PAPOMA A Farinaceous Food for Infants and Invalids. It contains all the elements requisite for strength. MADE FROM THE WHOLE WHEAT, NOTHING BEING BOLTED OUT. It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of proper nutriment for children, for the infirm, and for the aged. In infancy and childhood, the formation and development of the various tissues of the body, is the main phenomenon of life. In adults enfeebled by disease, the restoration of health depends greatly on an abundant supply of suitable material for the regeneration of the wasted organs. In old people, the powers of life need sustaining by similar means. And yet the mere furnishing of the necessary elements is not suf- ficient ; those elements must be in such a form as to be readily digested, absorbed, and assimilated. All these requirements are fully met in the article which we now offer, papoma.A^-1 „ This is prepared from the entire kernels of theVholepst Wheat, by a peculiar process of torrefaction or roasting. for its manufacture is patented, and the grain is so treated its constituents. Moreover, the starchy portions are in the proc?!>r~ converted into dextrine, and the gluten, which in most dietetic preparations is sacrificed, is partially cooked, so that the result is a substance all ready for digestion and assimilation by the human organism. Those who have haa experience in the management of children and invalids will at once recognize the value of au article of this kind, and may depend upon Papoma as altogether the best in the market. We make this claim not upon theoretical grounds only, but as the result of the fullest in the practice of many Physicians. Our firm conviction of the value ot Papoma, and of the public favor, which further trials of it can only increase, have led us to secure the exclusive control of its manufacture, , JOHN WYETH 5c BRO. Manufacturing Chemists, 1412 Walnut St., Philada. Pitnti Grjttrd: March 7,1871. May in, 1871. Jun» 13,1871. July 18, 1871. July 25, 1871. PAPOMA A Nutritious k Easily Digested Food, For Infants and Adult Invalids. | Prepared by the NUTRIO Mannfactnring Co. 1520 8. Ninth St., rniLA. * There can be no question that a vast amount of the mortality among infants and young children is due to the improper or unsuit- able food given them by their ignorant or injudicious care-takers. And those who are strong enough to »urvive the tests to which this bad management subjects them, are often stunted in growth and spoiled in temper, while the foundation is laid for much suffering in after life. The great desideratum is a hearty smd nourishing diet in an easily digestible form. Many articles have been brought forward and some have been forced into extensive use, as answering the above requirements. But we feel confident that none have ever had the same claims as the one which we now offer. PAPOMA Is made out of the entire kernels of the choicest wheat, subject to a peculiarly thorough process of torrefaction or roasting* by means of patented apparatus. This apparatus, gotten up at great expense by the Nutrio Manufacturing Company, is open to the inspection of Physicians and Scientific men, at the works, No. I 520 South- Ninth Street, in this City. The process of manufacture was explained and the products in the different stages of preparation were exhibited by the late Prof. Edward Parrish to the members of the American Medical Association when it met here in 1872, and attracted much favorable attention. Their com- mendation is perhaps the best testimony that could be given ; the Asso- ciation being composed of the most eminent medical men in t’.:e United States. The phosphates and all the constiKients of the grain are retained, the gluten cooked, and the starch converted into dextrine; and the result is that the elements necessary for the nutrition and support of the infant body are supplied in such a condition as to be easily digested and assimilated. The superiority of this article over any mere starchy preparation, and over any flour obtained by the ordinary process of manufacture, is not only a matter of theory, but is amply verified by the results of ex- perience. _ , Children to whom Papoma is administered as a diet are found to enjoy an easy digestion, and to thrive in every way under its use. They find in it a readily available supply of what their tissues and organs need for their nourishment and growth. We therefore ask, \\ ith full confidence, for the most thorough trial of this admirable article, assured that it will make good all our claims. Every package will be accompanied with directions as to the manner of using it. Let it be remembered that the method of preparation of Papoma is such as to afford a guarantee that it will not change by keeping. It will neither become stale nor wormy if ordinary care is observed, and will keep in any climate and on ship board. In the remarks we have now made, we have spoken only of the comparison of this article with other vegetable preparations. It is hardly necessary for us to quote the many authorities who have borne testimony to the uris"* Ita'blcness of meat extracts and juices for very young children;—valuable as these are for older invalids, they do not meet the requirements of the infant, upon whom they act as stimuli only. We feel certain that no such verdict can be brought in regard to Papoma, but that It will be found to be as we assert, A NUTRITIOUS & EASILY DIGESTED FOOD. Nutrio Manufacturing Co. ]OHN WYETH & BRO: Manufacturers’ Agents, 1412 Walnut St., Philada* TO WHOM ALL OUT ELS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED.