'1SS4' mmm caimoeue pHIIrlil-FS PATENTED m MANUFACTUHED.BY 84 Nop $ 16 Nop Centre Sts. IIostopOMs f 1884. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST O F Phillips & Weeden’s PATENT SANITARY SPECIALTIES. MANUFACTURED BY PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Plumbers' Supplies, 84 NORTH and 16 NORTH CENTRE STS., BOSTON, MASS. WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., 18 POST OFFICE SQUARE, BOSTON, MASS. Copyright, 1884, by Phillips & Weedex. -CARD. JN issuing this Catalogue of our Patent SANITARY Specialties, we desire to thank the trade for the liberal manner in which they have shown their appreciation of our endeavors to give to the public perfect Sanitary Goods, which are both simple and effective, and at prices within the reach of all. They are adapted for use in private dwellings and public institutions of every description. Founded upon the best known principles of sanitary science, they are recommended by the highest professional authorities. We would invite all who are interested in such to call at our store and see them in operation, and assure all who may so favor us that they will receive kind and courteous attention whether desiring to purchase or not. Our Sanitary Specialties can also be seen at Peck Bros. & Co.’s Warerooms, 74 Franklin Street, New Haven, Ct., and 73 Beekman Street, New York, N. Y. We are also agents for the celebrated Brass Work manufactured by Mess. Peck Bros. & Co., of New Haven, Ct., and have at all times a full line of their goods in store, together with a complete stock of Plumbers’ Supplies of every description. Very respectfully, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN. April, 1884. INDEX. PAGE. Elbows, Adjustable for Ventilating Pipe, . . . . . . . . 31 Hoppers : Ventilated, Sectional View, .......... 6 “ No. 2, .......... 7 “ No. 3, .......... 8 “ No. 2, with Hopper Cock and Woodwork, . . . . . 19 “ No. 3, set up with No. 1 Tank, ....... 20 “ No. 3, “ “ No 2 “ . . . . . . 21 Long Flush Rim, No. 4, .......... 9 “ “ “ set up with No. 1 Tank, . . . . . . . 22 “ “ “ “ “ No 3 “ 23 “ “ “ “ “ No. 4 “ 24 Short, with Trap, No. 5, . . . . . . . . . .10 “ “ “ No. 5, set up with No. 1 Tank, ...... 25 “ “ “ No. 5, “ “ No. 3 “ 26 “ “ “ No s, “ “ No 4 “ 27 Pipe, for Ventilating, . . . . . . . . . . . -31 Service Boxes, detached, Sure Supply, . . . . . . . . 18 “ “ “ After Wash, ......... 18 Safes, .............. 31 Tanks : No. 1, Sure Supply, . . . . . . . . . . -14 No. 2, Double, ............ 15 No. 3, After Wash, ........... 16 No. 4, Fore and After Wash, . . . . . . . . . 17 No. 5, Service Boxes, . . . . . . . . . . .18 No. 7, “ “ 18 No. 6, Supply Tank for Service Boxes, . . . . . . . .18 Wash-out Closets : Sectional View, ............ 1 x No. 6, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 No. 7, 13 No. 6, set up with No. 1 Tank, ......... 28 No 6, “ “ No. 3 “ 29 No. 6, “ “ No. 4 “ . . . . . . . . . -30 Woodwork, ............. 31 TERMS.- All claims to be made within ten days after receipt of goods. Goods at purchaser’s risk in transit. Goods are not insured unless so ordered. Boxing and Cartage charged at cost. In ordering, please designate by instructions given with each figure in Catalogue and state full shipping directions. 6 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER. COMPLETE VENTILATION. ALL CROCKERY Figure 1. The above cut represents a section of our Patent Ventilated Hopper. Furnished in the different patterns as illustrated on the following pages. A is the basin projecting into the lower chamber, B, leaving the space e between each D is a ventilation duct at the side, having openings into the lower chamber, B, and into the upper part, e. Connection being made with D to a pipe leading to the outer atmosphere, an outward draft is thus created, removing all foul and offensive odors. When the Hopper is flushed the rush of water forces the air in B into the duct Z>, making doubly sure the complete removal of all obnoxious gases. The advantages of this over the ordinary Water Closets in use are easily seen. Complete ventilation. Constructed in one solid body of crockery there are no putty joints to absorb obnoxious gases. They are thoroughly cleansed every time water is used. No metals being employed, oxydization cannot take place, and so form a rough surface for filth to adhere to. BOSTON, MASS. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER. No. 2. Figure 2. The above illustration represents our No. 2 VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER with Round Closet Bowl, made in one solid piece of crockery. Designed to be supplied through a Hopper Cock direct from the street pressure. The ventilation is shown in sectional illustration on Page 6. PRICE, - - $7.50 EACH. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “Phillips & Weeden’s No. 2 Ventilated Hopper.” 8 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN'S PATENT VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER. No. 3. Figure 3. The above illustration represents our No. 3 VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER with Oval Flushing Rim Basin, made in one solid piece of Crockery. This is designed for tank supply only, and is furnished with a Brass Supply Coupling, and should be set with 1 inch supply pipe. This Hopper can be used with any tank or cistern, but we recommend our PATENT SURE SUPPLY TANKS as far preferable. The ventilation is shown in sectional illustration on Page 6. PRICE, - - $10.00 EACH. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “Phillips & Weeden’s No. 3 Ventilated Hopper.” BOSTON, MASS. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S LONG FLUSHING RIM HOPPER. No. 4. Figure 4. This Hopper is designed for use where there is no opportunity for ventilation. The cleanliness and purity of a Hopper or Closet depends on good ventilation, but where that can- not be had, we recommend the above as far superior to the Pan Closet. It has a Flushing Rim and Brass connection, and should be supplied through 1% inch pipe from a tank. PRICE - - $10.00 EACH. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “Phillips & Weeden’s No. 4 Long Hopper.” PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S SHORT EARTHENWARE HOPPER AND TRAP. No. 5. . FURNISHED WITH EARTHEN OR LEAD TRAP. Figure 5. For use where it is necessary to place the trap above the floor P RICES : Hopper, with Earthen Trap and Brass Vent, ..... $12.00 each. “ “ y2 S. Lead Trap and Clamps, ...... 10.50 “ “ “ S. or y S. Lead Trap and Clamps, .... 11.00 “ “ without Trap, .......... 6.50 “ WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 5 Short Hopper with Trap.” (State what kind of Trap is wanted.) BOSTON, MASS. 11 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT WASHOUT CLOSET. No. 6. SECTIONAL ILLUSTRATION SHOWING VENTILATION AND FLUSH. Figure 6 The want of a Valveless Closet has at last been supplied by our No. 6 Washout in which a body of water is kept constantly in the basin. It is constructed of one piece of Earthenware and is fitted with two two-inch brass couplings for ventilation, one for the basin and one for the trap. The Basin has a pierced rim which at the front has an outlet extending downward and entering the bowl just above the surface of the water. When water enters the closet the sides of the basin are washed by the pierced rim, but the main body of water passes to the front and thence into the basin with such velocity as to completely force everything from the basin. 12 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT WASHOUT CLOSET. No. 6. BRASS COUPLINGS, FOR SUPPLY AND VENTILATION. Figure 7. For section of above see Page n. Can be furnished without vented Trap if desired. Unless ordered otherwise Closet with vented Trap will be sent. The best wash for this Closet is secured by using our Patent Sure Supply Tanks. PRICE, - - $28.00 EACH. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s Patent Washout Closet, No. 6.” BOSTON, MASS. 13 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT WASHOUT CLOSET No. 7. WITH LEAD TRAP. Figure 8. This Closet is the same as our No. 6 Washout Closet with this exception : Instead of Earthen Trap we use a Lead Trap. PRICE, - - $28.00 EACH. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s Patent Washout Closet, No. 7.” 14 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT SURE SUPPLY TANK. No. 1. Figure 9. The method of supplying Closets or Hoppers from a Tank is conceded by all to be the most satisfactory, the only objection having been that unless the pull is held long enough for the service-box to fill, the amount of water necessary cannot be obtained. To obviate this difficulty we now present to the public our Patent Sure Supply Tank. Whenever the pull is operated, whether held or immediately released, a uniform length of wash is obtained. The working parts are simple and consequently not liable to be out of repair. DESCRIPTION. There are two levers, both working on same arbor, but independent of each other, one placed inside of the other. The inner lever has a track on which rolls an iron ball, the outer one being so arranged that when pulled it raises the inner to an inclined plane, allowing the ball to roll to the opposite end. When the outer lever is released, it returns to its former position without moving the inner. On top of the valve is fastened a metal cup, and also a chain connecting with the inner lever. When the valve is closed the levers are as shown in illustration. When used both levers are raised, opening the valve and allowing the water to pass out of tank, and, as the inner lever is inclined, the ball rolls to the opposite end. When the pull is released, the outer lever returns to its former position, but the ball being heavier than the valve, the inside lever remains stationary, keeping the valve open until the water in the tank is lower than the cup, when the additional weight of water remaining in the cup closes the valves, reverses the inner lever to its original position, and allows the ball to gravitate to the opposite end. As amount of water used depends upon the heighth of water in the Tank, to regulate same bend arm of Ball Cock. Each Tank is furnished with a Hardwood Pull. OPERATION, PRICE, - - $12.00 EACH. Add for Brackets, per pair, - - 50 cents. | Add for 6-ft. N. P. Chain, - - 50 cents. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s Patent Sure Supply Tank, No. i.” BOSTON, MASS. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT SURE SUPPLY DOUBLE TANK. No. 2. Figure 10. The operation of this is the same as in No. 1 Tank, except that it has two Valves for supplying two Closets when placed side by side. Each Tank is furnished with two Hardwood Pulls. PRICE, - - $16.00 EACH. Add for Brackets, per pair, - - 50 cents. | Add for 6-ft. N. P. Chain, - - 50 cents. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “Phillips & Weeden’s Patent Sure Supply Double fank, No. 2.” PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT AFTER-WASH TANK. No. 3. PREVENTING WASTE OF WATER. TO BE OPERATED BY THE SEAT Figure 11. The valves and levers in this Tank are constructed upon the same principle as those in our Sure Supply Tank, the difference being that on the end of the spindle is attached a second valve having its seat below the bottom of the Tank. The valve is connected with the levers by two chains, one attached to each lever. The chain attached to the outer lever is shorter than the one attached to the inner. When the Closet is used the levers are reversed, which action opens the upper valve, and raises the lower to its seat, thus preventing any water from flowing into the Closet while the Closet is being used. When the Closet seat is relieved of weight, the outer lever returns to its former position, dropping the lower valve from its seat, and the chain attached to the inner lever holds it suspended until the water which is then flowing into the Closet is lowered in the Tank below the top of the cup attached to valve, when the same operation is repeated as in our No. 1 Sure Supply Tank. As amount of water used depends upon the heighth of water in Tank, to regulate same bend arm of Ball Cock. Each Tank is furnished with a Hardwood Pull. PRICE, - - $13.00 EACH. Add for Brackets, per pair, - 50 cents. | Add for 6-ft. N. P. Chain, - - 50 cents. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s Patent After-Wash Tank, No. 3.” BOSTON, MASS. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT FORE AND AFTER WASH TANK. No. 4. Figure 12. The object of this Tank is to give a preliminary wash of one-half gallon of water as soon as Closet seat is depressed. When seat is relieved of weight, a flush of two and one-half gallons enters the Closet. The valves and levers in this Tank work on the same principle as those in our No. 3 Tank, with the exception that, instead of having the valve seat itself at the bottom of the Tank when not in use, it seats itself at bottom of service box. When in use it works same as our No. 3 Tank. As amount of water used depends upon the heighth of water in Tank, to regulate same, bend arm of Ball Cock. Fiach Tank is furnished with a Hardwood Pull. PRICE, • • $18.00 EACH. Arid for Brackets, per pair, - - 50 cents. | Add for 6-ft. N. P. Chain, - - 50 cents. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for ‘‘Phillips & Weeden’s Patent Fore and After Wash Tank, No. 4.” PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT DETACHED SERVICE BOXES. No. 5. WITH No. 6 SUPPLY CISTERN. FOR USE EITHER WITH PULL OR SEAT FIXTURES. These detached Service Boxes are for use when several Closets are placed in a line, being made smaller and more compact than the regular Tank. No ball-cock is necessary, as any number can be supplied from our No. 6 Supply Cistern. We fit them with valves same as in our No. 1 Tank, and also with After-wash, as in our No. 3 Tank. Each Service Box is furnished with a Hardwood Pull. PRICES. No. 6 Supply Cistern, $13.00 each. No. 5 Sure Supply Service Box. .............. 10.00 each. No. 7 After-Wash Service Box. .... ........ 10.00 each. Figure 13. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s Patent Detached Service Boxes, giving number. BOSTON, MASS. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER. No. 2. FITTED WITH SELF-CLOSING HOPPER COCK. Figure 14. For price of Hopper see page 7. 20 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER. No. 3. SET UP WITH PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 1 PATENT TANK. Figure 15. PRICES Hopper and Tank, . . $22.00 each. Add for Slop Safe, . . 2.50 “ Add for Brackets, per pair, . 50 cents. Add for 6-ft. Chain, N. P., . 50 “ WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 3 Hopper with No. 1 P. & W. Tank.” BOSTON, MASS. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT VENTILATED SANITARY HOPPER. No. 3. SET UP WITH PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S DOUBLE TANK No. 2. Figure 16. PEICES. No. 2 Tank, . . . $16.00 each. No. 3 Hoppers, . . . 10.00 “ Add for Brackets, . . .50 pair. Add for N. P. Chains, . . $0.50 each. Woodwork, with Iron Legs, 5.00 “ WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “Phillips & Weeden’s No. 3 Hoppers supplied by No. 2 Tank.” PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 4 EARTHEN LONG HOPPER. SET UP PHILLIPS &, WEEDEN’S No. 1 TANK. Figure 17. PRICES. No. 1 Tank, . . . $12.00 each. No. 4 Hopper, . . . 10.00 “ Add for Slop Safe. . . 2.50 Add for Brackets, . . . $0.50 pair. “ 6-ft. Chain, N. P., . . .50 each. Woodwork, with Iron Legs, . 5.00 “ WHEN SPECIFYING call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 4 Earthen Long Hopper, set up with No. r Tank.” BOSTON, MASS. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 4 EARTHEN LONG HOPPER. SET UP WITH PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT TANK No. 3. Figure 18. PRICES. No. 3 Tank, . . . $13.00 each. No. 4 Hopper, . . . 10 00 “ Add for Slop Safe,. . . 2.50 Add for Brackets, . . . $0.50 pair. “ 6-ft. N. P. Chain, . . .50 “ Woodwork, with Iron Legs, 5.00 WHEN SPECIFYING, call tor “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 4 Long Hopper and No. 3 Tank.” PHILLIPS & WEEDEN. 24 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 4 EARTHEN LONG HOPPER. SET UP WITH PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S PATENT TANK No. 4. Figure 19. PRICES. No. 4 Tank,.... $18.00 each. No. 4 Hopper, . . . to.00 tk Add for Slop Safe,. . . 2.50 “ Add for Brackets, . . . $0.50 pair. “ 6-ft. N. P. Chain, . . .50 ‘• Woodwork with Iron Legs, 5.00 WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 4 Long Hopper and No. 4 Tank.” BOSTON, MASS. 25 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 5 EARTHEN SHORT HOPPER AND TRAP. SET UP WITH No. 1 TANK. Figure 20. No. 1 Tank, . . . $12.00 each. No. 5 Short Hopper and Trap, . 12.00 “ Add for Slop Safe, . . 2.50 “ PEIGES. Add for Brackets, . . . $0.50 pair. “ 6-ft. N. P. Chain, . . .50 Woodwork with Iron Legs, 5.00 WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 5 Short Hopper and 'Trap with No. 1 rank.” 26 PHILLIPS &.WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 5 EARTHEN SHORT HOPPER AND TRAP. SET UP WITH No. 3 TANK. PRICES. Figure 21. No. 3 Tank, .... S13.00 each. No. 5 Hopper, . . . 12.00 “ Add for Slop Safe, . . . 2.50 “ Add for Brackets, . . . $0.50 pair. “ 6-ft. N. P. Chain, . . .50 “ Woodwork with Iron Legs, 5.00 WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 5 Short Hopper and Trap and No. 3 Tank.” BOSTON, MASS. 27 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 5 EARTHEN SHORT HOPPER AND TRAP. SET UP WITH No. 4 TANK. Figure 22. PRICES. No. 4 Tank, .... Si8.00 each. No. 5 Hopper, . . . 12.00 “ Add for Slop Safe, . . . 2.50 “ Add for Brackets, . . . So.50 pair. “ 6-ft. N. P. Chain, . . .50 ki Woodwork with Iron Legs, 5.00 WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 5 Short Hopper and Trap and No. 4 Tank.” PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, 28 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 6 WASHOUT CLOSET. SET UP WITH No. 1 TANK, WITH EXTRA HEAVY PULL. Figure 23. PEICE. No. 6 Closet, with No. 1 Tank, Brackets, N. P. Chain and Pull, . . . $40.00 each. WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 6 Closet with No. 1 Tank.” BOSTON, MASS. 29 PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 6 WASHOUT CLOSET. SET UP WITH No. 3 TANK. Figure 24. PEICES. No. 3 Tank, . . . $13.00 each. No. 6 Closet, . . .28.00 Add for Slop Safe, . . . $2.50 each. “ Woodwork with Iron Legs, 5.00 WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & Weeden’s No. 6 Closet with No. 3 Tank.” PHILLIPS ■& WEEDEN, PHILLIPS & WEEDEN’S No. 6 WASHOUT CLOSET. SET UP WITH No. 4 TANK. Figure 25. No. 4 Tank, . . . $18.00 each. No. 6 Closet, . . 28.00 “ PRICES. Add for Slop Safe, . . . $2.50 “ Woodwork with Iron Legs, . 5.00 WHEN SPECIFYING, call for “ Phillips & W'eeden’s No. 6 Closet with No. 4 Tank.” BOSTON, MASS. Figure 26. SPIRAL LOCK SEAM PIPE. FOR VENTILATION. (Patented.) Sizes, 2 in. 2y2 3 in. 4 in. Tin, . > . IO M 18 cents per foot Galvanized, 14 17 l9 25 “ PATENT ADJUSTABLE ELBOWS, (FOR USE WITH ABOVE.) Sizes, 2 in. 2x/> in. 3 in- 4 in. Tin, $1.25 $1.50 $x-75 $2.75 per doz. Galvanized, . 2.00 2.50 3.0° 4.00 Figure 27. Woodwork for Water Closets. (Illustrated in Closet Combinations.) No. 1. Black Walnut Seats, with two Iron Legs, and levers for flushing by seat, . $5.00 each. No. 2. “ “ “ “ k" for use with Pull Tank, . . 4.75 “ Above can be furnished with Brass Legs and Nickel-plated if desired. Add to above, price for two legs, $4.00 each. In ordering, state for what Hopper or Closet they are to be used with. ■ ENAMELED IRON SLOP SAFES Figure 28. Figure!29. No. x, with Round Hole, fits No. 2 Hopper. No. 2, “ Oval “ “ Nos. 3, 4 and 5 Hoppers. No 3, “ “ “ “ Nos. 6 and 7 Closet. No. 4, “ “ kk “ any Closet or Hopper, for use when Hushed from the seat. Price, $2.50 each. PHILLIPS & WEEDEN, BOSTON, MASS. WOOD PULLS. No. i. Rosewood, N. P. Trimmings, ....... $3.00 per doz. No. 2. Ebonized, with heavy N. P. Trimmings, .... 5.00 “ No. 1 Handle is furnished free with all Tanks. No. 2 is furnished only with Figure 23. *