PLEASE NOTICE ILLUSTRATIONS ON PAGE 17, THE PHOSPHATES IN NUTRITION AND THE MINERAL THEORY OF Consumption and Allied Wasting Diseases, AN ENTIRELY NEW AND SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT, AS SUGGESTED BY THE OBSERVATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS OF M. F. ANDERSON, M.D., LICENTIATE OF THE UOYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, EDINBURGH,.—MEMBER ROYAL COLLEGE SURGEONS, ENGLAND. Presented by The Charles H. Phillips Chemical Co., 30 PLATT STREET, NEW YORK. NEW YORK. GEORGE F. NESBITT & CO., PRINTERS, Cor. Pearl and Pine Streets, 1885. THE PHOSPHATES IN NUTRITION. CHAPTER I. RESULTS OF DR. M. F. ANDERSON’S EXPERIMENTS. Although up to the present day Consumption has proved intractable to almost every form of treatment, it has been and is a subject of universal interest. Its inception is so insidious, its advance so rapid, and its mortality in all classes and at all ages so great that its treatment must ever be of interest, and aiw research ir either the field of therapeutics or pathology, any experi- ments in chemistry or physiology that throw any light upon the subject should claim the attention of every thoughtful practitioner. Dr. M. F. Anderson, of Eng- land has recently published a book on the subject of “Phosphates in Nutrition,” a very able review of which may be found in the Edinburgh Medical Journal for November, 1878, and Braithwaite's Retrospect for January, 1879. In it he clearly sets forth the results of his experi- ments on the part tl e Phosphates play in causing and maintaining organic disease in the human system, and 2 draws therefrom certain conclusions in regard to thera peutics that are well worth a careful study. He main- tains that the inorganic ingredients of the blood and tissues have hitherto received too little attention at the hands of physicians. He believes that the only form in which Phosphorus is met with in the fluids or solids is as Phosphoric Acid, and that usually in the form of a Phos- phate. This is in direct opposition to the views and teachings of many chemists and physiologists, who main- tain that Phosphorus exists, as such, in various albumi- nous compounds, or in some other form than that of Phosphoric Acid. He further states as the results of his research, that in the blood and tissues these salts are always iribasic, having in addition in nervous tissue, Phosphoric Acid as a hydrate and in combination with the albuminous material of the same. The great point upon which the whole theory hinges is that these Phosphatic salts enter largely into and are necessary for the proper nutrition of vascular tissue, and that their presence may be demonstrated in the inner coats of the arteries and the whole structure of the capillaries. In confirmation of his views he goes on to show that organs will be rich in the Phosphates in exact proportion to their vascularity. The bones are of course an excep- tion, as the Phosphate of Lime is there simply for tne purpose of giving strength, its presence being explained upon purely mechanical grounds. He cites tendons and ligaments as examples of low vascularity and pro- portionally low phosphatic presence, there being but a trace. Passing then to a discussion of the function of the arterial and venous radicles and the lymphatics, he de- monstrates very clearly the fact that they serve a double purpose, viz.: that of tissue renovators and builders and of scavengers or removers of waste materials, i. e., the 3 results of tissue metamorphosis. Advancing with tn«*, subject, he lays the primal, progressive and final danger in Phthisis at the door of these builders and renovators of tissue, showing that they erect almost nothing, and tear down much to supply material for combustion and the production of animal heat. He then makes applica- tion of his facts and reasoning to Consumption, Scurvy, Rickets and Cancer, in all of which he claims that the arterioles, capillaries and lymphatics are seriously affected by an absence of Phosphoric Acid and its salts: their own nutrition being below the normal, they are unable to carry on the reparative processes in a normal degree, and indeed turn upon and tear down the tissues that it is their function to nourish, to supply their own and the wants of the system. The evil is then two-fold ; (a) tissues that should be renovated are destroyed, and (b) the resulting effete material, tissue debris gradually collects in and about the cells until a thorough clogging of the machinery takes place and the vital chemistry of the part is wholly reversed or done away with. Fur- ther, the whole system is poisoned by this material and hectic and its fellow troubles result. In reference to Scurvy, Dr Anderson finds that the remedial power of lime or lemon juice in this disease lies in the Citric Acid which it contains, and that it acts thus by virtue of its power to render the insoluble phos- phates soluble. He says, “ The anti-scorbutic action of lemon juice is thus reduced to its citric acid, and the efficacy of this depends on the conversion of insoluble phosphates into soluble for the formation of tissue phos- phates. He shows that while two samples of fresh meat yielded respectively .256 and .230 percent, of Phospho- ric acid, salt meat such as is used on ship-board had but .147 per cent, before soaking; the prolonged soaking which it got before use still further removing the soluble phosphates. 4 Turning again to Consumption, Dr. Anderson says that this condition of rapid tissue destruction to supply material for combustion, and the maintenance of heat, is, in a certain measure, relieved by the judicious exhi- bition of Cod Liver Oil; but says that the resulting im- provement will not be permanent, and ascribes it to the absence of the proper form or amount of Phosphates in the food or medicine. As we all know, it is nonsensical to attempt to heal the lung lesion while the body is being con: u:ned. Once the general health improves, the pul- monary troubles begin to mend or remain stationary That the tissues may cease to waste as rapidly as before the oil was given, does not prove that the oil will exert a curative effect. There is another block in the path : the results of tissue metamorphosis, that are interfering with local nutrition and poisoning the system. How shall we rid the tissues of this material ? Dalton*, in speaking of the Potassium and Sodium Phosphate, says: “ Of all the internal fluids, the most essential is the plasma of the blood, since it affords the materials of nu- trition for the entire system ; and its alkaline reaction, which is distinctly marked, has been found to be invari- ably present, not only in the human subject, but also in every species of animal in which it has been examined. This reaction of the blood is, moreover, necessary to life, since Bernardf has shown that if an injection of dilute acetic or lactic acid be made into the veins of the living animal, death always results before the point of neutralization has been reached. “ The alkaline reaction of the blood plasma gives to this fluid its extraordinary capacity for dissolving Car- bonic Acid. According to Liebig, water, which holds in solution one per cent, of Sodium Phosphate, is enabled * Human Physiology. Phila., 1875, p. 49. | de l'Organisme. Paris, 1859, tome I, p. 412. 5 to absorb and retain twice its usual proportion of Car- bonic Acid; and other alkaline salts, as is well known, have a similar action upon this gas. Consequently, the blood, as it circulates among the tissues, rapidly absorbs from them the Carbonic Acid that has formed in their substance, and incessantly carries it away to be elimina- ted by the lungs. “ This important property of the circulating fluid de- pends upon its alkaline reaction. The alkalescence of the blood is due, in a great measure, to the alkaline phos- phates ;* which are present in human blood in the pro- portion of 0.67 part in one thousand parts.” v The part which the Phosphates play in the blood is thus seen, and is a very important one, though probably secondary to its nutrient action on the capillaries. That retained products of decomposition often prove a source of great evil, is beyond question. Dr. T. Lauder Brun- tonf says; “ The intercellular fluid, in which these pro- ducts (of decomposition or tissue waste) are contained, is absorbed with the general circulation by the veins and lymphatics. Unless some provision were made for its removal, it would soon accumulate in the blood and arrest the functional activity of the various tissues, be- ginning with, that most susceptible of all, the nervous tissue, causing death.” The doctor further states that, aside from their action on capillary nutrition, the Phosphates aid in the second- ary assimilation of the other materials of the ingesta. * The italics are ours. \ Practitioner, Aug., 1878, p. 91. 6 CHAPTER II. THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS FOR THE USE OF THE PHOSPHATES. Alkaline. Earthy.. . Lime Phosphate, Ca3 P* Og Magnesium Phosphate, Mg H P04 Phosphates.. Sodium Phosphate, Na2 H P04 Potassium Phosphate, K2 H P04 A careful review of the foregoing facts so ably set forth by Dr. Anderson in his valuable work, leads us at once to the conviction : ist. That the primal trouble in these diseases (Con- sumption, Scrofulosis, etc.) lies with the capillaries, which, by reason of a lack or total absence of the Phos- phates are unable to properly nourish the tissues. A rational treatment, therefore, must be that which sup- plies these salts in a palatable and easily assimilated form. 2d. That a lack of these salts in the blood allows the accumulation of tissue detritus, and a gradual poisoning of the system, manifested by chills, hectic, and profuse night - sweats; these sweats and the diarrhoea still further impoverishing the blood in its much needed saline ingredients. The treatment of Consumption and diseases of like nature by the Phosphatic salts is by no means new, for the profession generally, following the lead of Dr. Churchill, have for some time been using the Plypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda. This preparation was first introduced in the Hospitals of Paris some thirty years ago. The results which were then and have since been attained, show that the doctor, although taking a 7 step in advance, had not reached perfection, and it is nothing more than is reasonable that in the time that has elapsed some new preparation or modification, based on recent physiological and chemical discoveries, should improve upon and supersede it. The idea or theory on which this treatment is based is a correct one, but the application is faulty in two respects : 1st. Instead of the Hypophosphites the Phosphates should be used ; and, 2d. The bases should be of the kind and in about the proportion found in the food, have a relative pro- portion to the amount in the brain, muscles and nerves, and be given with the oil in an acid solution. We have already seen that Phosphorus exists in the system only as a tribasic phosphate,* nervous tissue having in addition Phosphoric Acid as a hydrate, and in union with the albuminous matter. The Phosphates are proximate principles of the body. Daltonf says, “ A proximate principle is properly defined to be any substance, whether simple or compound, chemically speaking, which exists under its own form, in the ani- mal fluid or solid, and which can be extracted by means which do not alter or destroy its chemical properties.’' As Dr. Anderson claims, and others verify, the Phos- phates are the salts needed. The Hypophosp'hites are not found in the blood, tissues or excretions, and when given in this form Phosphoric Acid meets the indica- tions, if at all, but very imperfectly. It is claimed by the advocates of the Hypophosphite treatment, that the Phosphates are of no essential benefit, being rapidly excreted in the form in which they were taken. This is true also of the Sodium Chloride, but it is not denied * The only exception to this is the acid bi-phosphate of the urine, which, however, appears only in an excretion. •f Human Physiology. Phila., 1875, p. }j. 8 that it is of the greatest use, and necessary to the tissues, fluids and animal membranes in which it exists, and by which the process of osmosis is so greatly facilitated. The experiments of Boussingault upon animals, and hose on the relative permeability of animal membranes &y solutions, with and without the Chloride, are too well known to need quoting at length here. The Phos- phates possess the same property, though in a less de- gree. Furthermore we think there can be no question as to whether the salts of Phosphoric Acid do undergo certain changes in the blood. The idea that the Phos- phates we find in our urine are the same that we took in with our food is preposterous, and against all chemi- cal knowledge. It is claimed by some that the Hypophosphites are superior to the Phosphates in the treatment of these dis- eases, from the fact that the former represent Phospho- rus but partly oxidized, and that the remedial power lies in its taking two more atoms of oxygen to itself after entering the system, passing off by the kidneys as a Phosphate; the Phosphate thus being burnt up mate- rial. If this is so, or was intended to be so, why does not Nature give us Hypophosphites in our food, and store it up in our muscles and nervous tissue ? “ Our vegetable food of every kind contains these Phosphates, and in not much dissimilar proportion. “ The nutritive salts of wheat are identical with those of meat, and one understands that what is true of meat must also be true for bread, and that the nutritive value of flour is less in the same proportions as it contains less of the nutritive salts than the grain. The nutritive salts of wheat and meat are Phosphates, and consist of com- pounds of Phosphoric Acid with potash, magnesia, lime and iron. The simple relation of the quantity of these substances contained in wheat and in flour, as shown by 9 chemical analysis, will be sufficient to make obvious the difference in the nutritive value of the two: 1,000 lbs. of wheat contains 21 lbs. of Phosphates. 1,000 “ flour “ “ “ Prof. J. V. Liebig.” In the mothers’ milk, which is the food, par excellence, for tissue formation, Hypophosphites are not present, but Phosphates are, and in goodly amount. Can we follow any better example than that given us so uni- formly by Nature? And when the treatment fully bears out and verifies the theory, is it not well to follow it to the best of our ability? It is to be recollected, in this connection, that we are not seeking to find a specific for a disease, but to feed and build up wasting tissues. Speaking of the Phosphate of Magnesia, Dr. Dalton* says: “ Like the lime phosphate, which it everywhere accompanies, it is present in all the tissues and fluids of the body, though this substance is, for the most part, in the smaller quantity of the two. Thus, in the bones, the lime phosphate is in the proportion of 576 parts per thousand, while the magnesium phosphate forms only 12.5 parts. In the blood, the calcareous salt amounts to 0.30 part per thousand, the magnesium salt to 0.22 part; and in the milk there are 2.72 parts of lime phosphate to 0.53 part of magnesium phosphate. On the other hand, the salts of magnesium have been found to be in larger quantity than those of lime in the muscles, and nearly twice as abundant in the brain.f It will thus be seen that while the Lime Phosphate is in excess in the bones, milk, and blood, the Magnesium Phosphate is in excess in the muscles and nervous tissue. This fact calls on us to let the Lime Phosphate play a minor and the Magnesium salt a major part in the j- The italics are our*. * Op. Cit , p. 48. treatment of Consumption, and the Nervous and Wasting diseases. Those physicians who advocate the use of the Hypo- phosphites, aside from the error of giving the wrong salt, persist in making Lime and Sodium their chief bases. The need for Phosphate of Lime in the bones, of which it forms 576 parts per 1000, and in the milk that gees to the child whose bones are rapidly forming, is very apparent, and affords an indication for treatment in Rachitis. The case is different in Consumption. Even if we hope for a cure by calcification there is al- ways enough Lime present to accomplish it, provided the nourishment of the general system, dependent on a fairly healthy condition of the capillaries, allows it to take place. Enough Sodium is furnished by the Chlo- ride of the same. In this food-treatment of the wasting diseases we should choose our phosphatic salts after the pattern nature furnishes us in the proportion in which they are present in our food. “ One pound of wheat contains about 140 grains of phosphates, made up as fol- lows : Phosphoric acid, 66 grains ; potash, 41 grains; magnesia, 16 grains ; lime, 6 grains ; soda, 3 grains; iron, 3 grains; sulphuric acid, 3 grains; silica and clorine, 2 grains. In meat the most important is phosphate of potash ; magnesia is also pres- ent. The proportion of lime, when present, is so small that it rarely amounts to one-fourth of the magnesia.”—Prof. Liebig. See Turner'e Chemistry. “ The phosphates contained in wheat are soluble; they are not combined with organic matter, but are in a free condition; further, the greatest part are those of potash and magnesia.”—Prof. Grace Calvert, F. R. S. There are those in and out of the profession who claim extraordinary results from using what is im- properly called “ Vitalized Phosphates.” Phosphates are phosphates, and nothing more, wherever we find them, and the fact of their having passed through cer- tain living or organized bodies, or originated in them, can exercise no influence on their therapeutic value. However originating, if supplied to the tissues Ti proper form and proportion, they will do their work. CHAPTER III. THE OLEO-MINERAL TREATMENT OF PHTHISIS, SCROFU- LOSIS, WASTING AND NERVOUS DISEASES, AS BASED ON THE THEORY OF FOOD THERAPEUTICS. We have shown in the last chapter, that while the Oleo-Mineral treatment is especially adapted to those diseases whose origin lies in defective nutrition, the facts have been unintentionally perverted to suit a false theory ; i. e., that of supplying Phosphorus to tissues that do not need it, and in which it has no place, but which do need Phosphates. It is for this reason that the treatment has so generally failed, and brought noth- ing but disappointment to its originators and supporters. The common treatment, that by Cod Liver Oil alone, is a good one, but that by oil and phosphates is a better. Having once recognized the value of Cod Liver Oil in the treatment of these diseases, a great advance was made when the emulsion of the oil was proposed and carried out. By the minute subdivision thus attained, the weakened pancreas, the juice of which is necessarily be- low the normal standard, is relieved of extra work, and a pleasant taste and smell substituted for that which was before disgusting. The cooking, seasoning, and flavor- ing of food is one of the features that marks the dividing line between man and animals, and that is more fully developed as we ascend in the scale of civilization. It is a well-known fact that a dish that is palatable will be 12 digested rapidly and thoroughly, where one that is nauseous, or insipid, will be but partly or poorly digested, and will pass off by the bowels in a few hours by means of an irritative diarrhoea. This is especially true of per- sons who are nervous, and whose stomachs are weak and easily disordered. There is, however, one great fault to be found with the majority of the emulsions now in the market. They are made up with alkalies (the Hypophosphites) in com- bination with the oil, thus defeating the great aim of the preparation—minute subdivision ensuring ease of as- similation—and presenting a liquid soap, much of which passes off by the bowels. Assuming, then, that a judicious combination of the oil emulsion and the phosphates, with an agreeable taste and smell, is indicated in these diseases, how can we accomplish it without saponification of the oil ? By presenting the oil in an acid solution, the acidity being due to free Phosphoric Acid. It has been my endeavor, and I am pleased to say that I have succeeded in producing just such a combination. This preparation has now been before the public and in the hands of the profession for some time, and all who have used it have tested its practical working and great worth. Children take it without question, and digest it readily. One great point in its favor is its thorough miscibility with water, forming a kind of milk. It can thus be di- luted to suit any taste, or the idiosyncrasy of any stom- ach. It may be well to state here that the pleasant taste and odor of this preparation are not attained at the ex- pense of the oil. It always contains 50 per cent, of the best quality Cod Liver Oil. Above all, this preparation is founded on a rational basis of facts that are sure to carry conviction to the minds of those who study them, and the truths will be borne out and verified by the results of the treatment. 13 As we have seen from Dr. Anderson’s experiments, the Phosphates exercise their peculiar functions directly in the capillaries and tissues themselves. From Dr. Dalton,* also, we demonstrate the increased scavenger power of the blood by reason of the presence of these salts. They, of course, do this work, although second- ary to their nutritive action on the capillaries, when given zvith the oil, and to this is probably due much of the relief from night-sweats and hectic. There are cases, however, where, when given alone, they act to special advantage. Stout, plethoric people, who eat much and exercise but little ; whose tissues are in a boggy, ill- drained condition, will find this preparation of the Phos- phates (Wheat Phosphates) of the greatest service in ac- complishing tissue defecation and sewerage. The dull, heavy, somnolent feeling experienced by these patients is soon relieved, and a slow poisoning by tissue detritus avoided. We have seen that in the brain, muscles and nervous system Phosphate of Magnesia is present in about double the quantity of Phosphates of Lime, and in a relatively larger proportion than the Phosphates of the other bases. This preparation contains the Phosphates in about this proportion, and it will be found of inesti- mable value in the rational treatment of, the various neuroses, especially nervous asthenia. In these days of mental strain and over-work, some preparation is needed that will assist brain and nerve power, not by stimula- tion, as commonly understood, but by direct nourish- ment. There are some cases where the oil and phos- phates are indicated, in which it is better to commence with the Wheat Phosphates until the nervous and capil- lary systems are improved, when the oil will be better borne than if given at the outset of the treatment. * Op. Cit., p. 49. It has been found that the prolonged use of the Hy- pophosphites is apt to cause a Phosphatic sediment in the urine, and predispose to calculous disease. The use of this acid preparation of the Phosphates is open to no such danger, the slight excess of Phosphoric Acid to which the preparation owes its acidity, going to render the urine more acid, though not abnormally so, and thus carrying off any excess of phosphates in a soluble form. In the so-called “ Phosphatic Diathesis ” this preparation of the phosphates has been found to be quickly remedial. “ In the urine a portion of the alka- line Sodium Phosphate is replaced by the Acid Sodium Biphosphate, which gives to this fluid its property of reddening blue litmus paper, although it contains no free acid.”* “ The diurnal excretion of Phosphoric Acid by the urine is from 30 to 90 grains. The mean of twenty-five sets of observations by Dr. Parkes was 48.80 grains a day.”f We have already briefly noticed Dr. Anderson’s con- clusions in regard to Scurvy. He has proved that this terrible disease is due to an almost total absence of the Phosphates in salt meat, which forms the chief diet of sailors on long voyages. Accepting this fact, we must conclude that a combination of these phosphates in an acid solution is the very thing for this affection, and it would give me great pleasure to furnish some ship’s crew who contemplate a long voyage, with enough of this preparation to fully test the accuracy of Dr. Ander- son’s views, and at once set at rest the question of the causes and proper treatment of Scurvy. The comparatively new and very valuable views and researches of Dr. Anderson, having so direct a bearing on the treatment of Consumption, Scrofula, Wasting * Dalton, Op. Cit., p. 48. | Roberts on the Urine, p. 43. and Nervous Diseases, seem worthy the attention of the profession in this country and I am, therefore, pleased to place these views before them in this abstract form and to submit, at the same time, my preparations, Phillips’ Wheat Phosphates and Phillips’ Palat- able Cod Liver Oil with Wheat Phosphates, as in accord with these advanced ideas. With regard to the latter I am aware of the many preparations of Cod Liver Oil brought to your notice in the last few years, and could not hope to enlist atten- tion to another, unless it possessed unusual merits and entirely new features. The essential original features upon which it is sub- mitted, and to which attention is respectfully asked, are : First. The combination of the Oil with the soluble Phosphates as found in Wheat. This furnishes many of those elements of nutrition which would seem best indicated to counteract the constant waste of the system—the fat being supplied by the Oil, while food for bone, blood, brain and nerve is given by the Phosphates. Since all diseases of a wasting nature are characterized by a depletion of nerve power as well as of fat, and since it has been de- monstrated that the primary cause of this wasting of the nerve power is, in most instances, an insufficient supply of the Phosphates in our daily food; in the treatment of diseases of this nature, a preparation fur- nishing at the same time, the fat and the Phosphates, would seem to meet the requirements more fully than any other. Second. The Emulsionizing or Peptonizing of the Oil by means of Pancreatine. ft is therefore semi-digested before being used, and in a condition to be readily taken up by the lacteals and assimilated without overtaxing the digestive organs. Third. The minute division of the Oil globules accomplished. Too much stress can hardly be laid upon the im- 16 portance of this feature, as the administration of the Oil—its retention by the stomach—its assimilation and transformation to tissue—is so materially aided thereby. It is generally recognized that food, whether starchy, albuminoid or fat, must be reduced to tiny, minute par- ticles before the ferments can act efficiently. All di- gestion is a process of solution ; and since for proper perfect solution, disintegration is almost indispensable, we submit the great importance of a finely divided Cod Liver Oil To exhibit the extreme minute division of the oil globules, thoroughly mix together on the slide, one drop of the emulsion and one drop of water, and place under a mi- croscope of fifty or more diameters. Fourth. The perfect miscibility in water, milk or other fluid. This is, of course, a result of its fine division. It is a very important feature, however, as by reason of it the emulsion becomes as much under control as a tincture, and its administration in any degree of dilution a simple and easy matter. Owing to the perfect miscibility, this preparation has been found particularly adapted to the prescribing of Cod Liver Oil with milk, and it will be found very agreeable when taken in this way. As this oil and the milk may be mixed readily before each dose by simply stirring, the freshness and sweetness of the milk is insured—thus presenting a positive advantage over the permanent combinations of Cod Liver Oil and Milk. When using, always pour the water, milk or other fluid into the glass first, and upon addition of Oil stir well, to thoroughly incorporate. To demonstrate its thorough miscibility: stir in a wine glass or more of water, a teaspoonful of the emulsion, and notice how perfectly it diffuses itself through the whole volume of water, no globules being seen on the surface. Albany, N. V., Oct. 1881, To whom it may concern : These series of Photo-Micrographs of Milk and Cod Liver Oil emulsions were made by me in my Laboratory. The specimens of oil were obtained from trade bottles purchased at a leading drug store in this city ; the milk came from a healthy cow, and was photographed immediately. All the specimens were photograph- ed at 200 diameters by means of the same apparatus, the same lenses, and practically under the same conditions, and with equal fairness toward all. The illustrations are faithful repro- ductions of the Photo-Micrographs. Dr. WM. HAILES, Jr., Pathological Laboratory. Albany Med. College. NO OTHER PREPARATION OF COD LIVER OIL IS SO PERFECTLY MISCIBLE WITH WATER. COWS’ MILK. PHILUFS- C. L. OIL. We ask attention to the plates herewith. They are reproductions of photographs made by Prof. Hailes, (see Certificate,) and illustrate the comparative division of the oil or fat globules, as between cow6: milk sev- eral of the best known emulsions in the market, and our own preparation. You will readily notice the marked similarity between the latter and cows’ milk as to uniformity and mi- nuteness, and also the great difference between these and the other emul- sions. As a result of this fine di- vision, our preparation is retained by the most delicate stomach without nausea or distress. 18 To remove erroneous impressions which may have been created by va- rious misrepresentations of competing manufacturers as to the composition, strength and purity of this preparation, to protect ourselves, and as a guar- antee to the medical profession and the trade, I have been compelled to publish certificates as below, and shall now continue, from year to year, to have these examinations made by a different analyst, and published to show the standard is maintained. • Albany, N. Y. December 20th, 1880. “ / have examined a bottle of Phillips’ Palatable Cod Liver Oil (with Wheat Phosphates), such as is sold by the trade, and purchased by me from a leading druggist of this city, and find the same to contain fifty per cent. ($0%) of Cod Liver Oil of fine quality, and to be in other respects essen- tially of the composition represented by the published formula. The Oil in this preparation exists in its original and chemically unchanged state, and is distributed through the combination in globules nearly AS MINUTE AS THOSE OF MILK. WILLIS G. TUCKER, M.D., \ Prof, of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Albany Med. College. Chemical Laboratory, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, Alass., Oct. 18th, 18S1. This is to certify that L have examined a trade bottle of Phillips’ Palatable Cod Liver Oil (with Phosphates), purchased by me from a wholesale druggist in this city, and found to contain 50$, by measure, of Cod Liver Oil of fine quality ; that the oil globules were very uniform as to size, and were nearly as minute as the fat globules in cows' milk, and that the emulsion was PERFECTLY MISCIBLE WITH WATER. B. F. DAVENPORT, M.D., Prof, of Analytical Chemistry, in the Mass. College of Pharmacy. Philadelphia, April 18th, 1883. This certifies that I have made an examination of Phillips’ Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil with Wheat Phosphates, and find the same to contain fifty (50) per cent, of pure Cod Liver Oil of fine quality, and to be prepared of the ingredients and proportions stated in the published formula. The emulsion has an acid reaction due to the Phosphoric Acid, and is readily and completely miscible with water. The microscope shows the Oil to be nearly as minutely divided as the fat of cows' milk, and to show no tendency to unite into large globules. The sample examined was from a trade bottle, purchased by me from a wholesale house in this city, and was taken from the regular stock. HENRY LEFFMANN M.D., Prof, of Clinical Chemistry and Higicne in the Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine. Member of the Society of Public Analysts of England. I respectfully ask a practical test of this preparation, and that results may be noted. CHAS. H. PHILLIPS, Manf g Chemist, N. I. FORMULAE: PHILLIPS’ WHEAT PHOSPHATES (ACID.) EACH FLUID DRACHM CONTAINS: PHOSPHORIC ACID, Free and Combined, (Free Acid, 1 gr.) 4 Grains. PHOSPHATE OF POTASH, .... 1% “ MAGNESIA, - - . 1 “ LIME, % “ “ IRON, % “ “ SODA \. SULPHURIC ACID $tlace- This preparation is also put up in Syrup form with flavoring (Phillips’ Syrup of Wheat Phosphates), designed especially to meet those cases where greater ease of administration is a requisite. PHILLIPS’ PALATABLE COD LIVER OIL (Cod Liver Oil with Wheat Phosphates.) Tablespoonful § ss. contains FINEST QUALITY COD LIVEli OIL, MUCILAGINOUS MATTER, GLYCERINE, SUGAR AND FLAVORING, WHEAT PHOSPHATES, ■ - (3 - 30% 50% I ioo% This preparation contains two grains of absolute Pancreatin to the fluid ounce, whereby the Oil is partially digested. The Pancreatin is manufactured in my own laboratory, and unlike any other is entirely free from albumen. For the use of physicians who are perfectly satisfied with the results of Hypophosphite treatment, and therefore unwilling ta make a change, I now put up Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites (lime and soda) presenting all the features of palatability, minute divi- sion and miscibility in water as in the above preparation. 20 Phospho Muriate of Quinine Compound. (THE WHEAT PHOSPHATES COMBINED WITH QUININE, IRON AND STRYCHNIA.) This combination is so harmonious and so peculiarly adapted to cases requiring a general tonic, it is sub- mitted with confidence. The Phosphates (Potash, Magnesia and Lime,) are such as are lurnished by nature in her most nourish- ing foods—Beef, Wheat or Milk—as essential to supply the waste of bone, brain and nerve-tissue which is con- stantly going on. Their efficacy in nervous and wast- ing diseases is proven and acknowledged. They meet particularly well, in connection with Quinine, Iron and Strychnia, conditions of debility and waste. Muriate of Quinine.—The tonic and antiperiodic properties of Quinine are too well known to require any explanation. The Muriate is employed because of its marked advantages over the Sulphate or Bi-Sulphate, so commonly used. These advantages are,— First—In its acceptability to the stomach.—The Muriatic Acid, being the acid of the stomach, seldom distresses, and is in itself largely used in low fevers and as a tonic. Second—In its greater strength. Containing a much larger percentage of pure Quinine—a smaller dose is required. Third— In its solubility—the Muriate requiring but 34 parts of water to dissolve it, as against 740 parts re- quired by the Sulphate ; hence more complete and speedy in its action when taken into the stomach. Phosphate of Iron—is an essential constituent of good blood and is frequently used in the many forms of Debility with advantage. It is a valuable chaly- beate, possessing to a marked degree the general tonic properties of iron preparations'. Strychnia—is one of the most potent nerve tonics we have. It is safe under continued use in the propor- tions herein presented, yet will be found of great bene- fit in the treatment of intermittent and nervous disor- 21 ders. Its action in repeated small doses is diuretic and occasionally laxative. The Phospho Muriate of Quinine Compound presents, theretore, a new combination of agents of recognized value in the treatment of a large class of ailments. The Phosphates not only assist the Quinine by supplementing its anti-malarial and tonic effects, but overcome in part the intense bitter and serve to modify the cinchonism. • It is recommended as being particularly indicated in those diseases due to either a constitutional or acquired defect in nutrition, Scrofula, Rachitis, Mollities’ Ossium etc.;—in organic and functional diseases of the throat and lungs—in Typhoid and other fevers and convales- cence, as well as nervous disorders and diseases due to Malarial Poisoning. This combination will be found particularly effica- ious in Consumption—the Quinine reducing the fever and checking the exhaustive night-sweats, while the Phosphates furnish the essential elements for the forma- tion of new tissue, by which waste is retarded. It will be found of unequalled efficacy as a general tonic in the exhaustion and debility of the Spring and Summer months Its applicability to many other pathological condi- tions will suggest itself to the mind of the Physician. The formula will be found upon every bottle. Its uniformity may always be relied upon. Quality considered, it is the cheapest Quinine prep- aration in the market. Put up in io ounce bottles, retailing at $1.00 each, and in 3 pint bottles for dispensing. Prepared by The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co., No. 30 PLATT STREET, NEW YORK. New York, February 26, 1886. Gentlemen.—I have made analyses of your Phospho Muriate of Quinine Compound, purchased by me in drug stores in this city, and find the same to contain to each fluidrachm : Phosphoric Acid, (free) 2 grs.; Phosph. Potassa, if grs.; Phosph. Magnesia, 1 gr.; Phosph. Lime, f gr.; Muriate of Quinine, i gr. (equivalent to nearly 1 gr. of the Bi-Sulphate); Phosphate of of Iron, I gr.; Strychnia, gr. Very respectfully yours, \VM RUPP, F. C. S., Analytical and Consulting Chemist, To Laboratory, 117 Pearl St, The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co. 22 I beg- to advise that my medicinal preparations are now put up in the following styles: PHILLIPS’ WHEAT PHOSPHATES, (ACID), 12 oz. bottles retailing at $1.00 each. Also in 3 pint dispensing bottles. PHILLIPS' SYRUP OF WHEAT PHOSPHATES, 12 oz. bottles retailing at $1.25 each. Also in 3 pint dispensing bottles. PHILLIPS' PALATABLE COD LIVER OIL, WITH WHEAT PHOSPHATES. 14 oz. bottles retailing at $1.00 each. 6 oz. bottles retailing at 50c. each. PHILLIPS’ COD LIVER OIL, WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES, 14 oz. bottles retailing at $1.00 each. MILK OF MAGNESIA, 8 oz. bottles retailing at 50 cents each. Also in 3 pint dispensing bottles. PH L LI PS’ DIGESTIBLE COCOA i lb. tins retailing at 40 cents. Also in 5 lb. cans at $3.10 each. PHILLIPS’ PHOSPHO MURIATE OF QUININE COMP. 10 oz. bottles retailing at $1.00 each, Also in 3 pint dispensing bottles. A NEW FOOD BEVERAGE. DELICIOUS I HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS EASILY DIGESTED? PHILLIPS’ DIGESTIBLE COCOA. TO CONSUMERS OF COCOA. We ask attention to an entirely new preparation of Cocoa, unequalled for delicacy of flavor, nutritious properties, andl digestibility. A preparation which is rich without being heavy—has the finest aroma—is pleasing to the eye and palate— and will not distress or cause headache. It is absolutely free from lumps, dregs or scum—so common in other cocoas or chocolates—and will scarcely soil the cup or napkin—presenting a most useful and agreeable table drink. Cocoa, notwithstanding its recognized nutritious properties, can not be used by many, because of its richness in fat, and the consequent difficulty attending its digestion. Manufacturers have sought to overcome this difficulty by expressing and removing the fat contained in the Cocoa (50 per cent.) while preparing it for use as a beverage. This very fat, however, is the most vitalizing principle, and its removal in any degree manifestly impairs the value of the Cocoa as a nourishing food. In this preparation, the fat, or Cocoa butter, is wholly retained, yet rendered easily digestible by the utilization of the emulsive properties of Pancreatine (Nature’s digester of fats.) The Pancreatine, (our own manufacture,) is intimately combined with the Cocoa, and by its action the fat is so completely digested as to cause no disagreement with the most sensitive stomach. All the nutriment of the richest Cocoa may therefore be had by the most delicate and without distress. The Pancreatine acts while the Cocoa is being prepared for the cup. No fat will be seen coming to the surface, as with the ordinary Cocoas. A small proportion of the Soluble Wheat Phosphates is added as furnishing increased nutriment and aiding the digestion. The Phosphates supply an element so largely deficient in our daily food, the importance of their introduction is apparent. They meet particularly well, in their combination with Cocoa, conditions of debility and waste ; and beside im- parting their recognized tonic properties, add to the preparation a delicacy of flavor particularly grateful. Phillips’ Digestible Cocoa, theiefore, presents an entirely new and valuable food drink, being agreeable, easily digested and very nourishing—depriving Cocoa of the objections ordinarily urged against it, and enlarging the sphere of its usefulness. It is a valuable substitute for Tea or Coffee, and devoid of their deleterious effects, thus providing a suitable daily >.able drink. It is very efficacious for children, and nursing womdn will find marked benefit from its use. A desirable acquisition to the sick room, as supplying a convenient and reliable drink for invalid or convalescent. Prepared for the cup according to directions it makes a most delicious and nutritious beverage; particularly adapted for persons of weak digestion, and recommended for all domestic anc dietetic purposes. The feeling after its use is one of lightness and bouyancy, as against that of weight, headache and depression so common with the o. dinary Cocoas. A trial is asked. You will be surprised at its delicacy and great superiority over other preparations ol Cocoa or Chocolate. Put up in half pound and five pound tins. The Chas. II, Phillips Chemical Company, Your Druggist keeps "it, or will } get it for you. ) 30 PLATT STREET, NEW YORK, From the Caterer and Household Magazine—Philadelphia, February, 1883. “ For the sick or well person requiring a slight and most refreshing repast at any time, I must most particularly recommend Phillips’ Phosphated Cocoa.” Phospho Muriate of Quinine COMPOUND. (THE WHEAT PHOSPHATES COMBINED WITH QUININE, IRON AND STRYCHNIA.) This combination is so harmonious and so peculiarly adapted to cases requiring a general tonic, it is submitted with confidence. The Phosphates (Potash, Magnesia and Lime,) are such as are furnished by nature in her most nourishing foods—Beef, Wheat or Milk—as essential to supply the waste of bone, brain and nerve-tissue which is constantly going on. Their efficacy in nervous and wasting diseases is proven and acknowledged. They meet particularly well, in connection with Quinine, Iron and Strychnia, conditions of debility and waste. Muriate ot Quinine.—The tonic and antiperiodic properties of Quinine are too well known to require any explanation. The Muriate is employed because of its marked advantages over the Sulphate or Bi-Sulphate, so commonly used. These advantages are,— First—In its acceptability to the stomach.—The Muriatic Acid, being the acid of the stomach, seldom distresses, and is in itself largely used in low fevers and as a tonic. Second—In its greater strength. Containing a much larger percentage of pure Quinine—a smaller dose is required. Third—In its solubility—the Muriate requiring but 34 parts of water to dissolve it, as against 740 parts required by the Sulphate ; hence more complete and speedy in its action when taken into the stomach. Phosphate of Iron—is an essential constituent of good blood and is frequently used in the many forms of Debility with advantage. It is a valuable chalybeate, possessing to a marked degree the general tonic properties of iron preparations Strychnia—is one of the most potent nerve tonics we have. It is safe under continued use in the proportions herein presented, yet will be found of great benefit in the treatment of intermittent and nervous disorders. Its action in repeated small doses is diuretic and occasionally laxative. The Phospho Muriate of Quinine Compound presents, therefore, a new combination of agents of recognized value in the treatment of a large class of ailments. The Phosphates not only assist the Quinine by supplementing its anti-malarial and tonic effects, but overcome in part the intense bitter and serve to modify the cinchonism. It is recommended as being particularly indicated in those diseases due either to a constitutional or acquired defect in nutrition, as Scrofula, Rachitis, Mollities’ Ossium, etc. ;—in organic and functional diseases of the throat and lungs—in Typhoid and other fevers and convalescence, as well as nervous dis- orders and diseases due to Malarial Poisoning. This combination will be found particularly efficacious in Consumption—the Quinine reducing the fever and checking the exhaustive night-sweats, while the Phosphates furnish the essential elements for the formation of new tissue, by -which waste is retarded. It will be found of unequalled efficacy as a general tonic in the exhaustion and debility of the Spring and Summer months. Its applicability to many other pathological conditions will suggest itself to the mind of the Physician. The formula will be found upon every bottle. Its uniformity may always be relied upon. Quality considered, it is the cheapest Quinine preparation in the market. Put up in 10 ounce bottles, retailing at $1.00 each, and in 3 pint bottles for dispensing. Prepared by The CHAS. H. PHILLIPS CHEMICAL Co., No. 30 PLATT STREET, NEW YORK. New York, February 26th, 1886. Gentlemen :—-I have made analyses of your Phospho Muriate of Quinine Compound, purchased by me in drug stores in this city, and find the same to contain to each fluidrachm :—Phosphoric Acid, (free) z grs. j Phosph. Potassa, grs. ; Phosph. Magnesia, 1 gr. ; Phosph. Lime, gr.; Muriate of Quinine, gr. (equivalent to nearly 34 gr. of the Bi-Sulphate); Photphate of Iron, 1 gr. ; Strychnia, xL gr. Very respectfully yours, WM. RUPP, F. C. S., Analytical and Consulting Chemist, Laboratory, 117 Pearl St. To The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co. PLEASE MOISTEN AND PUT INSIDE OF VISITING LIST. PHYSICIAN’S POCKET PRICE LIST. MILK OF MAGNESIA. In 8 oz. bottles, per doz $4.50. Retails at 50c. each. “ 3 pint dispensing bottles, - - - $2.25 “ PHILLIPS’ WHEAT PHOSPHATES (ACID.) In 12 oz. bottles, per doz $8.00, Retails at$1.00each. “ 3 pint dispensing bottles, - - - 2.75 “ PHILLIPS’SYRUP OF WHEAT PHOSPHATES. In 12 oz. bottles, per doz. $10 00. Retails at $1.25 each. “ 3 pint dispensing bottles, - . - 3.50 “ PHOSPHO-MURIATE OF QUININE COMP. In 10 oz. bottles, per doz.. $8.50 Retails at $1.00 each- “ 3 pint dispensing bottles, ... 3.50 “ PHILLIPS’ PALATABLE COD LIVER Ol L EM U L. With Wheat Phosphates. In 14 oz. bottles, per doz. $8 00. Retails at $1.00each. “ 6 oz. “ “ 4.50. “ 50 “ PHILLIPS’ DIGESTIBLE COCOA. In tins, per doz. $4.00. Retails at 40c. each. “ 5 lb. “ $3.25 “ These preparations can generally be fonnd at prescrip- tion druggists. All wholesale dealers keep them. All orders sent direct to this o ffice should he accompanied by New York Exchange, or they will he sent O. O. D. The CHAS. H, PHILLIPS Chemical Co., No. SO PLATT ST., N. Y.