every-day ex- perience, that this is the rule which leads them to the most successful practice that was ever yet attained in medicine. It is not my place to ask how this is; it is enough that such is the fact. You may any day prove it for yourself. Hahnemann was the first to propound this rule 24 PRECISION, SAFETY. or principle of drug-selection as adapted to uni- versal application in all curable diseases. The advantages accruing from the use of this therapeutic compass are immense; the physician is enabled to steer safely into the harbor of health without misgivings as to his course. It renders the practice of medicine more scientific than it could otherwise be. It is at once precise, effectual, quick, pleasant, safe, ami leaves no ill effects. Compare this with Allopathy. Allopathy is a ship without compass or rudder; its officers are divided in their tactics; its crew is unanimous only in its allegiance to the uncertain opinions, whims, and fancies of cue superiors, while the ship itself founders, leaks, is tossed about by billow after billow, and chances occasionally to run into harbor. The safety of Homoeopathy is self-evident. The danger of old physic is also apparent, and need not be enlarged upon here. The pleasantness of Homoeopathic cures is attested bv the conduct of the veriest infant when the medicines are administered to it; by children, who regard the means of restoration from their illnesses with pleasure; and by thousands of mothers, in the brevity of their children’s sufferings, and the absence of the PLEASANTNESS, AND EFFICIENCY. 25 necessity for any of the scenes so frequently witnessed previously in every nursery in the kingdom, when a little innocent was forcibly held by two or three persons, till some vile draught was poured down its throat by order of the doctor, who ought to have been present to watch the effects of such an outrage on the na- ture of the child. It may not be out of place if I plainly put be- fore you another—although a lower—argument in favor of Homoeopathy. It is cheap. Now, Ido not argue that the fee of the Homoeopath should be lower than that of an Allopath. Circumstances will rule this in many cases; superior skill will always fetch its price; it creates demand, and the demand may swell the fee. But Homoeopathy will affect your purse in this way. You will not be purged, nor bled, nor weakened by any such methods : consequently, your restoration will be quicker, for our system works a swifter cure, and does not leave you with a debilitated frame. This is most import- ant. With most men, time is money. Whatever shortens the duration of disease is therefore so much gain. Let the working man especially think of this! Length of illness is always a serious thing to him. Perhaps his employment 26 ECONOMY OF HOMCEOPATHY. is precarious. Perhaps, too, he has a wife and family to keep. Besides which, no one, even though he may have a fortune, likes to be nursed, and dosed, and slopped longer than he can help. Lastly, Homceopathy is a tremendous fact. True, it has been laughed at, and still is. But what of that ? Everything worth much has, and this tells in its favor—not against it. Harvey was persecuted when he proclaimed the circula- tion of the blood, and Stephenson was ridiculed for the steam-engine. Who does not remember, too, how scientific breath not only tried to stop the locomotive, but also to put out the gas ? But for all that the engine moves, the gas burns— and, despite contempt, Homceopathy thrives. Seventy years ago Hahnemann planted the small but vigorous shoot, and now behold its roots spreading into all countries—its branches overshadow the whole earth. It is naturalized in Austria, Switzerland, Prussia, France, Italy, Russia, Germany, Spain, Brazil, America. In New York alone upwards of 400 qualified prac- titioners dispense it; in France about 300. In England several hundred medical men openly practice Homoeopathically, and the num- ber is daily increasing. “There is also a con- siderable number of men, of less moral courage, PREVALENCE OF HOMCEOPATHY. 27 who are secretly practicing the system, but who hesitate to avow their faith in it while it is only supported by a minority. “These medical practitioners and their lay supporters promulgate their principles through quarterly and monthly journals. There are also six Homoeopathic Medical Societies for scien- tific discussion; four hospitals ; seventy dispen- saries for the treatment of the poor—a very large amount of public and gratuitous work, when we consider that it has to be carried on by about three hundred practitioners. It offers a strong testimony in favor of their activity and benevolence.”* In the United States of America there arc nearly 5000 Homoeopathic physicians; six col- leges; several hospitals, and one or more free dispensaries in each of the large cities. Our system is confided in by all grades, from the cottager to the nobility of the land; cabi- net and prime ministers rely on it, and it is patronized by Royalty itself. In fact, in the words of the fiery orator of Carthage in his defense of the persecuted Chris- tians before the senate of Rome seventeen cen- turies ago, Homoeopaths may truly say: * From Dr. Bayes’ Homoeopathy in 1869. 28 FINAL APPEAL. “We are a people of yesterday, and yet we have filled every place belonging' to you; cities, islands, towns, assemblies, your very camp, your tribes, companies, palaces, senate, forum ; we leave you your temples only.” Now, what I want you to do is this : To con- sider how great this system is; how rapidly it grows; what a mighty array of talent, names, and wealth proclaim its praise; and then just quietly to ask yourself what you should do. Well! if you are sensible, I can tell you what. You will be sure to try it and to try it fairly. And you will then, and not till then, decide whether it be a truth or sham. That is all that I ask of you. Meanwhile, lam conceited en- ough. to think I have removed some doubts, and laid a strong- claim on your attention. WORKS ON DOMESTIC HOMOEOPATHY, ETC. BY DR. E. H. RUDDOCK. Third Edition, Tenth Thousand, very much en- larged and improved, including many New Sections, and a Chapter on Diseases of Infancy. Price: post paid, Elegant Binding, Superior Toned Paper, $2. THE LADY'S MANUAL OF HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT. This work is designed to meet the require- ments of persons to whom professional Homoe- opathic treatment is inaccessible; and contains details of treatment in urgent cases. The book is written expressly as a guide for women in the care and preservation of their health, and in the treatment of diseases incident to their sex. In the simple, honest, straightforward, Eng- lish style, valuable information and advice are given to the reader, not to be found elsewhere, and which will be duly appreciated by every intelligent and sensible woman into whose hands the book may come. The table of con- tents includes the following chapters : Menstru- ation, Reproduction, Pregnancy, Labour, Man- agement after Delivery, Lactation and Nursing, Management of Early Infancy and Its Diseases. WORKS ON DOMESTIC HOMOEOPATHY. BY DR. E. H. RUDDOCK. THE STEPPING STONE TO anft l^caltl), Sixth edition, 50th thousand, 314 pages, with a Clinical Directory, containing prescrip- tions for about 500 Symptoms and Diseases. Price; Gilt lettered, toned paper, Postpaid, $l. “ A sort of ‘New Testament for the body—1A stepping-stone to health!’ . . . He who has never opened the book before, is able to find the remedy he wants.’’—Homoeopathic Record. “ A very comprehensive Manual. They who wish to obtain a clear bird’s-eye view of the sys- tem will find the volume reliable.”—British Standard. “An admirable work for those commencing the practice; and to the experienced Homoeo- path it will expedite the selection of a remedy.” Farmer’s Journal. “ treats brief!}' but skillfully of the symptoms and causes of disease, the method of treatment, of diet, and other helping methods in the cure. Its large sale shows its suitability for household use.”—Halifax Courier. “ A perfect manual on a vital subject, and a copy should be in every home. It will be a val- uable hand-book to every mother for its simple description of various diseases.” Wesleyan Times. “ The title of this book fully indicates its character. We can testify to the intelligence, care, and_ simplicity with which it is written.”— Home Piety. WORKS ON DOMESTIC HOMCEOPATHY. BY DR. E. H. RUDDOCK. Just published, price 50 cents, post paid, ON CONSUMPTION : Its Preventive, General, and Homceopathic Treatment, The work includes chapters on the Constitu- tional Origin, Pathology, Curability, Providen- tial Purpose, Symptoms, Physical Signs, Causes and Treatment cf Consumption. Third Edition, Ee-arranged and Greatly Enlarged. Price, Post Free, $3. Toned paper, with extensive Clinical Directory and a chapter on Toxicology, THE HOMEOPATHIC VADE MECUM Modern Medicine & Surgery : OF For Junior Practitioners, Students, Clergymen, Missionaries, Heads of Families, etc. Ifs}' Persons desiring to know something more about Homceopathy before purchasing a hook and medicines, will have sent to them, free of cost, a little book called “ Medical Hints,” 'which contains instructions for the use of Hom- ceopathic medicines in some common ailments, -with hints on diet, nursing, the. preservation of health, etc. Send a Uvo cent stamp, with the address, to the publisher oj this trad.