JUDD & DETWEILER, PRINTERS. THE “ HOLLY INN." Opens Thursday, June 9, 1887. GT2 undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to X his friends and the public that he will open the 199” at Mr. Holly Springs, Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania, for the season of 1887, on Thursday, June 9. He also takes great pleasure in presenting its attractions and advantages as a ©Summer Health Resort. Mr. Holly Springs are delightfully situated at the base of South Mountain on the verge of the great Cum- berland Valley and are surrounded by scenery which, in picturesqueness, approaches to grandeur. The secluded situation of these springs gives a quiet satisfaction that those in search of rest cannot fail to appreciate. The MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS. location is delightfully pleasant, even during the sultriest days, being by adown whose sides the cool breezes are constantly blow- ing ; the gap between the mountains being narrow and funnel-shaped, causes a constant current of air that tempers the heat "of the day and renders the night cool and re- freshing. The air is pure and dry, and coming from the vast pine-covered surroundings, is a sure remedial to the system afflicted by the too prevalent enemy—malaria. The waters flowing from €]ool rF)oupfcnp ©)ppir)ejs near by, are mildly sulphurous in character, tonic in effect, and recommended for chronic diseases of which general debility is a feature. The views from the Inn are magnificent, and one can never tire of the beautiful natural avenues in the e/ldjacopl (Erreipd (y)ld Woods, affording miles of shaded walks and drives. Carlisle is but six miles distant, connected by an excellent driveway with pleasant scenery on each side; while Gettysburg is so close that the roar of the artil- lery in July, 1863, re-echoed at the Inn. 2 MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS. The building has been remodeled and refurnished, lighted with gas throughout; it has hot and cold baths on each floor, while in front of the house stretches a Ileipcje. d for Tennis and Croquet. The Boating, in a lake of thirty acres, close to the Inn, is excellent. Good trout, bass, and pickerel Fishing in the near neighborhood, while there is excellent hunting among the mountains. Wopd cpjul jSoilipcj eDppipejs are five miles distant on line of the railroad. The fine drives and wondrous scenery at the Springs will repay a visit to them. etpd enables are connected with the Inn—and there are telegraph and telephone communication, with four daily mails north and south. The time distance to the j~3.isf©Piced jBedfle Biald (sTeffysburcj is within three-quarters of an hour by rail, and twenty minute^only to the Government Indian School at Carlisle. Mount Holly Springs can be reached by the Penn- sylvania Railroad and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad from New York and Philadelphia, by way of Harrisburg via the Cumberland Valley Railroad and 3 MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS. Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad; from Washington and Baltimore by the Northern Central Railway, by way of Harrisburg, via Cumberland Valley, and the Gettys- burg and Harrisburg Railroad, or from Baltimore by the Western Maryland Railroad and Hanover Junction and Gettysburg Railroad to Gettysburg, thence by way of Gettysburg and Harrisburg Railroad to Mount Holly Springs. Also, from Baltimore, by the Western Maryland Railroad to Shippensburg, Pa., thence by the Harrisburg and Potomac Railroad to Mount Holly Springs. Promising a continuance of my best endeavors to render entire satisfaction to my patrons who may again honor Holly Inn with their presence, together with a thirty years’ experience in the hotel business, refer, by permis- sion to T. E. Roessle, Esq., proprietor of that well- known and justly celebrated hotel, “The Arlington,” at Washington, D. C., with which I have been connected as a chief clerk from its opening to present date. The charges are moderate. For further particulars write to Mount Holly Springs, JNO. L. M1Li£S, CuMBKRi.ANn Co., Pa. Proprietor. TERMS : $45 to $60 a month according to location of Rooms. 4 MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS. Mr. Mills will be at the Arlington until June 1st, and will be pleased to arrange with parties desiring rooms. SENATE CHAMBER, Washington, March 27, 1886. Jno. L. Milts, Esq., Mount Hollv Springs, Cumberland Co., Penna., My Dear Sir : In reply to your favor of the 25th instant, I beg to say that I have no objection whatever to your using my name as one of the references on your circular concerning Mount Holly Springs. I have visited the place and consider it a most delight- ful summer resort. Yours truly, J. D. CAMERON. Hon. Simon Wolf, Washington, D. C. Gen. Rout. McFeely, Com. Gen. U. S. A., Wash’g, D.C. Hon. J. V. L. Findlay, Ex-M. C., Baltimore, Md. Wm. Bowers, Esq., 406 W. Balto. St., Baltimore, Md. Sam’l H. Cregar, 625 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Julius Bien, 139 Duane Street, N. Y. 5 MOUNT HOLLY GAP, Looking South. MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS. ROUND TRIP TICKETS. Baltimore, Md., $6.25, via Penn. R. R. Washington, D. C 8.65, Philadelphia, Pa., . . 7.50, New York, .... 11.50, “ Baltimore, Md,, . 4.45, via Western Md. TICKETS GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 31st. IFIIRST CLASS. SUPERIOR CUISINE. Rooms can be Secured by Mail or Telegraph, STOCK REPORTS DAILY. 7 THE OLD MILL.