CHART OF SKIN DISEASES AS TAUGHT IN THIC National Modical College, COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY, BY H. C. YARROW, M. D. Macules stains) Discolorations of the skin. Papules (pimples) Small solid elevations of . the skin. Tubercules (lumps) Solid elevations larger th*n papules. Vesicles (bladders Effusion of fluid between layers of tlie epidermis. Bullae (blebs; Large vesicles. Pustules Elevations ot epidermis by collection of pus be neath it. Scales Detached epidermic cells. PRIMARY CHANGES OF THE SKIN. SECONDARY CHANGES. Fissures Linear wounds, resulting from muscmar action on inflamed surfaces. Ulcers Suppurating sores extend- ing to various depths. Crusts or Scabs Dried material, composed of products of diseased skin. Excoriations Losses of tissue from the superficial layers of the skin. Abscesses Circumscribed cavities containing pus. Granulations Red fleshy growths, the product of inflamma- tion. Cicatrices or Scars New formation of connec- tive tissue, supplying the place of lost material. Pigmentation Changes of color from the natural condition of the skin. Classification of Diseases of the Skin (after duhring.) CLASS I. Seborrhcea ('< medo. Mi Ilium Sebaceous c.» st... DISORDERS OF SECRETION. Sebaceous Glands. Hyperidrosis... Anidrosis Bromidrosis Chromidrosis... Sudamina Sudoriparous or Sweat Glands. CLASS II. HYPEREMIAS. Erythema simplex Erythema intertrigo.. Erythematous. CLASS III. INFLAMMATIONS. E ythema multiforme . Erythema nodosum .... Urticaria Erythematous. Eczema Erythematous, Vesicu- lar, Pustular, Papular, Squamous. Herpes Herpes zoster. Herpes iris Miliaria Vesicular. Pemphigus Bullous. Lichen ruber Prurigo Lichen scrofulosus Papular. ®VV Acne Acne rosacea sycosis non-parasitica.... Impetigo Impetigo contagiosa Ecthyma Pustular. Psoriasis Pityriasis rubra Squamous. Eurunculus Anthrax - Phlegmonous. Dermatitis Erythematous. Vesicu- lar, Bullous, etc. CLASS I~V. HEMORRHAGES. Purpura Corium, etc. CLASS "V. hypertrophies. Lentigo 'freckles' Chloasma (patches Nsevus pigmentosus (pig- mentary moies) Molluscum epitheliale r Pigment. Callositas Clavus corns; Cornu cutaneum (horns;... Verrucse warts) Ichthyosis (fish skin) Keratosis pilaris Epidermis, Papillse. Scleroderma Morphcea sclerema neonatorum.. Elephantiasis arabum . Dermatolysis 1 Corium. Hypertrophy of the hair... Hair. Hypertrophy of the nail... Nail. CLASS VI, ATROPHIES. Albinism (want of pig- ment) Vitiligo (white patches) Canities (whiteness of hair) Pigment. Atrophia cutis Atrophia senilis Striae and maculae atro- phicae Alopecia Alopecia areata .... Atrophy of the hair Corium. Atrophy of the nail Nail. CLASS VII. NEOPLASMATA—NEW GROWTHS Keloid Molluscum fibrosum Xanthoma Connective tissue. lthi noscl eroma Lupus erythematosus.. Lupus vulgaris Scrofuloderma Lepra Syphiloderma t 'arc! noma Sarcoma Cellular. Naevus vasculosus..... Telangiectasis Blood-vessels. Lymphangioma Lymphatics. Neuroma Nerves. CLASS VIII. NEUROSES. Hyperaesthesia.... Dermatalgia Pruritus Hyperaesthesia,? Anaesthesia Ansethesia. CLASS IX, PARASITES. Tinea favosa Tinea tricophytina. Tinea versicolor T.circinata. T.tonsurans. T.sycosis. Vegetable. Scabies Pediculosis capitis Pediculosis corporis Pediculosis pubis Animal.