NERVOUS AXD VASCULAR CONNECTION BETWEEN THE MOTHER AND FCETUS IN UTERO. *. JOHN O'REILLY, M.D., F.R.C.S.I. Vvtidi Gsavrov. NEW YORK: PRINTED BY ROBERT CRAIGHEAD, Sl, 83, and S5 Centre Stkeet. 1864. ^ *v "\ THE NERVOUS AND VASCULAE CONNECTION / 4 BETWEEN' THE MOTHER AND FCETUS IN UTERO. BY JOHN O'REILLY, M.D., F.R.C.S.I. Trade Gsavrov. NEW YORK : PRINTED BY ROBERT CRAIGHEAD, 81, 83, and 85 Centre Street. 1864. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, bj JOHN O'REILLY, In the Clerk's OflBce of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. ''*->-. INTRODUCTION. The ennobling profession of surgery is rapidly rising to the highest pinnacle of perfection and usefulness. Medicine is brilliantly advancing in the sciences of diagnosis, prognosis, and pathology, but is yet in its infancy in point of knowledge, with respect to the etiology of diseases, the modus operandi of medicines,* the scientific explanation of the causa- tion of death by diseases or accidents; the mode in which poisons destroy life, as well as the way poisonous effects are counter-' acted by the administration of medicinal agents, known as antidotes. In the following pages, I have attempted to throw light on many recondite, abstruse, and hitherto unexplored matters. I have furnished facts and arrived at conclusions that I confi- dently hope will assist and enable others, better qualified, to elevate medicine to an equal rank of honor and glory with surgery. The practice of medicine should be no longer proble- matical; medical heresies should be frowned down, diseases * When a highly educated Professor of Obstetrics tells his class at a clinique, in 1863, that he prescribes secale cornutum, deeming it to be the beet medicine to relieve a patient that he is after examining, although he is totally ignorant of the scientific explanation of the modus operandi of that medicine, and that he further acknowledges his knowledge is totally empirical with respect to his reasons for prescribing it, it is a candid but significant confession of his ignorance. This must not be construed into reproach, as the same declaration, I presume, would be made by ninety out of every hundred of the profession, thus fully establishing the truth of the averment I have made with respect to the knowledge possessed by the profession with regard to the modus operandi of medieines. 4 should be treated and medicines administered with a full and complete knowledge of the causes of diseases, and the indica- tions to be fulfilled by the administration, as well as by the action of medicines. There should be no guess-work or doubt entertained on these important subjects. Indeed the full and true knowledge of these things should be instilled into the mind and known to a mathematical certainty. I have been more influenced by the desire to write clearly and intelligibly, than a wish to earn a reputation for elegance of diction or beauty of composition. I most respectfully invite the severest criticism, being satis- fied no man can justly or honestly criticise without thinking, studying, and making himself thoroughly conversant with the subject under consideration. I can conscientiously affirm my sole object is to elevate the character as well as promote the honor, dignity, and utility of the profession. John O'Reilly. Washington Square South, New York, January 4, 1864. THE NERVOUS AND VASCULAR CONNECTION BETWEEN THE MOTHER AND FCETUS IN UTERO. Is there a nervous connection between the mother and Foetus in Utero? Are there organic or vital nerves in the Maternal uterine arteries, or in the Foetal hypogastric arteries? Almost all Anatomists and Physiologists, up to the present time, have ignored the existence of organic nerves in the mater- nal uterine arteries, and have likewise ignored the existence of organic nerves in the foetal hypogastric arteries. It is an admitted fact that Anatomists and Physiologists have nearly all failed to discover, and consequently have failed to demonstrate, the presence of organic nerves in the maternal or foetal vessels. Is it necessary to question the correctness of the conclusions arrived at by Anatomists and Physiologists, in order to ascer- tain the truth as to the fact of the existence or non-existence of nerves in the maternal or foetal vessels ? Most unquestionably it is of the greatest moment to have the question settled truly and satisfactorily. What scientific or practical advantage would follow from an investigation instituted to establish the certainty of the fact, that nerves enter into the structure of the maternal and foetal vessels; and further, that these nerves inosculate in the placental lobule ? In a scientific point of view, it would be accepted as a great advantage conferred on medical science; as it would enable medical°nen to explain phenomena in a clear and intelligible manner, which, up to the present time, have appeared to them at once mysterious and inexplicable. While in a practical point of view, it would give them an opportunity to anticipate and ward off evil consequences by suitable remedial agents. 6 Assuming it possible, that a continuous chain of nervous com- munication could be shown to exist between the mother and foetus in utero, it may be asked, What has this link of connec- tion to do with establishing any reciprocity of feeling or action between the mother and foetus ? Or how an impression made on the mother could be communicated to the foetus ? In answering these questions, it must be conceded that if an impression can be communicated through a continuous chain of nervous structure in any case, and there is positive proof advanced that such communication does take place, in the most palpable manner, it follows as a consequence that the same law must hold good with regard to the conveying of impressions in every case where a chain of nervous communication is established. To elucidate this matter. It is a clear case, that when a man is told to flex his great toe or index finger, he can do so. It is evident that the sound of the voice in the first instance makes an impression on the filaments of the auditory nerve in the labyrinth of the internal ear; it is evident that the impres- sion thus made passes through the brain, spinal cord, sacral plexus, sciatic nerve, internal plantar nerve, subdivisions of the latter nerve to the great toe; or, in the other case, through the brain, spinal cord, brachial plexus, median nerve, and its digital branches which supply the index finger. Every Anatomist must admit the truth of the statement just made, and every Anatomist must also admit that the impression is communicated through the agency of the nervous structure alluded to, when he divides the internal plantar nerve in the one case, or the branches of the median nerve in the other, and perceives that sensation and motion are lost in the great toe and index finger, and finds the person can no longer flex the toe or finger—the communication being intercepted by the division of the nerves, the operation of the mind can no longer extend to the toe or finger. To argue with a man who would deny that impressions were communicated through nerves after witnessing the result of the section of the nerves, would be reasoning with a person not capable of judging with his own senses the difference between a man and his shadow. It is a very abstruse as well as perplexing.matter, and one too 7 which puzzles Anatomists and Physiologists, to explain, how it is possible an impression could be conveyed through a soft pulpy matter like the brain and spinal cord, as well as through a ner- vous cord. But it is known that the brain is composed of hollow nerve fibres, and that the nerves are composed of a series of hollow nerve tubules, that communication is established between the nerve fibres of the brain and the nerve tubules of the nerves; and it is established that the brain as well as spinal cord is provided with an organization capable, when in action, of generating a volatile or phosphoric agent, which pass- es not only into the nerve fibres of the brain, stimulating the mind to action, but likewise passes through the nerve tubules of the nerves, making the operations of the mind co-extensive with the terminations of the nerves. The grey substance of the brain, as well as the grey substance of the spinal cord com- posed of organic glands, secretes the phosphoric or volatile agent required for the stimulation of the nerve fibres of the brain, the nerve fibres of the spinal cord, and the nerve tubules of the nerves. Just as the rays of the sun would pass through a number of cylinders incased in a cylinder of large dimensions, on being placed in a proper axis towards the sun, and collect in foci on the interior wall or floor of a dark cellar, so in like man- ner the phosphoric agent generated bj the cerebral glands and the organic glands of the spinal cord, passes through the hollow nerve fibres of the brain, the nerve fibres of the spinal cord, and the nerve tubules of the nerves, to their terminations. Having shown that motion is dependent on an impression of the mind extending through a nerve, or communicated through it it is now necessary to demonstrate that pain extends through a nerve, or is communicated through it. The experiments of Sir Charles Bell are conclusive with regard to there being nerves of sensation and motion. Division of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves destroys sensation in the parts to which the nerves are distributed, whilst division of the anterior roots of the spinal nerves is followed by loss of motion in the parts to which the nerves are distributed. Again, exsection of the branches of the ophthalmic division of the fifth pair of nerves will remove the intolerable pain, at least for a time consequent on the disease of the nerves called Tic Dou- 8 loureux. The removal of a carious tooth attended with excru- ciating pain, caused by a branch of the dental nerve being irritated, which pain subsiding on the extraction of the tooth, 6hows that the pain is located in the nerve. The violent pain produced by touching a neuroma shows that the pain is in the nerve, a fact proved by the cessation of the pain on the removal of the neuroma. The facts just stated leave no doubt that painful impressions are due to the presence of nerves, and, further, that painful impressions are communicated to the mind through nervous communication, a fact proved by the cessation of pain which immediately ensues on the removal or division of the nerves. Again, impressions of another character, not exactly painful, can be communicated from the mind to a distant part, as is exemplified when a person, whose thigh has been amputated, wishes to scratch his foot, imagining he has not lost it, thus showing that sensation extends or is coextensive with the mind. It is clear that although the extremity is lost the mind is not at all impaired, but that its operations are yet the same as they were before the removal of the limb. I have now, I presume, clearly demonstrated and established the fact that motion and pain are connected with the presence of nerves, or in other words, that pain and motion can be inter- cepted by the division of nerves, thus showing conclusively that there can be neither pain nor motion where there are no nerves. It next becomes necessary to show that impressions made on the animal nervous system, or what is usually called the Cerebro- spinal system, are communicated and extend to the organic or vital nervous system through the inosculation of the nerves of the former with those of the latter. To illustrate the connection between the animal and organic nervous systems, it is only necessary to mention the fact that, when a person is told some disastrous news, he feels a painful sensation about the heart, while this organ pulsates quickly and strongly. The impression made by the sound of the voice on the filaments of the auditory nerve in the labyrinth of the internal ear, passes through the nerve tubules of the filaments 9 of the auditory nerve to the hollow nerve fibres of the brain, and from the latter to the nerve tubules of the Par vagum, to the nerve tubules of the nerves composing the anterior pulmonary plexus, through the inosculations of the branches of the Par vagum with the former. The impression next passes to the cardiac ganglion, through the connection of this ganglion with the pulmonary plexus, and, lastly, it passes to the heart itself through the nerveg distributed to it by the cardiac ganglion. Direct nervous communication being established between the ear and the heart, the increased pulsation of the heart is accounted for on the same principle as the flexion of the great toe, namely, through direct nervous communication. The pain- ful impression complained of in the neighborhood of the heart, is caused by the shock being communicated to the cardiac ganglion. It may be objected that, as already stated, a man can flex the great toe or index finger at pleasure, yet he cannot cause the heart to pulsate quickly at will, and consequently that there is no parallelism between the causes. This objection does not mili- tate against the fact, that the impression is communicated throuo-h nervous intervention, when it is recollected that the impression is first communicated to the animal nervous system, and subsequently to the organic or vital nervous system. And, furthermore, when it is remembered that the will has no control over the functions of the organic or vital nervous system. Every medical practitioner is aware that, if a woman three months pregnant be excited or shocked by hearing some fright- ful intelligence, she will have a miscarriage; here the impres- sion is conveyed from the filaments of the auditory nerve to the brain, spinal cord, sacral ganglia, connected with the roots of the spinal nerves, the hypogastric plexus, the nerves surround- ino- the arteries, distributed to the uterus, causing contraction of the muscular fibres of this organ, and followed by the expulsion of the ovum. The nervous communication between the ear and the uterus beino- established, there is no more difficulty in understanding the contraction of the uterus than the flexion of the great toe or index finder. A chain of nervous communication is found to exist in each case, and the same law that regulates the one case holds good in the other. 10 Having now, I presume, established the fact, that an impres- sion can be communicated through the interposition of a chain of nerves, it becomes necessary, in the next place, to point out, that an impression can be made to extend to other parts, where no nerves can be demonstrated, in order to be able to account for the phenomena which ensue, as, for instance, when a person is charged with some* ludicrous offence, his face is observed to become crimson. Here the impression is conveyed from the filaments of the auditory nerve in the labyrinth of the internal ear to the nerve fibres of the brain, to the nerve fibres of the facial nerve, through the branches of the latter, to the organic nerves surrounding the branches of the transversalis faciei artery, which inosculate with the branches of the facial nerve. Thus, from the start or excitement, the nerves lose their power temporarily, the arteries become dilated, and hence the blushing which ensues can be accounted for. It may be here necessary to observe that experiments made on the branches of the organic nerves confirm the truth of this explanation. If the arteries which supply the right side of the head dilate when a section is made of the cervical nerve, it follows as a con- sequence that contraction of the arteries must be concomitant on the integrity of the cervical nerve. In other words, that as dilatation follows the section of the nerve, contraction must depend on the normal condition of the nerve. When the nerve is divided communication is cut off between the organic ganglion and the nerves which supply the coats of the arteries; the result is, that the nerves supplying the coats of the arteries become paralysed,* allowing dilatation of the coats of the arteries to take place, just as* occurs in the case of the index finger which becomes paralysed when the branches of the median nerve which supply it are divided. The ganglion is the nervous cen- tre in the one case, the brain in the other. In the one case the will has control, as for example, over the movements of the finger; in the other it has not The animal nervous system is supreme in one case, the organic * Dr. Browne-Se"quard gives an explanation of this experiment diametrically the reverse of the one given here, at the same time that he expresses his surprise at the unexpected result of the experiment. 11 or vital in the other. The mind can regulate its own actions, but it has no power over vital actions. Hence it is a man can flex or pfjint his index finger at pleasure, but he cannot give color to his cheeks to please himself, or arrest the action of the heart to commit self-destruction. Again, a painful impression can be communicated from the distant extremity of a nerve towards the nervous centre with which it is connected, as is exemplified in a case of whitlow at the tip of the right index finger, the pain is excessive, and the radial and digital arteries pulsate strongly and violently; the arteries in question feel hard, firm, and strong, to the touch, show- ing clearly that the organic nerves are suffering great irritation. It cannot be maintained that this condition of the arteries is attributable to the action of the heart, inasmuch as the corre- sponding arteries of the left side, namely, the radial and digital, are not characterized by similar phenomena as those pointed out as taking place on the right. It therefore follows that the strong contraction and firmness of the artery must depend on the irrita- tion of the nerves in the coats of the arteries. To prove that this explanation is true, it is only necessary to make a free and deep incision in a line corresponding to the axis of the index finger affected with a whitlow, so as to remove the pressure from the extremities of the digital arteries, and, con- sequently, from the organic nerves of these arteries, when the radial and digital arteries will resume their normal condition. A great many attribute the state of the artery just described to Vital Action. The term vital action gives scope for an immense amount of speculation, and it is the one a medical man shields himself Under when unable to explain a difficulty. Vital action signifies life. Without life there could be no pulsation of the artery. Without the presence of organic nerves there could be no life: therefore, the state of the artery is consequent on the presence of organic nerves. Life is located in the gan- glionic nervous centres, and the distribution of the nerves of the organic or ganglionic nervous system: a fact proved by death being caused by a smart blow on any of the principal ganglia, as, for instance, the semilunar, the cardiac, or superior cervical. A^ain, when an artery is tied, pain is caused: how could this be, unless there were nerves in the coats of the arteries \ 12 Sir Charles Bell has shown that section of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves is followed by the absence of pain in the parts to which the nerves, whose posterior roots have been divided, are distributed. It is therefore impossible to explain the pain produced by tying an artery, without admitting the presence of nerves. How could the mind be cognisant of pain in a part, unless it had communication with it ? How could an impression be communicated from the ear to the great toe, or from the latter to the brain, unless through a chain of nervous communication ? On the same principle, how could pain be transmitted from the extremity of an artery to the brain, unless a chain of nervous communication existed between the extremity of the artery and the brain ? But, it may be asked, why take so much trouble to prove that there are organic nerves surrounding the arteries, inasmuch as organic nerves have been demonstrated surrounding the large arteries, and sending twigs into their coats, by Harrison, Scarpa, Quain, Hart, and other distinguished Anatomists? Let any man now ask himself, does he believe there are no nerves in the distant extremities of arteries, because nerves cannot be traced or found in them ? Let him ask himself, when he touch- es the top of the head with the point of the index finger, or touch- es the lobe of the ear, does he not experience the sensation of the touch of the finger ? Let him ask himself, is not the sensation caused by the presence of nerves in the parts indicated ? Let him ask himself, could he point out the nerves of sensation in the structure of the scalp specified, or in the lobe of the ear and he must answer he could not do so ? Again, let him ask himself, is not the sense of taste in the tip of the tongue, and whether he can point out the terminations of the gustatorv nerve in the structure of the tip of that organ ? and I believe he must answer in the negative. Let him ask himself, if ho was presented with a section of the vena porta, and not told what it was, could he demonstrate the presence of organic nerves in its coats ? I think he should again answer negatively. It follows, therefore, if he cannot point out nerves where they most unquestionably exist, he cannot demonstrate nerves where there is only presumptive or physiological evidence of their presence. 13 I will give a further explanation of the mode in which ner- vous impressions are carried into execution. In some cases the mind is not able to exercise its will over certain parts, without the agency or presence of an external object or of an object impinged on the retina. In certain cases of paralysis, a person is unable to move his lower extremities unless he keeps his eyes fixed on them. Here it is evident the impression of the lower extremities made on the retina enables the mind to extend its operation to the nerves of the lower extremities. It follows, therefore, that the impression of an external object can act through the influence of the mind and produce effects at a dis- tant part, through the intervention of nervous communication. In other cases impressions made on the retina may be said to be reflected on distant organs, as for instance, when a man sees a disgusting object his stomach will contract and reject its contents. Here the picture of the disgusting object may be said to be reflected on the stomach, or that the image on the retina extends to the organic nerves of the stomach by direct nervous communication. When a man sees a frightful object, the image can be said to be reflected on the heart, inasmuch as it ceases to beat, and the person drops down ; the picture of the object extends to the organic nerves of the heart through direct nervous communication. When a mother sees her in- fant the milk rushes to the breast; the image of the child is reflected on and extends to the organic nerves and glands of the breast through direct nervous communication. The optic nerve may be said to be one of the offsets given off from the brain and instituted for special purposes. The mind, through the agency of the optic nerve, examines objects which surround it; the mind must be co-extensive with the termina- tions of the optic nerves, inasmuch as the mind sees the ob- ject impinged on the retina. As corroborative of the truth of this statement, it will be noticed, if the optic nerve be divided within the skull, the mind cannot perceive the object impinged on the retina, the connexion between the brain and the retina being intercepted by the division of the nerve. It now becomes clear that the impression of the object made on the retina must pass through the trunk of the optic nerve to 1.4 the brain, or that the impression must be continuous with the mind located in the brain through the trunk of the optic nerve, precisely in the same manner that impressions made on the tip of the index finger are examined, observed, and recognized by the mind, through the continuity and extension of the mind to the tip of the index finger through the median nerve. The truth of this statement is proved by the impossibility of learn- ing anything by the sense of touch, after making a section of the median nerve, thus severing the connexion or continuity of the mind in the tip of the finger and the brain, the chief abode of the mind. If the impression of an object made on the retina can be transmitted through the optic nerve or median nerve for one inch, as can be proved, as just stated, by the section of the optic nerve or median nerve, then it follows that impressions made on the retina can be transmitted to all parts of the body coextensive with the terminations of the nerves of the cerebro- spinal or animal nervous system, as well as co-extensive with the organic nervous system through the connexion of the for- mer with the latter. In a conversation I recently had with Dr. Batchelder, one of the most respectable, distinguished, and talented members of the profession in' this city, he communicated to me the result of a very important experiment he was in the habit of making on himself during the period when he discharged the duties of Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. It is particu- larly interesting and satisfactory, as it explains the mode in which a nsevus maternus is formed on the foetus in utero when the connexion of the latter with the former by direct nervous communication is understood. Dr. Batchelder, by directing his mind toward the central part of the patella, or rather the soft parts covering it, could, after a short time, cause pulsation of the vessel to take place, so as to be plainly felt by the index finger at the location indicated.* This experiment affords a good example of the power the animal nervous system (the mind) has in making an impression on the organic nervous system (life). I presume no person will assert the arteries receive any other nerves except the nerves derived from the organic nervous system; and, further, I pre- 15 sume no person will dispute that the animal nervous system is connected with the organic nervous system, but, on the contra- ry, acknowledge it is connected with it at all points. From what has been just stated, there can be no difficulty in compre- hending how an aneurism by anastomosis or vascular nsevus can be formed on the body of the foetus by an impression made on the mother, on the same principle as that which governs Dr. Batchelder's experiment. The increased vascularity for a given period, as in Dr. Batchelder's case, may be said to represent a temporary nsevus; whilst the increased and continued vascu- larity in the case of the foetus, represents a permanent nsevus, the impression being a length of time kept up. I will also state, in connexion with this very curious and very abstruse subject, that Professor Hamilton, so very well known for his great accuracy of observation—great precision in collecting and arranging facts, and sound judgment in arriving at conclu- sions, states he has no doubt but a person, by directing his attention to a certain part, such as the liver, for a given period, could excite inflammation in it. His views thus fully corrobo- rate Dr. Batchelder's experiments, and throw light on the mode in which congenital deformities are produced. I now come to a question of the greatest importance to the scientific and practical medical practitioner", one which is of the greatest interest, not only to the profession, but also to the pub- lic at large. It is a question, too, which has baffled the greatest Anato- mists and Physiologists of the past and present generation, to solve. Evidence of the truth of a connexion existing between the mother and foetus in utero is continually presented, and, although the vox populi affirms the truth of such a connexion, judging from facts and the evidence of the senses, yet, strange to say, the medical profession has failed to give a satisfactory account of the phenomena presented in it, and ignores as well as " * If a person fix the attention upon any part of the body, to any spot, for instance, not larger than a sixpence over the knee-pan, if you please, which is, perhaps, more free than almost any other part from vessels that pulsate, he will in a few minutes, especiaUy if the experiment be repeated a few times, perceive a sense of throbbing which had never been- felt before." (Life, Mind, and Matter, by J. P. Batchelder, M. D.—folio 39.) 16 repudiates the idea of there being any nervous connexion between the mother and foetus in utero. Indeed, it is extraordinary to hear medical men of the high- est professional standard protest there are no nerves in the uterine arteries of the mother, or in the hypogastric arteries of the foetus, who endeavor to explain all the phenomena of life by investigating or experimenting on a certain set of nerves connected with the cerebro-spinal system, while they either ignore or confound another set of nervous centres and their nerves with the former, namely, the vital or organic nervous system. Having demonstrated and proved in another place that vita- lity is located in the organic nervous system, it does not require much ingenuity of argument to show that the operations of foetal life are presided over, or are under the influence of the organic nervous system, and that the cerebro-spinal system is not concerned in the operations of foetal life, but remains dor- mant until the foetus is expelled from the uterus and becomes an independent being. Persons who declare that there is no nervous connexion be- tween the mother and foetus, cannot believe in the truth of the New Testament:—" For, behold, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy.''—St. Luke, i. 44. Here the sound of the voice made an impression on the fila- ments of the auditory nerve in the labyrinth of the internal ear, which was immediately communicated to the Foetus in utero. But as the truth of the Gospel on this subject is questioned by many, denied in toto by others, or believed as a miracle by Christians, I will adduce a well authenticated case, to prove the correctness of the narrative given in the Gospel, as well as establish the fact that there is a nervous connexion between the mother and foetus. Mrs. H., aged thirty-seven, residing in Norwalk, Conn., ap- plied to me on the 30th of November last, and stated that she had been delivered of a dead child on the 29th of September by Dr. Lyons. She stated that about two weeks previous to the last date she received a great shock, and became greatly excited, bursting into a violent passion in consequence of seeing 17 her nurse let fall on the stoop her little son, three years of age, whereby be received an injury on the nose, causing the blood to flow freely through his nostrils. She stated that she felt the child in her womb " shake " all over and move " to and fro " for about a minute and a half, when the movement ceased. She said she then knew the child wras dead. She stated that, her labor coming on, she sent for Dr. Lyons, and told him the child was dead, and that the Doctor at the proper time deliver- ed her of a dead child. She further stated that the Doctor de- clared the child had died in a " fit," and that it had died some time previously. Mrs. O'll., aged thirty eight, residing in Upper Canada, states that, during the last months of pregnancy, she was great- ly alarmed, as well as had her hands burned, in consequence of her maid accidentally setting fire to the curtains of the bed on which she was lying. She says she used great exertions to extinguish the flames, and succeeded in doing so. But on the birth of her child taking place, the front of his chest, his sides, his back, and neck, were covered with small and large reddish blue spots. I saw the child in this city, and the marks are such as just described. There is not the slightest doubt but the fire she alluded to took place. Mrs. P. states that between the fourth and fifth months of her pregnancy, her attention, whilst taking an evening walk in San Francisco, was attracted by a little, ugly Italian organ grinder, who presented a most forbidding appearance, being club-footed and without hands. She says in about a fortnight afterwards she received a great shock by receiving a letter an- nouncing the death of a favorite sister, and further, that after the lapse of some time her mental anxiety was further aggra- vated by her husband's affairs becoming greatly embarrassed, and causing him to fail in business, so that from the fifth mouth up to the time of delivery she suffered great mental distress. She says that on the birth of her child he was found to have vari. I saw the boy some time ago, and although he has a perfect- ly formed head, he is an idiot. With a view to remedy the deformity of his feet, he was operated on by a most accom- plished and distinguished Surgeon of this city, without any be- neficial results. 2 18 The operation failed in consequence of the derangement attendant on the disturbance of the animal and organic nervous systems, and not through any fault of the operator. I will briefly allude to some other cases, having an impor- tant bearing on the subject under consideration, which came under my observation. A woman in the last month of pregnancy, had presented to her the dead body of her husband, who had been kicked to death by his horse. Some days after she was delivered of a son, who, when I saw him at the age of three years, presented all the characteristics of an idiot. A woman, during the last days of her pregnancy, witnessed a frightful accident befall her husband. In due time she was delivered, and the child, a daughter, when I saw her, being over three years of age, showed all the characteristics of idiocy, as well as a convulsive movement of the muscles resembling Paralysis agitans. A woman, in the last month of pregnancy, had been robbed of the hard earnings of herself and husband, which she had de- posited in a chest. She experienced a tremendous shock, ren- dering her almost powerless and unable to do anything for some time. She was shortly afterwards delivered of a son, who is now perfectly idiotic. A woman sustained a great fright in consequence of her hus- band having received injuries while attending to some machi- nery. She was soon afterwards delivered of a child, which she brought to me at the age of three months, at which time it was suffering from " a beating of the heart." I examined the little patient, and, with the exception of the increased action of the heart, there appeared to be nothing wrong. It is plainly evident that the conclusion to be arrived at from the recital of these cases is, that when an impression is made on the filaments of the auditory nerve in the labyrinth of the inter- nal ear, or on the filaments of the retina, it is instantly commu- nicated to the brain, the spinal cord, spinal nerves, the sacral ganglia, which are connected with the latter by nervous fila- ments ; it is then communicated to the organic nerves derived from the sacral ganglia, and surrounding the uterine arteries 19 to the terminations of these arteries in the organic glands of the placental lobules, next to the organic glands, formed at the ter- mination of the hypogastric arteries of the foetus by the inoscu- lation of the maternal and foetal organic glands in the placental lobule; the impression is next communicated to the organic nerves surrounding the hypogastric arteries, and, lastly, to the foetus. Thus establishing a complete chain of nervous commu- nication between the mother and foetus in utero. 1 cannot help remarking that Jacob understood the fact that impressions could be made through the agency of external objects on the foetus in utero, as is evident from the following words: And it came to pass, whensoever the stronger cattle did con- ceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they might concewe among the rods.—Genesis, xxx. 41. With a view to establish, in a scientific manner, the nervous connexion between the mother and foetus in utero, it is neces- sary to quote authorities in order to more fully establish the facts that, first, organic nerves surround the hypogastric arte- ries of the foetus, which in foetal life are a continuation of the internal iliac arteries ; secondly, that the arteries which supply the genital organs are surrounded by organic nerves ; and, in the third place, to show the difficulty of tracing the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries', even where there can be no doubt of their existence. Mr. Quain says: " Now, as to the sympathetic nerve, so far from being in any way derived from the brain or spinal cord, it is produced independently of either, and exists notwithstand- ing the absence of both. It is found perfectly formed^ in ace- phalous infants, therefore does not arise, mediately or immedi- ately, from the brain; neither can it be said to receive roots from the spinal cord, for it is known to exist as early in the fcetal state as the cord itself, and be fully developed even though the latter is altogether wanting. It appears that whilst the organs of vegetation and life are being formed, the sympathetic nerves are produced concurrently with them; and that as the growth of these parts proceeds from the circumference to the centre of the whole body, from its lateral parts to the median 20 line, the sympathetic nerves also conform to the general law. — See Quaiu's Elements of Anatomy, p. 711. The importance of the facts contained in the paragraph just quoted cannot be too forcibly inculcated or too closely studied ; no person is in a position to investigate the intricacies of the organic and animal nervous systems until he exa- mines the primary organization and development of these systems. The fact of the existence of the organic nervous system, as well as the existence of life in the foetus, before there is a ves- tige of the cerebro-spinal system developed, at once shows its importance, and should convince every thinking observer that the cerebro-spinal system is not to be compared with the or- ganic nervous system as regards the functions each has to dis- charge. The regulation of the laws of life, the preservation and propagation of life, devolve on the organic nervous system ; whilst the regulation of the laws which connect the individual and enable him to hold communication with the external world, devolves on the cerebro-spinal nervous system. Why the or- ganic nervous system should be found to &xist first is evident. It is of primary, whilst the other, the cerebrospinal nervous system, is of secondary importance; one is indispensable as being the seat of life, the other is for animal purposes, or the seat of the mind, and is not indispensable.* * The organic nervous system is the abode of life; so, in like manner, the cere- bro-spinal nervous system is the seat of the mind; as the operations of life are carried into execution through the complicated structure comprising the organic nervous system, so, in like manner, the operations of the mind are carried into execution through the complicated and mysterious structure of the cerebro-spinal nervous B3stem. As life is a metaphysical agent, or an agent that cannot be demonstrated, incorporated with a physical agent—the organic nervous system__ so again the mind is a metaphysical agent, or an agent that cannot be demon- strated, incorporated with a physical agent—the cerebro-spinal nervous system. As the functions of life are impaired or diminished when the organization or structure of the organic nervous system is deranged by disease or violence, so in like manner, the functions of the rnind are impaired or changed when the struc- ture of the brain is deranged by disease or violence. Life may be diiven from its connection with the structure of the oiganic nervous system, and confined to only a portion of the structure of the organic nervous system, as is witnessed in a case of Asiatic cholera, or in a cnse of mortification of the lower extremities The mind may be driven or deprived of its abode in the certbro-epinal nervous 21 Mr. Harrison, the celebrated am.'nmist, says, in speaking of the organic nerves which surround the aorta, " the latter accom- system, as may be witnessed in cases where all the extremities are removed and a slice of the brain removed. As the organic nervous system is not life, but the residence or abode of life—a fact proved by there being no appreciable change in the structure of the organic nervous system of a man instantly killed by a blow on the semilunar ganglion and a living man—so, in like manner, the brain is not the mind, but the seat of the mind—a fact proved by there being no difference in the structure of the brain of a living man and one who has just died. Life and mind are the special gifts of the Creator. Materialists who attribute the organization of living bodies to chemical affini- ties, or histologists to the formation or generation of cells, could not, with all their learning, give life, as Dr. Corrigan remarks, to the most diminutive living creature; the structure of the cerebro-spinal nervous system is con- nected with the structure of the organic nervous system at all points; thus it is the mind can interfere with the functions of life; and as woman, by her evil-mindedness, defaced the soul of man in the eyes of his Creator, dooming him to death, so in like manner woman, through the agency of her mind, defaces the appearance of her offspring, as evidenced by congenital deform- ities. ' The manifestations of life, located in the organic nervous system, may be said to present from the date of conception, whereas the manifestations of the mind, located in the cerebro-spinal nervous system, are not at all manifest until after birth, and not fully developed for many years afterwards. The manifesta- tions and functions of life, located in the organic nervous system, are fully deve- loped in an infant, whilst the manifestations of the mind are cot developed until the age of manhood. Thus it is the Creator first by a special act gave man life, and subsequently, by another special act, implied he had conferred upon him a special organization when fully developed, to enable him to regulate his acts during the existence of the life he gave him. Life, located in the organic nervous Bystem, harmonizes with the mind located in the cerebro-spinal nervous system ; thus the combined action of the two nervous systems operates for the convenience of the individual, as evidenced by the contraction and dilatation of the iris, to enable the individual to see objects at a near or remote distance. The iris sup- plied with nerves from the organic nervous system, dilates or contracts the iris in cases when more or less light is required to impinge the image of an object plainly on the retina, the" organ of the mind. The accuracy of vision thus attained is the result of the combined action of both nervous systems, and is in truth a procession from both. The operations of life on the discharge of whose functions existence depends, never cease, as is witnessed during sleep when respiration and circulation are carried on. The operations of the mind require repose, a fact demonstrated by the absence of all mental operations during a "physiologists confound the functions of the organic nervous system with the functions of the cerebro-spinal nervous system; hence follow the ambiguity, con- fusion and mystery that every person must confess are found in thdr writings. In eood truth I may say nothing particular can be gained from reading what they have written on the nervous system; all their theory is built up on a sandy 22 pany the common iliac artery to their division, and several fila- im-nts are prolonged around the internal and external iliac vessels." " Quant aux nerfs, Schott et G. Valentin affirment avoir vus des filets provenants des plexus hepatique hemorrhoidal ou ute- rine, accompagner les vaisseaux du cordon a quelques centi- metres de l'ombilico."—Leryet, Traite de Physiologie, Tome ii. p. 802. Doctor Hart, another distinguished anatomist, says': "The arteries are plentifully supplied with nerves, of which the aortic system receives more in proportion than the pul- monary artery; and the smaller arteries more than the larger trunks. The trunk of the aorta, the pulmonary artery, and the arteries of the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, and those of the gpnital organs, receive their supply from the nerves of organic life. These form a very intricate plexus on their sur- face. Two sets of nerves have been described as being furnish- ed to the arteries—one set consisting of softer nerves, of a flat- tened form, are said to be lost in the cellular or external tunic— nervi molles. The other set, more firm and round, penetrate the middle tunic, in which they form a thin membraniform expansion, containing distinct fibres. Meckel justly considers the internal nerves as subdivisions of the larger flattened exter- nal branches." foundation, and their verbose and labored superstructure is easily shaken to the ground. The construction and mechanism of the human eye point out the consummate wisdom of the great optician who designed it. The complicated mechanism dis- played in the construction of the ear, leaves no doubt but that the designer was thoroughly acquainted with acoustics. The same remarks are equally true with respect to the larynx, the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, and other organs The same observations as regards these organs are equally applicable to the various ganglions of the organic nervous system; each ganglion has its specific function to discharge, and is mechanically constructed to discharge the end designed, a fact proved by the effects resulting from the specific action of the ganglions. Again, similar remarks are equally true of the great and smaller ganglions of the cerebro-spinal or animal nervous systems. Each ganglion has its specific function to discharge, and is mechanically constructed to accomplish the end contemplated. The whole machinery of the organic nervous system and the cerebro-spiual nervous system being complete, it only requires the spark of life to set them in motion. The study of man is truly a sublime subject—y»u6i aiUUTov. 23 When anatomists and physiologists deny the existence of nerves in the arteries, they should remember the nervi molles are lost in the structure of the coats of the arteries, that in fact they enter into the tissue of the arteries and assist in the forma- tion of the structure of the vessels. Let the anatomist attempt to trace the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries at the base of the brain to their destination, and he will at once admit the truth of the explanation I have given with respect to the nerves entering into the tissue of the coats of the arteries as de- scribed ; instead of saying there are no organic nerves in the arteries of the brain, he must rather say the arteries are alto- gether composed of the organic nervous matter, or what is call- ed and constitutes the nervi molles. I shall now proceed to demonstrate scientifically and anato- mically, that there is a nervous connexion between the mother and foetus, through inosculation of the organic nerves of the mother and the organic nerves of the foetus in the placental lobule. But, in order to understand the connexion, the anatomy of the placenta must be well comprehended. It is necessary to have and to adduce positive facts, in order to arrive at positive conclusions. To explain phenomena by experimenting on the effects of phenomena, is not the way to explain the causes of the phenomena. To explain the anatomy and physiology of the placenta by endeavoring to dissect it, or by experiments by the injection or inflation of its vessels, I believe to be a matter of impossibility. Its mode of connexion with the mother as well as the foetus must first be studied and understood, and its functions fully ap- preciated, in order to grapple with the investigation of its intri- cate anatomical organization. No man living could point out in a section of the placenta the various vessels which enter into its structure. It is scarcely necessary to point out in this place what I have shown before, that the four sets of vessels in the placenta are analogous to the four sets of vessels in the liver, in their distinc- tion and functions. The liver purifies the blood, the placenta purifies the blood— the functions of the liver and placenta are, therefore, analogous. The number of vessels in each organ being the same, and the 24 anatomical organization of the liver being settled, it follows, as a consequence, that the same anatomical description must be applicable to the placenta. It is a fact that the blood of the hepatic artery is distributed to the liver, and that the branches of the hepatic artery termi- nate in capillaries in the liver. It is also a fact that the hepa- tic artery is surrounded by a retina of nerves, which can be traced on its coats as far as the transverse fissure of the liver. It is a fact that the vena porta carries to the liver the impure blood which has circulated in the chylopoietic viscera, and that it divides into branches, which terminate in the liver. It is a fact that a retina of nerves surround the trunk of the vena porta, and can be traced on its coats, extending to the transverse fissure of the liver. It is a fact that the hepatic veins commence in capillaries, and carry the blood brought to the liver by the vena porta and hepatic artery to the ascending vena cava. It is evident a union of the blood of the hepatic artery and vena porta must take place in the liver, inasmuch as the hepa- tic veins carry the blood furnished to the liver by the hepatic artery and vena porta. It is true that the gall ducts commence in capillaries and carry the gall to the hepatic duct. Now, as to the analogy which exists between the Liver and Placenta. It is true that the uterine arteries carry the blood from the mother to the placenta. It is true that the uterine arteries are surrounded by a retina of organic nerves. It is true that the uterine arteries terminate in capillaries in the placenta. It is true that"the hypogastric arteries carry the blood from the foetus to the placenta. It is true that the hypogastric arteries terminate in capil- laries. It is true that the umbilical veins commence in capillaries in the placenta. It may be objected that there is no evidence to prove that the uterine arteries terminate in capillaries, and that the uterine t 25 veins commence in capillaries, or that the hypogastric arteries terminate in capillaries, or that the umbilical veins commence in capillaries. Can any proof be given that the vessels just named commence or terminate in capillaries as stated? It is established in the case of the sow, that the arteries of the mucous membrane, or decidua, terminate in capillaries, and that the veins commence in capillaries; or, in other words, these vessels pursue the same course that regulates the distribu- tion of arteries and veins in other parts of the body. It is further evident, from the description given by Professor Owen of the vascular or membraniform expansion of the umbi- lical vessels of the Kangaroo, that the vessels terminate in ca- pillaries, and commence in capillaries in the vascular mem- brane. In the human subject it appears* evident that the arteries in the decidua, before the foetal vessels are attached to it, terminate in capillaries, and that the veins commence in capillaries. Otherwise, how could the arterial blood be brought to the decidua, or how could the venous blood be returned ? The same remark is true of the foetal vessels. It is true the umbilical vein carries the purified blood to the foetus. As the foetus requires nutriment for its growth, it is evident that the umbilical vein must contain not only the blood furnished by the hypogastric arteries, but likewise some of the blood furnished by the mother. The umbilical vein contains the blood derived from both sources, namely, from the hypo- gastric and uterine arteries, in the same manner that the hepa- tic vein contains blood derived from two different.sources. Although it is generally admitted that the umbilical vein carries a larger quantity of blood from the placenta to the foetus than the combined volume of blood carried from the foe- tus by the hypogastric arteries to the placenta, yet it is main- tained by others that the quantity of blood received by the foetus from the umbilical vein is precisely the same, or a little less than the quantity given off by the foetus to the placenta through the hypogastric arteries.* The explanation given to * 86 Fifth Avenue, March 21, 1863. Dr. John O'Reilly. My Dear Sir:—As 1 understand your question in yours of the 16th, it is, Whether the umbilical vein carries from the placenta to the foetus a larger or smaller 26 support this theory rests on the established fact that the blood moves slower in the veins than it does in the arteries. It is necessary, therefore, to show that the blood moves as quickly in the umbilical vein as it does in the hypogastric arteries.* It is a curious fact that the hypogastric arteries coil around the umbilical vein. How is this fact to be explained ? For what purpose are the arteries thus coiled around the vein ? The answer to these questions appears obvious. The blood is sent from the foetus to the placenta by the contraction and dilatation of the hypogastric arteries. But no such provision exists in the umbilical vein for the propulsion of the blood from the placenta to the foetus. It is clear a column of blood could not pass through a tube six feet long, coiled up into a small space, unless there were some propelling force in operation. Now, as there is no such provision made in the placenta for propelling the blood through quantity of blood than the umbilical arteries carry from the foetus to the pla- centa ? My impression is, that the vein returns to the foetus just twice as much blood as passes to the placenta by one artery, and exactly the same amount as passes by the two. In the placenta the fcetal blood is deprived of carbonic acid, but this makes no alteration in the amount. Yours very truly, T. G. Thomas. * Fifth Avenue Hotel, March 19, 1863. My Dear Doctor :—I reply to your note of the 17th at my first leisure moment. I made some investigations respecting the relative capacity of the umbilical vein, hypogastric arteries, ductus arteriosus, etc., in a monograph on the fcetal circulation, published several years ago in the American Medical Monthly. There is, however, one physiological fact which so modifies the bearing of these anatomical facts, that it is impossible to determine the precise influence of the lat- ter ; it is that the blood passes more rapidly through the arteries than through the veins. The whole arterial system in the adult is usually calculated to contain at any mo- meut4-13ths only, while the whole venous system contains 9-13ths of the whole mass of blood; still, all that the veins contain is received (through the capillaries) from the arteries. I think it quite evident that, if the current of blood passes as rapidly through the umbilical vein as it does through the hypogastric arteries, the latter would be quite insufficient to return to the placenta nearly as much blood as the foetus receives through the umbilical vein. Yours truly, E. R. Feaslee. J. O'Reilly, M.D. 27 the umbilical vein to the foetus, what is the explanation to be given ? The hypogastric arteries being coiled around the umbilical vein, at each contraction must contract the vein, and propel the blood towards the foetus; and at each dilatation must allow the blood to flow into the vacuum left by the removal of the blood bv the previous contraction. Thus, it may be said the umbilical vein contracts and dilates, or that the contraction and dilatation of the umbilical vein is isochronous with the contraction and dilatation of the arteries. It follows, therefore, that the blood must move as fast in the umbilical vein as it does in the hypo- gastric arteries, inasmuch as the force of propulsion is the same. It follows, therefore, if the blood passes as quickly through the umbilical vein from the placenta to the foetus as the blood passes through the hypogastric arteries from the foetus to the placenta, and the umbilical vein carries a larger quantity of blood from the placenta to the foetus than the combined volume of blood carried by the hypogastric arteries from the foetus to the placenta, that the additional blood contained in the umbilical vein must be derived from some other source than the hypogas- tric arteries; or, in fact, that it carries some of the blood fur- nished to the placenta by the uterine arteries. It is further evi- dent that as pure blood is required to be united with impure blood in the liver, for the purification of the blood in that organ ; so, in like manner, pure blood is required for the purification of impure blood in the placenta, and for the removal of carbonace- ous matter. The uterine veins carry back the impure blood to the uterine sinuses, containing the impurities of the foetal blood, in the same manner that the gall ducts carry the bile to the hepatic duct, ductus communis choledochus, cystic duct, and the gall bladder. The bile is secreted by the combined operations of the organic elands in the liver. The nerves are prolonged on the coats of the branches and capillaries of the hepatic artery, and the branches and capillaries of the vena porta, and form glands in the acini of the liver, where they must inosculate, inasmuch as it is by the union of the blood of the vena porta and hepatic artery that the blood is furnished to the hepatic veins. 28 It is a fact that the branches of the vena porta accompany the branches of the hepatic artery in the structure of the liver. It is equally true that the uterine arteries pass from the exter- nal or uterine surface of the placenta to the internal or foetal surface, and then subdivide into branches. It is also true that the hypogastric arteries, on arriving at the foetal surface of the placenta, subdivide into branches and capillaries. It therefore follows that the hypogastric arteries which are analogous to the vena porta, as regards the quality of blood they contain, must accompany the branches of the uterine arteries, which are analogous to the hepatic arteries as regards the quality of blood they contain. Why the uterine arteries should pass through the placenta, as just described, therefore, can easily be understood; it is in order that their branches may accompany the branches of the hypogastric arteries to the placental lobules, guided by the same law as instituted in the case of the liver, where the branches of the vena porta accompany the branches of the hepatic artery. The investigations of Mr. Hunter are of the greatest impor- tance with regard to the anatomy and physiology of the placenta. Mr. Hunter observed arteries as large as the quills of a crow, passing from the uterus into the substance of the placenta. Reid, Goodsir, and Dalton have established the correctness of Mr. Hunter's statement. It is evident, if the uterine arteries did not perforate the pla- centa to a certain distance, their branches, ramifications, and capillaries could not be brought in juxtaposition with the hypo- gastric arteries, their branches and capillaries. In corroboration of the fact that pure blood as well as impure blood is necessary for the process of the purification of the blood in the placenta, it will be remembered that in the foetus the liver is vastly larger in proportion to the liver in the adult. That this organ discharges the functions of the lungs in the puri- fication of the blood for the foetal circulation, as well as that the right branch of the umbilical vein inosculates with, or discharges its contents into the vena porta. 29 The blood is purified in the placenta by the combined opera- tion of the organic glands in the placental lobule. The nerves that surround the branches of the hypogastric arteries extend along the capillaries, and terminate in organic glands. The nerves which surround the maternal uterine arteries are prolonged on their branches and capillary terminations—termi- nating in glands which inosculate with the organic glands at the termination of the capillary hypogastric arteries. The purification of the blood is due to the operation of the organic nerves derived from the foetus and mother. The capillaries of the umbilical vein carry the pure blood to the foetus, while the uterine veins carry back the impure blood to the uterine sinuses. It may be said there is no evidence of a vascular connection between the foetus and mother. But it will strike the most superficial thinker that a child weighing sixteen pounds when expelled from the uterus, could not attain such a weight, unless it received a supply of blood continually, to promote its growth and organization. It is certain that neither animals nor plants can grow without receiving sustenance from some source.. It is equally evident that if the foetus received only the same quantity of blood from the placenta by the umbilical vein as that distributed to the placenta by the hypogastric arteries, no provision would be made for its development. It may be objected that in the sow there is no vascular con- nection "between the ovum and uterus; that no vessels can be discovered by the microscope passing from the decidua to the chorion, or vice versa. It will be asked, how can the pig, under such circumstances, be supported or receive nutriment from the mother ? Is it not true that the mucous membrane of the uterus of the sow becomes highly vascular during gestation? Is it not true that the mucous membrane is capable of secret- inir a sanguinolent fluid? "is it not a fact that in the human subject during the period of menstruation a sanguinolent fluid is secreted? Is it not true that in the sow, at a certain period of ges- 30 tation, the mucous membrane of the uterus is thrown into rugce? Is it not true that the chorion, at a corresponding point, is thrown into rugcB ? Is it not true that these rugce are closely imbedded in the sulci formed by the rugce in the uterine mucous membrane ? There can be no difficulty now in understanding how the secretion of the mucous membrane of the uterus, at the point indicated, is absorbed by the lymphatics of the chorion, and how it passes into the circulation of the embryonic pig. The lymphatics take up the sanguinolent fluid precisely in the same way the lymphatics in the valvulce conniventes or villi of the intestine take up the chyle. The embryonic pig therefore receives in this manner ample sustenance from the mother. The explanation I have already given shows there is a vascu- lar connection between the mother and foetus, and that ample provision is made for the wants of the foetus in utero. The inosculation of the vascular chorion with the vascular portion of the decidua marks the period when the maternal and foetal vessels commence to act in reciprocity, and the time when the mother begins to afford more substantial sustenance to her offspring, as well as the period when the foetus is influenced by impressions made on the mother. In the earlier months of gestation the foetus of the human subject is supported by the absorption of the sanguinolent fluid by the lymphatics of the chorion. But in the latter months inos- culation takes place between the uterine and hypogastric arte- ries, together with inosculation of the organic nerves which sur- round these arteries, thus at once establishing a vascular and nervous connection between the mother and foetus. In answer to the distinguished gentlemen who maintain that the blood of the foetus is purified, or receives its oxygen from the maternal blood by the process of endosmosis and exosmosis or the soaking in of oxygen, and throwing off of carbonic gas through the intervention of a membranous septum (which pro- cess is scarcely more easily described than demonstrated) I would say they seem to forget the anatomical law that arteries terminate in capillaries, and veins begin in capillaries. 31 When mention is made of the foetal blood being bathed in the maternal, it presupposes that the uterine arteries terminate in fountains of blood, but no such fountains are discovered in the placenta. It is to be remembered, when making experiments with the blowpipe, that the structure of the placenta is connected toge- ther by cellular tissue, and that this cellular tissue can be inflated so as to present the appearance of Sinuses where none really exist. Again, another difficulty presents itself to this theory, namely, the mode in which the blood is returned to the circulation of the mother as well as the foetus. The blood, it must be admitted, after losing its oxygen, must be removed from the Sinuses to make room for a new supply of arterial blood. Now, unless provision is shown to exist for the purpose of removing the venous blood, it is clear the new supply of arterial blood would be mixed with the venous blood in the sinuses. There is another objection which appears fatal to the doc- trine of endosmosis and exosmosis, namely, that if oxygen pass- es into foetal blood from the maternal arterial blood, and if car- bonic gas passes from the foetal blood into the maternal blood, it is a clear case that the two gases must unite and form car- bonic acid. It therefore follows, as a consequence, that the foetal blood could receive no oxygen from the maternal blood. Is it not a palpable and incontrovertible fact, that four dif- ferent kinds of blood circulate in the placenta, viz. the arterial blood supplied by the uterine arteries, the impure blood sup- plied by the hypogastric arteries, the purified blood removed by the umbilical vein, and the impure blood taken away by the uterine veins ? Is it not an incontrovertible fact, that unless the arteries ter- minated in capillaries, and the veins commenced in capillaries, there should unquestionably be a commingling of the arterial and venous blood ? ,.»,,,, It must strike the most superficial thinker, that if the blood was purified in the placenta by the process of endosmosis and exosmosis, there would be no necessity for such a complicated amalgamation as that which exists between the maternal and fcetal vessels. 32 It is true no man can point out any .one portion of the pla- centa as belonging properly to the foetus, and another portion as belonging properly to the mother. In case there is, as asserted by some, no communication be- tween the maternal and foetal blood, and that the latter is sepa- rated from the former by a membrane, then it is obvious the membrane should be susceptible of demonstration; and it is further evident that this membrane should' be continuous over the whole placenta, so as to form a distinct boundary between the maternal and fcetal vessels, and thus preclude the mixture of the maternal and fcetal blood. But no such membrane has or can be demonstrated. Again, in case the blood was purified by the process of endosmosis or exosmosis, there then would be no necessity for such a thick, bulky organ as the placenta, the very size and shape of which forbid the idea that it was instituted for the purpose of purify- ing the blood by the above-mentioned process. A more simple arrangement, and one vastly more easily un- derstood, would meet the requirements indicated, namely, a vascular chorion, in close approximation with vascular deci- dua. I presume the advocates of the theory of the purification of the blood by the process of endosmosis and exosmosis, will say that there is no difficulty in understanding how the blood would be purified in such a case. But I deny that, even under the circumstances stated, this doctrine is correct. Will venous blood, extracted in a vacuum, and not exposed to the air, become oxygenized on being placed in juxtaposition with arterial blood slightly agitated, in case a fine animal mem- brane be simply placed between them ? In case it be found that the venous blood is found not to become oxygenized, then it follows that the foetal blood cannot receive its oxygen from the maternal blood, as the manner in which it should become oxygenized is similar to that just mentioned. It may be said that I cannot prove the description I have given of the anatomy and physiology of the placenta to be cor- rect. I will endeavor to prove its correctness by facts. 33 A violent shock will disturb the functions of the organic nerves of the liver, arresting the function of the secretion of bile by the organic glands in the acini of the liver, so in like manner a shock will arrest the functions of the organic glands in the placenta. In the former case, the shock is followed by jaundice, a fact showing the bile is not secreted from the blood. In the latter case death of the foetus follows the shock, a fact clearly proving that the carbonic gas is not secreted from the blood, and that the death of the foetus ensues. If the shock in the former case be caused by the announce- ment of disastrous news, the impression made on the filaments of the auditory nerve in the labyrinth of the internal ear is communicated to the brain, the par vagum, solar plexus, the retina of nerves surrounding the vena porta and hepatic artery, the organic glands in which the retinas terminate in the acini of the liver, suspending vital action in the organic glands. In the second case, the impression is conveyed from the fila- ments of the auditory nerve to the brain, spinal cord, sacral ganglia, hypogastric nerves, retince of nerves surrounding the uterine arteries, the glands formed at the extremities of the uterine capillary arteries, as well as the organic glands at the extremities of the hypogastric arteries, suspending the vital action of the organic glands. The cases just quoted present themselves frequently to rnedi; cal men, and although they cannot deny the facts, yet, up to the present time, they have not been able to give any rational or scientific explanation of the phenomena. But these cases conclusively prove that the secretion of the bile, and conse- quently the purification of the blood in the liver, depend upon the vital action of the orgauic nerves. Medical men are in the habit of explaining the jaundice which follows a fright, as well as the death of a foetus, from the same cause, by the indefinite and vague term, " vital action." But when it is understood that you cannot have vital acUon without the presence of organic nerves, it follows, that vital action or life is located in the organic nervous system. The facts adduced in the cases just alluded to prove the cor- rectness of the anatomical description given of the placenta, and overthrow the theory that the blood is purified in the pla- 34 centa by the process of endosmosis and exosmosis, or, in other words, through physical agencies. The advocates of the process of endosmosis and exosmosis can- not explain why a shock would or could interfere with the pro- cess. When jaundice ensues after a shock, it is evident there must be a nervous communication between the mind and the liver. When death of the foetus takes place from a similar cause, it must be evident there is a nervous communication be- tween the mind and the foetus. As an impression can be communicated from the ear to the great toe, as already stated, and as the communication can be intercepted by the division of the nerve, so, in like manner, an impression made on the ear can be communicated to the liver and to the foetus in utero. Having, I trust, satisfactorily established, not only that there is a nervous but likewise a vascular connexion between the mother and foetus in utero, I will now proceed to point out the importance, in a practical point of view, of understanding that there is such, a vascular and nervous connexion between the mother and foetus. First, premising, by way of parenthesis, that it would be impossible to explain how Syphilis and Small- pox could be communicated by the mother to the foetus, if no ner- vous or vascular connexion existed between them. And, further, that it would be impossible to bring a foetus in utero under the influence of medicinal agents, unless such a connexion existed. When a woman who has not been vaccinated visits, in the last month of pregnancy, a person afflicted with Smallpox, she is apt to be attacked by the disease, and the foetus in her womb is liable to be attacked also, and when born, to present all the characteristic features of Small-pox. If a Physician be asked how these circumstances can be ex- plained, he must be deemed ignorant, indeed, if he is unable to give a satisfactory account of the phenomena specified. To answer that the woman contracted the small-pox because she visited a place where a person was lying ill of the disease, and that the foetus was seized with the malady because it was in such close proximity with the mother, must be considered in truth a very inadequate answer. When a woman, in the last month of pregnancy, enters the 35 chamber of a person ill with the small-pox, she inspires the air which has been contaminated by the poison of the small-pox emitted from the patient. The poison contained in the air enters the blood with the oxygen, and is given off with the oxygen to the organic glands. Ami after a short time it manifests itself by a rigor, which is followed by a certain cutaneous eruption, first in the form of pimples; next, vesicles; and, lastly, pustules. The blood of the mother, contaminated by the poison, is car- ried to the placenta by the uterine arteries. The blood still containing the poison is carried by the umbilical vein to the left lobe of the foetal liver, then to the right lobe through the inosculation of the umbilical vein with the vena porta ; it con- tinues on through the ductus venosus to the ascending vena cava; then to the right auricle of the heart; next to the left auricle through the foramen ovale. The left ventricle propels it into the aorta and its ascending branches, which supply the head and upper extremities. The blood is carried back to the right auricle of the heart by the vena cava, is propelled into the right ventricle, next into the pulmonary artery, from which some of it is sent to the lungs, and the remainder through the ductus arteriosus into the descending aorta, to supply the lower parts of the body with blood, and also to furnish blood to the hypogastric arteries for circulation in the placenta. Tim poison still contained in the blood is given off to the organic glands at the termination of the capillary arteries oi the ^The practical deduction from what has just been stated is, that a pregnant woman, who has exposed herself to the conta- gion of small-pox, should at once be vaccinated, and thus pro- tect the foetus from an attack of the malady. The antidote or prophylactic is communicated to the foetus in utero by the same mode of communication as the poison ot ^Ino^r illustration of the manner in which a foetus in utero r nolo ed through the instrumentality of the mother, as well iPof the mode if which an antidote to the poison is conveyed 36 arteries to the placental lobules, and from the latter by the ca- pillary branches of the umbilical veins to the foetal circulation, and to the organic glands of the foetus, still containing the syphilitic virus. This fact is proved beyond question, at or im- mediately after the birth of the child, by its shrivelled appear- ance, its emaciated condition, its snuffling, its peculiar shrill cry, the copper-colored blotches on the nates and other parts of the body. The infant, after a certain interval, will have fissures about the lips, scales on the hands, ulceration at the roots of the nails of the fingers and toes, leaving no doubt that it is contami- nated with syphilitic poison. It must be confessed that it is of the greatest practical import- ance, not only to cure the mother of the syphilis, but likewise to cure the foetus in utero of this loathsome disease. As mercury, when judiciously administered, may be deemed a specific (if there is anything that can properly be called a specific) for the eradication of the form of secondary syphilis described by Mr. Hunter, and arising from what is called the " Ilunterian chancre" and as the foetus is always found, accord- ing to my observations, suffering from this form of the disease, it is obvious that mercury is the proper medicine to administer, not only to the mother but likewise to the foetus in utero.* When mercurial ointment is rubbed into the groin or calf of the leg of the mother, the mercury is taken up by the lympha- tics, and carried into the venous circulation, next into the arterial circulation, and is given off to the organic glands at the termination of the arteries, and is thus brought in contact with the syphilitic poison previously communicated to the organic glands, and destroys the poison. The same process takes place when the mercury is introduced into the stomach; it is taken ' up by the lacteals and lymphatics, and through them passes into the circulation. In case there is a foetus in the womb of the mother, the blood containing the mercury is given off by the * A good and original method for putting an infant under the influence of mercury, was lately given by a countryman of mine in an answer to Mr. Paget, when under examination for a commission in the British Army, as to the manner mercury should be administered to an infant suffering from syphilis, viz. I would salivate a she-goat, aud feed the infant on the milk. At the same time he assured Mr. Paget it was a common practice to do so in Dublin. 37 uterine arteries to the placental lobules, and is carried from the latter by the branches and trunk of the umbilical vein to the foetal circulation ; it pursues the same course as the poison, and is brought in contact with it, neutralizing its poisonous action, and delivering the foetus from its evil tendency. Let it not be supposed that this is mere theorizing. I have had abundant opportunities of verifying the truth of the state- ment just made. I have been repeatedly consulted by females suffering from secondary syphilis, who complained of being harassed by mis- carriages, still-born children" at the seventh, eighth, or ninth month of pregnancy, or living ohildren who were attacked with syphilis shortly after birth. When I am consulted by a pregnant woman, who, I am satis- fied, is contaminated by syphilitic poison, I assure her the next child she will have will be born alive and healthy. I direct her, when she is pregnant, to return about the tenth week after conception, to repeat her visit between the fifth -and sixth months, and, lastly, between the seventh and eighth months. On the return of the woman at each of these periods I put her under the influence of mercury, until the physiological effects of this drug become manifest, as evidenced by the tenderness of the gums and the mercurial odor from the breath. The result of this treatment is, that in due time the woman is delivered of a healthy child, and returns to me to express her unbounded gratitude for saving the life of her infant. It is of the utmost importance to be thoroughly and cor- rectly conversant with the Anatomy and Physiology of the Placenta, inasmuch as when the nervous connection between the mother and foetus is understood, there is no difficulty in explaining how a shock or impression can be conveyed from the mother to her offspring. In the same way, when the vascular connection is understood, there is no difficulty in explaining how the blood of the mother will poison the blood and the organic nervous system of the foetus Moreover, this knowledge of the Anatomy and Physi- ology of the placenta will explain the mode in which medicines administered to the mother will act as remedial agents for the eradication and extermination of diseases in the Fast us. 38 PART II. The matters treated of in the foregoing pages, are, in my opinion, of vast importance not only in a scientific but practical point of view. With a view of giving a clearer and fuller explanation of certain phenomena'which present themselves in connection with the foetus in utero, I will add some further particulars. . Life is imparted to the semen on its being discharged from the virile organ, as evidenced by the shock communicated to the whole organic nervous system. The organic nervous system gives off life to the semen, and the latter imparts it to the ovum on coming in contact with it, much on the same principle as a galvanic battery gives off electricity to an object brought in contact with it, and as a loadstone imparts magnetism to a piece of steel, the vital shock is given off from the whole organi- zation of the organic nervous system to the semen, and thus the imprint of the internal and external organization as well as general confirmation of the male is represented on, or incorpo- rated with the semen.* * There is a great analogy between a bar of steel before being magnetized and the semen before being vitalized. The bar of steel, for instance, may be left in the neighborhood of steel filings without attracting the particles of steel, but on being magnetized will attract and continue to attract for some time the particles of steel to its surface, thus giving the bar of steel a different form and appearance. She semen before being vitalized, will form no union with the ovum, but remains passive in the uterus, or be discharged by the vagina, but on being vitalized will seize on the ovule and give it a different form from what it previously had, by appropriating and moulding the substances furnished by the parts in its vicin- ity. In each of these cases an immaterial agent is united with a material agent; electricity represents the immaterial agent in one case, life represents it in the other; the semen affords the material for the metaphysical agent to operate on precisely as the steel affords the material for the physical agent to act on. The' great difference between electricity and life consists in the fact that one can be generated by man, the other only by God. 39 The organic nervous system, as proved by direct experiment, is the abode of life. Oxygen is the food or fuel of life. The manifestations of Life cannot be present without the presence or assistance of oxygen. Oxygen is an external agent procured from the air. Oxygen in its pure state is the proper fuel or support of life. The powers of life are diminished or increased by the quantities of oxygen supplied to the organic nervous system. If the quantity is small the powers of life become feeble, as evidenced by the coldness of surface and feeble state of the circulation which ensue; if the quantity of oxygen be large, the powers of life are invigorated, as evidenced by the heat of the surface and the vigorous state of the circula- tion. The existence of life is endangered when the oxygen supplied is not of a pure character, and is adulterated with noxious gases or vapors. If, for instance, the atmosphere from which the oxygen is derived contains any noxious gas, such as carbonic gas, then the food or fuel for the' organic nervous sys- tem, namely the oxygen, becomes poisoned and operates dele- teriously on the organic nervous system, thus poisoning life. It is to be remembered the contaminated oxygen enters the blood during the process of respiration, and is given off with the oxygen to the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries as well as to the organic glands in which the arteries terminate. Thus the organic nervous system is brought under the influence of the poison, giving rise to coldness of the surface, feeble circu- lation, suspended respiration or death. If the atmosphere contains malarious poison, such as occurs in swamps or marshy districts, then the oxygen becomes con- taminated with the poison, and on passing into the bloody poi- sons the organic nervous system in the manner just described, and in some time manifests its pernicious influence on vitality located in the organic nervous system by the rigor which takes place thus giving unquestionable proof that life is shaken in its abode or expelled from its abode, as sometimes happens when the ri'o-or terminates in convulsions followed by death, showing that vitality has struggled in vain against the deadly assault of the poison. . . . In case a person who has not been vaccinated remains in the room of a person suffering from small-pox, he must inhale the 40 poisonous vapors of the small-pox emanating from the patient, together with the oxygen which passes into the blood and is given off to the organic nervous system, viz. the nerves in the coats of the arteries and organic glands in which the capillary arteries terminate; the food or fuel of life being poisoned, life gives proof of the injury it has sustained in a certain time by the rigor which ensues, showing conclusively that there is a contest between life and the poison in the organic nervous system. The tissue or structure of the organic nervous system shakes and trembles by the struggles of life to resist the attack and repel the invasion of the poison. In connection with this mat- ter, it will be remembered the organic nerves and organic glands are solid bodies; further let it be remembered, that, wherever there are arteries, there must be organic nerves, inasmuch as the organic nerves are found in the coats of the arteries and the organic glands in which the arteries terminate; further let it be observed, when the rigor takes place, the solid substances—to wit, the structure of the organic nervous system, the skin, the muscles, and the teeth, which receive nerves from the organic nervous system—are shaken ; the blood is passive and is not. concerned in the matter. Another example is afforded : When a person is in a room with a patient suffering from typhus fever, the air from which the oxygen—the fuel of life—is received, is poisoned by the emanations from the patient; the poison passes into the blood with the oxygen, and is given off to the organic nervous system with the oxygen— viz. to the nerves in the coats of the arteries and organic glands at the termination of the capillary arteries. The organic ner- vous system—the seat of life—is poisoned, and in due time vitality or life announces the fact by the rigor and prostration which follow. I have now stated sufficient facts, and given sufficient illustra- tions to show that the organic nervous system can be poisoned through external agents introduced into the blood; such being the fact, it therefore follows that poisonous agents, when introduced into the blood in any other wTay, must poison the organic nervous system precisely in the same manner as poisons contained in the atmosphere ; as, for instance, when poison is 41 introduced by the mouth, it passes into the stomach and intes- tinal canal, is taken up by the lacteals and lymphatics, passes into the venous circulation, passes to the right side of the heart, passes to the lungs, passes to the left side of the heart, and from the latter passes, by the aorta, its branches, ramifications, and capillaries, all over the body, head, and extremities, thus poisoning the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries, and the organic glands in which the capillary arteries terminate. The same explanation is true of poisons applied to the sur- face of the body ; the lymphatics carry the poison into the venous circulation, and it passes subsequently into the arte- rial circulation, and is given off to the organic nerves and glands. The same explanation is true of poisons introduced into the rectum, or injected into the veins, or inserted into the skin or cellular tissue ; the poison is taken up by the lymphatics, passes into the venous circulation at first, and next into the arterial circulation, and thus poisons in its course, through the agency of the blood, the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries, and the organic glands in which the arteries terminate.^ Having now explained the various modes in which the organic nervous system, the abode of life, is poisoned, through poisonous agents introduced into the blood, it does not require much argumentation to show the manner in which the organic nervous system of the foetus is poisoned. The simple fact that a portion of the blood of the mother passes into the circulation of the foetus, at once accounts for the matter. The organic nervous svstem of the foetus is truly poisoned by the blood derived from the mother. The modus operandi of medicines administered to the mother, as therapeutic agents, as well as the modus operandi of medicines as therapeutic agents on the foetus in utero, can be satisfactorily explained. As, for instance, when it is necessary to subject a fcotus in utero to the influence of mercury, with a view to eradicating a syphilitic taint, it is only necessary to administer to the mother mercury internally, or apply it externally ; the mercury passes into the blood of the mother and is carried to the placenta by the uterine artery and bv the umbilical vein to the foetus, where it is brought in con- tact with the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries and 42 the organic glands in which the capillary arteries terminate, during the course of the circulation of the blood through the arteries, thus bringing the organic nervous system of the foetus under the influence of the mercury, and thus expelling or • neutralizing the syphilitic poison. The manner in which the materies morbi of diseases, such as scrofula, phthisis, cancer, gout, is propagated to the foetus from the mother, is now sus- ceptible of elucidation, when it is known a portion of the blood of the mother, containing the materies morbi, is carried to the foetus. It is highly important to know that it is practicable to vac- cinate the foetus in utero through the agency of the mother; as, for instance, when the vaccine matter is inserted by small incisions in the skin of the arm of the mother, is taken up by the lymphatics, is carried into the venous and arterial circula- tion of the mother, and by the uterine artery is carried to the placenta, and from the latter is carried by the umbilical vein to the foetus, where it is brought in contact with the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries, and the organic glands in which the capillary arteries terminate, during the course of the circulation of the blood through the arteries, thus extending its prophylactic influence to the organic nervous system'of the foetus. It is highly important to understand that a pregnant woman, who has been properly vaccinated, should not visit or remain in the room where a person is suffering from small-pox, inas- much as the disease may be propagated to the foetus. Why such should happen, can be easily explained ; the poisonous emanations of the patient become mixed with the atmosphere during respiration ; the poison passes with the oxygen into the blood ; it is brought in contact with the organic nervous system of the mother, which resists its invasion in consequence of the protecting influence and operation of the vaccine poison to which it was previously subjected; a portion of the blood, however, containing the poison, is carried by the uterine arte- ries to the placenta, and by the umbilical vein to the foetu6, enters into the circulation of the foetus, poisons the organic nerves and glands of the foetus, which are unable to resist its invasion, not having the protecting influence of vaccination 43 extended to them—thus explaining why the foetus is born with the characteristics of small-pox. When veratria is taken as medicine by a pregnant woman, its operation on the mother and foetus becomes manifest; the veratria is taken up by the lymphatics and lacteals, is carried to the venous circulation, to the heart, to the lungs, to the left side of the heart; and by the aorta, its branches, ramifications, and capillaries, to the head, trunk, and extremities; the veratria is brought in contact with the organic nerves of the heart, the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries, the organic glands at the terminations of the arteries ; the veratria acts as a seda- tive on the organic nervous system ; the powers of life become depressed, as evidenced by the depressed state of the circula- tion, respiration, and muscular system. The blood containing the veratria is carried by the uterine artery to the placenta, by the umbilical vein to the foetus, where it is brought in contact with the organic nerves of the heart, the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries, and organic glands at the terminations of the arteries. The veratria is attended with similar phenomena as that described as occurring to the mother. As many may doubt the truth of the explanation I have given with respect to the modus operandi of medicines, as well as the mode poisons are introduced into the blood, and pro- nounce all I have stated to be moonshine, I will give an exam- ple to illustrate my views : The laborers who are employed in the lead mines in the neighborhood of Edinburgh are supplied with sulphuric acid to mix with the water they drink ; the proprietors of the mines know, by past experience, that the men would be attacked with colic, neuralgic pains, and paralysis, unless they adopted this course. How, it may be asked, does the lead act as a poison ? or how does the sulphuric acid act as an antidote ? The answer is exceedingly simple; there is no difficulty in com- prehending it; the vapor of the lead passes with the oxygen into the blood, is carried to the left side of the heart, and from the latter, by the aorta, its branches, ramifications, and capilla- ries, to the head, trunk, and extremities, and is brought in con- tact with the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries, and is given off to the organic nervous glands at the termination of 44 the arteries with the oxygen. Thus the whole organic nervous system is brought under the influence of the lead poison. When the man drinks the water diluted with the sulphuric acid, the liquid is taken up by the lacteals and lymphatics, passes to the venous circulation, passes to the right side of the heart, passes to the lungs, passes to the left side of the heart, and from the latter passes, by the aorta, its branches, ramifica- tions, and capillaries, to the head, trunk, and extremities, and is brought in contact with the nerves in the coats of the arteries, and is given off to the organic glands at the termination of the arteries. What now is the result? The acid converts the lead into a sulphate of lead, which is innocuous; and thus it is the sulphuric acid is a direct antidote to lead poison. These remarks must not be deemed a digression ; it is a clear Case; unless a man understands the modus operandi of medicine and poisons on the mother, he cannot have a true conception of their action on the foetus in utero. Although this is a prolific subject, I will not pursue it further; enough, I am satisfied, is stated to show the necessity for know- ing and understanding there is a vascular connection between the mother and foetus in utero. Having demonstrated that oxygen is necessary to keep life in existence in the organic nervous system, it next becomes neces- sary to point out that life can be expelled in toto from the organic nervous system, can be temporarily suspended in the organic nervous system, can be partly or momentarily expelled from the organic nervous system ; a violent blow on the semi- lunar ganglia exemplifies the first case, as death instantly takes place, showing conclusively that life is driven from its connex- ion with the organic nervous system; a smart blow on the su- perior conical ganglion exemplifies the second case, inasmuch as the person falls down, apparently dead, but soon gets up, showing the manifestations of life are only briefly suspended ; an extensive scald by very hot water, dashed on the surface, and followed by convulsions, exemplifies the third case; the shock caused by the hot water prostrates life in the organic nervous system, but does not permanently suspend it; life quivers and shakes, as evidenced by the rigor which takes place. Life struggles to hold possession of the organic nervous 45 system: at one instant it is almost overcome and expelled from its abode in the organic nervous- system, but at the next it clutches and regains its position in the organic nervous system; in some cases life succeeds in reestablishing itself, in other cases it succumbs, death closing the scene. Hence the relaxation and contraction of the muscles which take place during an attack of convulsions can be accounted for when it is recollected the muscles are supplied by organic nerves. Mental impressions are followed in some cases by similar phenomena to those just described as resulting from external violence. A terrific fright will cause death and expel life from its abode in the organic nervous system. Witnessing a surgi- cal operation will cause fainting or suspended animation. Sud- den aud certain disappointment will cause hysterical convul- sions. The same phenomena as those produced by external violence and mental emotions can be produced by material agents; as, for instance, a few drops of concentrated prussic acid will expel life from its abode, or destroy its connexion with the organic nervous system. A jar of carbonic gas brought in contact with the nostrils will cause suspended animation, or temporary death of life in' the organic nervous system. Certain doses of strychnine will cause convulsion*, partly or momentarily death of life in the organic nervous system. ^ Again, the same effects can be produced by the detraction of blood, as those produced by violence, material agents, and mental emotions ; as, for instance, when all the blood is drawn off, life struggles in the organic nervous system for only a very short period, and then ceases to exist. When a certain quan- tity of blood is drawn off, famting or suspended animation, or temporary death of life in the organic nervous system, is the result; when the bleeding is still continued after the patient recovers from fainting, convulsions take place. In the first case, all the blood being removed, no oxygen can be brought to the organic nervous system ; the flame of life is thus quenched- for the want of oxygen or fuel to keep it alive. In the second case, the current of blood being diminished, the supply of oxygen is not sufficient to support life in the usual 40 way, and life is temporarily suspended. In the third case, when all the blood is nearly removed, life is ebbing, and makes vio- lent efforts in its struggles (hence the convulsions) to grasp its connexion with the organic nervous system ; it strives to catch the small quantity of oxygen brought by the blood, but ulti- mately sinks, exhausted, in most cases.* Having stated that life can be depressed or strengthened in proportion to the quantity of oxygen consumed, it is proper to state that life can be depressed or strengthened by medicinal agents; as, for instance, when tobacco-juice is taken into the stomach, or mjected into the rectum, or applied to the surface of the body, it is absorbed by the lymphatics, passes first into the venous circulation, and subsequently, in the usual course, into the arterial circulation ; it is brought in contact with the organic nerves in the coats of the arteries, and organic glands at the termination of the arteries: life is prostrated and de- pressed by the action of the tobacco, a fact evidenced by the depressed condition of the circulation and respiration. Brandy, wdien taken into the stomach, or injected by the rec- tum, or rubbed on the surface, passes into the venous circula- tion, next into the arterial circulation, is brought in contact with the organic nerves and glands, as in the former case, sti- mulates and strengthens life in the organic nervous system, as evidenced by the circulation and respiration. When a preg- nant woman is partly poisoned by tobacco, it is evident, therefore, that brandy should be administered, as being the best antidote to counteract its evil effects on the foetus in utero. A vascular and nervous connexion being found to exist be- tween the mother and foetus in utero, there can be no difficulty in comprehending the mode in which the foetus in utero is rem. * The head of a sheep may be severed from the body by an incision carried round the neck, thus allowing the blood to flow off rapidly. It will be remarked, after all the blood is drained off, that the body will give vigorous manifestations of life for some minutes; it will be further observed that the mouth will shut and open for some time, even although the brain has been previously all destroyed, thus showing conclusively that life is not located in the blood or in the brain. (See my work on the placenta, the organic nervous system, the oxygen, the blood and the animal nervous system physiologically examined.) 47 dered susceptible of whatever affects or concerns the mother. It may be asked what is life ? * I will, therefore, observe that it is an invisible but powerful agent located in, or combined with, the organic or vital ner- vous system; that it exists wherever there is organic nervous tissue, and that its presence is recognised by its effects ; that it discharges its various mysterious and complicated functions through the agency of certain material bodies called ganglia and nerves, which are all connected together and are almost inexplicable as regards their organization and anatomical ar- rangement ; that it is the operating agent instituted or bestowed on man by the Creator, and figuratively described in these words, " Breathed into his face the breath of life, and man be- came a living soul;" thus indicating how life was to be propa- gated by the first man to his descendants. As'the breath of life gave vitality to the body of the first man after it was formed of the slime of the earth, so in like manner the first man im- parted the breath of life to the slime (semen) out of which his first-born was formed. Histologists who attribute the organi- zation and the continued regeneration of the organization of the body to the formation of cells, as well as cells within cells, should remember that a cell or cells is or are material sub- stances, that a cell or cells is or are product or products of a material substance, or the effect or effects of an invisible agent operating on a material substance. Ex nihilo, nihil fit. Histolo- * Life located in the organic nervous system, when the organization of the organic nervous system is in a healthy and vigorous condition, whilst the individual breathes ia a pure atmosphere, and when each ganglion as well as each nerve is duscharging its specific functions in unanimity and-harmony under the guidance of life, may be compared, in a certain extent, to a watch in thorough repair, after being wound up when the machinery moves with the greatest precision and m perfect harmony Through the power generated by the mainspring. But when hfe departs from the oST nervous system, the organic nervous system ceases to carry on its opera- ^HrecTsely as the machinery of the watch ceases its movements on the watch 5TSS Here it may be said an invisible power in each case d.sappears. When anything interferes with any portion of the organic nervous system, in any an of the bodv the whole organization of the organic nervous system is d.sturbed P fit function; deranged, in the same way that the slightest impediment in the Z^XT^ interfere with the operations of the working of the nia- ch nery of a watch, causing it to go too slow, or too fast, or to stop altogether. 48 gists should also recollect that cells are only formed during the existence of life ; and that it must, therefore, follow, as a conse- quence, as cells are not forjned in the dead body, that life must be the cause of the production of cells in the living. The cells, as described by histologists, are formed or secreted by the organic nervous glands at the terminations of the arteries. The materials which compose them are contained in the blood, and the agent under whose operation they are formed is life located in the organic nervous glands. APPENDIX. CASES ILLUSTRATING THE VASCULAR CONNECTION BE- TWEEN THE MOTHER AND FCETUS IN UTERO. (Extracted from a paper on Veratrum Viride, read by Dr. Percy, before N. T. Academy Med ) Case.—I was called to attend a young woman with pneumonia of the left lung; she was between the eighth and ninth months of preg- nancy. Her own pulse on my first visit was 152, and the pulsation of the foetus too fast to count. At the expiration of eight hours, under the use of veratrum viride, her own pulse was 82, and that of her foetus 112. The medicine was continued, and produced'slight vomiting, after which her pulse fell to 58, and that of her foetus to 88. On the third day after ceasing the medicine her pulse was 86, and that of her foetus 164. In the " American Journal of the Medical Sciences" for 1853, there is a case related in which vaccination of the mother during pregnancy seemed to have extended its protecting influence to the child. After birth, vaccination was repeatedly tried without success.—Maibje, on Diseases of the Foetus. Dr. Jenner has placed several cases on record where the foetus was attacked with small-pox, whilst the mother escaped; and a case is noticed by Mead, in which a woman far advanced in pregnancy—being in attendance upon her husband who was ill with the small-pox—did not take it herself, as she had had it previously, but during her husband's convalescence the child died in utero, and was born covered with small- pox pustules. In cases of twins, one child may be covered with the eruption, the other being perfectly free. Children born at the "full time," or prematurely, had frequently been found covered with small- pox pustules in various stages of development, and sometime? with well characterized cicatrices, particularly in those cases in which the mother had been affected with the disease during pregnancy. Of these children some have died in utero, others born alive have died shortly after birth, while some have rallied and continued to live. Ebel has recorded a case in which a woman fifteen days before her confinement experienced 4 50 considerable uneasiness, and felt the child struggling violently in the womb. "When it came into the world it was covered with small-pox pustules in the third stage. It is not stated whether the mother also had the disease. As we should expect, it is generally in those cases where the parents have been vaccinated or otherwise protected, that they send iuto the world infants covered with small-pox pustules, without them- selves having felt any symptoms of the disease. Such was the case with Mauriceau's mother. She had been in attendance on her eldest son, ill with the small-pox; he died, and on the following day she was delivered of Mauriceau, who at the moment of birth had several small-pox pus- tules upon different parts of the body.—Diseases of the Foetus, by Mad ye, p. 129. In November, 18G2, I was called in consultation to a lady about 30 years of age, the mother of two children. It was a case of typhoid fever of about four weeks' duration. The patient's mind was too wander- ing to answer questions correctly, but her nurse did so for her, and said that she was quite in the fourth month of pregnancy ; the accuracy of this statement was corroborated by the abdominal tumour. In a few days more the fever ceased, and she convalesced rapidly, gestation not disturbed. Two weeks later, from some cause not well explained, she relapsed into ferer again, and about the third or fourth day of this relapse she miscarried, bringing forth a foetus of nearly the fifth month, recently dead, as manifested by the freshness of the body, cord, and pla- centa, in which fresh blood existed. She also had quite a flow—large considering her reduced state. After this she soon got quite well. R. Nelson. Maternal Impressions.—Dr. John S. Beale communicates the fol- lowing to the London Lancet: Mrs. N----, aged twenty-four years, primipara, a woman of delicate build and highly nervous temperament, suffered a great deal during her pregnancy with morning sickness, faintings, and great despondency of spirits. About ten weeks previous to her delivery she had a few scattered spots of " herpes " on the front of the chest, which disappeared under ordinary treatment, when some kind, good-natured, knowing old woman informed her it was the " small-pox, and that without doubt her child would suffer from the same disease." The bare notion of this preyed very much upon her mind, and her husband and myself both failed in driving the absorbing notion from her brain. On June 22d she sent for me, having been in labor some four hours. On rupturing the membranes, a most unusual quantity of amniotic fluid escaped, coming away in gushes with the commencement of each pain. SI On the child being born, I noticed it had been dead for several days, the head, face, and whole surface of the body being covered at about three quarter inch intervals with pustules, exactly resembling in size, form, and appearance the small-pox vesicles at maturity. The depression in the centre was plainly marked. "When the topmost cuticle was detached, there was no fluid of any sort underneath. The mother's first remark was, " Is the child marked ?" she fully believed it would be so. Extract of a letter from Richard J. Halton, Esq., L.R.C.8.I., Dublin, Ireland. " Dr. Ringland alone has seen a case in which a jaundiced mother being delivered of an apparently healthy child, it showed symptoms of jaundice on the third day and died on the fifth." " Drs. Hudson, Churchill, Ringland, and Brady, have seen frequent cases of abortion and premature labor in typhus, and Dr. Churchill saw a case in which, on the third day of the typhus, the foetus in utero had a con- vulsion and died." Communication from Mother to Foetus.—The following interesting item we translate from Canstatts Jahresbericht (last number issued), which shows that in the intercommunication between mother and off- spring even foreign matter may pass from the mother to the young through milk as well as placental blood:—The fact having previously been noticed by Flourens, that the bones of the foetus became coloured red when the mother has been fed on red coloring matter, he extended his observations still further, and has found that the bones of the young offspring become red-tinted when, during the period of nursing, its mother feeds upon reddened food. The experiment succeeded perfectly in voung suckling pigs, of which the bones became red in from fourteen to twenty days. Since, however, the pigs might have eaten some of the reddened food of the mother, Flourens selected another class of animals for experiment, in which this source of error could not exist-viz., albino rats and rabbits. In the albino rat the skeleton became red m eleven davs in the albino rabbit the same phenomenon occurred in nine days, though not a trace of reddened matter had been eaten by the young, since they had lived wholly upon the milk of their mothers The color- ing material usually employed in these experiments is that from the rubia tinctoria madder.-San Francisco Med. Press. Dear Doctor :-You wished me to give you a brief outline of the cascs I related to you.^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ Jy' I vaccinated her, and the vaccination took very well. After the birth of her babe, I vaccinated it 14 times, but the vaccination never took. 52 Mr.----was exposed to small-pox, and I vaccinated him immediate- ly. On the sixth day of the vaccination he returned home after an ab- sence of some months; 281 days after his return his wife was delivered of a babe, who, like the one above-mentioned, could not take vaccinia. Mrs.----was exposed to small-pox, and had varioloid very mildly. She had passed the middle of her term of pregnancy; she aborted, and the babe was covered with small-pox. If you wish these fuller, I will make them out for you. I would rather, until after 10th February, you would not use my name; after that you are welcome to do just as you please. CASES ILLUSTRATING THE NERVOUS CONNEXION BE- TWEEN THE MOTHER AND FOETUS IN UTERO. Professor Mott states he knew a medical man who had a faithful and perfect picture of a pig represented by a nanus on his back. The his- tory connected with this peculiar case is easily told. His mother, during the period of gestation, was frightened by a black pig suddenly running from behind a currant-bush whilst she was walking in her garden. Professor Mott removed from the side of a lady a noevus representing in every respect a veal cutlet, with grains of pepper visible on it. (The preparation can be seen in Professor Mott's museum.) The history con- nected with this case it was thought would explain the phenomenon. The ^✓lady's mother wished to eat a veal cutlet, and sent her husband to pro- ^*v^ cure one ; but on his return with it, she felt greatly disappointed, slapped her hand on her side, exclaiming, " O my, what shall I do ? " The in- fant, on being born, was found to have the nsevus, as already described, at a part corresponding with the part of her side she struck with her hand. Professor Mott saw several members of one family born with hare- lips, as well as the children of some of the parties so affected also born with hare-lips. During the gestations the mothers were impressed with the conviction that the children would be born with hare-lips. Professor A. C. Post, of this city, saw a case where a woman, during the period of gestation, was frightened by a mouse running across the room. On the child being born, it was found to have a tail hanging from the back of the head, resembling in all respects a mouse's tail. Professor A. C. Post saw another case where a woman, during the / _ Period of gestation, was obliged to turn out of her lodgings for non-pay- ^^ftr^^fZTment of rent.^She happened, during this proceeding, to enter an apart- . /V_ raent occupied by^ doctor, and was startled by finding the fore-arm of a 'V* child, minus the hand. On the birth of the child, it was observed that the hand of the infant was wanting, presenting a truncated fore-arm. 53 A very good illustration of the influence of fear is also given by Baron Percy as having happened after the siege of Laudun in 1793 : " In addi- tion to a violent cannonading, which kept the women for some time in a constant state of alarm, the arsenal blew up with such a terrible explo- sion as few could bear with unshaken nerves. Out of ninety-two chil- dren born in that district within a few months of the occurrence, sixteen died at the instant of birth, thirty-three lingered for from eight to ten months, eight became idiotic and died before the age of five years, and two came into the world with numerous fractures of the limbs." Dr. A. Combe, in his work on Insanity, has recorded some curious facts illus- trating this subject, and he also alludes to the well known circumstance that Pinel and Rush, in their respective countries, observed the great number of insane, idiotic, and malformed children born during, or short- ly after, the intense excitement of the revolutionary periods. (Madge on Diseases of the Foetus.) The following cases have occurred in my practice :— 1. A child born with one eye of a light-blue color (right eye); the other a dark hazel. Mother says she had seen a child with similar eye> sitting on a doorstep in Lisson-grove. 2. Child bom with mouth and upper and lower extremities resem- bling those of a dog. Mother states that she was worried and torn by a doo°whilst she was in the seventh month of gestation. 3 Child born with left eye blackened as from a blow. The mother stated that her husband came home irritated, and struck her (eight hours previous to her confinement) on the corresponding part of her ft°4' A child born with four little fins or stumps for upper and lower extremities. The mother had been frightened by seeing a man maimed in his lower extremities, who used to traverse the streets on a board with "^ Child born ten nights after display of fireworks in commemoration of Crimean war. Child's feet were covered with bladders of serum, !imUr to those arising from scald or burn. The mother was alarmed by r desceut1 of a stick of . discharged fire-rocket, which struck the roof close by the place where she was standing.^JouN S. Beale. „™x,rvirATKD BY PrOFKSSOR CaRNOCHAN, SuRGEON-IN-ClIIEF Cases ™*%£*£il*.----, male. Double hare-lip. Cause assigned by mother : extraction of molar tooth when six weeks gone. No 34.—A. A. F----, female. Single hare-lip. Cause assigned by mother: frightened by a man with a hare-lip. No. 35.—J. II----, female. Single hare-lip. Cause assigned by mother: frightened by a woman with hare-lip. In Case No. 10, double hare-lip, three children in one family had hare- lip. In Case No. 45 two uncles of the mother had hare-lip. Michael Walsh, aged thirty-five, congenital naevus on chin, lobuli of a purple color covering whole chin; not painful, never bled. Cause as- signed by mother, that she was marked by a piece of fresh meat during pregnancy.—Note-Book of F. H. H. Cases communicated by James Ross, M.D., Fellow of the Aca demy of Medicine of New York. Mrs. McT----gave birth to a child destitute of the right ear exter- nally. With the exception of a very small portion of the lobe, the mea- tus appeared to be nearly closed; the thumb of the right hand was closely approximated or drawn towards the index-finger, so as to repre- sent, to' a certain extent, a pig's hoof. The history she gave of the oc- currence is briefly told. On visiting a neighbor's house, during the second month of gestation, her attention was attracted by a pi^'s head. On arriving home she took an extreme longing for pig's head, and sent • to several stores to procure some, but was disappointed in getting any to suit her taste ; although mortified at the time, she thought no more of the circumstance. A young lady in 18th street has several marks, as if produced by the impression of the fingers on her left forearm and arm. Durino- the early months of gestation, whilst sitting in her room, the mother of the young lady longed to get a glass of ale. On seeing persons drinking ale in a house opposite, she expressed a strong desire to get some ale, but was told it would not be respectable, or that it would be a shame to send for any at that time. During the interval she squeezed her left arm and forearm with the right hand, as persons often do when in a state of sus- 61 pense or expectation, and left the impression of her fingers on the parts. "Castleton, Vt., Nov. 21, 1863. "Friend Ross :—The boy who did chores for me at the time of my wife's pregnancy had picked a chicken, brought it into the kitchen, and was dancing it on the table. My wife happened to come into the room at the time, and he spoke to her, and wanted that she should look at his baby. She at first did not look up, but on his insisting upon it, she looked around and only noticed how much the naked wings looked like deformed.arms of a child ; did not notice any other part of it, and im- mediately turned away; was not at all frightened, and entirely forgot the matter, thinking that it could not mark the child if she thought of it. At first she thought she would not look at it, in case of any such thin^. She thinks it was five or six months before the child was born. She was not excited in the least, only thought she would not look at its head, as it might be bloody, or something; but it made so little impres- sion that she entirely forgot it till I mentioned the resemblance when the child was three months old. No surgical operation has been per- formed, but the hands have been drawn out a little by a kind of brace made for the purpose. The hands seem to have been once in the pro- per place; but, drawn off by some means, the muscles extend from the wrist to the shoulder, thickened and webbed at the elbow like this: The arm would be natural length if the hand was on, but it is drawn off just at the width of the wrist. She can use her hands freely. J " Yours truly, "J. Hope." Dr. Ross had several opportunities of seeing the child alluded to in the above case, and got the particulars, as contained in the above letter, at my request from Mr. Hope. In a valuable monograph published in the American Xf^f!* for 1854 by Edward Warren, M.D., of EJenton, VC., will be found the f0l!"innumb"er of instances in point might be mentioned in this connex- ion, but a few will suffice for my present purpose. Milhngen gnes the 62 case of a lady who, during pregnancy, was struck with the unpleasant view of leeches applied to a relation's foot. Her child was born with a leech coiled up, in the act of suction, on the identical spot The same author, on the authority of Bennett, relates the following instance of this sympathetic agency of mind on matter:—A woman gave birth to a child with a large cluster of globular tumors growing from the tongue, and preventing the closure of the mouth, resembling in every particular common grapes, and with a red excrescence from the chest, like the wattles of a turkey. On being questioned, before the child was shown her, she answered that, whilst pregnant, she had seen some grapes, which she longed most ardently for, and that she had been attacked and alarmed by a turkey-cock. Naevi materni frequently resem- ble fruits, and it is a well authenticated fact that there exists a remark- able sympathy between them and what they represent. Some will actually assume a tinge of maturity when the fruit is ripening, and be- come gradually more pale as it is going out of season. The same thing has also been said in regard to animal marks, which are not uncommon. For instance, they will present a deeper color when the animal by which they have been produced is mentioned or seen. From these facts, it appears that a mental impression is not only ca- pable of directly reproducing itself, but also of developing a mysterious sympathy, the influence of which is felt and perpetuated so long as the organism concerned in its operations remains in existence. The particular object of this paper is to add a few more instances to those already reported, for the purpose of contributing something to- wards the settlement of a question which has been so long mooted in the medical world. There is a negro boy in this town, aged about ten years, in good health and quite well grown, whose countenance bears a remarkable re- semblance to that of a fox. The likeness is so great that it strikes every observer at first sight, and attracts the immediate attention of all who see him. But this is not all; he walks and runs habitually on his hands and feet, like a quadruped, and is more active than most boys of his age who use their limbs in the ordinary way. • He is solitary in his habits, shy in his manners, and of a cunning and roguish disposition. In almost every particular, some resemblance to a fox manifests itself; and when all the points of similitude are considered together, the likeness is most remarkable. As soon as my attention was directed to him, I became interested in the case, and instituted inquiries in regard to the experience of his mother during her pregnancy. The resemblance to the fox was plainly 63 distinguishable when the child was born, and has continued to increase until the boy presents the appearance and peculiarities mentioned above. Another case of a like nature came under my observation recently. A pregnant woman, residing near this town, saw a picture of a rabbit, with which she was exceedingly delighted. When her child was born, it was hare-lipped, and bore so striking resemblance to a rabbit that the most casual observer could not fail to discover it at a glance. The infant attracted much attention because of this strange circumstance, and was visited and examined by many persons in the neighborhood. Among those who saw it frequently was another pregnant woman, and when she gave birth to her child it was marked in the same way, and bore a similar resemblance. The first child died early; the other is still alive and in good health. I am acquainted with a young man, the first finger of whose right hand presents a very singular appearance. The end of it is devoid of everything like a nail, save in three points, which correspond in size and position to the eyes and mouth of a snake, and presents almost an exact resemblance to the head of a serpent. He says the account which he received from his parents and their contemporaries is, that when his mother was pregnant a snake crawled into the house, to which she pointed in great alarm with the first nnger of her rio-ht hand, and then fainted away. I have no way of establishing this matter positively, but the young man was assured of the truth of the explanation, and I have every rea- son to consider it correct. I have seen some cases in which the macule resembled fruit, and know of others in which fish were distinctly represented. In a I of these the effect of an impression made on the mind of the mother by ome external cause could" be traced and established. Thus, a woman waTfond of pears, and longed intensely for them during her pregna cy Ten her child was born, a small pear was pendent from it. ear and the W fimrer of the ri^ht hand. Another desired to indulge in eating era* butfo ome r°eason was unable to gratify hereelf in that respect. Her £ had the figure of a crab distinctly marked upon it, and bears the najvus to this day. Da. S.MOE, HA*T REPORTED THE EOLEOWIEC, C«» « THE Kl»» Couktv Medical Societt in 1861. m i n l R17 —Mr S----c6nsulted me at my office respecting Mrs. J5 Lnear,ltok, her third confinement, and stated that s e gainedo, extreme abdominal distension, .hich was so great as to 64 render her situation quite distressing. As no relief could be obtained from this priur to delivery, I merely prescribed some trifling remedy, to amuse and if possible to divert her mind from this annoying condition. Mrs> s---- had never been my patient before; had recently removed from the country into our city, and had experienced no trouble of this kind in either of her former pregnancies. In the afternoon of the 12th I was requested to visit her in haste, as she was represented as being in great distress. I was soon seated by her bedside and found the vagina filled and distended by an enormous bag of waters, extending to the external labia. I at once ruptured the mem- branes, which was followed by a flow of waters, such as I had never met with before, and which compelled me to turn aside to escape the thorough drenching I should otherwise have received. So great was the quantity, and so persistent the flow, that one of the attendants placed a bucket to receive it, which caught more than a gallon, and it seemed a moderate estimate that an equal amount had already flowed upon the carpet. This discharge of waters immediately relieved this, to me, extraordi. nary abdominal distension. I have spoken thus particularly of this unusual amount of waters for an object which will appear in the course of this paper. Then turning to my patient, the os uteri was found fully dilated, but the presenting part could not be satisfactorily determined. It seemed to the touch to resemble somewhat the bones of the head, but unlike that usually presenting; and passing the finger over the whole surface, there was a spot extending horizontally as far as could be reached, resembling the feel of ecchymosis, and a moderate pressure revealed fragments of bone beneath, which were loose and movable. In this stage of the labor the true character of the presentation could not be ascertained, but further progress rendered it evident that a head was approaching delivery, with the face in the perineum and the occiput to the pubes, the top of the head coming down. The uterine contrac- tions were vigorous and expulsive, and there was thrown into my hands with almost spasmodic force, an object sad to view, when regarded to be of human origin. Life appeared extinct, and no effort at resuscitation was attempted. The child was small, a female, born at the full period, and probably less than three pounds in weight. But so great was the anxiety to conceal it from view, that I was not permitted to ascertain this, or make an anatomical examination.. The head quite strongly resembled that of the cat in form and feature; the eyes, nose, and mouth were wholly feline, but the ears were human. 65 The neck was entirely wanting; the head placed midway between the shoulders, the occiput being on a horizontal line with the spine. Upon the top of the head, at a right angle to the sagittal suture, over the whole extent of the parietal bones to their attachments to the temporal, about the width of two inches, was presented an appearance like that produced by a severe blow with a solid instrument. (This was the part that during labor presented to the touch the feel like ecchymosis.) It resembled a bruised, gory mass of cuticular tissue, and the parietal bones beneath were in several fragments. Whether originally so formed I deem human ken incompetent with certainty to determine. The little hair there was upon the head was human. The trunk of the body, the upper and lower extremities were human and perfect. Nothing was said in the presence of the mother at this time respecting her monstrous progeny. It was, immediately on its birth, wrapped in a blanket and taken to another room, where I made the examination and discovered the phenomena described above. The day following, this lady herself stated to me the following par- ticulars : About four and a half months previous to her delivery, while residing in the country, a young cat came to her house and greatly annoyed her ; it kept constantly at her feet, mewing piteously, which an abundant sup- ply of food had no influence to check. Supposing it to belong to a neighbor at a little distance it was taken there, but immediately returned. It proved so distressing to her that she said to her husband, " I wish you would kill it," and to use her own expression, " he dashed out its brains against a stone;" she heard the blow, but did not see it; she was not dis- turbed at the killing of the cat, the annoyance it had caused her entirely ceased and she thought no more of it, and when informed of the resem- blance of her offspring to a cat, this circumstance did not at first occur to her. Mr. S----- remarked to me the appearance upon the head of the child, both in locality and resemblance, perfectly corresponding with that of the cat, produced by the blow which destroyed its life. Mrs. S_____got up well, and her previous and subsequent children were in every respect perfect in form. The next case occurred in the evening ofApril 8, 1843. lhis case much resembled the above; was a first confinement, was accompanied with a like quantity of waters, and the same uncertainty of the part pre- sentine, although with the above case in view little annoyance was felt, and it was followed with a like result. The child was dead. The head was decidedly feline, though not so strikingly marked as the preceding. It presented the same bruised gory appearance of the tissues over the 66 parietal bones, which were whole and not in fragments. The child was a female, a little smaller than the other, and was born at the seventh month. In this case the ears, the trunk, and the upper and the lower extremities were natural. The form of the head and the face feline. This lady informed me she had been occasionally annoyed by a cat coming in her way during her pregnancy, but not often. She likewise remarked that the cat was always peculiarly hateful and offensive to her. She recovered well. The last case, gentlemen, which I shall present to yon, and the last of the kind I have had the misfortune to meet with, occurred on the morn- ing of February 1, 1855. It was a fourth labor, and at the full period. Uterine contractions were soon well established, and taking a seat by my patient, the membranes were found protruding and distending the vagina; they were at once ruptured, and a flood of waters followed as in the preceding cases. But by this time I had become so accustomed to these phenomena that they ceased to disturb my equanimity, but seemed like old familiar acquaintances. The presentation was puzzling and uncertain, exhibiting to the touch quite a different sensation from either of the other cases. From the extensive smooth, flat rather than convex bony surface that could be reached, it was evident a head of some kind was presenting, and quite clear it was not that of ray old acquaintance the cat I was rather pleased that I was about to be introduced to some new form of monstrosity, for that such was the case, no doubt could now be entertained. As the labor progressed a new phenomenon appeared which proved perplexing, and somewhat obscured the definite characte rof the presentation. A thin movable substance at the side of the part, approaching about an inch in width, was dis- covered; this was soon found to be attached and pendent from it, but the child was soon born and dissipated all uncertainty. The head of this child closely resembled that of the dog both in form and feature and presented a most sad spectacle. In form, a dog's head upon a human neck and body, in every other respect perfect. The pendulous portion, so troublesome previous to the delivery, proved to be the ears, both of which, nearly two inches in length, together with the head and all the features, were strikingly canine in form. The child was quite small, and although it never respired, a slight movement or two of some of the limbs made it probable it could have been easily resuscitated, but this was not attempted. My record does not specify the sex, which I find is the only omission of the kind. This lady afterwards made to me the following statement: a neigh- bor's dog came almost daily to her yard and greatly annoyed her from 67 t# the early stage of her pregnancy, and when about three months advanced she passed two dogs in the street in circumstances that excited in her mind extreme indignation. This she expressed in language the most extravagant. The dog which thus constantly disturbed her was a large black New- foundland dog, and this continued till near the time of her confinement; but she had never entertained any apprehension or solicitude that her offspring would be other than perfect in form and feature. GENERAL SESSIONS. New York. August Term. 1808. The Commissioners of the Alms-Hocse vs. Alexander Whistelo. Bastardy. Present—Clinton, Mayor. Van Wyck, Recorder. • Mott, Bingham, and Drake, Aldermen. Extracts from Report. " The defendant is a negro; the mother a mulattress ; and the child has the hair and most of the features of a white; the color, indeed, somewhat darker, but lighter than most of the generality of mulattoes." —(Mayor Clinton.) " The strength of the adversary's case I take to be this—that, at a critical moment after Mr. Whistelo and Miss Williams had been just long enough in bed together to be drawing towards a perfect under- standing of the business which brought them there, the lady saw, or thought she saw, an apparition of a white man making towards her with his cocked pistol in his hand; and the true point now is, whether that apparition did of itself beget the child, or only change it from black to white, after it was begotten, by acting on the nervous system of the mother. Dr. Mitchell maintains the effect of maternal imagination with all his might."—(Mr. Sampsons Reply.) City of New York, ss. : Samuel Burrow savs he is of opinion that Alexander Whistelo is not the father of said child; and that he supposes the father of the said child to be a white man. 68 City of New York, ss. : Samuel S. Mitchell says that he thinks there is a possibility—nay, a probability—that the said child has been begotten by the said Alexan- der Whistelo. Extract from the Evidence on the Cross-Examination of Dr. Mitchell* Q. Was there not some other case which you mentioned before the police office ? A. I mentioned, somewhat jocularly, the loves of Theagines and Chariclea. Chawclea was a beautiful and fair virgin of Ethiopian parents. Her whiteness was occasioned by her looking on a statue of Venus. Question by the Mayor.—About what time, Doctor, might that have happened ? A. The work is written by a Christian Bishop—Heliodorus—who wrote about the fourth century. It was the first novel I ever read, and made a great impression on me. Q. As to those cases in which the agency of some external objects upon the mother's imagination produces an entire change in the foetus, have you any facts within your knowledge ? A. There was a man in the city of New York who kept a cow. Q. Will you tell the court, Doctor, the story of that cow ? A. The cow was a favorite with the wife of the man ; but he found it more convenient to kill her than to keep her. Q. And how did the death of the cow influence the birth of the child ? A. The cow affording a larger supply of provisions than was required for family consumption, he sold part and reserved the rest. Counsel.—Very well, sir; be so good as to relate the rest ? Witness.—Among the parts that were reserved were the feet. The wife saw them hanging up in a mangled state. It was the first news she had of the death of her favorite cow, and she was so vehemently moved and so shocked, as to affect the child of which she was then pregnant Q. And what was the result ? A. The child was born without any arms, and with distorted feet * Doctor Mitchell was one of the most eccentric as well as celebrated physi- cians of his day; he was well known for his sterling honesty, profundity of thought, convincing candor in expressing his opinions, and was looked upon as a walking encyclopedia. 69 Q. Did you ever converse with the father or mother of the child f A. I did not But the child is still alive, and there is no doubt Oi the fact Q. Have you examined the child ? A. I saw it once as I passed, playing with a cooper's shaving-knife between its toes. I stopped to inquire, and was told the story. Q. Is there no other case, ancient or modern, to support this theory ! —is there nothing in verse or prose ? A. There is a case, called the Black Case, in Haddington's Poems. He was a Lord of Sessions, or other considerable man pi Scotland. The story runs thus: There was a man who followed the profession of an attorney or a scrivener, who had a very amorous wife. But he had not leisure to attend to all her gaieties. Once, that he was unable other- wise to free himself from her importunities, in toying with her, he upset his ink-bottle in her%shoes. She brought him a black ehild in conse- quence. He reproached her, but she reminded him of the ink-bottle and of his awkwardness. There is also the story, told by Malebranche, . of the woman who saw a man broken on the wheel, and bore a mangled and disjointed child. If such changes as the last are true (and there is strong authority for it), then the mere change of color or complexion is not difficult to believe. (Note appended to the Report] Remarkable Effect of a Pregnant Mother's Imagination. « A young married lady, pregnant with her second child, being with her parents at Brunswick, in New Jersey, where it was fixed she would He-in when that time drew nigh, she sent to New York for her nurse-, and having made every necessary preparation for the interesting mo- ll waited with tranquillity for a few days before it arrived. Nurses generally employ this time in telling tales, gossiping, etc. g« The nurse, in this case, told one afternoon to the pregnant lady and hPr mother how she had once nursed in the family of a Jew, and how hZ Z tb IttUe infant circumcised, and dwelt upon the descnptioti o ! operation with great minuteness. The young lady sat and listened , Ind buTvery suLptible of sympathy, first shed tears, then fainted Tlv or two Afterwards she was delivered, after a very short labor, of A w AU went on very well till the next day, when the nurse-disco- 8 S thai he child's prepuce was diseased. Dr. Scott, of Brunsw.k, ^t^ -tfor' He came; and, on examination, found * 70 young lady, her husband, and child, all died in the course of the year." — Vide Med. Rep. vol. iii. p. 89. Vide Wheeler's Criminal Reports, vol. iii. folio 194. F. K----presents rather an unseemly appearance in consequence of a violet-colored nsevus on the left side of the face, extending to the left side of the nose, as well as the eyelids and left temple, sending digita- tions on the scalp. The cause assigned by his mother attributes the nsevus to a shock she received whilst being blooded by her husband, who was a respectable surgeon, for inflammation of the lungs during the latter months of her pregnancy, when she put her right hand over her left eye, so as to prevent her seeing the blood flowing from the vein opened in the left arm. N.B.—The author of this essay can vouch for the authenticity of this case. Cask communicated by Theophilus Mack,* M.D., St. Catherine's, Canada East. A woman was delivered of an acephalous monster, aud the mother of my patient at once ascribed it to her daughter having looked for a long time at a caryatid a friend of mine had caused to be rudely chiselled on the front of his building; and she strenuously insisted that a law should be passed to prevent people from disfiguring the front of buildings in such a way, and causing similar catastrophes ! The founding of Stevens's Hospital, at Dublin, by Madame Stevens, is connected with a very curious circumstance. It appears that the mother of Madame Stevens, whilst in the latter months of her preg- nancy, was accosted by a beggar-woman having a number of squalid children, and asked for alms, which she refused; and, in addition, ordered her away with her litter of pigs; whereupon the woman retorted and answered : " Perhaps you would have a pig yourself yet." In due time Mrs. Stevens was delivered of a child with the face resem- bling that of a pig. The child grew up to be an adult, and, being cha- ritably disposed, founded the hospital which bears her name. I believe a metal engraving, giving the representation of the pig's face, is yet to be seen on the-cupola of the hospital. * Dr. Mack thinks it an absurdity to suppose an impression can be communi- cated by the mother to the foetus in utero, and looks upon it as a popular super- stition ; and gives the above case as an instance of its being so, which occurred in his own practice. 71 Cases communicated by Michael Hogan, L.R.C.S.I., and L.K., and Q.C.P.I. Case 1.—While attending lectures on Practice of Medicine, under the late lamented Dr. Nelligan of Dublin, I recollect him to have related numerous instances, which came under his own immediate observation, of children having been born with marks clearly referable, in his opinion, to frights received by the mothers during the periods of their pregnancy; among the rest the following case : A lady, with whom he was well acquainted, during the period of her pregnancy having received a fright from seeing the mane of one of her horses on fire, the stable hav- ing caught fire, soon gave birth to a child having the mark of a horse's mane between its shoulders. Case 2.—I myself have been thoroughly conversant with all the par- ticulars of the following remarkable case: An intelligent country- woman, advanced in the period of gestation, while killing a chicken, on seeing some of the chicken's blood on the palm of the hand, became suddenly alarmed lest the child of whom she was pregnant should bear the marks of the blood, threw the chicken from her hands, took a seat, and immediately placed the palm of her hand extended under the side of her face ; and in this position, with her cheek leaning on her hand, spent some time, much troubled in spirit, brooding over the probable results. After the full period of the pregnancy had expired, she gave birth to a healthy female child, with a well-defined mark of blood all over one side of its face, demarcated above by the hair, below by the horizontal ramus of the lower jaw, and in front by the median line. The first question which the mother asked after the birth of the child was—« ls the child marked ?" Cask 3.—The woman referred to in the last case, while pregnant of another child, got a fall, by means of which the cuticle was, to some extent, slightly stripped off both her knees; at this she was only slightly alarmed, however; the child, when born, and ever afterwards, had both knees marked, the cuticle all over both having the appearance of the cicatrix of an extensive superficial burn. Lycosthenes ad annum mundi 3757 refert, puerum cum elephant! ca- pite natum Sinuessae. Hoc idem recitari ait, Aldrovandus a Polydoro Virgilio; et addit ex relatione virorum fide dignorum, anno Domini 1565. Mulierem enixam esse puellam capite elephantis reliquo corpore 72 bene constitute prout in apposita apparet figura. — Physiea Curiosa, P. Gaspare Schotto, Societatis Jesu. Herbipoli, MDCXCVH. Vol. i. folio 582. . 73 ADDENDA. There is another class of facts which seem referable to the same cate- gory, that, namely, which exhibits the influence of a male parent upon the subsequent offspring of a different parentage, as in the well known case of the transmission of the Quaggcr marks to a succession of colts, both whose parents were of the species horse, the mare having been once impregnated by the Quagger male; and in the not unfrequeht occur- rence of a similar phenomenon in the human species, as when a widow who marries a second time bears children strongly resembling her first husband. Some of these cases appear referable to the strong mental impression left by the first male parent upon the female. (Carpenter's Physiology, page 970.) The following statement may be relied upon as being authentic : In the year 1845 a menagerie arrived at Mr. Dorsimer's Hotel at Buffalo. The elephant belonging to the exhibition was placed in a shed in the yard, in close proximity to a sow, at the time undergoing the pro- cess of gestation. It appeared the attention and equanimity of the lat- ter were at once attracted and disturbed by the appearance and presence of the former. At the proper period the sow farrowed, when, to the amazement of the habitues of the hotel, the young pigs presented probos- ces the length of their bodies, thus resembling young elephants. Doctor White, Professor of Obstetrics in the University of Buffalo, gave the par- ticulars of the circumstances alluded to in the above narrative in a paper read before the Erie Co. Medical Society, and Professor Bedford, of this city, has a specimen or preparation of one of the pigs in his museum. Communicated by Doctor Bernard Sheridan. I have seen a living horse-foal of a few days old with the right fore- foot projecting straight out from the chest like a musket, the head some- what like a British soldier's cap, with a cockade on the top of it the lower part of which was white, the upper red. The feet were black to about half way, from thence up to the body white; the whole of the body red. 74 * This freak of nature is accounted for from the following circumstance : This dam was being served in the parade-ground while the 'Mount Nugent Yeomanry Corps were firing at a target I have also known, for years, a beautiful horse, color white as milk, 'save the place of the saddle, which jwas the color of a new saddle, with stripes of the same color on the neck, like the reins of a new bridle. The cause of this strange but beautiful phenomenon was a runaway white horse, caparisoned with a new saddle and bridle, whisked rapid and near the dam whilst being served, which caused her to fret and start at the time. CURIOUS ILLUSTRATIONS. The following extracts, with the plates annexed, are copied from a learned work entitled, Georgii Simonis Wiuteri de Aldlersflugel Trac- tatio Nova et Auctor de Re Equaria. Cpmplectens partes tres. Nurem- • berg, Anno Mundi MD CCIIL CHAPTER XVI. ALTERA DIGRE8SIO DE MONSTRIS EQCINIS. Monstra, id est partus monstrosi, quemadmodum inter homines alteraque animalia, ita et inter equos saepenumero nasci solent Circa monstra vero duo potissimum dubia occurrunt Ulium, quare, alterum quomodo generentur ? Causa primaria, ad* inscrutabilem Dei Tcr. Opt. Max. (qui ononis natu- rae auctor est) providentiam, absque controvcrsia referenda est, attamen, cum, ut dicitur, Deus" et natura frustra nihil agere soleant peculiare, quid prodigiosis hujusmodi nativitatibus videtur innuere. (Folio 128, G. S. Winteri.) Quomodo et qua occujta vi operante monstra progenerentur, varii varie sentiunt: alii virtuti imaginatrici, in ipso conceptionis instanti attribuunt maxime si equa quidpiam quod foetui assimilatur eo tempore conspexerit; Quod .sane verisimile est vel ipsa teste experientia; cquae namque si quatuordecim ante admissuram diebus, pictura, desiderata) formae et colons equum repraesentans, quoadusque equire incipiat, objec- ta fuerit, admissarium vero, sive verum, sive probaticum non videat unquam, nisi pannis depicto equo concoloribus. cooperatum ; tempore coitus vero vel maxime picta ilia proponatur effigies, quo illius contem- platione species phantasiae altius imprimat; quae deinceps per alterum duarum hebdomadarum spatium, usque ad secundum experimentum, objectetur: post octimestre denuo, iuio usque dum pariat; apparebit 75 Fig. 21. Fig. 27. sane, pullum, quem editura est, coloribus in pictura expressis fore con- formem. (G. S. Winteri, folio 134.) 76 Non minus insigne naturae portentnra fuit Equus Julii Gesaris primi Romanorum Imperatoris, Asturcus nomine, qui pedes, quasi humanos habebat, ungulasque ad digitorum formam findebat (Vid. Fig. 21), ab hoc, cum pullus esset vaticinati sunt augures, fore, et qui hujus equi, simul et Romani orbis Imperator fieret (fol. 132.) Pullus iste in quadam Pomeraniae equaria, nomine Rechovo Anno 1554, natus est; supervixit dies tres. Vid. eundem fol. eodem (Vid. Fig. 27) fol. 138. Pullus iste Anno Domini 1254 in agro Veronensi natus est, humano prorsus capite, caetera equus. (vid Fig. 22, fol. 136.) « -^ ^