SANITARY CODE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH OF THE Health Department OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 1880. SEC. 82, CHAP. 335, LAWS OF 1873. * NEW YORK: JOHN ;F. HAHN, PRINTER, 8 9 BOWERY. 1880. THE SANITARY CODE. The Sanitary Ordinances adopted by the Department of Health, called the Sanitary Code, and conformed to Article XI. of Chapter 335, of the Laws of 1873, by the Board of Health, June 2, 1873, with the amend- ments and additional provisions pursuant to Section 82 of said article, added and published to DEFINI'TIONS OF TEEMS. Section 1. That the tei-ms “Board,” “this Board,” and “said Board’’shall beheld to mean the “Board of Health of the Health Department of the City of New York;” that the word “Department,” wherever used herein, shall be held to mean the Health Department of the City of New York; that the words “person,” “owner,” “tenant,” “lessee,” “occupant,” “contrac- tor,” “party,” “manager,” “board,” and “ officer,” shall respectively be held to apply and to include, both jointly and severally, each and all owners, part-owners, tenants, lessees, occupants, managers, contractors, parties in inter- est, persons, officers, boards, and corporations, who may sustain the relations, or may be in like position of any one or more thereof referred to in any ordinance or regu- THE SANITARY CODE. lation ; that every order, ordinance, or regulation declared applicable to the built-up portion of New York, shall, so far as the subject matter thereof is applicable (save as to interments), and so far as this Board has authority to make the same, be held to include and apply to the built-up portions of said city ;■ that every word or phrase anywhere herein defined shall be held to include the same sense whenever used; that the words “city,” or “this city,” or “said city,” whenever used herein, shall be held to mean the City of New Y’ork; that the word “regulations” shall be held to include “special regula- tions ” (which latter will be from time to time issued, and will contain more detailed provisions than can be herein conveniently set forth); that the word “ permit” shall be construed to mean the permission in writing of this Board, issued according to its by-laws, rules, regulations, and Sanitary Code; and that every “report” herein required shall be held to be a report in writing, signed by the person (and indicating his official position) who makes the same; that the word “ light” or “ lighted,7’ shall be held to refer to natur 1, external light; and that all words and phrases herein defined shall also include their usual and natural meanings, as well as those herein especially given. Sec. 2. That the word “street,” when used in the Sanitary Code, shall be held to include avenues, side- walks, gutters, aud public alleys; and the words “ public place ” shall be held to include parks, piers, docks, and wharves, and water and open spaces thereto adjacent, and also public yards grounds, and areas, and all open spaces between buildings and streets, and in view of such streets; the wTord “ashes” shall be held to include cinders, coal, and everything that usually remains after The sanitary code. 3 fires; the word “rubbish” shall be held to include all the loose and decayed material and dirt-like substance that attends use or decay, or which accumulates from building, storing, or cleaning ; the word “garbage” shall be held to include every accumulation of both animal and vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise, that attends the preparation, decay, and dealing in, or storage of meats, fish, fowls, birds, or vegetables; and the word “dirt” shall be held to mean natural soil, earth, and stone. Sec. 3. That a ‘ ‘ tenement-house ” shall be taken to mean and include every house, building, or portion thereof which is rented, leased, let, or hired out to be occupied, or is occupied as the house, home, or residence of more than three families living independently of one another, and doing their cooking upon the premises, or by more than two families upon a floor, so living and cooking, but having a common right in the halls, stair- ways, yards, water-closets or privies, or some of them. A ‘ ‘ lodging- house ” shall be taken to mean and include any house or building, or portion thereof, in which per- sons are harbored or received, or lodged for hire for a single night, or for less than one week at a time, or any part of which is let for any persons to sleep in for any term less than a week. A “ cellar ’’ shall be taken to mean and include every basement or lower story of any building or house of which one-half or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the street adjoining. The phrase “ boarding-house ” shall be held to include every building and every story and por- tion • thereof, which is at any time or usually used, leased, or occupied, or intended so to be, by any number of per- sons exceeding ten, as boarders thereat. The word 4 THE SANITABV CODE. “manufactory” shall be held to include every building, and every story and portion thereof, in which any sort of labor or work is done, which calls for the contiunal or usual presence of several persons during several hours of the day or night engaged about said work or labor; and the word ‘ ‘ saloon ” shall be held to include every portion of any building in which the business of selling meals, liquors, drinks, or refreshments of any kind, shall be conducted, and includes “ concert saloons.” Sec. 4. That the term “ theatre ” shall be held to include the building, rooms, and place where any play, concert, opera, circus, trick of jugglery, show, gymnastic or other exhibition, masquerade public dance, drill, lecture, address, or other public or frequent gathering or amusement, are, is, or may be held, given, performed, or take place, and the approach or approaches thereto and appurtenances thereof. Sec. 5. That the word “ physician ” shall include den- tists, and every other person who practises about the cure of the sick or injured, or who has the charge of, or profes- sionally prescribes for, any person sick, injured, or dis- eased, and any person who pursues the business of or acts as midwife; that the phrase “ contagious disease” shall be held to include all persons sick, affected, or attacked by or of a disease of an infectious, contagious, or pestilential nature (more especially, however, referring to cholera, yellow fever, small-pox, diphtheria, ship or typhus, ty- phoid, spotted, relapsing, and scarlet fevers), aud also including any new disease of an infectious, contagious, or pestileatial nature, and also any other disease publicly declared by this Board dangerous to the public health; THE SANITAEY CODE. and every physician in sdd city shall at all times cause his or her name, office, and residence, and also his or her kind and class of practice, to be registered within the Bureau of Vital Statistics, and in a manner according to the regulations prescribed by this Board. Sec. 6. That the word ‘ ‘ meat, ” whenever herein used, includes every part of any land animal and eggs (whether mixed or not with any other substance); and the word “fish,” includes every part of any animal that lives in water, or the flesh of which is not meat; and the word “• vegetable ” includes every article of human consumption as food, which (not being meat, or fish, or milk) is held, or offered, or intended for sale or consumption, as food for human beings, at any place in said city; and all fish and meat found therein shall be deemed to be therein, and held for such sale or consumption as such food, unless the contrary be distinctly proved. Sec. 7. That the w'ord “ cattle” shall be held to include all animals, except birds, fowl, and fish, of which any part of the body is used as food; the word “ butcher ” shall be held to include whoever is engaged in the business of keep- ing, driving, or slaughtering any cattle, or in selling any meat; the words “private market’’shall include every store, cellar, stand, and place (not being part of a public mar- ket) at which the business is the buying, selling, or keeping for sale, of meat, fish, or vegetables for human food. MISFEASANCE AND NONFEASANCE. Sec. 8. That no person shall carelesbly or negligently do or ad-vise or contribute to the doing of any act or thing 6 THE SANITARY CODE. dingerous to the life, or detrimental to the health of any human being; nor shall any person knowingly do or advise or contribute to the doing of any such act or thing (not actually authorized by law), except with justifiable motives and for adequate reasons; nor shall any person omit to do any act, or to take any precaution, reasonable and proper, to prevent or remove danger or detriment to the life or health of any human being. OBEDIENCE TO ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. Sec. 9. That every contractor in these ordinances refer- red to, and every person who has contracted, or under- takes, or is bound to do, or is engaged in doing any one of these things, in respect of which these ordinances con- tain provisions or regulations, shall comply with these ordinances, to the extent that any contract, obligation, or duty requires or permits; and no direction of any con- tractors or persons shall excuse him for a non-compliance with any of said ordinances. Sec. 10. That every person shall observe and obey each and every special regulation and every order of this Board that is or may be made, for carrying into effect any of the ordinances or powers hereinbefore or hereinafter contained, or any law of this State, or otherwise, whether issued directly by the Board, or promulgated by any Bureau charged therewith, as if the same had been herein inserted at length. ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES. Sec. 11. That the Inspectors of this Department, and its proper officers and agents, shall make the inspections and examinations required by law; that the Board of Police of 7 the City of New York do execute and cause to be executed all the orders of this Board when so specially ordered; and, all persons are hereby forbidden to interfere with or obstruct such inspection, examination, Or execution. Sec. 12. That except as herein specially or otherwise provided, or may be hereafter provided, or as is otherwise made necessary by the laws of the State, the Board of Police of the Police Department shall, through its proper officers and men, and as near as may be according to existing regulations, or amendments to be made thereto, on advice of this Department, and subject to the supervi- sion of this Department, carry into effect and exercise the sanitary powers heretofore exercised by fhe Board of Police; and that said Board of Police shall keep this Department regularly advised of its action in that behalf, and shall conform to these and all future ordinances, and to all special regulations of this Department. THE SANITARY CODE. BILLS OP HEALTH. Sec. 13. That no person, officer, or board within said ciiy (except this Board or its proper officers, or proper officers of any bureau of this Department, and as the regulations prescribed by this Board shall provide), shall grant, sign, or deliver any Certificate or “Bill of Health.” MEDICINES, ADULTERATIONS AND POISONS. Skc. 14. That no doctor, druggist or other person shall make, sell, put up, prepare, or administer any prescrip- tion, decoction, or medicine under any deceptive or fraudulent name, direction, or pretence; nor shall any 8 false or deceptive representation be made by any person to any other, as to the kind, quality, purpose, or effect of any such other drug, medicine, decoction, drink, or other article offered or intended to be taken as food or medicine. Sec. 15. That no poisonous medicine, decoction, or substance shall be held for sale or sold, except for lawful purposes and with proper motives, and by persons com- petent to give the proper directions and precautions as to the use thereof; nor shall any bottle, box, parcel, or recep- tacle thereof be delivered to any person unless the same is marked “ Poison,” nor to any person who the party deliv- ering the same has reason to think intends it for any illegal or improper use or purpose. Sec. 16. That no person shall make, offer, or have for sale, or keep at any place of sale any “poisonous, un- wholesome, deleterious, or adulterated drugs, medicines, or food,” or in respect thereto omit any act or thing required, or do any act forbidden by any law or health regulation of this State applicable in any part of said city. THE SANITARY CODE. CONSTRUCTION OE BUILDINGS, VENTILATION AND DRAINAGE. Sec. 17. That no person shall hereafter erect, or cause to be erected, or converted to a new purpose by alteration, any building or structure which, or any part of which, shall be inadequate or defective in respect to strength, ventilation, light, sewerage, or of any other usual, proper, or necessary provision or precaution; nor shall the builder lessee, tenant, or occupant of any such, or of any other building or structure (within the right or ability of either 9 to remedy or prevent the same), cause or allow any matter or thing to be or to be done in or about any such building or structure dangerous or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. 18. That no owner or lessee of any building, or any part thereof, shall lease or let, or hire out the same or any portion thereof, to be occupied by any person, or allow the same to be occupied as a place in which, or for any one, to dwell or lodge, except when said buildings or such parts thereof are sufficiently lighted, ventilated, provided, and accommodated, and are in all respects in that condition of cleanliness and wholesomeness, for which this Code or any law of this State provides, or in which they or either of them require any such premises to be kept. Nor shall any such person rent, let, hire out, or allow, having power to prevent the same to be used as or for a place of sleeping or residence, any portion or apartment of any building, which apartment or portion has not at least two feet of its height and space above the level of every part of the sidewalk and curbstone bf any adjacent street, nor of which the floor is damp by reason of water from the ground, or which is impregnated or penetrated by any offensive gas, smell, or exhalat:on prejudicial to health. But this section shall not prevent the leasing, renting, or occupancy of cellars or rooms less elevated than aforesaid, and as a part of any building rented or let, when they are not let or intended to be occupied or used by an}7 person as a sleeping apartment, or as a principal or sole dwelling apartment. Sec. 19. That no person having the right and power to prevent the same, shall knowingly cause or permit THE SANITAEY CODE. 10 any person to sleep or remain in any cellar, or in any place dangerous or prejudicial to life or health, by reason of a want of ventilation or drainage, or by reason of the presence of any poisonous, noxious, or offensive sub- stance, or otherwise. Sec. 20. That no owner, lessee, or keeper of any tenement-house, lodging-house, boarding-house, or manu- factory, shall cause or allow the same to be over- crowded, or c iuse or allow so great a number of persons to dwell, be, or sleep in any such house, or any portion thereof, as thereby to cause any danger or deteriment to life or health. Sec. 21. That no person, being the lessee, manager, conductor, or owner of any theatre, shall cause, or permit, or allow the same, or any part or appurtenance thereof, to be so far overcrowded, or inadequate, faulty, or insufficient, in respect of strength, ingress or egress, cleanliness, ventilation, or in any other particular, as that thereby, or by reason thereof, any avoidable peril shall come or happen to, or be incurred or suffered by any person being properly at or in any such theatre. Sec. 22. That every person who shall be the owner, lessee, or keeper or manager of any tenement-house, boarding-house, lodging-house, or manufactory, shall provide, or cause to be provided, for the accommodation thereof, and for the use of the tenants, lodgers, boarders, and workers thereat, adequate privies or water-closets, and the same shall be so adequately ventilated, and shall at all times be kept in such cleanly and wholesome condition as not to be offensive, or be dangerous or detrimental to life or health. And no offensive smell or gases, from or through any outlet or sewer, or through THE SANITAUY CODE. 11 any such privy or water-closet, shall be allowed by any person aforesaid to pass into such house or any part thereof, or into any oiher house or building. Sec. 23. That every owner, lessee, and tenant and manager of any boarding-house or manufactory, shall cause every part thereof and its appurtenances to be put, and shall thereafter cause the same to be kept, in a cleanly and wholesome condition, and shall speedily cause every department thereof in which any person may sleep, dwell, or work, to be adequately lighted and ventilated; and, if the same be a manufactory, shall cause every part thereof in which any person may work, to be maintained at such temperature, and be provided with such accommodations and safeguards as not, by reason of the want thereof, or of anything about the condition of any sueh manufactory or its appurtenances, to cause unnecessary danger or detriment to the life or health of any person being properly therein or thereat. Sec. 24. That no keeper, or other officer or person having control or authority in any jail, prison, or other place where any person may be kept or confined, shall needlessly or illegally cause or allow any peril or detri- ment to the life or health of any such person, by reason of too little or too much heat, or of a want of food, drink, or ventilation, or from the want or neglect of any other reasonable care, protection, or precaution. Sec. 25. That every person, when cleaning any street, shall clean, and every contractor shall cause to be cleaned, the gutters and parts of the streets along which the water will run, before using any water to wash the same; and no substance that could be before scraped THE SANITARY CODE. 12 THE SANITARY CODE. away shill be washed or all >wed to be carried or be put into the sewer, or into any receptacle therewith connected. Sec. 26. That it shall be the duty of every person using, making, or having any drain, soil-pipe, passage, or connection between any sewer (or with either the North or East River) and any ground, building, erection, or place of business, and in like manner the duty of the owner and tenant of all grounds, buildings, and erec- tions, and of the parties interested in such place of busi- ness or the business thereat, and in like manner the duty of all boards, departments, officers, and persons (to the extent of the right and authority of each), to cause and require that such drain, soil-pipe, passage, and connec- tion shall at all times be adequate for its purpose, and shall convey and allow freely and entirely to pass what- ever enters or should enter the same. Sec. 27. That it shall be the duty of all boards, depart- ments, officers, and persons having power and authority so to do or require (and to the extent thereof), to cause to be used sufficient water, and other adequate means to be taken, so that whatever substances may enter any sewer shall pass speedily along and from the same, and sufficiently far into some water or proper reservoir, so that no accumulations shall take place, and no exhalations from thence proceed, dangerous or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. 28. That the proper officers and authorities shall, to the extent of their power and ability, cause the sewers and drainage of said city to be so well located and con- structed, so adequate in size, and to be so kept in repair THE SANITARY CODE. 13 and cleaned, and so adequately supplied with water, and with such proper arrangements and constructions in every particular, that life and health shall not be need- lessly exposed, or suffer unnecessary peril or detriment by their neglect, or by reason of the defects or deficien- cies of any sewers or drainage, or the want thereof. FOOD AND DEINK. Sec. 29.* That no meat, fish, birds or fowl, fruit, or vegetables, nor any milk, not being then healthy, fresh, sound, wholesome, anrl safe for human food, nor any meat or fish that died by disease or accident, shall be brought within said city, or offered or held for sale in any public or private market, as such food, anywhere in said city. Sec. 30 That no calf, pig, or lamb, or the meat thereof, shall be brought, held, or offered for sale, as such food, in said city, which at the date of its death (being a calf) was less than four weeks old ; or (being a pig) was, when killed, not more than five weeks old; or (being a lamb) was, when killed, not more than eight weeks old. Nor shall any meagre, sickly, or unwholesome fish, birds, or fowl be brought, held, sold, or offered for sale, as such • food, in said city. Sec. 31. That no cattle shall be killed for human food, while in an overheated, feverish, or diseased condition; and all such diseased cattle, in the city of New York, and the place where found, and their disease, shall be at once reported to this Department by the owner or custo- dian thereof, that the proper order may be made relative thereto, or for the removal thereof from said city. * As amended, July 16, 1875. 14 THE SANITARY CODE. Sec. 32. That no meat, or dead animal above the size of a rabbit, shall be taken to any public or private market for food until the same shall have fully cooled (and all blood shall have ceased dripping therefrom) after its kill- ing, nor until the entrails, head (unless the same be skinned), hide, horns, and feet shall have been removed. Nor shall gut fat, or any unwholesome or offensive matter or thing, be brought to or near any such market. Sec. 33. Annulled February 8, 1878. Sec. 34.* That no decayed or mrwholesome fruit or vegetables shall knowingly be brought into said city to be consumed or offered for sale for human food, nor shall any such articles be kept or stored therein. Sec. 35. That no person being the manager or keeper of any saloon, boarding-house, or lodging-house, or being employed as a clerk, servant, or agent thereat, shall therein or thereat offer or have for food or drink, or to be eaten or drank, any poisonous, deleterious, or un- wholesome substance, nor allow anything therein to be done or to occur, dangerous to life or prejudicial to health. Sec. 36. That no cased, blown, plaited, raised, stuffed, putrid, impure, or unhealthy or unwholesome meat or ffsh, birds, or fowl, shall be held, bought, or sold, or offered for sale for human food, or held or kept in any market, public or private, or in any public place in said city. Sec. 37.f That no meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, or milk, or unwholesome liquid shall knowingly be brought, sold, * As amended, July 16, 1875- t As amended, July 16, 1S75 THE SANITARY CODE. 15 held, offered for sale, labelled, or any representation made in respect thereof, under a false name or quality, or as being what the same is not, as respects wholesomeness, soundness, or safety for food or drink. Sec. 38.* That every person, being the owner, lessee or occupant of any room, stall or place where any meat, fish, fruit, or vegetables designed or held for human food, shall be stored or kept, or shall be held or offered for sale, shall put and keep such room, stall, and place, and its appurtenances, in a cleanly and ivholesome condition; and every person having charge, or interested or engaged, whether as principal or agent, in the care or in respect to the custody or sale of any meat, fish, fruit, birds, fowl, or vegetables, designed for human food, shall put and preserve the same in a cleanly and wholesome condi- tion, and shall not allow the same, or any part thereof, to be poisoned, infected, or rendered unsafe or unwholesome, for human food. Sec. 39. That no butcher or dealer shall keep in any market any refrigerator or ice-box, unless the same shall be lined with lead or some proper metallic substance, so as to be water-tight, nor unless the same be provided with a pipe of lead, zinc, or copper, leading therefrom to the nearest gutter or proper waste-pipe. Sec. 40.f That it shall be the duty of every person knowing any fish, meat, fowl, birds, fruit, or vegetables being bought, sold, or offered, or held for sale as food for human beings, or being in any market, public or private, in said city, and not being sound, healthy, or wholesome for such food, to forthwith report such facts, * As amended, July 16, 1875. t As amended, July 16, 1875. 16 THE SANtTAEY CODE. and the particulars relating thereto, to this Department, or to one of its officers or inspectors. Sec. 41. That no person shall, without consent of this Department, bring into said city for use as a drink for human beings, or offer or have for sale in said city, as such drink, any poisonous or deleterious liquid. Sec. 42.* That upon any cattle, meat, birds, fowl, fish, fruit, or vegetables being found by any inspector or other officer of this Department, in a condition which is, in his opinion, unwholesome and unfit for use as human food, or in a condition or of a Aveight or qualify in this code con- demned or forbidden, he shall cause the same to be ex- amined by two reputable persons, reasonably competent to judge in respect thereto, whom he may conveniently find; and if both said persons disagree with him in opinion in respect thereto, he shall take no action and give no order, relative to the same, till he has been instructed by the Sanitary Superintendent; and if one or both of said persons agree with him in respect to said articles, then such inspector or officer may forbid the same being offered or exposed for sale, or being sold, for human food, till the owner or party in charge or other proper person has obtained the consent of the Sanitary Superintendent, or of this Board, to their being so offered, used, or sold. And if both such persons agree with him in opinion, he may order the same to be removed; and thereupon, or if this Board shall have approved the judgment of said inspector, it shall be the duty of the owner and party in charge to speedily remove such article from any market, street, or public place, and not to sell or dispose or offer to sell or dispose * As amended, July 16, 1875. THE SANITARY CODE. 17 thereof for the purpose of human food. And in default of such removal, and also in case of disobedience to such order, and also in all cases where, in his opinion, such articles, by reason of their being in a decayed or offensive condition, would, if allowed longer to remain, be danger- ous to health, the same (as this Board may provide) may be caused to be removed by any inspector, police officer, or officer of this Department, to some suitable place, at the expense of the party who should have removed the same, and the owner and party in interest must take notice thereof. Sec. 43. That no person shall sell or give to any other person, or permit such other persons to get (having the right and ability to prevent the same) any drink, when such first-named person may have reason to think or believe that such drink may cause danger or detriment to life. Sec. 44. That no distiller or brewer, or other person, shall manufacture, or have or keep for sale, any liquid designed as a drink or beverage for human beings which would be, if used, needlessly dangerous or detrimental to life or health. Sec. 45. That no person shall have at any place where milk, butter, or cheese is kept for sale, nor at any place offer or have for sale, nor shall any person bring or send to said city any unwholesome, watered, or adulterated milk, or milk known as swill-milk, or milk from cows or other animals that for the most part lived in stables or that feed on swill, garbage, or other like substances; nor any butter or cheese made from any such milk, nor any unwholesome butter or cheese. 18 THE SANITARY CODE. Sec. 46. That no person shall throw or allow to run or pass into any public reservoir, water-pipe, or aqueduct, or into or upon any border or margin thereof, or excava- tion or stream therewith connected, any animal, vegetable, or mineral substance whatever; nor shall any person allow the same to be done (having power or right to prevent the same); nor shall any person do or permit to be done (having right or power to prevent the same) any act or thing that will impair or peril the purity or wholesomeness of any water or other fluid used or designed as a drink in any part of said city, nor shall any person bathe (nor, except in the discharge of a public duty put) any part of his person into such water; nor shall any unauthorized person open any erection or unscrew any hydrant holding such water. Sec. 47. That it shall be the duty of every person, officer, department, and board, having any authority and control in regard to any water designed for human con- sumption (and within the proper sphere of the duty of each thereof), to take all usual and also all reasonable measures and precautions to secure and preserve the purity and wholesomeness of such water. Sec. 48. That no person shall destroy nor in anywise injure or impair any drinking-hydrant, or part thereof, in the said city; nor shall any person interfere with the use or enjoyment of the water therein, or therefrom, or inter- rupt the flow thereof, for, or as a drink; nor shall any person put any dirty, poisonous, medicinal, or any noxi- ous substance into or near said water or hydrant, whereby such water is made or may be regarded as dangerous or unwholesome as a drink. THE SANITARY CODE. 19 CATTLE, HOKSES, ETC. Sec. 49. That no cattle, sheep, horse, goat, goose, or mule, or any dangerous or offensive animal, shall be allowed by any owner, or by any person having charge of, or who shall have charge of the same, to go at large in any street or public place in the city of New York. And no pigs, swine, or cattle shall be unloaded from any cars upon any street or public place in the city of New York, except pursuant to a written permit from this Department. Sec. 50. That no person shall allow any swine or goat to run at large in said city, and no person shall, within the built-up portions of said city, or within one thousand feet of any residence or place of business or street there- of, keep any swine or goat, without a permit so to do from this Department. Sec. 51. That no cattle shall be kept in any plaee to which the water, ventilation, and food are not sufficient and wholesome for the preservation of their health, safe condition, and wholesomeness for food. Sec. 52. That no person shall keep or allow to be kept in any building, or on any premises, or on grounds of which he may be the owner, lessee, tenant, or occupant, more cows or other cattle than at the rate of fifteen to an acre (in or near the built-up portions of said city), with- out a permit from this Department. And every such person shall cause every stable and place where any cows, horses, or other animals may be, to be kept at all times in a cleanly and wholesome condition, and shall not al- low any animal to be therein, while infected with any 20 THE SANITARY CODE. disease contagious or pestilential among such, animals; without a permit from this Department. Sec. 53. That no cattle, swine, or sheep, geese, goats, or horses, shall be yarded within or adjacent to the built-up portions of the city of New York, without the permit of this Department, or otherwise than according to its regulations. Sec. 54. That no cattle shall be placed or carried while bound or tied by their legs, or bound down by their necks, in any vehicle in said city, but shall be al- lowed freely to stand in such vehicle when transported, and while being therein. Sec. 55.* That on and after the fifth day of May, 1877, no cattle, swine, pigs, calves, or sheep shall be driven on or between Eleventh and Second Avenues south of Sixtieth Street, nor on any other streets or avenues, ex- cept as hereinafter mentioned. 1st. On First Avenue, and the cross streets east of First Avenue, between Forty-second and Forty-eighth Streets inclusive. 2d. On the cross streets west of Eleventh Avenue, be- tween Thirty-ninth and Forty-third Streets, inclusive. 3d. On the cross streets west of Eleventh Avenue, be- tween Forty-fifth and Forty-ninth Streets, inclusive. 4th. From the cattle-yards on Sixtieth Street to Tenth Avenue ; thence through Tenth Avenue to Sixty-fourth Street, Sixty-fourth Street to Eighth Avenue, Eighth Ave- nue to Ninety-seventh Street, Ninety-seventh Street to Fifth Avenue, Fifth Avenue to One Hundred and Eighth Street, One Hundred and Eighth Street to Second Avenue, * A* amended, April 24, 1877. THE SANITARY CODE. 21 Second Avenue to One Hundred and Sixth Street, One Hundred and Sixth Street to the East River, between midnight and 6 o’clock, a. m. 5th. From the cattle-yards by the fourth route to Second Avenue, on Second Avenue to One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Street, on One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Street to Third Avenue, across Harlem Bridge, up Third Avenue to the slaughter-houses in Morrisania, between midnight and 6 o’clock, a. m. 6th. From the cattle-yards on Sixtieth Street to Tenth Avenue, on Tenth Avenue to Sixty-fourth Street, on Sixty-fourth Street to Eighth Avenue, on Eighth Avenue to One Hundred and Twenty-first Street, on St. Nicholas Avenue and the Kingsbridge Road to the slaughter- houses north of Spuyten Duyvil Creek, between mid- night and 6 o’clock, a. m. 7th. From the cattle-yards on Sixtieth Street down Eleventh Avenue to Thirty-ninth Street, between mid- Eight and 6 a. m. 8th. From the cattle yards on Sixtieth Street to Tenth Avenue, on Tenth Avenue to Sixty-fourth Street, on Sixty- fourth Street to Eighth Avenue,' ont Eighth Avenue to Sixty-fifth Street, through Central Park by transverse road to Fifth Avenue, on Fifth Avenue to Sixty-Seventh Street, through Sixty-seventh Street to Fourth Avenue, on Fourth Avenue to Sixty-eight, Street, through Sixty- eighth Street to First Avenue and down First Avenue to slaughter-houses upon the express condition, however, that the cattle shall not leave the yards before midnight, or after 5 o’clock a. m. ; that the drivers shall be orderly and quiet, and that the cross-walks shall be cleaned each morning before 8 o’clock. Permits under this subdivi- sion shall be revoked by the Sanitary Superintendent on violation of any of the foregoing conditions. 22 THE SANITARY CODE. 9th. The Sanitary Superintendent may, in special cases, with the approval of the Board, give temporary permits to drive animals on other routes than those herein designated. SLAUGHTERING AND SLAUGHTER-HOUSES. Sec. 56.* That the keeping and slaughtering of all cattle, and the preparation and keeping of all meat and fish, birds and fowl, shall be in that manner which is, or is generally reputed or known to be best adapted to secure and continue their safety and wholesomeness as food. Neither the slaughtering nor the driving of cattle shall be permitted or conducted at any place in the city of New York south of Fortieth Street, nor shall the slaughter- ing of cattle be conducted at any place in the city of New York north of said street, without a special written permit from this Department; unless the same shall be done in buildings located directly upon the water front, each having a capacity sufficient for the yarding and slaughtering daily of one-half of the entire number of cattle or hogs, or small stock (all or separately, according to the particular object of each abattoir) slaughtered in this city, at the time the application for the permit for such abattoir shall be made; and so constructed as to receive all stock deliverable thereat, directly from cars or transports; and to discharge therefrom all liquid refuse below low-water mark, and to secure the proper care and disposition of all parts of the slaughtered animals upon the premises, or the immediate removal thereof by means of boats. Sec. 57. That every butcher and every person owning, * As amended, Jan. 19,1875. THE SANITARY CODE. 23 leasing, or occupying any place, room, or building where any cattle have been or are killed or dressed, and every person, being the owner, lessee, or occupant of any room or stable where any cattle may be kept, or market, , pub- lic or private, and having power and authority so to do, shall cause such place, room, building, stall (and market being private), and their yards and appurtenances to be thoroughly cleansed and purified, and all offal, blood, fat, garbage, refuse, and unwholesome or offensive matter to be therefrom removed, at least once in every twenty- four hours after the use thereof for any of the purposes herein referred to; and shall, also, at all times (unless some public authority prevents), keep all wood-work, save floors and counters, in any building, place, or premises aforsaid, thoroughly painted or whitewashed. Sec. 58. That no cattle shall be slaughtered, dressed, or hung, or the meat or any part thereof, within said city, wholly or partly within any street, avenue, or sidewalk, or public alley or place ; nor shall any blood or dirty water, or other substance from such cattle, meat, -or place of killing, or the appurtenances thereof, be allow- ed to run, fall, or to be in any such street, avenue, or side-walk, alley or place. Sec. 59. That no building occupied wholly or partly as a slaughter-house, or any part thereof, or any building on the same lot, shall, without a special permit from this Department, be occupied for a dwelling or lodging place; that every such building shall at all times be kept ade- quately and thoroughly ventilated; that no blood shall be allowed to remain therein over night, that adequate underground connection shall be made from every such building with a public sewer, and the floor of such build- 24 THE SANITARY CODE. mg on which such slaughtering is done, and the yard shall be cemented and paved so as not to absorb blood, and so as to carry all liquids into the sewers. Sec. 60. That neither the business of slaughtering cattle, nor the keeping of any slaughter-house, nor the yarding of cattle, shall be begun or undertaken at any new or additional place within the city of New York, except pursuant to a permit from this Department; nor shall any person or corporation keep any slaughter-house or yard, or any cattle therein, hereafter, without a permit from this Department. Sec. 61. That no person shall kill or dress any animal or meat in any market, nor have, or permit to escape therein, or within one hundred feet thereof, any poison- ous,hioxious, nauseous, or offensive substance. Sec. 62. Annulled February 8, 1878. Sec. 63. That every butcher or milk-dealer, and their agents, shall allow the parties authorized by this Depart- ment, to freely and fully inspect their cattle and meats, fish and vegetables, held, offered, or intended for sale, and will be expeeted to answer all reasonable and proper questions asktd by such persons relative to the condition thereof, and of the places where such articles may be. Sec. 64. That from and after the first day of Decem- ber, 1870, the slaughtering of animals shall not be al- lowed or conducted at any place between Second (2d) Avenue and Tenth (10th) Avenue in the city of New York. Sec. 65.* That no offal or butchers’ refuse shall be conveyed through any street or avenue of the city of New York between the hours of 10 o’clock, a. m. and 10 o’clock, p. m. ; and that no offal, fat, or refuse shall, at any time, be brought into the city, or conveyed over any ferry except in accordance with the terms of a written permit, first obtained therefor from this Department; nor shall any such substance be conveyed through any street and avenue, unless the same be in tight boxes, barrels, or vessels, and covered over so that no odor therefrom shall escape. THE SANITARY CODE. 25 SIDEWALKS. Sec. 66. Annulled February 8, 1878. Sec. 67. That no person being owner, lessee, or tenant of any house or building, shall allow any water or other liquid to run from or out of his building or ground upon or across any sidewalk or curb-stone, and if such sub- stance is allowed to pass upon any street it must reach the same by a passage, to be kept at all times adequate and in repair by such person, under or through such flag- stone or curb-stone; and no such water or other liquid, or ice therefrom, shall be allowed to gather or remain on the upper surface of such curb, flag-stone, or passage; nor shall such person allow any accummulation of such water or liquid, or the ice therefrom, upon any street or place, but shall at all times cause the same to be re- moved, or to pass along the gutter or some proper pas- sage to one of the rivers or into a sewer. Sec. 68. That every owner, lessee, tenant, and occu- pant of any building or lot in the built-up portions of * As amended, May 5, 1874. 26 the city of New York, shall, within two hours after the fall of any snow exceeding one inch in depth, and with- in two hours after the forming of any ice on the sidewalk or in the gutter, in front of or against the side of any such building or lot, remove or cause the same to be re- moved from such sidewalk and gutter, or in case of great difficulty in removing such ice, that every such person do sprinkle or cause to be sprinkled thereon, sand or ashes, so that travelling thereon shall not be perilous; but that where said snow falls or ice forms between the hours of eight o’clock of the evening and daylight in the morning, this ordinance will be complied with by remov- ing or sprinkling the same within two hours after sunrise of the morning succeeding its fall or formation. Sec. 69. That every owner, tenant, lessee, and occu- pant of any building or lot vwhether vacant or occupied) within or near the built-up portions of said city, shall keep, and cause to be kept, the sidewalk, and flagging, and curb-stone in front thereof in good repair and con- dition; and that every such person shall keep and cause every such sidewalk to be kept free from obstructions, as well as also free from any incumbrance, and free from all substances of every kind. Sec. 70. That no person shall take, or allow to go or be taken (having the right and ability to prevent the same), any horse or other animal, nor any vehicle, upon any sidewalk or foot-path in front of any building, to the peril of any person; nor shall any person block up or obstruct any street or place, or contribute thereto. THE SANITARY CODE. POUNDS. Sec. 71. That no person shall act as or be a keeper THE SANITARY CODE. 27 of any public pound in the city of New York, except pursuant to a permit from this Department. Sec. 72. That no keeper of any such pound shall al- low the same, or any animal therein, by reason of any want of care, food, ventilation, or cleanliness or other- ' wise, to be or become dangerous or detrimental to human life or health. Sec. 73. That every such pound-keeper shall, from time to time, report to this Department, as its special regulations may require, and shall obey and conform to all such regulations; and that in the meantime such pounds shall, in the particulars not herein mentioned, be regulated by the rules heretofore enacted by the proper authorities of said city. HYDEOPHOBIA. Sec. 74. Annulled June 1G, 1874. Sec. 75. That every animal which is mad or has the hydrophobia, or shows symptoms thereof, shall, by the person owning the same, or having the possession, charge or control"thereof, be at once killed; and every animal that has been exposed to such disease shall be at once confined in some secure place for such length of time as to show that such exposure has not given such animal said disease, and so as to avoid all danger to life or health. And the dead body of any animal that died of such disease shall be at once, by such person, buried not less than three feet under ground, at some place not within one thousand feet of any residence. OFFENSIVE ODOES AND LIQUIDS. Sec. 76. That no person shall permit or have any of- 28 THE SANITABX CODE. fensive water or other liquor or substance on his prem- ises or grounds, to the prejudice of life or health, whether for use in any trade or otherwise; and no establishment or place of business for tanning, skinning, or scouring, or for dressing hides or leather, or for carrying on any offensive or noisome trade or business, shall hereafter be opened, started, or established in the city of New York, without a permit of this Board. And every such estab- lishment now existing shall be kept cleanly and whole- some, and be so conducted in every particular as not to be offensive, or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. 77. That no person or company being a manu- facturer of gas, or engaged about the manufacture there- of, shall throw or deposit, or allow to run, or having the right or power to prevent the same, shall permit to be thrown or deposited into any public waters, river, or stream, or into any sewer therewith connected, or into any street or public place, any gas-tar, or any refuse matter of or from any gas house, works, or manufactory; nor shall any such person or company allow any substance or odor to escape from such house, works, or manufactory or make any gas of such ingredients or quality that any sixbstance shall escape therefrom, or be formed in the process of burning any gas, which shall be offensive ox- dangerous, or prejudicial to life or health. Nor shall any such person or company fail to use the most approved or all reasonable means for preventing the escape of odors. Sec. 78. That no water-closet, sink, tub, vat, or other structure shall hereafter be constructed within the city of New York, having connection with, or by any sewer or underground passage, unless the same is provided with adequate or the best generally approved construe- THE SANITAKY CODE. 29 tions and precautions for preventing gases and other offensive currents, substances, or smells from passing up or out through such connection from such sewer or passage ; nor shall any such water-closet or privy be constructed without adequate provisions for the effectual and proper ventilation and cleansing thereof. Sec. 79. That no person shall boil any offal, swill, bones, or fat in the built-up portions of said city, save in ordinary cooking, nor shall the business of bone crush- ing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, fat burning, gut clearfing, nor the skinning or making of glue from any dead animals or parts thereof, nor any other occupation that is dangerous or detrimen- tal to life or health, be hereafter established within said city ; and no business or pursuit of the kind in this section named shall be carried on anywhere in said city, unless the same be allowed by a permit of this Board. Sec. 80.* That no person shall boil, heat, dry, keep, store, or manufacture any offal, swill, blood, bones, fat, tallow, or lard, or any decaying animal, or vegetable mat- ter ; nor shall the business of bone crushing, bone boil- ing, bone grinding, bone or shell burning, lime making, gut cleaning, skinning, or making glue from any part of dead animals, heating, drying, storing, shipping, or transporting any blood, scrap, fat, grease, or offensive animal or vegetable matter or manufacturing materials for manure, be allowed or conducted in the city of New York, or in its waters, without a special permit from this Board, to be applied for in writing, specifying the nature and precise location of the proposed business. * As amended, August 26, 1873, 30 THE SANITABY CODE. Sec. 81. That all persons engaged in the business of boiling or rendering fat, lard, or animal matter, shall cause the fat or residuum to be so dried or otherwise prepared as effectually to deprive such material of all offensive odors, and to preserve the same entirely inof- fensive immediately after the removal thereof from the receptacles in which the rendering process may be conducted. Sec. 82. That no person shall hereafter erect, start, or establish in said city, without the consent of this Board, any manufactory or place of business for boiling any varnish or oil, or for the distilling of any ardent or alcoholic spirits, or for making any lamp-black, turpen- tine, or tar, or for conducting any other business that will or does generate any unwholesome, offensive, or deleterious gas, smoke, deposite or exhalation, or any business that is or would be dangerous to life or detri- mental to health. Sec. 83. That no animal or vegetable substance, nor street-sweepings, muck, or silt, nor dirt gathered in cleaning yards, building docks, or slips, nor waste of mills or factories, nor any materials which are offensive, or tend by decay to become putrid, or to render the atmosphere impure or unwholsome, shall be deposited or used to fill up or raise the surface or level of any lot, grounds, dock, wharf, or pier in or adjacent to the built- up portions of said city, or any ground filled for the purpose of building thereon, unless pursuant to a special permit from this Board. Sec. 84. That no ground or material filled with of- fensive matter or substance, or that will emit or allow TEE SANITARY CODE. 31 to arise, through or from the same, any offensive smell or deleterions exhalation, shall (adjacent to or within the built-up portion of said city) be opened or turned up or the surface thereof removed, between the first day of May and the first day of October of any year, except according to permit first therefore obtained from this Board. Sec. 85. That no petroleum oil, kerosene oil (or other liquid having like composition or qualities as a burning fluid as said oil) shall be kept or exposed or offered for sale as a burning fluid for lamps or any re- ceptacle for the purpose of illumination, nor shall such oil or fluid or any description thereof be sold or kept or exposed or offered for sale, or given away for use, or be used as a burning fluid for any such lamp or receptacle, or be kept for such use, unless such oil or fluid shall be of such quality and ingredients that it shall stand and be equal to the following test and conditions, to wit : It shall not evolve an inflammable vapor at a tempera- ture below one hundred (100) degrees of the Fahrenheit thermometer. Sec. 86.* That no fat, tallow, or lard shall be melted or rendered, except when fresh from the slaughtered animal, and taken directly from the places of slaughter in the city of New York, and in a cofidition free from sourness and taint and all other cause of offence at the time of rendering, and that all melting and rendering are to be in steam-tight vessels, the gases and odors therefrom to be destroyed by combustion or other means equally effective, and according to the best and most * As amended, Oct. 9, 1877. 32 THE SANITAEY CODE. improved means and processes ; and everything preced- ing, following, and in connection with such melting and rendering, and the premises where the same shall be conducted, must be free from all offensive odor, and other cause of detriment to the public health. No fat, lard, or tallow shall be brought into the city of New York to be rendered or melted, and none is to be render- ed or melted that has come from any place outside of said city, except as part of the living animal, unless in accordance with the terms of a special permit in writing from this Board. FILTH—DIRT. Sec. 87. That no part of the contents of or substances from any sink, privy, or cess-pool, nor any manure, ashes, garbage, rubbish, or dirt, shall be by any person flung or allowed to run or drop into or remain in any street or public place, except as herein elsewhere speci- fied ; nor shall the same he thrown or allowed to fall or run into the North or East River, save through the proper underground connection. Sec. 88. That no swill, brine, urine of animals or other offensive animal nuisance, nor any stinking, nox- ious liquid, or other filthy matter of any kind, shall by any person he allowed to run or fall from out of any bpilding, vehicle, or erection into or upon any street or public place, or be taken or put therein, save as herein- elsewhere provided. Sec. 89. That no butchers’offal or garbage, nor any dead animals, nor any putrid or stinking animal or vegetable matter, shall be thrown by any person or THE SANITARY CODE. 33 allowed to go into any street, place, sewer, or receiving basin, or into any river or standing or running water or excavation, or upon any ground or premises in the built-up portions of said city. Sec. 90. That no person shall draw off, or allow to run off into any ground, street, or place of said city, the contents (or any part thereof) of any vault, privy, cistern, cess-pool, or sink; nor shall any owner, tenant, or occu- pant of any building to which any vault, sink, privy, or cess-pool shall appertain, or be attached, permit the contents, or any part thereof, to flow therefrom, or to rise within two feet of any part of the top, or permit said contents to become offensive; nor shall any privy or other erection in this section mentioned be tilled with or covered with dirt till its filthy contents shall be emptied. Sec. 91. That no person shall throw into, or deposit in any vault, sink, privy, or cess-pool, any offal, ashes, meat, fish, garbage, or other substance, except that of which any such place is the appropriate receptacle. Sec. 92. That neither the contents of any such tub, or of any receptacle, cess-pool, privy, vault, sink or water- closet, cistern, nor anything in any room, excavation, vat, building, premises, or place, shall be allowed to become a nuisance, or offensive, so as to be dangerous or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. ,93. That every tub or other receptacle in any necessary house, sink, or privy (or placed, or allowed to stand therein, by any owner, tenant, or occupant of any building or premises), and used to contain any liquid or partially liquid substance, shall be sufficiently strong, 34 perfectly tight, and adequately provided with a strong cover and with hoops and handles; shall not be allowed to be filled to within four inches of any part of the top and shall not be allowed (or its contents) to be offensive. And the provisions of this Code relative to emptying cess-pools, and to throwing any substance therein, shall apply to said tubs and receptacles as if here repeated and applied thereto. And no person shall throw, drop, or allow to fall into the North or East Eiver, or into any street or place, any substance being, or having been part of, the contents of any such vault, cess-pool, privy, sink, tub, or receptacle, or any offal. Sec. 94. That no person shall deposit upon any street or public place within the generally built-up portion of the City of New York, or upon any paved street, any dirt or brick, or other material or dirt taken from any ground therein, in such manner as to occupy more than one hundred square feet of surface of any street or placo (and the same shall be compact and at one side), nor allow the same to remain more than twelve hours, without a permit from this Department, or unless such occupancy shall be otherwise duly authorized by paramount authority. Nor shall any such substance be so deposited or allowed to remain, by any person, as to obstruct the free flowage along any gutter. Sec. 95. That it shall be the duty of every owner, tenant, lessee, and occupant of any and every building, or place of business in the generally built-up portions of the City of New York, forthwith to provide or cause to be provided, and at all times thereafter to keep and cause to be kept and provided, within such building or place THE SANITARY CODE. THE SANITARY CODE. 35 of business, suitable and sufficient boxes, barrels, or tubs for receiving and holding without leakage, and without being filled to within four inches of the top thereof, all the ashes, rubbish, garbage, and liquid substances, of whatever kind, that may accumulate during thirty-six hours, from said building or place of business, or the portion thereof of which such person may be the owner, tenant, lessee, or occupant; and every such box, barrel, and tub designed to hold ashes shall be made of or lined with some suitable metal. That a separate vessel shall be provided for ashes and rubbish, and another for garb- age and liquid substances; and ashes and rubbish shall not be placed or kept in the same vessels with garbage and liquid substances; and all ashes, rubbish, garbage, and liquid substances that should be removed from such build- ing and place of business, or from that part for which said receptacles were provided, and none other (without the proper consent), shall be placed therein, and no such box, barrel, or tub shall remain on any sidewalk, or in any public place, longer ihan may be needful lor the removal of the contents thereof. Sec. 96. That such boxes, tubs, and barrels shall be placed and kept in such a position (unless kept within or upon private grounds, within the sidewalks) as the in- spectors or agents of this Department shall provide or the police direct; and no person, not for that purpose authorized, shall interfere therewith, or with the contents thereof. Sec. 97. That all occupants, so preferring, may de- liver their ashes, garbage and rubbish directly to the proper carts, to be taken away at any hour of the day when said carts may be present; and said carts may take 36 THE SANITABY CODE. such articles from receptacles delivered at any such hour; provided, that such garbage or rubbish be not highly filthy or offensive; and in the latter case, the same shall not be so delivered or received during the period from seven o’clock, a. m., of any day till ten o’clock of the evening of the same day. Sec. 98.* That no lime, ashes, coal, dry sand, hair, feathers, or other substance that is in a similar manner liable to be blown by the wind, shall be sieved or agi- tated or exposed, nor shall any mat, carpet, or cloth be shaken or beaten, nor any cloth, yarn garment, or ma- terial, or substance be scoured, cleaned, or hung, nor any business be conducted over, or any rags, damaged merchandise, wet, broken, or leaking casks, barrels, or boxes, or broken bales of merchandise or goods, be placed, kept, or exposed for sale in any street or public place, or where it, or particles therefrom, or set in motion thereby, will pass into any such street or public place, or into any occupied premises. That neither any usual nor any reasonable precaution shall be omitted by any person to prevent fragments or other substances from fall- ing, to the peril of life, or dust or lighted material flying into any street, place, or building, from any building or erection, while the same is being altered, repaired, or demolished, or otherwise. Sec. 99. That every person who shall have paved, or caused to be paved, any street or place, shall cause all rubbish, dirt, and whatsoever else he has deposited or allowed to be deposited on such pavement, to be removed from the several parts of such pavement within five days from the time of the same being deposited thereon. * As amended, A ay 5, 1874. THE SANITAEY CODE. 37 And every person who has removed any flag-stone, curb- stone, pavement stone, or other stone, or dirt, or iron, in or from any street, sidewalk, or place, for the purpose of repairs, or for the purpose of paving, flagging, or curbing, or repairing, recurbing, or reflagging, or mak- ing any repairs or changes, or ortherwise, shall cause the same, or a proper substitute therefor, to be placed or re- placed and completed as soon as the same can reasonably be done. Sec. 100.* That every owner, lessee, tenant, and oc- cupant of any stall, stable, or apartment in which any horse, cattle, or swine, or any other animal shall be kept, or of any place in which manure or any liquid discharge of such animals shall collect or accumulate, within the, built-up portion of said city, shall cause said liquid and manure to be at once removed to some proper place, and shall at all times keep or cause to be kept such stalls, stables, and apartments, and the drainage, yard, and appurtenances thereof, in a cleanly and wholesome con- dition, so that no offensive smell detrimental to health shall be allowed to escape therefrom; and when within three hundred feet from any occupied dwelling-house, or of any manufactory where more than five persons are employed, the removals from the stables shall not be made, nor shall the manure or refuse from the stable be allowed to remain on any street or place near such stable, any time between 10 o’clock a. m. and 6 o’clock n. m. , without a permit from this Board. Every such stall, stable, or apartment, where horses or cattle are kept, shall have an underground and properly covered manure vault of not less than sixty-four cubic feet capa- city. But the Sanitary Superintendent is authorized * As amended, Nov. 30, 1S75. 38 THE SANITARY CODE. to issue permits to be regularly reported to tbis Board, regulating such removal within said hours. Sec. 101. That no person shall empty or attempt to empty any vault, sink, privy, or cess-pool in the city of New York, except pursuant to a permit therefor first received from this Department. Sec. 102. That from and after the first day of Septem- ber, 1872, no part of the contents of any privy, vault, sink, or cess-pool, except substances other than excre- ments, insoluble in water, or any accumulation of any offensive fluid, liquid, or semi-liquid substance or ma- terial, being in any excavation, cellar or place within the limits of the city of New York, shall be removed therefrom, nor shall the same be transported through any of the streets or avenues of said city, unless and except the same shall be removed and transported by means of an air-tight apparatus, or in such manner as shall prevent entirely the escape of any noxious or offensive odors therefrom, and by a permit from this Department. Sec. 103. That the drivers of all carts for the removal of any garbage, offal, rubbish, or dirt from any building or premises, shall give adequate notice to those dwelling in any street whose buildings or premises such cart is about to or should approach for the removal of any sub- stance aforesaid. Sec. 104. That no person shall engage in the business of a scavenger, or of transporting manure, swill, ashes, offal, rubbish, or garbage, or any offensive or noxious substance, or in driving any cart for such purpose, in THE SANITARY CODE. 39 the city of New York (except the persons acting under the street-cleaning commissioners, or the contractor for cleaning the streets, and as this Department may pro- vide), until he shall have first received a permit from this Department of such form and effect as the regula- tions of the Board shall provide, authorizing such per- son so to engage. Sec. 105. That every cart and other vehicle hereafter constructed for or engaged about any business, or in- tended to be loaded with any matter or substance in the last section mentioned, shall be constructed according to this Code, and to the regulations and orders of the Board of Health of the Health Department. Sec. 106. That no cart or other vehicle for carrying any offal, swill, garbage, or rubbish, or the contents of any privy, vault, cess-pool, or sink, or having upon it or in anything on such cart, any manure, or other nauseous or offensive substance, shall, without necessity therefor, stand or remain, nor shall a needless number gather before or near any building, place of business, or other premises where any person may be; nor shall any such cart or vehicle occupy an unreasonable length of time in loading or unloading, or in passing along any street or through any inhabited place or ground; nor shall any such cart or vehicle, or the driver thereof, or anything thereto appertaining, be (or by any person having a right to control the same, be allowed to be) in a condition needlessly filthy or offensive; and when not in use, all such carts, vehicles, and all implements used in connec- tion therewith, shall be stored and kept in some place where no needless offence shall be given to any of the people of said city. 40 THE SANITAEY CODE. Sec. 107. That all carts and vehicles in the last section mentioned, and boxes, tubs, and receptacles thereon, in which any substance in said section referred to may be or be carried, shall be strong and tight, and the sides shall be so high above the load or contents that no part of such contents or load shall fall, leak, or spill therefrom ; and that when, in the opinion of this Board, it is necessary to prevent the contents of such carts or vehicles, tubs or boxes, or receptacles from being offensive, each of such carts, tubs, or boxes, and receptacles shall be adequately and tightly covered, as the orders or regulations of this Department may pro- vide or direct. Sec. 108. That no driver of such cart or vehicle, nor any person having undertaken or being engaged about the loading or unloading thereof, nor person engaged about the cleaning or emptying, or having undertaken to empty or remove any manure, garbage, offal, or the contents of any vault, sink, privy, cess-pool, or any nox- ious or offensive substance, shall do or permit to be done about the same, or in connection therewith, that which shall be needlessly offensive or filthy in respect to any person, street, place, building, or premises. Sec. 109. That no person shall allow (and it shall be the duty of every contractor and person who has ordered or procured, or is having any of the following articles carried, or who is driving the same, to prevent) any cart or vehicle to be so fully loaded, or being in such bad condition of repair, or of such faulty construction, or being so improperly driven or managed, that any offensive liquid, or any manure, garbage, rubbish, offal, dirt, or material thereon, shall fall upon or in any place, THE SANITARY CODE. 41 street, or premises; and it shall be the duty of every such person to at once replace on such vehicle and remove what has so fallen. Sec. 110. That all putrid or offensive matter, and all night-soil, and the contents of sinks, privies, vaults, and cess-pools, and all noxious substances, in the built-up portion of said city, shall, before their removal or expo- sure, be disinfected and rendered inoffensive by the owner, lessee, or occupant of the premises where the same may be, or (in default of the same being so done) by the person or contractor who removes or is about to remove the same ; and for all such matter so disinfected and rendered inoffensive, the persons (not being such tenant, owner, or occupant) who shall so disinfect and remove the same, shall be entitled to demand and receive a compensation, to be fixed by the Board of Health of the Health Department, not exceeding twelve cents per cubic foot for making such disinfection and removal, to be paid by such tenant, owner, or occupant. Sec. 111. That neither the owner, tenant, nor occu- pant of any building or premises, in the built-up portions of the city of New York, shall employ, cause, or permit any part of the contents of any vault, privy, sink, or cess-pool (being thereon, and of which he has control) to be removed, unless according to a permit or the regu- lations of the said Department. Sec. 112.* That no pile or deposit of manure, offal, dirt, or garbage, nor any accumulation of any offensive or nauseous substances, shall be made within the built-up portions of the city of New York, or upon any open * As amended, July 5,1874. 42 THE SANITAET CODE. space inclosed within any portions thereof, or upon the piers, docks, or bulkheads adjacent thereto, or upon any open grounds near (or upon any vessel or scow other than these to he speedily, and according to the duty of any person, removed, lying at) any such pier, wharf, or bulk- head, except according to a resolution of this Board specially authorizing the same, and a permit obtained from this Department, and according to its regulations. And no person shall contribute to the making of any such accumulations. Nor shall any straw, hay, or other substance which has been used as bedding for animals, be placed or dried upon any street, sidewalk, or roof of any building, nor shall any straw, hay, or other sub- stance, or the contents of any mattress or bed, be de- posited or burnt, nor shall accumulation thereof be made within two hundred feet of any street, without a permit from this Board. Sec. 113. That no pile or deposit of manure, offal, or garbage, nor any accumulation of any offensive or nau- seous substance, shall be made within three hundred feet of any church or place of worship, nor within the limits of said city within three hundred feet of any inhabited dwelling ; nor shall any person or corporation unload, discharge, or put upon or along the line of any railroad, street, or highway, or public place within said city, any manure, offal, garbage, or other offensive or nauseous substance, within three hundred feet of any inhabited dwelling; nor shall cars or flats loaded with or having in or upon them any such substance or substances be allowed to remain or stand on or along any railroad, street, or highway within the limits of said city within three hundred feet of any inhabited dwelling. Sec. 114. That ho manure, garbage, or other material THE SANITAEY COD®. 43 that is liable to emit an offensive exhalation, shall, in or adjacent to the built-up portions of the city of New York, be turned or stirred (except about its removal), in such way as to be liable, by reasons thereof, to increase such exhalations. Sec. 115. That every proprietor, lessee, tenant, and occupant of any oyster-house, oyster-saloon, or other premises where any oysters, clams, lobsters, or shell or other fish are consumed, used, or sold, or where any of the refuse matter or shells thereof accumulate, shall daily cause all such shells, offal, or refuse matter to be removed therefrom to some proper place, and shall keep his house, saloon, and premises at all times free from any offensive smells or accumulations. Sec. 116. That no hotel or house swill or garbage or offensive material of a liquid nature, or partly liquid nature, not removed or required to be moved by the con- tractors for street 'cleaning, shall be transported through or along any street of the city of New York, except in tightly-covered iron-bound casks or boxes, and none of the contents of such casks or boxes shall be allowed to fall, or leak, or spill therefrom. Sec. 117. That the owners, lessees, tenants, and mana- gers of every blacksmith or other shop, forge, coal-yard, foundry, manufactory, and premises where any business is done, shall cause all ashes, cinders, rubbish, dirt, and refuse to be removed to some proper place, so that the same shall not accumulate at any of the above-mentioned premises, or in the appurtenances thereof, nor the same become filthy or offensive. Nor shall any smoke, cin- ders, dust, gas, or offensive odor be allowed to escape 44 THE SANITARY CODE. from any such building, place, or premises to the detri- ment or annoyance of any person not being therein or thereupon engaged. Sec. 118. That from and after the 1st day of June, 1870, every furnace employed in the working of engines by steam, or in any mill, factory, printing-house, dye- factory, iron foundry, glass-house, distillery, brew-house, sugar-refinery, bake-house, gas-works, or in any other buildings used for the purpose of trade or manufacture, shall be so constructed as to consume or burn the smoke arising therefrom, unless a permit to the contrary be obtained from this Department. Sec. 119. That no vault, privy, sink, cistern, or cess- pool shall hereafter be made or rebuilt in the city of New York, except in accordance with the regulations, and pursuant to a permit first obtained from this Depart- ment; nor shall any erection or cover be made or put upon, or over the same, until the same has been in- spected by the Sanitary Superintendent, or any officer detailed by him, and been found to correspond to such permit and regulations ; and no privy shall be built within two feet of the line of any lot. DISEASED ANIMALS. Sec. 120. That no diseased or sickly horse, cattle, swine, sheep, dog, or cat, or other animals, nor any that have been exposed to any disease that is contagions among such animals, shall be brought into the city of New York. Sec. 121.* That no person shall keep, retain, or allow or employ to be kept or retained, at any place within or * As amended, August 20, 1873. THE SANITARY CODE. 45 adjacent to the built-up portions of the city of New York, any horse, ass, or colt having the disease known as glanders or farcy, but shall at once report the fact to the Board of Health of said city, and under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent shall remove such ani- mal in the manner designated by such Sanitary Super- intendent. No animal having glanders or farcy, or any contagious disease, or that shall die thereof, shall be removed, disposed of, or exposed in any street or public place in said city, without a written permit from said Board of Health, and then only in accordance with the terms of such permit. BEAD, SICK, AND INJURED ANIMALS. Sec. 122. That no person shall leave in or throw into any place or street, or public water, nor offensively ex- pose or bury, the body (or any part thereof) of any dead or fatally sick or injured animal ; nor shall any person keep any dead animal or any offensive meat, bird, fowl, or fish in a place where the same may be dangerous to the life or detrimental to the health of any person. Sec. 123. That any animal, being in any street or public place, within or adjacent to the built-up portions of New York city, and appearing in the estimation of any officer or inspector of this Department (and of two discreet citizens, called by such officer or inspector to view the same in his presence), injured or diseased past recovery, for any useful purpose, and not being attended and properly cared for by the owner or some proper per- son to have charge thereof for such owner ; or not hav- ing been removed to some private premises, or to some place designated by such officer or inspector within one 46 THE SANITARY CODE. hour after being found, or left in such condition, may be deprived of life by such officer or inspector, or as he may direct; and shall hereafter, unless at once removed by the owner or person, be treated as any other animal found on a street or place. Sec. 124. That any person having a dead animal or any animal past recovery, and not killed for and proper for use as meat or fish, or in any offensive condition, or sick with an infectious or contagious disease, on his pre- mises in said city, and every person whose animal or any animal in his charge or under his control in any street or place, may die or become or be in a condition past recovery, shall at once remove or cause the removal of such animal, dead or alive, to some proper place, and when such place may be designated by the Sanitary Superintendent of this Department, to the place so designated. Sec. 125. That it shall be the diity of the owner, and of the person that last had or then having charge of any animal, so dead or injured or diseased, and being in any street or public place, to at once give notice thereof, and of the nearest street and avenue where it may be, to some inspector or officer of this Department, or of the Sanitary Bureau, unless such animal is at once removed by some proper person. Sec. 126. That no person other than the inspectors or officers of this Department or the Board of Police, or persons thereto authorized, shall in any way interfere with such dead, sick, or injured animal in any street or place, and no person shall skin or wound such animal in such street or public place, unless to terminate its life as THE SANITAKY CODE. 47 herein authorized, except that the owner or person hav- ing control of such animal may terminate the life thereof in the presence and by the consent of a policeman or an inspector or officer of this Department. Sec. 127. That no person shall obstruct, delay, or in- terfere with the proper and free use, for the purposes for which they may be and should be set apart and devoted, of any dock, pier, or bulkhead set apart for the use of any contractor or person engaged in removing any offal, garbage, rubbish, dirt, dead animal, night-soil, or other like substances, or with the proper performance of such contracts. Sec. 128. That it shall be the duty of every contrac- tor and person (his agent and employees) who has con- tracted or undertaken to remove any diseased or dead animal, offal, rubbish, garbage, dirt, street-sweepings, night-soil, or other filthy, offensive, or noxious substance, or is engaged about any such removal, or in loading or unloading of any such substance, to do the same with dispatch, and in every particular in a manner as cleanly and little offensive, and with as little danger and preju- dice to life and health as possible. Sec. 129. That no matter or material in the section last mentioned shall lay piled up, or partially raked together, in any street or place before the removal thereof, more than a reasonable time, not for more than four hours in the day-time, under any circumstances. Sec. 130.* That no ship, boat, or other vessel or article, shall be taken or allowed by any person to come *As amended, August 26, 1873. 48 THE SANITARY CODE. into or lay to, or at, or within any dock, pier, bulkhead, or slip, or to be placed thereon for the purpose of the ship- ment or removal of any offal, garbage, rubbish, blood, or offensive animal or vegetable matter, dirt, or dead animals, or for the use of any contractor about the removal of any of the foregoing substances, without a permit from this Department. KEPOETS AS TO CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES. Sec. 131. That every physician shall report to the Sanitary Bureau, in writing, every person having a contagious disease (and the state of his or her disease, and his or her place of dwelling and name, if known), which such physician has prescribed for or attended for the first time since having such a contagious disease, during any part of the preceding twenty-four hours; but not more than two reports shall be required in one week concerning the same person; but every attending or practising physician thereat must, at his peril, see that such report is or has been made by some attending physician. Sec. 132. That it shall be the duty of each and every practising physician in the city of New York to report, in writing, to the Board of Health, the death of any of his patients who shall have died in said city of conta- gious or infectious disease, within twenty-four hours thereafter, and to state in such report the specific name and type of such disease. Sec. 133. That every keeper of any boarding-house, or lodging-house, and every innkeeper and hotel-keeper, 49 shall, within twenty-four hours, report in writing to the Sanitary Bureau the same particulars in the last session required of any physician, concerning any person being at any of the aforesaid houses or hotels, and attacked with any contagious disease. Sec. 134. That the commissioners, managers, 'princi- pal, or other proper head officer of each and every.public or private institution in said city, shall, twice in each week, report in writing (or cause such report by some proper or competent personjto be" made twice in each week) to the Sanitary Bureau, and state therein the name, if known, and condition and disease of any and every person being thereat, and sick of any contagious disease. Sec. 135. That the master, chief officer, andn con- signee, or one of them, of every vessel not being in quarrantine, or within quarrantine limits, but being within one-fourthTof a'jmile of any dock, wharf, pier, or building of said city, shall daily report to the Sanitary Bureau, or cause to be reported, in writing, the particu- lars, and shall therein state the name, disease, and con- dition of any person being in or on such vessel and sick of any contagious disease. Sec. 136. That it shall be the duty of every person, knowing of any individual in said city sick of any conta- gious disease (where such person shall have reason to regard such individual as neglected or not properly cared for, and to avoid giving said disease to others), and the duty of every physician hearing of any such sick person, who he shall have reason to think requires the attention of this Department, to at once report the facts to the THE SANITARY COt)E. 50 THE SANITAKY CODE. Sanitary Bureau in regard to the disease, condition, and dwelling-place or condition of such sick person. Sec. 137. That the keepers, lessees, tenants, and owners of every boarding-house and lodging-house shall, within six hours after the fact shall come to his or her or their knowledge, notify the Sanitary Bureau, in writ- ing, of the fact of any seafaring man or person lately from any vessel being taken sick at such house, and shall in such notice state where such sick person may be found, and from what vessel, and when he came, to the best of the knowledge of the person or persons giving such notice. Sec. 138. That every master and chief officer of any vessel, and every physician of, or who practised on, any vessel which shall arrive in the port of New York from any other port, shall at once report to this Department any facts connected with any person or thing on said vessel, or that came thereon, which he has reasons to think may endanger the public health of this city; and he shall report the facts as to any person being or having been sick thereon of a contagious disease, and as to there being, or having been during the voyage or since her arrival, and infected persons or articles thereon. Sec. 139. That every master, charterer, owner, part- owner, and consignee of any vessel or of the cargo thereof which shall be in the water of said city, unless detained in quarantine, shall at once give, or cause to be given, to the Sanitary Superintendent, written notice of any infected article or person, and of every person sick of a contagious disease, being or having within ten days been on board said vessel; and also of each and every THE SANITARY CODE. 51 fact and thing relative to said vessel, sick person, or cargo, or to the crew of such vessel, which any of the first- mentioned- persons shall have reason to think may be useful for this Department to know, or be or become dangerous or prejudicial to life or health in said city. REMOVALS FROM, AND UNLOADING OF, VESSELS. Sec. 140. That every master, owner, charterer, part- owner, and consignee of any vessel that shall bring any cotton into the port of New York and within the limits of the city of New York, between the first day of May and the first day of November of each year, shall at once report to this Department, or cause to be made, in writing, a report to this Department of the fact of any such cotton being in a dangerous, infected, or unsound condition, or having been exposed to any infection. Sec. 141. That no master, charterer, owner, part- owner, or consignee of any vessel, or any other person, shall bring to any dock, pier, wharf, or building within one thousand feet thereof, in said city, or unload at any dock, building, or pier therein, or have on storage in the built-up portions of said city, any skins, hides, rags, or similar articles or materials, having been brought from any foreign country or any infected place, or from any points south of Norfolk, Virginia, without or otherwise than according to written permit so to do from this Department; and no person shall sell, exchange, or in any way make exposure of any straw, bedding, or other arti- cles that have been exposed to the contagion or infection of any contagious disease, or have been or are liable to communicate such disease, or have lately been on any emigrant vessel, till after the same has been adequately cleansed or disinfected. 52 THE SANITABY CODE. Sec. 142. That no owner, agent, or consignee or any vessel or cargo, and no officer of any vessel (in respect of either of which vessel or cargo a permit, according to any laAV, ordinance, or regulation shall or should have been obtained to pass quarrantine, or to come up to the water-front of the city of New York) shall unlade or land, or cause to be unladen or landed, such cargo, or any part thereof, in said city, without having first re- ceived the written permit of this Department so to do. Sec. 143. That no captain, officer, consignee, owner, or other person in charge of any vessel (or having right and authority to prevent the same) shall remove or aid in removing from any vessel to the shore (save as legally authorized by the health officer of the port of New York, and into quarantine grounds or buildings only) any sick person of, or person that has been exposed to and is liable very soon to develop any contagious dis- ease, nor to remove or aid in removing any articles that have been exposed to the contagion of any such disease, except in accordance with a permit of this Department, or with its special regulations. Sec. 144. That no master, charterer, consignee, or other person shall order, bring, or allow (having power and authority to prevent) any vessel or person, or article therefrom, from any infected port, nor any vessel, or person, or article therefrom liable to quarantine, ac- cording to the ninth section of the three hundred and fifty-eighth chapter of the Laws of 1863 (or under any other laws, and whether such quarantine has been made or suffered, or not), to come or be brought to any point nearer than three hundred yards of any dock or pier, or to any building in said city without or otherwise than THE SANITARY CODE. 53 according to a permit of this Department. Nor shall any vessel, or person or thing therein or therefrom, having been in quarantine, come or be brought within the last- named distance of any last-named place, without the per- mit or assent of this Department. Sec. 145. That no person shall bring into this city, from any infected place, or land, or take therein, from any vessel lately from any infected port, or from any ves- sel or building in which had lately been any person sick of a contagious disease, any article or person whatsoever, nor shall any such person land or come into said city without a permit of this Department; and it shall be no excuse that such person or article so offending, or the occasion of offence, has passed through quarantine, or has a permit from any other source than this Depart- ment. Sec. 146. That no owner, part-owner, charterer, agent, or consignee of any vessel, nor any officer or person hav- ing charge or control of the same, shall allow to be cast therefrom, and no person shall cast therefrom, into any public waters of the city of New York, any straw, bed- ding, clothing, or other substance, from any incoming vessel, from any foreign port, or port south of Cape Henlopen, without a permit from this Board, except as allowed by the quarantine authorities. HEALTH OFFICES. Sec. 147. That the Health Officer of the Port of New York, his assistants and deputies, shall at all times keep this Department informed, by weekly written reports, of the number of vessels in quarantine, of the number of 54 THE SANITARY CODE. persons sick in the floating or other hospitals thereat, and of the diseases with which they were severally afflict- ed ; he and they shall also receive into the floating hos- pital all cases of yellow fever found in this city and the port aforesaid ; he or they shall not send or allow to return to the vicinity of said city, without the permit of the Sanitary Superintendent, any person, vessel, or article which this Department has ordered to quaran- tine. REMOVALS OE SICK PERSONS. Sec. 148. That no person shall, within the built-up portion of this city, without a permit from this Depart- ment, carry or remove from one building to any other, or from any vessel to the shore, any person sick of any con- tagious disease. Nor shall any person, by any exposure of any individual sick of any contagious disease, or of the body of such person, or by any negligent act con- nected therewith, or in respect of the care or custody thereof, or by needless exposure of himself, cause or contribute to, or promote, the spread of disease from any such person, or from any dead body. VACCINATION. Sec. 149. That every person, being the parent or guardian, or having the care, custody, or control of any minor or other individual, shall (to the extent of any means, power, and authority of said parent, guardian, or other person, that could properly be used or exerted for such purpose)cause and procure such minor or individual to be so promptly, frequently, and effectually vaccinated, that such minor or individual shall not take, or be liable to take, the small-pox. THE SANITARY CODE. 55 EXPOSURE TO DISEASE. Sec. 150. That no parent, master, or custodian of any child or minor (having power and authority to prevent) shall permit any such child or minor to be unnecessarily exposed, or to needlessly expose any other person, to the taking, or to the infection of, any contagious disease. DEAD BODIES—INTERMENTS—SEXTONS. Sec. 151. That no interment of the dead hody of any human being, or disposition thereof in any tomb, vault, or cemetery, shall be made within the city of New York, without a permit therefor granted by this Department, nor otherwise than in accordance therewith, and no sex- ton or other person shall assist in, or assent to, or allow any such interment, or aid or assist about preparing any grave or place of deposit for any such body, for which such permit has not been given ’authorizing the same. And it shall be the duty of every person who shall re- ceive any such permit, to preserve and to return the same to this Department, as its regulations may require. Sec. 152. That'no’new burying-ground, cemetery, tomb, or vault for dead human bodies shall be established, nor shall the remains of any dead body be placed in any existing burying-ground, vault, tomb, or cemetery, in the city of New York, nor any of said receptacle be opened, exposed, or disturbed, except according to the terms of a permit therefor given by this Department; and every body buried in any such place shall be buried to a depth of six feet below the surface of the ground, and four feet below any closely adjacent street. Sec. 153. That every person who acts as a sexton or 56 THE SANITARY CODE. •undertaker in the city'of New York, or has the charge or care of any vault, tomb, burying-ground, or cemetery for the reception of the dead, or where the bodies of any human beings are deposited shall cause his or her name and residence, and the nature of his or her charge and duties, to be registered with this Department. Sec. 154. That every sexton and other person having charge of any burying-ground, cemetery, tomb, or vault in the city of New York, shall, before twelve o’clock of Monday of each week, make return to this Department of the bodies and persons buried since their last return, and in such form, and specifying such particulars, as the special regulations of this Department shall require. Sec. 155.* That no captain, agent, or person having charge of, or attached to any ferry-boat, sailing or other vessel, nor any person in charge of any car, stage, or other vehicle, or public or private conveyance, shall con- vey or allow to be conveyed thereon, or by any means aforesaid, nor shall any person convey or allow to be car- ried or conveyed, in any manner, from or in the city of New York, the dead body of any human being, or any part thereof, without a permit therefor from this De- partment. And the proper coupon for that purpose attached to any such permit, when issued, shall be preserved and returned to this Department, as its regu- lations may require, by the proper officer or person on such boat or vessel, and by the proper person in charge of any train of cars or vehicle on which any such body may be carried from said city. Provided, however, that the same effect shall be given, under this section, to a burial or transit permit issued by the health office, or * As amended, June 5, 1877, and June 25, 1878. 57 Board of health, of the city of Brooklyn, as to a burial or transit permit issued from this Department, when the death of the person named in the permit shall have oc- curred in the city of Brooklyn ; and provided that the same elfect shall be given, under this section, to a burial or transit permit issued by the Board of Health of the Vital Statistics of Richmond County, as to a burial per- mit from this Department, when the death of the person named in the permit shall have occurred in Richmond County; and provided that the same effect shall be given, under this section, to a burial or transit permit issued by the Board of Health, or health officer, of Long Island City as to a burial or transit permit issued from this Department, when the death of the person named in the permit shall have occurred in Long Island City ; and provided that the same effect shall be given, under this section, to a burial or transit permit issued by the Board of Health, or health officer, of the city of Yonkers, as to a burial or transit permit issued from this Department, when the death of the person named in the permit shall have occurred in said city of Yonkers. And provided that the same effect shall be given, under this section, to a burial or transit permit issued under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and especially pur- suant to provisions of an act of said State, entitled “An act concerning the registry and returns of marriages, births, and deaths,” passed April 5, 1878, as to a burial or transit permit issued from this Department; subject, nevertheless, in every case to all the care, precautions; and dilligence prescribed by the rules and regulations of this Department. Sec. 156. That no person shall retain, expose, or allow to be retained or exposed, the dead body of any THE SANITABY CODE. 58 THE SANITARY CODE. human being, to the peril or prejudice of the life or health of any person. Sec. 157. That it shall be the duty of every person who has discovered or seen the body of a dead human being, or any part thereof (if there is reason for such per- son to think that the fact of the death, or the place of such body, or part thereof, is not publicly known), to immediately communicate to the Bureau of Vital Statis- tics the fact of such discovery of such body, the place where, and time when, the same was discovered or seen, and where the same is or may be found, and any facts known by which said body may be identified, or the cause of death ascertained. Sec. 158. That no person shall retain or allow to be retained unburied the dead body of any human being for a longer time than four days after the death of such per- son, without a permit from this Department, which per- mit shall specify the length of time during which such body may be retained unburied. This ordinance shall not apply to bodies retained in the public Morgue at Bellevue Hospital during the time of such detention. COEONEBS. Sec. 159. That at least two hours before the holding of any inquest within the city of New York upon a dead body, the coroner who has been notified of any death, or who may propose or intend to hold such in- quest, shall transmit and cause to be delivered to the Bureau of Vital Statistics a written notice containing the following facts, so far as known or reported to any such coroner: THE SANITARY CODE. 59 1. The fact of any such call for the holding of an in- quest, and by whom made, and when and from whom received by the coroner. 2. The place (giving the street and street number, and if there be none, then other particulars) where the body is. 3. What is reported to be the cause of the death. 4. When and where the death took place, and where the body has since been. 5. When and where he proposes to hold the inquest, giving the street, the street number (or otherwise suffi- ciently designating such place), and the hour. 6. What physician, or physicians, or other professional person last attended such deceased person, or attended such person within forty-eight hours of such decease. At any time after the commencement of any inquest, the coroner holding, or who should hold, or wTho held such inquest, shall w'ithin twelve hours after the receipt of a written request so to do from the Sanitary Superin- tendent, answer in writing such of the following or such other questions as may be propounded to him by the said inspector to the best of his knowledge, informa- tion, and belief. Report of Coroner [here insert Conor's name], upon the body of [here Jill in name or description of deceased], on the [here fill in year, month, and day], at [here mention street and number], 1. What was the age, sex, and last occupation, resi- dence, and nativity of such deceased person ? 2. At what house or place, and in or near what street or avenue, and at what number therein did such deceased person die ? 60 THE SANITAKY CODE. 3. If such person died of any poison, when and where was the same administered, and Avhat was the kind of poison ? 4. If such person died of violence, when and where was the same committed, and upon what part of the body and organs, and of what did it consist? 5. If such person died of any other cause, state such cause, and when and where the cause took effect upon or was received by the deceased ? 6. Who was the last in care'of or with'such'deceased person, and at what place and at Avhat time before death, and Avhen, giving the full name and residence of each such person V 7. What Avas the name and residence of the physician and persons Avho last attended, and of each physician and person Avho Avithin forty-eight hours of such death attended upon srrch deceased person, and Avhere did he so attend ; and whether said physician Avas notified of or attended and Avas examined at such inquest ? 8. The times, places, and dates of holding the inquest, and the names and residences by street number of the jurors and Avitnesses that attended, and dates of their attendance, and Avhen and where the body of the deceas- ed Avas present at such inquest? 9. Was any post-mortem examination made, and if so, Avhen, Avhere, and by Avhom, and Avho Avas present thereat ? It shall be the duty of all coroners in said city to make return to the Bureau of Vital Statistics of all inquisi- tions by them taken, except when, by law, such inquests are required to be filled elsewhere, and such return shall include the evidence taken on such inquest, and the verdict of the jury, and the full names and residences of the several jurymen. THE SANITARY CODE. 61 And in all cases where the inquest may be required by law to be filed elsewhere, such coroner shall make re- turn to said Bureau of a copy of such inquest, including a copy of such evidence and verdict ; and all such re- turns shall be made within forty-eight hours after the holding of any and every inquest. Sec. 160. That every clergyman, magistrate, and other person who may perform a marriage ceremony, shall make and keep a registry of the marriage cele- brated, therein enter the full names of the parties married, and the residence, age, and condition of each ; and every physician, midwife, and other person who may professionally assist or advise at any birth, shall make and keep a registry of every such birth, and therein enter the time and place, ward, and street number of such birth, and the sex and color of every child born, and the names and residence of each of the parents (so far as the foregoing facts can be ascertained); and every physician and professional adviser who has attended any person at a last illness, or has been present by request at the death of any person, shall make and preserve a registry of such death, stating the cause thereof, and specifying the date, hour, place, and street number of such death. Sec. 161. That it shall be the duty of every person mentioned in the last section, or required to make or keep any such register, to present to the Bureau of Vital Statistics a copy of such register, signed by such per- son, or a written statement, by him signed, of all the facts in said register required to be entered, within five days after the birth or marriage, and within thirty-six MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS. 62 THE sanitary code. hours after the death of any person to whom such registry may or should relate, which shall thereupon he placed on file in the said Bureau. Sec. 162. That every clerk, officer, and person within said city, required by the one hundred and fifty-second chapter of the Laws of 1847, or by the three hundred and eightieth chapter of the Laws of 1864, to make or preserve any entry, registry record, or certificate, as to births, deaths, or marriages, shall send, or cause to be sent, to the Bureau of Vital Statistics of this Depart- ment, within five days after the knowledge of the birth, death, or marriage, a full and true statement in writing, containing all the particulars in respect thereto (so far as reasonably ascertainable', which, in any other section hereof, are required to be stated by any person relative to any birth, death, or marriage, which shall thereupon be placed on file in said Bureau. Sec. 163. That every persontherein referred to within the city of New York shall perform the acts required in the following provisions (so far as the same are ap- plicable to said city) of section 13 of chapter 74 of the Laws of 1866, to wit : “ It shall be the duty of the next of kin of any person deceased, and of each person being with such deceased person at his or her death, and of the person occupying or living in any house or premises in or on which any person may die, and of the parents of any chiid born in said district (and if there be no parent alive that has made such report, then of the next of kin of such child born', and of every person present at such birth, within five days after such birth or death, to report to said Board, in writing, so far as known, the date, ward, and THE SANITABY CODE. 63 Street number of said birth, and the sex and color of such child born, and the names of the parents, and the age, color, nativity, last occupation, the cause of death of such deceased person, and the ward and street, and place of such person’s death and last residence.” EAILEOAD CAES. Sec. 164. That no railroad car, or vehicle constructed for or engaged in the business of carrying passengers on any line of railroad in the city of New York, and which car is propelled by horse-power, and not by steam- power, shall be used with cushions on the seats, or on the backs of the seats thereof. Sec. 165. That each and every car used upon any railroad in the city of New York for the carrying or transportation of passengers, shall on each and every day on which it may be used for the carrying or trans- portation of passengers, be carefully and thoroughly washed and cleaned, so that all filth and dirt are removed from the inside of the car. Sec. 166.* That no straw or hay shall at any time be used or placed on the floor of any railroad car en- gaged or used in the business of carrying or transport- ing passengers within the city of New York, unless the whole of such material shall be entirely fresh, clean, and inoffensive in the morning of each day during which the same shall be used or placed on such railroad car, and such straw or hay, when used for the purposes herein- before mentioned, shall be wholly renewed at least once each day. * As amended, Jan. 16, 1877. 64 THE SANITARY CODE. Sec. 167. That no person shall at any time carry or convey in or upon any passenger railroad car, nor shall any conductor or person in charge of any such railroad car allow to be carried or conveyed in or upon such car, except on the front platform, any soiled or dirty articles of clothing or bedding, in baskets or bundles. Sec. 168.* That every car used for the transportation of passengers in the city of New York, shall be so con- structed as at all times to provide and secure good ventilation. GENERAL SUBJECTS. Sec. 169. That no master or teacher, or manager of or in any school, public or private, or of or in any Sunday- school or gymnasium, nor the officers or managers there- of, nor officers or managers, or persons having charge of any place of public worship, shall so far omit or neglect any duty or reasonable care or precaution respecting the safety or health of any scholar, pupil, or attendant, or respecting the temperature, ventilation, or cleanliness or strength of any church, hall of worship, school-house, school-room, or place of practice or exercise, or relative to anything appurtenant thereto, as that by reason of such neglect or omission, the life or health of any person shall suffer or incur any avoidable peril or detriment. Sec. 170. That no owner, part-owner, tenant, or occu- pant of any building or erection shall allow' any part thereof, or any substance therein, or anything thereto attached, and which any such person can control or remove, to continue or remain in a position or condition *As amended, Feb. 8,18T8. THE SANITAKY CODE. 65 that shall imperil the life or safety of any person thereat or therein; or who is or may properly he in any street or place. Sec. 171. That no person shall take, carry, expose, or place (or induce any other person so to do) in or upon any street or public place, any substance, animal, or thing, which shall imperil the life or health of any person who is or may properly be in such street or place. Sec. 172. That no person owning, occupying, or hav- ing charge of any stable or other premises, shall keep or allow thereon or therein any dog or other animal which shall by noise disturb the quiet or repose of those or any one therein or in the vicinity, to the detriment of the life or health of any human being. Sec. 173. That no person shall race or run or rapidly drive any horse or other animal in a public street or place, or allow the same so to move, or throw or send up any kite, stone, or other substance, or burn or set off any fireworks, fire-crackers, or other substance, whereby, or by reason of which, any human life may be put in danger or peril. Sec. 174. That no person shall engage in or encourage any fight, or the dealing of any blow by any human be- ing, in said city, against any other human being; nor shall any person permit such fight, having power and authority to prevent the same. Sec. 175. Annulled January 28, 1879. Sec. 176. That no person shall sell, loan, or give to or allow to be taken by any other person, any fire-arm, 66 THE SANITAEY CODE. or other deadly or dangerous weapon, tvhen there shall be any reason for such first-named person to think or believe that any danger to life may illegally result from the giving, loaning, selling, or from the use of such arm or weapon. Sec. 177. That no large or church bell shall be rung or tolled at any funeral in said city, without a permit therefor from this Department, nor shall such bell be rung or tolled at any other time therein to the prejudice or peril of the life and health of any human being. Sec. 178. That every person who omits or refuses to comply with, or who resists any of the provisions of the Sanitary Code, or any of the rules, orders, sanitary regu- lations, or ordinances established or declared by this Board, or any of the provisions of said seventy-fourth chapter of the Laws of 1866, or of chapter six hundred and eighty-six of the Laws of 1866, or of chapter nine hundred and fifty-six of the Laws of 1867, in so far as the same are now in force and applicable to the city of New York, or the execution of any order or special reg- ulation of this Department, will be liable to the arrest, suit, penalty, fine, and punishment in said laws pro- vided and declared; of all Of whieh notice must be taken. ADDITIONAL OEDINANCES OF THE SANITAEY CODE. Sec. 179.* No adulterated or deleterious coffees, teas, or other preparations from which drinks are made shall be bought, sold, held, or offered for sale. Sec. 180. f That no offal, blood, scrap, guts, gut-fat, or refuse of slaughter-houses shall be transported * As adopted, July 29, 1873. t Adopted, August 1, 1873. THE SANITARY CODE. 67 through, brought in, or allowed to be between Second Avenus and Tenth Avenue in the city of New York without a special written permit from this Department. Sec. 181. Annulled Jan. 16, 1877. Sec. 182.* That the owners, lessees and occupants of any building in the city of New York, in which hatch- ways or well-holes exist, or shall hereafter be con- structed, shall cause the same to be effectually barred or inclosed by railing, gates, or by other contrivances approved by the Board of Health, for the prevention of accidents therefrom. Sec. 183. f That no person shall place or deposit gar- bage, rubbish, or liquid substance of any kind in any box, barrel, tub, cart, wagon, or any receptacle whatever, used for the reception, the holding, or the transporta- tion of ashes; nor shall any one put ashes in or upon garbage, rubbish, or liquid substances, or in any way place together, mix, or have in the same receptacle ashes and garbage in the city of New York. Sec. 1844 That on and after the fourth day of July, 1876, the business of slaughtering animals in the city of New York shall not be conducted south of One Hundred and Tenth Street, unless the same shall be done in buildings located directly upon the water front, each having a capacity sufficient for the yarding and slaughtering daily of one-half of the entire number of cattle, or hogs, or small stock (all or separately, according to the particular object of each abattoir) slaughtered in * Adopted October 14, 1873. f Adopted April 28, 1874. X Adopted October 13, 1874. 68 THE SANITARY CODE. this city at the time this ordinance shall go into effect, and so constructed as to receive all stock deliverable thereat directly from cars or transports; and to discharge therefrom all liquid refuse below low-water mark; and to secure the proper care and disposition of all parts of the slaughtered animals upon the premises, or the im- mediate removal thereof by means of boats; and on and after the fourth day of July, 1876, no cattle, sheep, hogs, or calves shall be driven in the streets of such city below One Hundred and Tenth Street; nor shall any offensive business growing out of that slaughtering, as fat-melting, hide-curing, gut-cleaning, bone-boiling, glue-making, etc., etc., be conducted, except on the premises constructed and prepared as herein required, and devoted to the slaughtering and the disposing thereof of all parts of the slaughtered animals as afore- said; nor shall any fat, hides, hoofs, or entrails, or other refuse parts of slaughtered animals (except fat or tallow attached to meat exposed for sale, or collected by licensed dealers) be transported in said streets; nor shall any buildings be erected or converted into or used as a slaughter-house until the plans thereof have been duly submitted to the Board of Health, and ap- proved in writing by the said Board. Sec. 185.* That every veterinary surgeon who is called to examine or professionally attend any animal within the city of New York, having the glanders or farcy, or any contagious disease, shall, within twenty-four hours thereafter report in writing to the Board of Health of such city the following facts, viz. : 1st, a statement of the location of such diseased animal; 2d, the name and * Adopted August 20, 1875. THE SANITARY CODE. 69 address of the owner thereof; 3d, the type and charac- ter of the disease. Sec. 186.* No milk which has been watered, adulter- ated, reduced, or changed in any respect by the addi- tion of water or other substance, or by the removal of cream, shall be brought into, held, kept, or offered for sale at any place in the city of New York ; nor shall any one keep, have, or offer for sale in the said city any such milk. Sec. 187. f That every person who omits or refuses to comply with, or who resists any of the provisions of the Sanitary Code, or any of the rules, orders, sanitary reg- ulations, or ordinances established or declared by this Board under or pursuant to any of the provisions of the seventy-fourth chapter of the Laws of 1866 ; or of chap- ter six hundred and eiglity-six of the Laws of 1866 ; or of chapter nine hundred and fifty-six of the Laws of 1867 ; or of chapter three hundred and thirty-five of the Laws of 1873 ; or of chapter seven hundred and fifty- seven of the Laws of 1873 ; or of chapter six hundred and thirty-six of the Laws of 1874 ; or refuses or neglects to comply with any of the provisions of the said laws in so far as the same are now in force and applicable to the city of New York ; or omits or refuses or neglects the execution of any order or special regulation of this Department, will be liable to the arrest, suit, penalty, fine, and punishment in said laws provided and de- clared ; of all of which, notice must be taken. Sec. 1884 That hereafter no Texas, Colorado, or other February 28,1ST6. t Adopted June 12, 1877. 7 Adopted September 4,1877. 70 THE SANITARY CODE. dangerous cattle shall he driven through or along the public streets, except in those cases only where the cattle shall be landed at the foot of the street leading to the slaughter-house to which such cattle shall be des- tined, and where the street shall be effectually barred or closed, so as to prevent the escape of such cattle during the transfer from the dock to such slaughter-house, and no such cattle shall be landed except in accordance with the provisions and restrictions of this ordinance. Sec. 189.* Whenever a nuisance in any place at or upon any premises in the city of New York shall have been found or declared by resolution of the Board of Health to exist, and an order shall have been made directing the owner or lesese of such premises to make suitable and necessary repairs or improvements, or to abate the said nuisance, such repairs or improvements shall be made, and such nuisance shall be fully abated in the manner directed by the Board of Health within five days after notice thereof. Sec. 190. f All sinks, basins, and stationary tubs in every hotel, lodging, tenement, boarding-house, or other dwelling in the city of New York, shall be provided with proper stench traps directly under each sink, basin, or stationary tub, so connected with the waste or soil pipe, and so constructed as directed or approved by the Board of Health, and with the traps so adjusted as to prevent the escape therefrom of foul odors and gases. Sec. 191.{ All privy vaults in the yard of any house in the city of NeAV York, within twenty feet of any * Adopted October 9, 1877. t Adopted Oct. 9, 1877, and amended Nov. 27,1877. t Adopted Oct 9, 1877. THE SANITARY COPE. 71 dwelling, shall he ventilated by means of an eight-inch earthenware pipe, laid at least six inches below the sur- face of the yard, from the said vault to the nearest wall of the building of the greatest altitude at or upon said premises, and there connected with a vertical metallic shaft of like diameter, extending not less than two feet above the roof of such building. And every privy vault in the city of New York shall he ventilated in this way, unless a permit in writing specially excepting such vault from the requirements of this ordinance he granted, and it he otherwise ordered by the Board of Health. Sec. 192.* Privy vaults shall be ventilated and shall be constructed or repaired ; and manure vaults shall be covered, provided with drains, and built or repaired in the city of New York, in accordance with directions from and orders made therefor by the Board of Health. Sec. 193. f The waste or soil pipe in every tenement, lodging-house, or other dwelling in the city of New York shall be ventilated by extending the same by means of a pipe of the same size to a height of not less than two feet above the roof of the building, or pursuant to the terms of a permit in writing from the Board of Health. Sec. 194.J That no cattle shall be unloaded from boats, or shall be driven or allowed in the streets, avenues, or public places in said city, unless distinctly and legibly marked with a letter, sign, or symbol plainly represent- ing the ownership of such animals, which letter, sign, or * Adopted Oct. 9, 1877. t Adopted Oct. 9, 1877, and amended Nov. 27, 1877. t Adopted Nov. 13, 1877. 72 THE SANITARY CODE. symbol shall have been previously registered in the office of the Sanitary Superintendent, approved by him, and written upon the face of the permit for driving cattle, issued from time to time to the owner of such cattle, un- der the rules, regulations, and ordinances of this Board. Sec. 195.* That no permit for driving cattle in the city of New York shall be granted to any person, save upon the condition that all such cattle shall be distinctly and legibly marked with a mark, sign, or symbol, ap- proved by the Sanitary Superintendent, so as clearly to indicate the ownership thereof, and it shall be the duty of every person applying for or using a permit to drive cattle in said city, to file with the Sanitary Superinten- dent a correct statement of the mark, sign, or symbol employed by him under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 196. f That it shall be the duty of every owner, lessee, or tenant of any vacant, sunken, or excavated lot in the city of New York to keep the same at all times clean and inoffensive, and to provide around the same a proper fence, so as to effectually prevent the throwing or depositing therein or thereupon any garbage or of- fensive thing whatsoever, and also to prevent persons passing from falling into such excavation. Sec. 1974 That no live geese, ducks, or other fowls shall be kept in any yard, area, celler, coop, building, or other place within the built-up portion of the city of New York, excepting in the public markets, without a permit in writing from this Department. * Adopted Nov. IS, 1877. t Adopted Nov. 20, 3877, and amended June 11, 1878. 7 Adopted Nov. 20, 1877. THE SANITAKY CODE. 73 Sec. 198.* That on and after the 10th day of May, 1878, no cows or cattle shall be led or driven through or along any of the streets of that portion of the city of New York bounded by Fifty-seventh and Sixty-fourth Streets, Tenth and First Avenues, exclusive of these boundary streets and avenues, without a permit in writing from this Department, and in strict accordance with the routes, hours, and terms prescribed and designated therein. Sec. 199. f That no deposit of bones, decayed fish, or other animal substance, nor any accumulation of bones, offensive fish, or other animal substances, shall be made in any tenement or dwelling-house, or in the cellars thereof, in the city of New York. Sec. 200. | No cow shall be kept within the built-up portions of the city of New York, without a permit in writing therefor from the Health Department. Sec. 201. § That for all lodging-houses in which beds are let for lodgers, containing four or more beds in any apartment therein for the use of lodgers, a permit in writing from this Department shall be required, and no person in the city of New York shall have, lease, let, or keep any such lodging-house or the lodgings therein, or assist in the keeping, hire or assist in hiring, or conduct the business of any such lodging-house, or the lodgings therein, except pursuant to the terms and conditions of a permit in writing previously obtained therefor from this Department, an application for which shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board ♦Adopted April 23, 1878, and amended June 11,1878. t Adopted July 2,1878. $ Adopted Oct. 15, 1878. § Adopted Jan. 14, 1879- 74 THE SANITARY CODE. of Health by the person or persons who propose to use the same. The air space allotted to each person in such lodging-houses shall he not less than three hundred cubic feet, unless methods for free and adequate venti- lation exist in such houses, approved by the said Board of Health. Sec. 202.* Any cattle, meat, birds, fowl, fish, fruits, or vegetables, found by any inspector or officer of this Department in a condition which is, in his opinion, unwholesome or unfit for use as human food, shall, upon the order of the Sanitary Superintendent, be removed from any market, street, or public place, and the owner or person in charge thereof, when so directed by the said inspector or by such order of the Sanitary Superinten- dent, shall remove, or cause the same to be removed, to the place designated by the Sanitary Superintendent, or to the offal dock, and shall not sell, or offer to sell, or dispose of the same, for human food. And when, in the opinion of the Sanitary Superintendent, any such meat, fish, fruits, or vegetables shall be unfit for human food, or any such animal, cattle, sheep, swine, or fowls, by reason of disease, or exposure to contagious disease, shall be unfit for human food, and improper or unfit to re- main near other animals or to be kept alive, the Board of Health may direct the same to be destroyed, as dan- gerous to life and health, and may order any such ani- mals, sheep, swine, or fowls to be removed by any in- sxjector, police officer, officer, or agent of this Department and to be killed and taken to the offal dock. Sec. 203. f That hereafter no person shall gather, col- lect, accumulate, store, expose, carry, or transport in any manner through the streets and public places of this *t Adopted March 4, 1879. THE SANITARY CODE. 75 city or in or to any tenement-house, cellar, or house in said city, any bones, refuse, or offensive material, with- out a special permit in writing, from the Board of Health, in accordance with the conditions and subject to the limitations thereof, and in such manner as not to cause offensive odors or any nuisance whatsoever. I, Emmons Clark, Secretary of the Board of Health of the Health Department of the city of New York do hereby certify that the foregoing printed “Sanitary Code,” viz.: from pages 1 to 75, both inclusive, is a true copy of the original ordinances and amendments thereto on file in my office and the whole thereof, and that the same are now in full force and effect and entitled to full credence as such ordinances and amendments, and were duly adopt- ed, enacted, published, and confirmed by said Board of Health, agreeably to the provisions of the Law of the State of New York entitled “An Act to reorganized the local government of the city of New York,” passed April 30, 1873, as amended by an act entitled “An Act to amend clnvp. 335 of the Laws of 1873,” passed June 13, 1873. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my official hand and affixed the Great Seal of said Health Depart- ment this day of , a. d., 188 . Secretary. (OVER.) 76 THE SANITARY CODE. An Act to simplify the proof of the Sanitary Code in the city of New York. Passed April 19,1880; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The Sanitary Code adopted and declared as such at a meeting of the board of health of the health department of the city of New York, held in the city on the second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, is hereby declared to be the Sanitary Code mentioned and described in section eighty-two of an act entitled “ An act to reorganize the local government of the city of New York,” passed April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and in all courts of justice or judicial proceedings proof of the said Sanitary Code, and of the proceedings of such board of health in relation thereto, by the production of the book of minutes of such meeting held as aforesaid, or a transcript of the record of such proceedings duly authenticated by the secretary of the said board of health, shall be held and taken as complete and valid evidence of the said Sanitary Code, its due adoption, enactment and publication ; and such Sanitary Code shall be deemed in full force and operative in the city of New York, save as duly modified or repealed by the said board of health. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 135. INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. SECTIONS Adulterations, eto 14,15,10 Alcoholic spirits, distillery of 82 Auimal matter, putrid, not to be thrown into streets, sewers, etc 89 Animal food, age of 30 Animals, dangerous or offensive 49, 202 “ slaughtering of 56, 184 “ slaughtering of, prohibited below Fortieth street.. 56, 384 “ “ between Second & Tenth Avs. 64 “ not to be killed or dressed in market 61 “ dead, sick, and injured 120, 121, 122 “ 11 entrails, etc., of 32 “ “ not taken to market till cool 32 “ “ not to be thrown into streets, sewers, etc... .89,122 “ “ not to be skinned in street 126 “ “ glue-making from 79,80,184 “ “ duties of contractors for 9,128 “ mad 75 “ noisy 172 “ age of, whose meat may be sold 30 “ dead, piers and docks for 127, 130 “ “ skinning, business of 79, 80 “ diseased or injured, to be reported 125 diseased 120,121 “ injured or diseased, how killed 123 “ “ who may interfere with 126 “ dead or past recovery to be removed 124, 129 “ with hydrophobia or exposed thereto 75 Animal substance, deposit of 199, 203 Apartments, when not to be occupied ; 19 78 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE, SECTIONS Ash-boxes ,95, 96 Ash-carts, construction of 1C5, 107 “ Ashes,” meaning of 2 Ashes, delivery of, to carts 97 “ removing of 95 “ not to be mixed with garbage 95,183 “ not to be sifted in street 98 “ not to be thrown into streets or rivers 87 “ persons engaged in removing 103,104, 108, 109, 112 “ from forges, etc 117 “ sprinkled on walks 68 Asses 49, 53, 121 Basins t o have proper traps 190 Bedding from vessels 141, 14G “ “ stables 112 Bells 177 Bill of Health, authority to give 13 Birds, unsound, to be reported 40, 202 “ not som ind fresh 29,36 “ not soul d, mode of treating 42 ‘‘ mode of keeping 56 “ offensive 122 “ that died by disease or accident 29 Births, deaths, and marriages 160, 163 “ assistants at, duties of 160 “ registry of : 160 “ report of, to be made 161,163 “ who shall report 163 “ statement of, by clerks and officers as to 162 Blasting 175 Blacksmiths 98, 117 Blood, transporting of 80, 180 “ Board,” meaning of 1 Board of Police, duties of 11 “ “ to enforce Code 12 “ Boarding-house,” meaning of 3 “ “ keepers to report persons sick 133,137 Boarding-houses, no poisonous or unwholesome food or drinks in 35 Boarding-houses, privies or water-closets for 22, 190 “ “ not to be overcrowded 20 INDEX TO THE SANITABY CODE. 79 SECTIONS Boarding-houses, to be ventilated, etc 23 “ “ owners of, to provide for health 23 “ tenants in, lessees and owners of, to report persons sick at 137 Bone-boiling forbidden without permit 79, 80, 181 “ burning “ " “ 79, 80, 184 “ grinding “ “ “ 79, 80, 184 Bones, deposit of 199, 203 Brick in streets 94 Brine not to escape into street 88 Brooklyn burial and transit permits 155 Building, precautions to be observed in. 98 Buildings, construction of, etc 17 “ dangerous to occupants or passers 170 to be ventilated, sewered, etc 17, 193 “ when not to be let 18 “ when to contain nothing offensive. 92 “ unfit for dwellings 20 “ Built-up portions,” meaning of 1 Burial, mode of 1 152 “ returns of, to be made 155 “ permits cf Brooklyn Health officer 155 Burning-fluid, kept or sold 85 Burying-p laces 152 “ persons in charge of 151, 154, 156 Business, dangerous or detrimental to health 79 “ Butcher,” meaning of. 7 Butchers require permits 60, 62 “ to allow inspection 63 ” to keep places clean 57 Butchers’ ice-boxes, refrigerators, etc 39 “ offal and garbage 89, 116 “ refuse, manner of transporting 116 Butter, unwholesome 45 Calves, young, meat from 30 Carelessness, responsibility for 8 Cars, railroad, cushions 164 “ “ to be cleansed 165 “ “ no straw in 166 “ *' no dirty clothing on 167 " “ ventilators..,.,,...,..,,.,..,,, ,,,, 168 80 INDEX TO THE SANITAKY CODE. SECTIONS Cargo from quarantine 142 Carpets 98 Carts for night-soil, manure, etc., construction of 105, 107 “ “ “ “ not to stand in the street.... 106 “ nothing to escape from 109 Carts for garbage, etc., to give notice 103 Cats, diseased 120 Cattle, horses, etc 49, 55 “ Cattle,” meaning of 7 Cattle, overheated, diseased, or feverish 31, 120 “ diseased, to be reported 31, 202 “ diseased, to be removed from city 31 “ Texas and Colorado, dangerous 188 “ in vehicles 30 “ not to run at large ' 49 “ number kept 52 “ yarding of 53, 60 “ diseased, not to be brought in. 120 '■ place of keeping ; 51 “ not to be slaughtered, dressed, or hUDg in street 58 “ not to be unloaded in street 49 “ unsound, mode of treating 42 “ how transported 54 “ driving, in street 55, 56, 188, 194, 195, 198 “ number of, that may be driven through streets 55 " mode of keeping and slaughtering 56 " not to be slaughtered or driven south of Fortieth st. .55, 56 “ not to be slaughtered or driven between Second and Tenth Avenues 64 “ not slaughtered without permit 56 “ number of drovers to 55 “ when may be driven out of horns fixed by Code 55 “ to be marked 194. 195 Cattle-yards require permits 53, 60 “ Cellar,” meaning of 3 Cellars 18, 19 Cemeteries 152 “ persons in charge of 151, 154, 156 Cess-pools, price for cleaning 110 '* not to be emptied except by permit 101, 111 “ contents of, not to be put into streets or sewers, 87, 90, 93 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 81 SECTIONS Cess-pools, contents of, not to come within two feet of top 90 “ “ “• become offensive... 90, 92 “ “ removal of 93, 111 “ “ to be disinfected 110 “ building and inspection of 119 “ care in transporting contents of .■ 106, 108, 116 “ turning and stirring contents of 114 “ offal, ashes, garbage, etc., not to be put into 91 “ not to be filled with dirt till filth is removed 90 Cheese, unwholesome 45 Chief officers of vessels to report person sick 135, 138 Cholera 5 Churches, duties of officers of 169 Church bells 177 Cinders , 2, 87 “ from forges, factories, etc 117 Cisterns........ 90, 92, 115 “ City.” etc , meaning of 1 Clam shells 115 Clergymen to register marriages 160 “ to report marriages 161 Coal, included in term - ‘ashes ” 2 Coal-dust 98, 117 Coal-yards 117 Coffees, deleterious 179 Colts ....49. 53, 121 Concert saloons 3 Consignees of vessels to report persons sick. 135, 139 Contagious and infectious diseases, reports as to 131, 139 “ Coutagious disease,” meaning of 5 “ “ to be reported 131, 139 “ “ persons sick with 143, 148 “ “ articles exposed to 143 “ “ needless exposure to 150 ” Contractor,” meaning of 1 Contractors for night-soil, offal, garbage, etc., duties of 9, 128 “ for cleaning streets 25 “ to comply with Code 9 Coroners 159 Corpses 151, 155, 157 Cotton, unsound or infected 140 82 SECTIONS Cows 52, 200 Curb-stones 69, 99 Decoctions 14, 15 Dead bodies, interments, sextons 151, 157 “ “ not to be buried without permit 151 “ “ to be reported 157 " “ not to be transported without permit 155, 158 “ “ not to be unduly retained or exposed 156 Dead animals not to be thrown into streets, etc 113, 122 “ “ to be removed 124 “ “ to be reported 125 Deadly weapons 176 Deaths, marriages and births 160 163 registry of 160 “ report of, to be made 161, 163 “ whose duty to report .. 163 “ statement of clerks and officers as to 162 Definitions 1_7 Dentist included in term “ physician ” 5 “ Department,” meaning of 1 Diphtheria a contagious disease • 5 Dirt and filth 87, 114, 116, 119 “ Dirt/’meaning of 2 Dirt, where not deposited 112 “ not to lie piled or raked up in street 129 “ not to be thrown into streets or rivers 87 “ docks for .127, 130 “ in street 94, 99 “ removal of 109 “ persons engaged in transporting 9, 128 “ Disease,” contagious, meaning of 5 “ infectious or pestilential 5 “ specific name and type of, to be reported 132 “ . contagious, persons sick of a, to be reported 131, 139 “ contagious, persons sick of a, not to be exposed or removed 148 “ contagious, articles exposed to 141, 143,145 persons exposed to 143, 145 exposure to 148, 150 Diseased animals 120, 121 “ to be reported 125 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE, INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 83 SECTIONS Distilleries require permit 82 Docks for offal and night-soil 127, 130 “ " “ vessels not to go to 132 Dogs, noisy 172 Drainage, arrangement of 28 “ to be adequate 26 Drink and food 29-4S Drinks, poisonous, deleterious, or adulterated 41 “ dangerous or detrimental to life or health 43, 44 Drinking-hydrants 48 Driving fast 173 Drovers, number of, to accompany cattle 55 Drugs 14-16 “ poisonous, deleterious, or adulterated 16 how marked and sold 14, 15 Ducks 197 Dust from factories, etc 98, 117 Eggs 6 Emigrant vessels, bedding from 141 Enforcement of ordinances 11, 12 Entrails of dead animals 32 Excavations 92. 196 Exposure to disease 148, 150 Earcy, animals sick with 121, 185 Fat 80 Fat, only fresh, to be boiled or rendered 96 Fat, not to be brought into city to be rendered 86 Fat, rendeiing of 81, 86 Fat-boiling 78, 80, 81, 86, 184 “ to be in steam-tight vessels 86 “ odors in, to be destroyed 86 “ to be free from offence 86 Feathers 98 Feet of dead animals 32 Fevers 5 Fighting 174 Filth and dirt 87-119, 114, 116 Filth not to escape into street. 88, 116 Filling grounds, etc 83 Fire-arms, use of 175, 176 Fire-crackers and lire works 173 84 INDEX TO THE SANITAKY CODE SECTIONS “ Fish,” meaning of 6 “ when for sale 6 “ not fresh or sound 29, 30, 36, 202 ” that died by disease or accident 29 “ mode of keeping 56 " unsound, to be reported *10 “ mode of treating 42 “ false label or statement as to .. 37 “ offensive 122, 202 “ parts not used for food. 33 “ decayed, deposit of 199 Flag-stones ’...69, 99 Food, unwholesome, meagre, or sickly 30 Food and drink 14. 16, 29-48 “ not to be made and sold under false name 14 *' not to be taken to market till cool 32 “ unwholesome, deleterious, or adulterated 16 “ false label or statement as to 37 “ uusound, mode of treating 42 Forges 98, 117 Foundries. 98, 117 Fowls, not sound and fresh 29, 30, 36, 202 “ “ mode of dealing with 42 “ “ to be reported 40 “ mode of keeping 56 offensive 122, 202 “ that died by disease or by accident 26 “ permit to keep 197 Fruit 29, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 202 Furnaces to be smoke-consuming 118 ‘‘ Garbage,” meaning of 2 Garbage, not to fall or be thrown into streets, rivers, etc..87, 89, 116 “ where not deposited i 112,113 “ docks for 127, 130 “ not to lie heaped together in street 129 “ boxes 95, 96, 107, 116 “ not to be mixed with ashes, etc 95, 183 “ how transported 116 “ removal of 95 “ delivery to carts 97 *• care in transporting 108, 109, 116 SECTIONS. Garbage, persons engaged in transporting. ..103, 104, 108, 109, 128 “ duties of contractors for .9, 128 “ loading and unloading 113 " turning and stirring 114 Garbage-carts, notice to be given before 103 construction of 105, 107 “ bow managed 106 Gas 77 " from factories, etc 77 “ offensive, dangerous,or prejudicial to life or health, not to be made 77 Gas-tar not to escape 77 Gas-works i 77 “ odors from, to be prevented 77 Geese 49, 53, 197 General subjects 169, 197 Glanders 121, 185 Glue-making 79, 80 Gnats . . ......49, 50, 53 Goods, damaged, not to be exposed for sale 98 Graves 152 Grease 80 Ground, what, and when, may be opened. 84 Grounds, filling up 83 Guns, firing off 175 Guts ISO Gut-fat 32, 180 Gut-cleaning 79, 80, 184 Gutters to be cleaned 25, 167 “ how to be cleaned 25 “ ice and snow removed from 68 Gymnasiums 169 Hair 98 Halls 21, 169 Hatchways to be inclosed 182 Heads of dead animals 32 Heads of institutions to report sick persons 134 Health, bill of, authority to give 13 Health, duties in respect to 8 Health officer of port, duty of 147 “ inspectors’s duty 11 Hide-tanning, skinning, etc., establishments 76 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 85 86 SECTIONS Hides not to be unloaded without permit 141 “ of dead animals 3a Hogs, driving, in street 55 “ unloading in street 49 Horns of dead animals 32 Horses 49, 53 “ with glanders or farcy 121 “ sick 120 Horse-racing — 173 Hotel-keepers, to report sick persons 133 Hotels, tenants, lessees, owners, etc., of, to report sick persons in 137 “ House, tenenment,” meaning of 3 “ boarding, “ of 3 “ lodging, “ of 3 Hydrants 48 Hydrophobia 75 Ice, removal of 68 “ ashes to be sprinkled on 68 Infected places or vessels 145 Infectious disease 5 Innkeepers to leport sick persons 133 Inns, tenants, lessees, owners, etc., of, to report sick persons in 137 Inquests, coroners’ 159 Inspection, obstructing. 11 “ to be permitted 63 Inspectors, duties of 11 Institutions to report sick persons 134 Interments, sextons, dead bodies 151, 157 require permits 151 Jails, ventilation of, and food, etc., for 24 Kerosene 85 Kite-flying forbidden I73 Lambs, young, meat from , 30 Lamb-black manufactory 82 Lard, only fresh to be rendered or melted 86 “ rendering, to be done in steam-tight vessels. . 86 odors in, to be destroyed 86 “ “ to be inoffensive 86 “ not to be brought to city for rendering, melting, etc 86 INDEX TO THE SANITAEY CODE. SECTIONS Lard-boiling 79, 80, 80 Leather-dressing establishments 76 “ Lessee,” meaning of 1 Life, duties in respect to 8 “ Light,” meaning of 1 Lime 88, 96 Lobster-shells 115 Liquid refuse not to be mixed With ashes or rubbish 95 “ receptacles for 116 “ removal of 108, 11G “ how transported 116 “ “ not to spill or leak into street 116 “ “ turning or stirring 114 Liquids, poisonous, deleterious, or aduiturated 16, 41 “ offensive. 76, 88, 190 “ false statement as to 37 “ dangerous or detrimental to life or health 43, 44 " noxious or stinking 88 “ Lodging-house,” meaniug of 3 Lodging-houses 20, 35, 201 “ food in 53 “ " not to be overcrowded 20, 201 “ “ privies for 22 “ tenants, lessees, owners, etc of, to report per- sons sick in 137 Lodging-house keepers to report sick persons 133, 137 Lots, vacant, to be provided with proper tight board fence 196 Mad animals... 75 Magistrates to report, etc., marriages 160, 162 ” Manager,” meaning of 1 Managers of institutions to report sick persons 134 “ Manufactory,” meaning of 3 Manufactories 20, 22, 23, 98, 117 •' no overcrowding of 20 “ water-closets for, to be provided 22 “ temperature of 23 " safeguards in 23 “ for certain purposes not to be established 82 “ refuse to be removed from 117 Manure not to be thrown into streets or rivers 87 ** persons engaged in transporting 104, 108, 109 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 87 88 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. SECTIONS Manure carts, boxes, etc 105, 107 " to be removed 100 ” care in transporting 108, 109, 116 “ where not to be deposited 112, 113 handling of 114 •' loading and unloading 113,114 “ to have vaults for 100 “ turning and stirring 114 “ docks for 127, 130 “Market, private,” meaning of 7 Markets, unsound and unwholesome articles not to be kept in.29, 36 to be kept cleanly 38, 57 " food in 29 *' refrigerators in 39 “ animals not to be killed or dressed in 61 “ noxious substance not to be brought near 61 Ma tinges, births, and deaths 160, 163 report of, to be made 161, 162 “ registry of 160 statement of, by clerks and officers as to 162 Masters of vessels to report 135, 138, 141 Matter, offensive or unwholesome, not to be brought to markets, 32 “ filthy 88, 116 “ Meat,” meaning of 6 ■' when for earn 6 “ unsound or unwholesome 29, 36 “ of animals that died by disease or accident 29 “ not to go to market till cool 32 " cased, blown, plated, raised, etc 36 “ keeping, mode of t 56 “ unsound, to be reported 40 “ not to be taken to market till certain things done 32 “ false statement or label as to 37 to be kept clean and wholesome 38 “ offensive 122 “ not to be hung, etc., in street 58 “ unsound, mode of dealing with 52 Medicines 14-16 “ not to be sold under false name 14 poisonous, unwholesome, or deleterious 16 Merchandise, damaged not to be exposed for sale 98 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 89 SECTIONS Midwives 160, 161 Milk, false label or statement as to 37 “ unwholesome and Impure 29, 45, 186 Milk dealers to allow inspection 63 Misfeasance and nonfeasance 8 Mules 49, 53, 121 Night-soil, docks and piers for 127, 130 ** “ contractors for 9,128 “ “ handling of 114 “ “ care in removal of 108, 109, 116, 128 “ “ not to run into streets or grounds 90, 93 ** “ “ come within two feet of top 90 " “ not to lie in street 129 “ •* to be disinfected , llu “ “ carts 107 “ “ mode of using carts for 106,109 Nuisance, to be abated within five days after notice 189 Negligence . _ 8 Nonfeasance and misleasance 8 Nurses 5, 160, 161, 163 Obedience to ordinances 9 “ Occupant,” meaning of 1 Occupations detrimental to health, or dangerous 79 Odors and liquids, offensive 76, 84, 114, 116 Offal, docks for 127, 130 ” “ “ vessels not to go to 129 not to lie in streets 129 “ contractors for 9, 128 “ loading and unloading 113 ‘‘ handling of 114 “ boiling 79, 80 “ not to be thrown into sewers, streets, rivers, etc 87, 89, 93 “ carts for, to give notice 103 “ “ how managed 106 “ ” construction of 105, 107 *• where not to be deposited 112, 113 “ care in transporting 108, 109, 116 " persons engaged in transporting.. .103, 104, 108, 109, 128, 180 “ time for transporting 65 to be conveyed in tight vessels 56 Offensive material 203 90 SECTIONS. Offensive matters and tilings not to be in markets 31 “ Officer,” meaning of 1 Officers of vessels to report 135, 138, 141, 144 Oilboiling 82, 86 Oil, petroleum, kerosene, and other 85 Oil test 85 Omissions 9 187 Orders, by whom to be executed 11 “ to be observed 10 Ordinances, obedience to 10 “ enforcement of 11, 12 Overcrowding 20 “Owner,” meaning of 1 Owners of vessels to report persons and articles from infected Places 135, 138, 140 Owners of boarding and lodging houses to report persons sick 133, 137 Oyster-shells 115 “ saloons 175 “ Party,” meaning of 1 Pavement 66, 99 Penalty for disobedience of Code 178, 187 “ Permit,” meaning of 1 Permit to remove persons sick of contagious disease 148 to remove articles exposed to contagion 143 “ for burial 151 “ “ '* by Brooklyn Health Officer .. .. 155 “ “ “ Long Island City 155 Kichmond County 155 “ to remove bodies 155 “ to deposit manure, offal, etc 112 “ to keep swine and goats 50, 53 “ to yard cattle, swine, sheep, geese, goats, and horses, ducks, geese, or fowls 52, 53, 197 “ to occupy offal or night-soil dock 130 “ to transact certain kinds of business 79, 82 “ to keep cows 52, 200 “ to ring bells 177 “ to blast or fire guns 175 “ to keep pounds 71 “ for vessels or things from quarantine 142, 144, 147 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 91 SECTIONS Permit for persons or articles from infected places 145 “ to land rags, hides, etc 141 “ to butchers and cattle-dealers 62 *' to slaughter-houses 60 " to cattledealers 60 “ to occupy streets or sidewalk 66, 94 “ for scavengers 102, 104 “ to persons engaged in transporting manure, swill, ashes, offal, rubbish, or garbage 104 “ to empty vaults, sinks, privies, and cess-pools. .101, 102, 111 " to unload cattle, etc., in streets 49, 194, 195 “ Person,” meaning of 1 Petroleum 85 “ Physician,” meaning of 5 Physicians to keep registry of births and deaths 160 " to report births and deaths 132, 161, 163 “ “ deaths by disease 132 “ “ name and type of disease 132 “ what included in term 5 “ to register name, office, and residence 5 “ to report persons sick of contagious disease 131, 136 Piers, manure, etc., not to be deposited on 112 “ for offal, etc., not to be obstructed ..127, 130 “ for night-soil 127 Pigs, young, meat of .... 30 Pig-pens 100, 106 Pigs not to run at large 49, 50 “ driving in street 56 “ unloading in street 49 Pipes, waste or soil, to be ventilated. 193 Poisons 15, 16 Police, duties of 11, 12 “ to execute ordinances 12 Pound-keepers require permit 71 Pounds 71, 73 “ duties of keepers of 72, 73 Principals of institutions to report persons sick 134 Premises to have nothing offensive on them 92 Prisons, duties of keepers of 24 Privies, contents of, not to be left in streets or rivers 87, 90, 93 “ contents of, to be removed by air-tight apparatus 102 92 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE SECTIONS Privies, not to be emptied, except by permit 101, 102, 111 “ construction of 119, 192 “ not to be filled with dirt till cleaned 90 contents of, not to run into streets or on grounds. ..90, 93 “ ‘‘ to come within two feet of top 90 “ to become offensive 90. 93 care in removing , 108, 116 “ turning and stirring contents of 114 “ to be disinfected 110 “ price for cleaning 110 ashes, garbage, offal, etc., not to be put into 91 “ tubs, etc., in, to be tight 93 “ to be provided in certain buildings 22 “ gases from 22 “ Public Place,” meaning of 2 Quarantine, reports from 147 vessels, persons and articles that have been in, re- quire permit 141, 142, 144, 145 Racing forbidden 173 Railroad cars, no cushions in 164 '* “ to be cleaned daily 164 ** “ no straw in 166 " “ no dirty clothing to . . 167 “ “ ventilators 168 Rags not to be unloaded without permit / 141 Receptacles in privies, etc 93 “ for ashes to be of metal 95 ‘‘ for garbage, ashes, etc 95, 96 “ “ not to remain on sidewalk.. 95 Refuse material 203 Refrigerators of butchers, etc., construction, of 39 Registry of births, marriages, and deaths 160 “ Regulation,” meaning of 1 Regulations, special, to be observed 10 Relapsing fever contagious 5 Rendering 79, 80, 86 ** to be of only fresh material 86 “ to be in steam-tight vessels 86 11 odors in, to be destroyed. 86 “ to be inoffensive 86 “ Report,” meaning of 1 Reservoirs 46 SECTIONS Rooms, when not occupied 19 Rooms, no offensive thing to be in 92 “ Rubbish,” meaning of 2 Rubbish not to be thrown into street or rivers 87 “ not to be piled or raked in street 129 “ not to be mixed with garbage, etc 95 “ removal of 95, 99, 109 “ turning and stirring Ill delivery of, to carts 97 “ carts for, to give notice 103 " “ how managed 106 *• " construction of 105, 107 “ contractors for 9,128 “ docks for 127, 130 “ persons engaged in transporting 103, 104, 108, 109. 128 “ boxes 95 11 Saloon, ” meaning of 3 Saloons, and persons connected therewith 35 Sand 98 Scarlet fever a contagious disease 5 Scavengers, permits of 104 Schools 169 Scouring establishments 76 Scrap 80, 81 Sewers, solid matter not to pass into 25 " private, gases from 22 " connections 26 “ to be flushed 27, 28 “ construction and care of 28 Sextons—dead bodies—interments 151, 157 not to bury without permits 151 to make return 154 to register 153 Sheep, not to run at large 49 not to be yarded without permit 53 '■ sick, not to be brought in 120 driving in streets 55 Shell-burning 79. 80 Shells, oyster and clam 115 Ship fever 5 Shops 98, 117 Sick persons, removal of 143, 144, 148 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 93 94 SECTIONS s>ick persons, report of 131, 139 Sidewalks 66, 7U •• dealers in meat, etc., not to occupy 66 “ ashes sprinkled on 68 ice and water not to be on 67 not to be obstructed 69, 79 “ no animal or vehicle lo be o a 70 •• to be kept in good coadition 69 Siuks, contents of. not to be put into streels or rivers 87, 90, 93 " to lia\ e proper traps 190 ” not to be emptied, except by permit 101, 111 " eonstruct.dn of 78, 119 • contents oi, not to run into streets or grounds 8.', 90 “ come within two teet of lop 90 •' " “ become offensive 90, 92 “ ” to be disinfected 110 " care in tiansportmg conteuts of 198, 109. 116 " turning and stirring contents of Ill " price of cleaning 110 " not to be filled with dirt till emptied of filth 90 " to have traps 190 offal ashes, garbage, etc , not to be put into 91 Skinning animals, business of 76, 79 Skins 141 Slaughtering and slaughter-houses 56, 63, 64, 184 Slaughter-houses 57, 59, 184 blood, etc., from 68 “ “ must be clean 57 “ •* wood-work in 57 “ “ construction of 59 *• “ none south of Fortieth Street 56,184 “ •• none between Second aud Tenth Avenues 64 *' not to be dwell ngs . 59 “ require permit 56, 60, 184 “ blood, offal, etc., in 57, 184 Slaughtering cattle, mode of 56, 184 not to be done in street 58 “ " below Fortieth Street 56,184 “ bet. 2d and 10th Avenues 64 requires permit 56, 60, 184 Small-pox 5 Smoke from factories, etc 109 INDEX TO THE SANITABY CODE. INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. SECTIONS Snow to be removed from sidewalk 66 ‘‘ Special regulations,” meaning of 1 Special regulations to be 10 Spirits, alcoholic, distilleries of 82 Spotted fever a contagious disease 6 Stone throwing 173 Stables 100 “ to be kept clean 52, 57 “ animals in 172 Stalls, etc., in market to be clean 38 Straw from emigrant vessels. 141 " used as bedding not to be placed in street, or burnt 112 “ Street,” meaning of 2 Streets, certain articles not to be shaken or exposed in ... 98 persons in, not to be imperilled by buildings or erections. 170 “ nothing to imperil life or health to be placed or carried in 171 “ mode of cleaning 25,128 “ dirt, brick, etc., in 91 " not to be obstructed 70 “ dirt or rubbish not to lie piled or raked up in 129 Swill not to escape into street 88, 116 ” persons engaged in transporting 104 ” of hotels and houses 116 “ in what kind of vessels removed 116 " vessels with, not to leak or spill 116 ‘‘ removal of 108, 116 “ receptacles for 107, 115 “ how transported 116 ■' turning and stirring of 114 *' carts, cons*ruction of 105, 107 ■' “ mode of using 106 ” boiling 79, 80 *‘ milk 45 '• “ butter and cheese from 45 Swine net to go at large 49, 50 “ unloading in street 49 " places where kept to be clean 51, 100 “ not to be yarded without permit 53 sick, not to brought iD 120 Tallow not to be brought into the city to be rendered 86 95 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 96 SECTIONS Tallow, rendering of 86 " only fresh, to be rendered 86 “ boiling 79, 80. 86 “ to be in steam-tight vessels 86 “ odors in, to be destroyed 86 “ “ to be inoffensive 86 Tanning establishments 76 Tar manufactory 82 Teas, deleterious 179 ‘ • Tenant,” meaning of 1 “ Tenement-house,” meaning of 3 houses 20, 22 not to be overcrowded 20 “ ventilation, etc., of 28 “ water-closets for... 22 ” Theatres,” meaning of 4 Theatres 21 Tombs used only by permit 162 “ person in charge of, to register 153 Transit permits of Brooklyn Health Officer and others 155 Tubs in privies 93 “ in privies, construction of 78 " stationary, to have proper traps 190 Turpentine manufactory 82 Typhoid fever 5 Typhus “ 5 Urine not to escape into the street 88 Undertakers to register 153 Unwholesome articles not to be brought to market 32 Vaccination .' 149 Varnish factories 82 Vacant lots to be fenced . 196 Vats , 78, 92 Vaults, not to be emptied, except by permit 101, 111 “ construction of 78,119 “ not to be offensive 90, 92 contents of 90, 92, 93, 116 “ contents of to be disinfected 110 *• “ not to be thrown into sewers, streets, rivers, etc 87, 90, 93 “ to be ventilated 191 “ contents of, to be not less than two feet from top 90 INDEX TO THE SANITARY CODE. 97 SECTIONS Vaults, turning and stirring contents of H4 “ not to be filled with dirt till emptied 90 care in transporting contents of 108, 116 “ ashes, offal, etc., not to be put in 91 “ prices for cleaning 110 •• for burial 152 for burial, persons in charge of, to register 163 manure, to be covered and ventilated 192 “ Vegetables,” meaning of 0 Vegetables, not sound and fresh 29, 202 unsound, to be reported 10 “ decayed and unwholesome, not to be kept or brought into city, or offered for sale therein .... 34 “ false label or statement as to , 37 '• unsound, mode of dealing with 42, 202 Vegetable matter, putrid, not to be thrown into the streets, etc. 89 Ventilating of waste-pipes 193 Ventilation, lodging-houses 201 Vessels, removals from, and unloading of 140. 146 “ reports of officers, owners, and consigm es of, 135, 138, 140 “ physicians on, to report 138 removal of sick from 143, 145 “■ from quarantine 142, 144 “ nothing to be cast from 146 “ not to unload skins, rags, hides, etc., without permit.. 141 “ not to go to offal docks 130 Veterinary surgeons 185 Water from building not to pass on to walk 67 “ reservoirs, pipes, etc., for, to be kept pure 46 " lor human consumption 47 “ to flush sewers 27 “ offensive 76 “ closets 78 “ not to be offensive 90, 92 " “ to be provided in certain houses 22 “ “ gases from 22 Water-closets to be ventilated, etc. . j 78 Waste-pipe ventilating 193 Weapons 176 Well-holes to be inclosed 182 Yarding cattle, sheep, horses, etc 60 Yellow fever 5 To simplify the proof of the Sanitary Code Page 76