American Pharmaceutical Association. Section on Scientific Papers. *1395.* ALFRED R. L. DOHME. BALTIMORE, Mo., CHAIRMAN, GEORGE B. KAUFFMAN, Columbus, Ohio. Secretary, J. 0. SCHLOTTERBECK, Ann Arbor, Mich., Associate. LIST OF QUERIES. 1. Is the thin green Wild Cherry Bark really more valuable therapeutically than the older and thicker brown bark? Make comparative assays. 2. Do all the well-known brands of Quinine Sulphate conform to the tests of the U. S. P. 1890? 3. Devise a method of assaying Digitalis that yields the true amount of the one or more active principles of the drug. 4. Separate, purify and describe the various active ingredients of Digitalis. 5. Is English Digitalis as superior to the German as the difference in price would indicate ? 6. What percentage of the U. S. P. pepsins of the market come up to the pharmacopoeia requirements? 7. Determine in case of such drugs as can be secured whether they yield products of greater value thera- peutically when percolated in the fresh than in the dried state. 8. Compare all the well-known methods of assaying Belladonna leaves, Belladonna root and Henbane leaves, applying titration by volumetric acid solution to each, and determine which method extracts the most alkaloid from the drug. 9. Do the same for Coca Leaves and Ipecac Root 10. Determine the relative value of Western and Southern Senega. 11. What is the quality of Calcium Sulphide dispensed by pharmacists? 12. In what cases can Acetic Acid be advantageously substituted for alcohol in the exhaustion of the drug? 13. Is Alexandria Senna superior to Tinnevelley Senna? 14. Give an account of the various nostrums that depend for their efficacy and value upon Acetanilid, and il possible give their analysis. 15. Is the decidedly different yield of Pilocarpine due to two species of Pilocarpus? If so, what are the species and what is their relative content of alkaloids ? If not, why has Pilocarpine been so scarce ? 16. Do Ignatia Beans possess any superiority over Nux Vomica buttons? 17. Give the relative alkaloidal value, i. e. percentage of the cornutine of Keller, of Spanish, German and Russian Ergot. 18. Examine and report upon the various kinds of Quinine Sulphate pills dispensed by pharmacists. Do they contain the claimed amount of Quinine Sulphate, and do any of them contain Cinchonidine Sulphate? 19. Honduras Sarsaparilla is said to be superior to Mexican; is this supported by facts ?—If so, demonstrate it. 20. What is the quality of Oil of Peppermint dispensed by pharmacists ? 21. Does Calendula possess sufficient therapeutic power to merit its recognition as an official drug? 22. What is the relative value of Guarana and Kola Nuts as to their content of Caffeine and do they differ therapeutically in any particular ? 23. To what extent is Cotton Seed Oil used as an adulterant in preparations used by pharmacists ? 24. Are all chemicals imported from Europe as chemically pure as they are generally claimed and believed to be ? A full report upon those that are most generally used would make interesting reading. 25. Does the Aloin of the market conform to the requirements of the U. S. P. ? 26. Cali nuts are being offered when Calabar Beans are called for. Make a comparative chemical study of the two seeds. 27. A microscopical examination of the root of Solanum Carolinense and further chemical work upon its alkaloid is desirable. 28. To know the relative antizymotic power of Boric, Benzoic and Salicylic Acids would be very valuable and also the extent to which they may safely be employed for the preservation of Infusions, Mucilages, Fruit Juices etc. 29. Much of the Orange Flower Water and Rose Water of the market is said to be made from Essential Oils. Is such the fact and how does the product compare with that made by distillation ? 30. Tests for the quality of Insect Powder are desired.