FEE TABLE AND RESOLVES ADOPTED BY THE WORCESTERJftEDICAL ASSOCIATION ; WITH A CATALOGUE OF THE MEMBERS, JANUARY 1ST, 1854. ^ <07L-S?g^ V3. Ytt *>\ 6' WORCESTER : PRINTED BY CHAS. HAMILTON. 1854. ^reamhlc anil teate. We, the physicians of Worcester, being desir- ous to maintain the dignity and honor of our pro- fession, to promote good fellowship among its members ; and to adopt an uniform, and an in- creased rate of charge for our professional servi- ces, in some proportion to the increased expenses of living since the adoption of the present medical tariff, And, believing that these results will be promo- ted by the adoption of a strict code of medical ethics, and a new fee table, We are therefore Resolved, To adopt the code of ethics of the American Medical Association as a rule of action in all cases, and we are also Resolved, To adhere in all charges after Jan. 1st, 1854, to the following fee table :— 1° jfee Cable. For an ordinary visit, $ 1 00 For a first consultation visit, 3 00 For any consultation after the first, 2 00 For ordinary office fee, 75 For rising in night and prescribing at office, 100 For rising in night and visiting patient, 2 00 and night shall extend from 10 P. M., to 6, A. M., or to sunrise, when it takes place after 6. For consultation in night, 4 00 For Midwifery, the fee is left discretionary, from Six to Ten Dollars ; and the fee is expected at the conclusion of labor. For an obstetric operation, Five Dollars shall be added to the fee for ordina- ry delivery. For midwifery, when accoucheur is late, (providing it is not his own fault,) and the child is born, he shall charge whole or half fee according to cir- cumstances. 5 For any case of midwifery where a second physician is called in consultation, both the attending and consulting physician shall charge at least the usual fee for delivery ; except where the consulting physician is not de- tained in attendance on the case, then he shall charge a consulting fee only. For vaccination at office, 75 For vaccination at residence, One Dollar, and an addition may be made for each additional patient. For reducing fracture or dislocation of large bones, Five Dollars or more. For reducing fracture or dislocation of small bones, opening abscesses, dressing small wounds, &c, One Dollar or more. For introducing catheter, from Two to Five Dollars. For cases of Gonorrhoea and Syphilis, a re- retaining fee of Five Dollars for Gonorrhoea, and Ten Dollars for Sy- philis shall be demanded, and the 6 usual charges made for subsequent treatment. For all cases where the patient resides more than a mile from the centre of the city, an addition of Twenty Five Cents a mile shall be made to the ordinary fee for every mile after the first, and any fraction of a mile shall count as a mile. For any case of office practice, the fee may be demanded in advance. Clergymen shall be charged as other pa- tients. All bills shall be considered as due at the end of the attendance for which they are made, and may be presented im- mediately after attendance ceases, or at the end of the quarter. 7 It is understood that nothing in the foregoing Rules is to prevent our rendering any gratuitous services which may be dictated by humanity; nor are they to deter us from making extra charges in any case of unusual responsibility, difficulty or delay. Signed, JOHN GREEN, BENJ. F. HEYWOOD, J. J. BASSETT, WILLIAM WORKMAN, ORAMEL MARTIN, DEAN TOWNE, A. J. EATON, JOSEPH SARGENT, EDWARD LAYNG, BENJ. HEYWOOD, GEORGE A. BATES, RUFUS WOODWARD, SAMUEL FLAGG, P. B. MIGNAULT, C. W. WHITCOMB. HENRY CLARKE, JOHN E. HATHAWAY.