INDEX. Business Methods 4 Baltimore offices— 210-212 Equitable Building, 54 Colorado department, 10 Chicago offices— 1106 Masonic Temple and World’s Fair Grounds, 23 Columbian Hospital, 19 Detroit offices— 102 Michigan Avenue, 37 Des Moines offices— 602 Iowa Loan and Trust Building 27 Denver offices— 91-96 Tabor Opera Block, 5*9 English Agents 87 Financial References, 8 Facts to Remember, 85 Hernia or Rupture—5,000,000 Cripples, 82 Hydrocele, 83 Introduction, 2 Illinois department, .. .. * 20 Iowa department, 25 Kansas department, 30 Manufacturing department, 12 Maryland department, 52 Michigan department, 33 Minnesota department, 48 Missouri department, 41 Milwaukee offices— 51-53 Merrill Building 79 Minneapolis offices, 516 Guarantee Loan Building 50 Medical Staff, 7 Nebraska department, 56 Officers of the Company, 3 Oregon department, 62 Omaha offices— 307-308 New York Life Building 58 Our Testimonials, 6 Press Comments, 88 Pennsylvania department, 68 Portland offices— 527-529 Marquam Opera Building 61 Philadelphia offices— 503-505 Mutual Life Building, 70 Strangulated Hernia, 82 St. Louis offices— 500-510 Fagin Building, 43 Salt Lake City offices— 202 Constitution Building 75 San Antonio— 35-36 Alamo Insurance Building 72 Territorial department, 86 Trusses—Dreadful Maladies, 84 Testimonials, 6 Troutdale, 15 Texas department, 71 Topeka offices— 222 West Sixth avenue, 32 Utah department, 73 Varicocele 83 Wisconsin department, .. 77 Well Known Names -d GJ. •. 18 INTRODUCTION. f*KVKN years ago a certain, safe and radical cure of hernia or rupture was a thing unknown to medical science. Today there is no disease or malady with which medical science is more successful. During these seven years the now world-famed Miller treatment of hernia has been developed, thoroughly tested and is today within reach of people living in most of the civilized countries of the world. The effectiveness of the treatment has been demonstrated in over five thousand cases in the United States. Companies have been incorporated for the application of the treatment whose combined capital and business constitute the greatest medical institution the world has ever seen. It has seemed wise during this World’s Fair year to issue a souvenir pamphlet that would have for its object the dissemination of knowledge with reference to this treatment in which so large a proportion of the population is interested. To this end we have reproduced a few of the testimonials that grateful people have given us in various cities, and have, besides other illustrations, given a portrait of each man connected in any important capacity with the workings of the Company in the various cities. From the testimonials and references given the reader may judge as to the efficacy of the treatment, and from the portraits he will he able to judge as to the character of the men who have associated themselves together in this great movement. N o physician is ever admitted into the Company until he has given most conclusive and satisfactory evidence as to his social, moral and professional standing. Many of our physicians have held some of the most important professional positions in this country, and the public may be thoroughly assured that there are no quack means or methods employed in any of our offices. In addition to his usual medical training and experience each physician is required to take a special course in the use of our treatment before he is given an office, and every patient is sure of receiving just as good treatment at one office as at another. As to our business managers we are just as exacting as to their qualifications for the positions they hold as we are in the professional department. And, inasmuch as we make no charge for services unless a cure is effected the public will readily understand that there is no possible chance for fraud. 4 OUR WAY OF DOING BUSINE55. ♦ CUKE NO PAY’ AND NO PAY UNTIL CURED ” is the motto of this Company. In I each case we make an examination and if we believe we can cure we give a written " guarantee that if the case is not cured at the end of the stated time there will be no charge made for services rendered. Our charges, in lieu of the benefits conferred, are very moderate and within the reach of anyone who resolves to be cured, and can be stated only upon examination of the case. If the patient is at all doubtful as to our responsibility we always give him the privilege of depositing his money in some bank, payable to our order when his family physician pronounces him cured. There are, however, great numbers of people afflicted who are unable to make such a deposit all at once, and as we desire to treat everyone suffering from this distressing malady we will make terms in every case that will correspond with the patient’s financial convenience. We have never refused to treat a curable case on account of the patient’s inability to pay. If the patient is positively unable to pay we give him treatment FREE So if this pamphlet should fall into the hands of any man or woman who is suffering and cannot pay for relief come and talk with us. We also render any assistance in our power in reducing strangulated hernia and fitting common trusses free of charge. 6 OUR TESTIMONIALS. the over five thousand patients who have availed themselves of our treatment can m he found those of both sexes and all professions, and they range in age from two weeks to ninety-one years. In choosing the testimonials for this pamphlet in the various cities we have taken such as would represent as many of the different professions, the various ages and the great variety and different stages of the disease as possible. We have arranged them by States so that those living in the States in which we have offices can readily see or correspond with patients in their own locality. Having so many offices it necessarily gives a very limited space for the testimonials of each individual office, hence, the testimonials and the names of only a few of our more prominent patients are given. Those desiring names from their own immediate vicinity will kindly write to our nearest office and names will be forwarded. As will be seen by looking over the list of our references none but reliable names appear in this issue. In writing to any of them for information always inclose a stamp for reply. 8 financial references. DUN’S Mercantile Reports. DENVER, Colorado: Any bank in the city. BALTIMORE, Maryland: First National Bank. CHICAGO, Illinois: Globe National Bank. DES MOINES, Iowa: German Savings Bank. DETROIT, Michigan: Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ National Bank. MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin: Milwaukee National Bank. MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota: First National Bank. OMAHA, Nebraska: National Bank of Commerce; German Savings Bank. PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania: First National Bank. PORTLAND, Oregon: United States National Bank. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah: McCornick & Co., Bankers. TOPEKA, Kansas: First National Bank. DENVER TESTIMONIALS. 10 Cured ip Four Weeks. Colorado Springs, Colo.. May 13, 1893. Gentlemen:—I take great pleasure in notifying you of my complete cure of a very troublesome case of hernia of four years’ standing. I was treated three times, the treatment covering a period of four weeks. It is now four weeks since the last treatment and I am perfectly sound and well. I was without my support yesterday. Stood up all the way to and from Denver. I earnestly recommend your treatment to all who are afflicted with hernia as swift and sure, and with no inconvenience to patient. Very respectfully, E. G. Paster, 322 East Kiowa street. Cured After Everything Else Failed. Denver, Colo., January 3, 1893. I was severely ruptured by having a horse fall twenty feet down an embankment with me. I tried elastic and electric trusses of various kinds without relief, until at last I concluded to try the Miller treatment, for which I was well rewarded, as I now consider myself entirely cured. Any one wishing further information or proof of the above facts will find me at 1823 California street. John Resch. Denver, Colo., January 24, 1893. I cannot say too much in regard to your efficient treatment. When first I called upon you, two years and a half ago, I was unfit for any kind of work. Now I feel entirely cured and as strong as ever, and will venture to say that your treatment has no equal. Sincerely yours, Joseph Vogler, S. 14th St., bet. Lee and Warren Aves., S. Denver. Cured ip Two Weeks. Grand Junction, Colo., April 11, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—1 take pleasure in writing this testi- monial of the cure T have received at y7our hands of my rupture, which has caused me such inconvenience and suffering for four years. The rupture was so large that I was unable to protect it with any truss which I could procure. On the twenty-seventh day of March, just two weeks ago, I applied to you for cure, and to-day I con sider myself sound as far as rupture is concerned. You may make any use you see proper of this testimonial. I unhesitatingly recommend your method of cure to all sufferers. Joseph Reither. A Railroad Br&kerpap Cured ip Five Weeks. Denver, Colo., May 10, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—This is to say that I suffered from in- guinal hernia of the left side and applied to you for a cure in March last, and that after five weeks’ treatment I consider myself sound, and am now following my occu- pation as a brakeman without my truss. E. T. Wasson. 11 A apd 5tatiopary Epgipeer's Testirpopy. W ard, Colo., March 22, 1893. This certifies that I suffered with right inguinal hernia for twenty-three years. When I applied to The O. E. Miller Company for treatment I could find no truss that would retain my rupture. I began treating with them about two years ago, and without any inconvenience to myself or loss of a day from work because of the treatment, I have been completely cured. W. C. Bryant. About two years ago he was placed under the treat- ment of The O. E. Miller Company and he is now cured, and has had no trouble or inconvenience from the treat- ment. Mrs. J. \Y. Lewelling. Cured Over Three Years. Aspen, Colo., April 14, 1893. This certifies that 1 had left inguinal rupture for three years, during which time 1 suffered from truss tor- ture, which only those who are ruptured know. In 1889 1 took treatment from The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company for the cure of my rupture. Since the begin- ning of their treatment I have had no trouble with my rupture. It has not been down for three years. I con- sider this evidence of a permanent cure. Too much can- not be said for this treatment. George T. James. Cured for Four Years. Boulder, Colo., May 2(5, 1893. The (). E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, Denver. Gentlemen:—1 am glad to add my testimony to the complete success of the O. E. Miller treatment. I had suffered three years from rupture and was also afflicted with hydrocele. I was sixty years of age and my rupture was large and difficult to treat. 1 began treatment in 1888 and I have been entirely cured for three or four years. John De Backer. f\ Prorpipept Druggist Testifies- Denver, Colo., December 16, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Co. Gentlemen:—I am perfectly satisfied with your treat- ment for rupture. Have without the least inconvenience worn the truss for two years and cheerfully recommend that any person with similar trouble visit you for advice. Respectfully, C. S. Prowitt, Druggist, 1103 Sixteenth street. Rocky Ford, Colo., January 20, 1893. This certifies that Cecil Mulnix was ruptured when two years old. For two years we tried to have him wear a truss, during which time his rupture came very near being strangulated several times. 13 A Larg* Ranch Owner Cured. Morrison, Colo., February 1, 1889. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—It gives me pleasure to furnish you the following testimonial: I am over forty years of age, and for six years I was greatly afflicted with hernia. I tried many kinds of trusses, among others “Horne’s truss,” which nearly tor- tured the life out of me. I finally became so had that it was impossible for me to ride on horseback. On October 3, 1887, The O. E. Miller Company treated me and relieved me at once. The next day after taking treatment I mounted a broncho, which I supposed was gentle, but he at once began to plunge, and for twenty minutes he “bucked” with a will. During this terrible ordeal I ex- perienced no trouble from my rupture, nor have I since. And now, after a thorough trial, I find my hernia entirely cured. As my work is probably as hard as most occupa- tions, I have no hesitancy in recommending your treat- ment to any and all. Thomas A. Lewis. A Laboring flan's Testimony* Denver, Colo., April 1, 1887. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have been suffering from a double rupture of fourteen years’standing. Have used many kinds of trusses and expended much money trying to secure relief, hut I continued to grow worse until I could only sleep an hour or so at a time. My appetite left me entirely, and I became extremely nervous. The O. E. Miller Company treated me on December 15, 1886, giving me instant relief; and now, in a little over three months, I find myself a sound man, both sides having healed up, and from the first week of their treatment my appetite has increased, and I am enjoying my rest, and in fact life, for the first time in many years. I cheerfully recommend The O. E. Miller Company’s treatment to all suffering from this dangerous malady. Anthony Pavelka, Address at the Solis Cigar Factory. A Union Pacific Railway Engineer Cured. Denver, Colo., May 15, 1890. This certifies that I am forty-two years of age. About one year and a half ago I met with a railway accident which produced a rupture. By the advice of a friend I at once had The O. K. Miller Company treat me, which re- sulted so successfully that for several months now I have been employed running my engine, without wearing any support. H. T. Randall, 231 37th avenue. /\ Prominent Architect Speaks* Denver, Colo., July 1, 1890. This certifies that 1 have been a sufferer from hernia and, in traveling about looking after the construction of buildings, 1 was greatly inconvenienced. In February, 1888, The O. E. Miller Company treated me and, without any detention from my business, has effected a cure. A. M. Stuckert, Architect, Charles Building. 14 Cured ip Three Weeks. Denver, Colo., April 29, 1893. To The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—I have been ruptured for five years, and was so badly affected that no truss that I have ever found would retain the rupfure. I received my first treatment by your method April 5, 1893, and now the rupture does not come down at all. To all appearances 1 am cured, as I cannot force the rup- ture out hy straining or coughing. The treatment has more than met my most sanguine expectations. J. S. Medaris. Denver Transit and Warehouse Company. Anyone wish- ing to find out if this statement is true or not will find me there. 1 am as ever, your patient and well wisher, F. M. Osborn, 2101 Blake street. A Testirpopizd Frorp a LeAdvill* Business A\»p. Leadville, Colo., July 20, 1888. This is to certify that I was troubled with a rupture of over two years’ standing, and at the time of taking treatment of The O. E. Miller Company, it was in a fair way to become strangulated. The hernia had slipped out, and I could not reduce it, as was my custom. They reduced the hernia in a few moments, and gave me in- stant relief. Since then I have been wearing their support day and night without the slightest inconvenience. A few da}Ts ago one of our best physicians made an examina- tion, and said that I was undoubtedly permanently cured. I cheerfully recommend this treatment to all thus affected. M. J. Horgan. East Sixth street. Hard Worker Cured. Denver, Colo., June 3, 1891. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—As T have been doctoring with you for a short time, I will give you my testimony in regard to my case. Since I started to doctor with you I have felt like an- other man. L can say that I feel very grateful to you, for had it not been for your treatment I would have been un- able to work, as my work has been very hard. It has been mostly lifting since I have been with you, and I have lifted as much as two hundred and fifty pounds and carried it just over my rupture and have not been both- ered with it. 1 will say to anyone that has had the misfortune to be in the shape I was when I came to you, they had bet- ter see The O. E. Miller Company without delay, for they will do them good. I feel confident that I am a well man. The work 1 am doing now is driving team for for the A United States Deputy iAiner2d 5urveyor 5peaKs* Salida, Colo., August 6, 1888. This certifies that I am forty-five years of age, and for ten years suffered greatly from an inguinal hernia, and the trusses that I was able to procure seemed only to ag- gravate, rather than to relieve my sufferings. Tn September, 1887, The O. E. Miller Company treated me, since which time I have followed my profession with- out inconvenience or loss of time, and I now find my hernia almost, if not entirely cured, and have no liesi- tency in recommending the treatment to all sufferers. Samuel J. Spray. <~ 16 Prof. Ralph Warren, tb* Dancing A\aster, Speaks. Denver, Colo., May 22, 1890. I wish to state for the benefit of anyone who may be afflicted with rupture, that for the past twenty years I have suffered from the tortures of rupture and trusses, to say nothing of the great inconvenience they have caused me in my profession. A little over a year ago The O. E. Miller Company treated me for a permanent cure. Since then I have had no inconvenience, have been able to go about my occupation as though I had never been rup- tured, and now I find myself cured. Ralph Warren, Warren’s Dancing Academy. as if cured. After thoroughly testing the matter, I find my rupture entirely cured; and 1 wish to say to all who are afflicted as I was, that The O. E. Miller Company will effect a cure in any case they undertake, and I cannot recommend their treatment too hi ghly. Respectfully, M. Louis Weiner. Sixteenth and Glen arm streets. Superintendent of tb* Denver Tr&rpwziy Cornpany Cured. Denver, Colo., June 19, 1890. To Whom It May Concern: I was afflicted with an inguinal rupture for over a year, and in May, 1889, I took treatment of The O. E. Mil- ler Company, and without any inconvenience to myself. My physician examined me the other day and prc nounced me entirely cured. M. M. Austin, Care of Denver Tramway Company. On* of Denver's Wholesale A\ercb&nts Cured. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen: — Believing that real merit deserves credit, I hereby request you to publish, over my signa- ture, the following statement of my case: I am forty-three years of age, and have been engaged in the wholesale business in Denver for the past ten years. About three years ago, while trying to manage a fractious horse, I received a severe strain, which resulted in an in- guinal rupture. Not knowing what else to do, I at once had my physician lit a common truss to me, but instead of relieving the rupture, it only aggravated the case, and finally became almost unendurable. After carefully in- vestigating your method, I concluded to place my case in your hands, which I did in January, 1887. Your support relieved me in a few days, and from that time 1 have not had the slightest inconvenience, and in fact felt as well Denver, Colo., May 4, 1893. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—I am glad to inform you that my rup- ture is cured. I had a double rupture of four years’ standing and began your treatment about six months ago. While I still wear your support as a protection, yet there is no appearance of the rupture and I can dispense with the support with impunity. I am happy to give my testimony as to the safety, comfort and effectiveness of your treatment. I am sixty-one years old. J. B. Daniels, Meadville, Fa. Deputy Clerk apt! Reporter of Coupty Has a Sop Gured. To Whom It May Concern: Eliis is to certify that my son was afflicted with double hernia, or in other words, was badly ruptured on both sides, when he was about six months old. I had him treated for the rupture by several good physicians, but they could do him no good. The rupture was so bad he was compelled to wear a double truss all the time, which had to he increased in size as the boy grew. This he wore until the latter part of December, 1888, at which time I took him to The O. E. Miller Company, of Denver, Colorado, for treatment. He used their treatment for one year, and I am happy to say I believe the boy is per- fectly sound, and that The O. E. Miller Company has effected a permanent cure for him, and I would advise all who may be suffering from the same trouble to give The O. E. Miller Company a trial. I am, very respectfully yours, I). II. Garey, Akron, Colorado. 17 Another Boulder County Rapcbrp&p Cured. Altona, Boulder County, Colo., June 24, 1890. The O. E. Miller Company, Denver, Colo. Dear Sirs:—It gives me great pleasure to add my testimony to that of others cured under your treatment for hernia. It is about ten years since I first suffered from hernia and the varied tortures of every variety of truss I could hear of for possible relief. At last, about two years ago, a friend then under your treatment rec- ommended you most highly to me. From the hour I first put myself under your treatment I experienced a won- derful relief. Have been able to carry on all my farm work like a well man, and now feel ready to pronounce myself wholly cured, and would as heartily commend your treatment to others as it was recommended to me. Very truly yours, M. J. Tobey. A A\optapA A\ioio? A\ap Testifies. Denver, Colo., August 10, 1888. This certifies that I have been a sufferer from hernia for the past three years, and that The O. K. Miller Com- pany treated me some months since, giving me relief in a short time. Since then 1 have not been inconvenienced, and although I was engaged in mining near Leadville during the winter, my work has not been interfered with, and now believe my rupture is entirely cured. \\\ I). Dodds, Granite, Montana. Staterpept Frorp tb* Farpily Pbysiciap. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have carefully examined the son of Daniel H. Garey, who had been afflicted with double hernia for the period of ten years, and who for the past year has been under the treatment of The O. E. Mil- ler Company, of Denver, Colorado, and I find that The O. E. Miller Company have obtained a perfect cure, and the boy is apparently sound. Dr. D. J. Deck. WELL KNOWN NAA\E5. 18 /Vf. HE office in Denver has been running for seven years and an attempt to publish the testimonials of the many hundreds of cases cured during that time would require a much larger volume than this entire pamphlet. We will, therefore, omit any further testimonials hut will print the names of some prominent gentlemen well known in Denver and the West, to whom we refer by special permission: The Hon. William N. Byers, President of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Charles D. Cobb, President of the Denver Fire Insurance Company. Mr. Joseph C. Hinz, Assistant Cashier Colorado National Bank. Mr. Samuel Landon, of Anthony, Landon ” This is to certify that I am sixty-seven years old, and have been ruptured ten years. I never was able to get a truss to hold my rupture in place. In February I was treated by The O. E. Miller Company, and inside of ten days I was held up, and now I am satisfied that when my year is up I will be permanently cured. I would not take $1,000 and give tip the treatment. I cannot recommend their treatment too highly. A. W. Holloway, Linden, Iowa. Mr. Holloway gives the following references: J. S. Polk, President Electric Railway; Ek C. Hubble, President North-Western Railway and W. E. Johnson, all of Des Moines, Iowa; Gutherie County National Hank, Gutherie Center, Gutherie County, Iowa. What a Railroad A\zm 5ays. This is to certify that our babe was ruptured on both sides and was very restless and fretful up to the time it was two months old. On March 11, 1892, we put it under treatment of the O. E. Miller Company, and since that time it has been comfortable, as is shown by its wonder- ful growth. On examination we find him entirely cured. He has been going without his support for some time; we think it was the best $50 we ever paid out. Joiix Rundberg, Foreman with K. C. & W. R. R., Des Moines, Iowb, 28 /V W>ll-To-Do Farrper Cured. This is to certify that I took treatment of The O. K. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, June 6, 1892, and re- ceived relief at once. Before taking their treatment I had taken medicine for three months for stomach trouble, and it seemed to do me no good. After taking their treatment that trouble left me entirely and I have not been bothered with it since. I went along about my work and scarcely knew I had a support on; inside of five months from the time of tak- ing treatment, took off my support one night on going to bed, got up next morning, dressed myself, and helped to thrash, pitching sheaves all day, and never missed my support. On going to bed at night I discovered my sup- port under the bed. I was scared at first, but on exam- ining I found my hernia did not show. Up to that time I considered the treatment was worth $500 to me; since that time I have been examined and pronounced cured. 1 have worked harder this winter and find that my general health is better than it has been for years. R. R. Ford, Cedar Falls, Iowa. venience they have caused me in my profession. I could not get any relief. A little over a year ago The O. B. Miller Company, of Des Moines, Iowa, treated me for a permanent cure. Since then I have had no inconvenience, and have been able to attend to my business as though there was nothing the matter with me, and on examina- tion I find one side cured and the other side much better; and have no doubt in my mind but that I will be perma- nently cured in less than two years. I recommend you to anyone that is looking for relief and a cure. Rev. S. A. Lee, Toledo, Iowa. St&terpept of & Prorpipept Railroad A^ap. A word for The O. K. Miller Company. About one year ago I was wearing a miserable steel truss that had almost ruined my back; having fired on the engine for years, T had got so bad that I made up my mind that I would have to stop railroading, and I did not know what to go at. About that time Professor F. L. Miller, of Des Moines, Town, was stopping at the Tremont Hotel; I went up to see him and put myself under their treatment then and there. I went on my run that night, as I got relief at once. Have not lost any time with my rupture since. Mv back has improved, and I am satisfied, by the time my contract expires with them, I shall be permanently cured. 1 would recommend their treatment to all suffer- ing as T have done, and any further inquiry from those similarly afflicted I will answer to the best of my ability. H. L. Thorp, 513 South Third street, Marshalltown, Iowa. A A\ipister Ruptured Forty-Ope Years. Gentlemen:—This is to certify that I am sixty-one years old, ruptured forty-one years, and I wish to state for the benefit of anyone afflicted with rupture, that for he past forty years I have suffered from the torture of pture and trusses, to say nothing of the great incon- 29 Bookkeeper with Des Loan and Trust Company- It gives me pleasure to be able to write a testimonial in favor of The (). E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Our little hoy was afflicted with hernia or rupture. He had no inconvenience from the treatment from the time of taking it until cured. After the doctor pro- nounced him cured and we commenced taking off his support the child was not in favor with the movement at all; insisted on wearing his support, which shows that he was perfectly easy with his support on. Frank Cummins, 410 Locust street. A Lady's Testimonial to Tfie O. E. A\'9*r Company- This is to certify that I have been ruptured some years, but on hearing of The O. E. Miller Hernia Treat- ment Company, I put myself under their treatment. I am pleased to say that I received relief immediately. Be- fore taking their treatment I had not been able to do my own washing for a year and scarcely my housework. In- side of two weeks after taking treatment I commenced doing my washing and other housework with compara- tive ease. I consider that I am cured and have gone for some time without the support. Mrs. L. C. Holloway, Stuart, Iowa. Testimonial of a Banker. In July, 1392, I was recommended by a physician of Colfax Springs to The (). K. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, and called on Professor Miller, of the Des Moines office. After a short consultation and examina- tion I placed myself under their treatment. I was ruptured on both sides. I received relief im- mediately, and inside of two months I was so highly pleased that I sent my father to Des Moines to take treat- ment, who is seventy-two years old. In March I was examined by the doctor and pro- nounced cured, but I am still wearing my support, as it gives me no inconvenience at all. Anyone wishing to know about the treatment, I will cheerfully answer any or all questions to those afflicted in a similar way. Charles Yale, Yale, Iowa. What a Polk County Farrper Says. This is to certify that I am thirty-one years old, and have been ruptured six years, and that I have worn a number of different kinds of trusses without any benefit, but I was in hopes that there was something in the world in which I could find relief. I was looking for it and one day as 1 was reading the Register I noticed an advertise- ment of The O. K. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, at Des Moines, in which they guaranteed a cure, and 1 placed myself in their hands; and 1 think it is a Godsend to suf- fering humanity. Xo amount of worldly goods would in- duce me to give tip the treatment. My case was one of the worst, and often I could not work on account of my rupture. I have not lost a day since under their treat- ment. S. C. Perdue, Hondurant, Iowa. 31 KANSAS TESTIMONIALS. A Ranchman Quickly Cured. Baird City, Kansas, June 7, 1893. I am thirty nine years of age, and have suffered from inguinal rupture for five years. I received the first treatment from The (). 1C. Miller Company on the twenty-fifth day of May, 1893, and I now consider myself completely cured, as I am able to do any kind of work without inconvenience or a return of the rupture. Abk. Schmitt, Formerly of Red Mountain, Colorado. N. B. -Pile office ;it Topeka, Kansas, lias just recently been established. 33 DETROIT TESTIMONIALS. To Wfiorp It Concerns- Detroit, Mich., April 25, 1892. I was treated by The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, of Detroit, Mich., on the twentieth day of last November, for double rupture—which I had never been able to retain in a satisfactory manner with any truss— and, notwithstanding the fact that I have not been fol- lowing the treatment one-half of the expected time, I feel perfectly strong and well. My ruptures cause me no trouble or inconvenience, and they have never been down since I left their offices. The treatment has been pleasant and satisfactory throughout, causing me no inconvenience and not inter- fering with my regular work. I am a farmer, and as such have been able to thoroughly test “The Miller Treatment.” It has stood every possible test and, therefore, has my hearty endorsement and recommendation. John Johnson, New Richmond, Mich. something must he done in order to save the boy, so 1 took him to Detroit and had Dr. Marsh adjust the brace. Some three weeks afterward he readjusted it, since which time we have had no trouble whatever, and the boy is considered sound, but he still wears the brace, which I think is the proper thing. 1 most heartily recommend this Company to anyone suffering with a rupture, also as gentlemen of courtesy, who will do everything in their power to make the hours pleasant while under treatment. Yours very truly, Elmer E. Stanton. A Dfy Goods Cured. (The following case was sent to us, May 2(5, 1892, by A. B. Grant, M. I)., of Ionia, Mich., where Mr. Stone form- erly resided:) Office of Richard C. Stone, Dry Goods, Silk and Carpet House, 1418-20 Tower Avenue. West Superior, Wis., October 25, 1892. Dr. H. \V. Marsh, of The O. E. M. Co., Detroit, Mich. My Dear Sir:—“My hernias are apparently cured. I have never experienced any inconvenience, soreness or weakness whatever, since T took your treatment, and feel the best I have felt in over six years. My family physi- cian at Ionia pronounced me cured before I moved from there.” R. C. Stone. Grand Rapids, Mich., April 29, 1898. The O. E. Miller Co., Detroit, Mich.: You commenced treating my boy in May, 1891. The treatment has been entirely satisfactory. He was a little over two years old and had been ruptured since birth. I had an ordinary brace on him hut it would become misplaced from one to a dozen times a day. I knew that A Builder's Wif* Testifies* Detroit, Mich., August 1, 1891. The O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment Co., City. Five years ago I became ruptured through a sudden exertion while lifting one of my children. My family physician advised me to wear a truss, which I did, with- out relief. I afterwards consulted many physicians and surgeons, all of whom informed me of the dangerous character of my case, and agreed that a cure was improb- able, even by surgery. I then applied to the leading truss manufacturers of this city, and secured from each what was claimed to be the best appliance, but in every in- stance, and after the expenditure of over $1,000, I was worse than ever, for my rupture had continually in- creased in size, until it was larger than a cocoanut. For two years previous to February 18, 1891, at which time I consulted you, my rupture rendered me entirely helpless by spells, and at no time was T able to perform my house- hold duties for more than one hour at a time. The mis- ery I suffered by reason of my rupture and the wearing of “trusses” can be realized only by those similarly af- flicted, and it is for their benefit that I voluntarily give this letter and recommend the “ Miller system of treat- ment,” for since I began it five months ago I have felt as well as ever in my life, and have been able to do all my own housework with perfect ease and comfort. Have any sufferer who is doubtful call or write me. Mrs. George Sizeland, 291 Humbolt avenue, Detroit, Mich. 34 The Youpg 5op of C. L. W*?Ks» a Prorpipept Dealer of Detroit, A\icbi§&p. Detroit, Mich., January 31, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, Detroit. Gentlemen:—I am pleased to be able to write a testi- monial in favor of your treatment for rupture. My infant son suffered from one for some time before we knew just what his trouble was. From the moment we began treat- ment with you, he began to improve, and I think I may say that he is completely cured. I can highly recom- mend the treatment to any one suffering as he did. Respectfully yours, Mrs. C. L. Weeks, 336 East Warren avenue, Detroit, Mich. Frorp zc Barry Goupty, Farrper. Hastings, Barry County, Mich., February 6, 1893. The O. E. Miller H. T. Co., Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen:—I am so well pleased with your treat- ment that I offer you the following for publication: I was ruptured fourteen years ago, and suffered a great deal until the time I was treated by you (November 7, 1892). I wore several kinds of trusses, and had my case attended to by different doctors, druggists and truss makers, but none of them did me any good. I am a farmer, and have been engaged at different kinds of work since commencing your treatment, and have not had a moment’s inconvenience and felt otherwise than perfectly comfortable and secure. Yours truly, Henry Havens. 36 Jackson Cur*d. Jackson, Mich., March 27, 1893. This is to certify that I am thirty-five years of age, and was ruptured at the age of twenty-two. I consulted several physicians, and tried several trusses, without more than temporary relief. I was treated by The O. E. Miller Company of Detroit, Mich., on June 23,1892. With- in one week from the time I commenced their treatment my rupture had entirely disappeared. I have never seen it since that time, and I consider myself entirely cured. If any weakness existed there now, I am certain that the heavy work and straining which I am obliged to do in connection with my business (fireman), would develop the rupture. I feel perfectly strong and well and heartily recommend “The Miller Treatment.” Yours truly, Thomas Cunningham. Frorp a Lading Physician of Grand Rapids» AVcfflg&p. Grand Rapids, Mich., March 9, 1893. The O. E. Miller R. T. Co., 102-4-6 Michigan Avenue Detroit, Mich. Gentlemen:—Having investigated your appliances and methods of rupture treatment, I am satisfied that you have the best appliance in the world, and that your method of treatment will do all that any reasonable being could ask to have done—all things taken into considera- tion. Clinton D. Woodruff, M. D., 594 Cherry street. Rev. Joseph C. Foster, D. D., Associate Editor of The Watchman, Room 12, No. 2, Lowell Building, Beacon St., Boston, Mass., April 20, 1893. To Whom It May Concern: In February, 1892, I went from Boston, Mass., to De- troit, Mich., to avail myself of the aid which I might re- ceive from The O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment Company. The journey resulted in my receiving much benefit. Whether completely cured or not, I have been greatly re- lieved. The treatment has enabled me to engage in my work with great comfort compared with any and all pre- vious treatment. I had suffered much from different trusses fitted, or rather misfitted to me, and I can most heartily recommend the appliance of this Company to those who are afflicted with hernia. Josefii C. Foster. A Northern A\ichi§an N\^ Cured. Offices of Ketchum & Norton, Le Roy, Mich., October 14, 1892. In regard to my case I feel so much better that I hardly know I have been ruptured, but I shall continue to use the treatment as a safeguard for a time longer. I believe 1 am perfectly cured, and regard it as quite remarkable, as I only commenced the treatment two months and four days ago. Every physician who ever examined my case, pronounced it a difficult one for any treatment, on ac- count of my build and weight, 220 pounds. Harney A. Norton. 38 A Tuscola Farrpcr Cured. Colwood, Tuscola County, Mich., April 10, 1893. The O. E. Miller Co., Detroit, Mich.: My case still remains as it was at the time I first gave you permission to use my name as reference (November 1(5, 1892.) The one treatment which I received at your office, December 31, 1891, has apparently perfected a cure, and I am now as well as I ever was. Levi I. Greenfield. Our testimonials are so numerous that we are com- pelled to limit the publication to names and leading facts, and refer inquirers to the patients themselves. Always inclose a stamped and directed envelope when writing to any of these persons for information: Charles \V. Hall, liveryman, Cohlwater, Mich. Kup- tured for years and had given up hope of relief. Under treatment six months and hernia does not trouble him at all. C. B. Charles, offices of W. S. Charles & Co., Bangor, Mich. “Rupture out of sight.” William Pugsley, retired leather dealer, Binghamton, N. Y.; seventy-one years of age, ruptured live years. Treatment one month and satisfactory. John L. Jackson, proprietor of foundry and machine shop, Saginaw, Mich. Case complicated and of long standing. Could get no relief from trusses. Our treat- ment gave immediate relief. Mrs. E. D. McGowen, Delray, Mich. Suffered seven years, bu*t was relieved immediately by the Miller treat- ment. J. W. Major, Woodburn, Mich. Ruptured six years, and tried both Jones’ and Eggeston’s trusses without re- lief. Cured by the Miller treatment. John T. O’Neill, foreman of G. F. Case Coach and Coupe Company, Detroit, Mich. The only treatment that gave benefit. A Central 5cfiool Teacher Cured. Grand Ledge, Mich., October 31, 1892. To The O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment Co., Detroit, Mich. Dear Friends:—The treatment which you gave me last Spring has effected a perfect and satisfactory cure. I have never felt better than during the last eight months. All is due to your faithful work, and I shall never cease to be thankful to you for the service you have rendered me. H. B. Tanner. Ann Arbor, Mich., May 1, 1893. Gentlemen:—Seeing your advertisement for the cure of hernia, and being thus afflicted, I went to Detroit, May 28, 1892, and received treatment from you, and consider myself entirely cured, for which I thank you, and would advise others thus afflicted to go and be cured. I will gladly respond to any inquiries anyone should wish to make. R. Waterman, G6 Washington street. William S. Farmer, engineer, 20 Gilman street, De- troit, Mich. Worn the Miller support six months with comfort and expect to be able soon to do without it. Matthew I). Wagner, banker, Sand Beach, Mich. Began wearing support in September, 1892. Finds it “easy as an old shoe.” Would not take $1,000 and be put back where he was at that time. Mrs. Annie Sinnott,Clare, Mich. “Umbilical hernia, large enough to till an ordinary wooden pail.” Suffered nineteen years and could get no relief from trusses or physicians. Four days after receiving the Miller treat- ment was able to be on her feet constantly, without pain or inconvenience, the first time in years. James E. Bush-Major, 125 N. Y. & Hs., Chatham, Out. Ruptured in 1863; suffered severe pain and was threatened with strangulation, and could find no truss that would hold the rupture till the Miller treatment was tried in 18JK). Is now free from pain and inconvenience. Wilhelmine Erb, a prominent lady of Marquette, whose letter is on tile with the editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate. Large umbilical rupture of twenty years standing. Began treatment in August and in De- cember following declared herself cured. John N. Cronenweth, marine engineer, 580 Fort street, east, Detroit, Mich. Ruptured four years. Could find no truss that would retain it. Miller support retained it perfectly from the first, and complete cure is confidently expected. 39 Mrs. K. Wkiger, 225 K. Wesley street, Jaekson, Mich. Double rupture of twenty years standing. No help from trusses. “The pressure of the bands, elastics, etc., around my body made deep indentations and finally brought on excruciating neuralgic pains, which did not cease until you treated me, when I was released of the necessity of wearing torturing trusses. After three or four weeks I felt easier than I had for months, and now, at the end of five months’ time, I enjoy better health than for many previous years.” Adolf Allweyer, 289 Champlain street, Detroit. Ruptured in 1877. Wore different trusses without relief. Underwent surgical operation in March, 1890, but rupture returned in October, 1890. “The Miller treatment proved a great blessing at once and has effected a perfect cure.” Henry E. Dysinger, farmer, Belle River, Mich. “Ruptured fourteen years ago and suffered a great deal until I was treated by you, but have not been uncomfort- able since.” James G. Bacon, farmer, Edwardsburg, Mich. “To your treatment I owe my life.” Is lifty-seven }rears old and since treatment is able to do any kind of farm work. Lilla E. Lake, 201 Randolph street, Detroit, Mich. Rupture large and complicated and life a burden. Greatly relieved since the day treatment was given. John Fields, engineer, Western Newspaper Union, 22 Clinton street, Detroit, Mich. Great sufferer for thirty- live years. Cured by the Miller treatment. 40 G. Bossert, carpenter and builder, 1112 Greenwood avenue, East Toledo, Ohio. R. Waterman (cured), retired farmer, 66 Washington street, Ann Arbor, Mich. J. A. Webber (Pullman Palace Car Shops), Monroe avenue, Detroit, Mich. L. A. Smith, fireman, Detroit, Lansing and Northern Railroad, Stark, Mich. Paul Ross (cured), butcher, 148 Randolph street, De- troit, Mich. James Brancheau (girl cured), farmer, Newport, Mich. P. Bouckart, proprietor Oakland House, Oxford, Mich. Fred Blum (son cured), farmer, Port Huron, Mich. J. F. Morse (cured), 11 Seitz block, Detroit, Mich. Peter Leasia (cured), farmer, Bridgeport, Mich. M. E. Ogden (cured), sailor, Marysville, Mich. Edgar White, capitalist, Port Huron, Mich. W. M. Burden, farmer, Fairmont, Indiana. E. A. Urch, druggist, Clarkston, Mich. Rev. N. H. Dolsen, Les Cheneaux Mission, Hessel, Midi. One of the most difficult cases ever treated at the Detroit office. After one week of treatment rupture never came down. J. Van Buskirk, president of the Harrisville Roller Mill Company, Harrisville, Mich. D. M. Bateman, a farmer lifty-four years old, rup- tured twenty-six years. Aurelius, Mich. Frank Turner, merchant, 217 Cleveland avenue, Isli- penning, Mich. William R. Scott, wagon manufacturer, Lapeer, Mich. C. H. Williams, railway engineer, Woodman, Wis. F. Sessions Hamlin, lumberman, Grayling, Mich. O. M. Clement, merchant, St. Johns, Mich. A. W. Parker, painter, Hastings, Mich. Junius L. White, farmer, Albion, Mich. William Inman, farmer, Romeo, Mich. Datus Ensign, miller, Brighton, Mich. F. G. Stowell, Hastings, Mich. 42 ST. LOUIS TESTIMONIALS. /V R&ilro&d Conductor A\ade Happy. Tupelo, Miss., April 22, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—About seven years ago I became afflicted with a distressing rupture, and although I tried various trusses to secure relief, I received no substantial benefit. About one year ago I placed myself under the O. E. Miller treatment and had almost immediate relief. I have pursued my usual avocation as railroad conductor with perfect comfort since. The rupture is no longer the source of any annoyance to me, and I am practically a sound man again. J. A. Pringle. Breckenridge, 111., April 22, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am a farmer, sixty-four years of age, and have been ruptured for about fifteen years; during that time I have received treatment from several different surgeons, and have used various styles of trusses with indifferent success. On the twenty-ninth of March, 1892, 1 commenced the treatment of The O. E. Miller Company and have received much benefit. While I am not entirely cured, I am improving. All the indications show that I am continually improving. I have no trouble whatever in having the rupture retained with perfect ease and comfort. R. Boyd. St. Louis, Mo., April 23, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—[ am a plasterer by occupation, am twenty-four years of age, and was ruptured for four years. I wore a truss with indifferent results for con- siderable time, becoming all the time worse. I placed myself under the treatment of The O. E. Miller Company a few months ago, and the most gratifying results have followed. My rupture is completely retained. I pursue my usual work without any pain or annoyance, and feel that I am again practically a sound man. Iver J. Schmidt, 4443 Ferdinand avenue. St. Louis, Mo., April 22, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—My occupation is that of a brakeman. I am twenty-live years of age, and have been ruptured for about three years. About one year ago my rupture became so bad that I was compelled to quit work on account of it. Having learned of The O. E. Miller Com- pany, I availed myself of its treatment for the relief and cure of rupture, and am happy to say that I am now a sound man. I have not been troubled in the least since commencing this treatment, and attribute the result en- tirely to the efficacy of your treatment. J. J. Caudle, 1439 North Twenty-first street. 44 St. Louis, Mo., April 22, 1893. The O. R. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am thirty-five years of age, and my trade is that of a cooper. I was troubled for many months with a distressing rupture. I sought relief by the use of a common truss and it continued to grow worse. A few months ago I placed myself under the treatment of The O. R. Miller Company, and although my rupture was quite difficult to retain, I am pleased to state that it is now under perfect control. 1 am quite free from pain or annoyance of any kind on account of my affliction, and am quite confident that a permanent cure is in store for me. Karl Meel, 2900 South Seventh street. St. Louis, Mo., April 22, 1893. The O. R. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I take pleasure in making the follow- ing statement available to those who are afflicted with rupture or hydrocele. [ am now sixty-six years of age. I have been troubled with rupture since 1 was fourteen years of age. A dis- tressing case of hydrocele developed about four years ago. I bad worn all kinds of trusses without securing for me any permanent relief. About fifteen months ago T placed myself under your treatment for both rupture and hydrocele. I am glad to say that the hydrocele is no longer a source of trouble or anxiety to me, as it is practically cured. The rupture has been kept under per- fect control, and I have bad more comfort within the past few months than for many years; and although ruptured more than half a century, I am quite hopeful that a per- manent cure will be the result. M. 1). Strickland, 3130 Pine street. Webster Grove, Mo., April 22, 1893. The O. R. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—My son, who is now three years of age, was ruptured at birth. We tried five different appliances at different times for his relief, and had the directions of several physicians, but he became rather worse than bet- ter. We were very much discouraged at the time we placed him under the treatment of The O. R. Miller Com- pany in the summer of 1891. I am happy to state that he has been soundly cured for one year past. His health is good, and he is sound in every respect so far as I know. I am very much pleased to make this statement be- cause of the wonderful success accomplished with my little boy. You are at liberty to publish this and refer to me. Mrs. H. B. Dodds. St. Louis, Mo., April 24, 1893. The O. R. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am a carpenter, twenty years of age, and became afflicted with a rupture more than one year ago. It was very annoying, and almost incapacitated me from work. I soon after placed myself under the treat- ment of The O. R. Miller Company, and have had perfect relief ever since. The rupture has been completely re- tained, and I believe that I am as sound as ever. Gus Krause, 1500 South Second street. 45 Professor of Physical 5cieoce Speaks. St. Louis, Mo., April 24, 1893. The O. K. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—About eight years ago I became afflicted with a rupture, the cause of which I knew not. After suffering six months, it became so troublesome that I was obliged to consult a physician, who told me that it would be necessary to wear a truss. I followed his ad- vice, but in a short time the rupture became so bad that to sneeze, cough or go down stairs, was to me a torture. The only respite I could get, was while on my back. On the eighth of last October, I put myself under the treatment of The O. E. Miller Company, and after leaving the office, I walked three miles without the least incon- venience. Since that time 1 have had relief and comfort, and have the strongest hopes of being ultimately cured. To the professional skill and judicial care of the above named company, I heartily commend those who are, or may be, tortured with that troublesome ailment. H. C. Abbonian, 2832 Clarke avenue. it. It gradually got worse and I found that I was rup- tured. I then sought relief by wearing a common spring truss, from which I suffered a great deal of annoyance. The O. E. Miller Company treated me on January 24,1893, giving me instant relief; in fact, the next day I went-to work mixing concrete, which vocation I am engaged in at present. My rupture was perfectly retained. I have not seen it from the day 1 was treated,and I entertain the strongest hopes of a permanent cure. I regard it as a duty to recommend The O. E. Miller Company to any person thus afflicted. Henry Rising, 320 Walnut street. Key, Ark., April 23, 1893. The O. K. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am a farmer and stockman, and am twenty-six years of age. Five years ago 1 became badly ruptured. Was so that I could not ride a horse with safety or comfort to myself. I had worn several trusses and they kept me in a constant state of suspense and torture. About a year ago 1 placed myself under your treatment and 1 am pleased to state that the results have been highly satisfactory. My rupture has been com- pletely retained ever since and I can pursue the usual avocations on the farm or ride horseback with the same comfort as before l was ruptured. 1 feel very confident that a permanent cure will be effected and shall be pleased to answer any inquiries that may come to me. II. T. Weaver. St. Louis, Mo., April 24, 18911. The O. E. Miller Company. Dear Sirs:—For the past five or six years I have frequently practiced jumping over chairs and tables, from which I received a strain. Not knowing anything about rupture I .kept on jumping until I got strained several times. The last did not heal up as usual so 1 had to quit 46 Bunker Hill, 111., April 24, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am a farmer, and had a rupture of three and one-half years duration. At first it did not bother me much and I paid no attention to it, but after about two years it began to pain me. I felt tired all the time, whether I worked or not; I could not ride a horse, and lifting would pain me until I could no longer endure it. 1 was very much discouraged, and 1 finally made up my mind to try the O. E. Miller treatment and am glad that I did. On the third of May, 1892, 1 went under their treat- ment, and feel positive that a cure will be effected. I can now do anything that is to be done on the farm and lift- ing does not hurt me. I can ride a horse no matter whether he is broke or not. It does not hurt me if he does jump and buck. I feel like a boy again. Weston Hilyard. Testirpony of ap Engineer. St. Louis, Mo., April 22, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am forty years of age, and was rup- tured about four years before I commenced taking the treatment of The O. E. Miller Company. My rupture gradually grew worse until about a month prior to the time that I visited your office, when I was unable to get a truss that would retain me. It has been about one year since I began your treatment, and have never been delayed from my work for one day. My rupture has been constantly and comfortably retained, and I have not the least doubt but that I will be permanently cured through the efficacy of this treatment. H. W. Lock, 1814 Chestnut street. Waterloo, 111., April 21, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am a farmer, fifty years of age, and was ruptured about five years ago by being struck with a plow handle when plowing. I went to St. Louis a few weeks afterwards and was fitted up with a Spring Truss, which I wore for two years without any benefit. I also used Eggleston’s Elastic Truss and received no benefit, and was in misery while wearing any of them. Your treatment of my rupture has been much more satisfac- tory than I ever expected. Since I commenced it, one year ago, my rupture has not given me the least trouble or annoyance. I do all kinds of work that is usually done on a farm, lifting, threshing, stacking, etc., without any inconvenience whatever. Thomas Crowe. St. Louis, Mo., April 22, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am a carpenter and forty-one years of age. In September, 1891, I became ruptured and soon thereafter consulted my family physician and followed his directions, but instead of getting better I grew worse. On February 2, 1892, I commenced The O. E. Miller Com- pany treatment and have had constant relief ever since, and believe that I am almost, if not entirely cured. John Beesch, 4331 John avenue. 47 Hon. J. F. Cocke, Poplarville, Miss. William Gardner, clerk, Belleville, 111. 1). A. Stevens, druggist, West Salem, 111. J. (). Roberts, Jr., bank clerk, Clarksville, Mo. Mrs. Mary Cook, 4450 Vista avenue, St. Louis. Mrs. S. J. Barxer, 2033 Sarah street, St. Louis. W., miner, 2318 Olive street, St. Louis. W. F. Rosswixi, clerk, 3730 Manchester road, St. Louis. F. C. Wkxke, watchman, 3125 School street, St. Louis. L. M. Bassett, engineer, 2020 Bernard street, St. Louis. Thomas McSweeney, railroad conductor, Moberly, Mo. A. L. Yoormees, electrician, 2030 Geyer avenue, St. Louis. Sox of Mrs. Jclia Divers, 3717 Chouteau avenue, St. Louis. Child of Charles Barr, 1224 South Ninth street, St. Louis. Jim Hughston, clerk, 813 North Fifteenth street, St. Louis. Frank Grimm, merchant, Sixteenth and Cass avenue, St. Louis. John G. Hinricks, contractor, 7509 Virginia avenue, St. Louis. H. J. Spaetkr, glass worker, 113 Washington avenue, St. Louis. Sox of Mrs. Van Pelt, 3202 North Eleventh street, St. Louis. Son of W. R. Taylor, northwest corner Broadway and Olive street, St. Louis. I [. Smahlenberg, planer, 1814 South Twelfth street, St. Louis. Mathias Kientz, granite iron worker, 1503 Monroe street, St. Louis. J. Ruppersberger, hardware, 1439 North Twelfth street, St. Louis. James Owens, lire department, 810 North Seventh street, St. Louis. Alexander Loxgley, publisher, 2 North Fourth street, St. Louis. B. II. Spiekerman, superintendent, 4127 North Grand avenue, St. Louis. MINNEAPOLIS TESTIMONIALS. 49 A Physician Testifies. Minneapolis, Minn., March 9, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—In my opinion your treatment of hernia is the most scientific and sensible of any mode of treat- ment I am acquainted with, and so far as I have gone 1 am highly pleased with the result. The beauty of it is, there is no operation, no detention from business, and the patient is made better from the very commencement of treatment. Yours truly, G. W. Carpenter, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. St. Paul, Minn., March 14, 1893. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I am twenty-eight years old and have been ruptured over a year and have not been able to find a truss of any kind that would hold my hernia in place until December 21, 1892, when I took treatment of The (). E. Miller Company, at their office in Minneapolis. I am now wearing the (). E. Miller support, which holds me up splendidly and has done so from the first day; it never having come down at all since then; never having been detained from my business since taking their treat- ment. 1 take pleasure in recommending their treatment. Charles Davis. A Bank President 5pe*Ks. This is to certify that 1 am seventy-three years of age, and have been suffering with hernia for the last three wars. 1 commenced treatment with 1 he C). E. Miller Company last December, and continue without the least inconvenience or detention from my business, and do not hesitate to say that I believe I am on a sure road to a permanent cure. From my relations with the Company I know them to he financially responsible and worthy of the confidence of all who may avail themselves of their treatment, H. G. Sidle, President of First National Hank, of Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn., March 20, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—When I had had more than a half-dozen attacks of strangulated hernia in two weeks' time; and the day after a physician, who had put the tumor back in place, said to me, “You had better attend to that thing at once, or it will kill you,” I placed myself under the care of I)r. Jlinz, of your Company. He applied your support and from that day to this 1 have had no trouble, for I have not once felt the tumor. Of course, I cannot tell when the hernia will be cured, hut I am entirely free from all bodily pain and mental anxiety. Respectfully yours, W. A. Winston. 51 Dakota, Minn., March 12, 1893. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—Thinking perhaps I might say a word of encouragement to some poor sufferer with hernia, I take this method of reaching those that are earnestly looking for relief and cure. I beg all those who think they have no hope of securing aid beyond the help of the common trusses now in use to read the following state- ment : 1 have been a sufferer thirty-five years with hernia. Being a laboring man with no better help than the knowl- edge of common physicians and the best trusses it was possible to purchase, 1 grew slowly worse from year to year. I had tried all the so-called professionals of the eastern cities, such as Dr. Sherman’s truss and ointment of New York, and found myself on the road to helpless- ness. 1 went to Minneapolis on January 4, 1893, and visited The O E. Miller Company’s office, and in less than half an hour was fitted with a support that retained the hernia perfectly, something that had not been done for years. Since my return home 1 have been about my work as wagon maker without anv trouble or hindrance whatever. I am as comfortable as any sound person and am confident of a permanent cure. I have been under treatment only ten weeks and can see a great: improve- ment. 1 heartily commend The O. E. Miller Company to all afflicted with hernia. 1 will gladly answer all letters of inquiry with stamp enclosed. T. \V. Baker. Minneapolis, Minn., March 7, 1893. 1 he O. E. Miller Hernia Co., Minneapolis', Minn. Gentlemen:—I take pleasure in stating over my sig- nature that since I came under your treatment, Novem- ber 9, 1892, my injury has caused me but little trouble. I believe I am being permanently cured. From what I know of your treatment, my acquaintance with y’our officers, professionally and financially, my confidence in your direction is assured. R. J. Briscoe, 1217 Hawthorne avenue. Rice, Minn., April 13, 1803. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I will say, in regard to your treatment, that I have received great benefit from it so far, as 1 was unable to perform but very little labor before I began its use, and have been able to do most all kinds of work since. Would advise others similarly afflicted to at least try the same treatment and be benefitted thereby. I am yours respectfully', C. E. Smart. We also refer to the following: N. H. Ramson, Artesian, South Dakota. C. M. Kinmore, 2(508 Taylor street, N. E., Minn. Oscar Erickson, 1024 Sixth street, south, Minn. 13. Bartholomew, 1100 Tremont avenue, Minn. 53 BALTIMORE TESTIMONIALS. 5urveyor 5pe»Ks. Hyattsville, Md., March 23, 1893. The O. K. Miller Company, Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen:—I feel as though it is due you and suf- fering humanity to tell you and them how your treat- ment has benefited me. I am a surveyor and have been ruptured on both sides for about four years, and have not been able to prosecute my business with any degree of satisfaction since, although I have worn innumerable trusses without benefit, they not holding the rupture and causing much suffering. After being treated by your physician at Baltimore, five weeks ago, my ruptures have never been down since. Now I am able to do my work with comfort to myself and feel like a different man. Yours very truly, Thomas H. Latimer. Forced to Quit Work. Hampden, Md., April 22, 1893. To Whom It May Concern: T hereby certify that I am fifty-three years old, and have been ruptured on both sides for over three years, and on account of the great suffering it caused me had to quit work this winter. I was treated by The O. E. Miller Company, of Baltimore, in February, and now the rupture never comes down, and 1 am comfortable, and able to work and feel like a different man. David M. Eckman. Baltimore, Md., April 21, 1893. The O. K. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I desire that people should know the benefit your treatment has been to my five-year-old little boy. I had bought several trusses, and had them fitted on my child to hold up a rupture that came on the child while coughing when a few weeks old. All the trusses hurt him to wear them, and they did not hold up the rupture or give any relief. He laid around most all the time on account of it. Since you treated him in February tbe rupture has not been down, and he plays all the time and never complains any more, so I take great pleasure in recommending your treatment. Yours very gratefully, James E. Hall. Baltimore, Md., April 19, 1899. The O. K. Miller Company, Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen:—1 was ruptured about three years ago, during which time 1 used a truss, and for a long time lately had almost daily, and sometimes two or three times a day, to put up the rupture, the truss failing to hold it. I have been under the care of The O. E. Miller Company since about March 8th, and have not as yet once had to put up the rupture, and have been more comfortable than before. G. L. IIukbert. 55 The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—Yours of the eighteenth instant is at hand, in which 3011 ask for a plain statement of facts as to the benefit, if any, 1 have received from your treat- ment during the seven weeks I have been under your care. It affords me great pleasure to say my rupture has been held in place all the time, and the comfort 1 derive from your treatment is indescribable. 1 have faith to believe it will achieve a permanent cure. During the five years previous 1 often suffered pain and inconvenience from the rupture, from which I now have perfect freedom. Very truly yours J. B. Oldershaw. Baltimore, Md., April 20, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I have been ruptured for about three years and have been troubled a great deal, as the trusses 1 wore did not keep it up and were very tiresome to wear. Since I have been treated by you my rupture is held up and I feel much more comfortable. Yours respectfully, Ralph F. Nollky. X. B.—The Baltimore office has only been opened since March, 1893. OMAHA TESTIMONIAL?. 57 Cured After Mine Years of Suffering. Omaha, Neb., January 24, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen:—It gives me pleasure to state that after suffering nine years with a rupture your treatment has given me entire relief. Though having used your treat- ment but three months, my rupture does not come out at all even when unprotected, and I believe a few months more of treatment will make me as strong as ever at that point. I heartily recommend the treatment of The O. E. Miller Company to anyone afflicted in this way. Yours truly, C. A. Carpenter, Care of Omaha Commercial College. A Testimonial from & Prominent Attorney. Omaha, Neb., January 14, 1893. 710 New York Life Building. The O. E. Miller Co., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen:—In giving my testimony in regard to my son’s case, will say that he has from childhood suffered from a dangerous and complicated rupture, which for the last five years has grown worse instead of better. Twice within the last three years the services of a surgeon and an anesthetic have been required to reduce it. Since taking your treatment in Jul}", 1892, it has caused us no trouble or anxiety, although he has indulged in his usual boyish sports with perfect freedom and comfort. We now feel confident that a continuance of the treatment will in due time effect a perfect cure. Yours respectfully, Jacob Fawcett, Attorney at Law. A Farm Laborer Gured. Humboldt, Neb., December 21, 1892. This certifies that I was treated in July, 1892, by The (). E. Miller Company for rupture from which I was suf- fering. I am twenty-seven years old and am a laborer, so my work was very hard on my rupture and at times painful. Since taking their treatment at Omaha my rupture has given me no trouble, and as it does not come out now under any circumstances I consider myself practically cured, and can heartily recommend their treatment to all who need it. Frank Kolas a. Business A\&nAger Of tfi* sterling A\illing Corppzvpy Testifies. Sterling, Neb., December 14, 1892. To Whom It May Concern: In June, 1892, I was treated by The O. E. Miller Com- pany for rupture, since which time I have had no trouble with my rupture, and believe in due time will be entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend their treatment to all thus afflicted. B. F. Shkimpton. 59 A Carpenter Testifies. Omaha, Neb., December 17, 1892. For the benefit of those similarly afflicted, I hereby certify that I suffered eight years with a bad rupture, till in October, 1892, I was treated by The O. 1C. Miller Com- pany at Omaha, since which I have had no trouble with my rupture and have felt twenty-five years younger than before. I am fifty-five years old and am a carpenter, so my work is very trying to such a condition. My rupture does not come down now even when standing without my support, and 1 believe in due time will be entirely well. I most heartily recommend the treatment of The O. IC. Miller Company. Jesse II. Blake, 105 North Twelfth street. My hernia is rapidly improving and T have every reason to believe that a continuance of the treatment will in due time effect a permanent cure. I certainly recommend The O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment Company to all persons suffering from hernia. Cordially, R. M. Travers, Pastor Congregational Church. A Traveling S&l*srp»0 Satisfied. Omaha, Neb., January 2, 1893. This is to certify that I was treated in December, 1891, by The O. E. Miller Company for double rupture, one of which had troubled me for twenty years, the other for five years, and was very troublesome, as I could not get an appliance that would hold it in place. Since taking the treatment I have had no trouble with my rupture and have done my regular work with comfort. F. Hayward, 1038 South 20th street. After Fifteen Years of Suffering. Milford, Neb., April 26, 1893. The O. E. Miller Co., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen:—It is not only a duty but a great pleas- ure to add my testimony to the merits of your treatment for hernia. I am forty-two years old. Suffered from double rupture of the most obstinate form for over fifteen years, and spent hundreds of dollars for trusses and ad- vert ised remedies without help. I found relief as soon as I put myself under your treatment at Omaha, and could immediately do any lift- ing, running and jumping, something I had not been able to do for years, and my general health has also been greatly improved. A A\ipister Cured. Hartley, Iowa, December 2(5, 1892. The O. K. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—I am glad to say that my hernia, which appeared last May, and has been treated by you, is, to all appearances, now cured. I have also been able to do full work all the while I have been taking your treatment. I think your treatment much superior to any that I know. Yours truly, Devi Jarvis, Pastor M. E. Church. 60 A R*zd Estate A\an T^stiftes. Omaha, Neb., December 20, 1892. This certifies that in May, 1892, I was treated by The O. E. Miller Company for my rupture. I have had no trouble with rupture since beginning the treatment. It does not come out now under any circumstances, and I believe that by continuing the treatment a little longer the parts will be as strong as ever they were. I am forty- nine years old, but now feel that I could do any kind of manual labor with comfort and safety. Dennis Cunningham, 1319 Harney street. and during those years we had much trouble and anxiety in regard to it, but now can say he is entirely well, for which we are very thankful. James Atwell. We Refer, By Permission, to Following : J. Broulette, marble cutter, Schuyler, Neb. M. L. Rossiter, banker, Silver Creek, Nebraska. L. D. Fowler, cashier German Savings Bank, Omaha, Neb. Wes. Pickens, stock, grain and coal dealer, Daykin, Neb. Ray Bowen, clerk, 1707 Leavenworth street, Omaha, Neb. Fred R. Linn, of the firm of J. L. Linn & Son, Elk Creek, Neb. Charles J. Karbacii, vice-president German Savings Bank, Omaha, Neb. G. F. Waldron, photographer, 313 South Fifteenth street, Omaha, Neb. George B. Eddy, of the firm of Chase & Eddy, book- sellers and stationers, 1518 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. /V Laboring A\an Speaks. Omaha, Neb., January 10, 1893. I am glad to say that I was treated by The O. E. Mil- ler Company at Omaha in June, 1892, for my rupture, and it has given me no pain nor trouble since. I am sixty-two years old and now am able to do my work with comfort, and as my rupture is constantly gain- ing, I have every reason to believe that in due time it will be entirely cured. Patrick Murray, 1313 South Sixth street. /V Railroad A\ap's Fourteep-Ye&r-Old Son Cured. Weeping Water, Neb., December 20, 1892. The O. E. Miller Company, Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen:—I am glad to add my testimony in re- gard to the effectiveness of your treatment for rupture. Our son, who is fourteen years old and whom you treated in July last, was ruptured when four years old, Object to Publicity. Many persons whom we have successfully treated are, through a feeling of delicacy, restrained from giving us a public testimonial, but have kindly permitted us to refer to them privately, either at our offices or in a letter, to any inquirer who is not already convinced by the numer- ous letters now at the public’s disposal. 62 PORTLAND TESTIMONIALS. AO Open Letter to Ah Frorp Rev. A* -*• -Joslyp. Centralia, Wash., April 25, 1892. In the autumn of 1869, while shouldering a heavy piece of timber, I slipped and fell, receiving in the act a wrench which caused a severe rupture in the left groin, which became a constant source of annoyance and de- pression, and at times severely painful. During these years of untold sufferings I consulted at different times several able physicians and used various kinds of trusses, only to find my affliction growing continually worse. Hearing that The O. E. Miller Hernia Company had established an office in Portland, Oregon, I paid them a visit, and being convinced of their superior ability in their management of hernia by their frank and logical statement of their methods of treating it, as well as by their extremely careful and intelligent diagnosis of my trouble, I accordingly began treatment with them upon the second day of January, 1892. From the beginning of which until this hour I have lost no time from the work of my profession therefrom, and have suffered no incon- venience from either my rupture or their modes of its treatment. Meanwhile I have been quite free from that feeling of depression so consequent upon a troublesome rupture, and have so gained in general health as to tip the beam at a higher figure than ever before in the his- tory of life. I have good reason to believe that I am safely upon the road to a speedy and permanent cure, if not already there. I prefer, however, to make doubly sure of a per- manent cure, so propose to continue the treatment some time longer, especially that I suffer no inconvenience in its continuance. With great gratitude for their skillful and most efficient management of my case, and with sin- cere desire for their success in the relief of thousands who suffer, I am yours most sincerely, A. J. Joslyn, Pastor Centralia M. E. Church. Note.— Rev. A. J. Joslyn is widely known, having served as pastor at the following cities, viz.: Salem, Ore- gon; Baker City, Oregon; Canyon City, Oregon; Dayton, Oregon; Astoria, Oregon; Boise City, Idaho; Idaho City, Idaho; Ketchum, Idaho, Shoshone, Idaho; Walla Walla, Washington; Vancouver, Washington; Centralia, Wash- ington. To A\otfiers Wl}o Hav* Ruptured Children. Halsey, Oregon, June 13, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Dear Sirs:—Our little boy, George, now four years old, was ruptured when twenty months old, and though we did all we could for him he did not get well. I believe your treatment has cured him, for his rupture has not been down since he was treated by you. He is now strong and well. I can recommend your treatment to mothers who have ruptured children. Respectfully, Mrs. Mary Hayes. 63 His Father Died of Strangulated Rupture. Portland, Oregon, May 27, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—I gives me pleasure to recommend your treatment for rupture. 1 was ruptured for a number of years and had tried several trusses, but none retained the rupture; instead, they made my rupture worse. I began to realize the importance of having more effective treatment, more especially since my father died of strangulated hernia. Hearing that you had opened an office in this city, I decided to see what you could do for me, and I shall never regret doing so, for my rupture has not appeared since I came under your care, and I am confident of a per- fect cure if indeed such has not already taken place, which I believe to be the case. Yours very truly, F. I). Kelsey, Note.—Mr. Kelsey is a member of the Oregon Na- tional Guard. had. I was in continual fear of producing a strangulated condition from heavy work, which I was and am fre- quently obliged to do. I, like many others, made every effort to find relief, hut was unsuccessful until I was in- duced from the reputation of The O. E. Miller Company to give them a trial. Since then I have experienced no inconvenience from their treatment, and have been able to resume and continue work with ease and comfort which I had previously been compelled to give up. I now give them credit for effecting a complete cure. Should anyone wish further assurance of the facts in my case, for their benefit, I would be pleased to converse with them in person. W. P. Campball, 73 First street, With J. K. Gill & Co., corner First and Oak streets. Murry, Idaho, January 6, 1893. The O. E. Miller Co., Portland, Oregon. Sirs:—On the second of last November I had the pleasure of being treated for my rupture by your consult- ing physician. I was at Spokane only three days, after which I returned to my business. I attended light work for a week or two, since I preferred not to do heavy lift- ing. After a couple of weeks I commenced amalgamat- ing in my father’s mill, where I have been working steadily. I have discontinued the treatment recently and find that I am cured. I have highly recommended your treatment to several whom I know to be ruptured. Yours truly, William Coumerilh. f\ Very Complicated Case Cured. Portland, Oregon, June 13, 1892. To Whom It May Concern: Believing that credit should be given to those who deserve it, I willingly show my appreciation of The (). E. Miller Company’s treatment for rupture bv making the following statement, which is from a practical experience in mv own case: For twenty years I suffered great discomfort from an inguinal rupture, although using the best supports to be 64 ASzcwrpill W&tcbrpao, of South Portland, Endorses Our T reatrpent. South Portland, Oregon, May 13, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—This will inform whoever it may con- cern that I was ruptured for twenty-seven years. Trusses and other appliances were useless to me, and I found my rupture gradually growing worse, and greatly interfering with my ability to attend to my business. Hearing of The O. E. Miller Company in Portland, I applied to them on the twenty-third day of April, 1892. Since that time the rupture has given me no trouble whatever. My health is much improved, and I am once more able to work with freedom from pain and annoy- ance, and now confident of a complete cure. I can endorse The O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment. W. E. Strubble. When he was two years old we noticed a large swell- ing in his right groin, which soon reached and filled the scrotum on that side. We tried vainly to retain it in place, but everything used only produced irritation and pain and did not retain the rupture, so we laid all trusses aside and he went without any means of support for five years, the rupture continually growing worse. We were afraid to send him to school, lest the violent exercise which boys engage in when together might induce stran- gulation, so we kept him at home most of the time. A friend advised me to take him to you for treatment, which I am thankful I did, for we have obtained the best of results. He now goes to school all the time, and plays football, leapfrog, and jumps just the same as other boys, without the least sign of a reappearance of the rupture. I earnestly advise all afflicted ones I meet to avail themselves of your treatment. Again thanking you, I remain, Yours very gratefully, Mrs. Oliver Howell. A Grateful /"\otber. Halsey, Oregon, May 16, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Co., Portland, Ore. Gentlemen:—Again I write to inform you that my son Percy is doing finely. There has been no appearance of his rupture since he commenced your treatment last November. His general health is much improved, and he has experienced no inconvenience or pain from your treatment. You have my consent to use this letter as a testimonial, if you wish to do so, and for the benefit of mothers who have ruptured children, and others so afflicted. I will say that Percy is now eight years old. Roseburgh, Oregon, August 9, 1892. The O. E. Miller Co., Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs:—Enclosed you will find P.O. money order for the amount of my note due. The baby is getting along all right, as far as I can tell. I have not seen the rupture but once, just after we came home. Respectfully yours, Mrs. Clara Rast. Note.—A recent examination of Mrs. Rast’s baby showed a complete cure of the rupture. 65 f\n Insurance and Real Estate /Aan is Willing to SpeaK the Truth in Its Favor. Centralia, Washington, June 15, 1892. Dear Sirs:—Your method has proved not only com- fortable hut, I believe, successful in my case, and I shall he pleased to speak the truth of the same to any seeking relief and cure for rupture. Yours, etc., W. G. Gaunce. stant that I would not discontinue it tor many times what it cost me. I am quite confident of a complete cure. With a profound sense of obligation and duty, and with much pleasure, I will say to my fellow men who suffer from rupture, that from my own experience I be- lieve The O. E. Miller Company will treat you kindly, in- telligently and cure your rupture if it is possible to do so. Yours respectfully, S. W. Brown. Note.—President Lincoln appointed Mr. Brown Re- ceiver of Public Moneys in the United States Land Office at Vancouver, Washington, which office he held twenty- two years. We might also remark that Mr. Brown is seventy-two years old. A Case of Fifty Years' standing* Vancouver, Wash., June 7, 1892. The O. E. Miller Co., Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen:—In reply to your inquiry as to how I am getting along, and what I think of your method of treat- ment for rupture, I take pleasure in making the fol- lowing statement, which will, no doubt, he of interest to those who may need your skillful and painstaking treat- ment. I suffered for more than fifty years with a had femo- ral rupture, and frequently my life has been in extreme danger from the liability to strangulation. Trusses and appliances of every description proved a failure in my case, and many of them did me a positive injury, consequently I looked upon all such instruments as schemes to get money without giving “ value received.” Under these circumstances, and with reluctance and sus- picion 1 applied to you some months ago for treatment, and was agreeably surprised to find that there was noth- ing concealed or disguised in your method. Since then the relief has been so marked and con- Chehalis, Washington, July 26, 1892. The O. E. Miller Co., Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen:—I take pleasure in saying that I have been greatly benefited by your treatment, and 1 think that I am on the road to a perfect cure. I can highly recommend your treatment to anyone that is ruptured. Thanking you for favors received, I remain, Yours truly, John Autry. Alsea, Oregon, September 9, 1892. The O. E. Miller Co., Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs:—I take pleasure in dropping you a few lines to let you know liow I am. I feel as well as I ever did. The rupture don’t bother me any more. I am as well and stout as I have been for years. Yours trv.*y, William Taylor. 66 44 See Plato About It.” Portland, Oregon, May 10, 1892. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—Permit me to say that under your in- telligent treatment during the past year 1 have become a well man once more and have entirely forgotten the dozen years of truss wearing before I had the good for- tune to meet you. Hoping you may cure thousands more, I am, Respectfully yours, A. M. Plato. A\ultoorr)&b Street Car Cured. Portland, Oregon, June 7, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Dear Sirs:—I had been wearing trusses for a year or more for the relief of a rupture which I acquired by heavy lifting, but I received no benefit, so I decided a few months ago to take your treatment, which I can heartily recommend, for my rupture has not appeared since tak- ing the treatment and I believe that I am cured. Yours truly, J. Sellar, 630 Washington street. Note.—Mr. Sellar runs on the Washington Street Electric Car Line. Vancouver, Wash., June 6, 1892. The O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment Co., Portland, Ore. Gentlemen:—I am doing well since taking your treat- ment for rupture. I had been ruptured for over five years, and I had worn a variety of trusses, but none bene- fited me in the least. I have had no trouble whatever since taking your treatment, and I believe I am cured. I recommend your treatment to anyone that has a rupture. Respectfully yours, A. O. Hathaway. Vancouver, Wash., June 16, 1892. The O. E. Miller Rupture Treatment Co., Portland, Ore. Gentlemen:—Thinking that possibly a word from me would be of service to you in convincing sufferers from rupture of the efficiency of your treatment, I write you the following brief account of my case: I was ruptured over four years ago. The various trusses used gave me no benefit. Improvement began the first day I took your treatment. I have been able to work with no inconvenience whatever from the rupture or treatment, and I believe I have obtained a permanent cure. I heartily endorse your treatment for the relief and cure of rupture. Yours very truly, B. A. Henslee. Hoquiam, Washington, January 15, 1893. The O. E. Miller Co., Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs:—After walking fifteen miles I arrived home all right. I have used the medicine and feel no soreness from its effects. I had a talk with my friend, Mr. Boyce, and I recom- mended your treatment very highly to him. He says he will go to see you as soon as he can arrange to do so. Very respectfully yours, William Renie. 67 Portland, Oregon, Xovember 15, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Co., City. Gentlemen:—This will inform whom it may concern, that I was ruptured for three years, having an inguinal rupture on each side. I tried several kinds of trusses, but found no relief; in fact, my case was gradually grow- ing worse. I began treating with The O. E. Miller Com- pany on July 9, 1892, since which time 1 have been doing well, suffering no inconvenience whatever from their mode of treatment. Before taking their treatment I suf- fered so much that life was scarcely worth the living. I now feel like another man and have good reason to think I will obtain a permanent cure. I cheerfully recommend The O. E. Miller Company to all who may need their services. Yours very truly, Sam W. Neidigh, 717 Vancouver avenue. D. G. Ainslee, Ainslee, Wash., president Ainslee Lumber Company, Portland, Oregon. E. X. Soule (son treated), with Wells-Fargo Express Company, Portland, Oregon. W. A. Jones, conductor Seventeenth Street Electric Car Line, Portland, Oregon. J. A. Weed, superintendent of bridges LT. P. R. R., Pendleton, Oregon. W. L. Lightner, liquor merchant, 9 First street, Portland, Oregon. Captain W. 1’. Whitcomb, Steamer Kellogg, Port- land, Oregon. I. Thompson, Manager International Hotel, Portland, Oregon. John Rhodes, real estate and insurance, McMinnville, Oregon. Dr. J.Calder, Room 48 Labbe Building,Portland, Ore. F. J. Catterein,photographer (soti treated),Salem,Ore. J. M. Okk, prop’r St. James Hotel, Santa Monica, Cal. E. X. Kiger, mail carrier (wife treated), Alsea, Oregon. Geo. W. Watt, real estate and loans, Salem. Oregon. I. McGowan, contractor, East Portland, Oregon. A. B. Hathaway, ranchman, Vancouver, Wash. T. J. Criteser (son treated), Roseburg, Oregon. James I). Hamilton, lawyer, Heppner, Oregon. F. B. Oliver, civil engineer, Eugene, Oregon. C. F. Struckmeier, lumberman, Stella, Wash. F. A. Holt, dairyman, Milwaukie, Oregon. Fritz Krohn, farmer, Washongle, Wash. Rev. A. C. Fairchild, Halsey, Oregon. La Camas, Washington, January 2, 1893. The O. E. Miller Co., Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs:—I am well pleased with your treatment so far; everything is all right. Mv son Girty's rupture has never appeared since he received your treatment. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Louisa Greenizer. Grant’s Pass, Oregon, May 26, 1892. The O. E. Miller Hernia Co., Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen:—I take pleasure in saying that I am well pleased with your treatment. It has caused me no inconvenience whatever, and I feel sure that it will effect a permanent cure. Joseph Moss. 69 PHILADELPHIA TESTIA\ONlAL5. N. H.—This office is among the more recent establishments. 71 TEXA5-5AN ANTONIO. Just opened as we go to press! Rooms 35 and 30 Alamo Insurance Building. SALT LAKE CITY TESTIMONIALS* 74 A Szvlt Lake Gity Business A\an Gured. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 18, 1889. Believing that real merit deserves and should receive publicity in these days when “quacks” and “humbugs” are so numerous, I wish to make the following statement: About four years ago, while engaged in a game of base ball, I received an injury which resulted in an inguinal rupture, and for three years I was unable to receive any relief. In June, 1887, The O. E. Miller Company began their treatment, which lias caused no inconvenience, and cured my hernia. For several months now I have gone without any support or truss, during which time I have worked constantly at my occupation, and that test alone showed that I was cured; but last week Dr. W. M. Wright made a thorough examination of my case, and pronounced it cured. I do not hesitate to recommend The O. E. Mil- ler Company’s treatment to anyone afflicted. . Arthur P. Perl, Formerly of Smith & Ferl, Printers, Denver, Colo. Since that time I have followed my occupation without inconvenience, have not lost an hour's work on account of it, and now believe myself cured. I can especially recommend your treatment to those who are obliged to do hard labor. S. J. Peterson, 518 East, Third South street. /\q Old Soldier'5 Testimony. Salt Lake Cit}T, Utah, March 10, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Sirs:—I am glad to say that my rupture is surely get- ting better rapidly, and I believe in a short time you will effect a complete cure. My rupture was of six years standing and I have been under your treatment but live months. I am now fifty-nine years old. Previous to tak- ing your treatment I tried several kinds of “trusses,” the best that I could buy, and also was under the care of two physicians of prominence; but it was impossible to obtain any appliance which would retain the rupture, and I was obliged to keep my hand pressed upon the part, much to my annoyance and discomfort. I consider your support invaluable. The rupture never comes down, my health is improved, and I am under great obligations to you for the benefit 1 have obtained. Respectfully, Captain J. W. Dewey, South Main street. Stop* A\as©o Cured. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 16, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—My age is fifty years, and I have worked as a stone mason for thirty years. Eight years ago I was ruptured, and until I commenced taking your treatment, about a year ago, it caused me a great deal of trouble, 76 Tb* Boy Happy. Monroe, Utah, February 16, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Sirs:—My boy is getting along fine. The rupture has not been down since the twenty-first day of last October. It has been worth double the amount we have to pay to me to see my boy out of pain. He can run, jump and climb, and whatever he does it never troubles him. Words cannot express the joy I feel to see my boy so nearly cured. I can cheerfully recommend your treat- ment. Mrs. Mary Ann Larsen. rupture has not been down, he has gained greatly in weight and health, and plays and jumps as any other child and never complains or acts as if he was ruptured. We are greatly pleased with the success of your treat- ment and do not hesitate to recommend it to others. Frank T. Jones. Salt Lake City, Utah, March 16, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Sirs:—After about a year’s treatment with you, I am glad to say that my rupture is greatly improved and I am confident of obtaining a perfect cure. I have never suf- fered any pain or inconvenience and can recommend your treatment to all afflicted with rupture. J. C. Parson, Twelfth South and State streets. Park City, Utah, March 1, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Sirs:—Your treatment of my boy, two years old, has been most successful. Since you began a year ago, the 78 A1LWAUKEE TEST1A\°NIAL5. Wausau, Wis., April 25, 1893. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have received treatment from The O. E. Miller Company, for inguinal rupture and am entirely cured. The treatment caused no suffering and I cheerfully recommend it to all who are so afflicted. Carl Walk, Jr. An Editor Writes. Rice Lake, Wis., December 6, 1892. The O. E. Miller Company., Milwaukee, Wis. Dear Sirs:—My rupture seems to be as solid as the “Rock of Ages,” thanks to you and your treatment. I have been laid up with a very hard cold, and coughed long and hard enough to make me baldheaded, and here- tofore coughing has alwa}Ts caused strangulation of my hernia, but this time it never moved it. If there is any- one to whom you wish to show a sample of your treat- ment you can refer them to me, as I am telling all my friends the facts in the case. Your kindness to me will never be forgotten by me or mine. Yours truly, Charles E. Bone. Suffered Untold Agonies* Oakdale, Wis., March 14, 1893. It is with a thankful heart that I add my testimony to that of others, as to the benefit I have received from The O. E. Miller Company’s treatment of rupture. I am now thirty years of age, was ruptured sixteen years ago on both sides. I have worn many kinds of trusses, all of which failed to relieve me, but on the contrary I grew gradually worse, until I felt that death was the only re- lief. For four months prior to my going to The O. E. Miller Company, of Milwaukee, for treatment, the seven- teenth of November last, I had been unable to do but very little work, suffering at times untold agonies. Since my return home I have suffered no inconvenience what- ever from my rupture, can work again, and in fact feel like a new man. I was examined yesterday by a physi- cian who said, one side was well and the other nearly so. I cannot express in words my thankfulness for what has been done for me. May God bless their efforts to cure in all cases as He has in mine. Charles Sanford. Milwaukee, Wis., April 18, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—Believing true merit deserves credit, I submit my statement for publication if you wish. In October, 1892, I took treatment of The O. K. Miller Com- pany, of Milwaukee, for rupture which had given me a good deal of trouble for the past six years. I obtained relief at once; have never seen my rupture since treat- ment; have suffered no inconvenience; was not detained from work at all, the support being so easy I never realize I have it on, and now I believe 1 am cured, but shall con- tinue to wear the support a while longer. I would cheer- fully recommend all sufferers to them for treatment. Yours truly, F. Ihlenfeld. Ruptured at Birth. Milwaukee, Wis., April 17, 1893. The O. E. Miller Company. Gentlemen:—This certifies that my babe was rup- tured at birth and was a terrible sufferer for the first few weeks of his life. I took him to our family physician, who tried every day for a month to adjust many different kinds of trusses, but utterly failed to relieve the little sufferer and gave up the case. We also gave up in despair, and made up our mind that our little one was doomed to suffer on for years, we knew not but for life. While feeling thus discouraged we were told by a friend about The O. E. Miller Company and advised to go to them at once, and were by them informed that relief was at hand. They treated him at once, giving him instant relief, and he has suffered no inconvenience whatever since. Now, after a few months’ treatment, we believe him to be cured. Mrs. Charles Vandervort, 69 Twenty-seventh street. 80 Ruptured Twenty Years. Milwaukee, Wis., April 10, 1893. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—For the benefit of suffering humanity, I wish to state that when I was but twelve years old I be- came ruptured, and for twenty years suffered untold ago- nies; no device I could get giving me any relief. Seeing the advertisement of The O. E. Miller Company, I con- cluded to take their treatment, and at the end of a few months 1 can go without any support, and seem to be cured. I feel like a new man. It gives me great pleasure to recommend them and their treatment to sufferers from rupture, and would be glad to talk with those afflicted at any time. Yours respectfully, Adam Sciiroth, 605 to 609 Walnut street. Tb* Truss It Wors*. Whitewater, Wis., March 1, 1893. When my little boy was two years old I discovered a rupture in his right groin ; I immediately procured a truss for him, which he wore almost constantly for two years. Thinking he was cured, I took the truss off, but the rup- ture again showed worse than before. T was obliged to replace the truss and gave up his case in despair. Some time after this, seeing the advertisement of The O. E. Miller Company’s cure, I concluded to try it, so took my boy to their office, in Milwaukee, for treatment. J am now happy to say that I consider him cured. The treat- ment did not inconvenience him in the least, as he could run and play better than before. I cannot be too thank- ful for a cure which has been so pleasant and effectual. Louie Young. Entirely Gured. Cedar Creek, Wis., March 20, 1893. 1 most certainly feel justified and deem it my duty as well as pleasure to testify to the merits of The O. E. Mil- ler Company’s treatment. My daughter, aged ten years, was ruptured four years ago, and had suffered greatly therefrom until the fifth of September last, at which time I took her to the Company’s office, in Milwaukee, and signed an agreement whereby they were to treat her for a term of two years, or as much of such term as was nec- essary to effect a permanent cure, but at this time she seems perfectly cured, and is entirely relieved of all trou- ble arising from it. Mrs. V. C. Haner. 81 5ixty-Seveo Cured. l)e Cere, Wis., February 6, 1893. This is to certify that I am sixty-seven jrears of age, and have been suffering with a rupture for about ten years, and that I have used several kinds of trusses and treatment, which did me no good hut was continually growing worse, until September, 1892, at which time I applied to The O. E. Miller Company, of Milwaukee, Wis., for treatment, and am glad to say that I think 1 am cured, hut shall continue to wear their support and use their treatment for some time yet. William Armstrong. Whitewater, Wis., March 16, 1896. This certifies that I am eighteen years old and that about a year ago I became ruptured. After trying various appliances to little or no purpose I was persuaded to try The O. K. Miller Hernia Treatment Company’s method, of Milwaukee, Wis. On the twenty-fourth day of Sep- tember, 1892, they treated me, and from that time I im- proved and suffered no inconvenience, and now I am seemingly as well as ever, but shall continue to wear their support for a while yet. C. S. Mulxs. 82 HERNIA OR RUPTURE. Five A\illioo Cripple? ir> tbe United State? Alone by Reason of tb>? Affliction. IT may be a matter of some surprise to many of the readers of this pamphlet to know that ten men and five women in every one hundred are today suffering with hernia. In many cases it is brought upon the victim without a shadow of a fault or indiscretion on his part, yet to their own great damage and danger some not infrequently suffer in silence for years, concealing their misfortune, and only at last consulting a physician when the malady becomes intolerable and life itself is threatened. Probably no other class of persons have been so greatly humbugged. Their suffering is at times intense, and all experienced practitioners very well know that the great and ever present danger in these cases is from strangulation. This is likely to occur when it is no larger than a walnut as well as when it is as big as a cocoa- nut; and in the former case it is even more difficult to treat. Strangulated hernia, large or small unrelieved is quick and sure death. Any cutting or other operation for relief, except by the most skillful surgeons is hazardous. A sudden start, jerk, or strain may at any moment produce strangulation and its direful result. There is but one safe course, CURE THE RUPTURE, otherwise life’s lease is only from hour to hour and hangs by a single thread to he snapped by a sudden jar. Seeing some advertisment to “send a radical cure truss, an electric truss, a rubber truss, or some other sort of a truss for a few dollars that will cure,” they have invested, each time to receive only a torturing machine worse than the rupture itself. (Beware of offers to send cures through the mails as all 83 such are frauds). Overwhelming testimony proves that trusses aggravate ten-fold and actually increase the very evil they are sold to cure. While seeming to hold the hernia and sometimes feeling easy perhaps, these machines are actually sapping the victim’s life away and digging for him an early grave. In the face of the average man’s experience along this line it is difficult for him to believe that his rupture can be cured. Anyone reading this pamphlet and carefully noticing our references, financial and otherwise, will know that The O. E. Miller Company is thoroughly responsible and is in every way fully equipped to make good all its claims. So confident are we of the merits of our treatment that we absolutely guarantee a cure in every case undertaken, and we especially invite and desire the very worst cases. Physicians are most cordially invited to investigate our methods. HYDROCELE! VARICOCELE! We have a very successful cure for varicocele—enlargement of the blood vessels surrounding the spermatic chord, and hydrocele—a secretion of water in the scrotum, and we will guarantee cures in all cases placed in our hands. Below we give a testimonial of a serious case cured by our treatment: Pinkliampton, Colorado, February 5, 1890. The O. E. Mili.kk Hernia Treatment Company. Gentlemen:—I herewith send you the following testimonial, which you are at liberty to publish if you wish: I was afflicted with a very serious case of hydrocele, and for seven years I was unable to get relief. In April, 1889, l took treatment of The O. E. Miller Company, and in six week’s time T was entirely cured. They extracted fifty ounces of water, and since then I have enjoyed better health than I have had for years. A. 13. Patton. 84 TJ?« following ar? son?e offtb? DREADFUL A\ALADIE5 Resulting frorn tb? Displacement of tb« Viscera in Rupture, an,000. If a practice of this magnitude can he done in so sparsely settled a State as Colorado what are the possibilities of the business in more populous communities? This question has been very satisfactorily answered in all our eastern offices and the facts can he had by applying for information to our territorial department. Out of fifteen offices now established only two of them will fall below the $2.),000 limit this year, while some of them will more than double [that amount. When it is taken into consideration that one man in every ten is ruptured and that this Company controls the only known cure that is quick, painless and permanent, and that our charges are within the] reach of anyone afflicted, this enormous business is very easily explained. Those wishing any further [information with regard to this department of our work may have the same by addressing Mr. K. O. Carrington, 1)1 Tabor Opera Building, Denver, Colorado, For all American territory, and Messrs. Mellors, Basden & Co., 43 Moorgate Street, London, E. C., England, For German, French and English territory. 88 PRESS GOr\r\EHTS. Frorp tb* Depver Tirpes. June 2, 1893, Professor O. E. Miller has credentials which prove him to be a man of good standing and very successful in his mode of treatment. on all topics of the day, knows the East as well as the West, and is thoroughly enthusiastic on the great treat- ment for hernia. The success of The O. E. Miller Hernia Company has meant the organization of a series of institutions which have been established in a number of the leading cities of the United States, and which are attracting the atten- tion of thoughtful and steady-going people. It is a well- known fact that the people of the country at the present time are not over-hasty in according recognition of any one person or number of persons without there being substantial causes for the same. The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company controls the only treatment known to medical science to-day for hernia that is quick, certain and painless. Frorp tb* Colorado Sup. August 13, 1892. As to the success of the treatment that the Company is making use of, there can be no question, as hundreds of the best citizens of Denver are willing to testify as to the relief they have received; and as long as the Company adheres to its present method of doing business, and remains so careful as to the character of the men who are engaged in it there can be no possible future for it save success. This Company established itself with a distinct object in view and has succeeded in carrying out every promise that has been made. The successful treatment of a troublesome and painful ailment has been the central idea of its operations and the main cause of its enormous public patronage. Frorp Arpsrican School Board Journal. December, 1892, Mr. Barringer of the American School Hoard Journal visited a number of the offices of The O. E. Miller Com- pany and also had a personal interview with Professor Miller himself. He is a fmetyrpeof a Western gentleman, courteous and refined in manner. There is a certain dash and force which asserts itself almost unconsciously upon those who come in contact with him. He is well informed Few companies show greater solidity in a financial sense or more stability in the men who are directing its affairs than The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. It is therefore with pleasure that the American School Board Journal recognizes the services of The O. K. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, and cheerfully recommends it to its readers. The magnitude and success of their business is far ahead of any concern of the kind in America. 89 scientious in the practice of their specialty two impor- tant facts to .all suffering from rupture*. Frorp tbe Detroit Evepipg Mews. December 8, 1891. The Company is sound financially and has a reputa- tion for curing hernia or rupture, (in male or female), that makes the institution one of the most desirable in the country. October 24. 1892. During the past year many letters of endorsement from grateful patients of ’The (). K. Miller Hernia Treat- ment Company, have appeared in the Christian Advo- cate, but none could be more complimentary, or emanate from a source more worthy of confidence than one lately received from the Rev. N. 11. Dolsen, of Les Cheneaux Mission, Hassell, Michigan, in which he speaks of the personal benefits derived from the Miller treatment; and bis statements are corroborated by the Rev. A. R. Bart- lett, presiding elder of Lake Superior District, and the Rev. C. T. Allen, pastor of the Cass Avene. M. IC. Church, I)etroit. All the officers on the staff are men thoroughly ac- quainted with their departments, and arc* specialists in the* profession. T he success which follows The (). IC. Miller Hernia Treatment Company shows very conclusively their ability,medical knowledge and efficacy of their treatment. Forrp tb* Detroit Free Press. March 4, 1892. The ( ). 1C. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, with their skilled specialists, are recognized authority on the treatment of rupture. IVrsons suffering from fbis troublesome and dangerous disease can learn something greatly to their interest by consulting them. Frorp tbe Des AAoipes (Iow&> Leader. Amonj; the various and many specialty institutions in the Tinted States, none is more prominent, or bears a better reputation for proficiency, honest and careful deal- ing than The (). IC. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. This company, in a few years, has become one of the heaviest medical institutions in the world. Frorp the AAicbi?ap Gbristiap /\r snide or fake institutions, but it will always be glad to welcome a company of The (). 1C. Miller Hernia Treat- ment complexion to its fold. 90 Frorp the Rocky A\ouot»io Gbristiap /Ydvoc&te. December 24, 1891. Professor O. K. Miller stands at the head of his pro- fession in the West, and is a recognized authority on the treatment of hernia in all its various and aggravated forms. The Company courts investigation; they guarantee to refund all money paid them if they fail to cure, there- by making good their word. Frorp tb* Philadelphia Journal of Gorprperce. January 7, 1892. No one is wise who from prejudice or from any other cause allows himself to he blind to the true merits of any system which proves itself to he a valuable auxiliary to the medical profession, and a sure remedy to certain classes of sufferers when all other methods have failed. The truth of this assertion has been strongly impressed upon us as the result of a certain investigation into the merits and standing of the most important concern of the kind that has yet begun business in this city. We refer to The O. E. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, a branch of which has lately been opened in the Mutual Life Building. There is a wide-spread and well-founded prejudice against “specialists,” men advertising themselves as possessing unusual skill in a certain class of diseases; we say “well-founded,” because too often such parties are arrant humbugs, void of character or skill, whose stock- in-trade is a smooth tongue and a quick eye for human weaknesses. At the beginning of his career as a rupture specialist, I Vofessor Miller had thisprej udiceto meet. 11 is treatment must have merit, the man must have character and per- sistence to a marked degree, if he is to overcome this prejudice and establish himself as a specialist worthy of confidence. What has come of it? In a little more than six years he has founded a company with ample capital, with headquarters in Denver and branches in many of our larger cities, each in charge of skillful practitioners and each giving relief to scores of patients b}r the appli- cation of the Miller treatment. Hundreds of patients in Colorado have been successfully treated, to whom the3r can refer and whose testimony to the genuineness of their cure is clear and emphatic. After a full investigation into the methods of treat- ment of the Company together with its strong financial backing and references, we are fully convinced, as must he ever}' disinterested person, that it is full}' worthy the fullest confidence and patronage. The method of treat- ment pursued causes no interruption to the patients’ business, and no loss of time beyond what is required for attendance at the company’s office. No promises are made that cannot he fulfilled, or charges made unless the patient is cured and permanently cured at that. The business is in every way conducted on lines of honesty and justice. No chance for humbug in the practice of The O. K. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. 91 Frorp tb* Topeka Kansas) State Journal. The (). Fv Miller Hernia Treatment Company has a high standing and has established a great reputation in prominent cities throughout the country. The founder of the Company, Mr. C). R. Miller, is well known to the writer as a gentleman of integrity and ability. We will say that there is neither misstatement nor uncertainty connected with The (). Iv. Miller Hernia Treatment Company. Its financial strength is earnest of its reliability. Its management is conducted on the same business-like basis which characterizes a hank or any high-class commercial establishment. Its methods are logical; its results, practical. In fact, in all its claims, in all its routine, in all its details, its transactions are so conducted as to appeal to the business man who asks plain business and goes in very little for sentiment, poetry and spread-eagle. Cpon its perfect responsibility and trustworthiness we rest the reputation of a business journal conducted on business lines for over twenty years—upon this Com- pany carrying out all promises we rest the confidence of every reader. Frorp tb* Trad* Review. A'cneinher JO, 1HUI. f or some days past a trained and trusted correspon- dent has been in Denver making a personal examination into tin* claims of The O. K. Miller Hernia Treatment Company, which has its headquarters in that city. The Company claims to cure rupture without the use of the knife, without detention from business, and furthermore, that no charge is made in case of failure. Contrary to the general case of medical establishments which flood the daily press with flaming advertisements, this Com- pany was found to be fully capitalized and its financial standing above all question or doubt. The Miller svtem of treatment is a godsend to suffer- ing humanity, the greatest discovery of a century full of discoveries, hut among them all the crowning one. We heartily endorse this company without a single reserva- tion and recommend it to every reader, fully, freely and unreservedly. It offers the only cure obtainable, hut a cure beyond the slightest scintilla of doubt. The standing of those who gladly endorse* tliis insti- tution is of tlie highest; an euumeration of its endorsers would include men of the highest prominence in the tinancial, commercial and social world names which would give strength and credit wherever used.