PLEASE NOTICE ILLUSTRATIONS ON PAGE 17. THE PHOSPHATES IN POTION AND THE MINERAL THEORY OF Consumption and Allied Wasting Disepgfr AN ENTIRELY NEW AND SUCCESSFUL tRMyteNT, AS SUGGESTED BY THE OBSERVATIONS '- EXPERIMENTS OF M. F. ANDERSON, M. D„ LICENTIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. FDINBURGH, MEMBER ROYAL COLLEGE SURGEONS, ENGLAND. AS PRACTICALLY CA R„R TED OUT BY Charles H. Phillips, Manufacturing Chemist, NEW YORK. NEW YORK: GEORGE F. NESBITT . contains ' BEST NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL, MUCILAGINOUS MATTER, - GLYCERINE, SUGAR AND FLAVORING, w WHEAT PHOSPHATES, - • ( 3 j) ' 80% 80% I- . 100% This preparation contains two grains of absolute Pancreatin to the fluid ounce, whereby the Oil is partially digested. The Pancreatin is manufactured in my own laboratory, and unlike any other is entirely free from albumen. For the use of physicians who are perfectly satisfied with the results of Hypophosphite treatment, and therefore unwilling to make a change, I now put up Phillips’ Palatable Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites (lime and soda), presenting all the features of palatability, minute division and miscibility in water as in the above preparation. 20 I beg to advise that my medicinal preparations are now put up in the following styles: PHILLIPS' WHEAT PHOSPHATES, 12 oz. bottles retailing at $1.00 each. Also in 3 pint dispensing bottles. PHILLIPS' SYRUP OF WHEAT PHOSPHATES, 12 oz. bottles retailing at $1.25 each. PHILLIPS’ PALATABLE COD LIVER OIL, WITH WHEAT PHOSPHATES, 14 oz. bottles retailing at $1.00 each. PHILLIPS’ PALATABLE COD LIVER OIL, WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES, 14 oz. bottles retailing at $1.00 each. MILK OF MAGNESIA, 8 oz. bottles retailing at 50 cents each, Also in 3 pint dispensing bottles.