Notes on Some Recent Remedies. McKesson & bobbins, New York. McK. & R. SALINE AND CHALYBEATE TONIC TABLETS. (after THE FORMULA OF DR. AUSTIN FLINT, LT.D.) EACH TABLET CONTAINS FIVE GRAINS. Dr. Flint says: "In the great majority of the cases of anaemia, etc., in which iron was strongly indicated, the tonic seemed to act much more promptly and favorably than the chalybeates usually employed."-V. Y. M. Jour. In Bottles of 1OO and 500. Formula, and full notes on the use of these tablets sent to physicians upon application. Me. K. & R. TEREBENE. We are prepared to supply this valuable agent for the cure of winter cough, bronchitis, etc., in its purest form. Dr. DeWitt, of Halifax, writes: " My experience has taught me that the terebene manufactured by McKesson & Robbins is the most palatable and reliable." CORDIAL EXALG-INIQUE. An agreeable and invigorating nerve sedative ; valuable as an analgesic in headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, and nervousness. Each tablespoonful contains 2*4 grains of exalgine. Dose, one to two tablespoonfuls, which may be repeated two to four times a day as indicated. Agents : McKESSON & ROBBINS, New York. McK. & R. Preparations of Ergot and Ergotin. McKesson & Robbins desire to call special attention to their preparations of this import- ant medicament, all of which are made from carefully selected ergot of rye. McK. & R. Fluid Extract of Ergot. McK. & R. Ergotin (Bonjean's Formula). McK. & R. Ergotin for Hypodermic Use. McK. & R. Ergotin Pills, Grain, %, i, 2, 3 and 5. Each Grain is the Equivalent of Ten Grains of Ergot. McK. & R. BATH KORKOZY. Designed to protect the feet during and after a bath. Send for McK. & R.'s monograph on " The Bath." The Following Pills and Granules will be Found of Value. Full Notes, with Bibliography, Sent Free. McK. & R. ACETANIL1D, 2 and 5 grs. McK. & R. CREOLIN, 2 grs. McK. & R. DIPSOMANIA, 1-60 gr. McK. & R. EXALGINE, 2, 3 and 5 grs. McK. & R. JAMBUL, 5 grs. McK. & R. NAPHTHALIN, 3 and 5 grs. McK, & R. STROPHANTHIN, 1-20, 1-4 gr. McK. & R. TERPIN HYDRATE, 2 grs. McK. & R. THYMOL, 2 1-2 grs. McK. & R. SALOL, 2 1-2 and 5 grs. McK. & R. CREASOTE, 1-2 and 1 gr. McK. & R. SPARTEINE, 1-4 gr. McK. & R. MERCURY & CHALK, 1-4, 1 gr. McK. & R.CANNABIS INDICA EXTRACT, 1-8, 1-4 and 1-2 gr. McK. & R. ICHTHYOL, 2 grs. McK. & R. NITRO-GLYCERIN, 1-200, 1-100 and 1-50 gr. McK. & R. COCAINE, In anhydrous crystals, and in granules of,. 1-20, 1-10, 1-8 and 1-4 gr. Notes on Some Recent Remedies. (Unless otherwise mentioned, the dates refer to the year 1888). Acetanilid.-Smith (Caldwell): typhoid: relieves frontal headache ; lowers temp.; dose, % (1 year), 3, 5 grains ; often followed by re- freshing sleep.- Glasg. M. y., Apl. Sarda : neuralgia of long standing, temporary relief.- Bull. gen. de Thdrap., May. Moyer : abortive petit mal; one case ; 5 grs. t.i.d.; good re- sults.-Arch. Gyn., July. Pisemsky : experi- mental ; 38 grains daily to dogs, death on 16th to 20th day.-St. Pctersb'g Inaug. Dissert., '87. Flint : sciatica ; large doses pushed ; sulphur had previously failed.-M. Rec., N. Y., Dec. I. McK.&R. pills 2 and 5 grains. Acids.-Haig: migraine : Tq, 40 to 60dilute nitro-hydrochloric, or citric acid, taken in 30 minutes ; for the paroxysm.-Biit. M. J., Jan. 14. Adonidine.-Oliver : aortic and mitral regurgitation : 1-8 to 1-6 grain four times daily. -Lancet, Nov. 24. Agaricine.-Night-sweats : dose, 1-6 to 1-4 grain. McK.&R. granules, 1-6 grain. Alanin-Mercury.-de Lucca : syphilis : hypodermic dose grain i-i3th in 16 Tip water daily ; 40 cases of recent.-Lancet, Apl. 28. Alkalies.-Sternberg: yellow fever: 150 grains bicarb, soda, 3-10 grain cor. sub., one quart pure water. ozs. every hour,ice cold ; 12 successful cases in Havana.- Therap. Gaz., Aug. Aloin.-Clark (Andrew): constipation: gra- duated series of four compound pills for systematic treatment.-Lancet, Jan. 1, 1887. McK.&R. can supply each of the four for- mulas, with an abstract of Sir Andrew Clark's article. Ammonia.-Rigby : cobra bite : Ttf 20 in- ternally with Tif 15 hypoderm.; recovery.- Ind. M. Gaz. Amylene Hydrate.-Scharschmidt : melancholy, mania, delirium tremens: sleep in 5 to 60 minutes. Dose, nj, 15 to 75. Amyl Hydrate.-Dietz, Gurtler, and Avellis: hypnotic: stronger than paraldehyde and weaker than chloral. Dose-given in mix- ture which should be shaken-6 to 90 grains, medium 30 grains.-Deut. M. Zeit., No. 18. Amyl, Tertian Nitrite.-Bals and Broglio : used as amyl nitrite, but said not to produce palpitation; 60 to 80 drops may be in- haled daily even by patients with weak heart. -Nouv. Reni., June. Anthrarobin.-Behrend : skin-diseases : resembles chrysarobin, but is slower and mild- er ; 10$ ointment. Weyl : experimental: in- ternally to rabbits without special effect; detect- ed in urine. Guttmann:psoriasis: 6 cases treat- ed with anthrarobin on one side and chrysaro- bin on the other ; all got well, but a. required the most time ; no dermatitis or conjunctivit- is. Rosenthal: applied to scalp : turned the hair a deep red color.- Viertelj. filr Derm. und Syph.., Heft I, 4. Antifebrin (see acetanilid). Antipyrin.-Neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.: generally as a cure for pain ; dose, 2 to 20 grains ; contra-indicated in kidney diseases. McK.&R. pills, 2, 3, and 5 grains. Arsenic.-Sawyer : chorea • must be pushed; girl of 10 years; 5 nL Fowler's solut. thrice daily gradually increased to a quarter grain arsenious acid thrice daily; several cases in adults.-Birm. M. Rev., Jan. Cartazt rhinitis in workers in arsenical products ; coryza with deep ulcerations and perforation of septum ; treated by change of work, irri- gations, bismuth, sulphur baths.-Brit. M. J., March 31. McK.&R. granules 1-60, 1-50,1-40, 1-30 and 1-20 grain. The 1-50 gr. granule is about equal to two minims of Fowler's solution. Arsenic, Bromide.-Iliin : psoriasis: two cases by Corbett's method (arsenic brom., 1 gr.; alcohol, 2 ozs.; syrup, 8 ozs.; a tea- spoonful two or three times a day after meals); profuse shedding of scales in two weeks ; both were bad cases ; a brown discoloration was left at the parts previously affected.- Rilss. Med., No. 48, '87. Atropa Mandragora.-Richardson : anaesthetic of antiquity : the mandrake of the Bible and Virgil; experiments were made on the root obtained from Greece; 3 iij of tincture (water, 5; alcohol 1) produced sleep in rabbits! the sleep is of a peculiar, disturbed kind ; its action appears to be purely upon the nervous centres.-Asclepiad. Atropine.-Glinsky: haemoptysis : 3 cases; pneumonia and phthisis ; expectorated large quantities of blood; injection of 1-120 gr. stopped the haemorrhage at once ; treated for five days two injections daily; cure : menorrha- gia : 12 days flow each month; injection on second day ; complete stoppage of haemor- rhage.-Lond. Med. Rec., Feb. McK.&R.gran- ules 1-300, 1-200, 1-120, 1-100 and 1-60 grain. 6 Belladonna.-Beckett : mammary sinus following abscess; thick plaster of extract; cure in ten days.-Indian Med. (Vzz., Jan. McK.&R. fluid and solid extracts of leaf and root. Betaine.-Brieger : ptomaine: C5 H11 NO2; from stale fish.-Arch, de Pharm.,] was 5. Bo rate of Ammonium : excessive ex- pectoration in phthisical patients ; 4 grs. three times daily.-Nouveaux Rem., Feb. Borax.-Noel : diphtheria : 60 cases, 3 deaths ; infants under one year, 10 to 15 grs.; adults, 60 to 120 grs., in 24 hours ; objects to local measures.-Rev. de Thlrap., Sept. 1. Boracic acid.-Gaucher: impetigo: re- move scabs by poultice and apply boracic acid in glycerine of starch (1 in 10); cure in 10 days in over too cases ; pulmonary tuberculosis : 10 gr. doses ; easily eliminated; several 2%- ounce consecutive doses necessary to kill an adult.-L'Union Med., Jan. 31. Terrier doubts above : S6vestre employs the acid in impetigo.-Lond. M. Rec., Apl. Bromide of Potassium.-Butlin : tetanus, traumatic : risus sardonicus well marked ; chloral and bromide, patient worse ; 20 grs. each bromide and salicin every two hours ; improvement; profuse sweating ; re- covery.-Brit. M. J., Jan. 14. Buchinka.-Drastic purgative: used in Brazil; fruit of momordica operculata. Buckthorn.-Gretchinsky : toothache : one ounce boiled with water one pint ; used as a gargle, or on plug; effect ascribed to tannin. McK.&R. fluid extract, normal and tasteless.-Zub. Vestnik, Lond. M. Rec., June. Cadaverine. - Brieger : ptomaine : not toxic; human cadaver; C5H14N2.-Arch, de Pharm., June 5. Grawitz : can cause in- flammation and formation of pus.-Virchow's Archiv., band ex. Calomel.-Gallwey:phagedeena : ulcer on penis with a third of the glans destroyed ; other means of no avail; thickly dusted with calomel powder, well pressed in; recovery.- Brit. M. J., March 3. Calycanthine.-Eccles: alkaloid of calycanthus glaucus ; grows wild in Virginia ; not investigated.-Pharm. Rec., Feb. 15. Camphorated Naphthol. - Deses- quelle : painless cautery: syrupy colorless liquid made by mixing powdered beta-naph- thol one part with camphor two parts.-Archiv. de Pharm., Sept. 5. Camphoric Acid.--Furbinger: antisep- tic : causes no irritation and possesses no specific action apart from its favorable effect in the night-sweats of phthisis ; says doctors are deceived by the mildness of the course of a disease ; tells story of a doctor who praised cor. sub. as of great value in catarrh ; it was afterwards found that he had used spring water and all the mercury had been precipi- tated as insoluble tetroxide ; in night-sweat- ing !5 grs. 3 or 4 times a day, or 30 grs. in the evening.-Deut. M. Zeit., No. 50. Reichert: sore-throat : valuable ; has a specific action in tuberculosis.-Ibid. Camphor at ed Aniline.-An ti spasmod- ic : one to four ethereal solution ; given in capsules ; dose, 1 to 3 grs.; 12 grs. in the 24 hours.-Nouv. Rem., Feb. Canadol.-Pliouchkine : anesthetic : dis- tilled from naphtha ; causes rapid cold like ether, but does not continue to lower the temp.; local anaethesia complete in 60 seconds; for minor operations.-Rev. Therap. MId.-chir* Cannabis Indica.-McConnell: anorex- ia : 5 to 10 m t.i.d. half-hour before meals: dyspeptic diarrhea : 10 to 20 Tl[ t.i.d., blue pill at night: hypnotic. in cardiac or Bright's disease ; 15 to 20 ifi, with 10 grs. chloral and 20 grs. bromide.-Practitioner, Feb. Greene : migraine: to be given for three months ; x/3 gr. ale. extract every night and morning ; or gr. in severe cases.-Practitioner, July. The McK.&R. extracts, solid and fluid, will be found reliable and uniform, the preparation being very carefully conducted ; granules of 1-8, 1-4 and 1-2 grain. Full notes on recent uses of this drug sent on application. Carbolate of Camphor. - Smith (Shingleton): phthisis : two cases with great improvement ; injections subcutaneous and into lung tissue about the diseased areas in the apices ; no irritation ; dose, 10, 15, 20 TT[ of the saturated solution of camphor in car- bolic acid injected twice a week at first and then daily.-Bristol M. Jour., Sept. Carbolic Acid.-Verneuil : anthrax : spray of 2$ 3 or 4 times a day for 20 or 30 minutes; the vertex of the tumor is sur- rounded with a roll of linen to protect the skin; carbolic compress after the spray ; infallible in small furunculi.-Lond. M. Rec., Feb. Dujardin-Beaumetz cured a case of in- termittent fever that had resisted quinine by injections of one grain of a one per cent, solu- tion by the Pravaz syringe.-La Mid. des Ferments, No. 33. Carbo-naphtholic Acid (alpha).- Ellenberger : antiseptic : formed by the action of sodium and carbonic acid on naphthol ; soluble in alcohol and partly in borax solu- tion ; 1 to 300 checks advanced decomposi- tion ; excreted as a salt unaltered in the urine.-Brit. M. Jour., Nov. 3. Carbonic Acid.-Brown-SGquard : dys- pnea : inhalations of the gas once or twice a day ; two to four quarts ; innocuous ; a sooth- ing action similar to that, of a subcutaneous injection of morphine ; suggested by Weill.- France Med., March 8. 7 respect.-Brit. M. Jour., Oct. 27. When the "Brown Mixture" of the U. S. Ph. is desired McK.&R. prepare a pill very nearly equiv- alent to one teaspoonful of the official prep- aration. Chloride of Methyl.-Bailly : neural- gia : tampons of non-absorbent cotton, wound with silk, dipped into the liquid and applied to the skin ; in applying to mucous surfaces a strip of gold-beater's skin should be inter- posed ; nearly every case muscular rheumatism was cured ; acts by the production of cold ; small whitish vesicles appearing on the skin show the limit of the application.-L'Union Med., Meh 1. The above method has been applied (Vidal) in over 120 operations for local anaesthesia ; for (Bouchard) the actual cau- tery ; and at times it relieved dyspnoea : it soothes (Dieulafoy and others) internal pains. - Gaz. des Hop. Huchard : spinal irritation : spray along the spine ; perhaps useful in chorea.-Bull. Mdd., July I. Chloride of methyl is sold in copper siphons in which the gas is condensed to a liquid form; many observers-See, Jacoby, and others-have tes- tified to the efficacy of the spray in many cases of neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. McK.&R. can supply this valuable agent in copper si- phons. Chloride Sodium.-Greene (W. T.): vomiting of pregnancy : two cases ; 5 grs. in one ounce of chloroform water thrice daily and continued.-Med. Press, Meh. 7. Rosen- buch : collapse : 75 to 300 grs. of a 6$ solution injected in one place, up to 450 grs. in all ; indicated in heart failure, hemorrhages of lungs, stomach and bowels ; in cachexia ifiiq, injected daily.-Prz.Lek., Therap. Gaz., Meh. Choline.-Brieger : ptomaine: C5H1B NO2 ; obtained from decomposed meat ; has an effect similar to that of curare.-Arch, depharm., June 5. Chromic Acid.-Hyperhydrosis of feet: application of 10$ solut. every 3 or 6 weeks ; said to have been adopted by the German army.-Med. Press, Lond., Oct. 24. Chrysaniline Di nitrate.-Auclert: analgesic : unreliable : seems to have given good results in epilepsy, but produces nausea and diarrhoea.-Bull. Gdn. deThdrap., June 15. Cicutine Hydrobromate.-Dujar- din-Beaumetz : angina pectoris : to 3 grs. with alcohol and aq. laurocerasi by hypoder- mic injection during the accession. Cineraria Maritima.-Mercer : cat- aract: a plant of Venezuela ; dose, 2 drops of the juice applied three times a day ; said to have restored sight to the author, who was totally blind from cataract.-Pharm. J. &• Trans., May 26, Carduus Marianus.-Tripier: -varix : veins of internal organs may exist in a con- dition which we recognize in varicocele and haemorrhoids ; very good results ; dose 20 to 25 drops of tinct. (French Codex-20$) once or twice Thdrap., June 15. McK.&R. prepare the tincture of the strength of the French Codex : a translation from the French, of Dr. Tripier's article sent free on application. CascaraSagrada.-Goodwin : rheuma- tism : 16m, fluid extract t.i.d.-N. Y. M. J., June 9. Note.-Has produced symptoms re- sembling cholera morbus in some cases when given in large doses as a purgative, this effect is said to be due to a ferment contained in the drug and is absent (Greene) in the tasteless extract. McK.&R. fluid and solid extracts, and non-bitter fluid extract. Pills of 1, 2 and 3 grains of the solid extract, with several com- binations. Casein Saccharate.-Leger: emulsi- Jier : Dry casein one part, sugar nine parts, made alkaline with bicarb, soda.-Nouv. Rem., Feb. Cerium Oxalate.-Cheesman : cough: 10 grs. or more several times a day for sev- eral days.-M. Rec., N. Y., June 2. McK.&R. pills, 1, 2 and 3 grains. Chicken Blood.-Czartoryski : leucocy- themia : bad case ; blood of chicken from sev- ered neck, received in warm vessels; the ceso- phogus and trachea should not be injured when the neck is cut; remedy proposed by Avicenna; girl of eight years increased from 22 lbs. to 54 lbs. in 7 months ; the blood of two to ten chickens daily.-Pacif. M. & S. J., June. Chloral Ammonium.-Nesbitt: stim- ulant : contains 10% of amidogen ; dose, 5 to 20 grs.- Therap. Gaz., Feb. Chloral Hydrate.-Mercier : diphthe- ria : early stages only ; 1 to 5 grs. in syrup every half hour, taking care to give food and drink before the dose ; separation of false membranes in 48 hours; if tongue is much furred an emetic is given before treatment ; of use only in the early stages.-Rev. de Thd- rap., Feb. Chlorate Potassium.-Lemoine: epi- thelioma : treatment proposed by M. Reclus ; parts kept covered with lint moistened with solution of the chlorate and 30 grs. given in- ternally daily.-Rev. Gen. de Clin, et de Thdrap., July 5. Chloride Ammonium.-Greene (W. T.) : neuralgia : never known it to fail ; dose, 20 grs.-Med. Press, Sept. 12. Maxwell recom- mends inhalations produced by heating the dry powder in a glass tube as giving neutral fumes, the ordinary method varying in this 8 Cocaine.-March: pleurisy: 1-5 to 1-4 gr. injected over seat of pain as indicated by patient places decided check on tendency to effusion.-Brit. M. y., July 14. Fenwick : reflex action: in a case of neuralgia of the face with urethral pain, it was noted that cocaine injected into the urethra cured the neuralgia, further experiments were made and the author concludes that, if pain in any part of the body be due to slight nerve irrita- tion, neuralgias, etc., cocaine injected into the urethra will relieve it, if, however, the pain be due to severe irritation-carcinoma, in- flammation-the drug will not relieve it ; thus used it is of diagnostic value.-Brit. M. y., Jan. 14, Lancet, May 5. Langlois, Richet: convulsions: dog placed in bath at 104° to 107° will have convulsions at once if injected with % gr. cocaine ; if in a bath at 88° y2 gr. will have no such effect, but if now removed and placed in a bath at 104° very violent con- vulsions result; cold is thus indicated in con- vulsions.-Le Md. Phar., June 20. McK.&R. prepare the anhydrous crystals of this valua- ble drug, which will be found the most re- liable for local anaesthesia. For internal medication they have granules of 1-20, 1 10, 1-8, and 1-4 grain. Cocillana.-Rusby: a bark from Bolivia; thought to contain an active principle related to emetine ; dose 20 to 50 grs, of powder.- Therap. Gaz., Aug. Cocoanut.-Parisi: tcenia : has long been used in India ; no purgative or confine- ment necessary ; dose, the milk and pulp of one cocoanut early in the morning, fasting.- Pharm. y. & Trans., Nov. 3. Codeine.- Brunton: abdominal pain: enteralgia without organic disease ; supposed malignant tumor ; dose up to 1 grain 3 times a day.-Brit. M. y., June 9. McK.&R. pills and granules 1-16, 1-8, 1-5, 1-4, 1-2 and 1 gr. Colchicin.-Laborde, Houde : gout: as soon as the first symptoms appear one gran- ule of i-6sth grain at intervals )f 2 hours ; second day two granules ; third day one ; one on the fourth if necessary ; in well- marked gout 4 granules may be used ; sev- eral days should elapse between each series of granules.-Rev. Gen. de Clin, et de Thirap., Jan. 26. McK.&R. granules of 1-60 grain. Collidine.-Nencki: ptomaine: C8H11N ; from decomposed Pharm., June 5. Conicine, Bromhydrate.-Demme : tet- anus, idiopathic : child of 7 years ; 2 hypo- derm. injections of 1-32 gr. at an interval of 2 hours, same dose by mouth 3 times every 2 hours, 4 doses on second day, 2 on third ; recovery.-Nouv. Rem., Jan. 24. Conium.-Whitla : rectal pain: the con- centrated juice (succus') is mixed with lanolin and well smeared inside the sphincter, looriz grs. persulphate of iron may be added ; did not have good results with the extract.-Prac- titioner, Apl. Corrosive Sublimate.-Tansini: lu- pus hypertrophicus of the point of the nose ; injected several times with cor. sub., I, sodium chloride 2, distilled water too.- Monat. fur Prakt. Derm., No. 8. Laplace : antiseptic : uses tartaric acid to prevent for- mation of insoluble albuminate ; for solution : cor. sub., I, tart, acid, 5, aq. dest., 1000 ; for bandages, soak two hours in: cor. sub., 5, tart, acid, 20, aq. dest., 1000.-Nouv. Rim., May 24. For internal administration, McK.&R. prepare granules of 1-100, 1 60, 1-50, 1-40, 1-30, 1-20 and 1-10 grain. Creasote (beechwood): Bogdanovitch r phthisis : used on himself : 4 grs. daily reach- ing 44 grs. daily in 3 months ; no effect with small doses ; not to be given on an empty stomach ; improvement, but not cure.-Brit. M. J., Meh. 3. Guttmann : phthisis : culti- vations completely stopped by 1 to 2000 ; can be given in pill, or with coffee or cocoa.- Z«7. f. klin. Med., B. 13, Heft 5. Ros<en- busch : phthisis: 9 cases ; good results ; in- jections into lung tissue of 8u[ of 3% solution in almond oil in each of two places.- Przglad Lekarski, Feb. 4. Generally preferred in the pill form : McR.&R. make two sizes-1-2 and 1 grain. Creatinine.-Thudichum : one of six alkaloids contained in urine.-Med. Press* Nov. 28. Creolin.-Kortum : antiseptic : as a dress- ing a '/fll watery solution ; for the hands, etc., 2% solution ; to the eyes 1 to 400 ; has a de- cided haemostatic action ; may be given in- ternally in pills of iX t° grs. 3 or 4 times a day.-Lancet, March 17. McK.&R. pills, 2 grains. Cresylic Acid.-Delplanque : antiseptic : from coal tar; C7H8O ; fatal to rabbits in i-5ooth of weight, with symptoms of con- vulsive spasms and paralysis of hinder ex- tremities.-Bull. Gin. de Thirap., Aug. 15. Crotonleic Acid.-Kobert : vesicant and ptirgative: active principle of croton oil. CundurangO.-Ewald: an excellent stomachic where there is catarrh of the mucous membrane ; dose oz. of the decoc- tion every 2 hours.-Der Fottschritt, July 20. This drug had quite a reputation several years ago as a cancer cure, but has lately come into use for affections of the stomach. McK.&R. fluid extract. 9 Cyanide Mercury.-Sellden : diphthe- ria : before the use of this drug the mortality (in Norberg, Sweden), was 92.7$, after its use 4-9$ J X in find- aconite 31 grs., honey, 772 grs.; a teaspoonful every 15, 30 or 60 minutes (according to age) with a gargle of cyanide (1 to 10,000) and peppermint water every 15 minutes ; has sometimes substituted the biniodide of mercury with good results.- Lancet, Meh. 24. McK.&R. granules 1-20 grain. Digitalis.-P6tresco : pneumonia : 577 cases ; has used no other treatment since 1883; digitalis leaf, 1, simple syrup, to, water, 50 ; dose, a tablespoonful every half hour ; treat- ment lasts about 3 days ; no toxic effects.- Repert. de Pharm., Sept. Saucerotte : pneu- monia : indicated where pulse exceeds too ; if temp, is low no active treatment is called for; as death supervenes in fatal cases be- tween the 8th and 10th day, and digitalis at- tains its maximum effect from the 7th to the 10th day, it must be given not later than 3d day.-Rev. Gdn. de Clin, et Thdrap., Oct. 18. McK.&R. granules of digitaline, 1-100, and 1-60 grain, and digitalis compound, contain- ing one grain each digitalis and squill, with two grains of potassium nitrate. Edwigia Balsamifera.-Gaucher: X gr. of ale. extract caused death in guinea pigs with lowering of temp., paresis of hind legs, and convulsions ; grows in the Antilles ; N. O. Terebinthinaceae.-Bull. A/AZ., Sept. 30. Electricity.-In diagnosis of Grave's dis- ease after Charcot (Wolfenden) electrical re- sistance very much decreased ; it is not dimin- ished in ordinary goitre.-Practitioner. Dec., '87. For illumination of male urethra (Fen- wick).-Brit. M. Jour., Meh. 3, Apl. 14.- In diagnosis of tumors of the bladder (Nitze). - Lancet, April. 21. Electric douche (Gariel); the current is passed through the water at the time of using. Electricity has been employed in the treatment of keloid ; sper- matorrhoea ; deafness caused by obstruc- tion of eustachian tube ; hydro-salpinx ; extra- uterine gestation, etc. Embelia Ribes.-Warden : taenia : con- tains embelic acid which forms a salt with ammonia, the dose of this salt is three grs. for children and 6 grs. for adults.-Pharm. J. er5 Trans., Oct. 20. Ergot.-Pinna : ague, with splenic en- largement : X gr. ergotine injections at in- tervals of several days completely cured the latter. Buquoy : polyuria : 14 qts. reduced to 7 in 5 days : daily dose 10 grs. McK.&R. fluid extract of ergot; and ergotine for hypo- dermic use (specially prepared), also pills of ergotin, 1-2, 1, 2, 3 and 5 grains, each grain representing ten grains of selected ergot of rye. Ergot Of Oat.-Used in Algeria (Bous- quet) in place of ergot of rye, which was scarce ; similar to the latter, but said to have a stimulating effect. Erythrophlaeine. - Lewin : analgesic : alkaloid from Erythrophlceum guineense; Kaposi, Panas, Kollar and others have ex- perimented with this drug, but much uncer- tainty remains as to its practical value ; a one-eighth of one per cent, solution may be instilled into the eyes, but irritation is so fre- quently caused as to place this drug far below cocaine. Ethylate Sodium.-Richardson: ncevus: prepared by treating pure metallic sodium with absolute alcohol: acts by the production of a caustic when in presence of moisture.- Asclepiad, August. Taylor: lupus: good re- sults ; no water should be allowed to touch the parts.-Brit. M. J., Oct. 6. Ethylene Chloride.-Dubois : used for producing anaesthesia in dogs ; it has the peculiar property of producing cedema of the eyeball which may persist for several months. Exalgine.-Dujardin-Beaumetz, Bardet: analgesic, antipyretic : as a substitute for anti- pyrin, or acetanilid, and the phenacetins ; is said to have none of the bad effects sometimes following the administration of the above; is generally indicated as an analgesic in the place of morphine ; dose, 2 to 4 grains, four or five times a day.-Nouv. Rem., Meh. 24, 1889. McK.&R. pills, 2, 3 and 5 grs. Cordial Exalginique. Fuchsin.-Reiss: nephritis: benefit in all the cases (20); red coloration of urine, but no unpleasant symptoms ; dose, 1-64 to 1-13 gr., increased to 1-6.-Gaz. Heb. Med. et Chir. Gadinine.-Brieger : ptomaine: Cs H17 NO8 ; from stale fish ; non-toxic.-Arch, de Ph., June 5. Glycerine.-Novotny: constipation: 200 cases ; generally a good stool in 3 or 4 min- utes ; dose, rectal injection of fl. 3 ss-i.-Lan- cet, May 12. McK.&R. suppositories, con- taining 95$ of pure glycerin, will be found convenient. Recent notes on the value of this drug in constipation, prolapse and diar- rhoea, sent free. Glykowine.-An emulsion of glycerin and yelk of egg; used externally in burns, cracked breasts, etc.-Nouv. Rem., Feb. Gray Oil.-Lang: a name applied to a mercurial preparation made with olive oil, or vaseline, and metallic mercury (30$); one or two grains subcutaneously in syphilis. (Also see mercury with chalk). Guaiac.-Emmenagogue; in amenorrhoea 6 to 9 grains may be given every morning before breakfast. McK.&R. pills 3 grains. 10 Guaiacol.-Sahli: phthisis: constituent of beech-wood creasote, of which it consti- tutes 60 to 90$ ; dose, to 1 grain after meals ; may be given dissolved in water and spirit, or in cod-liver oil. (See creasote). Gunpowder.-Knaggs : ringworm : it is made into a paste with lemon-juice and applied twice or three times daily to the scalp ; it is stated to be very efficacious if continuously applied.- Therap. Gaz., Nov. Helleboreine.-Venturini: anaesthetic : in ocular therapeutics 3 or 4 drops of the one per cent, solution may be dropped into the eye ; local effects are produced by hypoderm, injections, but its action on the heart renders it dangerous ; its effect passes off very rapid- ly if combined with cocaine.-Bull. Gen de Therap., June 15. The anaesthetic effect (Vit- torio) lasts longer and is more distinctly con- fined to the cornea than is the case with co- caine. For internal administration, McK.&R. granules of 1-50 grain. Hippurates.-Poulet: hippuric acid is the acid principle of the gastric juice ; it exists only in the first stage of digestion ; the hip- purate of calcium is used to restore the acid- ity of alkaline urine ; some forms of skin dis- ease rapidly disappear under its use.-Bull. Gin. de Clin, et Thlrap. Hot Air .-Altdorfer : phthisis, etc. : acts as an oxidizing agent on the microbes and ptomaines.-Med. Press, Lond., May 2. Weigert, Halter : phthisis : acts by more per- fectly aerating the lungs and effects the bacillus by its heat ; inhalation of dry air at 248° to 356° F. raised the temp, of the expired air to 109.4.-Lancet, Sept. 29, Brit. M. J., Oct. 27. Hydrastis Canadensis. - Fuchs, Schmidt : uterine myoma : control of haemor- rhage, with return of normal menstruation ; reduced the tumor in one case.- Therap. Gaz., Jan. Rutherfoord : haemorrhage in fibromy- omata : controls haemorrhage, but does not diminish tumor; dose of tine. 15 to 60TH,; can be given continuously.-B. M. J., July 23. Schatz : chronic inflammation of the internal genitals and in myomata ; uses the fresh plant.-Inter, klin. Runds., No. 26. McK.&R. fluid extract, colorless solution, and pills of hydrastine, 1-2 and 1 grain. Hydrochloric Acid.-Malony : nail swallowing : two-inch nail ; complained of constant pain and tenderness at the pyloric end of stomach ; diet of bread and milk ; large doses of acid ; stools blackened after first two days ; cure.-B. M. J., July 14. HydrOCOllid.-Gautier, Etard: ptomaine : C8 H18 N ; causes spasms ; from decomposed meat.-Arch, de Pharm., June 5. Hydrofluoric Acid.-Bergeron : diph- theria : in a leaden vessel in a water-bath put 460 grains of fluor-spar with a slight excess of sulphuric acid, this must be renewed every four hours, the patient inhaling until the com- plete disappearance of the false membranes- about 48 hours.-Arch, de Pharm., Jan. 5. H6rard : phthisis: cured or improved; points out the immunity of glass-blowers from this disease ; inhalations for one hour daily.- Bull, de 'IAcad, de Mid., 1887. Hydrophobine.-Peraud macerated the brains of mad rabbits and obtained a fluid having the odor and taste of tanacetic acid ; injected into rabbits it produced paralytic rabies.-Gaz. des Hbp., May 12. Hyoscine Hydrobromate.-Thomp- son : hypnotic: especially in cases of chronic mania ; dose, i-2ooth to i-iooth grain.-Lan- cet, Feb. 4. Toxic results (Worrall) from 1-100 gr.; pilocarpine, injections of ether, and cof- fee given.-Aust. M. Gaz., Sept. McK.&R. granules 1-200 and 1-100 grain. Hyoscine Hydrochlorate.-Salg6: insanity : if 1-65 gr. be injected during an at- tack of frenzy the patient will gradually be- come quiet, look as if he were drunk, and re- main in a half-asleep condition for from 2 to 8 hours.-Deut. M. Zeitung, No. 52. Krauss : insanity : the best sedative for this purpose we have; after injection of 1-70 gr. the maniac collapses as if struck by lightning, while the paralytic calms down only grad- ually ; effectual in sleeplessness.-Med. Chir. Centralb., No. 40. (See hyos. hydrobro- mide). Hyposulphite of Sodium.-Newth : blood-poisoning : dose, 5 to 10 grains repeated. -Lancet, Feb, 18. Ice-bag.-Money : broncho pneumonia in children : in severe cases two bags are used- one over the seat of consolidation in the lungs and the other on the head ; stimulants are given.-Lancet, June 2. Ichthyol. -Nussbaum : gout and rheuma- tism : 2 grains two or three times a day and rapidly increased until the effect is produced, when the drug is withdrawn; in case of relapse the drug is given in the dose that proved active before; as high as 77 grains a day have been given without injurious effect; an ointment may be applied externally.-Monit. Thlrap., Meh. 5. McK.&R. pills 2 grains. Iodide of Potassium.-Haslund : psoriasis : 50 cases, 40 cures ; treatment lasted 7 weeks ; small doses rapidly increased to an ounce, or even to ozs. daily.- Viert. f. Derm, und Syph. Berenyl: aortic aneurism : 26 grs. daily.-Lond. M. Rec., Dec. lodochloride.-Langenbuch : antiseptic: prepared by passing dry chlorine over iodine ; in surgery, a watery solution i-ioooto 1-1500; internally in dyspepsia, 1-1200 to 1-1500, table- spoonful every two hours ; in gonorrhoea, in- jection 1-1200.-Med. Chir., Rundschau, Feb. Iodoform.-Chauvin, Jorissenne: haemop- tysis: superior to ergot ; grain in pill 3 to 5 times a day.-Monit. Therap., Oct. 1. Thifery : gonorrhoea : fine powder suspended in oil almonds ; cure in two weeks with 17 injections.-Prog. MM. Jeffries confirms the experiments of Heyn and Rovsing that iodo- form is not a germicide.-four. M. Sei., Jan. McK.&R. pills 1 grain ; with several combi- nations. Iodoform Bituminate.-Ehrmann: combination of tar and iodoform and is used like the latter as a dressing ; has a very faint odor.-B. M. J., Sept. 29. Iodol.-Purjesz : otitis media : in the form of powder insufflated into the ear.-Med.Chir. Rund., Nov. Used like iodoform ; has been given internally in doses of 4 to 10 grs. daily. Iodo-tannate of Mercury.-Nourry: mercury % gr.; iodine, 3-7 gr.; kramero- tannic acid, 3-5 gr.; pure glycerine, 16 drops; dose, one-half the above by injection.-Bull. GM. de Therap., Meh. 15. Ipecac.-Muskett: anthrax and carbun- cle: 50 cases without failure: externally, ap- plied mixed with water to the consistence of a cream ; internally, 5 grs with % gr. morphia every 4 hours.-Lancet, Feb. 11. Murrell: chronic bronchitis: half ounce of the wine with equal quantity of water used as a spray for about ten minutes 3 or 4 times a day ; the dose is gradually doubled ; it should be used warm.-M. Press, Lond., Apl. 25. McK.&R. pills 1-4 and 5 grains ; also the fluid extract, and the pure powdered drug in sealed cans. Iron.-Guelpa : diphtheria : copious irri- gations of aqueous solut. of perchloride (1 to too) of nose and throat every 2 or 3 hours day and night ; cure within a week if used at beginning.-Bull. GM. de ThPrap., Sept. 15. Martin : acute rheumatism : 15 rq tinct. muriate every 2 hours.-Med. Press, Lond., Apl. 11. Restoration of haemoglobin (Skvortzoff) after venesection the increase of body weight pro- ceeds more rapidly when iron is given with food, than without it.- Vratch. B. M. y., Sept. 29. McK.&R. pills of iron by hydro- gen, 1, 2 and 4 grains. Knights Spur {Delphinium consolidd) : - Krasnogladoff : scrofula : ulcers on both feet, which were bathed daily for three weeks, and an infusion made with alcohol internally ; great improvement, and complete recovery.- Lond. M. Rec., Jan. 11 Lactic Acid.-Hayem : diarrhoea : green diarrhoea of children, a teaspoonful of a 2$ solution every hour ; in adults where the flux is chronic and accompanied by dyspepsia three tablespoonfuls of the same solution.-Soc. des Hop. Rafin : lupus : flax seed poultices first, and then paints with an 80 solution.-L' Union MM., Sept. 25. Lanolin.-Frankel: burns and cuts: pre- vents formation of scabs ; burns desquamate less ; haemorrhage is prevented in small wounds.-Pharm. Ruud., No. 3. Gottstein : acts as a preventive of decomposition.-Deut. M. Zeit., No. 8. Is used generally in skin diseases, and with boracic acid ; is said to alleviate the itching. Lappa.-Stratton : amenorrhoea : burdock; saturated tinct. of the seeds in proof spirit; dose, 60 drops three times a day a week be- fore expected flow ; used with aloes if a cathartic is wanted.- Therap. Gazette, Feb. McK.&R. prepare a fluid extract of the seed. Lemon Juice.-Geneuil : epistaxis: in- jection of the contents of a small urethral syringe ; one dose generally sufficient ; citric acid solution alone does not have the same effect.-Bull. Gdn de 'The rap., Nov. 30. Litholeine.-Noel: a petroleum product obtained by distilling at a particular pressure and temperature ; said to exert a particular curative action over eczema.-Gaz. MM. de Paris, Jan. 21. Magnesium Salicylate.-Huchard : typhoid fever: prepared by dissolving salicylic acid in distilled water and saturating the boiling solution with carbonate of magnesium; crystals are obtained soluble in water and alcohol; is but slightly laxative ; acts as an antithermic and intestinal antiseptic ; dose, 40 to 8ogrs. daily.-Rev. Gen. Clin, et Thdrap., Jan. 26. Menthol.-Duke: pruritus vulva:: crystal- lized menthol rubbed over the parts 3 or 4 times.-Brit. M. four., Sept. 1. Dana: neuralgia, migraine: a 25 % alcoholic solution of which the dose is 10 to 15 iq, in a wineglassful of hot water.- Therap. Gaz., July. Mercury with Chalk.-Hutchinson : syphilis : dose, 1 grain three or more times a day for six months. McK.&R. will send an abstract of Mr. Hutchinson's article on Abor- tion of Syphilis free ; their pills are 1-4 and 1 grain. M eta-Phenylenediamine.-Dubois, Vignon : obtained by means of the action of tin and hydrochloric acid on meta-dinitroben- zene ; 1-7 gr. per kilo, caused death in dogs in about 12 hours ; produces symptoms sim- ilar to an intense influenza ; causes great protrusion of the eyes.-Ph. four., Sept. 29. 12 M ethylal. - Richardson : hypnotic, anti- spasmodic: from methylic alcohol; must be per- fectly pure ; dose, 31 to 4.-Asclepiad, May. Methylene, Bichloride.-Wells(Spen- cer) : anesthetic : over 2,000 operations ; one of the most harmless of anaesthetics (Day) in 1,230 cases; the methylene in market (Buxton) is composed of 4 parts methylated chloroform and one part methylic alcohol and prqduces anaesthesia; pure bichloride methylene (C2H2 Cl8) produces no anaesthesia, but wild excite- ment.-Brit. Al. J., June 9, July 14, 28. Midaleine.-Brieger •. ptomaine : from de- composed meat.-Arch, de Phar., June 5. Midatoxine.-Brieger: ptomaine : C6Hj s NO2 ; from decomposed cadavers ; similar to curare.-Arch, de Pharm., June 5. Midine.-Brieger: ptomaine : C6HuNOj; from decomposed cadavers.-Arch, de Pharm., June 5. Milk, Sour. -Osthoff : summer diarrhoea, and as a food.-Med. Press, Feb. 8. Mountain Pine.-James : bronchitis : should be used with caution if kidney disease is present; the oil may be sprinkled about the room, or 10 to 20 drops added to a steam in- haler half full of water; internally, one to five minims; is of the terebinthinate series and is also known as mugho, pinus pumilio oleum templinum or krummolzdl.-Lancet,March 10. Muscarine.-Brieger :ptomaine : C5H15 NOS ; from stale fish ; moderately toxic.- Arch, de Pharm., June 5. Myrobalan.-Apery: diarrhoea, dysentery: an ancient remedy, the fruit of which is used roasted in the form of powder and pills; dose 15 to 120 grs.; is used by the Turks, Persians,etc.; contains a great deal of tannin and an oily green body called myrobalin.- Therap.Gaz., March. Mytilotoxine.-Brieger: ptomaine. C6 H16NO2 ; from snails ; toxic.-Arch, de Ph., June 5. Myrtol.-Eichhorst: bronchitis : one of the best disinfectants of the air-passages we possess ; is obtained by distillation from the common myrtle ; dose, 4 grs. in capsule every two hours ; has no specific action against tubercle bacilli.- Wien. M. Presse, No. 42. Naphthol (/f).-Rualt : ozena: naphthol B, 1, alcohol, go$, 7; a teaspoonful of this to a quart of water is used as a wash ; cocaine may be used, or a solution of one-half the above strength.-Arch, de Laryn. Gintergoff : dysen- tery : 7 or 8 grs. in an ounce of water for a single enema ; may be repeated in a few hours ; quinine internally if necessary.-Russ. Med. Shoemaker : leucorrhoea, gonorrhcea : half a grain to the fluid ounce of water.-J. Am. M. Asso., July 14. McK.&R. prepare a concen- trated solution which may be conveniently used where naphthol water is desired fresh. Neurine.-Brieger;ptomaine: CBH13NO; from decomposed meat ; acts like curare.- Arch, de Ph., June 5. Nitrate of Mercury.-Kenner: boils, felons : the ointment is applied % in. thick and left on for 24 hours ; several cases cured.- M. 5. Rep., April 14. Nitroglycerin.-Osler : epilepsy: 19 cases, improvement in g ; begins with 2 1-100 gr. pills three times a day increased until the physiological effect is produced.-f. Men. dr* Nerv. Dis., Jan. Korczynski, Holst: useful in affections of the heart and kidneys ; cured a case of angina pectoris in which there was no organic affection of the heart ; small doses-1-200-1-100 gr.-at first.-Paris Mdd., Jan. 7. McK.&R. will send full notes on the use of this remedy free ; granules of 1-200 grain (equal to one drop of the usual one per cent, solution) 1-100 and 1-50 grain. Olive Oil.-Chauffard : hepatic colic : sev- eral cases ; dose, ozs., and in 15 minutes a similar dose ; patient is kept lying on right side for three hours ; in about 8 hours nu- merous half-solid, greenish concretions are evacuated. Hayein and Bucquoy have used olive oil in biliary lithiasis accompanied by chronic icterus.-Brit. M. J., Nov. 24. Onobaio.-Varigny, Langlois : arrow poison ; 1-16 gr. to 13 lbs. weight slows res- piration with little cardiac disturbance ; 1-13 gr. kills rabbits quickly.-Brit. M. f., June 30. Oranges.-Del Valle, Castro : metrorrha- gia : the unripe fruit is boiled in the skin and well sweetened.-Cronica Med.-Quir. Orthosyphon stamineus. - Froch- ard : diuretic: known as Java tea; used in gravel and arthritis ; it is harmless ; dose, in- fusion of 70 grains to the quart of water daily.-Brit. M. J., May 5. Osmlc Acid.-Grinevitski : muscular rheumatism : always improvement with com- plete recovery in the majority ; dose, 8 drops of a one per cent, solution up to a Pravaz syringeful (care being taken with women or susceptible patients) injected into the parenchy- ma of the muscle ; generally two injections effect the cure.-Russ. Med., Practitioner, Sept. Oxygen.-Jaccoud quoted by Carter : Bright's disease : inhalation of 11 quarts three times a day ; plainest food ; douches followed by frictions.-Brit. M. Jour., Sept. I. Oxyphenate of Mercury.-Chadex: syphilis: less painful than any other salt of mercury ; absorption very rapid ; injects an emulsion of one part of the salt to fifty of gum arabic mucilage.-Bull. Gdn. de TIDrap., Dec. 15. Papayotin.-Schrimmer: fissures of the tongue: successful in 24 out of 25 cases ; papayotin, 1 or 2 ; glycerin and distilled water, of each, 10; apply 5 or 6 times daily after carefully drying the parts.-L'Union Med., Sept. 25. Paraldehyde.-La Moure: obstinate vom- iting : 40 drops to an ounce of simple elixir.- Albany M. Annals, June. Para-Phenylenediamine. - Dubois and Vignon ; 1-7 gr. per kilo, causes death in dogs by coma in two hours ; obtained from orthonitraniline in the manner employed for meta-phenylenediamine, q. v.-Ph. four., Sept. 29. Parvoline.-Gautier, Etard : ptomaine: from decomposed meat; spasmodic; C7H1SN. -Arch, de Ph., June 5. Pengawar Djambi, or Paku Kidang.- Reber: hoemostatic: consists of the silky, glossy, yellow or brown hairs on the stems of several kinds of tropical ferns ; a thin layer is applied to the cut surface.-Der Fortsch., Nov. 5. Peppermint Oil.-Braddon : phthisis, diphtheria : one drop placed under a bell-glass covering a cultivation of cholera bacilli will kill both bacilli and spores in 48 hours ; as an antiseptic dressing, the lint may be soaked in olive oil, one ounce, peppermint oil, one drop ; in diphtheria, the pure oil is applied thoroughly twice a day.-Lancet, March 17, 24. Phenacetin. - Dujardin-Beaumetz : apyretic, analgesic: 5 grs. produces a durable fall of temp, of 4 or 5 degrees. Bull. Med., April 1. Bell : sciatica : 8 to 12 grs.-Brit. M. four., April 7. Has been used (Gren fell) in neuralgia : in dilatation (Misrachi, Rifat) and other neurotic conditions of the stomach. McK.&R. pills 2 and 5 grains. Phosphomolybdic Acid. -Thudi- chum : precipitates all alkaloids contained in any animal or' vegetable liquid in a body ; used to precipitate the alkaloids of urine.- Med. Press, Nov. 28. Phosphorus.-Comby : rickets : 40 children aged from 10 months to 3 years; 2 grs. to 39 ozs. cod-liver oil; dose, one teaspoon- ful daily for infants under 12 months, 4 tea- spoonfuls if over 2 years ; treatment lasted 3 months to one year ; no unpleasant effects, but prefers the old method of cod-liver oil, phosphate of lime and salt water baths. - Rev. de Therap., April 15. McK.&R. pills 1-200, 1-120, i-ioo, 1-60. 1-50, 1-30, 1-20, 1-12 grain, and a large number of compounds with quin- ine, iron, digitalis, etc. Phosphotungstic Acid, same as for phosphomolydic acid. 13 Physostigmine.-Rieiss: chorea : cure in most cases ; dose, hypodermically, i-ioo (children) to i-6ogr.; at first one injection afterwards two, daily ; has also used the drug in paralysis agitans, tremors, etc., with good results.-Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 22. McK.&R. salicylate of physostigmine granules i-ioo grain. Pichi (Fabiana imbricata).-Indigenous to Chili ; used in catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and kidneys; dose, 15 drops of the fluid extract. McK.&R. prepare a fluid extract of this drug. Pilocarpine Nitrate.-McKeown: atro- phy of the optic nerves : hypodermic injections from July 1882 (at which time he had to be led) until 1887-the last note-when he was earning his own living in a ship yard.-Brit. M. four , July 28. Dr. Wyss gives the drug internally in respiratory difficulties ; dose, 1-8 to 1-4 grain ; never on an empty stomach. McK.&R. granules of the hydrochlorate, 1-60, 1-30, and 1-8 grain. Pyridin.-De Renzi : angina pectoris : dose, 6 to 25 drops in water.-Riv. Clin, e Teiap., No. 3, '87. Pyrodin.-Drescbfeld: antipyretic: (acetyl- phenyl-hydrazin): more powerful than anti- pyrin, acetanilid or phenacetin. Dose, 3 to 4 grs. for children, 8 to 12 for adults. L6pine: neuralgia, and pains of locomotor ataxia, etc .; great caution should be used in giving this drug, and effects should be carefully watched ; 12 grs. once in 18 hours should not be exceeded, and then it should only be em- ployed for a few days at a time.-Brit. M. f, Oct. 20, Dec. 29 ; Lancet, Dec. 8. Quillaia Root.-Gretchinsky : nasal catarrhs: the finely chopped dried root one- half ounce, powdered root one drachm ; shake in a paper bag, the patient to inhale the dust through the nose until the passages are clear; repeat 3 to 5 times daily.-L. Med. Rec., July. Quinolin.-Dormat: antiseptic: used asa gargle in diphtheria; one part to 50 of alco- hol and 500 of peppermint water.-four, de Med. de Paris, June 10. Reducin.-Thudichum : one of the six alkaloids of urine.-L. JZraf. Press, Nov. 28. Resorcin.-Maxwell : ulceration of tongue : a very small quantity was sprinkled on the tongue, which gave the patient great relief.-Lancet, April 21 : Ch&ron : pharyngeal congestion of uterine origin : gargle of resor- cin, 4 ; glycerin (neutral), 15 ; distilled water, 250.; 3 or 4 times daily.-four, de Med. et Chir., July.-Greene: diarrhoea : 10 grs. in half ounce of distilled water every hour at first.-Lancet, June 23. 14 Simulo.-White: epilepsy: fruit of the Capparis coriaceoe, a member of the hyssop fam- ily found in South America ; cases appeared to improve under treatment ; Dose, % to 2 drachms of the tincture.-Lancet, March 31. Soda Salts.-Osherovski : haemorrhage : case of uterine fibroid ; subcutaneous injec- tion of a mixture of 90 grs. each of cryst. phosphate and sulphate of soda in 4 ounces of distilled water ; 60 grs. injected at one time.-Lancet, Aug. 25. Solanine.-Sarda : analgesic: especially in pains of long standing ; in obstinate sciat- ica and locomotor ataxia great relief was experienced.-Bull. Gen. de 'Th. erap., May 30. [Dose, % to grain three or four times a day], McK.&R. granules 1-3 grain. Sparteine Sulphate. - Levascheff, Pawinski : heatt disease: nervous troubles, painful and distressing sensations in cases of valvular diseases of heart; commencement of Grave's disease ; asthmatic attacks of bron- chitic and emphysematous subjects ; where digitalis is not supported ; dose, gr. to 5 grs. daily, in three or four doses.-Bull. Gen. de Thdrap. July 15. McK.&R. granules 1-4 grain; full notes, with pulse tracings, sent free. Spasmotoxine.-Brieger : ptomaine : from tetanus cases.-Arch, de Ph., June 5. Strophanthus.-Charpentier: the diu- retic effect of this drug will sometimes con- tinue in a marked manner for 15 days after its administrafion is discontinued. [Dose, 1-20 to 1-4 grain], McK.&R. granules of 1-20 and 1-4 grain ; also, with iron, and with nitro-glycerin; also the tincture,prepared after the formula of Dr. Fraser, and the fluid ex- tract. Strophanthin granules 1-65 gr. Notes on the uses of strophanthus sent free. Strychnine.-Berblinger : alcoholism : suicidal wounds of the head when intoxicated; confirmed dipsomaniac; wounds got worse ; suffered from sleeplessness and craving for liquor ; injection of i-ioogr. nitrate of strych- nine for first three days twice, afterwards once daily ; sleep returned ; craving disap- peared and wounds began at once to look better ; no desire for liquor after 65 days.- Buss. Med. Korona : alcoholism : causes an aversion for liquor ; no use in acute cases.- Lond. M. Rec., March. Brunton : hypnotic : used in cases where the " patient is too tired to sleep ;" dose, 1-200 gr. of the sulphate at bed-time.-Practitioner, Jan. Chouppe : antag- onistic to antipyrin; has prevented the action of mortal doses of strychnine in guinea-pigs by injections of antipyrin.-Le Prog. Med., May 26. McK.&R. granules of strychnine, and sulphate of strychnine, 1-20 to 1-200 grain ; arseniate of strychnine, 1-60 and 1-120 grain ; the nitrate, 1-60 grain. Rhinanthin.-Phipson : glucoside from the common snapdragon {Anterrhinum majus) aud the seeds of Rhinanthus hirsutus ; said to resemble digitalin.-Pharm. Jour, dr' Trans., Sept. 29. Saccharin.-Has been generally used as a sweetening agent in cases where sugar is contra-indicated, as in diabetes ; has antisep- tic properties, and decreases the foetor of the urine ; stated to give rise to stomach troubles when taken for a long time. Salicylic Acid.-Sharkorski: malig- nant scarlatina: 15 grs. in § vi. of hot distilled water and § i of syrup of orange ; dose, a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful every hour.- Russ. Med. Jaccoud : ■pulmonary tuberculosis : for reducing the fever 30 grs. daily for three days, then 23 grs. daily for three days ; doses are then suspended for two days, and then renewed ; if fever diminishes 15 grs. are giv- en daily.-Rev. de Therap., Feb. 14. McK.&R. pills 1, 2%, and 5 grains; also, with morphine. Salicylate of Magnesium.-Huchard: typhoid fever : 40 to 80 grs. daily; prepared by dissolving salicylic acid in distilled water and saturating the boiling solution with carb, mag- nesia.-Rev. Gdn. de Clin, et The'rap., Jan. 26. Salicylate of Mercury.-Aranjo: syphilis : one-half grain by mouth or hypo- dermic injection three times a day ; acts more promptly and energetically than other mer- curials ; also used externally and as an ure- thral injection in gonorrhoea.-Bull. Gdn. de Therap., Feb. 29. Salicylate Of Sodium.-Graham: ton- sillitis: 10 to 20 grs. every two hours, dose to be reduced as relief is afforded ; where it failed bicarb, soda was applied locally.- Practitioner, May. Saline Cathartics.-Suckling: peri- tonitis, typhlitis : sulphate of magnesium and sodium 30 grs. with 10 1TL. tr. belladonna every four hours. Smith (Blaike): acute pleurisy : two drachms sulphate magnesium twice daily in a little hot water.-Brit. M. four., May 26, Oct. 13. Salol.-In catarrhal pharyngitis (Thorner), 10 to 15 grs. three times a day : mixed with iodoform (Barduzzi) as an application in skin diseases: in acute rheumatism (Bradford) infe- rior to salicyl, sodium: dysentery (McCall), boy of five years, 200 grs. in ten days. McK.&R. pills 2'4 and 5 grains ; also, with morphine- the latter pill is valuable where a local action of morphine is desired on the lower bowel. Saprine.-Brieger : ptomaine: C8H16N2; from decomposed meat ; not toxic.-Arch. de. Ph., June 5. Silico-fluoride Sodium.-Robson : disinfectant: as a wash, one grain to the ounce of water ; known as salufer. 15 Succinimide of Mercury.-Vollert: syphilis : 19 to 35 injections of a one percent, solution given to each patient in the course of treatment ; the injections are made daily into the right and left buttock alternately with a Pravaz syringe, the needle to run into the mid- dle of the subcutaneous fat parallel to the surface.- Therap. Monatsc. Sulphonal.-Kast : hypnotic: diethylsul- phondimethylmethan ; dose, 30 grs.-Berl. klin. Woch., April 16. Macvie : soporific : does not disturb heart-action ; dose, 15 to 30 grs.-Med. Press, Lond., June 13. Salgo : about equal to paraldehyde ; pleasant to take; no disagreeable after-effects.-Deut. M. Zeit., No. 52. Disagreeable effects have been noted in some cases. Sulphur.-Knaggs ; diphtheria: B Pre- cipitated sulphur, pure, 3 iss ; chocolate pow- der, 3 j ; cinnamon water (1 in 40) f f i ; glyc- erin, 3 iii ; dose, % to I teaspoonful every hour or oftener for five days ; sulphur also generally recommended in germ diseases.- Therap. Gaz., March. Sulphur has also been used for sciatica neuralgia, etc.; in these cases the affected part is covered with a thick layer of the flowers ; practitioners differ as to the results of this treatment ; a case of poison- ing from two ounces taken internally in two days is recorded. Sulphurous Acid.-Delon : phthisis: sulphur flowers are placed on hot coals and the fumes inhaled ; one case only, with a phthisical history ; apparent cure in three weeks.-Lyon Med., Feb. I. Manby : whoop- ing-cough : the room in which the child sleeps is fumigated as above during the day ; doors and windows being opened for some time before the patient goes to bed ; during the night the room in which the child plays in the day-time is treated in the same manner.- Practitioner, Aug. Talc .-Debove : diarrhoea : impalpable powder in milk, 7 to 20 ounces daily for an adult ; not tested in children ; diarrhoea due to tuberculous lesions was followed by obsti- nate constipation.-Bull. MM., June 10. Tannin.-Landion, Duboud : meningitis: six grains daily ; other practitioners use 8 to to grs. Rev. deThe'rap.-Boulland: dilatation of stomach : dose, 3 grs.; where constipation is present, grs.-Brit. M. four., July 21. Terebene.-Betrin : cancer of uterus. plugs steeped in the drug are placed in appo- sition to the ulcerated surface after washing and drying the parts.-Med. Press, Dec. II. Cammann: bronchial affections: dose,15 to 30TTL in mucilage, four times daily.-N. Y. M. J., Nov. 10. McK.&R. terebene has been highly spoken of for its purity and effectiveness. Terpin Hydrate.-James: bronchitis: dose, two grains every three or four hours.- Lancet, March io. Houdart: bronchitis : as an expectorant 8 to 16 grs.; in affections of the urinary tract., 2 to 8 grs.; large doses must be avoided where renal disease is present. -Bull. Med. Aug. 22. McK.&R. pills 2 grains. Tetanine.-Brieger : ptomaine : C13H3() NgO4 ; from tetanus cases ; moderately toxic.-Arch, de Ph., June 5. Tetanotoxine.-Brieger: ptomaine: C5 H14N ; tetanus cases.-Arch, de Ph., June 5. Thallin.-Dhercourt: gonorrhoea : 1 to 50 or 1 to too solution of the tartrate in naphthol water ; urethral injection of half a syringeful three times a day.-Rev. Gen. de Clin, et de 7'he'rap., July 19. McK.&R. can furnish both the thallin and concentrated naphthol water (from which the fresh can be prepared). Thallium Sulphate. - Kreis, Goll: gonorrhaPt : injections of 1% to 2% solution ; the first injection must be allowed to flow off, and the second, immediately after, is retained for a few seconds ; bougies of butter of cacao are also employed.-Der. Fortsch.,]wa.2c>,i,i'i'>~i. Thuya Occidentalis.-Baratoux : der- moid vegetations : gives the tincture internally in doses of 20 drops and more, and paints the affected parts with the same ; in epithehoma- tous affections of the larynx and pharynx, a spray of 1 to 20 solution in glycerin is also used.-Rev. Clin, et Therap., L. M. Rec., June. McK.&R. fluid extract. Thyme.-Johnson : whooping-cotigh : one ounce of the common herb* is boiled down from a pint and a half of water to a pint; if there is much inflammation of the bronchial tubes, two drachms of pot. iod. and pot. chlorate are added to each pint ; dose, 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls every hour to infants.-M. dr5 5. Rep., March 17. Tin Oleate .-Nails liable to be split may be treated nightly with the ointment spread on flannel, cure is effected in two months.- Arch, de Ph., May 5. McK.&R. have a full line of oleates, including that of tin. Tribromphenol.-Grimm : antiseptic : formed by the action of bromine on carbolic acid : as a dressing the bandages may be soaked in a solution of two or three per cent.- Dent. Med. Zeit., No. 52. Ulexine.-Bradford: diuretic: dropsy due to heart disease ; alkaloid from the com- mon gorse.-Lancet, Feb. 4. To be used with caution in stricture, 1-10 gr. producing bad effects in such cases. Urochrome.-Thudichum : the yellow coloring matter of urine.-M. Press, Lond., Nov. 28. U rotheobromin.-One of the alkaloids of urine.-ibid. McK. & R. ALBOLENE. I This base for ointments, etc., is derived from petroleum and "meets all the requirements of the pharmacopoeia for petrolatum, with the extra advantage that it is translucent-nearly water white. It forms elegant ointments with mineral and vegetable medicaments, a list of which will be sent on application. McK. & R. LIQUID ALBOLENE. This is a colorless, tasteless and odorless fluid with a specific gravity of .865 at 60° F. It does not saponify nor become rancid, neither is it decomposed by acids or alkalies. It forms clear solutions with stronger ether, chloroform, oil of turpentine, oleic acid, ben- zole, toluol and carbon bisulphide. Its lightness, and freedom from odor, taste, etc., eminently fit it for use in a vaporizer or spray apparatus. We give below a partial list of drugs with which it may be employed to advantage. The following form clear solutions by simple admixture with Liquid Albolene: Camphor, 1 part, Liquid Albolene, 4 parts. Carbolic Acid, 1 " " " 19 Eucalyptol, 1 " " " 9 " Menthol*, 1 " " " 4 " Menthol Camphor, 1 " " " 4 " Naphthaline, I " " " 9 Naphthaline Camphor, 1 " " " 4 " Naphthol Camphor, 1 " " " 9 Phenol Camphor, 1 " " " 4 ** Salol, 1 " " " 19 Salol Camphor, I " " " 4 Terebene, 1 " " " 4 Thymol, 1 " " " 9 Thymol Camphor, I " " " 4 *Dr. Charles H. Knight {Jour. Am. M. Asso., Aug. 3, 1889) uses as a spray in laryngeal phthisis : Menthol, 60 to 90 grains dissolved in fluid albolene one ounce. The following form clear solutions when previously mixed with ether in the proportions given. Camphoric Acid, 1 part, Ether, 3 parts, Liquid Albolene, 16 parts. Iodol, I " "2 " " " 17 " Naphthol, 1 " "3 " " " Salicylic Acid, 1 " "3 " " " *6 The following mixture forms a valuable antiseptic: 3 Ol. Menth. Pip., Ol. Gaultheriae, Ol. Thymi, Ol. Eucalypti, aa, 12, Ac. Benzo-Boric., 1, Liq. Albolene, 191. M. McKesson & robbins, Manufacturing Chemists. NEW YORK. Exalgine as a Substitute for Antipyrin. By Drs. Dujardin-Beaumetz and Bardet. Exalgine is the orthomethylacetanilid. In quantities of 40 cgm. to 75 cgm. taken in one dose, or of 80 cgm. to 1 gm. taken in two doses during the 24 hours, this substance is a power- ful analgesic, which, even in the various forms of neuralgia visceral neuralgia included has shown itself to be superior to antipyrin, while its effective doses may be lower by one half, than those of antipyrin. Thus far, we have observed no circulatory troubles, such as rash or cyanosis, as following its use, though we have encountered these symptoms both in antipyrin and acetanilid. This appears to be due to the fact that exalgine is essentially a nervine, its antithermic action being secondary, and this is why we can make satisfactory use of it in such moderate doses. In studying in one group the substances belonging to the aromatic series, we succeeded in establishing the facts that all of these bodies are antiseptic, antithermic and analgesic, that the antiseptic character predominates in the hydrated derivatives such as phenol, naphthol, etc.; that antithermia is the principal character of the amidogenic derivatives such as kairin, thallin, acetanilid, etc.; and that, finally, the substitution of a hydrocarburetted radical of the fat series-and especially of methyl-for an atom of hydrogen in the amidogenic bodies, pro- duces a class of bodies which are predominatingly analgesic. To this class exalgine belongs, and in this respect, i.e., as an analgesic it appears to us to be superior to antipyrin. - Acad, des sci., Nouv. rem., March 24. McK. & R. Pills, 2, 3 and 5 grains. Dose, 2 to 5 grains three or four times a day. McK. & R. GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES. (McKesson & robbins). The value of glycerin as a mild evacuant-useful alike in constipation, and in prolapse and diarrhoea-has led us to prepare suppositories of pure glycerin, which we offer to the medical profession as a convenient means of administering this agent. It is unnecessary to mention the advantages of a well-made suppository over the syringe, especially in cases w'here the injection is to be made frequently. The suppositories prepared by us are soft, /.<?., flexible, and hence easily inserted where there is tenderness of the parts. They present not only a convenient means but a less danger- ous, and certainly less painful means of administration than that by injection. Notes on the use of glycerin in constipation, prolapse, etc., sent on application. Can be procured from any druggist, or a box of one dozen will be sent by mail, to phy- sicians, on receipt of thirty cents. Our glycerin suppositories are pointed at both ends, and may be cut where a small dose is desired. Full notes on the uses of glycerin in constipation, prolapse and diarrhoea, sent free. CARDUUS MARIANUS. McKesson & Robbins are now prepared to furnish the tincture of this valuable remedy prepared according to the French Codex. The results obtained by Dr. A. Tripier, published in the Btill. Gdn. de Therap,, have shown the value of this drug in most, if not all, forms of varix. Dr. Tripier says : " Try for rheumatism with digitalis; the touchstone for varix will be carduus marianus ; ' and he further says : " That visceral varices, which have thus far been studied as existing exclusively in the rectum and in the spermatic cord, may exist in isolation (or with other symptoms) in all the organs of the pelvic cavity." An abstract of Dr. Tripier's article, translated the French, will be sent free on application ; it is interesting. INTRODUCTION. In presenting these short notes relating to recent medical literature, we desire to say that, they are for the most part culled from the medical journals of 1888, and many of them-for which we here make acknowledgement-have been taken from the columns of rhe New York Medical Abstract. Each note is followed by a full reference to its source, and hence its origin can be investigated at any time. While by no means complete the list will, we trust, be of value in these days when so many new drugs and chemicals are brought to the attention of physicians. While we are prepared to furnish most, if not all, of the substances mentioned in this list, we have, where preparations-such as pills, etc.-are made, mentioned the fact at the end of the note for the convenience of the medical profession. Regarding the value of exalgine, the new synthetical anilin derivative for the sup- pression of pain, we will say that, its use appears to be extending, and it bids fair to become a recognized analgesic agent of great value. In regard to glycerin suppositories, which have lately come into extensive use, we would warn the medical profession against such suppositories as come wrapped in lead foil, or in tin foil containing lead. When we first placed our glycerin suppositories in the market, we made a careful selection of the foil to be used for the very«purpose of avoiding contamination with the dangerous metal. Since then we have seen samples of suppositories wrapped in lead foil, they can be easily told, as the foil loses its lustre, becomes rough and very brittle. Our Formula Book for the vest pocket, much enlarged and with a great many new notes will be sent free to any physician. We give below a list of monographs and brochures, sent free by us to physicians, each one of which contains a full bibliography. Very respectfully, McKesson & robbins. The following monographs will be sent free to any physician: " Creolin," " Jam- bul," "Naphthalin," " Strophan thus," "Terpin Hydrate," "Thymol," "Dipsomania," "Oleates," "Salol," "Cocaine," "Creasote," "Sparteine," "Abortion of Syphilis," "Cannabis Indica," "Ichthyol," " Glonoinum " (nitro-glycerin), "Chloride of Methyl," "Glycerin," " Exalgine," " Terebene," "The Bath; A Tonic Formula." Our brochures on "Recent Treatments of Constipation," and " Treatment of Pain and Pyrexia by Acetanilid," " Neural- gia, Rheumatism and Sciatica," " Treatment of the Chloral, Opium and Alcohol Habits."